Ferromagnetic Resonance
From: Alexander V. Frolov alex@frolov.spb.ru
New Energy News, Vol. 4, No. 8, December 1996, pp. 23-24
Dear Sirs,
I am glad to say some more news from Russia about free energy
Inventor Andrew A. Melnichenko made some devices powered by small
primary source like 1.5 VDC battery and demonstrated that
resonance effect is the way to free power output. He connected a
17W fan motor to his electronic system and it is working! Another
load is 60W and it is working also! In his opinion, the system
like his resonance circuit powered by small battery DC can be
power source for home (KWatts) also! The battery is necessary to
make alternating voltage output for resonance circuit. It is
possible to close the loop and to make self-charging battery mode.
In resonance, as you must know from college textbook, source is
not the source of current, but it is source of voltage only. It
doesn't require current from source and it doesn't require power
expense from source...
This article is different from the other since it made some
references on Tesla's work. Yes, it is the same as Tesla's
resonance transformer but in this version inventor didn't raise
the output to million Volts like Tesla made.
I hope that somebody is interested to make joint research with
Andrew Melnitchenko. He need partners like most inventors. If
you'll have some progress in this deal, please, let me know.
Perhaps, together we can open a door to the future.
-- Alexander V. Frolov
- Ferromagnetic free energy generation

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The invention relates to means of generating electrical energy. A
method for generating electrical energy is based on converting
energy during the magnetization and demagnetization of a core, and
drawing off additional energy using an additional detachable
secondary winding. The additional energy in the invention can be
obtained during demagnetization of a core which has been
premagnetized using a coil. A device (and variants thereof)
comprises magnetization coils and cores, the number and position
of which may differ in different embodiments of the device. The
technical result is the possibility of obtaining an additional
amount of electrical energy without additionally expending
electrical energy on the working of the device.
The method of generating electricity due to the separation of the
magnetic field of a ferromagnet from the magnetization coil
consists in creating and transforming magnetic fields that are not
inductively connected to the magnetization coil (s). The formation
of these magnetic fields is achieved due to the special design and
the very topology of the magnetic field of the device, when only a
part of the magnetic flux and magnetic energy of the core (s) of
the ferromagnet are coupled with the magnetization coil. The
second stage is the conversion of all the energy of the magnetic
field and the magnetization coil and the core of a ferromagnet
during demagnetization (in the reverse direction) into
electricity. Generation and is achieved by converting all the
magnetic energy of the core into electricity. During
demagnetization, the magnetic energy of the core from a
ferromagnet that is not associated with the magnetization coil is
converted into additional electrical energy that does not involve
the cost of magnetization. The simplest version of the topology of
the device that implements this method of generation is a current,
a coil of a wire, a circuit, or a magnetization coil located just
next to the volume, the core of a ferromagnet.
The magnetization coil located, for example, opposite the end of
the core of a ferromagnet. At the same time, a significant or even
a large part of the magnetic field energy of the core of a
ferromagnet is in no way connected inductively with the
magnetization coil, but is closed around the core, bypassing the
magnetization coil. The magnetic field energy is proportional to
the square of the magnetic field induction and therefore almost
all magnetic energy is closed in the nearest zone of space around
the core. The magnetic field is closed around the entire core and
the shape of the magnetic field depends on the shape of the core
of the ferromagnet, which can be used to build devices.
In traditional conventional electrical engineering, the
magnetizing winding always covers all or almost all of the
magnetic field of the core. Dividing the magnetic field of the
core from the magnetization coil, we get the magnetic field of the
ferromagnet, which does not affect the establishment of current in
the magnetization coil. The principle of separation of the
magnetic field of the volume, the core of a ferromagnet from the
magnetization coil itself is achieved by a special device topology
and is the main feature of the invention. The method of generation
is achieved due to the fact that the distance from the
magnetization wires to the surface of the core of the ferromagnet
is large enough and sufficient to form a significant short circuit
of the magnetic flux of the ferromagnet, not covering the coils
with current and forming an inductive coupling with the
magnetization coil. In the device, the magnetization coil is not
worn on the core itself, but as if it is attached to the side, for
example, at the end face at a certain distance from it.
The magnitude of this distance depends on the diameter of the coil
and the thickness of the core and is determined by the desired
magnitude of the magnetic coupling. The simplest version of the
device and the topology of the system is just a piece, the volume
of the ferromagnet located next to the wire with current. This
forms a significant part of the magnetic field is not covering the
wire and is not associated with a wire inductive coupling. The
cores may be located around the wire, but must be separated by
gaps for the partial or strong separation of their magnetic fields
from each other. If a wire with a current forms a coil, the
circuit, then the cores can be inside the circuit (but away from
the wire itself), both outside the contour plane and nearby, as
well as generally outside the circuit, a coil with current.
In another case (variant), the magnetization coil has several (or
many times) larger diameter, cross-section than the cross-section
of the core and partially or almost completely comes to the core
along the plane. This is a kind of remote magnetization of the
volume of a ferromagnet and it allows you to get the magnetic
field of the volume of a ferromagnet already in no way connected
inductively (magnetically) to the magnetization coil. It is
important that the device can be used only one core, and the
magnetization coil itself without a core.
The work of the current source (the cost of electricity) during
magnetization is always equal to the magnetic energy in the
magnetization coil plus the loss. The work of the current source,
the electric power expended on magnetization, is always equal
(without taking into account losses) of that and only the magnetic
energy of the volume of the ferromagnet, which is magnetically
inductively connected to the magnetization coil. But all the
energy of the magnetic field of a ferromagnet will always be much
more than the part of the magnetic field energy of the ferromagnet
that is inductively connected to the coil. As a result, the full
energy of the magnetic field of a ferromagnet will be greater than
the cost of its remote (at a distance) magnetization. And the cost
of electricity for magnetization will always be equal only to the
energy of the magnetic field that is inductively connected to the
magnetization coil itself. But then the total energy of the
magnetic field of the core of a ferromagnet will always be greater
than the portion of the energy of the core field associated with
the magnetization coil. The part is always smaller than the whole.
This allows you to get the energy of the magnetic field of the
core of a ferromagnet more than the cost of electricity itself for
magnetization in the magnetization coil. The cost of electricity
for magnetization is always equal only and only to the magnetic
energy that is directly connected inductively to the magnetization
coil by magnetic flux linking and direct inductive coupling. But
with the magnetization coil inductively (due to the topology of
devices and fields) only a small part of the magnetic field energy
of the volume from the ferromagnet is connected, and the total
energy of the magnetic core will always be greater than the
magnetic field energy of the ferromagnet associated with the
magnetization coil. But in order to demagnetize (on the reverse
course), all the energy of the magnetic field of a ferromagnet
volume needs to be converted into electric energy, a special
removable secondary additional winding is needed. This removable
secondary winding is not involved (the current is blocked by
diodes or controlled by a rectifier) during magnetization and
works only during the demagnetization phase.
In the case of a reverse pulse converter, the secondary winding
operates only in the current off (or fall) phase by the transistor
or thyristor in the primary magnetizing coil.
The reverse mode allows you to get rid of the reaction of the
current in the secondary winding during magnetization, but does
not interfere with the conversion of magnetic energy of the
ferromagnet during demagnetization. It should be noted that the
energy in a ferromagnet is stored in the form of a magnetic
elastic interaction energy of the domains, and this quantity also
depends on the initial induction and the external constant
magnetic field. When the core is magnetized by permanent magnets
(or currents), it is possible to work on a cycle not of
magnetization, but already demagnetization of the core to zero or
of the remagnetization of the core in general in the opposite
direction. But the principle of the reverse stroke remains here,
this is the accumulation of magnetic elastic energy in a
ferromagnet and then the return of the magnetic induction to the
primary state. The core magnetized by permanent magnets can be
demagnetized by the magnetic field of the current and even
reversal in the opposite direction to the magnetic field of the
magnets. This allows you to significantly increase the maximum
amplitude of the magnetic induction in the core of a ferromagnet,
almost twice (maximum) than just on the magnetization cycle from
zero induction.
Also, the presence of a demagnetizing field of permanent magnets
makes it possible to reduce the time of decay of magnetic
induction to zero when the magnetization current is turned off and
to reduce the residual induction in the core. The magnets can be
located both sequentially at the ends of the core, and parallel to
The very form of the cores of a ferromagnet is also very
important. This may be a simple straight-shaped core or have end
tabs to reduce the demagnetizing factor and create a specific
shape W magnetic field around the core. For example, a core of
ferrite can be in the form of a dumbbell to form a specific
topology of the magnetic field and reduce the demagnetization of
the end parts. The shape of the dumbbell and the end protrusions
can be like that of a solid core (or whole sheets of charge) and
can also be in the form of separate end patches reprimanded the
butt. This composing core of a ferromagnet consists already of
three parts in the form of a central core and two side cores in
the form of overlays on the ends. It can also use a conventional
serial or special core made from ferrite in the form of a dumbbell
or in any similar or similar form (and in the same projection).
The laminated core is made in the form of a pack of transformer or
electrical sheets (steel for dynamo machines) of steel of straight
or special shape, or consist of several packs of steel. In this
case, the direction of the magnetic stray fields of the laminated
core along and across the direction of the charge will vary
considerably, and this must be taken into account when designing
The greatest magnetic scattering will be along the plane of the
charge sheets, and not across, sheets, which is associated with
eddy currents in the steel sheets. End plates are located across
the end and allow you to direct the magnetic fields of the
scattering of the core sideways from the end of the core and
reduce the magnetic coupling with the turns of magnetization. The
end plate essentially as a magnetic shunt turns the magnetic
fluxes of the core to the sides.
The devices operate on the principle of creation, accumulation of
magnetic energy and its transformation during demagnetization and
shutdown of the current. Demagnetizing currents as in a normal
transformer with magnetization do not occur as they are blocked by
diodes or controlled rectifier from transistors or thyristors.
This is the so-called backstop mode. The current in the secondary
winding is only in the phase of the shutdown and fall of the
current in the magnetizing coil.
The principle of reversal can be implemented in a pulse conversion
with the opening of the magnetizing current in the primary coil
circuit using a transistor, relay, brush collector or lockable
thyristor. As well as any other type of keys such as vacuum tubes,
gas discharges and other methods. The device can simply be powered
by a pulsating voltage and current from any external special power
source. Voltage and current can be variable, but with a constant
component or any other form of rise and fall of the current. With
an alternating current of any form, there are also phases of
current growth and phases of current decay, which can be used to
implement the principle of reverse stroke. Conversion converters
in the pulse converter technology can be of different schemes, for
example, booster, chopper or inverting converters, and any other
scheme. You can use any options for the scheme to implement the
method and device generation. The magnetizing coil and secondary
windings can operate independently (for different loads) or work
in parallel on a common capacitive (capacitor) voltage adder.
And they can work together and consistently for one common load.
In this case, in the demagnetizing phase and in the fall of the
magnetization current, the magnetization coil itself and the
detachable secondary winding on the core are simply connected in
series to the common load. In this case, their EMF and voltage and
magnetic energy are added together in total, transforming into
electricity in the total load. Sequential connection allows you to
use together the coils and windings with different voltages and
EMF for one load. The accumulator of the capacitors in this case
is not needed.
The principle of separation of the magnetic field and ferromagnet
is realized through a special topology of the device. Separation
of the magnetic field of a ferromagnet from a current arises
simply if the volume of the ferromagnet is near the wire with a
current or near the coil windings both inside the current loop and
from the outside. In this part of the significant energy of the
magnetic field of the core, the volume of the ferromagnet closes
without covering the current and without inductive coupling with
the magnetizing current. This part of the energy of the magnetic
field of the system that the current source does not see when
magnetized and the current source does not waste electric energy
on this magnetic field energy of the ferromagnet. But this
component of the magnetic field of a ferromagnet (not related to
magnetizing currents) can be converted in the reverse course with
the help of an additional winding into additional electric power.
In this case, the volume of a ferromagnet can simply be near the
current, either as a direct wire, for example, or in the form of a
coil. A ferromagnet can be located inside a large circuit (or
coils with current) whose diameter is several or many times larger
than the cross section of the core and its length.
A ferromagnet can be located outside the contour or turns of the
coil, but near it, for example. The magnetization coil can be flat
as in the form of a coil with a current. The length of the
magnetization coil can be much less than the length of the core
itself and the core can partially or completely go inside the
volume of the coil or in its plane. In this case, the
magnetization still extends to the entire core of the ferromagnet
due to the magnetic interaction of the domains. The magnetization
coil can be as flat as a coil, and this reduces the amount of
magnetic energy itself and the cost of magnetization. Magnetic
energy depends not only on the magnitude of the square of the
magnetic field, but also on the volume of the magnetic field
itself. And this determines the cost of electricity for
magnetization. For magnetization, the local (in space) strong
magnetic field in the region of a part of the core of a
ferromagnet is often enough. This allows significantly (at times)
to reduce the cost of electricity for magnetization and to have a
fairly strong magnetic induction in a ferromagnet.
The magnetization applies to the entire volume of the ferromagnet.
The length of the coil may be significantly less than the length
of the core (s) of the ferromagnet. The magnetization coil can be
either integral or composed of separate sections spaced apart for
more uniform magnetization of the core. The magnetization coil can
work for two or three cores (and more) at once. The optimal design
option is to use several cores, as this gives more magnetic energy
to ferromagnets. For example, one magnetization coil operates on
two cores and its plane is located between or near the ends of the
cores separated by an air gap. Such a core can be represented as
first a solid one core, but then, as it were, sawed in half and
spread apart over a certain gap between the ends. The dimensions
of the cross section or the diameter of the magnetization coil can
be several times and many times larger than the dimensions of the
cross section or the diameter of the core (s) itself.
This allows you to increase the magnetic field of the
magnetization coil for a distance along the length of the cores
and reduce the magnetic coupling of this magnetization coil with
the magnetic field of the cores themselves. The magnetization coil
at the same time as it covers the gap between the cores, which
also reduces the magnetic coupling with them. The ends of the
cores also mutually magnetize each other a little through the gap
to enhance induction. But the main role in the magnetization of
the cores of a ferromagnet is played by the magnetic field of the
magnetization current in the coil along the cores.
The device may be of three cores, of a ferromagnet also separated
by large gaps for strong separation of their magnetic fields. In
this case, the magnetization coil is also better to do several or
many times larger than the cross section, the dimensions of the
sides of the cores themselves. The magnetizing coil can cover only
one central core by volume or partially or completely go along the
planes on two lateral cores. The length of the magnetization coil
can be much less than the length of the central core with a
relatively large enlarged diameter to reduce the magnetic coupling
with the core field. To reduce the magnetic coupling and the cost
of magnetization, the central core can have several times smaller
cross-sectional area than the side cores and have a relatively
small length. The cross-sectional area (and the cross-sectional
shape itself) of the central core may be almost the same or
specifically several times smaller than the cross-sectional area
of the side cores. At the same time, the central core is used as
an auxiliary core to increase mutual magnetization through the
All this allows to reduce the cost of magnetization (and the size
of the coil) and increase the magnetic flux is not associated with
the coil. The useful energy of the magnetic field is removed from
all three cores from a ferromagnet during demagnetization. The
device of the three cores is one of the most simple and
technologically advanced device. As already described, the
magnetization coil (devices with cores outside the magnetization
coil) may have (as an option) and a small internal (central) kind
of auxiliary core of a ferromagnet, but this is not a
prerequisite. It is used to generate all three cores. The device
can be integrally composed of any number of magnetization coils
(coil sections) and any number of ferromagnetic cores of various
shapes and cross sections to reduce the cost of magnetization and
increase the magnetic energy of the fields of the ferromagnet
outside the magnetization coils.
The device can work and generally only with one core of a
ferromagnet. Any solid single core can be represented as an
integral sum of consecutive cores with small, small gaps. An
important difference from the magnetization options with a special
inductor core in the magnetization coil is that the additional
energy is removed from all the cores of the system. And the
simplest version of the device can be only on one core of a
ferromagnet and with one coil of magnetization. The core is
partially or completely inserted into the magnetization coil or
almost adjacent to its plane. The magnetization coil itself can be
a single uniform density of turns or heterogeneous, or even
consist of several separate sections separated, separated by a
certain distance. This allows you to create a more uniform
induction along the core due to its stronger local magnetization
of its end parts and an increase in the total longitudinal uniform
Sections (two) can be shifted closer to the ends of the core to
reduce the magnetic coupling with the core field. This is due to
the fact that the magnetic equator of the core will always have
the maximum magnetic flux linkage. This is better than the
location of a single magnetization coil near the middle of the
core, since it reduces the magnetic coupling and the cost of
magnetization with a stronger local magnetization of the end parts
of the core. To reduce the magnetic coupling with the core, it is
also used to increase (by a factor) the diameter or sides of the
cross section of the magnetization coil round, rectangular, etc.,
of any shape. To reduce the demagnetizing factor, one whole core
can be replaced with a bundle of separate parallel cores in the
form of rods or plates, but separated by gaps from a dielectric to
reduce mutual demagnetization. Such a core can be considered as
many separate cores or as a single type core of individual parts
in the form of a bundle or bundle. Each such core of the bundle
may have its own separate removable winding to convert the entire
magnetic field of the core.
The windings are all combined in parallel and in series for a
common load or drive. A pack can work as one single composable
core. With the same total effective area, the magnetization and
magnetic induction of such a core of cores or plates will be
greater. This is due to the fact that cores that are more
elongated in relation to width have a much lower demagnetization
coefficient. This original technical solution is practically not
used in conventional electrical engineering, but is useful for
increasing the magnetization of unclosed cores. It is also
important what form of cross section at the core, with the same
cross-sectional area, the round core will always have a
significantly greater demagnetization coefficient than the core of
a rectangular elongated or elongated round section or almost flat
in cross section. This section shape can be used to construct a
device to reduce the demagnetizing factor. In this case, the
magnetization coil should also be rectangular elongated in the
desired cross section and have a sufficient distance from the
surface of the core in order to form a magnetic leakage flux
inside the coil.
This elongated rectangular shape of the cross section must also
take into account that the magnetic leakage flux basically closes
along the more elongated side of a rectangular cross section. This
factor should be taken into account when choosing the direction of
the charge in the laminated core of steel plates. In this
direction, the parameters of the size of the magnetization coil
are made. This shape of the section allows you to make the device
more compact in packing into modules than just coils of rounded
section. The elongated rectangular or rounded shape (without sharp
corners) of the core and the magnetization coil increases the
consumption of the wire, but this section shape is more
comfortable and more efficient with the same working section area.
To reduce the demagnetizing factor, the laminated core of steel
plates may have an increased thickness of insulating gaskets from
the dielectric between the plates or sheets of steel or the core
itself has periodically spaced gaps from the dielectric that break
the core into separate parallel packs.
These are all variants of the design, where the core is located
either near the magnetization coil or even inside the
magnetization coil. This topology can be integrally combined into
a closed torus-type magnetic system or a rectangular chain (with
gaps) of many coils and cores. In this integral design, the
magnetic fields of the coils partially overlap and sum up,
reinforcing each other, and the cores mutually magnetize each
other through the gaps. The device may contain one common
magnetization coil and any large number of small, micro-cores
(with windings) or cores in the form of ferromagnetic particles
and arranged both sequentially and parallel to each other. Each
such core has its removable winding.
The degree of magnetic interaction and magnetic coupling between
them can be different, but all distances between the cores should
be chosen, so that significant stray magnetic fields closed only
around cores in the near zone of space would always form. These
all magnetic fields of dispersion and this magnetic energy are
inductively in no way connected with the magnetization coil. The
magnetizing current is supplied only to one common external
magnetization coil, but the magnetic energy is already removed
during demagnetization from the magnetization coil and from all
cores, microcores or ferromagnetic particles (in a dielectric)
located inside the magnetization coil. At the same time, all the
magnetic energy of all internal (relative to the coil) magnetic
fields of dispersion of all cores, microcores or ferromagnetic
particles is converted into additional electric power. All
windings of all cores (particles) from a ferromagnet are already
combined in groups in parallel and (or) in series for a common or
different load or for a common electric energy storage in the form
of a battery or capacitor bank.
Such a magnetic system can be either direct (open magnetically at
the ends) in the form of a solenoid-type coil (with cores) or in
the form of a more complex closed magnetic system such as a torus
or a rectangular magnetic circuit to close the common magnetic
field inside the system. This allows you to make a partial
magnetic insulation of the external environment.
But the cores can be located just near or around a straight wire
(wires) or a coil with a current tangential to the magnetic field
of the current. The magnetic field of direct or almost direct
current, coil, and others forms concentric magnetic induction
lines closed around the wire with current. This version of the
topology also allows you to use a large number of cores, a large
total magnetic flux and the total energy of the magnetic field
with a single coil, circuit, magnetization coil. Each core also
has its own removable winding, which is needed to convert all the
magnetic energy of the core, including that which is inductively
not connected to the magnetization coil.
A ferromagnet can also be in the form of a torus that covers the
current, but this torus must be divided by large gaps into
separate segments for a partial separation of their magnetic
fields. It can be said that these are simply several or many cores
located tangentially to the magnetic field of the current. Such
cores are magnetized tangentially by the current field and also
mutually slightly magnetize each other through large gaps, forming
a magnetic circuit. Such magnetic circuits from the segments seem
to cover the wire and current. But because of the large gaps, the
magnetic fields of the cores are closed mainly right around them
in the near zone, and does not form a magnetic circuit. At the
same time, the magnetic fields of the segments that are no longer
inductively coupled to the current or turns of the coil arise.
This kind of almost closed magnetic circuit is obtained, but it
can be in the form of a torus or a rectangular shape of segments
with gaps and consist of any number of ferromagnetic segments.
Each such separate torus segment from a ferromagnet must have its
own detachable secondary winding (section) to convert the entire
magnetic field of the ferromagnet segment.
The magnitude of the gaps between the segments of the magnetic
circuit is chosen such that a significant separation of the
magnetic fields of the segments (and their energy) is obtained
than the formation of the total magnetic flux. This allows you to
receive significant magnetic energy of the segments and convert it
into additional electricity. On one straight wire with a current
or on the turns of a coil, such magnetic circuits in the form of a
torus or rectangular shape and of any shape can be much strung
together. The cores, and more specifically the volumes from the
ferromagnet, can be simply located near the current, the loop or
with the coil, both outside the current loop and outside the plane
of the loop or outside the volume of the magnetization coil. The
core is located either outside the plane of the current loop, but
next to it, or displaced in any direction relative to the axis of
the loop. The core (s) can be located and generally only outside
the magnetization coil at its ends or even stand sideways, as it
were, but the magnetization is not very efficient. If the coil has
a diameter or cross-sectional size (the cross-sectional shape can
be any) several times larger than the cross-section of a short
relative to the core, then the core can be located anywhere inside
the coil and centrally or closer to the periphery.
The magnetic fields of the core are partially closed right inside
the circuit and without inductive coupling with it. The
magnetization of a ferromagnet is the most effective, but the
device must have a coil of magnetization of a large diameter
section. The main thing is that a significant part of the magnetic
field energy of the core (s) is closed inside the coil, but
without inductive coupling with the coils of this coil themselves.
Physically, this is also the same as the closure of a magnetic
field outside the plane of the magnetization coil. But at the same
time maximum magnetization is achieved due to the location of the
ferromagnetic core in the magnetization circuit. A decrease in the
magnetic coupling of the coil with the core field occurs due to an
increase in the diameter of the coil or simply due to the
displacement of the core itself slightly relative to the plane of
the magnetization coil. The distance from the core to the wires of
the magnetization coil and the very direction of the magnetic
induction lines of the coil and the magnetic flux of the core are
also important here.
It is important to clearly understand that it is not the formal
presence of the flux linkage that is important, but the real
effective magnetization and efficient magnetic flux linkage. The
presence of some, for example, a separate coil (or several)
magnetization coils on the core itself (with full flux linkage)
does not mean that the costs of magnetization are associated with
the entire core field of a ferromagnet. When trying to bypass my
patent for an invention, the fact that the arrangement of several
turns (for example, with hundreds of other turns of the coil) of
the magnetization coil formally violates the formula that there is
a magnetic field not inductively connected to the magnetization
coil. The situation is also complicated by the presence of some
kind of counter-included turns and sections, and the contribution
to the magnetization and the cost of electricity for the
magnetization already from each turn need to be taken into
account. In this case, separate spaced turns of the magnetization
coil can in principle be coupled with the entire magnetic field of
the core, but this is not associated with effective magnetization.
It is not the formal flux linkage of individual turns and core
fields that is important, but the effective magnetization itself
and the effective magnetic flux linking of fields and turns. The
magnetic flux linkage of individual turns of the magnetization
coil with the core field of a ferromagnet may be, but this may not
have anything to do with the actual effective magnetization of
this core or the contribution to the magnetization effect is
simply small and insignificant. Any partial flux linking of some
part of the turns of the magnetization coil and the magnetic field
of the cores from a ferromagnet is possible, but it is always
necessary to take into account only the effective (and not formal)
magnetization and flux linkage of the fields, as well as the
associated costs of electricity for the magnetization itself.
The ferromagnet itself is formed by the quantum currents of the
magnetic moments of the electrons (spins) and has no inductive
impedance resistance. In this case, the ferromagnet is an
independent carrier of the magnetic field energy. For the
magnetization of a ferromagnet and the formation of its magnetic
energy, it is not the current and voltage that are needed as in a
coil of wire, for example, but only an external initiating
magnetic field of an external current in the wires. For
generation, it is only necessary to partially inductively separate
the ferromagnetic own magnetic field from the magnetization coil
itself. This is a kind of remote magnetization at a certain
distance from the wires of the magnetization coil. This method and
method of generation allows to obtain additional energy of the
magnetic field of the ferromagnet volume without the cost of
electricity of the current source. And when demagnetizing (on the
reverse), this additional and all the energy of the magnetic field
of the ferromagnetic volume can be easily converted into electric
energy using a special removable secondary winding, which is
located on the core itself and covers the entire magnetic field of
the core.
The essence of the method of generation lies in the magnetization
of a ferromagnet, the formation of magnetic field energy outside
the magnetization coil and then the conversion of the entire
magnetic field energy of the ferromagnet (during demagnetization)
through a special additional removable secondary winding on the
core itself. The secondary winding works only on the reverse
course during the demagnetization phase. Reverse mode allows you
to effectively receive and convert the magnetic energy of the core
without the effect of demagnetization as in conventional
transformers. The devices (and the method itself) work in the
phase of accumulation of magnetic energy of the ferromagnet and in
the phase of its conversion. In the demagnetization phase, the
magnetization winding and the secondary coil can be connected
together in series or in parallel for one common load or to work
for different loads or for one through a common voltage adder from
The device of the simplest type for implementing this method is a
magnetization coil simply located near the end of a simple
straight core of a ferromagnet in the form of a rod or bar. The
magnetization coil may have a cross section that is smaller,
equal, close, or larger than the cross section of the core itself
(or one of its sections). The magnetization coil can be several
and many times larger in diameter and cross-section than the core
section itself and partly along the plane go to the end portion of
the core or be at a distance from the plane of the core end face.
Larger coils of magnetization produce a stronger magnetic field at
the same distance from the section plane than coils of smaller
diameter or cross section. For stronger magnetization, two coils
can be placed on both sides of the core opposite each end for
magnetization on both sides at once. Another simplest version of
the device is a closed core with a large air gap, in which the
magnetization coil is located.
In this device, one magnetization coil in the gap already
magnetizes two ends of a closed core in the form of a rectangular
or rounded magnetic circuit. The gap is specially made large and
the magnetic field of the core is closed mainly not through the
gap, but through the air around the entire core, as in a straight
core in the form of a rod. One magnetizing coil magnetizes two
ends of one almost closed core at once. It can be a rectangular
magnetic circuit or in the form of a torus, simple or branched.
The magnetic circuit can be solid or consist of individual
segments of a ferromagnet. Segments of the magnetic circuit can be
further separated by small air gaps for partial separation of the
magnetic fields of these segments. This allows you to increase the
total magnetic flux of all cores with the same cross-sectional
area of the segments. A magnetic circuit may have two or more
magnetization coils between segments for a larger total magnetic
flux in the device. But the simplest version of the device is one
core (straight or almost closed) and one magnetization coil.
In a device with a straight core, it is better to make two
magnetization coils for magnetizing the core from two ends at
once. These two coils can be represented simply and as two
spatially separated sections of a single magnetization coil. In
the case of a closed or, more precisely, an almost closed core
with a gap, one magnetization coil, which acts on two ends of the
core, is sufficient. This is a kind of closed (semi-closed)
version of the design of the device and the magnetic system and
its analogue is a straight rod with a magnetization coil at the
end of the core. These are the simplest versions of devices, with
only one core. In these devices, the magnetic field of the core of
a ferromagnet is closed as if to the side, away from the
magnetization coil itself. But the magnetization coil of
especially large diameter, which is several or many times larger
than the cross section of the core, may even partially (on its
plane) land on the end portion of the core (s) for stronger
The core can be located completely inside the magnetization coil
whose diameter is several or many times larger than the cross
section of the core and approximately (plus or minus) is
comparable to the length of the core of the ferromagnet.
The core of a ferromagnet of a certain length can be located
directly inside the magnetization coil, the diameter of which is
several times, many times larger than the cross section of the
core. At the same time, the distance from the wires of the
magnetization coil to the surface of the core is sufficient for
complete closure of a large part of the magnetic field energy of
the ferromagnet inside the magnetization coil without flux linkage
and without inductive coupling with the magnetization coil. In
principle, the magnetic field of the core can be closed either to
the side (side) of the magnetization coil or directly inside the
magnetization coil. For this, the core itself should not be long,
and the magnetization coil should be comparable in diameter to
approximately the length of this ferromagnetic core. The magnitude
of the magnetic coupling of the coil-core can be widely varied
technically in the desired limit due to the different size of the
cross section, the diameter of the magnetization coil, as well as
the length and thickness of the cross section of the core of the
ferromagnet. The diameter of the magnetization coil or its cross
section (rectangular, for example) must be several or many times
larger than the cross section of the core itself.
And the length of the core should not significantly exceed the
diameter or cross section of the magnetization coil. It is better
to use shorter cores. The core can be located either in the center
(preferably) or arbitrarily in a large-diameter magnetization
coil. The distance from the wires of the magnetization coil to the
surface of the core must be sufficient for there to be a space for
closing a significant part of the magnetic field energy of the
core inside the magnetization coil and without inductive coupling
to the coil.
The magnetic field and the magnetic energy of the cores is closed
in a large area inside the magnetization coil itself. To convert
all the magnetic energy of the core into electrical energy, there
is a special removable secondary winding on it that only works on
the reverse course during demagnetization. This secondary winding
can be connected in parallel or in series to a common load
together with a magnetizing coil or work on a separate load. Many
such large-diameter coils with cores (arranged in series and
mutually magnetizing each other through gaps) can form a common
total, integral system. The magnetic chain can be in the form of a
straight or closed magnetic circuit, including a branched magnetic
circuit. In this case, the individual magnetization coils can be
represented as separate sections of a common magnetization coil. A
device of this type is a magnetization coil (integral or in the
form of separate sections) and a type-setting core in the form of
successive cores through the gaps.
The size of the gaps can be different for different devices, from
small gaps to cases where the cores interact weakly through large
gaps. Such a total core can be represented as a kind of common
dial core, but also as a set of generally separate cores arranged
in series through the gaps.
To reduce the demagnetizing factor, the core itself can be made
from a ferromagnet not solid, but stacked in the form of a bundle
of parallel rods of circular or rectangular cross-section or flat
plates separated by non-magnetic spacers from a dielectric. Such
narrower rods or plates are easier to magnetize and have a lower
demagnetization factor. This gives a stronger induction of
In laminated cores made from transformer or electrical steel
plates, it is possible to significantly increase the insulation
between the plates by means of gaskets made of plastic, cardboard,
etc. The thickness of the dielectric plates can be comparable with
and even exceed the thickness of the plates or steel sheets
This dramatically reduces the demagnetizing factor and increases
the induction of the magnetic field at the same length and
thickness of the entire dial core of a ferromagnet. In principle,
a device may simply have not a monolithic core (solid), but a
series of individual cores arranged in parallel and separated by
gaps from a dielectric to reduce mutual demagnetization. Such a
core can be represented as a kind of a typesetting core in the
form of a bundle of rods or plates, but also as a set of simply
parallelly arranged separate cores in the form of rods or plates.
In addition, each core in a bundle may have its own removable
secondary winding.
The core can also be composed in the form of successive segments
separated by air gaps (from a dielectric) for the effect of
partial separation of their magnetic fields. Around each core is
also formed its own magnetic field due to gaps. The total magnetic
flux of such a typesetting core of the segments may be
significantly larger than that of a solid core of such a
cross-sectional area. These are devices with a large number of
cores. The magnetization coil may be surrounded by the cores of a
ferromagnet on all sides, or it may be inserted into a window as a
whole or a type-setting, simple or branched magnetic circuit. This
may be a rectangular magnetic circuit, in the window of which a
magnetizing coil (without a core) is simply inserted. Two opposite
magnetic fluxes are formed in the core, and more in the branched
magnetic circuit. A flat-shaped magnetization coil (short and
wide) can be completely filled both outside and inside with
ferromagnetic cores, but so there would be a place for
short-circuiting the magnetic fields of the cores that do not
cover (or partially cover) the magnetization coil wires.
Any device of any complex shape can be easily technically
represented as an integral sum of individual cores and one or more
magnetization coils. Any topology of the magnetic circuit can be
assembled from individual magnetization coils from cores of
different shapes, whole or team in the form of segments. The cores
can be joined as segments with large gaps for the separation of
magnetic fields or with minimal gaps to obtain just the desired
shape of the core. The shape of the section of the magnetization
coil can be of various shapes, steep, rectangular or rounded. The
magnetization coil can be flat, short, cylindrical or in the form
of separate spaced sections. To improve the efficiency of
magnetization, you can use two magnetization coils located on both
sides of the ends of one core. In this case, the core of a
ferromagnet is magnetized at once from both sides and the magnetic
fields of the coils are added, which increases the efficiency and
uniformity of magnetization.
One magnetization coil may be located between two cores of a
ferromagnet, located in the region of the gap between the cores.
In this case, one coil magnetizes two cores at once. The
magnetization coil can partially go along the plane on the ends of
the cores, provided that the diameter, section of the coil is many
times larger than the section of the core itself. But the simplest
version of the device is a device with only one core of a
ferromagnet. But variants of devices are possible with any large
number of cores. Any device with a large number of cores and
sections of the magnetization coil can be simply represented as a
total integrated design of individual elements with one core. A
large-diameter magnetization coil can partially go (along the
plane of the ends of the coil) to the ends or to some parts of the
cores themselves. Various smooth variations of the magnetic
coupling are possible, and any ratios of the coil length and the
length of the core (s) of a ferromagnet are possible.
This applies to different devices and with any number of cores.
The magnetic coupling of individual cores and the magnetization
coil in general can be different in one device with a large number
of cores. The magnetic effect of the coil field on the cores along
the axis (from the plane) of the coil increases with increasing
its diameter and this can be used in devices for more effective
remote magnetization at a distance. This allows a better
magnetization of the cores with less magnetic feedback with the
magnetization coil.
The device may consist, for example, of a magnetization coil of
relatively large diameter or cross section (and rectangular, for
example) and three cores. In this case, the magnetization coil
(large diameter) can cover only the central core along the plane
of the end parts, or partially enter the side cores or only the
gaps or partially and the two side two cores themselves. There may
be various smooth variations of the topology of the mutual
arrangement and magnetic coupling, but they are not of fundamental
importance. The magnetization coil can be as long as it is smaller
than the central core, or to be approximately equal to it (taking
into account gaps) or to be greater than the length of the central
core. The magnetization coil can go edges (along the ends of the
planes) on the side cores to varying degrees in different
variations of the mutual inductive magnetic coupling. Due to this,
the magnetic coupling with the core is regulated. The shape of the
cores can be usual in the form of rods of rectangular or rounded
cross-section or in the form of plates of a ferromagnet (ferrite,
But special-shaped cores can be used. For example, cores in the
form of a skeleton form (or shaped like a bobbin for threads) have
a rectangular or rounded cross section, such as those used for
inductance chokes made from ferrite. This special form of ferrite
is also called a dumbbell. The shape of the ferrite dumbbell is
similar in shape to Babin for cable or wires. The shape of the
cross section of the parts may be round or rectangular. To
increase the magnetization of the core may have separate toothed
side projections on the ends. The magnetic field of the end parts
is always very concentrated on these protrusions, ledges and teeth
of the ends. The presence of lateral projections (at the end) of
the core of a ferromagnet significantly changes the topology of
the magnetic field, since the magnetic fluxes are concentrated on
different projections. The side projections of a ferromagnet seem
to concentrate and direct the magnetic fluxes laterally from the
ends of the core, which reduces the length of the induction power
lines and improves the closure of the magnetic energy in the near
zone of the core.
The side projections can be made at a solid core or made in the
form of separate transverse lining on the end parts. The
special-shaped cores with lateral protrusions in particular make
it possible to sharply reduce the total magnetic coupling with the
magnetization coil at the same distances, gaps and sizes. In
profile, such a core is H-shaped. Lateral protrusions also
significantly reduce the demagnetizing factor for a ferromagnetic
core with the same longitudinal length of the core. The device can
be in the form of a ferrite core in the form of a framework for
threads and a magnetization coil, the diameter of which is several
times larger than the cross section of the core and comparable to
the length of the core itself. The magnetic energy of the core is
largely, mostly, enclosed within such a magnetization coil, and no
electric power is generated from its formation. And on the very
core there is a special removable secondary winding for converting
all the energy of the magnetic field of the core from a
This is one of the two basic principles of magnetic field
separation topology. The magnetic field can be closed outside the
coil plane (side) or partially or completely right in the coil
plane itself due to the size of the magnetization coil itself,
which is several times or many times larger than the cross section
of the core itself. It is important to take into account the
length of the core of the ferromagnet. A shorter core closes the
magnetic field in the near zone of space better than a longer
core. The typesetting core of successively located many short
cores (through large gaps) allows one to significantly reduce the
cross section width and the diameter of the magnetization coil. In
this type of core with gaps around each short core, its own stray
magnetic field is formed, which is closed in the near zone of
space. This typesetting core can significantly reduce the size of
the diameter, section of the magnetization coil. The device
represents a magnetization coil and a core (solid or inlaid)
inside it with a secondary winding.
The diameter or cross section of the magnetization coil is several
or many times larger than the cross section of the core itself.
This is necessary for the closure of the energy of the magnetic
field of the core inside the magnetization coil. When the load is
demagnetized, the magnetization coil and the secondary winding are
connected. Each core of the core should have its own secondary
winding section, which covers the entire stray magnetic field of
each core.
The magnetization coil can be simply inserted into the air gap of
a closed (almost closed) magnetic circuit, and then one
magnetization coil is already working immediately on the two ends
of the core. A magnetic circuit with a gap can be rectangular or
in the form of a torus, and also be simple or branched, including
the bulk of three, four or more branches. A simple magnetic
circuit should have a gap for the location of the magnetization
coil, the cross section of which is comparable to that of the ends
of the magnetic circuit. Biasing the two ends at once magnetizes
the entire core in the form of a torus or in the form of a
rectangular magnetic circuit. In fact, it is almost a closed core
and one magnetization coil, which works directly on the two ends
of this core. The magnetic circuit of the device can be simple or
branched of three (from the central and two side branches), four
or five branches. Most of the magnetic field of such a core in the
form of a magnetic circuit with a gap is not connected inductively
with the magnetization coil.
The magnetic circuit can be in the form of many segments with
large gaps to separate the magnetic fields of the cores, and
instead of the magnetization coil just a straight wire (or coil
turns) in the window of the magnetic circuit in the form of such a
diagonal core (as in current transformers). The magnetic circuit
can be rectangular or in the form of a torus or rounded. A
magnetizing coil in such a device can be made in the form of a
straight wire (or coils of a large coil) in the center of the
window of such a magnetic circuit or in the form of separate
sections located along different sectors. A significant part of
the magnetic field energy of the segments of this magnetic circuit
due to the large gaps is closed only around each segment and is
not connected with the wires and turns of the coil (coil sections)
of magnetization. The magnetic stray fields of individual segments
are closed both in the outer regions of space around the magnetic
circuit, and in the window of this composing magnetic circuit, if
the window of the magnetic circuit is sufficiently large. The
window of the magnetic circuit can be specifically increased to
increase the scattering of the magnetic field and the number of
To increase the generation efficiency, it is also advantageous to
use branched magnetic circuits (with three, four, five branches)
from the segments, since with one and the same magnetization coil
it is possible to magnetize several times more magnetic branches
and segments from a ferromagnet.
Each such segment of the magnetic circuit must have its own
section of a secondary removable coil to convert all the energy of
the magnetic field of the magnetization coil. The magnetizing
current is fed to the direct wire in the magnetic circuit window
or in the section of the magnetization coil, and when
demagnetized, the magnetic energy of the stray fields of all the
segments of the cores is converted into additional electrical
energy through the secondary windings. This is a relatively closed
type of magnetic circuit and magnetic system. But unlike all
conventional magnetic circuits in classical electrical
engineering, here specially created magnetic fields of scattering
around each core (segment), which are not connected inductively
with turns of magnetization and do not form a common magnetic
field. This is a kind of magnetic field multiplication effect due
to gaps and its special separation from the magnetizing current.
The cores in such a partially closed magnetic system mutually
magnetize each other a little through the gaps, but the magnitude
of this interaction may be different depending on the size of
these gaps.
The magnetic field of the magnetizing current, the magnetic field
strength of the current in the coil and as a local field and a
magnetic field along the contour (the law of total current) also
have a great effect on the magnetization of the segments. In
devices of this type, many cores can be used at once, and mutual
magnetization through gaps significantly reduces the demagnetizing
factor for cores from a ferromagnet. But fundamentally in the
physics of the process and in the principle of generation, there
are no differences from the simplest device with a single core.
Devices can operate in the mode of a pulse flyback converter when
the current in the primary circuit is interrupted by a transistor
locked by a thyristor or another key such as a brush collector or
a lamp. It is possible to work simply from an external special
source of pulsating current and voltage. It will be a kind of
DC-DC booster converter with a much more than 100% efficiency
converter. Such devices can be used to boost charge recharging of
batteries or capacitor banks in uninterrupted or autonomous power
systems. The magnetizing coil and the secondary winding are turned
on when charging in the mode and according to the booster
converter circuit and work to charge the batteries or the
capacitor. With the accumulation of magnetic field energy from a
DC source, only the magnetization coil operates, and when
demagnetized in series with the magnetization coil (and DC
source), the secondary winding is turned on and energy goes to the
second DC drive.
The transformation of the entire energy of the magnetic field of a
ferromagnet by the secondary winding induces additional electric
power, which also enters the second constant-voltage drive. In
this case, one battery or capacitor (ionistor or other) is
discharged, and the other is charged, but the second one is
charged for more energy than the first one is discharged. The
total energy of the two batteries increases, which allows you to
create uninterrupted DC power sources and without any external
recharging. In such devices, a DC-DC converter with an efficiency
greater than 100% can recharge batteries or capacitors without an
external voltage source. This allows you to create fully
autonomous DC power sources for powering any electronics, home
appliances, communication and navigation equipment, toys, etc.
electronics and technology.
Energy conversion by the booster of the pulse converter allows you
to dramatically increase the power factor when working on charging
a capacitor battery or battery to overcome the voltage already
created on the battery or capacitor. In this case, the primary
voltage source, the magnetization coil and the secondary winding
(when the key is opened) are switched on in series to charge the
secondary capacitor or battery. This allows you to recharge the
second DC source (batteries, capacitors) with more energy than the
first one is discharged. In sum, such a system of DC voltage
accumulators is never discharged and can even increase the
accumulated charge. Independent or parallel operation of coils and
windings for different loads or accumulators is possible according
to different switching schemes.
The magnetizing coil and the secondary winding can work both
sequentially for a common load according to a voltage boosting
(booster) converter circuit and in parallel for different loads or
for a common special capacitive voltage adder from capacitors. In
a capacitive capacitor voltage adder, the individual capacitors
are charged independently and in parallel, and then switched on
and discharged together in series to the common load. The
additional energy is generated by the secondary winding due to the
conversion of the entire magnetic field of the core of their
ferromagnet into additional electric power.
It is also possible to work directly from the AC or pulsed AC
(rectangular from the inverter) or sinusoidal voltage, including
the power frequency. During the current rise phase (and
magnetization), only the magnetization coil operates, and during
the current falloff phase and demagnetization, the secondary
winding also operates, which is connected in series with the
primary winding for a common load. Thus, switching the windings
into the desired phases, you can immediately get a direct
amplification of AC power of any, including power frequency. Such
AC amplifiers can be used to self-excite an oscillating LC circuit
and cut off current consumption from the network or simply
directly amplify the power of a common network or the power of an
alternator for autonomous power. The transformation of energy
through the secondary winding provides additional energy to the
circuit during the fall, decrease of the current and allows to
obtain continuous oscillations of alternating current even under
During the current growth phase, only the magnetization coil is
connected to the circuit, and during the current decay phase, the
current drops in series with it and the secondary winding is
turned on to generate additional reactive electricity of
alternating current. This allows amplifying both pulsating current
and alternating current of any form of voltage, including power
frequency, sinusoidal alternating current, both single-phase
current and three-phase current (three devices per each phase). An
alternating current amplifier device can work directly directly on
an alternating current and on a pulsating current of only one
polarity, but even then two devices will be needed (pull-pull) for
each phase of the alternating current. For a three-phase circuit
will need to have six devices. A device for amplifying an
alternating current can also operate with a pulsating voltage and
current and be switched on according to an excitation circuit of
an alternating current circuit like a three-point oscillator.
The concept of demagnetization and magnetization is conditional,
since the energy in a ferromagnet is stored in the form of
magnetic elastic energy of the domains of a ferromagnet. When the
core is magnetized by permanent magnets, it is possible to work
both on the magnetization cycle and on the magnetic reversal of
magnetic induction in the opposite direction. Reversal of the core
in the opposite direction doubles the almost full amplitude of the
magnetic induction, which increases the useful EMF and power of
the device. The magnetization of the core by permanent magnets
sharply increases the magnetic total interaction of the domains of
the ferromagnet with the field of magnetization of the current in
both weak and strong magnetic fields. The use of magnetization
reversal of the core magnetized by permanent magnets also allows
you to dramatically increase the amplitude of the magnetic
induction when working to increase the EMF and the total power of
the device. A core with permanent magnets by the external magnetic
field of the current can be magnetized, demagnetized to zero, or
in general reversal can be reversed to increase the amplitude of
the voltage.
It is also important to understand that there is an important
effective magnetization and formally even the presence of several
(and even more) turns of the magnetization coil on the core of a
ferromagnet (in order to circumvent a patent, for example) do not
change the essence of the magnetic process and the work of
magnetization. It is only important that the overall work on the
magnetization is determined by the balance of the ampere turns of
the magnetization coil and the topology of the device.
Devices begin with the simplest options on one core, when the
magnetization coil is adjacent to one end of the core or the coil
of a larger diameter (section) partially comes to an end on the
coil plane. The simplest option is one magnetizing coil, just
adjacent to the end of one straight core (simple or special
shape). The second option is already two coils from two sides,
from two ends of the core and which work in a pair for mutual
amplification, and the core is magnetized from both sides at once.
This option can be viewed simply as two different two sections of
one common magnetization spaced apart, but which work together on
one core. The magnetization coils can either abut the ends of the
core or partially enter them along the plane, but the coil must be
significantly or several times larger than the cross section of
the core itself. The core should not tightly adjoin the wires of
the coil of magnetization of a large diameter, which is desirable,
but not necessary.
And it is better when the core is closer to the axis (and parallel
to it) of the magnetization coil. To reduce the magnetic coupling
of the coil and the core, use either a different distance from the
coil to the core or an increase in the diameter itself; the
section of the magnetization coil is several times larger than the
section of the core. The distance from the wires of the coil to
the core is chosen so that a significant magnetic field of the
core would be formed not connected with the magnetization coil.
Any smooth transitions of mutual arrangement and magnetic coupling
between the coil and the core (s) of a ferromagnet are possible.
The number of separate parallel or successive cores (through the
gaps) in the coil can be any, two, three, four or more. The degree
of magnetic coupling of the coil (or its individual sections) with
individual cores of the chain can be different and smoothly vary
within different limits. The magnetization coil may be shorter
than the core itself (whole or from segments), be approximately
equal to the length or have a length greater than the length of
the core.
The magnetizing coil can completely or only partially cover
individual cores or part of a chain of cores separated by gaps.
The magnetization coil can go along the ends of the planes (and in
length) and cover only one or a part of consecutive cores
separated by gaps.
The device can be in the form of a single magnetization coil,
which is located between the cores in the region of the gap
between them and works simultaneously on two cores. The coil
relative to the diameter (several times larger in cross section
than the cores themselves) may partially cover the ends of the
cores along the plane. The coil does not abut tightly to the cores
(preferably), and the core is located closer to the middle of the
magnetization coil. The location of the coil in the region of the
gaps sharply reduces the magnetic coupling with the cores and this
applies to devices of any number of elements. For example, the
magnetization coil is located between the ends (or covering the
air gap) with two simple straight cores or cores of a special
T-shaped or E-shaped form (to reduce the demagnetizing factor).
The cores can be any special for more efficient magnetization and
reduction of the demagnetizing factor. There can be two
magnetization coils between two U-shaped cores or in the gap area,
and between two E-shaped cores and three magnetizing coils.
E-shaped cores that can be part
of a branched magnetic circuit.
The core itself can be either solid or composed of several
segments separated by gaps. To increase the magnetic scattering,
the core itself may have a non-uniform cross section and, for
example, have a broadening of the cross-sectional area in the
central part of the core. The cross-sectional area of the end
parts adjacent to the magnetization coils may be several times
smaller than the cross-sectional area of the central part of the
core. In this case, the magnetic effect on the coils is reduced,
and the magnetic energy of the core increases. This broadening of
the cross-sectional area of the core in the central part can be
both smooth and with rectangular ledges that perform the function
of additional scattering. This special shape of the core (to
increase magnetic scattering) is a unique part of the invention
and is applicable to almost all other device variants, especially
to increase the efficiency of work. In conventional electrical
engineering, such core forms are not needed and are not applied in
principle. Cores of a special form are a special part of the
invention, as this applies to almost all variants of devices.
Also to special forms of cores can be attributed to the cores of
the segments, separated by gaps for the partial separation of the
magnetic fields of the core. Cores with lateral protrusions (and
lining creating protrusions) also belong to the cores of a special
shape and are applicable to different versions of devices. The
cores can be from ferrite or laminated from sheets of transformer,
electrical steel or from any other ferromagnet. Another option is
one magnetizing coil (from one or several sections) which is
inserted into a large gap of the magnetic circuit and works
directly to magnetize the two ends of the ferromagnetic core. The
size of the cross section or the diameter of the coil can be
approximately equal, smaller or several times larger than the
cross section of the very end of the core. The magnetization coil
either adjoins the ends of the core at a certain distance or
partially covers both end parts (along the plane) of the core,
provided that the magnetization coil is several times wider than
the core itself.
One magnetization coil works directly to magnetize two ends of one
core of a ferromagnet. This type of magnetic system can also
consist of any number of cores and magnetization coils between
them or in the region of gaps between the cores. The magnetic
system can be open or closed along the contour with an annular or
rectangular magnetic circuit.
The core itself may have a non-uniform cross section and have a
wider cross-sectional area in the magnetic equator region, and the
ends should have a smaller cross-sectional area. This reduces the
magnetic interaction with the coils, but significantly increases
the effective effective cross-sectional area of the core and the
magnetic scattering itself. The core may also have a wider central
part, and the cross-sectional area of the end parts is several
times smaller than the central part. The core can be either solid
or composed of separate segments separated by gaps (for partial
separation of magnetic fields) to obtain a large magnetic flux.
The secondary detachable winding is located closer to the magnetic
equator of the core, to the line between the magnetic poles and
around which the magnetic flux of the core closes. For the core of
the segments you need to have removable windings (or sections of
the common winding) already on each segment separately for
conversion and all the intrinsic magnetic fields of each core.
This applies in general to all dial cores from individual segments
(with gaps) in all variants of devices.
Another type of magnetic system is when the cores are located
directly inside the magnetization coil itself with respect to the
large diameter of the magnetization coil, and the separation of
the magnetic field occurs due to the closure of a large part of
the magnetic field energy right inside the magnetization coil.
This is achieved due to the fact that the diameter or cross
section of the coil (rectangular section for example) is several
or many times larger than the cross section of the core, and the
length and width of the core has a certain ratio to the width of
the section of the magnetization coil itself. The simplest version
of the device is a device with one simple straight core made of
ferrite, steel or any other ferromagnet. The core can be rounded
or rectangular or of special shape with lateral protrusions on the
end parts. The core can be solid or inlaid (with or without gaps)
and in general any special form to increase the efficiency of
magnetic scattering and magnetization. The core can also be in the
form of parallel arranged packs of separate narrower cores
separated by nonmagnetic gaps from a dielectric or air.
The core can also be dialed in the form of sequentially disposed
cores separated by gaps for partial separation of the magnetic
fields of the cores. Each such core must have its own removable
winding or a separate section of the common secondary winding to
convert all the magnetic energy of each core.
The core is made up in the form of a bundle of parallel cores can
have its own separate removable windings on each rod. Different
devices can be combined into a partially closed common magnetic
circuit (with gaps) for small mutual magnetization and
collaboration. The device can be, for example, in the form of a
magnetic closed circuit in the form of a torus or in the form of a
rectangular magnetic circuit (with gaps) from a variety of
individual segments. The magnetization coil can be in the form of
a generally direct wire (or coil wires) in the window of this
magnetic circuit or in the form of separate coil sections spaced
apart by sectors of this magnetic circuit. Most of the intrinsic
magnetic fields of the segments (due to large gaps) from the
ferromagnet of this magnetic circuit are in no way connected
inductively to the coil (or wires) of the magnetization. This
intrinsic magnetic energy of the cores is not included in the cost
of magnetization, but it can be converted into electricity using
secondary detachable windings on each segment.
It is such a kind of flyback converter, but with a more complex
magnetic field topology.
Inside the magnetization coil there can be several such composing
stacks of cores. A separate type of device is a magnetization
coil, inside which there are many small or micro cores or
particles of a ferromagnet separated by a dielectric. The core can
be in the form of a kind of magnetic dielectric, in which small
cores or microcores or generally microparticles from a ferromagnet
are located (or embedded in a dielectric) inside one common
magnetization coil. The degree of mutual magnetic action of such
microcores can be any, as well as the gaps between them. But the
gaps (dielectric) between the cores and the particles of a
ferromagnet should be large enough to ensure the possibility of
closing all the internal stray fields. Around each core or
particle of a ferromagnet forms its own magnetic field in the
nearest space zone. This internal magnetic field of cores and
particles from a ferromagnet is in no way inductively connected to
a common magnetization coil.
And the formation of this internal magnetic energy of the
microcores does not waste energy in the external magnetization
coil. But it can be transformed into additional useful electric
power in the demagnetization phase through secondary windings. The
magnetizing current is supplied only to the external large coil,
and the magnetic energy is removed already from it and from each
individual core or ferromagnetic particle. To do this, each
particle or micro core of a ferromagnet must have its own
secondary removable winding (or secondary winding section) that
covers the entire magnetic field of each core. When demagnetized
into magnetic energy, the entire magnetic energy of all the cores
or particles is converted from a ferromagnet. This internal
magnetic energy of all the cores can many times, many dozens and
even hundreds of times greater than the energy that was spent on
magnetization in the common large coil of magnetization. The
device should work on the return stroke and generate additional
The device can be of different shapes of magnetization coils and
different shapes of micro cores or particles of a ferromagnet.
Cores and chains can be shunted by magnetic shunts through the
gaps for more effective mutual amplification of the magnetization
and field closures. The cores can be either special U-shaped or
U-shaped around the magnetization coil, both inside and outside
the coil at any angles to the plane of the coil and in any
quantity. Such cores are shaped like cores with lateral
projections. The special shape improves the magnetic field closure
and increases the effective length and magnetization of the cores,
since the longer core is magnetized better. Any forms of cores and
variants of the location of the cores relative to the
magnetization coil or the direct portion of the wire (s) with
current are possible.
Devices of different topology of the magnetic field and the shape
of the cores (and their number) are united by the fact that when
magnetized in space, the magnetic energy of the field of the
ferromagnet is not connected inductively with the magnetization
coil. But the magnetization coil spends and only as much energy on
the magnetization as it is inductively connected with the
magnetization coil itself. And this means that the energy of the
magnetic field of a ferromagnet not connected with the
magnetization coil is already formed for nothing, without any
additional costs of electricity. But it can easily be technically
transformed into additional electricity (beyond costs) when
demagnetized with the help of a special additional secondary
removable winding on the core itself. The secondary winding covers
and converts the entire energy of the magnetic field of the core
into additional electrical energy in excess of the cost of
magnetization. The device can have only one core, but also have
several cores, tens, hundreds and more for micro cores and
microparticles from a ferromagnet.
But the very principle of generation is the same in the physics of
the process and in the technique of converting the energy of the
magnetic field. The devices differ only in the form, topology of
the entire common magnetic system and magnetic fields, as well as
the number of elements themselves, the magnetization coils and the
cores themselves from a ferromagnet. The shape of the cores and
the material of the ferromagnet may be different or be the same in
different devices. The cores may be of special shape for magnetic
scattering and magnetization or of ordinary geometric shapes. In
these devices there is no special magnetizing core with dense
winding, and additional energy can be removed from all cores of
the magnetic system.
A magnetic system of any shape and degree of complexity can be
represented as an integral sum of individual elements from coils
and cores. The total amount of individual coils can be represented
simply as separate sections of a common magnetization coil, and
the cores as a kind of common composing core of individual
segments. At the same time, individual elements and coils and
cores mutually additionally magnetize each other to varying
degrees, and the magnitude of this interaction depends on the gaps
between the cores. A decrease in the magnetic coupling of the
coils and cores is achieved either by a certain distance from the
ends of the core or by increasing the dimensions of the cross
section of the magnetization coils themselves relative to the
width of the cross section and the length of the core. This gives
the greatest magnetization efficiency, but requires an increased
coil size. This also increases the air (vacuum) component of the
magnetic energy of the current itself, which is not associated
with a ferromagnet, does not participate in magnetization, but
loads the magnetization coil.
It is important that the magnetic interaction of the cores itself
may not be significant, and the magnetization occurs almost
exclusively from the magnetic field of the current in the wires of
the magnetization coil. Chains in the form of a chain of shorter
cores (separated by gaps) are located either axially coaxially in
the coil or simply inside a relatively large magnetization coil,
but so that a significant portion of the core fields do not
encompass the wires of the magnetization coil. This, in principle,
does not differ from the version with one core, but shorter cores
make it possible to reduce the size of the diameter or
cross-section (maybe a rectangular and other cross-sectional shape
of any coil) of the magnetization coil. Also, the magnetic effect
of the cores themselves (two, three or more) through the gaps
allows to reduce the demagnetizing factor for short cores and
increase their induction. And the principle of separation of
magnetic fields allows for a greater magnetic flux and magnetic
energy from a single volume and mass of the core of a ferromagnet.
Short cores can store more magnetic elastic energy than longer
cores. Therefore, such type-setting cores in the form of
successively located in a chain through the gaps of short cores
can store more magnetic energy. But the presence of large gaps
between the cores requires an increase in ampere turns in the
magnetization coil to overcome the magnetic resistance. The
simplest version of the device is just one core (of a certain
length) located approximately coaxially or simply inside a much
larger cross section of a wide magnetization coil. The core may
partly enter the coil plane with the end part or not even enter
the plane of the large magnetization coil itself, but the magnetic
field of the coil will almost also affect the core due to its
size. The magnetization coil can be short, almost flat (in the
form of a coil in shape) and much shorter in height than a
ferromagnetic core. The device may have many cores located on all
sides around the coil and around just a straight or bent wire,
wires of the magnetization coil and which form multiple magnetic
circuits (with gaps) as if strung on currents.
This allows the use of all the magnetic field surrounding the
magnetizing currents (and the direct current, the current of the
coil and the magnetization coil), which is closed around them from
all sides.
The core can also be divided into many parallel separate narrower
cores separated by gaps to reduce the demagnetizing factor and
increase the magnetic scattering. Each core can have its own
removable secondary winding.
The method and device generation can be used to generate
electricity in small devices to power the equipment and
instruments and for the industrial production of electricity at
any power. For high-power devices, you can use either reverse mode
on a constant pulse or pulsating current on high-power lockable
thyristors or generation directly on alternating current. Devices
can be used to recharge batteries, batteries or capacitors and
create uninterrupted power sources. For this purpose, the use of a
voltage boosting voltage is optimal. booster type conversion as a
series connection of the battery, the magnetization coil and the
secondary winding (in reverse) to charge another battery or a
block of capacitors. Conversion by so-called. the booster circuit
goes on reverse, and when magnetized, only the magnetization coil
is connected to the current source. There are various options for
the circuits of technology and switching windings.
The magnetic field energy of ferromagnetics (not connected with
the magnetization coil) through the secondary winding is converted
into additional energy, which is used to charge another battery or
capacitor. This allows you to recharge batteries and capacitors
with increased current, voltage and charge and create a completely
autonomous energy sources that do not require an external source
of charging. Such converters can work when parallel winding on
different batteries or through a common capacitive voltage adder
(capacitor) for a total load in the end. Schemes of inclusion and
transformation may be different. When charging capacitors and
batteries, you can also switch capacitors as they are charged to
more fully charge and reduce the peak distortion of the pulsed
mode. In this case, the first capacitor should not smooth out the
peak of the pulse very much and for this its capacity should not
be too large, and as one capacitor charges, it switches off and
another higher capacity switches on.
Such a capacitive drive already consists of several (two or three
or more) capacitor accumulation stages, which are switched as they
are charged in order to fully convert the falling current pulse
into a charge of the drive. This allows you to use and convert
into the capacitor almost all the accumulated magnetic energy. The
capacitor of the first stage can have a non-zero certain initial
charge to increase the equivalent resistance (and reduce, limit
the first current pulse) and the effect of smoothing the pulse
mode of the device. This increases the power factor of the
capacitive capacitor rectifier drive and allows you to save the
speed of the decay edges of magnetic induction and efficiency in a
pulsed mode of operation.
[ PDF ]
The invention relates to reverse transformers configured on
several ferromagnetic cores divided by an air gap. A magnetizing
winding is configured on only one or a part of the cores, forming
a magnetizing inductor. When a current is supplied to the
magnetizing winding, the ferromagnetic core of the inductor is
magnetized, as are the neighbouring cores via the air gap. The air
gap is selected so that a significant part of the magnetic field
of the cores is closed across the air, forming a secondary
magnetic leakage field. Part of the magnetic field of all the
cores is closed across the magnetic circuit via the air gap,
forming a common magnetic circuit and a common magnetic flux. The
magnetic leakage field of the cores is closed outside the inductor
and does not play a part in the magnetic interaction of said
components, nor does it form a common magnetic flux linkage with
the magnetizing winding of the inductor. Thus, it does not affect
the establishment of a current in the inductor winding because it
does not generate emf against the current during magnetization.
The windings of the secondary cores encompass the entire magnetic
field thereof and serve merely to convert all the secondary
magnetic leakage fluxes into electrical energy during
demagnetization. This results in a more complete conversion of all
the magnetic energy in the structure into electrical energy.
( 12 MB )
Andrey Melnichenko - Ferromagnetic free
energy generation
Andrey Melnichenko is responsible for ALL of the GLED devices or
the Eternal Flashlight ! See:
Comment: Leonaldo Bezerra -- The secret is: - Magnetic fields of
equal poles confronted and lagged by 90 degrees. These coils that
generate the fields are the primary windings and stay on the
secondary windings. The secondary windings are closer to the core.
The lag can be made by a capacitor in series with one of the coils
or another electronic device, as well as some turns wound in the
winding itself in the opposite direction.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F8c82ABs02M (
120 MB )
Andrey Melnichenko - Ferromagnetic Free
Energy Generation - up to 150% Efficient.
Free Energy, this video was removed, Domain is still registered
but Website also gone. Circuit Schematics, How to, with
explanation. Andrey Melnichenko, hope youre OK Mate! Notice the
Dielectric Spacing between the Cores...
Melnichenko - November_1996
An old video from Andrey Melnichenko - Ferromagnetic Free Energy
Generation site, put up many years ago and long since gone.
Open the effect of electricity generation on
the basis of Faraday's electromagnetic induction. It allows
through the use of ferromagnetic materials and a special magnetic
field topology in the system to receive the excess energy of the
magnetic field and convert it into usable electricity in unlimited
amounts. Since 1831 a. Michael Faraday discovered the law of
electromagnetic induction, no significant additions have been made
to it. In particular, all the magnetic fields of magnetic circuits
considered rigidly connected with wires like a simply connected
system. For example, in the simplest case, the magnetization of
ferromagnetic thought that everything is linked to the current
magnetic circuit, winding magnetization. However, in the simplest
case, a magnetic circuit consisting of two or three ferromagnetic
volumes separated by nonmagnetic gap may occur magnetic fields do
not form a flux coil magnetization is closed loop with current.
The theory of operation of electrical current
source (electricity) to create a magnetic field is determined by
the energy of the magnetic field through the coils of the
magnetizing coil, plus the loss in the wires and hardware. The
work of the current source is determined by the formula:
Eventually the work of the current source, the
cost of electricity to create a magnetic field in the magnetic
circuit is equal to the energy of the magnetic field through the
coil with current. Thus, the energy of the magnetic field system,
which is shorted out the turns of the magnetizing coil does not
affect the setting of current in the coil and does not require for
their formation cost of electricity from the power source,
battery, generator, and so forth. For example, if we magnetize the
iron (ferromagnetic) bar and next arrange another by separating it
with a small air gap, the second bar magnet and magnetized, but
apart from the total magnetic field arises around the bars of the
second bar their magnetic field only closed around him and does
not participate in the magnetic interaction between the two
ferromagnetic volume. This magnetic field I called secondary. This
field has no connection with the inductive coil magnetization in
the first iron bar, and most importantly does not require on their
education no electricity from the magnetization power supply. The
secondary magnetic field has a certain energy which can be
converted into useful energy. To do this, when demagnetization
(turned off, decreases the current in the coil on the ground rod)
on the second ferromagnetic volume (rod, bar) is removable special
winding, which is connected to the load only when the
demagnetization (not involved in the magnetization). Thus, all of
the energy of the secondary magnetic field can be transformed into
a series of additional useful energy.
The amount of iron (ferromagnetic) rods in the
magnetic circuit can be infinite, under certain conditions. In
some ferromagnetic means magnetic interactions can be extended to
infinity. For example, domains turn in magnetodielectrics,
fluctuations elektromagnitikov powders of ferromagnetic material.
In such systems, most of the energy of the
magnetic field of the magnetic circuit has no direct connection
with the inductive magnetizing source. There is a huge amount of
magnetic circuits, where you can get a secondary magnetic field,
magnetizing coil is closed. This secondary magnetic energy can be
used to generate electricity. Dozens of devices for the generation
of electricity on the pulse and alternating current, including
directly sinusoidal current at power frequency: 50: 60Hz. It is
sufficient to conventional transformer iron wires and power
electronics components.
Outdoor physical effect of energy generation, I
as the author called Transgeneratsiey electricity. Effect
brilliantly confirmed in a simple experiment, and has been
thoroughly studied in the research on different types of
ferromagnetic materials and magnetic circuits.
Now there is the international patenting of
inventions based on this effect in many countries. Patented a
method of power generation and a number of devices based on this
From the point of view of theoretical physics
the effect of generation is possible due to the special nature of
quantum ferromagentikov. The magnetic field is formed by the
electron spin - magnetic moments of electrons. Unlike conventional
electron currents in the wires back absolutely not responsive to
the so-called zero inductive impedance (resistance). When
magnetized to it only needs to exert a magnetic field, not the
electric power in the coils with electric current. In magnetic
systems with a secondary magnetic field arises (generated by) the
additional energy of the magnetic field, which can be easily
converted into additional useful energy in its purest form.
In systems with a secondary magnetic field,
there is also a secondary electric field together form a vector
Poynting energy flow directed into the ferromagnetic volume from
the surrounding physical continuum, rather than from the
magnetization coil wires.
Transgeneratsiya electricity can generate clean
electricity from ferromagnets in unlimited quantities. Ferromagnet
plays the role of the quantum of the electromagnetic pump pumping
energy from the physical continuum and converts it due to the
Faraday effect in electricity.
The Work of Andrey
Andrei Melnichenko
I think it would be valuable to
explore the recent work and video posts of Melnichenko. He
has about 100 videos ( 6 months ago is latest and going back 2
years) all with the same theme of an iron core surrounded with two
or three copper windings, the outer loosely fitted. The scope
waveforms are interesting. He seems to be driving one of the
windings with a transistor operating in the audio range, and the
other may contain a half wave rectified AC source. Anyone else
find this interesting?
The loose fitting of the inner and outer windings allows for some
motional movement of the inner winding with iron core with respect
to the outer winding(s). At first glance this smacks of something
like a yfree or McFrey NMR or NAR device with the 1/2 wave
rectification of AC mains providing a variable B field for the
core while the high audio frequency pulses the core at NMR or NAR
Am I wrongly interpreting this or is Melnichenko on to something
more basic, as the frequencies don't seem right for NAR?
Is this just a loosely coupled switchmode driven core with
captured flyback? In other videos he stresses the loose coupling
or large magnetic gap.
Any additional info on why this guy has around 100 videos all
trying to communicate some basic idea would be helpful.
The translator feature works for the videos, but we need to
translate his website.
To translate: closed captions>on then
Find the videos of Andrey Melnichenko here:
and his website here:
Latest video:
(also shows scope waveforms)
In this particular video:
He has both scope probes connected and traces seem to be overlaid.
One of the pulses is very sharp, the other has a large area under
the decay portion.
Comments welcome and any info helpful but stay on topic please.
Looks like he published his basic circuit in a Russian magazine
some time back. It seems to be a basic switchmode circuit where he
absorbs the primary flyback with a lamp and may be lighting the
lamp on the secondary with either the coupled flyback pulse or the
forward pulse. No dots on the circuit so can't tell.
Maybe nothing new here except for the extremely loose coupling and
large core gap (open ended)
He is putting in a very narrow pulse from the rectified 240V
mains. Part of his method is the offsetting of the inner core,
which he believes helps in some way.
At least his ampere measurement is well filtered, but I have not
been able to find any rough input power measurements...
I'm going to try a sim of this circuit with a loosely coupled
Ion, This is your sim of Melnichenko's circuit with the addition
of input and output power calcs. The efficiency is quite
high at 52.719/53.063 = .994.
Here are some of Melnichenco's posts on his website that are
translated into English.
After reading some of these and pondering a bit on what he is
saying, I would speculate that he is moving the bloch wall in the
iron core using two tightly coupled windings that are offset from
one another in regards to their electromagnetic center
lines. One winding would be a primary that is first
conducting and then turned off and then the other winding or
secondary would conduct via the collapsing field from the
primary. The centerline or bloch walls for these two
windings are offset from each other and therefore would
theoretically produce a moving wall. An additional secondary
placed outside this arrangement would/could be induced with the
moving wall plus normal transformer induction. If this is the
case, then the sim Ion posted above would have one winding with
the polarity reversed.
Edit: The winding polarities shown in the original schematic
are correct.
Andrey Melnichenko 9 Sept.pdf (817.41 kB)
[ PDF ]
Andrey Melnichenko 9A Sept.pdf (823.41 kB)
[ PDF ]
Andrey Melnichenko 10 Sept.pdf (1065.44 kB)
[ PDF ]
Andrey Melnichenko 18 Aug.pdf (533.66 kB)
[ PDF ]
Andrey Melnichenko 19 Aug.pdf (451.83 kB)
[ PDF ]
Andrei Melnichenko seems to attracting attention of many
researchers. I would like to say a few words about him.
Melnichenko is a legendary person; he can be compared in many ways
to Hector from EVGRAY.
He was one of the first people who talk about FE in late 1990 on
Russian state TV and demonstrate RV-like setup with one phase
The setup was running a fan from little 9v battery for several
hours. I think he was the first from whom I heard about FE.
According to rumors he is former military engineer and he was
threatened by KGB for attracting public attention for military
He got different patents how to achieve OU, but as usual never
give enough info to reproduce and never showed anything really OU
Even it was almost 20 years ago nobody replicated his devices and
his claims continue to disturb minds of FE researchers including
There is an ”urban legend” that in 1995 Melnichenko was showing a
device which was lighting 60W bulb from small 9v battery.
The device was using a coil with strange construction, it looks
like a dumbbell and contained metallic shield.
In that days people on forums were thinking that this is same kind
of shield or shorted turn and were comparing it to Tesla patent
It was also told that Melnichenko spend significant time to
adjusting/selecting this shield or gap in it. There are two
drawings (see att. 1.jpg and 2.jpg) associated with this story.
Many people spent considerable time and effort trying replicate
Melnichenko's devices without success.
PDFs from http://www.hyiq.org
Capacitor Charger
[ PDF ]