Toroidal Power Unit
YouTube Videos
Interview with Jack Durban ( Marks'
associate ) ( Part 1 )
Jack Durban / Steven Marks interview TPU (
Part 2 )
Interview with Steven Marks
Wesley Translate's Akula video #13: Akula's
TPU part 2

Collected Notes -- Steven
Marks re : TPU ( Toroidal Power Unit )
"In one of the RCA engineering manuals I read that it has been
measured in a wire that there exists a slight increase in current
when first electrons are caused to flow in it.
"This was explained because the earth’s magnetic field exerted
some influence on the wire and the electron flow inside it. Or
rather the electrons on the surface of the wire.
"The inrush of current through the filament interacts with the
earth’s magnetic field to produce a small kick. (Morgan Jones
book, valve amplifiers. 3 rd edition, page 262)
"It PROVES that there is an interaction between the magnetic field
of the earth and simple electrons running through wires
"They say that you cannot get more out of something then you put
into it. Then I think about that wire with the small kick when
first turned on… There in lies the secret my friend..."
[ NOTE ; Hans Coler and Schumann ( of Schumann Resonance fame )
observed this phenomenon in the 1940s. ]
STEVEN MARK : Summary of Important Points:
1. Compass will spin up when turned on.
2. Never tune too closely to the exact frequencies
3. Make a Kill Switch with Over Voltage & Heat
4. The control units are so very important to control
the frequencies.
5. The frequencies are directly related to the
circumference of the collector coil.
6. First frequency, then second harmonic component
into the second, then the third.
7. You could describe the useable current output of my
coil as DC but with some hash in it.
8. There are 3 Control Coils (all the way around) each
of the 3 Collector Units. Start them 1 at a time.
9. The “TPU” units apparently heat up to a potentially
dangerous level after a considerable period of time
10. The Collector is three separate coils of multi strand copper
wire laid one on top of the other. Other control wires are wound
around all of the horizontal collector coils together.
It took several years of experimentation to discover what
frequencies and most importantly how to make small integrated
circuits work to perform the control functions necessary to make
the demonstrations you see on the video tapes available today.
So in many ways we have early RCA color TV engineers to thank for
my discovery of the power generator. I am sure they
are all dead now but they did contribute. Perhaps a story
which had impact on me at that time was told to me by my boss way
back in 1970 I believe it was.
He told me that around 1965 or 66 there was an explosion in an
apartment in Chicago. The authorities had concluded that for
some unknown reason, a General Electric color television receiver
had been the source of an explosion that killed a young black
child in the apartment. My boss went on to relate that he
was involved in the investigation because he was in Chicago at the
time and he was invaluably experienced with television circuits
and etc. He told us that what they found was, the TV had
exploded with some quick fury. The explosion did in fact
kill the poor child who was sitting directly in front but spared
his mother who was some distance away in the kitchen. The
explosion was strange because of the absence of expected chemicals
necessary to create the explosion. It appeared that the TV
was the exact center of the explosion, however no one could find a
reason for the explosion occurring.
Also consider that there is not really much inside a TV to explode
with enough force to kill people and destroy the living room a
large apartment. Yes a CRT can explode and kill someone,
however this was not the kind of explosion we are talking
about. The most interesting part of the story is that
according to our boss, metallic objects especially those
containing large amounts of iron were dramatically
displaced. He mentioned that some nails were actually
removed from the walls and pulled toward the TV set. When
they found them they were bent and shaped like cork screws!
Everything in the room appeared to have moved or was moving toward
the TV as it exploded, or imploded as the case may be.
The child was apparently killed by way of these metallic objects
traveling through his body on their way toward the center of the
TV set. As far as my boss knew, there was never a good
explanation for the occurrence. We found out that this was
not the only unexplained explosion of TV sets worldwide.
However, the fact that all the sets exploded while in operation
may bear some light. Also most of the TV sets were made by
the GE company or were TV sets made using GE circuits and of
similar design. However, this man who had been my mentor for
so many years had his own theory which he never told anyone as far
as i know, except me. His theory was that the TV while in
operation, somehow managed to become a receiver of more then just
television waves and so for a millisecond in time became a
receiver and discharged of a huge amount of electrical and
magnetic energy.
This discharge of magnetic energy is vary similar to the discharge
of magnetic energy during an atomic explosion. . . Now that is
something I have thought about a great deal. My employer's
words had great impact on me. Not that they meant anything really,
but I kept thinking about the possibility of many frequencies
combining at one moment in time to produce an entirely different
effect then intended by the designers.
Listen to what I say here...... I am going to state just
characteristics. I don't want people to get over excited and
start arguing again too much. My units behave exactly like
common radios in one way. With a radio you have many
different stations broadcasting at different frequencies.
Yes I know about the difference between Frequency Modulation and
Amplitude Modulation, etc. That is not relevant for our
conversation here.
You tune your radio to the station you desire and the closer you
tune to the ideal frequency the stronger the amplification of the
signal will be and the better the radio will collect and amplify
the signals for their entertainment value. If the radio
signal is too strong the radio receiver might be overloaded and
distortion or other bad effects will take place. By tuning
slightly off frequency we can weaken the signal the radio is
receiving and amplify and produce the sound for entertainment
However, the music will not be of high quality. The music
will be lacking in response and timbre, etc. OK let us
compare this story of the common radio. Think of the power
unit as a device similar to a radio receiver. No I do not
want to hear feed back informing me that I am trying to convince
the world my unit works on radio waves!!!.
But it behaves very much like a simple radio receiver except for
the fact that radio waves need to be amplified before they can be
of any use to us. My units behave as though they are
variable tuning devices, and we are tuning them to a frequency
just like a radio. The closer you get to the center
frequency the more power you permit the collector to dissipate
into a load. The important difference here is that in the
case of the radio, you tune into the frequency and amplify it for
1. In the case of my power unit, you create several
frequencies within a space of the collector coil's circumference.
2. The frequencies are directly related to the circumference
of the collector coil.
3. You can begin to collect the current and dissipate it
with no need for amplification because the signal source also
becomes the feed for the power source and has the natural tendency
to run with gain.
4. It is important that you note that you can never tune too
closely to the exact frequencies of power conversion because the
power received by the collector will instantly destroy it.
5. We instead must deliberately tune off the frequencies of
conversion in order to make the thing properly work.
Remember that it is like a furnace which feeds itself. The
hotter it gets the more fuel it gives itself to burn.
6. That is why the control units are so very
important. Without the control unit constantly monitoring
the frequencies of operation and making the necessary changes to
keep the whole thing off exact conversion frequency, then the unit
would very quickly destroy it's self.
7. By the way, have you seen the video of the compass
turning violently in the center of the unit while in
operation? Notice that when I first turn the unit on that
the compass starts to spin very slowly. It speeds up faster
and faster until it just stops. When it stops the unit is
always operating at about it's design maximum.
We never found out why any of this occurred. It tended to
reinforce what I observed as the turbine effect.
8. When the unit is shut off the compass starts to revolve
again and slowly comes to a rest. By the way, the fire
discharge everyone sees in the video is after the output of the
device is switched through a large high value resister!
9. I hope that will wake up a few of you to the danger
10. Stefan is quite correct about the amount of power
necessary to pull the nails out of the walls during the GE color
television explosion in Chicago. Actually Dr. Schinzinger
told me that it would have required much more power then
that. We theorized that the TV set must have become for a
split second, a power unit very similar in operation to one of my
own making. Except for the fact that it wouldn't have been
designed to collect and convert the available power in a useful
way. Instead, the TV just stumbled for one millisecond on
the correct combination of frequencies necessary to cause the
phenomenon of magnetic collection. But unfortunately the TV
set had no way to control the function and began to absorb and
discharge both the electric and magnetic factors caused by the
influence of the strong field.
11. It was during this discussion with Dr. Schinzinger that
he pointed out that during an atomic explosion aside from the
gigantic blast wave and heat produced there is also an extremely
large magnetic force which is so strong that it travels way out
into space during the explosion. The magnetic wave is so
strong that it will completely destroy any unprotected electronic
circuits of solid state design. That is why solid state
radios will be useless after an nuclear attack on your country.
12. Let us ponder where the huge magnetic field comes from
when you explode an atomic bomb. It is just created? Is it
converted? Is it part of the earth somehow? Is it just a by
product of the fabric of time and space being ripped into pieces
in a fragment of a second? I am curious as to where this
unbelievably huge magnetic force comes from during an atomic
explosion... It is something else to think about. Perhaps in
connection with my power technology. Dr. Schinzinger said that it
is explained as being the result of the splitting of the
atom. However, that is a very short explanation and not
really a satisfactory explanation of what generates the
force. He agreed with me and said it would also mean that in
reality we know very little about magnetic fields and magnetic
13. The multiple frequencies traveling around the coils are
of too high a frequency to provide for any motive effort.
They are only a means to achieve an end. The multiple
frequencies begin to feed themselves and the multiple kicks become
a combined big kick. I call it resonating. That is why
if you notice in the video tapes that it takes just a few seconds
for the coil to begin to function at maximum effort.
14. When I began to study the effects of multiple
frequencies combined together I found out that when you
deliberately strive to create the worst case scenario of
frequencies you start to get some very measurable kicks. In
themselves they are not much. But if you make enough of them fast
sendoff, you get a collectible power spike that is more then the
power available to begin with. The destructive heating
caused by the eddy currents become the problem we face when we
make a really large powerful coil. Now you understand more
about the heating problem and why using a fan does not work.
15. You could describe the useable current output of my coil
as DC but with some hash in it. It really doesn't have any
convertible AC component which could provide a mechanical motive
force as you suggested. "In one of the RCA engineering
manuals I read that it has been measured in a wire that there
exists a slight increase in current when first electrons are
caused to flow in it. This was explained because the earth's
magnetic field exerted some influence on the wire and the electron
flow inside it. Or rather the electrons on the surface of
the wire. Even today you can find examples of discussion of
this fact even in non scientific journals. If you look in
Morgan Jones book, Valve Amplifiers, 3rd edition, on page 262 he
says, The inrush of current through the filament interacts with
the earth's magnetic field to produce a small kick. SMALL
KICK. Those words mean a great deal. It PROVES that
there is an interaction between the magnetic field of the earth
and simple electrons running through wires. It may be a
small influence but it is actual OVER UNITY. I have spent
several years of my life thinking about that."
16. They didn't know that according to science only one
playing of the shellac disk would destroy it. They didn't
know so they just kept on making and selling diamond needles for
not only shellac disks but the new soft vinyl ones as well.
Trial and error is the best way to make new discoveries. If
we rely completely on what we are told by scientists and engineers
we will never make any relevant discoveries because we are told
not to try, that they are impossible. On to another
point. Please keep in mind that these things are
dangerous. Very dangerous. We are talking about
several hundred volts at a potential of an amp or more. The
average experimenter can not deal with anything like that.
17. I do not want the average person actually coming across
one of the correct frequency components and using both hands to
measure the field frequency not realizing there is five hundred
volts and zap, their heart is stopped. I tell you this from
my experience. Personal experience involving others.
If something as elementary as an ETR circuit is not understood by
the experimenter and if the experimenter has never had any
experience with high voltages, especially voltages that can easily
kill you, then he should get out and not attempt to recreate
anything like my technology. During my experiments and even
during my demonstrations, several people were badly hurt.
Perhaps you read the report by a gentleman who was told NOT to
touch the two leads coming out of the small coil because the same
voltage was there as would be at the 120 volt mains wall
socket. At some point he decided the only way for him to
know for sure that my demonstration was real was to touch the two
leads leading directly out of the small coil. He was badly
burned and needed medical attention. However he became an
instant believer.
18. The very FIRST example I gave you was that; It is
common scientific knowledge that if you have a piece of wire and
first run electricity through it you will have a small kick when
first energized. The kick is universally attributed to the
earth's magnetic field. OK the point is; YOU CAN GET SOME
19. We are not talking about a coil or a transformer or
anything developing a primary to secondary flux. We are just
talking about a straight piece of wire, some electrons and a
method of measuring what comes out of it. Some people just
sit back and say, well that isn't very much power, we want to make
much more. In order to run you must walk first. I told
you that the simplest form of over unity is a piece of wire and a
voltage source.
Anyone can actually connect it and measure. See for yourself
the kick. NO coil no xmrs, just a kick.
That should tell you learned gentleman that there exists a form of
energy convertible and useable which is directly related to a
simple piece of wire and instantaneous electron flow. You
know it is common knowledge in the electron tube world that aside
from the fact that a cold filament conducts more electricity then
when hot, one of the things that destroys the filament in electron
tubes for that matter is this kick when you first turn on the
juice. The kick is there whether the filament is hot or
cold. The kick helps destroy the filament and cathodes
So everyone knows about the kick and accepts that it somehow comes
from the earth's magnetic field. So do something with this
information! Not even Edison explained what this
means! In his memoirs he said that it was a fact that we all
had to contend with, but that he did not understand why it
happened. If you call yourself experimenters then start to
experiment. I had only this to go on when I started and
little by little I figured out how to make many several thousands
of kicks per second. . . AND YOU KNOW WHAT, IT ISN"T DIFICULT AT
20. Lets talk about the 'kick.' When the old Edison DC
generators were turned on, back in the day, they released this
'kick' and killed many workers in the process. A man by the
name of Tesla had seen this. He wondered how and why this
'kick' would occur. So he experimented with wire and
disruptive discharges from capacitors. It was found by him
that this kick could be made so powerful that it could explode
wires instantly. This kick came out of the wires
perpendicularly. He discharged capacitors into stout wire
and through a spark gap.
The key to the kick's strength and appearance was in how fast
Tesla discharged the capacitors into the spark gap AND how fast
Tesla STOPPED the flow of current AT the spark gap. Tesla
used all types of devices to stop this flow of current, magnets, a
flame, counter-rotating engines. His goals were to get the
time in which the discharge is STOPPED to be much quicker.
As Tesla did this he found that the perpendicular radiations, the
ones from the wires, caused electrical effects to appear in wires
and other copper/metal materials near the STOPPED
current/discharge. These electrical effects could be made to
create electrons on other wires and copper around his STOPPED
current/discharge wire.
21. With the right combination of frequencies, you can
actually create a revolving field with inertia! That is what
I have referred to as , The inertia effect. There is a
genuine gyroscopic effect when the units are on. Everybody
has noticed that when held and in operation, the units have a
definite vibration and have a gyroscopic effect. They seam
to resist being moved through the air. When placed on a
smooth surface it is very pronounced. Some of you should
think about that.
22. Rotation of field. How many people think about
that. If you could have a field that you could think of as a
big ball. And you could rotate it in two directions what
would the ramifications be? Listen, you need to make three
coils or so one on top of the other. But the important thing
is to wrap the control coils perpendicularly around the collector
coils. There needs to be three of them all the way
around. Start them up one at a time each.
23. First frequency, then second harmonic component into the
second, then the third. When you eventually strike the cord
look out. You will know what has happened at that
point. In the mean time you can measure a slight output even
if you do not strike the exact cord. Larger collectors have
a much greater ability to collect and dissipate more energy then
the smaller ones. However, if they turn into a bomb it will not
make much difference. There is no such thing as a small
lightning strike.
24. Perhaps a smaller one is safer because the only thing
that will stop a red collector is the disintegration of the matter
acting as a receiver. IE, the wires all burn up. We
built many, many units with various combinations of collectors
during our experimental days. My colleagues and I have a
recollection of about thee hundred being crushed up because they
were not the best designs. Most of the more successful units
we made had control wiring run or wrapped vertically over the
horizontal collector wires. You can see them in the units in
some of the videos under black plastic covering. They were
run perpendicular to the travel of the collector wires. They were
run in multiple segments. Each segment could be fed a
different frequency individually and or from a collector section
to help perpetuate the oscillation and control.
25. The control frequencies are important in order to make
power from the collector. I assumed that anyone working on
technology this sophisticated would have a superior knowledge of
electronics and an understanding of PURE frequency output being a
Necessity to control the reactions going on inside the
collector. By starting the oscillation you cause the current
to flow in the collector which causes the magnification of the
process within the collector which will ultimately produce the
greater voltage and power in usable amounts during
operation. It is electron flow of a high order creating a
large magnetic field. Or vice versa. Electron tube
circuits work much more precisely then solid state units.
Especially when first experimenting. You will be able to get
some excitation with solid state units but we had to design with
tubes first and then try to duplicate the functioning system with
solid state circuits later. It was difficult. Solid
state circuits are very dirty and imprecise.
Solid state devices are like molasses! They also use about a
million percent of feed-back to get a clean signal output.
Vacuum tube devices are fast, accurate and only require a few db
of feedback to achieve better result. Lets just look at
simple power amplifier as an example: A 100 watt solid state
amplifier will consist on average with a compliment of 30 or so
transistors, lots of amplifying and control devices all based on
high current low voltage. Low voltage means SLOW.
Also, all those transistors in the amplifying stages slow down the
signal process. Now look at a basic electron tube
device. You have one stage of amplification, one stage of
signal phase splitting and driving and one stage of power output,
all at high voltage low current. This means FAST! It also
means that the feedback for frequency output correction is FAST
also. Now you see why I have always said that tubes
are much better for experimentation. Solid state devices are
too slow to find the three major intersecting you know whats...
27. I want you to start and think of the generator
principles the exact same way that passing the sound barrier was
accomplished. Read how the engineers finally developed the
proper wing design to accomplish super sonic speed in
aircraft. I hope it will give you a picture of what is going
on inside the generator and especially the collector. The
people who say that tubes are exactly the same as transistors are
very, very naive.
28. And now I will tell you something very important.
You remember I mentioned fast electron transit time vs
molasses? Let us examine a simple audio amplifier.
When you design an amplifier you try to isolate noise, or hash
from the mains power supply from getting into the B+ and
contaminating the output signal, etc. You can measure all
kinds of noise from the mains in your B+ not to mention all the
noisy spikes from the solid state rectifiers giving the direct
current to the power capacitors. All of this is easily
measured, or seen on a scope of most solid state audio
amplifiers. NOW design and make a good tube amplifier and
you will immediately find a dramatic difference in the B+ supply
measurements and what you can see on the scope. No more
spikes from the solid state rectifiers, almost no hash from the
mains power coming in! REMEMBER, all of that noise and hash
in your solid state amplifier is in the output signal ! Now
tell me? What do you think is happening inside the extremely
sensitive torrid generator when you use solid state devices to
attempt to create the required precise control frequencies to make
catalyst and produce power???
29. You know transistors just don't do well at those high
frequencies. They try hard but they just make all sorts of
harmonics all over the place. Dirty things
transistors. MOSFETS are better you know if you wanted to
make an amplifier that behaved as though it was a tube amp but in
a smaller size. Please be very careful with your experiments
and WATCH out! The Kill switch....remember the kill
switch. I do not want this to scare the crap out of any body
and have them telling mamma, blaming satan, god, or any body else.
30. This inventor claims that the output of the unit is high
voltage DC with a frequency component of around 5k Hz. First
of all, obviously you can have several different output components
in the power output signal. You can have DC and AC together
without any problem.
There are several parts of the power unit which have patents.
Remember that the power unit technology is owned by the UEC
corporation and I have to be very careful about not stepping on
their toes. I am not afraid of them or anything like that. It is
just that they are the legitimate owners of the patents and most
of the research ect. I would not like to break my trust with
them. However, I can, and will give to all of you as much
information as I can. I believe that I will be able to give you
enough information to begin research on your own. I just have to
pass it in front of my attorney first so I do not get myself into
trouble, that's all. 2. I will in time give out a
basic Hardware diagram which you may find helpful. 3.
No, I will not publish a schematic diagram of the control circuit.
It is proprietary information owned and controlled by the UEC
Corporation, so I won't go there.
31. About the Flame like Discharge. Yes it does cause RF
burns. I was going to tell you about that, but I decided to wait
and see how long it would take one of you to realize this on your
own. Bravo! YES, toroidal transformers have some very weird
factors. Study the strange factors. Your interest in
the harmonic resonance is also stepping toward the right direction
of things. But then again it depends on your viewpoint about
exactly what harmonic resonance is and how it relates to magnetic
fields and converting energy as does my power unit. We have
done a great deal of experimentation with permanent magnets with
some very astounding results. I could stop now and start over
again with that subject alone. Has anyone ever read any of the
reports about our experiments with what was called, the Magnetic
shadow casting material? No it wasn't some kind of paint. But you
would be fascinated with the amount of renewable energy you can
extract from a permanent magnet! We went through about ten
thousand dollars worth of Neodymium and Super Cobalt 404 magnetic
material in our experiments. I could write volumes of information
about that stuff. Those experiments tie in to our development of
the power unit.
32. At the request of Mr. Richard Mincherton I was present
on October 28th at a test demonstration of a device that its
inventor claims will produce electric power without measurable
energy input except as derived from the earth'’ magnetic and
gravitational fields. The test was conducted at the inventor's
home. I was allowed to bring and use measuring instruments, but
because the inventor had to leave after 1 ½ hours, I was not able
to conduct independent tests on my own. Based on my
observations, I can attest to the fact that the three models of
the device displayed and tested on that day did indeed light up
one, two and six light bulbs (each rated at 100 watt and 120 volt)
respectively. This was less then the figures quoted to me before
the test, but still adequate to demonstrate that the devices
function in some fashion. The smallest unit produced 140 to 150
volts unloaded and 60 to 90 volts when lighting one 100-watt bulb.
The mid-sized unit produced 250 volts unloaded, and was observed
producing 142 Volts at .5 Ampere after 30 minutes of lighting two
bulbs. The largest unit produced 798 Volts unloaded. With a
six-bulb load the voltage dropped to 420 Volts.
After the test the inventor cut the toroidally shaped device into
segments (though not the controller box located at the center of
the device). These samples consisted of an array of
circumferentially arranged coils and wires grouped around a core
made of a cork like substance. October 29, 1995 Roland
Schinzinger, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
(UCI). Professor Emeritus of Electrical Engineering (UCI)
PhD, Univ. California, Berkeley 1966. MS, “ 1954. BS, “ 1953
33. I do suggest that people who are not familiar with rf
and the burns that can be had do not mess with this. The
coils get hot. This problem has not been resolved. It apparently
due to the windings moving. Think of the ouput as dc
(pulsed) 5khz with lots of Hash in it. When it is unloaded
the voltage climbs substantially and I do not mean a spike. it
lasts for several seconds and is a good third higher. Steven
calls it the turbine effect.
The large coils have control units (as seen) the small coils have
the control unit mounted on the inside edge of the coil and they
do have to be inside the coil. Here is something interesting
from Steven. It has been a very long road from beginning to
end. It took several years of experimentation to discover
what frequencies and most importantly how to make small integrated
circuits work to perform the control functions necessary to make
the demonstrations you see on the video tapes available today.
In one of the videos you demonstrate your device which it is
connected to a measuring instrument. When you turn it top
down the voltage decrease and you had no explanation for it. Now
my question: did you try your device already on the earth south
SM. March 06, 2006
September 29, 1997
Michael Fennell (Consulting Engineer)
8348 Menkar Road
San Diego, CA. 92126
To whom it may concern:
I have been hired by Mr. Green to evaluate the performance of the
Toroidal Power Unit or TPU as has been described to me as a
proprietary invention of Steven Mark who was until 1995 President
and Chief engineer of Spheric Laboratories, a public
corporation. I have been instructed to compare the
performance of the TPU with that of any known batteries and other
storage systems. As understood the device is universally observed
to have the following characteristics:
Outside Diameter: 6"
Inside Diameter: 5"
Height: 1 - 3/4"
Weight: 12 ounces
Output Power: 250 Watts
Output Voltage: 160 Volts
Voltage Frequency: 5000 Hz.
Duration of Performance: 30 Minutes
The “TPU” units apparently heat up to a potentially dangerous
level after a considerable period of time, and must be shut off at
that point. This makes some people suspicious of a battery that is
being depleted and which must be recharged after a few minutes.
However, after having cooled down, the inventor has always managed
to start the unit up again and light the lamps again for the same
amount of time as before, until the unit heats up again, without
removing the device from the observers sight to be “recharged”.
This can apparently be done any number of times, such as the
cumulative “ON” time can be extended to at least 30 or 40 minutes.
This is several
times longer then the theoretical limit of any kind of concealed
battery pack that I, the battery experts or electrical engineers
have yet been able to discover. I have personally seen this
demonstration at least fifty times.
In point of fact, there is in existence a video tape showing a
“TPU” putting out over 1,000 Volts and lighting ten 100 Watt/ 120
volt light bulbs in series for ten minutes. (I have seen this
demonstration in person several times).
35. About the collector: It is three separate coils of
multi strand copper wire laid one on top of the other, not
interleaved. Three is important. You can do many things with three
coils. You can run them in parallel, you can run two in series and
one in parallel, or etc. You can run a separate frequency
into each coil for better control on large power units if need
be. The control wiring is vertically wound in several
segments around each of the horizontal collector coils. Other
control wires are wound around all of the horizontal collector
coils together.
Through the different control wire and coil wire arrangements you
can keep complete control of the unit most of the time. However,
you must have an emergency KILL switch. A way of cutting off all
the control frequencies simultaneity. This kill switch must be,
manual and also connected through a heat sensor buried within the
collector coil.
It should automatically stop the function of the unit before it
self destructs on it's own. This is important for obvious reasons.
Also the kill switch should also be connected to cut off whenever
it measures over voltage. If that should ever happen, you would
never have enough time to hit the kill switch before the
inevitable explosion occurred. You know, it is very similar
to the idea of a long garden hose. Picture a hose with water in
it. If you pick up one end and move along the length of the hose
you will move the water constantly along in the direction you are
moving. You could also squeeze the hose in the direction to move
the water along as well. And you could do both to control the
movement of the water more precisely. You can think of the
movement of water as the movement of electrons through the
collector coils.
36. August 16, 2006 – Mystery Post. Here is what I
perceive in his power toroidal device, and I will try to make this
concise and sensical:
1. When one builds a bifilar coil, using one winding for power,
and one for trigger, and drive this with a transistor, there is a
certain point, when you bring a magnet close to one end of the
coil, you will get a loud squealing noise from the coil. This
feedback is the result of the trigger and power coil constantly
switching the power transistor used to drive that coil off and on
again. It is also a point where that coil/transistor combination
produce a high voltage output which one can gather from the
collector of the transistor. If left unchecked, this resonant
frequency of on/off switching will burn up the transistor, and
thus a resistor must be put into the trigger winding circuit to
lessen the voltage produced in the winding. It is one element of
what I believe is happening in the Mark device.
2. When one places several coils around a toroid, one can think of
switching from one to the next, preferably sequentially, the
minimum number of coils being three. In this case one could use
the trigger winding from one coil to turn on the power of the
second coil, the trigger from the second to the third power, the
third trigger to the power winding of the first coil.
3. Flux can switch directions within a ferrous material
instantaneously and some say super-luminally. It takes very little
switching power to flip flux "bundles" from one direction to
another, given that there is a good path for the flux to move
through. The toroid is perfect for this. If one were to turn on a
magnetic field in one coil, that flux permeates most of the
toroid, but more importantly is perceived by the next coil. This
in turn triggers that coil to operate, and the first coil field is
shut down. In this way, one could use coils to move the flux in
PULSES around the toroid. This switching from coil to coil,
accomplished with low power, high voltage pulses occurs at a
natural frequency of the circuit and that frequency that can be
handled by the power transistors.
4. The high voltage, low power is a result of the "kick" whereof
Steve Mark speaks. It was most clearly described by Nikola Tesla,
when he observed a very high voltage spike at the VERY INSTANT a
DC switch was closed. In fact he spoke of people being killed by
this spike. Such a spike (though lower in magnitude) happens
within a transistor at the very instant its gate is closed to
allow power to course through it. I learned of this in vacuum
tubes from my dad when he taught me how to build my first Heathkit
shortwave radio in 1963. He said: "Whenever possible, leave the
radio on - it doesn't consume much power, but the startup surges
will quickly burn up your tubes."
5. When a coil is thus activated, initially it creates a very
powerful magnetic spike. Imagine that this can even be more
amplified if the transistor is turned on only to close the gate of
a silicone controlled rectifier, in order to dump a small
capacitor very suddenly through the coil.
6. It becomes easy to see that when one talks about the switching
ability of transistors, 5kHz is perfectly reasonable, switching
from one coil to the next.
7. Next we have the challenge of making the many pulses of
magnetic power unidirectional. As we all know current running
through a wire creates a circular magnetic field centered about
that wire. This also answers the old question you posed on one of
your posts as to why a set of jumper cables jumps when shorted
across the battery terminal. Well, first, the direction of current
is opposite in the two leads, thereby quadrupling the magnetic
force in the narrow space between the two wires. This powerful
magnetic "linear" flux concentration between the cables then tries
to orient itself to the ambient earths magnetic flux lines, and
hence, jumps. Note, however, that there is more at play here. The
VERY INSTANT you connect the cable to the battery, you also have
that very high voltage spike whereof Tesla spoke. This spike has a
large Radiant Energy component to the electricity. It contributes
a great deal to the powerful magnetic pulse.
8. Back to unidirectional flux in the toroid. In order to create a
mainly DC current in windings around part or all of the toroid, we
must now ensure the flux moves in ONE direction. Well, the
placement of a magnet at right angles to the flow around the
toroid would tend to make the flux take a preferential direction.
The flux of a controlling coil in a flux-gating device such as
some of the Joe Flynn devices is quite weak, but exerts enormous
directional control on even very powerful flux. This is the
concept exploited in the design of the newest patent of the
Magnetic Power Module. (Interestingly, it appears to be a
derivation of Steven Mark's efforts....) Thus, instead of using
additional small coils to make the toroidal flux take one
preferred direction as compared to the other can be acco0mplished
by the use of a ferrite magnet, as seen in the videos (I, too have
watched them numerous times.)
9. Now to the question of the little pieces of wire and the
magnet. I don't remember anyone answering this to your or Mr.
Mark's satisfaction. Let me have a go. When you move a magnet
across a wire you generate a current in that wire. However, what
was not iterated is that the amount of current generated is not
only a matter of the strength of the magnet, but rather the SPEED
and distance at which that magnet is moved across that wire. Thus
when we speak of moving the magnet across a small piece of wire at
the speed of a gunshot, you generate a very sudden, high voltage
spike in that little piece of wire. Conversely, if you could
move that wire crossways through even a weak magnetic field with
few flux likes, you could generate a voltage spike. In essence
Mark is doing this in his toroid. He states he is running at about
5kHz. For four coils (like the one that is open on the cardboard
box in his garage with two lamps), he may be banging two opposed
coils simultaneously with spikes, with the magnet forcing one
direction, or he is running them sequentially. For the sequential
version, that would mean the "magnetic flux North" (for lack of a
better way to describe it) passes one spot in the toroid 1250
times per second. The RPM of the flux would therefore be AT
LEAST 75,000RPM. Can you imagine the kind of power you might
generate from Neo magnets in an armature near windings if you
COULD rev that puppy up to 75,000RPM? Only this toroid has no back
EMF when a load is put on the wires.
10. Remember I was talking about SPEED of the magnet passing the
wires playing a significant role in the voltage produced. If we
take the above example of 75,000 RPM, it is easy to calculate for
a 14" diameter toroid, that the actual speed of the magnet
"flying" past the wires at a very close range would be 3,123.74
statute miles per hour or 4,581.5 ft/second. Compare this to the
bullet of a high powered rifle at 2,800 ft/sec. 11. One need only
to add all the little pieces of wire, which are now individual
loops of wire around the toroid's ring itself to see why the
toroid generates such enormous voltages and currents. Needless to
say, toroidal coils, like any coil have a preferred resonant
frequency. If the toroidal coil is tuned to the "kick" frequency
or pulsed frequency, one can see that this thing would put out
scary amounts of power.
12. I shall make a stab here and say that these toroids DO NOT
heat up until a load is put on the output wires. It would
intuitively make sense that this heating is not only due to
current flow within the toroid off-take winding, but also due to
the new magnetic field that would result within the toroid, due to
the DC current now flowing around it. Strangely, using the left
hand rule for magnetism, this toroid is an aberration. Because
when one thinks of the current beginning the flow through a load,
the magnetic flux this winding creates is ADDITIVE to the pulsing
magnetic flux created by the coils.
13. When we look at the earth's magnetic field, there are some
weird things to look at. Does a high-speed rotational flux
field draw or lessen or concentrate flux lines into a Mark device?
Maybe that is exactly what it does. This simply ADDS more density
to the field. However, something else strikes me more
simply. Mark has set up his terrific sequential pulsed magnetic
field with a small battery (who cares if there is a battery - that
point is moot when you look at the power out) which rotates nearly
twice as fast as the bullet from a high powered rifle. It creates
enormous numbers of flux lines crossing wires per second. That is
key and it takes little power. Once power is established, one
could take a tiny amount from the output and run the circuit, so
again the battery is moot. The main thing is the device's strange
reaction to physical movement. I attribute this to the ENORMOUS
impact of the SPEED at which the magnetic flux moves.
14. We see how even small flux density, when accelerated to very
high speed, can STILL generate current in conductors, be they
wires or even flat surfaces. When we talk about these effects, we
understand that ANY magnetic device, be it a simple magnet compass
or object, will try to orient itself to the earth's magnetic
field. Try and experiment. See how a magnetized needle in a match
turns slowly to north in a cup of water. Now take a strong
neodymium magnet and tape a piece of thread to it and let it hang.
Note how QUICKLY and how STRONGLY it orients itself to the earth's
field. What Mark appears to have proven is that one can create the
effect of higher strength of a magnet through speed of movement of
the field. And the field appears to be strengthened drastically by
the ADDITIVE pulses of the coils pumping the toroid up to
15. To me the reason that the toroid appears to "judder" as one
attempts to move the toroid across the table is straightforward.
As the field rotates, there is a point in the device where the
rotating field (perhaps rotating is the wrong word) better, field
in its racetrack, is oriented in direct opposition to the Earth's
magnetic field. On the diametrically opposite side, the field is
perfect attraction to the earth's field. This means that pushing
the device North and South would have the most pronounced
juddering or washboard effect. However, going crossways to N_S may
also have weird effects, the flux lines moving at right angles to
one another. I would tend to say this might be even more
pronounced when a big load is put on the output coil, if my above
assumption is correct with the inner ADDITIVE flux under load.
16. It makes sense that if we are moving a relatively weak
magnetic field at very high RPM or lap rate, then perhaps we are
now also talking about a gravitic interaction. Since it appears
that gravity and spinning superconducting magnets are related, and
we are spinning this field at a VERY high rate, then the
orientation on startup is most likely also directly interacting
with "gravitons?" I won't go there, as I know too little about the
field. Suffice it to say, that gravity is directional, be it
into the earth or into space from the earth's center. Either way
it is directional. Inverting the toroid MAY then be affected in
operation or stopped when it is inverted. Has Steven Mark solved
this? It sounds SOOOOO interesting. And naturally, with smaller
toroids, he is also talking about higher angular acceleration of
the field, due to the smaller diameter. Maybe this also has a
bearing on the trait?
17. The imploding television story is very interesting. Could
Mark's device be close to tapping into or creating such a powerful
magnetic vortex? Has he seen any evidence of magnetic attraction
of any objects in or near the toroids?
Gilman St. Irvine, CA 92715-2703, Phone & FAX: (714) 786-7691
December 1, 1995
Dear Steven,
Thank you for dinner the other night. I truly enjoyed the
experience and the ride home together. Thank you for sharing
your thoughts. When you get to be my age Stephen you have
learned how not to ruffle feathers. If I were in your shoes I
would do exactly what we discussed. I have talked to my
associate about the problems as you see it involving the heat
created by your unit when generating power. He is willing to
assist us in finding a solution and he does not feel it is an
insurmountable problem.
The current involved no matter how slight must be a contributing
factor, regardless. We must first consider all the working
principles and decide how to go about solving the problem. I
look forward to seeing you and your unit at my laboratory around
eight thirty on Saturday morning. I will have only one
observer and we will be otherwise alone. I promise you that
we will give an honest evaluation of everything we observe and
will attest to what we find.
If you need to talk to me first you may leave a message for me at
my office at the University of California Irvine.
Roland Schinzinger, PhD.
Gilman St. Irvine, CA 92715-2703, Phone & FAX: (714)
786-7691. Second report on Energy Device
At the request of Steven Mark I agreed to thoroughly test his
invention of an energy device toroid at my laboratory at the UCI
campus. With me was John Sanchez who will act as an observer
and Mr. Mark who will operate his device for the tests.
The device is reported to develop measurable amounts of electric
power beyond any known battery or storage device. In fact the
inventor claims that his device will create electric power
indefinitely as long as it is permitted to cool at intervals.
Mr. Mark arrived promptly at 8:30 AM and wasted no time in
permitting my examination of two units. The first unit was
roughly shaped like a large donut. It measured approximately 4.72”
across with an inside diameter hole of 3” making a core width
approximately 1” thick The unit was exactly 2” tall, resembling a
toroid. I did not measure the weight however the unit was
extremely light when held in the hand.
Mr. Mark connected the unit directly to a 100 watt 120 volt
incandescent light bulb and caused the unit to operate. It did in
fact illuminate the incandescent bulb quite brightly. I measured
the voltage at 137 volts D.C. exactly, (ObS). See note* I
then measured the current flowing through the wires to the bulb at
a steady one-ampere, (ObS). We noted the time at 9:06
AM.,(ObS). We next measured the light output from the bulb
with a luminescence meter and noted that it read2.5, (ObS). Next
we measured a similar incandescent bulb placed in a socket powered
from the main 120 volt (as measured) AC power provided to the
laboratory. It measured 2.4 on the luminescence meter. This can
probably be accounted for because the voltage as measured from the
Toroid device is 137 volts and therefore 12 volts greater,
generating a slight increase in light output over the incandescent
light powered by the laboratory main power supply system.
The toroid device did indeed provide the standard voltage and
current necessary to provide electric lighting for a 120-volt
circuit. The inventor then asked us for another bulb, which
we provided him and he set about connecting the second bulb along
with the first. The second bulb was connected in parallel to
the first and did indeed light just as brightly as the
I measured 137 volts now across the output just as before although
the load had doubled and the impedance halved (ObS). I
measured the current flowing to the two bulbs at just less then
2-amperes, (ObS).
The inventor stated that the unit would provide two amperes at 137
volts for several hours, if not indefinitely. We were cautioned
that the unit while in operation would generate heat leading to
self-destruction if not shut down and permitted to cool. He
claimed that after cooling the unit could be restarted and used
again over and over.
We permitted the first unit to remain in operation and provide
power for the two incandescent bulbs while we turned our attention
to the second larger unit the inventor brought with him for
testing. The second unit was again toroid shaped with a
large hole in the center. It was approximately 15” at the outside
and 13” inside with a core thickness of approximately 1”. The unit
was 4” tall. The unit was not measured in weight but could be
easily lifted with one hand, (ObS). The inventor started the
second larger unit in operation and cautioned myself and Mr.
Sanchez not to touch the output leads from the device as they were
at lethal potential. The time was 9:39 AM.
The inventor measured the output leads and told us there was 600
volts potential at several amperes. He connected the unit to
five 120 volt 100 watt incandescent light bulbs as provided by
myself. The larger second unit did indeed brightly light the
five incandescent bulbs brightly. These bulbs were wired in
I measured the current through the wire connected to the 5-bulbs
at 1.1 ampere, (ObS). I measured the voltage at 614 volts D.C.,
(ObS). The inventor then connected another five 120 volt
light bulbs along with the first five making a total of ten 120
volt, 100 watt incandescent light bulbs lighting at equal
intensity. I measured the light output with a luminescence
meter at 2.43 each light bulb, (ObS). I did not measure the
current but calculated it to be 2 amperes at 614 volts. I
asked the inventor if this was the limit of the unit and he
replied, “no way.”
He provided a quick blow fuse rated at 50 amperes. With two
large electrical clamps and wiring, he shorted the fuse across the
output terminals of the toroid and destroyed the fuse, (ObS).
There was only a slight flickering of the ten incandescent bulbs
as observed although there was a tremendous discharge of sparks
from the output terminals of the toroid unit.
The inventor then gave me the fuse for examination. It was warm to
the touch and smelled acrid, (ObS). It was a large 240 volt AC air
conditioner disconnect fuse and designed for severe service duty,
(OsS). The inventor’s claim that the large toroid output
terminals were at lethal potential was no longer in question.
The time was 11:20 AM when the inventor removed the small toroid
unit from operation because of heat build up. I examined the
small toroid unit and it was indeed quite hot to the touch.
The unit had been in steady operation for exactly two hours and
fourteen minutes. Noted: 2- hours and 14 minutes, (ObS). The
load of 2- amperes at 137-volts did not change through the test
Jack Durban's Account: Device is Real;
Steven Mark wasn't
On March 16, 2008, Jack Durban wrote:
A little background on who I am and why I remained silent for over
a decade.
I have been an avid inventor and product developer since I was a
kid. I was drawing detailed engines and mechanisms by age 9 and
just had a knack for looking at a product and finding faults in
the design. In school I spent all my time drawing machines and
basic circuits. I worked on my first patent in High school and it
issued in 1977. Since then I have developed over 200 products that
cover several industries. I currently hold 21 patents that have
issued or are pending published applications. As a product
developer I have prepared dozens of patents for clients and read
thousands of patents during searches over a quarter century now. I
have seen it all when it comes to technology and I have an open
mind which is rare in my field. I have designed and worked on
alternative health devices like the RIFE machines and even worked
with Barry Lynes the author of "The Cancer cure that worked". I
designed the world's first Brainwave analyzer to measure
correlates of I.Q. with Dr. John Ertl a brilliant PhD in
Cybernetics. I am putting this out there to say that I have always
entered into any design or design evaluation task with eyes wide
open and no preconceptions.
The reason why I didn't come forward sooner was due to an NDA
[Non-Disclosure Agreement] I signed back in '96. As one who makes
a living working with invention, patents and is a caretaker of
others intellectual property, I have to be very careful in
discussing anything of a sensitive nature. Although all NDA's have
to expire by a certain date, I waited an extra 8 years just in
case Steven ever surfaced again.
I have seen several so called free energy devices, and all without
exception were failures. Not all were fraudulent. Some were just
not well understood by their creators as not meeting the
requirements of producing over unity power or work.
When I was approached by M.M. to work with Steven Marks, I wasn't
overly excited after years of seeing these all crash and burn, but
I was again all ears. When I saw the devices work and was able to
rotate the units 90 degrees without loss of output power, I felt a
chill go over me like seeing a ghost. You see I know Tesla's works
as he is one of my heroes like Edison and others. I fully
understood the impact of being able to rotate the device without
performance depredation. The gyroscopic sensation felt when moving
the device made it clear to me instantly that the coils displaced
about the perimeter of the device were switching in a quadrature
fashion like stators in a motor yet there were no mechanical
devices in the unit. It became clear that there was a lot of
current flowing from winding to winding.
The device worked and the video is real. It was shot at a mansion
that Steven rented in Lemon Heights California. Steven's face does
not appear in the first videos but I did notice that he does
appear in the one on youtube that shows potential investors. He
always wore an all black suit and shoes even when doing basic lab
work. It was part of the facade.
The sad thing is that Steven was a bit of a hustler. He received
millions from several investors, and never delivered the end
product. Steven spent wildly on a lavish lifestyle. The seemingly
sophisticated test equipment one sees in the videos was in fact a
collection of audio and video gear. It was all purchased for audio
development on Steven's so called 3D audio theater system that was
shown at CES in 1996 or 97.
I have no doubt that Steven was not the true inventor of this
device, as he was not technically savvy enough for such a feat.
His only technical background was working on televisions and cars.
He claimed to be an expert in Rolls Royce repair and he did own an
older model but it wasn't anything outstanding.
I met Steven in 1996 when my company was hired by Mercury Marilla,
Steven's boyfriend at the time, to replicate the device's
capabilities by any means possible. At first I thought he was
trying to find out if there was another quick way to produce the
same result with an alternative approach, but I later realized he
was likely looking for a second design that he could pawn off on
investors so he could retain the original design.
There were many, many investors pouring in money like there was no
tomorrow in the hopes of getting their hands on what appeared to
be the holy grail of free energy.
There was a reason beyond the endless supply of investment dollars
that kept the technology from ever being delivered, and that was
the fact that the device only ran for so long before it shut down
due to overheating, which averaged 20 minutes or so after it was
activated. He was very frustrated with the thermal issues, but
every time I came up with a solution he would say he would check
it out, but nothing ever came of the remedies. He would never
allow me to take the unit apart or do any dissecting at all. The
design was quite simple. There were two sets of windings arranged
in a fashion that very closely resemble the Tesla patent 381,970
circa 1888. There were two large chokes and polypropylene caps
that appeared to be an output smoothing function. My Instincts
told me that the choke and cap pair was a tuned tank, but knowing
how little electronics knowledge Steven had, I could not see him
being capable of doing any tank tuning, and there was no grid dip
gear around. I'll be releasing more information as I get time.
Oh one little side note among many in this interesting moment in
time was Steven’s use of a magnet to activate the device. This was
just a ruse. The magnet, a cheap Radio Shack magnet at that was
deployed only as a means of closing a simple Reed switch that
closed the primary circuit. Steven thought this would throw off
those who viewed live demos, as he was well aware that many
potential investors were bringing their top engineers with them.
I am thinking about writing a screenplay on this, as there is
much, much more to the story, including sex, crimes and
misdemeanors. I have been sitting on this story for over a decade
Coming Forward After All This Time
On March 15, 2008, Jack Durban wrote:
Hello Sterling,
The post was at… Link here
A purely random pick after days with little sleep. For some odd
reason I just thought it was time to tell the story that few have
ever heard. Perhaps it was seeing all the pretenders making up
stuff about the man and the machine only to profit themselves from
the legacy.
I did secretly release some secrets to Keely net a few years ago
and they agreed to keep my name a secret.
Now after 11 years I no longer am concerned about breeching
anyone’s confidence. NDA’s only last so long!
I hope you have an open mind as the technology did indeed work.
As one who was often hired to debunk so called over unity devices
I was very fortunate to play with the device and work on a couple
projects with Steven both power and audio related.
I should tell you in advance that I have a pretty good idea as to
how it worked but I do not know enough to build it without
spending some serious time in the lab which. Post-Interview
On March 20, 2008, Jack Durban wrote:
I would like to add the following...
This was part of an email of 20 March 08, between myself and one
of the respected elders in the movement to reproduce the SM
Device. This email is redacted and only shows one question of many
and my position on Steven Mark to clarify my motives in this
> "I think that you offered some sound inspiration but i >
did not see how knocking him technically helps as > there may
come a time when he will be more forth > coming"
Let’s examine this situation.
1. If there ever was a man deserving of some knocking it is Steven
Mark. I understand that you guys are walking on egg shells with
this guy with the hopes that he will someday reveal the final
formula; but there is little reason to believe beyond hope and
despair that he ever will reveal the final answer.
2. Megalomaniacs like Steven need an audience to feed their
narcissistic appetite. To give anyone the final keys to making the
device work would be cutting the umbilical cord to his adoring
fans. All he could gain from such an act is a thank you. Remember,
Steven knows how to make these already. If he wanted to help you
or anyone else he could have without hesitation long ago.
3. There are several others doing this and are well beyond where
Steven is. Once he realizes this watch how quickly he comes
forward to help when his obsolescence becomes a self realization
and his fan base loses interest.
The reason I came forth yesterday was to tell the truth about what
I experienced while working with Steven Mark. Contrary to some of
the less than friendly posts regarding my inability to shed any
light any light on the technology beyond what is already known, I
never represented that I possessed or would reveal anything of a
technical nature that would further any development underway. If I
had I certainly would have finished the device myself.
What was a payoff? None for myself. Most of the feedback I
received publicly was negative. The only payoff I can hope for is
that if a guy like Steven Mark, a hustler and tinkerer with less
than extraordinary intellect was able to reproduce this free
energy device there is hope for others to replicate this device
also as many others have to date.
I apologize for offending those who are still drinking the Steven
Mark Koolaid but I don’t think most of you know of or appreciate
the trail of shattered dreams and victims left in this mans’ wake.
All the Best,
Jack Durban
email: <jdurban {at} vorel.com>
TPU-ECD Invented by Steven Marks
Disclosure by Otto Sabljaric & Roberto Notte
[ PDF ]
Supposedly :
Steven Marks TPU Patent Found
Solid State Electric Generator
Inventor : Graham Alan Gunderson
A solid-state electrical generator including at least one
permanent magnet, magnetically coupled to a ferromagnetic core
provided with at least one hole penetrating its volume; the
hole(s) and magnet(s) being placed such that the hole(s)
penetrating the ferromagnetic core's volume intercept flux from
the permanent magnet(s) coupled into the ferromagnetic core. A
first wire coil is wound around the ferromagnetic core for the
purpose of moving the coupled permanent magnet flux within the
ferromagnetic core. A second wire is routed through the hole(s)
penetrating the volume of the ferromagnetic core, for the purpose
of intercepting this moving magnetic flux, thereby inducing an
output electromotive force.; A changing voltage applied to the
first wire coil causes coupled permanent magnet flux to move
within the core relative to the hole(s) penetrating the core
volume, thus inducing electromotive force along wire(s) passing
through the hole(s) in the ferromagnetic core. The mechanical
action of an electrical generator is thereby synthesized without
use of moving parts.
[0001] This application claims priority to Provisional Application
60/645,674 filed Jan. 21, 2005, entitled PERMANENT MAGNET DRIVEN
[0002] 1. Field of the Invention
[0003] This invention relates to a method and device for
generating electrical power using solid state means.
[0004] 2. Description of the Related Art
[0005] It has long been known that moving a magnetic field across
a wire will generate an electromotive force (EMF), or voltage,
along the wire. When this wire is connected in an electrical
closed circuit, in order to perform work, an electric current is
driven through this closed circuit by the induced electromotive
[0006] It has also long been known that this resulting electric
current causes the closed circuit to become encircled with a
secondary, induced magnetic field, whose polarity opposes the
primary magnetic field that first induced the EMF. This magnetic
opposition creates mutual repulsion as a moving magnet moves
toward such a closed circuit and attraction as that moving magnet
then moves away from the closed circuit. Both these actions tend
to slow, or "drag" the progress of the moving magnet generating
the EMF, causing the electric generator to act as a magnetic
brake, in direct proportion to the amount of electric current
[0007] Gas engines, hydroelectric dams and steam-fed turbines have
historically been used to overcome this magnetic braking action
occurring within mechanical electric generators. A large amount of
mechanical power is ultimately required to produce a large amount
of electrical power, since the magnetic braking interaction
resulting from induced electrical current is generally
proportional to the amount of power being generated.
[0008] There has been a long felt need for a generator which
reduces or eliminates this well-known magnetic braking
interaction, while nevertheless generating useful electric power.
The need for convenient, economical, and powerful sources of
renewable energy remains urgent. When the magnetic fields within a
generator are caused to move and interact by means other than
applied mechanical force, electric power can be supplied without
the necessity of consuming limited natural resources, thus with
far greater economy.
[0009] It has long been known that the source of the magnetism
within a permanent magnet is a spinning electric current within
ferromagnetic atoms of certain elements, persisting indefinitely
in accord with well-defined quantum rules. This atomic current
encircles each atom, thereby causing each atom to emit a magnetic
field, as a miniature electromagnet.
[0010] This atomic current does not exist in magnets alone. It
also exists in ordinary metallic iron, and in any element or
metallic alloy that can be "magnetized", that is, exhibits
ferromagnetism. All ferromagnetic atoms and "magnetic metals"
contain such quantum atomic electromagnets.
[0011] In specific ferromagnetic materials, the orientation axis
of each atomic electromagnet is flexible. The orientation of
magnetic flux within, as well as external to the material, easily
pivots. Such materials are referred to as magnetically "soft", due
to this magnetic flexibility.
[0012] Permanent magnet materials are magnetically "hard". The
orientation axis of each atomic electromagnet is fixed in place
within a rigid crystal structure. The total magnetic field
produced by these atoms cannot easily move. This constraint
permanently aligns the field of ordinary magnets, hence the name
[0013] The axis of circular current flow in one ferromagnetic atom
can direct the axis of magnetism within another ferromagnetic
atom, through a process known as spin exchange. This gives a soft
magnetic material, like raw iron, the useful ability to aim,
focus, and redirect the magnetic field emitted from a magnetically
hard permanent magnet.
[0014] In the present invention, a permanent magnet's rigid field
is sent into a magnetically flexible, "soft" magnetic material.
The permanent magnet's apparent location, observed from points
within the magnetically soft material, will effectively move,
vibrate, and appear to shift position when the magnetization of
the soft magnetic material is modulated by ancillary means (much
like the sun, viewed while underwater, appears to move when the
water is agitated). By this mechanism, the motion required for
generation of electricity can be synthesized within a soft
ferromagnetic material, without requiring physical movement or an
applied mechanical force.
[0015] The present invention synthesizes virtual motion of magnets
and their magnetic fields, producing an electrical generator
described herein, which does not require mechanical action or
moving parts. The present invention describes an electrical
generator wherein magnetic braking phenomena, known as expressions
of Lenz's Law, do not oppose the means by which the magnetic field
energy is caused to move. The synthesized magnetic motion thereby
manifests without mechanical or electrical resistance. This
synthesized magnetic motion is aided by forces generated in
accordance with Lenz's Law, in order to produce acceleration of
the synthesized magnetic motion, instead of physical "magnetic
braking" common to mechanically-actuated electrical generators.
Because of this novel magnetic interaction, the solid-state static
generator of the present invention is a robust generator,
requiring only a small electric force to operate.
[0016] So that the above-recited features of the present invention
can be understood in detail, a more particular description of the
invention, briefly summarized above, may be had by reference to
various embodiments, some of which are illustrated in the appended
drawings. It is to be noted, however, that the appended drawings
illustrate only typical embodiments of this invention and are
therefore not to be considered limiting of its scope, for the
invention may admit to other equally effective embodiments.
[0017] FIG. 1 is an exploded view of the generator of this
[0018] FIG. 2 is a cross sectional elevation of the generator of
this invention.
[0019] FIG. 3 is a schematic diagram of the magnetic action
occurring within the generator of FIGS. 1 and 2.
[0020] FIG. 4 is a circuit diagram, illustrating one method of
electrically operating the generator of this invention.
[0021] FIG. 1 depicts a partially exploded view of an embodiment
of an electric generator of this invention. The parts have been
numbered, with the numbering convention applied to FIGS. 1, 2, and
[0022] Numeral 1 represents a permanent magnet with its North pole
pointing inward toward the soft ferromagnetic core of the device.
Similarly, numeral 2 indicates permanent magnets of preferably the
same shape and composition, with their South poles aimed inward
toward the opposite side, or opposite surface of the device. The
letters "S" and "N" denote these respective magnetic poles in the
drawing. Other magnetic polarities and configurations may be used
with success; the pattern shown merely illustrative of one
efficient mode of adding magnets to the core.
[0023] The magnets may be formed of any polarized magnetic
material. In order of descending effectiveness, the most desirable
permanent-magnet materials are Neodymium-Iron-Boron (NIB) magnets,
Samarium Cobalt magnets, AlNiCo alloy magnets, or "ceramic"
strontium-, barium- or lead-ferrite magnets. A primary factor
determining permanent magnet material composition is the magnetic
flux strength of the particular material type. In an embodiment of
the invention, these magnets may also be substituted with one or
more electromagnets producing the required magnetic flux. In
another embodiment of the invention, a superimposed DC current
bias can be applied to the output wire to generate the required
magnetic flux, in substitution of, or in conjunction with said
permanent magnets.
[0024] Numeral 3 indicates the magnetic core. This core is a
critical member of the generator, determining the characteristics
of output power capacity, optimal magnet type, electrical
impedance, and operating frequency range. This core may be any
shape, composed of any ferromagnetic substance, formed by any
process (sintering, casting, adhesive bonding, tape winding, etc).
A wide spectrum of geometries, materials, and processes are known
in the art of magnetic cores. Effective common materials include,
but are not limited to, amorphous metal alloys (such as that sold
under the trademark designation "Metglas" by Metglas Inc., Conway
S.C.), nanocrystalline alloys, manganese and zinc ferrites as well
as ferrites of any suitable element including any combination of
magnetically "hard" and "soft" ferrites, powdered metals and
ferromagnetic alloys, laminations of cobalt and/or iron, and
silicon-iron "electrical steel". This invention successfully
utilizes any ferromagnetic material, while functioning as claimed.
In an embodiment of the invention, and for the purpose of
illustration, a circular "toroid" core is illustrated. In an
embodiment of the invention, the composition may be bonded iron
powder, commonly available from many manufacturers.
[0025] Regardless of core type, the core is prepared with holes,
through which wires may pass, which have been drilled or formed to
penetrate the core's ferromagnetic volume. The toroidal core 3
shown includes radial holes pointing toward a common center. If,
for example stiff wire rods were to be inserted through each of
these holes, these wires would meet at the center point of the
core, producing an appearance similar to a spoke wheel. If a
square or rectangular core (not illustrated) is used instead,
these holes are preferably oriented parallel to the core's flat
sides, causing stiff rods passed through the holes to form a
square grid pattern, as the rods cross each other in the interior
"window" area framed by the core. While in other embodiments of
the invention, these holes may take any possible orientation or
patterns of orientation within the scope of the present generator,
a simple row of radial holes is illustrated herein as one example.
[0026] Numeral 4 depicts a wire or bundle of wires, i.e. output
wire 4, that pick-up and carry the generator's output power.
Typically this wire is composed of insulated copper, though other
output mediums such as aluminum, iron, dielectric material,
polymers, and semiconducting materials may be substituted. It may
be seen in FIG. 1 and FIG. 2 that wire 4, which serves as an
output medium, passes alternately through neighboring holes formed
in core 3. The path taken by wire 4 undulates, passing in an
opposite direction through each adjacent hole. If an even number
of holes is used, the wire will emerge on the same side of the
core it first entered on, once all holes are filled. The resulting
pair of trailing leads may be twisted together or similarly
terminated, forming the output terminals of the generator shown at
Numeral 5. Output wire 4 may also make multiple passes through
each hole in the core. Though the winding pattern is not
necessarily undulatory; this basic form is shown by way of
example. Many effective connection styles exist; this illustration
shows the simplest. All successful connection methods pass wire 4
at some point through the holes in the core.
[0027] Numeral 6 in FIGS. 1, 2, and 3 points to a partial
illustration of the input winding, or inductive coil used to shift
the permanent magnets' fields within the core. Typically, this
wire coil encircles the core, wrapping around it. For the toroidal
core presented, input coil 6 resembles the outer windings of a
typical toroidal inductor, a common electrical component. For the
sake of clarity, only a few turns of coil 6 are shown in each of
drawing FIGS. 1, 2, and 3. In practice, this coil may cover the
entire core, or specific sections of the core, including or not
including the magnets, while remaining within scope of the present
[0028] FIG. 2 shows the same representative generator of FIG. 1,
looking transparently "down" through it from above, so the
relative positions of the core holes (dotted lines), the path of
the output wire, and magnet positions (as shaded areas) are made
[0029] The generator shown uses a core with 8 radially drilled
holes. The spacing between these illustrative holes is equal. As
shown, each hole is displaced 45 degrees from the next. All holes'
centers lay along a common plane; this imaginary plane is centered
half-way along the core's vertical thickness. Cores of any shape
and size may include as few as two, or as many as hundreds of
holes, and a similar number of magnets. Other variations exist,
such as generators with multiple rows of holes, zigzag and
diagonal patterns, or output wire 4 molded directly into the core
material. In any case, the basic magnetic interaction shown in
FIG. 3 occurs for each hole in the core, as detailed below.
[0030] FIG. 3 shows the same design, viewed broadside. The
curvature of the core has been flattened to the page for the
purpose of illustration. The magnets are represented
schematically, protruding from core top and bottom, with arrows
indicating the direction of magnetic flux-arrow heads pointing
north, tails south.
[0031] In practice, the free, unattached polar ends of the
generator's magnets may be left as-is, in open air, or provided
with a common ferromagnetic path linking unused North and South
poles together, as a magnetic "ground". This common return path is
typically made of steel, iron or similar material, taking the form
of a ferrous enclosure housing the device. It may serve the
additional purpose of a protecting chassis. The magnetic return
may also be another ferromagnetic core in repetition of the
present invention, forming a stack or layered series of
generators, sharing common magnets between generator cores. Any
such additions are without direct bearing on the functional
principle of the generator itself, and have therefore been omitted
from these illustrations.
[0032] Two example flux diagrams are given in FIG. 3. Each example
is shown in a space between schematically depicted partial input
coils 6. A positive or negative polarity marker indicates the
direction of input current, applied through the input coil. This
applied current produces "modulating" magnetic flux, which is used
to synthesize motion of the permanent magnets, and is shown as a
double-tailed horizontal arrow (a) along the core 3. Each example
shows this double-tailed arrow (a) pointing to the right or the
left depending on the polarity of applied current.
[0033] In either case, vertical flux entering the core (b, 3) from
the external permanent magnets (1, 2) is swept along, within the
core, by the direction of the double-tailed arrow representing the
input coil's magnetic flux (a). These curved arrows (b) in the
space between the magnets and holes can be seen to shift or bend
(a->b), as if they were streams or jets of air subject to a
changing wind (a).
[0034] The resulting sweeping motion of the permanent magnets'
fields causes their flux (b) to brush back and forth over the
holes and wire 4 passing through these holes. Just as in a
mechanical generator, when magnetic flux brushes or "cuts"
sideways across a conductor in this way, EMF or voltage is
induced. By connecting an electrical load across the ends of this
wire conductor (Numeral 5, in FIGS. 1, 2) a current is allowed to
flow through the load in a closed circuit, delivering electrical
power able to perform work. Input of an alternating current across
the input coil 6 generates an alternating magnetic field (a)
causing the fields of permanent magnets 1, and 2 to shift (b)
within the core 3, inducing electrical power through a load
(attached to terminals 5), as if the fixed magnets (1,2)
themselves were physically moving. However, no mechanical motion
is present.
[0035] In a mechanical generator, induced current powering an
electrical load returns back through output wire 4 creating a
secondary induced magnetic field, exerting forces which
substantially oppose the original magnetic field inducing the
original EMF. Since load currents induce their own, secondary
magnetic fields opposing the original act of induction in this
way, the source of the original induction requires additional
energy to restore itself and continue generating electricity. In
mechanical generators, the energy-inducing motion of the
generator's magnetic fields is being physically actuated,
requiring a strong prime mover (such as a steam turbine) to
restore the EMF-generating magnetic fields' motion, against the
braking effect of the output-induced magnetic fields (the induced
field (c), and the inducing field (b)), destructively in mutual
opposition. It is this inductive opposition which ultimately must
be overcome by physical force, which is commonly produced by
consumption of other energy resources.
[0036] The electric generator of the present invention is not
actuated by mechanical force. The generator of the present
invention also makes use of the induced, secondary magnetic field
in such a way as to not cause opposition, but instead addition,
and resulting acceleration of magnetic field motion. Because the
present invention is not mechanically actuated, and because the
magnetic fields do not act to destroy one another in mutual
opposition, the present invention does not require consumption of
natural resources in order to generate electricity.
[0037] The present generator's induced magnetic field, resulting
from electric current flowing through the load and returning
through output wire 4, is that of a closed loop encircling each
hole in the core admitting the output conductor or conductive
medium (4, c). The present generator's induced magnetic fields
create magnetic flux in the form of closed loops within the
ferromagnetic core. The magnetic field "encircles" each hole in
the core carrying output wire 4, similar to the threads of a screw
"encircling" the shaft of the screw.
[0038] Within this generator, the magnetic field from output
medium or wire 4 immediately encircles each hole formed in the
core (c) carrying this medium or wire 4. Since wire 4 may take an
opposing direction through each neighboring hole, the direction of
the resulting magnetic field will likewise be opposite. The
directions of arrows (b) and (c) are, at each hole, opposing,
headed in opposite directions, since (b) is the inducing flux and
(c) is the induced flux, each opposing one another while
generating electricity.
[0039] However, this magnetic opposition is effectively directed
against the permanent magnets that are injecting their flux into
the core, but not the source of the alternating magnetic input
field 6. In the present solid state generator, induced output flux
(4, c) is directed to oppose the permanent magnets (1, 2) not the
input flux source (6, a) that is synthesizing the virtual motion
of those magnets (1, 2) by its magnetizing action on core 3.
[0040] The present generator employs magnets as the source of
motive pressure driving the generator, since they are the entity
being opposed or "pushed against" by the opposing reaction induced
by output current which is powering a load. Experiments show that
high-quality permanent magnets can be magnetically "pushed
against" in this way for very long periods of time, before
becoming demagnetized or "spent".
[0041] FIG. 3 illustrates inducing representative flux arrows (b)
directed oppositely against induced representative flux (c). In
materials typically used to form core 3, fields flowing in
mutually opposite directions tend to cancel each other, just as
positive and negative numbers of equal magnitude sum to zero.
[0042] On the remaining side of each hole, opposite the permanent
magnet, no mutual opposition takes place. Induced flux (c) caused
by the generator load currents remains present; however, inducing
flux from the permanent magnets (b) is not present since no magnet
is present, on this side, to source the necessary flux. This
leaves the induced flux (c) encircling the hole, as well as input
flux (a) from the input coils 6, continuing its path along the
core, on either side of each hole.
[0043] On the side of each core hole where a magnet is present,
action (b) and reaction (c) magnetic flux substantially cancel and
annihilate, being oppositely directed within the core. On the
other side of each hole, where no magnet is present, input flux
(a) and reaction flux (c) share a common direction. Magnetic flux
thereby adds together in these zones, where induced magnetic flux
(c) aids the input flux (a). This is the reverse of typical
generator action, where induced flux (c) is typically opposing the
"input" flux originating the induction.
[0044] Since the magnetic interaction herein is a combination of
magnetic flux opposition and magnetic flux acceleration, there is
no longer an overall magnetic braking, or total opposition effect.
The braking and opposition is counterbalanced by a simultaneous
magnetic acceleration within the core. Since mechanical motion is
absent, the equivalent electrical effect ranges from idling, or
absence of opposition, to a strengthening and overall acceleration
of the electrical input signal (within coils 6). Proper selection
of the permanent magnet (1, 2) material and flux density, core 3
material magnetic characteristics, core hole pattern and spacing,
and output medium connection technique create embodiments wherein
the present generator will display an absence of electrical
loading at the input and/or an overall amplification of the input
signal. This ultimately causes less input energy to be required in
order to work the generator. Therefore, as increasing amounts of
energy are withdrawn from the generator as output power performing
useful work, decreasing amounts of energy are generally required
to operate it. This process endures, working against the permanent
magnets (1, 2) until they are demagnetized.
[0045] In an embodiment of this invention, FIG. 4 illustrates a
typical operating circuit employing the generator of this
invention. A square-wave input signal, furnished by appropriate
transistorized switching means, is applied at the input terminals
(S), to the primary (a) of a step-down transformer 11. The
secondary winding (b) of the input transformer may be a single
turn, in series with a capacitor 12 and the generator 13 input
coil (c), forming a series resonant circuit. The frequency of the
applied square wave (S) must either match, or be an integral
sub-harmonic of the resonant frequency of this 3-element
transformer-capacitor-inductor input circuit.
[0046] Generator 13 output winding (d) is connected to resistive
load L through switch 14. When switch 14 is closed, generated
power is dissipated at L, which is any resistive load, for
example, an incandescent lamp or resistive heater.
[0047] Once input resonance is achieved, and the square wave input
frequency applied at S is such that the combined reactive
impedance of total inductance (b+c) is equal in magnitude to the
opposing reactive impedance of capacitance 12, the electrical
phases of current through, and voltage across, generator 13 input
coil (c) will flow 90 degrees apart in resonant quadrature. Power
drawn from the square wave input-energy source applying power to S
will now be at a minimum.
[0048] In this condition, the resonant energy present at the
generator input may be measured by connecting a voltage probe
across the test points (v), situated across the generator input
coil, together with a current probe around point (i), situated in
series with the generator input coil (c). The instantaneous vector
product of these two measurements indicates the energy circulating
at the generator's input, ultimately shifting the permanent
magnets' fields in order to create useful induction. This
situation persists until the magnets are no longer magnetized.
[0049] It will be apparent to those skilled in the art that a
square (or other) wave may be applied directly to the generator
input terminals (c) without use of other components. While this
remains effective, advantageous re-generating effects may not be
realized to their fullest extent with such direct excitation. Use
of a resonant circuit, particularly with inclusion of a capacitor
12 as suggested, facilitates recirculation of energy within the
input circuit, generally producing efficient excitation and a
reduction of required input power as loads are applied.