Dr Emanuel REVICI
Selenium vs Cancer
Dr. Emanuel Revici
The Einstein of Medicine
Emanuel Revici, MD transformed medicine in the 1930's during the
laboratory and clinical research he conducted in Paris. By
observing the quantum or energetic properties of lipids in health
and disease, Dr. Revici discovered non-toxic lipids that treat
pain and cancer. Thereafter he pursued his research at the
Institute of Applied Biology in Mexico and NYC until his death in
1998 at 101.
Dr. Revici was always 50-100 years ahead of his time. While
physicians and scientists have confirmed some of his discoveries
in the last sixty years, many remain unrecognized. Once tapped
however they stand to transform medicine in the 21st century.
The Doctor Who Cures Cancer
This is the story of Emanuel Revici M.D., his groundbreaking
medical discoveries and his success in treating pain, cancer and
other illnesses with his non-toxic "chemotherapy". It is a true
story of a physician whose work was published by the prestigious
Pasteur Institute, yet who was subsequently persecuted and
prosecuted by the medical establishment. Kelley Eidem captures a
genuine feeling of this extraordinary physician often told through
the experiences of Dr. Revici's patients. This story will melt
your heart.
(Excerpted from Options: The Alternative Cancer Therapy
Book ; ISBN: 0895295105; Published by Avery Publishing, New York
Cancer: Revici Therapy
Richard Walters
Dr. Emanuel Revici has developed an original approach to the
treatment of cancer. His nontoxic chemotherapy uses lipids,
lipid-based substances, and essential elements to correct an
underlying imbalance in the patient's chemistry. Lipids-organic
compounds such as fatty acids and sterols-are important
constituents of all living cells. They are a separate, critical
system in the body's defenses against illness, according to
research conducted by Dr. Revici early in his career.
The Romanian-born physician, who practices in New York City, has
applied his wide-ranging discoveries for over sixty years to the
treatment of cancer as well as many other disorders, including
AIDS, arthritis, Alzheimer's disease, chronic pain, drug
addiction, schizophrenia, allergies, shock, and burns. The great
majority of his cancer patients are in advanced stages of the
illness. Five, ten, sometimes twenty years after receiving
treatment, some of these patients are in remission with no signs
of active disease.
Revici, in his mid-nineties, is fiercely dedicated, still makes
occasional house calls, and has patients call him at home. To
critics, his approach is far too complex, too theoretical, and
inconsistent in its results. Even friendly critics within the
alternative health field say he cures very few cancer patients.
But to admirers, he is a man who has saved the lives of cancer
patients pronounced hopeless by orthodox doctors, a scientific
genius who has opened up whole new vistas and whose theories and
discoveries may serve as a principal basis for future medicine.
Commenting on Revici's 1961 book, Research in Physiopathology as a
Basis of Guided Chemotherapy With Special Applications to Cancer,
Dr. Gerhard Schrauzer a leading authority on selenium, wrote, "I
came to the conclusion that Dr. Revici is an innovative medical
genius, outstanding chemist and a highly creative thinker. I also
realized that few of his medical colleagues would be able to
follow his train of thought and thus would be all too willing to
dismiss his work."1
Dr. Revici views health as a dynamic balance between two opposing
kinds of activity that occur in all living systems. One process,
the anabolic, or constructive, fosters the growth and build-up of
natural patterns. The other process is catabolic, or destructive,
involving the breakdown of structure, the liberation of energy,
and the utilization of stored resources. According to Dr. Revici,
a long-term predominance of either activity leads to abnormality
and disease.
In his "guided 1ipid" therapy with cancer patients, Revici has
found two basic patterns of 1ipid imbalance-one, the result of an
excess of sterols, and the other, the result of an excess of fatty
acids. Sterols are solid unsaturated alcohols such as cholesterol.
In treating cancer, Revici first determines whether the anabolic
or catabolic phase of activity is currently progressing unchecked.
Then he administers lipidbased compounds to renormalize the
balance between the body's opposing forces.
Revici describes the body's overall defense system as consisting
of four successive phases. When an antigen, or foreign substance,
such as a virus or microbe, enters an organism, it activates the
defense system. In the first phase, the antigen is broken down by
enzymes. This is followed by the lipidic phase, followed in turn
by the coagulant antibody phase, and succeeded finally by a phase
mediated by globulinic antibodies able to fully neutralize the
The key point about this defense system is that a new phase does
not start until the previous phase has been successfully
completed. At any point where the agents available are
qualitatively insufficient to defend against the noxious
influence, the sequence breaks down. Then the body overcompensates
by manufacturing excessive amounts of the defense agents from the
breakdown point, and it does not progress to the next phase.
Revici found that most chronic diseases, including cancer, are
characterized by such abnormal conditions. When the body's defense
is arrested in the lipidic phase, either fatty acids or sterols
are produced in abnormally large quantities, leading to a variety
of disorders, including cancer.
Patients diagnosed with an excess of sterols are treated with
fatty acids to correct the imbalance. Conversely, patients found
to have a predominance of fatty acids are treated with sterols and
other agents.
This "biologically guided chemotherapy," as Dr. Revici calls it,
is highly individualized to suit each person's specific metabolic
character and condition. "There are simply no two cancers which
are alike, just as no two individuals are alike," he has said.2
The substances and dosages used are unique for each patient and
can be changed if analytical tests reveal a change in the body's
balance. Through regular tests, such as the urine pH, specific
gravity, surface tension, and chloride index, Dr. Revici can
detect systemic changes in the body produced by lipid imbalances.
Revici's research has demonstrated that lipids have an affinity
for tumors and other abnormal tissues. Because of this, the lipids
or lipid-like synthetic compounds administered to the patient,
either by mouth or injection, travel directly to the tumor or
lesion. Cancerous tissue is abnormally rich in free lipids, and
the lipidic agents introduced into the bloodstream are readily
taken up by the tumor.
Revici's nontoxic cancer therapy has been denied both fair testing
and funding in the United States, though it has been studied and
put into practice in France, Italy, and Austria. A distinguished
physician and research scientist who graduated first in his class
at the University of Bucharest, Dr. Revici has been
stereotypically portrayed by the American media as a quack who
should have been put out of business a long time ago. The American
Cancer Society put Revici's therapy on its Unproven Methods
blacklist in 1961, and in 1984, the State of New York tried to
revoke his medical license permanently on grounds of deviation
from standard medicine, negligence, incompetence, fraud, the use
of unapproved experimental drugs, and similar charges. After four
years of struggle, Revici triumphed in duly 1988 with a decision
that placed him on probation but allows him to continue treating
cancer patients.
To save his license, Revici's patients and several medical
civil-liberties groups undertook intensive lobbying at the state
capitol. At the federal level, New York Congressman Guy Molinari
held an all-day hearing in March 1988 to address the Revici matter
and the whole field of alternative cancer therapies. Dr. Seymour
Brenner, a respected radiation oncologist in private practice in
New York, testified on Revici's behalf He had investigated a
number of patients in very advanced stages of cancer, incurable by
orthodox means, whom Revici had put into long remissions. Dr.
Brenner had an independent panel of pathologists confirm the
diagnosis and stage of illness prior to each patient's initial
visit to Revici. He testified that his personal findings strongly
suggest Revici has a cancer treatment deserving further study, and
he proposed that such an evaluation be conducted by the FDA.
…In a letter to Congressman Molinari, Brenner outlined a protocol
in which a panel of doctors would monitor cancer patients placed
on alternative therapies after their conditions had been deemed
unamenable to the standard forms of treatment. The letter
contained the detailed case histories of ten advanced cancer
patients whom Revici had healed.
One patient, a forty-three-year-old man, was diagnosed with an
invasive, high-grade cancer of the bladder at Memorial
Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in September 1980. "They said, 'The
only way you can be treated is if we take your bladder out and
give you a colostomy on the side.' He said no.", The patient
visited Dr. Revici in October and went on the therapy. He has had
no other treatment. In 1987, he returned to Sloan-Kettering for a
cystoscopy, which revealed him to be cancer-free.
Another patient, a twenty-nine-year-old woman, was operated on at
Memorial Sloan-Kettering in October 1983 for a chordoma, a brain
tumor. The tumor was incompletely resected, and the patient was
given a course of radiation therapy. The young woman's condition
progressively worsened during the twelve months following surgery.
She was seen by Dr. Revici in May 1984, at which time she was
confined to a wheelchair, with limited function. Since she started
the Revici program, she has had two babies and functions well. Her
only problem is that she walks with a cane.
Marianne Dimetres achieved remission from preterminal uterine
cancer through a combination of Revici's nontoxic medications,
wheatgrass therapy, diet, and psychological support. See her story
on page 157.
Revici, who holds patents for his numerous chemical compounds,
claims to have devised a novel technique to open double bonds in
molecules of unsaturated fatty acids in order to incorporate
different metallic elements at precise points in the molecules.
The result is an entirely new series of therapeutic compounds,
exceedingly low in toxicity and incorporating selenium, copper,
sulfur, zinc, calcium, nickel, beryllium, mercury, lead, and other
elements. In general, these compounds reportedly have a toxicity
less than one-thousandth of that of the elements in the forms
normally available. The technique converts toxic substances into
safe anticancer agents. "Through this method, Revici has opened up
an entirely new field for the therapeutic use of these elements,"
according to Dr. Dwight McKee, one of Revici's medical
Revici's use of selenium in the treatment of cancer predates
mainstream interest in this mineral by more than twenty years.
Selenium is one of the major trace elements always found deficient
in cancer-prone populations. Research has shown that it is of
value not only in preventing cancer but also in treating it.
Revici uses a special molecular form of selenium
(bivalent-negative selenium) incorporated in a molecule of fatty
acid. In this form, he can administer up to 1 gram of selenium per
day, which corresponds to 1 million micrograms per day, reportedly
with no toxic side effects. In contrast, too much selenite
(hexavalent-positive selenium) has toxic effects on animals, so
human intake of commercial selenite is limited to a dosage of only
100 to 150 micrograms by mouth. Dr. Revici often administers his
nontoxic form of selenium by injection, usually considered to be
four times more powerful than the form given orally.
Extra selenium in the diet drastically reduces the spontaneous
occurrence of cancer in mice. In human populations, high selenium
intake correlates with low cancer rates. In a 140-~patient study
of cancer victims treated with selenium, Dr. R. Donaldson of the
St. Louis Veterans' Administration Hospital reported in 1983 that
some patients deemed terminal with only weeks to live were
completely free of all signs of cancer after four years; all the
patients showed a reduction in tumor size and in pain.5
Dr. Revici uses the Periodic Table of Elements as one of several
guides when choosing the best course of treatment for a patient.
This ties in with his view that cancer is part of a hierarchical
organization found throughout Nature, from the precellular level
to the entire organism. All the known elements, in his view, can
be classified as supporting either anabolic or catabolic activity,
and each element's biological activity correlates with its
position in the Periodic Table. Revici maintains that the vertical
rows in the table all share either anabolic or catabolic activity,
whereas the horizontal rows indicate at which level of biological
organization a particular element acts-whether at the level of a
subnuclear particle (nucleoprotein), nucleus, cell, tissue, organ,
or whole body. By this means, Dr. Revici determines the body level
(or levels) most affected by the illness and therefore most in
need of therapeutic intervention. This information is correlated
with diagnostic tests indicating which imbalance is present at
which level.
Harassed for decades by the American medical monopoly, Revici,
ironically, had originally come to the United States seeking
freedom to do his work. A scientific prodigy, he had written his
first research manuscript at the age of twelve and entered the
University of Bucharest at seventeen. In 1936, after serving as an
assistant professor on the Faculty of Medicine, he moved with his
family to Paris, where he spent three years investigating the
biochemistry of cancer. When World War II erupted, the Revicis
fled to Nice, where the doctor joined the French Resistance and
gave medical aid to wounded Resistance fighters sought by the
Nazis. His anti-fascist activities so endangered him and his wife
and daughter that the leaders of the French Underground had to
arrange for the family's passage out of Europe.6 The Revicis
settled m Mexico, where Dr. Revici founded the first Institute of
Applied Biology, in Mexico City.
Eager to advance his research in the United States, Dr. Revici was
granted three special visas through the intercession of Sumner
Welles, a special aide to President Franklin D. Roosevelt.7 Revici
moved to Chicago, then to New York, establishing the institute
anew in Brooklyn in 1947. Today, his office is located in a
two-story building in Manhattan, where he treats patients aided by
a small support staff.
By 1948, Revici had begun exploring the use of selenium in
treating cancer and as a means for rendering radiation less
harmful. His promising findings on radiation came to the attention
of United States Navy scientists testing A-bombs in the Pacific.
Twice, the scientists invited him to join them in studying
radiation's harmful effects.
In 1954, Revici's fund-raising organization financed the purchase
of Beth David Hospital in Manhattan. Renamed Trafalgar Hospital,
this general-care facility employing over 200 resident and
visiting physicians enabled Revici, as the chief of oncology, to
provide round-the-clock care for critically ill patients. Its
animal research laboratories were staffed by 35 scientists and
technicians, all involved in projects related to Revici's theories
and therapeutic approach. Revici served as chief of Trafalgar's
oncology department for over twenty years. The hospital dosed in
1978 due to financial difficulties.
Revici's treatment agents were used in Belgium with favorable
results by Professor Joseph Maisin, president of the International
Union Against Cancer and director of the Cancer Institute of the
University of Louvain. Between 1965 and his death from a car
accident in 1971, Maisin corresponded with Revici to describe how
he treated patients with advanced metastatic cancer who had failed
conventional therapies. Maisin used several Revici preparations,
at times coupled with low-dose radiation. He reported that in nine
of the twelve terminal-cancer patients on the Revici medicines,
significant improvements occurred, including regression of tumors,
disappearance of metastases, and cessation of hemorrhage.
Incredibly, paralyzed patients were able to walk again.
Dr. Revici developed successful treatments for heroin and alcohol
addiction. His detoxification agent for heroin addicts, called
Perse, was almost chosen over methadone as the nation's treatment
of choice. Perse, which incorporated selenium in a lipid base,
physically detoxified addicts within five to eight days. At the
request of Congress, Revici presented over 2,000 case histories of
successful uses of this nontoxic and nonaddictive agent. The idea
for Perse had arisen from Revici's cancer practice after he
observed that patients previously on addictive narcotic analgesics
exhibited no withdrawal symptoms when placed on his lipid
At a 1971 congressional subcommittee hearing that took testimony
about Perse for a full day, Congressman Charles Rangel of New York
said, "The results and what we witnessed with patients was so
unbelievable that the doctor from Municipal Hospital has now gone
back on a daily basis in order to continue with this chance to see
the miraculous results that have taken place."
Barron's ran a full-page feature on Revici's treatments for
narcotic and alcohol addiction in 1972. Both Congress and the FDA
promised Dr. Revici full support for large-scale clinical testing,
signaling that Perse could be the most important breakthrough in
drug treatment. Because selenium is normally toxic in high doses,
Revici reformulated the medication to eliminate it. The new
substance, called Bionar, worked just as well-in the same amount
of time, with no withdrawal symptoms. (The selenium incorporated
in Perse was a bivalent-negative form, very active and virtually
The stage seemed set for a major advance in the war on drugs. But
less than one month after the congressional hearing, the FDA
reversed its position and recommended methadone, an addictive and
toxic drug, as the treatment of choice. Why?
One possible answer is provided by Marcus Cohen, who helped
coordinate the campaign to save Revici's license. He suggests,
"Hospitalization was required for treatment with Perse, and
because many of the patients were poor, Medicaid was asked to pick
up the tab. As in the case of most drug addicts, they presented
with other conditions besides addiction which needed medical
attention.... Methadone, addicting in itself, nevertheless was
favored by State and City officials as a means of controlling the
mostly black and Hispanic drug population.... The drug companies
and health care professionals that profited from exclusive use of
methadone did not welcome competition, least of all from a
treatment which did not cause a lifelong dependency."8
Dr. Revici's nontoxic treatment for AIDS applies his findings on
the antiviral and immune-enhancing properties of certain lipids.
He views AIDS as a "quadruple pathological condition," consisting
1. a primary viral infection, inducing
2. a deficiency in the body's natural lipidic defense, followed by
3. secondary opportunistic infections or specific neoplasms
due to the lack of certain lipids, resulting in
4. an exaggerated imbalance, usually catabolic.
Each of the four conditions is addressed with a specific
therapeutic approach. Antiviral agents are given to inactivate, or
kill, the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). To counteract the
patient's nonspecific loss of defense against opportunistic
infections, Dr. Revici administers, via injection, a group of
phospholipids that he calls refractoriness lipids. These compounds
appear to induce a generalized resistance (refractoriness) toward
many different antigens. The doctor claims impressive results with
these preparations in the clinical manifestations of AIDS and AIDS
Related Complex (ARC). Antibiotics are also given to combat the
secondary opportunistic infections. To redress bodily imbalances,
the appropriate anticatabolic or antianabolic agents are used.
Two of Revici's therapeutic compounds for cancer, amyl selenide
and tri-thioformaldehyde (TT), tested positive in trials conducted
in the late 1970s by the National Cancer Institute and Roswell
Park Memorial Institute.9 Another selenium compound that Revici
developed showed activity against four tumor systems in tests
conducted in England. However, the dose at which antitumor
activity was found was "fairly close to the toxic dose," and
further studies of the compound were recommended.
An unpublished study of the 1,047 cancer patients treated with the
Revici regimen between 1946 and 1955 was made by Robert Ravich,
M.D., who worked closely with Revici. Most of the patients were
far advanced or terminal, and most had prior conventional
treatment. Of the 1,047 cases, Ravich found that 100 had favorable
response (objective and subjective); 11 had objective response
only; 95 had subjective response only; 296 showed no response; and
545 had equivocal or undetermined response (380 of this last group
were treated for less than three months).10
The only published clinical study of Revici's treatment for cancer
appeared in the Journal of the American Medical Association JAMA)
in 1965. It was written by a panel of nine New York physicians
after Revici himself requested that a scientific panel review his
cancer-management program. After two years of observation, the
panel concluded that the Revici therapy was "without value." The
authors reported that 22 of the 33 patients in the study died of
cancer or its complications while on the Revici treatment and 4
more died after discontinuing the regimen. None of the 33 showed
signs of objective tumor regression, according to the authors.
Dr. Revici wrote a detailed rebuttal in which he stated that the
panel had ignored evidence indicating several tumor remissions,
multiple reductions in tumor size, and relief of pain in many
advanced patients. He noted that of the nine physicians on the
panel, only two had actually seen the patients during the entire
two-year study. He further commented that he had requested the
study in the "hope that the demonstration of positive results in
even a few of these advanced cases would excite sufficient
interest to lead to a large-scale study of our approach.... To
conclude from a limited study, such as this, that the method
should be discontinued, in all cancers, is to say that since
surgery and radiation have failed in these same terminal patients,
these 'recognized' methods should also be discontinued, not only
in these types of cancer but in all cancers in general." Although
Dr. Revici submitted substantiating pathological data in his
lengthy rebuttal,JAMA refused to publish it.
It is now more than forty years since Revici developed his
nontoxic chemotherapy. An open-minded, unbiased evaluation of it
is long overdue.
1. Gerhard N. Schrauzer, Ph.D., letter to the Board of Regents,
Department of Education, State of New York, 14 February 1986.
2. Barry Bryant, Cancer and Consciousness (Boston: Sigo Press,
1990), p. 147.
3. The Cancer Chronicles, vol. 2, no. 1, Summer 1990, p. 2; and
Seymour Brenner, M.D., letter to Guy V. Molinari, 24 March 1988.
4. Dwight L. McKee, M.D., Emanuel Revici MD.: A Review of His
Scientific Work (New York: Institute of Applied Biology, 1985), p.
5. Richard A. Passwater, Cancer and Its Nutritional Therapies (New
Canaan, CT: Keats Publishing, 1983), p. 149.
6. Marcus A. Cohen, "On Emanuel Revici, M.D.," unpublished
manuscript, 1988.
7. Ibid., pp. 1, 6.
8. Ibid., p. 12.
9. Ibid., pp. 4, 14.
10. Robert Ravich, "Revici Method of Cancer Control. Evaluation of
1047 Patients With Advanced Malignancies Treated From 19461955,"
unpublished manuscript, undated.
The Revici Method for the Treatment of
James Metz, MD
Abramson Cancer Center of the University of Pennsylvania
The Revici Method is an unconventional therapy for the treatment
of cancer developed by Emanuel Revici, MD. Dr. Revici believed
that pathologic conditions were due to a chemical imbalance within
the body that could be modified. The method is a blending of
clinical observations, laboratory analyses, and chemotherapy.
Basically, Dr. Revici would analyze the urine, blood, and body
temperature and place patients in specific categories based on the
"imbalance" that was discovered from these tests. The method was
analyzed by a Clinical Appraisal Group consisting of a number of
prominent physicians in the 1965. Thirty-three patients treated by
Dr. Revici were analyzed by the group of physicians. No instance
of objective tumor regression was observed in any of the 33 cases
studies. In fact, 15 patients had autopsies after their deaths and
there was no evidence of tumor alteration as a consequence of
Dr. Revici remained embattled with the New York State health
authorities for years and had his medical license was revoked in
1993 at the age of 96. Although Dr. Revici has died, his method
remains highly touted in unconventional medical therapy books and
on the Internet. In fact, a number of therapies that closely
resemble the Revici Method are now being touted by unconventional
medical practitioners.
Biologic Terrain Assessment (BTA) is a therapy that is remarkably
similar to the Revici Method and promoted by some alternative
medicine practitioners. It utilizes an analysis of the saliva,
urine, and blood to isolate "imbalances". Herbal therapies are
then prescribed to counteract these imbalances. In fact,
practitioners of BTA claim that the herbal treatment can be
directed to the organ containing the cancer to make it more
effective. There is no objective evidence that BTA has any impact
on cancer. There are no scientific studies evaluating its
effectiveness. Some unconventional practitioners continue to claim
effectiveness has been proven based on case reports and
testimonials, which are not valid scientific endpoints.
OncoLink does not recommend patients utilize the Revici Method or
Biologic Terrain Assessment. Any patient considering an
unconventional medical therapy should discuss this with their
conventional medical physician. There can be important
interactions with conventional cancer therapy or side effects of
the therapy that you may not be aware. For more information on
unconventional medical therapies and cancer see OncoLink's
Complementary Treatments section.
June 15, 2011
Emanuel Revici’s Book – ‘Research in
Physiopathology As Basis of Guided Chemotherapy – With
Special Application To Cancer’
This book was written by Dr Revici to explain his theories and to
show results of his cancer treatments. You can read the online
version here:
The "biologically guided chemotherapy" used by Emanuel Revici to
treat cancer and many other conditions is based on his theory..
...jury acquitted Dr. Revici of any claims of fraud or lack of ...
to find malpractice if Dr. Revici's therapy was not .... 1987).
The attorneys for Dr. Emanuel Revici.
The Doctor Who Cures Cancer
William Kelley Eidem
The controversial Emanuel Revici, M.D., made the bones grow back
in cancer patients, and restored health to AIDS patients as well
as drug addicts and alcoholics. His medicines lifted debilitating
migraines in as little as 3 minutes. Revici's reward? He was
attacked and ostracized by the best. JAMA published false reports
about his work. The American Cancer Society blasted him time and
again. Meanwhile, word of mouth brought new patients to see him
for decades. The smears didn't work, so something more needed to
be done. This is the true story of the greatest medical scientist
who has ever lived. Find out what happened to Dr. Revici and find
out how you can use the principles of his discoveries to reverse
even advanced cancers and many other illnesses.
Pharmaceutical compositions having antineoplastic activity The
present invention refers to pharmaceutical composition having
antineoplastic activity, containing as 5 active principle a
combination of the following compounds:
a) bivalent negative selenium in form of selenium incorporated in
"tung oil" or of diselenide of formula R-Se-Se-R, wherein R is an
alkyl or alkenyl group having an odd number of carbon atoms.
b) an allphatic carboxylic acid, aldehyde or ketone having an odd
number of carbon atoms.
Another object of the invention is provided by pharmaceutical
compositions containing, in addition to said 10 compounds and to
suitable excipients, also other agents endowed with complementary
activities, synergistic or able to decrease the side effects.
The antitumoral and antineoplastic activity of selenium
derivatives has been already described in the european patent
application n. 83104923.4 of May 19,1983 (publication number
From a clinical and pharmacological point of view, the compound
obtained by reaction of elementary selenium and eleostearic acid
(main constituent of tung oil), whose action can be enhanced by
the contemporaneous administration of extracts of Bixa orellana
seeds, proved to be particularly active.
It has now been found that the contemporaneous administration of
carboxylic acids, aldehydes or ketones having odd number of carbon
atoms is able to decrease the side effects induced by selenium and
allows therefore to increase the dosage.
Also substances such as alcohols or polyalcohols, some amine
compounds and corticosteroids which turned out to be active in
decreasing the side effects, can be optionally present in the
compositions according to the invention.
The odd number of carbon atoms is preferably from 5 to 9. The
aliphatic group or groups present preferably comprise alkyl
groups. Ketones are preferred, especially those in which the keto
group is between 25 alkyl groups each of which has an even number
of carbon atoms.
Preferably, 3-heptanone, 3-pentanone, 3 or 5-nonanone, in
combination with propyl, penty], heptyl, nonyl or undecyl
diselenide, are used.
The composition according to the invention can also comprise
lipophilic vehicles, such as sesame oil or the like. The relative
proportions of the a) and b) constituents in the pharmaceutical
compositions according 30 to the invention may range from 1: 10 to
Other substances which can be present according to the invention
are polyalcohols or alcohols having odd number of carbon atoms,
preferably glycerol, aminoalcohols, nicotinic acid, aminobenzoic
acids, cortisone.
Preferred composition comprise constituent a) (diselenide) and
ketone b) (3-heptanone) in the weight proportions of 1:25 for the
parenteral administration and of 1:40 forthe oral one.
The diselenides according to the invention are prepared with known
methods while for the preparation of the reaction product of
elementary selenium and eleostearic acid or tung oil, reference is
made to the previously cited european patent application.
As far as the compositions of the invention are concerned, the
following, non limiting examples are reported.
Vials for intramuscular injection Dipentyl diselenide 3-Heptanone
Sesame oil 2% 50% 48% The above composition is distributed into 1
mi vials to be administered by intramuscular route.
Gelatine capsules or drop for oral route Dipentyl diselenide 55
3-Heptanone Sesame oil 2% 80% 18% 0,5-2 MI of the above
composition are dosed in gelatine capsules. Alternatively, the
same composition can be directiv administered as drops.
The acute and subacute toxicity of the composition of the Example
1 have been determined by the 60 subcutaneous and intraperitoneal
route in mice, rats and dogs.
2 GB 2 135 885 A 2 Acute toxicity The LD50 of the composition of
the Example 1, after administration both by subcutaneous and
intraperitoneal route, in FC, mice (28-32 g) and in Carworth rats
(150-170 g) proved always to be higher than 350 mg Selkg or than
100 milkg.
Subacute toxicity The su bacute toxicity has been studied by
administering the composition of the Example 1 by subcutaneous
route to Carworth rats (150-170 g) for six weeks (5 days a week)
at doses ranging from 10.5 to 350 mg/Se/kg or 3- 100 ml/kg. No
death was noticed in any group during treatment.
After the animals' sacrifice, 20 or 40 days after treatment, the
microscoptic, hematologic and hematochemical exams did not show
any pathological change.
Subacute toxicity in dogs Two groups of 6 Beagle dogs were treated
with 0.60 and 1.26 mi/kg of the composition of Example 1 five days
a week for five weeks. No death occurred. After sacrifice at the
end of the treatment, the pathological 15 and biochemical exams
did not show any pathological change.
The compositions according to the invention exert an
antineoplastic activity similar to those of the already mentioned
european application, such activities being sometimes enhanced
because of the high elenium dosages attainable with the
compositions of the invention.
The compositions of the invention can be used in clinical medicine
in a variety of neoplastic conditions, at 20 dosages ranging from
5-20 g by oral route and from 0.5 to 2 mi by intramuscular route,
2 to 4times daily.
The treatment is based on the concept of a primary subnuclear
anomaly and of an abnormal lipidic dualism: the number of
eosinophils in blood, the pH, the specific gravity and the surface
tension are the most important guide parameters for the treatment.
(The concept of anabolic-catabolic dualism, and relative
definitions, are widely illustrated - also from an 25 experimental
point of view (in animal and in human field) - in E. Revici,
Research in Physiopathology, ediz.
Van Nostrand, Princeton 1961). Nevertheless, the validity of the
invention should not be considered as based on the actual
verification of the theoretical considerations discussed in said
Tung oil compositions and use for
treatment of body deficiencies
Various tung oil or tung oil fatty acid compositions and use
thereof for treating at least some symptoms of body defense
deficiencies in patients having said symptoms.
The present invention concerns various tung oil compositions and
their use in methods for treating and preventing the symptoms of
different body deficiencies.
I have found that the abnormal in general results from the
incapacity, qualitative or quantitative, of the body to resolve
the problem resulting from the intervention of a noxious action. I
have found that this deficiency concerns the incapacity of the
body defense to fight successfully the occuring condition related
to the intervention of lipids, and for certain conditions, more
specifically of agents having in their molecules a trienic
conjugated formation.
I have found that the naturally very efficient defense agents
concern fatty acids which have in their molecule three trienic
conjugated double bonds formation, respectively three double bonds
separated by single bonds. The parallel position of these
conjugated trienes especially when part of a fatty acid gives the
agent a marked efficient defense activity.
I have found that a such fatty acid represented by the eleostearic
acid, is naturally present in tung oil (china wood oil) obtained
from the seeds of Aleuritis Cordata. I have found that the use of
the tung oil itself, with esters of this acid and also with other
fatty acids present represents an active, and in the same time, an
especially favorable accepted form to be administered.
The study of the pathological conditions has shown that a fatty
acid defense deficiency is exhibited by a large number of them.
They are specifically indicated for the administration of the tung
oil. The following pathological conditions and their symptoms
represent conditions with such a trienic fatty acids deficiency
that can be treated accordingly to the invention: neoplastic
diseases such as cancer, sarcoma, lymphoma and leukemia;
infections, microbial, fungal and especially viral as in Ebstein -
Barr, AIDS, the common cold, influenza and herpes; pain,
especially acid pain; aging; arteriosclerosis; hypertension; organ
inflammatory conditions convulsions and epilepsy; certain
allergies; constipation; manic manifestations and schizophrenia.
This enumeration is not limitative, any pathological condition
with an anabolic-constructive imbalance representing a special
indication for this treatment. In view of the nature of the
treatment, according to the invention, the addition of other fats
or fatty acids, especially those from polyunsaturated oils,
enhances the activity of the tung oil.
The association of these polyunsaturated oils or their fatty acids
with the tung oil or its ester compounds, through a common
activity represents a progress in their use. Safflower oil, corn
oil, cod liver oil, sardine and salmon oils, their fatty acids or
other unsaturated fatty acids added to the tung oil enhances its
defense activity The eleostearic acid or its salts or esters and
the tung oil fatty acids obtained from the tung oil through any
procedure are other forms of returning to the body the missing
defense lipids which cause the deficiency.
The basic nature of the intervention through an induced natural
defense has led to the administration of the agents of this
invention also for the general prevention of a diversity of
conditions resulting from their deficiency. Cancer,
arteriosclerosis and aging represent the main conditions
considered to be prevented by the agents of the invention.
The main defect of the use of tung oil, its compounds, its fatty
acids, or the eleostearic acid is the induction of diarrhea. The
administration by injection reduces this problem, but does not
prevent it, especially at higher dosages. The addition of commonly
available antidiarrhea preparations, especially those limited to a
local intestinal action, may permit the use of higher doses,
especially for the administration by injection. The addition of
the tung oil of other antianabolic compounds especially indicated
for the condition treated, is manifestly enhancing its favorable
action. Such compounds comprise mainly bivalent negative selenium,
bivalent negative sulfur, 3-ketones, fatty acids, fatty aldehydes,
with or without copper, barium and magnesium incorporated therein.
This enumeration is not limitative.
In view of the relationship between defense and the agents of the
invention, good effects were seen also in conditions with opposite
catabolic imbalance, especially when treated together with
anticatabolic agents, especially non sterolic. The oxidation of
the tung oil may even enhance its activity
The toxicity studies - acute, subacute and chronic in mice, rats,
guinea pigs, hamsters and rabbits has shown an acceptance of doses
between 500 and and 2000 times higher than those respectively
taken by humans, which represents a fairly good condition. No
pathological changes and no carcinogenic action were seen.
The usual doses for the different conditions vary according to the
condition, with usual daily doses orally and by injection, from 50
mg of the oil to more than 500 mg. These doses are generally
administered twice a day or more frequently, if necessary.
The administration of these formulations are in general limited by
the appearance of diarrhea. Due to the unique mechanism of
intervention, through the induction of the main natural defense,
the inventions opens a new, very broad way in prevention and
The following examples illustrate the invention. The percentages
shown are by weight.
Tung oil 20%
Safflower oil 80%
For oral administration: 50 mg to 500 mg oil
mixture per dose given twice per day
Tung oil 5%
Safflower oil 95%
Sterile for injection: same amounts as Example 1.
Tung oil fatty acid 20%
Corn oil fatty acid 20%
Safflower oil 60%
For oral administration: same amounts as Example 1.
Tung oil fatty acid 5%
Safflower oil 95%
Sterile for injection: same amounts as Example 1.
While it is apparent that the invention herein disclosed is well
calculated to fulfill the objects above stated, it will be
appreciated that numerous modifications and embodiments may be
devised by those skilled in the art, and it is intended that the
appended claims cover all such modifications and embodiments as
fall within the true spirit and scope of the present invention.
Method for relieving pain or producing
A method for treating a host for inducing relief of pain or
anesthesia which comprises administering hydrolyzed
epichlorohydrin, magnesium thiosulfate, or a butanol at the site
of the painful area.
This invention relates to methods and preparations for relieving
pain or producing analgesia.
A number of methods exist for treating pain: an example being U.S.
Pat. No. 3,898,325. The applicant has found a new method is
particularly effective for this purpose in compositions which are
relatively simple to prepare and administer.
It has now been found that by administering various agents, such
as hydroyzed epichlorohydrin (i.e., 1-chloro 2,3-epoxy propane),
magnesium thiosulfate, or n-butanol directly to the painful area
of a host will relieve the pain or produce analgesia therein.
It is known that the manifestation of pain is observed at the
so-called trigger points. To successfully treat such pain, the
administration of the compounds of the invention, preferably by
injection, is found to control the pain in the immediate area as
well as in the entire affected region.
One embodiment of the invention relates to the injection of from 1
to 10 ml of a solution of between 0.1 and 1.5 weight percent
hydrolyzed epichlorohydrin at the trigger point or immediate
painful area. The epichlorohydrin can be hydrolyzed by heating it
in water. These amounts have been found to be advantageous, but
can be higher or lower if desired. For example, up to 50 ml of a
0.5 weight percent solution can been used for exceptionally severe
Generally, the pain is relieved in minutes following the
injection. If necessary, the injections may be repeated,
preferably 1-2 days later. If a stronger pain is present the next
day at the site of the injection, this may be the result of an
local inflammatory reaction. When this occurs, the pain usually
disappears the day after, and the long term results are generally
Another approach for relieving pain is based upon the fact that
pain generally has either an acid or alkaline pattern. This
character is recognized through a relationship with the urinary
pH: the acid pain being stronger with a lower pH and being weaker
with a higher pH. The alkaline pains is just the opposite.
The acid pain corresponds to an anabolic imbalance with the
predominant pathogenic action caused by steroids, while the
alkaline pain corresponds to a catabolic action, with the
predominant pathogenic action caused by fatty acids.
Many different agents can be used to counteract these imbalances.
For the anabolic imbalances which are evidenced by acid pain, the
injection of a solution of magnesium thiosulfate is utilized. The
amount of this solution includes between about 10 and 50 ml of a
water solution containing between about 10 and 50 weight percent
magnesium thiosulfate.
For alkaline pain, which indicates a catabolic imbalance, a
solution of butanol in water is used. The amount of this solution
ranges from 5 to 25 ml of a solution of between about 5 and 10
weight percent butanol in water. Either n-butanol or sec-butanol
can be used, with n-butanol preferred for best results. It is
preferable to add to the butanol solutions about 25 to 50 percent
by weight (based on the amount of butanol) of coramine
(niketamide) for even better results.
As with the hydrolyzed epichlorohydrin solution, these solutions
are preferably administered by injection. If the type of pain
cannot be characterized as acid or alkaline, then the
epichlorohydrin solution should be administered. It is also
possible to use mixtures of these solutions.
When the nature of the disease which is causing the pain is known,
more special agents, which can treat the disease or the symptoms
of the disease, can be added to these solutions. Also, the number
of injections can be repeated to enhance the pain reducing effect.
The preparations of the invention have practically no toxicity in
the doses used.
Treatment of symptoms of neoplastic
diseases without treating the diseases themselves
A method for treating the symptoms of a neoplastic disease without
treating the disease itself which includes administering by
injection an effective amount of a composition which includes the
combination of two or more ketones, aldehydes, alcohols or amines
having certain twin formation in a vegetable oil solution to a
patient who is suffering from the symptoms of a neoplastic disease
to alleviate at least some of such symptoms.
The present invention relates to compositions and methods for the
treatment of symptoms of neoplastic diseases without treating the
disease itself.
I have found the existence of a dualism in the pathological
conditions, corresponding to an anabolic-constructive or a
catabolic-destructive imbalance. Symptoms and analytical data
serve to recognize the type of imbalance present. Somnolence;
hypothermia; constipation; polyuria; slow absorption of a skin
wheel; blood eosinophilia; low serum potassium; low red cells
sedimentation rates; no C reactive protein and urinary high
surface tension; high pH; chloride and calcium excretion and low
specific gravity characterize the anabolic imbalance. The opposite
symptoms indicate a catabolic imbalance.
I found also the existence of a dualism in the activity of
different agents. In general the ketones and aldehydes have an
antianabolic action, while the positively charged alcohols and
amines have an anticatabolic action. A method of treatment has
resulted by using anabolic agents for the catabolic conditions and
catabolic agents against anabolic conditions.
I have found that the presence in a molecule of a twin formation,
that is, of two atoms with the same positive or negative
electrical charge bound together, confers the molecule a high
energetic activity. This is exerted especially upon the polar
group near the twin formation.
I have found a special such activity for the molecules having two
twin formations. The presence of a polar group bound to an odd
numbered carbon of an aliphatic hydrocarbon having an odd number
of carbons results in the presence of two twin formations. The
same results have been found in aliphatic molecules having an even
number of carbons with the polar group located on an even numbered
carbon. The nature of the polar group determines the anabolic or
catabolic character of the agent. The presence of a 3 or 5 ketone
that is, of an oxygen atom bound to the carbons 3 or 5 of an
aliphatic hydrocarbon having an odd number of carbons, or of a 2
or 4 ketone, where an oxygen atom is bound to the carbons 2 or 4
of an aliphatic hydrocarbon having an even number of carbons,
confers to the compound a catabolic action, while a hydroxyl or
amine group at the same position provides an anabolic character to
the compound. The same catabolic action is found for other polar
groups bound to the carbon atoms specified above, such as, for
example the 3 or 5 aldehydes, and the 2 or 4 aldehydes.
Specific compounds which have been found to be useful include
3-pentanone; 3-heptanone; and 3 or 5 nonanone. These compounds,
when two or more are used in combination, have provided very good
action upon the symptoms of neoplastic disease without treating
the diseases themselves. Propionic aldehyde in combination with a
3 or 5 ketone has also been found to be particularly effective.
Combinations of 2-sec-butanone; 2-hexanone; 2 or 4 octanone; with
any of the previously mentioned compounds which provide a
catabolic action have been found effective. These compounds have
been found effective in general for treatment of symptoms of any
neoplastic diseases without treating the disease itself (i.e.,
whether such symptoms caused by either an anabolic or catabolic
imbalance), but are even more effective for treating the symptoms
caused solely by an anabolic imbalance.
Similarly, combinations of 3-pentanol; 3-heptanol; 3 or 5 nonanol;
3-penthylanone; 3-heptylanone; 3 or 5 nonylanone; 3-pentylamine;
3-heptylamine; and 3 and 5-nonylamines; 2-butanol; 2-hexanol; 2-
or 4-octanol; 2-butylamine; 2-hexylamine; and 2 or 4 octylamine
have a good action upon the symptoms of neoplastic diseases caused
by a catabolic imbalance.
Especially favorable objective and subjective changes are found in
suffering from the symptoms of neoplastic diseases without
treating the diseases themselves when these compounds are
administered. This indicates the important value of the
combination of two agents each having the two twin formations
described previously.
The use of two or more of these compounds, in combination,
provides a much higher level of effectiveness for treatment of
anabolic or catabolic symptoms of neoplastic diseases without
treating the diseases themselves than the administration of a
single agent. Preferred combinations are illustrated in the
examples. The daily dosages vary according to the degree of the
imbalance, but generally range from about 1/2 to 10 grams. No
toxic effects have been encountered in patients which have
received these compounds, even at the higher daily dosages.
All the formulations to be administered were prepared in dosages
of approximately 600 mg, with the number of dosages to be taken
per day depending upon the specific condition to be treated. 1 ml
of a composition containing 60% of the compounds and 40% of a
vegetable oil provides 600 mg of the active ingredient. Similarly,
a 70% compounds/30% vegetable oil mixture, provides 700 mg for
each 1 ml dose. The dosages can range from 1 ml given once a day
to 4 ml administered twice a day. Preferably, such mixtures are
administered by injection.
Solutions and suspensions of these agents in oils are preferred
for administration by injection. While sesame oil, tung oil, and
soybean oil are preferred, any vegetable oil can be used. It is
also possible to use the oil extract from the seeds of a bixa or
elana plant, and the term vegetable oil is used herein to include
such extracts.
It is necessary to use at least 10% vegetable oil in the
formulations to avoid causing pain to the patient upon
administration. Thus, the oil is primarily used as a carrier. It
is important that each administered dose contain at least 600 mg
(60%) of the compounds having the twin formation. Thus, the
overall dosage, per day, will vary from about 0.5 to 10 grams of
Injection at the site a tumor, or at another appropriate location
(such as a painful area) is the preferred method of
administration. Oral administration should be avoided because the
liver tends to decrease the effectiveness of the composition.
An indication of neoplastic conditions is found especially in
anabolic constructive imbalances, characterized by urines with a
high surface tension, high pH and low specific gravity. The
clinical results are indicated by a marked action upon the
different manifestations especially pain, and the presence of
Predilectly the ketones and aldehydes are used to generally treat
the symptoms of any neoplastic conditions without treating the
conditions themselves, even independent of the nature of the
imbalance present. As such, it represents a very important, and
efficient new treatment for these diseases without treating the
disease themselves.
The scheme of the treatment is the following: Urine analyses are
made, preferably several times a day if the condition needs
stronger treatment.
As basis agents, the ketones and/or aldehyde combinations are
administered by injection. When an alkaline urine is found (i.e. a
pH above 7), the higher dosages of these agents can be given. For
a neutral urine (pH 6-7), the alcohol compounds are administered.
For acid urine (pH below 6), the amine compounds are given.
With these compositions, especially good results, both subjective
and objective, were obtained in the treatment of symptoms of
various neoplastic diseases without treating the diseases
themselves. One or more of the symptoms which may be alleviated
include pain, weakness, anemia, loss of appetite and nausea.
The scope of the invention is further described in connection with
thefollowing example which is set forth for sole purpose of
illustrating the preferred embodiments of the invention and which
is not to be construed as limiting the scope of the invention in
any manner.
The following formulations were prepared:
Example 1. Example 2.
3-Pentanone 30% 3-Pentanone 35%
3-Heptanone 30% Propionic aldehyde 35%
Sesame oil 40% Tung oil 30%
Example 3. Example 4.
3-Pentanol 30% 3-Heptylamine 30%
3-Heptanol 30% 5-Heptylamine 30%
Extract A 20% Extract B 40%
Example 5. Example 6.
40% 2-Octanol 33%
2-Hexanone 20% 4-Octanol 33%
Tung oil 40% Extract C 34%
Extract A is an oil extract of the seeds from a bixa plant;
extract B is an oil extract of the seeds of an elana plant, while
Extract C is a 50:50 mixture of Extracts A and B.
The compositions of Examples 1, 2, and 5 provide a catabolic
action and thus are preferably used to treat an anabolic
imbalance. Such catabolic agents can also be used to generally
treat symptoms of neoplastic diseases when the type of imbalance
cannot be determined. Conversely, the compositions of Examples 3,
4 and 6 provide an anabolic action, such that they are
administered to patients exhibiting a catabolic imbalance.
These formulations were sterilized for injections. 2 ml injections
of these compositions were given twice a day to a number of
patients having various cancers, and all noted subjective
improvements in the symptoms exhibited.
While it is apparent that the invention herein disclosed is well
calculated to fulfill the objects above stated, it will be
appreciated that numerous modifications and embodiments may be
devised by those skilled in the art, and it is intended that the
appended claims cover all such modifications and embodiments as
fall within the true spirit and scope of the present invention.
Composition and method for treatment
of potassium deficiency
A method for making a composition containing a fatty acid or fatty
ester compound and potassium. The compositions produced by the
method. Administration of these compositions to a patient to
increase the potassium content of cells or tissue having a
potassium deficiency or to treat at least some of the symptoms of
diseases or adverse effects caused by this potassium deficiency.
The present disclosure concerns a method to treat various
conditions resulting from potassium deficiency and preparations
for same.
It is known that the abnormal cells in general and the neoplastic
cells in particular are poor in potassium, a fact which is
considered as including and enhancing their abnormal character. It
is also known that the blood plasma of subjects with such abnormal
conditions is especially rich in potassium, apparently due to the
body's attempt to correct the cellular potassium deficiency. The
form under which the potassium is circulating in the blood, that
is, mainly as ceruloplasmin, however, is not the proper form from
which the potassium can be taken by the abnormal cells.
The invention comprises novel compositions of fatty acids, ester,
or oils which include potassium incorporated therein. These
composition are made by heating the oil component to a temperature
of at least above 230 DEG C. for a sufficient time to incorporate
a predetermined amount of potassium into the oil. At least about
0.1% can be used, although between 1 and 10% is preferred.
These compositions of the invention may be administered to a
patient who has cells or tissue which are deficient in potassium
to increase the potassium content as well as to treat the symptoms
of diseases or adverse effects caused by the potassium deficient
cells or tissue.
I have found that in general, the abnormal cells and tissues in
the body have free lipids. Thus, a lipid or compound having a
lipidic character introduced into the body can be selectively
taken by the abnormal cells. Accordingly, it is believed that a
potassium compound having lipidic properties is useful as a
therapeutic agent for patients who have such abnormal cells.
I have found that potassium can be incorporated in the molecule of
a fatty acid by heating together an organic or inorganic salt of
potassium with a fatty acid or its oil. Preferably, the fatty acid
or oil is previously oxidized by being heated and mixed with air
or oxygen. The mixtures of potassium and fatty acids or oil are
heated at a temperature above about 230 DEG C. for a time until an
exothermic reaction is observed, which reaction indicates that the
incorporation is taking place.
Examples of the potassium/fatty acid or oil compositions that can
be used according to the invention include the reaction products
of allylic unsaturated fatty acids or esters and a potassium salt.
These reaction products are produced by heating a liquid
composition containing a fatty acid or fatty ester, structurally
characterized by allylic unsaturation with a potassium salt.
Applicant believes that any potassium salt may be used in this
invention. Preferably, the potassium salt is an organic potassium
salt such as potassium acetate or potassium carbonate, and the
liquid is preferably oxidized for example, by bubbling air or
oxygen through the reaction mixture.
The allylically unsaturated compound is preferably a naturally
occurring oil containing polyunsaturated fatty esters, such as an
animal, vegetable, or fish oil, and, particularly, polyunsaturated
vegetable oils. Sesame oil, a vegetable oil consisting largely of
triglycerides, is the most advantageous composition found to date
in the practice of this invention.
The composition utilized should contain a significant percentage
of molecular species having allylic moieties to render the
compositions useful according to the invention. Such moieties are
indicated by the following partial structures --CH.dbd.CH--CH2
--CH.dbd.CH-- and/or --CH.dbd.CH--CH.dbd.CH--CH2 --. As indicated,
the unsaturation can be conjugated or nonconjugated, but the
composition must contain allylic methylene hydrogen.
Such compositions may initially be oxidized or heated in the
presence of air or oxygen at the temperature range between about
100 DEG C. and about 150 DEG C. The oxygen can be obtained by
merely heating the composition in a vessel which is open to the
atmosphere, but preferably and advantageously, the source of
oxygen is a gas such as air which is injected into the heated oil.
Introduction of air also provides a source of agitation.
The heating step is conducted for a period of from about 15
minutes to about two hours. The temperature should be maintained
at an upper limit within the range of about 230 DEG C. to 250 DEG
C., and preferably about 235 DEG C. to 240 DEG C. These
temperature limitations are based on a heating time of about
one-half hour. The temperatures can be altered within limits
depending on the time of heating. For example, when the
temperature is about 235 DEG C., the time is about one-half hour,
while temperatures as high as 250 DEG C. require a shorter period
of time for heating. Higher temperatures for a prolonged period of
time tend to degrade the composition and should thus be avoided.
Agitation, by stirring for example, aids in the reaction, and
experiments to date indicate that a fairly violent stirring is
advantageous. The introduction of air into the mixture during the
heating is also very advantageous, particularly when the mixture
is not subjected to prolonged heating and thus, is the preferred
method. The mixing or stirring can be accomplished with the
introduction of the air.
After the reaction has taken place, the mixture is cooled. The
remaining fluid is ready for use after appropriate sterilization
for injection or incorporated into capsules, such as gelatin, for
oral administration.
The precise nature of the compositions which result from the
above-described treatment or the identity of the effective
component or components is not presently known. It is known,
however, that these compositions do include potassium and that a
proportion of potassium in the range of about 1 to 10 weight
percent has been found to be effective.
As mentioned above, although any potassium salt may be used, an
organic salt of potassium, such as potassium carbonate or
potassium acetate, is preferred, with the potassium bonding the
eleostearic acid present in this oil. Although any amount above
0.1% of potassium incorporated into the composition is useful, the
preferred amount ranges between about 1 to 10 weight percent.
The products obtained have the potassium incorporated in general
at the level of the double bonds of the different unsaturated
fatty acids, this causes their toxicity to be exceptionally low.
The injection of 1 ml of a product having 5% potassium to a mouse
does not kill it.
The incorporated potassium composition may be administered orally,
by injections, sublingually or rectally in the appropriate
The incorporated potassium is believed to be absorbed by the
abnormal cells, thus compensating for their low potassium content.
This treatment produces objective and subjective improvement in
the conditions, of patients having a variety of diseases based
upon such abnormal cells. The neoplastic diseases are examples of
diseased in which low cellular potassium abnormal cells are found.
Such low cellular potassium abnormal cells are believed to cause
an catabolic imbalance in the body. This catabolic imbalance can
be analyzed and diagnosed by blood and urine analyses. A low
eosinophilia (below 100/cmm), a high red cell sedimentation rate
(above 15 ml/1 hour), a high serum potassium (above 4.5 mEq), a
urinary acid pH (below 7), high specific gravity (above 1.016),
low surface tension (below 89 dynes/cm), and low calcium or
chloride excretion are indications of an catabolic imbalance. (The
opposite analyses would indicate a anabolic imbalance.)
These analyses and clinical manifestations have to be changed by
the administration of the incorporated potassium compound. In a 5%
potassium incorporated preparation, amounts from about 1/10 to 2
ml daily are predilectly used for the treatment of this catabolic
imbalance. For other conditions with anabolic imbalances, doses
from about 2 to 10 ml daily are predilectly used. In general the
higher the dose used, the better are the clinical results.
Interesting results are those concerning pain, the changes induced
in the lesions manifesting first an action upon pain. Manifest
changes in the tumors and in the subjective manifestations of the
neoplastic diseases are obtained even in a very short time. Thus,
the incorporated potassium appears as a predilect treatment of the
symptoms of neoplastic conditions, and possibly to the treatment
of such condition themselves.
Good results were also obtained in the use of the incorporated
potassium compounds for the different manifestations of AIDS
(acquired immune deficiency syndrome) as well as for the ARC (AIDS
related complex).
Interesting also are the results in almost all the different
conditions, such as neurological conditions, epilepsy and others,
the problem of cellular potassium deficiency being a general
pathological occurrence. Interesting is the action of the lipidic
potassium products on the viral infections.
The incorporated potassium composition may be administered
together with different other agents.
Composition and method for treatment
of copper deficiency
A method for making a composition containing a fatty acid or fatty
ester compound and copper. The compositions produced by the
method. Administration of these compositions to a patient to
increase the copper content of cells or tissue having a copper
deficiency or to treat at least some of the symptoms of diseases
or adverse effects caused by this copper deficiency.
The present disclosure concerns a method to treat various
conditions resulting from copper deficiency and preparations for
It is known that the abnormal cells in general and the neoplastic
cells in particular are poor in copper, a fact which is considered
as including and enhancing their abnormal character. It is also
known that the blood plasma of subjects with such abnormal
conditions is especially rich in copper, apparently due to the
body's attempt to correct the cellular copper deficiency. The form
under which the copper is circulating in the blood, that is,
mainly as ceruloplasmin, however, is not the proper form from
which the copper can be taken by the abnormal cells.
The invention comprises novel compositions of fatty acids, ester,
or oils which include copper incorporated therein. These
composition are made by heating the oil component to a temperature
of at least above 230 DEG C. for a sufficient time to incorporate
a predetermined amount of copper into the oil. At least about 0.1%
can be used, although between 1 and 10% is preferred.
These compositions of the invention may be administered to a
patient who has cells or tissue which are deficient in copper to
increase tthe copper content as well as to treat the symptoms of
diseases or adverse effects caused by the copper deficient cells
or tissue.
I have found that in general, the abnormal cells and tissues in
the body have free lipids. Thus, a lipid or compound having a
lipidic character introduced into the body can be selectively
taken by the abnormal cells. Accordingly, it is believed that a
copper compound having lipidic properties is useful as a
therapeutic agent for patients who have such abnormal cells.
I have found that copper can be incorporated in the molecule of a
fatty acid by heating together an organic or inorganic salt of
copper with a fatty acid or its oil. Preferably, the fatty acid or
oil is previously oxidized by being heated and mixed with air of
oxygen. The mixtures of copper and fatty acids or oil are heated
at a temperature above about 230 DEG C. for a time until an
exothermic reaction is observed, which reaction indicates that the
incorporation is taking place.
Examples of the copper/fatty acid or oil compositions that can be
used according to the invention include the reaction products of
allylic unsaturated fatty acids or esters and a copper salt. These
reaction products are produced by heating a liquid composition
containing a fatty acid or fatty ester, structurally characterized
by allylic unsaturation with a copper salt. Applicant believes
that any copper salt is suitable for this invention. Preferably,
the copper salt is an organic copper salt such as cupric acetate,
and the liquid is preferably oxidized for example, by bubbling air
or oxygen through the reaction mixture.
The allylically unsaturated compound is preferably a naturally
occurring oil containing polyunsturated fatty esters, such as an
animal, vegetable, or fish oil, and, particularly, polyunsaturated
vegetable oils. Sesame oil, a vegetable oil consisting largely of
triglycerides, is the most advantageous composition found to date
in the practice of this invention.
The composition utilized should contain a significant percentage
of molecular species having allylic moieties to render the
compositions useful according to the invention. Such moieties are
indicated by the following partial structures --CH.dbd.CH--CH2
--CH.dbd.CH-- and/or --CH.dbd.CH--CH.dbd.CH--CH2 --. As indicated,
the unsaturation can be conjugated or nonconjugated, but the
composition must contain allylic methylene hydrogen.
Such compositions may initially be oxidized or heated in the
presence of air or oxygen at the temperature range between about
100 DEG C. and about 150 DEG C. The oxygen can be obtained by
merely heating the composition in a vessel which is open to the
atmosphere, but preferably and advantageously, the source of
oxygen is a gas such as air which is injected into the heated oil.
Introduction of air also provides a source of agitation.
The heating step is conducted for a period of from about 15
minutes to about two hours. The temperature should be maintained
at an upper limit within the range of about 230 DEG C. to 250 DEG
C., and preferably about 235 DEG C. to 240 DEG C. These
temperature limitations are based on a heating time of about
one-half hour. The temperatures can be altered within limits
depending on the time of heating For example, when the temperature
is about 235 DEG C., the time is about one-half hour, while
temperatures as high as 250 DEG C. require a shorter period of
time for heating. Higher temperatures for a prolonged period of
time tend to degrade the composition and should thus be avoided.
Agitation, by stirring for example, aids in the reaction, and
experiments to date indicate that a fairly violent stirring is
advantageous. The introduction of air into the mixture during the
heating is also very advantageous, particularly when the mixture
is not subjected to prolonged heating and thus, is the preferred
method. The mixing or stirring can be accomplished with the
introduction of the air.
After the reaction has taken place, the mixture is cooled. The
remaining fluid is ready for use after appropriate sterilization
for injection or incorporated into capsules, such as gelatin, for
oral administration.
The precise nature of the compositions which result from the
above-described treatment or the identity of the effective
component or components is not presently known. It is known,
however, that these compositions do include copper and that a
proportion of copper in the range of about 1 to 10 weight percent
has been found to be effective.
As mentioned above, although any copper salt may be used, an
organic salt of copper, such as cupric acetate, is preferred, with
the copper bonding the eleostearic acid present in this oil.
Although any amount above 0.1% of copper incorporated into the
composition is useful, the preferred amount ranges between about 1
to 10 weight percent.
The products obtained have the copper incorporated in general at
the level of the double bonds of the different unsaturated fatty
acids, this causes their toxicity to be exceptionally low. The
injection of 1 ml of a product having 5% copper to a mouse does
not kill it.
The incorporated copper composition may be administered orally, by
injections, sublingually or rectally in the appropriate
The incorporated copper is believed to be absorbed by the abnormal
cells, thus compensating for their low copper content. This
treatment produces objective and subjective improvement in the
conditions, of patients having a variety of diseases based upon
such abnormal cells. The neoplastic diseases are examples of
diseased in which low cellular copper abnormal cells are found.
Such low cellular copper abnormal cells are believed to cause an
anabolic imbalance in the body. This anabolic imbalance can be
analyzed and diagnosed by blood and urine analyses. An
eosinophilia (above 100/cmm), a low red cell sedimentation rate
(below 15 ml/1 hour), a low serum potassium (below 4.5 mEq), a
urinary alkaline pH (above 7), low specific gravity (below 1.016),
high surface tension (above 89 dynes/cm), and high calcium or
chloride excretion are indications of an anabolic imbalance. (The
opposite analyses would indicate a catabolic imbalance.)
These analyses and clinical manifestations have to be changed by
the administration of the incorporated copper compound. In a 5%
copper incorporated preparation, amounts from about 2 to 10 ml
daily are predilectly used for the treatment of this anabolic
imbalance. For the neoplastic conditions wwith catabolic
imbalances, low doses from 1/10 to 2 ml daily are predilectly
used. In general the higher the dose used, the better are the
clinical results.
Interesting results are those concerning pain, the changes induced
in the lesions manifesting first an action upon pain. Manifest
changes in the tumors and in the subjective manifestations of the
neoplastic diseases are obtained even in a very short time. Thus,
the incorporated copper appears as a predilect treatment of the
symptoms of neoplastic conditions, and possibly to the treatment
of such condition themselves.
Good results were also obtained in the use of the incorporated
copper compounds for the different manifestations of AIDS
(acquired immune deficiency syndrome) as well as for thee ARC
(AIDS related complex).
Interesting also are the results in almost all the different
conditions, such as neurological conditions, epilepsy and others,
the problem of cellular copper deficiency being a general
pathological occurrence. Interesting is the action of the lipidic
copper products on the viral infections.
The incorporated copper composition may be administered together
with different other agents.
Treatment of symptoms of neoplastic
diseases with nucleoproteins
A method for making a composition containing a fatty acid or fatty
ester compound and copper. The compositions produced by the
method. Administration of these compositions to a patient to
increase the copper content of cells or tissue having a copper
deficiency or to treat at least some of the symptoms of diseases
or adverse effects caused by this copper deficiency.
The present invention is related to compositions and methods for
the treatment of symptoms of different neoplastic diseases.
The histones are body constituents which are presently considered
to be of secondary importance in the protection of the body's
nucleic acids.
I found that the histones are playing a capital role in biology.
The body hierarchic organization is made up of successive entities
at various levels. Each basic entity comprises an electropositive
principal part bonded to an electropositive secondary part. The
principal part remains unchanged, protected by the secondary parts
through its adequate changes.
I found the histones to be formed by a series of histosomes, round
formations bonded consecutively in a sequence. Each histosome is
surrounded by its self-manufactured nucleoproteic material. The
histosomes and the nucleoproteic material together form the
nucleosomes. The nucleosomes bonded in a row make up the genes.
The electropositive histones represent the principal part, with
the electronegative nucleoprotein as the secondary part bonded
thereto. Together they form the next level in the hierarchy, the
The nucleoproteic material as the active part of the gene is
manufactured by the histones as principal part. As the secondary
constituent, the nucleoproteic material has the capacity to
change. Due to this capacity, nucleoproteic material may be
changed through proper external intervention.
Any abnormal body condition corresponds to abnormal nucleoproteic
materials, usually with also abnormal histosomes forming together
abnormal nucleosomes.
Chronic abnormal conditions, such as neoplastic conditions, can
result from the intervention of specific abnormal histones. I have
found the histones in general and from the neoplastic material in
special to have a specific capacity to possess carcinogenic
properties. The histones from the neoplastic material have a
specific capacity to possess carcinogenic properties. The repeated
injections of these histones into mice have induced the appearance
of different tumors at the site of the injections as well as in
other parts of the body.
The abnormal conditions which result from the presence of abnormal
histones and nucleoproteins give rise to a foreign formation known
as isoparasite. The abnormal neoplastic cells are essentially a
parasite on the host tissue.
Because of the nucleoproteic material's ability to change, it may
be changed by injecting the proper substance. The administration
of foreign nucleoproteic material may act as antiabnormal nucleic
material and indirectly as antiabnormal histones. The presence of
an abnormal entity in a body with its own foreign nucleoproteic
material enables this nucleoproteic material to be changed when a
new nucleoproteic material is introduced into the body. This has
led to the use of such foreign nucleoproteic materials in order to
the change the abnormal nucleoproteic material present in lesions.
The invention relates to a process for preparing nucleoproteic
material which comprises immersing organic materials into a
suitable solvent for a sufficient time to extract the
nucleoproteins from these materials, adding a sufficient amount of
an acid to form a precipitate of nucleoproteic material, and
recovering said nucleoproteic material precipitate. This
precipitate may be washed with distilled water and separated again
by centrifugation or filtration.
In this process, a preferred solvent system is water which is
slightly alkaline. The material used as a source of nucleoproteins
is an organic material, especially full animals or their organs,
including at least liver, spleen, intestines, thymus or testes.
Microbes, fungi or plants may also be used to obtain
Also, the solvent may further comprise an alkaline component, such
that the solvent system has a pH between about 7 and 8. The
solvent can be heated to boiling to increase the extraction of the
desired material. A preferred acid for precipitating
nucleoproteins is acetic acid. The resulting precipitate can be
recovered by filtration or centrifugation.
Another aspect of the invention relates to compositions of
nucleoproteic material produced according to the above-described
Preferably, an effective formulation comprises water or alkaline
containing about 5-50% of the nucleoproteic composition in
suspension. The pH of the formulation may be adjusted with the
addition of an alkaline material to a pH range of preferably
between 5.5 and 6.5.
The invention also contemplates a method for alleviating symptoms
of neoplastic diseases which comprises preparing a formulation
comprising an effective amount of the nucleoprotein precipitate,
sterilizing this formulation, and administering the formulation to
a patient having symptoms of a neoplastic disease. The symptoms of
the neoplastic diseases to be alleviated include at least one of
pain, anemia, weakness, loss of appetite, nausea and the presence
of characteristic abnormal cells and lesions. These formulations
are preferably administered by intramuscular injections.
Foreign nucleoproteic material is obtained from a chosen material
through extraction by cold, or preferably, by boiling water. The
water should preferably be slightly alkaline. This water solution
may be then acidified by adding acetic acid or other acids. A
precipitate results, which is then separated by centrifugation or
filtration. If necessary, this precipitate is treated with sodium
hydroxide (NaOH) or another alkaline agent to reach a desired pH
of between approximately 5.0 and 6.5. An adequate portion of the
product is suspended in water, saline, or other injectable media.
The so obtained product is then sterilized for injections. This
material is equivalent to nucleoproteins or nucleoproteins which
partially may be in the form of salts or esters. Nucleoproteins of
any biological material may thus be obtained, each product having
a specific capacity to effectively act on a specific pathogenic
An observation of the in vitro (experimentally induced biological
processes outside the organism) action upon the cultures of cells,
especially the neoplastic cells, will lead to a determination of
the most active agents. An observation of in vivo (experimentally
induced biological processes in the organism) action upon specific
abnormal conditions, especially neoplastic conditions or diseases,
is the last means of determining the effectiveness of specific
agents upon specific pathological conditions. Neoplastic diseases
is used to mean cancers, sarcomas, leukemias, etc.
The nucleoprotein compounds obtained from the entire body or from
organs such as the thymus, intestines, liver, spleen and testes of
various animals have revealed interesting results against various
symptoms. In an attempt to use more specific agents, nucleoprotein
compounds obtained from the organs directly involved in the
pathological condition are employed. The same may be said for the
neutralizing agent if used in obtaining the respective salts or
esters of these materials.
A preferred material, carp, is used to provide the nucleoproteins
because it is known for its longevity, thus indicating a special
ability to resist disease. The thymus, spleen and intestines, in
particular, have this special defense capacity. Nucleoproteins
obtained from the thymus, spleen, or intestines of carp have
resulted in effective action upon different conditions. In
general, suspensions from 5% to 50%, preferably approximately 35%,
in water or saline are used. This concentration has been
determined through experimental and clinical applications in a
large variety of acute and chronic abnormal conditions. These
conditions include pain, anemia, weakness, loss of appetite and
lesions of a neoplastic nature. Good objective and subjective
results were obtained in treating neoplastic diseases, such as
cancers, sarcomas and leukemia, even after a short treatment by
the use of preparations from carp intestines. Pig organs, such as
the intestines, are another preferred source of such
Especially interesting is the use of the nucleoproteins obtained
from microbes, fungi or plants in the treatment of neoplastic
conditions in accordance with this invention.
An entire series of pathological conditions has responded within a
short time of the administration of different preparations of the
In all cases of cancer treated with these preparations, effects on
the existing lesions were objectively and subjectively very
favorable. In most of the cases, there was a decrease in pain and
the other associated symptoms following the injections. In a few
cases, favorable local effects were obtained with only one
injection. The changes in the lesions that took place within a
short time are indicative of the effective action of these agents
upon the lesions themselves.
Alternatively, the precipitated nucleoproteins themselves may be
used, instead of their salts or esters. Another alternative that
may be utilized is the product obtained by the water extraction,
as the material directly extracted through boiling.
The fact that almost all of the subjective and objective results
obtained in the different cases of cancer treated were favorable
indicates the value of this specific approach in the fight against
this disease.
The basic concept of the pathogenic role of specific histones and
nucleic material, with the consequent therapeutic use of specific
nucleoprotein compounds, is opening an entirely new field in the
treatment of general abnormal conditions and specifically in the
treatment of various neoplastic conditions.
The scope of the invention is further described in connection with
the following examples which are set forth for the sole purpose of
illustrating the preferred embodiments of the invention and which
are not to be construed as limiting the scope of the invention in
any manner. In these examples, all parts given are by weight
unless otherwise specified.
W. M., 27 years old, had lymphatic leukemia for years. At the
start of the treatment, the blood count showed 186,000 leukocytes.
The patient was treated with injections of 3 cc daily of a
preparation of 20% of the nucleoproteins of pig intestines. Blood
analyses taken every 10 days from the start of the injection
showed the following changes in leukocytes: 130,000, 40,000,
12,000, 10,000, and 3,500 leukocytes per cmm. The general
condition of the patient progressively became better.
R. E., 34 years old, had cancer of the stomach, and felt severe
pain after eating. The patient was very weak and practically
unable to walk. After a week of treatment with 2 daily injections
of 2 cc of a preparation of 20% pig intestine nucleoproteins, the
patient has been able to walk 9 blocks and eat meat totally
without pain.
Mrs. E. S., 78 years old, had cancer of the breast with a
metastases of 5/5 cm on the right clavicule. After 10 days of
treatment with a preparation of 1 cc of 20% of the nucleoproteins
of pig intestines twice daily, the lesion could no longer be
J. R., 53 years old, with jaundice, cohexia and pain from massive
liver metastases, has had pain relieved and strength improved
after the injection of 3 cc of a suspension of 20% of pig
intestine nucleoproteins, twice daily for one week.
L. W., 53 years old with very painful left side rib metastases,
has had the pain totally controlled after 2 injections of 3 cc of
a preparation of a mixture of equal amounts of the nucleoproteins
from pig intestines and carp, the mixture totalling a suspension
of 20%.
W. P., had cancer of the esophagus and manifest difficulties in
eating. With a teatment of 2 cc daily of a 30% suspension of pig
intestines nucleoproteins for one week, all the symptoms have
disappeared, and the patient resumed eating normally.
The disappearance of pain, with a general well being sensation was
observed in many additional patients, each having different
neoplastic conditions, following in general by only a few
injections of different nucleoprotein preparations in accordance
with the invention and the preceding examples.
Method for terminating pregnancy
A method for terminating pregnancy which comprises internally
administering to the body a sufficient amount of a bivalent
negative sulfur composition to induce menstruation.
This invention relates to a method for terminating pregnancy by
administering to the body an amount of elemental sulfur or a
non-toxic bivalent negative sulfur composition sufficient to
terminate the pregnancy by inducing menstruation.
Examples of non-toxic bivalent negative sulfur compositions that
can be used according to the invention include the reaction
products of allylic unsaturated fatty acids or esters and sulfur.
As disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 4,368,206, such reaction products
are produced by oxidizing a liquid composition containing a fatty
acid or fatty ester, structurally characterized by allylic
unsaturation, for example, by bubbling air through the reaction
mixture. The fatty acid or ester advantageously includes elemental
sulfur and/or a conventional free radical initiator such as
tertiary-butyl peroxide during the heating step.
The allylically unsaturated compound is preferably a naturally
occurring oil containing polyunsatuarated fatty esters, such as an
animal, vegetable, or fish oil, and, particularly, polyunsaturated
vegetable oils. Sesame oil, a vegetable oil consisting largely of
triglycerides, is the most advantageous composition found to date
in the practice of this invention.
The composition utilized should contain a significant percentage
of molecular species having allylic moieties to render the
compositions useful according to the invention. Such moieties are
indicated by the following partial structures --CH.dbd.CH--CH2
--CH.dbd.CH--and/or --CH.dbd.CH--CH.dbd.CH--CH2. As indicated, the
unsaturation can be conjugated or nonconjugated, but the
composition must contain allylic methylene hydrogen.
Such compositions should be oxidized or heated in the presence of
oxygen at a temperature range between about 110 DEG C. and about
150 DEG C. The oxygen can be obtained by merely heating the
composition in a vessel which is open to the atmosphere, but
preferably and advantageously, the source of oxygen is a gas such
as air which is injected into the heated oil. Introduction of air
also provides a source of agitation.
As previously stated, it is most advantageous to add elemental
sulfur such as sublimed, precipitated, or washed sulfur to the
compositions so that the sulfur is present with oxygen during at
least a portion of the heating period and the sulfur becomes
incorporated into the composition. Additionally, a previous batch
of the oxidized oil with or without sulfur or any commonly known
and available free radical initiator, such as terbutyl peroxide,
may advantageously be present during at least a portion of the
heating period.
If sulfur is added to the selected composition, for example,
sesame oil, the temperature should be maintained at an upper limit
within the range of about 120 DEG C. to about 130 DEG C., and
preferably about 125 DEG C. to 127 DEG C. These temperature
limitations are based on a heating time of about one-half hour.
The temperatures can be altered within limits depending on the
time of heating. For example, the temperature can be 129 DEG-130
DEG C. if the time is shorter, or at temperatures as high as 150
DEG C. for brief periods of time. High temperatures for a
prolonged period of time tend to degrade the composition and
should thus be avoided.
If sulfur is not present during the heating period, the
temperature should be maintained in the range between about 110
DEG C. and about 150 DEG C. and preferably in the range between
about 120 DEG C. and about 140 DEG C.
The heat treatment is conducted for a period of from about 15
minutes to about two hours. If sulfur is present, optimal results
are obtained if the heat treatment is conducted for a period of
time between about 30 minutes and about 1 hour. If a free radical
initiator is present, or if a selected composition inherently
contains a significant amount of initiator, the heat treatment
period may be conducted for a much shorter period of time.
The precise nature of the compositions which result from the
above-described treatment or the identity of the effective
component or components is not presently known. Also, it appears
that a correlation exists between a composition useful for the
purpose of the invnetion and its presumed perioxide or
hydroperoxide content. By adhering to the process according to
this invention, it has been found that efficacious compositions
are produced which yield a significant peroxide titer when
monitored by conventional iodometric analysis, the results being
expressed for example, in terms of microequivalents per gram or
milliequivalents per kilogram. By significant peroxide titer is
meant a value obtained which is greater than that which inherently
may be present in the initial untreated compound.
In the case of triglycerides which contain the allylic type
unsaturation as described above, the resulting oxidized species is
thought to be a hydroperoxide represented by the following partial
structure ##STR1## as interpreted via UV spectroscopic analysis,
inter alia.
Whatever the nature of the oxidized species (with or without the
addition of sulfur), it appears amenable to monitoring by
conventional iodometric analysis.
Although it appears that the activity of the composition is
coincident with the presence of perioxides or hydroperoxides, the
efficacious agent need not necessarily be directly derived from
these classes. It may be in fact be those species derived from
radicals resulting from decomposition of compounds of this class
and may involve reaction with other molecules of, for example,
triglyceride oils or sulfur including olefinic polymerization
products and/or lower molecular weight decomposition products of
the oils or additional products with sulfur such as sulfides,
disulfides, hydropersulfides, etc.
With regard to a preferred embodiment, it appears that the
presence of elemental sulfur (approximately 1% by weight based on
sesame seed oil) during the oxidation of sesame seed oil acts to
increase the amounts of oxidation products (conjugated
hydroperoxides, diene, triene, unsaturated carbonyl) and that this
increase appears optimal near 127 DEG C. as evidenced by UV
spectroscopic analysis studies. In the absence of sulfur, it
appears that the region near 137 DEG C. is optimal for the
production of oxidation products.
As mentioned above, it appears that the most effective
compositions are those which have a relatively high peroxide
titer. Such trend of effectiveness agrees in general with the
results of a peroxide analysis involving the above-identified oils
in their untreated state and when oxidized in the presence of
elemental sulfur under similar conditions as shown in Table I.
It is believed that the lower peroxide titer of cottonseed oil is
due to the presence of natural antioxidants. The elimination of
the anti-oxidants from oils such as corn and cottonseed oil or the
use of the relatively pure allylically unsaturated compounds or
mixtures thereof will result in a substantially increased peroxide
titer when treated according to this invention.
Oil Used "A" Oil Treated*
.DELTA. = "B - A"
(Peroxide Oil Saturated With Sulfur Difference In Analysis)
With Sulfur and Air Peroxide
Sesame Seed
18.8 35.7 16.9
Corn 11.3 14.9 3.6
10.9 10.2 -0.7**
Olive 12.4 13.8 1.4
Triolein 8.6 8.5 -0.1**
*Heated at 127 DEG C. for 0.5 hrs with 90 1/min air addition and
rapid mechanical stirring and containing 1.0% elemental sulfur by
**Within experimental error.
Triolein contains only oleic acid moieties which are characterized
by the allylically unsaturated group --CH.dbd.CH--CH2 --and hence
is quite difficult to oxidize, * particularly when compared to the
preferred sesame seed oil or other polyunsaturated oils. A
peroxide titer value of 35.7 meq/kg has been attained for the
sesame seed oil-sulfur-oxygen treated composition whle sesame seed
oil oxidized alone at 137 DEG C. yields a value of 63.3 meq/kg.
J. Sci. Fd. Agric. 1975, 26, 1353-1356. A peroxide titer value of
35.7 meq/kg [.DELTA.=(35.7-18.8)=16.9] has been attained for the
sesame seed oil-sulfur-oxygen treated composition while sesame
seed oil without sulfur oxidized at 137 DEG C. yields a value of
63.3 meq/kg [.DELTA.=(63.3-10.2)=53.1 ].
Generally a substantial increase in the peroxide titer value can
be defined as .DELTA.3 to about .DELTA.100 in cases where sulfur
is incorporated into the composition and as from about .DELTA.3 to
about .DELTA.400 when the oil is oxidized alone, or in the absence
of sulfur.
The process used for determining the peroxide titer values
discussed and reported herein are determined by placing a 2 gram
sample of the composition in a flask purged with nitrogen, and
adding thereto 2 ml of concentrated acetic acid and 0.5 grams of
potassium iodide. The mixture is capped to exclude air and allowed
to remain in the dark for 30 minutes to complete the reaction. The
side walls are then wet with a minimum amount of water and
approximately 1-2 ml of a 2% starch added thereto. The solution is
then immediately titrated to the end point with 0.007 normal Na2
S2 O3 solution. The end point is white when small amounts of
peroxides are present and slightly yellow when larger amounts are
The compositions as prepared according to the process of this
invention should be used relatively soon after preparation as
there is indication that the peroxide titer values and
effectiveness of the compositions decrease upon aging.
Preferred compositions according to this invention can be prepared
by adding the sulfur to the oil, such as sesame oil, and heating
the mixture with agitation at a temperatures of about 130 DEG C.
For clear solutions, the mixture can be heated between about 120
DEG C. and 127 DEG C. Heating the mixture above about 130 DEG C.
for a sufficient time causes a progressive color change in the
mixture which otherwise does not appear to be detrimental. The
temperatures given above relate to the use of sulfur with sesame
oil. Ranges of temperatures which can be used to produce the
compositions made according to this invention may vary with the
particular oil being used, but generally temperatures between
about 120 DEG C. and 150 DEG C. are sufficient for most oils when
sulfur is added.
It is preferred to heat the oil and sulfur at about 150 DEG C. for
15 minutes to a half hour or until the compositions turn to a
fairly deep black color. The oil used, together with sublimed or
precipitated sulfur, is preferably rich in conjugated and
polyunsaturated acids, such as safflower, corn, cod liver,
sardine, salmon or tung oil or an oil extract from Bixa orellana
seeds. The polunsaturated fatty acids can be treated with 50% KOH
before incorporation of the sulfur therein. The oils having the
sulfur incorporated therein and the crystals which are separated
therefrom after cooling can be administered separately but
preferably together. These compositions heated to about 150 DEG C.
are presently preferable.
If the oil and sulfur is heated below about 90 DEG C., it is
difficult to incorporate the sulfur into the oil by heating and
stirring alone. The best results have been obtained to date by
maintaining the temperature used in forming the compositions over
a prolonged period of time from about 30 minutes to one hour.
Stirring aids in the reaction, and experiments to date indicate
that a fairly violent stirring is advantageous. The introduction
of air into the mixture during the heating is also very
advantageous, particularly when the mixture is not subjected to
prolonged heating and thus, is the preferred method. The mixing or
stirring can be accomplished with the introduction of the air.
After the reaction has taken place, the mixture is cooled. The
remaining fluid is ready for use after appropriate sterilization
for injection or incorporated into capsules, such as gelatin, for
oral administration. As mentioned above the sulfur crystals
remaining in the bottom of the reaction vessel may also be used
with or without the oil.
The amount of sulfur incorporated into the oil is advantageously
between about 0.1% to 2.5% by weight, based on the oil. If higher
amounts of sulfur are used, it will generally precipitate. There
appears to be no advantage to using higher amounts of sulfur in
any event since the ultimate dosage given to the patient is the
criterion, rather than the amount of sulfur content in the oil.
As can be observed from Example 2 below, the incorporation of the
sulfur into the oil also seems to be limited to about 1% by the
process presently described and utilized for producing these
sulfurized unsaturated oils.
The sulfur content can be much less than about 1% if desired and
smaller sulfur content is advantageous when administered by
injection. Varying the amount of sulfur below about 1%
incorporated in the polyunsaturated oils for oral administration
only affects the number of capsules to be taken at a given time by
a particular patient.
Experiments to date indicate that the optimum sulfur content for
oral administrations is about 1% and by injection about 0.1% to
0.3% by weight of the sulfur based on the weight of the oil.
Further examples of non-toxic bivalent negative sulfur compounds
that can be used include thiosulfates, thiosinamine, thio or thiol
compounds, such as thioacids and their non-toxic salts or esters,
thioglycerol, thioglycol, thiopropanediol, dithiopropanol, ethyl
sulfide and ethylene sulfide. Colloidal sulfur can also be used.
Colloidal sulfur has been found to form sulfides in the
The invention also includes the use of selenium in place of
elemental sulfur and for the same use. When using selenium it is
combined with the allylic moiety in the same manner as sulfur but
heated to a temperature in the range of 230 DEG to 250 DEG C.,
preferably about 240 DEG C. from 15 minutes to an hour or more
until the peroxide titer value is substantially greater than that
of the untreated allylic moiety in the same manner as disclosed
herein with respect to the use of sulfur. These compositions into
which selenium is incorporated have to date not indicated as good
an effect as those compositions into which sulfur is incorporated.
The amount of bivalent negative sulfur compound that is
administered to terminate the pregnancy by including a
menstruation period will, of course, vary depending upon the
particular compound being employed, since the activity of the
sulfur and percentage found therein will be somewhat variable. The
body weight is also a factor as is well known in the art.
Generally, for the average size human, a dose of about 1 gram 3 to
5 times a day is sufficient to terminate the pregnancy by inducing
menstruation. Therapy can be continued from day to day until
menstruation reappears. Usually this occurs within 1 to 2 days of
The inducement of the menstruation and the corresponding
termination of the pregnancy is effected by a catabolic local
process, with a lytic action upon the uterine mucuous membrane.
The administration of these compounds causes predirectly uterine
catabolic changes which restores the menstruation.
The invention is useful for the treatment of lower animals as well
as humans.
The compositions are preferably administered orally, but can be
administered by injection, as suppositories or even vaginally.
An advantageous oral dose has been found to be about 20 drops in a
gelatine capsule. Patients are generally advised to take one
capsule twice a day, for two days after which menstruation should
When the sulfurized oil is used by injection, such as
intramuscularly or intraperitoneally, it is advantageous to have
the sulfur contained in the sulfurized oil below about 0.5% by
weight, preferably between about 0.1% to 0.3% by weight, and to
inject for 1/2 to 3 ml of this solution into the patient.
Experiments to date indicate that the injection of sulfurized oil
is somewhat painful when it contains above about 0.5% sulfur.
Administration by injection is, of course, not necessary but it
may act faster initially. Generally if a person is given the
initial injection of the sulfurized oil, he can also be given a
supply of the oral capsules and directed to take 3 to 4 capsules a
day following the injection for one week.
A sulfurized oil was prepared by mixing 50 grams of sublimed
sulfur, obtained from Fisher Scientific, with one liter of sesame
oil. The mixture was heated under fairly rapid agitation by air to
a temperature of about 127 DEG C. until all of the sulfur was
incorporated into the sesame oil. The reaction mixture was then
cooled to room temperature, producing at the bottom of the
reaction vessel a small amount of sulfur crystals. The crystals
were then separated from the liquid by filtration and about half
of the crystals replaced in the resulting liquid, wherein they
slowly dissolved.
The resulting sulfurized oil was then incorporated into gelatin
capsules in the amount of (about 20 drops) per capsule.
For women of average size, these recommended dosage of such
capsules is one capsules, twice a day for 2 days, and this has
been found sufficient in most cases to induce menstruation and
terminate the pregnancy. One skilled in the art would be able to
vary the dosage according to the size of the person to be treated;
4 g. of sulfur were weighed out and placed in an Erlenmeyer flask.
200 ml of sesame oil were added; the contents were heated to 125
DEG C. with stirring until the sulfur dissolved. The flask was
removed from heat and allowed to cool to room temperature (5
hours). Sulfur crystals were filtered into a Buchner funnel,
washed thoroughly with hexane to remove residual oil, and weighed.
The above example was repeated three times. The washed sulfur
precipitate was weighed in each trial and the amount of sulfur in
the sesame oil calculated by difference as follows:
Initial weight of sulfur: 4.00 g
Weight of sulfur ppt.:
Trial 1 2.05 g
Trial 2 2.00 g
Trial 3 1.92 g
% (w/v) sulfur in sesame oil:
Trial 1 1.02%
Trial 2 1.00%
Trial 3 0.96%
Average 0.99%
From this it was concluded that the solutions contained
approximately 1% sulfur after filtration. These formulations were
substituted into the capsules of Example 1 and were found to
produce similar results.
Method for counteracting the adverse
effects of sodium chloride
A composition comprising at least one compound containing a cation
of magnesium, calcium, or strontium and an anion of bivalent
negative sulfur or selenium, and at least one compound containing
a cation of lithium or potassium and an anion of bivalent negative
sulfur or selenium. Also, a composition comprising salt and the
previously described compounds along with a method for
counteracting the adverse effects of sodium chloride on a human
body by administering to the body between about 0.5 and 10% of one
of the disclosed compositions, preferably in a water solution.
This invention relates to new and useful improvements in a method
for counteracting the deleterious effects of sodium chloride on
the human body. More particularly, the invention relates to the
administration of specific compositions or mixtures of compounds
which are antagonists for sodium chloride.
It has become apparent in recent years that the ingestion of
sodium chloride, especially at the higher levels to which humans
have become accustomed, has deleterious effects, mainly related to
the cardiovascular system, e.g., high blood pressure and
arteriosclerosis. Such ingestion has also been shown to also
encourage the growth of tumors. Efforts to restrict the ingestion
of salt by eating low or unsalted food or substitute alternate
condiments for salt has not been very successful. Therefore, it is
preferred to develop non-toxic compounds which counteract the
effects of salt and which can be ingested separately or along with
the salt.
U.S. Pat. No. 4,499,078 suggests one method for achieving this
result. The patent discloses that the anabolic effects of salt on
a human body can be reduced by ingesting a compound which has an
catabolic action. Specifically, the patent discloses that a
magnesium compound containing bivalent negative sulfur may be
taken with the salt or separately to offset the effects of the
salt on the body. The content of that patent is expressly
incorporated by reference herein.
The present invention relates to an improvement in such compounds
for more effective counteraction of the deleterious effects of
sodium chloride on the body, particularly with regard to the
effect of sodium chloride on neoplastic diseases.
The invention relates to a composition comprising the combination
of at least one compound containing a cation of magnesium,
calcium, or strontium and an anion of bivalent negative sulfur or
selenium, and at least one compound containing a cation of lithium
or potassium and an anion of bivalent negative sulfur or selenium.
A preferred bivalent negative sulfur is a thiosulfate or
thiocyanate anion, and these compositions may also contain a
compound containing a fluoride, silicon or oxygen anion.
Advantageously, the magnesium, calcium or strontium compounds are
present in an amount of about 2:1 to 20:1 of the lithium or
potassium compounds.
The invention also relates to a composition comprising the
combination of at least one of magnesium, calcium or strontium
thiosulfate, at least one of magnesium, calcium, or strontium
thiocyanate, and at least one of lithium or potassium thiosulfate.
In this composition, the relative amounts of magnesium, calcium
and strontium thiosulfate to magnesium calcium, and strontium
thiocyanate to lithium or potassium thiosulfate ranges from about
2:1:1 to about 20:3:1. The composition can also include lithium or
potassium fluoride.
An other embodiment of the invention includes compositions of
sodium chloride along with the compounds described hereinabove. In
these mixtures, the sodium chloride is present in an amount of
about 66 to 90 weight percent and preferably between about 75 and
85 weight percent of the composition.
The invention also contemplates a method for counteracting the
adverse effects of sodium chloride on the human body which
comprises administering to the body one of the compositions
described above. These compositions may or may not contain salt.
In this method, the amount of composition to be administered
ranges from between 0.5 and 10% by weight, and preferably about
2%, in a water solution.
In U.S. Pat. No. 4,499,078, it was established that the biological
activity of various compounds with the body can be classified as
either anabolic (constructive) or catabolic (destructive). It was
also shown that sodium chloride has an anabolic effect, whereas
compounds containing bivalent negative sulfur have a catabolic
effect. Thus, the anabolic effect of the sulfur counteracts the
anabolic effect of the sodium chloride. The manifest action of
sodium chloride upon the appearance and growth of cancers has been
established through several experiments. Tumors were produced by a
transplant into the hind leg of rats and mice. These tumors were
found to grow larger and more rapidly when the animals also
received sodium chloride in their drinking water. The size and
growth of the resultant tumors caused the animals to die earlier
than those who did not ingest the salt.
In groups of 100 exbreeder mice of the strain FC1, the number of
spontaneous mammary tumors and the death from other conditions was
recorded, during a one year observation. Spontaneous cancer was
shown to be increased by the salt intake. In untreated animals,
considered as controls, the average for 100 animals in one year
observation was around 44% of spontaneous mammary cancers and of
15% death from other conditions than cancer. The addition of 2%
salt in drinking water increased the spontaneous cancer to 65% for
one year and a mortality of 20% from other conditions.
In animals injected intramuscularly with the carcinogens
methylcholanthrene or benzyprene, the number of positive results
was not only markedly increased but the tumors appeared earlier
when the animals also ingested salt.
All these experiments are indicative of a marked enhancement upon
the appearance, growth and malignant evolution of cancer by the
action of ingested sodium chloride
Statistical studies have also shown a relationship between the
high intake of salt and arteriosclerosis. U.S. Pat. No. 4,499,078
showed that, in New Zealand rabbits, the intake of 2 g of
cholesterol daily induced the appearance of aortic atheromatosis,
and that the addition of salt in the drinking water increases the
appearance of such atheromas.
The fact is that the diet of people in civilized countries
includes an amount of salt which is about ten times higher than
the amount considered to be necessary physiologically. Thus,
applicant believes that the high occurrence of arteriosclerosis
and even cancer may be at least partially attributed to this high
sodium chloride intake.
A study of the biological action of the elements has shown the
existence of antagonistic actions according to their reciprocal
characters and position in the periodic table.
Besides the antagonism between the anabolic and catabolic elements
which is related to the different series to which they belong,
other antagonistic actions occur between elements in following
positions in the same series. In the specific case of sodium, the
first antagonism is seen for the catabolic elements, while the
second for potassium and lithium, as immediately inferior and
superior elements in the same A-1 series. Thus, in such a case a
biological antagonistic action is found to correspond to the
following cations: magnesium, calcium, strontium, potassium and
lithium. Chlorine antagonists include the bivalent negative
sulfur, bivalent negative selenium, silicon, fluorine and oxygen.
Especially active antagonists of the sodium chloride are the
thiosulfates, thiocyanates, fluorides and chlorates of magnesium,
calcium, strontium, potassium and lithium. To these, sodium or
potassium chlorate may also be added due to their available
Research has shown that each of these preparations has a salutary
effect upon the noxious manifestations of the sodium chloride in
cancer and arteriosclerosis.
While each one of these products has shown favorable effects by
itself in the different experiments for counteracting the noxious
effect of the administration of salt in cancer and
arteriosclerosis, the concommitant use of two or more of these
agents have shown improved results through what is believe to be
synergistic action.
The antisodium agents are used as such or added to the salt
preparations, and used together. Taste, smell and water solubility
are the main criteria for choosing from the different compounds,
those which are not changing the qualities of the salt when added
to it.
It has been found that at least two of these agents in combination
are very effective for counteracting the effects of salt. While
any combination of bivalent negative sulfur containing compounds
can be used, the most advantageous compounds to date are those
containing a combination of nontoxic thiosulfates and
thiocyanates. Preferably, at least one Group II thiosulfate or
thiocyanate should be combined with at least one Group I
thiosulfate or thiocyanate.
Specifically, the combination of magnesium or calcium thiosulfate
or thiocyanate with either strontium, potassium or lithium
thiosulfate or thiocyanate has been found to be suitable for
preparing formulations of this additive. Also combinations of
these components can be varied or mixed to provide additional
formulations which would be suitable.
The following formulas were seen to give particularly good
Proportion (percent)
Component Agent A Agent B
Magnesium thiosulfate
6 10
Magnesium thiocyanate
3 3
Calcium thiosulfate
3 3
Strontium thiosulfate
1 1
Potassium thiosulfate
2 2
Lithium fluoride 0.03 0.05
Sodium chloride balance balance
In experiments using rats with Furth tumors transplanted in the
hind leg, the administration of 2% salt in drinking water has
increased the tumors (with an average, for 10 rats), to 30% more
than in the untreated control rats. The use of a 2% mixture of the
salt plus the antisodium chloride agents -- has induced a manifest
reduction of the tumor even with 10% below the controls without
salt and of more than 35% for those having received sodium
chloride alone. This action was markedly more manifest with the
administration of the complex than with any compound alone, when
added to the salt. From these experiments it has appeared
advisable to use the modified salt to replace ordinary salt.
Mice and rats which received either of the specific complex salts
listed above in drinking water for over 6 months did not exhibit
any side effects. When these solutions were given to young
animals, their growth was not observed to be different from that
of the control group (i.e. -- those which received no solution).
Based upon these experiments in animals, the continuous use of the
corrected salt may have a basic influence upon both cancer and
arteriosclerosis in humans as well.
Method for eliminating or reducing the
desire for smoking
A method for treating or aiding in the treatment of a tobacco
habit or addiction in a human by controlling the craving for
tobacco or controlling tobacco withdrawal symptoms which comprises
internally administering to said human an effective amount of a
compound having an active ingredient containing at least one
bivalent negative sulfur to control said craving or said
withdrawal symptoms so as to reduce the desire for tobacco.
The invention relates to a method for eliminating or reducing the
desire to smoke through the administration of catabolic
sulfur-containing compounds.
Sulfurized polyunsaturated oils, or sulfurized oils are disclosed
CHEMOTHERAPY by Emanual Revici, M.D., published by D. Van Nostrand
Co., Inc., 1961, pages 334 and 335. A method of preparing
sulfurized polyunsaturated oils referred to in the book as hydro
persulfides is set forth in Note 7, page 711 of the book. This
book does not disclose however, the use of these sulfurized
compounds for preventing or reducing the desire for smoking
tobacco as claimed herein. Further, U.S. Pat. No. 4,416,869
discloses a method for preventing or reducing the desire for
smoking tobacco in humans by the internal administration of a
composition produced by heating certain allylically unsaturated
compounds which are sufficient to substantially increase the
peroxide titer. The incorporation of sulfur into the composition
during this heating process has been found to be particularly
advantageous. This patent is expressly incorporated herein by
Applicant has now discovered that a number of additional compounds
are effective for eliminating or reducing the desire for smoking.
The invention relates to a method for treating or aiding in the
treatment of a tobacco habit or addiction in a human by
controlling the craving for tobacco or by controlling tobacco
withdrawal symptoms by internally administering a compound with an
active ingredient containing at least one bivalent negative sulfur
in an amount effective to control the craving or the withdrawal
The most clinically effective anti-smoking compounds for use as an
active ingredient are hydropersulfides, alkyl sulfides, colloidal
sulfur, organic thio compounds or their pharmaceutically
acceptable salts. The most effective thio compounds have proven to
be thioglycerols, thioglycols or their pharmaceutically acceptable
These compounds are amenable to oral administration into the human
body by mixing the active ingredient with suitable binders and
bulking materials and placing an amount of the active material
which is equal to a therapeutic dosage level into a pharmaceutical
The preferred theraputic dosage level is 100 milligrams of the
active ingredient and the subject should be instructed to ingest a
sufficient number of capsules so as to effect a cessation or
reduction in his desire to smoke. The active ingredient may also
be administered however, by means of an injection, which allows
the sulfur compound to work faster initally. The most clinically
effective active ingredient is ethylene trithiocarbonate,
thioglycerols, and thioglycol.
It is desirable to have a technique for treating or aiding in the
treatment of the tobacco habit or addiction in a human by means of
a method for controlling the craving for tobacco and/or by
reducing or controlling the symptoms of withdrawal. The invention
disclosed herein relates to such methods of treatment.
Testing of the products produced by tobacco smoking shows them to
possess, in general, a manifest anabolic action. These studies
have concerned the fluorescence of the products found in the
tobacco smoke and have disclosed the presence of carcinogenic
agents which emit energy. Applicant has discovered that the
administration of catabolic agents to a human subject, which
agents are antagonistic to the anabolic effects of tobacco
by-products, is an extremely satisfactory technique for
counteracting the subject's desire to smoke.
The applicant has also discovered that certain catabolic agents,
especially active at higher levels of the body organization, are
more specifically active than others against the physiological
changes induced by smoking tobacco. The preferred catabolic agents
for performing this function are bivalent negative sulfur
compounds which experimentation has shown to be most efficacious.
The following specific compounds have been found to be
particularly effective in clinical tests for eliminating or
reducing the desire for smoking: hydropersulfides, alkyl sulfides,
colloidal sulfur and organic thio products, which include but is
not limited to thioglycerols and thioglycols, or other
pharmaceutically acceptable salts. Applicant has found that the
best results are obtained through the use of the thioglycols
thisglycerols and, specifically, ethylene trithiocarbonate.
As an alternate embodiment of the present invention, the compounds
disclosed herein, may also be mixed with the compounds disclosed
in U.S. Pat. No. 4,416,869.
The method of administration for these compounds may be either
oral or parenteral and the intended effect, that of diminishing
the subject's desire to smoke, may be obtained even after only one
of two administrations of these agents. For purpose of the
preferred oral note of administration, the active material may be
mixed with binders and bulking agents and therapeutic dosages such
as 100 milligrams, may be placed in pharmaceutical capsule for
dispensing to a subject.
The dosage prescribed to a patient will, of course, vary depending
upon the particular patient and the number of cigarettes being
smoked per day. In general a daily dosage should consist of about
3-5 capsules containing 100 mg. each of the active ingredient for
the first three days after which the dosage level should be
progressively reduced in accordance with the subject's reduced
desire to smoke. As noted, however, smoking patterns vary and a
heavy smoker may require as many as eight capsules per day for the
first three days which could then be reduced to 3-4 capsules per
day for the next four days. This is generally sufficient to
eliminate or reduce a smoker's desire or need for tobacco. A
single course of treatment may retain its effect for months but
the smoker may also be provided with a supply of the capsules in
case the desire for tobacco returns.
Method for treating the effects of
A method for treating or aiding in the treatment of the
manifestations of alcoholism or alcohol intoxication by aiding in
the control of the craving for alcohol or by aiding in the control
of alcohol withdrawal symptoms, or by aiding in the control of
alcohol intoxication in a human which comprises internally
administering to said human an effective amount of a compound
having an active ingredient containing at least one bivalent
negative sulfur to control said craving, symptoms, or intoxication
so as to counteract the effects of alcohol.
The invention relates to a method for eliminating or reducing the
noxious effects of alcohol through the administration of catabolic
sulfur-containing compounds.
There has been much recent interest in the study of alcoholism
involving biological, psychological, and sociological
investigations. Publications such as the various "Proceedings of
the . . . Annual Alcoholism Conference" and "Recent advances in
Studies of Alcoholism", obtainable from the Superintendent of
Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.
20402, indicate the rather intensive scientific investigations in
this area.
An article by E. B. Truitt and M. J. Walsh appearing at p. 100 et
sequa of "Proceedings of the First Annual Alcoholism Conference of
the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism", DHEW
Publication No. (NIH) 74-675 (1973) discloses a number of
chemicals and drugs which have been reported to have anti-alcohol
effects. Included in this list are disulfuram (tetraethylthiuram
disulfide--see also U.S. Pat. No. 2,567,814 Jacobsen et al),
calcium carbimide (see also U.S. Pat. No. 2,998,350 de Grunigen et
al), and thiocyanates which are used specifically for their
anti-alcohol properties.
U.S. Pat. No. 3,860,719 to Marshall discloses the use of
2-[3,4-dichlorophenoxy)methyl]-2-imidazoline hydrochlorine
(fenmetozole HC1) for combatting ethanol intoxication in mammals.
However, an article by H. B. McNamee et al "Fenmetozole in Acute
Alcohol Intoxication in Man", Clinical Pharmacology and
Therapeutics Vol. 17, Number 6, pp. 735-737 concludes that, within
the scope of the subject study, fenmetozole does not antagonize or
significantly modify acute effects of alcohol intoxification in
Another publication entitled "Testing For a `Sobering Pill`" DOT
HS-801 288 (1974) available from National Technical Information
Service, Springfield, Va. 22151 discloses that nikethamide,
propranolol, L-dopa, pipradrol, aminophylline, ephedrine,
sted-eze, and ammonium chloride were investigated to determine
their potential for blocking or neutralizing the effect of alcohol
on a human brain; the most effective amethystic agent found was
J. L. Mottin, in an article entitled "Drug-Induced Attenuation of
Alcohol Consumption" Quart J. Stud. Alc. 34: 444-472 (1973)
discussed, inter alia, the use of the following compounds re the
subject title: disulfuram, citrated calcium cyanamide, and
Russian Inventor's Certificate 187250 discloses the use of the
"thiolic" preparations--"unitol" and "dicaptol"--for use in
treating alcoholism. The Merck Index (Eighth Edition) discloses
that Dicaptol (BAL or British Anti-Lewisite) is
2,3-dimercaptopropanol and is marketed as a 10% solution in peanut
oil with 20% benzyl benzoate. It is further asserted that in the
U.S.S.R. a water soluble form is available under the name Unithiol
and is 2,3-dimercapto-1-propanol sodium sulfonate.
U.S. Pat. No. 2,799,619 to Seifter et al. discloses compositions
comprising certain phenothiazines as effective for treatment of
alcoholics while British Pat. No. 1,399,992 (Revici) discloses
that compositions comprising certain organic ethers are useful for
the treatment of alcoholism.
U.S. Pat. No. 4,346,082, granted to the applicant on Aug. 24, 1982
discloses a method of treating alcoholism and for eliminating,
reducing or preventing alcohol intoxication in humans by
internally administering a therapeutic composition comprising an
ammonium compound or compounds having a pH greater than 5.0 when
placed in aqueous solution at a concentration of 5 grams per 100
grams of solution, and particularly, ammonium salt compounds
comprising ammonium cations and sulfur anions.
Further U.S. Pat. No. 4,368,206, issued to applicant on Jan. 11,
1983 discloses an alternate method of treating alcoholism and for
aiding in controlling alcohol intoxication in humans by the
internal administration of a composition produced by heating
certain allylically unsaturated compounds sufficient to
substantially increase the peroxide titer. The incorporation of
sulfur into these compositions during the heating process was
found to be particularly advantageous.
Applicant has now discovered that a number of additional compounds
are effective for treating the effects of alcohol.
The invention relates to a method for treating or aiding in the
treatment of the manifestations of alcoholism or alcohol addiction
by aiding in the control of the craving for alcohol or by aiding
in the control of alcohol withdrawal symptoms or by aiding in the
control of alcohol intoxification in a human by internally
administering a compound with an active ingredient containing at
least one bivalent negative sulfur in an amount sufficient to
control the craving for alcohol or the symptoms caused by
abstaining from it.
The most clinically effective compounds for this purpose are the
hydropersulfides, alkyl sulfides, colloidal sulfur and organic
thio compounds or their pharmaceutically acceptable salts. The
most effective thio compounds to date are the thioglycerols and
ethylenetrithio carbonate or their pharmaceutically acceptable
These compounds are amenable to oral administration into the human
body by mixing it with suitable binders or bulking materials, and
placing an amount of the active material which is equal to a
therapeutic dosage level into a pharmaceutical capsule.
The preferred therapeutic dosage level is about 100 milligrams of
the active ingredient and the subject should be instructed to
ingest a sufficient number of capsules to reduce or eliminate the
desire to drink or to reduce or eliminate the affects of alcohol.
The active ingredient may also be administered, however, by means
of an injection, which allows the active ingredient to work more
quickly, initially. The most clinically effective active
ingredient is ethylene trithio carbonate and thioglycerols.
It is desirable to have a method for treating or aiding in the
treatment of alcoholism in a human by controlling the craving for
alcohol, by controlling withdrawal symptons, or by aiding in the
control of alcohol intoxication by humans. It is further desirable
to have a method for aiding the control of alcohol intoxication of
a non-alcoholic person by reducing or eliminating the effects
alcohol intoxication upon him as well.
A series of tests run on alcoholic compounds by the applicant has
shown them to possess a manifest anabolic action, due to the
presence of a positively charged hydroxyl (OH) group. This
anabolic action is also due to the solubility of the alcohols in
lipids, which are fatty substances found in the human body. Due to
the small number of carbon atoms which form the organic structure
of ethyl alcohol (CH3 CH2 OH) and of other alcohols present in
alcoholic beverages, the anabolic action referred to hereinabove
is manifested at the higher levels of the body's hierarchic
organization, i.e., mainly the organic and systemic levels.
Alcoholic compounds induce the typical anabolic manifestations,
which include a preliminary excitation stage followed by a
relaxant stage. The applicant has discovered that the
adminstration of catabolic agent to a human subject, which is
antigonistic to the anobolic effect of alcohol, is an extremely
satisfactory technique for counteracting the subject's desire to
drink. These agents therefore are indicated for the treatment of
all of the manifestations following the intake of alcohol.
The applicant has discovered that certain catabolic agents,
especially those active at higher levels of the body organization,
are more specifically active than others against the physcological
changes which occur in a human subject subsequent to the
consumption of alcohol. The preferred catabolic agents for
performing this function are bivalent negative sulfur compounds
which clinical testing has shown to be the most efficacious
The following specific compounds have been found to be
particularly effective in clinical tests for eliminating or
reducing the effects of alcohol consumption: hydropersulfides,
alkyl sulfides, colloidal sulfur and organic thio products, mainly
thioglycerols and ethylene trithio carbonate. The applicant's
invention should not, however, be limited solely to the compounds
listed above. The applicant has found that the most favorable
results occur with the use of ethylene trithiocarbonate. The
method for administration of these compounds may be through either
the oral or parenteral route and it is important to note that the
antianabolic action of these compounds is also manifested by an
actual reduction in the amount of alcohol present in the blood of
the subject. The dosage prescribed to a patient will, of course,
vary depending upon the physical size and physiological
characteristics of a particular patient and, since drinking
patterns vary, the amount of alcohol consumed must also be taken
into account in determining the correct dosage.
Generally speaking, however, for purposes of the preferred oral
route of administration, the active material may be mixed with
acceptable binders and bulking agents and therapeutic dosages of
100 milligrams, may then be placed in phamaceutical capsules for
dispensing to a subject. For the average individual, a daily
dosage of about 3-5 capsules containing 100 milligrams each of the
active ingredient for the first 3 days after which the dosage
level would be progressively lowered in accordance with the
subject's reduced desire to drink. A heavy drinker may require as
many as 8 capsules per day for the first 3-4 days, which could
then be reduced to 3-4 capsules per day for the next four days.
This should be a sufficient dosage to eliminate or reduce the
subject's need for alcohol or to reduce or eliminate its effects
after consumption.
As an alternate embodiment of the present invention, the compounds
disclosed hrein may also be mixed with the compounds disclosed in
U.S. Pat. No. 4,368,206. Therefore, the teachings of this patent
are expressly incorporated herein.
Method for treating drug addiction
A method for treating drug addiction from compounds which cause a
catabolic effect on the human body, which comprises administering
to said body, a sufficient amount of an anabolic agent containing
bivalent negative selenium or sulfur.
The invention relates to methods and compositions for treating
drug addiction, particularly for the treatment of the symptoms of
withdrawal when the patient terminates using drugs.
In treating patients for drug addiction, the most common method
employed is that of allowing the patient to "dry out" or eliminate
the drug from their system. This period, called withdrawal, is a
very difficult time for the patient, since the body is in need of
the drug due to its previous habitual use and dependence thereon.
It was previously not recognized that the effect of the drug on
the body would be counteracted by administering a compound which
produces an opposite effect on the body so as to offset and
neutralize the detrimental defense effects of the body. The
present invention provides one such solution for this problem.
The invention relates to a method for treating drug addiction from
compounds which cause a catabolic fatty acids defense effect on
the human body, which comprises administering to said body, a
sufficient amount of antifatty acids agents, preferred antifatty
acid agents includes a variety of agents comprised of selenium and
sulfur compounds. The active ingredient of these agents can be
administered orally or by injection. Preferred dosages include
about 10 ml of the oil (about 0.5 to 1 gram).%
The invention also relates to a method for treating drug addiction
from compounds which cause a catabolic noxious effect on the human
body, which comprises admistering to said body, a sufficient
amount of antifatty acid agents.
My study concerning drug addiction and the symptoms of withdrawal
is based on the recognition of a dualism, in the pathogenisis of
the condition and the action of such agents on the human body.
This dualism is shown in the antagonistics of the
anabolic-constructive and catabolic-destructive conditions, of
such agents. In the pathogenesis of the anabolic condition,
abnormal sterols intervene while in the pathogenisis of the
catabolic condition, abnormal fatty acids having as characteristic
the presence of trienic conjugated formations intervene.
Clinically, these catabolic conditions are observed as insomnia,
diarrhea, vomiting, cramps, generalized are localized pair,
particularly in the bones and joints, horiplations and tremors in
the patent. The stronger the catabolic condition of the drug agent
the more intensive the clinic manifestations.
In order to determine whether the agents are either anabolic or
catabolic in effect, an entire series of tests must be conducted.
In the test of pH of second day wound crust, an anabolic agent
induces a lower pH, while a catabolic agent produces a higher pH.
In the study of the curve of healing wounds, an anabolic agent
makes any peaks disappear, while the catabolic agent increases a
leukocytosis, eosinophilia, a lowering of the serum potassium and
more free water, while the catabolic agent causes directly
opposite changes. In higher specific gravity, a lowering of the
chlorides and of calcium excretion.
By applying this research to the problem of any addiction it was
found that the agents which induce an addiction have typical
anabolic characters, and their action induces a typical anabolic
By applying the influence exerted by these various agents upon the
oxygen uptake of cancer cells, suspension or yeast, using the YST
oxygen monitor, it was found that, over a period of time, the
anabolic agents reduced the uptake of oxygen, while the catabolic
agents increased it. However, for the anabolic agents, their
initial action caused an increase in the oxygen uptake was taking
place. This paradoxical action was induced in fact by the action
of low amounts of the active agent. This paradoxical action seen
in the oxygen uptake test also explains the clinical action with
two phases for the addictive drugs studied. The first phase
corresponds to a cerebral excitration, followed by the second, of
deep sleep, corresponding to a typical anabolic action. This is
seen for the narcotics with a primary excitation, followed by deep
The recognition of the typical anabolic character for the
addicting drugs, represents the first fundamental discovery for
the treatment of this problem.
In a study of body defenses, I found that the body defends itself
against an anabolic agent which is repeatedly introduced, by
manufacturing antagonistic lipids having a catabolic
character--i.e., fatty acids. The abnormal nature of these fatty
acids is due to the presence of trienic conjugated formations. The
defense character of these fatty acids appears in two ways. First,
in their relationship with the anabolic drug, which corresponds to
a reciprocal neutralization whereby the fatty acids neutralize the
anabolic drug, while the anabolic drug neutralizes the noxious
action of the abnormal fatty acids. Also, due to its defense
character, the body has a tendency to increase its manufacture of
the necessary neutralization agents. Due to this reciprocal
neutralization, the presence of an excess of the defensive fatty
acids requires the need for the drug in order to neutralize it.
The more drugs introduced, the more fatty acids are manufactured
in a defense action; the more fatty acids are present, the more
the need for the drug to neutralize them. This explains the two
manifest characters of addiction, the appearance of the need for
the drug, and the progressive increase of this need.
In withdrawal, the high amount of the catabolic defense fatty
acids remains in the body, since they do not have the anabolic
drug to neutralize them. It is the presence of these fatty acids
which induce the manifestations of withdrawal. The symptoms are
typically catabolic as occur due to the action of the abnormal
fatty acids; i.e., insomnia, diarrhea, vomiting, cramps,
perspiration, pain in the bones, and horipilations. Dienic and
trienic conjugated formations are found through spectral analysis
present in the urines. Analytical data of blood and urine show the
presence of such catabolic conditions. The presence of an urinary
strong alkalosis indicates the presence of this catabolic
imbalance directly affecting the systemic level.
The recognition of a catabolic imbalance, due to the presence of
high amounts of noncompensated abnormal fatty acids, constitutes
the main character of the drug withdrawal condition. An action
upon these fatty acids represents the consequent therapeutic
Numerous means to act upon these abnormal trienic conjugated fatty
acids have now been discovered. In one, an oxidation of the
abnormal fatty acids was considered. In the study of the actions
upon such fatty acids, it appears interesting to note their
oxidating change under specific conditions. Several specific
characters have been found to effect this change. In one, the
agent has a lipidic character. This appeared to be effective due
to the affinity between lipids and the primary character of the
fatty acids which are lipids.
The action of selenium was also found to work well when used in
the bivalent negative state. I found a fundamental difference
between bivalent negative and tetra and hexavalent positive
selenium. The bivalent negative selenium has an oxidation
character similar to that of the minus 2 of oxygen, and has
different effectiveness than the tetra or hexavalent positive
oxidation states.
Furthermore, preparations having bivalent negative selenium and
lipidic characters are preferred. For this aim, a method for
introducing these elements into unsaturated fatty acids was
By heating an oil, such as an unsaturated fatty acid or a mixture
of them, at a critical temperature, the double bonds open. At this
place, therefor, an element can be attached. For a bivalent
negative selenium the result of this attachment of one atom
corresponds to an epoxy, while two atoms correspond to a peroxy,
depending upon the exact temperatures used.
According to the invention, a mixture of a vegetable oil and gray
or red selenium is heated until the selenium is incorporated. This
occurs around 215 DEG C., when the solution becomes clear.
Polyunsatured vegetable oils have been found to be the most
advantageous for use in the invention.
A preferred polyunsatured vegetable oil is sesame seed oil,
although any naturally occurring vegetable, animal or fish oil can
be utilized. Alternately, the same mixture can be heated to above
240 DEG C. until foaming has ceased. Either of these two
preparations can be used separately or preferably mixed together.
The preferred route of administration is by intramuscular
injection. These preparation whether used separately or in
combination, have been shown to possess an extemely low toxicity
in both animals and humans.
In very severe cases of withdrawal, from methadone for example, a
number of doses of from 0.5 to 1 gram % selenium in this oil were
injected per day, and this without any subjective or objective
side effects. In general, much lower doses are preferred in order
to induce an efficient detoxification. The doses are indicated by
the clinical response of the patient, and they may be increased if
any withdrawal symptoms remain. It is preferable to prevent any
withdrawal symptoms from occurring in the patient.
The changes in the patient were evident in the blood analyses. The
original withdrawal symptoms were unusually controlled by a single
injection of about 10 ml, the effect is being seen within 45
minutes. A treatment of several days is necessary to obtain a good
detoxification which would continue as long as the subject did not
again take the addicting drugs.
Members of the following groups of agents represent other
compositions to treat or intervene in the treatment of drug
withdrawal by acting upon these abnormal fatty acids. They may be
used alone or preferably in combination with the selenium-oil
mixture. The agents are lipoidal in character, i.e., they are more
soluble in neutral solvents than in water so that they act
directly upon the fatty acids.
Such groups include: selenium as a bivalent negative liposoluble
compounds, such as organic selenides and selenium incorporated in
fatty acids; sulfur as colloidal sulfur; crystals from sulfurized
or selenized oil; thiosulfates; thioglycerols; thioglycols;
ethylene trithio carbonate; organic lipidic bivalent negative
sulfides, disulfides, mercaptans; lipidic compounds or
incorporated in oils or fatty acids; lipsoluble ethers, preferably
butyl ether and butyl-oxy-phenyl ether; fatty alcohols and also
these obtained as mixtures, by treating the fatty acids of animal
or vegetable oils with lithium-aluminum-hydride.
Sterols obtained especially as unsaponifiable fractions from fats,
oils, organs, organism or other biological material, i.e., more
soluble in neutral solvents than in water. Other groups are the
lipidic alcohols, i.e., those which are more soluble in neutral
solvents than in water, such as pentanol, heptanol, 3-pentanol and
3-heptanol, pentyl and heptylamines and especially 3-heptylamine.
Lipidic aminoalcohols, liposoluble epoxide and peroxides; the
anabolic elements of the 1A, 111 A, VA, V11 A, 11 B, 1V B, V1 B,
and iron and nickel series, and liposoluble corticoids are also
useful according to the invention. With adequate or sufficient
amounts, favorable action was obtained with members of each group.
It has appeared advantageous to use combinations of members of
more than one group, and this reduced the inherent side effects of
each agent. Most advantageously, these combinations should be used
together with the selenium incorporated in oil.
The clinical applications show the need to have the treatment
continued for several days after all the symptoms of withdrawal
have fully disappeared. This is done in order to control the
natural body tendency to continue to manufacture the abnormal
fatty acids as a defensive action.
Treatment of symptoms of neoplastic
The method of treating neoplasms in lower animals and humans by
administering thereto fluorine containing acids or their non-toxic
salts or esters.
The present invention is concerned with a method of treating the
symptoms of neoplastic diseases and more particularly, the use of
fluorine containing acids for alleviating symptoms of neoplastic
diseases without treating the disease itself.
The fluorine containing acid that can be administered to the body
for alleviating symptoms of neoplastic conditions without treating
the disease itself include perfluorobutyric acid,
perfluoroglutamic acid, perfluorooctanoic acid, perfluoropropionic
acid, perfluorosuccinic acid, hexafluorophosphoric acid,
fluoroacetic acid, fluorobenzoic acid, fluoromethylbenzoic acid,
and fluorosulfuric acid. The above fluoroacids are given as
representative and the invention does not exclude the use of other
fluorine containing acids. The non-toxic salts of esters of the
fluorine containing acids can also be employed. The ammonia (NH3)
salts are at present perferred. The organic fluorine containing
acid can contain various amounts of fluorine atoms, however, a
significant decrease in activity appears to result when these
acids contain 20 or more fluorine atoms. It is thus advantageous
to employ fluorine containing organic acids having less fluorine
atoms. Best results to date are obtained with perfluorooctanoic
acid and hexafluorophosphoric acid, particularly their ammonium
salts. The fluorine containing acids can also be used in
admixtures with each other.
The fluorine containing acids can be water soluble or water
insoluble and either can be used directly in solution, e.g., water
or alcohol, or in conventional therapeutic emulsion form.
The required dosage will, of course, depend upon the particular
fluorine containing acid being employed as well as the extent of
the neoplasm in the patient. Generally, especially with
hexafluorophosphoric acid, from about 100 mcg. to 50 milligrams is
sufficient. The appearance of a slight dizziness is a factor
limiting the use of progressively increasing dosages. The
treatment can be continued at various intervals, preferably daily,
until maximum effect is obtained. Administration can be orally or
by injection.
No claim is made that the use of fluorine containing acids will
cure neoplasms but subjective improvements result in various
symptoms of neoplastic conditions, such as cancers, sarcomas,
lymphomas, leukemias as well as in benign tumors. The use of the
fluorine containing acids is noted to reduce pain and alleviate
other known symptoms of neoplastic conditions. The invention is
useful for treating symptoms of neoplasms in the lower animals as
well as in humans.
Method for the treatment of acquired
immune deficiency syndrome
A method and composition for the treatment of a patient with AIDS.
The composition comprises an AIDS-symptom alleviating effective
amount of an aliphatic carboxylic acid having an odd number of
carbon atoms and containing at least 5 and not more than 10 carbon
atoms. The composition may be administered in a pharmaceutically
acceptable oily carrier and is administered orally and/or by
intramuscular injection.
The study of the pathogenic factors of diseases caused by the HIV
virus, e.g., the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), has
shown that, in addition to the presence of the virus, parasitated
lymphocytes which have been infected by the virus are present
which represent the detectable lesions of the of the disease.
Accordingly, in a therapeutic approach to this disease, an attempt
to destroy the parasitated lymphocytes must be considered, in
addition to treatment having a direct antiviral action.
Studies of the parasitated or infected lymphocytes has shown that
they, like other lesions in the body, contain free lipids. They
are especially sensitive to the action of agents having a lipidic
character when introduced into the body.
I have discovered that certain lipidic agents have a specific
capacity to act upon the pathogenic factor of AIDS. These agents
act upon the virus itself, as well as the infected or parasitated
lymphocytes. In particular, I have discovered that aliphatic
organic compounds having five or more carbons and a lipidic
character, i.e., are soluble in unpolarized or organic solvents
rather than water, provide an effective procedure for the
treatment of AIDS. These compounds appear to be bound by the
viruses and the parasitated lymphocytes through the free lipids of
the virus and lymphocytes.
More specifically, I have found that compounds having a negative
polar group and, especially, an acidic polar group, exhibit a
characteristic antiviral activity and effect in decreasing the
number of parasitated lymphocytes.
The method of the invention comprises administering to a patient
with AIDS, an anti-AIDS symptom reducing effective amount of an
organic aliphatic acid having at least 5 carbon atoms and an odd
number of carbon atoms.
Organic acids particularly suitable for use with the present
invention are pentanoic, nonanoic and heptanoic acid. Most
preferred is heptanoic acid. Each of these compounds exhibit not
only anti-HIV virus effects, but also affect the parasitated or
infected lymphocytes, killing them.
The compounds are administered intramuscularly or orally from oily
solutions. Conventional organic oils which are pharmaceutically
acceptable may be used as the oily carrier. Typically, for
example, vegetable oils, and most preferably, polyunsaturated oil,
such as, safflower oil, are suitable. For oral administration, a
solution having a concentration from about 20 to 60%, and
preferably, about 50% and in amounts of from about 1 to 5 ml per
dosage, two to four times a day, are effective. For intramuscular
injection, oily solutions having concentrations up to 30% acid may
be used with injection volumes being from about 2 to 10 ml per
injection, one to four times per day. (All concentrations are
expressed as volume/volume percent.) I have found that these
administrations are well tolerated. The inventive method may be
utilized with oral or intramuscular injection alone or in
combination. The administration of the medicament may be continued
for as long as necessary.
Toxicity studies with these acids have shown that they are
essentially non-toxic in mice after repeated injections of 0.5 ml
of a 10% volume/volume solution for more than two months. No toxic
effects were observed in rats with daily injections of 1 ml of a
10% volume/volume solution.
In addition, for all of the patients described hereinafter, no
complaints of any side effects were received, even when relatively
large amounts of medication were administered.
A group of forty AIDS patients was treated utilizing heptanoic
acid. The patients were diagnosed as having AIDS by conventional
analysis. These patients were each treated orally with heptanoic
acid in safflower oil, in 50% oily solution, in doses from 2-5 ml,
two to four times a day for more than one month. Impressive
subjective changes and improvements in the condition of each of
the patients were seen, even beginning after the first
administration. No toxic effects after prolonged treatment with
higher amounts were observed.
Ten patients diagnosed with AIDS and having chronic diarrhea were
treated. These patients had chronic diarrhea for more than month
which did not respond to any conventional treatment. They received
from 2-5 ml of the 50% heptanoic acid orally in safflower oil,
three to four times a day. Using this inventive method, this
symptom was fully controlled within a period of less than one week
in each of these patients.
This treatment has also produced significant changes in the ratio
of helper to suppressor lymphocytes. Generally, the normal ratio
of helper to suppressor lympho cytes should be about 1.2. With
patients having AIDS, this ratio is as low as 0.1. With the
inventive treatment, improvements in increasing this ratio are
seen beginning with the initial treatment and continuous
improvement has been seen after treatments for a period of one
The following are details of two of the forty clinical treatments
referred to above.
J. D., 38 years old, with a T4 /T8 ratio of 0.14, exhibited severe
manifestations of AIDS, including diarrhea and fever. Within one
week of treatment with 3 ml of a 50% volume/volume heptanoic acid
in safflower oil, these symptoms were fully controlled. After a
two-month treatment of 2 ml of this medication three times a day
orally, he remained symptom free for six months without any
further treatment. His T4 /R8 ratio remained at a level of about
L. S., 24 years old, diagnosed with AIDS. He was rapidly
deteriorating for the month prior to his beginning treatment. The
manifested symptoms were primarily fatigue, loss of weight, loss
of appetite, fever and multiple lymphatic gland involvement. The
T4 /T8 ratio was 0.2. Within one week of treatment with 3 ml of
50% volume/volume heptanoic acid in safflower oil, orally four
times a day, these symptoms were controlled.
After two months of treatment, the patient has remained in
exceptional good clinical condition for the last six months,
continuing with the treatment of 1 ml administered once a day. His
T4 /T8 ratio remain above 1.0.
In another variant of the present invention, a mixture of 30%
heptanoic acid, 15% pentanoic acid, and 15% nonanoic acid
(volume/volume percentage) in safflower oil were used orally with
from 1 to 3 ml dosages four times a day. Clinical results in 12
patients with varying pathological AIDS manifestations all
resulted in substantial improvements of their symptoms.
Selenium compounds having
antineoplastic activity, process for the preparation thereof
and pharmaceutical compositions therefrom
Organic compounds of selenium are prepared by reaction of metallic
selenium with eleostearic acid under warming. Tung oil may be
used. The compounds contain between 0.1 and 5% by weight of
selenium. Pharmaceutical compositions having antineoplastic
activity are prepared, which contain as the active component, the
organic compound of selenium. The method of treatment of animals
and humans affected by neoplastic conditions is described.
The present invention relates to new organic compounds of
selenium, which exhibit a substantial antineoplastic activity.
More specifically, the invention covers compounds prepared by
addition of selenium to eleostearic acid. This substance is
9,11,13-octadecatrienoic acid of formula
CH3 --(CH2)3 --CH.dbd.CH--CH.dbd.CH--CH.dbd.CH--(CH2)7 --COOH
This acid is a fatty acid and is the chief component (about 80%)
in "tung oil", also called "china wood oil". According to a
preferred method for the preparation of the compounds according to
the present invention, "tung oil" is used as a source of
eleostearic acid. By warming metallic selenium with eleostearic
acid, or more appropriately with "tung oil", at a temperature in
the range of 200 DEG-250 DEG C., one notices the disappearance of
selenium itself with formation of an addition product in which
selenium is bound to the chain of the fatty acid with bonds of
various nature (for instance a perselenide, or hydroperselenide,
or episelenide bond or others).
The percentage of selenium in the compounds prepared in this
manner may vary within a very broad range, for instance between
0.1% up to 5%. However, for the therapeutical use, compounds
containing 1-2% by weight of selenium are particularly useful.
The invention also relates to the method of preparation of the
novel compounds of the invention which comprises warming selenium
with "tung oil" up to the point when the mixture becomes clear,
that is when the elementary selenium disappears. The following
example illustrates the method of preparation according to the
invention without, however, limiting the invention in any way.
Selenium, either in the gray or red form, three grams finely
powdered, is warmed gradually in 100 grams of tung oil under
efficient stirring in a bath of dowtherm. At a temperature of
about 230 DEG C., the mixture begins to become clear and becomes
completely clear at a temperature of about 248 DEG C. This
requires about 2-3 hours of heating. After an additional one
half-hour of heating while under efficient stirring, the mixture
is allowed to cool and the selenium which has not reacted and
which has collected as a single clot, is decanted.
The liquid which is obtained contains 2.03% of selenium, the
determination being made by atomic absorption. The ultraviolet
spectrum of the compound which will be referred to hereinbelow by
the symbol "TSel" exhibits absorption maxima typical of conjugated
trienes and conjugated dienes. This fact coupled with the
determination of the iodine number, which is carried out with
sodium thiosulfate and determining the amount of iodine set free
in the reaction between TSel and potassium iodide in acetic acid,
shows the presence of selenium bound to carbon atoms adjacent the
double bond of a triene in the form of a hydroperselenide group
(.dbd.C--C--Se--Se--H), and selenium added to a double bond in the
form of a perselenide ##STR1## It should be clarified, however,
that the novelty of the invention is not in any way limited to the
manner of how the selenium is bound in TSel, or more generally, in
the compounds according to the present invention.
The substance TSel thus obtained may be administered as such in
the form of drops of 50% diluted with sesame oil and administered
in unit dosage form in capsules of gelatine or in phthials for
injection. The substance in a 2% concentration of selenium
prepared as described hereinabove, has been investigated to
determine the acute toxicity, subacute toxicity, chronic toxicity
and carcinogenic activity. The results are reported hereinbelow.
Acute Toxicity
The acute toxicity of TSel has been tested in mice and rats of
both sexes, treated with increasing doses of TSel administered
subcutaneously, intraperitoneally and intragastrically.
By the subcutaneous route, no death has been observed when the
substance is administered up to 1 cc of TSel in mice (26-32 g
.female. and 28-34 .male.) and up to 2 cc in rats (150-220 g
.female. and 170-230 g.male.). By the intraperitoneal route, the
maximum doses which have not caused death, are 0.2 cc for female
mice, 0.5 cc for male mice and 0.8 cc for rats of both sexes. The
maximum doses which have been tested, 1 cc for mice and 1.5 cc for
rats, have caused death in at least 50% of the animals with the
exception of female mice which have shown to be more sensitive.
The autopsy has shown an atrophization of the suprarenal glands
with almost a total disappearance of sudanophilic material.
On the other hand, the administration by the intragastric route of
the material up to 1 cc in mice and 2 cc in rats of both sexes has
not caused toxic symptoms worth mentioning with the exception of
the reduction of the sudanophilic material in the suprarenal
glands at the higher dosage.
Subacute Toxicity
Subacute toxicity has been studied by administration of increasing
doses of TSel for six consecutive days to mice and rats of both
sexes by the subcutaneous route and by the intragastric route and
in guinea pigs by the intragastric route.
By the subcutaneous route, only at the highest dose of 0.3 cc,
there is observed the death in the treated mice, (1/10 in the
female and 2/10 in the male) while no pathological symptoms have
been observed in rats treated up to 0.3 cc per 100 grams.
The treatment by the intragastric route has caused no toxic
symptoms worth mentioning, with the exception of a slight
gastritis at the highest doses in the case of mice (0.3 cc) and
rats (0.5 cc). The treatment was, on the other hand, tolerated
very well by guinea pigs also at the highest dosage of 0.4 cc.
Chronic Toxicity
Mice weighing 30 grams were subjected to a subcutaneous injection
in the amount of 0.1 cc per day, three times a week for a period
of three consecutive months. The animal presented no abnormal
reaction with respect to the controls, nor was any pathological
change noted in the animals after they had been killed. An equal
result was obtained in the rats treated with 0.2 cc per 100 grams.
No toxic reaction was observed by administration of TSel to rats
and mice by the oral route by means of a catheter in the dose of 1
cc per day for a prolonged period of time and even after adding 1%
of TSel to the feed of the same animals.
On the basis of what has been described hereinabove, the compounds
according to the invention are practically non-toxic. This is even
more surprising if one considers that compounds of selenium are
known to be toxic.
Carcinogenic Activity
Thirty male mice of 23-27 grams weight and 30 female mice weighing
28-31 grams were fed for one year a feed in the form of pellets,
each one of them contains 0.1 cc of TSel.
At the end of the period of treatment, no case of neoplastic
condition was noted.
Pharmacological Properties
The concept of anabolic-catabolic dualism and relative
definitions, as described hereinbelow, is amply illustrated also
from an experimental point of view, in the case of lower animals
by E. Revici, Research in Physiopathology, Van Nostrand, Ed.,
Princeton, 1961.
It should be noted, however, that the invention is not based on
the correctness of the theoretical considerations discussed in the
work by E. Revici.
The compounds according to the present invention exhibit a marked
catabolic effect, as shown by a series of tests. The
administration of the substances by the oral route or parenteral
route to rats, mice, guinea pigs and rabbits, induces a leukopenia
below 6000 per cubic millimeter, with an eosinopenia, the value of
which is below 60 per cubic millimeter, corresponding to a
catabolic action. In addition, in the lower animals one notes an
increase of potassium in the serum with a decrease of the same
potassium in eritrocytes, always corresponding to a catabolic
The substance TSel and the other compounds according to the
present invention cause changes in the urine, which may be
summarized as follows: lowering of surface tension to below 66
dynes per centimeter; an increase in specific gravity to a point
above 1016; lowering of pH to a point below 6, thus always
exhibiting a catabolic action.
By means of analyses of atomic absorption, one notes that selenium
is uniformly divided in the organism and is reduced in drastic
measure in the period of 48 hours following the administration,
selenium itself being transported by the erythrocytes mainly and
being eliminated through the feces and urine. If the substance
TSel is administered to animals having tumors, the analyses of
atomic absorption show that 75% of selenium is fixed on the tumors
themselves. In addition, about the same amount of selenium is
found again in tumors of animals after they have been killed, one
or two weeks after administration.
It has been found by the cytochemical analyses that selenium is
present almost exclusively in the cytoplasm of cancerous cells.
Histological studies have shown a substantial increase in pyknosis
and cellular carrhiorexi of cancerous cells with necrotic zones.
In the study of oxygen absorption by ascitic cells of mice
suffering from cancer, and oxygen absorption by yeast, the
compounds according to the present invention cause an increase in
the absorption itself corresponding to a catabolic action. When
administered orally or administered in rats by injection, the
compounds according to the present invention, cause a change
towards higher pH values in the scab of wounds one day old.
Control animals have shown a pH between 7.62 and 7.64, while in
other treated animals, the pH reaches 7.80 showing a substantial
catabolic action. The study of the effect exerted by the products
according to the present invention on the curve of recovery of an
epidermic wound in mice and in rats shows also a substantial
catabolic action, which is manifested by the substantial increase
in peaks and by the prolonged period of recovery.
The oral administration of the compounds according to the present
invention, in selected mice of FC1 origin, which in the controls
exhibit 45% spontaneous cancer during one year of observation, has
shown a reduction of spontaneous cancer to about 8%.
In another group of experiments, the oral administration of TSel
for one year, in the dose of 0.2 cc per "pellet" of Purina feed,
has been capable of achieving a reduction in the incidence of
spontaneous cancer from 40.6% in the controls to 3.3%.
The administration to mice and rats which had undergone a
transplant of various tumors has shown a substantial decrease in
the percentage of positive results from 100% in the controls to an
average of 4% in the treated animals. The administration to
animals having transplanted tumors has induced constantly the
reduction in growth, and in the case of intramuscular transplant,
it has caused the disappearance of tumors administered with
compounds to an extent more than 60%.
By way of example, the results obtained in mice in which ascitic
cancerous Ehrlich cells had been transplanted, by the
intramuscular route are reported hereinbelow.
The animals were treated for six days with an injection of TSel in
the dosage indicated hereinbelow.
Antitumoral Activity of TSel; Mice CF1
No. of Animals Sex Dose Tumors
10 .male. -- 10/10
10 .female. -- 10/10
10 .male. 0.05 cc 2/10
10 .male. 0.2 cc 0/10
10 .female. 0.1 cc 0/10
10 .female. 0.3 cc 0/10
Methods for counteracting the
deleterious effects of sodium chloride
A substantially tasteless, non-toxic composition comprising sodium
chloride and a magnesium compound containing bivalent negative
sulfur and method of using the compositions to control the
deleterious effects of large amounts of sodium chloride on the
human body.
This invention relates to new and useful improvements in a
composition and process for reducing the deleterious effects of
ingested sodium chloride and, more particularly, relates to a
composition or mixture including sodium chloride and a magnesium
compound containing bivalent negative sulfur.
It has become apparent in recent years that the ingestion of
sodium chloride, especially at the higher levels to which humans
have become accustomed, has deleterious effects, mainly related to
the cardiovascular system, e.g., high blood pressure and
arteriosclerosis, but also encourages growth of tumors. Efforts to
restrict the ingestion of salt by eating low or unsalted food or
substituting condiments has not been very successful.
A study of the biological activity of compounds has shown that
they include either destructive-catabolic or constructive-anabolic
actions in the human body. The manifestations of an abnormal
condition, as symptoms, signs, pathology analyses and response to
therapy are related to this dualism. Hypertension,
arteriosclerosis and the growth of tumors are recognized as
typical constructive anabolic manifestations. On the other hand, I
have shown that the action of compounds upon the body has either
an anabolic or a catabolic action. Thus, compounds can be
classified as anabolic or catabolic by a series of tests.
By tests, such as of the effect on the second day wound crust pH,
or on the curve of the healing of a wound, or on the bloor
eosinophile leukocytes and potassium, or on the urine pH, surface
tension, specific gravity and chloride excretion, compounds can be
established as either anabolic constructive or catabolic
Through the study from this point of view of the biological
actions of the elements, I have shown that the members of the
different series (vertical grouping) of the periodic table have
either anabolic or catabolic actions. The IA series, to which the
sodium belongs, has anabolic actions. The same for the IIIA, VA
and VIIA, to which the chloride element belongs. Sodium chloride
consequently produces high anabolic effects. Oppositely, I have
shown that the series IIA, IVA and VIA have antagonistic catabolic
I have further found that the elements of the same period
(horizontal grouping) act at the same level of the body
organization, such as subnuclear, nuclear, cellular, metazoic or
systemic, and that the sodium and the chloride act at the same
metazoic level (tissues and organs). The biological effect of
sodium chloride is thus a strong anabolic action at the metazoic
level. This explains the noxious action upon the blood pressure
and arteries, leading to the anabolic-constructive
Following the same systematization of the elements acting at the
same metazoic level as the sodium and chloride but having an
opposite catabolic action, it appeared that the use of one or more
of the catabolic metazoic elements would produce the opposite
action of this biological effect of the sodium chloride.
This was shown to be true experimentally. Magnesium was seen to be
opposite biologically to sodium, while the sulfur biologically
opposite chlorine. In the case of sulfur, it was found that the
bivalent negative was more active than the tetra- and hexa-valent
Based on these primary considerations, compounds having magnesium
and sulfur were used, in order to show this antagonism as set
forth in the following experiments.
The bilateral adrenalectomy in young rats, of below 150 g, was
seen to have almost 100% mortality. The administration of 1%
solutions of sodium chloride as drinking water was seen to protect
the adrenalectomized animals and, if administered for a sufficient
length of time, to prevent the death. The administration together
with the sodium chloride of magnesium sulfate, the last in
subcutaneous repeated injections of 0.5 ml of a 10% solution for
100 g of animal or orally as 1% in drinking water, was seen to be
antagonistic to the action of the sodium chloride. In the
adrenalectomized animals treated with sodium chloride and
magnesium sulfate the mortality was over 80% instead of almost
zero for the adrenalectomized animals receiving only the sodium
chloride. The same for the older animals, to which the
administration of magnesium sulfate (1% in drinking water) was
seen to increase the mortality from 20% in controls to 75% in the
animals receiving the magnesium sulfate. The use of the magnesium
thiosulfate was still more effective than the magnesium sulfate.
The relationship between sodium chloride, magnesium sulfates and
arteriosclerosis was seen in the following experiments.
New Zealand rabbits were given 2 grams of cholesterol a day,
orally, together with their food. Sacrificed after one month, they
showed atheromatous lesions of the aorta. The animals sacrificed
after only two weeks of receiving the cholesterol showed only few
minimal lesions or none at all. The addition of sodium chloride
(3% to the drinking water) to the animals receiving 2 g of
cholesterol daily was seen to induce manifest aorta lesions and
this after only two weeks of treatment with cholesterol.
The administration of magnesium thiosulfate at 3%, together with
the 3% sodium chloride in the drinking water, was seen to prevent
the appearance of the aorta lesions, not only after two weeks as
in the controls with NaCl alone, but even after one month.
As noted above, antagonism exists between magnesium and sodium
which counteracts the biological action of sodium and that the
same antagonism exists between the chlorine and sulfur, especially
in the bivalent negative state.
It is thus possible to overcome the adverse effects of sodium
chloride by adding various magnesium compounds, such as magnesium
oxide or magnesium acetylsalicylate and the sulfur compounds
separately. Various sulfur compounds or even colloidal sulfur can
be used for this purpose. The ingestation of colloidal sulfur has
been found to produce sulfides in the intestines of animals. The
bond of magnesium to catabolic sulfur enhances this antisodium
action. It has been found that the best results are obtained by
utilizing a magnesium compound containing bivalent negative sulfur
and especially magnesium thiosulfate.
The composition is prepared by merely mixing sodium chloride with
magnesium thiosulfate, preferably previously heated around 170 DEG
C. in order to eliminate or reduce its hydrated water. The
crystals of magnesium thiosulfate are preferably ground to a fine
powder before mixing with sodium chloride. The sodium chloride
crystals can also be ground to a fine powder if desired. In this
manner the taste of magnesium thiosulfate in the composition is
substantially reduced. The amount of magnesium thiosulfate should
be at least about 1% by weight of the total composition in order
to subsequently antagonize the adverse effects of sodium chloride.
Amounts as high as 10% by weight of magnesium thiosulfate can be
employed without substantially affecting the taste of the sodium
chloride. Amounts as high as 25% by weight could be used where
taste is not a factor.
Other catabolic agents, of a lower organizational level of the
cells, such as Ca, Sc, V, Mn, Co, Cu, Ge and Se may be added
together with the magnesium and sulfur.
Other antianabolic agents, such as vitamins A, D, B6 and B12,
fatty acids, aldehydes, and the special group of agents having a
twin formation (2 atoms with the same electrical charge bound
together) can also be added to the magnesium-sulfur agents if
Virucidal compositions and therapy
A method of inactivating enveloped virus comprises contacting said
virus with a virucidally effective amount of a C20-24 linear
polyunsaturated acid, aldehyde or primary alcohol having 5-7
double bonds, a pharmaceutically acceptable salt of said acid, or
a mixture thereof. Topical administration of the virucide is
preferred and is effective in treating lesions associated with
herpes infections. Pharmaceutical compositions for use in the
present method are provided.
This invention relates to virucides and in particular to a method
of inactivating enveloped virus. In a composition of matter
aspect, the invention relates to a pharmaceutical composition for
use in the present method.
Viral infections have in the past been largely resistant to
antibiotic therapy. In particular, herpes infections have proven
to be especially refractory. Herpes virus belongs to the class
known as 'enveloped virus", by which is meant those DNA or RNA
virus having a lipoprotein envelope. Normally, the virus envelope
is derived from host membrane components under the direction of
viral protein. The class of enveloped virus includes herpes virus,
e.g., herpes simplex 1 and 2; myxovirus, e.g., influenza virus;
paramyxovirus, e.g., virus responsible for measles and mumps, and
respiratory syncitial virus responsible for croup; corona virus,
which is also implicated in the common cold; and toga virus, e.g.,
rubella virus and virus responsible for encephalitis and
hemorrhagic fever.
Many compounds have antiviral or virustatic activity, i.e., they
inhibit the spread of viral infection by inhibiting the
replication of virus particles. However, they do not inactivate
the virus. Acyclovir, 9-(2-hydroxyethoxymethyl)guanine, an
antiviral drug which has recently been cleared by the FDA for use
in treating herpes infections in humans, is a virustatic agent,
but not a virucide.
Recent research has shown that certain lipophilic compounds
inhibit replication of some enveloped virus in vitro. Sands,
Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 12, 523-528 (1977),
discloses that various fatty acids can inhibit viral replication
in bacteriophage, and that at least two modes of fatty acid
inhibition can be involved. The first mode involves inactivation
of the virus, i.e., virucidal activity. Oleic acid, a
monounsaturated C18 fatty acid, was the most effective fatty acid
tested for this property, but a C18 acid having two double bonds
was essentially inactive. The second method is inhibition of
replication, without killing the virus, i.e., anti-viral or
virustatic activity. This phenomenon is related to the stage in
the infectious cycle in which the fatty acid is added.
Reinhardt et al., J. Virology, 25, 479-485 (1978) disclose that
unsaturated fatty acids can inhibit the viral replication of PR4
bacteriophage in vitro. The most effective acids were oleic acid
and palmitoleic acid. Arachidonic acid (C20 tetraene) was
moderately effective, but less effective than linolenic acid (C18
Kabara et al., Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 2, 23-28
(1972) disclose that certain fatty acids inhibit the growth of
gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms, but no virus
species were tested. Some saturated fatty acids had antibacterial
activity, mono-unsaturated acids were more effective and dienoic
acids were even more active, for C18 fatty acids. However,
arachidonic acid was not inhibitory at the concentrations tested.
Sands et al., Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 15, 67-73
(1979) disclose antiviral activity in vitro of C14-20 unsaturated
alcohols having 1-4 double bonds, the most active being
gamma-linolenyl alcohol (6,9,12-octadecatrien-1-ol), while a C20
tetraenyl alcohol had low activity. Lower antiviral activity in
vitro was disclosed for saturated alcohols by Snipes et al.,
Ibid., 11, 98-104 (1977); and Snipes et al., Symp. Pharm. Effects
Lipids (AOCS Monograph No. 5), 63-74 (1978).
A need continues to exist for a virucidal agent which is active
against enveloped virus and which has very low toxicity,
especially one that is a potent topical virucide against herpes
One object of the present invention is to provide a method for
inactivating enveloped virus using an agent of low human
Another object of the present invention is to provide a topical
virucidal agent which is effective to prevent and/or reduce
lesions which accompany herpes infections in animals and humans.
A further object of the present invention is to provide a
pharmaceutical composition for use in the foregoing methods.
Upon further study of the specification and appended claims,
further objects and advantages of this invention will become
apparent to those skilled in the art.
In a method aspect, the present invention provides a method of
inactivating enveloped virus, which comprises contacting the situs
of said virus or the virus itself with a virucidally effective
amount of a C20-24 linear polyunsaturated acid, aldehyde or
primary alcohol having 5-7 double bonds, a pharmaceutically
acceptable salt of said acid, or a mixture thereof.
In a preferred method of use aspect, the present invention
provides a method of treating lesions associated with a herpes
infection in an animal or human subject, which comprises applying
to the inflamed area an amount of the foregoing virucidal agent
effective for reducing or arresting said lesions.
In a composition of matter aspect, the present invention provides
a pharmaceutical composition comprising a virucidally effective
amount of the foregoing virucidal agent, and a pharmaceutically
acceptable carrier. Preferred such compositions suitable for
topical application are also provided.
The C20-24 linear polyunsaturated acids suitable for use in the
present method and composition include eicosapentaenoic acid
(EPA), eicosahexaenoic acid, eicosaheptaenoic acid,
heneicosapentaneoic acid, heneicosahexaenoic acid,
heneicosaheptaenoic acid, docosapentaenoic acid, docosahexaenoic
acid (DHA), docosaheptaenoic acid, tricosapentaenoic acid,
tricosahexaenoic acid, tricosaheptaenoic acid, tetracosapentaenoic
acid, tetracosahexaenoic acid, tetracosaheptaenoic acid and
mixtures thereof. Preferred acids are EPA, DHA and mixtures
thereof, including both non-conjugated and conjugated double bond
isomers. Especially preferred are 5,8,11,14,17-EPA and
4,7,10,13,16,19-DHA and mixtures thereof. It will be appreciated
that the foregoing polyunsaturated acids can exist in a variety of
geometric isomers, all of which are included in the invention.
The polyunsaturated acids may be employed as pure compounds or
mixtures of pure compounds, or they may be employed as
concentrates derived from natural vegetable and/or animal sources.
Important natural sources of the polyunsaturated acids suitable
for use in the invention are fish liver oils and concentrates
and/or extracts thereof. It is known that EPA and DHA are present
in significant quantities in oils such as cod liver oil, halibut
liver oil, tuna liver oil and the like. Saponification and/or
solvent extraction of fish liver oils can increase the percentage
of free polyunsaturated fatty acids available therefrom by
subsequent concentration and/or further extraction.
The C20-24 linear polyunsaturated acids which are not available
from natural sources may be synthesized by conventional techniques
for producing long-chain polyolefins having either cis or trans
double bonds. Such olefin syntheses are disclosed generally in the
chapters on olefin synthesis in Harrison et al., "Compendium of
Organic Synthetic Methods" (Wiley 1971); and Carruthers, "Some
Modern Methods of Organic Synthesis" (Cambridge 1971); and with
respect to the closely related carotene systems, in Anand et al.,
"Art in Organic Synthesis" (Holden-Day 1970), the foregoing being
illustrative and not inclusive of all such general references. The
carboxyl group can be introduced early, as a protected, e.g.,
esterified, function, or at the end of the synthetic pathway, by
conventional means, as illustrated in the foregoing references.
The longer chain acids may also be obtained by homologation of
acids having fewer atoms in the carbon chain, by conventional
reaction sequences, e.g., Arndt-Eistert homologation, and the
The various geometric and position isomers of the polyunsaturated
acids and/or the alcohols and aldehydes related thereto may be
obtained by one or more conventional separation techniques well
known in the art, e.g., column chromatography, thin layer
chromatography, vapor phase chromatography, high performance
liquid chromatography, fractional crystallization, and the like.
Partial separations, e.g., solvent extraction, molecular
distillation, for the purpose of producing more highly active
virucidal fractions are also included within the separation
methods envisioned for the production of virucidal agents for use
in the present method and composition.
The polyunsaturated acids of the invention may be administered in
the form of pharmaceutically acceptable addition salts with
inorganic or organic bases, where the salts possess comparable
and/or otherwise advantageous virucidal activity and which are
otherwise physiologically compatible. Suitable inorganic bases to
form these salts include, e.g., the hydroxides, carbonates,
bicarbonates or alkoxides of the alkali metals or alkaline earth
metals, e.g., sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium and the like.
Suitable organic bases include the following amines; lower mono-,
di-, and trialkylamines, the alkyl radicals of which contain up to
three carbon atoms, e.g., methylamine, dimethylamine,
trimethylamine, ethylamine, di- and triethylamine,
N-methyl-N-ethylamine, and the like; mono-, di- and
trialkanolamines, the alkano radicals of which contain up to three
carbon atoms, e.g., mono-, di- and triethanolamine,
alkylene-diamines which contain up to six carbon atoms, e.g.,
hexamethylenediamine; phenylalkylamines, e.g., benzylamine,
phenylethylamine and N-methylphenylethylamine; cyclic saturated or
unsaturated bases containing up to six carbon atoms, e.g.,
pyrrolidine, piperidine, morpholine, piperazine and their N-alkyl
and N-hydroxyalkyl derivatives, e.g., N-methylmorpholine and
N-(2-hydroxyethyl)piperidine, as well as pyridine.
Furthermore, there may be mentioned the corresponding quaternary
salts, e.g., the tetraalkyl, e.g., tetramethyl, alkylalkanol,
e.g., methyltrimethanol and trimethylmonoethanol, and cyclic
ammonium salts, e.g., the N-methylpyridinium,
N-methyl-N-(2-hydroxyethyl)morpholinium, N,N-dimethylmorpholinium,
N-methyl-N-(2-hydroxyethyl)morpholinium, N,N-dimethylpiperidinium
salts, which are characterized by having good water-solubility. In
principle, however, there can be used all the ammonium salts which
are physiologically compatible.
The transformations to the salts can be carried out by a variety
of methods known in the art. For example, in the case of the
inorganic salts, it is preferred to dissolve the acid in water
containing at least one equivalent amount of a hydroxide,
carbonate, or bicarbonate corresponding to the inorganic salt
desired. Advantageously, the reaction is performed in a
water-miscible, inert organic solent for example, methanol,
ethanol, dioxane, and the like in the presence of water. For
example, such use of sodium hydroxide, sodium carbonate or sodium
bicarbonate gives a solution of the sodium salt. Evaporation of
the solution or addition of a water-miscible solvent of a more
moderate polarity, e.g., a lower alkanol, e.g., butanol, or a
lower alkanone, e.g., ethyl methyl ketone, gives the solid
inorganic salt if that form is desired.
To produce an amine salt, the acid is dissolved in a suitable
solvent of either moderate or lower polarity, for example,
ethanol, methanol, ethyl acetate, diethyl ether and benzene. At
least an equivalent amount of the amine corresponding to the
desired cation is then added to that solution. If the resulting
salt does not precipitate, it can usually be obtained in solid
form by addition of a miscible diluent of low polarity, for
example, benzene or petroleum ether, or by evaporation. If the
amine is relatively volatile, any excess can easily be removed by
evaporation. It is preferred to use substantially equivalent
amounts of the less volatile amines.
Salts wherein the cation is quaternary ammonium are produced by
mixing the acid with an equivalent amount of the corresponding
quaternary ammonium hydroxide in water solution, followed by
evaporation of the water.
The C20-24 aldehydes and primary alcohols suitable for use in the
method and composition of the invention correspond to the acids
set forth above, except that the carboxyl group of the acids is
replaced by a formyl group or a hydroxymethylene group,
respectively. The aldehydes and alcohols similarly exist as
various geometric isomers which are included in the scope of this
The primary alcohols and aldehydes may be readily prepared, e.g.,
by reduction of the corresponding acids, or by other conventional
methods. Typically, an acid will be converted to, e.g., a methyl
ester, and the ester will be reduced to the corresponding alcohol
with a hydride reducing agent, e.g., LiAlH4. The ester, optionally
a triglyceride, is converted to the corresponding aldehyde by the
method of Gauglitz, Jr. et al., J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc., 37, 425
Other conventional techniques for producing an aldehyde or alcohol
having the same carbon chain length or having fewer or greater
numbers of carbons in the chain are also well known to the art,
and are also illustrated inter alia in the aforementioned Harrison
et al. reference. The alcohols may be converted to halides,
sulfonate esters and the like and used as intermediates for the
production of higher homolog alcohols, aldehydes and acids, e.g.,
by reaction with cyanide, followed by hydrolysis or hydride
reduction, or by other conventional synthetic pathways. It may be
convenient and/or advantageous to use mixtures of reactants and
products from the foregoing synthetic pathways, without further
separation, as virucidal agents.
The foregoing examples of virucidal compounds useful in the
present invention are intended to be illustrative of the scope of
the invention, but not limitative thereof, and the invention
includes equivalents of the illustrated compounds that also
achieve the disclosed virucidal effects. Contemplated equivalents
include mono or polysubstitution of moieties on the
polyunsaturated alcohols, aldehydes, acids and salts that will not
interfere with their virucidal activity. Suitable such
substituents would include halogen atoms, lower alkyl, lower
alkoxy, hydroxy and the like, which can be introduced by
conventional means.
Isomerization of the double bonds in the polyunsaturated alcohols,
aldehydes and acids of the invention may be effected by treatment
with various basic catalysts. The aldehyde function should be
protected in the form of a base-stable derivative, e.g., an
acetal, or should be introduced after isomerization. Typically, a
polyunsaturated acid, e.g., a pure acid or a mixture of acids from
e.g., a natural marine oil, which usually has an arrangement of
double bonds in allylic relation to one another, is treated with a
concentrated solution of alkali and heated to promote double bond
isomerization. Concentrated aqueous alkali, e.g., 50% KOH, or
alkali metal alkoxides in polar solvents, are effective for
isomerizing such allylic double bonds. The resultant acids contain
double bonds which are partially or fully conjugated, i.e., they
form alternating single and double bonds. Accordingly, the
progress of the isomerization reaction may be monitored with
ultraviolet spectroscopy, which reveals the presence of conjugated
double bond systems by the appearance of absorption peaks in the
long wavelength end of the ultraviolet spectrum. Isomerization
preferably is effected under an inert gas atmosphere to avoid
oxidation of the polyene systems.
The polyunsaturated alcohols, aldehydes, acids and salts of the
invention, in contrast to the majority of drugs on the market for
use in treating viral infections, are unusual in that they have
virucidal activity, i.e., they disrupt the virus particles
themselves and render them inactive and permanently
non-infectious. Is is especially noteworthy that the present
compounds are potent topical virucides against enveloped virus,
both in vitro and in vivo. They are especially effective for the
treatment of lesions produced as a result of herpes virus
infections, e.g., oral, genital, ocular and the like. In fact, the
topical activity of at least the preferred species against herpes
simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) is at least comparable to, and in
some preparations superior to, that of Acyclovir (ACV).
The compounds of the invention appear to prolong the survival time
of animals infected with herpes virus, as well as being effective
in reducing the formation of lesions. This suggests that the
compounds of the invention have systemic activity.
The virucidal properties of the compounds of the invention suggest
their use to prevent the spread of infection by enveloped virus,
e.g., by incorporating them in a hand cream or lotion for use by
physicians both before and after the examination of patients with
suspected virus infections. Furthermore, the compounds may be used
in fluids used to kill virus on examining tables, instruments,
gloves, towels and other surfaces which might come in contact with
virus particles during the course of medical examinations. The low
toxicity of the compounds of the invention further enhances their
attractiveness for such prophylactic use.
Evidence of the efficacy of the virucides of the invention in
vitro has been obtained from bioassay using HSV-2, using a
standard assay procedure. Serial dilutions of the compounds were
tested for their ability to prevent plaque formation by a stock
virus suspension. Reduction of plaque titer by test compounds as
compared to mock treated controls was indicative of virucidal
activity. Minimal inhibitory concentrations (MIC) of the test
compounds, defined as the lowest concentration of the test
compound capable of producing a 3-log (1,000 fold) reduction in
virus titer, were determined. These represent the upper limit for
the drug concentration, since dilutions were not carried beyond
1:6400 and in some cases 1:12800. At a dilution of 1:12800, EPA
had an MIC of 0.37 .mu.g/ml and DHA had an MIC of 0.47 .mu.g/ml. A
purified fraction isolated from cod liver oil hydrolysate had an
MIC of 0.42 .mu.g/ml, while a less highly purified hydrolysate
fraction had an MIC of 1.00 .mu.g/ml. Cod liver oil itself was
As evidence of the excellent topical activity of the virucides of
the invention against enveloped virus, in vivo tests were carried
out in mice and in guinea pigs. These tests were effected using
substantially the same procedures as those reported by Pancic et
al., Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 19, 470-476 (1981). In
both studies, DHA was compared with ACV in a controlled study for
effectiveness in reducing the occurrence and the severity of
lesions resulting from infection by HSV-2 and in reducing
mortality resulting from the virus infection. Surprisingly and
unexpectedly, a low dose of DHA in an ointment base was highly
effective in comparison with ACV in reducing lesions and in
reducing mortality rates in mice. In fact, a low dose of DHA in
the particular ointment vehicle used for test purposes appeared to
have a higher activity than a high dose of the same material in
the same vehicle.
While not wishing to be bound by any particular explanation of
this phenomenon, it may be related to the action of fluid micelles
formed by the fatty acid upon viral envelope proteins, which
destabilize the viral membrane and inactivate the virus particle.
It is known that lipid micelle formation and structure is
sensitive to lipid concentration and to the composition of the
suspending medium. Thus, it is possible that micelles with
significantly different properties could be formed at higher
concentrations or in different vehicles.
The compounds of this invention can be employed in mixture with
conventional excipients, i.e., pharmaceutically acceptable organic
or inorganic carrier substances suitable for parenteral or enteral
application which do not deleteriously react with the active
compounds. Suitable pharmaceutically acceptable carriers include
but are not limited to water, salt solutions, alcohols, vegetable
oils, polyethylene glycols, gelatin, lactose, amylose, magnesium
stearate, talc, silicic acid, viscous paraffin, perfume oil, fatty
acid monoglycerides and diglycerides, pentaerythritol fatty acid
esters, hydroxymethylcellulose, polyvinyl pyrrolidone, and the
like. The pharmaceutical preparations can be sterilized and if
desired mixed with auxiliary agents, e.g., lubricants,
preservatives, stabilizers, wetting agents, emulsifiers, salts for
influencing osmotic pressure, buffers, coloring, flavoring and/or
aromatic substances and the like which do not deleteriously react
with the active compounds.
For parenteral application, particularly suitable are solutions,
preferably oily or aqueous solutions, as well as suspensions,
emulsions, or implants, including suppositories. Ampoules are
convenient unit dosages.
For enteral application, particularly suitable are tablets,
dragees, or capsules having talc and/or a carbohydrate carrier or
binder or the like, the carrier preferably being lactose and/or
corn starch and/or wheat starch and/or potato starch. A syrup,
elixir or the like can be used wherein a sweetened vehicle is
employed. Sustained release compositions can be formulated
including those wherein the active compound is protected with
differentially degradable coatings, e.g., by microencapsulation,
multiple coatings, and the like.
A preferred mode of application of the virucides of the invention
is as a topical agent, either in nonsprayable or sprayable form.
Non-sprayable forms can be semi-solid or solid forms comprising a
carrier indigenous to topical application and having a dynamic
viscosity preferably greater than that of water. Suitable
formulations include, but are not limited to, solutions,
suspensions, emulsions, creams, ointments, powders, liniments,
salves and the like. If desired, these may be sterilized or mixed
with auxiliary agents, e.g., preservatives, stabilizers, wetting
agents, buffers or salts for influencing osmotic pressure and the
like. Preferred vehicles for non-sprayable topical preparations
include ointment bases, e.g., polyethylene glycol-1000 (PEG-1000);
conventional ophthalmic vehicles; creams, e.g., HEB cream; and
gels, e.g., K-Y gel; as well as petroleum jelly and the like.
These topical preparations may also contain emollients, perfumes
and/or pigments to enhance their acceptability for various usages.
Also suitable for topical application are sprayable aerosol
preparations wherein the virucidal compound, preferably in
combination with a solid or liquid inert carrier material, is
packaged in a squeeze bottle or in admixture with a pressurized
volatile, normally gaseous propellant, e.g., a
Freon(Chlorofluorocarbon) or environmentally acceptable volatile
propellant. Such compositions can be used for application to
environmental surfaces, e.g., examining tables, toilet seats and
the like, and/or for application to the skin or to mucous
membranes. The aerosol or spray preparations can contain solvents,
buffers, surfactants, perfumes and/or antioxidants in addition to
the virucidal compounds of the invention.
For the preferred topical applications, especially for treatment
of humans and animals suffering from the symptoms of herpes virus
infections, it is preferred to use the polyunsaturated acids of
the invention, although the unsaturated alcohols and aldehydes are
also suitable. Salts of the acids appear to be less effective for
topical applications. It will be appreciated that salts can be
used to prepare compositions for topical applications, in
combination with suitable buffers and/or acids to lower the pH of
the final preparation.
The virucides of the invention are generally administered to
animals, especially mammals, in virucidally effective amounts, and
in dosage unit form. The dose can be administered singly or as
divided dosages throughout the day.
In the preferred topical form of administration used to effect the
present method, application of a virucidally effective amount of a
virucide according to the invention to an infected area, e.g.,
skin surfaces, mucous membranes, eyes, of an animal or human
subject suffering from a viral infection, especially a herpes
infection, will generally range from about 0.001 mg to about 1 g
per application, depending upon the area to be treated, the
severity of the symptoms and the nature of the virucidal agent and
the topical vehicle employed. Preferably, dosages in the range
0.01-100 mg will be used. A preferred topical preparation is an
ointment wherein about 0.01-50 mg of virucide is used per cc of
ointment base, the latter being preferably PEG-1000, and more
preferably an ointment containing about 0.1-10 mg/cc of a C20-24
acid according to the invention, preferably DHA and/or EPA, in
In preparing virucidal compositions according to the present
invention, particularly topical preparations using polyunsaturated
acids, it is preferable to use acids which are as pure as possible
and/or which are substantially free, or have at least a
significantly reduced content, of esters, e.g., triglycerides.
Thus, where a fish liver oil is used as the source of the
polyunsaturated acids, reduction of the natural triglyceride
content, e.g., by saponification of the oil and recovery of the
saponified acids fraction, will be advantageous.
Alternatively, molecular distillation, solvent extraction,
fractional crystallization, liquid chromatography and the like are
advantageously used to produce more concentrated and more active
fractions. Combinations of the foregoing techniques can be used to
achieve still more virucidally effective compositions.
Pharmaceutical preparations wherein substantially pure C20-24
polyunsaturated acids having 5-7 double bonds are used are
preferred, especially those which are substantially free of
esters, e.g., triglycerides, and most preferably those having
substantially pure EPA and/or DHA as substantially the only fatty
acids therein. Where a concentrate of polyunsaturated acids is
used to prepare the pharmaceutical composition, the content of
C20-24 fatty acids having 5-7 double bonds is advantageously at
least about 20% by weight, 30% being preferred, and 40%, 50%, 60%,
70%, 80%, 90%, 95% and 99% being even more preferable the higher
the percentage of the virucides. Conversely, the lower the
triglyceride content, e.g., less than 50%, preferably less than
40%, 30%, 20%, 10%, 5% and most preferably less than 1%, the more
preferred is the composition.
It will be understood that formulations and dosages may be varied
and may fall outside of the preferred ranges for various uses,
e.g., applications to environmental surfaces for prophylactic use
and/or veterinary and disinfectant applications.
Aerosols for topical medicinal applications will have similar
concentrations and dosages to the creams, lotions and ointments
described above, but may have higher or lower concentrations for
other applications, e.g., prophylactic and/or disinfectant use,
veterinary applications and the like.
Dosage levels for enteral and/or parenteral administration to
achieve systemic activity will generally fall in the range of
0.001 mg-5 g daily, preferably in solid or liquid unit dosages of
about 0.01 mg-1 g of virucide together with about 0.1-10 g of a
pharmaceutically acceptable carrier. The precise dosages and
frequencies of administration will vary in relation to the
severity of the clinical symptoms and the nature of the virucide
and of the virus species being treated, as well as the nature and
size of the subject, in a manner well known to veterinary and
clinical practitioners.
Without further elaboration, it is believed that one skilled in
the art can, using the preceding description, utilize the present
invention to its fullest extent. The following preferred specific
embodiments are, therefore, to be construed as merely
illustrative, and not limitative of the remainder of the
disclosure in any way whatsoever.
Preparation of cod Liver Oil Hydrolysate
A 100 ml quantity of medicinal grade cod liver oil (CLO), obtained
from Humco Laboratories, was combined with 100 ml of 10% aqueous
sodium hydroxide and refluxed for two hours. After cooling, the
mixture was acidified with 50% sulfuric acid. The acidified
reaction mixture was extracted with ether and the ether layer was
washed with water until the wash water was neutral. The ether
extract was dried over anhydrous sodium sulfate, filtered, and the
ether removed on a rotatory evaporator, to yield 87 ml of a yellow
oil. The oil was then combined with an equal volume of 50%
potassium hydroxide and heated at reflux for two hours. The
resultant reaction mixture was acidified with 50% sulfuric acid
and extracted three times with 250 ml portions of ether. The
combined ether extracts were washed with water until the wash
water was neutral. After drying over anhydrous sodium sulfate,
filtering and removing the ether, 56.3 g of CLO hydrolysate (CLOH)
was obtained.
An ultraviolet spectrum of the product showed long wavelength
absorption, indicating that at least partial conjugation of the
double bonds had occurred. The yellow oil obtained prior to the
50% KOH treatment, consisting mainly of unconjugated fatty acids,
can also be used as a source of virucide according to the
invention, either as such or after further purification, e.g., as
shown in Example 2.
It is also possible to obtain a virucidally active concentrate by
extracting a fish liver oil, e.g., cod liver oil, with an alcohol,
e.g., methanol, and evaporating the alcohol, and optionally
saponifying as above and recovering the resultant hydrolysate,
which can be further purified, e.g., as in Example 2.
Fractionation of Cod Liver Oil Hydrolysate
A 1 g sample of the CLOH prepared in Example 1, dissolved in 1 ml
of acetonitrile, was chromatographed using reverse phase high
performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC), using a Chrompack
Lichrosorb 10 RP 18 column, 25 cm in length, with 100%
acetonitrile mobile phase. The collected fractions were stripped
of acetronitrile and weighed. A fraction having a retention time
of 2.3 min. and weighing 78.7 mg was produced, and labelled
A portion of the CLOH-2.3 material weighing 63.0 mg was dissolved
in 400 .mu.l of mobile phase and rechromatographed using 90%
acetonitrile/10% water. Three major peaks resulted, which were
separately collected and the solvent stripped. The amounts
obtained after vacuum stripping were: Peak 1, 7.9 mg; Peak 2, 6.2
mg; and Peak 3, 16.0 mg. The peaks were labelled CLOH-2.3-1,
CLOH-2.3-2 and CLOH-2.3-3, respectively.
In a separate experiment, it was found that extraction of CLO with
methanol, followed by evaporation of the methanol and further
extraction of the residual extract with acetonitrile produced a
solution which, upon RP-HPLC chromatography, was shown to contain
major quantities of materials having the same retention times as
the major components in the CLOH-2.3 material. By judicious
isolation of RP-HPLC fractions, it was possible to produce a
concentrate having very similar chromatographic behavior on
RP-HPLC to the CLOH-2.3 material, although the yield of such
fractions was substantially lower than the yield of concentrate
from fractionation of CLOH.
In a further experiment, enrichment of the CLOH material in the
CLOH-2.3 fraction components was effected by extracting a 37.4 g
sample of CLOH with three equal volumes of about 15 ml each of
acetonitrile. The combined extracts were stripped and weighed,
producing 15.1 g of residue, which was redissolved in acetonitrile
to a concentration of 1 g/3 ml. RP-HPLC of this material using
100% acetonitrile as the mobile phase showed that the major peak
had a retention time of 2.3 minutes, and represented a
sustantially greater percentage of the total material in the
sample than was the case in the CLOH itself. Accordingly,
repetitive injections of this material were made and an additional
stock of the CLOH-2.3 fraction was prepared. Further fractionation
of the CLOH-2.3 material using 90/10 acetonitrile/water was
effected as described above, and material corresponding to
CLOH-2.3-3 was collected and vacuum stripped.
In Vitro Bioassays
Assays were performed using herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2).
Production of Virus Test Materials
Cell Culture. Cell cultures used for the propagation and titration
of HSV-2 were the human diploid lung embryonic line MRC-5 and the
human malignant epitheloid cell line HEP-2 respectively. Stock
monolayer cultures of both cell lines were propagated in
Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's medium (DME) supplemented with 10%
(V/V) calf serum. Spinner cultures for mass production of HEP-2
cells were grown in Joklik's medium supplemented with 10% (V/V)
calf serum and 1% (W/V) pluronic acid. Monolayer cultures of HEP-2
cells for plaque or virucidal assay were seeded into 60 mm dishes
in DME supplemented with 10% calf serum and antibiotics. Stock
cultures were maintained in antibiotic free medium.
Preparation of HSV-2 Stock and Titration
Herpes simplex virus, type 2 (HSV-2) strain 333 was obtained from
Dr. John Hughes of the Dept. of Medical Microbiology, College of
Medicine, The Ohio State University. Stocks of HSV-2 were prepared
in the human diploid embryonic lung cell line, MRC-5. Confluent
MRC-5 monolayer cultures in T-75 plastic flasks were washed one
time with Hank's and Balanced Salt solution (HBSS) and infected
with 0.5 ml of HSV-2, strain 333 stock. Virus was adsorbed for 1
hour at 37 DEG C. Then the culture was refed with 15 ml of DME
supplemented with 1% (V/V) calf serum. Virus was harvested 48
hours later when cytopathology was complete. Cultures were frozen
and thawed rapidly three times to release cell associated virus,
clarified by centrifugation at 10,000.times.g for 15 minutes at 4
DEG C., aliquoted into 5 ml lots and frozen at -70 DEG C. One lot
was taken for virus titration.
HSV-2 was titrated by plaque assay in HEP-2 cells under a
semi-solid methyl cellulose overlay. Tenfold serial dilutions of
virus were prepared in HBSS and 0.3 ml aliquots of each dilution
inoculated onto triplicate HEP-2 cell monolayers in 60 mm plastic
petri dishes. Adsorption of virus was for 1 hour at 37 DEG C.
Plates were then overlayed with 5 ml of a 1:1 mixture of
2.times.DME supplemented with 2% (V/V) calf serum and 3% (W/V)
methyl cellulose to give a final 1.times.DME supplemented with 1%
calf serum and 1.5% methylcellulose. Infected plates were
incubated at 37 DEG C. in a humidified 10% CO2 atmosphere for 48
hours. Virus plaques were visualized by staining with crystal
violet and counted under a dissecting microscope. Virus titers
were calculated from the plaque numbers by averaging the plaque
count and multiplying by 3.3 (0.3 ml plates).
Technique for Virus Assays
The following procedure was employed to assay virucidal activity
in various test samples. Compounds were received as a solution in
DMSO and were serially diluted in HBSS as described for each
experiment. For the test, 1 ml of each dilution was mixed with 1
ml of a stock virus suspension diluted to approximately
9.times.10@3 plaque forming units (P.F.U.)/ml. This test mixture
was incubated at 25 DEG C. for 30 minutes, then inoculated onto a
cell culture (HEP-2) for plaque assay as described previously.
Mock treated (virus plus HBSS) controls were included with each
test. Any reduction of plaque titer by test compounds as compared
to the mock treated control was indicative of virucidal activity.
Minimal inhibitory concentrations (MIC) of test compounds were
defined as the lowest concentration of a compound capable of
producing a 3-log (1000-fold) reduction in virus titer.
Bioassay of CLOH and Fractionation Products
Samples from RP-HPLC fractionation of the CLOH, produced according
to Example 2, as well as purified samples of palmitic, myristic
and oleic acids and Vitamin D2, were tested for HSV-2 bioactivity.
The results of this bioassay are listed in Table 1. The CLOH-2.3
sample was shown to have an MIC value at least as low as 2.45
.mu.g/ml; the breakpoint was not reached at dilutions of 1:6400.
MIC values are shown in Table 2. The CLOH-2.3-3 sample had an MIC
of 2.5 .mu.g/ml. Pure oleic acid was not active in this assay, nor
were palmitic and myristic acids and Vitamin D2.
Spectral data indicated that the CLOH-2.3-3 material was likely to
be a mixture of EPA and DHA. Accordingly, authentic samples of EPA
and DHA were obtained from Sigma Chemical Company and their
presence was confirmed as major components, together with
impurities in the CLOH-2.3-3 fraction. Authentic EPA and DHA and
their methyl esters were submitted for bioassay. The samples were
prepared with DMSO/HBSS (50:50) to a concentration of 8 mg/ml and
assayed at several dilutions. Results of the bioassay are shown in
Table 3 and the MIC values for the samples are shown in Table 4.
Palmitic acid@(a) Vitamin D@(a)
Oleic acid@(a)
plaque plaque plaque
count titer count titer
count titer
1:10 TNTC@(c)
-- TNTC -- 36 1.2 .times. 10@2
1:100 " " TNTC
1:200 " " "
1:400 " " "
1:800 " " "
" " "
" " "
" " "
CLOH-2.3 CLOH-2.3-1
plaque plaque plaque
count titer count titer count titer
1:10 TNTC -- 0 0 0 0
1:100 " 1 3.3 .times. 10@0
0 0
1:200 " 1 3.3 .times. 10@0
2 6.6 .times. 10@0
1:400 " 0 0 14 4.6 .times. 10@1
1:800 " 1 3.3 .times. 10@0
30 9.9 .times. 10@1
" 0 0 116 3.8 .times. 10@2
" 0 0 TNTC --
" 0 0 " --
CLOH-2.3-2 CLOH-2.3-3
plaque plaque
count titer count titer
1:10 0 0 0 0
1:100 0 0 0 0
1:200 0 0 0 0
1:400 1 3.3 .times. 10@0
1 3.3 .times. 10@0
1:800 1 3.3 .times. 10@0
0 0
1:1600 1 3.3 .times.10@0
2 6.6 .times. 10@0
1:3200 2 6.6 .times. 10@0
10 3.3 .times. 10@1
1:6400 4 1.3 .times. 10@1
27 8.9 .times. 10@1
@(a) Control 2.6 .times. 10@4
@(b) Control 1.3 .times. 10@4
@(c) Too numerous to count
Wt. of sample
Dilution showing
MIC value
Sample in mg 3 log reduction
Palmitic acid
5.9 -- --
Vitamin D2
5.0 -- --
Oleic acid
5.0 -- --
Myristic acid
5.9 -- --
CLOH-2.3 15.7 1:6400 2.45
7.9 1:200 39.5
6.2 1:1600 3.9
16.0 1:6400 2.5
(EPA) (DHA) CLOH-2.3-3
plaque plaque plaque plaque plaque plaque
1:10 0 0 0 0 0 0 95 3.1 .times. 10@2
0 0 0 0
0.5 1.7 .times. 10@0
0 0 0 0 293 9.7 .times. 10@2
2.5 8.3 .times. 10@0
0 0
0.5 1.7 .times. 10@0
0 0 0 0 TNTC
TNTC 7.5 2.5 .times. 10@1
0 0
0.5 1.7 .times. 10@0
0 0 0 0 TNTC
TNTC 13.5
4.5 .times. 10@1
0 0
0.5 1.7 .times. 10@0
0 0 0 0 " " 19.5
6.4 .times. 10@1
0 0
0.5 1.7 .times. 10@0
0 0 0 0 " " 42.5
1.4 .times. 10@2
0 0
0.5 1.7 .times. 10@0
0 0 0.5 1.7 .times. 10
" " 36.5
1.2 .times. 10@2
1 3.3 .times. 10@0
0.5 1.7 .times. 10@0
0 0 0 0 " " 66 2.2 .times. 10@2
2.5 8.3 .times. 10@0
control: dilution, 1:100; plaque count, 13.5; titer, 4.5
.times. 10@3
EPA = eicosapentaenoic acid
EPA--ME = eicosapentaenoic acid, methyl ester
DHA = docosahexaenoic acid
DHA--ME = docasahexaenoic acid, methyl ester
Wt. of Sample
Dilution Showing MIC
Sample in mg. 3 log reduction .mu.g/ml
EPA 4.7 1:12800 0.37
DHA 6.0 1:12800 0.47
5.4 1:12800 0.42
DHA--ME 5.9 -- --
EPA--ME 5.4 1:10 540
CLOH-2.3 6.4 1:6400 1.00
The in vitro bioassays demonstrated that the polyunsaturated
acids, exemplified by EPA and DHA, both in their unconjugated and
at least partially conjugated forms, are potent and fast-acting
virucides. Separate experiments showed that DHA inhibits more than
98% of the virus within 30 seconds of contact, and better than
99.99% of the virus within 30 minutes of contact.
Comparable results are expected for in vitro activity of the
polyunsaturated alcohols, aldehydes and acid salts of the
In Vivo Bioassays
Using substantially the procedures of Pancic et al., loc. cit.,
the topical activity of DHA, a representative and preferred
virucide for use in the present method, was evaluated in mice and
in guinea pigs. Both evaluations included comparative testing
against ACV and the mouse tests included a comparison of two
different vehicles.
Mouse Bioassay
The antiherpetic activity of DHA and ACV was compared using two
evaluation criteria; (1) duration and severity of genital lesions,
and (2) increased or decreased survival time.
The experimental groups were:
A. HSV-2 infected DHA treated
(1) Two doses: 1 mg/ml Low and 10 mg/ml High
(2) Two vehicles per dose: ointment and soluble form of the drug
B. HSV-2 infected, Acyclovir treated
(1) One dose of the drug
(2) Two vehicles (as above)
C. HSV-2 infected (infected controls)
(1) Vehicle control (two vehicles)
(2) No treatment
D. Uninfected mice
(1) Vehicle alone
(2) Vehicles and drug (high dose only)
(3) Untreated
This experimental approach provided an indication of whether or
not DHA exhibited antiherpetic activity in vivo, as compared to a
known active drug Acyclovir. Protocols and treatment regimens are
shown below.
Female Swiss Webster mice were received from Charles River
Breeding Laboratories, Inc. at 5 weeks of age and were held in
quarantine for two weeks. Pooled sera from selected mice was
tested for Pneumonia Virus of Mice, Mouse Hepatitis Virus, Sendai
Virus, and Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis Virus. No significant
titers were found.
Mice were 7 weeks of age at the beginning of the experiment, were
housed 5 per cage, and allowed food and water ad libitum.
HSV-2 Stock Virus Preparation and Titration
HSV-2 strain 333 passaged in MRC-5 cells was inoculated onto
confluent HEP-2 monolayers and harvested 48 hours later when 100%
of the cells exhibited cytopathology. The cells were disrupted by
freezing and thawing three times and the supernatant clarified by
centrifuging at 1000.times.g for 10 minutes and by centrifuging
again at 8,000.times.g rpm for 10 minutes at 40 DEG C. Virus
containing supernatant was aliquoted and frozen at -70 DEG C.
The virus was titrated on confluent HEP-2 monolayers seeded from
Spinner culture 24 hours earlier at 2.times.10@6 cells per 60 mm
tissue culture dish. Serial ten-fold dilutions of the virus stock
were prepared in HBSS and each dilution was inoculated in
triplicate onto HEP2 cell monolayers and allowed to adsorb for 60
minutes at 37 DEG C., 10% CO2. Following adsorption the plates
were overlayed with a 3% methylcellulose overlay in Dulbecco's
Modified Eagle's Medium +20% calf serum and incubated at 37 DEG
C., 10% CO2 for 48 hours and subsequently stained with crystal
violet. Plaques were counted with the aid of a microscope, and the
titer of the stock virus preparation was 4.4.times.10@8 p.f.u./ml.
Virus Infection of Mice
Pre-Treatment with 0.1N NaOH. 24 hours before inoculation with
HSV-2 virus, mice were washed intravaginally with sterile 0.1N
NaOH to irritate the vaginal tissue. 0.15 ml 0.1N NaOH was
introduced intravaginally with a sterile eye dropper and the area
flushed three times. Two hours prior to virus inoculation mice
were swabbed intravaginally with 0.1N NaOH, using a sterile cotton
Virus Inoculation. An aliquot of HSV-2 suspension in HBSS was
thawed quickly and diluted 1:10 in HBSS. 0.020 ml of the diluted
virus suspension was introduced intravaginally using an Eppendorf
pipet with separate, sterile Eppendorf pipet tips for each mouse.
The inoculation was done in a biohazard hood. Each infected mouse
received 1.times.10@7 p.f.u. of HSV-2.
Drug Preparation
Vehicles. A 70% dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO)--30% HBSS solution or
polyethylene glycol 1000 (PEG) served as carriers for the
Acyclovir or DHA and were also administered alone, as controls.
The DMSO-HBSS vehicle was selected based on the observed
(visually) solubility of DHA in various DMSO-HBSS solutions. 1 mg
DHA was soluble in 1 ml of 70% DMSO-30% HBSS.
Acyclovir. A 5% weight/volume mixture of unionized Acyclovir or
the sodium salt of Acyclovir was prepared in 70% DMSO-30% HBSS and
in PEG 1000. The PEG 1000 was warmed to facilitate uniform
suspension of the drugs. The use of the sodium salt of Acyclovir
in either carrier required the addition of 1N HCL to neutralize
the mixtures.
4,7,10,13,16,19 Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA). A weight/volume
mixture of 1 mg DHA per ml carrier or 10 mg per ml carrier
constitute the low and high doses of test drug prepared. The PEG
1000 was warmed to facilitate mixing.
Drug Administration and Animal Observations
Control and infected mice were treated in a biohazard hood with
carrier plus drug or carrier alone twice daily Monday through
Friday and once daily Saturdays and Sundays. The treatment regimen
was initiated three hours post HSV-2 intravaginal inoculation and
was continued for 14 days thereafter. DMSO-HBSS alone or DMSO-HBSS
plus drug was delivered at 0.15 to 0.2 ml per mouse, using
separate, sterile eye droppers. PEG 1000 alone or PEG 1000 plus
drug was warmed and delivered at approximately 0.15 ml per mouse,
using separate, sterile swabs.
Infected and control mice were allowed food and water ad libitum
and were observed once daily for clinical signs of virus infection
for 14-21 days following HSV-2 innoculation. Vaginal HSV-2
infection was scored according to the following description. A
score of 0 indicated no clinical signs of vaginal infection. A
score of.±.indicated slight perivaginal redness. A score of 1
indicated perivaginal redness and swelling of 1-2 mm. A score of 2
indicated perivaginal redness and swelling of 2-3 mm. A score of 3
indicated perivaginal and perianal redness and swelling of 3-4 mm.
A score of 4 indicated perivaginal and perianal redness and
swelling of 4 mm or more, with exudate.
The results are summarized in Tables 5 and 6. It is seen that DHA
showed effective virucidal activity against HSV-2, especially the
low dose ointment preparation. The validity of this test procedure
is shown by the fact that ACV was effective in minimizing the
clinical signs of infection in either carrier vehicle and in
achieving a survival rate of 100% in both groups within the
observed 14 day period. It should also be noted that neither
carrier or any of the preparations showed signs of toxicity in the
tested animals.
Guinea Pig Bioassay
A blind comparative test was carried out on guinea pigs using
coded substances labeled A through D. The testers were told only
that one of the four substances was ACV, that the other three
coded samples were the same material, in concentrations of 0.1,
1.0 and 10 mg/ml, and that all four samples were formulated in a
polyethylene glycol 1000 (PEG-1000) vehicle. A separate sample of
the PEG-1000 was also submitted to serve as a placebo for treating
virus control animals. The materials and experimental protocol is
shown below.
Animals. Female Hartley strain albino guinea pigs weighing about
450-500 g were used. The animals were quarantined 24 hr prior to
use in this study, and maintained 5 to a 32".times.32".times.9"
stainless steel cage on Wayne guinea pig diet and water ad
Virus. Strain E194 of herpes virus type 2 was used. The virus was
initially obtained from Dr. M. Fiala, Harbor General Hospital,
(Torrance, CA), and an MA-104 culture pool was prepared and
pretitered in guinea pigs. The virus was held at -90 DEG C. until
High DHA
(5% wt/vol)
(10 mg/ml)
(1 mg/ml)
# Animals/Group
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
# Infected,
6 5 8 4 3 5 4 1 4
Day 14
# of Deaths,
4 3 5 0 0 3 2 0 2
Day 14
Max. Lesion
+4 +4 +4 .±.
Score** +3 +3 +1
*PEG = Polyethylene Glycol
DMSO = Dimethylsulfoxide
**Lesion Scoring System
Maximum %
Mean Day % Morbidity
Group of Death Mortality
DMSO, Control 9.8 40 80 (8)
8.5 20 40 (7)
DMSO & Low DHA 11.7 30 40 (7)
Ointment, Control
10.3 30 50 (7)
Ointment & High DHA
11.7 30 50 (7)
Ointment & Low DHA
>14 0 10 (6)
DMSO & Acyclovir
>14 0 30 (7)
Ointment & Acyclovir
>14 0 40 (7)
HSV-2 Control 9.5 40 60 (8)
Drugs. The substances tested consisted of four bottles labelled
"A", "B", "C", and "D" with no identifying key. The samples were:
A, 0.1 mg/ml DHA (0.003 mmol/ml); B, 5% w/w ACV (0.22 mmol/ml); C,
1 mg/ml DHA (0.03 mmol/ml); and D, 10 mg/ml DHA (0.3 mmol/mg).
Each substance, at room temperature, had a hard wax consistency,
so was warmed to 45 DEG C. in a water bath and gently mixed
immediately prior to use in treatment. All were treated as
light-sensitive compounds.
Experimental Protocol. The guinea pigs were infected by applying a
virus-soaked swab intravaginally, with agitation, for 20 seconds.
Toxicity control animals were similar pretreated using swabs
soaked in sterile Puck's balanced salt solution. Treatment began
20 hr later, with the compound or placebo applied topically
intravaginally, perivaginally, and perianally using cotton swabs
soaked in the respective substance. Treatment continued three
times daily (8 a.m., noon, 4 p.m.) for 7 days. Ten infected
animals were used for each coded substance, with twenty used for
virus controls. Five sham-infected animals were concomitantly
treated with each coded substance to serve as toxicity controls.
Two guinea pigs were held separately to serve as normal untreated
Each animal was observed daily for survival for a total of 28
days. On days 5 through 8 post-virus inoculation, the genital area
was carefully examined and signs of irritation in the toxicity
controls and lesion severity in injected animals was scored on a 0
to 4 scale using the same scale as in the mouse bioassay. The
results were scored as average daily lesion (ADL) scores for each
group, and as mean vaginal lesion (MVL) scores, calculated as the
mean of the ADL scores for days 5-8. The maximum mean score for
the toxicity control animals was also determined.
On day 6 prior to the 8 a.m. treatment, intravaginal and
perivaginal areas of each infected guinea pig were uniformly
swabbed with sterile cotton swabs. The swab for each animal was
placed in 1.0 ml of sterile Eagles minimum essential medium and
immediately frozen at -90 DEG C.; several days later all were
thawed and each swab-containing sample vortexed for 15 seconds and
then the sample was diluted through a series of 10-fold dilutions
in sterile medium. Each dilution was assayed for virus in
triplicate by adding 0.1 ml to an established monolayer of MA-104
cells in 96-well disposable plastic microplates. The plates were
sealed, incubated at 72 hr at 37 DEG C., and virus-induced
cytopathic effect noted microscopically.
Data Analysis. Increases in survivors were analyzed using chi
squareanalysis with Yate's correction. Mean survival times (MST)
of animals dying on or before day 29 were determined for each
group, and evaluated using the t test. Titers of virus recovered
from vaginal areas were expressed as 50% cell culture infectious
dosages calculated using the Reed-Muench procedure, and titer
decreases evaluated by t test.
The results are summarized in Table 7. This experiment used a high
level of virus to infect the animals, which was selected to induce
eventual deaths in all of the infected animals. As a consequence,
the total survival and mean survival time data were of
considerably less significance than the effect on the severity of
lesions and on the vaginal virus titer. In this experiment,
neither ACV nor the lowest dosage of DHA were able to achieve a
statistically significant reduction in lesion scores. Animals
receiving the higher dosages of DHA of samples "C" and "D" had
statistically significant reductions in lesion scores. Significant
decreases in vaginal virus titer were seen in all the treated
groups compared to the placebo treated group.
Infected, Treated
Toxicity Controls MVL MVL MVL MVL
Max. Irrit. MST MVL Scores
Vag. Virus
Treatment Group
Score Surv/Total
Days 5-8
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
"A" 5/5 0.0 6/10 12.3 3.2 2.4 3.0 3.5 3.8 10@2.3 **
"B" 5/5 0.0 5/10 11.6 2.8 1.8 2.3*
3.4 3.3 10@2.3 **
"C" 5/5 0.0 4/10 13.3 2.4* 1.7 2.3*
2.8 3.1 10@2.4 **
"D" 5/5 0.0 8/10 16.5 2.4* 1.5* 2.1*
3.0 3.1 10@3.1 *
Placebo 13/20 14.3 2.8 2.1 2.7 3.0 3.2 10@3.7
Normals 0.0 2/2 >21.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
*P < 0.05
**P < 0.001
No topical irritation was observed in any drug-treated group.
Ointment Formulation
An ointment suitable for administration according to the method of
the invention is prepared as follows. The ointment is designed for
topical administration to skin and mucus membrane surfaces which
are infected with enveloped virus. The ointment should be gently
rubbed on the affected area until it disappears. The frequency of
administration and variations in dosage will depend on the
clinical indications.
DHA 1 g
PEG-1000 1,000 ml
The PEG-1000 is warmed to about 45 DEG C. in a water bath until it
melts and liquifies. The DHA is then added and blended to achieve
homogeniety. Optionally, other ingredients may be added to modify
the composition, e.g., stabilizers, emollients and the like.
IM Injectable Formulation
A preparation suitable for intramuscular injection according to
the method of the invention as prepared as follows.
DHA 10 mg
Butylated hydroxyanisole
0.01% w/v
Butylated hydroxytoluene
0.01% w/v
Peanut Oil or Sesame Oil
1.0 ml
sufficient to make
The ingredients are blended, the blended ingredients are placed in
an ampoule, which is sterilized and sealed.
Powder Formulation
A powder for use on areas affected by virus infections and
suitable for administration according to the method of the
invention is prepared as follows:
DHA 5% w/w Silicon dioxide, anhydrous 0.5% w/w Corn starch,
lactose, fine powder- 1 kg each, with the total sufficient to make
The ingredients are mixed and blended to form a powder composition
suitable for topical application according to the invention. It
will be understood that other ingredients, e.g., perfumes and/or
preservatives, may be incorporated in the composition.
Disinfectant Spray Formulation
A spray which may be applied to the hands, the skin and/or mucus
membranes, and which is also suitable for disinfectant use on
instruments, examining tables, toilet seats and other surfaces
upon which virus may be deposited, is prepared as follows:
DHA 25 g
Butylated hydroxyanisole 4.0 mg
Poloxamer 235 (poly(oxypropylene)-25.0 g
poly(oxyethylene) copolymer surfactant, Av. M.W. 46,000)
Benzyl alcohol 4.7 ml
Isotonic saline 500.0 ml
300 ml of isotonic saline are combined with the poloxamer 235 and
thoroughly mixed, after which the DHA, the butylated
hydroxyanisole and the benzyl alcohol are added and thoroughly
mixed. Additional isotonic saline is added to make up the volume
to 500 ml. It will be understood that other ingredients may be
added to this formulation and the amount of virucide may be varied
as a function of the intended use to which the spray is put. The
spray may be packaged in pump dispenser bottles or in a spray can
together with an environmentally acceptable propellant, under
Tablet Formulation
A tablet suitable for administration according to the method of
the invention is prepared as follows. Each dosage unit is designed
for administration to a patient weighting about 80 kg. The
frequency of administration of the illustrated tablets will depend
upon the type of virus infection being treated, the severity of
the symptoms and the nature of the subject being treated.
EPA 200 g
Wheat starch 26 g
Lactose 76 g
Magnesium stearate 6 g
A granulation obtained upon mixing lactose with a portion of the
starch and granulated starch paste made from the remainder of the
starch is dried, screened and mixed with the EPA and the magnesium
stearate. The mixture is compressed into 1000 tablets weighing
about 308 mg each. It will be understood that a dragee or a
capsule may be used in place of a tablet, and it may be prepared
by conventional techniques.
The preceding examples can be repeated with similar success by
substituting the generically or specifically described reactants
and/or operating conditions o of this invention for those used in
the preceding examples.
Method and preparations for relieving
pain and producing analgesia
A method of treating a host for inducing relief of pain or
anesthesia which comprises administering histamine, its salts, or
an agent inducing histamine release, and a dispersing agent such
as hyaluronidase, at the place of the painful area or at the place
indicated for acupuncture for the painful site.
1. Field of the Invention:
This invention relates to a method and preparations for relieving
pain and producing analgesia.
2. Description of the Prior Art:
A great deal of research has been performed on the effect of
histamine and related compounds, both in vivo and in vitro. The
literature on this subject is so vast and conflicting that it is
simply not practical to set forth any meaningful discussion on the
subject. For example, Rosenthal et al. have reported in Am. J.
Physiol. 155, 186- 90 (1948) that painful sensations are produced
by the injection of histamine and in the Proc. Soc. Ecptl. Biol.
Med. 74, 167- 70 (1950) that histamine introduced into the
superficial layers of human skin causes an immediate as well as
latent painful sensation. Jacob et al., Am. inst. Pasteur 81, 128-
92 (1951), have reported that histamine diHCl given to rats
subcutaneously or intraperitoneally for 6 to 30 days decreased
their sensitivity to thermal induced pain, but which returned
after cessation of treatment.
Similarly a great deal of research has been performed with
spreading agents such as the hyaluronidase enzyme. Hyaluronidase
has been used alone and in combination with various drugs. The use
of hyaluronidase and histamine has also been studied. For example,
it has been reported by Seelich et al., Nature 168, 1125 (1951),
that histamine does not neutralize heparin inhibitian of
hyaluronidase and by Mathies et al., in Z. ges. exptel. Med. 133,
32- 37 (1960), that the inhibitary action of phenylbutazone
against hyaluronidase could be blocked by the simultaneous
administration of an antihistaminic agent. A vast amount of
additional publications exist, both with respect to histamine and
hyaluronidase, none of which, to applicant's knowledge, disclose
or teach the invention disclosed and claimed herein.
It has been found that administering histamine, its salts,
compounds inducing histamine release, and dispersing agent such as
hyaluronidase, or derivatives of histamine, having substantially
the same pharmacological activity of histamine, directly to the
painful area or at the sites indicated for acupuncture for that
painful area, will relieve the pain and produce analgesia at the
painful area.
The term, histamine, is used herein in its generic sense, to
include histamine, its non-toxic salts, compounds which induce
histamine release in the body and histamine derivatives which
produce a similar pharmacological activity within the body.
Histamine, its non-toxic salts, compounds inducing histamine
release, and histamine derivatives having a similar
pharmacological activity in the body are well known and their
properties and pharmacological action well documented in the
literature. All such compounds are operable so long as they are
capable of depositing directly or indirectly a sufficient amount
of histamine in combination with hyaluronidase to induce analgesia
or relief of pain. The main object is to impart by injection to
the painful area or at the acupuncture sites histamine or a
related compound having the same pharmacological action as
histamine in combination with hyaluronidase. Whether this is
accomplished by use of histamine itself or its non-toxic salts, or
in any other manner, is not material and is to be considered
within the present invention.
The dispersing or spreading factor can be a hyaluronidase of
different origins, for example, from honey-bee venom, snake venom,
etc. z-N-acetylglucosamidase has been found to be most efficient.
These dispersing agents or factors and the methods by which they
may be obtained are well known in the art.
The pain relieving or analgesic compositions of this invention can
be prepared for injection by placing the histamine compound and
hyaluronidase in a suitable medium, such as water, saline
solution, isotonic solution, etc., with proper sterilization, as
will be apparent to those skilled in the art.
The histamine compound and the hyaluronidase can be separately
injected into the painful area or the acupuncture site for that
painful area, but it is, of course, more convenient to combine the
histamine compound and the hyaluronidase in a convenient solution.
The concentration of the hyaluronidase enzyme, because of its
variable activity, depending upon its source and other well known
factors, is given in units as set by the National Formulary. The
unit concentration is given on each package as units NF (TR) per
volume of weight.
The amount of histamine and/or hyaluronidase that can be injected
will depend upon the particular patient being treated, the extent
of the painful area, and the degree of pain. A sufficient amount
of the histamine compound and the hyaluronidase should, of course,
be injected to overcome the pain as will be apparent to any
With respect to the histamine compound, the minimum amount has so
far been determined to be about 0.01 mg., and with respect to the
hyaluronidase about 10 units NF (TR), [hereinafter referred to as
units or units per ml.]. Lower amounts could be used if conditions
so indicate.
The maximum amount of the histamine compound that can be used will
depend somewhat upon the patient and his tolerance to "flushes"
due to histamine reaction. Generally, amounts up to 0.5 mg. can be
The maximum amount of hyaluronidase that can be used will again
depend upon the particular patient to be treated as well as the
amount of histamine being injected. Investigation to date
indicated that one would not require more than 50 units of
Thus, the preparations of this invention can be prepared in such a
manner so that the patient can receive between about 0.01 mg. and
0.05 mg. of histamine and between about 10 and about 50 units of
hyaluronidase. Experiments to date have shown that an injection of
0.02 mg. of histamine and 10 units of hyaluronidase is
The solutions can be made up in varying concentrations and the
total volume injected will, of course, depend upon the
concentration of the solution. For example, if a solution is made
up to contain 0.02 mg. of histamine per ml. and 10 units of
hyaluronidase per ml., an injection of 1 ml. of this solution into
the painful area or the acupuncture site should be sufficient.
The solutions can be injected into the painful area by any means
sufficient to relieve the pain, such as, subcataneously, or deeper
into the tissues, periaticular, or even in the articulations, or
in the sites used for acupuncture. Depending upon the area of
pain, one injection may suffice or, if the painful area is larger,
the composition or preparation may be injected into a plurality of
places in the painful area, such as in Example 1, set forth below.
Such a procedure is referred to herein as infiltration of the
painful area. For example, in bursitis, at times, no burt can be
located and in which case the entire painful area, the shoulder
for example, may be infiltrated, injecting the total amount of
desired histamine and hyaluronidase into the shoulder at a
plurality of sites. In this case it may be, at times, desirable to
have a more diluted solution, so that a larger area can be
infiltrated and, at the same time, decrease the chance of any
histamine reaction by the patient. Thus, the two main defects of
the method, the missing of the painful spots and the "flushes" due
to histaminic action, are controlled by this infiltration
technique using more diluted solutions of histamine.
As previously mentioned the method of this invention can also be
practiced by injecting the preparations at the acupuncture sites
for the areas in which it is desired to relieve pain or produce
analgesia. These sites are well known and are described for
Tan, Y-C. Tan and Veith, Temple University Press, Philadelphia,
One advantage of this acupuncture technique is the fact that the
results are not the function of the capacity of the individual to
respond to the needle insertion with the liberation of histamine,
and the use of this invention results in increased responses in
the patient. Another advantage is the fact that the injection of
the preparations, according to this invention, will affect the
entire area or acupuncture site rather than just a single point,
and the chances of having the necessary acupuncture site
influenced is thus highly increased. The preparations of this
invention can thus be used for the treatment of different
conditions for which acupuncture is presently used, such as for
the induction of anesthesia for surgical interventions.
It has also been noted that together with the suppression of the
pain, the evolution of lesions also appears to be influenced.
In all cases where a patient is treated, as a precautionary
measure, an anthistamine injection or adrenaline for injection was
kept available in case of hypersensitivity to histamine. It is
interesting to note, however, that in over 100 cases treated so
far there was no need to use either the histaminic preparation or
adrenaline, even in a case (Example 10) of the patient who had a
history of servere histamininc reactions.
The following examples illustrate the practise of the invention:
A 60 year old male with severe pain and totally immobilized by a
"frozen shoulder" due to bursitis. The condition had gotten
progressively worse over the last two months and did not respond
to various treatments. From a solution containing 0.2 mg. of
histamine phosphate and 10 units of hyaluronidase per ml., 2 ml.
divided in 4 injections were injected in the painful spots. The
pain disappeared in less than 6 minutes, with recovery of
movement. Seen after 2 weeks, the good effects were persistent.
A 58 year old female with severe arthritis pain in the coccidial
region for several months. The pain could not be controlled by
various treatments. From a solution containing 0.05 mg. of
histamine phosphate and 10 units of hyaluronidase per ml. - 1 ml.
was injected in the painful area. The pain disappeared in 4
minutes and remained as such at an examination one month later.
A 50 year old male with pain due to a sciatica of the left leg,
not responding to treatments for the last month. A total of 3 ml.
of a preparation containing 0.05 mg. of histamine and 10 units of
hyaluronidase per ml. was injected deep subcutaneously in 5
different painful spots. The pain disappeared and remained as such
after 2 months.
A 38 year old female with lower abdominal pains due to an
inflamation of both ovaries, lasting for months. (Three) 3 ml. of
a solution containing 0.04 mg. per ml. of histamine phosphate and
10 units of hyaluronidase per ml. were injected subcutaneously in
the right side painful area. The pain disappeared in 5 minutes and
did not reappear. The pain in the left side was not influenced and
was treated 4 days later with the same dose. The patient remained
without pain for at least 6 weeks.
A 70 year old female with pains in the left knee, and unable to
localize the pain otherwise than the entire anterior area of the
knee. A subcutaneous infiltration of this region with 10 ml. of a
solution containing 0.01 mg. per ml. of histamine phosphate and 10
units of hyaluronidase per ml. was followed by the disappearance
and without recurrence of the pain after 12 days.
A 62 year old female with severe pain in the left sacroiliac
articulation, persisting for months. A subcataneous injection of
0.5 ml. of a solution containing 0.2 mg. per ml. of histamine and
10 units of hyaluronidase per ml. at the painful area did not
completely suppress the pain after 15 minutes. A same amount of
the solution injected deep into the articulation fully controlled
the pain, with the effect still persisting after 3 weeks.
A 50 year old male with a cancer of the spine, at the 10-12 D and
1 D for which a decompressioin intervention was performed. The
patient had very severe pain, on both sides of the lesion, only
insufficiently controlled by opiates. From a solution containing
0.2 mg. of histamine phosphate per ml. and 10 units of
hyaluronidase per ml., several injections totalling 1.5 ml. were
made only at the right side of the spine. The pain disappeared
after 6 minutes and still did not reappear after one week, while
the pain persisted unchanged in the left side of the spine. The
same injection in left side had the same good effect.
A 40 year old male with severe backache. The painful area was
injected with 2 ml. of a 0.1 percent by weight solution of
compound 48/80 and 10 units of hyaluronidase per ml. in a saline
(sterilized by filtration). The pain was controlled in about 15
minutes and the effect still persisted after one week.
A 63 year old male with pains in the elbow after playing tennis.
The pain persisted for weeks, in spite of treatment. A local
infiltration of 7.5 ml. of a solution containing 0.02 mg. per ml.
of histamine and 20 units of hyaluronidase per ml. was injected
locally. The pain disappeared in 5 minutes. The patient did not
have any flushing sensation.
A 30 year old male with a very painful shoulder of osteoarthritic
nature. An infiltration of the entire painful area, with 20 ml. of
a solution containing 0.1 mg. of histamine per ml. and 10 units of
hyaluronidase was made. The pain was controlled in less than 10
minutes. The patient remained without pain 6 weeks after the
infiltration. The patient, who had a severe histaminic reaction
because of a prior use of histamine for a gastric test, with
headache, itching and vision troubles did not have any adverse
reaction after treatment.
As can be seen from the above examples, abdominal pain from ovary
inflammation and gallbladder colics wee controlled by deep
subcataneous injections in the painful areas. Even cancer pains
responded well to the injections. Good results were obtained for
different neuralgias, such as sciatica, tic douloureux, post Zonz
Zoster neuralgia, with injections made "locus dolendi" (painful
spots). The effects were good also in fractures and especially in
residual pains after trauma. In general, with only very few
exemptions, the results in more than 100 cases treated are
exceptionally good, with not only the pain immediately controlled
and with functional recovery, but with the results lasting for a
long period of time, weeks or even months after the injections.
The pain entirely disappears in less than about 15 minutes in most
cases. In some cases the pain was felt after one or two days, but
in these cases the pain was felt in areas other than those
injected. No local numbness was noted.
Method for eliminating or reducing the
desire for smoking
The invention relates to a method of preventing or reducing the
desire for smoking tobacco in humans by the internal
administration of a composition produced by heating certain
allylically unsaturated compounds sufficient to substantially
increase the peroxide titer. The incorporation of sulfur in the
composition during the heating has been found to be particularly
Sulfurized polyunsaturated oils, or sulfurized oils, are disclosed
CHEMOTHERAPY by Emanual Revici, M.D., published by D. Van Nostrand
Company, Inc., 1961, pages 334 and 335. A method of preparing
sulfurized polyunsaturated oils referred to in the book as
hydropersulfides is set forth in Note 7, page 711 of the book.
This book does not disclose the use of the sulfurized compounds
for preventing or reducing the desire for smoking tobacco claimed
The invention relates to a method of eliminating or reducing the
desire for smoking tobacco in humans by the internal
administration of a composition produced by heating certain
allylically unsaturated compounds in the presence of oxygen
sufficient to substantially increase the peroxide titer. The
incorporation of sulfur into the composition during or before the
heating of the compositions has been found to be particularly
advantageous and represents the most effective composition found
to date. The compositions can be administered to the patient by
the various accepted methods such as by injection or preferably
orally in capsule form.
It is desirable to have a method for treating or aiding in the
treatment of the tobacco habit or addiction in a human by
controlling the craving for tobacco and/or by controlling
withdrawal symptoms.
This invention relates to such methods of treatment involving the
internal administration to a human host of a composition produced
by oxidizing a fatty acid or fatty ester, for example, by bubbling
air through the reaction mixture, structurally characterized by
allylic unsaturation alone. The fatty acid or ester advantageously
includes elemental sulfur and/or a conventional free radical
initiator such as tertiarybutyl peroxide during the heating step.
The allylically unsaturated compound is preferably a naturally
occurring fatty ester such as an animal, vegetable, or fish oil.
Sesame oil is a vegetable oil consisting largely of triglycerides
and is the most advantageous composition found to date in the
practice of this invention.
The composition utilized preferably should contain a significant
percentage of allylic moieties (to render the compositions useful
according to the invention) indicated by the following partial
--CH.dbd.CH--CH2 --CH.dbd.CH--
As indicated, the unsaturation can be conjugated or nonconjugated
but the composition must contain allylic methylene hydrogen.
Such compositions, as the case may be, should be oxidized or
heated in the presence of oxygen at a temperature in the range
between about 110 DEG C. and about 150 DEG C. The oxygen can be
obtained by merely heating the composition open to the atmosphere
but preferably and advantageously, the source of oxygen is a gas
such as air injected into a heated oil such as sesame oil. The
injected air also serves as a source of agitation.
As previously stated it is most advantageous to add elemental
sulfur such as sublimed, precipitated, or washed sulfur to the
compositions so that the sulfur is present with oxygen during at
least a portion of the heating period and the sulfur incorporated
into the composition. Additionally, a previous batch of the
oxidized oil with or without sulfur or tert-butyl peroxide may
advantageously be present during at least a portion of the heating
If sulfur is added to the selected composition, for example,
sesame oil, the temperature should be maintained at an upper limit
within the range of about 120 DEG C. to about 130 DEG C., and
preferably 125 DEG C. and 127 DEG C. These temperature limitations
are based on a heating time of about one-half hour. The
temperatures can be altered within limits depending on the time of
heating. For example, the temperature can be 129 DEG-130 DEG C. if
the time is shorter or even at 140 DEG C. for very short period of
time. High temperatures for a prolonged period of time tend to
degrade the composition and should thus be avoided.
If sulfur is not present during the heating period, the
temperature should be maintained in the range between about 110
DEG C. and about 150 DEG C., and preferably in the range between
about 120 DEG C. and about 140 DEG C.
The heat treatment is conducted for a period of from about 15
minutes to about two hours. If sulfur is present, optimal results
are obtained if the heat treatment is conducted for a period of
time between about 30 minutes to about 1 hour. If a free radical
initiator is present, or if a selected composition inherently
contains a significant amount of initiator, the heat treatment
period may be conducted for a relatively shorter period of time.
The precise nature of the composition which results from the
above-described treatment or the identity of the effective
component or components is not presently known to the applicant.
However, while applicant does not wish his invention limited by
the following theory or fact, or mixed theory and fact as the case
may be, certain evidence in available which indicates that an
efficacious composition for the preventing or reducing the desire
for tobacco in a human can be produced according to this
In particular, it appears that a correlation exists between a
composition useful for the subject purpose and its presumed
peroxide or hydroperoxide content. By adhering to the process
according to this invention, it has been found that efficacious
compositions are produced which yield a significant peroxide titer
when monitored by conventional iodometric analysis, the results
being expressed, for example, in terms of micro-equivalents per
gram. By significant peroxide titer is meant a value obtained
which is greater than that which inherently may be present in the
initial untreated compound.
In the case of triglycerides which contain the allylic type
unsaturation as described above, the resulting oxidized species is
thought to be a hydroperoxide represented by the following partial
structure ##STR1## as interpreted via UV spectroscopic analysis,
inter alia.
Whatever the nature of the oxidized species, it appears amenable
to monitoring by conventional iodometric analysis with or without
the addition of sulfur.
Although it appears that the activity of the composition is
coincident with the presence of peroxides or hydroperoxides, the
efficacious agent need not necessarily be directly derived from
these classes. It may in fact be those species derived from
radicals resulting from decomposition of compounds of, for
example, triglyceride oils or sulfur including olefinic
polymerization products and/or lower molecular weight
decomposition products of the oils or additional products with
sulfur such as sulfides, disulfides, hydropersulfides, etc.
With regard to a preferred embodiment, it appears that the
presence of elemental sulfur (approximately 1% by weight based on
sesame seed oil) during the oxidation of sesame oil increase the
amounts of oxidation products (conjugated hydroperoxides, diene,
triene, unsaturated carbonyl) and that this increase appears
optimal near 127 DEG C. as evidenced by UV spectroscopic analysis
studies. In the absence of sulfur, it appears that the region near
127 DEG C. is optimal for the production of oxidation products.
As mentioned above, it appears that the most effective
compositions are those which have a relatively high peroxide
titer. Comparisons of a preferred composition, namely sesame seed
oil oxidized or treated with air in the presence of sulfur, with
other triglycerides, or triglyceride containing oils, including
corn oil, cottonseed oil, and triolein with regard to their
respective peroxide titers indicates a trend in peroxide levels
concordant with observed bioactivity in those having an addiction
to tobacco. Such trend of bioactivity agrees in general with the
results of a peroxide analysis involving the above-identified oils
in their untreated state and when oxidized in the presence of
elemental sulfur under similar conditions as follows:
Oil Used "A" "B" .DELTA. =
"B - A"
Oil Saturated
Oil Treated* Difference In
With Sulfur
with Sulfur and Air
Sesame Seed
18.8 35.7 16.9
Corn 11.3 14.9 3.6
10.9 10.2 -0.7**
Olive 12.4 13.8 1.4
Triolein 8.6 8.5 -0.1**
*Heated at 127 DEG C. for 0.50 hrs. with 90 l/min. air addition
and rapid mechanical stirring and containing 1.0% elemental sulfur
by weight.
**Within experimental error.
It is thought that a lower bioactivity and a lower peroxide titer
of cottonseed oil is due to the presence of natural anti-oxidants.
The elimination of the anti-oxidants from oils such as corn and
cottonseed oil or the use of the relatively pure allylically
unsaturated compounds or mixtures thereof will produce a
substantially increased peroxide titer when treated according to
this invention. Triolein contains only oleic acid moieties which
are characterized by the allylically unsaturated group
--CH.dbd.CH--CH2 -- and hence is quite difficult to oxidize,*
particularly when compared to the preferred sesame seed oil. A
peroxide titer value of 35.7 meq/kg. has been attained for the
sesame seed oil-sulfur-oxygen treated composition while sesame
seed oil oxidized alone at 137 DEG C. yields a value of 63.3
meq/kg. a peroxide titer value of 35.7 meq/kg
[.DELTA.=(35.7-18.8)=16.91] has been attained for the sesame seed
oil--sulfur--oxygen treated composition while sesame seed oil
without sulfur oxidized at 137 DEG C. yields a value of 63.3
meq/kg [.DELTA.=(63.3-10.2)=53.1].
*J. Sci Fd. Agric. 1975, 26, 1353-1356.
Generally a substantial increase in the peroxide titer value can
be defined as .DELTA.3 to about .DELTA.100 in cases where sulfur
is incorporated into the composition and an from about .DELTA.3 to
about .DELTA.400 when the oil is oxidized alone, or in the absence
of sulfur.
The process used for determining the peroxide titer values
discussed and reported herein are determined by placing a 2 gr.
sample of the composition in a flask purged with nitrogen, and
adding thereto 2 ml. of concentrated acetic acid and 0.5 grams of
KI. The mixture is capped to exclude air and allowed to remain in
the dark for 30 minutes to complete the reaction. The side walls
are then wet down with a minimum of water and approximately 1-2 ml
of a 2% starch added thereto. The solution is then immediately
titrated to the end point with 0.007 normal Na2 S2 O2 solution.
The end point is white when small amounts of peroxides are present
and slightly when larger amounts are present.
The compositions as prepared according to the process of this
invention should be used soon after preparation as there is
indication that the peroxide titer values and effectiveness of the
compositions decrease upon aging.
Preferred compositions according to this invention can be prepared
by adding the sulfur to the oil, such as sesame oil, and heating
the mixture with agitation at a temperature not to exceed about
130 DEG C. It is preferable or advantageous to heat the mixture
between 120 DEG and 127 DEG C. Heating the mixture above about 130
DEG C. for a sufficient time causes a progressive color change in
the mixture and otherwise appears to be detrimental. The
temperatures given above relate to the use of sulfur with sesame
oil. The ranges of temperatures which can be used to produce the
compositions made according to this invention may vary with the
particular oil being used, but generally a temperature of 120 DEG
C., preferably 125 DEG C. to 127 DEG C., will be sufficient for
most oils when sulfur is added.
If the oil and sulfur is heated below about 90 DEG C., it is
difficult to incorporate the sulfur into the oil by heating and
stirring means. The best results have been obtained to date by
maintaining the temperature used in forming the compositions over
a prolonged period of time from about 30 minutes to one hour.
Stirring aids in the reaction, and experiments to date indicate
that a fairly violent stirring is advantageous. The introduction
of air into the mixture during the heating is also very
advantageous, particularly when the mixture is not subjected to
prolonged heating and is the preferred method. The stirring can be
accomplished with the introduction of the air.
After the reaction has taken place, it is cooled. Sulfur crystals
remaining in the bottom of the reaction vessel can easily be
removed by filtration. The remaining fluid is ready for use after
appropriate sterilization for injection or incorporated into
capsules, such as gelatin, for oral administration.
The amount of sulfur incorporated into the oil is advantageously
between about 0.1% to 2.5% by weight, based on the oil. If higher
amounts of sulfur are used they generally precipitate out. There
appears to be no advantage to using higher amounts of sulfur in
any event since the ultimate dosage given to the patient is the
criteria rather than the amount of sulfur content in the oil.
As can be observed from Example 2 below, the incorporation of the
sulfur into the oil seems to be limited to about 1% by the process
presently being used to produce the sulfurized unsaturated oils.
The sulfur content can be much less than about 1% if desired and
smaller sulfur content is advantageous when administered by
injection. Varying the amount of sulfur below about 1%
incorporated in the polyunsaturated oils for oral administration
only affects the number of capsules to be taken at a given time by
a particular patient.
Experiments to date indicate that the optimum sulfur content for
oral administrations is about 1% and by injection about 0.1% to
0.3% by weight of the sulfur based on the weight of the oil.
The dosage prescribed to a patient will, of course, vary depending
upon theparticular patient and the number of cigarettes being
smoked a day. In general, a daily dose of 3-5 capsules containing
1 ml of the sulfurized oil for the first three days after which
the dose is progressively reduced. For example, for a heavy smoker
it is advantageous for the patient to take about 8 capsules
containing 1 ml of the sulfurized oil containing about 1% sulfur
for the first three days and take 3 or 4 capsules a day for the
next four days. This is generally sufficient to eliminate or
reduce the desire or need for tobacco. The desire or need for
tobacco generally disappears from the patient within 2-3 days.
This single treatment may last for months. However, the patient
can be given an additional supply of the encapsulated sulfurized
oil and directed to take additional capsules if he feeds any
desire or need for tobacco.
When the sulfurized oil is used by injection, such as
intramuscularly or intraperitoneally, it is advantageous to have
the sulfur contained in the sulfurized oil below about 0.5% by
weight, preferably between about 0.1% to 0.3% by weight, and to
inject from 1/2 to 3 ml of this solution into the patient.
Experiments to date indicate that the injection of sulfurized oil
is somewhat painful when it contains above about 0.3% sulfur.
Administration by injection is, of course, not necessary, but it
may act faster initially. Generally if a person is given the
injection of the sulfurized oil, he can also be given a supply of
the oral capsules and directed to take 3 to 4 capsules a day
following the injection for one week.
A sulfurized oil was prepared by mixing 50 grams of sublimed
sulfur, obtained from Fisher Scientific, with one liter of sesame
oil. The mixture was heated under fairly rapid agitation by air to
a temperature of about 127 DEG C. until all of the sulfur was
incorporated into the sesame oil. The reaction mixture was then
cooled to room temperature, producing at the bottom of the
reaction vessel a small amount of sulfur crystals. The crystals
were then separated from the liquid by filtration and about half
of the crystals replaced in the resulting liquid, wherein they
slowly dissolved.
The resulting sulfurized oil was then incorporated into gelatin
capsules in the amount of 1 ml per capsule.
Four patients reported that they had been smoking three to four
packs of cigarettes a day. The patients were given 5 of the above
capsules the first day and directed to take 5 capsules on the
second and third days and 3 capsules for each of the four days
remaining in the week. The patients reported no strong desire for
tobacco after the third day and reduced their smoking habits to
three to four cigarettes a day without nervousness or withdrawal
Another patient who was smoking 60-80 cigarettes a day for the
last 20 years was given 8 capsules of 1 ml of 1% sulfur in oil for
three days. She remained without discomfort during this period.
The treatment lasted 10 days with progressive reduced doses. The
patient did not smoke for four months without the need for desire
for smoking tobacco.
A number of other persons who were chronic smokers of varying
degrees were also given the same dosage. Over all, based on the
total number of persons so treated about 80% had an almost
immediate loss of the desire to smoke while about 50% of the
remaining persons felt a considerable loss of the desire to smoke
after some time had passed while continuing the treatment. The
remaining persons apparently did not lose their desire to smoke.
4 g. of sulfur were weighed out and placed in an Erlenmeyer flask.
200 ml of sesame oil were added; the contents were heated to 125
DEG C. with stirring until the sulfur dissolved. The flask was
removed from heat and allowed to cool to room temperature (5
hours). Sulfur crystals were filtered into a Buchner funnel,
washed thoroughly with hexane to remove residual oil, and weighed.
The above example was repeated three times. The washed sulfur
recipitated was weighed in each trial and the amount of sulfur in
the sesame oil calculated by difference as follows:
Initial weight of sulfur: 4.00 g
Weight of sulfur ppt.:
Trial 1 2.05 g
Trial 2 2.00 g
Trial 3 1.92 g
% (w/v) sulfur in sesame oil:
Trial 1 1.02%
Trial 2 1.00%
Trial 3 0.99%
Average 0.99%
From this it was concluded that the solutions contained
approximately 1% sulfur after filtration.
The invention also includes the use of selenium in place of
elemental sulfur and for the same use. When using selenium it is
combined with the allylic moiety in the same manner as sulfur but
heated to a temperature in the range of 230 DEG to 250 DEG C.,
preferably about 240 DEG C. from 15 minutes to an hour or more or
until the peroxide titer value is substantially greater than that
of the untreated allylic moiety in the same manner as disclosed
herein with respect to the use of sulfur. Those compositions into
which selenium is incorporated have to date not indicated as good
an effect as those composition into which sulfur is incorporated.
Method of employing therapeutic
composition comprising ammonium or substituted ammonium
compounds for treatment of alcoholism
This invention relates to a method of treating alcoholism and for
eliminating, reducing or preventing alcohol intoxication or the
manifestations of alcohol intoxication in humans by administering
thereto a therapeutic composition comprising an ammonium compound
or compounds, said compounds and each of said compounds having a
pH greater than 5.0 when in aqueous solution at a concentration of
5 grams per 100 grams of solution (5 weight percent), and
particularly ammonium salt compounds containing ammonium cations
and sulfur anions.
Various pharmaceutical uses of ammonium compounds have long been
recognized. For example, the following ammonium compounds (as
listed in Hackh's Chemical Dictionary, 4th Ed. McGraw-Hill, New
York pages 37-40) have the following medicinal uses as indicated
therein. Ammonium acetate is used as an antipyretic and
diaphoretic antidote in formaldehyde poisoning; ammonium benzoate
has been used as an antipyretic, diuretic and alternative;
ammonium bromide is used to treat neuralgia; ammonium carbamate is
used as a stimulant; ammonium carbonate carbamate (Hartshorn salt)
is used as a heart stimulant; ammonium chloride is used as an
expectorant, stimulant diuretic or disphoretic, as well as
externally; ammonium formate is used as an antiseptic; ammonium
hypophosphite is a nerve tonic; ammonium thiosulfate can be used
as an antiseptic, ammonium iodide is used to treat syphilis and
leprosy; ammonium persulfate is used as a disinfectant; ammonium
phosphate can be used as an antirheumatic; ammonium salicylate is
used as an antirheumatic, antipyretic, expectorant, and
bactericide; and ammonium valerate is a hypnotic, sedative, and
tonic. Ammonium thiosulfate has long been a standard industrial
commodity, and U.S. Pat. No. 3,350,168 to Ziegler indicates that
U.S. consumption of ammonium thiosulfate totaled 30,000 tons per
year at the time of such patent. U.S. Pat. No. 3,890,428 to
Jayawant and U.S. Pat. No. 3,973,793 to Netzger et al. indicates
that ammonium thiosulfate has long been employed as a photographic
A publication entitled "Testing for a `Sobering Pill`," DOT HS-801
208 (1974), available from National Technical Information Service,
Springfield, Va. 22151, discloses that a number of compounds,
including ammonium chloride, were investigated to determine their
potential for blocking or neutralizing the effect of alcohol on a
human brain. While the most effective amethystic agent (a
preventive antidote of drunkenness) found was L-dopa, with respect
to ammonium chloride, which has a relatively low molar pH in
aqueous solution, the publication concludes that ammonium chloride
does not appear to act as an amethystic agent.
None of the reference teaches the use of the compositions of the
present invention as a treatment for alcoholism or eliminating and
preventing alcohol intoxication or the manifestations of alcohol
The invention relates to a method of treating alcoholism and for
eliminating, reducing or preventing alcohol intoxication or the
manifestations of alcohol intoxication in humans by administering
thereto an ammonium compound or compounds, said compounds and each
of said compounds having a pH greater than 5.0 moles when in
aqueous solution at a concentration of 5 weight percent.
Especially preferred embodiments are the salt compounds containing
ammonium cations and sulfur anions. The ammonium compound can be
administered to the patient by various known methods of injection
or orally as by capsule form.
It is to be especially noted that applicant is not claiming a cure
for alcoholism; rather, this invention encompasses a method to
treat acute and chronic effects of alcoholism or its
manifestations or to prevent or reduce alcohol intoxication in
which are used therapeutic compositions comprising any non-toxic
compound having ammonium cations or substituted ammonium in its
molecule, or mixtures or more than one such compound wherein said
compound and each of said compounds have a pH greater than 5.0
when in aqueous solution at a concentration of 5 weight percent.
Such preparations administered to humans may also help in
detoxification of patients addicted to alcohol.
Concerning the aforesaid pH requirement, it is to be observed
that, for example, within a series of ammonium salts of a
polybasic acid the most preferred therapeutic agent is that
molecule with no acidic hydrogen ion; the next most preferred is
that molecule with one acidic hydrogen ion, and the least
preferred is that with only one ammonium ion. For example,
triammonium phosphate is preferred over diammonium monohydrogen
phosphate, which in turn is preferred over monoammonium dihydrogen
Also comprising a class of preferred embodiments are those agents
containing sulfur in the anion portion of the molecule. Exemplary
of effective agents containing sulfur are ammonium thiosulfate,
ammonium sulfate, ammonium sulfamate and ammonium tetrathionate.
The most effective of these is ammonium thiosulfate, with ammonium
sulfate for treatment of the effects of alcohol in humans being
somewhat less effective.
Ammonium acetate has likewise been shown to be a preferred
embodiment of the instant invention.
Especially preferred are those ammonium salts of weaker acids and
the most basic ammonium salts of polyprotic acids, that is, salts
with comparatively basic aqueous solutions. To exemplify the
preferred anions, namely those forming aqueous solutions with a pH
greater than 5.0 at a concentration of 5 weight percent (5 grams
of salt per 100 grams of solution), the following table gives
measured pH values for certain salt species mentioned in this
pH of 5 Weight Salt Percent Solution
Ammonium thiosulfate
Ammonium sulfamate
Ammonium acetate 6.790
Ammonium sulfate 5.263
Ammonium chloride
For each salt, 5.000 grams of reagent grade material was weighed
and added to 95.00 grams of water. An Orion Ionalyzer Model
digital 801 pH meter with glass electrode measured against a
saturated calomel electrode was standardized by a pH 7.00 buffer.
The instrument was allowed to equilibrate for three minutes
between each sample, and the electrodes were rinsed with
carbonate-free deionized water. Manual temperature control was set
at 25 DEG C. After the last sample was measured, the instrument
was checked by measuring the pH 7.00 buffer solution and the first
sample, and consistent readings were obtained.
Also contemplated within the scope of this invention are cations
containing substituted ammonium, where one or more of the four
hydrogen atmos attached to the nitrogen is substituted with, for
example, an alkyl group such as methyl or ethyl. Such compounds
are well recognized in the art, and the same preferred anions
outlined above are preferred when combined to form salts of
substituted ammonium cations. Only those anions which form
nontoxic compounds with substituted ammonium cations are
contemplated as within the scope of this invention.
It is contemplated that the dosage of the compound or compounds
encompassed within the scope of this invention would be limited to
that dosage normally toxic to a human subject, as determined by
both body weight and the particular physiological constitution of
the human subject. Furthermore, it is contemplated to limit the
dosage of the compound or compounds of the invention to that
dosage which, when given with alcohol, constitutes a non-toxic
Notwithstanding the requirement that compositions falling within
the scope of the instant invention be nontoxic, studies of acute
subacute and chronic toxicity of ammonium thiosulfate, ammonium
sulfate and ammonium acetate in mice and rats have shown a low
toxicity for their administration through gastric catheter.
Studies in humans have demonstrated likewise the nontoxicity of
ammonium thiosulfate, ammonium sulfate and ammonium acetate to the
extent that even repeated administration of up to 20 capsules per
day (1 gram/capsule) for a period of 10 days produced no clinical
or analytic noxious effects.
The compositions of the present invention can be prepared and
suitably administered in any of a number of conventional ways,
such as by incorporating the compound or compounds into gelatin
capsules or any other conventional soluble capsule, in an amount
up to about 1.2 grams of the compound or compounds per capsule;
preferably the capsules should contain either about 0.5 grams or
about 1.0 gram. The compound or compounds may also be administered
in any conventional tablet form which may contain the same amount
of the compound or compounds as the capsule. Likewise, the
composition may be consumed orally in a non-capsule or non-tablet
form, i.e., in a solution comprised of the compound or compounds
of the invention, and, for example, a pharmaceutically acceptable
carrier, or diluent, such as sterile water, wherein the solution
may contain up to about 70% by weight of the compound or compounds
of the invention. It may thus be administered in dropwise form
until the desired equivalent amount of the compound or compounds
is administered.
The compound or compounds of the invention may also be
administered by injection, such as intramuscularly or
intraperitoneally, wherein the solution to be injected comprises
the compound or compounds of the invention and any conventional
inert pharmaceutically acceptable carrier, or diluent, such as
sterile water, and wherein the solution may contain up to about
10% by weight of the compound or compounds of the invention. The
amount to be injected will depend on the equivalent amount of the
compound or compounds that one desires to administer.
Although, as noted, the agents of the present invention can be
injected in aqueous solution into the body, it is preferred that
they be administered orally encapsulated in a conventional soluble
capsule containing in solid form the prescribed dosage of
Concerning the specific amounts of the compound or compounds to be
administered, this will be easily determinable by those skilled in
the art and will depend, to a certain extent, upon the particular
compound or compounds to be administered (for instance, it has
been found that twice as much of ammonium sulfate and ammonium
acetate as compared to ammonium thiosulfate is required to achieve
the same result), whether one is treating those already subject to
the effects of alcohol and exhibiting the manifestations of
alcohol, or whether one is treating individuals so as to prevent
the manifestations of alcohol from occurring in the first
instance. It has been found to be an advantageous mode of
preventing intoxication to administer to a patient one capsule
containing approximately 1 gram of ammonium thiosulfate (twice the
dosage for ammonium sulfate or ammonium acetate) approximately 40
minutes before consumption of the first intoxicating alcoholic
drink and a second capsule after the third drink. In this manner,
it was shown that approximately 5 to 7 alcoholic drinks may be
consumed without any outward evidence of inebriation.
Another preferred mode for the application of the instant
invention in the treatment of persons already partially subject to
the effects of alcohol and exhibiting the manifestations of
alcohol intoxication (i.e., after one or two alcoholic drinks) is
to administer either one or two capsules, each containing
approximately 1 gram of ammonium thiosulfate (or approximately 2
to 4 capsules, each containing 1 gram of ammonium sulfate or
ammonium acetate).
For the treatment of those habitually addicted to alcohol, it has
been found preferable to administer about 4 to 6 grams/day, i.e.,
4 to 6 capsules, each containing 1 gram of ammonium thiosulfate
(or approximately twice the dosage as in the case of ammonium
sulfate or ammonium acetate) for two days and thereafter to reduce
the dosage to approximately 1 to 2 grams/day as required.
A possible explanation for the activity of the ammonium salts of
this invention is that such compositions counteract the effects in
the body of fatty acids, and prevents conjugation of substances
with positive polar groups. Any suggested mode of operation or
explanation of the mechanism of activity of the present invention
is not intended to limit the scope of the present invention, and
an understanding of such mode or mechanism is not necessary for
the successful practice of the present invention.
Tests of some of the compounds encompassed within the scope of
this invention were carried out with mice to determine efficacy in
altering the effects of alcohol administered to the test animals.
Good results on the mice were also obtained with the use of
ammonium acetate. A series of tests comparing the effects on mice
of ammonium thiosulfate and ammonium sulfate indicate that both
are approximately equally effective. It is expected, however, that
the effect of ammonium thiosulfate in altering the effects of
alcohol ingestion in humans is substantially greater than the
effects of ammonium sulfate. Tests of some of the compounds
encompassed within the scope of this invention were carried out
with humans, and likewise, good results were obtained which
demonstrate the efficacy of the instant invention.
Throughout the specification and claims reference to an alcoholic
drink means reference to an aqueous mixture of ethanol containing
about 15-25 grams of ethanol per drink.
Procedure--The following procedure was carried out for determining
the ED50 (effective dose which produces the desired effect in 50%
of the test animals) of 30% (v/v) ethanol for neurological
deficiency in fasted mice which had been previously pretreated
with an aqueous solution of ammonium thiosulfate: Food, but not
water, was removed from the cages of 50 adult male albino mice
(Charles River) on the day of the test. Five hours later the
fasted animals were pretreated orally with 0.6 ml/mouse of a 10%
aqueous solution of ammonium thiosulfate. Thirty minutes later a
freshly prepared solution of 30% (v/v) ethanol was administered
orally to the animals in groups of 10, at doses ranging from 0.5
to 1.0 ml per mouse. Ten minutes after administering the ethanol
the mice were placed individually on a rod rotating at 6 rpm.
Neurological deficit was recorded if the animal was unable to
remain on the rod for at least 10 seconds. A group of 10 fasted
but non-pretreated mice all exhibited neurological deficit
following a dose of 0.5 ml, thereby serving as controls on the
activity of the freshly prepared ethanol solution.
Findings for individual animals (+)=neurological deficit, and
(-)=no neurological deficit are shown below in Table II with the
summary of results set forth in Table III. The oral ED50 of
ethanol in the ammonium thiosulfate solution pretreated animals is
shown to be 0.76 ml, with 95% fiducial limits of 0.65 to 0.90 ml
(determined graphically by a Litchfield and Wilcoxon plot).
The identical procedure was carried out for determining the oral
ED50 of 30% (v/v) ethanol for neurological deficit for
non-pretreated mice: Freshly prepared 30% (v/v) ethanol was
administered orally to adult male albino mice (fasted for 5
hours), in groups of 5 to 10, at doses ranging from 0.05 to 0.50
ml per mouse. Ten minutes later the animals were placed,
individually, on a rotored, rotating at 6 rpm. Neurological
deficit was again recorded (+) if the animal fell from the
rod--i.e., did not possess the motor coordination required to
`logroll`--in less than 10 seconds. Absence of neurological
deficit was similarly recorded (+) if the animal had sufficient
coordination and muscular power to remain on the rotating rod for
10 seconds or more. The results are depicted in Table IV and
summarized in Table V wherefrom it is seen that the dose of
ethanol required to induce neurological deficit in 50% of the
untreated animals (i.e., in this test the mice were in no way
pretreated by the composition of the instant invention) is 0.17
ml/mouse, and the 95% fiducial limits (Litchfield and Wilcoxon
graphic method used) was 0.13 to 0.22 ml/mouse.
Further, and in order to avoid physio-chemical problems that
might, albeit remotely, arise if ethanol is administered orally,
applicant also determined the intraperitoneal ED50 of ethanol in
fasted mice. The procedural details are identical to those
followed in the case of the oral ED50 except that the ethanol (30%
v/v) was injected intraperitoneally. These results reveal that the
intraperitoneal ED50 of 30% ethanol is 0.15 ml/mouse (0.12-0.19 at
95% confidence limit) which is effectively the same as that
obtained when ethanol was given orally. This latter finding
confirms what has long been known, that ethanol is rapidly and
fairly completely absorbed in the fasting state.
By so determining the ED50 in non-pretreated mice, one could
obtain statistically meaningful relative results in respect to the
efficacy for the pretreatment of mice with ammonium thiosulfate.
Results--The ED50 of 30% ethanol in non-pretreated mice was 0.17
ml/mouse; the comparable value for pretreated mice shown in the
tables below is 0.76 ml/mouse. This establishes that following
pretreatment with ammonium thiosulfate nearly five times as much
ethanol was required to induce neurological deficit.
Dose of (+) =
Dose of Ammonium Fall 10 sec.
Mouse Weight Ethanol Thiosulfate
(-) =
No. (gm) (ml) Solution (ml)
No fall in 10 sec.
1 33 0.5 0 - Control+
2 33 " " +
3 30 " " +
4 34 " " +
5 33 " " +
6 32 " " +
7 33 " " +
8 35 " " +
9 36 " " +
10 39 " " +
11 26 " 0.6 -
12 24 " " -
13 22 " " -
14 26 " " -
15 29 " " -
16 25 " " -
17 25 " " -
18 25 " " -
19 25 " " +
20 30 " " -
21 23 0.75 0.6 +
22 26 " " DEG
23 29 " " -
24 26 " " -
25 24 " " +
26 26 " " -
27 24 " " +
28 29 " " -
29 30 " " -
30 28 " " -
31 31 1.00 0.0 +
32 29 " " +
33 27 " " +
34 30 " " +
35 26 " " +
36 30 " " +
37 28 " " +
38 29 " " +
39 23 " " +
40 29 " " +
41 26 0.63 0.6 -
42 28 " " +
43 29 " " -
44 26 " " -
45 29 " " -
45 29 " " -
46 28 " " -
47 27 " " -
48 27 " " +
49 29 " " -
50 29 " " -
51 27 0.87 0.6 +
52 23 " " +
53 27 " " -
54 25 " " +
55 26 " " +
56 24 " " +
57 27 " " -
58 25 " " +
59 27 " " -
60 27 " " +
Ethanol Fraction Falling
Percent ED50 (ml)
(ml Per Mouse)
From Rod in 10 sec.
Falling (95% Limit)
0.50 1/10 10
0.63 2/10 20
0.75 4/10 40
0.87 7/10 70 0.76
1.00 10/10 100
Dose of Results
Mouse Weight Ethanol (+) = Fall 10 sec.
No. (gm) (ml) (-) = No fall in 10 sec.
1 22 0.5 +
2 22 " +
3 23 " +
4 22 " +
5 22 " +
6 22 0.1 -
7 24 " -
8 21 " -
9 22 " -
10 22 " -
11 22 0.5 +
12 22 -- +
13 24 " +
14 23 " +
15 18 " +
16 22 0.2 +
17 21 " +
18 23 " -
19 23 " -
20 21 " +
21 21 " +
22 24 " -
23 24 " +
24 22 " +
25 22 " +
26 20 0.1 -
27 23 " -
28 25 " -
29 22 " +
30 21 " +
31 21 0.15 -
32 21 " -
33 20 0.15 -
34 21 " -
35 22 " -
36 24 " +
37 20 " +
38 22 " +
39 22 " +
40 19 " +
41 20 0.05 -
42 20 " -
43 19 " -
44 23 " -
45 24 " -
46 19 0.30 -
47 21 " +
48 22 " +
49 21 " +
50 21 " +
Ethanol Dose
Fraction Falling
Percent ED50 (ml)
(ml Per Mouse)
From Rod in 10 sec.
Falling (95% Limit)
0.05 0/5 0
0.10 2/10 20
0.15 4/10 40
0.20 7/10 70 0.17
0.30 4/5 80
0.50 10/10 100
This Example compares the effectiveness of ammonium thiosulfate
and ammonium sulfate as inhibitors of ethanol-induced neurological
deficit in fasted mice. Each composition was prepared freshly as a
10% aqueous solution from the crystalline preparation. A dose of
0.6 ml/mouse was administered orally to 10 mice for each compound.
Thirty minutes later 0.5 ml/mouse of 30% (v/v) ethanol was given
orally to each mouse and, 10 minutes later, the animals were
tested for the presence or absence of neurological deficit in the
usual manner as described in Example 1. A group of 10 untreated
mice were used as controls. The results are shown in Table VI with
the summary of the results in Table VII.
Results--It is clear that both ammonium thiosulfate and ammonium
sulfate were highly effective as inhibitors of ethanol-induced
neurological deficit at the dose used. It is equally clear that
the two compounds were essentially equipotent on the basis of this
single test.
(+= Dose of Fall in 10 sec.
Mouse Weight 30% Ethanol (-) =
No. (gm) (ml) No Fall in 10 sec.
Dose of Ammonium Thiosulfate (ml)
1 29 0.6 0.5 -
2 29 " " -
3 28 " " -
4 27 " " +
5 28 " " -
6 25 " " "
7 27 " " -
8 26 " " -
9 26 -
10 26 " " +
Dose of Ammonium -- sulfate (ml)
11 27 0.6 " -
12 28 " " +
13 29 " " +
14 27 " " -
15 30 " " -
16 25 " " -
17 30 " " +
18 28 " " -
19 30 " " -
20 26 " " -
21 30 Control - no " + pretreatment
22 28 " " +
23 24 " " +
24 25 " " +
25 26 " " +
26 27 " " +
27 25 " " +
28 25 " " +
29 28 " " +
30 26 " " +
ml/mouse No. Protected/
Ethanol Route No. Treated
Ammonium thiosulfate
0.6 0.5 Oral 8/10
+ 30% Ethanol
Ammonium sulfate + 0.6 0.5 Oral 7/10
30% Ethanol
0 0.5 Oral 0/10
This Example sets forth the oral Ed50 of ammonium thiosulfate vs.
ethanol-induced neurological deficit in fasted mice. The mice used
in this study appeared to be in good health. They were deprived of
food, but not water, for a period of five hours preceding the
test. A 10% aqueous solution of ammonium thiosulfate was prepared
from the crystalline material and appropriate amounts of distilled
water were added to provide solutions containing 7.5, 5.0, 2.5,
and 1.25% ammonium thiosulfate. A dose of 0.6 ml/mouse of all five
ammonium thiosulfate solutions was administered orally. Ten
minutes later the animals were tested for neurological deficit or
its absence in the usual manner as described in Example 1. A
separate group of fasted by non-pretreated mice served as ethanol
controls. The results are set forth in Table VIII and summarized
in Table IX.
Results--It is shown that, using 0.6 ml/mouse as the basic dose,
the percent of pure ammonium thiosulfate required to protect 50%
of the mice against ethanol-induced neurological deficit was 3.6
Percent (+) =
Ammonium Dose Fall in 10 sec.
Mouse Weight Thiosulfate 30% Ethanol
(-) =
No. (nm) (0.6 ml/mouse)
No Fall in 10 sec.
1 32 10.0 0.5 +
2 32 " " -
3 27 " " -
4 29 " " -
5 31 " " -
6 34 " " -
7 34 " " +
8 32 " " -
9 35 " " -
10 35 " " -
11 34 7.5 " -
12 28 " " -
13 35 " " -
14 32 " " -
15 31 " " -
16 33 41 " +
17 33 " " -
18 30 " " -
19 35 " " +
20 32 " " -
21 30 5.0 " +
22 31 " " +
23 30 " " -
24 28 " " -
25 33 " " -
26 32 " " -
27 34 " " +
28 32 " " -
29 31 " " -
30 30 " " -
31 31 2.5 " +
32 30 " " -
33 " " +
34 31 " " +
35 34 " " +
36 34 " " +
37 28 " " -
38 29 " " +
38 29 " " +
39 30 " " +
40 30 " " +
41 30 1.25 " +
42 34 " " +
43 29 " " +
44 33 " " +
45 36 " " +
46 33 " " +
47 32 " " +
48 31 " " +
49 30 " " +
50 32 " " +
51 32 0 - Control " +
52 33 " " +
53 33 " " +
54 33 " " +
55 36 " " +
56 35 " " +
57 30 " " +
58 32 " " +
59 33 " " +
60 31 " " +
Dose of Dose of Ammonium Ammonium 95%
Fraction Per- ED50
(%) (ml/mouse)
cent (%) Limits
0 - Controls
-- 0.10 0
1.25 0.6 0/10 0
2.5 " 3/10 30
3.6 2.63-4.93
5.0 " 7/10 70
7.5 " 8/10 80
10.0 " 8/10 80
More than one hundred individuals who had consumed 1 or 2
alcoholic drinks, and who had thus demonstrated certain and
typical early manifestations of the effects of the alcohol, were
given 1 or 2 capsules, each containing 1 gram of ammonium
thiosulfate. These individuals were thereafter able to consume
additional alcoholic drinks, in some cases, up to 8 additional
drinks without exhibiting any of the typical and usual
manifestations of the effects of alcohol.
Method for treating alcoholism and
eliminating and preventing alcohol intoxication
The invention relates to a method of treating alcoholism and for
aiding in controlling alcohol intoxication in humans by the
internal administration of a composition produced by heating
certain allylically unsaturated compounds sufficient to
substantially increase the peroxide titer. The incorporation of
sulfur in the composition during the heating has been found to be
particularly advantageous.
There has been much recent interest in the study of alcoholism
involving biological, psychological, and sociological
investigations. Publications such as the various "Proceedings of
the . . . Annual Alcoholism Conference" and "Recent Advances in
Studies of Alcoholism", obtainable from the Superintendent of
Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.
20402, indicate the rather intensive scientific investigations in
this area. Some of these studies are concerned with the effect on
a host produced by certain chemicals in combination with alcohol.
An article by E. B. Truitt and M. J. Walsh appearing at p. 100 et
sequa of "Proceedings of the First Annual Alcoholism Conference of
the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism", DHEW
Publication No. (NIH) 74-675 (1973) discloses a number of
chemicals and drugs which have been reported to have anti-alcohol
effects. Included in this list are disulfiram (tetraethylthiuram
disulfide--see also U.S. Pat. No. 2,567,814 Jacobsen et al),
calcium carbimide (see also U.S. Pat. No. 2,998,350 de Grunigen et
al), and thiocyanates which are used specifically for their
anti-alcohol properties.
U.S. Pat. No. 3,860,719 Marshall discloses the use of
2-[(3,4-dichlorophenoxy)methyl]-2-imidazoline hydrochloride
(fenmetozole HCl) for combating ethanol intoxication in mammals.
However, an article by H. B. McNamee et al "Fenmetozole in Acute
Alcohol Intoxication in Man", Clinical Pharmacology and
Therapeutics Vol. 17, Number 6, pp. 735-737 concludes that, within
the scope of the subject study, fenmetozole does not antagonize or
significantly modify acute effects of alcohol intoxication in
Another publication entitled "Testing For a `Sobering Pill`" DOT
HS-801 288 (1974) available from National Technical Information
Service, Springfield, Va. 22151 discloses that nikethamide,
propranolol, L-dopa, pipradrol, aminophylline, ephedrine,
sted-eze, and ammonium chloride were investigated to determine
their potential for blocking or neutralizing the effect of alcohol
on a human brain; the most effective amethystic agent found was
J. L. Mottin, in an article entitled "Drug-Induced Attenuation of
Alcohol Consumption" Quart. J. Stud. Alc. 34: 444-472 (1973)
discussed, inter alia, the use of the following compounds re the
subject title: disulfiram, citrated calcium cyanamide, and
Russian Inventor's Certificate 187250 discloses the use of the
"thiolic" preparations--"unitol" and "dicaptol"--for use in
treating alcoholism. The Merck Index (Eighth Edition) discloses
that Dicaptol (BAL or British Anti-Lewisite) is
2,3-dimercaptopropanol and is marketed as a 10% solution in peanut
oil with 20% benzyl benzoate. It is further asserted that in the
U.S.S.R. a water soluble form is available under the name Unithiol
or Unitiol and is 2,3-dimercapto-1-propanol sodium sulfonate.
U.S. Pat. No. 2,799,619 Seifter et al. discloses compositions
comprising certain phenothiazines as effective for treatment of
alcoholics while British Pat. No. 1,399,992 (Revici) discloses
that compositions comprising certain organic ethers are useful for
the treatment of alcoholism.
The invention relates to a method for treating the manifestations
of alcoholism or alcohol intoxication by aiding in the control of
the craving for alcohol, or by aiding in the control of alcohol
withdrawal symptoms, or by aiding in the control of alcohol
intoxication in a human, which comprises internally administering
to a human in need thereof an oxidized composition produced by the
process comprising oxidizing, at a temperature of between about
110 DEG C. and about 150 DEG C., a liquid composition containing
at least one fatty acid or fatty ester having allylic unsaturation
of the type
--CH.dbd.CH--CH2 --CH.dbd.CH--
--CH.dbd.CH--CH.dbd.CH--CH2 --
for a period of time sufficient to produce a peroxide titer
substantially greater than that of the untreated compound, in a
non-toxic amount sufficient to aid in the control of the craving
for alcohol, or to aid in the control of alcohol withdrawal
symptoms, or to aid in the control of alcohol intoxication in said
person. The incorporation of sulfur into the composition during or
before the heating of the compositions has been found to be
particularly advantageous and represents the most effective
composition found to date. The compositions can be administered to
the patient by the various accepted methods of injection or orally
in tablet or capsule form.
It is desirable to have a method for treating or aiding in the
treatment of alcoholism in a human by controlling the craving for
alcohol, by controlling withdrawal symptoms, or by aiding in the
control of alcohol intoxication in humans. It is further desirable
to have a method for aiding the control of alcohol intoxication of
a non-alcoholic person by reducing or eliminating the alcohol
intoxication either before or after the intake of alcohol.
This invention relates to such methods of treatment involving the
internal administration to a human host of a composition produced
by oxidizing a liquid composition containing a fatty acid or fatty
ester, structurally characterized by allylic unsaturation, for
example, by bubbling air through the reaction mixture. The fatty
acid or ester advantageously includes elemental sulfur and/or a
conventional free radical initiator such as tertiary-butyl
peroxide during the heating step.
The allylically unsaturated compound is preferably a naturally
occurring oil, containing polyunsaturated fatty esters such as an
animal, vegetable, or fish oil, especially a polyunsaturated
vegetable oil. Sesame oil is a vegetable oil consisting largely of
triglycerides and is the most advantageous composition found to
date in the practice of this invention.
The composition utilized preferably should contain a significant
percentage of molecular species having allylic moieties to render
the compositions useful according to the invention indicated by
the following partial structures
--CH.dbd.CH--CH2 --CH.dbd.CH--
As indicated, the unsaturation can be conjugated or nonconjugated
but the composition must contain allylic methylene hydrogen.
Such compositions, as the case may be, should be oxidized or
heated in the presence of oxygen at a temperature in the range
between about 110 DEG C. and about 150 DEG C. The oxygen can be
obtained by merely heating the composition open to the atmosphere
but preferably and advantageously, the source of oxygen is a gas
such as air injected into a heated oil such as sesame oil. The
injected air also serves as a source of agitation.
As previously stated it is most advantageous to add elemental
sulfur such as sublimed, precipitated, or washed sulfur to the
compositions so that the sulfur is present with oxygen during at
least a portion of the heating period and the sulfur incorporated
into the composition. Additionally, a previous batch of the
oxidized oil with or without sulfur or any commonly known and
available free radical initiator, such as tert-butyl peroxide, may
advantageously be present during at least a portion of the heating
If sulfur is added to the selected composition, for example,
sesame oil, the temperature should be maintained at an upper limit
within the range of about 120 DEG C. to about 130 DEG C., and
preferably 125 DEG C. and 127 DEG C. These temperature limitations
are based on a heating time of about one-half hour. The
temperatures can be altered within limits depending on the time of
heating. For example, the temperature can be 129 DEG-130 DEG C. if
the time is shorter or even at 140 DEG C. for very short period of
time. High temperatures for a prolonged period of time tend to
degrade the composition and should thus be avoided.
If sulfur is not present during the heating period, the
temperature should be maintained in the range between about 110
DEG C. and about 150 DEG C., and preferably in the range between
about 120 DEG C. and about 140 DEG C.
The heat treatment is conducted for a period of from about 15
minutes to about two hours. If sulfur is present, optimal results
are obtained if the heat treatment is conducted for a period of
time between about 30 minutes to about 1 hour. If a free radical
initiator is present, or if a selected composition inherently
contains a significant amount of initiator, the heat treatment
period may be conducted for a relatively shorter period of time.
The precise nature of the composition which results from the
above-described treatment or the identity of the effective
component or components is not presently known to the Applicant.
However, while Applicant does not wish his invention limited by
the following theory or fact, or mixed theory and fact as the case
may be, certain evidence is available which indicates that an
efficacious composition for the treatment of alcoholism or the
control of intoxication in a human can be produced according to
this invention.
In particular, it appears that a correlation exists between a
composition useful for the subject purpose and its presumed
peroxide or hydroperoxide content. By adhering to the process
according to this invention, it has been found that efficacious
compositions are produced which yield a significant peroxide titer
when monitored by conventional iodometric analysis, the results
being expressed, for example, in terms of microequivalents per
gram or milliequivalents per kilogram. By significant peroxide
titer is meant a value obtained which is greater than that which
inherently may be present in the initial untreated compound.
In the case of triglycerides which contain the allylic type
unsaturation as described above, the resulting oxidized species is
thought to be a hydroperoxide represented by the following partial
structure ##STR1## as interpreted via UV spectroscopic analysis,
inter alia.
The data of Examples 3 and 4 below are consistent with the
foregoing hypothesis. Trilinolein, the triglyceride of linoleic
acid (9,12-octadecadienoic acid), the principal diunsaturated
fatty ester in sesame oil, is subjected to the preferred treatment
with air and sulfur. The resultant product has a number of
properties characteristic of comparably treated sesame oil.
Furthermore, its action mimics that of the treated sesame oil
product in a primate model. Trilinolein is typical of a
polyunsaturated oil, as is sesame oil, which contains about 35-47%
linoleic acid residues in the total triglycerides.
Whatever the nature of the oxidized species, it appears amenable
to monitoring by conventional iodometric analysis with or without
the addition of sulfur.
Although it appears that the activity of the composition is
coincident with the presence of peroxides or hydroperoxides, the
efficacious agent need not necessarily be directly derived from
these classes. It may in fact be those species derived from
radicals resulting from decomposition of compounds of this class
and may involve reaction with other molecules of, for example,
triglyceride oils or sulfur including olefinic polymerization
products and/or lower molecular weight decomposition products of
the oils or additional products with sulfur such as sulfides,
disulfides, hydropersulfides, etc.
With regard to a preferred embodiment, it appears that the
presence of elemental sulfur (approximately 1% by weight based on
sesame seed oil) during the oxidation of sesame seed oil acts to
increase the amounts of oxidation products (conjugated
hydroperoxides, diene, triene, unsaturated carbonyl) and that this
increase appears optimal near 127 DEG C. as evidenced by UV
spectroscopic analysis studies. In the absence of sulfur, it
appears that the region near 137 DEG C. is optimal for the
production of oxidation products.
As mentioned above, it appears that the most effective
compositions are those which have a relatively high peroxide
titer. Comparisons of preferred compositions, namely sesame seed
oil or other polyunsaturated oils treated with air in the presence
of sulfur, with other triglycerides, or triglyceride containing
oils, including corn oil, cottonseed oil, and triolein with regard
to their respective peroxide titers indicates a trend in peroxide
levels concordant with observed bioactivity in alcoholics. Such
trend of bioactivity agrees in general with the results of a
peroxide analysis involving the above-identified oils in their
untreated state and when oxidized in the presence of elemental
sulfur under similar conditions as follows:
Oil Used "A" Oil Treated*
.increment. = "B - A"
(Peroxide Oil Saturated With Sulfur Difference In Analysis)
With Sulfur and Air Peroxide
Sesame Seed
18.8 35.7 16.9
Corn 11.3 14.9 3.6
10.9 10.2 -0.7**
Olive 12.4 13.8 1.4
Triolein 8.6 8.5 -0.1**
*Heated at 127 DEG C. for 0.50 hrs. with 90 l/min. air addition
andrapid mechanical stirring and containing 1.0% elemental sulfur
by weight.
**Within experimental error.
It is thought that a lower bioactivity and a lower peroxide titer
of cottonseed oil is due to the presence of natural anti-oxidants.
The elimination of the anti-oxidants from oils such as corn and
cottonseed oil or the use of the relatively pure allylically
unsaturated compounds or mixtures thereof will result in a
substantially increased peroxide titer when treated according to
this invention. Triolein contains only oleic acid moieties which
are characterized by the allylically unsaturated group
--CH.dbd.CH--CH2 -- and hence is quite difficult to oxidize,*
particularly when compared to the preferred sesame seed oil or
other polyunsaturated oils. A peroxide titer value of 35.7 meq/kg.
has been attained for the sesame seed oil-sulfur-oxygen treated
composition while sesame seed oil oxidized alone at 137 DEG C.
yields a value of 63.3 meq/kg. A peroxide titer value of 35.7
meq/kg [.DELTA.=(35.7-18.8)=16.9] has been attained for the sesame
seed oil-sulfur-oxygen treated composition while sesame seed oil
without sulfur oxidized at 137 DEG C. yields a value of 63.3
meq/kg [.DELTA.=( 63.3-10.2)=53.1].
*J.Sci. Fd Agric. 1975, 26, 1353-1356.
Generally a substantial increase in the peroxide titer value can
be defined as .DELTA.3 to about .DELTA.100 in cases where sulfur
is incorporated into the composition and as from about .DELTA.3 to
about .DELTA.400 when the oil is oxidized alone, or in the absence
of sulfur.
The process used for determining the peroxide titer values
discussed and reported herein are determined by placing a 2 gr.
sample of the composition in a flask purged with nitrogen, and
adding thereto 2 ml. of concentrated acetic acid and 0.5 grams of
KI. The mixture is capped to exclude air and allowed to remain in
the dark for 30 minutes to complete the reaction. The side walls
are then wet down with a minimum of water and approximately 1-2 ml
of a 2% starch added thereto. The solution is then immediately
titrated to the end point with 0.007 normal Na2 S2 O3 solution.
The end point is white when small amounts of peroxides are present
and slightly yellow when larger amounts are present.
The compositions as prepared according to the process of this
invention should be used soon after preparation as there is
indication that the peroxide titer values and effectiveness of the
compositions decrease upon aging.
Preferred compositions according to this invention can be prepared
by adding the sulfur to the oil, such as sesame oil, and heating
the mixture with agitation at a temperature not to exceed about
130 DEG C. It is preferable or advantageous to heat the mixture
between 120 DEG and 127 DEG C. Heating the mixture above about 130
DEG C. for a sufficient time causes a progressive color change in
the mixture and otherwise appears to be detrimental. The
temperatures given above relate to the use of sulfur with sesame
oil. The ranges of temperatures which can be used to produce the
compositions made according to this invention may vary with the
particular oil being used, but generally a temperature of 120 DEG
C., preferably 125 DEG C. to 127 DEG C., will be sufficient for
most oils when sulfur is added.
If the oil and sulfur is heated below about 90 DEG C., it is
difficult to incorporate the sulfur into the oil by heating and
stirring alone. The best results have been obtained to date by
maintaining the temperature used in forming the compositions over
a prolonged period of time from about 30 minutes to one hour.
Stirring aids in the reaction, and experiments to date indicate
that a fairly violent stirring is advantageous. The introduction
of air into the mixture during the heating is also very
advantageous, particularly when the mixture is not subjected to
prolonged heating and is the preferred method. The stirring can be
accomplished with the introduction of the air.
After the reaction has taken place, it is cooled. Sulfur crystals
remaining in the bottom of the reaction vessel can easily be
removed by filtration. The remaining fluid is ready for use after
appropriate sterilization for injection or incorporated into
capsules, such as gelatin, for oral administration.
The amount of sulfur incorporated into the oil is advantageously
between about 0.1% to 2.5% by weight, based on the oil. If higher
amounts of sulfur are used they generally precipitate out. There
appears to be no advantage to using higher amounts of sulfur in
any event since the ultimate dosage given to the patient is the
criterion rather than the amount of sulfur content in the oil.
As can be observed from Example 2 below, the incorporation of the
sulfur into the oil seems to be limited to about 1% by the process
presently being used to produce the sulfurized unsaturated oils.
The sulfur content can be much less than about 1% if desired and
smaller sulfur content is advantageous when administered by
injection. Varying the amount of sulfur below about 1%
incorporated in the polyunsaturated oils for oral administration
only affects the number of capsules to be taken at a given time by
a particular patient.
Experiments to date indicate that the optimum sulfur content for
oral administrations is about 1% and by injection about 0.1% to
0.3% by weight of the sulfur based on the weight of the oil.
The dosage prescribed to a patient will, of course, vary depending
upon the particular patient and the purpose for which he is being
treated. For an alcoholic, for example, it is advantageous for the
patient to take 5 capsules containing 1 ml of the sulfurized oil
containing about 1 to 2% sulfur for the first 3 days and to take 3
to 4 capsules a day for the next 4 days. It is preferred that the
patient be relatively sober when initiating the treatment. This is
generally sufficient to eliminate or reduce the desire or need for
alcohol. The desire or need for alcohol generally disappears from
the patient within 24 hours. This single treatment may last for
months. However, the patient can be given an additional supply of
the encapsulated sulfur containing oil and directed to take a
capsule if he feels any desire or need for alcohol.
When the sulfurized oil is used by injection, such as
intramuscularly or intraperitoneally, it is advantageous to have
the sulfur contained in the sulfurized oil below about 0.5% by
weight, preferably between about 0.1% to 0.3% by weight, and to
inject from 1/2 to 3 ml of this solution into the patient.
Experiments to date indicate that the injection of sulfurized oil
is somewhat painful when it contains above about 0.5% sulfur.
Administration by injection is, of course, not necessary but it
may act faster initially. Generally if a person is given the
injection of the sulfurized oil, he can also be given a supply of
the oral capsules and directed to take 3 to 4 capsules a day
following the injection for one week.
To reduce alcohol intoxication, the patient is directed to take 2
to 5 capsules (containing 1 ml oil at 1% sulfur). The alcohol
intoxication should generally disappear within about one hour.
To prevent alcohol intoxication 1 or 2 capsules (containing 1 ml
oil at 1% sulfur) can be taken prior to beginning consumption of
the alcohol or with the first drink.
A sulfurized oil was prepared by mixing 50 grams of sublimed
sulfur, obtained from Fisher Scientific, with one liter of sesame
oil. The mixture was heated under fairly rapid agitation by air to
a temperature of about 127 DEG C. until all of the sulfur was
incorporated into the sesame oil. The reaction mixture was then
cooled to room temperature, producing at the bottom of the
reaction vessel a small amount of sulfur crystals. The crystals
were then separated from the liquid by filtration and about half
of the crystals replaced in the resulting liquid, wherein they
slowly dissolved.
The resulting sulfurized oil was then incorporated into geletin
capsules in the amount of 1 ml per capsule.
A 50-year old patient, B. G., reported that he had been an
alcoholic for 20 years consuming up to 1/5 to 1/2 gallon of hard
liquor a day. The patient reported that he had tried
hospitalization and different treatments without success. The
patient was given 5 of the above capsules the first day and
directed to take 5 capsules on the second and third days and 3
capsules for each of the 4 days remaining in the week. The patient
reported no desire for alcohol after the first day and felt no
need or desire for alcohol thereafter. The patient reported that
he was feeling exceptionally fine.
Approximately 100 human patients have been treated to date
according to this invention, including alcoholics, the social
drinker when inebriated as well as to patients prior to the intake
of alcohol. Significant results in controlling the craving for
alcohol or controlling withdrawal symptoms or aiding in the
control of intoxication were observed in approximately 80 percent
of the patients treated.
4 g. of sulfur were weighed out and placed in an Erlenmeyer flask.
200 ml of sesame oil were added; the contents were heated to 125
DEG C. with stirring until the sulfur dissolved. The flask was
removed from heat and allowed to cool to room temperature (5
hours). Sulfur crystals were filtered into a Buchner funnel,
washed thoroughly with hexane to remove residual oil, and weighed.
The above example was repeated three times. The washed sulfur
precipitate was weighed in each trial and the amount of sulfur in
the sesame oil calculated by difference as follows:
Initial weight of sulfur: 4.00 g
Weight of sulfur ppt.:
Trial 1 2.05 g
Trial 2 2.00 g
Trial 3 1.92 g
% (w/v) sulfur in sesame oil:
Trial 1 1.02%
Trial 2 1.00%
Trial 3 0.96%
Average 0.99%
From this it was concluded that the solutions contained
approximately 1% sulfur after filtration.
The preparation of Example 1 was repeated, except that trilinolein
was substituted for sesame oil. The resultant product was
significantly darker than the product of Example 1. A comparison
of various properties of the oxidized, sulfurized trilinolein
(OSTL) of this example with the oxidized, sulfurized sesame oil
(OSSO) of Example 1 is shown in Table 1.
Property OSTL OSSO
Peroxide No. (.mu.eq/g)
60.9 55
Dissolved Sulfur (%)
1.2 0.75
pH 4.8 6.7
Refractive Index (20 nD)
1.4831 1.4709
UV Absorption Significantly
Higher than at 254 nm. higher than untreated
OSSO oil
FTIR Difference Doublet at Doublet at
Spectrum* 940-990 cm@-1
940-990 cm@-1
*Fourier Transform Infrared Difference Spectrum, permitting
identification of absorption peaks in the product not present in
the spectrum of the starting material.
The oxidized, sulfurized sesame oil (OSSO) of Example 1 and the
oxidized, sulfurized trilinolein (OSTL) of Example 3 were each
tested for their efficacy in alleviating alcohol withdrawal
symptoms in an alcohol-addicted monkey, using untreated sesame oil
as a placebo. In each case, a monkey was addicted to ethyl alcohol
by infusion of 5 ml/hr for 28 days of a solution ranging between
15 and 30% ethyl alcohol in normal saline. The ethyl alcohol
solution was administered via an indwelling silastic catheter
implanted into the jugular vein. The presence of and severity of
withdrawal was evaluated according to the presence and severity of
specific symptoms, which are known to be exhibited by rhesus
monkeys upon removal of alcohol in a dependent animal. Evaluation
was based on a scale of 0: symptom not present, 1: mild presence
of symptom, 2: moderate presence of symptom, and 3: severe
presence of symptom. The symptoms evaluated were: generalized
tremors, muscle fasciculations, elicited hyperreflexia,
spasticity, rigidity, spontaneous hyperreflexia, fright,
salivation, mydriasis, retching-vomiting, convulsive poses,
convulsions, aggression, nervousness, excitability, and evoked
During the 5-day placebo withdrawal period, which immediately
followed the 28-day addiction period, the monkey received 5 ml of
sesame oil injected into orange slices. The withdrawal symptoms
were evaluated daily during this period. At the conclusion of the
placebo withdrawal period, the animal was re-addicted to the ethyl
alcohol over a 14-day period as described above. This was
immediately followed by a 5-day drug withdrawal period. During
this period, the animal received a daily dose of 5 ml of either
OSTL or OSSO injected into orange slices and the daily withdrawal
symptoms were evaluated. The results are shown in Table 2, where
the lower the score, the less severe the symptoms and the more
efficacious the therapeutic effect compared to placebo
Monkey Alcohol Withdrawal Scores
Daily Withdrawal Score*
Test Treatment 1 2 3 4 5 Score
1 Placebo 9 12 10 10 10 51
1 OSTL 8(89) 6(50)
(% Reduction**)
2 Placebo 8 10 10 10 10 48
2 OSSO 4(50) 4(40)
(% Reduction**)
*Using rating instrument described above.
It can be seen from the data of Examples 3 and 4 that both the
properties and the behavior of oxidized, sulfurized trilinolein
and of oxidized, sulfurized sesame oil are quite similar, and show
a similar ability to alleviate the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal
in a reliable primate model.
The invention also includes the use of selenium in place of
elemental sulfur and for the same use. When using selenium it is
combined with the allylic moiety in the same manner as sulfur but
heated to a temperature in the range of 230 DEG to 250 DEG C.,
preferably about 240 DEG C. from 15 minutes to an hour or more
until the peroxide titer value is substantially greater than that
of the untreated allylic moiety in the same manner as disclosed
herein with respect to the use of sulfur. These compositions into
which selenium is incorporated have to date not indicated as good
an effect as those compositions into which sulfur is incorporated.
Bismuth containing pharmaceutical
The invention relates to a method for making a composition which
comprises selecting at least one fatty acid or fatty ester
compound having an allylic unsaturation of the type
-CH=CH-CH2-CH=CH- or -CH=CH-CH=CH-CH2-, adding to said compound a
salt of an element having a rhombohedral crystal structure, such
as Bi, Hg, As, B, Sb or Sm, to form a mixture, heating said
mixture above about 260 DEG C. for a sufficient period of time to
incorporate at least about 0.1% by weight of the element into the
compound, cooling the mixture, and recovering the incorporated
compound as the remaining fluid of the mixture. The invention also
relates to the reaction products thus produced along with methods
of administering these compositions to a subject to treat abnormal
conditions caused mainly by a catabolic imbalance.
The present disclosure relates to anabolic agents of new lipidic
compositions which have incorporated therein Bi or a similar
element having a rhombohedral crystal structure, a method for
preparing these compositions, and a method of use thereof to treat
various conditions in a subject due mainly to a catabolic
abnormality or imbalance.
The invention comprises novel compositions of lipidic materials,
such as fatty acids, esters, or oils which include a group of
elements having a rhombohedral crystal structure, such as Hg, Bi,
As, Sb, B and Sm, incorporated therein. These compositions are
made by heating the lipidic material to a temperature of at least
about 260 DEG C. for a sufficient time to incorporate a
predetermined amount of the element into the oil. At least about
0.1% can be used, although amounts between about 0.5 and 10%,
preferably about 5%, are preferred.
These compositions of the invention are anabolic or anti-catabolic
agents and may be administered to a patient who has a catabolic
imbalance as evidenced by symptoms of certain diseases or adverse
effects, to correct such imbalance, to treat the symptoms of
diseases or adverse effects caused by the imbalance, as well as to
have an antiviral action.
Inspite of the most intensive research efforts, practically little
progress has been obtained in the treatment of most diseases, and
especially in the treatment of AIDS--today the modern lethal
plague. The following represents the basis for an approach
important also for the results of its clinical applications.
My research has shown the capital importance of the recognition of
different pathogenic occurrences with direct application for the
therapeutic approach. I have thus shown the existence of a
dualistic pathogenesis, anabolic--constructive or
catabolic--destructive state which governs the biology in all its
aspects. The normal state results from a dynamic balance between
alternating anabolic and catabolic processes, while the abnormal
state corresponds to imbalances due to the abnormal processes.
My new concept that the anabolic or catabolic character represents
the fundamental aspect of a disease has put the problems of the
pathological conditions from their pathogenesis to therapy
entirely on a new basis.
Symptoms and analyses are serving to recognize the imbalance
present and consequently to guide the choice and necessary amounts
of appropriate agents to be administered. Fever, diarrhea,
vomiting, nausea, perspiration, pain with an alkaline pattern, and
insomnia represent the main symptoms of the catabolic imbalance.
In blood analyses, the catabolic imbalance is evidenced by a high
red cell sedimentation rate, eosinopenia, and leukopenia with high
serum potassium. In the urinary system, characteristic analyses
show a high oxyreduction potential, high specific gravity, low
surface tension, low pH, and a low chloride excretion. The
opposite symptoms and analyses correspond to an anabolic
The further study of the cyto-histological changes have shown the
anabolic imbalance to correspond to cells with manifest youth
character, while the catabolic to correspond to old cells with
pyknosis and kariorhetic changes. The study of these analyses has
shown that while the oxyreduction is indicating a basic imbalance
as related to the subnuclear level, other analyses, mainly the pH
and the surface tension, are corresponding to superior level, and
are consequently subject to more rapid and less general changes.
While the oxyreduction provides information of a general more
fixed basic imbalance, the pH and the surface tension are subject
to more rapid and less basic changes. These considerations have
special importance for the guided therapy.
Parallel to the recognition of the anabolic and catabolic
imbalance, I studied the factors inducing them, to find the
special role of the lipids. The study of the lipids in general has
led to a new definition of these agents, as polar-nonpolar
substances with the nonpolar group predominant. According to this
research, the lipids represent the principal constituents, while
the water-soluble fractions represent the secondary ones. The fact
that the polar groups have electrostatic forces results in the
existence of positively and negatively charged lipids. The most
important positive lipids are the sterols, while the negative are
the fatty acids.
It was found that the anabolic imbalances are directly related to
the intervention of the lipids with positive polar groups,
respectively, the sterols, while the catabolic imbalances result
from the intervention of abnormal fatty acids, respectively,
trienic conjugated compounds.
All the lipids of the body have their polar groups bound except
for the brain and the red cells, which have free lipids. I have
found that the lipids of the abnormal lesions are free, not
combined, a fact which explains their special activity in the
pathological conditions. As a direct consequence of this
occurrence, I found that a lipid introduced in the body acts more
directly upon the lesions.
I applied the dualistic concept for the study of the agents used
therapeutically to find them to have either an anabolic or a
catabolic character. I used an entire series of very concordant
tests to determine this character. The study of the second day
wound crust pH has shown a change toward more alkaline values for
the agents with a catabolic action and more acid values for those
with anabolic properties. The study of the curve of the surface of
a healing wound has shown the presence of several peaks of the
curve. An anabolic agent makes these peaks disappear, while a
catabolic agent increases their value or numbers.
The study of the influence exerted by agents upon the oxygen
intake by cancer cells or of yeast has shown a reduction of oxygen
intake for the anabolic agents and an increase for the catabolic
agents. The anabolic agents also induce a leukocytosis with
eosinophilia, a lower sedimentation rate, a lower serum potassium,
as well as marked urine analyses - such as higher surface tension,
lower specific gravity and higher pH. The catabolic agents provide
opposite changes, in these blood and urine analyses. In general,
the alcohols and amines induce anabolic changes while the acids,
aldehydes and ketones induce catabolic changes.
I have studied under this specific dualistic aspect many different
elements, and have found several important characters. The members
of the same series (i.e., those in vertical rows) of the periodic
table have all been found to have the same anabolic or catabolic
character. The members of the odd A series and of even B series
are anabolic, while those of the A even and B odd series,
The study of the periodic table has shown another important
character. All the members of the same period, i.e., those in
horizontal rows, are predilectly working at the same level of the
organization, with the lowest periods at the more primary or basic
level. The 6th period (starting with cesium) is thus acting
predilectly to the lowest organizational level of the subnuclear
entities. The elements of the 5th period (of rubidium) are acting
predilectly upon the nuclear level, while those of the 4th period
(of potassium) upon the cellular level. The elements of the 3rd
period (of sodium) act upon the tissue and organ levels, while
those of the second period (of lithium) upon the general systemic
It was this special systemization of the elements which has its
main application in the study of their biological actions. Of
special interest are the elements of the 6th period, which are
acting predilectly at the subnuclear level.
I have also shown that different biological independent entities
correspond to different levels of the organization. For example,
the viruses are thus recognized as subnuclear entities, while the
microbes as nuclear entities and not as cells as erroneously
As a direct consequence, it was recognized that the elements of
the 6th period would have special action upon the subnuclear level
formations of the complex individual and at the same time on the
viruses as being entities corresponding to this special level. It
was under this aspect that these elements were further studied.
Cs, Hb, W, Os, Pt, Hg, Tl and Bi are members of the subnuclear
level and were found to be anabolic agents having anticatabolic
I have applied other findings to this study of the elements. I
have shown that there are the forces present in the atoms, which
represent the factor which determine the kind of crystals they
form. Elements forming the same kind of crystals, having similar
forces, appear to have similar biological properties. By applying
this view, I have found that, in general, from all the previously
mentioned elements, only Hg, Bi, As, B, Sb and Sm have the same
rhombohedral crystal form. In fact, all these rhombohedral
elements, although of different series and periods have common
biological properties: they are all anabolic. More importantly,
the Hg, Bi, As and B have special antiseptic properties. Hg, Bi
and As were the only elements which, for years, were used for the
treatment of spirochetoses and more specifically, for treatment of
syphilis. Also, As, Sb and Bi are members of the same very active
anabolic series, the 6A. Furthermore, Bi represents also the
anabolic element with the highest atomic weight, respectively
acting at the lowest level of the organization. All these are
making from the elements of the rhombohedral group of Bi, Hg, As,
B, Sb and Sm, very highly interesting elements for special
activities, such as antiviral and especially as anabolic agents at
the lowest subnuclear level.
In the therapeutic study of these agents, I have found as a
capital character that they should have lipidic properties, that
is, to be more soluble in neutral organic solvents than in water.
This allows the agents to be specifically taken up by the abnormal
formation in the subject, which formation is rich in free lipids.
The study of the activity of the different compounds of these
important elements has shown the capital importance of this
fundamental lipidic character. Some salts of the elements having a
lipidic fatty acid component, such as, for example, oleate,
palmitate, or the like, have not shown the desired effects. I
explained this through the fact that the element as a cation in
the compound is easily separated and bound to other nonlipidic
anions. I resolved this problem by having the element directly
incorporated into the nonpolar group of a lipidic substance. I
made this especially by incorporating the element in the nonpolar
part of the fatty acids at their double bonds.
In the following method, the element as such or in the form of a
salt which is easily dissociated, is mixed with an oil or with its
fatty acids or other unsaturated lipids, especially the
polyunsaturated lipids. The mixture is heated to a temperature at
which the dissociated element is attached to the lipid at their
double bonds which, were previously bound to oxygen and which I
found to open at this high temperature. The combination between
the element and the double bond corresponds to an exothermic
reaction. The heating is stopped at this moment with the result of
the element incorporated in the nonpolar part of the fatty acids.
I have incorporated the elements of this rhombohedral group
predilectly in vegetable oils such as sesame or safflower oil or
its fatty acids. The problem of what compound has to be used has
appeared capital for a good and sufficient incorporation of the
element. The use of the element as such or other compounds has
given insufficient results. I found that organic acid salts of
these elements provide the best results. Thus, 5% by weight of
bismuth oleate mixed with sesame oil is heated at around 300 DEG
C. under constant stirring for a sufficient time in order to
obtain a good incorporation.
The allylically unsaturated compound is preferably a naturally
occurring oil containing polyunsaturated fatty ester, such as an
animal, vegetable, or fish oil, and, particularly, polyunsaturated
vegetable oils. Sesame oil, a vegetable oil consisting largely of
triglycerides, is the most advantageous composition found to date
in the practice of this invention.
The composition utilized should contain a significant percentage
of molecular species having allylic moieties to render the
compositions useful according to the invention. Such moieties are
indicated by the following partial structures --CH.dbd.CH--CH2
--CH.dbd.CH--and/or --CH.dbd.CH--CH.dbd.CH--CH2 --. As indicated,
the unsaturation can be conjugated or nonconjugated, but the
composition must contain allylic methylene hydrogen.
Such compositions may initially be oxidized or heated in the
presence of air or oxygen at the temperature range between about
100 and about 150 DEG C. The oxygen can be obtained by merely
heating the composition in a vessel which is open to the
atmosphere, but preferably and advantageously, the source of
oxygen is a gas such as air which is injected into the heated oil.
Introduction of air also provides a source of agitation.
The heating step is conducted for a period of from about 15
minutes to about three hours. The temperature should be maintained
at an upper limit within the range of above about 260 DEG to 325
DEG C. and preferably about 280 DEG to 300 DEG C. These
temperature limitations are based on a heating time of about
one-half hour. The temperatures can be altered within limits
depending on the time of heating. For example, when the
temperature is about 265 DEG C., the time is about one-half hour,
while temperature as high as 300 DEG C. require a shorter period
of time for heating. Higher temperatures for a prolonged period of
time tend to degrade the composition and should thus be avoided.
Agitation, by stirring for example, aids in the reaction, and
experiments to date indicate that a fairly vigorous stirring is
advantageous. The introduction of air into the mixture during the
heating is also very advantageous, particularly when the mixture
is not subjected to prolonged heating and thus, is the preferred
method. The mixing or stirring can be accomplished with the
introduction of the air. After the reaction has taken place, the
mixture is cooled. The remaining fluid is ready for use after
appropriate sterilization for injection or incorporated into
capsules, such as gelatin, for oral administration.
The precise nature of the compositions which result from the
above-described treatment or the identity of the effective
component or components is not presently known. It is known,
however, that these compositions do include the range of about 0.1
to 10% weight percent has been found to be effective.
As mentioned above, although any organic salt can be used,
including carbonate, acetate, or the like with the element bonding
the fatty acids present in the oil. Although any amount above 0.1%
of the element incorporated into the composition is useful, the
preferred amount ranges between about 0.5 to 10, and most
preferably about 5, weight percent.
The so obtained incorporated product is used for oral
administration, and after sterilization, for intramuscular
injections. The incorporated element have a very low toxicity with
no undesired side effects. A certain pharmacological activity is
found in all the compounds of the rhombohedral elements in
general. More accentuated are their lipidic compounds. Especially
active, however, are the bismuth and mercury compounds
incorporated alone or in combination in oils, in their fatty acids
or in other different agents with lipidic properties.
In the pharmacological activity of lipidic rhombohedral elements
and especially of the incorporated bismuth or mercury, several
actions are recognized. In one, the anabolic bismuth or mercury
lipidic compound acts again the catabolic imbalance present as
such, that is, reducing or even fully controlling this imbalance.
This is very manifest for severe pain, controlled in less than an
hour, by an oral intake of very small amounts of the incorporated
bismuth or mercury compound, such as corresponding to 0.2-0.5 mg
per dose. For intramuscular injection, a preferred daily dosage of
between 0.5 to 10 cc per dose, administered once or twice daily,
has been found to be generally effective, although additional
doses could be administered for extreme situations. As such, the
incorporated rhombohedral elements are working on many different
These analyses and clinical manifestations have to be changed by
the administration of the incorporated compound. In a 5%
preparation, amounts from about 0.5 to 10 cc daily are predilectly
used for the treatment of catabolic imbalance. Other
concentrations of agents can be converted to other doses
containing the same or similar amount of active ingredient (i.e.,
the incorporated compound). In general, the higher the dose used,
the better are the clinical results.
Bismuth and the other elements of the group incorporated act thus
upon other catabolic symptoms. Frank are the changes in the
subjective manifestations of the neoplastic diseases, especially
pain, difficulties in breathing and others. This applies also to
the clinical manifestations of AIDS with characteristic catabolic
imbalances, which manifestations are often fully controlled in a
short time.
In another action, especially with higher doses the anabolic
compounds and especially the bismuth or mercury incorporated
compounds are inducing by themselves an anabolic imbalance. As
this imbalance is not sterolic, it does not have the noxious
effects of the usual sterolic imbalances. I have found that the
presence of a nonsterolic anabolic imbalance is reducing the
amount of sterols in the body. This is especially important for
the neoplastic lesions, which are in general developing only with
a sterolic imbalance. Consequently, especially the incorporated
bismuth or mercury have through the nonsterolic anabolic
exaggerated imbalance a special action also upon the anabolic
lesions of the neoplastic diseases as well as other conditions.
The direct anticatabolic action and the special exaggerated
anabolic nonsterolic imbalance induced are leading to the
destruction of such neoplastic lesions. Such organic changes were
seen also in other conditions. Large lymphatic glands and the
Kaposi lesions in AIDS have been reduced even after relatively a
short treatment.
Another very important action is this of Bi and Hg, due to the
fact that they are part of the elements of the 6th period,
elements acting predominantly upon the subnuclear level. They act
especially also upon the independent entities corresponding to
this level, i.e., the viruses. With a treatment for some longer
time and insufficiently high doses, it is expected to obtain a
control of such viral diseases.
It was found that the treatment with incorporated rhombohedral
elements has to be continued for sufficient time in adequate high
amounts in order to obtain the desired results, i.e., other than
the very impressive immediate effects on pain and other symptoms
more especially.
Bismuth, mercury or arsenic can be used also in the different
preparations, which were used especially for the treatment of
syphilis. These agents of incorporated rhombohedral elements are
used successfully together with other different agents, especially
with those having anabolic properties, to enhance their
anticatabolic action. They are also used with active catabolic
agents, together or following their administration, in order to
control exaggerated anabolic manifestations.
There are these different actions which are explaining the
favorable effects obtained with the incorporated rhombohedral
elements in a variety of pathological conditions, especially
cancer, leukemias and viral conditions, mainly AIDS, herpes and
Epstein-Barr disease.
There are these results already obtained and especially the
multiple successful applications, which are making from the
lipidic rhombohedral elements compounds in general and especially
from the incorporated bismuth or mercury special valuable weapons
in the fight against different diseases.
While it is apparent that the invention herein disclosed is well
calculated to fulfill the objects above stated, it will be
appreciated that numerous modifications and embodiments may be
devised by those skilled in the art, and it is intended that the
append claims cover all such modifications and embodiments as fall
within the true spirit and scope of the present invention.
Method of treating the clinical
manifestations of viral diseases
The method of treating or alleviating the clinical manifestations
of viral diseases which exhibit alkalosis which comprises
administering to the host a non-toxic acidic salt of an inorganic
A study of the clinical manifestations and analytical data of
certain viral diseases, such as the common cold, have indicated
that a dyschlorobiotic off-balance is present in the body. Local
alkalosis of the nose and upper respiratory tract manifested by
the rhinorrhea and tracheal and bronchial secretions exhibited by
the common cold are apparently a consequence of this
dyschlorobiosis. The secretions of the clinical manifestations of
the common cold may have a pH as high as 8 to 8.5 depending on the
severity of the cold.
This invention relates to an immediate means to combat these
clinical manifestations of such viral diseases through the control
of the alkalosis by administration to the body of acidifying
compositions or compounds, such as non-toxic acidic salts of
inorganic acids.
The non-toxic, water soluble acidic salts which can be used
according to this invention include, without limitation, the
ammonium salts of phosphoric acid, hydrochloric acid and sulfuric
acid. Research to date has shown that mono-ammonium phosphate salt
is considerably superior to other ammonium salts of inorganic
acids. The mono-ammonium phosphate salt is also referred to as
ammonium phosphate mono-basic. Ammonium phosphate hemi-basic is
also included within the invention. The hemi-basic salt is
strongly acid in reaction, while the mono-basic is mildly acid in
reaction. Metal salts of the inorganic acids have not been found
to be particularly effective, although some metal salts,
particularly of an element of the first series of the Periodic
Chart, such as lithium, potassium and cesium, could be used.
Mixtures of the salts are also effective.
The inorganic acid ammonium salts of this invention are
anti-pathogenic, and thus no claim is made that the acid ammonium
salts act directly on or kill any virus or microorganism. Relief
of the clinical manifestations or symptoms of the viral disease,
however, relieves the body of a host defense function and thus
aids the body's host defense system in attacking the virus in its
normal manner, which may result in a faster cure than might
normally be expected.
The amount of acidic inorganic salt administered is highly
important. Little or no response is obtained when insufficient
amounts are used. The exact amount to obtain relief of the
symptoms of the viral disease will, of course, depend upon the
particular symptoms and severity thereof exhibited by the person
having the disease, the pH of the host, as well as the particular
acidic inorganic salt being administered. Mildly acid salts will,
of course, require higher dosages than strong acid salts. Research
to date indicates that a sufficient amount of the acid salt should
be administered to obtain a urine pH below about 5.5. With respect
to mono-ammonium phosphate, one gram administered orally and
repeated every half hour until the symptoms are fully controlled
is recommended as a general rule, and for severe symptoms, higher
doses, even up to 3 grams every half hour, may be used. Sufficient
amounts of the acidic inorganic salts should be given to at least
effect neutralization of the alkalosis of the host.
A study of the use of the ammonium salts has shown a low toxicity
(acute, subacute, as well as chronic). No side effects were
observed except that in a few cases, symptoms of gastric acidity
were observed, especially when using high doses. By taking food
together with the preparation, this occurrence is highly reduced.
The mono-ammonium phosphate and the ammonium phosphate hemi-basic
have a very low toxicity. Both have been used in the preparation
of foods and mono-ammonium phosphate has been used for many years
as a food additive. The estimated LD/50 of mono-ammonium phosphate
in humans, based on tests in mice, is about 280 grams.
The inorganic acidic salts can be administered in any conventional
manner such as by injection, but oral administration in gelatin
capsules is the recommended manner of administration.
Approximately 100 patients having the common cold and exhibiting
the normal symptoms therefrom, including rhinorrhea and tracheal
and bronchial secretions and local alkalosis of the nose and upper
respiratory tract, were treated by oral administration of 1 to 3
grams of mono-ammonium phosphate encased in a water soluble
gelatinous capsule every half hour. The majority of the patients
exhibited normal cold symptoms and were given 1 gram of
mono-ammonium phosphate every half hour and the remainder who
exhibited rather severe symptoms were given between 2 and 3 grams
every half hour. Approximately 85 of the patients exhibited marked
improvement with practically complete control of the cold symptoms
within about 24 to 48 hours.
Fifteen patients having herpes simplex were treated with
mono-ammonium phosphate administered orally at 1 gram every half
hour. All patients responded showing distinct improvement with
blisters disappearing within about 24 to 48 hours. Approximately 8
patients responded within the first day of treatment. Left by
itself, the blisters normally persist for one week or more.
One patient with herpes zoster was treated with mono-ammonium
phosphate administered orally at 1 gram every half hour. The
patient responded within about 48 hours with substantial
disappearance of the lesions. The pain, however, particularly at
night, persisted. This is not unusual, however, since in the
normal cure by the body host defense system, the pain occasionally
persists after evidence of the inflammation has subsided.
Eighteen rabbits were inoculated with smallpox vaccine in the
normal manner. The rabbits were divided into two groups of 9. The
first group was given drinking water containing 2% by weight of
mono-ammonium phosphate. The second group was given drinking water
containing only 2% by weight salt. Both groups drank the normal
amount of water. Within 24 hours the second control group
developed strong very red inflammation in the inoculated area
while the group to which mono-ammonium phosphate was given
developed only tiny pink or brown spots.
Method for relieving pain or producing
analgesia with n-butanol
A method for treating a host for inducing relief of pain or
anesthesia which comprises administering hydrolyzed
epichlorohydrin, magnesium thiosulfate, or a butanol at the site
of the painful area.
This invention relates to methods and preparations for relieving
pain or producing analgesia.
A number of methods exist for treating pain: an example being U.S.
Pat. No. 3,898,325. The applicant has found a new method which is
particularly effective for this purpose in compositions which are
relatively simple to prepare and administer.
It has now been found that by administering various agents, such
as hydroyzed epichlorohydrin (i.e., 1-chloro-2,3-epoxy propane),
magnesium thiosulfate, or n-butanol directly to the painful area
of a host will relieve the pain or produce analgesia therein.
It is known that the manifestation of pain is observed at the
so-called trigger points. To successfully treat such pain, the
administration of the compounds of the invention, preferably by
injection, is found to control the pain in the immediate area as
well as in the entire affected region.
One embodiment of the invention relates to the injection of from 1
to 10 ml of a solution of between 0.1 and 1.5 weight percent
hydrolyzed epichlorohydrin at the trigger point or immediate
painful area. The epichlorohydrin can be hydrolyzed by heating it
in water. These amounts have been found to be advantageous, but
can be higher or lower if desired. For example, up to 50 ml of a
0.5 weight percent solution can been used for exceptionally severe
Generally, the pain is relieved in minutes following the
injection. If necessary, the injections may be repeated,
preferably 1-2 days later. If a stronger pain is present the next
day at the site of the injection, this may be the result of an
local inflammatory reaction. When this occurs, the pain usually
disappears the day after, and the long term results are generally
Another approach for relieving pain is based upon the fact that
pain generally has either an acid or alkaline pattern. This
character is recognized through a relationship with the urinary
pH: the acid pain being stronger with a lower pH and being weaker
with a higher pH. The alkaline pains is just the opposite.
The acid pain corresponds to an anabolic imbalance with the
predominant pathogenic action caused by steroids, while the
alkaline pain corresponds to a catabolic action, with the
predominant pathogenic action caused by fatty acids.
Many different agents can be used to counteract these imbalances.
For the anabolic imbalances which are evidenced by acid pain, the
injection of a solution of magnesium thiosulfate is utilized. The
amount of this solution includes between about 10 and 50 ml of a
water solution containing between about 10 and 50 weight percent
magnesium thiosulfate.
For alkaline pain, which indicates a catabolic imbalance, a
solution of butanol in water is used. The amount of this solution
ranges from 5 to 25 ml of a solution of between about 5 and 10
weight percent butanol in water. Either n-butanol or sec-butanol
can be used, with n-butanol preferred for best results. It is
preferable to add to the butanol solutions about 25 to 50 percent
by weight (based on the amount of butanol) of coramine
(niketamide) for even better results.
As with the hydrolyzed epichlorohydrin solution, these solutions
are preferably administered by injection. If the type of pain
cannot be characterized as acid or alkaline, then the
epichlorohydrin solution should be administered. It is also
possible to use mixtures of these solutions.
When the nature of the disease which is causing the pain is known,
more special agents, which can treat the disease or the symptoms
of the disease, can be added to these solutions. Also, the number
of injections can be repeated to enhance the pain reducing effect.
The preparations of the invention have practically no toxicity in
the doses used.
Bivalent negative selenium compositions of a red selenium/oil
reaction product, methods of preparing such products, and methods
for administering such products to patients to treat anabolic
Technical Field
The present invention concerns certain selenium compositions,
methods for preparing such compositions, and methods for treating
different conditions and diseases.
Summary of the Invention
The present invention relates to a method for preparing a bivalent
negative selenium composition which comprises mixing gray selenium
powder with an animal oil, vegetable oil, fish oil, or mixture
thereof to form a suspension; heating the suspension to a
sufficient temperature to form a red selenium/oil reaction
product; and cooling the reaction product to recover a bivalent
negative selenium composition containing between 0.1 and 2 weight
percent red selenium.
Preferably, the suspension is heated to about 150 to 200"C for a
sufficent time to form a red selenium composition having at least
about 1 weight percent selenium in the oil, and the oil is tung
The invention also relates to a method for preparing a bivalent
negative selenium composition which comprises exothermically
reacting selenium monochloride or selenium monobromide with an
animal, vegetable or fish oil to form a red-selenium/oil reaction
product containing between 0.1 and 2 weight percent selenium.. In
this embodiment, preferred oils include sesame, safflower, tung,
corn, sardine, cod liver, or salmon oil. This method further
comprises adding an oxidant to the oil prior to adding the
selenium compound, wherein the oxidant is a 3-ketone, preferably
3-pentanove or 3-heptanone.
The invention also relates to the red-selenium oil reaction
products produced by these methods, along with methods for
treating the effects of an anabolic condition in a patient which
comprises administering to the patient a sufficient amount of one
of these reaction products.
Specifically, this method treats the effects of an anabolic
condition in a patient by administering to the patient a
sufficient amount of a red-selenium/oil reaction product
containing 0.1 to 5 weight percent selenium. In these methods, the
amount of reaction product to be administered ranges from about
one to 100 drops per dose, each dose administered between 2 and
six times per day.
Description of the Invention
I have found that the bivalent negative selenium, in its different
preparations, has a salutary effect, especially upon pathological
conditions when they have an anabolic character.Such conditions
are the neoplastic conditions, arthritis, arteriosclerosis,
epilepsy, convulsions, arrythmia, mania, sclerosis, cyrrhosis,
inconsolidated fractions, dermatoses, drug, alcohol, smoking,
addiction, different viral infections, as AIDS, the common cold
and others, and acid symptoms such as acid pain, itching, vertigo,
dyspnea and impaired hearing.
I have found that good results are particularly obtained with the
administration of a bivalent negative red selenium composition.
I have further found that especially active and with a minimal
toxicity are the preparations in which the red selenium is a
colloidal compound.
According to one embodiment of the. invention such a colloidal red
selenium compound is obtained through an exothermic reaction
resulting from mixing selenium monobromide or monochloride with an
oil - or a preparation which has an oil or a material with a
lipidic character in its constitution.
The product of the invention, colloidal red selenium compound, is
used in suspensions having preferably the selenium from 0.18 to
5%. This proportion is not limitative.
In another form of the invention, red selenium is obtained by
progressively heating a mixture of gray selenium powder and an
oil, preferably tung oil, until the suspended selenium is changed
into a red selenium. Agitating the mixture by strong stirring
facilitates this reaction. The reaction product is evidenced by a
reddish color. The mixture is then cooled and the red selenium is
incorporated in the fatty acid molecules.
By further heating of the mixture, an exothermic reaction rakes
place resulting in an undesirable and nonuseful brown color
reaction product.
I have found that the product of the first reddish color has a
much stronger pharmacological action than the last brown
incorporated product. These changes are still more manifest for
the reddish color selenium incorporation in the tung oil, wherein
the amount of incorporated selenium ranges from 0.1 to about 5% by
The red selenium composition described above can be obtained with
any compound having lipidic properties. Such lipidic products
include any animal, vegetable or fish oil, and more particularly,
oils of sesame, safflower, tung, corn, cod liver, sardine, salmon
or other fish, suspensions or solutions of phospholipids or animal
bodies or organs, such as thymus, intestines, spleen, liver or
others, lecithins of eggs, soya beans, Bixa seeds, phospholipids
of other plants fungi, especially of those used to produce
antibiotics, microbes, milk, colostrum, aminoacids, alkaline and
acid aminoacid, proteose, peptones, histones, nucleoproteins and
This enumeration is not limitative as to the material to which the
red colloidal selenium is mixed, apporting its properties and
consequently its use as applied to biological entities.
I have shown that these reaction products have a manifest
antineoplastic action - when administered orally, even in small
As noted above, by mixing selenium monobromide or monochloride
with an oil, an exothermic reaction takes place resulting in a red
selenium colloidal compound. I have further found that by adding
to the red colloidal compound an oxidant its action is enhanced. A
good preparation is obtained by having the colloidal red selenium
administered together with 3-ketones agents such as 3-pentanone
and 3heptanone or with other oxidizing agents. I have found that
as oily material the use of apreparation having equal amounts of
3-pentanone and/or 3-heptanone in an oil, results in a specially
active antineoplastic preparation for the mixture with the
selenium monobromide or monochloride.
According to the invention, the selenium monobromide or
monochloride is mixed with a lipidic preparation, preferably
having an oil or a fatty acid compound in its constitution.
Especially good preparations are obtained by mixing the selenium
monobromide or nonochloride with tung oil, safflower or fish oils
or their fatty acids. In the different mixtures, the selenium
monobromide or nonochloride is added in a proportion so as to
result in a selenium/oil reaction product containing between 0.1 %
to 5% percent red selenium.
The products of the invention are administered orally or by
injections in repeated doses preferably between 2 and six, - most
preferably four times per day, each dose containing between from
one drop and 100 drops (5 ml) according to the concentration of
the selenium in the oil and of the specific condition to be
No toxic effects or side effects are seen, the products of the
invention being particularly well tolerated by patients.
The preparation of the invention due to the action of bivalent
negative selenium as part of a lipid and of the fatty acids proper
to the tung oil has a manifest antianabolic action. Thus, it is
useful for treating the effects of anabolic conditions, such as
alcohol, smoking or drug addiction. It has also shown special
favorable effects, both subjective and objective, upon various
neoplastic conditions.
The products of the invention are administered orally or by
injections, preferably intramuscularly or into the lesion itself.
Very characteristic, favorable subjective effects as on pain are
in general obtained in very short time, indicating a more rapid
action which was not seen with other selenium compounds. The same,
the objective changes are obtained also in special short time.
The experimental and clinical research have thus shown the
exceptional therapeutic value of the red selenium and especially
of its colloidal form - with a very low toxicity, especially in
the minimal amounts necessary. It appears rapidly absorbed and
consequently active even in the exceptional small amounts used.
As the subjective and objective effects upon the neoplastic
diseases are generally seen even with very little amounts, and
within a short time, the method represents an important progress
in the treatment of these conditions.
Bivalent negative selenium compositions of a red selenium/oil
reaction product, methods of preparing such products, and methods
for administering such products to patients to treat anabolic
Technical Field
The present invention concerns certain selenium compositions,
methods for preparing such compositions, and methods for treating
different conditions and diseases.
Summary of the Invention
The present invention relates to a method for preparing a bivalent
negative selenium composition which comprises mixing gray selenium
powder with an animal oil, vegetable oil, fish oil, or mixture
thereof to form a suspension; heating the suspension to a
sufficient temperature to form a red selenium/oil reaction
product; and cooling the reaction product to recover a bivalent
negative selenium composition containing between 0.1 and 2 weight
percent red selenium.
Preferably, the suspension is heated to about 150 to 200"C for a
sufficent time to form a red selenium composition having at least
about 1 weight percent selenium in the oil, and the oil is tung
The invention also relates to a method for preparing a bivalent
negative selenium composition which comprises exothermically
reacting selenium monochloride or selenium monobromide with an
animal, vegetable or fish oil to form a red-selenium/oil reaction
product containing between 0.1 and 2 weight percent selenium.. In
this embodiment, preferred oils include sesame, sa-fflower, tung,
corn, sardine, cod liver, or salmon oil. This method further
comprises adding an oxidant to the oil prior to adding the
selenium compound, wherein the oxidant is a 3-ketone, preferably
3-pentanove or 3-heptanone.
The invention also relates to the red-selenium oil reaction
products produced by these methods, along with methods for
treating the effects of an anabolic condition in a patient which
comprises administering to the patient a sufficient amount of one
of these reaction products.
Specifically, this method treats the effects of an anabolic
condition in a patient by administering to the patient a
sufficient amount of a red-selenium/oil reaction product
containing 0.1 to 5 weight percent selenium. In these methods, the
amount of reaction product to be administered ranges from about
one to 100 drops per dose, each dose administered between 2 and
six times per day.
Description of the Invention
I have found that the bivalent negative selenium, in its different
preparations, has a salutary effect, especially upon pathological
conditions when they have an anabolic character.Such conditions
are the neoplastic conditions, arthritis, arteriosclerosis,
epilepsy, convulsions, arrythmia, mania, sclerosis, cyrrhosis,
inconsolidated fractions, dermatoses, drug, alcohol, smoking,
addiction, different viral infections, as AIDS, the common cold
and others, and acid symptoms such as acid pain, itching, vertigo,
dyspnea and impaired hearing.
I have found that good results are particularly obtained with the
administration of a bivalent negative red selenium composition.
I have further found that especially active and with a minimal
toxicity are the preparations in which the red selenium is a
colloidal compound.
According to one embodiment of the. invention such a colloidal red
selenium compound is obtained through an exothermic reaction
resulting from mixing selenium monobromide or monochloride with an
oil - or a preparation which has an oil or a material with a
lipidic character in its constitution.
The product of the invention, colloidal red selenium compound, is
used in suspensions having preferably the selenium from 0.18 to
5%. This proportion is not limitative.
In another form of the invention, red selenium is obtained by
progressively heating a mixture of gray selenium powder and an
oil, preferably tung oil, until the suspended selenium is changed
into a red selenium. Agitating the mixture by strong stirring
facilitates this reaction. The reaction product is evidenced by a
reddish color. The mixture is then cooled and the red selenium is
incorporated in the fatty acid molecules.
By further heating of the mixture, an exothermic reaction rakes
place resulting in an undesirable and nonuseful brown color
reaction product.
I have found that the product of the first reddish color has a
much stronger pharmacological action than the last brown
incorporated product. These changes are still more manifest for
the reddish color selenium incorporation in the tung oil, wherein
the amount of incorporated selenium ranges from 0.1 to about 5% by
The red selenium composition described above can be obtained with
any compound having lipidic properties. Such lipidic products
include any animal, vegetable or fish oil, and more particularly,
oils of sesame, safflower, tung, corn, cod liver, sardine, salmon
or other fish, suspensions or solutions of phospholipids or animal
bodies or organs, such as thymus, intestines, spleen, liver or
others, lecithins of eggs, soya beans, Bixa seeds, phospholipids
of other plants fungi, especially of those used to produce
antibiotics, microbes, milk, colostrum, aminoacids, alkaline and
acid aminoacid, proteose, peptones, histones, nucleoproteins and
This enumeration is not limitative as to the material to which the
red colloidal selenium is mixed, apporting its properties and
consequently its use as applied to biological entities.
I have shown that these reaction products have a manifest
antineoplastic action - when administered orally, even in small
As noted above, by mixing selenium monobromide or monochloride
with an oil, an exothermic reaction takes place resulting in a red
selenium colloidal compound. I have further found that by adding
to the red colloidal compound an oxidant its action is enhanced. A
good preparation is obtained by having the colloidal red selenium
administered together with 3-ketones agents such as 3-pentanone
and 3heptanone or with other oxidizing agents. I have found that
as oily material the use of apreparation having equal amounts of
3-pentanone and/or 3-heptanone in an oil, results in a specially
active antineoplastic preparation for the mixture with the
selenium monobromide or monochloride.
According to the invention, the selenium monobromide or
monochloride is mixed with a lipidic preparation, preferably
having an oil or a fatty acid compound in its constitution.
Especially good preparations are obtained by mixing the selenium
monobromide or nonochloride with tung oil, safflower or fish oils
or their fatty acids. In the different mixtures, the selenium
monobromide or nonochloride is added in a proportion so as to
result in a selenium/oil reaction product containing between 0.1 %
to 5% percent red selenium.
The products of the invention are administered orally or by
injections in repeated doses preferably between 2 and six, - most
preferably four times per day, each dose containing between from
one drop and 100 drops (5 ml) according to the concentration of
the selenium in the oil and of the specific condition to be
No toxic effects or side effects are seen, the products of the
invention being particularly well tolerated by patients.
The preparation of the invention due to the action of bivalent
negative selenium as part of a lipid and of the fatty acids proper
to the tung oil has a manifest antianabolic action. Thus, it is
useful for treating the effects of anabolic conditions, such as
alcohol, smoking or drug addiction. It has also shown special
favorable effects, both subjective and objective, upon various
neoplastic conditions.
The products of the invention are administered orally or by
injections, preferably intramuscularly or into the lesion itself.
Very characteristic, favorable subjective effects as on pain are
in general obtained in very short time, indicating a more rapid
action which was not seen with other selenium compounds. The same,
the objective changes are obtained also in special short time.
The experimental and clinical research have thus shown the
exceptional therapeutic value of the red selenium and especially
of its colloidal form - with a very low toxicity, especially in
the minimal amounts necessary. It appears rapidly absorbed and
consequently active even in the exceptional small amounts used.
As the subjective and objective effects upon the neoplastic
diseases are generally seen even with very little amounts, and
within a short time, the method represents an important progress
in the treatment of these conditions.
A method for making a composition containing a fatty acid or fatty
ester compound and copper. The compositions produced by the
method. Administration of these compositions to a patient to
increase the copper content of cells or tissue having a copper
deficiency or to treat at least some of the symptoms of diseases
or adverse effects caused by this copper deficiency.
It is known that the abnormal cells in general and the neoplastic
cells in particular are poor in copper, a fact which is considered
as including and enhancing their abnormal character. It is also
known that the blood plasma of subjects with such abnormal
conditions is especially rich in copper, apparently due to the
body's attempt to correct the cellular copper deficiency. The form
under which the copper is circulating in the blood, that is,
mainly as ceruloplasmin, however, is not the proper form from
which the copper can be taken by the abnormal cells.
Summary of the Invention
The invention comprises novel compositions of fatty acids, ester,
or oils which include copper incorporated therein. These
composition are made by heating the oil component to a temperature
of at least above 230 C for a sufficient time to incorporate a
predetermined amount of copper into the oil. At least about 0.1%
can be used, although between 1 and 10% is preferred.
These compositions of the invention may be administered to a
patient who has cells or tissue which are deficient in copper to
increase the copper content as well as to treat the symptoms of
diseases or adverse effects caused by the copper deficient cells
or tissue.
Detailed Description of the Invention
I have found that in general, the abnormal cells and tissues in
the body have free lipids. Thus, a lipid or compound having a
lipidic character introduced into the body can be selectively
taken by the abnormal cells. Accordingly, it is believed that a
copper compound having lipidic properties is useful as a
therapeutic agent for patients who have such abnormal cells.
I have found that copper can be incorporated in the molecule of a
fatty acid by heating together an organic or inorganic salt of
copper with a fatty acid or its oil.
Preferably, the fatty acid or oil is previously oxidized by being
heated and mixed with air or oxygen. The mixtures of copper and
fatty acids or oil are heated at a temperature above about 2300C
for a time until an exothermic reaction is observed, which
reaction indicates that the incorporation is taking place.
Examples of the copper/fatty acid or oil compositions that can be
used according to the invention include the reaction products of
allylic unsaturated fatty acids or esters and a copper salt. These
reaction products are produced by heating a liquid composition
containing a fatty acid or fatty ester, structurally characterized
by allylic unsaturation with a copper salt. Applicant believes
that any copper salt is suitable for this invention. Preferably,
the copper salt is an organic copper salt such as cupric acetate,
and the liquid is preferably oxidized for example, by bubbling air
or oxygen through the reaction mixture.
The allylically unsaturated compound is preferably a naturally
occurring oil containing polyunsturated fatty'esters, such as an
animal, vegetable, or fish oil, and, particularly, polyunsaturated
vegetable oils. Sesame oil, a vegetable oil consisting largely of
triglycerides, is the most advantageous composition found to date
in the practice of this invention.
The composition utilized should contain a significant percentage
of molecular species having allylic moieties to render the
compositions useful according to the invention.
Such moieties are indicated by the following partial structures
-CH=CH-CH2-CH=CH- and/or -CH=CH-CH=CH-CH2-, As indicated, the
unsaturation can be conjugated or nonconjugated, but the
composition must contain allylic methylene hydrogen.
Such compositions may initially be oxidized or heated in the
presence of air or oxygen at the temperature range between about
1000C and about 1500C. The oxygen can be obtained by merely
heating the composition in a vessel which is open to the
atmosphere, but preferably and advantageously, the source of
oxygen is a gas such as air which is injected into the heated oil.
Introduction of air also provides a source of agitation.
The heating step is conducted for a period of from about 15
minutes to about two hours. The temperature should be maintained
at an upper limit within the range of about 2300C to 2500C, and
preferably about 2350C to 2400C. These temperature limitations are
based on a heating time of about one-half hour.
The temperatures can be altered within limits depending on the
time of heating For example, when the temperature is about 235 C,
the time is about one-half hour, while temperatures as high as
2500C require a shorter period of time for heating.
Higher temperatures for a prolonged period of time tend to degrade
the composition and should thus be avoided.
Agitation, by stirring for example, aids in the reaction, and
experiments to date indicate that a fairly violent stirring is
advantageous. The introduction of air into the mixture during the
heating is also very advantageous, particularly when the mixture
is not subjected to prolonged heating and thus, is the preferred
method. The mixing or stirring can be accomplished with the
introduction of the air.
After the reaction has taken place, the mixture is cooled. The
remaining fluid is ready for use after appropriate sterilization
for injection or incorporated into capsules, such as gelatin, for
oral administration.
The precise nature of the compositions which result from the
above-described treatment or the identity of the effective
component or components is not presently known. It is known,
however, that these compositions do include copper and that a
proportion of copper in the range of about 1 to 10 weight percent
has been found to be effective.
As mentioned above, although any copper salt may be used, an
organic salt of copper, such as cupric acetate, is preferred, with
the copper bonding the eleostearic acid present in this oil.
Although any amount above 0.1% of copper incorporated into the
composition is useful, the preferred amount ranges between about 1
to 10 weight percent.
The products obtained have the copper incorporated in general at
the level of the double bonds of the different unsaturated fatty
acids, this causes their toxicity to be exceptionally low. The
injection of 1 ml of a product having 5% copper to a mouse does
not kill it.
The incorporated copper composition may be administered orally, by
injections, sublingually or rectally in the appropriate
The incorporated copper is believed to be absorbed by the abnormal
cells, thus compensating for their low copper content. This
treatment produces objective and subjective improvement in the
conditions, of patients having a variety of diseases based upon
such abnormal cells. The neoplastic diseases are examples of
diseased in which low cellular copper abnormal cells are found.
Such low cellular copper abnormal cells are believed cause an
anabolic imbalance in the body. This anabolic imbalance can be
analyzed and diagnosed by blood and urine analyses. An
eosinophilia (above 100/cmm), a low red cell sedimentation rate
(below 15 ml/l hour), a low serum potassium (below 4.5 mEq), a
urinary alkaline pH (above 7), low specific gravity (below 1.016),
high surface tension (above 89 dynes/cm), and high calcium or
chloride excretion are indications of an anabolic imbalance. (The
opposite analyses would indicate a catabolic imbalance.)
These analyses and clinical manifestations have to be changed by
the administration of the incorporated copper compound. In a 5%
copper incorporated preparation, amounts from about 2 to 10 ml
daily are predilectly used for the treatment of this anabolic
imbalance.For the neoplastic conditions with catabolic imbalances,
low doses from 1/10 to 2 ml daily are predilectly used. In general
the higher the dose used, the better are the clinical results.
Interesting results are those concerning pain, the changes induced
in the lesions manifesting first an action upon pain. Manifest
changes in the tumors and in the subjective manifestations of the
neoplastic diseases are obtained even in a very short time. Thus,
the incorporated copper appears as a predilect treatment of the
symptoms of neoplastic conditions, and possibly to the treatment
of such condition themselves.
Good results were also obtained in the use of the incorporated
copper compounds for the different manifestations of AIDS
(acquired immune deficiency syndrome) as well as for the ARC (AIDS
related complex).
Interesting also are the results in almost all the different
conditions, such as neurological conditions, epilepsy and others,
the problem of cellular copper deficiency being a general
pathological occurrence. Interesting is the action of the lipidic
copper products on the viral infections.
The incorporated copper composition may be administered together
with different other agents.
Treating alcoholism or alcoholic intoxication
Metallic selenium heated with eleostearic acid or tung oil
Agents against alcoholism and alcohol intoxication -
produced by oxidising allylically unsaturated fatty acid(s) and
ester(s) to increase peroxide titre
Anti-alcoholism agents contg sulphurized polyunsaturated
oils - and pref contg free sulphur which continues to react with
the oils
Process for the preparation of a product mixture comprising
sulphurised, polyunsaturated fatty acids or triglycerides