Dr Wilhelm Reich
[ Excerpts ]
Wilhelm Reich
Born March 24, 1897(1897-03-24)
Dobrzanica, Galicia
Died November 3, 1957 (aged 60)
Wilhelm Reich (March 24,
1897 – November 3, 1957) was an Austrian-American psychiatrist and
psychoanalyst, known as one of the most radical figures in the
history of psychiatry.[1] He was the author of several notable
textbooks, including
The Mass
Psychology of Fascism and Character Analysis, both
published in 1933.
Reich worked with Sigmund Freud in the 1920s and was a respected
analyst for much of his life, focusing on character structure
rather than on individual neurotic symptoms.[2] He tried to
reconcile Marxism and psychoanalysis, arguing that neurosis is
rooted in the physical, sexual, economic, and social conditions of
the patient, and promoted adolescent sexuality, open relationships
outside marriage, the availability of contraceptives, abortion,
and divorce, and the importance for women of economic
independence. His work influenced a generation of intellectuals,
including Saul Bellow, William Burroughs, Paul Edwards, Norman
Mailer, and A. S. Neill, and shaped innovations such as Fritz
Perls's Gestalt therapy, Alexander Lowen's bioenergetic analysis,
and Arthur Janov's primal therapy.[3]
Later in life, he became a controversial figure who was both
adored and condemned. He began to violate some of the key taboos
of psychoanalysis, using touch during sessions, and treating
patients in their underwear to improve their "orgastic potency."
He said he had discovered a primordial cosmic energy, which he
said others called God, and which he called "orgone." He built
"orgone energy accumulators" that his patients sat inside to
harness the reputed health benefits, leading to newspaper stories
about "sex boxes" that cured cancer.[4]
Reich was living in Germany when Hitler came to power in January
1933. On March 2, the Nazi newspaper Völkischer Beobachter
published an attack on one of Reich's pamphlets, The Sexual
Struggle of Youth.[5] He left immediately for Vienna, then
Scandinavia, moving to the United States in 1939. In 1947,
following a series of articles about orgone in The New Republic
and Harper's,[6] the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) obtained
an injunction against the interstate sale of orgone accumulators.
Charged with contempt for violating it, Reich conducted his own
defense, which involved sending the judge all his books to read
and arguing that a court was no place to decide matters of
science. He was sentenced to two years in prison, and in August
1956, several tons of his publications were burned by the FDA,[7]
arguably one of the worst examples of censorship in U.S.
history.[2] He died in jail of heart failure just over a year
later, days before he was due to apply for parole.[8]...
Vegetotherapy and the orgasm
Reich's home in Drammensveien near Olaf Kyrres plass at Frogner,
Oslo. A blue plaque reads: "The physician and psychoanalyst
WILHELM REICH (1897-1957) lived and worked here 1935–39. Developed
character analysis and the body-oriented therapy."
Reich stayed in Norway for five years, working under the auspices
of Professor Schjelderup of the Psychological Institute at the
University of Oslo.
He first presented the principles of his vegetotherapy in a paper
called "Psychic contact and vegetative current" in August 1934 at
the 13th International Congress of Psychoanalysis at Lucerne,
Switzerland, and went on to develop the technique between 1935 and
1940. Vegetotherapy involves the patient physically simulating the
effects of certain emotions, in the hope of triggering them. Reich
argued that the ability to feel sexual love depended on a physical
ability to make love with what he called "orgastic potency." He
tried to measure the male orgasm, noting that four distinct phases
occurred physiologically: first, the psychosexual build-up or
tension; second, the tumescence of the penis, with an accompanying
charge, which Reich measured electrically; third, an electrical
discharge at the moment of orgasm; and fourth, the relaxation of
the penis. He believed the force that he measured was a distinct
type of energy present in all life forms.[25]
He was a prolific writer for psychoanalytic journals in Europe.
Originally, psychoanalysis was focused on the treatment of
neurotic symptoms. Reich's Character Analysis was a major step in
the development of what today would be called ego psychology. In
Reich's view, a person's entire character, not only individual
symptoms, could be looked at and treated as a neurotic phenomenon.
The book also introduced Reich's theory of body armoring. He
argued that unreleased psychosexual energy could produce actual
physical blocks within muscles and organs, and that these act as a
"body armor" preventing the release of the energy. An orgasm was
one way to break through the armor. These ideas developed into a
general theory of the importance of a healthy sex life to overall
well-being, a theory compatible with Freud's views.
His idea was that the orgasm was not simply a device to aid
recreation, but was the body's emotional energy regulator. The
better the orgasm, the more energy was released, meaning that less
was available to create neurotic states. Reich called the ability
to release sufficient energy during orgasm "orgastic potency,"
something that very few individuals could achieve, he argued,
because of society's sexual oppression. A man or woman without
orgastic potency was in a constant state of tension, developing a
body armor to keep it in. The outer rigidity and inner anxiety is
the state of neurosis, leading to hate, sadism, greed, and at a
political level, fascism and antisemitism.[24]
He agreed with Freud that sexual development was the origin of
mental illness. They both believed that most psychological states
were dictated by unconscious processes; that infant sexuality
develops early but is repressed, and that this has important
consequences for mental health. At that time a Marxist (see
Freudo-Marxism), Reich argued that the source of sexual repression
was bourgeois morality and the socio-economic structures that
produced it. As sexual repression was the cause of the neuroses,
the best cure would be to have an active, guilt-free sex life. He
argued that such a liberation could come about only through a
morality not imposed by a repressive economic structure.[26] In
1928, he joined the Austrian Communist Party and founded the
Socialist Association for Sexual Counseling and Research, which
organized counseling centers for workers.
The bion experiments
From 1934-39, Reich conducted experiments looking at vegetative
energy in the body, especially the Galvanic skin response, which
became research into the origins of life. These he called the
"Bion Experiments."
He examined protozoa, single-celled creatures with nuclei. He grew
cultured vesicles using grass, sand, iron, and animal tissue,
boiling them, and adding potassium and gelatin. Having heated the
materials to incandescence with a heat-torch, he noted bright,
glowing, blue vesicles, which, he said, could be cultured, and
which gave off an observable radiant energy. He named the vesicles
"bions" and believed they were a rudimentary form of life, halfway
between life and non-life. When he poured the cooled mixture onto
growth media, bacteria were born, he said, dismissing the idea
that the bacteria were already present in the air or on other
In 1936, Reich wrote that "[s]ince everything is antithetically
arranged, there must be two different types of single-celled
organisms: (a) life-destroying organisms or organisms that form
through organic decay, (b) life-promoting organisms that form from
inorganic material that comes to life."[28] This idea of
spontaneous generation led him to believe he had found the cause
of cancer. He called the life-destroying organisms "T-bacilli,"
with the T standing for Tod, German for death. He described in The
Cancer Biopathy how he had found them in a culture of rotting
cancerous tissue obtained from a local hospital. He wrote that
T-bacilli were formed from the disintegration of protein; they
were 0.2 to 0.5 micrometer in length, shaped like lancets, and
when injected into mice, they caused inflammation and cancer. He
concluded that, when orgone energy diminishes in cells through
aging or injury, the cells undergo "bionous degeneration," or
death. At some point, the deadly T-bacilli start to form in the
cells. Death from cancer, he believed, was caused by an
overwhelming growth of the T-bacilli.
Opposition to his ideas
Scientists in Oslo reacted strongly to his work on bions, deriding
it as nonsense. Tidens Tegn, a leading liberal newspaper, launched
a campaign against him in 1937, supported by scientists and other
newspapers.[24] Between September 1937 and the fall of 1938, over
100 articles denouncing him appeared in the main Oslo
In 1937, Leiv Kreyberg, the country's top cancer specialist, was
allowed to examine one of Reich's bion preparations under the
microscope. Kreyberg wrote that the broth Reich had used as his
culture medium was indeed sterile, but that the bacteria were
ordinary staphylococci. He concluded that Reich's control measures
to prevent infection from airborne bacteria were not as foolproof
as Reich believed. Kreyberg accused Reich of being ignorant of
basic bacteriological and anatomical facts, while Reich accused
Kreyberg of having failed to recognize living cancer cells under
magnification. Thus, Sharaf writes, an opportunity for scientific
exchange degenerated into name-calling.[27]
Reich sent a sample of the bacteria to another Norwegian
biologist, Professor Thjötta of the Oslo Bacteriological
Institute, who also said they resulted from air infection.
Kreyberg and Thjötta had their views published in Aftenposten on
April 19 and 21, 1938, Krayberg referring to him as "Mr. Reich,"
alleging that Reich knew less about bacteria and anatomy than a
first-year medical student. When Reich requested a detailed
control study, Kreyberg responded that his work did not merit
Reich's The Bion Experiments on the Origin of Life was published
in 1938, leading to attacks by the scientific and lay press that
he was a "Jew pornographer," who was daring to meddle with the
origins of life. Alan Cantwell writes that Reich's detractors
focused on one paragraph in which Reich wrote that his research
had "proved particularly fruitful for an understanding of cancer,"
which led to the claim that he was promoting a quack cancer
By February 1938, his visa had expired. Several Norwegian
scientists argued against an extension, Kreyberg saying, "If it is
a question of handing Dr. Reich over to the Gestapo, then I will
fight that, but if one could get rid of him in a decent manner,
that would be the best." The writer Sigurd Hoel wondered when it
had become a crime to perform amateurish biological experiments.
"When did it become a reason for deportation that one looked in a
microscope when one was not a trained biologist?" Reich received
influential support from overseas, first from Bronislaw
Malinowski, who wrote to the Norwegian press in March 1938 that
Reich's sociological work was a "distinct and valuable
contribution to science," and from A.S. Neill, founder of
Summerhill in England, a progressive school known throughout the
world. Neill also wrote to the Norwegian press, arguing that "the
campaign against Reich seems largely ignorant and uncivilized,
more like fascism than democracy ..." Norway was proud of its
intellectual tolerance, so the "Reich affair" put the government
on the spot. A compromise was therefore found. Reich was given his
visa, but a royal decree was issued stipulating that anyone
wanting to practice psychoanalysis needed a licence, and it was
widely understood that Reich would not be given one.[33]
Throughout the affair, Reich had issued just one public statement,
when he asked for a commission to replicate his bion experiments.
Sharaf writes that the scientific opposition to his work affected
his personality and relationships. He was angered and humiliated
by the notoriety he had inadvertently achieved. His
self-confidence undermined, he felt like a marked man, hunted and
tormented, no longer comfortable in public, and seething with
bitterness against the researchers who had denounced him.[34]
Freud had argued that there was a sexual energy called libido,
which he initially described as "something which is capable of
increase, decrease, displacement and discharge, and which extends
itself over the memory traces of an idea like an electric charge
over the surface of the body," but by 1925 he had rejected the
idea that it was a physical energy.[20] Reich took the idea
further, arguing that he had discovered a primordial cosmic
energy. He called it "orgone," and the study of it "orgonomy."
Orgone is blue in color, he wrote, omnipresent, can be seen with
the naked eye, and is responsible for such things as weather, the
color of the sky, gravity, the formation of galaxies, and the
biological expressions of emotion and sexuality. He argued that
St. Elmo's Fire is a manifestation of it, as is the blue color of
sexually excited frogs. Red corpuscles, plant chlorophyll, gonadal
cells, protozoa, and cancer cells are all charged with orgone, he
He argued that humankind had previously split its knowledge of
orgone in two: "ether" for its mechanistic, physical aspects, and
God for the spiritual, the subjective.[45] He wrote that,
"God-Father is the basic cosmic energy from which all being stems,
and which streams through (the) body as through anything else in
Orgone accumulators
In 1940, he built boxes called "orgone accumulators" to
concentrate atmospheric orgone. Some of the boxes were for lab
animals, and some were large enough for a human being to sit
inside. Composed of alternating layers of ferrous metals and
organic insulators with a high dielectric constant, the
accumulators had the appearance of a large, hollow capacitor.
Based on experiments with them, he argued that orgone energy was a
negatively-entropic force in nature responsible for concentrating
and organizing matter. The construction of the boxes caught the
attention of the press, leading to wild rumors that they were "sex
boxes" that caused uncontrollable erections.[25]
According to Reich's theory, illness was primarily caused by
depletion or blockages of the orgone energy within the body. He
conducted clinical tests of the orgone accumulator on people
suffering from a variety of illnesses. The patient would sit
within the accumulator and absorb the "concentrated orgone
energy." He built smaller, more portable accumulator-blankets of
the same layered construction for application to parts of the
body. The effects observed were said to boost the immune system,
even to the point of destroying certain types of tumors, though
Reich was hesitant to claim this constituted a cure. The orgone
accumulator was also tested on mice with cancer, and on
plant-growth, the results convincing Reich that the benefits of
orgone therapy could not be attributed to a placebo
effect.[citation needed] He had, he believed, developed a grand
unified theory of physical and mental health, a claim regarded by
the psychoanalytic community as quackery.[47]
Experiment XX
In December 1944, Reich began the 20th (Roman numeral XX) in his
series of bion experiments.[48] He filtered all the earth out of
an earth bion preparation so that all that remained was clear
yellow water, then buried the test tube outdoors in the frozen
ground. When he retrieved it three weeks later and examined it
under a microscope, he saw pulsating plasmatic flakes. Since the
yellow water had not contained visible particulates before it had
been frozen, Reich concluded that free orgone energy had condensed
out to form the lifelike flakes. This experiment formed the basis
for Reich's later theory that all matter in the universe had
derived from orgone energy via cosmic superimposition.[49]
Reich with one of his cloudbusters, which he said could manipulate
streams of orgone to produce rain.
Reich posited a conjugate, life-annulling energy in opposition to
orgone, which he dubbed Deadly Orgone or DOR. He wrote that
accumulations of DOR played a role in desertification, and he
designed a "cloudbuster" with which he said he could manipulate
streams of orgone energy in the atmosphere to induce rain by
forcing clouds to form and disperse. It was a set of hollow metal
pipes and cables inserted into water, which Reich argued created a
stronger orgone energy field than was in the atmosphere, the water
drawing the atmospheric orgone through the pipes.[20]
Reich conducted dozens of experiments with the
cloudbuster[citation needed], calling the research "Cosmic Orgone
Engineering." In 1953, a drought threatened Maine's blueberry
crop, and several farmers offered to pay Reich if he could make it
rain. The weather bureau had reportedly forecast no rain for
several days when Reich began the experiment on at 10 a.m. on July
6, 1953. The Bangor Daily News reported on July 24:
Dr. Reich and three assistants set up their "rain-making" device
off the shore of Grand Lake, near the Bangor hydro-electric dam
... The device, a set of hollow tubes, suspended over a small
cylinder, connected by a cable, conducted a "drawing" operation
for about an hour and ten minutes ...
According to a reliable source in Ellsworth the following
climactic changes took place in that city on the night of July 6
and the early morning of July 7: "Rain began to fall shortly after
ten o'clock Monday evening, first as a drizzle and then by
midnight as a gentle, steady rain. Rain continued throughout the
night, and a rainfall of 0.24 inches was recorded in Ellsworth the
following morning."
A puzzled witness to the "rain-making" process said: "The queerest
looking clouds you ever saw began to form soon after they got the
thing rolling." And later the same witness said the scientists
were able to change the course of the wind by manipulation of the
The blueberry crop survived, the farmers declared themselves
satisfied, and Reich received his fee.[20]
Orgone experiment with Einstein
Reich discussed orgone accumulators with Albert Einstein in 1941.
On December 30, 1940, Reich wrote to Albert Einstein saying he had
a scientific discovery he wanted to discuss, and on January 13,
1941 went to visit Einstein in Princeton. They talked for five
hours, and Einstein agreed to test an orgone accumulator, which
Reich had constructed out of a Faraday cage made of galvanized
steel and insulated by wood and paper on the outside.[51] Einstein
agreed that if, as Reich suggested, an object's temperature could
be raised without an apparent heating source, it would be a
"bombshell" in physics.[52]
Reich supplied Einstein with a small accumulator during their
second meeting, and Einstein performed the experiment in his
basement, which involved taking the temperature atop, inside, and
near the device. He also stripped the device down to its Faraday
cage to compare temperatures. In his attempt to replicate Reich's
findings, Einstein observed a rise in temperature,[53] which Reich
argued was caused by the orgone energy that had accumulated inside
the Faraday cage.[54] However, one of Einstein's assistants
pointed out that the temperature was lower on the floor than on
the ceiling.[55] Following that remark, Einstein modified the
experiment and, as a result, concluded that the effect was simply
due to the temperature gradient inside the room.[56] He wrote back
to Reich, describing his experiments and expressing the hope that
Reich would develop a more skeptical approach.[57]
Reich responded with a 25-page letter to Einstein, expressing
concern that "convection from the ceiling" would join "air germs"
and "Brownian movement" to explain away new findings.[54] The
correspondence between Reich and Einstein was published by Reich's
press as The Einstein Affair in 1953, possibly without Einstein's
German-language books
* Der triebhafte Charakter : Eine psychoanalytische Studie zur
Pathologie des Ich, 1925
* Die Funktion des Orgasmus : Zur Psychopathologie und zur
Soziologie des Geschlechtslebens, 1927
* Dialektischer Materialismus und Psychoanalyse, 1929
* Geschlechtsreife, Enthaltsamkeit, Ehemoral : Eine Kritik der
bürgerlichen Sexualreform, 1930
* Der Einbruch der Sexualmoral : Zur Geschichte der sexuellen
Ökonomie, 1932
* Charakteranalyse : Technik und Grundlagen für studierende und
praktizierende Analytiker, 1933
* Massenpsychologie des Faschismus, 1933 (original Marxist
edition, banned by the Nazis and the Communists)
* Was ist Klassenbewußtsein? : Über die Neuformierung der
Arbeiterbewegung, 1934
* Psychischer Kontakt und vegetative Strömung, 1935
* Die Sexualität im Kulturkampf : Zur sozialistischen
Umstrukturierung des Menschen, 1936
* Die Bione : Zur Entstehung des vegetativen Lebens, 1938
English-language books
* American Odyssey: Letters and Journals 1940-1947 (posthumous)
* Beyond Psychology: Letters and Journals 1934-1939 (posthumous)
* The Bioelectrical Investigation of Sexuality and Anxiety
* The Bion Experiments: On the Origins of Life
* The Function of the Orgasm, 1942, translated by Theodore P.
* The Cancer Biopathy (1948)
* Character Analysis (translation of the enlarged version of
Charakteranalyse from 1933, translated by Theodore P. Wolfe)
* Children of the Future: On the Prevention of Sexual Pathology
* Contact With Space: Oranur Second Report (1957)
* Cosmic Superimposition: Man's Orgonotic Roots in Nature (1951)
* "Concerning Specific Forms of Masturbation" (essay)
* Ether, God and Devil (1949)
* Genitality in the Theory and Therapy of Neuroses (translation of
the original, unrevised version of Die Funktion des Orgasmus from
* The Invasion of Compulsory Sex-Morality (translation of the
revised and enlarged version of Der Eindruch der Sexualmoral from
* Listen, Little Man! (1948, translated by Theodore P. Wolfe)
* The Mass Psychology of Fascism (translation of the revised and
enlarged version of Massenpsychologie des Faschismus from 1933,
translated by Theodore P. Wolfe)
* The Murder of Christ (1953)
* The Oranur Experiment
* The Orgone Energy Accumulator, Its Scientific and Medical Use
* Passion of Youth: An Autobiography, 1897-1922 (posthumous)
* People in Trouble (1953)
* Record of a Friendship: The Correspondence of Wilhelm Reich and
A.S. Neill (1936-1957)
* Reich Speaks of Freud (Interview by Kurt R. Eissler, letters,
* Selected Writings: An Introduction to Orgonomy
* Sexpol. Essays 1929-1934 (ed. Lee Baxandall)
* The Sexual Revolution (translation of Die Sexualität im
Kulturkampf from 1936, translated by Theodore P. Wolfe)
* The Einstein Affair (1953)
1. ^ Sheppard, R.Z. A family affair, Time, May 14, 1973.
2. ^ a b c "Wilhelm Reich," Encyclopaedia Britannica. Retrieved
July 26, 2009.
3. ^ Sharaf, Myron (1994). Fury on Earth: A Biography of Wilhelm
Reich. Da Capo Press, pp. 4–5.
4. ^ Sharaf 1994, pp. 4, 8; see also Obituary notice for Wilhelm
Reich, Time Magazine, November 18, 1957.
5. ^ a b Sharaf 1994, p. 170.
6. ^ Fredric Wertham, Calling all Couriers, The New Republic, Dec
2, 1946, a review of The Mass Psychology of Fascism; Brady,
Mildred Edie. The Strange Case of Wilhelm Reich, The New Republic,
May 26, 1947; Brady, Mildred Edie. The New Cult of Sex and
Anarchy, Harper's, April 1947; also see "The New Coast of Bohemia"
(editorial), Saturday Review of Literature, August 16, 1947, and
Henderson, Harry and Shaw, Sam. "Greenwich Village: Tourist Trap,"
Collier's, December 6, 1947.
7. ^ 50 years ago in 1956: the burning of Reich's publications,
The Wilhelm Reich Museum, June 2006. Retrieved January 9, 2009.
8. ^ a b c Sharaf 1994, p. 477.
9. ^ a b Sharaf 1994, p. 39.
10. ^ Sharaf 1994, p. 463.
11. ^ Reich, Wilhelm. "Background and scientific development of
Wilhelm Reich," Orgone Energy Bulletin V, 1953, p. 6, cited in
Sharaf 1994, p. 40 and p. 488, footnote 10.
12. ^ Reich , Wilhelm. Passion of Youth, Paragon House, New York,
1990, p. 25; also see Sharaf, p. 49.
13. ^ Reich, Wilhelm. "Über einen Fall von Durchbruch der
Inzestschranke in der Pubertät," Zeitschrift für
Sexualwissenschaft, VII, 1920, 222-223, cited in and translated by
Sharaf 1994, p. 43 and p. 448, footnote 12.
14. ^ a b Sharaf 1994, pp. 42–46.
15. ^ In his book Passion of Youth (p. 36-37) Reich says that his
mother died by the end of September 1910. She took an unknown
poison on a Monday, which corresponds to September 26. Based on
his further comments one easily concludes that she died three days
later, in September 29, 1910, at 2.00 a.m. Her first suicide
attempt, with ingestion of Lysol (the afore mentioned household
cleaner) had ocurred in January 1910, the same evening Leon Reich
came to know about the adultery (Reich, idem, p. 31).
16. ^ Reich, Wilhelm. Über einen Fall von Durchbruch der
Inzestschranke in der Pubertät, op cit, cited in Sharaf 1994, p.
47 and p. 489, footnote 21.
17. ^ a b Sharaf 1994, p. 48.
18. ^ a b Blumenfeld, Robert. Tools and techniques for character
interpretation. Hal Leonard Corporation, 2006, p. 135.
19. ^ Sharaf 1994, p. 58.
20. ^ a b c d e f g h Biography, The Wilhelm Reich Museum.
Retrieved August 14, 2006.
21. ^ Sharaf 1994, pp. 108–109.
22. ^ Biographical notes on his family: Annie Pink, born April 2,
1902, Vienna, died January 5, 1971, New York. Eva Reich became a
doctor and applied orgonomical techniques to the care of newborns.
Lore Reich Rubin became a doctor and psychoanalyst.
23. ^ According to his daughter Lore Reich, Anna Freud and Ernest
Jones were behind the expulsion.
24. ^ a b c d e f g Brady, Mildred. The Strange case of Wilhelm
Reich", The New Republic, May 26, 1947, cited in Sharaf 1994, p.
25. ^ a b c Cantwell, Alan. Dr. Wilhelm Reich", New Dawn Magazine,
2004. Retrieved December 3, 2007.
26. ^ D'Aloia, Alessandro. "Marxism and Psychoanalysis: Notes on
Wilhelm Reich’s Life and Works", Marxist.com. Retrieved August 14,
27. ^ a b c Sharaf 1994, p. 228.
28. ^ Reich, Wilhelm. Beyond Psychology: Letters and Journals
1934-1939. Farrar Straus & Giroux, 1994, p. 66
29. ^ Sharaf 1994, pp. 234–235, 242.
30. ^ Sharaf 1994, p. 242.
31. ^ Sharaf 1994, pp. 234–235.
32. ^ Sharaf 1994, pp. 238–241, 243.
33. ^ a b Sharaf 1994, pp. 230–233.
34. ^ Sharaf 1994, p. 233.
35. ^ Sharaf 1994, pp. 245–246.
36. ^ Sharaf 1994, p. 253.
37. ^ Sharaf 1994, p. 255.
38. ^ Sharaf 1994, p. 254.
39. ^ Sharaf 1994, pp. 257–259.
40. ^ Sharaf 1994, p. 263.
41. ^ Sharaf 1944, pp. 264–265.
42. ^ Elkind, David. "Wilhelm Reich -- The Psychoanalyst as
Revolutionary; Wilhelm Reich", The New York Times, April 18, 1971.
Retrieved June 17, 2009.
43. ^ Sharaf 1994, p. 274.
44. ^ Sharaf 1994, p. 8.
45. ^ Sharaf 1994, p. 352.
46. ^ Reich, Wilhelm. Murder of Christ. Orgone Institute Press
1953, p. 41.
47. ^ Klee, Gerald D. "What ever happened to orgone therapy?", The
Maryland Psychiatric Society, Summer 2001; Vol. 28, No. 1; Pg
13-15, retrieved August 14, 2006; Grossinger, Richard. Planet
Medicine: From Stone Age Shamanism to Post-industrial Healing,
Taylor & Francis, 1982, p. 293.
48. ^ Reich, Wilhelm. The Cancer Biopathy, chapter II, section 6.
Farrar, Straus and Giroux (January 1, 1974).
49. ^ Reich, Wilhelm. Ether, God & Devil & Cosmic
Superimposition, Farrar, Straus and Giroux (January 1, 1972)
50. ^ Sharaf 1994, pp. 379–380.
51. ^ Sharaf 1994, p. 285.
52. ^ Brian, Denis (1996). Einstein: A Life. John Wiley &
Sons, p. 326.
53. ^ "I have now investigated your apparatus ... In the beginning
I made enough readings without any changes in your arrangements.
The box-thermometer showed regularly a temperature of about
0.3-0.4 higher then the one suspended freely," Einstein's letter
to Reich, February 7, 1941, English translation, in The Einstein
Affair, Orgone Institute Press, 1953
54. ^ a b Sharaf 1994, p. 286.
55. ^ "One of my assistants now drew my attention to the fact that
in the room ... the temperature on the floor is always lower than
the one on the ceiling," Einstein to Reich, February 7, 1941,
56. ^ "Through these experiments I regard the matter as completely
solved," Einstein to Reich, February 7, 1941, op.cit.
57. ^ "Ich hoffe, dass dies ihre Skepsis entwickeln wird, dass Sie
sich nicht durch eine an sich verständliche Illusion trügen
lassen," ("I hope that this will sharpen your skepticism so that
you're not taken in by one of these understandable illusions"),
Einstein to Reich, February 7, 1941, op.cit.
58. ^ Sharaf 1994, p. 288.
59. ^ "FBI adds new subjects to electronic reading room", U.S.
State Department, March 2, 2000.
60. ^ Sharaf 1994, p. 361.
61. ^ FDA file on Reich, cited in Sharaf 1994, p. 363 and footnote
6, p. 513.
62. ^ FDA file on Reich, cited in Sharaf 1994, p. 364 and footnote
11, p. 513.
63. ^ Greenfield, Jerome. Wilhelm Reich Vs. the U.S.A.. W.W.
Norton, 1974, p. 69, cited in Sharaf 1994, p. 364 and footnote 13,
p. 513.
64. ^ Reich, Wilhelm. Conspiracy. An Emotional Chain Reaction,
item 386A, cited in Sharaf 1994, p. 367 and footnote 14, p. 513.
65. ^ Reich, Wilhelm. Conspiracy. An Emotional Chain Reaction,
item 386A, cited in Sharaf 1994, p. 367 and footnote 14, p. 513.
66. ^ Sharaf 1994, p. 367.
67. ^ a b Sharaf 1994, pp. 410–413.
68. ^ Complaint for injunction by FDA, Feb 10, 1954, part1, USA vs
WILHELM REICH 1954-1957.
69. ^ "Wilhelm Reich's Response to FDA's Complaint for
Injunction", February 25, 1954, posted on orgone.org.
CLIFFORD MARCH 19, 1954 - USA vs WILHELM REICH 1954-1957
71. ^ Wilhelm Reich: Man's Right to Know, Wilhelm Reich Museum.
Retrieved July 27, 2009.
72. ^ Michael Silvert (1906-1958), born Meyer Silverzweig in
Poland. He was arrested with Reich and committed suicide in 1958
when he was released from prison.[1]
73. ^ Herskowitz, Morton. The Trial, The Institute for Orgonomic
Science. Retrieved July 26, 2009.
74. ^ Sharaf 1994, pp. 458, 465, 466, 473.
75. ^ Sharaf 1994, pp. 458–461.
76. ^ Sharaf 1994, p. 461.
77. ^ There is some discrepancy between the sources on this. Myron
Sharaf writes that Reich signed his last will on February 10,
1957, naming his daughter Eva as executrix, which meant she
controlled the publication and republication of his work. The
Wilhelm Reich Museum writes that his last will was on March 8,
1957, naming the Wilhelm Reich Infant Trust Fund as the entity
charged with running Orgonon as the Wilhelm Reich Museum,
transmitting his legacy, and housing his archives. See Sharaf
1994, p. 465 and Biography, The Wilhelm Reich Museum. Retrieved
August 14, 2006.
78. ^ a b Sharaf 1994, pp. 469–470.
79. ^ Sharaf 1994, p. 476.
80. ^ Sharaf 1994. p. 5.
81. ^ Obituary notice for Wilhelm Reich, Time Magazine, November
18, 1957.
82. ^ Sharaf 1994, p. 6.
83. ^ For example: Kavouras, Jorgos: Heilen mit Orgonenergie: Die
Medizinische Orgonomie, Turm Verlag, Bietigheim, Germany, 2005;
Lassek, Heiko. Orgon-Therapie: Heilen mit der reinen
Lebensenergie, Scherz Verlag, 1997, München, Germany; Müschenich,
Stefan: Der Gesundheitsbegriff im Werk des Arztes Wilhelm Reich
(The Concept of Health in the Works of Wilhelm Reich, MD), med.
Diss., Marburg, Görich & Weiershauser, 1995.
84. ^ Müschenich, Stefan & Gebauer, Rainer: Der Reich'sche
Orgonakkumulator. Naturwissenschaftliche Diskussion, praktische
Anwendung, experimentelle Untersuchung. Frankfurt/Main:
Nexus-Verlag 1987
85. ^ Hebenstreit, Günter: Der Orgonakkumulator nach Wilhelm
Reich. Eine experimentelle Untersuchung zur
Spannungs-Ladungs-Formel. Univ. Wien, Dipl.-Arbeit, 1995
86. ^ The American College of Orgonomy
87. ^ Institute for Orgonomic Science
88. ^ A good overview of Reich's work is Wilhelm Reich: The
evolution of his work by David Boadella. A bibliography on
orgonomy gives full citations to university dissertations, and to
controlled experiments replicating Reich's work on bions, the
orgone accumulator, and the cloudbuster.
89. ^ "Cloudbusting", YouTube. Retrieved July 26, 2009.
The Einstein experiments
* The Einstein Affair, Orgone Institute Press, 1953.
* Aspden, H. (2001). "Gravity and its thermal anomaly: was the
Reich-Einstein experiment evidence of energy inflow from the
aether?," Infinite Energy, 41:61.
* Bearden, T. (2002). "Energy from the vacuum," Cheniere Press,
pp. 333–337.
* Brian, Denis (1996). Einstein: A Life, John Wiley & Sons.
Reich is discussed on pp. 325-327, 382, 399.
* Clark, Ronald W. (1971). Einstein: The Life and Times, Avon.
Reich is on pp. 689–690 of the paperback edition.
* Correa, P and Correa, A. (1998, 2001). "The thermal anomaly in
ORACs and the Reich-Einstein experiment: implications for
blackbody theory," Akronos Publishing.
* Correa P and Correa A. (2001). "The reproducible thermal anomaly
of the Reich-Einstein experiment under limit conditions," Infinite
Energy, 37:12.
* Mallove, E. (2001). "Breaking Through: A Bombshell in Science,"
Infinite Energy, 37:6.
* Mallove, E. (2001). "Breaking Through: Aether Science and
Technology," Infinite Energy, 39:6.
A Brief History of Orgone Research
In the 1930's and 1940's, Dr. Wilhelm Reich was able to detect and
measure the existence of etheric energy (life energy, chi, etc.),
which he called orgone, using a modified geiger counter.
Dr. Reich determined that stacking alternating layers of
fiberglass (an organic substance) and steel wool (an inorganic
substance) would actually attract and collect orgone/etheric
energy of both the life-beneficial positive form (which Reich
called "OR" or "POR") and harmful negative etheric energy ("deadly
orgone" or "DOR").
Orgone Accumulator Diagram He constructed large boxes called
orgone accumulators or "oracs" using this simple layering
principle and was able to successfully heal his patients of
various ailments, including various forms of cancer, by having
them sit inside the box for periods of time.
In 1986, scientists at the University of Marburg, Germany
published the results of a blind study1 which showed that
30-minute orgone accumulator treatments caused consistent,
positive psycho-physiological effects not seen with the
all-fiberglass box used for a control, stating "the results
received in our investigation furnish evidence for the assumption
that the physical properties of the orgone accumulator and its
psychophysiological efficacy on human organisms, postulated by
Reich and his associates, factually exist."
Reich's work was continued in earnest in the 1960's by more
open-minded Russian scientists such as Dr. Nikolai Kozyrev
(1908-1983), who also scientifically proved that such unseen
energies indeed exist all around us, and who's Reich-inspired work
led to the unfortunate development of practical Soviet military
defense applications which utilized principles of so-called
"torsion fields" (e.g., etheric energy). Kozyrev's work, which
indeed confirms both Reich's research and our empirical
experiences with orgonite, was classified until the fall of the
Soviet Union in 1991.
Following in their footsteps, thousands of Ph.D.-level researchers
from both sides of the Iron Curtain spanning multiple generations
have continued Kozyrev and Reich's pioneering work, slowly forcing
mainstream Western science to finally, "officially recognize" the
concept of a universal, unseen energy medium they call "dark
matter," "vacuum flux" or "zero-point energy," depending on who
you ask. It is commonly understood among orgonite enthusiasts that
these are all essentially describing the same thing, which Reich
called "orgone".
A collection of post-Reich
reports, re: Orgone; featuring Trevor Constable's weather
control experiments, originally published in The Journal Borderland Research ( http://www.borderlands.com/archives/1987-43-1.htm
The Etheric Rain Engineering (
E.R.E. ) rain engineering company in Singapore connects
directly to the earliest rain engineering pioneering of Dr.
Wilhelm Reich. All current ERE technology is descended from Dr.
Reich's pioneering.
Cloudbuster operator here is the late biologist, Robert
McCullough. He was Dr. Reich's personal assistant in weather
engineering, and a longtime friend and technical associate of
Trevor J Constable. This cloudbuster, Magnum 144, used a
spiral-wound, 12 feet long 12 inch diameter single tube, and was
water-powered. Scene is the Banning Bench, adjacent to the Mojave
Desert in Southern California.
...This manually-rotatable array, consisted of seven 8-inch
diameter "MT Bazooka" devices, was frequently effective under the
stringent conditions of the Mojave desert, especially at night...
The Flying H at Hatfield Flat
Rotating geometric components and correct orientation of the
assembly, were the key operating principles of the "Flying H"
weather engineering unit seen here in 1986. Art is to ENTRAIN the
etheric flows via the "H" device, for regional weather
engineering. This unit, with four other bases in July 1986,
produced the wettest Los Angeles July in 100 years. Government fax
maps and satellite picturesshowed anomalous diversion of moisture
from the Gulf of California, over 200 miles to the northwest into
Los Angeles, which is statistically rainless in July. TJC
pre-filed the operation with NOAA in Rockville, Maryland, with an
engineering drawing showing what was intended. It happened.

Over a developmental period exceeding 30 years, etheric rain
engineering has been utilized in numerous successful operations.
Beginning with ponderous, fixed-base operations employing arrays
of up to 150 water-grounded tubes, this art and science has
continuously evolved. Advances have been both technical and
theoretical. By the year 2002, the huge, static, water-grounded
arrays have been replaced by a single, hollow tube of sensitive
construction. These tubes are carried aboard helicopters or light
aircraft, and do not employ chemicals, electric power, or
electromagnetic radiation in any form. From inception until today,
action has depended on tapping the latent, native power of the
etheric continuum.
Effective airborne etheric translators were designed in 1994,
initiating a revolutionary advance in etheric rain engineering.
"Bull" translators are under four feet long, with small
cross-section and light weight. Skilled pilots reported no change
in flight characteristics from wing strut installations, but the
ability of these powerful translators to evoke violent weather
very rapidly in tropical locales, necessitated in-flight
deactivation of the translators. Safety required no less. Modified
devices were moved INSIDE the aircraft cabin, and a simple
procedure permitted in-flight deactivation.
Airborne tests in Hawaii and Malaysia, proved that mobile rain
engineering techniques developed in 14 years of high seas rain
engineering experiments are far more effective in the airborne
mode. The higher velocity of aircraft, the longer horizon from the
air, and infinite heading control, produced visible weather
reactions and rainfall with unprecedented rapidity. Targeting of
the rainfall drop area also became feasible. 1998 Malaysian
experience confirmed this.
Etheric rain engineering now has a powerful new dimension. Vast
droughted territories in equatoria may now be accessed by aircraft
equipped for etheric rain engineering. Existing clouds are not
required. These techniques generate their own clouds, from zero if
need be. New technical resources exist to deal with tropical
droughts in the here-now, together with the unique operating
acumen and experience to apply these resources effectively.
Throughout 1997-98, practical research continued with etheric rain
engineering in the airborne mode. Successful airborne tests in
Malaysia in October of 1997 proved that techniques pioneered in
Hawaii were even more effective in equatoria. Rapid engineering of
rainy weather, sometimes violent, made in-flight deactivation of
the quarter-wave Bull units absolutely essential. These
translators were originally designed for attachment to wing
struts. Successful test flights in Malaysia and Hawaii proved the
feasibility of moving the translators INSIDE a light aircraft, the
etheric P-Gun functioned flawlessly, as though no aircraft were
present. A rain engineering pilot flying solo can now deactivate
the P-Gun in the event of heavy weather, enhancing safety.

A helicopter fitted with a P-Gun is the ultimate rain engineering
modality, as proven in Malaysia in April and May of 1998. Nothing
in the history of etheric rain engineering development can compare
with a helicopter for RESULTS. A helicopter permits infinite
adjustment of speed from the hover to more than 100 knots.
Experience has proved that the greatest effects in etheric rain
engineering usually develop at around 50-60 knots. Helicopters are
also unmatched observation platfroms. Their ability to set down
almost anywhere is ideal protection against violent weather.
Combined operation of a helicopter and a light aircraft, both
equipped with P-Guns, allows thousands of droughted equatorial
acres to be readily accessed and rained, almost like crop-dusting
with water.
1986. An engineering drawing was filed in advance of this project
with the U.S. Federal authorities (NOAA), detailing the procedure
that would engineer rain into Los Angeles in July 1986. Los
Angeles is 'STATISTICALLY RAINLESS' in July. Etheric rain
engineering was being pitted against a century of weather records.
PINCER II demonstrated the anomalous diversion - 240 miles out of
its normal path into Arizona - of rain that made July 86 the
wettest July in 100 years. The attendant, anomalous thunder and
lightning storm left 300,000 Los Angeles residents without
electric power. Entire operation was documented by US government
radar fax maps and storm video.
Dispersal, May-November 1990. Federally-filed in advance with
NOAA, Clincher had as its announced target, a twenty percent
SEASONAL REDUCTION of smog. This was to be across-the-board, for
the huge four-county Air Quality Management District, the largest,
filthiest smog region in America. This six month operation
utilized 14 etheric vortex generators that had been technically
developed aboard SS “Maui”. No chemicals, no electromagnetic
radiation. Smog took the worst knock, in every category, since
smog began. Reductions of over 60 percent in some of the worst
areas. Zero smog in several. Overall seasonal smog reduction: 24
PERCENT. Comprehensively documented with AQMD statistical
Singapore, July 1988. Dry season rain engineering. TANGO, like
CLINCHER against Los Angeles smog, was sponsored and financed by a
young Singapore entrepreneur, Mr. George K.C.Wuu - now the
President and Chief Executive Officer of Etheric Rain Engineering
Pte. Ltd. TANGO utilized a 46-foot Hatteras cabin cruiser
offshore, coordinated with an Apache etheric vortex generator at
Loyang, on Singapore Island. TANGO raised 30,000 square kilometers
of rain over Singapore, Malaysia and northern Indonesia. TANGO was
documented with Singapore government radar maps and mobile video.
In addition to TANGO during this Singapore visit, Mr. Wuu and Mr.
Constable carried out operational experiments with a speedboat and
a rotating “Termite” device. These operations were extremely
enlightening as to the special etheric properties of tropical
Melaka, Malaysia, 1991 Dry Season. Fixed base operations, with
ancillary gun car operations on regional roads. PIONEER brought in
38 measurable rains in 57 dry season days, for a total of 327 mm.
This is 75 percent of an entire year's normal Melaka rainfall.
Melaka is the driest state in mainland Malaysia. Government radar
nevertheless documents unerringly that Melaka was FREQUENTLY THE
ONLY STATE IN MALAYSIA GETTING RAIN during the entire period of
Hawaii, 1994-96. - This was the initiating, pioneer series of
airborne etheric rain engineering operations. Rain was
successfully engineered from the air, using specially-designed
“Bull” translators, right from the first flight made for this
purpose. Conclusively established the power and efficiency of
airborne rain engineering, as superior to any previous modality.
Methods developed in 14 years of maritime mobile work aboard the
SS “Maui” proved much more effective from an aircraft. Documented
by video and via third party media reports. Incorporated in
special demonstration video for government ministers and senior
Malaysia, October 1997. AEREO -Airborne Etheric Rain Engineering
Operations - proves effective in a series of exploratory
operations in rural Malaysia. These rain flights exploited the
advantages of isolated airstrips without traffic control. The
program culminated in Segamat, in central Malaysia, where a
lengthy dry spell had droughted the region. The Segamat Country
Club had its own airstrip. On 14 October 1997, two short,
successive rain engineering flights were scheduled, right off the
runway directly to the east. Each flight was to be for no more
than 20 minutes at minimum safe speed. The second flight had to be
curtailed to 9 minutes because of imminent heavy weather. Eight
hours of rain into droughted Segamat ensued, which extended some
60 km to the north and west. Documented with radar fax maps, video
and photography. (See the 16-exposure photo recording of this
operation at the head of this section)
OPERATION K.L., Malaysia,
April 1998. The Kuala Lumpur region was in a four and a half
months period of drought. Water rationing was in force. 28 hours
after Mr. Constable set foot in Malaysia and made an immediate
AEREO flight, the region was deluged. In the subsequent week, a
helicopter was used for the first time in AEREO. Slower,
controlled flights in the 40-60mph speed range, proved
super-effective. Coordination of fixed-wing and helo AEREO flights
successfully pioneered,. revealing a rich potential. Nocturnal
rains were also engineered into Kuala Lumpur by means of a
fixed-base P-gun installation on the hotel roof. These rains were
accompanied by massive thunder and lightning, on the scale of a
bombing attack. Entrenched drought in Kuala Lumpur was countered
by natural means, without chemicals or radiation.
People's Republic of China.
September 1999. Sponsored by a HongKong charitable foundation.
Supervised by Mr. Chen Feng, President and CEO of Hainan Airlines,
this was a demonstration operation. A single, 20 minute helicopter
flight to the east, equipped with a single P-gun, produces rain
over Hainan Island, contra-forecast and as promised, within 12
hours. Extensive rain resulted in the cancellation of the second
demonstration flight, scheduled for the following day. It was
still raining from the first pass. This was the first airborne
etheric rain engineering operation ever conducted in the People's
Republic of China. Documented and presented in a brochure by PRC
meteorologists and Hainan Airlines technicians.
/ CloudBuster
This is based on the Don Croft model of Wilhelm Reich’s
cloudbuster. The difference between the Croft model and Reich’s
essentially lies with the addition of Quartz crystals into the
Orgone mix. Dr. Reich’s original cloudbuster needed a running
source of water to clear the unit. I make my Chembuster /
CloudBusters a little different from Don Croft, I do use the
crystals, Quartz, amethyst, tourmaline, jade and turquoise. I do
not however use aluminum, I follow Reich’s warning not to use
Aluminum. Most Chembuster’s use Aluminum as the main metal. I use
steel shavings Reich’s traditional metal; as well as Copper, Zinc,
Silver, and a bit of Monoatomic Gold. I prepare the resin with a
crystal singing bowl, and a Schauberger water implosion coil to
create structured resin. I will also add in some herbs such as
garlic and pure carbon in the form of charcoal.
[ Excerpt ]
James DeMeo
The Problem of Operator Character
...Cloudbusting requires more of the people who engage in it than
the mere "desire" to "get involved", or to "make rain", or the
mere mechanical ability to assemble a few pipes and wave them
about in the air. For safe and effective operations to occur, the
operator must firstly have a high degree of personal health, and
secondly to know exactly what they are doing, and why. They must
have a good working knowledge of the cloudbusting techniques and
methods which have been worked out over the last 35 years. They
must be educated in basic climatology and atmospheric dynamics.
Additionally, and most importantly, the cloudbuster operator must
not possess any significant degree of biophysical, emotional
armoring. They must be emotionally fluid, with a capacity for full
bioenergetic contact with the natural environment. They must
possess the capability of perceptively understanding the unspoken
language of the living, which is energetically expressed in the
atmosphere and landscape.
It must always be kept in mind that the cloudbuster is a tool by
which the atmosphere is restored to a state of self-regulated
functioning. It is not a "weather modification" apparatus, like
cloudseeding, where the atmosphere is forced to do this or that,
or is "pushed about" to do something it normally would not do.
Anyone wishing to work with a cloudbuster must therefore have an
intuitive, gut-level grasp of the concept of atmospheric
self-regulation. For this, they must be self-regulated people,
free from significant biophysical emotional armoring. They must,
as much as is possible, be what Reich called unarmored, genital
characters, that is, individuals who have maintained, or regained
through therapy, the capacity for making full contact with their
deeper emotions, and who are orgastically potent as defined by
Reich. They must not be openly or secretly cruel, sadistic, or
domineering towards the opposite sex, nor be timid or fearful.
This question of how the individual relates to the opposite sex
is, aside from other characterological considerations, a give-away
as to their deeper emotional self, and a clear predictor of the
attitude and behavior towards the natural environment...
Negative Biophysical Effects on
Cloudbuster Operators
There are other reasons to insist upon good training and therapy
for cloudbuster operators. The biophysical effects of the
cloudbuster upon the operator's own organism can potentially be
mildly sickening (headaches, nausea, sinusitus, etc.) or even
life-threatening. This real danger has often been dismissed by
various armored persons who were incapable of feeling the movement
of the life energy within their own body, and who could not feel
or see it move in the atmosphere. As a result, many people have
been made sick. However, accidents can also occur even when the
cloudbuster operator is skilled, and precautions are taken. For
the reasons given here, cloudbuster operators must learn about the
mechanisms governing atmospheric charge, and also techniques for
dissipating an overcharge within their own organism, and for
protecting themselves. For example:
1) Several of Reich's assistants were immobilized and greatly
sickened by the field effects surrounding his laboratory during
the oranur experiment. Later on, similar reactions occurred in the
surroundings of operating cloudbusters, particularly during desert
and drought operations.
2) A man using a cloudbuster in a California desert touched the
pipes with his bare hands. He was paralyzed on one side of his
body, and never completely recovered.
3) A cloudbuster operator developed a walnut-sized tumor one day
after handling a cloudbuster during a drought. The tumor was
eventually eliminated through orgonomic first-aid, involving
therapy, use of the accumulator, dor-buster, and detoxification
4) A medical doctor in Germany used a medical dor-buster on his
patients for many years. The apparatus resembles a minature
cloudbuster, and functions similarly. He developed a paralysis in
the arm he used to work the apparatus, which later spread to his
shoulder and the side of his face, after which he died.
5) A man who used a manually operated cloudbuster for many years
in droughty situations became quite ill, in spite of many
precautions. He eventually developed scleroderma and cancer, which
killed him.
6) A man with a history of high blood pressure and a stroke had
another debilitating stroke a few days after working as an
informal helper on a cloudbuster operation, where his exposure was
limited to no more than 15 minutes per day over three days. All
the usual precautions had been taken.
7) Other cloudbuster operators have been made very ill from
standing too close to the instrument. The biological effects of
overcharge, and of what Reich called dor-sickness, have included
high fever, muscle cramps, nausea, and diarrhea. Severe skin
rashes, hives, and "flu" symptoms have also been observed. Reich
noted, the effects of the toxic field around the cloudbuster tends
to hit a person at their weakest spot, causing old health problems
to flare-up.
How to Build A Cloudbuster to Disperse Chemtrails and
Improve the Weather
By Don Croft
Definition of a contrail: A contrail occurs when a plane
travels at a high altitude (about 30,000 ft. or more) and
compresses the air into a water vapor or ice crystals through jet
engines or the wing tips pushing through the air. This trail
disappears after anywhere from a few seconds to 15 minutes, as the
water vapor evaporates.
Definition of a chemtrail: The term "chemtrail" is a relatively
new word, which appeared in the last few years along with the
appearance of chemtrails. A chemtrail is very
different from a contrail. At first a chemtrail might look a bit
like a contrail. However, instead of disappearing like a contrail
does, a chemtrail just keeps spreading out and forming a hazy
cloud bank. These trails traverse the whole sky and stay for up to
around five or even eight hours. They have been known to turn what
was originally a clear blue sky into a grey haze. (Note: As of Nov
2001 there are already several dozen cloudbusters in seven
countries, so if you see chemtrails that don't last anywhere near
this long, there may already be a cloudbuster in the area).
It is believed chemtrails are composed at least in part by an oil
based substance of unknown content that is actually being sprayed
from jets on populated areas. It has also been found that some
chemtrails contain red blood cells, aluminum, mycoplasma, viruses
and other unknown biological components. There are many reports of
increased diseases, especially respiratory ailments, in areas
where there are chemtrails.
Chemtrails are often seen to be sprayed by white planes with no
markings. Sometimes you will see these planes give off no contrail
at all, and immediately after the same kind of plane in the same
area will start to leave a thick chemtrail. At other times,
distinct short gaps in chemtrails have been photographed, as
though the plane ran out of chemicals and then had to start
spraying with a new supply.
For information on Chemtrails see the sites listed at
History of the Cloudbuster
The Wilhelm Reich cloudbuster (CB) was well known for its ability
to create rain. But a problem existed with its continued use, in
that the deadly orgone energy that it absorbed could in fact hurt
the operator if it was not correctly "drained off". This "draining
off" of deadly orgone energy was accomplished by 1. Connecting the
cloudbuster to a body of running water (difficult) or 2.
Connecting the cloudbuster output to an orgone accumulator.
However, the orgone accumulator would soon become saturated with
the deadly orgone energy which in turn caused more problems for
the operator. So the cloudbuster, as good a technology as it is,
has lain dormant for many years.
The Cloudbuster Re-Invented
By utilizing the research of Wilhelm Reich, we have created a
cheap, portable and easy to build device that consistently
destroys Chemtrails and heals the atmosphere. The
“chembuster” is the answer to these ongoing attacks. Unlike the
original cloudbuster, the CB changes the deadly orgone energy to
good orgone energy and does NOT become saturated or dangerous to
the operator. You can build one for about $150.
A properly constructed CB unit should be able to greatly reduce
the effects of chemtrails for about 45 miles in all directions (90
mile diameter) from the unit. If used with Slim Spurling’s
environmental tools, and a few extra crystals, the diameter can be
increased to about 120 miles in all directions.
With this device a mere few hundred concerned citizens can SHUT
DOWN the multi-billion dollar chemtrail program. The chembuster
cannot do any damage. It can only help and heal. Its up to you to
join the fight to save America.
Chembuster Construction Details
BUCKET: Base: 9" in dia., 9" deep. I use two-gallon plastic
buckets from the Home Depot paint department, but two-gallon food
buckets, available from restaurants, or two-gallon spackle buckets
from drywall contractors are fine. Leave the buckets on, as
the handles make it easier to move the finished cloudbuster.
COPPER PIPES: Six standard Type M, 1" copper pipes, 6' long, open
at one end, the capped ends submerged to within an inch or so of
the bottom of the bucket before casting. For portability and
shipping, you can use 12” sections of pipe in the base, adding
five-foot lengths by putting couplers between the 12” and
five-foot pieces. You won’t need to buy as much copper pipe
this way, too.
CRYSTALS: I glued a double-terminated (two pointed ends) quartz
crystal, about 2" long, into a .75” section of garden hose, (or
use electrical tape) then, glue to the inside of each of the six
copper end caps, pointing in the same direction as the pipe will
be after the cap is glued on. I use 'Goop' glue. Tape, or solder
around the cap where it joins the pipe to prevent resin from
leaking into the cap during casting. (Note) Another
option is to add one citrine gemstone to each pipe before adding
the crystal, this smoothes the CB’s energy and helps to transmute
negative energies. However, citrine does not seem to make
the CB any more effective at eliminating chemtrails.
METAL PARTICLES: Get some metal particles from a machine shop,
recycling yard or a place where they saw a lot of aluminum (sign
shops and aluminum fabrication shops are good places to look). I
use aluminum for weight considerations, but ANY metal will do.
Very fine particles (such as filings from a key-making machine)
aren’t quite as good as ones that will easily go through a ½”
screen are okay. There really is a wide margin of suitability! .
PLYWOOD: Template 1 - 3/4” exterior plywood is used to make the
base for the copper endcaps/pipes. I arrange the six pipes evenly
around a 2 1/2” radius circle, which makes the pipes 2 1/2” apart
on centers. A flat, 1 1/4” auger bit drills a suitable hole for
each end cap.
Template 2 - Make another piece to fit inside the rim of the
bucket. Remember to cut a section away so you can fit your
fingers under it to remove it from the bucket. This piece is not
part of the finished CB, just used to get the spacing for the
pipes right during construction. Cut the holes in this with a 1
1/8” flat bit so that it will fit well over the six pipes. This
piece will hold the pipes in position while the second batch of
resin hardens.
Template 3 - I make a circular plywood spacer for the top ends of
the pipes, 4” radius with 1 1/8” holes on the same 2 1/2” radius
circles for the pipe ends. This keeps the pipes parallel with each
other and fairly rigid.
Widest circle is 9 1/8”
RESIN: I use polyester resin (used to build fiberglass boats) but
epoxy also works, as does envirotech resin from www.eti-usa.com
(this sets up very quickly, so you need to be proficient with it).
(If you are going to construct many of these units, try to
purchase your resin in 5 gallon buckets over the internet,
possibly from a surfboard or boat manufacturing supply company.
Home depot gets $24 per gallon for resin )
On a level surface, pour an inch or so of catalyzed resin into the
bottom of the bucket and stir in metal particles until the surface
is uniform and flat. CAUTION: Resin fumes are
flammable; use in a warm, but well ventilated area.
The ratio that seems to work is approx. one part resin to one part
metal particles.
Put the base Template 1 onto that before it hardens, so that it
just touches the surface and doesn't sink in much. Pour a half
gallon of catalyzed resin into the bucket after the six pipes are
set into the holes in the base template. Use the dowel to stir in
handfuls of metal particles in the same ratio as before. Note that
the wood Template 1 should not be pushed down to the bottom of the
bucket with the resin squishing over the top.
Carefully move the Template 2 down on to the six pipes until it is
snugly within the rim of the bucket. Put the top Template 3 onto
the top of the pipes and move them until the pipes are parallel.
After the resin has hardened, remove the second template and set
it aside. This is only used during construction, as I mentioned.
You can finish off putting the resin/metal mixture in now in two
stages if you want, up to within a half inch of the rim of the
bucket. Now it’s finished (wait until it hardens before you move
it. You will actually use about one gallon of metal shavings
and 1 ½ gal. Of resin.
Cut six pipes, 12" long, and put the crystals/endcaps on them for
the base. Buy six coupler joints which allow a pipe to come into
them from both directions and stop at the middle. This allows you
to make the rest of the pipe assembly from three pipes, 10' long,
cut in half. The finished product leaves you with only one piece
of pipe, four feet long leftover.
When positioning the 12" pipes for pouring the second layer of
mix, temporarily tape the top ends of the 12" pipes so no metal
particles are dropped in them by mistake.
After the mix is made, take off the tape and push the rim plywood
piece down onto the pipes so that it fits into the rim of the
Put the spacers (soldered if desired), then the 5' pipes onto the
12" base pipes, then put the third (top) plywood piece onto the 5’
copper pipes.
The pipes will look skewed, most likely, so just twist the top
plywood piece around until the pipes line up parallel. As you do
that, the rim plywood piece will move around. You need to do this
expeditiously, though not in a hurry, so that the resin doesn't
harden before you're done.
We experimented with 5' extensions to the pipes to increase the
range. It had a strong effect on the moon and on the upper
atmosphere of the planet for hundreds of miles. We also apparently
shut down the weather warfare facility under Homestead Air Force
Base by leaving the extended cloudbuster pointing at the dead
orgone field above it for a week.
We found that we don't need to point it in any particular
direction in order to clear the atmosphere of bad orgone, and the
longer it's left standing, the nicer it feels for a longer
distance from the cloudbuster (many miles). We just stand it on
its bottom, pointing straight up. We did once eliminate a belt of
smog which was just off the coast by aiming at it for a few
minutes, so direction can be a factor.
Cloudbusters destroy chemtrails consistently. It may take a few
days for your cloudbuster to activate the environment enough to do
this, but after that point the spew will disappear within seconds
of leaving the UN jets and dissipated trails that drift within
range of the cloudbuster will also disperse, but more slowly. The
ones that are made up of solids take longer to dissipate, but
we’ve found that these only make up about 10% or so of the spewing
Dr. Reich’s cloudbusters were extremely dangerous when in
operation since he had no orgone generator attached to them. Bad
orgone does carry a charge which can quickly drain one’s life
force away when it’s concentrated in one spot. It's similar to a
strong positively charges static electrical field. When cloudcover
is unproductive or unbalanced (too much lightning, for instance,
or too much rain) the cloudbuster busts it up.
It also may help stop drought. Overall, it just balances the
weather, I think it sort of mediates between the ground and the
atmosphere somehow. The one in Namibia, Africa finally brought
heavy rain to the desert there. It happened 9/5/01, and continued
for several days. Gert, the fellow who made the cloudbuster and
reported the occurrence, told me that this had simply never
happened in the Namib desert before to the best of anyone's
knowledge. It's arguably the driest region on the planet.
WARNING: If you touch the pipes when they’re drawing in strong
unbalanced or dead orgone and don’t put your hand on the base
after that, you may experience headaches, even into the next day,
as a friend of ours did recently.
Mind you that our efforts, though somewhat pioneering, should be
seen mainly as a springboard for further developments rather than
the last word.
SUGGESTION: If you want even more rain, try putting water on top
of the material in the bucket and/or hosing down the whole
apparatus daily. In freezing climates, cover the top of the
six pipes so water can’t freeze and shatter the crystals.
The CB appears to effect chemtrails equally well whether it’s
placed indoors or out. Up to seven crystals can be placed in
each pipe to improve performance.
Alison Davidson : Review, W. Reich's "Contact With Space" ; Journal of Borderland Science,
Sept-Oct 1988 ( PDF )
Klark Kent : Oranur Experiment ( I ) ; JBR, Jan-Feb 1987 ( PDF )
K. Kent : Oranur Experiment ( II ) ; JBR, Nov-Dec 1986 ( PDF )
The Wilhelm Reich Museum
The American College of Orgonomy
Institute for Orgonomic Science
Wilhelm Reich Akademie
Orgone Biophysical Research Laboratory
OROP Arizona: 1989 Cloudbusting Desert-Greening Experiment
OROP Israel: 1991 Cloudbusting Desert-Greening Experiment
PORE, Public Orgonomic Research Exchange
"Cloudbusting", YouTube. Retrieved July 26, 2009.
DeMeo, James (1989). The Orgone Accumulator Handbook: Construction
Plans, Experimental Use and Protection Against Toxic Energy,
Natural Energy Works.
Wilhelm Reich and the Orgone Energy
Mans Right To Know
Wilhelm Reich - Cloudbuster
Wilhelm Reich - Cloudbuster - Channel: ConspiracyCentral on ...
BBC5.tv eyePlayer - Wilhelm Reich - Cloudbuster
Water recycling device, comprises
filter containing zeolite, metals and oyster shell, and
regeneration device for generating vortex using air treated with
orgone radiation
Abstract -- Water is
passed through a filter containing zeolite, metals and oyster
shell, and regenerated by accelerating flow of water into a
shell-shaped space whilst at the same time introducing air which
has been conditioned with orgone radiation, in order to create a
vortex. A device for recycling water uses a combination of
filtration and regeneration techniques. Filtration is performed
using a filter containing zeolite, metals (particularly copper and
silver) and oyster shell. Regeneration is carried out by
accelerating an incoming flow of water into a shell-shaped space
and at the same time introducing conditioned air, in order to
produce a vortex. Air is conditioned using orgone radiation. The
vortex can be subjected to additional forces such as vibration.
Method for biological activation
of inorganic materials, e.g. calcium carbonate, useful to
provide products for e.g. improving plant growth, or as a feed
additive, comprises the use of radiation from an orgone chamber
Abstract -- A method for
biological activation of inorganic materials (I) involves applying
radiation from an orgone chamber onto a metal surface and placing
the mineral material (I) under the surface at a pre-determined
spacing, so that (I) is subjected to the effects emanating from
the orgone chamber and the metal surface. An Independent claim is
also included for an orgone chamber for carrying out the process,
comprising a vertical hollow body (preferably of square,
rectangular or round cross-section) with: (1) vertical walls
consisting of an inner electrically conductive layer (preferably
of steel sheet) and an outer non-conductive layer; (2) a closed
base consisting of a film or sheet (preferably of aluminum, as
information matrix); and (3) a closed top consisting of a
combination of layers as in (a), covered with a layer or quartz
Orgone-acupuncture device
Abstract -- An apparatus
for treating a living body, comprises an acupuncture needle 2, 4
for penetrating body skin, a metallic wire 6, 8 having a proximal
end connected to the needle, and a distal end of the wire
extending into the interior of a sealed container (24,Fig 1) for
providing orgone energy, and being suspended in free space within
the interior, the sealed container having an exterior wall (22,
32, 34,Fig 1,2,6) being formed with an outer non-metallic surface
(48, 50,Fig 2,4,5) and an inner metallic surface (40,fig 2,4,5),
and a multilayered construction (44, 46,Fig 2,4,5) being formed of
successive layers of metallic and non-metallic material disposed
between the inner and outer surfaces.
Abstract -- The invention
relates to a device for use in bione or orgone therapy, consisting
essentially of a certain amount of concentrated/informed quartz
powder (5) and a device for accommodating said quartz powder(5),
said device comprising a base body (1) in the shape of a compress,
a cuff, a bandage or similar, consisting of plastic, rubber or a
similar material. The quartz powder is mixed with said plastic,
rubber or similar material. According to the invention, bione
accumulators (1, 20) are used for carrying out the orgone therapy.
Said bione accumulators consist essentially of a Dr. Wilhelm Reich
accumulator which is configured in such a way that a quartz
element (5, 25) and a UV-light source (4, 24) are provided. Said
quartz element (5, 25) is arranged in such a way that it is caused
to vibrate at least partially by the UV-light source (4, 24) and
is hereby informed with energy.
Increasing gravitational field
energy density in orgone accumulator
Abstract -- Method for
increasing the gravitational field energy density in an orgone
accumulator comprises: (a) applying a DC voltage to a sheath
electrode to strengthen the electric field in a nonconductor
surrounding an electrical conductor, where the electric field can
be varied by controlling the DC voltage; and/or (b) using a
material with good magnetic properties to strengthen the magnetic
field of the electrical conductor.
Equipment used in bione and
orgone therapy
Abstract -- The equipment
includes e.g. a compress, collar or bandage made of plastic or
rubber mixed with quartz flour. Independent claims are included
for the following: (a) a method for producing the device in which
the quartz and plastic granules are mixed, the plastic is melted
and the mixture is molded; (b) a Bione accumulator (1), used in
orgone therapy, consisting essentially of a Dr. Wilhelm Reich
accumulator in which a quartz element (5) and ultraviolet light
source (4) are included. The quartz is located for excitation into
oscillation by the ultraviolet light source. This imparts
energetic information to it. Preferred features: The plastic is an
elastomer. An additional chamber provides for inflation, e.g.
using air. In the pad of the compress, a cavity is included for
enriched and informed quartz flour. In manufacture, casting,
injection molding or pressing is employed.
Wilhelm Reich's Contact With Space
Robert Scott Martin
On January 28, 1954, Wilhelm Reich "happened accidentally to
observe two bright yellow-orange lights moving in front of a
mountain range toward a lake." The encounter was the opening salvo
of a "war" with UFOs that would occupy the final phases of Reich's
troubled medical and scientific career.
At the time, Reich, a trained psychoanalyst who had once belonged
to Sigmund Freud's inner Vienna circle, was already facing what he
called "emotional and physical misery" caused by his more
terrestrial battle with the U.S. Food & Drug Administration
over the use of "orgone," a controversial form of ambient "life
energy" he claimed to have discovered.
Reich found an inexhaustible range of uses for his discovery,
touting orgone as everything from the secret of antigravity to a
tool for weather control, especially rainmaking. Most importantly,
he found that he could use orgone to "interfere" with UFOs.
But to the FDA, orgone simply did not exist, rendering Reich's
orgone-based therapies prosecutable under quackery statutes. Even
today, four decades after the controversy, Reichian therapists
claim to be able to manipulate the energy for a wide variety of
healing effects, including the cure for cancer, without resorting
to drugs, radiation or chemicals. Instead, Reichians work to build
up a current of orgone within the patient's vicinity in order to
strengthen and heal the underlying life force itself.
Nevertheless, Reich's legal fight with the FDA ended with his
death in prison after defying a federal injunction against the use
of orgone for medical purposes.
Whatever the official status of his medical theories, Reich
expected a response when he wrote to the U.S. Air Force about his
UFO sighting. He reasoned that "the U.S. Air Force is the natural
organization in the Western world responsible" for dealing with
such phenomena because "it operates in the atmosphere and watches
the frontier upward toward outer space." When the military didn't
deal with his report to his satisfaction, Reich took matters into
his own hands.
In his letter to the Air Force, reproduced in his last book,
Contact With Space, Reich described his sighting as "a brightly
shining light" moving from west to east through the forest outside
Rangeley, Maine. A second, similar phenomenon soon joined the
first, both moving steadily in front of Spotted Mountain. He
concluded that the objects were not stars due to their course and
the mountain intervening between their apparent motion and the
sky, but the possibility that they were military vehicles or other
objects of a terrestrial type did not seem to occur to him.
At around the same time, Reich's secretary, Ilse Ollendorff, also
reported seeing "a similar, but brighter and bigger, because
closer, object." Like the aerial phenomena observed by Reich,
Ollendorff's sighting hovered in front of a mountain, but then
"was seen rising once vertically upward, settling down again and
then disappearing."
The Air Force, for its part, was either unaware of Reich's running
battle with the FDA, or was intrigued enough by his encounter to
overlook the controversy. Lt. Steven J. Hebert, stationed at the
Presque Isle Air Force Base, wrote back telling Reich that the
"subject officer notified this organization to take whatever
action necessary, since this unit is interested in investigating
unidentified aerial phenomena."
Hebert enclosed a copy of Technical Information Sheet Form A, the
Air Force's UFO reporting questionnaire, for Reich and Ollendorff
to fill out and return. As Contact With Space ruefully notes,
Reich received the letter only five days before the FDA obtained
the injunction forbidding the distribution of orgone equipment as
medical devices.
Reich returned the questionnaire along with a copy of a short
essay, "Survey on Ea," providing background on other unusual
occurrences around the Orgonon research facility, including the
revelation that friends had told Reich "of saucers having been
seen over Orgonon in 1951." However, he had taken little personal
interest in the reports until 1953, when his discovery of Keyhoe's
book made him wonder whether UFOs – or, in his terminology,
"Enigma Alpha" or "Ea" – might be propelled by orgone.
The Air Force did not reply, perhaps put off by the impenetrable
nature of the "basic orgonometric equations" included as an
appendix to "Survey on Ea." In the book, Reich includes a rather
coyly self-important note saying "not all can be revealed" about
his relationship with the Air Force, but there is no evidence in
Contact With Space that Reich was in communication with the
military until October, a full six months later.
Instead, during that time, Reich writes that he busied himself
with appealing the FDA injunction and preparing a research trip to
Arizona, where he hoped to investigate the role played by orgone
reactions in the formation of deserts.
In looking toward space to explain his sighting, Reich showed
himself to be anything but an uncontaminated witness. Like most
U.S. citizens in the 1950s, exposed to years of speculation that
flying saucers were not native to the Earth, Reich already
believed that unknown aerial phenomena were, in his words, most
likely "contacts with visitors from outer space."
Reich was familiar with Donald Keyhoe's groundbreaking 1953 book
Flying Saucers from Outer Space, leaving him predisposed to look
for extraterrestrial explanations for the unknown lights weaving
across the sky near his Maine research facility. Moreover, the
fact that he had seen 'War of the Worlds' only three weeks before
reporting his sighting was also likely a contributing factor – as
Reich called the film "a rather realistic approach to the
planetary emergency," it evidently made quite an impression.
Furthermore, the cultural climate of the 1950s not only
predisposed Reich to look beyond the Earth, but to look for
evidence that his UFOs were engaged in "warlike" behavior.
The threat of war was in the air, both in Reich's embattled
personal life and in the broader political framework. The Keyhoe
book popularized several apparently hostile encounters between Air
Force pilots and unidentified aerial phenomena, while no less a
personage than General Douglas MacArthur would warn only a year
after Reich's sighting that "all countries on Earth will have to
unite to ... make a common front against attack by people on other
With that in mind, the Austrian refugee, who had fled to the
United States from the Nazis, considered it not only a scientific
but a patriotic duty to alert Air Force Intelligence to the
encounter at once.
This policy of full disclosure was typical to Reich, who had taken
care to keep the White House informed about developments in orgone
research since 1951. While his critics point to this as another
symptom of what long-time skeptic Martin Gardner called Reich's
"paranoid egoism," Reich himself seems to have considered the
matter a "major responsibility" and seems to have downplayed the
potential uses of his encounter as a self-promotional vehicle.
In May, however, Reich made an accidental discovery that a few Air
Force officers, including General Harold Watson, chief of
intelligence at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, would find very
As Reich was scanning the sky with a "cloudbuster," a device he
had designed to draw orgone out of the sky in order to induce
rain, he saw a star "fade out" in the presence of three other
witnesses. He pointed the cloudbuster pipes at a second blinking
light, which also faded in brightness. Meanwhile, the first star
reasserted itself once the cloudbuster was pointed away from it.
Reich repeated the experiment three more times in quick
succession, reporting identical effects each time. As it was
scientifically impossible that his device could have interacted
with actual stars – even in orthodox Reichian literature, the
cloudbuster's range was measured in kilometers, not lightyears –
he concluded that his device had interfered with two UFOs.
Having concluded that his cloudbuster could also function as a
"spacegun," Wilhelm Reich began to outfit his Arizona expedition
as though preparing for a war with outer space.
In October 1954, Wilhelm Reich was under siege. Not only had the
Food and Drug Administration stripped him of his livelihood, but
almost daily UFO sightings were leaving his friends and family
exhausted and frightened.
"There is no doubt that I am at war" with the UFOs, Reich wrote
hours after four bright pulsating lights hovered for hours over
Orgonon, his research facility in rural Maine. "What seemed only a
possibility one year ago is certainty now."
The UFOs had been menacing Orgonon since Reich began experiments
with super-charging his "cloudbuster" weather-control device with
small amounts of radioactive material. Reich had learned in May
that the cloudbuster not only apparently pulled rain out of
clouds, but also drained energy from lights in the sky, making it,
in his words, a "spacegun" effective against UFOs.
Like the cloudbuster, the Austrian psychiatrist turned "natural
scientist" was convinced, UFOs operated on orgone, an ambient
energy source that interacts with life and organic matter. Reich's
claims to the contrary, the FDA had determined that orgone did not
exist, and so had obtained an injunction against any medical
treatment purporting to effect cures through orgone manipulation.
However, Reich stayed devoted to the reality of his discovery. He
trained the "spacegun" on two aerial objects as they hovered
ominously over Orgonon, causing both to retreat. One "disappeared
after weakening, waning and blinking, leading Reich to conclude
triumphantly that "tonight, for the first time in the history of
man, the war waged for ages by living beings from outer space upon
this Earth . . . was reciprocated."
As above, so below. On that same day, Reich informed the
authorities in Portland that he would resume his orgone-oriented
publishing efforts. This defiance would lead to his death in
prison less than three years later.
Reich, convinced that the aliens were waging their "war" against
Earth by poisoning its orgone, creating deserts, decided to test
his spacegun in the drought-wracked wastes north of Tucson, AZ.
According to his final book, Contact With Space, it had not rained
in Tucson for 5 years, making the desert a perfect proving ground
for both the cloudbuster's rainmaking and UFO-weakening abilities.
Meanwhile, in order to share his findings with the Air Force,
Reich sent his assistant William Moise ahead to Wright-Patterson
Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio. As Reich bitterly noted, Orgonon
"had received no direct help from the Air Force, financial or
otherwise," but he remained eager to keep the military posted on
the extraterrestrial-combat uses of orgone.
Moise, however, got a guarded reception at Wright-Patterson.
General Harold Watson, chief of Air Force Intelligence, had
initially seemed eager to speak with Moise about Reich's claim to
have "disabled" two UFOs, even insisting that Moise could arrive
late in the day and the two men could "continue the conference
after supper."
Travelling cross-country, Moise was concerned that accidental
factors could get in the way of the meeting and confirmed his
appointment with Watson twice. Still, by the time he got to
Dayton, Watson was unavailable due to "unexpected important
Instead, a "Dr. W. H. Byers" and Harry Haberer greeted Moise at
the base. Moise hated Byers on first sight, calling him "a man
with a flabby handshake and eyes that don't look at you." As
Watson had expressed concern that a group from the CIA would be
visiting that week, it is a tantalizing possibility that Byers was
a member of that delegation. Haberer, meanwhile, is known to UFO
research as "a crack Air Force public relations man."
Moise refused to talk to the two men and instead waited until the
next day, when he briefed the base's deputy commander, who
reportedly became "excited" by the revelation of a weapon against
UFOs. Haberer and Byers were apparently less impressed, but took
According to Reich, the Air Force continued its tacit interest in
his work, sending numerous jets to fly by his cloudbusting
experiments but making no overt gestures because the spacegun was
"hot because it wasn't official, and the reason it wasn't official
was because it was so hot."
When his group arrived in Tucson from heavily-wooded Maine on
October 19, they were shocked by the Arizona desert, which was
apparently much more severe than it is today. "We were impressed
by the bare ground, giving a general impression of whiteness,
hardness," Reich wrote. "The river beds had all been dry for about
50 years . . . no prairie grass was to be seen anywhere."
Over the next few weeks, the party – composed of Reich, his
daughter Eva and son Peter, Moise and another assistant – suffered
almost immediately from dehydration, exhaustion and general
discomfort, all of which they attributed to poisonous "deadly
orgone radiation." However, harassment from UFOs was sporadic but
persistent, leading Reich to theorize that the "thirsty" aerial
phenomena were actively fighting his rainmaking efforts.
The researchers fought back throughout November, apparently
encouraging a rich growth of winter prairie grass but no rain.
Transportation difficulties had forced Reich to leave his supply
of radioactive material behind at Orgonon, leaving the
cloudbusters at a sharp disadvantage against the UFOs. Without the
radioactive charge, Reich's team could only annoy the lights in
the sky but not hinder their inscrutable activity in any real
Meanwhile, the UFOs kept making the researchers miserable. One of
Reich's assistants suffered a "breakdown" while training his
cloudbuster on the sky, forcing him to return to his family for a
month of recuperation. In his absence, Reich speculated that the
man had drawn too much poisonous orgone from a lurking alien
By December 7, Reich decided it was time to strengthen his hand by
sending for his radioactive hole card, two radium needles charged
with orgone. After a plane trip marked by misadventure and bad
weather, the needles arrived a week later.
Once Reich had his radium, he was ready to retake the offensive
against the UFOs and the desert simultaneously.
"On December 14, about 16:30 hours, a full-scale interplanetary
battle came off," he wrote. "A battle which would have appeared
incredible as well as incomprehensible to anyone who knew nothing
about the (UFO) problems or who adhered to the illusion" that
neither UFOs nor orgone existed.
First, the Orgonon team had to shake off "a special kind of deadly
orgone attack" that left them "in very bad shape . . . sick . . .
dulled, somehow out of balance." A "tremendous black cloud,
looking like smoke from a huge fire" grew over Tucson, eventually
taking on an angry reddish-purple coloration and triggering
readings of 100,000 counts per minute on Reich's geiger counter.
All of the researchers "suffered from nausea, quivering, pain in
the upper abdomen and discoloration of movements," while "about a
dozen Air Force planes of various kinds" flew over the team's
Matters of orgone, beneficial or poisonous, aside, Reich's
description of the event is reminiscent of a nuclear bomb test: a
strong military presence, radiation, smoke, queasiness. However,
it is unlikely that the government would set off a bomb apparently
targeted directly on Tucson, a thriving regional center of
Reich brought his radium needles into contact with the
cloudbusters and started firing away at the cloud to dissipate its
power. The operation took about 20 minutes, at which time the
cloud had broken up and the geiger count returned to normal.
It rained three weeks later. In the meantime, Reich's journal is
filled with dozens of UFO sightings – "red-white-blue pulsations,"
"yellow pulsations," "silvery disks," "green-yellow steady" – on
which to train his spacegun sights. Most "grew fainter," were
"extinguished" or "blinked out." The grass covering the desert
grew to a height of "several inches to a foot deep," encouraging
local ranchers to drive cattle into the region in herds.
After a brief side trip to Jacumba, CA, the team headed home to
Maine at the end of April, 1955. "Our job in Arizona was done,"
Reich said.
He was dead 18 months later, and all available copies of his books
were burned by court order. Only a few copies survived, forcing
his scattered disciples to rely on private printings of his works
– including Contact in Space – for direction.
The Acoustic Function of a Reich Cloudbuster
Chuck Henderson
For more than twenty-five years I have studied and researched the
work and legacy of Dr. Wilhelm Reich. While most who are familiar
with his work tend to utilize his discoveries in the fields of
either mental or physical health, I have chosen to study the
applications of Reich's discoveries in the area of physics, or
what Reich termed as: "Orgone Bio-Physics".
Whether you call it Orgone Energy, as Reich did, or Aether, Odic
Force, Chi (Ki), etc., the fact remains that this primordial life
energy does exist. It can be and has been measured, captured,
manipulated, concentrated, and redirected by Reich as well as many
others over the years.
With the invention of the Cloudbuster, Reich had a tool that would
enable him to massage a stagnant, what he termed "DORish"
atmosphere (DOR = Destructive ORgone), into a vibrant, healthy
atmosphere by reinstating the normal rain cycle in areas that were
suffering from drought conditions.
The question that constantly plagued me was, HOW? How did this
very simple device induce an energetic flow without some sort of
complex mechanism?
I must admit that, for a while, my research seemed to have hit a
deadend. I needed a new, more unconventional approach to help me
find the missing pieces of the puzzle. In the early 1980's, with
the advent of Vanguard Sciences and then KeelyNet, I began finding
several of those missing pieces as what some would call
"synchronicity" came into play.
My exposure to the works of Keely, Tesla, Rife, and many others
helped me to look at my questions from other points of view. While
it should not come as a complete surprise, this will not be an
article detailing all of the construction or operating techniques
for Reich's Cloudbuster. Some detail is necessary in order to lay
the foundation for my theory, through which, I feel that I can
finally answer the "How" question with some clarity.
After receiving independent confirmation of what I had long
suspected, I feel that it is time to put forward my theory that
Dr. Wilhelm Reich's Cloudbuster is an acoustic device operating
within a range of frequencies well below human hearing, operating
in the Infrasonic or ELF (Extra Low Frequency) range.
In the numerous writings of Reich, there are many indicators
pointing to this possibility, beginning with the observations that
lead to the development of the Cloudbuster. Due to a DOR (Deadly
Orgone Energy) emergency at Orgonon (Reich's research facility at
Rangeley, Maine) in March of 1952, which quickly worsened in
April, Reich was forced to recall some nearly forgotten
observations which enabled him to disperse the oppressive DOR
concentrations that were smothering his facility and the
surrounding area.
Reich writes:
"Far back in 1940, when the atmospheric OR energy had been seen
for the first time at Mooselookmeguntic Lake in the Rangeley
region through long metal pipes, casual pointing of some pipes at
the surface of the lake seemed to affect the movement of the
This appeared quite incredible at that early period of OR
research; the matter was abandoned and soon forgotten. However,
the incredible effect of the metal pipes upon the energy motion
such as waves, seemed to have lingered on in my mind over all
these dozen years" - (1)
The length of pipe picks up a specific acoustic wavelength or
frequency, determined by the overall length and inside diameter of
the pipe, and then by filtering out other frequencies, boosts or
amplifies the pressure of the acoustic wave emanating from the
opposite end of the pipe. Reich continues:
"When the suffering from the DOR became unbearable at Orgonon late
in April, a few metal pipes, 9 to 12 feet long and 1 1/2 inch in
diameter, were directed toward the black DOR concentrations
overhead, and connected through BX cables to a deep well." - (2)
This is a key bit of information as it provides us with the
ability to calculate the Base frequencies that Reich used to
develop and operate his Cloudbuster. Let's say he started with
four pipes:
9 ft X 1 1/4 in. I.D. (1 1/2 in. O.D.) = ___?___ Hz
10 ft X 1 1/4 in. I.D. (1 1/2 in. O.D.) = ___?___ Hz
11 ft X 1 1/4 in. I.D. (1 1/2 in. O.D.) = ___?___ Hz
12 ft X 1 1/4 in. I.D. (1 1/2 in. O.D.) = ___?___ Hz
By using the formulas that are used in calculating the sounds
generated by the individual pipes of a pipe organ, it is possible
to calculate the corresponding frequency for each length of pipe
that Reich used in his initial experiment.
This also provides the basis for the calculation of the
frequencies and harmonics involved in the operation of a
full-blown Cloudbuster as developed by Reich in the fall of 1952.
Again, Reich continues:
"The effect was instantaneous: The black DOR-clouds began to
shrink. And when the pipes were pointed against the OR energy
flow, i.e., toward the west, a breeze west to east would set in
after a few minutes "DRAW," as we came to call this operation;
fresh blue-gray OR energy moved in where the nauseating DOR-clouds
had been a short while before.
Soon we learned that rain clouds, too, could be influenced,
increased and diminished as well as moved, by operating these
pipes in certain well-defined ways." - (3)
The existing photos that I have seen show that the tubes were
staggered in length when extended for an OROP (ORgone OPeration
utilizinng a Cloudbuster).
This leads me to the conclusion that the Cloudbuster is a tunable
acoustic antenna.
Tunable to achieve the desired results, taking into account the
specific characteristics of the atmosphere at a given location,
also taking into consideration the dynamics of the atmosphere as
it interacts with the surrounding terrain. (see Appendix A)
You may be asking yourself, what has caused me to draw these
conclusions from Reich's writings as sited above?
Well, my initial suspicions were caused by the recollection of a
simple science project that I undertook as a teen in the 1960's.
Using the plans that I had found in an issue of either "Popular
Mechanics" or "Popular Science" magazine, I built a very simple
(by today's standards) parabolic microphone.
As I recall, this scratch-built parabolic microphone was made from
several varying lengths of copper tubing, a small metal salad
bowl, a small (crystal?) microphone like those used for the small
reel to reel type portable tape recorders, and a 6" piece of
wooden broom handle.
The copper tubing was cut in lengths ranging from approximately
18" to 2' 6" in length. Each specific length corresponded to a
specific frequency. The microphone was mounted with some stiff
wire approximately 1" below the lip of the metal bowl (at the
focal point of the reflected sound) and the piece of broom handle
was attached to the outside of the bowl with a screw to serve as a
With the numerous pieces of tubing bundled together, one end of
the bundle having all ends of the tubing flush or even, the even
end was then covered with the bowl and the bowl fastened into
place. (see appendix A)
Here as you can see by my rough illustration, the parabolic
microphone that I built was very simple. The crystal microphone
that I used in it's construction was relatively insensitive when
compared to the miniaturized, omni-directional microphones we have
available today. But, due to the frequency limitations established
by the specific lengths of the tubing used, effectively filtering
out the background noise, and the focusing effect of the metal
bowl, the microphone was good for a range of 200+ yards.
Now, as to the independent confirmation that I mentioned earlier,
this came in the form of a national news story that I was
compelled to follow-up on. It seems that in 1995, Professor Al
Bedard of N.O.A.A.'s Environmental Research Lab discovered that
tornadoes have an acoustic signature.
A signature that can consist of several separate frequencies as
well as their related harmonics, all in the sub-audible range
below 20 Hz. There is a direct link to the size and intensity of a
tornado and the sounds it emits.
It has also been discovered that that a powerful tornado may
contain within it, as many as six smaller tornadoes. Professor
Bedard and his associates are working on a system to detect
tornadoes that would provide up to 30 minutes warning to all those
who find themselves in a tornado's path.
Professor Bedard is no stranger to the inner workings of
tornadoes. He created "TOTO" (the "TOtable Tornado Observatory"),
in 1982 to study live tornadoes. TOTO is able to measure the
temperature, velocity, atmospheric pressure, and electricity of a
tornado. The device called "Dorothy" in the movie "Twister" bears
a striking resemblance to Bedard's TOTO.
In the movie, the fictional Dorothy releases hundreds of little
sensor-filled spheres, whereas Bedard's instrument package - TOTO,
stays on the ground.
I believe that Bedard's discovery of an acoustic signature for any
given tornado, combined with a Cloudbuster functioning as a
tunable acoustic antenna, ties directly into Reich's second rule
of his "Rules to Follow in Cloud Engineering" where Reich states:
"Never play around with rain making or cloudbusting. The OR
envelope which you tackle while "drawing" energy from the
atmosphere is an energetic continuum of high power. You may cause
Even as I write this I have to ponder: WHY?!
There is no physical mechanism to induce an energetic flow other
than acoustic. What aspect of a Cloudbuster allows it to attract
and concentrate OR (ORgone energy) more than say, a body of water,
given that water attracts and holds OR?
Again, I must say acoustics - tunable acoustics.
For a moment, let us look at Trevor Constable's "Weather Guns".
Constable developed these devices after years of experimentation
with Reich's Cloudbuster design. Constable's "Weather Guns" do not
require grounding in water as Reich's Cloudbuster does, but it is
required that they be in motion and in pairs to operate optimally
(Please do not confuse his "Weather Guns" with his "Spiders").
Constable's Weather Guns must be paired to achieve the desired
harmonic to create the desired effect.
Individually, a single Weather Gun produces only 1/2 the
wavelength (or 1/2 an Octave) and must be paired to produce the
full wavelength (or full Octave) that a single tube from a Reich
Cloudbuster can produce. (Again, see Appendix A)
It should also be noted that while both appear to be acoustic
devices, both function in different ways. Constable's Weather Guns
operate somewhat like a snowplow moving down a road. They
concentrate the atmosphere's OR and moisture into a rolling
waveform moving along ahead of the moving devices until it reaches
a sufficient concentration to precipitate out of the atmosphere in
the form of rain.
Then the concentration process will begin again, if the devices
remain in motion. Constable's video (available through Borderland
Sciences Research Foundation ) showing his ocean-going Weather Gun
demonstration through time-lapse photography, is a good example of
this principle as he causes it to rain over and over again ahead
of his moving vessel.
While Constable's Weather Guns create a "Push" effect in the
atmosphere, Reich's Cloudbuster creates an energetic "Draw" (or
Pull) in the atmosphere. Reich's CB (CB = Cloudbuster ) draws the
beneficial OR frequencies down to ground level, whereas
Constable's WGs (WG = Weather Gun) seem to operate on the energies
of the atmosphere at an elevation of from 4,000 to 5,000 feet and
The Earth's atmosphere is as stratified as the ground beneath your
feet, so the affects of certain frequencies manifesting at certain
elevations of the atmosphere is not unusual. The ability of
Reich's CB to draw this energy to ground, I believe, is a primary
factor in the successful remedy of drought conditions and
long-term desert abatement.
Wilhelm Reich : Cosmic
Orgone Engineering
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