Evan REED, et
Shocked Salt
- Coherent Light
Evan Reed
Jan 13, 2006
Livermore researchers find new
source of coherent light
LIVERMORE, Calif. — With the exception of lasers and free-electron
lasers, there hasn’t been another fundamental way to produce
coherent light for close to 50 years.
But a group of researchers from Lawrence Livermore National
Laboratory and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have
found a new source of coherent optical radiation that is distinct
from lasers and free-electron lasers.
Emission of coherent light at 22 THz
This figure shows the emission of coherent light at 22 THz
from a molecular dynamics simulation of shocked NaCl (table
salt). The left panel shows the emission of the light as a
function of time while the shock is propagating. The right panel
shows the generated radiation as a function of location within
the shocked crystal indicating the 22 THz coherent signal is
generated at the shock front (between the white dotted lines).
This figure shows the emission of coherent light at 22 THz from a
molecular dynamics simulation of shocked NaCl (table salt). The
left panel shows the emission of the light as a function of time
while the shock is propagating. The right panel shows the
generated radiation as a function of location within the shocked
crystal indicating the 22 THz coherent signal is generated at the
shock front (between the white dotted lines).
Applications for this research are numerous, but the most
immediate result may be a new diagnostic tool to determine the
properties of shock waves, said Evan Reed, an E.O. Lawrence
postdoctoral fellow at Lawrence Livermore and lead author of a
paper that appears in the Jan. 13 edition of Physical Review
Through a series of theoretical calculations and experimental
simulations, scientists generated a mechanical shock wave inside a
dielectric crystalline material, in this case kitchen salt (NaCl).
One might expect to see only incoherent photons and sparks from
the shocked crystal.
But what they found was so much more. Weak yet measurable coherent
light was seen emerging from the crystal. The emission frequencies
are determined by the shock speed and the lattice make-up of the
The team found that measurable coherent light can be observed
emerging from the crystal in the range of 1 to 100 terahertz
“To our knowledge, coherent light never has been seen before from
shock waves propagating through crystals because a shocked crystal
is not an obvious source to look for coherent radiation,” Reed
said. “The light and radiation was in a portion of the
electromagnetic spectrum that is not usually observed in these
types of experiments.”
Coherent light is very narrow bandwidth radiation; it is useful
for interferometry (the measurement of two or more waves coming
together at the same time and place, such as optical and shock
waves) and is usually associated with lasers.
The invention of the laser in 1958 as a source of coherent light
enabled a wide range of applications including medical
technologies and energy production because of the coherence of the
light they generate. However, producing coherent light from a
source other than a laser can serve as a diagnostic for
understanding shock waves, specifically providing information
about shock speed and the degree of crystallinity, Reed said.
In the computational experiments, the researchers observed the
light generated by a shocked polarized material by performing
molecular dynamics simulations of shock waves propagating through
crystalline NaCl. The simulations solved the classical equations
of motion for atoms that are subject to interaction, thermal
effects and deformation of the crystal lattice. The intensive
computer simulations were made possible by utilizing LLNL’s
Thunder parallel computer.
Other Livermore authors include Richard Gee of LLNL’s Chemistry
and Chemical Engineering Division.
LLNL’s Laboratory Directed Research and Development program is
funding an experiment to observe coherent radiation in the
laboratory. Reed, Michael Armstrong (a Chemistry and Materials
Science postdoctoral researcher) and researchers from Los Alamos
National Laboratory (LANL) will collaborate on the project, which
will be conducted at LANL experimental facilities.
Founded in 1952, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory has a
mission to ensure national security and apply science and
technology to the important issues of our time. Lawrence Livermore
National Laboratory is managed by the University of California for
the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security
Lawrence Livermore Laboratoery S&TR (
Nov 2006 )
A Shocking New Form of Laserlike Light
Ann Parker
[ PDF ]
Researchers at Livermore and the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology will use this experimental apparatus to attempt to
produce coherent light
from mechanically shocked crystals.
Physical Review Letters, January 11, 2006
Volume 96 ( 1 ) - Abstract
Coherent Optical Photons from Shock
Waves in Crystals
Evan J. Reed1,2,*, Marin Soljacic1, Richard Gee2, and J. D.
1Center for Materials Science and Engineering and Research
Laboratory of Electronics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, USA
2Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, California
94551, USA
11 January 2006
We predict that coherent electromagnetic radiation in the 1–100
THz frequency range can be generated in crystalline materials when
subject to a shock wave or solitonlike propagating excitation. To
our knowledge, this phenomenon represents a fundamentally new form
of coherent optical radiation source that is distinct from lasers
and free-electron lasers. The radiation is generated by the
synchronized motion of large numbers of atoms when a shock wave
propagates through a crystal. General analytical theory and NaCl
molecular dynamics simulations demonstrate coherence lengths on
the order of mm (around 20 THz) and potentially greater. The
emission frequencies are determined by the shock speed and the
lattice constants of the crystal and can potentially be used to
determine atomic-scale properties of the shocked material.
Number 761 #4, January 11, 2006
Shock-Produced Coherent Light
Phil Schewe and Ben Stein
Physicists at MIT and Livermore National Lab
have discovered a new source of coherent radiation distinct from
traditional lasers and free-electron lasers; they propose to build
a device in which coherent photons are produced by sending shock
waves through a crystal. The result would be coherent light
resembling the radiation issuing from a laser; but the mechanism
of light production would not be stimulated emission, as it is in
a laser, but rather the concerted motion of row after row of atoms
in the target crystal.
The passing shock front, set in motion by a
projectile or laser blast, successively excites a huge density
wave in the crystal; the atoms, returning to their original places
in the matrix, emit light coherently, mostly in the Terahertz
wavelength band. Although sources of coherent light in this part
of the electromagnetic spectrum have developed in recent years, it
is still a difficult task.
The next step will be to carry out an
experimental test of the shock-wave light production. This work
will be performed at two national labs -- Livermore and Los
Alamos. According to Evan Reed (who moved from MIT to Livermore,
reed23@llnl.gov) the first likely application of coherent
radiation will be as a diagnostic for understanding shock waves.
The radiation should provide information about shock speed and the
degree of crystallinity.
18 January 2006
Get laser-like beams from salt
Philip Ball
Could laser-like light be squeezed from salt?Could laser-like
light be squeezed from salt model suggests that shocking a
crystal will produce synchronized light.
Physicists in the United States have discovered a way to make what
is essentially laser light, without using a laser. All you need to
do, they say, is give a crystal of table salt a sharp knock.
It was previously assumed that this would do nothing more than
squeeze sparks and ordinary light out of the crystal. But Evan
Reed of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California
and his co-workers say that the shock will also generate a small
amount of 'coherent' light1, the stuff that comes from lasers.
This unexpected source of laser-like light is not just an academic
oddity. The new work shows that the coherent light coming from
shocked salt should be in a fequency band called terahertz
radiation, which cannot be generated by ordinary lasers, says
Marin Soljacic, one of Reed's collaborators.
Terahertz radiation, with wavelengths of about a millimetre to
tens of micrometres, is increasingly in demand for biomedical and
technological applications. In particular, the radiation can peer
through human flesh to image the anatomy beneath, without harming
tissues the way X-rays do.
You might not get much of this kind of light out of a grain of
salt, the team notes. But it could also provide a useful
diagnostic tool for studying the effects of shock waves on
crystalline materials, says Soljacic, who is based at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
The light fantastic
“The big difficulty is detecting it.”
Light is composed of packets of energy called photons, each of
which can be described as a wave with a particular frequency and
wavelength. In ordinary (incoherent) light, like that from a light
bulb, these waves rise and fall independently of one another. In
coherent light, on the other hand, the waves are all synchronized,
rather like a group of soldiers marching in step.
It is this characteristic that gives laser light its special
properties. The beam stays bright and does not spread out, for
example, enabling the fine focus necessary in CD and DVD players.
Making coherent light in lasers is a feat of coordination: all the
photons are released together thanks to a positive feedback
process through which one photon stimulates the release of
another. This process gives 'laser' its name: it's an acronym of
Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation.
Reed and colleagues say that the coherence of light emitted from a
shocked crystal comes instead from the way that a shock wave
passing through the material can induce the regular rows of atoms
to move in synchrony. This motion produces an electromagnetic wave
- in other words, light.
Look and you shall find
Countless experiments have investigated the effects of shock waves
on materials; the Lawrence Livermore lab is one of the world
leaders in this area. But Reed's team says that coherent light
emission has never been seen before, simply because no one thought
to look for it.
His team tested their idea in a computer model, which predicted
how sodium chloride (common salt) should behave when exposed to
the kind of shock wave produced by an explosion or a bright laser
pulse. The result was spikes of radiation emitted at
extreme-infrared (terahertz) frequencies, corresponding to bands
of coherent emission.
So much for the theory; will it work in practice? Reed says he is
hoping to find out, in an experimental collaboration between the
Livermore lab and Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico.
"The big difficulty is detecting the coherent signal. It'll be
relatively weak," explains his MIT colleague John Joannopoulos.
Massachsuetts Institute of Technology
Reed E. J., et al. Phys. Rev. Lett., 96. 013904 (2006).
An optical modulator includes a crystal structure that
exhibits polaritonic or excitonic behavior. A shock wave
propagates through the crystal structure so as to corehently
generate, convert or modulate electomagnetic radiation from the
terahertz to the x-ray ranges.
[0001] This application claims priority from provisional
application Ser. No. 60/551,127 filed Mar. 8, 2004, incorporated
herein in its entirety.
[0002] The invention relates to the field of optical modulators,
and in particular to a method of modulating light utilizing shock
waves in a crystal structure.
[0003] There are very few ways to generate and manipulate coherent
radiation. The generation of coherent radiation is imperative for
interferometry and other important optical techniques. Existing
practical sources of coherent radiation are quantum lasers and
free electron lasers. The technology presented in accordance with
the invention represents a new source of coherent radiation.
[0004] Uses for terahertz radiation range from the new field of
THz spectroscopy, to fundamental studies of phonon
dynamics, to an alternative to harmful x-rays in medical imaging
to security screening devices able to penetrate clothing to detect
explosives or other weapons. However, the generation of narrow
bandwidth radiation in the terahertz regime has proven to be a
difficult task. While substantial progress has been made, existing
sources of THz radiation have substantial shortcomings that limit
their practical use.
[0005] Generally, existing techniques are limited to 1-10
microwatt power outputs, requiring long exposure times for
probing. Quantum cascade lasers can be used to generate narrow
bandwidth coherent THz radiation, but must be cooled below room
temperature and are limited to frequencies above about 2 THz.
Photoconductive approaches can generate only broad bandwidth THz
radiation up to around 2 THz and require cooling the
photoconductive element below room temperature.
[0006] Nonlinear frequency downconversion approaches can provide
coherent radiation but are also limited in their efficiency,
providing power outputs in 1-10 microwatt range.
[0007] According to one aspect of the invention, there is provided
an optical modulator that includes a crystal structure that
exhibits polaritonic or excitonic behavior. A shock wave
propagates through the crystal structure so as to optically
modulate and manipulate a light signal propagating in the crystal
[0008] According to another aspect of the invention, there is
provided an optical isolator that includes a crystal structure
that exhibits polaritonic or excitonic behavior. A shock wave
propagates through the crystal structure so as to optically
modulate and manipulate a light signal propagating in the crystal
[0009] According to another aspect of the invention, there is
provided a method of modulating a light signal. The method
includes providing a crystal structure that exhibits polaritonic
or excitonic behavior. Also, the method includes propagating a
shock wave through the crystal structure so as to optically
modulate and manipulate a light signal propagating in the crystal
[0010] FIG. 1 is a schematic diagram of a shock wave moving
to the right which increases the resonant frequency of the
polarizable elements as it propagates;
[0011] FIG. 2 is s graph illustrating the results of
an FDTD simulation for the scenario in FIG. 1 when the shock
propagates with a speed of vs=3.3*10<-5> c
[0012] FIG. 3 is a schematic diagram of a shock wave
moving to the right which decreases the resonant frequency of
the polarizable elements as it propagates;
[0013] FIG. 4 is a computer simulation of the scenario
illustrated in FIG. 3.
[0014] FIG. 5 is a graph illustrating the absolute
value of the Fourier transform of the polarization field P for
the simulation of FIG. 4;
[0015] FIG. 6 is a graph illustrating the absolute
value of the Fourier transform of the magnetic field H over the
time interval t=7.5*10<5 > a/c; and
[0016] FIGS. 7A-7B are schematic diagrams illustrating
the frequency of the polaritonic or excitonic bandgap as a
function of position.
[0017] The invention relates to how light can be modulated and
manipulated when coupled to polaritonic and excitonic phenomena in
materials containing a shock wave or shock-like propagating
excitation. Theoretically predicted effects include the conversion
of an applied static electric or magnetic field to coherent
terahertz or optical frequency radiation and anomalous
Doppler-like frequency shifts that are orders of magnitude larger
than the usual Doppler shift and can be used for coherent
frequency conversion.
[0018] The coherence arises in a classical fashion, in distinction
to the quantum origin of coherence present in lasers. This
technology represents a fundamentally new form of coherent light
source. The frequency shifts are of a linear nature,
distinguishing them from the usual nonlinear approaches to
frequency conversion. The linearity results in intensity
independent conversion efficiencies. This disclosure also details
how light of optical or terahertz frequencies can be used to
resolve and probe dynamical atomic scale phenomena. A nanoscale
optical isolator can be constructed using this technology.
[0019] Utilizing the invention, one can show that coherent
terahertz and optical radiation can be generated when a shock wave
or shock-like excitation propagates through a crystal of classical
polarizable electric dipoles. Many materials exhibiting
polaritonic or excitonic behavior are examples of such a system.
Coherent terahertz or optical frequency radiation can be generated
under certain circumstances. An existing terahertz or optical
frequency signal can be coherently converted to another frequency
through an anomalously large Doppler-like effect. This frequency
conversion effect is orders of magnitude larger than the usual
Doppler shift from the moving shock wave or shock-like wave. Such
a shock-like time-dependent effect can be utilized as an
opto-isolator with physical size orders of magnitude smaller than
the wavelength of the light on which it operates. Miniaturization
of optical-isolation systems is one of the biggest challenges to
optical integration.
[0020] These new predicted effects are observable using a variety
of experimental techniques. Planar shock waves can be generated
using high intensity pulsed lasers. Shock fronts generated using
this technique have been measured to have thicknesses of less than
a few tens of crystal lattice planes. An application of the new
physics in this work is the measurement of the shock front
thickness with precision greater than achievable with current
x-ray techniques. Such measurement constitutes ultra
sub-wavelength resolution of dynamical phenomena, resolving atomic
scale phenomena with light of wavelength orders of magnitude
longer. Surface plasmons are another excitation that can be
coupled to light to observe these predicted effects. A variety of
experimental techniques can be utilized to observe these effects
in surface plasmon systems.
[0021] Coherent x-rays are extremely difficult to generate using
existing techniques. Approaches that do not involve the detonation
of nuclear weapons (x-ray laser) are extremely inefficient
(high-harmonic generation). The technology presented in this
disclosure may be used to produce coherent x-rays.
[0022] To explore the phenomena associated with light scattering
from a shocked polaritonic or excitonic material, perform
finite-difference time-domain simulations of Maxwell's equations
in one dimension, single polarization, and normal incidence. A
polarizable element [mathematical formula - see original document]
Here, [mu]n(t)=vn(t)2 where is the polarizability, v is the volume
associated with each polarizable element, n(t) is the resonant
frequency of the nth polarizable element, and is a damping term.
Equation 1 is solved together with Maxwell's equations in ID,
[mathematical formula - see original document]
where [Omega] corresponds to the pre-shock state, is the shift in
across the shock front 2 [beta] and vs is the shock speed.
[0023] The observation of some effects can be demonstrated in
computer simulations of the model given above. Generation of
coherent radiation can be generated from a zero frequency input
signal (constant electric or magnetic field) in an insulator or by
flowing a current through a metal. Consider a shock wave that
propagates through an insulator. As the shock compresses the
material, the resonant frequency of polarizable elements within
the material can either increase or decrease depending on the
material and the particular polarizable elements. In this
scenario, one can consider a system where the resonance frequency
of the polarizable elements increases upon shock compression. The
resonant frequency of the polarizable elements in this scenario is
depicted in FIG. 1.
[0024] FIG. 1 shows a schematic diagram of a shock wave moving to
the right which increases the resonant frequency of the
polarizable elements as it propagates. The resonant frequency of
the polarizable dipoles is on the low frequency side of the
polaritonic bandgap. Suppose a constant electric or magnetic field
is applied throughout the material while the shock wave is
propagating. This uniform field induces some moment in the
polarizable elements that is emitted as multiple coherent higher
frequencies when the resonant frequency of the polarizable
elements is increased by the shock.
[0025] FIG. 2 shows results of an FDTD simulation for the scenario
in FIG. 1 when the shock propagates with a speed of
vs=3.3*10<-5 > c/a which is a typical shock speed of about
10 km/sec. The resonant frequency of the polarizable dipoles
ranges from 0.15*10<-4 > c/a in front of the shock to
1.15*10<-4 > c/a behind the shock and the loss
parameter=10<-5 > c/a. The polarizability a/v=4.4*10<3
> in front of the shock and a/v=76 behind the shock. The shock
front thickness is 20a. FIG. 2 shows the absolute value of the
Fourier transform of the magnetic field H over the time interval
t=7.5*10<5 > a/c. During this time interval, the shock front
is located is located in the vicinity of x/a=125 and travels a
distance of approximately 25a.
[0026] Transmitting boundary conditions exist on the left and
right sides of the computational cell at x/a=0 and x/a=200. There
are several finite elements with no polarizability (vacuum) at the
edges of the computational cell. A small amount of emitted light
may be reflected from the dielectric mismatch at this interface
and propagate back toward the shock as would occur under
experimental conditions. A current source at x=9a with zero
frequency is slowly turned on at the start of the simulation
(before the time interval for the Fourier transform of FIG. 2
begins.) This source generates a constant magnetic field
throughout the computational cell.
[0027] As the polarizable elements are moved up in frequency by
the shock compression, radiation is re-emitted at multiple
discrete frequencies. The emitted radiation is of a coherent
nature if the input signal is coherent. Since the input frequency
is zero in this case, long time coherence of the input signal is
trivial to realize. The number of frequencies emitted from the
shock depends an a variety of factors which include the shock
front thickness, the polarizability, the magnitude of the resonant
frequency shift of the polarizable elements, and the amount of
absorption in the polarizable elements.
[0028] FIG. 2 corresponds to an experimentally realizable
situation. For example, if the lattice constant a=10 A. The
polarizable dipoles vary in frequency from 4.5 THz in front of the
shock to 35 THz behind the shock. The generated radiation has
frequencies of 10 and 20 THz. The frequency of the generated
radiation can be varied by using a crystal with a different
periodicity or sound speed because the frequencies generated in
this case are approximately generated [omega]generated=vs/a 1,
where 1 is a positive integer. Shock front thicknesses of tens of
lattice units or less are readily achievable experimentally.
[0029] A remarkable property of this frequency generation effect
is that the efficiency is independent of the amplitude of the
input signal. This is a result of the fact that this is a linear
system, distinguishing it from the usual methods of optical
frequency conversion involving the use of materials with a
nonlinear optical response. In these systems great care must be
taken to ensure input intensities are high enough and phase
matching constraints are achieved to obtain sufficient conversion
efficiency. The intensity of emitted radiation can potentially be
quite high because of the ease with which large polarization
fields are created at small frequencies. If the area of the shock
wave is 100*100 [mu]m an each polarizable element contains an
energy of about 0.1 eV, the shock can generate radiation with an
power up to 103 Watts. The efficiency of the effect increases with
increasing polarizability, decreasing losses and decreasing
initial lower bandgap edge.
[0030] This technology also represents a fundamentally new way to
study crystallography. Crystallography is currently studied with
x-rays. The technology presented here enables the study of crystal
structure by monitoring the spatial and frequency dependence of
emitted THz radiation when a shock or soliton propagates through
the crystal.
[0031] One can consider a scenario where the input signal has a
non-zero frequency. A material is utilized where the polarizable
elements of an insulating material move down in frequency when
compressed by the shock wave, as in FIG. 3. Consider radiation
incident from the right (in the pre-shock region.) As the shock
wave propagates, this radiation couples into the polarizable
elements and moves down in frequency until it escapes to the right
at a lower frequency.
[0032] FIG. 4 shows a computer simulation of the scenario in FIG.
3. The absolute value of the Fourier transform of the magnetic
field for is shown. The shock wave moves through about x/a=25
during the Fourier transform time interval. The resonant frequency
of the polarizable dipoles (green dotted line) is on the low
frequency side of the polaritonic bandgap. Radiation incident from
the right resonantly couples into the polarizable dipoles which
move down in frequency before re-emitting the radiation. The
magnitude of the frequency shift in this reversed Doppler effect
is several orders of magnitude larger the normal Doppler shift
from an object moving at the shock speed. The re-radiated
radiation is coherent if the input signal is coherent. A similar
scenario can occur if the frequency of the polarizable dipoles
increases upon compression.
[0033] In FIG. 4, the resonant frequency of the polarizable
elements decreases from 3.5*10<-4 > c/a in front of the
shock to 2.5*10<-4 > c/a behind the shock and the loss
parameter y=10<-5 > c/a . The polarizability is a/v =8 in
the pre-shock region and v=16 in the post-shock region. The shock
propagates with a speed of vs=3.3*10<-5 > c/a which is a
typical shock speed of about 10 km/sec. The shock front thickness
is 20a.
[0034] Moreover, FIG. 4 shows the absolute value of the Fourier
transform of the magnetic field H over the time interval t=7.5*105
a/c. During this time interval, the shock front is located is
located in the vicinity of x/a=125 and travels a distance of
approximately 25a. Transmitting boundary conditions exist on the
left and right sides of the computational cell at x/a=0 and
x/a=200. A small amount of emitted light can be reflected from the
dielectric mismatch at this interface and propagate back toward
the shock as would occur under experimental conditions. A current
source at x=191a with frequency v=3*10<-4 > c/a is slowly
turned on at the start of the simulation (before the time interval
for the Fourier transform of FIG. 4 begins.) FIG. 5 shows the
absolute value of the Fourier transform of the polarization field
P for the simulation of FIG. 4. The shock wave moves through about
x a=25 during the Fourier transform time interval. The resonant
frequency of the polarizable dipoles is on the low frequency side
of the polaritonic bandgap. Radiation incident from the right
resonantly couples into the polarizable dipoles which move down in
frequency before re-emitting some of the radiation. Losses
decrease the magnitude of the polarization as the polarizable
dipoles move down in frequency. FIG. 6 shows a simulation where
multiple frequencies are reflected by the shock. This simulation
is similar to that shown in FIGS. 4 and 5.
[0035] FIG. 6 shows the absolute value of the Fourier transform of
the magnetic field H over the time interval t=7.5*10<5 >
a/c. During this time interval, the shock front is located is
located in the vicinity of x/a=125 and travels a distance of
approximately 25a. Transmitting boundary conditions exist on the
left and right sides of the computational cell at x/a=0 and
x/a=200. A small amount of emitted light may be reflected from the
dielectric mismatch at this interface and propagate back toward
the shock as would occur under experimental conditions. A current
source at x=191a with frequency v=3.5*10<-4 > c/a is slowly
turned on at the start of the simulation (before the time interval
for the Fourier transform of FIG. 6 begins.)
[0036] In FIG. 6, the resonant frequency of the polarizable
elements decreases from 4*10<-4> c/a in front of the shock
to 0 (metallization) behind the shock and the loss parameter
[gamma]=2*10<-5 > c/a . The polarizability is [alpha]/v=6.2
in the pre-shock region. The shock propagates with a speed of
vs=3.3*10<-5 > c which is a typical shock speed of about 10
km/sec. The shock front thickness is 20a.
[0037] The simulations in the figures in this section are
experimentally realizable. For example, in FIG. 6 if the lattice
constant a=10 A, the dipoles vary have frequency of 120 THz in the
unshocked material. The generated radiation has frequencies
separated by 10 THz. The loss parameter in this simulation has the
property that [mathematical formula - see original document]
0.05 which is typical of an excitonic or polaritonic excitation.
[0038] The lack of a sufficiently miniaturized technique for
optical isolation presents one of the biggest challenges to
optical integration. One can show how a propagating soliton-like
pulse in the polarization resonance frequency can be utilized as
an optical isolator. Light that is incident from the right is
allowed to propagate through the device with some degree of
attenuation, while light incident from the left is completely
absorbed by the device. The physical size of the solitonic pulse
required for such a device is orders of magnitude smaller than the
wavelength of the light and is ideal for optical integration.
[0039] FIGS. 7A-7B show schematic diagrams of the frequency of the
polaritonic or excitonic bandgap as a function of position. As the
soliton propagates, it changes the resonant frequency of the
polarizable elements. The pulse propagates to the right. FIG. 7A
shows how light of some input frequency incident from the right
can be transmitted through the soliton by coupling into and back
out of the resonant elements. FIG. 7B shows how light of the same
frequency incident from the left will be couple into the
polarizable elements and never couple back out. The light in this
case is absorbed by losses in the polarizable elements. This
system represents a nanoscale optical isolator because the soliton
can be of atomic spatial dimensions and light is only allowed to
propagate from left to right through the system.
[0040] The lowest frequency of the soliton must be within a few
vs/a of the incident frequency to prevent re-emission of the
absorbed radiation to the left. The incident frequency must be
within vs/a of the bottom of the bandgap to ensure that the
radiation from the left is absorbed instead of being re-emitted to
the left. Some losses occur in the transmission scenario in the
top figure. If the optical system is not sensitive to frequencies
sufficiently different from the input frequency, these frequency
criteria are not required. These losses are expected to depend on
the spatial dimensions of the soliton, amount of intrinsic loss in
the polarizable elements, and shock speed.
[0041] In a practical device, a means of repetitive generation of
such solitonic pulses is also required, which would likely be the
largest component of the system and the key factor in the
suitability for optical integration. Solitonic pulses of the type
discussed here can be generated using ultrashort pulsed lasers.
[0042] The new physical phenomena presented herein can all be
understood within the context of several analytical theories and
qualitative arguments.
[0043] The effects predicted are observable in materials that are
not perfect crystals. In polycrystalline materials, additional
frequency components are expected to be within the emission
spectrum. In any real crystalline material, defects exist that
diminish the crystalline properties. It is believed that the
presence of defects will result in emission at frequencies other
than those at which the perfect crystal emits. In liquids or
amorphous materials, non-coherent emission in a broad bandwidth
may occur. If the frequency shift of the polarizable elements is
sufficiently large, the bandwidth of emitted radiation in this
case is limited by the shock front thickness and rate of damping
of the polarizable elements. This property could be used as a
diagnostic tool for determination of the shock front thickness in
shock wave experiments.
[0044] Atomic scale resolution of the front thickness can be
determined to a degree better than is possible with current x-ray
technology. It can be possible to measure the temperature of a
material behind the shock front by measuring the emission from
thermally populated polarizable elements as a second shock wave
propagates through the material behind the first shock wave. This
technology also represents a new diagnostic tool for the study of
material solitons.
[0045] Dispersion in phonon bands can be neglected in polaritonic
systems because the shock speed is considerably faster than
optical phonon speeds. This may not hold in excitonic systems, but
no bands are expected to exist in sharp shock fronts where the
frequencies of polarizable elements are sufficiently different to
prevent exciton transport. The effects presented in this
disclosure are expected to be observable when the shock wave
propagates off-axis to the crystal. This scenario is not a ID
scenario. Thermal effects can also diminish coherence properties,
but the polarization due to the electromagnetic radiation can be
made considerably larger than polarization due to thermal effects.
[0046] An additional embodiment of this invention is to utilize
surface plasmons as the polarizable elements. Surface plasmons are
charge density waves that propagate at the interface between a
metal and a dielectric material. The resonant frequency of surface
plasmons can be varied in a shock-like fashion by modulating the
dielectric of the dielectric material in a shock-like fashion,
either by sending a physical shock through the dielectric or
through other means of modulation. It is also likely possible to
observe the effects presented here in systems that do not involve
physical shock waves. For example, the generation and manipulation
of coherent x-rays may be possible if the resonant frequency of
the polarizable dipoles can be changed by a pulse of light
propagating through a material. In this case, the generated
frequencies are on the order of 10<4 > eV if v c and a
1[deg.]A. Atomic core electronic states may be utilized as the
polarizable elements in this scenario. Coherent x-rays are
extremely difficult to generate using existing techniques.
Approaches that do not involve nuclear weapons (x-ray laser) are
extremely inefficient (high-harmonic generation). The technology
described here can be utilized to generate coherent phonons, which
can be used for a variety of purposes including nanoscale imaging.
[0047] Although the present invention has been shown and described
with respect to several preferred embodiments thereof, various
changes, omissions and additions to the form and detail thereof,
may be made therein, without departing from the spirit and scope
of the invention.
Shock-wave modulation and control of electromagnetic
[ PDF ]
[0001] This application claims priority from U.S. provisional
patent application Ser. No. 60/464,006 filed on Apr. 18, 2003, and
is a continuation-in-part of U.S. patent application Ser. No.
10/412,089 filed on Apr. 11, 2003.
[0002] The invention relates to the field of photonics and, in
particular, to photonic crystals. Photonic crystals are a
promising and versatile way to control the propagation of
electromagnetic radiation. Nevertheless, very little attention has
been given to the effects of non-stationary photonic crystals on
electromagnetic radiation propagation. It has been shown that the
frequency of light can be changed across a bandgap in a photonic
crystal which is physically oscillating. However, the frequency of
oscillation is required to be of the order of the bandgap
frequency in the photonic crystal. Such oscillation frequencies
are impossible for light of 1 [mu]m wavelength.
[0003] There is no known non-quantum mechanical way to
significantly narrow the bandwidth of a wavepacket by an arbitrary
amount and change the frequency of light to an arbitrary amount
with high efficiency. Acousto-optical modulators can change the
frequency by a part in 10<-4> , but larger changes in
frequency are desirable for most applications. Non-linear
materials can be used to produce large changes in light
frequencies with less than perfect efficiency. For example, if
light of frequencies [omega]1 and [omega]2 is shined into a
non-linear material, light of frequencies [omega]1+[omega]2 and
¦¦[omega]1-[omega]2¦¦ may be produced. In addition to the less
than perfect conversion efficiencies of these techniques, the
frequencies produced are still limited by the range of input
frequencies. Production of an arbitrary frequency is not possible
unless an arbitrary input frequency is available. Furthermore,
great care must be taken in the design of the device to ensure
momentum conservation, which is required for high efficiency.
Additionally, high intensities are required, and the frequencies
produced are still limited by the range of input frequencies and
phase-matching constraints. Using such prior art systems,
production of an arbitrary frequency shift in a given system is
not possible.
[0004] Of additional interest in optical applications is the
ability to trap and manipulate pulses of light. Few technologies
exist to trap 100% of the energy of a pulse of light for a period
of time which is determined while the light is trapped. Existing
approaches for trapping light for a pre-specified amount of time
require the use of large lengths (kilometers) of optical fiber.
The time required for light to propagate through the fiber is a
function of the length. A number of large reels of fiber of varied
lengths are required to delay light pulses for a range of times,
and even then the delay time cannot be determined in real time.
[0005] Photonic crystals have been shown to be a versatile way to
control the propagation of electromagnetic radiation. However,
very little attention has been given to the effects of
non-stationary photonic crystals on electromagnetic radiation
[0006] Whatever the precise merits, features, and advantages of
the above-mentioned approaches, they fail to achieve or fulfill
the purposes of the present invention's system and method for
trapping light for a controlled period of time via shock-like
modulation of the photonic crystal dielectric.
[0007] According to one aspect of the invention, there is provided
a method of modifying frequency of electromagnetic radiation input
into a nonlinear medium. The method includes forming a moving
grating in the nonlinear medium by introducing at opposite ends of
the nonlinear medium a first set of electromagnetic radiation
having varying frequencies. Electromagnetic radiation is inputted
into the nonlinear medium at a first frequency. Also, the method
includes extracting electromagnetic radiation at a second
frequency from the nonlinear medium. The moving grating in the
nonlinear medium allows for electromagnetic radiation to be
modified into the second frequency.
[0008] According to another aspect of the invention, there is
provided a method of converting frequency of electromagnetic
radiation input into a nonlinear medium. The method includes
forming a moving grating in the nonlinear medium by introducing at
opposite ends of the nonlinear medium a first set of
electromagnetic radiation having varying frequencies.
Electromagnetic radiation is inputted into the nonlinear medium at
a first frequency. Also, the method includes extracting
electromagnetic radiation at a second frequency from the nonlinear
medium. The moving grating in the nonlinear medium allows for
electromagnetic radiation to be converted into the second
[0009] According to another aspect of the invention, there is
provided a device for converting frequency of electromagnetic
radiation. The device includes a nonlinear medium that forms a
moving grating in the nonlinear medium by introducing at opposite
ends of the nonlinear medium a first set of electromagnetic
radiation having varying frequencies. Electromagnetic radiation is
inputted into the nonlinear medium at a first frequency and
extracted at a second frequency from the nonlinear medium. The
moving grating in the nonlinear medium allows for electromagnetic
radiation to be converted into the second frequency.
[0010] FIG. 1 illustrates a shock wave profile.
[0011] FIG. 2 illustrates bandgaps for the crystals
which exist in front of and behind the shock front.
[0012] FIG. 3 illustrates four moments in time in a
computer simulation of the shock in FIG. 1.
[0013] FIG. 4 contains results of a simulation similar to
that in FIG. 3, but with a faster moving shock front of
[nu]=3.4*10<-3 > c.
[0014] FIG. 5 illustrates the results of a simulation
wherein the bandwidth of input light is reduced by a factor of
[0015] FIG. 6 illustrates a frequency versus position graph
of a broad shock wave propagating to the right of a photonic
[0016] FIG. 7 illustrates a schematic of a shock wave
compressing a material with a spatially dependent bandgap.
[0017] FIG. 8 illustrates a schematic showing how the
present invention is used to delay and alter the form of
electromagnetic signals.
[0018] FIG. 9 illustrates a scenario wherein
electromagnetic energy is shined into a defect band.
[0019] FIG. 10 illustrates a graph of the dielectric as a
function of position for three equally-spaced instants of time,
[0020] FIG. 11 shows the effect of this dielectric on a
Gaussian pulse, which propagates toward the moving interface
from the uniform dielectric region.
[0021] FIG. 12 illustrates how light of a single frequency
is split into multiple discrete frequencies.
[0022] FIG. 13 illustrates a device comprising two
different photonic crystals which shifts light upwards in
[0023] FIG. 14 illustrates a device which shifts light down
in frequency, wherein the device is designed so that the light
does work on the photonic crystal on the right.
[0024] FIG. 15 represents a combination of the devices of
FIGS. 13 and 14.
[0025] FIG. 16 gives a schematic of a possible all optical
switch based on the present invention.
[0026] FIG. 17 illustrates the effects of a strategically
placed moving reflecting surface in a photonic crystal on the
electromagnetic radiation inside.
[0027] FIG. 18 presents a specific example of how a signal
can be transferred from one wavelength to another using a thin
reflecting film as an intermediary.
[0028] FIG. 19 is a schematic diagram of the invention
using moving gratings.
[0029] FIG. 20 is a time graph showing the movement of the
moving gratings in a nonlinear material.
[0030] FIG. 21 is a graph demonstrating the operations of
the invention.
[0031] FIG. 22 is a simulation result illustrating a
constant electric field applied in the linear region.
[0032] Although the present invention has been shown and described
with respect to several preferred embodiments thereof, various
changes, omissions, and additions to the form and detail thereof
may be made therein without departing from the spirit and scope of
the invention.
[0033] The effects on electromagnetic radiation propagating in a
shocked photonic crystal (consisting of alternating dielectric
layers along a particular direction) are considered. Finite
difference time domain (FDTD) simulations of Maxwell's Equations
in one dimension, single polarization, and normal incidence for a
system described by a time-dependent dielectric [epsilon](x,t) are
used to explore the phenomena associated with light scattering
from a shock-wave, or shock-like wave, in a photonic crystal.
[0034] A typical shock wave profile is depicted in FIG. 1. It
corresponds to the dielectric function given by [mathematical
formula - see original document] where [nu] is the shock speed and
[alpha] is the period of the pre-shocked crystal. The photonic
crystals on both sides of the shock front have periodic variations
of [epsilon] ranging from 1 to 13. The thickness of the shock wave
front is given by [gamma]<-1> , which is 0.05. FIG. 1
describes this shock wave propagating to the right (leaving a
compressed lattice behind) in the dielectric described by Equation
(1) as a function of position for three equally-spaced instants of
time t1<t2<t3. Arrows follow the shock front and material
paths, which move at different speeds. The shocked lattice is
identical to the original but with a smaller lattice constant. In
this case, the shock wave compresses the lattice by a factor of 2.
The interface moves at the shock speed [nu] and the material
behind also moves uniformly at a slower speed-known as the
particle speed. In this case, the particle speed is [nu]/2. This
scenario can roughly be thought of as two different lattice
constant photonic crystals moving toward each other.
[0036] The shock wave profile of the dielectric constant in the
photonic crystal can be generated by a variety of means. One
method includes launching a physical shock wave into the photonic
crystal using explosive loading, high-intensity lasers or other
means. Another method involves the generation of the shock wave
profile through the use of materials which change the dielectric
constant under an applied electric field or applied change in
temperature. Some of these materials can be modulated at GHz
frequencies with 1% changes in the refractive index. A generalized
idea of a shock wave can be adopted as a dielectric modulation
which is steady in a reference frame moving at the shock speed. A
time-dependent shock wave profile may be realized by
time-dependent modulation of the local dielectric at all points in
the system. In addition to a constant shock velocity, a
propagation velocity which is time-dependent may provide better
results for a particular application. The thickness of the shock
wave front may also be varied for desired effect. Other possible
ways of producing similar effects in photonic crystals may involve
the simultaneous interaction of light with a spinning disk and an
object fixed in the laboratory frame. However, the means for
producing such shockwaves should not be used to limit the scope of
the present invention.
[0037] As an illustrative example, the specific case is considered
wherein the shock wave compresses the lattice constant behind the
shock by a factor of 2. Additionally, the shock front has a
thickness on the order of, or less than, a single lattice
constant, as depicted in FIG. 1. The bandgaps for the crystals
which exist in front of and behind the shock front are depicted in
FIG. 2. It should be noted that there is a complete gap which
extends over the entire crystal from frequency [omega]1 to
[0038] First, the effect of electromagnetic radiation in the
photonic crystal is considered. Electromagnetic radiation is
shined into the crystal in the opposite direction of shock
propagation (or in a direction that not necessarily the same as
that of the direction of shock propagation) just below the second
gap at [omega]1 (e.g., indicated by arrow 202 for [omega]1=0.37)
on the right side of FIG. 2. This radiation is converted up in
frequency to [omega]2 (e.g., indicated by arrow 204 for
[omega]2=0.44), where it propagates away from the shock and can be
extracted from the system near the input. Arrows 206 and 208
indicate the adiabatic evolution of the modes for the lowest two
[0039] It should be noted that specific bandgaps (i.e., 1<st
> bandgap, 2<nd > bandgap, etc.) are used for
purposes only and the present invention equally applies to the use
of other bandgaps. Hence, specific bandgaps should not be used to
limit the scope of the present invention.
[0040] FIG. 3 illustrates four moments in time in a computer
simulation of the shock in FIG. 1. For example, FIG. 3 shows the
magnetic field for a simulation where the shock front (dashed
line) propagates to the right, with [nu]=3.4*10<-4 > c. It
should be noted that the shock front location is indicated by the
dotted line 302. The panels in FIG. 3 are obtained by Fourier
transforming the magnetic field over windows of time ([Delta]t=200
[alpha]/c) centered at the times shown in the upper right corners.
Light is initially spatially contained in a Gaussian distribution
centered around x/[alpha]=40 at the band edge frequency. As the
Gaussian distribution moves and broadens to the left, most of the
incident light is trapped in a localized state at the shock front
in the overlapping bandgap frequency region of the two photonic
crystals. While it is trapped, it evolves up in frequency through
the pre-shocked bandgap and is released to the right of the shock,
with about 20% change in frequency in this case. More
specifically, the light begins the simulation below the gap in the
unshocked material at [omega]1=0.37 (indicated by arrow 304) and,
as the light begins to propagate to the left, most of it is
trapped at the shock front until it escapes to the right at
[omega]1=0.44 (indicated by arrow 306).
[0041] It should be noted that the amount of frequency shift in
this example can be tuned by adjusting the size of the bandgap of
the pre-shocked crystal and, hence, such frequency shift amounts
should not be used to limit the scope of the present invention.
[0042] The shock wave propagates about 0.5[alpha] in FIG. 3, and
this frequency conversion process is observed once for every
lattice unit the shock wave traverses, resulting in a pulsed
output for a continuous wave input. The pulse rate can be
controlled with the shock speed. Qualitatively similar effects
were observed for a slower shock velocity of v=3.4*10<-5 >
[0043] An additional consequence of this scenario is the
localization of light for a controlled period of time. If the
speed at which the shock-like interface moves can be controlled,
then the light can be confined in the gap region for a time that
is determined by that shock speed. It should be noted that the
propagation speed of light is near zero while trapped at the shock
front, which has useful applications in telecommunications or
quantum optics.
[0044] FIG. 4 contains results of a simulation similar to that in
FIG. 3, but with a faster moving shock front of [nu]=3.4*10<-3
> c. The frequencies are separated by 2 [pi][nu]/[alpha].
Similar to the example in FIG. 2, light enters at [omega]=0.37
(shown by arrow 402) below the bandgap and is converted up in
frequency at the shock front and propagates away as discrete
frequencies around [omega]=0.45 (shown by arrow 404). Light in
this simulation starts out as a Gaussian centered at x/[alpha]=220
with the bandgap edge carrier frequency. The Fourier transform of
magnetic field which produced this figure utilized a longer time
period ([Delta]t=6000[alpha]/c) than that of FIG. 3 and shows the
entire upconversion of light from below the gap to the top of the
gap as the shock front passes through several lattice periods. The
light trapped at the shock front appears to exist in discrete
frequencies and escapes at the top of the gap in such frequencies.
This discretization can be loosely interpreted as a result of
repeated bounces of the light between the moving material on the
left and the fixed material on the right and is commensurate with
the periodic nature of the pulsed output. The interpretation of
the output light in FIGS. 3 and 4 as equally-spaced discrete
frequencies or pulses is a matter of frequency resolution in the
detection apparatus.
[0045] The frequency of the localized state at the shock front
observed in FIG. 3 is well defined in the limit of a slowly
propagating shock where [mathematical formula - see original
document] However, for shock speeds sufficiently fast for this
condition to break down, the localized mode possesses an effective
bandwidth which is on the order of the bandgap frequency width.
FIG. 4 is approaching this regime, where it is almost more
appropriate to think of the light continuously moving up through
the bandgap rather than in a pulsed fashion as in FIG. 3.
[0047] Additionally, the shock-like dielectric modulation of FIG.
1 is used to narrow the bandwidth of a pulse of light. This is
accomplished by confining the light between the moving shock front
on the left and a reflecting surface of the right (indicated by
arrow 500). FIG. 5 illustrates the results of such a simulation
(with the dotted lines 502 and 504 indicate the shock front),
where the bandwidth of input light is reduced by a factor of 4
(bandwidth of input light=[Delta][omega]=0.01 and bandwidth of
output light=[Delta][omega]=0.0025). In this specific example, the
shock is moving, with [nu]=10<-4 > c and [gamma]<-1>
=2. The narrowing process can become more effective for slower
shock velocities, larger simulation cells, and narrower initial
[0048] Changing the thickness of the shock front has an effect on
the frequencies produced and the degree of continuity of the
frequency-converted electromagnetic radiation. Continuous
frequency conversion is accomplished with a shock wave possessing
a front thickness much larger than the lattice spacing. This is
depicted in FIG. 6.
[0049] FIG. 6 illustrates a frequency versus position graph of a
broad shock wave propagating to the right of a photonic crystal.
The shock front width is much larger than the lattice constant. A
signal input at [omega]1 from the right (arrow 602) is coherently
converted up in frequency to [omega]2 and output to the left
(arrow 604). It is also envisioned that coherency may be
maintained for small frequency shifts for narrow shocks. It should
be noted that running the shock wave in reverse has a frequency
lowering effect for light input from the right at [omega]2, which
is complimentary to the frequency increasing effect described
[0050] While there are numerous ways to increase the bandwidth of
a wave packet, there are currently no classical (non-quantum
mechanical) ways to decrease the bandwidth. This can be
accomplished through the addition of a photonic crystal mirror on
the right side of the system in FIG. 2. If electromagnetic
radiation of a range of frequencies below [omega]1 is shined into
the system, it will be confined between the shock front and the
mirror on the right side. As the shock propagates, all this
radiation is shifted up in frequency until the lower band edge in
the pre-shocked material is reached; then the radiation is shifted
up in frequency through the total system gap and can be extracted
on the right side.
[0051] Many other methods are envisioned to reduce or increase the
bandwidth of a pulse of light based upon this configuration. Some
of these are related to the frequency dependence of the Doppler
shift and the frequency dependence of the adiabatic evolution of
the modes. The rate of adiabatic frequency shift of the modes in
the pre-shocked material is a function of frequency. Modes close
to the bottom of the gap change frequency more slowly than those
away from the gap due to the high density of modes there. This may
have bandwidth altering applications. It is also possible to vary
the frequency width of the bandgap as a function of position in
the crystal to control the density of states, as in FIG. 7.
[0052] FIG. 7 illustrates a schematic of a shock wave compressing
a material with a spatially dependent bandgap. All light which
exists between [omega]1 and [omega]2 is converted to [omega]2 and
escapes on the right side. This will decrease the distance the
shock wave must travel to convert all the energy in a given
[0053] Thus, the use of photonic crystals as frequency-dependent
mirrors allows for the confinement of light of certain
frequencies, while others are allowed to escape. If the geometry
of the photonic crystals is sufficiently slowly altered that the
confined light changes frequency slowly, it will all escape at the
edge of the confining frequency nearly monochromatically. It
should be noted that this effect cannot be accomplished with
metallic mirrors due to their lack of significant frequency
dependence and rapid absorption of electromagnetic energy.
[0054] In addition to frequency changes, the shocked photonic
crystal has the capability of trapping light for a period of time
in a defect state located at the shock front, as in FIG. 3. While
the light is being shifted up in frequency through the gap, it is
trapped at the shock front. If the speed of the shock wave can be
controlled, then the light in the localized defect state can be
trapped there for a controlled time. The light can be released by
running the shock forwards or backwards. In the forward case, the
light is released at the top of the pre-shocked material gap. In
the reverse case, the light is released at the original frequency
that it was input. This scheme is an optical pulse delay, which
can delay pulses of light "on the fly" by adjusting the shock
[0055] FIG. 8 illustrates a schematic showing how the present
invention is used to delay and alter the form of electromagnetic
signals. The electromagnetic trapping effect observed in the shock
wave scenario can be generated by a variety of other means. The
most obvious is to actually change the distance between two
photonic crystals using piezoelectric materials or other means, as
in FIG. 1. Another means of generating the appropriate
time-dependent effects is through the use of materials which
change the dielectric constant under an applied electric field or
applied change in temperature. Some of these materials can be
modulated at GHz frequencies with 1% changes in the refractive
index. Other possible ways of producing similar effects in
photonic crystals may involve the simultaneous interaction of
light with a spinning disk and an object fixed in the laboratory
[0056] The incorporation of crystal defects and defect bands into
the shocked photonic crystal can also have useful properties. For
example, consider electromagnetic energy which is shined into a
defect band, as depicted in FIG. 9. The shock is propagating to
the right and converts all the energy in the defect band up in
frequency if the highest group velocity is less than the shock
wave speed. If the group velocity of the energy in the defect band
is less than the shock speed, then 100% of the energy will be
converted in frequency, and can be extracted out the left side in
the post-shocked material.
[0057] In addition, if the shock wave changes the amount of
dispersion in that band, the frequency bandwidth can be changed by
the shock wave. For example, if the shock is run in reverse, it
will move the crystal defects apart as it propagates. This
decreases the amount of dispersion in the defect band and forces
all the light in that band to occupy a narrower bandwidth. Slow
separation of the defects to infinity will force all of the light
into a single frequency.
[0058] These ideas apply to any system which is described well by
tight-binding. For example, efficient frequency conversion can be
achieved in this fashion in a series of coupled inductor-capacitor
resonators. If the frequency of the resonators is changed more
quickly than the group velocity of the energy in the system, then
100% of the input energy will be converted.
[0059] There has been recent interest in nonlinear effects in
light trapped in localized states in photonic crystals. The
conversion of light from frequency [omega] to 3[omega] can be
accomplished more efficiently than usual through the use of such
localized states which do not have a well-defined momentum.
[0060] It is possible to achieve large amplitudes localized at the
shock front. These large amplitudes are a result of the adiabatic
compression of an extended state to a localized state. These
amplitudes increase with the size of the system and increase as
the shock velocity decreases. Amplitudes of several orders of
magnitude higher than the amplitude in the pre-shock region are
[0061] If the intensity of electromagnetic radiation in the defect
state at the shock front is sufficiently high that non-linear
material effects become important, then light of frequency
3[omega] may be generated, where w is the frequency of the defect
state. In this case, as the frequency of the light in the defect
state changes, so will the 3[omega] generated by nonlinearities.
If 3[omega] is a frequency which coincides with allowed modes of
the system, this light will be able to escape the shock front and
propagate away.
[0062] In addition to large frequency changes and bandwidth
narrowing, it is possible to observe other novel effects in
photonic crystals which are modulated in a shock-like pattern. For
example, a reverse Doppler shift from a moving boundary in a
photonic crystal can be observed using a dielectric of the form
[mathematical formula - see original document] This is shown in
FIG. 10.
[0064] FIG. 10 illustrates a graph of the dielectric as a function
of position for three equally-spaced instants of time,
t1<t2<t3. Arrows follow the shock front and material paths,
which move at different speeds. In this case, a moving interface
exists between a photonic crystal and a uniform dielectric medium
and the photonic crystal does not move relative to the uniform
medium, but movement of the interface causes an expansion or
growth of the crystal region.
[0065] FIG. 11 shows the effect of this dielectric on a Gaussian
pulse, which propagates toward the moving interface from the
uniform dielectric region. The light is at a frequency where it is
completely reflected by the bandgap region of the crystal, and a
negative Doppler shift is observed. Here, [gamma]<-1> =1.8,
and [nu]=0.125c. A similar simulation was performed for a Gaussian
pulse around [omega]=0.19, in which a zero Doppler shift was
observed. A positive Doppler shift was observed for incident
frequencies between about 0.19 and the top of the reflecting
[0066] It is also possible to make light of a single frequency
split into multiple discrete frequencies. This is illustrated in
FIG. 12. This simulation is similar to that in FIG. 11 except the
dielectric in the crystal region has additional high spatial
frequency components. The dielectric is [mathematical formula -
see original document] with shock front thickness parameter,
[gamma]<-1> =0.013 and [nu]=0.025 c.
[0068] The Gaussian pulse incident from the right in FIG. 11 is
split into evenly spaced frequencies upon reflection. Some of the
light is reflected with no frequency shift. The intensity of each
of the reflected frequency components can be controlled by
adjusting the form of the dielectric in the crystal region. As in
the cases of FIGS. 3 and 4, the interpretation of the reflected
light as evenly-spaced discrete frequencies or as a periodic
modulation of a single frequency is a matter of experimental
timescale resolution.
[0069] The phenomena observed in FIGS. 3 and 4 can be largely
understood by considering the time-evolution of the various
allowed modes as the shock propagates. Each time the shock wave
propagates through one lattice unit, the crystal on the right in
FIG. 2 is reduced in length by one lattice unit and the crystal on
the left is increased by one lattice unit. Since the number of
allowed values of k in a band is equal to the number of lattice
periods in the crystal (ignoring polarization degeneracy) each
time the shock wave passes over one lattice unit, the number of
states in each band in the pre-shocked crystal must decrease by
one and increase by one in the post-shocked crystal. This transfer
process is indicated by the mode movement arrows in FIG. 2 for the
lowest two bands. It should be noted that to accomplish this in
the case of the second band, it is necessary for a mode to move up
through the overlapping gap formed by the second bandgap in the
preshocked region and the first bandgap in the postshocked region.
[0070] Indeed, the large frequency changes in FIGS. 3 and 4 are a
direct result of the adiabatic evolution of the light through this
overlapping bandgap. The light is essentially trapped in a cavity
which is "squeezed" as the shock compresses the lattice, thereby
increasing the frequency. This occurs once each time the shock
propagates through a lattice unit.
[0071] While a significant change in the frequency of
electromagnetic radiation through mechanical means usually
requires the interaction with objects that are moving at a
significant fraction of the speed of light, the adiabatic approach
does not have this requirement. The adiabatic nature of the
evolution of the radiation up in frequency through the total
system bandgap has the property that it can be arbitrarily slowly
completed with the same large shifts in frequency. This key
physical mechanism liberates the shocked photonic crystal from the
impossible task of interface propagation near the speed of light.
Finally, it should be noted that a time-reversed, frequency
lowering effect also occurs in this adiabatic picture.
[0072] The adiabatic picture is valid as long as the scattering
processes involved with the incident light reflecting from the
shock wave do not introduce frequency components that are
significantly outside the original input pulse bandwidth.
Therefore, the more time the incident light spends interacting
with the shock front, the more likely it is for this condition to
hold. This condition is satisfied for the systems exemplified in
FIGS. 3 and 5, mostly satisfied for the system shown in FIG. 4,
and completely invalid for the systems in FIGS. 11 and 12.
[0073] To develop a non-adiabatic theory, a scenario is provided
where the incident light is at a frequency that falls within the
gap of the compressed crystal. However, the systems depicted in
FIGS. 1 and 10 must be treated slightly differently. Let us begin
with the case in FIG. 1.
[0074] Far away from the shock front, the electric field in the
pre-shocked photonic crystal is given by E(x,t)=E0e<ikx>
wk,n(x)e<-i[omega]t> , (4) where k and n denote the
translational and band indices, and wk,n(x) has the periodicity of
the lattice, wk,n(x+[alpha])=wk,n(x).
[0076] Since the frequency of the incident light lies within the
bandgap of the compressed photonic crystal, an effective model of
the shock front is a mirror with a space-dependent E field
reflection coefficient, R(x), where x is the mirror position. R
has the property that R(x)=1, since the incident light reflects
from the bandgap of the post-shocked crystal. In general, R has
some frequency dependence, but the bandwidth of the incident light
is considered sufficiently small to neglect it. If the shock front
is stationary, the boundary condition in terms of incident and
reflected light is E1e<ik> <1> <x>
wk1,n(x)e<-i[omega]> <1> <t> =E0R(x)e<ik>
<0> <x> wk0,n(x)e<-i[omega]> <0> <t>
, (5) where ko and kl correspond to the incident and reflected
states, respectively, and E0 and E1 are constants.
[0078] For light near the band edge at k=0, the frequency has the
form [omega]=[omega]0+[alpha]k<2> . This substitution can be
made without loss of generality because the condition near any
band edge can be obtained by considering k->k-kedge and a
redefinition of the function wk,n(x). If an assumption is made
that the shock is moving sufficiently slowly that the reflected
light has the form of a single Bloch state, then a substitution
can be made, x->xo-[nu]t, to obtain a relation for the boundary
condition at the shock front. This gives [mathematical formula -
see original document] where El(t) now has some amplitude
time-dependence due to the term in brackets.
[0080] It can be shown that, near a band edge where k is small,
[mathematical formula - see original document] where un(x) has the
periodicity of the lattice and is independent of k. Equation (6)
can be further simplified by noting that when [mathematical
formula - see original document] and, likewise for ko, the term in
brackets in Equation 6 is unity, and El(t) is time-independent.
Since small k is near the Brillouin zone center, this should be
the case most of the time. If R(x)=-1 as for a metallic mirror,
the time-dependence of Equation 6 must satisfy, [alpha]k1<2>
-[alpha]k0<2> +(k1-k0)[nu]=0. (8) This gives a frequency
shift of [mathematical formula - see original document]
[0084] The last relation is given in terms of the group velocity
defined by [mathematical formula - see original document] The
relation between incident and reflected group velocities can be
expressed as [nu]g,l=2[nu]-[nu]g,o. If [nu]<0 and [nu]g,o<0,
the mirror is moving to the right and incident light propagates to
the left.
[0086] There are two remarkable features of Equation 9. The first
is that, in the slow velocity limit where [mathematical formula -
see original document] the Doppler shift 2[nu]ko is much smaller
in magnitude than the usual vacuum Doppler shift [mathematical
formula - see original document] near the Brillouin zone center.
The second notable feature is that for [nu]<0, above the
bandgap where [alpha]>0 the Doppler shift is positive, whereas
below the bandgap where [alpha]>0, the Doppler shift is
negative. Therefore, incident light is Doppler shifted away from
the bandgap region on both sides of the bandgap.
[0089] It is interesting to note that the term in brackets in
Equation (6) changes phase slowly except when [mathematical
formula - see original document] when the phase can change very
rapidly. This indicates that the reflected frequencies are very
sensitive to the position of the reflector in these special
regions for light where [mathematical formula - see original
document] This property could be useful in resolving the motion of
objects which have oscillation amplitudes much smaller than the
wavelength of the light they are reflecting, or for mechanical
modulation of optical signals.
[0092] Considering the case of FIG. 10 where the pre-shocked
material is completely uniform; light in the uniform region that
reflects from the photonic crystal region can be endowed with an
anomalous Doppler shift, as in FIG. 11, and be split into multiple
frequencies, as in FIG. 12.
[0093] It should be noted that it is not possible to observe these
effects by simply translating a photonic crystal through a uniform
medium because the reflection coefficient for the photonic crystal
in that case is constant, as in the case of a metal mirror. The
new key physical phenomena that appear in this section result from
the fact that the photonic crystal region "grows" into the uniform
region, and not merely translates.
[0094] As a simple description of the phenomena in FIGS. 11 and
12, the photonic crystal boundary is represented as a
space-dependent reflection coefficient. The reflected light can be
expanded in the plane wave solutions of the uniform medium,
[mathematical formula - see original document] where R(x) can be
written R(x)=[Sigma]G[beta]Ge<-iGx > which is the most
general form with the property R(x)=R(x+[alpha]). The reciprocal
lattice vectors G are [mathematical formula - see original
document] where q is an integer. This substitution and letting
x->x0-[nu]t yield a relation required by the time dependence of
Equation (10) of, [omega]G+kG[nu]=[omega]0+k0[nu]-G[nu] (11) where
the j index has been replaced with the reciprocal lattice vector
index G. The reflected frequencies in the non-relativistic limit
are, [omega]G-[omega]0=(2k-G)[nu]. (12) The reflected light has
frequency components that differ from the usual Doppler shift by
the amount G[nu]. For light near the first bandgap frequency,
G[nu] is on the order of or larger than the Doppler shift from a
metal mirror. The amplitude of each of these components is,
EG=[beta]G¦¦E0. (13)
[0099] The reverse Doppler shift scenario in FIG. 11 corresponds
to the case where the only dominant component of
R(x)=[Sigma]G[beta]Ge<--iGx > is the one corresponding to
[mathematical formula - see original document] Equation (12)
indicates that the reflected light should have a single frequency
with a negative shift if [nu]<0, ko<0, and [mathematical
formula - see original document] which is the case in FIG. 11.
[0102] The multiple reflected frequencies of FIG. 12 are also
represented by Equation 12. In this case R(x) has several spatial
frequency components, which result from the high spatial frequency
components in [epsilon](x) for the crystal given by Equation 3.
Furthermore, the incident light in the simulation in FIG. 12 has
wavevector [mathematical formula - see original document] which is
coincident with a value of G for the crystal. Therefore, some of
the reflected light has the same frequency as the incident light.
[0104] Equation (12) is based on the assumption of a very sharp
shock front. FIG. 10 was produced with a relatively broad shock
front width greater than [alpha], which has the effect of
suppressing multiple reflected frequencies.
[0105] Consider the non-adiabatic model associated with the
scenario of FIG. 1. With the limit [nu]->0, the non-adiabatic
model reduces to the adiabatic limit and provides some new
physical insight. As was previously discussed, the adiabatic limit
is achievable by increasing the time the incident light spends
interacting with the shock front. Therefore, the adiabatic limit
is taken by considering the effect of repeated bounces of the
light from the slowly moving reflector where each bounce is
described by Equation (6). It is envisioned that the light bounces
between the slowly moving reflector and a fixed reflector
positioned a distance L>>[alpha] in the crystal. Let
R(x)[identical to]e<i[theta](x)> , and let the term in
brackets in Equation 6 be denoted by e<iP(x> <0>
<-[nu]t)> . Assigning unit magnitude for the term in
brackets in Equation (6) is acceptable for all time in the limit
of small v where kl->ko. Then, the time dependence of Equation
(6) requires, [alpha]k1<2> +k1[nu]=[alpha]k0<2>
+k0[nu]+[theta]'(x0-[nu]t0)[nu]+P'(x0-[nu]t0)[nu], (14) where
[theta] and P have been linearized about t0, which is valid in the
limit [nu]->0. Primes denote derivatives. Then, after p bounces
off the light between the stationary and moving reflectors,
[mathematical formula - see original document]
[0107] The number of bounces of the light p that occur during a
time [alpha]/[nu] when the reflector moves through one lattice
constant is [mathematical formula - see original document] The
variation of [nu]g over this time can be neglected in the limit
[0109] Taking the limits [nu]->0 (p->[infinity]) and
L<<[alpha] give, [mathematical formula - see original
[0110] The periodicity of the crystal gives the property that
[theta](x+[alpha])-[theta](x)=2[pi]l, and the periodicity of wk,n
gives the property that P(x+[alpha])-P(x)=2[pi]m, where l and m
are integers. This substitution and some simplification gives the
final result for the adiabatic change in k during the propagation
of the shock over one lattice constant, [mathematical formula -
see original document]
[0111] The integer m is related to the particular bandgap around
which wk,n describes states. It can be shown that for a sinusoidal
dielectric, m=-1 above and below the first bandgap, m=-2 above and
below the second bandgap, and so on. The integer l is also related
to the particular bandgap from which light is reflecting. For a
sinusoidal dielectric, l=1 for the first bandgap, l=2 for the
second, and so on for the higher bandgaps. While quantum numbers
are preserved in an adiabatic evolution, the k values referred to
here change during an adiabatic evolution because they are
convenient labels, not quantum numbers.
[0112] When Equation (17) is applied to the scenario in FIG. 2,
l+m=1-2=-1, which indicates that the k quantum number of light
will adiabatically decrease one k quantum for each lattice
constant the shock wave moves. This is consistent with the
adiabatic picture presented above which shows that one mode of the
system must move up through the total system gap per lattice unit
the shock traverses in FIG. 2. Furthermore, the invariance of the
adiabatic picture to the details of crystal structure provides a
general proof that the above statements about m and l hold for all
[0113] Another interesting case is when the shock interface
separates two crystals of differing bandgap sizes such that light
near the first bandgap in the pre-shocked crystal reflects from
the first bandgap of the post-shocked crystal. In this case,
l+m=1-1=0, indicating there is no net Doppler shift for small
shock velocities. This absence has been observed in FDTD
[0114] While there are numerous ways to increase the bandwidth of
a wave packet, there are, to our knowledge, currently no
non-quantum mechanical ways to decrease the bandwidth. An
important implication of this adiabatic evolution of light is that
the bandwidth of a pulse of light can be modified in a controlled
fashion while bouncing between the moving shock wave and a fixed
reflecting surface, as in FIG. 5. Equation (17) indicates the
width of a wavepacket in crystal momentum space [delta]k should be
preserved after many bounces because every k state moves by the
same amount. The dispersion relation near a band edge indicates
the bandwidth [delta][omega] for a wavepacket of width [delta]k is
a function of k near the band edge,
[delta][omega]=2[alpha]k[delta]k. Therefore, the bandwidth of a
pulse will be altered as it evolves through k-space during the
bouncing. This fact enables the compression of the bandwidth of a
pulse of light to a vanishing amount in the limits of a large
separation between the two reflecting surfaces and slowly moving
shock front.
[0115] In FIG. 5, a wavepacket of mean wavevector k is shifted up
in frequency toward the band edge, causing the bandwidth to
decrease. The bandwidth is modified without a very large change in
average frequency. However, if the wavepacket reaches the band
edge, it will be trapped at the shock front and converted up in
frequency until it is expelled at the frequency of the top of the
bandgap. In this case, there is a large average frequency shift in
addition to a narrowing in bandwidth. Both of these effects may
have useful applications.
[0116] These new technologies have a wide variety of possible
applications. The ability to change the frequency of
electromagnetic radiation over a wide frequency range (typically
20% or more) with high efficiency is of significant value in the
telecommunications industry. This industry utilizes a frequency
range of about 3%.
[0117] The capacity to delay a pulse of light for an amount of
time which is determined while delaying has applications in the
telecommunications industry. The capacity to reorder portions of
optical signals can also have applications in the
telecommunications industry.
[0118] The capacity to convert a relatively broad bandwidth of
frequencies to a nearly single frequency may have applications for
the harnessing of solar energy. Current solar cells do not have
the capacity to harness all frequency regions of the solar
spectrum with high efficiency. A material with an electronic
optical bandgap of a given frequency must be fabricated to harness
the solar energy in the region of that frequency. Fabrication of
such materials is currently not possible for the entire solar
spectrum. The devices presented here allow the conversion of parts
of the solar spectrum which may not be utilized by solar cells to
a frequency which is efficiently converted to electricity. It is
envisioned that this results in considerable increases in
efficiency of solar cells.
[0119] The perfect absorption of a portion of the electromagnetic
spectrum using these devices may be suited to applications where
electromagnetic absorption is important.
[0120] Some of the new physical phenomena presented in this paper
are most pronounced for light close to the edge of a bandgap where
group velocities are small. Group velocities two orders of
magnitude less than that in air have been experimentally realized
in photonic crystals.
[0121] The generalized shock-like profiles of the dielectric
discussed here could be generated by a variety of means. Materials
which undergo a change in the dielectric constant under an applied
electric field or applied change in temperature are promising
candidates. Such an approach might make possible the control of
the shock velocity and shock front thickness through
time-dependent control of the local dielectric at all points in
the system. It is also possible to launch a physical shock wave
into the photonic crystal using explosive loading, high-intensity
lasers, or other means. The phenomena in FIGS. 11 and 12 should be
observable using this approach. Although large compressions are
used to illustrate the phenomena in FIGS. 3 and 4, it should be
noted that it is possible to observe the same phenomena with
compressions of a few percent or less by considering the use of
deliberately designed defect bands or overlapping bandgaps formed
by higher frequency bandgaps in the pre- and post-shocked
[0122] Additionally, although this disclosure describes shock-like
dielectric modulations, the observed phenomena can be observed in
two and three dimensions and using other types of dielectric
modulation. MEMS devices provide an avenue for the generation of
time-dependent effects in photonic crystals. For example, the
adiabatic transfer of light between the bottom and top of a
bandgap may be accomplished by varying the air spacing between two
photonic crystals of differing lattice constants in an oscillatory
fashion. As another example, consider a rotating disk containing a
spiral photonic crystal pattern. Small millimeter diameter MEMS
disks have been made to rotate at millions of RPM in microengines.
Light reflecting from the edge of such a disk will see a
dielectric modulation identical to that of FIG. 10 as viewed in a
reference frame where the shock front is stationary. Hence,
various embodiments are envisioned using variations on this
approach. Finally, small time-dependent changes in the dielectric
can also be generated using non-linear materials. As examples of
specific applications, an optical switch based on the present
invention and a method for electromagnetic wave modulation and
control through time-dependent photonic crystals are described
[0123] FIG. 13 illustrates a device comprising two different
photonic crystals which shifts light upwards in frequency. FIG. 14
illustrates a device which shifts light down in frequency, wherein
the device is designed so that the light does work on the photonic
crystal on the right. If the photonic crystal on the right acts
like an oscillation in position, energy is transferred to this
oscillator as the conversion process proceeds. In principle, this
energy can be extracted through the use of piezoelectric materials
or other means.
[0124] While the force felt by a reflecting surface reflecting a
beam of light is ordinarily very small, this force is enhanced by
many orders of magnitude in devices utilizing the teachings of the
present invention. It is estimated that the forces supplied by
light are of sufficient magnitude to displace a typical MEMS
device on the order of 10% of the wavelength of 1.55 [mu]m light
for intensities in the 10 milliwatt range. This allows for the
possibility to control the geometry of MEMS devices with light.
[0125] FIG. 15 represents a combination of FIGS. 13 and 14. Light
of frequency [omega]0 is shined into the system from
right and left. When the center photonic crystal moves to the
left, the light on the right is shifted down in frequency and the
light on the left is shifted up in frequency. The system is
designed so that the force supplied by the light on the right is
greater than the force on the left. As a consequence of this, more
energy must be extracted from the light which is shifted down than
put into the light which is shifted up if the right and left
inputs are of the same intensity. If the center crystal is mounted
on an effective spring, it will return to and past its original
position and the conversion process will begin again.
[0126] As a consequence of the ability to change the geometry of
MEMS devices with light using our technology, an all optical
switch can be produced. FIG. 16 gives a schematic of a possible
all optical switch. The input and output waveguides are coupled
with a high Q cavity. The resonant frequency of the cavity can be
controlled by changing the geometry. If the resonant frequency is
close to the frequency of the input light, resonant tunneling can
occur and 100% transmission can be achieved. This has been
previously demonstrated in photonic crystal systems.
[0127] If light which is shined into the gate waveguide gets
trapped in a high-pressure state, the high Q cavity geometry may
be altered. It is thus possible to turn the device on using only
light. If the gate light source disappears, the device may still
remain in the on configuration if light is still trapped in the
high pressure state. The length of time the device stays in the on
configuration will depend on the device design and the intensity
of the initial gate pulse and the absorption coefficient of the
photonic crystal material and the Q of the high pressure state.
[0128] As mentioned above, another example as the present
invention's application is a method for electromagnetic wave
modulation and control through time-dependent photonic crystals.
FIG. 17 illustrates the effects of a strategically placed moving
reflecting surface in a photonic crystal on the electromagnetic
radiation inside.
[0129] There exist special places in a photonic crystal near a
band edge where the phase of reflected light is a strong function
of the velocity of the reflecting surface. These special locations
exist in the neighborhood of places where dH/dx=0, where H is the
magnetic field. If a reflecting surface, such as a mirror or
another photonic crystal, is moved in the vicinity of these
locations, an unusually large frequency shift of the reflected
light may be observed. The presence of extra frequencies in the
reflected signal is a form of modulation.
[0130] FIG. 17 presents a 1-dimensional schematic of the
utilization of this phenomenon. As the mirror 1702 on the left
moves, light incident from the right is modulated as it is
reflected. Hence, light which is incident from the right at a
frequency just below the bandgap in the photonic crystal is
reflected from the mirror. If the mirror is moving, a large
Doppler shift is observed in the reflected light. This frequency
shift or broadening is a modulation of the reflected light. This
device allows the resolution of changes in location of the mirror
on the left much less than the wavelength of the light shined in
from the right in FIG. 17. FIG. 18 presents a specific example of
how a signal can be transferred from one wavelength to another
using a thin reflecting film as an intermediary. A signal on the
left modulates the displacement of the thin film which modulates
the light of a different frequency on the right side. This
scenario is identical to FIG. 17 with the exception of the
electromagnetic signal incident from the left which can be a
source of modulation of the reflecting surface through photon
pressure. The device of FIG. 18 allows for modulating a signal
with another of different frequency.
[0131] Applications which require resolution of reflecting objects
which move length scales much less than the wavelength of the
probe light can benefit from this technology. Miniaturized motion
detectors for MEMS devices could be constructed. Additionally,
this method of modulation is not bandwidth limited. The direct
modulation of optical frequencies with signals that have a broad
bandwidth can be accomplished using our invention. This can be
very difficult to accomplish using electronics.
[0132] Hence, the present invention's devices allow the generation
of an arbitrary frequency, which is tunable by adjusting the size
of a bandgap. Generation of an arbitrary frequency through
existing means is difficult and costly. The strong interaction of
light and matter through the high pressure modes outlined here
provides an alternating to nonlinear material effects which
require high intensities and electronics which translate optical
signals into mechanical effects. Frequency conversion can be
accomplished through the present invention's devices without any
supplied power or electronics. The perfect absorption of a portion
of the electromagnetic spectrum using these devices may be suited
to applications where electromagnetic absorption is important. The
conversion of electromagnetic energy directly into mechanical
energy may have applications in the solar power industry.
[0133] FIG. 19 shows another approach in utilizing moving photonic
crystals to achieve highly efficient frequency conversion of
electromagnetic radiation. In particular, FIG. 19 shows a material
2 having a nonlinear dielectric response, and a material 6 having
a linear response. Electromagnetic radiation of frequencies
[omega]1 and [omega]2 are shined in opposite directions. This
creates a moving periodic modulation or moving grating of the
dielectric, or moving photonic crystal 4, within the nonlinear
region. Electromagnetic radiation to be frequency converted is
shined from the linear region at a frequency [omega]3. The
frequencies [omega]1 and [omega]2 are chosen so that [omega]3
coincides with a bandgap frequency region of the moving photonic
crystal in the nonlinear material. The input signal [omega]3
signal has an exponentially decaying spatial dependence into the
nonlinear region and is reflected from the moving photonic crystal
and propagates away to the right at frequency [omega]4.
[0134] Note [omega]3 falls within one of the bandgaps of the
moving photonic crystal 4. The efficiency of this conversion in a
phase matched system is 100% for light of bandwidths below the
bandgap size of the moving photonic crystal, which can be about
10<-3> [omega]0 in practice. This method of frequency
conversion can be performed on arbitrarily weak input signals. In
addition to efficient frequency conversion, this technology may
also have useful applications for quantum information processing
due to the capability to manipulate low intensity signals combined
with the preservation of signal bandwidth.
[0135] This embodiment of the invention is a special case of
4-wave mixing where the input signal exhibits an exponentially
decaying spatial dependence in the nonlinear region.
[0136] FIG. 20 shows the dielectric at three equally-spaced
instants in time, t1>t2>t3. The arrows show the movement of
the photonic crystal 4 in the nonlinear material 2.
[0137] If the nonlinear material 2 utilized possesses a
nonlinearity with a timescale fast enough to respond to the
frequency [omega]1-[omega]2 but slow enough to average over
[omega]1+[omega]2 then the interference of the pump beams [omega]1
and [omega]2 produces a grating of lattice constant. [mathematical
formula - see original document] with moving velocity
[mathematical formula - see original document] where n is the
refractive index of the nonlinear material, assumed to be
independent of frequency in this case. The input frequency
[omega]3 must satisfy, [omega]3 l[omega]2 Eq. 20 where l is a
positive integer that corresponds to the particular bandgap from
which the incident light reflects. This is an approximate relation
because the photonic crystal bandgap has some non-zero width in
frequency space. For this input frequency, the output frequency
is, [omega]4 l[omega]1 Eq. 21 The amount of frequency shift is
given by [mathematical formula - see original document] When l=1
(input signal light reflects from the lowest frequency bandgap),
the pump frequencies are equivalent to the input signal and output
signal frequencies. The amount of frequency shift relative to the
input frequency is given by, [mathematical formula - see original
[0143] Analytical theory predicts that there is only one reflected
frequency in the limit of a narrow photonic crystal bandgap. This
fact enables 100% efficiency in the conversion process. In
practice, the small bandgap in the nonlinear material is well into
the single reflected frequency regime.
[0144] The previous results were derived using Galilean
relativity, which holds correct when v<<c. Relativistic
effects can be derived and shown to result in the production of
extra reflected frequency components.
[0145] FIG. 21 shows results of a computer simulation illustrating
operation of the device. Light is incident to the left at
frequency [omega]=0.01. The linear-nonlinear interface is at
x=30a, where a is the lattice constant of the photonic crystal.
Light is reflected from the interface and propagates to the right
at multiple frequencies. The number of reflected frequencies will
be 1 in the limit of a small photonic crystal bandgap, as will
exist in practical setups. The simulations reported here utilize
time-dependent modulations of the index in the nonlinear region,
removing lo the need for the pump beams in the simulations. The
simulations also possess perfect phase matching, i.e. the
dielectric constant exhibits no frequency dependence.
[0146] Under certain conditions, [Delta][omega]/[omega] in Eq. 23
can be made infinite. In this case the input frequency is zero
(i.e. a constant electric field). Computer simulation of this
scenario is shown in FIG. 22. In FIG. 22, a constant electric
field is applied in the linear region. This is upconverted to
multiple equally spaced frequencies of similar intensity. Here the
dielectric used is given in FIG. 20, and the velocity has been
chosen to make the denominator of Eq. 23 is zero. Maximum
frequency produced in this scenario is extremely sensitive to the
bandwidth of the input signal in this case. It is also sensitive
to the frequency dependence of the dielectric which can have an
effect on the degree of phase matching.
[0147] This scenario requires the grating to be moving at the
speed of light in the nonlinear material, so only one pump
frequency [omega]1 is required in this case. A fast nonlinear
response can be required to produce a periodic index modulation
that is sufficiently fast to observe nonlinear effects in this
case. Nonlinear response times on the femtosecond time scale exist
in AiGaAs and other materials with a non-resonant excitation. This
timescale is fast enough to observe the effects.
[0148] In this embodiment of the invention, it is described in 1D,
but higher spatial dimensions can be exploited. For example, the
input frequency [omega]3 can be shined on the linear-nonlinear
interface at an angle. Since the bandgap frequency of the photonic
crystal in the nonlinear material is a function of this angle, the
angle can be varied to obtain high conversion efficiency rather
than vary the frequencies of [omega]1 and/or [omega]2.
[0149] The bandwidth region where 100% frequency conversion is
obtained depends on the power of the beams used to generate the
moving grating in the nonlinear material. The typical bandwidth
where 100% conversion efficiency can be obtained with the new
approach can be up to 10<-3 > [omega]0, where [omega]0 is
the average frequency to be converted. These bandwidths are
determined by the degree of material nonlinearity and the
intensity of the light used to generate the moving grating.
[0150] The exponentially decaying nature of the converted light
within the photonic bandgap frequency region in the photonic
crystal in FIG. 19 results in a small device. The localization
length of light in the photonic crystal is typically between
10<3> [lambda] to 10<4> [lambda] where [lambda] is the
wavelength of light to be converted. Some existing approaches to
nonlinear frequency conversion require the use of kilometer
lengths of fiber to obtain reasonable efficiencies. This
exponentially decaying spatial dependence of light in the
nonlinear region may also decrease the importance of any phase
mismatches that can prevent efficient conversion.
[0151] Although the present invention has been shown and described
with respect to several preferred embodiments thereof, various
changes, omissions and additions to the form and detail thereof,
may be made therein, without departing from the spirit and scope
of the invention.
A device for converting frequency of electromagnetic radiation
includes a nonlinear medium (2) that forms a moving grating (4) in
the nonlinear medium by introducing at opposite ends of the
nonlinear medium a first set of electromagnetic radiation having
varying frequencies (W1, W2). Electromagnetic radiation (W2) is
inputted into the nonlinear medium at a first frequency and
extracted at a second frequency (W4) from the nonlinear medium.
The moving grating in the nonlinear medium allows for
electromagnetic radiation to be converted into the second