Anandasankar RAY, et al.
Mosquito Repellant
"The Kite™ uses our patent-pending
compounds that block mosquitoes’ ability to track humans for
up to 48 hours..."
[ viz., butanol, 2,3-butadiene, &
butanone, guava & citrus volatiles, &c. -- see the
patent excerpts below ]
July 16, 2013
Research Leads to Affordable
Technology to Fight Mosquito-borne Diseases
Iqbal Pittalwala
Discoveries from UC Riverside are the
foundation for Olfactor Labs to develop an easy-to-wear patch
that makes humans invisible to mosquitoes
RIVERSIDE, Calif. — Technology that hampers mosquitoes’
host-seeking behavior, identified at the University of California,
Riverside in 2011, has led to the development of the world’s first
product that blocks mosquitoes’ ability to efficiently detect
carbon dioxide, their primary method of tracking human blood
The initial research was performed in the laboratory of
Anandasankar Ray, an associate professor of entomology, and was
featured on the cover of the journal Nature. Ray’s lab
identified volatile odor molecules that can impair, if not
completely disrupt, mosquitoes’ carbon dioxide detection
The intellectual property was licensed to Olfactor Laboratories
Inc., a company that grew around the technology, expanded the
research, filed additional patents, and developed related
technologies that led to the mosquito-warding product.
Called the Kite Mosquito Patch, the product marks a significant
advancement in the global fight against mosquito-borne diseases
such as malaria, West Nile virus and dengue fever. The patch
delivers mosquito-repelling compounds in a simple, affordable and
scalable sticker that can be used by individuals in regions
impacted by malaria and other mosquito-borne diseases.
“UCR is committed to strengthening and expanding its ties with
industry partners,” said Michael Pazzani, the vice chancellor for
research and economic development. “Olfactor Laboratories
Inc. is a great example of how UCR innovations result in new
industries, which, in turn, lead to the development of products
impacting the lives of people around the globe.”
Simple and affordable, Kite is a colorful sticker, small enough to
be worn virtually without notice. It disburses the non-toxic
compounds that provide individuals with up to 48 hours of
protection from mosquitoes. Estimated to cost a fraction of
existing repellents, Kite is applied to clothing and can be used
by people of all ages, including infants and pregnant mothers.
“I am very excited to see how Olfactor Labs has rapidly taken our
initial discovery to a product that can have great value in the
war against mosquitoes and disease,” Ray said. “I am most
impressed that they have designed something affordable and
convenient for use in Africa and around the world. I am rooting
for this to become a game changer in lowering instance of malaria,
dengue, filariasis and other dangerous diseases.”
Kite’s technology is the culmination of years of development work
on a class of odor molecules, all of which are non-toxic compounds
approved for human consumption by the U.S. Food and Drug
“The Kite Mosquito Patch isn’t just another mosquito product, but
a powerful alternative to most products on the market, enabling
people to live normal lives with a new level of protection against
contracting mosquito-borne diseases,” said Michelle Brown, the
chief scientist and vice president of Olfactor Laboratories, Inc.
Initial funding for the technology came to Ray’s lab from the Bill
and Melinda Gates Foundation and the National Institutes of
Health. Olfactor Laboratories Inc. has funding from the
National Institute of Health, agreements with the Walter Reed Army
Institute for Research and the U.S. Department of Agriculture to
test a range of technologies developed at the company relating to
mosquito and other vector insects. The Kite Mosquito Patch
is one of a number of new products with the ‘Kite’ product family,
all of which use non-toxic compounds to repel, kill or lure vector
“Kite will provide a new level of protection to, for example,
children in Uganda, for the elderly in Mali, and hikers in Seattle
or Sarasota seeking a safer, socially responsible solution,” said
Grey Frandsen, project lead and chief marketing officer at
Innovation Economy Crowd (ieCrowd), a crowd-powered platform aimed
at transforming innovations into solutions. Olfactor Laboratories
Inc. is an ieCrowd company.
The first Kite Mosquito Patches will be tested in districts of
Uganda hardest hit by malaria. In 2010 an estimated 219 million
cases of malaria occurred worldwide and 660,000 people died, 91
percent in the African Region.
Development of a novel class of spatial, non-insecticidal insect
repellents that manipulates the primary mechanism used in
host-seeking is underway at Olfactor Laboratories, Inc. (OLI), an
ieCrowd Company. Blood-feeding insects such as mosquitoes, which
spread malaria, dengue and filariasis, track their prey through
carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in breath using their olfactory
neurons (sense of smell). Researchers from the University of
California, Riverside (UCR) demonstrated in the internationally
renowned scientific journal Nature (2011) that the CO2 receptor in
mosquito can be activated or inhibited by small molecules. After
licensing this technology from UCR, OLI has generated its own
patent-pending library of compounds that activate or inhibit the
carbon dioxide receptor neuron. This patent-pending technology,
which is supported by the National Institute of Health, represents
a revolutionary paradigm shift in the war against vector insects
and the diseases they transmit.
With the ability to activate as well as inhibit the CO2 receptor
with small molecules, OLI is focused on two separate applications
to be utilized in vector control:
1) Development of spatial, non-insecticidal repellents that will
block the ability of the insect to sense CO2.
2) Development of cost-effective, efficient lures that will mimic
CO2 for use in surveillance traps.
Due to our stringent safety profile prescreening process, OLI
active ingredients for non-insecticidal repellents and CO2 mimics
are approved for use by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
as flavors and fragrances. Many of these active ingredients are
highly aromatic which will allow greater flexibility for use in
delivery devices, making our products amenable for use throughout
the world.
kitepatch.com doesn't acknowledge the inventor :
[ Excerpts ]
The disclosure provides methods and compositions for modifying
psyllid behavior. In addition, the disclosure provides methods and
volatile odorants useful for repelling or attracting psyllids.
[0002] The disclosure provides compounds useful as insect
repellents and compositions comprising such repellents. The
disclosure further provides compounds useful as insect attractants
and compositions comprising such attractants. The disclosure
further provides compounds useful as insect traps.
[0003] Numerous insects are vectors for disease. Mosquitoes in the
genus Anopheles are the principle vectors of malaria, a disease
caused by protozoa in the genus Trypanosoma. Aedes aegypti is the
main vector of the viruses that cause Yellow fever and Dengue.
Other viruses, the causal agents of various types of encephalitis,
are also carried by Aedes spp. mosquitoes. Wuchereria bancrofti
and Brugia malayi, parasitic roundworms that cause filariasis, are
usually spread by mosquitoes in the genera Culex, Mansonia, and
[0004] Horse flies and deer flies may transmit the bacterial
pathogens of tularemia (Pasteurella tularensis) and anthrax
(Bacillus anthracis), as well as a parasitic roundworm (Loa loa)
that causes loiasis in tropical Africa.
[0005] Eye gnats in the genus Hippelates can carry the spirochaete
pathogen that causes yaws (Treponema pertenue), and may also
spread conjunctivitis (pinkeye). Tsetse flies in the genus
Glossina transmit the protozoan pathogens that cause African
sleeping sickness (Trypanosoma gambiense and T. rhodesiense). Sand
flies in the genus Phlebotomus are vectors of a bacterium
(Bartonella bacilliformis) that causes Carrion's disease (oroyo
fever) in South America. In parts of Asia and North Africa, they
spread a viral agent that causes sand fly fever (pappataci fever)
as well as protozoan pathogens (Leishmania spp.) that cause
[0006] Most blood feeding insects, including mosquitoes,
sandflies, Testse flies, use olfactory cues to identify human
hosts. This group of hematophagous insects can transmit a wide
assortment of deadly human diseases that together cause more
suffering and deaths globally than any other disease condition.
Diseases transmitted by such insects include malaria, dengue
fever, yellow fever, West Nile virus, filariasis, river blindness,
epidemic polyarthritis, Leshmaniasis, trypanosomiasis, Japanese
encephalitis, St.Louis Encephalitis amongst others.
[0007] The olfactory system can detect and discriminate amongst an
extremely large number of volatile compounds in the environment,
and this is critical for important behaviors like finding hosts,
finding food, finding mates, and avoiding predators. To detect
this wide variety of volatiles, most organisms have evolved
extremely large families of receptor genes that typically encode
7-transmembrane proteins expressed in the olfactory neurons.
Little is known, however, about what structural characteristics of
small volatile molecules are important for behavior modification.
The predicted odors provided herein are able to manipulate the
olfactory-based behavior of an organism by making use of
computationally identified important structural characteristics.
[0008] Volatile chemical space is immense. Odors in the
environment that have been catalogued in some plant sources alone
number more than a couple thousand. A very small proportion of
chemical space has been systematically tested for the ability to
modify behavior, and a very small fraction of odor receptors,
whose sequences are known, have been tested for their ability to
be affected by behavior modifying odors. The complete 3-D
structures of odor receptor proteins have not yet been determined,
thus modeling of odor- protein interactions is not yet possible
except in rare instances. Furthermore, were a 3-D receptor
structure to become available, application of one odor-receptor
interaction to study others may be confounded by the possibility
of multiple ligand binding sites in a single receptor, as well as
the sequence divergence amongst different odor receptors. The
disclosure was identified by intelligent and rapid screening of
untested volatile chemical space through computational
identification of important characteristics shared between known
behavior modifying compounds, circumventing many of the previously
described obstacles. Additionally, one can screen potential odors
for toxicological safety. The disclosure has been used to identify
molecular features important in mosquito avoidance. The identified
features were then used to screen a vast chemical space,
predicting odors that interrupt host- seeking behavior.
[0009] Several repellent compounds have been identified to date.
These compounds range from naturally occurring extracts to
commercially manufactured compounds. The degree of protection,
duration of protection, and safety of these odors varies greatly.
The gold standard of these compounds generally considered DEET.
[0010] DEET (N,N-diethyl-3-methylbenzamide) has been used for
insect repellency for over 50 years. Protection is generally
provided by direct application to the skin in concentrations
ranging from 3 to 100 percent (Household products database of
NLM). While results vary across experiments, DEET has been shown
to act as an irritant and in some cases may cause skin reactions.
In a recent study DEET has also just recently been shown to
inhibit acetylcholinesterase in humans, which is an important
neurotransmitter. DEET is also known to dissolve several products
including certain plastics, synthetic fabrics, painted or
varnished surfaces. How DEET is detected by arthropods is
currently unknown. Several candidate methods have been proposed,
but sufficient evidence that any of these methods is the direct
avoidance-inducing pathway has not been demonstrated. As an
example, it has been demonstrated that Culex quinquefasciatus are
able to directly detect DEET through a short trichoid sensillum in
a dose dependent manner. It has also been proposed that Drosophila
are able to detect DEEN through gustatory receptors. It is
possible that mosquitoes recognize this compound through a
combination of olfactory and gustatory pathways.
[0011] Several other terpenoid compounds with repellent properties
including thujone, eucalyptol, and linalool have also been
identified. These compounds were shown to directly activate a
trichoid sensillum housed odor receptor, which is also activated
by DEET, only more strongly than DEET itself.
[0012] Icaridin, which is also called picaridine, is also used as
an insect repellent.
Similarly to DEET it acts as a repellent to several
different insect species. Icaridin has the added benefit of not
melting plastics. It has been found to be as effective as DEET at
repelling insects, while being less irritating than DEET.
[0031] The disclosure further provides an arthropod repelling
composition including two or more compounds listed in Table 1; two
or more compounds listed in the Table 2; or two or more compounds
selected from the group consisting of methyl N,N-dimethyl
anthranilate, ethyl anthranilate, butyl anthranilate, or
2,3-dimethyl-5-isobutyl pyrizine. In some embodiments, the
repelling composition is formulated as a lotion, cream, dust,
cosmetic, perfume, spray, paste, slow-release granule, paint,
treated clothing, treated netting, treated building material, or
incense. In some embodiments, the arthropod is an insect. In some
embodiments, the arthropod is of the order Diptera. In some
embodiments, the arthropod is of the genus Drosophila. In some
embodiments, the arthropod is a mosquito. In some embodiments, the
mosquito is of the species Aedes aegypti.
Compounds and Compositions for Insect Repellents, Masking
Agents, and Traps
[0081] The disclosure provides methods for identifying and the
identified compositions of volatile odorants that modulate the
electrophysiological response of neuron in various insect disease
vectors including Drosophila melanogaster, Culex quinquefasciatus,
An. gambiae and Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. In some embodiments, the
odorants can completely inhibit the electrophysiological response
of the neuron at very low concentrations.
[0087] In some embodiments, the repelling composition includes two
or more compounds listed in Table 1; two or more compounds listed
in the Table 2; or two or more compounds selected from the group
consisting of methyl [N,N-dimethyl anthranilate, ethyl
anthranilate, butyl anthranilate, or 2,3-dimethyl-5-isobutyl
[ Excerpts ]
[0002] The disclosure relates methods and compositions for
attracting and repelling psyllids, such as, for example, Asian
Citrus Psyllids (ACPs), and inhibiting the spread of Huanglongbing
disease in plants and trees.
[0003] Citrus greening, also called Huanglongbing (HLB) or yellow
dragon disease, is a disease of citrus. This bacterial disease is
thought to have originated in China in the early 1900's. The
disease is primarily spread by two species of psyllid insects. One
species, the Asian citrus psyllid, Diaphorina citri, has been
present in Florida since 1998. The bacteria that cause HLB itself
are not harmful to humans but the disease is damaging to the
citrus crops. There are three strains of the bacteria: an Asian
version, an African version, and a recently described American
strain discovered in Brazil.
[0004] The Asian strain, Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus, was
found in Florida in early September, 2005. As a result, HLB is
becoming a major threat to the U.S. citrus industry. Other than
tree removal, there are no known effective controls once a tree is
infected and there has been no known cure for the disease.
Infected trees may produce misshapen, unmarketable, bitter fruit.
HLB reduces the quantity and quality of citrus fruits, eventually
rendering infected trees useless. In areas of the world affected
by HLB the average productive lifespan of citrus trees has dropped
from 50 or more years to 15 or less. The trees in the orchards
usually die 3-5 years after becoming infected and require removal
and replanting. An infected tree produces fruit that is unsuitable
for sale as fresh fruit or for juice.
[0005] Citrus plants infected by the HLB bacteria may not show
symptoms for years following infection. Initial symptoms
frequently include the appearance of yellow shoots on a tree. As
the bacteria move within the tree, the entire canopy progressively
develops a yellow color.
[0006] The most characteristic symptoms of HLB are a blotchy leaf
mottle and vein yellowing that develop on leaves attached to
shoots, providing the overall yellow appearance. These foliar
symptoms may superficially resemble a zinc deficiency although the
green and yellow contrast is not as vivid with greening as it is
with zinc deficiency or another disease, citrus variegated
chlorosis. Leaves with HLB have a mottled appearance that differs
from nutrition-related mottling in that greening-induced mottling
usually crosses leaf veins. Nutrition related mottles usually are
found between or along leaf veins and leaves may be small and
[0007] Fruit from diseased trees are small, often misshapen, and
typically some green color remains on ripened fruit. On Mandarin
orange, fruit may develop an uneven ripening such that they appear
half orange and half yellow. This symptom is the origin of the
common name "greening." Yields are almost minimal, and any
developed fruit is rendered worthless due to small size, poor
color, and bad taste.
[0008] Among the volatiles released by guava and garlic chive
leaves that induce repellence to ACP, dimethyl disulfide (DMDS)
has been assayed in a small plot field trial and led to reduction
in ACP densities for up to three weeks. This field trial was
performed on an low psyllid density area (average: 3-4 ACP/10
trees) and resulted in only 65% reduction in ACP densities which
indicates DMDS treatment may not be effective as a repellent to
effectively control ACP in citrus plantations. Additionally, DMDS
has strong and unpleasant odor and its toxic effect (DMDS-MSDS)
may also preclude deployment of DMDS in citrus producing areas.
[0009] Methyl salicylate is another compound that has been
identified as both an ACP attractant and repellent. Methyl
salicylate is a chemical released in high amounts by citrus plants
under physical stress, leading to ACP repellency in laboratory
behavioral assays. On the other hand, at lower concentration ACP
is attracted to it in lab behavior assays. It is not known whether
this compound will serve as an attractant or repellent in the
field. [0010] Therefore, there is a need for psyllid (e.g. , Asian
Citrus Psyllid) trapping, repelling, and control agents that are
environmentally safe, inexpensive, and usable in conjunction with
other control methods. This is the object of the methods disclosed
[0011] The disclosure provides a comprehensive set of odor
receptor neuron ligands for the psyllid set forth in the tables
[0012] The disclosure provides an insect repellent comprising: a
compound selected from the group consisting of a selected citrus
volatile, a selected guava volatile, a selected synthetic
compound, and any combination thereof. In one embodiment, the
citrus volatile is selected from the group consisting of Sabinene,
a-Humulene, [beta]-Caryophyllene, ([Epsilon])-[beta]- Ocimene,
Myrcene, Terpinolene, a-Terpinol, p-Cymene, [delta]-3-Carene,
Octanal, E-2-Hexenal, Limonene (+), [gamma]-Terpinene, Citral,
Citronellal, Limonene (-), Acetic Acid, Pentyl Acetate,
Acetophenone, Isobutyl Acetate, 3-Methyl- l-Butanol, 1-Hexanol,
Ethyl Butyrate, Dipropyldisulfide, (Z)-2-Hexanol, Propionic acid,
(+)-Carvone, Methyl Butyrate, a- Terpinene, Nonanal, and
(Z)-3-Hexen- l-ol. In another embodiment, the guava volatile is
selected from the group consisting of (Z)-3-Hexenal, Benzaldehyde,
and (E,E)-2,4- Hexadienal. In yet another embodiment, the
synthetic compound is selected from the group consisting of Methyl
Salicylate and Isobutyric Acid. In further embodiments, the insect
repellent or ligand is formulated as a lotion, a cream, a spray or
a dust. In yet a further embodiment, the insect repellent or
ligand comprises a vaporizer, a treated mat, treated outerwear, an
oil, a candle, or a wicked apparatus.
[0013] The disclosure also provides an insect trap comprising a
compound selected from the group consisting of a citrus volatile,
a guava volatile, a synthetic compound, and any combination
thereof. In one embodiment, the citrus volatile is selected from
the group consisting of Sabinene, a-Humulene,
[beta]-Caryophyllene, (E)-P-Ocimene, Myrcene, Terpinolene,
a-Terpinol, p-Cymene, [delta]-3-Carene, Octanal, E-2-Hexenal,
Limonene (+), [gamma]- Terpinene, Geranial (Syn. Citral),
Citronellal, Limonene (-), Acetic Acid, Pentyl Acetate,
Acetophenone, Isobutyl Acetate, 3-Methyl- l-Butanol, 1-Hexanol,
Ethyl Butyrate, Dipropyldisulfide, (Z)-2-Hexanol, Propionic acid,
(+)-Carvone, Methyl Butyrate, a- Terpinene, Nonanal, and
(Z)-3-Hexen- l-ol. In another embodiment, the guava volatile is
selected from the group consisting Z-3-Hexenal, Benzaldehyde, and
(E,E)-2,4-Hexadienal. In yet another embodiment, the synthetic
compound is selected from the group consisting of Methyl
Salicylate and Isobutyric Acid. In various other embodiments, the
insect trap comprises a trapping agent emitted from vaporizers,
treated mats, treated pods, absorbed material, cylinders, oils,
candles, wicked apparatus, fans, within or near trap entrances. In
yet another embodiment, of the insect trap the trapping agent is a
liquid source that can evaporate to form vapors within or near
trap entrances. In another embodiment, the insect trap is suction
based, light based, electric current based.
[0014] The disclosure also provides a method of repelling an
insect pest, comprising applying to an object, in an amount effect
to repel said insect pest, a compound identified herein.
[0015] The disclosure also provides a method of repelling
psyllids, comprising applying to an object a compound selected
form the group consisting of a citrus volatile, a guava volatile,
a natural volatile, a synthetic volatile, and any combination
thereof. In one embodiment, the psyllid comprises the Asian Citrus
Psyllid. In another embodiment, the psyllid comprises the Asian
Citrus Psyllid Diaphorina citri. In another embodiment, the object
is a citrus plant. In another embodiment, the repellant is applied
to a citrus plant. In another embodiment, the applying comprises
application of the repellant to an article, which article is
suspended on a citrus plant.
[0016] The disclosure provides for a method of attracting a
psyllid comprising exposing the psyllid with an attracting
composition comprising one or more compounds listed in Table 1.
The disclosure also provides for a method of attracting a psyllid
comprising exposing the psyllid with a psyllid attracting
composition comprising two or more compounds each independently
selected from the group consisting of a C10-C15 terpene; a C10-C15
terpenoid; a C6-C8 alcohol; a C5-C7 ester; a C7-C10 compound
containing an aromatic ring; a C6-C10 aldehyde; a C5-C8 ketone;
and a S2-S3, C6 sulfur compound. In some embodiments, the
attracting composition comprises two or more compounds listed in
Table 1. In other embodiments the attracting composition comprises
p-cymene, ethyl butyrate, and myrcene. In other embodiments, the
attracting composition comprises acetophenone, p-cymene, ethyl
butyrate, and myrcene. In other embodiments the attracting
composition comprises one or more compounds selected from the
group consisting of myrcene, [delta]-3-carene, terpinolene,
[beta]-caryophyllene, [alpha]-humulene, and D- limonene. In other
embodiments, the attracting composition comprises [delta]-3-carene
and terpinolene. In other embodiments, the attracting composition
comprises (E)^-ocimene, [beta]- caryophyllene, and cc-humulene. In
other embodiments, the attracting composition comprises
[delta]-3-carene, terpinolene, [beta]-caryophyllene, and
cc-humulene. In other embodiments, the attracting composition
comprises myrcene, [delta]-3-carene, (E)^-ocimene, and D-limonene.
In other embodiments, the attracting composition comprises
myrcene, [delta]- 3-carene, terpinolene, (E)^-ocimene,
[beta]-caryophyllene, cc-humulene, and D-limonene. In other
embodiments, the psyllid attracting composition comprises a vapor,
and wherein the vapor is emitted from a vaporizer, treated mat,
treated pod, absorbed material, cylinder, oil, candle, wicked
apparatus, or fan. In other embodiments, the psyllid attracting
composition comprises a liquid, and wherein the liquid evaporates
to a vapor within or near a psyllid trap entrance. In other
embodiments, the exposing the psyllid with the psyllid attracting
composition is carried out using suction, light, an electric
current, or any combination thereof. In other embodiments, the
psyllid is an Asian Citrus Psyllid (Diaphorina citri), an African
Citrus Psyllid (Trioz erytreae), a Pear Psyllid (Cacopsylla
(Psylla) pyri), a Carrot Psyllid (Trioza apicalis), a Potato
Psyllid (Bactericera (Paratrioza) cockerelli), and a psyllid of
the family Psyllidae (Hemiptera). In other embodiments, the
psyllid is an Asian Citrus Psyllid (Diaphorina citri). The
disclosure also provides for an insect attractant composition
comprising any compound disclosed above. In some embodiments, the
insect attractant composition further comprises one or more
compounds selected from the group consisting of (+)-carvone;
1-hexanol; and nonanal.
[0017] The disclosure also provides for a method of repelling a
psyllid comprising exposing the psyllid with a psyllid repelling
composition comprising one or more compounds each independently
selected from the group consisting of a C4-C6 diketone; a C4
lactone; a C8-15 ester; a C2-C5 carboxylic acid; a C2-6 amine; and
a C5-C6, N1-N2 heterocycle. In some embodiments, the psyllid
repelling composition comprises one or more compounds selected
from the group consisting of perillaldehyde; ethyl hexanoate; n-
octyl acetate; isobutyric acid; propionic acid; acetic acid;
pentanoic acid; 2,3-butanedione; [beta]-butyrolactone;
N-methylpiperidine; dimethyl amine; putrescine dihydrochloride;
hexylamine; pentylamine; pyridine; (+)-carvone; 1-hexanol; and
nonanal. In other embodiments, the psyllid repelling composition
comprises one or more compounds selected from the group consisting
of (+)-carvone; 1-hexanol; and nonanal. In other embodiments,
wherein the psyllid repelling composition comprises one or more
compounds selected from the group consisting of hexylamine,
pentylamine, pyridine, 2-phenylethanamine, and dimethylamine. In
other embodiments, wherein the psyllid repelling composition
comprises one or more compounds selected from the group consisting
of acetic acid and propionic acid. In other embodiments, wherein
the psyllid repelling composition comprises one or more compounds
selected from the group consisting of hexylamine, pentylamine,
pyridine, 2-phenylethanamine, dimethylamine, acetic acid, and
propionic acid. In other embodiments, the psyllid repelling
composition comprises one or more compounds selected from the
group consisting of perillaldehyde; ethyl hexanoate; n-octyl
acetate; isobutyric acid; propionic acid; acetic acid; pentanoic
acid; 2,3-butanedione; [beta]-butyrolactone; N- methylpiperidine;
dimethyl amine; putrescine dihydrochloride; hexylamine;
pentylamine; and pyridine; and one or more compounds selected from
the group consisting of (+)- carvone; 1-hexanol; and nonanal. In
other embodiments, the psyllid repelling composition is formulated
as a lotion, cream, spray, or dust. In other embodiments, the
exposing the psyllid with the psyllid repelling composition is
carried out using a vaporizer, a treated mat, treated outerwear,
an oil, a candle, or a wicked apparatus. In other embodiments, the
exposing the psyllid with the psyllid repelling composition
comprises applying to an object an effective amount of the psyllid
repelling composition to repel the psyllid. In other embodiments,
the exposing comprises applying the psyllid repelling composition
on or near a plant. In other embodiments, the exposing comprises
applying the psyllid repelling composition to an article, and
wherein the article is suspended on a citrus plant. In other
embodiments, the psyllid is an Asian Citrus Psyllid (Diaphorina
citri), an African Citrus Psyllid (Trioza erytreae), a Pear
Psyllid (Cacopsylla (Psylla) pyri), a Carrot Psyllid (Trioza
apicalis), a Potato Psyllid (Bactericera (Paratrioza) cockerelli),
and a psyllid of the family Psyllidae (Hemiptera). In other
embodiments, the psyllid is an Asian Citrus Psyllid {Diaphorina
citri). The disclosure also provides for an insect repellant
composition comprising a compound of any one of above compounds.
In some embodiments, the insect repellant composition comprises
one or more compounds selected from the group consisting of
(+)-carvone; 1-hexanol; and nonanal.
[0003] Numerous insects are vectors for disease. Mosquitoes in the
genus Anopheles are the principle vectors of malaria, a disease
caused by protozoa in the genus Trypanosoma . Aedes aegypti is the
main vector of the viruses that cause Yellow fever and Dengue.
Other viruses, the causal agents of various types of encephalitis,
are also carried by Aedes spp. mosquitoes. Wuchereria bancrofti
and Brugia malayi, parasitic roundworms that cause filariasis, are
usually spread by mosquitoes in the genera Culex, Mansonia, and
Anopheles .
[0004] Horse flies and deer flies may transmit the bacterial
pathogens of tularemia (Pasteurella tularensis) and anthrax
(Bacillus anthracis) , as well as a parasitic roundworm (Loa loa)
that causes loiasis in tropical Africa.
[0005] Eye gnats in the genus Hippelates can carry the spirochaete
pathogen that causes yaws (Treponema pertenue) , and may also
spread conjunctivitis (pinkeye) . Tsetse flies in the genus
Glossma transmit the protozoan pathogens that cause African
sleeping sickness (Trypanosoma gambiense and T. rhodesiense) .
Sand flies in the genus Phlebotomus are vectors of a bacterium
(Bartonella bacilli formis) that causes Carrion's disease (oroyo
fever) in South America. In parts of Asia and North Africa, they
spread a viral agent that causes sand fly fever (pappataci fever)
as well as protozoan pathogens (Leishmania spp.) that cause
Leishmaniasis .
[0006] The disclosure provides an insect repellent comprising: a
compound selected from the group consisting of a 4 to 6 carbon
aldehyde, a 5 to 8 carbon alcohol, a 3 to 8 carbon mono- or di-
ketone, and any combination thereof. In one embodiment, the 4 to 6
carbon aldehyde is selected from the group consisting of butanal,
penatanal, and hexanal . In another embodiment, the 5 to 8
carbon alcohol is selected from the group consisting pentanol,
hexanol, cyclohexanol, Z3-hexen-l-ol, Z2-hexen-l-ol,
l-hexen-3-ol, 1-hepten- 3-ol, 3-hexanol, and 2-hexanol. In a
further embodiment, the 3 to 8 carbon mono- or di-ketones is
selected from a butanedione (2,3- butanedione) and
pentanedione . In a specific embodiment, the compound is 2,
3-butanedione . The compound may be formulated into a replellent
for topical application such as in the form of a lotion, cream,
spray or dust. In another embodiment, the repellent comprises a
vaporizer, a treated mat, treated outerwear, an oil, a candle, or
a wicked apparatus.
[0007] The disclosure also provides an insect trap comprising a
compound selected from the group consisting of a 4 to 6 carbon
aldehyde, a 5 to 8 carbon alcohol, a 3 to 8 carbon mono- or di-
ketone, and any combination thereof. In one embodiment, the 4 to 6
carbon aldehyde is selected from the group consisting of butanal,
penatanal, and hexanal. In another embodiment, the 5 to 8 carbon
alcohol is selected from the group consisting pentanol, hexanol,
cyclohexanol, Z3-hexen-l-ol, Z2-hexen-l-ol, l-hexen-3-ol,
1-hepten- 3-ol, 3-hexanol, and 2-hexanol. In a further embodiment,
the 3 to 8 carbon mono- or di-ketones is selected from a
butanedione (2,3- butanedione) and pentanedione.
[0008] The disclosure also provides a method of repelling an
insect pest, comprising applying to a subject, in an amount effect
to repel said insect pest, a compound selected from the group
consisting of a 4 to 6 carbon aldehyde, a 5 to 8 carbon alcohol, a
3 to 8 carbon mono- or di-ketone, and any combination thereof. In
one embodiment, the 4 to 6 carbon aldehyde is selected from the
group consisting of butanal, penatanal, and hexanal. In another
embodiment, the 5 to 8 carbon alcohol is selected from the group
consisting pentanol, hexanol, cyclohexanol, Z3-hexen-l-ol,
Z2-hexen-1-ol, l-hexen-3-ol, l-hepten-3-ol, 3-hexanol, and
2-hexanol. In a further embodiment, the 3 to 8 carbon mono- or
di-ketones is selected from a butanedione (2, 3-butanedione) and
pentanedione . [0009] The disclosure also provides a method of
repelling an insect pest, comprising applying to a subject an
active compound in an amount effective to repel the insect pest;
wherein said insect pest is selected from the group consisting of
flies and mosquitoes; and wherein the compound is selected from
the group consisting of a 4 to 6 carbon aldehyde, a 5 to 8 carbon
alcohol, a 3 to 8 carbon mono- or di-ketone, and compositions
comprising any combination thereof .
[0010] The disclosure provides a method of repelling mosquitoes,
comprising applying to a subject an effective amount of a
repellant comprising a compound selected from the group consisting
of a 4 to 6 carbon aldehyde, a 5 to 8 carbon alcohol, and a 3 to 8
carbon mono- or di-ketone.
[0011] In various embodiments of the disclosure a subject can be
treated with the repellent of the disclosure. In some embodiment,
the subject is a human. In other embodiment, the subject is a
domesticated or livestock animal. The methods and compositions of
the disclosure can be used to modify the CO2 homing activity of
mosquitoes or repel mosquitoes. The mosquitoes can be selected
from the group consisting of Tiger mosquitoes, Aedes aboriginis,
Aedes Aegypti, Aedes, albopictus, Aedes cantator, Aedes
sierrensis, Aedes sollicitans, Aedes squamiger, Aedes sticticus,
Aedes vexans, Anopheles quadrimaculatus, Culex pipiens, and Culex
quinquefaxciatus .
[0035] The disclosure provides a class of volatile odorants that
can inhibit the electrophysiological response of the CO2 neuron in
various insect disease vectors including Drosophila melanogaster,
Culex qumquefasciatus, An. gambiae and Aedes aegypti mosquitoes.
In some embodiment, the odorants can completely inhibit the
electrophysiological response of the CO2 neuron at very low
concentrations .
[0050] The compounds and compositions of the disclosure can be
used as antagonist to mask the chemoattractant activity of CO2.
The compounds and compositions can be used as attractants alone or
in combination with an insecticide, trap, or other mechanical,
electrical or chemical that kills the insect or prevents its
escape . [0051] Compounds useful in the methods, compositions and
devices of the disclosure include, but are not limited to, 4 to 6
carbon aldehydes (e.g., butanal, penatanal, hexanal) , 5 to 8
carbon alcohols (e.g., pentanol, hexanol, cyclohexanol,
Z3-hexen-l-ol, Z2- hexen-1-ol, l-hexen-3-ol, l-hepten-3-ol,
3-hexanol, 2-hexanol and the like), and 3 to 8 carbon mono- or
di-ketones (e.g., butanedione (2, 3-butanedione) , pentanedione
and the like) . Additional related compounds having similar
structure can be assayed using the methods described herein to
determine if they have antagonistic effects or agonistic effects.
For example, compounds having 2-8 carbon atoms and an aldehyde,
ketone or alcohol can be assayed using electrophysiology
measurement described herein.
0060] The volatile compounds of the disclosure have masking and
repellant effects by impairing the ability to find a host via
long-range cues from CO2 plumes emitted from human breath will be
exploited to protect larger area. [0061] The disclosure provides a
method of controlling insect attraction to a subject, the method
comprising the step of inhibiting gustatory receptor activation
(e.g., CO2 sensing gustatory receptors) in the insect or
overstimulating the receptor with an antagonist (or a combination
of antagonists) selected from the group consisting of 4 to 6
carbon aldehydes (e.g., butanal, penatanal, hexanal) , 5 to 8
carbon alcohols (e.g., pentanol, hexanol, cyclohexanol,
Z3-hexen-l-ol, Z2-hexen-l-ol, l-hexen-3-ol, l-hepten-3-ol,
3-hexanol, 2-hexanol and the like) , and 3 to 8 carbon mono- or
di-ketones (e.g., butanedione (2, 3-butanedione) , pentanedione
and the like) , wherein inhibiting expression alters insect
responsiveness to carbon dioxide, thereby controlling insect
attraction to the subject.
[0062] In one embodiment, the gustatory receptor is Gr21a, Gr63a,
or a homologue or ortholog thereof, or a combination thereof. In
another embodiment, the gustatory receptor is GPRgr22, GPRgr24, or
a homologue thereof, or a combination thereof
[0063] In another embodiment, this disclosure provides a method of
inhibiting, preventing or reducing the incidence of insect-borne
disease in a subject, the method comprising the step of
overstimulating or antagonizing a CO2 receptor in an insect with a
compounds or combination of compounds selected from the group
consisting of 4 to 6 carbon aldehydes (e.g., butanal, penatanal,
hexanal), 5 to 8 carbon alcohols (e.g., pentanol, hexanol,
cyclohexanol, Z3-hexen-l-ol, Z2-hexen-l-ol, l-hexen-3-ol,
l-hepten- 3-ol, 3-hexanol, 2-hexanol and the like) , and 3 to 8
carbon mono- or di-ketones (e.g., butanedione (2, 3-butanedione) ,
pentanedione and the like) , wherein the receptor response to
carbon dioxide is modified and attraction to the subject
inhibited, thereby inhibiting, preventing or reducing the
incidence of insect-borne disease in a subject.
[0064] In one embodiment, the disease is malaria, dengue, yellow
fever, river blindness, lymphatic filariasis, sleeping sickness,
leishmaniasis, epidemic polyarthritis, West Nile virus disease or
Australian encephalitis.
[0065] In one embodiment, the method of inhibiting, preventing or
reducing the incidence of insect-borne disease is via exposing the
insect to an agent the antagonizes the C02 receptor or neuron in
the insect.
[0066] An active compounds or compounds of the disclosure (e.g., 4
to 6 carbon aldehydes (e.g., butanal, penatanal, hexanal) , 5 to 8
carbon alcohols (e.g., pentanol, hexanol, cyclohexanol, Z3-
hexen-1-ol, Z2-hexen-l-ol, l-hexen-3-ol, l-hepten-3-ol, 3-hexanol,
2-hexanol and the like) , and 3 to 8 carbon mono- or di-ketones
(e.g., butanedione (2, 3-butanedione) , pentanedione and the
like)) may be produced in accordance with techniques known to
those skilled in the art, or where novel may be produced by
variations of known techniques which will be apparent to those
skilled in the art.
[0071] The compositions may comprise various combinations of
compounds as well as varying concentrations of the compound
depending upon the insect to be repelled or masked, the type of
surface that the composition will be applied to, or the type of
trap to be used. Typically the active ingredient compound of the
disclosure (e.g., 4 to 6 carbon aldehydes (e.g., butanal,
penatanal, hexanal) , 5 to 8 carbon alcohols (e.g., pentanol,
hexanol, cyclohexanol, Z3-hexen-l-ol, Z2-hexen-l-ol, l-hexen-3-ol,
l-hepten-3-ol, 3-hexanol, 2-hexanol and the like) , and 3 to 8
carbon mono- or di-ketones (e.g., butanedione (2, 3-butanedione) ,
pentanedione and the like) ) will be present in the composition in
a concentration of at least about 0.0001% by weight and may be 10,
50, 99 or 100% by weight of the total composition. The repellant
carrier may be from 0.1% to 99.9999% by weight of the total
composition. The dry formulations will have from about 0.0001-95%
by weight of the pesticide while the liquid formulations will
generally have from about 0.0001-60% by weight of the solids in
the liquid phase.
...Using a T-maze choice assay the experiment demonstrated that
wild-type Drosophila show a robust avoidance behavior to 0.67% CO2
(Figure 15a) . Inclusion of either 1-hexanol or 2, 3-butanedione
with CO2 results in a reduction in mean avoidance behavior,
although to varying degrees; avoidance to CO2 is abolished in the
presence of 2, 3-butanedione (Figure 15a) . In wild-type
Drosophila, however, a number of ORN classes are activated by
1-hexanol and 2, 3-butanedione . This raises the possibility that
behavioral avoidance to CO2 may be overcome by activation of these
other classes of ORNs, rather than by inhibition of C02-responsive
neurons. To distinguish between these possibilities, the behavior
of 0r83b<2> mutant flies in which most of the ORNs are
non-functional, but electrophysiological responses to CO2 are not
affected were examined (Figures 15b, lla) . Consistent with the
electrophysiological analysis, flies lacking Or83b have a robust
avoidance response to CO2 (Figure 15b) , which is comparable to
the level observed for wild type flies (Figure 15a) . Avoidance is
significantly reduced with the addition of either 1-hexanol or 2,
3-butanedione with CO2 (Figure 15b) . Taken together these results
demonstrate that 1-hexanol and 2, 3-butanedione can effectively
inhibit CO2-mediated innate avoidance behavior by inhibiting the
CO2 receptor .