Heat Engine
Planetary Association for Clean Energy 6(4): 3
A Russian semi-governmental, semi-private company, Protek (after: "protection of innovative technologies") is promoting, among other systems, a free-energy device designed by Dr. Albert Victorovich Serogodsky of the Moscow Central Aerological Laboratory. The device was recently presented at a St. Petersburg conference, "Practical & Theoretical Problems of Non-Traditional Energetics", organized by Dr. Anatoly P. Smirnov. It works with a mixture of a gas and a vapor (steam) somewhat as another thermal device invented by the Austrian Rudolf Doczekai (See Vol. 6, 2-4). It reportedly "transforms" heat taken from a heater into mechanical energy without requiring a cooler --- so should theoretically work off environmentally available heat. It produces 18 kw mechanical energy. The device has been demonstrated to the German Bundestag, ex-Green Party deputy Daniels, and to a Swedish corporation which has negotiated a blackout against further non-Russian exposure of the device in action.
Details: Vladimir I. Rybak, ELSIB, Lobacheka St. 2-2, Moscow 107410, Russia; (95) 264-6334; fax (95) 532-9743.
German Patent (DE) # 4,244,016
Closed-Cycle Heat Engine with Moving Chamber-Wall
Prof. Albert V. Serogodsky
Classification: - international: F01K25/06; F01K25/00; (IPC1-7): F01K25/06 - european: F01K25/06
Application number: DE19924244016 19921224
Priority number(s): DE19924244016 19921224Abstract ~ The working medium is a two ingredient mixture, the first ingredient having a critical temperature below boiler temperature, while that of the second ingredient is above it. The mixture combines at boiler temperature where retrograde condensation occurs. The lighter volatile or gaseous ingredient is soluble in the heavier volatile one in the fluid phase. The specific volume may be abscissa above the ratio of the amount of the lighter ingredient to the total amount of the mixture.
German Patent (DE) # 4,244,016
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