Shinichi SEIKE
G-Strain Amplifier / Monopole Coil
Shinichi SEIKE
G Research Institute
Box 33
UWAJIMA/Ehime (798)
JAPANT. Obata: Does the Gravity on Coils of Peculiar Winding Decrease While Electric Currents Flow in the Coils?
S. Seike & K. Tomiyoshi: Japanese Patents
J-L. Naudin: Replication of Seike's G-Strain Amplifier
L. Belfroy: G-Strain Amplifier Tachyon Energy
S. Seike: Lecture
S. Seike: The Principles of Ultra Relativity (Excerpts)
S. SEIKE : The Principles of Ultra Relativity ( Complete, PDF )
S. Seike : Unipolar Magnetic Spheres -- Power Generation from Spacetime the Gravity on Coils of Peculiar Winding Decrease While Electric Currents Flow in the Coils?
Tsunehiro Obata, Akiko Ono
( Gunma National College of Technology, Japan )Many people seem to feel that there must exist a relation between gravity and electricity. Many attempts in this direction have been made. Faraday, for instance, devised experiments in 1850 to find a possible relation between gravity and electricity. After many experiments he could not find any effect. His closing remarks [1], however, encourage many researchers working in this direction.
"Here end my trials for the present. The results are negative. They do not shake my strong feelings of the existence of a relation between gravity and electricity, though they give no proof that such a relation exists."
Since then there have been an enormous number of theoretical and/or experimental investigations searching for a relation between gravity and electricity from different points of view. About thirty years ago, Seike [2] published an exotic theory, ultra relativity, and also he devised coils of peculiar winding, called Klein coils and transistor coils. The weight of these coils was reported to gradually decrease while electric currents flow in the coils. Such coils have extensively been studied by Matsumoto and his students about 1990 [3]. Their experiments also support Seike's statement. However, the experimental results on the peculiar coils are not authorized. The present authors think that the experiments are not careful enough to investigate various factors responsible for the apparent decreasing of the gravity on the coils.
On the background, the authors executed supplemental experiments on Klein coils and transistor coils with the improvement which removes some factors responsible for the apparent decreasing of the gravity on the coils. The Klein coils were wound by themselves, while the transistor coils were borrowed from Matsumoto through the courtesy of him. The weight of the coils with electric currents was measured by a usual electronic balance. The improved experiments seem to support the decreasing of the gravity on the coils at the present time, but the authors are now executing the experiments with further carefulness. The details of the experiments will be expressed in the symposium.
References --
[1] Closing remarks of M. Farady from A. K. T. Assis, Deriving Gravitation from Electromagnetism, Can. J. Phys., Vol. 70, 330, 1992.
[2] Seike, S.,The Principles of Ultra Relativity, revised ed., Japan Division, National Space Research Consortium, Uwajima City, Japan, 1970.
[3] Matsumoto, M., A series of graduation thesis researches directed by him, (unpublished).
Japan Patent # 6267735
( PDF )
Single-Polar Magnet & Manufacture Thereof
Shinichi SEIKE; Kazusumi TOMIYOSHI
Classification:- international: H01F1/04; H01F7/02; H01F13/00; H01F1/032; H01F7/02; H01F13/00; (IPC1-7): H01F7/02; H01F1/04; H01F13/00
Abstract --- PURPOSE: To provide a quasi-singlepolar magnet the whole of which is almost N-pole or S-pole. CONSTITUTION: A conductive wire is wound by the Mobius winding around a magnetic pole member 1 consisting of rare earth element such as neodium or praseodium. The coil of the Modius winding is energized with a pulse current in order to magnetize the magnetic member 1. Then, the end parts having one magnetic pole (S-pole) of the resultant magnetic member 1 is cut apart from the center part having another pole (N-pole). Only the end parts of the same pole (S-pole) are bonded with an adhesive agent or the like, thereby forming a quasi-singlepolar magnet.
Japan Patent # 6284758
( PDF )
Single-Pole Magnet & Cell Using This Magnet
Shinichi SEIKE
Classification: - international: H02N11/00; H02N11/00; (IPC1-7): H02N11/00
Abstract --- PURPOSE: To provide a cell capable of obtaining electrical energy without giving external energy by developing a single-pole magnet. CONSTITUTION: A cell is composed mainly of a single pole magnet obtained by magnetizing a magnetic substance to a quasi-single pole as NSN or SNS by a Mobius-wound coil and dividing the magnetic substance into three, a lot core 1 using this magnet, a plurality of colloidal cores 2 separated and mounted in the axial direction of the lot core 1 and as a quasi-single pole magnet homopolar with the lot core 1, a capacitor coil 3 as a single-pole magnetic substance homopolar with the lot core 1 Mobius-wound on the colloidal cores 2, and a capacitor 4 manufacturing a parallel resonance circuit.
Japan Patent # 6269155
( PDF )
Generation Set
Classification: - international: H02K53/00; H02K53/00; (IPC1-7): H02K53/00
Abstract --- PURPOSE: To obtain a clean generation set, which does not require power, fuel and the like from outside. CONSTITUTION: Three stages of capacitor coils, within conductors of a gold alloy are wound as Melbium windings, are provided in a toroidal core made of rare earth material. A rod-shaped single-pole magnet 2, which is magnetized as a quasi-single pole, is arranged so as to pass the centers of the toroidal cores. A resonance disk 3, wherein three gold balls 4 are equally embedded, is provided. The same exciting power coils 5 as the capacitor coils 1 are provided. A nuclear electric resonator and a resonance circuit are formed of single- pole magnet 2, the capacitor coils 1 and the resonance disk 3. The three-phase AC generated in the coils in the Moebius winding is taken out outside.
Replication of Seike's G-Strain Amplifier
Jean-Louis NAUDIN
See also: Amplifer: Tachyon Detector
Len Belfroy
A tachyon particle if it exists is a particle that can travel faster than the speed of light. The model of the tachyon a hypothetical particle was invented by Gerald Feinberg. It may have a mass and size smaller than that of a light photon. Since tachyons can travel faster than light speed c, it may be able to travel through time. Tachyons or this type of tachyon may be able to be send through time to the recent past or future time. The volume of the tachyon may be smaller that the volume of a light photon if a photon has a volume. A light photon is a particle of light. Tachyons may be produced pr polarized in semiconductors such as a transistor. Positive or negative electrical potentials in semiconductors may contain positively or negatively electrically charged tachyons. The negative electric charge may make negatively charged tachyons or negative energy -T more dominant than positively charged tachyons in the electric field. Positively charged tachyons +T may be moving forward in time, while negatively charged tachyons -T may travel backwards in time. Tachyons may be small waves through the fourth dimension a little like waves of sound in air. If electrons are in a strong negatively charge tachyon field -T, the electron may travel a few milliseconds backwards in time. Tachyons may be able to effect the electric charge inside semiconductors and show as narrow voltage spikes.
There may be an electrical experiment for producing tachyons. Figure 1(a) shows a copy of a round amplifier tachyon detector which was invented by Professor Shinichi Seike of Japan. Electric charges in a semiconductor may be sending tachyons through small regions of local space-time a little like puffs of air making waves over water or like radio waves in three dimensional space-time. Tachyon T and -T signal amplitudes are weaker than radio waves in the same semiconductor. The round amplifier consists of three identical transistor stages. Some of the electric output power of the last amplifier is send to the input of the first amplifier stage. Electrical connectionslines between transistors are short. This produces a round amplifier or electronic oscillator circuit. Figure 1(b) graph shows an approximate copy or sketch of the output voltage Vo versus time t from the round amplifier. It is a copy of the signal voltage Vo read or displayed by an electronic oscilloscope.
Sinichi SEIKE Lecture( Click Thumbnail to open in new window )
Excerpts:" The Principles of Ultra Relativity " by
Shinichi SEIKE
( Click Thumbnail to open in new window )