Radiesthesia Patents
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Radiation emitter
It is claimed that animated or inanimate bodies emit a
characteristic invisible radiation, that the means used in
dowsing, such as the pendulum and the baquette, well known to the
waterfinders, make it possible to detect, to identify and measure.
Among these radiations, those emitted by the earth (electrical
vertical radiations, magnetic horizontal radiations) are
particularly substantial, and it is recognized that, especially
when they are radioactive (negative or positive) making the
pendulum gyrate very violently to the left right; they exert a
harmful action on living organisms which results especially in
faintnesses, states of tiredness, agitated sleep, and
predisposition to diseases.
Moreover, they impregnate and corrompent prematurely foods stored
in the gardemanger, which by their ingestion become a source of
Besides certain furniture and various objects can, being also
generating of harmful radiations.
The object of the present invention is a portable or static
transmitter of calculated radiations whose employment makes it
possible to neutralize the harmful action of the aforesaid harmful
The radiation emitter, following the invention, is composed of a
pedestal in a neutral material, such as cork, in the face of which
are embedded by one of its ends, two rollings up with turns
cylindrical and emerging with unequal lengths of the pedestal,
namely that one of these rollings up is very clamped, it is out of
steel, crossed by a brass stem fixing it at the pedestal, other
rolling up is out of brass; the turns which make it up are much
wider and more spaced. Its two wings thus formed, make an angle of
30 approximately.
Moreover, the pedestal out of cork and the two turns cylindrical,
are rolled up at the base of a paper regenerated cellulose known
under the denomination of cellophane whose bending is carried out
of a determined manner to obtain the desired radiations.
In order to avoid any stain or disturbance of the apparatus by
foreign bodies, the following radiation emitter the invention, is
preferably protected by a film of plastic transparent, in the
cylindrical shape of cap at domed bottom internally.
To protect it from. mechanical destruction, the transmitter,
following the invention, is placed in a resistant plastic housing:
wood or similar of which the studied waves (since any body erases)
take into consideration.
In order to in better knowing the features, the transmitter
apparatus, following the invention, will be described cidessous
while referring to the hereinafter-annexed drawing which
represents of it, as example, nonrestrictive, a prefered form of
The apparatus itself, comprises a cylindrical pedestal cork D, in
which are embedded by one of its ends, two cylindrical metallic
rollings up, one with clamped turns fi crossed by a brass H stem
which goes down again along these turns to go to fix the apparatus
in the pedestal, the other emerging from the cork pedestal and
forming a brass E rigid ranging obtained by only one wire, which,
after to be folded at its upper end, goes down again in spirals to
spaced apart, whose low end is attached in the block of cork.
These two rollings up different lengths, recall the shape of a V
attached on the cork pedestal, the two wings of this V are held
with suitable, corresponding spacing approximately with an angle
of 300.
The apparatus is protected stains by means of a cylindrical cap
consisted a film of plastic transparent C.
Lastly, to protect it from mechanical deteriorations, the
apparatus can be placed in a resistant housing, represented with.
1 B and provided with a cover A.
It was recognized that the apparatus described above, is a
powerful transmitter of calculated waves that it is enough to lay
out it at a place where the radiations of the basement are harmful
so that it neutralizes cellesci at the same time as their harmful
action, and reveals at this place, a favourable positive resulting
The transmitter apparatus of radiations, following the invention,
can be manufactured in different dimensions, its aotion
transmitting being all the more extent which its dimensions are
large. I1 can be conditioned to be useful like portable apparatus
or static apparatus of various forces; I1 showed its effectiveness
for the neutralization of the harmful waves due to currents and
subterranean water crossings, and it was noted that it equilibrium
the vital exchanges of the organism, reinforces the energy and
increases nervous tonicity. I. Use of the portable apparatus
appeared effective in all the momentary cases of faintnesses, such
as: seasickness, high blood pressure, states of tiredness,
insomnia, agitated sleep, dreams, nightmares, etc.
The effectiveness of the portable apparatus is exerted only when
one removes the cover of the protective housing, while the housing
of the static apparatus must, on the contrary, preferably to
remain closed.
A case particularly interesting of the emI law of the following
radiation emitter the invention, consists in the neutralization of
the harmful waves due to the existence in the basement, of faults,
of currents, crossings and vortexes of water. The neu- tralisation
of these harmful waves is obtained in pla çant the radiation
emitter plumb with the input, in local to immunize, of the
aforesaid subterranean water currents, while choosing of course, a
transmitter of power and of adequate size with the obtaining of
the neutralization.
The invention is not limited to the forms of execution described
above, and changes can be made to the form, with the
constitution, the number and the provision of the constituent
elements without leaving the frame the present patent, in so far
as these enhancements are compatible with the spirit of the