Karl SCHOENBACH, et al.
Nanosecond Pulsed Electric Fields [ nsPEFs ] vs Cancer
Single-treatment destruction of tumors by
nsPEFs -- Articles & patents
Non-ionizing radiation produced by nanosecond pulsed electric
fields (nsPEFs) is an alternative to ionizing radiation for cancer
treatment. NsPEFs are high power, low energy (non-thermal) pulses
that, unlike plasma membrane electroporation, modulate
intracellular structures and functions. To determine functions for
p53 in nsPEF-induced apoptosis, HCT116p53+/+ and HCT116p53-/-
colon carcinoma cells were exposed to multiple pulses of 60 kV/cm
with either 60 ns or 300 ns durations and analyzed for apoptotic
markers. Several apoptosis markers were observed including cell
shrinkage and increased percentages of cells positive for
cytochrome c, active caspases, fragmented DNA, and Bax, but not
Bcl-2. Unlike nsPEF-induced apoptosis in Jurkat cells (Beebe et
al. 2003a) active caspases were observed before increases in
cytochrome c, which occurred in the presence and absence of Bax.
Cell shrinkage occurred only in cells with increased levels of Bax
or cytochrome c. NsPEFs induced apoptosis equally in HCT116p53+/+
and HCT116p53-/- cells. These results demonstrate that
non-ionizing radiation produced by nsPEFs can act as a non-ligand
agonist with therapeutic potential to induce apoptosis utilizing
mitochondrial-independent mechanisms in HCT116 cells that lead to
caspase activation and cell death in the presence or absence of
p-53 and Bax.
Nanosecond pulsed electric fields as a
novel drug free therapy for breast cancer: An in vivo study
Shan Wu, et al.
NsPEFs treatment at 30kV/cm can inhibit human breast cancer
growth, and suppresses VEGF expression and tumor blood vessel
Such nsPEFs treatment does not cause permanent damage to healthy
skins and tissues.
NsPEFs could serve as a novel cancer therapy alone or in
combination with other treatment.
Nanosecond pulsed electric fields (nsPEFs) is a novel non-thermal
approach to induce cell apoptosis. NsPEFs has been proven
effective in treating several murine tumors, but few studies focus
on its efficacy in treating human tumors. To determine if nsPEFs
is equally effective in treatment of human breast cancer, 30 human
breast cancer tumors across 30Balb/c (nu/nu) mice were exposed to
720 pulses of 100ns duration, at 4pulsespersecond and 30kV/cm. Two
weeks after treatment, the growth of treated tumors was inhibited
by 79%. Morphological changes of tumors were observed via a 3.0T
clinical magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) system with a self-made
surface coil. Pulsed tumors exhibited apoptosis evaluated by TUNEL
staining, inhibition in Bcl-2 expression and decreased blood
vessel density. Notably, CD34, vascular endothelial growth factor
(VEGF) and VEGF receptor (VEGFR) expression in treated tumors were
strongly suppressed. To evaluate the might-be adverse effects of
nsPEFs in healthy tissues, normal skin was treated exactly the
same way as tumors, and pulsed skin showed no permanent damages.
The results suggest nsPEFs is able to inhibit human breast cancer
development and suppress tumor blood vessel growth, indicating
nsPEFs may serve as a novel therapy for breast cancer in the
Nanosecond pulsed electric fields
activate intracellular signaling pathways
Gleb P. Tolstykh, Gary L. Thompson, Hope T. Beier, Caleb C.
Roth and Bennett L. Ibey
Exposing cells to nanosecond pulsed electric fields causes a rapid
increase in intracellular calcium, enabling a pathway that
activates protein kinase C for various physiological functions.
4 March 2013, SPIE Newsroom. DOI: 10.1117/2.1201302.004736
In cellular electrochemistry, ions respond to stimuli by
constantly shuffling across cellular membranes to perform their
physiological roles. This flow of ions, the electromotive force,
leaves cells vulnerable to exogenous electromagnetic fields that
can stimulate and/or modulate cellular activity. An irreparable
link exists between changes in ionic concentration and the
electric gradient of the cell (or its potential energy).
Consequently, we can manipulate the physiology of the cell by
altering its permeability to various ions, thereby modulating its
electrical gradient. Only a few millivolts in excess of the
resting membrane potential can stimulate a dramatic change in ion
distribution within the cellular microenvironment. In excitable
neural-type cells, electrical-stimulation-induced changes in
membrane potential lead to the generation or inactivation of
action potentials (AP). These AP trigger activities, such as nerve
impulses in neurons or contraction in muscle cells. Within neural
networks, targeted alteration of AP can prompt physiological
changes that selectively stimulate or inactivate specific signals
along nerve fibers. On the whole-organism level, electromagnetic
fields applied directly to neural tissue, or transversely through
the skull, produce profound effects that range from altered
sensory perception to deviations in motor movement. Given this
wealth of observable electromagnetic effects on neurological
tissues, it is no surprise that other forms of electrical stimuli
may elicit novel responses in an exposed biological system.
Our research team is currently exploring the cellular response to
high-amplitude, short-duration electrical pulses termed nanosecond
pulsed electric fields (nsPEF). Seminal studies showed that nsPEF
exposure can elicit changes in membrane potential, plasma membrane
phospholipid scrambling, mitochondrial depolarization, calcium
uptake, platelet aggregation, and, at intense or repeated
exposures, cause cell death.1–7 Notably, these observations show
no substantial uptake of propidium iodide, a common indicator of
pore formation in the plasma membrane when electric pulses are
applied for longer periods (µs to ms).8 Thus, we assume that nsPEF
exposure causes the formation of small, ion-permeable pores, or
nanopores, in the plasma membrane.2, 9,10 Unlike the larger pores,
nanopores retain ion selectivity when exposed to electrical
pulses, acting more like a channel, and persist for many minutes
after only a single pulse exposure.9, 11 Most notably, the
formation of nanopores in the plasma membrane elicits an acute and
prolonged increase in intracellular calcium, an ion critical to
many neurological and cellular processes.
We believe that nsPEF exposure is an ideal tool for the prolonged
and non-invasive modulation of cell electrophysiology. Based on
the hypothesis of nanopore formation, we investigated the dynamics
of calcium entry into neuroblastoma cells. We used a highly
sensitive electron multiplied CCD camera and precisely timed laser
excitation to acquire high-resolution, spatiotemporal images of a
single cell12 (see Figure 1). We visualized calcium entering from
the sides nearest the electrodes in less than 1ms after
perturbation by a single 600ns pulse, and filling the cell within
100ms. With extracellular calcium excluded from the bathing
buffer, the intensity of the signal was reduced and the signal
emanated from within the cell, suggesting calcium release from
intracellular stores. By pre-exposing cells to the inhibitor
thapsigargin in an effort to deplete intracellular calcium, we saw
no change in signal, validating the intracellular origin of the
signal. This finding was the first to definitively show,
spatially, that nsPEF caused both extracellular uptake and
intracellular release of calcium.
We hypothesize that the release of intracellular calcium is due,
in part, to nsPEF-induced activation of intracellular pathways
derived from the plasma membrane, namely the hydrolysis of
phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PtdIns(4,5)P2) or PIP2.
PIP2 is a well-characterized intracellular pathway that originates
on the inner surface of the plasma membrane. It ultimately causes
intracellular calcium release from the endoplasmic reticulum via
inositol trisphosphate (IP3) receptors (see Figure 2), activating
protein kinase C (PKC). To validate our hypothesis, we used a
widely accepted optical probe of PIP2 hydrolysis and
diacylglycerol (DAG) sensor GFP-C1-PKC? (green fluorescent protein
labeled C1 domain of protein kinase C): see Figure 3.13,14 We
validated that a single nsPEF exposure can cause hydrolysis of
PIP2, ultimately leading to increased DAG on the plasma membrane,
and activation of PKC.
PKC triggers many physiological responses, including hormone
secretion, AP propagation, and muscle contraction. Thus, by
manipulating the electrochemistry of the cell with nsPEF, we can
potentially elicit and control a number of biological responses.
This single, exogenous, non-chemical stimulus can cause a
prolonged activation of intracellular signaling cascades at a
similar level to that of pharmaceutical treatment, but without the
need for a specific cell surface receptor. The responses can last
for minutes and can be delivered locally, precisely and without
systemic drug administration. Electrical pulse delivery to cells
offers scientists a new, instant, and simplified means of studying
cellular physiology through direct, drug-free activation of
cellular pathways. Non-invasive activation of PKC could be used to
stimulate cognitive function or treat pain without pharmaceuticals
or surgery. Future efforts will focus on validation of this effect
in primary neuron cultures and evaluation of ion channels
regulated by PIP2 hydrolysis.13
1. T. P. Napotnik, Nanosecond electric pulses cause mitochondrial
membrane permeabilization in Jurkat cells, Proc. IEEE Int'l. Power
Modulators and High Voltage Conf. 2008, p. 60, 2008.
2. A. G. Pakhomov, Long-lasting plasma membrane permeabilization
in mammalian cells by nanosecond pulsed electric field (nsPEF),
Bioelectromagnetics 28, p. 655-663, 2007.
3. K. H. Schoenbach, Bioelectrics--new applications for pulsed
power technology, IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 30(1), p. 293-300, 2002.
4. K. S. Schoenbach, Bioelectric effects of nanosecond pulses,
IEEE Trans. Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation 14(5), p.
1088-1109, 2007.
5. P. T. Vernier, Nanosecond electric pulse-induced calcium entry
into chromaffin cells, Bioelectrochem. 73(1), p. 1-4, 2008.
6. P. T. Vernier, Nanoelectropulse-induced phosphatidylserine
translocation, J. Biophys 86(6), p. 4040-8, 2004.
7. P. T. Vernier, Calcium bursts induced by nanosecond electric
pulses, Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 310, p. 286-295, 2003.
8. E. S. Buescher, K. H. Schoenbach, Effects of submicrosecond,
high intensity pulsed electric fields on living
cells--intracellular electromanipulation, IEEE Trans. Dielectrics
and Electrical Insulation 10(5), p. 788-794, 2003.
9. A. G. Pakhomov, O. N. Pakhomova, Nanopores: a distinct
transmembrane passageway in electroporated cells, Advanced
Electroporation Techniques in Biology in Medicine, CRC Press,
10. P. T. Vernier, Nanopore formation and phosphatidylserine
externalization in a phospholipid bilayer at high transmembrane
potential, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 128(19), p. 6288-6289, 2006.
11. A. G. Pakhomov, Lipid nanopores can form a stable, ion
channel-like conduction pathway in cell membrane, Biochem. and
Biophys. Res. Commun. 385(2), p. 181-186, 2009.
12. H. T. Beier, Resolving the spatial kinetics of electric
pulse-induced ion release, Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 423(4),
p. 863-866, 2012. doi:10.1016/j.bbrc.2012.06.055
13. N. Gamper, M. S. Shapiro, Regulation of ion transport proteins
by membrane phosphoinositides, Nat. Rev. Neurosci. 8(12), p.
921-34, 2007.
14. E. Oancea, Green fluorescent protein (GFP)-tagged
cysteine-rich domains from protein kinase C as fluorescent
indicators for diacylglycerol signaling in living cells, J. Cell
Biol. 140(3), p. 485-98, 1998.
Nanosecond Pulsed Electric Fields: A New Stimulus to
Activate Intracellular Signaling
Stephen J. Beebe and Karl H. Schoenbach
When new technologies are introduced into the scientific
community, controversy is expected and both excitement and
disappointment enrich the lives of those who initiate the new
ideas. It becomes the mission of the “inventors” to embrace the
burden of proof to establish their ideas and convince the skeptics
and disbelievers who will undoubtedly temper their enthusiasm and
test their patience. While open mindedness is generally a
scientific motto, those who review patents, manuscripts, and
grants do not always readily practice it, even when the evidence
is convincingly presented; old ideas and concepts often die hard.
So it has been and still is in many instances as engineers,
physicists, biologists, and physicians pursue innovative ideas and
novel technologies.
So what is “Bioelectrics”? It is the application of ultrashort
pulsed electric fields to biological cells, tissues, and organs.
More specifically, it is the analysis of how these biological
systems respond to high electric fields (10–100 s of kV/cm) when
applied with nanosecond (1–300) durations. Compressing electrical
energy by means of pulsed power techniques allows the generation
of ultrashort (billionth of a second) electrical pulses [1].
Because the pulses are so short the energy density is quite low
and therefore nonthermal. However, the power is extremely high
generating billions of watts. This can be compared to a coal power
plant, which generates less than billion watts, but does it
continuously. For example, for a 10 ns, 40 kV, 10 O pulse
generator, the power provided by the pulse is 160 MW, however, the
energy is only 1.6 J. Depositing this energy into one milliliter
of water causes an increase in temperature by just one third of
one degree Celsius. We have referred to these pulses as
ultrashort, high-voltage pulsed electric fields or nanosecond
pulsed electric fields (nsPEFs). These conditions are most
certainly unique and do not exist in nature. Thus, this provides
an opportunity to determine how cells respond to stimuli that they
have not evolved to recognize. Undoubtedly, cells respond to
nsPEFs in diverse and cell-type-specific ways. This suggests that
nsPEFs represent a distinctive, non-ligand stimulus that can
disclose basic cell-type-specific differences for responses to the
external environment and can also be investigated for potential
therapeutic and/or diagnostic applications. A patent has been
issued and several provisional patents have been filed for devices
and applications of nsPEFs to cells and tissues for a wide range
of applications.
The use of electric fields on biological systems is not new, but
it has been a common misconception that nsPEFs are also not new. A
method called electroporation has been used for decades to
introduce drugs and/or DNA into cells for basic science or for
therapeutic purposes. These electric fields charge the plasma
membrane causing the temporary formation of “pores” or breaching
of plasma membrane integrity that allows the entry of “foreign”
molecules into the cell interior. However, compared to nsPEFs
classical plasma membrane electroporation pulses are relatively
long (microseconds to milliseconds) and with lower electric fields
(= 1 kV/cm). Thus, nsPEFs can be orders of magnitude shorter in
duration and higher in electric field. For example, during a 1ms
electroporation pulse light travels 982,000 feet (186 miles).
During a 10 ns pulse, light travels about 10 feet. Nevertheless,
because nsPEF applications are an extension of classical plasma
membrane electroporation, the effects of nsPEFs are often confused
with effects of electroporation on the plasma membrane.
Not so! Especially as the pulse duration is decreased below the
charging time of the plasma membrane. The exclamation point serves
a special note that cell response phenomena have now significantly
changed as the rise-time and the pulse duration are below times
required to fully charge the plasma membrane. As opposed to
responses to classical plasma membrane electroporation, nsPEF
affect intracellular structures (membranes) and functions (cell
signaling), which may or may not involve measurable responses from
the outer plasma membrane. This primarily depends on the pulse
duration, pulse rise time, and electric field. nsPEFs enter new
biological and cellular vistas with dimensions, dynamics, and
kinetics focused more on intracellular mechanisms [2, 3].
Nevertheless, nsPEFs have effects on the plasma membrane that are
direct electric field, nonbiological effects, as well as secondary
biological effects. While biological effects on the plasma
membrane, such as phosphatidylserine (PS) externalization
associated with apoptosis are readily measured, they can be
confused with PS externalization resulting from direct electric
field effects. Direct electric field effects on plasma membrane
integrity are often harder to determine because they occur at
levels that are often below the level of detection by fluorophores
and/or molecular probes are too large for small pores, referred to
as nanopores, which are believed to be present with nsPEFs. Such
nanopores and nanochannels for phosphatidylserine externalization
are predicted based on modeling and simulation studies [4]. What
effects nsPEFs might have on proteins and ion channels are not yet
investigated. How diminishing effects on plasma membrane
structures and functions interface with increasing effects on
intracellular structures and functions as the pulse duration
decreases remain the basis for continued research in bioelectrics.
We have referred to the nsPEF-induced occurrence of greater
effects on intracellular membranes and lesser effects on plasma
membranes as intracellular electro-manipulation (IEM). We used the
term “manipulation” instead of “electroporation” because it is yet
to be determined whether nsPEF-induced effects on intracellular
structures are similar to classical electroporation on the plasma
membrane. Since nsPEFs applications are an extension of classical
plasma membrane electroporation, it is reasonable and prudent to
consider membrane charging as a mechanism for nsPEF effects. While
the membranes may not be fully charged for a 10 ns pulse, they are
charging during the pulse. However, as the pulse duration
decreases to and below 1 ns, charging may not be a major factor.
Here pure physics meets biology head on and new dimensions and
other mechanisms may be encountered.
This introduction to nsPEFs provides all of the superlatives and
fervor that could be expected from physicists and biologists with
a brand new toy. So what data support the unique effects of nsPEFs
on biological systems? Most of the work has been done on cells in
cultures, however an increasing number of studies are being
conducted on tissues, including fibrosarcoma and melanoma tumors,
and more recently on adipose tissue and skin as an organ (see [2,
3] and references within). Cell culture models include HL-60,
Jurkat, and HCT116, the later including clones that are wildtype
and null for p53. However, a number of normal human leukocytes and
a wide range of cancer cells have been tested. Cell responses have
been measured for nsPEF effects on plasma membranes (integrity,
potential, and phosphatidylserine externalization), endoplasmic
reticulum (calcium mobilization), mitochondria (respiration,
cytochrome c release), and nucleus (fluorescence changes, DNA
damage, roles for p53, and gene expression). We have also measured
responses of adipose tissue, skin, and tumors. Studies with tumor
tissues have determined responses from slowed tumor growth to
tumor regression. These cell and tissue responses are distinct
from response to classical plasma membrane electroporation.
A major question that remains to be fully investigated is the
potential for nsPEF-induced cell-specific effects. There are two
generalizations for cell-type-specific nsPEF-induced effects that
have been defined. First, nsPEF-induced cell effects are not cell
size-dependent as shown for classical plasma membrane
electroporation where larger cells are more readily affected.
While a well-controlled, extensive study has not been carried out
for in vitro cell types, nsPEFs effects on the plasma membrane are
more readily demonstrated in smaller cells compared to larger
cells. Second, for a number of cell types tested, adherent cells
have higher threshold for nsPEF-induced effects than cells that
grow in suspension. Studies in progress are beginning to
demonstrate selective effects in adipose tissue and skin.
It appears that nsPEFs can affect cells as a double-edged sword;
that is at relatively high electric fields nsPEFs recruit
apoptosis mechanisms, but at lower electric fields they recruit
nonapoptotic signaling mechanisms [2, 3] . It is now becoming
clear that proteins that regulate apoptosis are also involved in
regulating nonapoptotic processes. For example, we have shown that
nsPEFs can modulate caspase activity and caspases have been shown
to modulate apoptotic and nonapoptotic cell functions [2, 3]
including proliferation, cell cycle, differentiation, as well as
programmed cell death. So at higher electric fields nsPEFs can
induce apoptosis resulting in cell death and size reduction and/or
ablation of tumors. This is observed as direct electric field
effects or biological responses to electric fields in the absence
of drugs. This is distinct from electrochemotherapy where
classical plasma membrane electroporation allows the entry of
chemotherapeutic drugs such as bleomysin, which is toxic to the
At lower electric fields and shorter pulse durations, nsPEF
recruit cell signaling mechanisms that induce calcium mobilization
and modulate calcium-mediated functions [2, 3] such as platelet
activation and aggregation, which is important for blood clotting.
Activation of human platelets, Jurkat cells, and HL-60 cells mimic
responses to hormones that act through G-protein-coupled, plasma
membrane receptors that involve IP3 receptors in the endoplasmic
reticulum. Furthermore, abrupt calcium mobilization has been shown
to immobilize human neutrophils, presumably due to interruption of
signals that direct specialized and specific mobilization in
response to chemotactic signals. The mechanism(s) for these
calcium mobilization responses remain to be determined.
Nevertheless, since calcium is an ubiquitous second messenger
signal, nsPEF-induced calcium modulation could have a wide range
of applications.
We hypothesized that if nsPEFs affected the nuclear membrane,
plasmids and transfected genes may enter the nucleus more readily
and gene transcription may be enhanced. We demonstrated that when
a green fluorescent protein (GFP) expression plasmid was
transfected into cells with a classical plasma membrane
electroporation pulse and then followed by a nonapoptotic nsPEF in
a low-conductivity media, the level of expression and the number
of cells expressing GFP were increased significantly [2, 3] . The
mechanism(s) for this result is not yet clear, but nsPEF-induced
effects on the nucleus and DNA have been reported. While some
studies suggest that direct electric field effects damage DNA,
other studies indicate effect at the nucleus, some of which are
reversible and nonlethal. Other studies indicate that nsPEF affect
expression of endogenous genes. It remains to be determined if
effects on transcription are due to actions on the nuclear
membrane, gene transcription mechanisms, or both.
While these observations are exciting, only a few groups have
carried out experiments with nsPEFs, but the numbers are growing.
This is because generating pulses with such short durations, rapid
rise times, and high electric fields is not a common skill.
Funding from the Department of Defense through the Air Force
Office of Scientific Research by a Multi-University Research
Initiative has enhanced the growing number of studies using this
new technology. These include investigators at Old Dominion
University, Norfolk, where the technology originated and the MURI
is administrated; Eastern Virginia Medical School, Norfolk;
Harvard/MIT, Cambridge; Washington University, St Louis;
University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio; Wisconsin
University, Madison; Purdue University, Calumet; and Northwestern
University, Evanston. A group at University of Southern California
with Martin Gundersen and Tom Vernier, also funded by AFOSR, has
also been productive with this technology. Furthermore, two
Centers of Excellence Programs have been funded in Japan to
include investigations of nsPEF effects on biological cells. In
addition, groups in England, France, and Germany have begun to
establish programs related to bioelectrics research, seeking help
from the Center of Bioelectrics in Norfolk. Furthermore, all of
the funded groups are training students, some of whom will
continue studies in bioelectrics. Moreover, an
undergraduate/graduate course in Bioelectrics is now offered at
Old Dominion University and a wider range of bioelectrics-related
courses may be offered in the future. Thus, it is likely that as
work continues in this field, it will expand to other groups with
other methodologies and expertise, and enhance our understanding
of mechanisms that cells use to respond to unique nsPEF stimuli.
So!! Where do we go from here? Our initial strategies were to do
preliminary studies to investigate a number of hypotheses based on
understandings from classical plasma membrane electroporation.
This approach revealed that a number of projects were worthy of
pursuit based on peer-review publications and a wealth of
unpublished data. However, a “rich kid in the candy store”
strategy will not be successful. First, we are not rich. This
technology requires a funding stream that is not easily acquired,
especially with a new technology that must build a respected
foundation in the peer-review processes. Thus, personnel and
resources are limited. Second, acquisition of funding from
national foundations such as the NIH, among others, requires focus
in areas that are well defined, supported by unshakable
preliminary data, and assured of success. Some funding may be
available from venture capitol groups and startup companies, but
the risk/benefit ratio must be favorable and this is not immediate
with a new technology. Therefore, we have developed a strategy
that is based on available funds, resources, and personnel to
carry forth a series of studies that will provide for the future
of bioelectrics. Bioelectrics research will remain stimulating
because there is plenty of intracellular territory to explore.
Towards Solid Tumor Treatment by Nanosecond Pulsed
Electric Fields (p. 289-306)
Local and drug-free solid tumor ablation by large nanosecond
pulsed electric fields leads to supra-electroporation of all
cellular membranes and has been observed to trigger nonthermal
cell death by apoptosis. To establish pore-based effects as the
underlying mechanism to inducing apoptosis, we use a
multicellular system model (spatial scale 100 µm) that has
irregularly shaped liver cells and a multiscale liver tissue model
(spatial scale 200 mm). Pore histograms for the multicellular
model demonstrate the presence of only nanometer-sized pores due
to nanosecond electric field pulses. The number of pores in the
plasma membrane is such that the average tissue conductance during
nanosecond electric field pulses is even higher than for longer
irreversible electroporation pulses. It is shown, however, that
these nanometer-sized pores, although numerous, only significantly
change the permeability of the cellular membranes to small ions,
but not to larger molecules. Tumor ablation by nanosecond pulsed
electric fields causes small to moderate temperature increases.
Thus, the underlying mechanism(s) that trigger cell death by
apoptosis must be non-thermal electrical interactions, presumably
leading to different ionic and molecular transport than for much
longer irreversible electroporation pulses.
Tissue ablation techniques to treat all cells of unwanted tissue
for surgical, cosmetic, or other reasons are potentially valuable
as minimally invasive clinical tools (1). Tissue ablation may be
achieved by the application of RF electric fields that lead to
cell death by overheating the targeted tissue. Strong electric
field pulses that cause electroporation (EP) of cellular
membranes, a universal mechanism by which cellular membranes
become permeable to drugs, molecules, and genetic material, may
alternatively be used for tissue ablation. Drug-assisted methods
such as electro-chemotherapy (ECT) (2) and electro-genetherapy (3)
are examples of such EP-based tissue ablation methods. There is
now evidence, however, that drugs actually may not be necessary,
since the impact of certain strong electric field pulses that
cause EP itself is sufficient to trigger cellular mechanisms that
lead to cellular death.
In a previous paper (4) we considered some fundamental mechanistic
aspects that are relevant to solid tumor treatment by irreversible
electroporation (IRE) (5-10). In short, IRE involves the
application of pulses with a duration of typically hundreds of
microseconds and an electric field strength on the order of a few
kilovolts per centimeter (kV/cm). These IRE pulses are sufficient
to cause what is known as conventional EP, for which pores in the
plasma membrane (PM) of the cells are sufficiently large to
facilitate molecular uptake and release. While those pulses reseal
in most EP-based applications, IRE pulses are designed such that
pores in the PM do not reseal - hence the PM is said to be
irreversibly electroporated. Therefore, the barrier function of
the PM is lost, leading to cellular death in a treated tissue
region. Specifically, solid tumor treatment by IRE is observed to
cause necrosis in the targeted cells (9).
Using Blumleln circuit-based or MOSFET-based pulsed power
technologies, solid tumor treatment by much shorter nanosecond
pulsed electric fields (nsPEFs) with durations of ten to several
hundred nanoseconds and field strengths of tens or even hundreds
of kV/cm has been demonstrated (11-14). In particular, Nuccitelli
et al., (12, 14) used electric field pulses with durations of
about 300 ns and with electric field strengths of 20 kV/cm and 40
kV/cm to demonstrate self-destruction of melanomas. Garon et al.,
(13) used electric field pulses that were even one order of
magnitude shorter, namely 20 ns or less and field strengths up to
60 kV/cm. Their results showed decreased cell viability of a
variety of human cancer cells in vitro, induction of tumor
regression in vivo, and successful treatment of a human subject
with a basal cell carcinoma for which they found a ?complete
pathologic response?. Cell death does not appear to be due to
immediate PM destruction, as expected for IRE pulses. Instead, it
appears to be the result of delayed effects, which may be caused
by the efflux of Ca2+ from intracellular stores (e.g.,
endosplasmic reticulum) that eventually cause apoptosis (13).
The concept of using nsPEF pulses as a therapeutic tool to treat
solid tumors was first demonstrated by Beebe et al., (11) who
reported the induction of apoptosis in solid tumors (mouse
fibrosarcoma) ex vivo and the reduction of fibrosarcoma tumor size
in vivo by nsPEF pulses up to 300 kV/cm and durations from 10 ns
to 300 ns. Signs of apoptotic cell death comprise cell shrinkage,
activation of caspases, persistent externalization of
phosphatidylserine (PS) at the PM, and fragmentation of DNA (11).
Apoptosis induction by nsPEF has also been observed for mammalian
cancer cells in vitro (15).
There have been several other interesting observations about the
responses of cells and tissues to nsPEF pulses. First, EP markers
such as propidium iodide (PI) and ethidium homodimer, whose uptake
has been traditionally used to indicate the membrane integrity and
permeability changes in the PM were reported to be taken up by
cells only in very small amounts. However, we have noted that no
measurement sensitivity was established and that uptake may be
below the detection limit (16). Second, effects in the cell
interior have been observed that have not generally been reported
for conventional EP conditions. Calcium release from the
endoplasmic reticulum, cytochrome-c release from mitochondria,
phosphatidylserine translocation at the PM, and caspase activation
are examples of such observed intracellular effects (11, 17-22),
Those effects can be readily understood in terms of the supra-EP
hypothesis (23-26) which leads to a different degree of EP as will
be described in the present paper.
The often stated motivation for the recent focus on nanosecond
pulses is the low energy density that is delivered per pulse
despite the much larger field than for IRE pulses. This argument
appears misleading, however, since it is certainly not the
dissipative energy that causes cell death, as is the case for RF
tumor ablation, but a non-linear biophysical mechanism such as EP.
It is arguably more important that nsPEF pulses lead to strong
electric fields both inside and outside the cells and thereby
significantly perturb organelle membranes in addition to the PM
(17, 25).
The consideration of both IRE and nsPEF pulses thus provides the
tantalizing prospect of designing specific electric field pulse
protocols and treatments that lead to different cell death
mechanisms, for example necrosis with IRE pulses and apoptosis
with nsPEF pulses. The ability to determine the cellular death
mechanism by an appropriate choice of electric field parameters
may seem like an unnecessary choice for a patient in urgent need
of tumor treatment. Yet, the apoptotic cell death pathway may
provide certain advantages. Specifically, if secondary necrosis
can be avoided then it should be possible to bypass non-specific
damage to nearby tissue due to e.g., inflammation and/or scarring.
It might also be possible to avoid the tumor lysis syndrome
resulting from massive tumor necrosis.
As the cellular and tissue response to nsPEF pulses is so
distinctively different from the response to IRE pulses, the
object of the present paper is to seek an underlying mechanistic
understanding of the tissue response to nsPEF pulses. This is
achieved by using exactly the same tissue models as used
previously for IRE pulses (4), for which we determine the local
electric fields and currents in the treated tissue and then study
the biophysical response in terms of pore densities and pore sizes
that lead to cell permeability changes, as well as the resulting
temperature change in the tissue model. Throughout, we attempt to
make objective comparisons between responses to nsPEF pulses and
the much longer and weaker IRE pulses.
The basic methods and tissue models are the same as used
previously (4) only the electric field pulse waveforms are
different. In this way we can straightforwardly compare the
mechanistic response at the cellular and tissue level to IRE
pulses that lead to necrotic cell death with nsPEF pulses that
lead to apoptotic cell death. To facilitate understanding we have
restated our methods here.
As previously (4) we use the transport lattice (TL) method, which
allows for a convenient description of electrical, chemical, and
thermal behavior in a complex biological geometry that may contain
tissue inhomogeneities and anisotropies. Basic features of the TL
method have been presented elsewhere (23-25, 27-29). For the study
of nanosecond pulses to treat solid tumors, we use two system
models, a multicellular model of irregular cells and a tissue
model, and consider their electrical and thermal responses to two
representative nsPEF pulses. Each system model represents rabbit
liver tissue but on a different spatial scale. Although
experiments with nsPEF pulses on tumors have been performed for
different cells and tissues, a liver tissue model is adopted here
in order to compare the distinct features of tissue responses due
to nsPEF pulses with those of IRE pulses.
Discussion and Conclusion
The treatment of solid tumors by nsPEF pulses leads to supra-EP at
the PM, a universal mechanism by which only small nanometer-sized
pores at large densities perforate cell membranes, and a strong
interplay of conduction and displacement currents inside the cells
and the interstitial space of the tissue. As a consequence, the
cell interior is affected by intracellular electric fields that
are almost as strong as the applied field strength. What is often
neglected in the discussion of EP is the resulting exposure of the
interior of the cell, i.e., both the intracellular electrolyte and
the intracellular organelles, to an electric field. The
inevitability of creating an intracellular field should address
the magnitude of the intracellular field, which may vary from
unimportant to tremendously important. It is therefore
understandable that nsPEF pulses cause pronounced intracellular
effects, which presumably are responsible for triggering a
different cell death mechanism (apoptosis) than longer IRE pulses
(necrosis). Supra-EP at the PM leads to a conductance change of
the membrane that exceeds that of longer IRE pulses...
Synergistic Effects of Nanosecond Pulsed Electric Fields
Combined with Low Concentration of Gemcitabine on Human Oral
Squamous Cell Carcinoma In Vitro
Jing Wang, et al.
Treatment of cancer often involves uses of multiple therapeutic
strategies with different mechanisms of action. In this study we
investigated combinations of nanosecond pulsed electric fields
(nsPEF) with low concentrations of gemcitabine on human oral
cancer cells. Cells (Cal-27) were treated with pulse parameters
(20 pulses, 100 ns in duration, intensities of 10, 30 and 60
kV/cm) and then cultured in medium with 0.01 µg/ml gemcitabine.
Proliferation, apoptosis/necrosis, invasion and morphology of
those cells were examined using MTT, flow cytometry, clonogenics,
transwell migration and TEM assay. Results show that combination
treatments of gemcitabine and nsPEFs exhibited significant
synergistic activities versus individual treatments for inhibiting
oral cancer cell proliferation and inducing apoptosis and
necrosis. However, there was no apparent synergism for cell
invasion. By this we demonstrated synergistic inhibition of Cal-27
cells in vitro by nsPEFs and gemcitabine. Synergistic behavior
indicates that these two treatments have different sites of action
and combination treatment allows reduced doses of gemcitabine and
lower nsPEF conditions, which may provide better treatment for
patients than either treatment alone while reducing systemic
Diverse Effects of Nanosecond Pulsed Electric Fields on Cells
and Tissues
Stephen J. Beebe, Jody White, Peter F. Blackmore, Yuping
Deng, Kenneth Somers, and Karl H. Schoenbach.
The application of pulsed electric fields to cells is extended to
include nonthermal pulses with shorter durations (10-300 ns),
higher electric fields (=350 kV/cm), higher power (gigawatts), and
distinct effects (nsPEF) compared to classical electroporation.
Here we define effects and explore potential application for nsPEF
in biology and medicine. As the pulse duration is decreased below
the plasma membrane charging time constant, plasma membrane
effects decrease and intracellular effects predominate. NsPEFs
induced apoptosis and caspase activation that was
calcium-dependent (Jurkat cells) and calcium-independent (HL-60
and Jurkat cells). In mouse B10-2 fibrosarcoma tumors, nsPEFs
induced caspase activation and DNA fragmentation ex vivo, and
reduced tumor size in vivo. With conditions below thresholds for
classical electroporation and apoptosis, nsPEF induced calcium
release from intracellular stores and subsequent calcium influx
through store-operated channels in the plasma membrane that
mimicked purinergic receptor-mediated calcium mobilization. When
nsPEF were applied after classical electroporation pulses, GFP
reporter gene expression was enhanced above that observed for
classical electroporation. These findings indicate that nsPEF
extend classical electroporation to include events that primarily
affect intracellular structures and functions. Potential
applications for nsPEF include inducing apoptosis in cells and
tumors, probing signal transduction mechanisms that determine cell
fate, and enhancing gene expression.
Effect of nanosecond pulsed electric field on Escherichia coli
in water: inactivation and impact on protein changes
A. Guionet1, et al.
This article shows the effect of nanosecond pulsed electric field
(nsPEF) on Escherichia coli, which could imply a durable change in
protein expressions and then impacted the phenotype of surviving
bacteria that might lead to increase pathogenicity.
Methods and Results
The effects of nsPEF on E. coli viability and membrane
permeabilization were investigated. One log10 reduction in
bacterial counts was achieved at field strength of 107 V m-1 with
a train of 500 successive pulses of 60 × 10-9 s. Incubation of
germs after treatment with propidium iodide showed that membrane
permeabilization was reversible. Possible protein changes of
surviving bacteria were checked to assess potential phenotypical
changes using two-dimensional electrophoresis. In our study, after
40 generations, only UniProt #P39187 was up-regulated with P =
0·05 compared with the control and corresponded to the
uncharacterized protein YtfJ. Antibiograms were used to check
whether or not the pattern of cultivable bacteria after nsPEF
deliveries changed.
The results tend to show that nsPEFs are able to inactivate
bacteria and have probably no serious impact in E. coli protein
Significance and Impact of the Study
The use of nsPEF is a safe promising new nonthermal method for
bacterial inactivation in the food processing and environmental
Nanosecond pulsed electric fields cause melanomas to
[ Excerpt ]
Methods for a new, drug-free therapy for treating
solid skin tumors through the application of nanosecond pulsed
electric fields ('nsPEFs') are provided. In one embodiment of the
invention, the cells are melanoma cells, and the applied nsPEFs
penetrate into the interior of tumor cells and cause tumor cell
nuclei to rapidly shrink and tumor blood flow to stop. This new
technique provides a highly localized targeting of tumor cells
with only minor effects on overlying skin.
Inventors Richard Nuccitelli, Stephen J Beebe,
Karl H Schoenbach
[0001] Electric fields have been employed in several different
types of cancer therapy. Some of these involve radio frequency or
microwave devices that heat the tumor to greater than 43 °C to
kill the cells via hyperthermia (K.K.Tanabe, S.A.Curley, G.D.Dodd,
A.E.Siperstein, S.N.Goldberg (2004) Cancer. 100:641-650;
D.Haemmerich, P.F.Laeseke (2005) Int. J. Hyperthermia. 21 :
755-760). Others use pulsed electric fields to permeabilize the
tumor cells to allow the introduction of toxic drugs or DNA
(M.L.Lucas, R.Heller (2003) DNA Cell Biol. 22:755-763; Y.Kubota,
Y.Tomita, M.Tsukigi, H.Kurachi, T.Motoyama, L.M.Mir (2005)
Melanoma Res. 15:133-134; A.Gothelf, L.M.Mir, J.Gehl (2003) Cancer
Treat.Rev. 29:371-387). Previous studies have shown that
fibrosarcoma tumors, treated in situ with nanosecond pulsed
electric fields, exhibited a reduced growth rate compared to
control tumors in the same animal (S.J.Beebe, P.Fox, LJ.Rec,
K.Somers, R.H.Stark, K.H.Schoenbach (2002) IEEE Transactions on
Plasma Science. 30:286-292). [0002] The main characteristics of
nanosecond pulsed electric fields (nsPEF) are their low energy
that leads to very little heat production and their ability to
penetrate into the cell to permeabilize intracellular organelles
(K.H.Schoenbach, S. J.Beebe, E.S.Buescher (2001)
Bioelectromagnetics. 22:440-448; E.S.Buescher, K.H.Schoenbach
(2003) IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation.
10:788-794) and release calcium (P.T. Vernier, Y.H.Sun, L.Marcu,
S.Salemi, C.M.Craft, M.A.Gundersen (2003) B B R C. 310:286-295;
E.S.Buescher, R.R.Smith, K.H.Schoenbach (2004) IEEE Transactions
on Plasma Science 32:1563-1572; J.A. White, P.F.Blackmore,
K.H.Schoenbach, S.J.Beebe (2004) J.Biol.Chem. 279:22964-22972)
from the endoplasmic reticulum (J.A. White et al. (2004)
J.Biol.Chem). They provide a new approach for physically targeting
intracellular organelles with many applications, including the
initiation of apoptosis in cultured cells (S.J.Beebe, P.M.Fox,
L.J.Rec, EX. Willis, K.H.Schoenbach (2003) FASEB J. 17:1493-1495;
S.J.Beebe, J.White, P.F.Blackmore, Y.Deng, K.Somers,
K.H.Schoenbach (2003) DNA Cell Biol. 22:785-796; SJ.Beebe,
P.F.Blackmore, J.White, R.P.Joshi, K.H.Schoenbach (2004) Physiol
Meas. 25: 1077-1093) and tumors (S.J.Beebe et al. (2002) IEEE
Transactions on Plasma Science) enhancement of gene transfection
efficiency (S.J.Beebe et al. (2003) DNA Cell Biol; SJ.Beebe et al.
(2004) Physiol Meas.) and reducing tumor growth (S.J.Beebe et al.
(2002) IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science).
[0003] The use of electric fields on biological cells to rupture
the cell membrane can lead to cell death via necrosis, a
nonphysiological type of cell destruction, while the use of nsPEFs
on biological cells to permeabilize intracellular organelles can
initiate cell death via apoptosis. When treating biological cells
within tissue in situ, being able to initiate cell death via
apoptosis would allow the destruction of specific undesired cells
in situ without engendering the non-specific damage to surrounding
or nearby tissue in the body due to inflammation and scarring that
is normally observed with necrosis. Investigations of the effects
of ultrashort, high intensity pulsed electric fields or nanosecond
pulsed electric fields (nsPEF) on mammalian cells have
demonstrated distinct differences on cell structure and function
compared to classical plasma membrane electroporation. It was
previously demonstrated that nsPEF invoked signal transduction
mechanisms that initiate apoptosis cascades in several human cell
lines including HL-60 cells (Beebe, S. J., et al. (2002) IEEE
Trans. Plasma ScL 30, 286-292; Beebe, SJ., et al. (2003) FASEB J.
17, 1493-1495).
[0004] The efficacy of this nsPEF treatment is believed to
depend on two separate electric field parameters: pulse duration
and amplitude. The effect of pulse duration can be understood by
considering the process of membrane charging when the cell is
placed in an electric field. Ions in the cell interior will
respond to the electric field by moving in the field direction and
charging the highly resistive membrane until they experience no
further force. By definition this will only occur when their
redistribution establishes an equal and opposite field so that the
net electric field in the cell interior is zero. However this
redistribution takes a certain amount of time that is
characterized by the charging time constant of the plasma
membrane, typically in the 0.1 to 1 microsecond range. If the
nsPEF is shorter than this charging time, the interior charges
will not have sufficient time to redistribute to counteract the
imposed field and it will penetrate into the cell and charge every
organelle membrane for a duration which is dependent on both the
charging time constant of the cell's plasma membrane as well as
that of the organelle membrane (K.H.Schoenbach, R.P.Joshi,
J.F.Kolb, N.Chen, M.Stacey, P.F.BIackmore,E.S.Buescher, S.J.Beebe
(2004) Proc. IEEE. 92:1122- 1137).
[0005] A second critical nsPEF parameter is the amplitude of the
pulse. Both the force exerted on charges and the electroporation
of lipid membranes depend on the strength of the electric field.
When the electric field across a cellular membrane exceeds about 1
volt (2 kV/cm for a cell 10 µm in diameter), water-filled pores
form in the membrane's lipid bilayer and the size and lifetime of
these pores are dependent on the strength and duration of the
electric field pulse. For amplitudes exceeding 2 kV/cm and pulse
durations in the millisecond range, large pores form resulting in
electroporation of the membrane that has been used to introduce
normally impermeant anticancer drugs into targeted tissues
(M.L.Lucas et al (2003) DNA Cell Biol.; Y.Kubota et al (2005)
Melanoma Res.; A.Gothelf et al (2003) Cancer Treat.Rev.;
J.Teissie, M.Golzio, M.P.Rols (2005) Biochim.Biophys.Acta
1724:270-280). For these long pulses, the pulse amplitude is
limited to about 2 kV/cm to avoid thermal effects. Since heating
is proportional to pulse duration and the square of the field
strength, the much shorter pulses in the nanosecond range can have
a higher field strength while delivering the same low level of
thermal energy to the tissue. A 20-fold higher field strength of
40 kV/cm can be employed to generate structural changes in the
plasma membrane that result in a smaller electrical barrier as
well as higher voltage gradients across cellular organelles for
die duration of the pulse (Q.Hu, S.Viswanadham, R.PJoshi,
K.H.Schoenbach, SJ.Beebe, P.F.Blackmore (2005) Phys.Rev.E
Stat.Nonlin.Soß.Matter Phys.7?:031914-l-0319l4-9). A typical tumor
cell nucleus measuring 10 µm in diameter will experience a voltage
gradient of roughly 40 V across its diameter during each pulse.
This electric field is large enough to cause electrodeformation
(R.PJoshi, Q.Hu, K.H.Schoenbach, H.P.Hjalmarson (2002) Phys.Rev.E
Stat.Nonlin.Soft.Matter Phys. 65:021913).
[0006] Previous studies provided direct evidence for cellular DNA
as a direct or indirect target of nsPEF. Using a comet assay,
Stacey, et al. (M.Stacey, J.Stickley, P.Fox, V.Statler,
K.Schoenbach, SJ.Beebe, S.Buescher (2003) Mutat.Res. 542:65-75)
found that ten 60 ns pulses of 60 kV/cm caused a rapid 2.6-fold
increase in the mean image length of DNA electrophoresis tracks in
Jurkat cell extracts and a 1.6-fold increase in the comet assay
from HL60 cell extracts. In both cases this was a very significant
change (p<0.001). This elongation in DNA electrophoresis tracks
is normally interpreted to indicate fragmentation of the DNA into
smaller pieces that is associated with apoptotic cell death. An
indication of changes in the DNA following nsPEF treatment comes
from images of the nucleus labeled with acridine orange, a vital
fluorescent dye that intercalates into DNA and RNA, Chen et al.
(N.Chen, K.H.Schoenbach, J.F.Kolb, S.RJames, A.L.Garner, J.Yang,
R.PJoshi, SJ.Beebe (2004) Biochem.Biophys.Res.Commun.
317:421-427). A single 10 ns pulse of 26 kV/cm caused a dramatic
decrease in fluorescence intensity in the nucleus evident as early
as 5 min after the pulse. This change could be due to an outflow
of DNA or to conformational changes in the DNA. [0007] The ability
to selectively modify specific cells in ways that lead to
apoptosis could provide a new method for the selective destruction
of undesired tissue (e.g., cancer cells, fat cells or cartilage
cells) while minimizing side effects on surrounding tissue. An
electrical method of treatment that results, not only in tumor
growth inhibition, but in complete tumor regression, without
hyperthermia, drugs, or significant side effects, would be a great
advancement in the field of cancer therapy and other in situ
therapies. These and various other needs are addressed, at least
in part, by one or more embodiments of the present invention.
[0008] One or more aspects of the invention provide a method for
selectively initiating apoptosis in target cells in a tissue. The
method comprises applying at least one nsPEF to said tissue. The
at least one nsPEF has a pulse duration of at least about 10
nanoseconds and no more than about 1 microsecond and an electric
field pulse strength of at least about 10 kV/cm and no more than
about 350 kV/cm. In one or more embodiments of the invention, the
method is carried out in situ.
[0009] In one aspect, at least one nsPEF has a pulse duration of
about 300 nanoseconds and an electric field pulse strength of at
least about 20 kV/cm and no more than about 40 kV/cm.
[0010] In one or more embodiments of the invention, at least 100
nsPEFs are applied to said tissue. In one aspect, at least 300
nsPEFs are applied to the tissue. In another aspect, at least 400
nsPEFS are applied to the tissue. In yet another embodiment of the
invention, the method of treatment of at least one nsPEF is
[0011] In one or more aspects of the invention, the target cells
are fat cells. In one or more aspects of the invention, the target
cells are bone cells. In one or more aspects of the invention, the
target cells are vascular cells. In one or more aspects of the
invention, the target cells are muscle cells. In one or more
aspects of the invention, the target cells are cartilage cells. In
one or more aspects of the invention, the target cells are stem
cells. In one or more aspects of the invention, the target cells
are a combination of the above cells. [0012] Also provided in the
invention is a method for inhibiting blood flow in a tissue. The
method comprises applying at least one nsPEF to said tissue. The
at least one nsPEF has a pulse duration of at least about 10
nanoseconds and no more than about 1 microsecond and an electric
field pulse strength of at least about 10 kV/cm and no more than
about 350 kV/cm. In one or more embodiments of the invention, the
method is carried out in situ. [0013] The invention also provides
a method for inducing tumor regression. The method comprises
applying at least one nsPEF to said tumor. The at least one nsPEF
has a pulse duration of at least about 10 nanoseconds and no more
than about 1 microsecond and an electric field pulse strength of
at least about 10 kV/cm and no more than about 350 kV/cm. In one
or more embodiments of the invention, the method is carried out in
Nanosecond pulsed electric field parameters for destroying
tumors with a single treatment
[ Excerpt ]
Nanosecond pulsed electric field (nsPEF) parameters for destroying
tumors with a single treatment are described. A nsPEF generator
may be used with an electrode assembly to apply the pulses to one
or more tumors where the parameters for the nsPEF are optimized
for treating such tumors. The system may also be used to treat
tumors on or within internal organs by using an expandable bipolar
electrode assembly that can be imaged by ultrasound and can
penetrate, e.g., the stomach, intestine or bowel wall, etc. and be
positioned in or around the tumor on an internal organ while being
guided by an operator who visualizes its position with ultrasound
imaging. It utilizes an electrode assembly that extends down an
internal cavity in the endoscope to allow the operator to spread
the electrodes for pulse delivery of a nanosecond pulsed electric
field (nsPEF) to the tumor.
[0002] This application is directed to systems and methods for
treating tumors on internal organs that have been identified using
endoscopic ultrasound by precisely positioning a pulsed field
delivery device on or in the tumor guided by ultrasound imaging.
[0003] Endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) combines endoscopy and
ultrasound in order to obtain images and information about the
digestive tract and the surrounding tissue and organs. Endoscopy
refers to the procedure of inserting a long flexible tube via the
mouth or the rectum to visualize the digestive tract, whereas
ultrasound uses high-frequency sound waves to produce images of
the organs and structures inside the body such as ovaries, uterus,
liver, gallbladder, pancreas, aorta, etc.
[0004] In EUS a small ultrasound transducer is installed on the
tip of the endoscope. By inserting the endoscope through the
esophagus into the stomach, the ultrasound transducer can be
placed against the inner surface of the stomach or
gastrointestinal tract so that sound waves can be beamed through
the stomach wall to obtain high quality ultrasound images of the
organs on the other side of the stomach wall such as the kidney,
pancreas and liver. Because of the proximity of the EUS transducer
to the organ(s) of interest, the images obtained are frequently
more accurate and more detailed than the ones obtained by
traditional ultrasound where the transducer in placed on the skin.
Tumors on internal organs have ultrasound reflection properties
that are different from the organ so that they can be easily
detected with EUS. An example of EUS is shown and described in
U.S. Pat. 7,318,806, which is incorporated herein by reference in
its entirety.
[0005] Some of these ultrasound imaging endoscopes have been
designed with an open channel down the center into which a fine
needle aspirator or other instruments can be inserted to allow the
sampling of tumor tissue by poking through the stomach wall and
into the tumor tissue for aspiration. The aspirated tissue sample
can then be stained and observed by a pathologist to obtain an
immediate diagnosis of malignancy.
[0006] Nanosecond pulsed electric fields (nsPEF) have been found
to trigger both necrosis and apoptosis in skin tumors. Treatment
with nsPEF independently initiates the process of apoptosis within
the tumor cells themselves causing the tumor to slowly self-
destruct without requiring toxic drugs or permanent
p[epsilon]rmeabi[iota]ization. In addition to initiating apoptosis
in the tumor cells, nanosecond pulsed electric fields halt blood
flow in the capillaries feeding it which in turn reduces blood
flow to the tumor and activation of apoptosis pathways causing the
tumor to slowly shrink and disappear within an average of 47 days.
[0007] An example of nsPEF is shown and described in U.S. Pat.
6,326,177, which is incorporated herein by reference in its
[0008] Various devices utilizing ElTS are known yet they are
generally insufficient to treat tumors accessible via endoscopic
access utilizing nsPEF. Accordingly, there exists a need for
methods and devices which are efficacious and safe in facilitating
the treatment of tumors in patients.
[0009] In delivering nanosecond pulsed electric fields (nsPEF) to
a region of tissue. such as a tumor, it is possible to precisely
control the number of pulses delivered as well as the frequency of
those pulses to deliver electrotherapy via an electrode assembly
designed to draw tissue into a recessed cavity in order to
immobilize the tissue and position the electrodes firmly against
or within the tissue. The recessed cavity may be varied in its
size to match a size of any particular rumor to be treated such
that the treated tumor may be received within the cavity in close
proximity or in direct contact against the electrodes.
[0010] The electrode assembly may be configured into a variety of
configurations for delivering electrotherapy and may also utilize
suction to fix in place the tissue being treated. For example, six
(6) spaced apart planar electrodes may be positioned
circumferentially about the recessed cavity. In other variations,
the electrode assembly may comprise a support member having a pair
of "U"-shaped planar electrodes disposed on the periphery of the
recessed cavity. Other variations may include a pair of spaced
apart parallel plate electrodes while other variations may include
a plurality of needle electrodes which are mounted at the base of
a back plate to control the penetration depth of the tissue as it
it> sucked into the recessed cavity.
[0011] The back plate of each recessed cavity may have multiple
apertures, such as on the order of 100 [mu]m in diameter. An air
pump, e.g., an oscillating diaphragm air pump or other suction
source, is then coupled to the support member on the side of the
base w all support opposite the recessed cavity and is used to
generate a mild suction that pulls the tissue to be treated into
the cup-like volume.
[0012] In use, the support member may Miction or draw in tissue to
be treated from various regions of the body into the recessed
cavity into contact or proximity to the electrodes. Drawing in the
tissue may further facilitate tissue treatment by clearly defining
the treatment area to be treated for the operator. When nsPEF is
applied to a tissue region such as a tumor, if a [iota]arge
resistance between the electrode and the tumor restricts current
flow (such as the presence of the stratum corneitm in skin), the
field may not pass into the tumor effectively. Thus it may be
desirable to apply, in one example, a minimum current of 20 A
(although lower currents may be applied if so desired) that may
pass through the tumor during nsPEF application to have a desired
effect of triggering tumor apoptosis. In order to prevent damage
to tissues surrounding the tumor, the nsPEF therapy may be applied
at a pulse frequency that will not heat the tissue above, e.g.. 40
<0>C (the minimum temperature for hyperthermia effects).
Therapy \\ ith nsPEF treatment is thus able to initiate apoptosis
within the tumor cells without raising the temperature more than a
few degrees so as to prevent harm to surrounding tissues from heat
transfer. In one example, if 100 ns pulses were applied, the
frequency of the applied pulses is desirably 7 pulses per second
(Hz) or lower to prevent damage to surrounding tissues.
[0013] With the electrode assemblies described herein, treatment
of tissue regions such as skin tumors may be effected by applying
nsPEF while specifying various parameters. For instance, one or
all of the following parameters may be adjusted to provide optimal
treatment of tissue to effect tumor apoptosis: ( 1) pulse
amplitude (kV'cm); (2) pulse duration (ns); (3) pulse application
frequency (Hz); and/or (4) pulse number applied.
[0014] Because the value of these parameters may vary widely over
a number of ranges, it has been determined that particular ranges
may be applied for effecting optimal tissue treatment which may
effect tumor apoptosis in as few as a single treatment. In varying
pulse amplitude, an applied amplitude as low as, e.g., 20
kV/<'>cm, may be sufficient for initiating an apoptotic
response in the treated tissue. The pulse amplitude may, of
course, be increased from 20 kV/cm, e.g., up to 40 kV/'cm or
greater. However, an applied amplitude of at least, e.g., 30 kV/cm
or greater, may be applied for optimal response in the treated
tissue, In varying pulse duration, durations in the range of.
e.g., 50-900 ns, may be highly effective although shorter
durations may be applied if the number of pulses is increased
exponentially. In varying pulse application frequency, frequencies
up to 7 Hz may be applied with 100 ns pulses without heating
surrounding tissues to hyperthermic levels. Because tissue heating
may be dependent on pulse width multiplied by the frequency of
application, shorter pulses may be applied at proportionately
higher frequencies with similar heat generation. In varying the
number of pulses applied, the pulse number determines the total
energy applied to the tissue region. Generally, applying a minimum
pulse number of 600 pulses may result in complete remission of
tumors. In one example, nsPEF therapy having a pulse duration of
100 ns may be applied over a range of, e.g., 1000-2000 pulses, to
effectively treat the tissue region.
[0015] Given the range of parameters, a relationship between these
parameters has been correlated to determine a minimum number of
electrical pulses which may effectively treat a tissue region,
e.g., a tumor, with a single treatment of nsPEF therapy to cause
complete apoptosis in the tumor tissue. Generally, the number of
electrical pulses increases exponentially as the pulse duration is
shortened. The correlation for a given pulse duration or width and
number of pulses, N, to effectuate complete tumor remission after
a single treatment may be described in the following equation:
N = 28.714 e -0026f
where, N = minimum number of pulses to cause tumor apoptosis with
a single treatment t = pulse duration (in nanoseconds)
[0016] This non-linear dependence of pulse number on pulse width
suggests that the effectiveness of the nsPEF therapy described
herein is not simply due to energy delivery to the tumor as that
is linearly proportional to N times t given a constant voltage and
[0017] In one particular variation, an elongate instrument which
may be delivered via or through an endoscopic device may utilize
any one or more of the nsPEF parameters described herein for tumor
treatment. The endoscopic device, particularly an EUS device. may
be used to image or locate a tissue region to be treated.
Ultrasound imaging may be particularly useful in locating one or
more tumors for treatment although conventional endoscopic imaging
may also be utilized. With the targeted tissue region located
within the body, the nsPEF instrument may be positioned or
advanced within one or more working channels in the endoscope
until a tapered piercing end of the nsPEF instrument is projected
from a distal end of the endoscope.
[0018] The nsPEF instrument may also have an expandable or re
configurable bipolar electrode assembly that may extend or
reposition itself into a deployed profile. With the electrode
assembly deployed, the piercing tip may be penetrated into or
through the tissue to be treated (such as the tumor) while under
the guidance of ultrasound imaging from the endoscope for
desirably positioning the instrument. The outer reference
electrodes may be actuated by the operator to reconfigure the
electrodes for pulse delivery and/or to retract them for insertion
and/ or withdrawal from the patient. Moreover, the electrodes may
be coupled via an electrical cable having at least two conductors
which may also extend through the endoscope or electrode assembly
to conduct the pulsed electric fields to the distal end effector.
[0019] The electrode assembly may be advanced into the tissue to
be treated until the deployed outer electrodes are positioned on
or against a surface of the tumor or tissue region. The deployed
outer electrodes may be spread or reconfigured into a variety of
shapes, e.g.. hemi -circular plate configuration. Moreover, to
facilitate contact between the electrode assembly and the tissue
surface of the targeted tumor, suction may be applied through,
e.g., a working channel either through the endoscope, electrode
assembly, or both for drawing the tumor into apposition against
the electrode assembly. Other mechanisms such as tissue graspers
may also be used.
[0020] In other variations, the electrode assembly may be
configured to project distally from the shaft of the nsPEF
instrument to surround the tissue to be treated, such as a tumor.
Various numbers of conductive needles may be utilized such that
the tumor to be treated is surrounded by the needle array and the
electric field created between the needles may be uniformly
applied to the tumor. These instruments may utilize any of the
nsPEF parameters as described herein to effectively treat the
tissue with, e.g., a single treatment of nsPEF therapy.
[0021] Follow ing nanosecond pulse application, the treatment
instrument may be withdrawn from the tumor and the outer
electrodes may be reconfigured back to their original low profile
configuration for retraction back into the endoscope...
[ Excerpt ]
Also published as: WO2010057021 //
JP2012508771 // EP2364155
Methods for forming activated platelet gels using nsPEF's and
applying the activated gels to wounds, such as heart tissue after
myocardial infarction. The platelets are activated by applying at
least one nsPEF with a duration between about 10 picoseconds to 1
microsecond and electrical field strengths between about 10 kV/cm
and 350 kV/cm.
[0002] Electric fields can be used to manipulate cell function in
a variety of ways. One specific cell mechanism that can be
affected by electric fields is calcium mobilization within a cell.
Calcium signaling, an important cell function, is responsible for
a variety of cellular responses and actions. The release of
internally stored calcium can stimulate responses to agonists,
activate growth and respiration, cause the secretion of
neurotransmitters, activate transcription mechanisms, cause the
release of a variety of hormones, produce muscle contractions, and
initiate release of key factors in the apoptosis pathway
(Berridge, M. J., Bootman, M. D., Lipp, P. (1998) Nature. 395,
645-648). This calcium mobilization also triggers the influx of
calcium from the external medium into the cell as a means of
further propagating calcium signals and also replenishing depleted
pools of calcium. Electric fields can be used to manipulate the
movement of ions, such as calcium, in order to study calcium
[0003] One application of this calcium increase is to activate
platelets and cause them to aggregate in vitro and in vivo.
Platelet activation/aggregation is important for preventing blood
loss during traumatic injury or surgery by forming a hemostatic
plug at the site of injury. At present, treatment with thrombin,
known to increase intracellular calcium in human platelets, is
used to control slow bleeding at sites of injury. Thrombin
treatment includes the topical application of bovine or
recombinant thrombin, or the use of platelet gels in which
autologous platelets are treated with bovine thrombin and added to
the surgical site (Brissett and Hom (2003) Curr. Opin.
Otolaryngol. Head Neck Surgery 11, 245-250; Man et al., (2001)
Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 107, 229-237; Saltz (2001) Plast. Reconstr.
Surg. 107, 238-239; Bhanot and Alex (2002) Facial Plast. Surg. 18,
27-33). However, the use of animal products could cause allergic
reactions or cause possible contamination of platelet rich plasma
(PRP) with infectious agents. The use of recombinant thrombin or a
peptide that mimics thrombin action could be used as an
alternative to animal-derived thrombin; however, this type of
treatment is expensive and could also give rise to allergic
[0004] Since calcium signaling plays such an important role in so
many cellular functions, there remains a need to further examine
this signaling mechanism and explore ways to manipulate calcium
signaling pathways for therapeutic purposes. For example, there is
a need to develop methods of activating calcium-mediated cell
functions, including aggregation of human platelets, for
therapeutic purposes, such as wound healing. These and various
other needs are addressed, at least in part, by one or more
embodiments of the present invention.
[0005] One or more aspects of the invention provide a method for
inducing calcium mobilization in a cell. The method comprises
applying at least one electrical pulse to one or more cells,
whereby calcium is mobilized in the cells. According to at least
one embodiment, the electrical pulse comprises at least one
nanosecond pulsed electric field (nsPEF). The at least one nsPEF
has a pulse duration of at least about 100 picoseconds and no more
than about 1 microsecond and an electric field strength of at
least about 10 kV/cm and no more than about 350 kV/cm. In one or
more embodiments of the invention, calcium influx into the cells
[0006] In one or more aspects of the invention, the cells are
human platelets, whereby activation and aggregation of the
platelets is induced.
[0007] The invention also provides a method for increasing
intracellular calcium in cells comprising applying at least one
nsPEF to the cells, whereby intracellular calcium in the cells is
increased. The at least one nsPEF has a pulse duration of at least
about 100 picoseconds and no more than about 1 microsecond and an
electric field strength of at least about 10 kV/cm and no more
than about 350 kV/cm. In one or more embodiments, the cells are
human platelets, whereby activation and aggregation of the
platelets is induced.
[0008] Also provided in the invention is a method for activating
and aggregating human platelets comprising applying at least one
nsPEF to the platelets, whereby the platelets are activated and
induced to form aggregates. The at least one nsPEF has a pulse
duration of at least about 100 picoseconds and no more than about
1 microsecond and an electric field strength of at least about 10
kV/cm and no more than about 350 kV/cm. In one aspect, the at
least one nsPEF has a pulse duration of about 10 nanoseconds and
an electric field strength of about 125 kV/cm. In another aspect,
the at least one nsPEF has a pulse duration of about 60
nanoseconds and an electric field strength of about 30 kV/cm. In
another embodiment, the at least one nsPEF has a pulse duration of
300 nanoseconds and an electric field strength of 30 kV/cm. The
platelets may be suspended in a medium or included in a tissue or
in a natural or synthetic tissue repair matrix, such as but not
limited to bioresorbable collagen scaffold or matrix, or
incorporated into bandage or wound closure devices. In other
embodiments, activated platelets are applied or incorporated into
bandages or sutures that may be applied to a wound.
[0009] The invention also provides a method of treating an injury,
trauma, or the loss of blood in a subject, comprising applying at
least one nsPEF to autologous platelets, whereby the platelets are
activated and induced to form aggregates. The activated and
aggregated platelets are then applied to the site of injury,
trauma, or blood loss. The at least one nsPEF has a pulse duration
of at least about 100 picoseconds and no more than about 1
microsecond and an electric field strength of at least about 10
kV/cm and no more than about 350 kV/cm. The blood loss in a
subject may be related to a bleeding disorder resulting from
inactive platelets or low platelet counts. The blood loss may also
be related to a platelet disorder such as congenital
afibrinogenemia, Glanzmann's thrombasthenia, gray platelet
syndrome, and Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome.
[0010] As a further embodiment for the preparation of activated
platelet aggregations, at least another aspect of the invention
provides a method for preparing platelet gels comprising human
platelets comprising applying at least one nsPEF to the platelets,
whereby the platelets are activated. The at least one nsPEF has a
pulse duration of at least about 100 picoseconds and no more than
about 1 microsecond and an electric field strength of at least
about 10 kV/cm and no more than about 350 kV/cm. In one aspect,
the at least one nsPEF has a pulse duration of about 10
nanoseconds and an electric field strength of about 125 kV/cm. In
another aspect, the at least one nsPEF has a pulse duration of
about 60 nanoseconds and an electric field strength of about 30
kV/cm. In another embodiment, the at least one nsPEF has a pulse
duration of 300 nanoseconds and an electric field strength of 30
kV/cm. The platelets may be suspended in a medium or included in a
tissue or in a natural or synthetic tissue repair matrix, such as
but not limited to bioresorbable collagen scaffold or matrix, or
incorporated into a bandage or wound closure devices.
[0011] At least another aspect of the invention provides a method
for treating an injury, trauma, or the loss of blood in a subject,
comprising applying platelets at or near the site of injury,
trauma, or blood loss, whereby the platelets are activated and
induced to form gels through application of at least one nsPEF.
The at least one nsPEF has a pulse duration of at least about 100
picoseconds and no more than about 1 microsecond and an electric
field strength of at least about 10 kV/cm and no more than about
350 kV/cm.
[0012] At least another aspect of the invention provides a method
for treating and/or preventing infection at the site of an injury,
trauma, or the loss of blood in a subject, comprising applying
platelets at the site of injury, trauma, or blood loss, whereby
the platelets are activated and induced to form gels through
application of at least one nsPEF. The at least one nsPEF has a
pulse duration of at least about 100 picoseconds and no more than
about 1 microsecond and an electric field strength of at least
about 10 kV/cm and no more than about 350 kV/cm. In another
embodiment, the at least one nsPEF has a pulse duration of 300
nanoseconds and an electric field strength of 30 kV/cm.
[0013] At least another aspect of the invention provides a method
for altering the acute changes in systolic and diastolic pressures
in the left ventricle of the heart after an ischemic event, such
as ischemia-reperfusion, whereby the platelets are activated and
induced to form gels through application of at least one nsPEF and
injected into the myocardial tissue. The at least one nsPEF has a
pulse duration of at least about 100 picoseconds and no more than
about 1 microsecond and an electric field strength of at least
about 10 kV/cm and no more than about 350 kV/cm. In another
embodiment, the at least one nsPEF has a pulse duration of 300
nanoseconds and an electric field strength of 30 kV/cm.
[0014] At least another aspect of the invention envisions the
application of activated platelets to the surface of the heart,
whereby the platelets are activated and induced to form gels
through application of at least one nsPEF. The at least one nsPEF
has a pulse duration of at least about 100 picoseconds and no more
than about 1 microsecond and an electric field strength of at
least about 10 kV/cm and no more than about 350 kV/cm. In another
embodiment, the at least one nsPEF has a pulse duration of 300
nanoseconds and an electric field strength of 30 kV/cm.
[0015] At least another aspect of the present invention provides a
bandage or wound closure device, such as a suture, containing an
application or suspension of activated platelet gel, whereby the
platelets are activated and induced to form gels through
application of at least one nsPEF. Various embodiments envision
activation of platelets before and after application of the
platelet gel to the bandage, where the at least one nsPEF has a
pulse duration of at least about 100 picoseconds and no more than
about 1 microsecond and an electric field strength of at least
about 10 kV/cm and no more than about 350 kV/cm...