Concave Lens Telescope
Related: SANTILLI, R.:
Magnegas / SANTILLI, R.: Patents
The incredible pictures scientists say
prove 'invisible alien entities ARE here on Earth'
SCIENTISTS seeking evidence of anti-matter in space claim to
have stumbled across a previously unknown "invisible life
form" here on Earth, which alarmingly could be SPYING on us.
By Jon Austin
Thunder Energies Corporation, an optics, nuclear physics and
energy company, claims to have detected "invisible entities"
living in Earth's atmosphere... The corporation is run by
controversial Harvard-educated Italian-American nuclear physicist
Dr Ruggero Santilli... The nuclear physicist says the discovery
was made using the Santilli Telescope he has developed to try to
discover proof of theoretical anti-matter galaxies, anti-matter
cosmic rays and anti-matter asteroids... It uses a concave lens -
the opposite to the convex lenses of standard telescopes...
He said: "This is an exciting discovery. We do not know what these
entities are, they’re completely invisible to our eyes, our
binoculars, or traditional Galileo telescopes, but these objects
are fully visible in cameras attached to our Santilli
Presentation Video
TEC Releases Extended Executive Summary Video of Optical,
Nuclear, and Combustion Technologies.
Extended Summary of Thunder Energies Technologies. Thunder
Energies Corporation presents Ruggero Santilli and George Gaines
discussing the revolutionary technologies being used in their
Optical, Nuclear and Combustion divisions.
Explaining the Santilli Telescope to View
ITEs /Anomalies - Apr 16, 2016
We just took delivery & got trained on the new 70mm &
150mm Santilli telescopes from Thunder Energies last weekend. Here
is a vid showing what can be seen (ITEs / UFOs / UFEs / Anomalies)
with them, typically over power plants & military
Dr Ruggero Santilli: Isodual Telescope,
Antimatter, New Energy, Applications of Hadronic Science

Division of Optical
Equipment (TEC-DOE)
The production, promotion, sale and service of pairs of Galileo
telescopes with convex lenses to detect matter-galaxies &
Santilli telescopes with concave lenses to detect
antimatter-galaxies (international patent pending). The universe
was believed to be comprised galaxies solely made up of matter.
Research has shown that this was due to the inspection of the
night sky with Galileo telescope with convex lenses, since the
inspection of the night sky with Santilli revolutionary telescope
with concave lenses has identified for the first time antimatter
Figure 1

Figure 2 [Click to enlarge]

Figure 3

Figure 4

Figure 5

Figure 6

Figure 7

Figure 8

Figure 9

Figure 10

Figure 11

Figure 12

1. Foreword
Dr. R. M. Santilli, Chief Scientist of Thunder Energies
Corporation (see his Curriculum , Prizes and Nominations ,
Publications in antimatter , and the General Archives ) has
conducted three decades of mathematical, theoretical and
experimental studies on antimatter initiated in the early1980s
when he was at at Harvard University under DOE support.
This extended research has produced basically new telescopes,
today known as Santilli telescopes, which have been conceived,
designed, constructed, tested and produced to detect antimatter
galaxies, antimatter cosmic rays and antimatter asteroids
(international patent pending irrevocably owned by TEC without
royalty payments).
Since matter and antimatter annihilate at contact into light, as a
condition for its existence at the classical macroscopic level,
antimatter must have all characteristics opposite to those of
matter. For instance, matter-light has a positive index of
refraction while, as a condition for its existence,
antimatter-light must have a negative index of refraction (Figure
Consequently, the focusing of images of matter-light require
convex lenses as occurring in the Galileo telescopes, while the
focusing of images of antimatter-light requires concave lenses, as
occurring in Santilli telescopes (Figure 2).
The above features imply that none of the refractive Galileo-type
telescopes existing on Earth or in space can detect
antimatter-light because they are all based on convex lenses.
Similarly, we will never see images of antimatter-light with our
naked eyes because our cornea is convex, and as such, it disperses
images of antimatter-light all over our retina. The sole
possibility to detect images of antimatter-light is via images on
a digital or film camera.
2. Detection of antimatter galaxies
The Santilli telescopes should always be used in pair with
optically aligned conventional Galileo telescopes, both telescopes
having the same diameter of the primary lenses. the same curvature
of the primary lenses and the same focal distances, with the
understanding that curvature and focal distances become negative
for the Santilli telescopes (Figure 3).
Under these conditions, the detection of antimatter galaxies with
a pair of the Galileo and the Santilli telescopes can be made
according to the following rules (consult TEC for more technical
1) All alignments in the night sky are done with the Galileo
telescope which is generally equipped with an eyepiece;
2) All images are taken from equal digital or film cameras in both
the Galileo and the Santilli telescopes as shown in Figure 3;
3) Whether digital or film, the images from the two telescopes are
subjected to the same magnification, until faint images become
detectable over the background;
4) Digital cameras are sufficient for initial scans of the night
sky, although much more detailed views can be obtained via a film
camera; and
5) Images focused by the Santilli telescope are considered valid,
if and only if, they do not exist in the images from the Galileo
telescope under the same magnification.
Since antimatter galaxies cannot exist in our galactic environment
and can only exist far away, their images are faint. Consequently,
the detection of their images are suggested to be done with long
camera exposures, such as exposures for 15 seconds.
This long exposure generates streaks in the digital cameras that,
as such, can be clearly distinguished from the background as well
as from impurities or imperfections of the cameras since said
impurities and imperfections remain stationary.
The tracking of antimatter galaxies with the Santilli telescope is
discouraged at the moment. This is due to the fact that, in case
of tracking, antimatter galaxies will produce small stationary
dots in the camera that, as such, cannot be distinguished with
certainty from camera impurities or anomalies.
Matter-Antimatter annihilation also requires that antimatter-light
must have energy opposite that of matter-light, as predicted by P.
A. M. Dirac in 1932 and verified by R. M. Santilli in his decades
of research on antimatter (see the the theoretical confirmation
and the experimental confirmation).
Under 15 second exposure, the Galileo telescope creates an image
of matter galaxies consisting of streaks of light over the
conventional background (Figure 4) while, by contrast, the
detection of antimatter galaxies with the Santilli telescope
creates streaks of darkness (Figure 5) over the conventional
This is essentially due to the fact that the negative energy of
antimatter-light annihilates in the camera pixel the positive
energy due to matter-light of the background, resulting in this
way in streaks of darkness.
It then follows that a conventional matter-light background is
necessary (under our current knowledge) for the detection of
antimatter galaxies because, in its absence, no image of far away
antimatter galaxies could be visible in the camera due to darkness
of the background.
This is the reason all detections of the night sky with the
Santilli telescope have been done to date at sea level where the
conventional matter-light background is sufficient to distinguish
streaks of darkness.
3. Detection of antimatter asteroids
The detection of antimatter asteroids follows rules different than
those for antimatter galaxies. Since matter and antimatter repel
each other gravitationally (antigravity), antimatter asteroids are
repelled by Earth's gravitation and can impact Earth only when
they have certain value of kinetic energy computed by Dr. S.
Beghella-Bartoli in the scientific work
Therefore, antimatter asteroids hitting Earth must have said
minimal impact kinetic energy or more; they annihilate at contact
with our matter atmosphere; and they produce instantaneous streaks
of darkness (under 15 second exposure) in the digital or film
camera generally in the downward direction of penetration in our
atmosphere. Streaks of darkness over the matter-light background
in the Santilli telescope under 15 second exposure are candidates
for the detection of antimatter asteroids when they have a
direction different than those of the streaks of matter and
antimatter galaxies (Figure 6).
It should be indicated that, at this stage of our knowledge, we do
not know how to detect antimatter asteroids in space prior to
their impact on Earth, because our matter-light (whether from our
Sun or from our lasers) could be absorbed without reflection when
hitting antimatter asteroids that generally are at absolute zero
degree temperature.
One of the reasons Thunder Energies Corporation is involved in the
study of antimatter light is precisely due to the need to develop
new technologies for the advance detection of antimatter asteroids
because, in the event we are hit by a small antimatter asteroid
the size of a football, all our military, industrial and civilian
communications will be disrupted for days due to the extreme
excitation of our atmosphere from the radiations emitted by the
matter-antimatter annihilation, as suggested by Dr. R. Anderson et
al. in the scientific work
4. Detection of antimatter cosmic rays
The detection of antimatter cosmic rays follows rules different
than those for the detection of antimatter galaxies and antimatter
asteroids. As it is the case for conventional cosmic rays of
matter, antimatter cosmic rays are the result of primordial
explosions in the universe.
Consequently, antimatter cosmic rays reach our atmosphere at very
high speeds; they annihilate in the upper layer of our atmosphere;
and their sole detection is that via the antimatter-light produced
by their annihilation that reaches us at the ground level.
The detection of antimatter cosmic rays via the Santilli telescope
is then provided by dots of darkness over the matter-light
background despite the 15 seconds exposure, which feature confirm
the virtually instantaneous propagation in our atmosphere of
antimatter-light originated by the antimatter cosmic rays (Figure
It should be clarified that the instantaneous dots of darkness
created by antimatter cosmic rays by the Santilli telescope are
not caused by ordinary light since the same dots are absent in the
Galileo telescope. Also, antimatter-light is physically different
than ordinary matter-light (see Figure 1 for the different
5. Expected new technologies
Due to the democracy between matter and antimatter requested by
physical laws (such as the PCT theorem), the above advances
predict the possible future development of a basically new digital
camera with pixels detecting photons with negative energy, as a
complement of current pixels that solely detect photons with
positive energy. In the eventuality, the indicated new camera is
developed, the matter-light background is not needed for the
detection of antimatter images.
While it's deep space capabilities are well documented in
scientific journals, it was only by chance that our telescope
detected invisible terrestrial entities within the earth's
atmosphere. Scientifically, this should be impossible because when
ordinary matter and anti-matter come into contact, the annihilate
one another.
So, what are these invisible terrestrial entities (ITE) that have
been observed and photographed? These entities defy our current
scientific knowledge. Some appear to move at highly erratic speeds
while others appear to be almost stationary. Some ITE appear as
dark entities (Figure 8) while others give off a luminous glow
(Figure 9). To say anything beyond this would be speculation. What
I can say is that these entities are invisible to the human eye
and to conventional telescopes and binoculars; they can only be
observed with our telescope.
Dr. Santilli has developed his telescope with concave lenses also
for the study of other forms of light besides antimatter light.
Thunder Energies Corporation is supporting research for the
possible conversion of matter-light, from its conventional form
with positive index of refraction, into a form with negative index
of refraction without its necessary origination from antimatter
(TEC international patent pending).
R.M. Santilli, Isodual Theory of Antimatter with
Application to Antigravity, Grand Unification and the Spacetime
Machine, Springer (2006)
American Journal of Modern Physics Vol. 4, pages 34-41
Confirmation of antimatter detection via Santilli telescope
with concave lenses,
S. Beghella-Bartoli, Prashant M. Bhujbal, Alex Nas
General Review
P. M. Bhujbal, Santilli's Isodual Mathematics and
Physics for Antimatter, International Journal of Modern Physics,
in press (2015),
American Journal of Modern Physics Vol. 5, issue 3, pages
45-53, 2016
R. M. Santilli, "Apparent Detection via New Telescopes
with Concave Lenses of Otherwise Invisible Terrestrial Entities
Independent confirmation: K. Brinkman, “Santilli
Refractors,” power point from a lecture delivered at the St.
Petersburg Astronomy Club on September 25, 2015
Thunder Energies report on the bright ITE detected on
Scientific Archive
Ruggero Maria Santilli
In preceding works, the author has: 1) developed an anti-Hermitean
image of the mathematics used for matter characterized by a map
called isoduality and denoted with the upper symbol d; 2) achieved
the isodual classical representation of neutral antimatter via the
conjugation of all physical quantities and their units, thus
resolving the inconsistencies of negative energies; and 3) shown
that the the isodual (antimatter) light has negative energy Ed =
E, experiences a negative curvature tensor Rd = R
gravitational repulsion) when in a matter gravitational field,
and possesses a negative index of refraction nd = n when
propagating within a transparent matter medium. In this paper, we
show, apparently for the first time, that the only possible
detection of antimatter light with a negative index of refraction
is that via a telescope with concave lenses; we build the first
known antimatter telescope verifying these conditions; and report
the first known detection of images apparently focused by a
telescope with concave lenses, which images appears as being of
darkness, rather than light, thus supporting the negative energy
of their origination. In the event confirmed, these unusual
images may result in being the fiorst detection of antimatter
galaxies, antimatter asteroids and antimatter cosmic rays. The
main result of this paper is an apparent confirmation of Dirac's
[5] original 1928 conception of antiparticles as possessing
negative energy because necessary for consistency with the
negative energy of light in the electron-positron annihilation e+
+ e ! + d, the consistency of negative energies being
apparently assured by their treatment via the isodual mathematics.
The paper ends with the suggestion to test the gravity of the
photons in the electron-positron annihilation and conduct other
truly basic tests on antimatter.
P. M. Bhujbal, et al.
Abstract. In preceding works, R. M. Santilli [1] has developed the
new isodual mathematics and related theory for the treatment of
antimatter at the classical as well as quantum levels in a way
compatible with existing experimental knowledge, and the
prediction that antimatter light has a negative index of
refraction. More recently, Santilli [2] has shown that the sole
possible detection of antimatter light with a negative index of
refraction is that via a telescope with concave lenses; he has
built such a telescope for the first time, hereon called
Santilli's telescope and provided tentative views of the Epsilon
Alpha and Beta region of the night sky suggesting the possible
detection of antimatter galaxies, asteroids and cosmic rays. In
order to initiate the expectantly laborious process of verication
or dismissal of these findings, by using the same telescopes, the
same camera and the same conditions as those used by Santilli [2],
in this paper we present pictures providing apparent conrmation
of the focusing of light in a telescope with concave lenses whose
most plausible origination is that due to antimatter light.
Hyperfine lnteractions 109 (1997) 6}{l
Does antimatter emit a new light?
Ruggero Maria Santilli
Instituto pcr la Riccrca di Basc, Molise, Italy
Contemporary tbeories of antimatter have a number of
insufficiencies which stimulatod the recent construction of the
new iso&al theory b?[,1d on a certain anti-isomorphic map of
all (classical and quantum) formulations of matter called
kofualiry. ln this note we show that the isodual theory predicts
that antimatter emits a new light, called isodual light, which can
be distinguished from the ordinary light emined by matter via
gravitational interactions (only). In particular, the isoduat
theory predicts that all stable antiparticles such as the isodual
phoion, thi positron and the antiproton cxperience antigravity in
the field of matter (defined as ihe reversal ofthe sign ofthe
curvature tensor). The antihydrogen atom is therefore predicted '
to: experience antigravity in the field of Earth; emit the isodual
photon; and have the same spectroscopy ofthe hydrogen atom,
although subjected to an anti-isomorphic isodual map. In this note
we also show that the isodual theory predicts that bound states
ofelementary panicles and antiparticles (such as the positronium)
experience ordinary gravitation in both fields of matter and
antimatter, thus bypassing known objections against antigravity. A
number of intriguing and fundamental, open theoretical and
experimental problems of "the new physics of antimatter" are
pointed out.
Novel Optical Instruments with Concave Lenses
The invention introduces for the first time telescopes for the
detection of images originating from light emitted by antimatter
stars or galaxies whose specifications are opposite to those of
conventional telescopes for the detection of images of far away
stars or galaxies in accordance with known conjugations in the
transition from matter to antimatter. In particular, conventional
convex lenses or concave mirrors for the detection of stars and
galaxies are replaced with concave lenses and convex mirrors for
the detection of antimatter stars or galaxies. The invention also
includes means for the conversion of conventional refractive or
reflective telescopes for the detection of matter stars or
galaxies into their conjugate for the detection of antimatter
stars or galaxies.
Field of the Invention
[0002] The present invention relates to a novel arrangement of
optical lenses, and more particularly, an arrangement of optical
concave lenses.
[0003] There exist today a large variety of telescopes,
monoculars, binoculars, camera lens assemblies and other such
arrangements of lenses, hereinafter referred to as conventional
optical instruments, to focus and amplify light. The light focused
by conventional optical instruments is typically the light that is
emitted by matter at high temperature, including for example, the
light of a star or the light of a flame, hereinafter referred to
as matter-light.
[0004] Turning to FIG. 1, conventional optical instruments
essentially operate in the manner of Galilean's refractive
telescopes, or equivalent optical arrangements, whose main
principles are as follows. Light 2 is attracted by the
gravitational field of a matter body 1 such as Earth, as
illustrated in FIG. 1.
[0005] FIG. 2 depicts a matter-light beam 4 penetrating within a
transparent matter-medium. As a complement of the attraction
described above and illustrated in FIG. 1, a matter-light beam 4
penetrating within a transparent matter-medium such as water 3
experiences a deviation from its natural trajectory for an angle
5. The angle 5 will tend to be positive, as light passes from a
medium of one density (e.g., air) to a medium of a greater density
(e.g., water). The deviation of the light from its natural
trajectory is called refraction, as illustrated by angle 5 in FIG.
[0006] FIG. 3 depicts a convex lens. Conventional optical
instruments use refraction, as described above in conjunction with
FIG. 2, to focus the image of a faraway matter object such as a
star. This is typically done in a telescope or binocular using one
or more convex lenses 6, of the general type depicted in FIG. 3. A
convex lens is characterized by curvature that is oriented toward
the source, as illustrated in FIG. 3.
[0007] FIG. 4 depicts a conventional optical instrument in the
form of a Galilean telescope. A Galilean telescope for viewing
light 50 from a faraway star is composed of a tube 7 containing in
its interior a convex primary lens 6 that focuses the image in the
eyepiece or camera 8. The telescope is completed with a mechanism
9 configured for a fine adjustment to alter the distance between
lens 6 and the eyepiece or camera 8. The adjustment assures that
eyepiece or camera 8 is at the correct focal distance of lens 6,
as illustrated in FIGS. 4 and 5. Binoculars or other conventional
optical equipment for viewing images of matter-light adhere to the
same general principles as the Galilean telescope.
[0008] Embodiments disclosed herein address the above stated needs
by providing systems and methods for making and using optical
instruments with concave lenses.
[0009] The accompanying drawings, which are incorporated in
and constitute part of the specification, illustrate various
embodiments of the invention. Together with the general
description, the drawings serve to explain the principles of the
invention. In the drawings:
[0010] FIG. 1 illustrates matter-light being attracted to a
gravitational field.

[0011] FIG. 2 depicts a matter-light beam 4 penetrating
within a transparent matter-medium.
[0012] FIG. 3 depicts a convex lens.
[0013] FIGS. 4-5 depict a conventional optical instrument in
the form of a Galilean telescope.

[0014] FIG. 6 depicts a convex lens assembly according to
an embodiment of the present invention.

[0015] FIG. 7 illustrates antimatter light being repelled by
the gravitational field of a matter-body.
[0016] FIG. 8 illustrates the refraction of antimatter
light as it passes from a transparent material of a given
density to a material of higher density.
[0017] FIG. 9 depicts a concave lens for focusing
antimatter-light from a faraway antimatter star or galaxy.

[0018] FIG. 10 depicts an isodual optical instrument
using a concave lens as shown in
[0019] FIG. 9 according to various embodiments
disclosed herein.
[0020] FIG. 11 depicts a concave lens assembly that
includes a concave lens and a conjugate lens for reducing
aberration in the viewed object according to various
embodiments disclosed herein.
[0021] FIG. 12 depicts an isodual telescope according to
various embodiments disclosed herein paired with a
conventional Galilean telescope for spotting purposes.

[0022] FIGS. 13-15 depict experimental results from
both an isodual telescope and a conventional Galilean telescope.

[0023] FIG. 16 depicts an optical arrangement of two lenses
designed to decrease aberration according to various embodiments
disclosed herein.

[0024] FIGS. 17-18 depict an optical arrangement for
converting a Galilean refractive telescope into an isodual
telescope according to various embodiments disclosed herein.
[0025] FIG. 19 depicts another class of telescope for the
focusing of matter-light based on a concave mirror 111, rather
than lens 5, according to various embodiments disclosed herein.
[0026] FIG. 20 depicts an isodual reflective telescope
according to embodiments disclosed herein according to various
embodiments disclosed herein.
[0027] FIG. 21 depicts an isodual optical assembly
resulting from the conversion of a Galilean reflective telescope
according to various embodiments disclosed herein.
[0028] FIG. 22 depicts a single convex lens with flat back
surface illustrating double refraction for proper focusing of
matter-light and FIG. 23 depicts the isodual lens of FIG. 22
showing that antimatter-light 301 is subjected to the new
isodual refraction.
[0029] FIG. 24 depicts an improved single, primary, concave
lens with front main concave surface and a back equally concave
surface with larger diameter for proper focusing of
antimatter-light according to various embodiments disclosed
[0030] FIG. 25 depicts an improved doublet to focus
antimatter-light consisting of a primary concave lens an inter
media convex lens to reduce aberration and a back concave
surface with radius larger than the primary one for proper
focusing of the antimatter-light according to various
embodiments disclosed herein.
[0031] FIG. 26 depicts a convex lens suitable for use in
various types of telescopes including Galilean refractive
[0032] FIG. 27 presents TABLE 1 listing manufacturing data
for a conventional telescope with 2010 mm primary convex single
lens and 1.250 focal distance.
[0033] FIG. 28 depicts a single primary lens with double
concave surfaces for the proper focusing of antimatter-light.
[0034] FIG. 29 presents TABLE 2 listing the manufacturing
data for an isodual telescope with single double convex 210 mm
lens and 1.250 focal distance.
[0035] FIG. 30 depicts a flowchart for a method of
practicing an embodiment disclosed herein.

[0036] Various embodiments disclosed herein deal with a new type
of optical instrument that may take the form of telescopes,
monoculars, binoculars or other optical instrument specifically
conceived, developed and tested to focus light emitted by
antimatter at high temperature. Such light may derive from an
antimatter star or antimatter fuel combustion, and is hereinafter
called antimatter-light. The new optical equipment is the
culmination of research in antimatter by the present
inventor—research that began with the discovery of a new
mathematics built by the inventor as a member of the Department of
Mathematics at Harvard University in the early 1980s. Today this
branch of mathematics is known as isodual mathematics. The
telescope, binocular or other optical instruments based on the
isodual mathematics are, therefore, called isodual telescope,
isodual monocular, isodual binocular, or more generally, an
isodual optical instrument.
[0037] Experimental evidence establishes that in the transition
from matter to antimatter there is the conjugation of each and
every property belonging to matter. This total conjugation is
necessary for the representation of the annihilation of matter and
antimatter when they touch each other, to such a level that, in
the event only one property of matter is not conjugated in the
transition to antimatter, would be inconsistencies for the
representation of matter-antimatter annihilation.
[0038] The isodual mathematics has been constructed to achieve the
conjugation of all physical quantities of matter. The mathematics
underlying the conventional Galilean telescope and other optical
instruments for matter-light is characterized by the basic left
and right units +1 at all levels of study. By contrast, the
isodual mathematics underlying the isodual optical instruments is
based on the left and right negative unit -1, and then the
reconstruction of functional, differential calculus, mechanics,
optics, etc., in such a way to admit -1 as the correct left and
right unit. On mathematical grounds, the transition from matter to
antimatter requires an anti-isomorphism in order to represent
experimental evidence, for instance, the annihilation of matter
and antimatter at contact. The most elementary mathematics which
is anti-isomorpohic to the conventional mathematics used for
matter is that whose fundamental left and right unit is -1 at all
levels, including numbers, functional analysis, differential
calculus, or the like.
[0039] The above mathematical and theoretical foundations are
described in detail in the monograph by R. M. Santilli entitled
“Isodual Theory of Antimatter with Application to Antigravity,
Grand Unification and the Spacetime Machine,” Springer (2006), the
content of which is hereby incorporated by reference in its
entirety for use in explaining the theory and principles of
isodual mathematics.
[0040] FIG. 6 depicts a convex lens assembly according to an
embodiment of the present invention. Since faraway stars have to
be studied at the classical level and must be assumed as being
neutral, the isodual mathematics has permitted the classical
conjugation from a neutral matter-star to a neutral
antimatter-star via the conjugation of all physical quantities,
except charge. The above main features can be improved in a
variety of ways. FIG. 6 illustrates a convex lens assembly for the
reduction of the aberration consisting of a convex lens 10 and a
conjugate lens 11, with the flat terminal surface arranged as
shown in FIG. 6.
[0041] Consequently, physical quantities of a matter-star such as
mass, energy, speed, or the like are characterized by positive
numbers usually measured with positive units of mass, energy,
speed, or the like. By contrast, all characteristics of an
antimatter-star, such as mass, energy, speed, or the like have
negative values as a condition to comply with matter-antimatter
annihilation, although said negative values are measured via
negative units of mass, negative unit of energy, negative unit of
speed, or the like. The referral of negative physical values to
negative units of measurement eliminated known inconsistencies for
negative physical quantities.
[0042] There is a similar conjugation for the transition from
matter-light and antimatter-light. Recall that light has no
charge. Hence, charge conjugation cannot be used for the
conjugation of light. The isocdual mathematics allows indeed a
consistent conjugation from matter-light to antimatter-light
characterized by the change of sign of all physical quantities,
such as energy, frequency, polarization, or the like, although
always measured in terms of corresponding negative units. In
particular, antimatter-light has negative energy as originally
predicted by P. A. M. Dirac in 1932 although measured with a
negative unit of energy.
[0043] Following decades of mathematical theoretical and
experimental research, the present inventor has identified and
experimentally confirmed the principles of the isodual telescope
indicated below, including for example, the following five
principles illustrated in FIGS. 7-11:
[0044] 1) FIG. 7 illustrates antimatter light being repelled by
the gravitational field of a matter-body. For example,
antimatter-light 13 is repelled by the gravitational field of a
matter-body 12 as illustrated in FIG. 7.
[0045] 2) FIG. 8 illustrates the refraction of antimatter light as
it passes from a transparent material of a given density (e.g.,
air) to a material of higher density (e.g., water). As a
complement of the above repulsion, an antimatter-light beam 14
penetrating within a transparent matter-medium such as water 3
experiences a deviation from its natural trajectory for an angle
15 which is the opposite of the angle 5 of FIG. 2 for
matter-light, and is therefore assumed to be being negative. Thus,
the antimatter light has a negative index of refraction defined by
angle 15, since the antimatter light is deflected in the opposite
direction by an amount angle 15 as compared to the deflection
angle 5 of FIG. 2 for matter-light. That is, the antimatter light
is deflected towards the left side of FIG. 8 (forward, as compared
to the angle of entry into the higher density medium) rather than
being deflected towards the right side of FIG. 2 for the
matter-light (rearward, as compared to the angle of entry into the
higher density medium). The deviation of antimatter light passing
from a transparent material of a given density (e.g., air) to a
material of higher density (e.g., water) is called isodual
refraction, as illustrated in FIG. 8.
[0046] 3) FIG. 9 depicts a concave lens for focusing and
amplifying antimatter-light from a faraway antimatter star or
galaxy. As a result of a refraction opposite that for matter-light
refraction, in order to focus antimatter-light from a faraway
antimatter star or galaxy, a telescope must use one or more
concave lenses 16 namely lenses whose curvature is oriented away
from the source, as illustrated in FIG. 9.
[0047] 4) FIG. 10 depicts an isodual optical instrument using a
concave lens as shown in FIG. 9. The isodual telescope, isodual
monocular, isodual binocular or isodual optical instrument for
viewing antimatter-light 51 from a faraway antimatter-star or
galaxy is typically composed of a tube 52 containing in its
interior concave lens 16 that focuses the image of a faraway
antimatter star or galaxy in the eyepiece or camera 8. The tube 52
is typically made of a material with sufficient rigidity and
strength to hold the lens(es) and eyepiece or camera 8 securely in
place. Such materials may include metal, cardboard, plastic or
other synthetic solid materials, or the like. The tube 52 often
has a round cross-section, but may be configured with a
cross-section having various other shapes, e.g., rectangular,
triangular, oval, or the like. The tube 52 may be configured with
one or more adjustment mechanisms that allows a user to alter the
distance between the lens(es) and the eyepiece or camera 8. The
device depicted in FIG. 12 is configured with a fine adjustment
mechanism 9 to alter the distance from lens 16 to the eyepiece or
camera 8. This ensures that the concave lens 16 can be adjusted to
be the correct focal distance from the eyepiece or camera 8. The
device may also be configured with a course adjustment mechanism
for making larger adjustments to the distance from lens 16 to the
eyepiece or camera 8. The eyepiece or camera 8 depicted in FIG. 10
is shown mounted at the end of tube 52. In some embodiments, for
convenience of the user, the eyepiece or camera 8 is located
alongside the tube 52 with an additional assembly of lenses
provided to reflect the image from the rear of the tube (where
eyepiece or camera 8 is shown in the figure) forward to the more
convenient location of the eyepiece or camera 8. In such
embodiments the eyepiece or camera 8 may be located anywhere
alongside the tube 52, or even away from the tube itself, so long
as a lens or mirror assembly is provided to allow antimatter-light
51 traveling down the tube 52 to be directed to, and pass through
or into, the eyepiece or camera 8. That is, the eyepiece or camera
8 is configured to receive antimatter-light 51 travelling down the
tube 52 and focused by the concave lenses 16 or other lens
assembly within the tube.
[0048] 5) FIG. 11 depicts a concave lens assembly that includes a
concave lens 17 and a conjugate lens 18 for reducing aberration in
the viewed object. The above main features of the isodual optical
instruments can be improved in a variety of ways. For instance,
for the reduction of the aberration, the concave lens assembly
consists of a concave lens 17 and a conjugate lens 18 with flat
terminal surface shown in FIG. 11.
[0049] FIG. 12 depicts an isodual telescope paired with a
conventional Galilean telescope for spotting purposes. It should
be noted that the isodual telescope does not focus images
originating from matter-light, since the latter is dispersed in
the internal walls of the telescope. In the same way, the Galilean
telescope cannot focus or amplify any image whatsoever caused by
antimatter light because the latter too would be dispersed in the
internal walls of the telescope.
[0050] Consequently, in order to identify which portion of the
night sky is observed, the isodual telescope may be combined in
pair with a Galilean telescope, as illustrated in FIG. 12 with the
optically achieved parallel alignment of their respective symmetry
axes 23 and 24 as well as viewfinders 21 and 22. This may be
implemented by aligning the two telescopes and fastening them
together using brackets 55 and 56. In this way, the identification
of the observed region of the sky is made via Galilean telescope
and finders 21 and 22.
[0051] Both the Galilean and isodual telescopes have a diffused
background light 60 that can create difficulties in the detection
of images via a digital or film camera. In order to distinguish
faint images from said background, the coupled Galilean and
isodual telescope are set to view a given region of the night sky
for a sufficiently long exposure, such as 15 seconds, or any
required length of time from 1 second to 180 minutes or more.
Using a sufficient time exposure will create images in the form of
a streak 35 in the Galilean telescope that, as such, is so clearly
distinguished from the background that its existence is beyond
scientific doubt.
[0052] Contrary to expectations, the inspection of the night sky
via the above identified pair of telescopes has established that
the isodual telescope does focus and amplify streaks 36 depicted
in FIG. 14 which have the same orientation and length as those of
the Galilean telescope. While streaks 35 of FIG. 13 in the
Galilean telescope are streaks of light, streaks 36 of FIG. 14 in
the isodual telescope are of darkness, thus confirming that
antimatter-light has negative energy. The only conceivable or
otherwise plausible origin of black streaks 36 is that they
originate from antimatter stars or galaxies since there is no
possibility whatsoever that such streaks could be formed by
matter-light in a telescope with concave lens. More specifically,
streaks of ordinary light are formed on a conventional digital
camera thanks to the photoelectric effect occurring at the level
of individual pixels, according to which ordinary light hitting a
pixel creates a different of electric potential which is used by
the electronic system to form an image. Since observations have
been conducted to date at sea level, the camera used for FIG. 14
did detect diffuse light originating from ordinary galaxies which
is depicted as a background in the figures. Therefore, the streaks
of darkness repeatedly detected by the inventor and depicted in
FIG. 14 can only be created by annulling the photoelectric effect
at the level of individual pixels caused by ordinary light. In
turn, such annulment of the photoelectric effect is a confirmation
of the historical hypothesis by Paul M. Dirac, the discoverer of
antimatter, according to which antimatter carries a negative
energy. In fact, only a light carrying negative energy can annul
the difference of potential created by the photoelectric effect of
ordinary. In turn, the negative value of the energy of light
emitted by antimatter is a confirmation of the isodual mathematics
based on the left and right unit -1. Note the absence of
contradiction for negative energy since they are measured with
negative units, thus being equivalent, but conjugated to ordinary
positive energies measured with positive units.
[0053] The present inventor has additionally detected clear dots
37 of FIG. 15, as well as darkness in the image focused by the
isodual telescope. The dark dots originate from antimatter cosmic
rays since the dots were obtained from a 15 second exposure. Only
a virtually instantaneous propagation of light under a 15 seconds
exposure could have created dark dots 37. In turn, the sole
scientific origin is that of antimatter cosmic rays annihilating
in the upper regions of our atmosphere with the resulting
antimatter-light rapidly reaching the observer at sea level.
[0054] The present inventor has also detected long streaks 38 of
FIG. 15 of darkness. This too was observed under 15 seconds of
exposure. It should be noted, however, that streaks 38 have an
orientation and length completely different than those of streaks
35 and 36. Consequently, the objects originating the latter
streaks cannot possibly be faraway antimatter stars or galaxies
and cannot possibly be antimatter cosmic rays. The sole plausible
scientific origin is that of small antimatter asteroids at great
speed annihilating in our upper atmosphere.
[0055] FIG. 16 depicts an optical arrangement of two lenses
designed to decrease aberration. The basic concave lens of various
embodiments disclosed herein can be improved in a number of ways.
FIG. 16 illustrates an improvement to decrease aberration via the
pairing of concave lens 100 and a convex lens 101 with matching
conjugate curvature, the latter ending with a plane surface
perpendicular to the symmetry axis.
[0056] It should be noted that the human eye will never be able to
view antimatter object in a distinct way in the manner of viewing
matter objects because the human iris is convex and, as such, it
will disperse all over the retina antimatter light, rather than
converge it into an image. Yet another novelty of this invention
is the experimental confirmation that a film camera 8 is
distinctly better than currently available digital cameras for the
detection of faint images caused by antimatter-light. This is due
to the fact that the chemical processes in a film occur at
molecular distances, while processes in the pixels of a digital
camera occur at distances at least one thousand times larger. The
greater sensitivity of the former over the latter is, therefore,
[0057] FIG. 17 depicts an optical arrangement for converting a
Galilean refractive telescope into an isodual telescope. Recall
than mankind has produced a large variety of telescopes, with
several of them being in orbit around Earth outside of the
atmosphere and the distortion it introduces. Yet none of the
variety of conventional telescopes are capable of detecting
antimatter stars or galaxies. Another novelty of this invention is
the conversion of a Galilean or similar refractive telescope into
an isodual telescope. The conversion may be achieved via the
addition of a removable concave lens assembly depicted in FIG. 17
consisting of a tube 107 with outside diameter equal to the inside
diameter of tube 103 of a conventional Galilean telescope, which
tube 107 is open at one end and at the opposite end a concave lens
106 whose curvature radius is the same as that of the convex lens
104. The concave lens assembly 109, as depicted in FIG. 18, is
then inserted inside the tube 103 of the Galilean telescope in
such as way that the insert of the concave lens 106 achieves the
desired concave conversion of the convex lens 104, at which point
the Galilean telescope is turned into an isodual telescope.
[0058] The embodiments disclosed herein that convert a
conventional refractive telescope into a refractive isodual
telescope afford the advantage of the knowledge of the exact
location of the region of the sky under detection, since such a
location can be accurately detected via the conventional Galilean
telescope prior to its conversion into an isodual telescope.
[0059] FIG. 19 depicts another class of telescope for the focusing
of matter-light is based on a concave mirror 111, rather than lens
5. In this case, as depicted in FIG. 19, matter-light 110 from a
faraway star of galaxy enter the tube 120 of the telescope, is
reflected by the concave mirror 111 resulting in an image on a
camera or other instrument located at the focal point 112.
[0060] FIG. 20 depicts an isodual reflective telescope according
to embodiments disclosed herein. Yet another novelty of this
invention is given by the isodual reflective telescope of FIG. 20
in which the main mirror 150 is convex due to the negative
character of the index of refraction and refection of antimatter
light. Convex mirror 150 is housed at one end of tube 151 the
opposing end being open. Antimatter-light from a faraway
antimatter star or galaxy reaches mirror 150 and it is focused on
a detecting apparatus 114 which is located at the focal point of
mirror 150, The reflective isodual telescope is equipped with
mechanical means for small adjustments of the position of
detecting apparatus 114 so as to ensure proper focus, external
conventional viewer and other conventional components, the details
of which would be known to those of ordinary skill in the art and
are therefore not depicted in the figures.
[0061] FIG. 21 depicts an optical arrangement for converting a
conventional reflective telescope into a reflective isodual
telescope. Yet another novelty of this invention is the conversion
of a conventional reflective telescope into a reflective isodual
telescope. As depicted in FIG. 21 the conversion is done via an
assembly 118 similar to that of FIG. 18 housing a convex mirror
116 with the same but conjugate focal distance of concave mirror
111 and its own detection apparatus 117 located at the focal point
of convex mirror 116. Following the removal of detection apparatus
112 from the conventional telescope, assembly 118 is inserted in
inside tube 120 of the conventional reflective telescope, at which
point the latter becomes a reflective isodual telescope. The
conversion herein considered has the advantage that the region of
the sky inspected by the isodual telescope is known with precision
because detected via the conventional refractive telescope.
[0062] FIG. 22 depicts an isodual optical assembly with a single,
primary, convex lens with flat back surface. Another novelty of
this invention is given by accurate means for focusing
antimatter-light. In FIG. 22, we present the main optics of a
single, primary, convex lens 200 with flat back surface 201
perpendicular to the symmetry axis 202, by showing that a
conventional matter-light 300 is first subjected to a conventional
refraction with angle 203 when passing through the convex lens,
and then to a second refraction with angle 204 when passing
through the flat back surface, both refractions and related angles
being crucial for the accurate prediction of the focal distance as
well as its accurate construction, as well known to the skilled in
the art.
[0063] FIG. 23 depicts the isodual lens of FIG. 22 by showing
that, in this case, the flat back surface is divergent, rather
than convergent. FIG. 23 illustrates the corresponding case for
antimatter-light by showing that antimatter-light 301 passing
through the primary concave lens 205 is indeed subjected to the
new isodual refraction of this invention with negative angle 207
also called isodual angle, but that, contrary to the case for
matter-light of FIG. 22, when antimatter-light passes through the
flat back surface 206, it experience a deflection with angle 208,
rather than the second isodual refraction needed for proper
focusing of the antimatter-light.
[0064] FIG. 24 depicts an improved single, primary, concave lens
with front main concave surface and a back equally concave surface
with bigger diameter for proper focusing of antimatter-light. FIG.
24 illustrates one embodiment disclosed herein for the solution of
the above problem and the proper focusing of antimatter-light.
FIG. 24 shows the case of one single primary concave lens and
essentially consists in the replacement of the flat back surface
of FIG. 23 with a concave surface whose radius 210 is bigger than
the primary concave radius 209 for an amount set by the isodual
focal distance, here referred to the focal distance for isodual
lenses of the isodual optical instrument.
[0065] FIG. 25 depicts an improved doublet 214 configured to focus
antimatter-light consisting of a primary concave lens an inter
media convex lens to reduce aberration and a back concave surface
with radius larger than the primary one for proper focusing of the
antimatter-light according to various embodiments disclosed
herein. The embodiment depicted in FIG. 25 may be achieved by
combining two complementary flat backed isodual lenses 212 and 213
which are similar to the lens shown in FIG. 23. The lenses 212 and
213 are mated at their flat surface 213.
[0066] The following paragraphs include specifications of an
embodiment for an isodual telescope or monocular for the focusing
of antimatter light as depicted in FIG. 10 with manufacturing data
as per actual samples constructed and tested by the inventor.
[0067] FIG. 27 presents TABLE 1 listing manufacturing data for a
conventional telescope with 2010 mm primary convex single lens and
1.250 focal distance. Consider a conventional refractive Galilean
telescope with conventional, convex primary single lens of 210
outside diameter (OD) and 1.250 meter in focal length. The body of
the telescope, also called tube, is notoriously realized in light
weight synthesis substances, such as PVC, or in aluminum depending
on needs. Since such a body is widely available commercially all
over the world, its detailed construction data are ignored, and
will not be needed by one of ordinary skill in the art. Therefore,
we shall concentrate here on the manufacturing data of the primary
convex 2010 mm lens which is depicted in FIG. 26 and its
manufacturing drawing for the indicated OD and focal length are
presented in Table 1 which is provided as part of FIG. 27, with
all data, including curvatures and focal distances expressed via
positive numerical values as well known to the skilled in the art.
[0068] We now consider the isodual telescope or monocular of FIG.
6 for the focusing of antimatter-light with one single, primary,
concave lens also of 210 mm OD and with the isodual focal lens of
-1.250 meters (that's minus 1.250 meters), by noting that in the
isodual optics all isodual quantities, including radii and focal
distance are expressed in terms of negative numbers. FIG. 28
presents a drawing of the new single, primary lens with double
concave surfaces of this invention while all its construction data
are presented in Table 2 which is provided as part of FIG. 29. The
extension of the manufacturing data to the double isodual lens of
FIGS. 6 and 25 would be known to those of ordinary skill in the
art and, therefore, it is omitted for brevity and clarity of
[0069] FIG. 30 depicts a flowchart for a method of practicing an
embodiment disclosed herein. The method of FIG. 30 begins at block
3001 and proceeds to block 3003 to identify information from the
Global Positioning System (GPS). In block 3003 the operator
identifies an accurate consistent with the GPS system, and also
identifies the GPS Coordinates of the optically aligned pair of
Galilean and isodual telescopes of FIG. 12 mounted in any desired
tripod, the details of which would be known to those of ordinary
skill in the art and are therefore not depicted in the figures.
The pair of telescopes are then aligned in block 3005 via
conventional viewers 21 and 22 to a desired star in the night sky.
In block 3007 the selected digital or film camera 8 is set at the
desired sensitivity and at the desired exposure generally of the
order of 15 seconds or more. Proceeding to block 3009, camera 8 is
placed in the Galilean telescope and in block 3011 its focal
position is adjusted via means 9m. In block 3013 pictures of the
selected region of the night sky may be taken. In block 3015 the
same camera 8 may be mounted on the isodual telescope, as depicted
in FIG. 12, following assurance that its focal position is the
same as that of the Galilean telescope. In block 3017 additional
pictures are taken of the selected region of the night sky with
the isodual telescope. Block 3019 involves comparative analysis,
to detect valid images of antimatter object that are solely
present in the pictures taken by the isodual telescope, but absent
in the corresponding pictures taken with the Galilean telescope.
The method of FIG. 30 ends in block 3020.
[0070] The same procedure as above also applies for view of the
night sky taken via the conversion of a Galilean telescope into an
isodual telescope according to FIGS. 17 and 18. In this case,
pictures are first taken via the Galilean telescope, then concave
lens assembly 209 is inserted in the Galilean telescope which is
then converted into the isodual telescope. Additional pictures of
the same region of the sky with the same camera and the same
exposure may then be taken with the converted isodual telescope,
and the related pictures are subjected to the above indicated
comparative analysis.
[0071] The same or similar procedures also apply for a pair of
conventional reflective and isodual telescopes respectively of
FIGS. 19 and 20 optically aligned according to the same rules used
for the aligned of the refractive telescopes of FIG. 12. Pictures
in the two telescopes are then taken via the same rules as above
and subjected to comparative analysis the same rules as those for
the conversion of the refractive telescope into an isodual version
also apply for the conversion of a reflective telescope into an
isotopic version as depicted in FIG. 21.
[0072] The following passages describe operation of the isodual
telescope or monocular in a first embodiment of this invention,
that coupled to an equivalent Galilean telescope or monocular
according to FIG. 12, both telescopes having the same 210 mm OD
primary lens, the same focal length in absolute value, the same
tubes, the same conventional exterior alignment scopes, the same
adjustment for the fine setting of the focal distance, and the
same final detection, whether a conventional digital or film
camera as commercially available all over the world and as very
well known to any skilled in the art.
[0073] Upon identifying the accurate time, the operator identifies
the GPS Coordinates of the optically aligned pair of Galilean and
isodual telescopes of FIG. 12 mounted in any desired tripod (not
shown). The pair of telescopes may be adjusted to align them via
conventional viewers 21m 22 to a desired star in the night sky.
The selected digital or film camera 8 is set at the desired
sensitivity and at the desired exposure generally of the order of
15 seconds or more. The length, in time, of the exposure depends
on the desired length of the streaks so as to be clearly distinct
over the background.
[0074] Longer, in time, exposures will produce longer lines on the
film. Camera 8 is then first placed in the Galilean telescope and
its focal position is adjusted via means 9m after which pictures
of the selected region of the night sky are taken. Then the same
camera 8 is mounted in the isodual telescope as depicted in FIG.
12 following assurance that its focal position is the same as that
of the Galilean telescope, and additional pictures are taken of
the selected region of the night sky with the isodual telescope.
Via subsequent comparative analysis, valid images of antimatter
object are those solely present in the pictures taken by the
isodual telescope and absent in the corresponding pictures taken
with the Galilean telescope.
[0075] A similar procedure as above applies for view of the night
sky taken via the conversion of a Galilean telescope into an
isodual telescope according to FIGS. 17 and 18. In this case,
pictures may first be taken via the Galilean telescope. Then the
concave lens assembly 209 may be inserted in the Galilean
telescope to convert it into an isodual telescope. Additional
pictures of the same region of the sky with the same camera and
the same exposure may be taken with the converted isodual
telescope, and the related pictures are subjected to the above
indicated comparative analysis.
[0076] A similar procedure also applies for a pair of conventional
reflective and isodual telescopes respectively of FIGS. 19 and 20
optically aligned according to the same rules used for the aligned
of the refractive telescopes of FIG. 12. Pictures in the two
telescopes are then taken via the same rules as above and
subjected to comparative analysis the same rules as those for the
conversion of the refractive telescope into an isodual version
also apply for the conversion of a reflective telescope into an
isotopic version as depicted in FIG. 21.
[0077] The extension of the above specifications from to arbitrary
smaller or bigger diameter telescopes, or to a monocular optical
device, is within the skill of one of ordinary skill in the art
and it is, and therefore is not further described.
Other Patents by R. Santilli :
Method and Apparatus for the Industrial Production of New
Hydrogen-Rich Fuels
Apparatus to recycle liquids to combustible gas, heat and
solid matters
Method and Apparatus for the Industrial Production of New
Hydrogen-Rich Fuels
Plasma-arc-through apparatus and process for submerged
electric arcs
Clean burning liquid fuel produced via a self-sustaining
processing of liquid feedstock
Self-sustaining equipment for the production of a clean
combustible gas via underliquid electric arcs between
nonconsumable electrodes
New chemical species of a magnecule
Centerless disc saw with depth of cut greater than the
Durable and efficient equipment for the production of a
combustible and non-pollutant gas from underwater arcs and
method therefor
Synthetic combustible gas generation apparatus and method
Apparatus and method to increase density and energy of
hydrogen, oxygen, and other gases
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