Interdimensional Portal Generato
Proof of Afterlife With New ITC
by Mark Macy
Making ITC believable
Today, some of us in ITC research believe it’s time to back up a
bit and untangle the mess — to unboggle the minds that have been
badly boggled. First, we have to develop an ITC system that
provides convincing contacts under any conditions, in a mixed
crowd. A number of us have been working on such systems. I’ve had
some encouraging results in Colorado over the past year with a
special subtle energy device called a "luminator."
The author and the "Luminator"
The luminator is a tower-shaped device about four feet high (1.3
meters), which radically alters the environment in an area that
extends about 100 feet (30 meters) in all directions from the
device. It has two internal fans which move air over a series of
liquid-filled rings. As the air molecules go tumbling through the
rings, unusual things happen to them, according to inventor
Patrick Richards, including a reverse spin of electrons. (To get
the inventor's own perspective on the luminator, its effects, and
its use in non-ITC applications, please see
When I take a picture of someone with a Polaroid camera in the
presence of the luminator, there is a good chance that there will
be other faces in the picture after it develops a few minutes
later — faces of people who are not present physically — that is,
faces of spirit beings...
Today, the luminator offers a broader view of reality, and I
believe that mainstream science is ripe for another overhaul. A
few frontier scientists, such as Rupert Sheldrake in England,
Burkhard Heim and Ernst Senkowski in Germany, and William Tiller
in the United States, are talking about other dimensions of
reality superimposed over our own, and the subtle energies and
consciousness that can shape those realities. But mainstream
scientists are not listening. Their conventional scientific model
of reality is threatened by these new ideas, and so they are
waiting for indisputable proof.
I believe that the luminator images provide that proof, so I’ve
given my luminator a designation: the GT-21. That is an
abbreviation for "Galileo’s Telescope of the Twenty-First
Century." My luminato r— the GT-2 1— provides a very basic and
reliable ITC capability, allowing simple spirit pictures to be
collected on Polaroid film in a mixed crowd.
The most logical and reasonable conclusion to be drawn from these
luminator images, in my opinion, is that the faces in the images,
which are often strikingly clear, are the faces of actual people
who are alive in realms beyond the range of our vision, but who
can nevertheless be close to us and interact in our lives, and in
the right circumstances can show themselves on Polaroid film.
Other explanations, again in my opinion, (for example the notion
that our thoughts are creating the faces, or that the faces are
just photographic defects) are less reasonable and perhaps more
Incidentally, we have tried various other forms of
photography--35-mm cameras, digital cameras, VHS camcorders, and
digital camcorders--but none of them have shown anomalous results
during experiments in my lab, where only the Polaroid camera has
provided spirit images in the presence of the luminator. (However,
my colleagues Patrick Richards and Jack Stucki have told me that
some anomalous effects have also been recorded at other
locations on both 35-mm film and VHS recording tape.)
Positive Health (March 2000)
Introduction to Bioliminal Photography
Bioliminal photography* is the brain child of an American engineer
called Patrick Richards and, as is the case with many inventions,
its development was quite accidental. Patrick originally created
an instrument (a Luminator) in order to balance air temperatures
for more efficient heat energy management. However, when testing
his technology in various offices he discovered that his machine
(which incidentally looks rather like a large stereo speaker) not
only created a more uniform temperature gradient but also that the
workers started to report improvements in their health. It
appeared to alter the magnetic field of the environment and also
sensitive light meters indicated an increase in light emissions in
the working area. Patrick then made further explorations using
photography in the field. Photographs when taken in this altered
field often produced anomalous images of the subjects – either
fuzzy or with multiple images. After years of research, Patrick
concluded that people suffering from health challenges usually
produced fuzzy or distorted images when photographed while healthy
individuals produced clear and “normal” photographs. A further
development revealed that when subjects held a correct remedy or
appropriate medicine for their condition were photographed within
the field, totally clear images were obtained.
* Bioliminal: Patrick Richards coined this term. Coming from the
Greek – bios (life) and limen (the limit below which a stimulus is
not perceived) to indicate the nature of this phenomenon.
Faces In The Mist ( I )
Mark Macy
...In the coming weeks I plan to publish dozens of strange and
intriguing photos I captured over a 12-year period. The pictures
were made possible by combining Polaroid (instant photograph)
technology with a subtle energy device called a “luminator.”
I bought a luminator from Michigan inventor Patrick Richards in
1999 and took thousands of pictures over the years… until 2010,
after Polaroid stopped making its popular 600 film. I had friends,
family, and clients pose in my lab, and I hauled the luminator
around the country, taking pictures at conferences and seminars.
The rings in the cylinder contain a water-based liquid that
inventor Richards programmed with intention as he designed each
luminator… the way one can program a crystal.
The photos hint at the illusory nature of our physical world,
which seems so solid and real to us… trapped as we are in the five
senses. Somehow the luminator helps to break down the illusion, to
give us a glimpse of the subtle realms that flourish beneath the
surface of our dense reality.
Basically I would photograph a subject while the luminator was
whirring nearby, and as the picture developed over several
minutes, strange anomalies would usually begin to appear.
Sometimes the photos were “normal,” showing the subject clearly.
But more often than not, the developed picture would be hazy, with
strange light streaks and other anomalies. Sometimes unusual faces
emerged from the mist… and those were the pictures of greatest
interest to me, as an afterlife researcher.
The luminator is a tower-shaped device that houses two fans, one
above and one below a plexiglass cylinder with liquid-filled rings
mounted along its internal wall. The counter-rotating fans create
a vortex, like a small tornado that swirls through the cylinder.
The hardware and the vortex together open a portal that
(apparently) allows the subtle realities around us to interact
more directly with our dense material reality....
Resonance — a Key to ITC contacts
Mark Macy
...The luminator seems to melt away some of the barriers between
the physical world and spirit worlds, allowing spirit friends to
move in a bit more closely to get their images on film, and
allowing other strange things to happen. The inventor of the
luminator, Patrick Richards, tells a story of the time he placed
three of the devices in a triangular configuration spanning two
rooms in his house. He turned them on, sat in the center of the
triangle formed by three devices, and felt a very strange
sensation. As he leaned his head against the wall, it went THROUGH
the wall as though it were passing through a light beam rather
than a solid object. He quickly withdrew his head, turned off the
luminators, and has not tried the experiment again since then. He
says it was quite a frightening experience. Somehow the triangular
configuration of the three devices seemed to have created a vortex
to other dimensions, or at least it altered the molecular
structure of things (the walls or the inventor’s body) in this
Issue 26 - March 1998
Biolumanetics - The Science of
Thrifty Engineer
Patrick Richards the inventor/developer of the system describes it
as the science of Life expressing as Light or briefly Life-Light.
The word is taken from the term Bioluminescence that describes the
electro-chemical action in a male firefly when it lights up.
Numerous studies confirm that life-forms emit light.1 In
Biolumanetics we believe that light is the primary/fundamental
expression of life and that we are primarily energy beings with a
physical dimension. In this article we will attempt to inform the
reader of only the health aspect of this life discipline.
The system was developed in the US by sixty two year old American
engineer, Patrick Richards, who has worked with it for fourteen
years. In 1983 he designed an instrument to balance air
temperatures for efficient energy management. The device now
called a Luminator™ did create a balanced air environment – but on
further exploration turned out to have a more important and
unexpected application.
While testing the unit in open plan offices it was discovered that
people working in the environment of the Luminator™ reported
beneficial health changes ranging from loss of low back pain to
reduction of stress and migraine headaches. The results, protocols
and the methods and the markers of this unpublished study
can be made available upon request.
Searching for an explanation for the health changes he found that
the Luminator™ altered the environment in three ways –
temperatures were balanced floor to ceiling and wall to wall, an
altered magnetic field was created, and the available light in the
room was reorganised from normal incoherent light (light going in
many directions) to coherent polarised light. There are several
unpublished papers/studies on this work.
In 1985 he discovered by accident, that the cell light from
life-forms could be imaged in the field of the Luminator™. Late
1985 found him imaging people holding their medications.
As a researcher he has seen, tested and treated over a thousand
individuals who have been referred to him because they did not
respond to traditional approaches. He has seen the following
types; bone and other tissue that would not heal, Diabetic ulcers
and neuropathy, PMS/PMT, SAD, Chronic Fatigue or ME, environmental
illnesses, degenerative problems associated with ageing, arthritis
and hyperactivity in children, among other conditions.
Working with these individuals, long term follow-ups show marked
improvement to total loss of symptoms, without the client
acquiring new symptoms. Case studies are available upon request
to licensed practitioners with specific
needs. At this point it is important to state that all the
“diseases” described above were “diagnosed” by conventional
health practitioners who have a different model of understanding.
In Biolumanetics we do NOT “diagnose” “diseases” nor do we address
symptoms directly.
Biolumanetics is a complete assessment and healing system.
Biolumanetics is the synthesis of many different approaches
including acupuncture, homoeopathy, flower essences, gem elixirs,
colour therapy, kinesiology, chelation and radionics. The result
is a synergistic whole which is greater than the sum of its many
parts. It is an integrated vast new model of understanding...
VRIC Imaging – The Assessment System
VRIC is an unique active imaging system for measuring vitality or
coherence of any life form, human, animal or plant. VRIC
(pronounced Veerick) stands for Visual Reference of Image
Coherence. Organisms/life forms emit light. The brightness,
intensity and the coherence of the light emitted is an indication
of its health. We define health as vitality or coherence. A
healthy person emits brighter, more intense light. In a life form
suffering from dis-ease (we define disease as a loss of vitality)
the level of light or photon emission from the cells is lowered.
So far there has not been a means to see the level of cell-light
being emitted by a life form, as a true physical image.
To make a VRIC assessment we use two devices, a fixed focus
Polaroid camera and a Luminator™. The Luminator™ creates a special
environment in the room which makes it possible to use the VRIC
assessment method. Up until now it has not been possible to know
in advance with any degree of certainty, whether a particular
medication/remedy/supplement/treatment would work for the
client/patient’s benefit. It has also not been possible to verify
in any objective manner, whether bioenergetic and “vibrational”
forms of healing are “really” effective or not. VRIC is a
milestone for all practitioners of subtle energy medicine and
forms of healing. At last spiritual healing, homoeopathy, flower
essences, acupuncture, shiatsu, reiki, colour therapy to name but
a few, can be assessed in an objective manner. No longer can they
be dismissed, as being totally subjective “placebo” effects
existing only in the imagination of the patient because there was
no “scientific” basis for drawing any conclusion...
VRIC photos are taken in a special altered environment – the field
of the LUMINATOR™.
All VRIC photos are taken with a simple fixed focus Polaroid
camera. The only modification to the camera is that we mask the
flash. The film used is ordinary Polaroid 600 colour film.
They are taken from the same distance and in the same lighting
...How does the luminator work?
How do the vortex, the fans, the Plexiglass barrel and the
liquid-filled rings of the luminator work together to allow
nonphysical faces to appear on Polaroid film? I can only speculate
at this time.
First, an internet search for “vortex experiments” yields dozens
of research projects underway in the world that are studying
storms, climate modeling, formation of droplets, hydrodynamics,
static electricity, multidimensional energy transference,
anti-gravity, thrusters, sunspots, superconductors, magnetics,
pure electron plasma, and ionic interactions. It’s evident, then,
that vortices can have significant and varied effects on their
surroundings. Assuming that most of these researchers are onto
something, then it’s possible that the vortex formed by the fans
in the luminator might have some influence upon the interaction
between the physical and nonphysical realms and upon the entities
inhabiting those realms.
Also, the water-based liquid in the rings within the luminator are
said to be programmed to certain frequencies, which might have
some bearing on the resonant frequencies of the entities in
nonphysical realms.
As I mentioned, these are just speculations. Certain knowledge of
how and why the luminator facilitates the faces is not known; nor
is it necessary as long as we can accept that the nonphysical
faces in the photos are genuine, and as long as we know that the
luminator facilitates them. With that knowledge, we can answer
other questions in the future, as we gain a better understanding
of these nonphysical realms and how they interplay with our world.
For now I can safely state that the luminator and the Polaroid
process implemented in low-lighting conditions seem to be key
factors. I’ve captured no nonphysical faces in photos that I’ve
taken without the luminator present. And with the luminator
running I have tried 35mm film, digital cameras, and various types
of digital and analog video cameras, all without ever getting a
nonphysical face in a picture. Only with a Polaroid camera with
the luminator running do I get results.
When using a Polaroid camera I mask the flash unit with black tape
and score a hole in the tape the size of a sesame seed. That
allows just a small flicker of light to escape during each
exposure. Indoor lighting of overhead incandescence and
fluorescence induce the best results. Sunlight and halogen
lighting yield poor results...