CSA-54 vs AIDS
Ceragenins ( Cationic Selective
Antimicrobials, CSA ) are novel bile cholic acid derivatives
that mimic immune system T-cells & are very effective vs
microbes & viruses including AIDS.
The Salt Lake Tribune
February 7, 2006
Has BYU prof found AIDS cure?
by Bob Mims
This is an archived article that was published on sltrib.com in
2006, and information in the article may be outdated. It is
provided only for personal research purposes and may not be
Researchers, including a BYU scientist, believe they have found a
new compound that could finally kill the HIV/AIDS virus, not just
slow it down as current treatments do.
And, unlike the expensive, drug cocktails 25 years of research
have produced for those with the deadly virus, the compound
invented by Paul D. Savage of Brigham Young University appears to
hunt down and kill HIV.
Although so far limited to early test tube studies, CSA-54, one of
a family of compounds called Ceragenins (or CSAs), mimics the
disease-fighting characteristics of anti-microbial and anti-viral
agents produced naturally by a healthy human immune system.
Under a study sponsored by Ceragenix Pharmaceuticals, Savage and
his colleagues developed and synthesized the compound for
Vanderbilt University's School of Medicine. In his Nashville,
Tenn., laboratories, Derya Unutmaz, an associate professor of
Microbiology and Immunology, tested several CSAs for their ability
to kill HIV.
While issuing a cautious caveat about his early results, Unutmaz
acknowledged Monday that CSAs could be the breakthrough HIV/AIDS
researchers have sought for so long.
"We received these agents [from BYU] in early October and our
initial results began to culminate by November 2005. We have since
reproduced all our results many times," he said. "We have some
preliminary but very exciting results [but] we would like to
formally show this before making any claims that would cause
unwanted hype."
What studies to date show is a compound that attacks HIV at its
molecular membrane level, disrupting the virus from interacting
with their primary targets, the "T-helper" class white blood cells
that comprise and direct the human immune system. Further, CSAs
appear to be deadly to all known strains of HIV.
That would be a welcome development for the estimated 40.3 million
people now living with HIV/AIDS globally, including nearly 5
million newly infected in the past year alone.
"We have devoted considerable resources to understand the
mechanism of these compounds. We think this knowledge will enable
us in collaboration with Dr. Savage to design even better
compounds," Unutmaz said.
In addition to being a potential checkmate to HIV, the compounds
show indications of being just as effective against other diseases
plaguing humankind - among them influenza, possibly even the dread
bird flu, along with smallpox and herpes.
Savage said he and his BYU research team had been studying CSAs
for eight years, noting the compounds' value against microbial and
bacteria infections. It was only a year ago they saw that CSAs
killed viruses, too.
"They kill viruses very effectively and in a way paralleling our
own, natural defenses," Savage said, noting that beyond the
obvious use as a weapon against the AIDS pandemic, CSAs could help
many others with non-HIV immune deficiencies.
Further, the compounds appear to have few limits on how they are
delivered to patients. Although early indications are for
application of CSAs with an ointment or cream, pills or injections
may also be developed - if the compound gets to market.
BYU and Vanderbilt have jointly filed a patent on CSA technology,
which has been licensed exclusively to Ceragenix.
Ceragenix CEO and Chairman Steven Porter said only further
research will tell, but he was optimistic about the application of
CSAs in the war on HIV/AIDS. There are indications that it could
help battle antibiotic- and antiviral-resistance strains of
disease as they manifest themselves.
"We are encouraged . . . that CSAs may provide a completely unique
family of anti-infectives, potentially active against a wide range
of viral, fungal and bacterial targets, including those resistant
to current therapies," he said.
Assuming continued positive test results in animal and eventual
human trials, Porter estimates it could be three to seven years
before the compound is available by prescription. That transition
could be accelerated, however, if the Food and Drug Administration
should decide to fast-track the drug.
That day is still a long way off, though. First, researchers plan
to publish their results in scientific journals, seeking peer
review and independent confirmation of their findings. Assuming no
flaws are found, several rounds of testing would follow.
Most of the nation's leading AIDS experts were attending the
Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections in Denver
on Monday. The event's policies prohibits on-site news conferences
or releases during the conference, and efforts to reach scientists
there were not successful.
Of the few AIDS research luminaries reached, all said they
preferred not to comment on the Vanderbilt tests until full
results are published.
l Paul Savage and his Brigham Young University research team have
invented CSA-54, a chemical compound that holds the promise of
killing the HIV virus.
l CSA-54 is one of a family of compounds called Ceragenins that
mimic the disease-fighting characteristics of a healthy human
immune system.
l Tests at Vanderbilt University indicate the BYU compound also
could be effective against influenza, small pox and herpes.
l Assuming continued positive results, CSA-54 could be available
in three to seven years.
Ceragenins, or cationic selective antimicrobials (CSAs), are
synthetically produced small molecule chemical compounds
consisting of a sterol backbone with amino acids and other
chemical groups attached to them. These compounds have a net
positive charge that is electrostatically attracted to the
negatively charged cell membranes of certain viruses, fungi and
bacteria. CSAs have a high binding affinity for such membranes
(including Lipid A[1]) and are able to rapidly disrupt the target
membranes leading to rapid cell death. While CSAs have a mechanism
of action that is also seen in antimicrobial peptides, which form
part of the body's innate immune system, they avoid many of the
difficulties associated with their use as medicines.[2]
Ceragenins were invented by Dr. Paul B. Savage of Brigham Young
University's Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry and
exclusively licensed to Ceragenix.[2] In data previously presented
by Dr. Savage and other researchers, CSAs have been shown to have
broad spectrum antibacterial activity.[3] Dr. Derya Unutmaz,
Associate Professor of Microbiology and Immunology at the
Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, tested several CSAs in
his laboratory for their ability to kill HIV directly. According
to Unutmaz, "We have some preliminary but very exciting results.
But we would like to formally show this before making any claims
that would cause unwanted hype."[4]
On February 6, 2006, researchers (including Dr. Paul B. Savage)
announced that a Ceragenin compound, CSA-54, appears to inactivate
HIV. This conclusion seems to still be awaiting peer review.[5]
Ding B., Yin N., Liu Y., Cardenas-Garcia J., Evanson R., Orsak T.,
Fan M., Turin G., and Savage P.B.: Origins of Cell Selectivity of
Cationic Steroid Antibiotics J. Am. Chem. Soc., 126(42), 13642
-13648, 2004.
"Vanderbilt University, Brigham Young University, and Ceragenix
Pharmaceuticals Report Novel Drug Compound Kills Multiple HIV
Strains; Synthetic Small Molecule Acts Through Unique
Strain-Independent Virucidal Mechanism". Ceragenix
Pharmaceuticals. 2006-02-06.
Savage PB, Li C, Taotafa U, Ding B, Guan Q (2002-11-19).
"Antibacterial properties of cationic steroid antibiotics". FEMS
microbiology letters.
"Chemical 'blocks HIV infection'". BBC News Online. 2006-02-09. x
Mims, Bob (2006-03-01). "Has BYU prof found AIDS cure?". The Salt
Lake Tribune.
Depolarization, Bacterial Membrane
Composition, and the Antimicrobial Action of Ceragenins ?
Raquel F. Epand1 // Jake E. Pollard2 // Jonathan O. Wright2, //
Paul B. Savage2 and Richard M. Epand1,*
+ Author Affiliations
1 Department of Biochemistry and Biomedical Sciences, McMaster
University, 1200 Main Street West, Hamilton, Ontario L8N 3Z5,
2 Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Brigham Young
University, Provo, Utah 84602
Ceragenins are cholic acid-derived antimicrobial agents that mimic
the activity of endogenous antimicrobial peptides. Ceragenins
target bacterial membranes, yet the consequences of these
interactions have not been fully elucidated. The role of the outer
membrane in allowing access of the ceragenins to the cytoplasmic
membrane of Gram-negative bacteria was studied using the ML-35p
mutant strain of Escherichia coli that has been engineered to
allow independent monitoring of small-molecule flux across the
inner and outer membranes. The ceragenins CSA-8, CSA-13, and
CSA-54 permeabilize the outer membrane of this bacterium,
suggesting that the outer membrane does not play a major role in
preventing the access of these agents to the cytoplasmic membrane.
However, only the most potent of these ceragenins, CSA-13, was
able to permeabilize the inner membrane. Interestingly, neither
CSA-8 nor CSA-54 caused inner membrane permeabilization over a
30-min period, even at concentrations well above those required
for bacterial toxicity. To further assess the role of membrane
interactions, we measured membrane depolarization in Gram-positive
bacteria with different membrane lipid compositions, as well as in
Gram-negative bacteria. We found greatly increased membrane
depolarization at the minimal bactericidal concentration of the
ceragenins for bacterial species containing a high concentration
of phosphatidylethanolamine or uncharged lipids in their
cytoplasmic membranes. Although membrane lipid composition
affected bactericidal efficiency, membrane depolarization was
sufficient to cause lethality, providing that agents could access
the cytoplasmic membrane. Consequently, we propose that in
targeting bacterial cytoplasmic membranes, focus be placed on
membrane depolarization as an indicator of potency.
Ceragenins are a family of bile acid derivatives that have been
modified to yield an amphiphilic morphology similar to that of
endogenous antimicrobial peptides (Fig. 1) (9, 13). The majority
of antimicrobial peptides adopt amphiphilic secondary structures
in which cationic amino acid side chains (i.e., arginine, lysine,
and histidine) are oriented on one face of the molecule while
hydrophilic side chains are on the opposing face. This morphology
has been termed “facially amphiphilic.” The ceragenins effectively
reproduce this morphology owing to their bile acid scaffolding...
Permeabilization of the inner membranes and OMs of E. coli
ML-35p.All three ceragenins, CSA-8, CSA-13, and CSA-54, rapidly
permeabilized the OM of E. coli ML-35p in a
concentration-dependent manner, as shown by the time-dependent
increase in nitrocefin permeation (Fig. 2). The onset of
permeabilization was more rapid with the ceragenins than with even
the potent lytic peptide melittin, used as a positive control.
However, the extent of nitrocefin permeation reached by higher
concentrations of melittin was greater than that observed with the
ceragenins. There were differences in the degrees of OM
permeabilization among the ceragenins that correlate with their
antimicrobial potencies. The most potent, CSA-13, at the lowest
concentration exhibited an increase in permeabilization by
nitrocefin while higher concentrations of CSA-8 and CSA-54 were
required to achieve permeabilization. Interestingly, only
ceragenin CSA-13 permeated the inner membrane of E. coli ML-35p to
allow passage of ONPG (Fig. 2). For CSA-8 and CSA-54 no inner
membrane permeabilization was observed even at high concentrations
well above the MBC...
Structures of the ceragenins used in this study are presented in
Fig. 1, and among these compounds CSA-8 is the least cationic,
with three positive charges, and CSA-54 is the most positively
charged with six. The primary distinguishing feature of CSA-13 is
the lipid chain at C-24. Tables 1 and 2 give data on the
composition of the major lipids in the bacteria tested as well as
the MBCs of the ceragenins for this collection of Gram-positive
and Gram-negative bacteria, respectively. As reported previously,
CSA-13 is a broad-spectrum bactericidal agent, while CSA-8 and
CSA-54 are somewhat less active against Gram-positive organisms
and much less active against Gram-negative bacteria. We have
proposed that the lipid chain in CSA-13 is necessary for effective
traversal of the OM of Gram-negative bacteria and that this
process is essential for bactericidal activity at low
A key step in the activity of the ceragenins is selective
association with bacterial membranes. All three ceragenins tested
possess the structural elements required for association with the
membrane lipid components, including lipid A in the OM of
Gram-negative bacteria. We have shown previously that association
of ceragenins with the OM disrupts the permeability barrier
generated by the lipid bilayer. The ML-35p strain of E. coli has
been engineered to monitor permeation of both cytoplasmic and
outer membranes (15). Results from experiments with this strain
and the ceragenins demonstrate that all three compounds
effectively permeabilize the OM to nitrocefin at concentrations
comparable to those of melittin (Fig. 2). However, only the most
potent ceragenin, CSA-13, displayed the capacity to permeabilize
the cytoplasmic membrane to ONPG, a property CSA-13 has in common
with melittin. Even at concentrations well above the MBC, neither
CSA-8 nor CSA-54 caused sufficient permeabilization of the
cytoplasmic membrane to allow entry of the probe (Fig. 2). These
results suggest that the bactericidal activity of CSA-13 toward E.
coli may be a consequence of its ability to promote unregulated
passage of small polar molecules through the cytoplasmic membrane.
Nevertheless, the fact that CSA-8 and CSA-54 display bactericidal
activity argues that they function by mechanisms that do not
involve such cytoplasmic membrane disruptions that would allow
passage of small molecules like ONPG.
There is a large electrical potential across the cytoplasmic
membrane of bacteria. This electrical barrier can be dissipated by
a perturbation of the membrane that would allow the flow of charge
without necessarily allowing the passage of small organic
molecules such as ONPG. Dissipation of this potential may be the
mechanism by which CSA-8 and CSA-54 cause cell death without
permeabilizing the cytoplasmic membrane to small molecules.
Measuring the depolarization of the cytoplasmic membrane of
Gram-positive bacteria is straightforward using a cyanine dye
because the probe has direct access to the cytoplasmic membrane.
Using a fluorescent dye, we found that the ceragenins, in a time-
and concentration-dependent manner, depolarized the lipid bilayer
of the Gram-positive bacteria tested (as shown in Fig. 3, for
example). A comparison of the percentage of membrane
depolarization after 5.5 min with MBCs is given in Fig. 4. With
all of the strains, a significant amount of depolarization was
observed at the MBC for all the ceragenins tested.
Of particular interest is the observation that the extent of
depolarization by these agents depended on the composition of the
cytoplasmic membrane of the bacteria (Table 1). The genus
Staphylococcus lacks phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) in the
cytoplasmic membrane, similar to most other Gram-positive bacteria
(with some exceptions such as in the genus Bacillus or
Clostridium), presenting instead mostly phospholipids with anionic
head groups (phosphatidylglycerol [PG] or cardiolipin [CL]). These
Gram-positive bacteria showed the least depolarization at the MBC
or at 0.5× MBC (Fig. 4). In contrast, B. cereus and B. polymyxa
have a high PE content in the cytoplasmic membrane (Table 1), and
with these organisms the ceragenins are comparably more efficient
in their depolarization abilities (Fig. 4). This phenomenon has
been observed with antimicrobial peptides (11), and the
possibility exists that ceragenins and antimicrobial peptides have
secondary, intracellular targets that influence antimicrobial
activity. Nevertheless, the fact that significant levels of
membrane depolarization occur at the MBC suggests that membrane
depolarization may be sufficient to cause cell death and may be
the primary mode of action of the ceragenins against the
Gram-positive bacteria.
The lipid composition in bacteria varies greatly, and, in
addition, bacteria are able to modify their lipid composition in
response to environmental conditions and to satisfy requirements
for outer wall biosynthesis. For these reasons, comparative
antimicrobial activity assays for viability with antimicrobial
agents are always carried out under the same conditions of growth
in our studies. In the Gram-positive bacterium E. faecalis, the
cytoplasmic membrane, besides PG and CL, consists of 20% lysyl-PG,
a cationic lipid that would neutralize some of the membrane's
negative charge (Table 1), and 26% phosphatidylkojibiosyl
diglycerol, an uncharged lipid covalently linked to the
polyglycerol moieties of lipoteichoic acid through a
phosphodiester linkage (12). This lipid acts as an anchor between
the membrane and the cell wall, with its fatty acids embedded in
the membrane and the lipoteichoic acid extending from the surface
of the membrane. With this lipid profile, E. faecalis proved to be
similar to the Bacillus strains tested, which contain substantial
amounts of PE, in its susceptibility to membrane depolarization by
the ceragenins. This contrasts with S. aureus, which has a much
larger residual amount of negative charge in its membrane. The
finding that E. faecalis behaves similarly to other Gram-positive
bacteria with high PE content suggests that the property of
enhancing membrane depolarization is not a consequence of the
specific structure of PE but, rather, of having zwitterionic or
uncharged lipids in the cytoplasmic membrane, with biophysical
properties different from those of the major anionic lipids, PG
and CL. A similar situation was found with Streptococcus pyogenes
in its susceptibility to the action of AMPs (8).
Membrane depolarization experiments with Gram-negative bacteria
are complicated by the permeability barrier of the OM, which
impedes access of the fluorescent probe to the cytoplasmic
membrane. Access to the cytoplasmic membrane can be facilitated by
EDTA, which disrupts the ion-mediated cross-linking of lipid A in
the OM, making the bilayer more permeable. As described above,
binding to lipid A by ceragenins also results in permeabilization
of the OM. This activity of EDTA and the ceragenins can be
observed in the loss of fluorescence of the probe after addition
of these agents, which is likely caused by incorporation of the
dye in the polarized cytoplasmic membrane (Fig. 5). Notably, the
concentrations of ceragenins necessary to achieve permeabilization
are about 1,000-fold lower than those required for EDTA. Because
CSA-8 and CSA-54 display similar abilities to permeabilize the OM,
only CSA-8 and CSA-13 were used in membrane depolarization
studies. These studies were performed with three different strains
of Gram-negative bacteria (Table 2), and results shown in Fig. 5
with K. pneumoniae and E. coli are representative.
With relatively low concentrations of CSA-8 (0.5 µg/ml), a drop in
the fluorescence of the dye was observed, consistent with
permeabilization of the OM and incorporation of the dye in the
cytoplasmic membrane (Fig. 5B). At the MBC and above, the
fluorescence of the dye increased, and this result suggests that
incorporation of the dye was competitive with membrane
depolarization. The MBC of CSA-8 is relatively high, and the
OM-permeabilizing and bactericidal activities were separated by a
substantial difference in concentrations (ca. 12 µg/ml). In
contrast, with CSA-13 the difference in concentrations between
these two activities is approximately 2 µg/ml (Fig. 5C).
Nevertheless, with K. pneumoniae, permeabilization of the OM could
be achieved without apparent cytoplasmic membrane depolarization
at 0.5 µg/ml (Fig. 5C). Similarly, with E. coli, at concentrations
of CSA-13 at or above the MBC, an initial decrease in fluorescence
was followed by a large increase (Fig. 5D). At concentrations
below the MBC, only a drop in fluorescence was observed.
Elucidation of the respective roles of membrane permeabilization
and depolarization is of importance for understanding the
mechanisms of action of antimicrobial agents and for providing
evidence of the role of membrane integrity in bacterial viability.
In addition, for Gram-negative bacteria it is important to
understand the role of the OM in preventing access of the
antimicrobial agents to the cytoplasmic membrane. As mimics of
antimicrobial peptides, ceragenins display both OM
permeabilization and cytoplasmic membrane depolarization
activities. These activities can be separated to some extent with
CSA-8 in Gram-negative bacteria. Only the most potent compound,
CSA-13, can efficiently depolarize the cytoplasmic membrane of
Gram-negative bacteria and induce solute leakage, causing a
bactericidal effect. Nevertheless, from studies with both
Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria, it appears that membrane
depolarization correlates to a large extent with the bactericidal
activity of the ceragenins. Consequently, in continuing work to
develop more potent and selective antimicrobials targeting
bacterial membranes, focus should be placed on membrane
depolarization as an indication of potency...
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potential FASEB J. September 2013 27:9 3818
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Chemother March 2013 68:3 610-618
The Target of Daptomycin Is Absent from Escherichia coli and Other
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Antibacterial Mechanism of Action of Arylamide Foldamers
Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. November 2011 55:11 5043-5053
J Parasitol. 2010 Jun;96(3):638-42.
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Anti-trypanosomatid activity of
Lara D, Feng Y, Bader J, Savage PB, Maldonado RA.
Cationic steroid antibiotics (CSAs), or ceragenins, are
amphiphilic compounds consisting of a cholic acid backbone that is
attached to several cationic amines. In this study, we tested the
hypothesis that CSAs possess antiparasitic activities with minimal
to no effects on mammalian cells, and thus could be used as
potential therapeutic agents against pathogenic trypanosomatids.
To investigate this notion, we synthesized CSAs and determined
their trypanocidal and leishmanicidal activities in vitro. The 3
ceragenins assayed, i.e., CSA-8, CSA-13, and CSA-54, showed
several degrees of parasiticidal activity. CSA-13 was the most
effective compound against Leishmania major promastigotes and
Trypanosoma cruzi trypomastigotes, at LD(50) 4.9 and 9 microM,
respectively. The trypanocidal activities of these ceragenins were
also assessed by infectivity experiments. We found CSA-8 was more
effective on T. cruzi intracellular amastigotes when the infected
host cells were treated for 24 hr (LD(50), 6.7 microM).
Macrophages and LLC-MK(2) (treated for 72 hr) showed relative low
susceptibility to these compounds. Our results suggest that
ceragenins are indeed promising chemotherapeutic agents against
trypanosomatids, but they require further investigation.
[ PDF ]
[ Excerpts ]
Disclosed are methods for activating an NKT cell, methods of
stimulating an immune response in a subject, methods of improving
vaccine efficacy, and methods of treating an infection. Also
disclosed are methods of promoting tumor rejection, treating
cancer, modulating autoimmunity and inhibiting allergen-induced
hypersensitivity in subjects. The methods include contacting an
NKT cell with a bacterial glycolipid complexed with a CD1 molecule
to activate the NKT cell. The bacterial glycolipid may be derived
from a member of the Class Alphaproteobacteria.
[0003] The CD1d molecule is a member of the CD1 family of [beta]2
microglobulin-associated molecules. In contrast to class I and II
major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules that present
protein antigens to CD8+ and CD4+ T cells, respectively, CD1
molecules have evolved to capture and process both foreign and
self lipid antigens for display to T cells. CD1a, -b, and -c
molecules have been shown to present foreign microbial antigens to
human TCR[alpha][beta] T cells. In contrast, CD1d-restricted T
cells, or NKT cells, are a population of innate-like
memory/effector cells expressing both NK receptors and a
conserved, semi-invariant TCR (V[alpha]14-J[alpha]18/V[beta]8 in
mice and V[alpha]24-J[alpha]18/V[beta]11 in humans). Like NK
cells, NKT cells constitutively express mRNA but not protein for
IFN-[gamma], evidencing their poised effector stage. NKT cells
have been implicated in suppression of autoimmunity and graft
rejection, promotion of resistance to pathogens, and promotion of
tumor immunity.
[0004] While NKT cells are known to respond to
[alpha]-GalactosylCeramide ([alpha]Gal-Cer), a surrogate ligand
derived from a marine sponge, lack of knowledge of their natural
antigens has previously precluded understanding of the mechanisms
of their peripheral activation and recruitment, as well as their
thymic development.
[0005] The inventors have previously identified a natural
endogenous antigen, isoglobotrihexosylceramide (iGb3), which is
presented to NKT cells by LPS-activated dendritic cells. This work
suggests that iGb3 is a primary ligand for NKT cells. However, the
partial diversity of the [beta]-chain of the TCR suggests that
multiple natural antigen specificity may be possible.
[0006] Described herein is the inventors' surprising discovery
that glycolipids derived from members of the Class
Alphaproteobacteria also act as natural ligands of CD1d molecules
to activate NKT cells...
[0028] CD1-restricted T cells carry out both effector and helper
functions and interact with a variety of cell types, including
macrophages, dendritic cells, NK cells, T cells and B cells,
thereby contributing to both innate and adaptive immune responses.
A subset of these T cells, NKT cells, also known as
CD1d-restricted T cells or CD1d tetramer<+> T cells, are
characterized by invariant TCR[alpha] chains, self lipid
reactivity and rapid effector responses. These cells play an
important role in a number of immune functions, including
antimicrobial responses, antitumor immunity and in regulating the
balance between tolerance and autoimmunity.
[0029] In the absence of foreign antigens, NKT cells are
stimulated by exposure to CD1<+> antigen presenting cells,
such as monocytes, dendritic cells (DC) and macrophages. Classes
of self-antigens that can be presented to and recognized by NKT
cells include phospholipids, such as phosphatidylinositol,
phosphatidylethanolamine and phophatidylglycerol, as well as
sphingolipids. However, not all classes elicit a response in NKT
cells in terms of cytokine release.
[0030] NKT cells also are known to recognize
[alpha]-galactosylceramide ([alpha]Gal-Cer), a glycosphingolipid
found in marine sponges. This molecule has no known immunological
or other physiological function in mammals, but is widely used by
investigators to study NKT activation. Prior to the present
invention, activation of NKT by direct presentation of microbial
glycolipids was not known.
[0031] NKT cells are rapidly activated upon stimulation by CD1d
presented polar lipid antigens. "Activation," as the term is used
herein and in the art, refers to secretion by NKT cells of
IFN-[gamma], IL-4, IL-2, IL-10, IL-13, GM-CSF or TNF-[alpha], or
combinations of these cytokines, upon contact with CD1d presented
stimulatory antigens. Alternatively, "activation" may refer to
upregulated expression of cell-surface markers for activated
T-cells, for example, CD69.
[0032] Activation of NKT cells in accordance with the invention
comprises contacting an NKT cell, or more specifically, a T cell
receptor (TCR) of the NKT cell, with a CD1d-complexed bacterial
polar lipid. Glycolipids are suitable species of polar lipids.
Thus, in some embodiments, activation of NKT cells comprises
contacting an NKT cell with a bacterial glycolipid derived from a
member of the Class Alphaproteobacteria. "A T cell receptor of an
NKT cell," as the term is used herein, refers to the conserved,
semi-invariant TCR of NKT cells comprising, e.g.,
V[alpha]14-J[alpha]18/V[beta]8 in mice and
V[alpha]24-J[alpha]18/V[beta]11 in humans. "Contacting," as used
herein, refers to the in vitro addition of bacterial glycolipid in
solution to immobilized, soluble, or insoluble CD1d molecules, or
to the in vivo administration of bacterial glycolipid to a subject
having antigen presenting cells which express cell surface CD1d
[0033] Activation of NKT cells may be measured in vitro or ex vivo
by any suitable method. An example of an in vitro test permitting
evaluation of NKT cell activation is co-culturing NKT cells with
antigen presenting cells (APC), such as dendritic cells (DC), in
the presence of a bacterial glycolipid activator or putative
activator, and subsequently assaying for IFN-[gamma] or other
secreted cytokines in the supernatant. Alternatively, activation
of NKT cells can be measured ex vivo by administering a bacterial
glycolipid antigen to a subject or by administering CD1d<+>
antigen presenting cells after ex vivo contact with bacterial
glycolipids to a subject. The NKT cells from these subjects can be
isolated by, e.g., CD1d-tetramer staining and gating via flow
cytometry, and subsequently assayed for surface CD69 (early T-cell
activation antigen) and/or intracellular IFN-[gamma] by suitable
[0034] Alphaproteobacteria is a class in the phylum Proteobacteria
comprised mostly of bacteria having two major phenotypes: purple
non-sulfur bacteria and aerobic bacteriochlorophyll-containing
bacteria. Bacterial members of the class of Alphaproteobacteria
are primarily isolated from soil, lakes or ponds. Several members
are known human pathogens.
[0035] The class Alphaproteobacteria includes six orders:
Rhodospirillales, Rickettsiales, Rhodobacterales,
Sphingomonadales, Caulobacterales and Rhizobiales (Garrity, G M et
al., Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotic Genera, BERGEY'S MANUAL
of Systematic Bacteriology, 2<nd > Ed, April 2001,
incorporated herein by reference). Bacterial glycolipids which may
be useful in activating NKT cells may be derived from members of
any of these orders. However, members of orders Rickettsiales,
Sphingomonadales and Rhizobiales are contemplated to be
particularly suitable.
[0036] The order Rickettsiales includes three families:
Rickettsiaceae, Ehrlichiaceae and Holosporaceae. Polar lipids
derived from members of Ehrlichiaceae in the genus Ehrlichia are
contemplated to be suitably used in methods of the invention. For
example, E. muris-derived glycolipids may be suitable.
[0037] The order Sphingomonadales includes the family
Sphingomonadaceae. Glyclolipids derived from members of this
family in the genus Sphingomonas, for example, from S. capsulata,
are contemplated to be suitable.
[0038] The order Rhizobiales includes ten families: Rhizobiaceae,
Bartonellaceae, Brucellaceae, Phyllobacteriaceae,
Methylocystaceae, Beijerinckiaceae, Bradyrhizobiaceae,
Hyphomicrobiaceae, Methylobacteriaceae and Rhodobiaceae.
[0039] Glycolipids derived from members of Brucellaceae in the
genus Brucella are contemplated to be suitably used in methods of
the invention.
[0040] Sphingomonas capsulata is a pathogen of the
Alphaproteobacteria class which is a gram-negative,
lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-negative bacteria whose cell wall lipids
have been extensively characterized. Glycolipids derived from the
cell walls of these bacteria may be used to activate NKT cells in
accordance with the invention.
[0041] Similarly, members of the genus Ehrlichia are
gram-negative, LPS-negative bacteria whose cell wall lipids may be
used to activate NKT cells. Although the cell membrane lipids of
Ehrlichia are not as well-characterized as those of Sphingomonas
capsulata, it is contemplated that members of this genus will
function to activate NKT cells in suitable activation assays, as
well as in vivo.
[0042] Brucella is another genus in this class known to be
pathogenic. The four species of this genus that can infect humans
include B. abortus, B. suis, B. melitensis and B. canis.
Brucellosis disease in humans is characterized as either an acute
febrile disease or a persistent disease with a wide variety of
symptoms. It is a true zoonosis in that virtually all human
infections are acquired from animals. Subclinical infection is
common. In contrast to Erlichia and Sphingomonas spp., the outer
cell membrane comprises a dominant LPS component and three main
groups of proteins. It is contemplated that particular fractions
or components of these bacterial cell membranes may be used to
directly activate NKT cells in accordance with the invention.
[0043] As noted, bacterial glycolipids are suitably derived from
bacteria of the class Alphaproteobacteria. "Derived from," refers
to isolation and/or purification from bacterial sources, and also
refers to de novo synthesis of bacterial compounds, or compounds
rationally designed based on bacterial compounds, using suitable
synthetic processes known in the art. As will be appreciated by
one of ordinary skill in the art, "bacterial glycolipids" may also
include heat killed or attenuated bacteria in the context of the
methods of the invention. For example, contacting a NKT cell with
a bacterial glycolipid suitably includes contacting a NKT cell
with a heat killed or attenuated bacteria, as well as isolated or
synthetic bacterial glycolipids...
Modified glycolipid compounds are provided. Also
disclosed are methods for activating an NKT cell, methods of
stimulating an immune response in a subject, and methods suitable
for labeling NKT cells.
Provided are methods of activating an NKT cell which
include a step of contacting the NKT cell with a sufficient amount
of isoglobotrihexosylceramide (iGb3) to induce secretion of a
cytokine from the NKT cell, stimulate proliferation of the NKT
cell or upregulate expression of a cell surface marker on the NKT
cell. Methods of activating an NKT cell population in a subject
are also provided.
The invention provides methods for decreasing or
inhibiting poxvirus infection or pathogenesis of a cell in vitro,
ex vivo or in vivo, a symptom or pathology associated with
poxvirus infection or pathogenesis in vitro, ex vivo or in vivo,
or an adverse side effect of poxvirus infection or pathogenesis in
vitro, ex vivo or in vivo. In one embodiment, a method of the
invention includes treating a subject with an invention compound
(e.g., cationic steroid antimicrobial or CSA).
The invention relates to methods for decreasing or
inhibiting influenza virus infection or pathogenesis of a cell in
vitro, ex vivo or in vivo, a symptom or pathology associated with
influenza infection or pathogenesis in vitro, ex vivo or in vivo,
or an adverse side effect of influenza infection or pathogenesis
in vitro, ex vivo or in vivo. In one embodiment, a method of the
invention includes treating a subject with an invention compound
(e.g., cationic steroid antimicrobial or CSA)
Biofouling-resistant ceragenin-modified
materials and structures for water treatment
US 8529681
This invention relates to methods for chemically grafting
and attaching ceragenin molecules to polymer substrates; methods
for synthesizing ceragenin-containing copolymers; methods for
making ceragenin-modified water treatment membranes and spacers;
and methods of treating contaminated water using
ceragenin-modified treatment membranes and spacers. Ceragenins are
synthetically produced antimicrobial peptide mimics that display
broad-spectrum bactericidal activity. Alkene-functionalized
ceragenins (e.g., acrylamide-functionalized ceragenins) can be
attached to polyamide reverse osmosis membranes using
amine-linking, amide-linking, UV-grafting, or silane-coating
methods. In addition, silane-functionalized ceragenins can be
directly attached to polymer surfaces that have free hydroxyls.
Particulate ceragenin materials may be manufactured by
(i) providing a ceragenin feed material comprised of ceragenin
molecules, each having a sterol backbone and a plurality cationic
groups attached thereto; (ii) fracturing the ceragenin feed
material in a milling apparatus to produce a ceragenin particulate
material having a particle size distribution with a median
particle size in a range from 5 nm to 20 mum; and (iii) during
fracturing, maintaining the ceragenin feed with a moisture content
of less than or equal to 10% by weight.
Particulate ceragenin materials may be manufactured by
(i) providing a ceragenin feed material comprised of ceragenin
molecules, each having a sterol backbone and a plurality cationic
groups attached thereto; (ii) fracturing the ceragenin feed
material in a milling apparatus to produce a ceragenin particulate
material having a particle size distribution with a median
particle size in a range from 5 nm to 20 mum; and (iii) during
fracturing, maintaining the ceragenin feed with a moisture content
of less than or equal to 10% by weight.
Disclosed are methods for increasing the rate of healing of a
tissue wound by administering a composition including a
therapeutically effective amount of at least one cationic steroid
antimicrobial (CSA). Also disclosed herein are methods of
promoting wound healing in a subject in need of such promotion,
comprising administering a composition comprising a
therapeutically effective amount of at least one CSA.
Additionally, disclosed herein are compounds and compositions
comprising at least one CSA, or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt
thereof, for use in the treatment of a tissue wound. Kits
comprising such compositions and instructions on such methods are
also contemplated herein.
Disclosed herein are methods of promoting osteogenesis in
a subject, comprising administering a composition comprising a
therapeutically effective amount of at least one cationic steroid
antimicrobial (CSA). Also disclosed herein are methods of
promoting osteogenesis in a subject in need of such promotion,
comprising administering a composition comprising a
therapeutically effective amount of at least one CSA.
Additionally, disclosed herein are compounds and compositions
comprising at least one CSA, or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt
thereof, for use in the treatment of bone disease or the treatment
of broken bones. Kits comprising such compositions and
instructions on such methods are also contemplated herein.
A medical device that includes a coating of a composite material
that includes a polymeric material having a void structure and
particulate ceragenin material (i.e., ceragenin particles)
associated with the void structure. The average particle size of
the ceragenin particles in the composite is in a range from 5 nm
to 20 mum, 50 nm to 10 mum, 100 nm to 5 Xim, or 1 mum to 10 mum.
The composite has a high loading of ceragenin particles (e.g.,
about 10% to about 25%, by weight). The composite has good polymer
stability, the ability to release ceragenins from the ceragenin
particles disposed in the composite over a sustained period of
time at a characteristic elution rate, and the ability to kill
large numbers of bacteria and other susceptible microbes over the
sustained period of time.
Articles incorporating absorbert
polymer and ceragenin compound
Also published as: US2012107382
// US2012108561 (A1) WO2012061651 //
WO2012061648 // EP2635118
An absorbent article includes an absorbent polymer and a
ceragenin compound. The ceragenin compound has a sterol group and
a plurality of cationic groups that mimic naturally occurring
antimicrobial peptides. The ceragenin compound is associated with
the absorbent polymer such that upon absorption of a fluid, the
ceragenin compound is incorporated or maintained in the absorbent
Disclosed are methods for activating an NKT cell, methods
of stimulating an immune response in a subject, methods of
improving vaccine efficacy, and methods of treating an infection.
Also disclosed are methods of promoting tumor rejection, treating
cancer, modulating autoimmunity and inhibiting allergen-induced
hypersensitivity in subjects. The methods include contacting an
NKT cell with a bacterial glycolipid complexed with a CD1 molecule
to activate the NKT cell. The bacterial glycolipid may be derived
from a member of the Class Alphaproteobacteria.
Disclosed herein are anti-microbial wash compositions and methods
for using such compositions in controlling microbe growth on a
meat food product (e.g., a slaughtered meat carcass) by applying
or contacting the anti-microbial wash composition with a surface
of the food product to kill microbes (e.g., bacteria) on a surface
of the food product. The anti-microbial wash compositions include
a ceragenin compound dispersed in a fluid carrier. The ceragenin
compound includes a sterol backbone and a number of cationic
groups attached to the sterol backbone.
A medical device that includes a coating of a composite material
that includes a polymeric material having a void structure and
particulate ceragenin material (i.e., ceragenin particles)
associated with the void structure. The average particle size of
the ceragenin particles in the composite is in a range from 5 nm
to 20 [mu]??, 50 nm to 10 [mu]??, 100 nm to 5 [mu]??, or 1 [mu]??
to 10 [mu]??. The composite has a high loading of ceragenin
particles (e.g., about 10% to about 25%, by weight). The composite
has good polymer stability, the ability to release ceragenins from
the ceragenin particles disposed in the composite over a sustained
period of time at a characteristic elution rate, and the ability
to kill large numbers of bacteria and other susceptible microbes
over the sustained period of time.
A composite that includes a polymeric material having a
void structure and particulate ceragenin material (i.e., ceragenin
particles) associated with the void structure. The average
particle size of the ceragenin particles in the composite is in a
range from 5 nm to 20 [mu]??, 50 nm to 10 [mu]??, 100 nm to 5
[mu]??, or 1 [mu]?? to 10 [mu]??. The composite has a high loading
of ceragenin particles (e.g., about 10% to about 25%, by weight).
The composite has good polymer stability, the ability to release
ceragenins from the ceragenin particles disposed in the composite
over a sustained period of time at a characteristic elution rate,
and the ability to kill large numbers of bacteria and other
susceptible microbes over the sustained period of time.
Also published as: US2013022651 //
US2013053507 // WO2013013221
A hydrogel polymer includes a ceragenin compound. The
ceragenin compound has a hydrophobicity/hydrophilicity that
produces a release rate in a range of 0.1-100 [mu]g/ml for at
least 3 days.