Hector P. TORRES
A way to operate a motor at high impedances
with a lower reflective power loss at idle mode...
Allegedly also an overunity generator
Thought it would be nice to have at least 1 way of making
electricity with all these projects here. So, after a few years at
the EVGRAY group, wanted to post this at instructables. The idea
it to use 2 electromotors to create electricity. The Prime mover,
tuned to use a low Amp, and the mechanical work for the
"alternator". Many files and information bits can be found online.
But let me give you the basic idea of it.
Step 1:
The Roto Verter (RV) is originally the intellectual property of
Hector D Perez Torres. Hector has publicly released information on
the RV makinng it open source.The following RV method plus any
additional open source circuits mentioned in the compilations on
this page all fall under a statutory public copyright (other
rights apply). The RV is a scientific discovery and is covered by
the publication statutory copyrights for 75 years. For engineers
wishing to replicate and work with the Roto verter technology,
additional technical support can be found from these forums:
EVGRAY yahoo energy group ... RV replication yahoo energy group
... Cavetronics Informatics ... Over unity forum RV section ...
The Panacea Farm Conversion - The Roto Verter Segment
The RV is an alternative energy device which is currently being
utilized by open source engineers around the world in energy
saving applications, and to transform and understand ZPE when
configured in looped (self running mode) mode...When run in RV
mode, these Baldor motors are the most efficient 1 HP electric
motors in the world...
The following presentation on the RV will be divided into two
separate sections. The first will explain the RV in the role of
ZPE research, the second will describe the RV as an energy savings
Background - Hector has explained to us that in order to acheive
the extraction of ZPE (zero point energy) and to be able to self
run the RV, a prior understanding and experience from using the RV
in an energy saving power management application is vital.
The energy saving RV configuration proves that currently 1HP
(horse power) electric motors waste energy by their inefficient
configuration and that as a result, the ability to engineer a ZPE
transformation is thus out of reach. The RV is an R & D tool
designed to work with those issues in power management and to find
solutions and applications for ZPE engineering.
Technically the RV is explained by the Roto-conversion: A Way to
operate a motor at Hi impedances with a lower reflective power
loss at idle mode. Working similar to a POWER transformer but on
Electrical to mechanical conversion.
Below is two three phase motors configured to run in RV mode.-
Photo courtesy of Hector.
Comments :
djsfantasi says: I read this Instructable with great interest. The
poster has shown great skill in his presentation of the subject.
One of the best examples of a huckster I have ever read. The vague
and unsupported references to science, little proof crying that
more money and support is required for research, obvious disregard
for physics, blah, blah.
While over unity forums still exist, other technical forums ban
the discussion of the topic. I am reminded of Harry Houdini's
crusade of mediums and their responses.
leddewis says: what a bunch self gratifying drivel.! i speak not
of the wonderess r/v but of this long winded pat on the back for
panacea-bocaf and yourself this is not a soap box this is a place
to instruct or be instrucked not preached at i did not see one
word on how, except for that blurb at the start, unlike this
commercial that spewed its praises..
Zettu : Yes, Please someone remove this Advertisement.
IamWe says: Sorry, this is not a step by step instructable. It is
1 enthusiastic story about a device using ZPE? with a lot of
'jargon'. Why no short specs to start with; why no short
comparison with 'normal' motors. This instructable is more a
mission statement, but not made with somebody in mind who wants to
reconstruct this thing. Sorry to be critical about the form you
put this instructable in. I really appreciate this kind of
projects, trying to save energy on household appliances. I wonder
how much energy(money) you can save with this rotovertor on a
sparten11 says: been there done that. Only way to work is to use
back emf to store and re enter the power matrix. action reaction
is only way it works you will never ever get more out than in.
sorry just fact. the only thing you can do is gain more efficiency
or get closer to 100 percent you will never go over. if you did
then we especially myself would be driving in my free power car.
not there yet. not to say it can't or won't be done. just don't
think this is it.I will investigate more. I know several people in
this field and I am know to most of those whom are serious in this
endeavor. If this works I will let you know in a few months. I
will test and evaluate it.
Heer_Lorcan (author) says: 1 year agoReply -- Unfortunately as to
my and others experience.
This works. Test it, read up on it. There are at least 3 yahoo
groups about it. EVGRAY,
EVGRAYTOO and EVReplication.
when configurating the Prime Mover to 460V and use 110V @ 50-60Hz.
The Prime Mover remains cold. Use a High 100mF - 460V oil filled
capacitor to start it. Find the resonating capacitor when rotating
at full speed. This lowers the usage of amp. The second
electromotor (alternator) when changing the rotor upside down.
(look it up). Produces more amperage then the Prime Mover need to
run. Hope this helps. Here is a diagram elektromotor. Point A is
axis for gear, point B is where fan is. Remove fan. only change
rotor, leave stator in same position as when removing rotor.
A ---********--- B (rotor normal position)
B ---*********--- A (rotor upside down)
Step 2 :
Pictured before are two RV's coupled together. One is acting as a
generator and the other is acting as a prime mover. On the hand
right side the meter shows the generator's reactive power out put.
On the left hand side is showing the RV's prime mover's input in
watts.The reactive power shows:
119.8 x .8 = 95.84W INPUT
203 x 5.1 * 1.732 = 1793 of virtual reactive power
Potential COP = 18.7
From this picture one can see what is conventionally regarded as
"reactive power" operating
in the RV. The intent is to extract this reactive power into
usable watts and create a
condition that is non reflective to the source, or input side.
Several versions of these
configurations are presently on the R and D design board.
There have been reports of various individuals who have converted
the captured reactive power back into a usable form of energy.
These individuals and methods are listed in the technical
compilations as a point of reference. To date (2009) none of these
referenced methods have made it into public hands.
Also none of these methods have been given to the public open
source.The only method which has ever made it into public hands is
the open source process disclosed by Hector. This is by using the
RV's unique power management teachings and principles. At this
stage the training starts with the application of the RV in energy
savings applications. This is then able lead to a higher power
amplification understanding (tunning). This must be understood and
experimented in steps.
Step 4:
This is another device like the RV which has demonstrated
potencial over unity efficiency and is needing further study to
extract the power in a condition which is non reflective to the
source. Here is a technical and instructional compilation.
Trans-Verter research and development
The research and development of the RV has been extended and
perfected by open source engineers known to Panacea-BOCAF, many
improvements and potential are shown in the technical compilation
mentioned on this page.
We must state again that to reach the capacity this research and
development has, the RV and engineers known to Panacea- BOCAF need
to make it into a resourced backed granted environment, where
their disclosures can be secured into public knowledge and
The RV can also be applied into cogeneration roles with certain
expired energy patents which the public can also benefit from. To
date certain expired patents are able be fused with the RV. Many
generators can be adopted to the RV prime mover and run in RV mode
for high efficiency use as Norman Wootan proved in his replicated
test. Further technical details of this are contained in the
compilations mentioned on this page.
Hector plans to experiment with the Ekhlin brown patent as a
generator attached to the RV. Another one of the expired
patents which can be used in cogeneration with the RV technology
is the expired lee Rogers’s air car patent. Further technical
detail are contained in the compilations mentioned on this page.
The concept disclosed by Hector is to run Solar + RV + air
compressor + lee Rogers patent.
The expired patent can be built and tested with the RV and
publicly disclosed and owned. To date an open sourced team member
of Panacea is working to perfect this RV-Rogers co-generation, but
is under resourced and lacks the time needed and money to complete
the project. In the centre this will be resolved.
Advanced RotoVerter R&D
[ PDF ]
RotoVerter Energy Saving Applications
[ PDF ]
A Practical Guide to Free-Energy
Patrick J. Kelly
Chapter 2
Moving Pulsed Systems
[ PDF ]
Grumpy ( 2010-10-27 )
I have a friend that said he has a rotoverter and it provides 80%
of his energy requirements (electricity that is). I found this
science fair report interesting (From USC):
The students do state that they produced excess reactive power,
and mention two possible methods of extracting this. Anyone have
any experience with the Rotoverter?
hartiberlin on May 19, 2007
This seems to be the best introduction video of the technology:
Here are the instructions on how to extract resonance from the
(written by patrick kelly in collaboration with davidkou)
(photos by davidkou, the originator of deliverance/neonpeak
extract work on RotoVerter)
Synopsis + circuit schematic at:
More info at
The PDF starts with:
"A very effective additional circuit has been developed by David
Kousoulides. This circuit allows extra current to be drawn off a
RotoVerter while it is running, without increasing the input power
needed to drive the RotoVerter. David's circuit can be used with a
wide range of systems, but here it is being shown as an addition
to the RotoVerter system, raising it's efficiency even higher than
As is common with many effective circuits, it is basically very
simple looking, and it's apparent operation is easily explained.
The objective is to draw additional current from the RotoVerter
and use that current to charge one or more batteries, without
loading the RotoVerter at all. The current take off is in the form
of a rapid series of current pulses which can be heard as a series
of faint clicks when fed into the battery.
I have a 600 lb. rotoverter on my driveway. 25 horse power 1160
rpm. It will run on an 120 volt ac lamp cord. It is supposed to
pull over 30 amps at 460 volts. This is my third and largest
rotoverter. I could never be sure on the small ones if my
measurements were correct. Now I am sure. I tested with the Phil
Woods double plug and dc motor system and just with a prony brake
and analog ammeter. It is never over unity. At it's best it can be
tuned to put out 1 hp using about 2% more energy than 746 watts.
In other words it is a dud. Who wants a 600 lb. one horsepower
motor... It has to be re-tuned for each load. Tesla was the
greatest motor man who ever lived. Where is his rotoverter patent?
If there is anyone who would like to prove me wrong on this they
are welcome to come here and test this. I would love to be wrong.
And no I won't spend any more time on it. Anyone who wants to use
it may do so just as long as they come here and spend their time.
I watch rotoverter work with mild interest. My results were much
the same. Possible cost savings if you build a controller to
handle idle rpms.
What gets me is some recent inventor gets the credit when farmers
have been doing this for many decades. It is a solution for
operating 3 phase motors on single phase. The efficiency is always
very poor except when idling. They all run like a badly timed
Harley V.
More from bolt
Re: ROTOVERTER (2010-10-30 )
No one ever said RV is OU but its a VERY efficient motor like
99%. It can never go OU within itself unless method used to
cover the 1% losses. If it could and it has happened under certain
pulse drive conditions the motor goes into incremental frequency
latches and accelerated to 30,000 rpm and explodes like a bomb.
Best I seen is 10HP motor running on 11 watts. So where does the
energy come from which is actually driving the motor? The answer
is magnetic! Like newman the "power" in converts to VARS and high
volts no amps creates local electron spin stress creates high
magnetic fields. Its this which drives the motor the 11 watts is
just the "energiser". To see this in action is 1000 times more
exhilarating than any joule theif flashing an LED or ######
bicycle wheel:)
BUT it can go OU when driving another 3 phase motor and use
the 3rd phase leading edge as gain typical 1.618 by the book and i
have seen it draw 100 watts and provide 160 watts o/p on several
occasions. Or you can drive a single phase motor and use that to
recover the losses to the prime mover. This method has been looped
and documented using pulley 5:1 ratio, banks of caps and 1000 watt
inverter to get the thing started.
The best gains are when RV drives an axial perm mag generator. Or
you can make one by modifying off shelf 3 phase motor and fit neos
on the rotor to make a synchronous generator. This will provide a
PF >1 back into the mains supply and drastically lower the
electric bill.
I don't have time to trawl the net to show you all the experiments
but looping is real i seen it too many times on private skype
calls not everyone likes to shout about looping. This one of the
better ones. A good neo generator is OU only needs the gearing
sorted and cap bank to loop it. THis Would work perfectly without
water RV driven.
Quote from: iflewmyown on October 30, 2010, 05:51:48 PM@GK
The rotoverter is a myth in my opinion. It is an efficient motor
but I don't need a 600 lb. one horsepower motor. Joseph Newman has
a similar problem in that his machine puts a tiny fraction of
horsepower for its size. I have a pump in a solar tank of 4000
gallons that will pump the same gallons as Newman's multi-ton
setup. It uses ten times as much energy as Newman's (400 versus 44
watts) but Newman's setup would not even fit in my tank which is
8' x8'.
Hector advised you NOT to use a 600lb motor as RV efficiency works
best on motors 3 to 10 HP. Also while RV works to about 1/4 plated
value this is only true for 50/60Hz operation. Now you are stuck
with a monster on your drive which requires a crane to move it.
This means a 10hp motor usually only 72% efficient can run at 99%
efficient at 2.5 HP in RV mode.
If you need 50 HP from a 10hp motor while running it in pure RV
mode then change the bearings to HS ceramics, balance the rotor
and run it at 30,000RPM and you get your 50HP. The faster you run
the more horses:) Of course needs pulse drive and will still idle
on a few watts at full speed.
Now can you see why Newman motor is only a demonstrator of
resonance technology but impracticable? RV is good off the shelf
and can be tweaked at very low cost ie bearings and frequency
drive will piss over anything else bang for bucks. Even Newman
knows this as stated in his video "speed is power" but his pile of
junk motor can hardly muster 300 rpm LOL
Explanation of energy savings using the RV
Running three-phase motors in the RV mode is a method to operate a
motor at high-impedance to its input source by using electrical
resonant principles. In RV mode the three-phase motor is wired to
operate from one-phase power by using the addition of start and
run capacitors to generate the third phase.
The RV principle is based on matching the source to the needs of
the load (as referenced by Nikola Tesla) by tuning capacitors
values to the load REQUIREMENTS. This will result in an as yet
unrecognized superior power management with many other advantages.
The process of electrical resonance in the process of the RV
allows a lower reflective power loss/draw when the motor idles.
When the motor is loaded, the RV functions the same as a true
transformer does.
An electrical transformer uses minimal energy in its primary
winding when unloaded. The RV functions the same by using minimal
energy at its input when its MECHANICAL output is unloaded. This
is the most efficient Power On demand process; Normal electric
motor engineering design has an inefficient power management
The RV solves this design flaw and also makes practical solar
co-generation possible (consult video: RV running on solar
panels), where previously it would have been impossible. The
benefit of running motors in RV mode results in superior energy
savings when used in the role of industrial and commercial
machinery, intermittently in rotary punch applications.
Even at this very early R&D (of energy savings) stage, all 1-2
horse powered motors that are run in the RV mode can save energy
in applications which employ a lathe, a drill a grinder a rotary
saw, a reciprocating pump, and also vacuum pumps. But this is only
the beginning.
Technically, when operating a motor in RV mode, at the start of
the process the function is resonant; as the squirrel cage motor
attains rotation the conditions allow a an impedance match with
the line input power source. As you load this tuned resonant state
it tends to go back to a semi resonant state where the power can
be used more efficiently than in a normal electrical motor design.
Another explanation of energy savings using RV mode
A "rotoverted" AC motor can best be described as an off-shelf
3-phase AC motor with its phases reconnected very simply to run on
single phase AC input (house grid for example), and with only 2 of
the 3 phases in the motor connected to power source. START and RUN
AC caps are connected between phases 2 and 3 (#3 being the
"unconnected/virtual" phase)
The RUN cap cap be adjusted in its UF value to create the lowest
input draw possible for whatever load the shaft may turning.
(rotoverted motors can be "tuned to load" easily via run cap UF
Various generators and alternators, or even a 2nd 3ph motor hooked
up to work as alternator, can be turned by shaft to demonstrate
"overunity" (more watts output than input)
Any person with ability to read meters and simple circuit diagrams
can build and test a rotovertor power system...AC 3ph motors can
be found for free and very cheap and the hands-on conversion takes
about an afternoon.
RotoVerter is: A remarkable piece of energy saving engineering
that can be applied readily to off-the-shelf components. Utilizes
an AC motor - with a modest change in the wiring, a motor rated to
run at 460 volts on 3-phase, at 20 - 30 amps, can be made to run
on 120 volts single phase, and on a handful of amps (5 - 7 amps).
This is done, by creating a virtual 3rd phase utilizing
capacitance. By tuning the capacitance, the motor can be put into
a self-semiresonant condition whereby the motor runs with extreme
efficiency and is cool to the touch at full rated rpm. This is a
PROVEN technological advance - which can be put into operation
worldwide to help stem the energy shortages reported to be on the
way globally.
This modified AC motor is referred to as the RotoVerter. Several
first-hand who have replicated the device are seeing amazing
results as the extra voltage circulating in the capacitor bank
used to create the virtual third phase, can also be utilized to
charge batteries as well and other loads. The beauty of being able
to run these motors in this manner, is not only the tremendous
energy savings, but provides one with the ability to go SOLAR as
Rotoverter Conversion Process of 7.5HP Baldor 3-phase motor.
Rotoverter Conversion Demonstration Part 1
Rotoverter Conversion Demonstration Part 2
RotoVerter Demo Part 1 of 3
RotoVerter Demo Part 2 of 3
RotoVerter Demo Part 3 of 3