Nanobubble Water
Vindication of Don Ho !
So Newvo,
Wikipedia doesn't have a page for it yet !
Freshwater and
Saltwater fish can live together in it !
70% Effective vs Cancer !
Purifies water ...
Treats Gingivitis ...
Easily scalable,
& Uses very
little energy ...
Introduction ( nanonet.nims.go.jp
YouTube Videos
A. PUTNEY : Geyser
Reactor Transmutation System ( Excerpt )
malvern.com : Nanobubbles
-- Detection and measurement of ultrafine bubbles
A. AGARWAL, et al
: Principle and
applications of microbubble and nanobubble technology for
water treatment"
US7749692 : Tissue preservation method comprising
contacting tissue with a solution of nanobubbles and salt
JP5120998 : Tissue-Preserving Solution
US8147876 : Medical agent for preventing or treating
US8137703 : Ozone water and production method therefor
US8349192 : Method for collapsing microbubbles
US8821160 : Nano Bubble Generating Nozzle & Oral Cleaning
US8919747 : Super-micro bubble generation device
US20070189972 : Method of forming nanobubbles
US20100151043 : Preparation for Sterilization or Disinfection
of Tissue
Introduction :
4.1 Oxygen nanobubbles
Oxygen nanobubbles can be generated by the production of oxygen
microbubbles in water containing nearly 1% NaCl followed by
jetting the water towards a punching plate so that it passes
through small holes in it.[8] "Oxygen nanobubbles have a
mysterious function that can invigorate living organisms. We have
been clarifying the mechanism behind such a phenomenon occurring
between nanobubbles and living organisms but still need more time
to clarify the mechanism." said Dr. Takahashi. Let us now focus on
the enigmatic findings obtained from his experiments.
(1) Coexistence of freshwater and seawater fishes in one
It is possible to breed koi carp and sea bream together for
several months in the same water tank containing 1% salt with
oxygen nanobubbles (Fig.14). Neither fish could survive without
the nanobubbles, even though the salt concentration of 1% is
almost equal to the electrolyte concentration of their body fluid.
In general, red sea bream is vulnerable to changes in salt
concentration, and koi carp also has difficulty in surviving in
water containing 1% salt. Goldfish, however, are not vulnerable to
changes in salt concentration.
Fig.14 (left) Coexistence of freshwater and seawater fish in a
water tank.
Fig.15 (right) Phalaenopsis orchid in water.
"The fish in this tank would die from oxygen deficiency if we
stopped regularly bubbling air through the water. This suggested
to us that oxygen nanobubbles act not directly on respiratory and
metabolic systems but through a different mechanism.
4.2 Ozone nanobubbles
Ozone nanobubbles are generated by collapsing, for example, ozone
microbubbles in underground water sampled from coastal areas
(containing about 1% electrolytes such as NaCl)[4]. The
bactericidal power of conventional ozonated water is effective
only for a few hours, whereas water containing ozone nanobubbles
retains its power for months without significant deterioration if
it is preserved under UV-blocked conditions. The excellent
bactericidal power is shown using the example of an oyster. The
surface of an oyster was sterilized using conventional ozonated
water and hypochlorous acid, but the bacteria inside its body were
not sterilized. For an oyster left for 8 h in water containing
ozone nanobubbles, on the other hand, bacteria such as norovirus
were eliminated from the oyster's body while the oyster was alive
(Fig.16). This sterilizing technology has already been adopted by
some seafood companies, and has markedly reduced the number of
complaints about their products.
Fig.16 Sterilization of oyster using ozone nanobubbles.
Nanobubble Water from Japan
Carbon-based Ceramic Nanobubble
Nozzle Technology developed by Satoshi Anzai of Anzai
Resonance in the Geyser Reactor System
The Geyser Reactor Transmutation System
Alex Putney
( Human-Resonance.org )
...Kaneo Chiba of Reo Lab. Co. demonstrated production and
application of nanobubbles in various processes, including bulk
waste treatment, food sterilization and preservation with ozone
nanobubbles, in addition to health enhancement of most aquatic and
terrestrial organisms exposed to oxygen nanobubbles. Initial
processes for nanobubble production involved cavitation with
ultrasound, yet simple carbon-based ceramic nozzles developed by
Satoshi Anzai of Anzai Kantetsu Co. presented an extremely cost
effective production method in 2014:
As the main component of this class of carbon-ceramics, amorphous
carbon particles (SEM above) contribute micron-sized pores to the
composite material that allow passage of gas under low pressure
through the nozzles to generate micron-sized bubbles from
submerged nozzle surfaces. In still water, microbubbles rapidly
coalesce to form larger bubbles that cannot remain suspended in
the liquid medium but escape to the water's surface.
However, investigation of the behavior of microbubbles produced
from the carbon-based ceramic surfaces into a narrow jet of
fast-flowing water revealed several surprising phenomena (below).
The rapid motion of microbubbles torn away from nozzle surfaces
begins a process known as adiabatic compression leading to
collapse by isothermal evolution, whereby reducing in size during
the course of several minutes to form nanobubbles (Ohgaki et al.,
During the microbubbles' decrease in size due to surface tension
effects driving the dissolution of interior gases into the
surrounding liquid, reactive oxygen species (ROS) are generated
that decompose organic chemicals and contribute to the beneficial
breakdown of toxins within biological systems and the natural
environment. Stabilization as long-lived nanobubbles occurs when
ions bind to the gas/liquid interface, yet display full collapse
and complete dissolution after several minutes in the absence of
bound ions.
Longterm studies of the longevity of gas nanobubbles stabilized at
<200nm in size in bottled water samples have shown their
presence in significant quantity several months after the infusion
and bottling process (Takahashi, 2005). Nanobubble stabilization
is also influenced by repulsive electrostatic forces due to
surface charging, and may be maintained over long periods in
colloidal suspensions of silver nanoparticles. Studies of
nanoscale forces and fluid/gas dynamics reveal many surprising
properties that contribute significantly to our understanding of
basic metabolic processes that determine the cellular health of
living organisms and entire ecosystems.
Use of carbon-based ceramic nozzles with Geyser Reactor
transmutation systems confirms nanobubble technology to represent
a cost-effective solution for the efficient bulk delivery of
carbon dioxide gas for binding with silver nanoparticles and rapid
absorption under ambient pressures. Bulk binding of gas
nanobubbles with metal nanoparticles replicates the metabolic
activity of hemoglobin in red blood cells, enabling high gas
absorption and bulk transmutation rates that far exceed those
associated with resonant transmutation in healthy organisms, even
under bioelectrification conditions that increase absorption of
gases by metals within the body's tissues.
A compact device for producing gas nanobubbles remains the only
component of the Geyser Reactor system not readily available,
requiring fabrication from special gas permeable materials. While
the carbon-ceramic nozzles developed and demonstrated by Anzai
Kantetsu represent cost-effective alternatives to high-pressure,
high-temperature cavitation machines for nanobubble production,
their new nozzles are not yet available for order.
Carbon-ceramics are manufactured by wet packing 60% carbon, 40%
clay powder mixtures into nozzle molds before drying and firing @
>1000°C in a reducing or inert gas atmosphere. Viable
carbon-ceramics that allow the passage of gas through micropores
are commonly used for high-temperature glass and metal casting
applications, and can be easily fabricated into a nozzle by
reshaping carbon-ceramic mold materials into the desired form.
However, an even simpler nanobubble device has been integrated
into the design of the Geyser Reactor system, consisting of a
pyrolyzed segment of hardwood tree branch that maintains the
natural nanoarchitecture of living wood, generally referred to as
'biological charcoal'. The natural nanopiping of tree wood employs
surface wetting effects for pumping water up to the leaves,
sometimes hundreds of feet into the sky, yet also facilitates
production of nanobubbles. Electron microscopy reveals the complex
nanostructures of biocharcoal, presenting networks of carbon
nanotubes arranged lengthwise in concentric rings with
interconnecting nanopores (SEM above).
Biocharcoal nozzles offer the same basic nanobubble
characteristics demonstrated by the carbon-ceramics of Anzai
Kantetsu --at a much lower cost of just 25¢ per nozzle--
reflecting the simple natural solutions of Ayurveda. By carefully
selecting and tooling the surfaces of a pyrolyzed hardwood branch
segment that has no large pores or cracks, and sealing the central
channel which tends to be much larger than the nanotubes arranged
in concentric rings, an extremely cheap alternative can be
produced with minimal cost and effort, in any part of the world.
Nanobubbles -- Detection and
measurement of ultrafine bubbles
Acceptance of and interest in the special properties of
nanobubbles (also termed as ultrafine bubbles) is growing rapidly,
and their formation and characteristics are the subject of an
increasing amount of study, particularly in Europe and Japan.
Due to the theoretically very high pressure within nanobubbles of
such small size and radius of curvature and thus high surface
tension, conventional calculations show that gas should be
‘pressed out’ of the nanobubble within microseconds. However, it
is now clear that, under the right conditions, nanobubbles can
form freely and remain stable for extended periods of time,
sometimes for many months.
Applications for solutions containing nanobubbles include facility
cleaning, solar cell manufacturing and plant growth. Many more
applications are emerging rapidly.
Malvern’s NanoSight range of instruments features prominently in
nanobubble research publications. Similarly, the Zetasizer Nano
range of instruments can also be used for the characterization of
nanobubbles. All of these instruments provide fast, reliable,
accurate and reproducible information about your product.
In addition, Archimedes provides information previously
unavailable to nanobubble researchers: clear differentiation
between gas bubbles in solution and contaminants that may be
present. Resonant mass measurement is therefore able to supply a
clear, reproducible analysis of the concentration and purity of
your nanobubble product.
Chemosphere 84 (9): 1175–80.
doi:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2011.05.054. PMID 21689840.
"Principle and applications of
microbubble and nanobubble technology for water treatment".
Agarwal, Ashutosh; Ng, Wun Jern; Liu, Yu (2011).
Abstract : In recent years, microbubble and nanobubble
technologies have drawn great attention due to their wide
applications in many fields of science and technology, such as
water treatment, biomedical engineering, and nanomaterials. In
this paper, we discuss the physics, methods of generation of
microbubbles (MBs) and nanobubbles (NBs), while production of free
radicals from MBs and NBs are reviewed with the focuses on
degradation of toxic compounds, water disinfection, and
cleaning/defouling of solid surfaces including membrane. Due to
their ability to produce free radicals, it can be expected that
the future prospects of MBs and NBs will be immense and yet more
to be explored.
Abstract: An object of the invention is to provide a
tissue preservation solution that has excellent tissue-preserving
ability and is useful in the field of medicine, medical
experiment, etc. Thus, the invention relates to a tissue
preservation solution including oxygen nanobubbles.
The present invention relates to a tissue preservation
solution that is useful in the field of medicine, medical
experiment, etc.
The present invention relates to a medical agent for
preventing or treating diseases resulting from inflammation or
remodeling, particularly diseases such as arteriosclerosis, heart
failure, cerebrovascular disorder, and hypertensive kidney
disease; and to a method for preventing or treating the diseases.
Abstract: The present invention relates to an ozone
water that has the potential to find useful applications in a wide
variety of technical fields and is capable of maintaining the
effects of wiping out microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses and
the like and inhibiting the growth thereof over long periods. The
present invention provides ozone nano-bubbles capable of staying
in a solution for an extended period of time and a method for
producing the ozone nano-bubbles by instantaneously shrinking the
diameters of ozone microbubbles contained in an aqueous solution
by the application of a physical irritation to the ozone
microbubbles in an aqueous solution.
Abstract: A method for collapsing a microbubble
includes applying stimulation to the microbubble during the
gradual decrease of the its size. As a result, the microbubble
floating in a solution that decreases in size due to the natural
dissolution of a gas contained in the microbubble and disappears
after a while, has the speed of its size decrease enhanced and
causes the microbubble to disappear.
Abstract : Disclosed is a nano bubble generating
nozzle including: a passage passing through an interior thereof to
provide a flow path through which liquid flows; a nano bubble
generating part corresponding to a part of the passage, and formed
such that a cross-section of the nano bubble generating part
becomes small and then large again along a flow path of liquid so
that the nano bubble generating part has a pressure lower than an
external pressure of the nozzle body; and a gas inlet formed in
the nozzle body, and connected to the nano bubble generating part
so that gas is introduced into the nano bubble generating part due
to a difference between an external pressure of the nozzle body
and a pressure in the nano bubble generating part.
Abstract : Provided is a super-micro bubble generation
device providing super-micro bubbles using a simple method and
having a higher degree of freedom of installation so as to be
suitable for a place where the device is to meet functional
requirements. A super-micro bubble generation device is provided
with a compressor for delivering gas under pressure, and also with
a bubble generation medium for discharging the gas, which has been
delivered under pressure, as super-micro bubbles into liquid. The
bubble generation medium consists of a high-density compound which
is an electrically conductive substance. The super-micro bubble
generation device is also provided with a liquid jetting device
for jetting liquid in the direction substantially perpendicular to
the direction in which the bubble generation medium discharges the
super-micro bubbles, said liquid being the same kind of liquid as
the liquid into which the super-micro bubbles are discharged.
Abstract : The present invention relates to a method of
forming nanobubbles that have potential utility in every
industrial application and that impart special functions,
especially to water. The present invention is a method of forming
nanobubbles by applying physical irritation to microbubbles
contained in a liquid so that the microbubbles are abruptly
contracted to form nanobubbles
Abstract: The present invention relates to a
preparation for sterilizing or disinfecting a tissue which has an
excellent tissue sterilizing or disinfecting ability and is
suitable for therapeutic or prophylactic treatment of various
diseases caused by a microorganism such as a bacterium or a virus
and a method for sterilizing or disinfecting a tissue. The present
invention relates to a preparation for sterilizing or disinfecting
a tissue and an agent for therapeutic or prophylactic treatment of
a periodontal disease, characterized by containing a gas in a
nanobubble state. Furthermore, the present invention relates to
the above-mentioned preparation for sterilizing or disinfecting a
tissue, characterized in that the above-mentioned gas in a
nanobubble state is ozone. Furthermore, the present invention
relates to a liquid preparation for sterilizing or disinfecting a
tissue, characterized by comprising ozone-nanobubble water.
WO2008072370 / JP5255451
The invention relates to a preparation for tissue repair or
regeneration and a method for tissue repair or regeneration, which
are excellent in tissue repair or regeneration capability and
suitable for treating or preventing various diseases or injuries
accompanied by tissue changes such as damage or degeneration. The
invention relates to a preparation for tissue repair or
regeneration, and a therapeutic or preventive agent for
stomatitis, characterized by containing a gas in a nanobubble
form. Further, the invention relates to the preparation for tissue
repair or regeneration, characterized in that the gas in a
nanobubble form is oxygen. Further, the invention relates to a
liquid preparation for tissue repair or regeneration,
characterized by containing oxygen nanobubble water.