Wilhelm REICH
Orgone Motor

Dr Wilhelm Reich
Sympathetic Vibratory Physics
Orgone (Joe) Cell, Part 9
Dale Pond
... The Orgone Energy motor. I will mention in
brief, some references from Dr. Reich's work in relation to a
method of utilising Orgone energy to power a motor. The full
details were published in 1948 and 1949, and the reader may
refer to these for full details.
For his radioactivity work, Reich used a Geiger
Muller counter. As a result of many experiments, he noticed
reading anomalies with some of his experiments. Basically, he
noticed increased reading with the counter dependent on Orgone
concentrations. This eventuated in Reich eliminating the normal
Geiger Muller tube and replacing it with his own specially made
tubes. He named these Vacor tubes. These tubes were evacuated to
.5 of a micron, which is below the level that normal ionisation
would occur. As a result of charging these Vacor tubes with
Orgone energy, he discovered that they would produce a high
pulse rate on the GM counter. This led Reich to further
experimentation, resulting in the modification of the standard
counter circuit in such a way that a small motor could be made
to rotate directly from the Orgone energy. This motor was a
small AC type made by Western Electric, with a type number of
KS-9154. It would run when Reich connected an antenna and/or
earth to the modified GM counter. It would also rotate whilst
under the influence of a field emanating from a living creature.
The rotation of the motor was quite unusual as it
could reverse direction spontaneously without significantly
slowing down and speeding up again as if the motor had no
inertia. The rotational speed also varied unexpectedly and could
be made to run faster or slower, depending on the person that
had his hand near it. Reich explained the above idiosyncrasies
by referring to a force he called the "Y factor". He refused to
divulge what the Y factor was, and mankind will have to wait
till 2007, when his sealed archives will be opened. As already
mentioned, I am very confident that the Y factor simply stands
for YOU, meaning that the individual's Orgone field interacts
with the experiment. This has occurred over and over with
experimenters interacting with the Joe cell. For the more
dubious reader, I will quote directly from some of the comments
of witnesses that were present when Reich was demonstrating the
Orgone motor:
Myron Sharaf. "...it involved the use of an
accumulator attached to a motor; concentrated Orgone energy was
triggered by a small amount of electricity, an amount
insufficient to rotate the motor without the accumulator... When
powered by the combination of Orgonotic and electrical energy,
it ran smoothly and quietly; but the speed varied depending upon
the weather...more rapidly on dry, clear days, more slowly when
the humidity was high."
Elsworth Baker. "Reich first used vacor tubes in
series attached to a small accumulator and connected to a
transformer to build up an electric charge to excite the Orgone
energy. He used four or five vacor tubes. All were connected to
a 25 Volt electric motor... Reich took away one vacor tube after
another until all were taken away, and still the motor ran. The
important ingredient was the so-called Y factor which Reich did
not divulge... On Orgone energy, the motor was practically
noiseless and ran smoother and faster. At times, it would change
direction. In damp weather, it would not run."
Lois Wyvell. "The one I saw was about the size of
a large orange... It was hooked up to a special Orgone
accumulator with the Y factor that Reich did not divulge as he
felt mankind was not ready to use such a potentially boundless
power rationally... But the motor ran on atmospheric orgone
energy fed to it through the accumulator and also from the human
energy field... It ran erratically, as no motor with a
mechanical energy source does. It slowed down and speeded up
without any interference. Also, if one curved his hands over the
motor, it picked up speed, and with one's hand over it, it
speeded up and slowed down... It reversed itself every once in a
while without slowing down, even without a jolt."
As you can see, there is a large and undeniable
link between the atmosphere, living organisms and the Orgone
motor. In a movie sequence that Reich made, there is a
demonstration of the motor not turning until Reich placed his
hand in the vicinity of the motor. The motor then ran until
Reich removed his hand. So if we are not dealing with a living
force, I would challenge the reader to offer me a logical,
scientific reason to the contrary. Please, don't bother replying
with references to tricks with mirrors, RF transmitters or any
other circus act type explanation. Again, let me state that the
above is a very, very small sample of the vast amount of
recorded data in our historical archives...
...A few final observations and impressions about the
The Orgone Motor
As a group, we spent considerable time reading through hundreds of
pages of experimental research leading up to the day when the
orgone motor began working. We also studied the voluminous
documentation of experiments with the working motor. Participants
were asked not to take notes only while we looked through the
handful of pages containing diagrams relevant to the specific
set-up of the motor. But it was the general consensus that the
actual set-up of the motor was still not self-evident. Which does
not preclude the possibility of a future, more rigorous and
focused study of these materials yielding further answers and
practical experimental research.
The Y Factor
We looked through literally hundreds of pages of equations and
observed many recurring symbols, values, calculations, and
functions. While the letter Y does appear, it does not appear as
frequently as other letters and symbols. And there was little in
these materials to link the letter Y specifically with the orgone
motor. Again, a more rigorous, focused study of specific materials
might yield further results.
Orgonometric Equations
By the final hours of the workshop on Wednesday, the effect of
viewing so many pages of equations was numbing. Which was part of
the point of the workshop: to impress upon everyone the staggering
amount of archival content.
Reich was obviously looking to express Copernican theories,
functions, and equations in orgonometric or functional terms. It
also became clear that his concept of “The Swing” pertained to
planets orbiting a sun which itself was moving in a spiral motion.
And because there were a handful of pages where Reich lists the
meaning of symbols and values in his equations, these lists might
well function as a preliminary “Rosetta Stone” with which to
revisit some of these materials for more rigorous scrutiny.