Serafino ORLANDO
Atmospheric Electric
Improvements in and relating to improved means for utilizing
electro-magnetic radiation
and atmospheric
electricity for transmitting and generating power
Classification:- international: H05F7/00;
H05F7/00- European: H05F7/00
Abstract -- Aerials and
like radiating and receiving conductors. Energy in the form of
electromagnetic waves, or electrostatic charges in the ether, is
absorbed by or radiated from a network of metallic conductors
utilized in combination with an impinging stream of Roentgen rays.
The aerial network consists of a rhomboid of fine wires a
supported by a central conductor b, which is earthed at m. A motor
or other receiving apparatus is connected between the points d, e.
Roentgen rays from a discharge tube c are stated to form an
ionized beam of air which increases the absorption of energy by
the network a. A magnet m deflects any electron emission away from
the path of the rays.
in and relating to Improved Means for Utilizing Electro-magnetic
Radiation and Atmospheric Electricity for Transmitting and
Generating Power:
I, SERAFINO ORLANDO, O.D.C., - subject of the king of Great
Britain, of Birchircara, Malta, do hereby declare the nature of
this invention to be as a follows: We were accustomed to combine
the idea of electricity with that of wire conductors, and
everybody knew that for the transmission of electrical energy it
was necessary to make an exclusive use of metallic wires. But at
the present time it is no longer thought necessary to use these
means for the transmission of electrical energy, so much so that
both electrostatic and electro-magnetic inductions are actions
which are transmitted through the air, and although their fields
of action are very limited, nevertheless they are clear proof that
electricity can be transmitted not only through wires, but also
through the ether, which is to be found in the air, and, as a
proof of this, we may adduce the phenomenon of wireless
It is known that this phenomenon is due to electrical current most
rapidly alternated produced by apparatuses in which oscillatory
electrical discharges are produced.
These oscillatory discharges, which are the reciprocating motions
of electricity, are not onlv limited to the system of the
apparatuses in which they are produced, but, as the electrical
spark causing them explodes in the air, they are a phenomenon
which occurs in the ether met with in the air, consequently,
wherever the spark occurs, it produces in the ether periodical
motions which get spread spherically all round in all directions
so far as they are not obstructed by some obstacle, and,
therefore, it is inferred that the electrical waves are nothing
but an electromotive force transmitted from one point to another
by means of the ether.
Above all, it is clear that the action of these oscillations at a
distance is bound to be greater, the greater the energy employed
in this oscillatory motion happens to be.
We know that the quantity of electrical energy which can be
communicated to a conductor or to a system of conductors depends
on its capacity. The smaller the conductor is, the less is its
capacity, and, therefore, the smaller is the energy of the
oscillations which are produced in it when, after having been
charged, it is discharged through the medium of the spark.
In fact the period ot these electrical oscillations increases
proportionately to the square root of the capacity of the
oscillatory system.
Consequently the above consideration warns us to use a system of
conductors of great capacity in order to obtain extremely long
waves, for the latter set in motion a quantity of energy greatly
superior to that induced by short waves.
Now as these waves are propagated spherically all round in space
in all directions, however much one tries to render the
apparatuses powerful, it always remains true that the electrical
energy transmitted in space is an electromotive force dispersed in
all directions, in a sirmilar way to the luminous waves issuing
from a lighted splinter, which spread through the ether in all
directions, and in the same way as these, their intensity
decreases as the distance inereases, and, however great the energy
sent forth by the generating station of wireless telegraphy to the
receiving station may be, only a very slight fraction of the
transmitted energy reaches it; first on account of the loss of
intensity due to the distance from the source, and, secondly,
because the electrical energy employed in these apparatuses is due
to a pure phenomenon of resonance.
The same thing happens here as when a tuning fork, tuned to A (1a)
pitch, is sounded in the vicinity of a pianoforte note having the
same A sound, when the latter in its turn is caused to vibrate and
emit sound.
Nobody, of course, refuses to recognize the great difference
existing between the intensity of sound emitted by the tuning fork
and that felt by vibration.
Therefore in order to succeed in solving the problem of wireless
traction, setting aside the apparatuses in which the phenomena of
resonance are produced, it is necessary to have recourse to other
contrivances, having the property opf intercepting, or of better
absorbing, in great quantities, the electrical energy dispersed in
space, causing it to flow in a desired direction or to flow
towards a required point, which amounts to saying that it is
necessary to construct an invisible conductor in space which may
serve as a path to these waves, and to concetrate them at any
point that may be required. The possibility of constructing such
an apparatus results from the scientific proofs I am about to
submit whilst unfolding my ideas.
Roentgen rays, among other marvelous properties, possess one which
is of greatr physical interest, that is, these rays discharge very
rapidly the electrified bodies they meet with.
In order to prove in a simple way this fact it will suffice to use
a gold-leaf electroscope whose leaves are electrified with an
ebonite rod, or with rubbed glass. As soon as the Roentgen rays
are produced in its vicinity, the gold leaves, at first ready to
diverge and retain this position, now instantaneously fall down,
which is a sure proof that the air loses its insulation properties
and becomes a conductor.
The fact that the air traversed by these rays becomes a conductor,
says Prof. Graetz, is explained by admitting that owing to them,
the molecules of air split up, giving origin to very small
particles, some of which are charged positively, and others
negatively. It is therefore asserted that the air is ionized by
these rays; the free ions in the vicinity of a charged body can
become united to this electricity, and, therefore, can discharge
it, and consequen tly this ionized air possesses a certain
conductivity in such a way that if from any cause there is a
difference of potential existing between two points in the air, an
electric current is bound to pass, same as happens in a saline
solution. Another property of great importance was observed when
it was rendered possible to conduct to the outer side of a
Crookes' tube cathodal rays, the negative electrons, which in
electrolytic phenomena are inseparable from matter, are freed from
the latter and subsist free, from which reason, owing to the high
tension obtained in Crookes' tubes, they depart from the cathode
with a velocity of about 1/3 that of light, and they act as if
they carried away with them negative electricity, and consequently
every body met with by the cathodal rays becomes electrified
The apparatus proposed by me to intercept, or rather absorb in
great quantities, the electric waves and to profit by it in its
application to electrical power generation, will consist of an
assemblage of fine copper wires, in several layers, one inside the
other, laid out in the form of a flat rhombus, of which one
diagonal is remarkably greater than the other. The wires of the
several layers are relatively staggered. The two extremities of
all these wires are paced in communication with the central main
wire the latter to have such a section as to allow of a resistance
which may correspond exactly to the one offered by all the wires,
taken as a whole. Underneath in the center of this apparatus, is
placed a Crookes' tube capable of producing rays in great
quantities. The position of this tube is determined so as to allow
of the copper wires being traversed by the rays throughout all
their extension. The superficies of the apparatus will be
proportioned to the extent to which the rays are projected, which
extension will depend on the form and size of the platinum cone
existing at the center of the tube.
The above-mentioned tube if of the Thomson model, would be highly
suited to the predetermined object; here the negative charge is
transmitted to two diametrically opposed points, adn in the inner
part, the cathodes are represented by two specular and concave
aluminum conductors, whilst in the center of the tube is to be
found the anode formed by the platinum cone receiving the positive
When the current is discharging towards the tube, the cathodal
rays strike the platinum cone at their focus respectively on each
side, and thus large quantitites of rays are projected in straight
lines perpendicularly to the superficies of the tube.
The phenomena to be verified in this apparatus are the following
The rays emanating from the tube, when it is placed in the
above-mentioned position, whilst they strike the surrounding air
rendering it ionized and consequently conductive, must at the same
time traverse the copper wires impregnating them with negative
electricity. The extent of the layer of ionized air and the
intensity of the negative charge will undoubtedly depend on the
greater or lesser power of the apparatus in which the Roentgen and
cathodal rays are generated.
The electric waves sent continually by the generating station with
the rapidity of light in all directions, must on their way through
space meet with the obstacle, so to say, wherever it may be,
formed by the conductivity of the ionized air through the action
of the Roentgen rays projected by the tube, and attracted and
absorbed by this conductivity of the air, they produce in the
space struck by the rays a true aerial conductor, which gets
charged without interruption with electricity, for as the air is a
non-conductor, only the layer struck by the rays becomes charged
with electricity, and the air which surrounds it must retain its
insulating properties. With respect to electric waves absorbed by
the ionized air, Prof. Wimbledon Hill says:
"Electric waves suffer the least absorption when travelling
through a non-conductive medium like ether. Marconi observed in
1902 that signals that carried 1500 or more miles at night-time,
would not carry for about 700 miles in the day. The action of
daylight is responsible for the greater absorption; sulight
produces partial ionization of the atmosphere, and renders it
From what we have said before, it is inferred that the air ionized
by the Rentgen rays should absorb electric waves in a greater
quantity, as its conductivity is extraordinarily greater than when
it is ionized through the action of solar rays. In fact it has
been proved above that electrified bodies when discharged in the
vicinity of the Roentgen rays, whilst this never happens through
the action of solar rays, for if such a thing could occur, as the
sun's rays strike all day long the atmosphere, the properties of
the static electricity would not have been discovered, because we
should never have been able to have a body charged with
The rays projected by the tube in lines perpendicular to the
superficies of the tube, present to our sight the form and size of
the inviisble conductor produced by the ionization of the air
which attracts and absorbs continually the electric energy; this
electric energy, being bound to follwo the course formed in the
air by the projection of the rays, must necessarily come into
contact with the wires charged negatively through the action of
the rays themselves, and here then takes place the meeting of the
two conductors charged with two kinds of electricity, for it is
laid down as a law that two different conductors have always
different potentials, namely a positive and a negative potential.
The difference of potential causes the negative electrons of the
ionized air to be urged on towards the positive conductor, whilst
the positive ions are attracted by the negative conductor. In
contact with the two conductors they give up their charegs, thus
originating the electric current.
The magnitude of this current will depend on the greater or lesser
ionization of the air. The greater the difference of potential
between the two conductors, the quicker the electrons and ions
will be displaced, this communicating for each unit of time
greater charges to the two conductors.
The magnitude of this current will depend on the greater or lesser
ionisation of the air. The greater the difference of potential
between the two conductors, the quicker the electrons and ions
will be displaced, thus communicating for each unit of time
greater charges to the two conductors.
In the apparatus, the positive or highest potential corresponding
to an excess of electricity ought to be found in the invisible
conductor formed by the ionised air, because the poteintial of a
conductor is inferred from the relation between the capacity of
the conductor and the quantity of electricity it possesses, and
therefore it follows as a consequence that the negative or lower
potential corresponding to a deficiency of electricity ought to be
found in the bundle of wires.
A difference of potential between two charged conductors has as a
consequence that when these two conductors are put into
communication a flow of electricity is produced through the bodies
joining together the two points of different potential, that is,
an electric current is produced, or rather, an electromotive force
from the higher potential to the lower; therefore, according to
this other law, the electricity found in the conducting air, which
is at the highest potential, should pass over the metallic
conductors of the apparatus, which are at the lower potential.
It has also been said that the current is produced through the
wires uniting together the two points at different potentials. In
this apparatus, owing to the nature of one of the conductors, such
as the ionized air, because the air by itself, as can very easily
be understood, supplies this defect, as the electricity which it
possesses is in continuous contact with the other electricity
produced continually in the wire; therefore, as electricity flows
with greater ease through metallic conductors. than through any
other conductor, then the recombining of the two electricities,
one of the ionized air, and the other of the wire, cannot occur
through the medium of the air, but runs over the bundle of the
metallic wires, and generates in these an electric current; the
greater the difference of potentials, the greater will be also the
flow of electricity from one point to the other. So long as the
difference of potentials is maintained always constant, a true
electric current is produced in the conductors, as can be
experimented with an electrostatic machine.
In fact, through the rotation of the machine, to one fo the
conductors is commiunicated positive electricity, and the other
negative electricity, that is, a difference of potential is
constantly maintained between them, whence the two electricities
flow continuously in the wire, or in the wires, and an electric
current is produced.
In the apparatus the two electricities, namely that of the air and
that of the wires, both produced without interruption through the
action of the rays projected by the tube, finding themselves in
continual contact with each other, the difference of potential is
maintained constatn, and provokes, as already proved above, the
passage of electricity through the wires, or else the electric
In addition besides the electric waves, also atmospheric
electricity, for the same reason ought to take part in the
phenomenon, and be absorbed by the apapratus. In fact the
atmosphere is in an electric state always and everywhere, so much
so that the differences of potential even between localities not
very far from one another is sometimes considerable. When it is
fine weather, the air is usually electrified positively, and the
earth naturally is negatively electrified by induction. The free
electricity of the atmosphere is in greater quantity in high
regions. It undergoes vaariations of a relative periodicity during
daytime, and the seasons.
With regard to what I state, what is asserted by an American
science journal. Science adn Invnetion ( May 1921) is quite to the
"It is said that Dr Plauson, a german scientist, has sucessfully
demonstrated that if we send up metal surfaced balloons and tap
the electrical energy from the atmosphere at a level of 1000 feet
or more, we shall be able to realize an average of 200 hp per
square meter, an area equivalent to 3.28 square feet. It is even
claimed that in his latest experiments, as great a quantity of
electrical energy as 400 to 500 hp has been realized per square
meter. Under normal conditions, the potential gradient, as it is
called, of the atmosphere increases with comparative regularity as
we rise above the surface of the ground, the atmospheric
potential per foot or per meter varies also, as may be well
imagined, with the season of the year, and the potential or
voltage has been found to average 100 volts per meter (3.28 square
feet) in the summer months, while during the cold winter seasons
the potential gradient rises to as high as 300 volts per meter..."
The same scientific journal (March 1922) makes the following
remarks : --
"The amount of electrical power that resides in our atmosphere is
astounding. Herr Plauson found in hsi experiments that a single
balloon sent aloft at a height of 300 yards gave a constant
current of 400 volts of 1.8 amperes, or in 24 hours, 17-1/4
kilowatts ! By using two balloons in connection with a special
condenser battery, the power obtained was 81-1/2 kilowatts in 24
hours ! The actual current delivered was 6.8 amperes at 500
Now it is well known that x-rays are effective at a distance of
almost 30 feet according to a statement by the French Academy of
Arts and Sciences with the following words: --
"X-rays produce electrons on their passage through the air; these
electrons are definite entities, and as they leave atoms, they may
traverse matter or pass through teh air in a stright path, and by
their coming in collision with the atoms of the air, they render
it a conductor of electricity. it is true that screens of lead
suffice to protect the operators from the evil effects of x-rays,
but operators are sometimes careless, and then the rays are
effective at a distance of almost 30 feet."
Supposing therefore the air ionized by the rays to be 5 square
meters, such an area at an altitude of 1000 feet, according to the
latest experiments by Dr Plauson, should effect a force equivalent
to 5 x 200 = 100 up to 5 x 500 - 2500 hp. Therefore whenever the
apparatus at an altitude of several meters from the ground is
capable of absorbing from an area of 5 square meters as much
electricity as is required to realize a force of 1% in comparison
to that obtaiend at an altitude of 1000 feet from the earth, it
should give a result of a force from 10 to 25 hp.
All physicists, among whom may be included Hertz and Faraday,
admit that electric and luminous waves are identical, that is,
oscillations of the ether of varying length. The luminous waves
acting on sight, have a length varying from 4 to 7 ten thousandth
of a millimetre, according to the various colours, whilst the
longer wave of 40-50 ten thousands of millimetres show themselves
only for technical properties in apparatuses suited to this
Electric waves are much longer, for they measure from several
centimetres, to thousands of metres, but the difference between
these two kinds of waves is only in length.
Taking this for granted, we may state that electric waves before a
very short duration of oscillation appear to us as light; while
electric waves of a great duration of oscillation do not manifest
themselves to us as light, but owing to their effects of induction
show themselves as electric waves. If all this be true, (and all
consequences therefrom can be verified) it can surely be possible
to obtain by means of electric waves the same phenomena as with
luminous waves, and the laws ruling the latter can be applied to
the former.
And this Hertz proved by experiments.
Now physics teach us that the intensity of light is inversely
proportional to the square of the distance from the source, that
is to say, it decreases with the square of the distance from the
source, that is from the distances.... 1, 2, 3, the intensity of
light is proportional to the numbers.... 1, l/, etc., and this
occurs because light gets spread in all directions over spherical
surfaces of a radius increasing with the distance. Spherical
surfaces with rays .... 1, 2, 3 etc. have a magnitude proportional
to the numbers.... 1, 4, 9 etc., that is, spherical surfaces
increase with the square of the rays.
Therefore as the intensity of the light has to be communicated to
ether waves whose superficies increase at the square of the
distance, each of them receives a part of the former (that is of
light) whose magnitude decreases in the same measure.
Since luminous and electric waves, according to the above adduced
proofs, are identical, the enunciated law of the intensity of
light may be applied (taking into consideration the multiform
variations of the atmosphere) to the intensity of electric waves.
Dated this 3rd day of January, 1924.
SERAFINO ORLANDO, Birchircara, Malta.
Improvements in and relating to Improved Means for Utilizing
Electro-magnetic Radiation and Atmospheric Electricity for
Transmitting and Generating Power.
I, Serafino ORLANDO, of 47, Church Street, Kensington, W. 8,
British subject, late of Birchircara, Malta, do hereby declare the
nature of this invention and in what manner the same is to be
performed, to be particularly described and ascertained in and by
the following statement: -
My invention relates to an improved means of absorbing
electro-magnetic energy from the ether. The electro-magnetic
energy may be of the form of electromagnetic waves radiated from
some radio transmitting station or from the electrostatic charge
in the atmosphere.
According to my invention I provide an arrangement of metallic
conductors, preferably in the forum of a network beneath which I
introduce a source of X-rays and from this source I project the
rays upwards through the conductors. It is known that a beam of
X-rays causes the air penetrated by such rays to become ionised
and consequently conducting for a distance dependent on the
strength of the rays. I am aware that in conjunction with the
X-rays emitted by the X-ray tube are certain other rays called
cathodal rays which carry with them negatively charged electrons
which cause all bodies they meet to become charged with negative
According to my invnetion I find that when electromagnetic waves
strike th region of the ionized air enveloping the network of
conductors, produced by the x-rays projected into the network, the
arrangement is fouind to be equivalent to a conductor of great
height, but when the source of ionization is removed practically
no absorption of energy takes place in the conductors.
The function of the ionisation being to increase the small
superficial area of metal exposed for the purpose of absorbing
electromagnetic energy by rendering the air surrounding the
conductors conductive to the passage of electromagnetic energy
from a source of X-rays or other rays capable of producing
In this invention it is found desirable to arrange the size of
network to suit the strength of the source of ionisation or
conversely to arrange the strength of the source of ionisation to
suit the size of network; it being desirahble to fill the field of
ionisation with conductors up to an intensity of ionisation which
may be determined by experiment.
It is also found desirable in the case of X-rays to prevent the
rays from scattering by shaping the electrode and surrounding the
tube by a metal vessel with an adjustable aperture.
Should it be found desirable, the cathodal rays previously
referred to may be prevented from striking the network of
conductors by deflecting them by the aid of a magnet.
The invention is illustrated by way of an example in the
accompanying drawing in which: Fig. (1) shows the network of
conductors in plan and elevation.
Fig. 2 shows the electrical circuit.
In carrying my invnetion into effect according to the apparatus
illustrated, the nmetwork of conductors shown in Fig. 1 consists
of a number of fine copper wires (a) communicating with a central
conductor (b).
In Fig. 2 a source of x-rays (c) is shown beneath the arrangement
of conductors (a) the details of which are shown in Fig. 1.
These conductors 9a) may for convenience be connected to a
terminal (d) to which the apparatus to be actuated may be
connected through another terminal (c) to the earth.
The magnet (m) may be introduced for the purpose of deflecting the
cathodal rays (f) previously referred to.
Claims : -- [ Not included here ]