Christopher LANGENFELD
85% Efficient conversion of effort to
propulsion ( swimming is 3%, fins 15% max
), up to several mph.
October 1, 2009
Navy SEALs Could Turn Superhuman with
Pentagon's PowerSwim
America's underwater special forces ops might not like it at
first, but this dolphin-like device will let them reach
targets fast — and without having to catch their breath.
by Erik Sofge
Humans are terrible swimmers, converting roughly 3 percent of
their kicks, strokes and general underwater exertions into forward
motion. We can boost our efficiency to 10 percent by adding fins,
but dolphins, by comparison, can turn 80 percent of their energy
into thrust. Not to be outdone, the Pentagon's research wing,
DARPA, is developing a contraption that lets Navy SEALs and other
combat divers swim faster, and with less effort.
Instead of kicking, PowerSwim calls for a kind of undulation as
its hinged foils pivot up and down. Similar to the way a dolphin
or tortoise pumps its fins, this motion generates both lift and
thrust. And while artificial fins operate within the swimmer's own
wake (they form a kind of expanding cone, starting at a swimmer's
shoulders), the PowerSwim's lead foil -- or propulsor foil --
sweeps through the water just outside that wake.
When used properly, the device allows swimmers to cover a given
distance up to 150 percent faster than with fins, while using the
same amount of energy. Much of that boost in metabolic efficiency
is due to the muscle groups used. As DARPA program manager Barbara
McQuiston explained, the swimmer is essentially relaxing into a
slightly bent position, instead of forcing or pushing the foils
through the water. This takes the emphasis off the small muscle
groups used to kick, and allows larger muscle groups, such as the
glutes and quads, to take over. During tests, it typically took
around 2 hours for Navy SEALs to fight the urge (and years of
training) to move forcefully and learn the PowerSwim's unique
If the device is widely used, it could be a huge benefit for
combat divers, letting SEALs reach coastal targets without
becoming over-exhausted. The goal isn't to increase the total
distance that personnel can cover, but to get them there more
quickly, and with more energy. Depending on the mission, swimmers
might dump the PowerSwim, along with rebreathers and other gear,
before setting foot on land.
And unlike many DARPA programs, PowerSwim is coming soon --
McQuiston says that the device is at the packaging stage, as
researchers determine how to possibly fold or otherwise reduce
its overall footprint, to allow for more efficient transport. Full
production units could be deployed within a year.
How It Works
The seesaw movement of the foils creates rolling currents, called
shed vortexes, that sweep back and around to push the foil
forward. It's a phenomenon exploited by various aquatic species,
such as penguins and dolphins. (Illustration by Gil Ahn)
The PowerSwim is a device somewhat like two pairs of long thin
airplane wings, one pair at each end of an axis. The axis is
fastened to a scuba diver's shins by straps round his legs. The
longer pair of wings (about 6 feet (1.8 m) wide or a bit less) is
at his hips and the shorter pair is at his ankles. The wings
rotate limitedly on axles near their front edges, and thus on
upstroke and downstroke they propel water backwards. It is claimed
that the length of the front wing lets it operate outside the cone
of wake that starts at the diver's shoulders. It is claimed to let
a scuba diver or frogman swim much faster (250%) than with
swimfins for the same amount of bodily effort, if used correctly,
and being not motorized, it makes no motor noise to be heard by
hostile hydrophones, but noise would occur if the front wings are
allowed to hit the diver's hips at end of upstroke. It works
somewhat like a penguin's or plesiosaur's side-mounted flippers.
Its estimated cost is less than $500. The diver uses it by moving
his legs up and down together, letting the knees bend and
It was developed by DARPA in 2007.
Aqueon is or was a similar device to PowerSwim. It was primarily
developed in the 1950s by the Innerspace Corporation, an aquatic
propulsion company which specialized in submersible thrusters at
the time. Its front wings, at least sometimes, are shorter than
with PowerSwim. The diver held onto it by trapping it between his
shins by putting his shins in the side hollows of two ?-shaped
attachments. The first working Aqueon unit was sold in 1979. Its
original designer was California Institute of Technology graduate
Calvin "Cal" Gongwer. It was claimed to provide three times as
much thrust as conventional swimming fins and up to six times as
much power, and that from a stationary start, a swimmer covered 25
yards in 8.4 seconds using Aqueon, and that with an Aqueon a
swimmer covered 1500 yards with scuba equipment in 24 minutes; the
fastest time covered by the same diver with scuba equipment and
fins was 44 minutes. The Aqueon was reportedly examined at length
and during multiple "pool parties" at the Gongwer residence by
DARPA scientists before they created their new concept.
October 8, 2007
Rube Goldberg meets Aquaman
PowerSwim would allow swimmers to go faster and farther, says
Mark Rutherford
DARPA, the Defense Department's R&D wing, is working on a
contraption that allows Navy SEALs and others to swim 150 percent
faster and with less effort than they would with regular fins. A
rubberband airplane-looking thing, the PowerSwim is kind of like
Rube Goldberg meets Aquaman.
Appearances aside, it aims to replace the flutter kick with
something resembling a dolphinic undulation, causing a hinged foil
to oscillate while a "propulsar foil" cuts the water along side.
The approach to swimming is similar to that exhibited by many fish
and aquatic birds, according to the DARPA Web site, "more than 85
percent efficient in conversion of human motions to forward
Still, there's no free ride -- as in a battery pack. The gadget
requires muscle work and training. "The swimmer is essentially
relaxing into a slightly bent position, instead of forcing or
pushing the foils through the water," DARPA's Barbara McQuiston
told the magazine. "This takes the emphasis off the small muscle
groups used to kick, and allows larger muscle groups, such as the
glutes and quads, to take over."
PowerSwim by Jay Lowell, DSO Program
The PowerSwim Program is developing highly efficient,
human-powered swimming devices for use by combat and
reconnaissance swimmers. This program explores a new concept in
swimming propulsion that uses the same oscillating foil approach
to swimming that is exhibited by many fish and aquatic birds. This
propulsion approach is more than 80-percent efficient in
conversion of human motions to forward propulsion. Typical
recreational swim fins are no more than 15-percent efficient in
their conversion of human exertion to propulsive power. This
dramatic improvement in swimming efficiency will enable subsurface
swimmers to move up to two times faster than is currently
possible, thus improving swimmer performance, safety, and range.
Amazing Underwater Flight
The Aqueon, want to "fly" underwater up to 6 mph under your own
power? If so, read on ...
Calvin A. Gongwer, "Cal" graduated from CalTech in Aeronautical
Technology and has approached design problems from that
perspective. Fluids include both air and water and are governed by
fluid dynamics. So shifting from airborne travel to underwater in
practical design is no big change in things, right? Wrong. This 92
year old renowned hydrodynamicist and inventor is still going hard
at it through his company, Innerspace Corporation along with his
son, Dr. Robert Gongwer.
Over time he has amassed over 71 patents in underwater technology.
His fertile imagination has resulted in the creation of numerous
innovations, including thrusters used on many important platforms
such as the submersibles Alvin, Deep Rover and numerous Remotely
Operated Vehicles (ROV) including the Triton, Oceaneering, Perry
and other vehicles.
Cal first had the idea for a oscillating foil propulsion system
about 55 years ago. He was inspired by fish and dolphin tail fin
propulsion. How to adapt the motion into a man-driven device? So
came about the Aqueon. The Aqueon is a man-powered diver
propulsion device capable of producing speeds of 5 1/2 kts. A 165
lb. diver was measured to develop static thrust of 87 lbs.
exceeding most electric diver propulsion vehicles that come to
mind. For two years he traveled the world promoting his device in
the 1960's. The world may not quite have been ready.
Cal tells me it took about 50 years for the bicycle to catch on
and now look at it today. In U.S. Navy trials two UDT swimmers
equipped with twin 90 cft. diving tanks (Northhill aluminum 90's,
had a pair myself with UDT Frogs back in the day, sssh) and fins
swam for all they were worth a distance of 1500 yds. The divers
made it in 44 min. 20 sec. and were exhausted. They did the run
again two hours later with Aqueons in 24 minutes and arrived
energized and ready for more. These swimmers had minimal
experience with the Aqueon. Wonder what their time might have been
with some more practice? Let's think about that, you have a
commando force that becomes knackered swimming full speed with
fins but arrives in almost half the time and in fresh condition
with the Aqueon. The teams are still primarily using fins and
electric DPV's, 50 years later?
Cal related a demo he did for the military in one of the towing
tanks at the David Taylor R&D Center in the mid '70's. He was
on his game and could really rip with the Aqueon. He was moving in
excess of the speed to create skin ripples on his back around 4
kts.. So, he was likely the first diver to break the "wrinkle
speed barrier."
Last weekend I took the Aqueon out on the Wreck of the Inchulva
off Delray Beach, FL. We were treated to some excellent 70 ft.
viz. in bluewater.
Cal has quite a lot of time on the Aqueon naturally enough and
some notable crossings. He crossed length of Lake Tahoe, 22 miles
in 14 hours when he was 52. The next year he topped that by towing
a man on a paddle board across the Catalina Channel in 11 hours.
He told me about sneaking up on basking sharks and giving them a
jolt with this strange looking device on the way to Catalina. He
described another case of a fit 185 lb. man who towed his
similarly sized brother for 100 m (plus turn at 50 m) in an
underwater breathhold dive in a pool.
I was lucky enough to find one of these in my early UW exploration
days as a teenager in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. My good friend Vic and I
used to tool offshore at speed over the reefs. It was an amazing
way to check things out, with minimal exertion. Vic still has two
of these in Alaska, the Bahamas, the Middle East or wherever he
lands next with the requisite dolphins and water.
Recently I contacted Cal and acquired another Aqueon. Some
pictures and videos of the device in action appear throughout this
Innerspace / Aqueon product
USP 8691607
Swimmers Propulsion Device
[ PDF ]
C.A. Gongwer
We’ve Invented Futuristic Flippers — Why
Aren’t the SEALs Using Them?
Foils are better than fins, but they’ve been slow to enter
the military diving world
by Steve Weintz
Imagine you’ve developed a device that lets swimmers and divers
swim dramatically farther and faster?—?and with less fatigue than
traditional fins. Imagine your device, which is easy to learn and
simple to operate, lets divers achieve speeds and ranges equal to
those of powered underwater scooters. Imagine professional divers
enthusiastically recommend your device and use it, and you receive
positive media coverage. You’d think the SEALs would be pounding
on your door with a check ready, right?
Hydrofoil boats were once as much a symbol of The Future as
monorails, but like monorails, their real-world success has been
spotty. High fuel consumption hastened their decline as much as
changing tastes in transportation. During the peak of the
hydrofoil’s popularity, however, the foil concept was also applied
to human-powered aquatic propulsion.
“What distinguishes a foil from traditional fins is the aspect
ratio of the fin and flexibility,” says Ron Smith, an aerospace
engineer and champion freediver. “Foils are relatively rigid and
usually have aspect ratios greater than one. Traditional fins are
very flexible and usually have aspect ratios less than one. Foils
will often have a wide slender and look like an airplane wing,
whereas traditional fins will be long in length.”
Why foils over flexing fins? The main reason is power. “The power
that can be transmitted through a flexible fin is limited by the
stiffness of the spring and the length of the fin blade,” says
Smith. “Foils, on the other hand, have neither of these
restrictions. As such, they can pack a lot more capability into a
smaller package with less drag.”
Eric Fattah testing a Smith Aerospace Orca hydrofoil monofin
How much power? Swimmers can reach five to six miles per hour
using such a device. At slower speeds, endurance can be measured
in hours, not minutes. The application of foils to swimming goes
back to mid-century Southern California and an American original.
Calvin Gongwer received a BA in mechanical engineering from
Columbia and his MA in aeronautical engineering at Caltech, but
never worked as an aeronautical engineer. From school and GM’s
Lubrication Lab he went New London, Connecticut, to work on
anti-submarine warfare efforts during World War II.
After the war, he joined Aerojet General as a hydrodynamicist.
Calvin counted his invention of Alco propellant while at Aerojet
as one of his best efforts. Alco instantly and completely roars
into a ferociously hot fire?—?perfect for igniting solid-fuel
rocket motors, which must get lit up evenly and at once. Alco
propellant is used to fire off everything from rocket-propelled
grenades to space boosters.
Calvin was fascinated by applying muscle power to aquatic motion.
Robert Gongwer, Calvin’s son and director of Innerspace
Corporation, recalls a pedal-powered “eggbeater” vessel consisting
of nothing more than a pole with a bicycle seat, pedals and gears
atop a large upside-down propeller arrangement just submerged
below the surface. (The gizmo couldn’t overcome the water’s
resistance enough to really work.)
Another, the “Aquaped,” was something like an underwater recumbent
bicycle — the diver lay on his stomach pedaling a pair of angled,
counter-rotating props. For Aerojet, Gongwer created a two-man
mini-sub with odd-looking fins which starred (briefly) in a
B-movie sea monster’s demise.
The Aqueon
But the Aqueon was the gadget that got most of Calvin Gongwer’s
tremendous attention. “Beginning in the mid-1950s,” Bob Gongwer
recalls, “my father and I made more than 10 trips to
Marineland-of-the-Pacific [a long-gone aquatic theme park in Los
Angeles] just to watch dolphins swim. There were lots and lots of
models both scale and full-size, and reams of paper drawings. It
took him many iterations to find the Aqueon’s design.”
The Aqueon consists of a pair of foils connected by a rod, spring
and rope. Its deceptively simple layout and old-fashioned
wood-and-metal construction mask its sophistication. The swimmer
grasps the device between her thighs (no strapping in) above the
rear fixed foil, and with a kick stroke sets the forward
oscillating foil moving. The rod positions the forward foil at and
beneath the swimmer’s center of gravity, which looks weird but
dramatically reduces torque and fatigue. Users then and now noted
the ease with which the Aqueon can be donned and doffed, and how
well it collapses for transport.
Calvin started Innerspace Corporation in 1960 to market the
Aqueon. The device’s manifest superiority in speed and range was
put to the test in a number of formal and informal demonstrations.
In one test conducted by the U.S. Navy, a pair of Underwater
Demolition Team divers swam 1,500 yards with fins; the first trial
took 45 minutes and left them exhausted. The second trial took
place two hours later; the swim using Aqueons took 24 minutes and
left the divers ready for more.
The Navy frogmen were in no doubt of the military utility of such
a device. Calvin calculated that an average swimmer could catch an
Olympic medalist in 25 yards from a standing start.
No mean athlete himself, Calvin made his own demonstrations. At 53
years of age he swam from Catalina Island to Los Angeles Harbor,
some 22 miles through shipping lanes, towing a man on a
paddleboard. (When his navigation took him eight miles off course,
Calvin merely swam the extra distance to make landfall in San
Pedro in front of the press cameras.)
A couple of years later, Calvin swam the length of Lake Tahoe with
an Aqueon. “We almost lost him in the chop,” says Bob Gongwer. We
even had the Coast Guard out there aboard their lovely Chris-Craft
yacht, but Calvin was fine, just chugging along.”
That was almost 50 years ago, when the Navy was revolutionizing
underwater work and life. With the establishment of the SEALs and
the SEALAB program, you might expect that a revolutionary swimming
aid would have swiftly — if quietly — found a market. But despite
the demos and rave reviews, no one at the Pentagon ever ran (or
swam) with Calvin Gongwer’s idea. Nowadays Innerspace Corporation
makes its living manufacturing advanced propulsion systems for
underwater drones and subs, and occasionally sells a few Aqueons
to curious enthusiasts.
Ron Smith has developed a line of monofins he’s sure are the next
step in underwater propulsion, and fellow freedivers are eagerly
acquiring them for training and competition.
The DOL-Fin Orca is a high-performance freediving fin that has set
multiple records in competitive freediving. Other forms of the
DOL-Fin systems have been tailored for scuba diving. “For a given
SCUBA configuration and level of swimming effort, the DOL-Fin will
likely propel a diver 60 percent to 90 percent faster than typical
dive fins would achieve,” says Smith.
Having solved how to mount an oscillating foil on a diver’s feet,
Smith is still puzzled by the slow adoption of foils, given their
many advantages over fins. Foils’ stiffness and shape require more
skill to maneuver, and the speeds they permit demand greater
attention to streamlining. Yet the results are dramatic. But the
fins are still rare: few scuba divers have purchased DOL-fins and
no one from the Pentagon has called for a test-dive.
Our era often confuses fact with fantasy, and illusory advances
with real possibilities. Mythical creatures like mermaids capture
the public’s imagination?—?the forgotten past is spun into future
promises. You can’t completely ignore a good idea, though.
In 2007, the Pentagon’s scientists at DARPA announced they were
developing the PowerSwim, a revolutionary new swimmer propulsion
device. Consisting of fixed and oscillating foils connected by a
rod, a spring and a rope, DARPA scientists boasted their device
would double military swimmers’ speeds and endurance using muscle
power alone. If the PowerSwim is in use by U.S. Special Operations
forces, we won’t know. But it probably isn’t.
The DOL-Fin Orca Mk-2 is the second generation of our flagship
freediving monofin. The original Orca has set multiple
Dynamic records in competitive freediving, and the Mk-2 further
improves upon the original to make it ideal for depth diving as
well. The Orca Mk-2 has depth independent positive buoyancy
for enhanced diver stability during freefall at depth and an
easier breath-up posture at the surface. Aggressive
streamlining provides excellent performance and the modular design
can be adapted to an individual freediver's needs. The Orca
Mk-2 monofin unites the performance needs of the competitive
freediver with the comfort and utility requirements of
recreational freediving in a revolutionary product that can bring
new levels of performance and fun to the sport of freediving.
The DOL-Fin uses high aspect ratio hydrofoil based monofin
technology, which results in very efficient swimming
propulsion. (See Theory for more technical details.)
For freedivers, the DOL-Fin promotes improved depth, distance and
endurance. For SCUBA divers, the DOL-Fin provides increased
speed and range while reducing physical stress to extend the
diver's air supply. The added speed makes diving in strong
currents less hazardous and mild currents more enjoyable.
The DOL-Fin can provide SCUBA divers the advantages of speed and
range similar to using a diver propulsion vehicle (DPV).
Unlike a DPV, the DOL-Fin has no depth limit, no batteries to
recharge or replace, no electric motor to require maintenance and
is extremely lightweight and easy to carry.
The DOL-Fin's patented fin suspension system provides active
control of the high aspect ratio fin, which provides a very
natural feel over a wide speed range. Unlike traditional
monofins, the DOL-Fin system is capable of providing slow to
medium swimming speeds that feel natural and that are highly
efficient and not physically stressing. This is an important
capability for maximizing freediving performance. However,
there is almost no limit to the top end power that a diver can
transmit through the fin.
The high aspect ratio fin has a custom hydrodynamic cross-section
specifically designed by Smith Aerospace to operate in the
oscillating lift and low Reynolds number environment of the diving
fin. The hydrofoil fin design is an integral part of
DOL-Fin's active control suspension system, which maintains
operation on the fin's design point over a wide range of speeds
for improved efficiency.
Unlike other fins, the bindings on the DOL-Fin that hold the
swimmer's feet are made of textiles like a sport shoe rather than
molded rubber or plastic. This creates an adjustable, snug
and comfortable fit for a wide variety of foot sizes.
Additionally, the bindings on the DOL-Fin are field replaceable so
different size bindings can be used when needed. No tools
are required, and the switch takes just minutes. With
interchangeable and adjustable bindings, the DOL-Fin can be
adapted to almost any diving environment. From skin-diving
in the Hawaiian tropics to dry-suit SCUBA diving in the beautiful
waters off Victoria Island in British Columbia, one DOL-Fin is all
you'll need.
9 Aug 2007
Segway builders develop speedy swim
Lewis Page
The company which gave the world the Segway has developed a
revolutionary new set of swim fins, twice as efficient as the ones
worn by divers today.
DEKA Research, previously most famous for its electric dorkmobile,
has previously bid for Pentagon cash with its remarkable
man-launching pneumatic cannon, intended to hurl soldiers onto
roofs without the use of vulnerable hovering helicopters.
Unsurprisingly, the grunt-gun was developed under the auspices of
DARPA, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, eccentric
powerhouse of Pentagon boffinry.
DARPA and DEKA have also collaborated on a more reasonable scheme
for underwater rather than airborne use. According to this US
government document (vast pdf; page 133), DEKA was awarded
$2,809,407 in 2005 to develop "a novel concept for combat
The idea was to "increase the overall swimming efficiency such
that a given combat swimmer can demonstrate a sustainable speed of
50 per cent higher than the typical sustainable speed achieved
using standard-issue swim fins, and to reduce by a factor of two
the metabolic energy required to maintain a sustained speed of one
According to news from the DARPAtech conference underway this week
in California, DEKA has actually done better than this. Bill
Sweetman, editor in chief of Defense Technology International,
reports that the DARPA/DEKA Powerswim effort has borne fruit
Apparently, US Navy SEALs with the Powerswim equipment attached to
their legs in lieu of regular swim fins can sustain speeds of
better than two knots, which should have the world's underwater
warriors beating a path to DEKA's door. Back when your
correspondent was serving with the Royal Navy's diving branch, a
single knot was seen as the most that could be expected over any
long period.
Sweetman says some SEALs apparently don't like the new gear,
feeling that it makes life too easy. "SEALs are like Catholic
school - if it doesn't hurt it's not good for you," he was told.
That certainly rings true; your correspondent once complained
about an easily-fixed kit problem as a trainee, and was told: "If
we made it easy, everybody would be doing it."
Elite-forces masochism, though, should collapse fast at the
prospect of sustainable two knot swimming without vehicles.
Furthermore, if the claims are accurate, and the gear is as simple
to make as it looks, this will be another piece of DARPA kit which
gets wide adoption in the civilian world as well as among the
military - like the internet or night-vision goggles. Sports
divers and swimmers are sure to be clamouring for Powerswim rigs
soon along with the world's military divers and special forces.
Interestingly, it seems the DEKA/DARPA team developed Powerswim by
studying the swim techniques of dolphins, among other creatures.
It used to be a 30 pressups offence to refer to the use of
"flippers" rather than fins in the RN diving branch, but it seems
that the derivation of the new kit might make that rule obsolete.
Swimming Propulsion Device
[ PDF , 5 MB
A swimming propulsion device. The swimming propulsion device
includes a fuselage at least one propulsor pivotally connected to
the fuselage, and in some embodiments, at least one stabilizer
affixed to the fuselage. The device also includes a swimmer
connection mechanism removably attached to the fuselage by a
locking mechanism whereby the swimmer connection mechanism
connects a swimmer to the device, and a control mechanism
installed within the propulsor. A method for efficient swimming is
also disclosed...
Swimming propulsion devices have a long history and have included
swimming fins, hand fins, and personal water propellers. These
devices had been designed to enhance the speed, efficiency and
mobility of bodily moment during surface and underwater swimming.
The typical approach to designing swimming fins and hand fins has
been to enlarge the effective area of a swimmer's hands or feet.
Although swimming fins and hand fins may have increased a
swimmer's propulsion through the water, because the fins are worn
on each hand or each foot minimizes the fins' effectiveness. For
the same amount of energy expended without the fins, swimmer's
increased their propulsion minimally.
One improved swimming fin has been a monofin, where the swimmer
wears one fin that fits over both his feet. However, there is some
instability in the swimmer's swimming form when using monofins,
which results in limited propulsion. As the swimmer uses the
monofin, the swimmer's legs do not maintain a stable non-flailing
motion that helps in propelling through water.
Accordingly, there is a need for a more effective swimming
propulsion device that includes amongst other characteristics,
more comfort, easier wearability, and provides greater stability
and efficiency for the swimmer.
In accordance with one aspect of the present invention, a swimming
propulsion device is disclosed. The swimming propulsion device
includes a fuselage having a forward section and an aft section,
at least one propulsor pivotally connected to the forward section
of the fuselage, at least one stabilizer affixed to the aft
section of the fuselage, a swimmer connection mechanism removably
attached to the fuselage by a locking mechanism whereby the
swimmer connection mechanism connects a swimmer to the device, and
a control mechanism attached to the fuselage and the propulsor.
Some embodiments of this aspect of the present invention may
include one or more of the following: wherein the locking
mechanism further includes a first member and a second member,
wherein the first member and second member removably mate by a
ball and pin mechanism; wherein the swimmer connection mechanism
further includes a first member, a second member, and a fastening
mechanism including a buckle and strap, wherein the first member
and second member are attached to one another by the latching
mechanism and wherein the first member and second member are
ergonomic to a swimmer's bottom leg; wherein the swimmer
connection mechanism further includes wherein the first member and
the second member include a hard layer and a foam layer; wherein,
in the swimmer connection mechanism, the second member further
includes a cleat for attachment to a locking mechanism member;
wherein the fuselage further includes a wedge shaped forward
section and a front edge, a top edge and bottom edge wherein the
front edge, the top edge, and the bottom edge are tapered and
wherein the forward section is positioned on a lower plane than
the aft section; wherein the fuselage further including a first
fuselage member and a second fuselage member wherein each of said
fuselage member connected to a propulsor member; wherein the
fuselage further includes a forward member and an aft member,
wherein the forward member and aft member are slidably connected
whereby the fuselage is adjustable in length; wherein each
propulsor includes a first propulsor member and a second propulsor
member, wherein the first propulsor wing member is releasably and
foldably attached to the second propulsor member whereby the first
propulsor wing members folds back when released from the second
propulsor member; wherein the second propulsor member is attached
to the fuselage; wherein the swimmer connection mechanism further
comprising at least one housing for receiving a swimmer's feet;
and/or wherein the device further including a fin attachment
In accordance with one aspect of the present invention, a swimming
propulsion device is disclosed. The swimming propulsion device
includes a fuselage having a forward section and an aft section,
at least one propulsor pivotally connected to the forward section
of the fuselage, a swimmer connection mechanism removably attached
to the fuselage by a locking mechanism whereby the swimmer
connection mechanism connects a swimmer to the device, the swimmer
connection mechanism further including a first member, a second
member, and a fastening mechanism including a buckle and strap,
wherein the first member and second member are attached to one
another by the latching mechanism and wherein the first member and
second member are ergonomic to a swimmer's bottom leg.
Some embodiments of this aspect of the present invention may
include one or more of the following: at least one stabilizer
affixed to the aft section of the fuselage; a control mechanism
attached to the fuselage and the propulsor; a fin attachment
mechanism; and/or wherein the second member further including a
cleat for attachment to a locking mechanism member.
In accordance with one aspect of the present invention, a method
for efficient swimming disclosed. The method includes attaching at
least one cuff to the bottom part of a swimmer's leg, adjusting
the at least one cuff using a buckle and strap mechanism, and
attaching the at least one cuff to a swimming propulsion device.
The present invention is concerned with combustion and heat
transfer processes and apparatus. The invention has general
applicability in the fields of combustion and heat transfer and is
applicable to industrial and non-industrial processes as well as
residential use. Practical industrial application of the invention
may be found in the field of steam generation for heating and for
electrical power generation. In addition, non-industrial
applications of the invention include cooking appliances, stoves,
water heaters, furnaces and the like.
In accordance with one aspect of the present invention, a swimming
propulsion device is disclosed. The swimming propulsion device
includes a fuselage having a forward section and an aft section,
at least one propulsor pivotably connected to the forward section
of the fuselage, at least one stabilizer pivotably connected to
the aft section of the fuselage, a swimmer connection mechanism
removably attached to the fuselage by a locking mechanism whereby
the swimmer connection mechanism connects a swimmer to the device,
and a control mechanism installed within the propulsor and
attached to the fuselage.
Some embodiments of this aspect of the present invention may
include one or more of the following: wherein the locking
mechanism further includes a first member and a second member,
wherein the first member and second member removably mate by a
ball and latching mechanism; wherein the swimmer connection
mechanism further includes a first member, a second member, and a
fastening mechanism including a buckle and strap, wherein the
first member and second member are attached to one another by the
fastening mechanism and wherein the first member and second member
are ergonomic to a swimmer's bottom leg; wherein the swimmer
connection mechanism further includes wherein the first member and
the second member include a hard layer and a foam layer; wherein,
in the swimmer connection mechanism, the second member further
includes a cleat for attachment to a locking mechanism member;
wherein the fuselage further includes a rounded arrow shape and
may be smooth and also narrow as the sides meet; wherein each
propulsor includes a first propulsor member and a second propulsor
member, wherein the first propulsor wing member is pivotably and
foldably attached to the second propulsor member whereby the first
propulsor wing members folds back when released from the second
propulsor member; and wherein the second propulsor member is
attached to the fuselage.
In accordance with one aspect of the present invention, a swimming
propulsion device is disclosed. The device includes a fuselage
having a forward section and an aft section, at least one
propulsor pivotally connected to the forward section of the
fuselage, at least one stabilizer affixed to the aft section of
the fuselage, a swimmer connection mechanism removably attached to
the fuselage by a locking mechanism whereby the swimmer connection
mechanism connects a swimmer to the device, and a control
mechanism attached to the fuselage and the propulsor. The at least
one propulsor including at least two portions connected one to
another at a propulsor connection point adjacent to the fuselage
and wherein the two portions of the at least one propulsor fold
towards one another about the connection point and at least one
stabilizer including two portions connected one to another at a
stabilizer connection point adjacent to the fuselage and wherein
the two portions of the at least one stabilizer fold towards one
another about the stabilizer connection point.
Some embodiments of this aspect of the present invention may
include one or more of the following: wherein the locking
mechanism further includes a first member and a second member,
wherein the first member and second member removably mate by a
ball and pin mechanism; wherein the swimmer connection mechanism
further includes a first member, a second member, and a fastening
mechanism including a buckle and strap, wherein the first member
and second member are attached to one another by the latching
mechanism and wherein the first member and second member are
ergonomic to a swimmer's bottom leg; wherein the swimmer
connection mechanism further includes wherein the first member and
the second member include a hard layer and a foam layer; wherein,
in the swimmer connection mechanism, the second member further
includes a cleat for attachment to a locking mechanism member;
wherein the fuselage further includes a wedge shaped forward
section and a front edge, a top edge and bottom edge wherein the
front edge, the top edge, and the bottom edge are tapered and
wherein the forward section is positioned on a lower plane than
the aft section; wherein the fuselage further including a first
fuselage member and a second fuselage member wherein each of said
fuselage member connected to a propulsor member; wherein the
fuselage further includes a forward member and an aft member,
wherein the forward member and aft member are slidably connected
whereby the fuselage is adjustable in length; wherein each
propulsor includes a first propulsor member and a second
propulsor, member, wherein the first propulsor wing member is
releasably and foldably attached to the second propulsor member
whereby the first propulsor wing members folds back when released
from the second propulsor member; wherein the second propulsor
member is attached to the fuselage; wherein the swimmer connection
mechanism further comprising at least one housing for receiving a
swimmer's feet; and/or wherein the device further including a fin
attachment mechanism.
In accordance with one aspect of the present invention, a swimming
propulsion device is disclosed. The swimming propulsion device
includes a fuselage having a forward section and an aft section,
at least one propulsor pivotally connected to the forward section
of the fuselage, a swimmer connection mechanism removably attached
to the fuselage by a locking mechanism whereby the swimmer
connection mechanism connects a swimmer to the device, the swimmer
connection mechanism further including a first member, a second
member, and a fastening mechanism including a buckle and strap,
wherein the first member and second member are attached to one
another by the latching mechanism and wherein the first member and
second member are ergonomic to a swimmer's bottom leg and wherein
the at least one propulsor comprising at least two portions
connected one to another at a connection point adjacent to the
fuselage and wherein the two portions of the at least one
propulsor fold towards one another about the connection point.
In accordance with one aspect of the present invention, a swimming
propulsion device is disclosed. The swimming propulsion device
includes a fuselage having a forward section and an aft section,
at least one propulsor pivotably connected to the forward section
of the fuselage, a swimmer connection mechanism removably attached
to the fuselage by a locking mechanism whereby the swimmer
connection mechanism connects a swimmer to the device, the swimmer
connection mechanism further including a first member, a second
member, and a fastening mechanism including a buckle and strap,
wherein the first member and second member are attached to one
another by the latching mechanism and wherein the first member and
second member are ergonomic to a swimmer's bottom leg.
Some embodiments of this aspect of the present invention may
include one or more of the following: at least one stabilizer
affixed to the aft section of the fuselage; a control mechanism
installed within the propulsor and attached to the fuselage;
and/or wherein the second member further including a cleat for
attachment to a locking mechanism member.
Some embodiments of this aspect of the present invention may
include a control mechanism wherein the control mechanism
comprising a torsion bar having a distal end and a proximal end; a
torsion bar anchor fixed to the proximal end of the torsion bar;
and an internal structure within the propulsor member containing
the distal end of the torsion bar. The internal structure allows
for rotation of the distal end of the torsion bar and the torsion
bar anchor fixes the proximal end of the torsion bar in place.
In accordance with one aspect of the present invention, a method
for efficient swimming disclosed. The method includes unfolding a
propulsor; unfolding a stabilizer, attaching at least one cuff to
the bottom part of a swimmer's leg, adjusting the at least one
cuff using a buckle and strap mechanism, and removably attaching
the at least one cuff to a swimming propulsion device by an
attachment mechanism.
These aspects of the invention are not meant to be exclusive and
other features, aspects, and advantages of the present invention
will be readily apparent to those of ordinary. skill in the art
when read in conjunction with the appended claims and accompanying