David MITLIN, et al.
Hemp fibres 'better than graphene'
By James Morgan
The waste fibres from hemp crops can be transformed into
high-performance energy storage devices, scientists say.
They "cooked" cannabis bark into carbon nanosheets and built
supercapacitors "on a par with or better than graphene" - the
industry gold standard.
Electric cars and power tools could harness this hemp technology,
the US researchers say.
They presented their work at the American Chemical Society meeting
in San Francisco.
"People ask me: why hemp? I say, why not?" said Dr David Mitlin of
Clarkson University, New York, who describes his device in the
journal ACS Nano.
"We're making graphene-like materials for a thousandth of the
price - and we're doing it with waste.
"The hemp we use is perfectly legal to grow. It has no THC in it
at all - so there's no overlap with any recreational activities."
Secret sauce
In countries including China, Canada and the UK, hemp can be grown
industrially for clothing and building materials.
But the leftover bast fibre - the inner bark - typically ends up
as landfill.
Dr Mitlin's team took these fibres and recycled them into
supercapacitors - energy storage devices which are transforming
the way electronics are powered.
Conventional batteries store large reservoirs of energy and
drip-feed it slowly, whereas supercapacitors can rapidly discharge
their entire load.
They are ideal in machines that rely on sharp bursts of power. In
electric cars, for example, supercapacitors are used for
regenerative braking.
Releasing this torrent requires electrodes with high surface area
- one of graphene's many phenomenal properties.
Stronger than diamond, more conductive than copper and more
flexible than rubber, the "miracle material" was the target of a
£50m investment by UK Chancellor George Osborne.
But while this carbon monolayer is the state-of-the-art material
for commercial supercapacitors, it is prohibitively expensive to
Finding cheap, sustainable alternatives is the speciality of Dr
Mitlin's former research group at the University of Alberta.
They have experimented with all flavours of biowaste - from peat
moss to eggs. Most recently, they turned banana peel into
You can do really interesting things with bio-waste. We've pretty
much figured out the secret sauce of it," said Dr Mitlin.
The trick is to tailor the right plant fibre to the right
electrical device - according to their organic structure.
"With banana peels, you can turn them into a dense block of carbon
- we call it pseudo-graphite - and that's great for sodium ion
batteries," he explained.
"But if you look at hemp fibre its structure is the opposite - it
makes sheets with high surface area - and that's very conducive to
The first step, he explained, "is to cook it - almost like a
pressure cooker. It's called hydrothermal synthesis.
"Once you dissolve the lignin and the semicellulose, it leaves
these carbon nanosheets - a pseudo-graphene structure."
By fabricating these sheets into electrodes and adding an ionic
liquid as the electrolyte, his team made supercapacitors which
operate at a broad range of temperatures and a high energy
Direct comparisons with rival devices are complicated by the
variety of measures for performance.
But Mitlin's peer-reviewed journal paper ranks the device "on par
with or better than commercial graphene-based devices".
"They work down to 0C and display some of the best power-energy
combinations reported in the literature for any carbon.
"For example, at a very high power density of 20 kW/kg (kilowatt
per kilo) and temperatures of 20, 60, and 100C, the energy
densities are 19, 34, and 40 Wh/kg (watt-hours per kilo)
Fully assembled, their energy density is 12 Wh/kg, which can be
achieved at a charge time less than six seconds.
Growth industry
"Obviously hemp can't do all the things graphene can," Dr Mitlin
"But for energy storage, it works just as well. And it costs a
fraction of the price -$500-1,000 a tonne."
Having established a proof of principle, his start-up company Alta
Supercaps is hoping to begin small-scale manufacturing.
It plans to market devices to the oil and gas industries - where
high-temperature operation is a valuable asset.
His move to the US coincides with a change in regulatory attitudes
- with signs that hemp could be making a comeback.
In China the crop is widely cultivated, and in Canada, the
industry for textiles is growing.
"Fifty miles down the road from my house in Alberta there was an
agricultural hemp processing facility. And all that bast fibre -
it just sits in a high bay, and they don't know what to do with
it," Dr Mitlin told BBC News.
"It's a waste product looking for a value-added application.
People are almost paying you to take it away."
And if the technology really takes off - it could help economies,
he argues.
"It's a robust plant - you can even grow it in Alberta, Manitoba.
"A lot of farmers would be thrilled to grow hemp."
Important Announcement: Alta Supercaps is
As part of the transition to a licensing model rather than
in-house manufacturing, we are closing "Altasupercaps". Please
contact TEC Edmonton for potential licensing opportunities. Also
please contact David Mitlin at dmitlin@clarkson.edu for further
technical information.
Hemp Battery - Almost Unbelieveable
Robert Murray-Smith
Hemp Battery As Good As Lithium Ion?
1 Oct, 2013
Top 5 Most Innovative Uses For Hemp
[ Excerpt ]
In 1937, Popular Science published an article called “Hemp: The
New Billion-Dollar Crop” that listed over 25,000 potential uses
for the plant.
While this ancient crop has recently started to gain popularity
around the world, it still hasn’t received the attention it
Which might be due to the fact that hemp is just a type of
marijuana that can’t get you high.
But as more countries start to see the benefits of this incredibly
eco-friendly crop, a lot of cool R&D has been happening behind
the scenes. Here’s 5 of our favorite innovations being developed
from hemp:
1. Bacteria-Fighting Fabric...
2. Housing Insulation...
3. Concrete...
4. Cars...
5. Graphene-Like Nanomaterial
Canadian engineers believe hemp could revolutionize nanotechnology
Graphene is often touted as the future of nanotechnology and the
thinnest, strongest, and lightest material ever made. But how does
hemp compare? Apparently, it’s even better.
Earlier this year, chemical engineers from the University of
Alberta turned hemp fiber into a nanomaterial with similar
properties as graphene, but a much lower price tag.
What’s more, when it comes to making energy storage devices like
batteries and supercapacitors, the hemp nanomaterial showed
“superior electrochemical storage properties” compared to
Research is still in its early stages, but if the results hold,
hemp could eventually be used for a wide range of nanotechnology
applications, from flashlights to solar cells.
Chemical & Engineering News
May 15, 2013
Energy-Storing Nanomaterial Made From
Electronics: Researchers turn agricultural waste into a
carbon nanomaterial for high-power supercapacitors
Katherine Bourzac
Graphene might one day be used in batteries, solar cells,
transparent electrodes, and a host of other electronic gadgets.
But graphene is still quite expensive to make. Now researchers at
the University of Alberta have demonstrated a low-cost process for
turning agricultural waste into graphenelike nanomaterials for use
in energy storage electronics (ACS Nano 2013, DOI:
With high surface area and conductivity, graphene is ideal for use
as electrodes in batteries and supercapacitors, which are energy
storage devices that excel at providing quick bursts of power.
Supercapacitors charge and discharge faster than batteries can
because they store energy in the form of fast-moving charges on
the surfaces of their electrodes. Currently, supercapacitors are
used in braking systems for buses and fast-charging flashlights.
Commercial supercapacitors use activated carbon electrodes, but
experimental devices made with graphene can store more energy.
Unfortunately, graphene’s production costs can’t come close to
competing with the price for activated carbon, about $40 per
kilogram, says University of Alberta chemical engineer David
Part of Mitlin’s research is finding ways to use plant waste as
feedstocks for commercial materials. He thought he could transform
waste from the cannabis plant (Cannabis sativa) into a carbon
nanomaterial that had similar properties to graphene and with a
much smaller price tag. The cannabis plant’s notorious use is for
producing marijuana, but people also grow the plant to use its
fibrous parts for products such as rope, clothing, oil, and
plastics. The plants used for these industrial applications are
referred to as hemp, and have lower levels of psychoactive
compounds. Hemp is relatively inexpensive, since the plant grows
rapidly in a variety of climates without the need for fertilizer
and pesticides.
Mitlin and his colleagues focused on a barklike layer of the plant
called the bast, which is usually incinerated or sent to landfills
during industrial hemp production. “Hemp bast is a nanocomposite
made up of layers of lignin, hemicellulose, and crystalline
cellulose,” Mitlin says. “If you process it the right way, it
separates into nanosheets similar to graphene.”
The Alberta researchers start the process by heating the bast at
180 °C for 24 hours. During this step, the lignin and
hemicellulose break down, and the crystalline cellulose begins to
carbonize. The researchers then treat the carbonized material with
potassium hydroxide and crank up the temperature to 700 to 800 °C,
causing it to exfoliate into nanosheets riddled with pores 2 to 5
nm in diameter. These thin, porous materials provide a quick path
for charges to move in and out, which is important when a
supercapacitor charges and discharges.
The team built a supercapacitor using the nanosheets as electrodes
and an ionic liquid as an electrolyte. The best property of the
device, Mitlin says, is its maximum power density, a measure of
how much power a given mass of the material can produce. At 60 °C,
the material puts out 49 kW/kg; activated carbon used in
commercial electrodes supplies 17 kW/kg at that temperature.
Liming Dai, a chemical engineer at Case Western Reserve
University, says the hempbased material shows promise as a
low-cost substitute for graphene. Yury Gogotsi, a materials
scientist at Drexel University, sees room for improvement. He
points out that the 24-hour high-temperature process will have
some associated costs when scaled up. But he’s impressed by this
first step. Finding scalable production methods like this one will
be key, Gogotsi says, if researchers want to move nanostructured
materials out of the lab and into the marketplace.
Interconnected Carbon Nanosheets Derived
from Hemp for Ultrafast Supercapacitors with High Energy
Huanlei Wang †‡, Zhanwei Xu †‡, Alireza Kohandehghan †‡, Zhi Li
†‡*, Kai Cui ‡, Xuehai Tan †‡, Tyler James Stephenson †‡, Cecil K.
King’ondu †‡, Chris M. B. Holt †‡, Brian C. Olsen †‡, Jin Kwon Tak
§, Don Harfield §, Anthony O. Anyia §, and David Mitlin †‡*
† Chemical and Materials Engineering, University of Alberta,
Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2 V4, Canada
‡ National Institute for Nanotechnology (NINT), National Research
Council of Canada, Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2M9, Canada
§ Bioresource Technologies, Alberta Innovates-Technology Futures,
Vegreville, Alberta, T9C 1T4, Canada
ACS Nano, 2013, 7 (6), pp 5131–5141; DOI: 10.1021/nn400731g
We created unique interconnected partially graphitic carbon
nanosheets (10–30 nm in thickness) with high specific surface area
(up to 2287 m2 g–1), significant volume fraction of mesoporosity
(up to 58%), and good electrical conductivity (211–226 S m–1) from
hemp bast fiber. The nanosheets are ideally suited for low (down
to 0 °C) through high (100 °C) temperature ionic-liquid-based
supercapacitor applications: At 0 °C and a current density of 10 A
g–1, the electrode maintains a remarkable capacitance of 106 F
g–1. At 20, 60, and 100 °C and an extreme current density of 100 A
g–1, there is excellent capacitance retention (72–92%) with the
specific capacitances being 113, 144, and 142 F g–1, respectively.
These characteristics favorably place the materials on a Ragone
chart providing among the best power–energy characteristics (on an
active mass normalized basis) ever reported for an electrochemical
capacitor: At a very high power density of 20 kW kg–1 and 20, 60,
and 100 °C, the energy densities are 19, 34, and 40 Wh kg–1,
respectively. Moreover the assembled supercapacitor device yields
a maximum energy density of 12 Wh kg–1, which is higher than that
of commercially available supercapacitors. By taking advantage of
the complex multilayered structure of a hemp bast fiber precursor,
such exquisite carbons were able to be achieved by simple
hydrothermal carbonization combined with activation. This novel
precursor-synthesis route presents a great potential for facile
large-scale production of high-performance carbons for a variety
of diverse applications including energy storage.
Inventor(s): ZHANG LI [CN]; MITLIN DAVID [CA];
Synthesis of three-dimensional (3D) electrochemically
supercapacitive arrays is disclosed. The arrays comprise
multi-walled carbon nanotubes conformally covered by
nanocrystalline functional materials such as vanadium nitride and
firmly anchored to glassy carbon or Inconel electrodes. These
nanostructures demonstrate a respectable specific capacitance of
289 F/g, which is achieved in 1 M KOH electrolyte at a scan rate
of 20 m V/s. The well-connected highly electrically conductive
structures exhibit a superb rate capability; at a very high scan
rate of 1000 m V/s there is less than a 20% drop in the
capacitance relative to 20 m V/s. Such rate capability has never
been reported for VN and is highly unusual for any other oxide or
nitride. These 3D arrays also display nearly ideal triangular
voltage profiles during constant current charge-discharge cycling.
[0001] This application claims the benefit under 35 USC 119(e) of
United States provisional application serial no. 61/468,020 filed
March 27, 2011.
[0002] Nanomaterials.
[0003] Electrochemical capacitors (ECs), have attracted wide
interest as energy storage/conversion devices owing to their
outstanding properties of high power delivery, rapid
charge/discharge rates, high cycle efficiency, and extremely long
cycle life. Such predominant advantages make them good candidates
in a large variety of applications including portable electronics,
hybrid and fully electric vehicles, and load leveling for
stationary power. Depending on the charge-storage mode,
electrochemical capacitors are generally classified into two major
types: electrochemical double layer capacitor (EDLC) and
pseudocapacitor. The capacitance in the former is electrostatic in
origin, arising from charge separation at the interface of the
high specific- area electrode and electrolyte. Activated,
mesoporous, and carbide-derived carbons, graphene, carbon fabrics,
fibers, nanotubes, onions, and nanohorns as well as various
nanostructured polymers with high specific surface area and
moderate cost have been widely investigated for EDLC applications.
[0004] Pseudo-capacitors that utilize transition metal nitride
electrode materials are attracting increasing scientific
attention. These nitrides were recently named as one of the three
greatest recent achievements in the electrochemical capacitor
field. Compared to transition metal oxides, transition metal
nitrides exhibit superior properties in some respects, such as
markedly better electrical conductivity and in some cases
excellent chemical stability. Various materials such as molybdenum
nitrides (MoN and Mo2N) and vanadium nitride (VN) have been
investigated for electrochemical capacitor use. Among the
nitrides, VN is considered to be one of the more promising
materials. In previous studies of VN, however, the capacitance
would significantly degrade at high voltage scanning rates/
current densities. For example, the superb capacitance reported in
reference 13 degraded by more than 50% when an intermediate scan
rate of 100 mV/s was utilized.
[0005] Another promising supercapacitive technology is based on
nanocomposites, with an inner electrically conducting tubular core
and an outer nanoscale functional coating. Due to their excellent
electrical conductivity, inherent nanoscale dimensions, and high
surface area, carbon nanotube (CNT) arrays have attracted great
interest as three-dimensional (3D) current collector materials for
such applications. Unfortunately the extremely high packing
density and intrinsic hydrophobicity of ordered CNT arrays
prevents the conformal chemical or electrochemical deposition and
utilization of the capacitive materials. The capacitive materials
wind up only being deposited near the CNT tips or at their contact
junctions. Alternatively, loose CNTs may be mixed with a binder
and a functional material, and subsequently applied onto a current
collector. This approach is more involved and often yields
unsatisfactory results. For example, vanadium nitride/carbon
nanotube composites were prepared by sonicating nanocrystalline VN
with multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) in methanol. The
capacitance values reported were modest: the absolute best
performance reported was a capacitance of roughly 160 F/g at scan
rate of 100 mV/s.
[0006] Ideally one would create supercapacitive nanocomposites
directly anchored onto electrically conducting current collectors.
This not only would reduce the complexity of the synthesis process
but also would ensure improved power performance due to
elimination of interparticle resistance. In many cases, however,
CNTs are grown on non-conducting substrates (especially Si02 and
A1203), requiring their removal and transfer. An A1203 barrier
layer is also extensively utilized to grow CNTs on a variety of
other substrates such as Ni and Fe foils, glassy carbon (GC), and
Ta. Ajayan and co-workers have developed a novel strategy for
direct growth of CNT arrays on an Inconel 600 metallic alloy. The
authors proposed that a tenacious nanoscale passivating layer of
Cr203 on the Inconel surface plays a key role for CNT growth.
[0007] A method of creating an energy storage or energy generation
device is disclosed comprising growing anchored carbon nanotubes
(CNTs) on an electrically conducting substrate with a spacing
suitable for functionalization, and functionalizing the CNTs by
conformally coating the CNTs with an energy storage or generation
[0008] The resulting device is also claimed comprising anchored
carbon nanotubes (CNTs) extending from an electrically conducting
substrate with a spacing suitable for functionalization, and an
energy storage or generation material conformally coating the
CNTs. [0009] In one embodiment, the electrically conducting
substrate comprises a CNT growth support film with growth catalyst
particles deposited onto, built into or forming part of the growth
support film.
[0010] Exemplary bulk substrates include Inconel, copper,
stainless steel, glassy and vitreous carbon, graphite, aluminum,
magnesium, conventional steel, niobium, titanium, molybdenum,
tungsten, zirconium, silicon carbide, and tungsten carbide.
[001 1 ] Exemplary growth support films include oxides of metals,
of non-metals and of alloys including oxides of Si, Mg, Fe, Cr,
Cr-Ni, Ni, Ir, Zr, Sc, Ti, Mo, and Ta, such as Si02, MgO, Ti02,
NbO, Nb02, Nb205, Ti-doped Nb02, Cr203, etc. Support films also
include nitrides such as TiN and TixV1-x N (TiVN).
[0012] Exemplary growth catalysts include metals as Ni, Fe, Cr,
Co, Cu, Au, Ag, Pt, Pd, Mn, Mo, Sn, Mg, and alloys that combine
two or more of these elements; oxides of these metals and of their
alloys; and nitrides of these metals and of their alloys.
[0013] In various embodiments, there may be included any one or
more of the following features: The electrically conducting
substrate comprises growth catalyst particles. The electrically
conducting substrate comprises a CNT growth support film with the
growth catalyst particles deposited onto, built into or forming
part of the CNT growth support film. The growth catalyst particles
have a wetting angle of 30-90 degrees with the CNT growth support
film. The as-deposited thickness of the growth catalyst layer has
a thickness of 1-10 nm before it breaks up into growth catalyst
particles. The electrically conducting substrate comprises one or
more of Inconel, copper, stainless steel, glassy and vitreous
carbon, graphite, aluminum, magnesium, conventional steel,
niobium, titanium, molybdenum, tungsten, zirconium, silicon
carbide, and tungsten carbide. The CNT growth support film
comprises one or more of oxides or nitrides of metals, non-metals
and alloys. The CNT growth support film comprises one or more of
TiN and TixVi-x N and oxides of Si, Mg, Fe, Cr, Cr-Ni, Ni, Ir, Zr,
Sc, Ti, Mo, and Ta. The growth catalyst particles comprise one or
more of Ni, Fe, Cr, Co, Cu, Au, Ag, Pt, Pd, Mn, Mo, Sn, Mg, alloys
that combine two or more of these metals, oxides of these metals,
oxides of alloys that combine two or more of these metals,
nitrides of these metals, and nitrides of alloys that combine two
or more of these metals. The energy storage or generation material
comprises a host for Li ions. The energy storage or generation
material comprises a provider of reversible faradaic
electrochemical oxidation/reduction reactions. The energy storage
or generation material comprises one or more of Si, Al, Sn, Co02,
Fe203, Mn02, Fe304, FeOOH, MgH2, sulfur, FeS, TixVi-xN, NiCo204,
Co304, cobalt hydroxide, iron hydroxide, and VN. The spacing of
the CNTs falls within the range of 200 nm to 300 nm. The apparatus
is formed as a lithium-ion battery or supercapacitor.
[0014] These and other aspects of the device and method are set
out in the claims, which are incorporated here by reference.
[0015] Embodiments will now be described with reference to the
figures, in which like reference characters denote like elements,
by way of example, and in which:
[0016] Fig. 1A shows an SEM micrograph of an as-grown array of
[0017] Fig. IB shows TGA (axis on left) and DSC (axis on right)
analysis allowing estimation of amorphous carbon fraction.
[0018] Fig. 2A is an SEM micrograph of VN/GC.
[0019] Fig. 2B is an X-ray diffraction pattern of VN/Si.
[0020] Figs. 2C and 2D are increasing magnification SEM
micrographs of
[0021] Fig. 2E is a schematic summarizing the synthesis process
and ultimate morphology of the VN/CNT/3D array showing CNTs before
coating, Cr-Fe-Ni bases to the CNTs, VN coated CNTs, oxidized
Inconel upper substrate, Inconel 600 intermediate substrate and
bulk GC or Inconel substrate. In all the figures 2A-2E, unless
indicated otherwise, the VN mass loading is 0.037 mg per
geometrical cm<2>.
[0022] Fig. 3Aa is a bright-field TEM micrograph on the VN covered
CNT tips; Figs. 3B and 3C are bright field and HAADF images of the
VN/CNT structure, respectively; and Fig. 3D is an indexed SAED
pattern of the VN/CNT structure imaged in Figs. 3B and 3C.
[0023] Fig. 4A is an SEM micrographs of CNT/A1203; and Fig. 4B is
an SEM micrograph of VN covering only the top surface of
[0024] Fig. 5A is a graph showing a CV curve of CNT/Inconel with
data shown at cycle 1 and at cycle 10000; Fig. 5B is a graph
showing CV curves of GC and of VN/GC; Fig. 5C is a graph showing
CV data for CNT/Inconel, and for the remnant catalyst on Inconel,
after the CNTs were removed; and Fig. 5D is a graph showing CV
data for CNT/Inconel and for VN/CNT/Inconel.
Cycling for Fig. 5A was at 50 mV/s, while cyclings for Figs. 5B-5D
were at 100 mV/s.
[0025] Fig 6A shows CV curves of VN/CNT/Inconel/GC in the
potential range of -1.0 to
0.06 V, at different scan rates from 20 to 1000 mV/s; Fig. 6B
shows the relationship between the specific capacitance versus
scan rate for various mass loadings of VN; Fig. 6C shows the
charge- discharge cycling curves at different current densities;
and Fig. 6D shows the specific capacitance versus current density.
[0026] Fig. 7A shows Nyquist plots of CNT/Inconel/GC and Fig. 7B
shows Nyquist plots for VN/CNT/Inconel/GC electrodes. The insets
are the enlarged Nyquist plots in the high frequency region. The
electrolyte is 1 M KOH.
[0027] Fig. 8A shows the relationship between the specific
capacitance versus cycle number with different VN mass loading,
using a scan rate of at 50 mV/s; Figs. 8B and 8C are SEM
micrographs of the pre-cycled and post-cycled (250 cycles)
[0028] Figs. 9A and 9B are XPS spectra of the VN thin films before
electrochemical cycling. Figs. 9C and 9D are XPS spectra after 250
electrochemical cycles.
[0029] Fig. 10 shows Raman spectra of CNTs grown on Inconel.
[0030] Fig. 11A shows an HRTEM image of CNTs grown on Inconel and
Fig. 1 IB is an
HRTEM image of a CNT grown on A1203.
[0031] Fig. 12A is a graph showing CV curves of GC and of VN/GC
Fig. 12B shows CV data for CNT/Inconel and for VN/CNT/Inconel.
Cycling for both Figs. 12A and 12B was at 20mV/s.
[0032] Fig. 13A shows cyclic voltammogram (CV) curves of
CNT/A1203. Data is shown at cycle 1 and at cycle 10000. Cycling
was performed at a sweep rate of 50 mV/s. Fig. 13B shows CV data
for CNT/A1203and for VN/CNT/A1203 at 20 mV/s.
[0033] Fig. 14 shows the electrically equivalent circuit used for
fitting impedance spectra.

[0034] A method of creating an energy storage or energy generation
device is disclosed comprising growing anchored carbon nanotubes
(CNTs) on an electrically conducting substrate with a spacing
suitable for functionalization, and functionalizing the CNTs by
conformally coating the CNTs with an energy storage or generation
material. The resulting device is also disclosed comprising
anchored carbon nanotubes (CNTs) extending from an electrically
conducting substrate with a spacing suitable for
functionalization, and an energy storage or generation material
conformally coating the CNTs. In one embodiment, the electrically
conducting substrate comprises growth catalyst particles. For
example, the electrically conducting substrate may comprise a CNT
growth support film with the growth catalyst deposited onto, built
into or forming part of the CNT growth support film.
[0035] The principle of selection of the growth support film and
growth catalyst is as follows: The support film should 1) prevent
excessive catalyst wetting or dewetting, i.e., have the
appropriate film-support interaction to generate a desired
catalyst particle size, distribution and spacing, which in turn
dictates the CNT size, distribution, spacing and height; 2)
prevent or reduce to an acceptable level the interdiffusion of the
catalyst into the support film and/or the underlying substrate; 3)
be sufficiently electrically conductive and electrochemically
stable for the desired application; 4) maintain a strong bond with
the bulk substrate, not delaminating or spalling; and 5) maintain
a strong bond with the grown CNTs as to prevent CNT delamination
or separation from the substrate. The spacing and dimensions of
the dewetted catalyst particles and hence of the CNTs may be
tailored by the use of the force-balance wetting equation, knowing
that the catalyst mass is conserved, and knowing that the
as-deposited catalyst thickness is in the 1 - 10 nm range. The
wetting angle for the film on the support should be greater than
30[deg.] but less than 90[deg.]. Balancing the forces on the
wetted catalyst results in the following range of energies, i.e.,
[gamma]: y{substrate-vapor} = y{catalyst-vapor}*cos(30[deg.]) +
y{substrate-catalyst} to y{substrate-vapor} = y{catalyst-
vapor}*cos(90[deg.]) + y{substrate-catalyst} .
[0036] For those materials and methods for which experimental data
is not provided herein, in general, the predicted utility is based
on the disclosed results and application of known principles of
vapor and liquid-phase deposition technologies and of
supercapacitor and battery materials. The materials for which
predictions are provided have been demonstrated to work in bulk or
in other nanoscale embodiments. Functionalizing the surfaces of
the CNTs with the predicted materials will improve their
performance over bulk or other nanoscale embodiments. This is
because the CNT supports will provide an excellent electrical
conductivity path to the underlying substrate while enabling an
ultra-high surface area-to-volume ratio for the battery or
supercapacitor material coating. Predictions are also based upon
the thermodynamics and phase diagrams of the respective materials
[0037] Exemplary bulk substrates include Inconel, copper,
stainless steel, glassy and vitreous carbon, graphite, aluminum,
magnesium, conventional steel, niobium, titanium, molybdenum,
tungsten, zirconium, silicon carbide, and tungsten carbide. Each
of these materials has excellent electrical conductivity, which is
in or near the metallic range. This makes them suitable as
electrodes. Exemplary growth support films include oxides of
metals, of non-metals and of alloys including oxides of Si, Mg,
Fe, Cr, Cr-Ni, Ni, Ir, Zr, Sc, Ti, Mo, and Ta, such as Si02, MgO,
Ti02, NbO, Nb02, Nb205, Ti-doped Nb02, Cr203, etc. Support films
also include nitrides such as TiN and TixVi_x N (TiVN). These
support growth films would work because 1) they are stable at the
CNT growth temperatures (i.e. Tmeltmg of film " growth
temperature), 2) they may be used to block diffusion of the CNT
growth catalyst into the substrate, and 3) they have some
thermodynamic chemical interaction with the growth catalyst,
therefore causing partial wetting and preventing catalyst
[0038] Exemplary growth catalysts include metals as Ni, Fe, Cr,
Co, Cu, Au, Ag, Pt, Pd, Mn, Mo, Sn, Mg, and alloys that combine
two or more of these elements, oxides of these metals and of their
alloys, and nitrides of these metals and of their alloys. These
growth catalysts would work because they chemically interact with
the precursor hydrocarbon gases (such as ethylene). In addition
they all possess some solubility (in solid or liquid phases) for
atomic carbon and/or they form carbides, the presence of at least
one of the two being a necessary requirement for CNT growth.
[0039] Exemplary energy storage or generation devices include
lithium-ion batteries and supercapacitors. The achieved CNTs may
be functionalized with a variety of energy storage materials that
either act as hosts for Li ions (batteries) or provide reversible
faradaic electrochemical oxidation/reduction reactions and
therefore act as supercapacitors. In regards to batteries, these
materials may be used in the positive (cathode) and/or the
negative (anode) electrodes. In regards to supercapacitors, these
materials may be used for symmetrical or asymmetrical electrodes.
In regards to battery materials such embodiments include, but are
not limited to, elemental materials such as Si, Al, Sn, and their
alloys, oxides and hydroxides such as Co02, Fe203, Mn02, Fe304 and
FeOOH, hydrides such as MgH2, sulfur and sulfides such as FeS, and
elemental and alloy nitrides such as TiVN. In the case of
supercapacitor applications such embodiments include, but are not
limited to, oxides such as NiCo204, Co304, Fe203 and Mn02,
hydroxides such as cobalt and/or iron hydroxide, and nitrides such
as VN and TiVN. These materials would work because it is possible
to deposit them onto the carbon nanotubes using a variety of
techniques such as physical vapor deposition. Furthermore these
materials would work because they have been demonstrated to
function as an energy storage phase in the CNT-unsupported state.
However in the current embodiment we expect these materials to
possess improved performance since they are intimately coupled to
an electrically conductive skeleton, which would not only
accelerate the electronic conductivity but also the ionic
conductivity through field effects. Furthermore the CNT arrays
provide a natural way for the coating materials to achieve
nanoscale dimensions. This would improve the kinetics via a
reduction of the diffusion distances of the diffusing species. It
would also improve the gravimetric energy density due to a higher
surface area-to-volume ratio of the energy storage phase created
by the underlying support skeleton.
[0040] Deposition techniques for depositing a growth support film
and growth catalyst include one or a combination of physical vapor
deposition (PVD) methods such as sputtering, evaporation, and
pulsed laser deposition; chemical vapor deposition (CVD); atomic
layer deposition (ALD); electroplating and electroless deposition;
and wet chemical techniques. These deposition techniques would
work since they are capable of coating the CNT arrays with the
desired materials with high mass-loading accuracy (some techniques
such as ALD and sputtering down to microgram) and uniformity.
[0041 ] Growing of the CNTS may be carried out by all suitable
methods including and related to chemical vapor deposition (CVD)
such as conventional CVD, thermal CVD, and plasma- enhanced CVD.
These methods would work since they are scientifically established
and widely technologically demonstrated methods for CNT growth.
[0042] Functionalization techniques include one or a combination
of physical vapor deposition (PVD) methods such as sputtering
(including reactive sputtering), evaporation, and pulsed laser
deposition; chemical vapor deposition (CVD); atomic layer
deposition (ALD); electroplating and electroless deposition; and
wet chemical methods such as precipitation, hydrothermal
processing, and ionothermal processing. These methods would work
since they have been scientifically established and
technologically demonstrated for deposition of these functional
materials on other types of carbon-based supports (not anchored
CNT arrays), such as loose CNTs, graphene flakes, and activated
carbon powder. It is expected that it will be possible to utilize
all of the above techniques given the exquisite control of the CNT
array spacing and height demonstrated here.
[0043] The device may be used, for examples, as a capacitor,
battery or a hybrid battery- capacitor. Each of these applications
requires a good electrical path from the functional material to
the electrode. In each case a significant benefit is achieved when
the functional materials and current collectors (dual role of the
CNT array as a skeleton support and a current collector) are
directly anchored to the underlying substrate (electrode) as they
are shown herein.
[0044] Spacing of the CNTs is preferably greater than 100 nm, more
preferably in the range 200-300 nm. Dry deposition techniques such
as PVD and CVD are preferred for depositing the support film and
catalyst, growing the CNTs and conformally coating the CNTs.
[0045] A specific example of the method and device is disclosed in
this patent document. However, we can soundly predict that the
additional examples given above will work in like manner to the
specific examples disclosed due to the similar nature of the
processes and materials.
[0046] We approach electrochemical capacitor synthesis in a new
way. In some embodiments our methodology involves no wet chemical
routes and creates in one embodiment 3D arrays of nanostructures
that are directly anchored on bulk GC or bulk Inconel electrodes.
This is achieved using three steps: First, we use physical vapor
deposition (PVD) or other suitable methods disclosed in this
document to deposit a CNT growth support film such as an
Inconel-based growth support film and a CNT growth catalyst onto a
bulk substrate. By this example, we create an electrically
conducting substrate with a spacing suitable for
functionalization. For a baseline, we also examine the feasibility
of using a "conventional" A1203 CNT growth support. Second, we
grow anchored 3D arrays of CNTs via conventional chemical vapor
deposition (CVD) or other suitable methods disclosed in this
document. We demonstrate that the achieved CNT distribution is
ideally suited for subsequent functionalization. This
functionalization is achieved through a conformal coating of the
CNTs by a nanocrystalline VN film or other suitable materials
disclosed in this document. The nitride is deposited via PVD or
other suitable method and constitutes the third and last step in
this example of the synthesis process. These structures are then
electrochemically tested. The CNT growth support film may have the
growth catalyst particles deposited onto, built into or forming
part of a CNT growth support film.
[0047] One significant advantage of our synthesis methodology is
its potential commercial scalability. Both CVD and PVD are
well-established advanced manufacturing technologies, being widely
employed for batch-process manufacturing of microelectronics and
solar cells. In addition to, or instead of, PVD, atomic layer
deposition (ALD) may be utilized to grow the conformal functional
oxide or nitride coatings on the CNT arrays. In regards to aligned
CNT arrays (not loose tubes), a CVD-based method has the most
potential for industrial -scale production because it is the
technique that is capable of growing nanotubes directly on desired
substrates. CVD-based techniques for growth of CNTs are also
rapidly evolving in their efficiency and process control accuracy,
with several notable examples. Recent advances include
water-assisted supergrowth of dense and aligned CNT forests;
additional dramatic process improvements which allow CVD to be
utilized to grow centimeter tall, aligned CNT arrays, as well as
arrays that fully cover 210 x 297 mm (A4 paper) substrates; and
work by researchers at our institute, who produced CNT films on a
large scale using a commercial CVD reactor. We utilize the same
manufacturing-scale CVD reactor for the current study. The
nanocomposite 3D array methodology detailed here may also be
utilized for other applications where electrical conductivity to
the substrate is essential, such as proton exchange membrane (PEM)
fuel cells and Li -ion battery electrodes.
[0048] The following discloses experiments that provide a factual
basis for the predictions in this patent document.
[0049] Two types of bulk substrates were utilized in this study:
polished Inconel and GC, both being round disks 11.32 mm in
diameter and 2 mm in thickness. These materials had the dual role
of also being utilized as the electrodes in the electrochemical
experiments. The disks were polished to a mirror finish with 6.0,
1.0, 0.25, and 0.05 um polycrystalline diamond paste (Allied High
Tech Products, Inc.) in sequence. After each polishing step, the
electrodes were ultrasonically cleaned in Milli-Q (Millipore)
water. Finally, the electrodes were ultrasonically cleaned in 8 M
HN03, acetone, isopropanol, and Milli-Q water in sequence, and
dried under argon flow.
[0050] Inconel support films of 150 nm in thickness were
synthesized via PVD onto the electrodes. This was achieved via
radio frequency (RF) magnetron sputtering (AJA International,
Inc.), from an Inconel-600 target (VBM Precision Machine), in
ultra-pure argon (99.999%) plasma. Prior to all depositions the
sputtering chamber reached a base pressure of less than or equal
to 5 [chi] 10 <s> Torr. A substrate temperature of 800
[deg.]C was used to obtain crystalline Inconel films. The films
possessed good adhesion to either electrode. For this PVD step,
the sputtering rate was accurately measured in-situ using a
crystal monitor at the substrate plane. A deposition rate of 2.5
nm/min was utilized. Inconel-coated electrodes were then placed in
the center of a tube furnace (MTI, GSL1100X). Oxidation was
accomplished by heating the samples to 700 [deg.]C at a rate of
15[deg.]C/min under a flow of dried air (100 seem total). The
sample was held at that temperature for 60 s. Then the furnace was
slowly cooled to room temperature under an argon flow (200 seem
total). This oxidation process produced roughly a 100 nm thick
passivation oxide (blue in color), which acted as the diffusion
barrier layer for the CNT growth. A 1 nm Cr/1 nm Fe-30 atom % Ni
bilayer CNT growth catalyst was subsequently deposited via direct
current (DC) magnetron sputtering and co-sputtering, using
elemental targets.
[0051 ] In order to investigate the effect of CNT density on the
resulting VN/CNT composite structure, CNT growth catalyst was
deposited on an A1203 support as well. Twenty five nanometers of
A1203 was reactively sputtered by dc magnetron sputtering from an
Al target (99.995% purity) in mixed argon-oxygen plasma. The
substrate was held at 350 [deg.]C during deposition. The total
pressure in the sputtering chamber was maintained at 5
<[chi]> 10<"3> Torr for all the experiments, and the
volume flow rate ratio of argon to oxygen was 9.5: 1.5 (total 11
seem) . After sputtering, the oxide films were annealed at 400
[deg.]C for 60 min. Deposition rate calibration was performed ex
situ through the use of a profilometer (KLA-Tencor Alpha-Step IQ)
to measure step heights. The 1 nm Cr/1 nm Fe-30 atom % Ni bilayer
CNT growth catalyst was subsequently deposited on top.
[0052] The CNT arrays were synthesized via a commercial CVD
reactor (Tystar, Inc.). The mass-production designed system
handles up to fifty 150 mm wafers simultaneously, with industry
standard process control. The basic process flow is load, heat and
reduce, grow, cool, and unload. The electrodes were loaded into
the reactor at 550 [deg.]C; the reactor was then purged with argon
and heated to the growth temperature of 750 [deg.]C using a rate
of 10 C7min under a flow of 10% hydrogen in argon (3000 seem
[0053] Table 1. Legend for the Specimen Configurations Utilized in
the Supporting Experiments
[0054] The electrodes were then held at 750 [deg.]C for a total
time of 40 min. During the growth stage, 15% ethylene and 10%
hydrogen in argon (3300 seem total) flowed into the reactor for a
time of 4-6 min. The reactor was then cooled to 350 [deg.]C under
a flow of argon (2700 seem total), and the samples were removed.
[0055] Vanadium nitride thin films were grown using a similar
approach to that by Zasadzinski et al. The methodology consisted
of reactive RF magnetron sputtering from an elemental vanadium
target (99.995% purity) in mixed argon-nitrogen plasma. The
optimum substrate temperature for well-crystallized films was
found to be 580 [deg.]C. With the heater at temperature, the base
pressure in the chamber was less than 5 [chi] 10 <s> Torr.
High -purity argon and nitrogen were injected directly into the
chamber with a volume flow rate ratio of 16.8:3.2 (total 20 seem).
The deposition pressure in the sputtering chamber was maintained
at 4 [chi] 10<"3> Torr. The VN films were subsequently
annealed in the chamber at 610 [deg.]C for 60 min in a nitrogen
flow (10 seem, 4 [chi] 10<"3> Torr). Deposition rate
calibration was performed ex situ through the use of a
profilometer (KLA- Tencor Alpha-Step IQ) to measure the step
heights. The deposition rates of VN were on the order of 1 nm/min.
The VN mass loading was calculated from the film thickness and the
known density of crystalline VN. The loading is presented in units
of milligram per geometric (not real) surface area.
[0056] The phases present were identified using glancing angle
X-ray diffraction (XRD) using a Bruker AXS D8 Discover
diffractometer with a GADDS area detector. Phase identification
was performed on -350 nm thick VN films grown on 4 in. Si
substrates. The wafer was oriented to avoid the primary Si
reflections in the detector. Sheet electrical resistivity
measurements were taken using a four-point probe configuration
(Lucas Laboratories). Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was
performed using a Hitachi S-4800 operated at 20 kV accelerating
voltage. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) was performed
using a JEOL 2010 operated at 200 kV accelerating voltage. For TEM
analysis the structures were mechanically removed from the
electrodes and dry-dispersed onto grids. Electron diffraction
simulation was performed using the commercial software Desktop
Microscopist(TM), with the input of the well-known space group
information for the constituent cubic VN phase.
[0057] X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) measurements were
performed using an Axis Ultra spectrometer (Kratos Analytical)
with a base pressure of 5 [chi] 10<"10> Torr. X-rays were
generated by an Al mono (Ka) source operated at 210 W. The spectra
were collected at a 90[deg.] takeoff angle. For the survey
spectra, the analyzer pass energy was 160 eV, and for the high
-resolution spectra the pass energy was 20 eV. The bonding energy
scale in XPS measurements was corrected for the charging effect by
assigning a value of 284.6 eV to the C Is peak of adventitious
carbon. Peak-fitting identification was performed using the system
software and the NIST XPS database as a cross-check.
[0058] Simultaneous thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and
differential scanning calorimetery (DSC) (SDT Q600, TA
Instruments) were applied to precisely determine the weight
fractions of carbon nanotubes, amorphous carbon, and catalysts.
As-prepared carbon nanotubes were scraped from the substrates, and
the analysis was performed in an aluminum oxide crucible under a
constant dried air flow (2 mL/min). The samples were heated from
room temperature to 1000 [deg.]C at a heating rate of 5 C7min.
[0059] All electrochemical measurements including cyclic
voltammetry and constant current charge-discharge cycling were
performed using a standard rotation disk electrode (RDE) system
(Princeton Applied Research model 616 RDE), a potentiostat (Versa
STAT 3), and an in-house fabricated three-compartment Teflon cell.
A helical Pt wire counter electrode and an Hg/HgO reference
electrode with taper joint (CHI 152, CH Instruments, Inc.) were
used. The GC and Inconel working electrodes were directly
assembled into Teflon holders. All electrochemical measurements
were carried out in 1 M KOH (analytic grade, Fisher Scientific) at
room temperature without any rotation. All CV curves depicted in
the results represent the steady state after -40-50 cycles unless
specifically indicated otherwise.
[0060] Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) measurements
were carried out to further verify the merit of a 3D CNT/Inconel
support on the electrode performance. All the tests were conducted
(three-electrode system, with Hg/HgO as reference electrode) on a
Solartron 1470 electrochemical test station, applying an
alternating current in the frequency range from 1 Hz to 20 kHz,
with 5 mV amplitude, around 0 V vs open circuit potential (OCP,
around 0.16 V vs reference electrode).
[0061 ] We use a series of shorthand notations for the types of
samples examined in this study. The abbreviation along with the
sample description and purpose are presented in Table 1.
[0062] Fig. 1 A provides an SEM micrograph of the as-synthesized
CNT array on Inconel/GC. The diameters of the CNTs on Inconel/GC
are in the 60 nm range. The nanotubes are relatively coarsely
distributed on the substrate, with spacing on the order of 200-300
nm. The height of these CNTs is 45 [mu][iota][eta]. The number
density of the CNTs is (1.01.5) <[chi]>
10<9>/cm<2>. These dimensions and spacings yield a
ratio of -15 for the true substrate surface area versus the
geometric surface area.
[0063] Simultaneous differential scanning calorimentry (DSC) and
thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) were performed in a dry flowing
air environment. Such analysis allows for an estimate of the mass
proportion of carbon nanotubes, amorphous carbon, and residual
catalysts. Fig. IB shows the results. The decomposition onset
temperature for MWCNTs is around 515 [deg.]C. All the amorphous
carbon was burnt before this onset temperature, with its mass
fraction being on the order of 5%. By 710 [deg.]C, 98% of the
total mass is lost, which indicates that 93% of the material by
mass is MWCNT. At higher temperatures only the growth catalyst
[0064] Fig. 2A presents an SEM micrograph of a 60 nm thick VN film
grown on a GC substrate. The film had a mass loading of 0.037
mg/cm<2> by geometric area of the GC substrate. In the
subsequent results, unless indicated otherwise, the VN mass
loading is that value. The film was continuous and had good
electrical conductivity. Its average measured resistivity was 43.5
[Gamma][Pi][Omega] cm. It is well-known that good electrical
conductivity is key for fast and reversible redox reactions at
high charging/discharging rates. Fig. 2B shows the XRD pattern of
the synthesized vanadium nitride thin film. Three strong
diffraction peaks are observed at 2[Theta] value of 38. ,
44.3[deg.], and 64.4[deg.]. These diffraction peaks can be
ascribed to the crystal planes of (111), (200), and (220). The
as-prepared VN film can be considered to be a cubic crystal system
(Fm3 m [225]), with a unit-cell parameter a = 4.085 A, which is
almost identical to the 4.09 A of the stoichiometric VN (space
group [225] Fm3 m , Joint Committee on Powder Diffraction
Standards (JCPDS) Power diffraction File Card No. 25- 1252). We
can conclude that the VN synthesized by reactive sputtering in
ultrapure argonnitrogen mixture is nearly stoichiometric.
[0065] It also can be concluded that the diffraction peaks of VN
are broadened, indicating a small size of individual crystallites.
While the grain size is expected to be different between the
several tens of nanometer thick (for example, 60 nm VN on GC) and
the hundreds of nanometer thick samples, the structure of the
nitride phase should be nearly identical.
[0066] Fig. 2C and Fig. 2D highlight the VN/CNT/Inconel/GC system.
The case of VN/CNT/Inconel/Inconel is not shown, since the
electrochemical capacitor structure (i.e., CNT diameter, height
and spacing, VN coverage) is nearly identical to that of
VN/CNT/Inconel/GC. For both the blanket VN films and for the
CNT-supported VN, a faceted VN nanocrystallite crystallographic
morphology is observed. Such morphology is expected for VN films
deposited at high temperatures, where crystals nucleate in their
equilibrium Wulff shape, due to fast long-range mass transport on
the film surface. Fig. 2E provides a summary schematic of the 3D
array of the VNCNT nanocomposites, with all the support and
catalyst layers included. Conceptually the figure is similar to
the "ideal" electrochemical capacitor core-shell structure
proposed by Simon and Gogotsy, though in our case the
supercapacitive film is fully conformal to the CNT array whereas
in their case, it is depicted as partially wetted. Though we did
not investigate this in detail, it is reasonable to assume that
the CrFeNi catalyst film will dewet on the oxidized Inconel,
forming catalyst islands that are roughly on the same scale as the
diameter of the resulting CNTs. What is not captured in the
schematic is that limited tip growth may also occur. In both the
base-growth (depicted) and the tip- growth cases, the catalyst is
likely to be ultimately encapsulated by a graphitic layer. Further
investigation is needed to fully understand the structure of this
particular catalyst and its interaction with the oxidized Inconel
[0067] Figs. 3A-3D show the TEM characterization results of the
VN/ CNT/Inconel/GC 3D arrays. Fig. 3A shows a bright field
micrograph of the top of the CNTs, highlighting their coverage by
the nanocrystalline VN. Figs. 3B and 3C show bright field and high
angle annular dark field (HAADF) (Z -contrast) micrographs,
respectively. The nanostructures were sheared from the electrode
right at the base. The portions imaged in Figs. 3B and 3C were
close to the fracture surface, i.e., near the bottom. These images
confirm that the VN nanocrystallites conformally cover the CNTs.
The coverage is not perfectly uniform, however. The CNTs were not
fully vertically aligned and hence received somewhat varying
levels of coverage depending on their orientation to the atomic
flux. The corresponding selected area electron diffraction (SAED)
pattern and accompanying simulation is shown in Fig. 3D. The
pattern displays the expected VN diffraction ring pattern.
Additionally there are the 0002 and 0004 "graphitic" MWCNT
[0068] CNT arrays grown on A1203/GC are both much denser and much
longer compared to those on Inconel (see Figs. 4A and 4B). A
typical height and diameter of a CNT is 35 um and 10 nm,
respectively. The spacing of CNTs is quite fine, being on the
order of 10-15 nm. The coverage of the VN on CNTs grown using the
A1203 support films is quite different from that of the Inconel
case. Carbon nanotubes grown using Inconel are covered by the VN.
In the case of the CNTs grown using the A1203 support, the VN
covers only the very top fraction of the nanotubes.
[0069] The difference in the morphology between CNT arrays grown
using the Inconel versus the A1203 films is likely due to varying
catalyst substrate interaction. The CNT height, diameter, and
spacing difference between the two arrays can be ascribed to
catalyst stability. It is well known that for thin-film -based
catalysts, CNT growth is a two-step process. First is the
restructuring of a thin film into separated nanoclusters of
catalyst particles and subsequent particle coarsening. The
kinetics of thin film de wetting and breakup have been recently
detailed by Luber et al. The second stage occurs upon the
introduction of the carbon feedstock gas and involves graphitic
network formation and actual CNT growth.
[0070] An A1203 support layer is one of the more effective
substrates for CNT growth. Its relatively strong chemical
interaction with the Fe-based catalyst particles results in a
narrow and fine particle size distribution that is relatively
stable against coarsening. A narrow and stable catalyst size
distribution, in turn, is known to lead to well-ordered and
uniform arrays of vertically aligned CNTs, as is observed in this
study. Conversely, Inconel-based films have a weak interaction
with Fe-based catalysts. Catalyst substrates with a weak chemical
interaction will result in catalyst islands that are widely spaced
and dimensionally coarse at elevated temperatures. During CNT
growth these particles will also undergo accelerated Ostwald
ripening relative to the case of the reactive substrates, e.g.,
see ref 42 and citations therein. Coarsened catalyst particles
will grow CNTs with correspondingly large diameters and spacing.
The CNTs' coarse spacing will lead to them folding over during
growth due to low steric hindrance as is evident from Fig. 1A.
Because the CNTs grown on A1203 are too dense to become fully
coated by VN during sputtering, the remainder of the paper will
focus on CNTs grown on Inconel as the electrochemical properties
are also clearly superior.
[0071 ] We utilized cyclic voltammetry (CV) and constant current
charge-discharge (CD) cycling to evaluate the supercapacitive
behavior of VN on the different substrates. The specific
capacitance (SC), in farads per gram, based on CV and CD cycling
can be calculated by the following equations:
"; - - 2 ) where Q is the integrated cathodic (or anodic) charge,
m is the mass of the active material, [Delta][Epsilon] is the
potential window, i is the discharge (or charge) current, and At
is the discharge time. All SC values were calculated by averaging
the capacitance of symmetric anodic and cathodic halves. We first
investigated the electrochemical stability of CNTs on Inconel/GC,
without the presence of VN. Since the actual CNTs are stable in
KOH, these results provide insight regarding the electrochemical
stability of the oxidized Inconel and of the catalyst particles
that anchor the CNTs at their base. Degradation in the capacitance
could then be largely attributed to corrosion at sites where the
CNTs are anchored, and subsequent CNT detachment from the
electrodes. The samples were tested with 10000 CV cycles at a 50
mV/s sweep rate. Fig. 5 A shows the CV curves of CNTs on Inconel
at cycle 1 and at cycle 10000 where only minimal degradation is
observed. Fig. 5B shows the CV curves for GC and for a VN/GC film
tested at a 100 mV/s sweep rate. According to the CV data the
specific capacitance of the VN on GC was 84.3 F/g. In the case of
exposed GC there is a clear redox peak around -0.25 V. This is
indicative of two-electron reduction of oxygen to H02<" 43>
Naturally, this redox peak is detected in all CV curves, albeit at
slightly different potentials due to the different nature of the
electrode surface, GC, CNT, and VN. The CV curve of VN/GC shows a
broad relatively symmetric redox peak centered at -0.61 V during
charging and at -0.63 V during discharging. An additional smaller
peak is observed at -0.94 V during charging, and at -0.98 V during
discharging. These features are unique to the samples with VN, and
can be related to redox processes on the VN surface.
[0072] The CV curve of CNTs on Inconel/GC, scanned at 20 mV/s, is
shown in Fig. 5C. After the CV measurement, the carbon nanotubes
were removed, and a CV test of the remnant CNT growth catalyst
particles on Inconel/GC was performed under identical conditions.
This curve is also shown in Fig. 5C. It can be seen that the
current density of catalyst/Inconel/GC is much lower than that of
CNT/Inconel/GC, and the peak positions in these two curves are
different. Thus we can safely conclude that the remnant catalyst
particles have a negligible contribution to the overall
electrochemical supercapacitance. As was already demonstrated, the
carbon nanotubes are thoroughly covered by the VN. Since the CNTs
are not in contact with the electrolyte, their capacitive
contribution is also zero (apart from acting as a support for the
VN). Similarly, any catalyst particles that wound up giving tip
growth would be fully encapsulated by the VN. Fig. 5D shows the CV
data for the CNT/Inconel/GC vs VN/CNT/Inconel/GC, at 100 mV/s. The
geometrical area normalized electrical double layer capacitance
for CNT/Inconel is 0.001216 F/cm<2>.The CNTs grown on
Inconel were too light to accurately ascertain their mass per
geometrical squared centimeter (and hence to obtain specific
capacitance per mass). The geometrical area normalized capacitance
of the VN/CNT/Inconel is 0.01022 F/cm<2>. The specific
capacitance of VN/CNT/Inconel is 276 F/g. Since the VN is
conformal to the CNTs, the electrochemically accessible surface
areas are similar for both types of structures. Therefore the
electric double layer contribution for the VN/CNT/Inconel can be
estimated as 12% of the total capacitance.
[0073] Fig. 6A shows the cyclic voltammetry diagrams of VN/
CNT/Inconel/GC nanostructures. The potential range of -1.0 to 0.06
V is sampled at different scan rates. There is a slight shift of
peak positions due to the voltage drop caused by electric
resistance at high sweep rates. Otherwise, in the sweep rate range
of 20 mV to 1000 mV/s, the shape of all the curves is quite
similar. Fig. 6B gives the relationship between the specific
capacitance and the scan rate, in the case of VN/CNT/Inconel/ GC,
using three different nitride loadings. The specific capacitance,
in F/g, degrades with increasing material loading. This is an
expected result: with increasing loading the films get thicker,
while their total surface area still follows that of the
underlying CNT array. Since pseudocapacitance arises from charge
transfer reactions at the materials surface, thicker VN films
essentially waste material. For each mass loading, when the sweep
rate was increased from 20 to 1000 mV/s, the specific capacitances
decreased by less than 20%. Our material shows superior rate
capability over the early studies on and comparable performance to
Glushenkov et al. and Zhou et al.
[0074] It should be mentioned here that at low scan rate (e.g., 20
mV/s as shown in Figs. 12A and 12B) the cathodic current is higher
than anodic current, although the differences are much smaller
than for the bare GC and CNT electrodes shown in Figs. 5A-5E.
These results show that the oxygen reduction reaction has much
slower kinetics and is of much smaller influence for the VN
functionalized electrodes compared to bare carbons and will have
only very minor influence on the calculated value for the specific
capacitance of our VN coated CNT arrays. Our results are in good
agreement with the results of a recent publication by Zhou et al,
who indicated that the CV of VN nanoparticles is also far from
"symmetric" with respect to zero current at low scan rates. As
shown in Figs. 5B and 5D, VN/GC and VN/CNT/Inconel/GC exhibit
excellent reversibilities at 100 mV/s, the CV curve is symmetric
with respect to zero current, indicating a dominant fast and
reversible redox reaction. At 20 and 100 mV/s, the capacitances of
VN/CNT/Inconel/CNTs are 289 and 276 F/g, respectively.
[0075] The charge-discharge cycling test is considered to be an
alternative and arguably better quantitative method to evaluate
the supercapacitive nature of an electrode material as opposed to
the CV measurement. The supercapacitive behavior of
VN/CNT/Inconel/GC is further analyzed by constant current
charge-discharge cycling, with current densities from 0.3 mA/cm
(i.e., 8 A/g) to 2 mA/cm (i.e., 54 A/g). These results are shown
in Fig. 6A. As shown in the figure, all the charge- discharge
curves possess close to an ideal triangular shape. The variation
of the specific capacitance value deduced by charge-discharge
curves at different current densities is shown in Fig. 6D. The
specific capacitance decreases gradually from 295 to 214 F/g as
the current density increases from 0.3 to 2 mA/cm . This result
shows the same trends as the CV measurements. In addition, it can
be seen from Fig. 6C that the charge time and discharge time are
different during galvanostatic charge and discharge at low current
density. At 0.3 mA/cm (i.e., 8 A/g), the charge time and discharge
time are 24.8 and 39.5 s, respectively. This difference arises
from some slow and irreversible reactions, probably involving
oxidation of the active material although more work will be needed
to conclusively establish the root cause of such reactions.
Glushenkov et al. encountered a similar problem, who indicated
that the VN electrodes fail to charge and discharge in 1 M KOH at
low current densities. However at 0.7 mA/cm , the charge time and
discharge time are 11.1 and 11.5 s, respectively, which are quite
close. At higher current density, the charge time is almost the
same as the discharge time, suggesting a good reversibility at
high charging-discharging current density.
[0076] Although there are some slow and irreversible reactions at
low scan rates and low charging-discharging current density, for
supercapacitor applications, high charge-discharge rate is very
important. Therefore we believe the VN/CNT/Inconel composite is a
promising material for fast charge-discharge applications.
[0077] Figs. 7A and 7B show the Nyquist plots of the
CNT/Inconel/GC and VN/CNT/Inconel/GC electrodes in 1 M KOH, as
well as the simulated curves. The spectra were fitted to the
equivalent electronic circuit shown in Fig. 14. The calculated
equivalent series resistance (ESR) and charge-transfer resistance
(Rct) of CNT/Inconel/GC are 2.76 and 0.11 [Omega], respectively.
The 0.11 [Omega] for the CNT array probably corresponds to the
charge transfer resistance of the oxygen reduction reaction,
which, as was already mentioned, is much faster on the carbons
than on VN. After coating with VN, the ESR and R^ are 2.94 [Omega]
and 0.28 [Omega], respectively. Our value for R;t is almost a
factor of 10 lower than that reported by Zhou et al., which shows
how the CNT array improves the rate capability compared to powder
electrodes. Low charge-transfer resistance helps to achieve good
rate capability because cycling stability is an important property
of a supercapacitor, the VN/CNT/Inconel/ Inconel electrode was
subjected to a long-term cycling test. The results are shown in
Fig. 8A. After 600 CV cycles at a scan rate of 50 mV/s, the
specific capacitance values remain at 64%, 63%, and 64% of the
original values for the 0.037, 0.092, and 0.135 glc VN films,
respectively. To further understand the electrochemical stability
of VN in alkaline solution, SEM analysis was carried out on the
pre- and post-electrochemically cycled VN/CNT/Inconel/Inconel
samples. Figs. 8B and 8C show the SEM micrographs of the
pre-cycled and the post-cycled (250 cycles) materials. The SEM
micrographs reveal that no substantial changes in the VN
nanocrystallites' morphology or size are incurred by the
electrochemical cycling.
[0078] X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis of the
post-cycled materials was carried out on 160 nm VN/Si. These
planar samples received the same 250 electrochemical cycles. XPS
spectra of the VN thin films before and after 250 electrochemical
cycles are shown in Figs. 9A- 9D. Besides the experimental peaks
(black), the figures also show the model predictions of individual
and summation peaks and background fits (lower lines). The peaks
were identified using the aforementioned NIST XPS database. Fig.
9A shows the V peaks and O peaks obtained from the as- synthesized
film, which was stored at ambient conditions for approximately 24
h prior to analysis. Both the V 2p and V 2p appear to be a sum of
the spectral lines from several valence states of vanadium. The V
2p is fitted with three peaks. The peak at 513.75 eV can be
attributed to vanadium 3+ in the vanadium nitride structure. The
peaks at 514.7 and 516.8 eV most likely correspond to V 5+(V203)
and V (V205) oxidation states of vanadium, respectively. We can
therefore conclude that vanadium oxide is present in multiple
stoichiometrics. The O Is peak at 530.2 eV is also shown. In the
V205 structure the O Is spectral line is in the 529.8-530.6 eV
range. In the V204, V203, and V02 structures, the O Is spectral
peaks are at 530.4, 530.3, and 530.0 eV, respectively. Since these
peaks are quite close in energy, it is difficult to ascribe a
particular oxidation state from the oxygen peak data. Fig. 9B
shows the portion of the spectrum containing the nitrogen peak,
before cycling. The nitrogen peak, which is at 397.3 eV, is in the
position expected for a metal nitride (N spectral line Is:
396.8-398.9 eV). Since both the oxide and the nitride peaks are
present in the as-synthesized sample, we can conclude that even
prior to electrochemical cycling the VN crystals are at least
partially oxidized. Most likely the coverage is uniform, with the
nanometer-scale thickness of the mixed oxides still enabling
detection of a signal from the underlying VN.
[0079] Figs. 9C and 9D show XPS results for the
post-electrochemically cycled VN films. The V curves are different
from those of the pre-cycled films. The V 2p line shifts to 515.1
eV (V ) and 517.1 eV (V ), with an increase in intensity that
indicates a change in the relative amounts of each oxide during
electrochemical cycling. The underlying nitride, at 397.4 eV, is
still clearly present after the cycling. The nitrogen peak N Is,
which is at 397.4 eV, is still clearly present after the cycling
with a minor shift. It should be mentioned that the nitrogen peak
is also in the position expected for oxidized nitrogen species
like N03<"> (N Is around 397.4 eV). As discussed above, the
nitrogen peak N Is at 397.3 eV can be definitely attributed to the
underlying VN prior to the cycling, but because of the strong
overlap with the nitrate peak position, we cannot entirely exclude
formation of nitrate species in the cycled material.
[0080] The possible charge-storage mechanism of VN has been
studied by several groups. Choi et al. discussed in detail the
surface reactions of the VN nanocrystals in aqueous electrolyte of
high pH (-14). The authors proposed that in the presence of
OH<"> ions an equilibrium reaction could occur on the
nitride or oxynitride surfaces. The reaction is a combination of
electrochemical double layer formation and a Faradaic redox
reaction VNxOy + OH <-> VNxOy¦¦OH + VNxOy- OH + e (3) where
the VNxOy¦¦OH<"> represents the electrical double layer
formed by the hydroxide ions physisorbed on nonspecific sites,
whereas VNxOy- OH represents chemisorption in the faradaic redox
reaction. Impedance measurements in the study by Zhou et al.
revealed that a charge transfer reaction is indeed happening. More
precise determination of the reaction mechanisms would be possible
using spectroscopic techniques such as FTIR and XPS in situ, but
that would require a specialized electrochemical setup.
Theoretically, a lot of information about the redox processes
could be gained from detailed studies of CV peak positions and
currents as a function of scan rate, electrolyte concentration,
etc., but this is outside the scope of the present paper.
[0081 ] The maximum capacitance obtained in this study is
different from the values reported by Zhou et al. (161 F/g),
Glushenkov et al. (186 F/g), and Choi et al. (1340 F/g). The
extraordinary capacitance 1340 F/g reported by Choi et al. was
achieved at a very slow scan rate of 2 mV/s. Subsequent studies by
the same group reported more modest capacitance values for
nanocrystalline VN synthesized nominally in the same manner. The
best performance that the authors could obtain was 160 F/g. These
study-to-study variations may be related to the differences in
both the surface area-to-volume ratios and in the surface state of
each material. Glushenkov and coworkers argued that for the VN
system the composition structure of the surface oxide layer has a
tremendous influence on the capacitive performance. This is a
reasonable conclusion since the vanadium oxide phases are
generally poor electrical conductors. Their presence in sufficient
thicknesses would degrade the capacitance through resistive
losses. Furthermore, the various valence vanadium oxides are
expected to have differing electrical conductivities. For a given
oxide, its electrical conductivity is generally expected to
improve with increasing oxygen deficiency.
[0082] Choi et al. proposed that the cycling performance was
determined by several parameters like crystallite size, oxide
layer, material loading, electrolyte concentration, and potential
window. Our cycling results support the above argument regarding
the importance of surface structure. The observed change in the
oxide may be the factor leading to the electrochemical cycling-
induced capacitance loss. There is discernible difference between
the as-synthesized (289 F/g) and the post-cycled (185 F/g) samples
in the composition and/or relative amount of the various mixed
oxide phases on the material's surface. If during cycling the
oxide layers grew thicker and/or became less electrically
conducting due to a change in stoichiometry or the relative volume
fractions of each phase, the capacitance would degrade. It is
unlikely that the contribution from electrical double layer
capacitance varies due to cycling. As we showed in Fig. 5 A, the
electrical double layer capacitance of CNTs on Inconel does not
evolve. Since the VN conformally covers the CNTs, it is not
expected that the total electrochemically accessible surface area
will be drastically different in the case of VN/CNT/Inconel versus
CNT/Inconel. During cycling, there is little evidence of the
VN/CNT/Inconel nanostructures physically degrading in a way as to
reduce that area.
[0083] It has been previously argued that poor rate capability is
a key disadvantage of utilizing VN-based electrodes for
electrochemical capacitor applications. For example Choi et al.
found that the capacitance of highly porous VN powders decreased
dramatically (more than 50%) when the sweep rate was increased
from 2 to 100 mV/s. Such rate -dependent loss is attributed to the
morphology of the as-prepared VN nanocrystallites, which normally
consist of weakly interconnected nanoparticles. Ohmic losses due
to these interparticle contacts would increase linearly with
current density, resulting in a sharp drop in capacitance at
higher currents and/or scan rates. In this study, conversely, the
capacitance decreases only very slowly with increasing current
density at higher currents and scan rates. For an electrochemical
reaction involving charge transfer, the overpotential increases
only logarithmically with current according to the Butler-Volmer
equation. Hence, in our case, the behavior of the material seems
to be determined entirely by the charge- transfer kinetics of the
relevant redox processes. The fact that the VN nanocrystallites
are in the form of a continuous shell around a conducting core
that directly anchored to a conductive substrate eliminates ohmic
losses, resulting in excellent rate capability.
[0084] Among previous studies, only Glushenkov et al. and Zhou et
al. obtained rate capability comparable to ours albeit at lower
specific capacitance. Variation in the other studies involved a
slightly different ratio between VN, Super P conductive additive,
and poly(vinylidene fluoride). This suggests that the final
performance of the supercapacitor is very sensitive to small
variations in the electrode preparation process. As mentioned in
the Introduction, our approach has the big advantage of being a
"drop-in" for an industrial thin film fabrication environment and
involves no handling or mixing of the active materials.
Additionally, CNTs grown on conductive electrodes are just one of
many highly electrically conductive, high surface area substrates,
such as carbon paper, carbon cloth, CNT paper, or graphene that VN
can be vapor-deposited onto. As we demonstrated in this study when
these materials consist of a three-dimensional open network,
uniform coverage by VN would be achievable given a sufficient
spacing of the features.
[0085] This study demonstrates a direct synthesis methodology to
achieve three-dimensional arrays of carbon nanotube-vanadium
nitride nanostructures. Since the resultant arrays come firmly
anchored to the electrically conductive electrodes, the developed
methodology is highly advantageous for electrochemical capacitor
applications. The skeleton of multiwalled carbon nanotubes was
grown via chemical vapor deposition using an Inconel-based support
film. The outer layer of vanadium nitride was subsequently
synthesized using physical vapor deposition (reactive sputtering).
Transmission electron microscopy analysis indicates that the
vanadium nitride layer consists of a shell of interconnected
sub-50-nm scale nanocrystallites that conformally cover the
[0086] For the three-dimensional arrays grown using the
Inconel-based support film, a specific capacitance of 289 F/gwas
achieved in 1 M KOH at a scan rate of 20 mV/s. Cyclic voltammetry
measurements indicated that the nitride-nanotube composites
exhibit superb high rate capability (up to 1000 mV/s) and a long
cycle life. At a sweep rate of 1000 mV/sthe specific capacitances
decreased by less than 20%. After 600 cycles the specific
capacitance remains at roughly 64% of the original value.
Electrochemical analysis performed by constant current
charge-discharge cycling, in the range of 0.3-2 mA/cm ,
demonstrates close to an ideal triangular shape of voltage versus
time behavior.
[0087] X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analysis was performed on
the as-synthesized and the post-electrochemically cycled blanket
films of vanadium nitride. Vanadium oxide peaks of several
valences and vanadium nitride peaks were present in the
as-synthesized and in the post-cycled samples. Hence we conclude
that even prior to electrochemical cycling the nitride crystals
are at least partially oxidized. Scanning electron microscopy of
the post-electrochemically cycled samples revealed minimal
morphological changes of the nanocrystalline nitride.
[0088] We also examined the feasibility of creating similar
nanostructures using a much denser array of carbon nanotubes grown
on "conventional" A1203 support films. The high CNT density did
not allow for conformal coating by the nitride.
[0089] Raman spectroscopy is widely used for examining the
structure of carbon nanotubes. In this study, first-order Raman
spectroscopy (532 nm) was employed on the 3D CNT array grown on
Inconel/GC. Raman measurements were carried out with a confocal
microprobe Raman system (Thermo Nicolet Almega XR Raman
Microscope) using an air-cooled charge-coupled device (CCD) and a
green diode laser operating at 532 nm. A 2000 groove/mm
holographic reflection grating was used. The spatial resolution,
confocal resolution and spectral resolution are 1 um, 2
[mu][iota][eta] and 2 cm<"1>, respectively. The Raman
-scattered light was collected normal to the sample surface where
at least five positions were randomly chosen on each sample.
[0090] As shown in Fig. 10, the Raman spectrum normalized to D
peak demonstrates two Raman bands, the G band and the D band. The
G band, at -1571 cm<"1>, is related to the graphite
tangential E2g Raman active mode, which is due to the stretching
vibration of 5/J> -hybridized carbon. The D band, at -1343
cm<"1>, is a breathing mode of Aig symmetry, which only
becomes active in the presence of disorder and defects.
Accordingly, the intensity ratio of IG I ID can provide
semiquantitative information about the CNT quality. The average
value of calculated IG I ID is 1.60, indicating good crystallinity
of the as-prepared CNT array, with low levels of disordered
carbonaceous impurities.
[0091 ] Fig. 11 A shows HRTEM image of a CNT grown on Inconel.
Fig. 1 IB is an HRTEM image of a CNT grown on A1203. Clearly, the
diameter is much smaller and the resulting packing density much
higher (see Figure 4) for the nanotubes grown on A1203. Fig. 12A
shows the CV curves of GC and of VN/GC at a slow scan rate of 20
mV/s. Fig. 12B shows the CV data for CNT/Inconel and for
VN/CNT/Inconel at a slow scan rate of 20 mV/s. It is clear that
the cathodic current is higher than the anodic current. These
results suggest that at low scan rates there are some slow and
irreversible reactions that only occur in the cathodic region.
Fig. 13A shows the CV results (scan rate of 50 mV/s) for the case
of the CNT/A1203. After 10000 cycles the specific capacitance
(Csp) is approximately 1/3 of the original value. When the GC disk
was removed from the solution after testing, we observed that a
significant amount of the CNTs had peeled off the electrode. This
electrochemical instability of the CNT/A1203 system can be
attributed to the well-known amphoteric property of A1203, which
is unstable in both highly acid and highly alkaline environments.
Fig. 13B shows the CV results for CNT/A1203 and for VN/CNT/A1203
at a sweep rate of 20 mV/s. There is only a minimal difference
between the two curves: with the presence of VN film the current
density increases only marginally, while the shape of the CV
remains similar to that of the uncoated CNT array. A small
symmetrical redox peak is observed at -0.65 V. The total
capacitance of the VN-covered array is the sum of the capacitance
due to double layer charging and the electrochemical
pseudocapacitance of the VN overlayer. Furthermore since the VN
covers a relatively small fraction of the CNTs, one can assume
that the mass available for double layer charging is about the
same in each case. The pseudocapacitive contribution due to the VN
surface film can then be obtained from the difference of the two
CV curves. This value is calculated to be 131 F/g. This is roughly
50% higher than that of VN/GC, indicating only limited improved
utilization of the nitride.
[0092] The above results demonstrate that although such dense CNT
arrays have large surface areas and are useful as electrochemical
double layer capacitors, they are difficult to functionalize via
PVD. Interestingly, a similar limitation was reported by Zhang et
al.<17> for the case of electrodeposition of manganese oxide
on a dense array of parallel CNTs. The authors attributed the
inability to fully coat the CNTs to limited ion access to the CNT
surface and electrical shielding effects.
[0093] The measured impedance spectra were analyzed using the
complex nonlinear least- squares (CNLS) fitting method on the
basis of the equivalent circuit,<2> which is given in Figure
14. At very high frequencies, the intercept at real part ([Zeta]')
represents a combined resistance of ionic resistance of
electrolyte, intrinsic resistance of substrate, and contact
resistance at the active material/current collector interface ( Re
or ESR ). Rct represents the charge-transfer resistance caused by
the faradaic reactions and Cdi is the double-layer capacitance on
the electrode surface. Zw corresponds to the Warburg resistance,
which is a result of the frequency dependence of ion diffusion/
transport in the electrolyte to the electrode surface. CL is the
limit capacitance.
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