Magnet Motor
Howard Menger ( Born : February 17, 1922 -- Died : February 25, 2009 )
was a contactee who constructed a simple "free energy" magnet
motor inspired by the ETs. Interesting videos interviews are
available @ YouTube :
Howard MENGER :
From Outer Space To You
[ Excerpt ]
... On one such evening I had just finished a sign and was
cleaning the brushes prior to going home when the telephone rang.
I said, "Hello!" into' it, but there was no response; so I said,
"Hello!" several times. Still no reply, so I put it down.
Immediately, however, I had the urge to lift the receiver and
listen again. I did so, and there was no dial tone; the circuit
was still disconnected.
I listened for a few moments and was about to replace the receiver
when I heard a high-pitched buzzing sound coming from it. I put it
back to my ear, but after a few seconds it stopped. Then I put the
telephone down and forgot about it.
As I was preparing to lock up I received a sudden and strong
impulse to remain in the shop. Then almost mechanically I began to
move about, pick up pieces of wood, other materials, and set about
constructing something—just what I didn't know. Whatever I was
doing, I seemed to be controlled and directed, working as if I had
a set of blueprints right in front of me and knew exactly every
move to make.
I set the materials I had assembled on the bench. Using a 24-inch
plywood base, I drilled a hole halfway through the center. In the
hole I placed securely the carbon rod of a broken flashlight cell.
Next I obtained a large nail of like diameter and wound the nail
with 50 turns of very fine copper wire. When I had slid the
finished coil off the nail, the unwound ends of wire remaining
measured about eight or 10 inches. I soldered two extra
connections: one from the top and one from the bottom; two of the
ends were connected to a small pen flashlight battery. I stapled
some of the wires to the plywood base to hold the assembly in
Next I took the small brass cap off the larger flashlight battery
cell and glued it in the exact center of a 10-inch aluminum disc,
which had been put on the jig-saw and placed in a balanced
position directly on top of the carbon rod. I do remember
definitely that four ends of the wire pointed at the edges of the
disc directly opposite each other in the form of a cross, and
approximately one-eighth of an inch from the edge of the disc. All
of the equipment was set up in accordance with an imaginary shape
of a pyramid.
Then I made two connections at the bottom of the apparatus, which
apparently completed the circuit—for the disc immediately was
enveloped by a bluish, spinning light! Then, to my utter
amazement, it rose from the platform, crashed through the 12-foot
ceiling, which was made of aluminum paper, apparently bounced off
the peak roof and then came down again through the same hole
through which it had made its ascent!
It crashed with more force than the weight of the aluminum would
normally permit, almost completely destroying itself so far as
reconstruction of that particular model was concerned.
I was so surprised and shocked I sat down in complete silence and
thought for several minutes.
Did the electrons which came from the small battery start
something in the atmosphere in the form of some type of energy
which took over, once the machine had been "primed"? The small
amount of power from the battery surely never could have moved the
object in any way. angely-sveta.ru
I was too shaken to do any more work that night, but the next
morning I tried to duplicate the experiment,—without success. I
just couldn't remember where I had been apparently shown to make
the various connections. Later I was able to duplicate the
experiment to the extent that the disc glowed; but never did it
move. I am writing this with the hope that some open-minded
physicist or electronics engineer will, in my brief account above,
detect a key which will open the door to some type of free primary
energy which the space people say is available all around us,
waiting to be tapped...
... One of my latest experiments involved a thing people have
called impossible—a "one-pole magnet." The minute someone says
something is impossible, I am presented with a challenge, as I
was in this case.
Does a magnet with only one pole refute Newton's third law of
motion, which states that every force or every action produces an
equal or opposite reaction? Whether or not it does, many witnesses
saw me demonstrate the "one-pole magnet" during a recent lecture,
sponsored by Dr. Alfred Smith of The Space Seekers Society in
As with the so-called free energy motor, a series of these magnets
have turned a small direct current generator and lighted a small
flashlight bulb. In my opinion, this is an example of harnessing
a free energy to impart work of its own accord, generating a
secondary energy in the form of what we term electricity or
electrons, which, in turn, produces light energy or heat.
Magnetic phenomena in the form of what we call attraction is not a
pull, but a push from a surrounding unseen funnel of magnetic
vortex enveloping this planet, which in itself represents a
balance of motion in the form of imbalance which continually
seeks an equilibrium —an effect presenting itself as secondary
energies seen and unseen, originating from a Cause Unseen which is
...Howard Menger once advertised plans for a "perpetual motion
machine" consisting of a flywheel and a ring magnet on an axis,
with an external horseshoe magnet straddling the magnet via its
repulsive field. The horseshoe magnet was free to swing a little
within the limits of a spring keeping it in place. The swinging
horeshoe magnet and spring once again act like a random trigger
factor keeping a magnetic system going...
Menger Motor Plans
[ PDF ]