Radiesthesia Patents
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EP 0838208
Abstract -- Device by energetics
affect to bio-object contains wire which is fixed on a substrate
as open-ended space spiraling curve, and wire, is representing by
not crossing coils, is located in spiral form, and the device is
supplied by the element for regulation of intensity by affect,
this element executed as closed electro-condactivity contour,
which is located with possibility to change its position
concerning space spiral-graphic curve. Space spiral-graphic curve
can be ellepes -graphic form, and closed contour - form curve,
located with a opportunity of turn and linear moving concerning
space spiral-graphic curve. The wire can be executed as
electro-conductiving cover, which is make up dielectric material.
The device can be supplied having by bio-energetics activity
chemical elements such as tellur, lantan, gadoliniy, vismut and
ets., which are located in a zone of wire arrangement.; The way of
valuation at efficiency device's work by energetic affect to
bio-object is concluded to measure conductivity of biologic
-active points by Foll's method at ten main points on each foot
and brush before and after affect, to determine for each points
its deviation from given significance, which is accepted 50+2
scale points of the device, thus repeated measurements
conductivity make after period of time, equal 1, 24 or 48 hours,
and the efficiency by affect is evaluate at size of deviations
conductivity is received by results its measurement after effect,
do not exceeding 40% from size of deviations conductivity,
received by results of its measurement befor the affect.
The invention concerns to the area of a medical engineering and is
intended for power effect to bio-object to protect its from
harmful radiation of a various nature and reduction in equilibrum
condition of its own energo-information field. Magnetic,
electrical, electro-magneting fildds of chemical substances,
radio-activ elements and other fields are varied in a time, can be
referred to harmful radiation fields.
There is known the device for neutralization earthly radiation,
containing combination of several coils, located on the general
basis consistently one by one at some distance (DE, 3304155, A61N
1/16 1984). This device provides partial suppression natural and
artificial radiation with electro-magnetic components.
There is known the device for elimination of effect radiation on
the ground surface which contain wire to be twisted as spiral
winding and bent on open-ended curve (DE, 3416157, A61N 1/16,
1986). This device acts as a receptive aerial and it is intended
for accommodation along the surface of the ground in residential
and industrial premises.
There is known the device for shielding or neutralisation from
undesirable effects of radiation or fields to bio-object,
containing the ring element which is formed by several coils of
open-ended wire, on which additional open-ended winds are located,
(DE, 3515307, A61N 1/16, 1986). This device neutralizate
undesirable radiation or fields by atmospheric and/or technical
origin, however does not provide total neutralisatino against
harmful fields in all range of frequencies.
There is known the device of constant protection of live
substances, especially the person, against dangerous radiation, is
containing the set of solenoids and adjustable capacities (FR,
2534142, A61N 1/16, 1984). The indicated device has primary use
only in roentgenologya.
There is known also the device of the energetics effect to
bioobject (DE, 3541480, A61N 1/16, 1987), accepted as prototip, in
which the effect is appears by creation of the energetics field,
in which the parameters are determined by a chosen geometry of the
form for main elements. Indicated device contains the conductor,
it is fixed on a substrate as an open-ended space spiral curve
with not intersecting coils. Despite of positive influence as a
whole, the device does not permit to create the energetics field
of sufficient efficiency and does not provide opportunity of
regulation its parameters.
There is known the way to appraise efficiency of affect, which
concluded to define the organizm's initial condition by Riodorac's
method i.e. there are compare results of measurements befor and
after influence is (Collection "Medic-technical aspects of
reflex-diagnostic and reflex-therapy", 1990, Harkov, page 19-21).
However, informable of this way is not large.
There is known the way to appraise efficiency of work by energetic
effect device to a bio-object which is occur with the help various
medical factores, which are realized with help of device.This way
consist of previously measure conductivity biologic-active points
by Foll's method at ten main points on each foot and brush and
then define for each of them initial significance the deviation
from given (the given significance is accepted 50+2 scale points
of the device), then repeatedly measure conductivity after effect
in those points and define the deviation from given significance.
Then it is compare both deviations for each of points and on their
difference is evaluate the efficiency of work by energetic effect
device (N.L.Lupichev, "Electropointing diagnostics, gomeo-therapy
and phenomenon faraction", 1990, Moscow, page 5-12). This way is
accepted as prototype.Shortcoming of the indicated way is that
particular criterion the valuation efficiency the device's work by
energetics affect to bio-object is not entered. In each particular
case the operator is based at installed by the Foll's technique to
tolerance range (it is determined as 50-60 scale points of the
The purpose of the invention is to increase of efficiency the
affect to a bio-object to have a possibility of regulation the
affect parameters and to have the continuous control of chosen
parameters, set by the device.
For it the device by energetics affect to bio-object (it contain
wire which is fixed on a substrate as an open-ended space
spiraling curve with not crossing coils), has the wire represent
as the space spiraling-curve coils, thus the device is supplied by
the element for regulation intensity of affect. This element
executed as closed electro-condactivity contour, which is located
with possibility to change its position concerning space
spiral-graphic curve. Space spiral-graphic curve can to have a
ellepes-graphic form. The wire can be executed as
electro-conductiving cover, which is make up dielectric material,
from which is executed space spiral-graphic curve. The closed
contour can to have curve form, located with opportunity of turn
and linear moving concerning space spiral-graphic curve.For
activization and the increases of efficiency the energetics field
of bio-object (which is under influenced), there are located
chemical elements in a zone of wire arrangement, there are
possession bioenergetics activity elements as tellur, lantan,
gadoliney, vismut and etc. To value at efficiency work of device
by energetics affect to bio-object is necessity: to measure
conductivity of biologic-active points by Foll's method at ten
main points on each foot and brush before and after affect; to
determine for each points its deviation from given significance
(the given significance is accepted 50+2 scale points of the
device); for each points to determine difference between
deviations which was received as result of measurements before and
after affect, about size of which can be judge about the
efficiency regarding impact, the measurements a conductivity make
after period of time, equal 1, 24 or 48 hours, was up, thus
efficiency by affect is evaluate at size of deviations
conductivity, is received by results its measurement after effect,
don't exceeding 40% from size of deviations conductivity, received
by results of its measurement befor the affect. At that it should
take into account, that the indications conductivity for bodies
with chronic illnesses tend to approximate the significance
initial deviation of conductivity during a time, as rule, don't be
exceeding 48 hours.

Essence of the invention is explains by the drawing, where is
shown a general sight of the device from above in Fig.1, Fig.2
shows variant of fulfillment space spiral-graphic curve in a
ellips form, Fig.3 shows fragment of the wire.
The device contains the wire (1), is executed as space
spiralgraphic curve with not crossing coils. The wire (1) is fixed
on substrate (2). The wire, was performance by coils space
spiral-graphic curve, is located in a spiral form (3). The element
(4) for regulation the intensity of affect is executed as closed
electro-conductive contour, in particular, as curve form, and is
located with opportunity of turn and linear moving relatively the
wire (in Fig.2 it is shown by arrows). In situation, shown in
Fig.2, element (4) can stop completely the device's functioning
and to reduce its affecting intensity to a zero. The wire can be
executed as electro-conductive cover, which is puting on
fielectric material, for example, as strap. The having
bio-energetic activity chemical elements (is not shown in drawing)
can be located on substrate (2) in zone of wire arrangement.As
such elements there are can be chosen tellur, lantan, gadoliney,
vismut and etc.
The device are using thus way. It is put up by substrate on
bioobject, in particular on the person body, to a place, indicated
by doctor in dependence was diagnose. At using the device it is
not required to take off clothes, but distance to body should not
exceed 30 cm.
The device, not containing bio-active chemical elements,
conditionally named Neutralizator, can be effectively used at
treatment illnesses, connected with inflammatory processes in
tissue, with increased of body or separate bodies temperature,
with sharp pain and etc.. In this cases the device is established
on the place of pain's display. A time to carry into effect of
session, quantity of sessions, intervals between them, duration
the rate of treatment, and also their periodicity are defined by
the doctor with view of efficiency of device's effect.
The device, containing located in zone of wire arrangement having
by bio-energetics activity chemical elements, conditionally named
the Activator, can be effectively used at illnesses, which are
stipulated by downturn vital tones, at lowered temperature of body
or separate bodies, at decrease of energetics level the own field
bio-object (person). Device - activator is established on the
place of pain's display. It is possible device establishing on
clothes or at a some distance, but not exceeding 20 cm. The time
of session effect, quantity of sessions, duration of treatment
rate and so on, are selected also by the doctor in view of
efficiency the device's effect.
Both the device - Neutralizator and the device - Activator can be
used to eliminate of influence harmful external radiation to
bioobject, which (radiation) is formed by radiation of household
and industrial equipment, by geo-photogen zones and other adverse
factors, which are determined by existence in environmental space
of radiation at very wide frequent range. For this the element to
be in regulation of intensity, must be displace from substrate not
less than 1 m. In this case the device can be used at mode of
continious work. At that the protective field is formed at radius
one or two meters around of the device and all environmental
bio-objects are protected against harmful radiation of factors are
listed above.This promotes restoration of harmony
energo-informatics the bio-objec's field with the environmental
world, it has wholesome effect to energetic resources of organism,
preventing occurrence functional and then organic illnesses, and
even eliminating them.
The valuation efficiency of the device's work by energetics effect
to bio-object is executed as follows.
There are previously measurements of conductivity biologic-active
points by Foll's method at patient, using for this ten main points
on each foot and brushes and define for each of them primary
deviation from given significance, which accept 50+2 scale points
of the device. Make impact, after which repeatedly measure
conductivity in those points later 1, 24, 48 hours after affect.
These data can be record in the table (see appendix). Define
deviation of each measured significance conductivity from given
for all points. Evaluate them in percentage with comparison
primary deviation before affect for each appropriate point. Think
duration and intensity by affect sufficient, if the significance
of deviation after affect does not exceed 40% from size of
deviation conductivity, received as results of its measurements up
to affect.
The invention permits with sufficient degree authenticity to
evaluate influence to bio-object of influencing energetics
factors, generated by device, that promotes execution the
healthfull and preventive actions with minimum costs.
Device permits to neutraliz harmful radiation by various nature,
promoting preservation energo-informatics system of bio-object,
also to maintenance it at optimum condition, activization and
restoration of exhausted energetics resources of organism.