Excerpts from
The Energy Evolution
Harnessing Free Energy From Nature
by Viktor Schauberger
( Translated & Edited by Callum Coates )

Implosion Magazine, No. 83, p. 17
The Klimator
"I can generate suctional forces, which act indirectly and are
entirely undetectable. No current of air can be noticed; only an
almost imperceptible cooling, as occurs when air is sucked in
strongly with the back of the hand held in front of the mouth. It
is therefore incorrect to say that I have copied the cyclones and
typhoons of the tropics."
Spec. Ed. Mensch und Technik, Vol. 2,1993, section 7.5.
Cold and Hot Machines - Cooling-Heating
"I have certain devices in my possession that can cool a river
with a temperature of about +20°C (+68°F) down to below 0°C
(+32°F) in a few minutes without any cooling equipment of current
design (ice or refrigerator). The breath-like regulation of oxygen
between interconnected vessels (containing copper and zinc plates)
is enough to eliminate thousands of heat-calories in a few
seconds, or convert them into cold substances. These simple,
natural processes are valid for temperature fluctuations in excess
of 60°C (108°F). This involves the atomic dissociation of air or
aqueous substances. I am now having machines built, which generate
heat or cold organically. (see fig. 27) Heat or cold-producing
dynamos of 1/8th horsepower heat and cool in a cold combustion
process, without fire. The device is both heater and refrigerator.
By means of an organic vacuum, it lifts water or air to any
height, converts water or air into an immaterial form and distils
the starting product, so that any kind of water or air can be
produced. Main criterion: The correct composition of the material.
Study catalysts that separate oxygen from water. For experiments
use caustic potash and zinc, or sodium. To dissipate the
additional heat, bind aluminium and silica with waterglass. The
ratio of 1:1 is not right, because the resultant temperature is
too high. Intuitively it should be in the ratio of 2:3, wherein
the C-substances must predominate. The number of revolutions per
minute should be between 4,000 and 9,000. Basic concept is
planetary motion with suction and pressure on opposite sides of
the catalyst. Depending on the rate of rotation, there can be a
350,000-fold increase in weight or pressure. The device can also
be used to produce the cheapest artificial petrol. With one system
as big as a fist, houses can be heated. On the other hand, any
desired low temperature can be achieved merely by adjusting the
needle-jets. Small motive impulses only are required to set it in
motion -- kick-starter or electrical starter-motor. In a vacuum
water will be evaporated and by means of cold is transformed
(through mutators) into a gaseous state. In my next device air
will be converted into electrozoic energy. ( 1 -- Electrozoic
energy: an animalistic or organismic form of electrical energy. —
Ed.) This is how the organic or physical vacuum comes into being,
which even in small machines consumes about 4 m^3 (141.24 ft^3) of
air per second, delivering about 10,000 hp to the drive-shaft to
do work. If a physical vacuum is created in front of the
suction-intake openings, then the machine itself is drawn forwards
by this force, thus opening the way to the production of silent,
fuelless aircraft (in the current meaning of the word)..."
Fig. 27: The Klimator
Implosion Magazine, No. 77 ( 25 August 1945 )
The Klimator - a New Form of
Synthesising Current produced by a Space-Energy Generator
Central heating with reactive forms of heat
In exactly the same way as happened after World War I, there is no
other solution to the present shortage of coal than to cut down
the forest in order to heat our houses over the coming winter.As a
1. A valuable national asset will be further destroyed.
2. A whole string of new economic disasters will ensue.
3. Nothing will be achieved of any practical value.
Assuming that we are able to fell such a large number of trees,
then, as also happened after World War I, it will be impossible to
transport the green and heavy fire-wood logs to the railways and
on to further destinations, due to the lack of draft-animals and
fuel. What is actually delivered, can barely be burned for at
least six months, because firewood must first be dried out. At the
same time the generation of an unhealthy form of heat, conducive
to the propagation of bacteria will result. People should send me
a few sheets of copper (Cu), brass (Cu5Zn8, Cu9Al4,Cu3Sn8) or
aluminium (Al), which should be 0.8-1.0 mm (0.0315-0.0394 in.)
thick. Steel sheet is hard to bend, although it is also very
suitable. It is not worth having a press-die specially made merely
to build a prototype to demonstrate how this problem can be solved
naturally and inexpensively. Hardly anyone will be able to
understand the essential nature of this new system of heating.
Nevertheless, the attempt should be made in order to create
It is a well-known fact that it is warm below the ground-surface
in winter and cool in summer. These variations in temperature
originate from material changes in the raw materials present in
the ground and in part are also effected through the
cycloid-spiral-space-curve motion of the Earth. These internal and
external changes in motion are brought about as Nature increases
the intensity of the Suns rays in summer by lengthening their
developmental path ( 2 -- In the northern hemisphere summer the
distance between Sun and Earth increases to a maximum at aphelion
about the 1st of June. — Ed.) and weakens them in winter through
the earthward approach of the Sun at perihelion. In very general
terms this enables dense agglomerations of oxygen to enter the
ground. It is the same process that happens in a motor in cool
weather or at night. The oxygen then consumes the residual matter,
which the Earth created during the summer out of the earthly
remains of deceased life-forms with the aid of her
cycloid-spiral-space-curve motion. The movement of sap in summer
and its state of rest in winter are the biological sequel to the
above variations in intensity. These are the cause of the
different motions, which in turn contribute towards the
intensification of the Earths new processes.
It is only in this way that qualigen is to be understood, whose
waste-matter is also involved in the generation of reactive,
falling and therefore concentrating influences of heat. Without
these influences no growth is possible. It is these falling and
concentrating forms of heat that are of interest to us at the
moment, since they can solve the most urgent problems of fuel and
heating quickly and simply. They are about 90% more efficient than
normal methods of heating for the simple reason that they are
produced from the waste-products of qualigen and hence will
function equally efficiently in large, medium or very small
heating appliances. A great deal of time, effort and expense can
thus be spared using this naturalesque method of heating. Wood and
coal will become as good as obsolete. In Nature nothing happens
directly, but only indirectly. Without waste-matter, therefore, no
growth and no gain is possible. As far as present heating problems
are concerned, the trick is to learn how to make use of those
waste-products that generate falling and concentrating heat rays.
These heat from above downwards in the same way that the Sun heats
the surface of the Earth.
For this purpose a Klimator is required. What is a Klimator? It is
merely a type of dynamo that generates natural forms of
temperature, or more accurately, falling and concentrating heat
rays as well as naturally rising and expanding forms of cold. The
latter are health-promoting and lethal to bacteria.
The Klimator essentially consists of three special components (see
fig. 28) and:
1. Is a small, conventional heating element, which is incorporated
in the middle of a sort of selenium cell ( 3 -- Selenium's
electrical resistance increases with exposure to light and a
selenium cell is a type of photo-electric cell comprising a thin
coating of selenium applied to a metal disc and covered with a
layer ofgold or platinum thin enough to allow the passage of
light. — Ed. ), which is surrounded by a material mass. As in a
natural living cell (similar to a protoplasm), all major and
secondary basic elements are present in an allotropic state.
Herein are contained all stocks of allotropic fructigens and
seminal substances, oligodynamic (decay-promoting) and catalytic
(growth-accelerating), exciting substances.
2. Is a diminutive, but faithful copy of the Earth itself, within
which an agitator rotates, which is attached to the end of the
vertical shaft. In addition, the Klimator consists of a series of
nested, rilled, calyx-like ( 4 -- Calyx = the sepals of a flower
collectively forming the outer floral envelope, protective of the
bud. -Ed.) vanes, which are so constructed that the
through-flowing masses, such as water and air, can be
bio-centrifugated. Through the increase in centripetating and
centrifugating velocities, which have hitherto never been achieved
anywhere, increases in pressure and suction are produced, which
reciprocally amplify each other exponentially. This results in the
decomposition of the water and air due to the thorough trituration
of the smallest molecules of sediment, leading to the development
of a hitherto unknown process of synthesis. This gives rise to two
longitudinally oriented types of inward flowing, spiral-like
currents, one flowing upwards and the other downwards.
3. A small generator is also incorporated in the Klimator, whose
armature is fixed and about which the stator rotates.
Fig. 28: The Klimator
The primary product of synthesis, a biomagnetic formative and
levitative current, will not be elaborated in more detail here,
since we are primarily interested in the solution of the problem
of heating, namely, with the function of the secondary or reflux
current. This is a potential with which it is possible to heat up
a space from the ceiling downwards, like the Sun does. It is a
radiant form of heat, which heats the whole space evenly. If the
intensity of the small heating resistance (element) is reduced,
however, for which the rate of rotation of the agitator must be
increased, then the living space is suffused with an evenly
dispersed, rising, expanding and high-altitude-like fresh air. In
this way the natural, reactive forms of temperature are produced
nearly free of cost, through which the natural warmth of the
valley-climate comes into being. It is a mountain micro-climate.
The Klimator represents the most basic developmental form in which
the natural, primary motive forces can evolve, whose two
components are to be differentiated as:
(a) The metaphysical, which acts from the inside outwards, and
(b) The physical, which acts from the outside inwards.
Both these higher forms of pressure and suction together produce
the original form of motion through which the higher influence
arises, which in turn generates the increased and qualitatively
improved, primary life-energy. This original way of generating
natural formative and levitative essences is exploited by the
stationary trout, which stands motionless in fast-flowing torrents
and darts upstream like lightning when danger threatens, wherein
it cannot only overcome its own body-weight, but also, swimming
freely and without other assistance, overcomes the weight of the
oncoming water. This was previously inexplicable as far as science
was concerned.The secret of this mysterious overcoming of gravity
solves the problem of the aforementioned, hitherto unknown
synthesizing current, which is triggered off through the cold
metabolic process. Contemporary science knows nothing about it,
because it only uses warm processes of oxidation, which triggers
the counter-current to the above current. This, however, is the
most dangerous current of all. This annihilating current science
uses for mechanical power and to heat living spaces. The
suppression of the life-current means the gradual elimination of
the life-force leading to disease and premature death. Progress
can only be made in the search for the synthesizing current and
quality of life when all substances are moved inwindingly. The
cyloidally moving Earth demonstrates this to us daily. It was a
trout that showed it to me. With the Klimator, the Repulsator and
the Repulsine the first atom-bomb that rises can be produced
instead of one that falls. The latter achieved the veritable
zenith of almost complete annihilation with the aid of the most
efficacious combustion process of all. But with it came the
long-sought turning point, for in all truth no deeper nadir could
have been reached.
Implosion Magazine, No. 116,pp 37-45.
Biotechnisches Versuchsinstitut ( Oct. 1946 )
The Naturalesque Ur-Generation of Power,
Heat and Light
The no longer mysterious secret of the naturalesque generation of
power, heat, cold and light lies hidden in the substance that
today's technologists combust, from which the so-called calories
arise, and which understandably disappear when we drive our
machines with Natures principal formative substance
(fatty-matter), or use it for heating or for generating low-grade
light. Derived from the ancient Greek word technao, technology
means self-cheating or self-deception. Actually it ought to be
called stupidity, because all we have to do is merely to move what
actually moves, heats and illuminates naturalesquely in order to
be able to set every kind of machine in motion originally or to
produce heat and light naturalesquely. For this reason the ancient
Greeks also rejected technology in any form.Instead they captured
slaves so as to have the more demeaning and demanding tasks
carried out by these natural machines, which run on metaphysical
fatty-matter. In order to eat today the wretched slaves scramble
for work, burrowing into the earth for coal, felling the forests
and extracting oil from the ground, in order, so they believe, to
alleviate their lot, but achieve precisely the opposite. More and
more people have to work and the more diligently they slave away,
the more keenly the hunger they will have to experience, because
without coal, timber and oil no growth of vegetation is possible.
In other words, there will be an increasing dearth of all that is
most vital to life, if by the sweat of our brows we inhibit the
build-up of quality matter and exploit Natures most important
formative substance - fatty-matter - for every possible and
impossible purpose, i.e. to drive machines and for ridiculous
methods of lighting and heating: All this in the belief that these
earthly residues of fatty-matter would in any case be reduced to
dust and ashes if left in the ground,and therefore it does not
matter whether we make soap or something else outof them, or
merely combust them. Today this is totally unnecessary. Naturally
there will be a hue and cry from all the well-camouflaged
slave-masters, who earn fat sums through those they lead around by
the nose, once the bio-technical secret is revealed and the
mentally castrated work-oxen are shown the way to move this
mysterious fatty-matter naturalesquely. This will provoke an
upheaval of a kind that humanity has never yet experienced,
because mechanical power, heal and light will be as good as free.
In the future no intelligent person will operate machines or even
generate heat and light with Natures principal working material,
but will make the actual mover and Life re-awakener move
bio-technically. To learn this art it is necessary above all to
explain two fundamental concepts. Firstly, what actually is
substance and secondly what actually is motion ? From a
naturalesque viewpoint, the term substance is to be envisaged as a
more or less highly developed energy-concentrate; a lattice of
atoms, as it were, or as the word lattice implies, a sort of
prison, in which Natures principal formative substance -- the
fatty-matter in the process of change and formation -- also
resides in an allotropic (naturally congealed or condensed) state.
This only awaits the naturalesque motive impulse in order to be
elevated to a freely moving atomic state, which happens all the
more rapidly, the faster this energy-concentrate in a latent
transitional state is rotated in inwinding space-spiral-curves
about its own axis by means of so-called venal-motion. Immediately
thereafter, what has come into being in this way is moved further
in so-called arterial-motion in order to distribute what has been
freely formed by way of naturalesque rhythmical motion through the
surrounding body (the soil) in order to bring it to life.With this
the secret of biotechnical motion stands revealed and all that
remains is to explain the mysterious machine with which it is
possible to ur-generate the originally moving and resuscitating,
i.e. a higher-grade potential. With its use all machines can be
powered and our homes heated and illuminated independently.
Moreover, all growth -- which is none other than the natural
solidification of energy-concentrates -- can be stimulated and
increased as well as qualitatively improved. In short, our every
wish can be fulfilled with very little effort. Naturally all this
will be described as Utopian, as the product of a deranged mind
intent on creating all kinds of confusion amidst the present
economic chaos caused by the insanity of combusting Natures most
vital primary substances.
Consequently, great concern for the continuing supply of
fatty-matter will inevitably arise; a substance that nowadays not
only every house-wife lacks ( 5 -- This relates to the severe food
shortages and rationing in Austria in the immediate post-war
period. - Ed. ) , but one that is also lacking in the form of what
might be called cerebral lubricant. For it is from the brain that
all healthy thoughts arise, and above all the idea of doing things
in accordance with Nature in the future ; something the director
of an institute for commodity studies naturally cannot immediately
appreciate. Therefore a number of other things must be explained
in greater detail in order to make it clear to the various
ministers of government departments as well. This is necessary so
as to enable an increased production of commodities and above all
a faster growth of calories, which under the present circumstances
are not only being increasingly wasted, but ultimately would go to
waste entirely were such individuals not to be enlightened by an
outsider. That is, were the fundamental concepts of biotechnology
not explained in a generally understandable way. Under the concept
motion we have to visualise a rhythmical combination of pressure
and suction, wherein it is of crucial importance whether pressure
or suction predominates. If the former prevails, then a decadent
potential or expressed more scientifically, an oxidation, takes
place, which should generally be understood as a highly combustive
process that inhibits development. In contrast, if suction
prevails during a naturalesque course of motion, then a reduction
process occurs, which is here to be generally understood as the
aforesaid higher-grade transformation of an already high-grade
material into spirit, or expressed more scientifically, into the
above form of higher-grade potential. Naturally, this is also the
source of higher-grade temperature and light phenomena, which as
development-furthering instrumentalities, foster the development
of naturalesque motive forces, high-grade heat and cold as well as
light. In this formative process il primo movere, the initial
motive impulse, also plays a decisive role. If any motion is
actuated by a pressure-induced axial->radial (see fig. 14)
impulse and pressure prevails, then the decadent form of potential
results, because in this case the atom lattice ruptures due to the
release of its content of unipolar and highly aggressive
allotropic oxygen. In other words, when the oxygen has attained
the energetic state that enables itto encircle the fatty-matter
(carbone). The latter having become passive and coincident (
internally collapsed ) under this lower-grade heat influence, the
oxygen loops around it in spiral-space-curves, and engulfs,
consumes and digests it. The offspring of this outbirth of
decadent energies are lower-grade temperatures, i.e. rising
heat-forms and falling cold-forms, which foster the decay process.
Subsequently, with the aid of these solidifying cold-forms, the
relape into the earth of what has missed its way on evolutions
upward path ensues. However, if a motion is initiated by a
radial->axial impulse, i.e. if the initiating upward suction
and inward impulsion are triggered simultaneously, then firstly
the atom lattice of basic elements is disassembled naturalesquely,
because under this centripetal motion it is only the oxygen that
reacts and contracts into itself. Secondly, due to the developing
coolness that occurs with all sucking action, the fatty-matter (
carbones ), which become free, unipolar and highly active then
encircles the oxygen, also loops around it in inwinding spiral
curves, and engulfs and digests it. The product of this metabolic
process is the higher-grade potential, which immediately gives
rise to higher-grade temperature-forms, i.e. falling and
concentrating heat-forms and rising and expanding invigorative
cold-forms. These combine the highest-grade elements into a new
atom lattice and propel the product of this high-grade synthesis,
which already has a desire to rise, into even higher zones of
To restate the process briefly: axial->radial expulsion results
in explosion,decay and combustion. Impulsion, or a
radial->axial impetus results in implosion, ennoblement and
autonomous upward displacement (levitation). In this case reactive
suctional forces operate first during the ascent and are then
reinforced by supplementary reactive forces. This is how physical
weight is overcome naturalesquely, during which process the
already higher-grade energetic ballasting elements are
precipitated out and manifest themselves as falling and
concentrating heat-forms. If this formative process is copied
naturalesquely in a so-called Klimator (see figs. 27 and 28),
which is suspended from the ceiling and moved bio-centrifugally
then a falling and concentrating heat-form is produced with which
the living space can be naturalesquely heated in winter. If these
invigorative cold-forms with their rising and expanding properties
are introduced into an evacuated glass bulb, then the
energy-concentrates,which in any case move exceptionally rapidly,
exceed their highest velocity in this resistance-less space. In
the process they eject high-grade ballast material which interacts
with the residual oxygen still present in an extremely rarefied
state. The product of this renewed union is atmospheric
space-light, naturalesquely copied sunlight as it were. This
evolves and lights up the vacuum bulb when the bulb, which has no
other connections apart from the earth-wire, is merely earthed.
All that is required therefore is to connect the earth-wire in
order to make the living space as bright as day. To extinguish
this natural light, which is of course temperatureless, the
earth-wire is simply disconnected. If virtually free mechanical
power is required, then the above higher-grade heating effects
merely need to be switched off, thus converting them into
formative and levitative invigorative forms (cold-forms). This
immediately reactivates the ur -- powerfully-waxing buoyant
motion, which here should been visaged as a bio-magnetic
up-current (a synthesizing current). With elemental force arising
from an energy gradient that evolves along a common developmental
axis, this up-current sucks up the generating device in its wake,
i.e. it effortlessly overcomes its own weight. Aircraft,
submarines orheavy projectiles can be propelled like lightning in
this way at negligible cost.In stationary machines on the other
hand, which must be well anchored to the ground, the indrawn air
will be almost instantaneously decomposed, trans-formed and built
up as described earlier by passing through a curviform pipe.The
concurrently coincident water, i.e. the discharged and inwardly
collapsed medium, will be expelled at the same time, resulting in
the ur-generation of a high-grade high-quality space -- the
organic vacuum. This is the opposite of atmospheric air pressure
and is the best and cheapest attractional force to be found
anywhere on this planet. It is also the space that produces
ray-like forms which penetrate through al l enclosures and stream
If a communicating pipe is interposed between this naturalesquely
evacuated highly potent vacuity imbued with qualigens and the
outer pressure of atmospheric space, and if a propeller or turbine
is installed inside it, then the external atmospheric pressure
exerts a force of 1 atm/cm2 on the inclined blades of the
propeller (turbine). Since any desired volume of air can be
reduced (transformed into formations of qualigen) in a fraction of
a second with a naturalesquely constructed Repulsine (see figs.
30-33), for which at most a driving force of 0.8 kW isrequired,
the levitative torque-producing force generated, or more correctly
ur-generated, in this way is as good as free. For here, with
increasing velocity due to the upward activation of the above
bio-synthesising torque-producing force, the Repulsines power
increases by the square of the ur-generative motion. This is to be
compared with the increase in the resistance to motion in all
technical machines, where understandably, due to the reversed
direction of motion the forces of recoil increase in the same
ratio as described above. That is to say, todays technology
strives to move forwards with forces that operate backwards.
Logically what has been achieved is not only a reversal of motion,
but also of the economy; an economic decline resulting from the
mechanical build-up of decadent repulsive pressures, which
naturally have a decadent or destructive effect economically.
Consequently, the economy willbecome increasingly unhealthy, the
more widespread and intensive such technology, this self-deception
becomes, or to put it mildly, the more the abysmal stupidity of
generating decadent energies mechanically takes effect. This
tragic aberration was inaugurated by the foolish belief that the
progress of evolution comes to a halt when the life-functions are
apparently extinguished and that the so-called soul escapes after
the cessation of vital activity. In reality the true resurrection
only begins after the proper decomposition of an atom lattice
(fatty-matter concentrate) that has fallen back into the earth
with the aid of and because of the cycloid-space-curve motion of
the Earth itself, which provides the radial->axial impulse. In
contrast, all technical machines, i.e. all dynamos, turbines,
pressure pumps, propellers, explosion and steam driven engines,
all furnaces, gas and electric heating appliances,all soil-tilling
and harvesting machinery, etc. provide a developmentally harmful
expulse to initiate motion. Because of this and without
exception,the atom lattice thus moved ruptures, resulting in the
disintegration of the molecular (bacteriophagous) formations in
suspension. In unnaturally moved air or water decadent stresses
appear, causing the decay of the decivise energy-concentrates (as
a graphic example, see hydraulic river regulation and torrent
confinement ( 6 -- See sections on river engineering in The Water
Wizard, Vol. I of the Ecotechnology series. — Ed). This leads to
the build-up of decadent potential and thedecomposition of the
blood of the Earth, and thus to a total economic collapse along
the whole course of development.
The possibility of ur-generating virtually free mechanical power,
heat, coldand temperature-less light, however, is only the first
step towards cultural (economic) reconstruction. For with
venal-motion, it goes without saying that the highest quality
blood of the Earth - water containing exceptionally potent
substances -- can be produced by mechanical means. With this water
not only can reactive expansive pressures be generated and all
petroleum fuels, etc. replaced, but all cancerous decay can also
be healed naturally, which would revolutionize medicine, i.e. put
it back on the right track. In a word, the naturalesque movement
of any given medium and the atom lattice it contains, signifies a
social reconstruction in every sense, because all slave-labour
will cease with the restoration of natural abundance and freedom
of movement. Everyone will be free and independent, and healthy
once more in mind and body. This will happen for the sole reason
that any given atom lattice - like the body of a dead animal or
plant - can be transformed and built up with the aid of
venal-motion, whereupon the subtle physical energies - the
so-called life-forces - then come into being, which through this
revitalising process move our bodies originally (autonomously).
Precisely the same thing happens at a large scale if we transform
and build up bacteriophagous threshold structures (minute
molecular atom lattices of water or air) mechanically through
venal-motion, and thereafter distribute these specifically
densified higher-grade energy-concentrates where required by way
of arterial-motion. This will reimbue the surrounding body
orgeosphere -- the macro atom lattice - with life and restore its
inner vibration. We have only to intensify this formative
oscillating motion in order to stimulate the macro-climate or
higher-grade potential out of which displacement, namely physical
movement, reproduction and further development, arises as the
biological sequel to a naturalesque motive impulse. With this I
place the lever or the fulcrum that lies beyond space and time in
the hands of humanity, which will enable the normalization of
those evolutive processes whose normal motion has been dislocated
and in this way the standard of living can be simply and
fundamentally improved along the whole chain of development. Only
when this is done can reconstruction finally begin in a truly
natural way. In this regard all institutes for commodity studies
and research are outdated and for this reason the Visamontana
Biotechnical Research Institute Ltd ( 7 -- The name Schauberger
can be broken down into two concepts — "Schau" = look/see and
"berger" = of the mountain. Hence the Latin-derived name Visa
(look/see) + montana (mountain) = Visamontana. — Ed. ) has been
registered with the chamber of commerce. It is in the close
interest of those who play a leading role in government to enable
this research institute to come into operation quickly, because
all the preconditions now exist for implementing these formative
atomic energies.
This will put an end to the present world-wide shortages of raw
materials, food, fuel and germinating substances, which had to
happen because the workings of evolution were subverted and put
into reverse gear through the reversal of the naturalesque motive
impulse. There can be no doubting what has been stated, because it
is founded on indisputable practical results. It is contemporary
science that erred and which, on the basis of various inventions,
took the wrong evolutionary road.Science must now be shown another
way by an outsider, and if not of its own free will, will be
forced to do so by the mass of the people deprived of their most
primitive rights to life. To err is human. It would be inhuman,
however, now to delay and arrest this fresh start for the sake of
scientific prestige or other interests. For in the present
situation the life of millions upon millions of people, already
hungry and freezing, is at stake. For this reason all this will be
presented to the competent authorities and once more emphasized
that the economy cannot move forward in reverse gear. Therefore
everything must be switched around all along the line.
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