Shark Repellants
Here's some food for thought to cud about
whilst the lawyers or elasmobranchi circle for the
Wikipedia : Shark Repellant
NBC News : Researchers tout shark
Brian Handwerk : New Shark Repellent
Uses Chemical Signals
Stroud's Shark Repellant Patents ;
US2012085018 -- Elasmobranch-repelling
magneto-electropositive fishing hook
US2010203154 -- Elasmobranch-Repelling
Compounds, Methods of Use and Devices
US2007256623 --
Elasmobranch-repelling electropositive metals and methods
of use
More Shark Repellant
Shark Repellent
A shark repellent is any method of driving sharks away from an
area. Shark repellents are a category of animal repellents. Shark
repellent technologies include magnetic shark repellent,
electropositive shark repellents, electrical repellents, and
Shark repellents can be used to protect sharks by driving them
away from areas where they are likely to be killed by human
beings; in this case, the shark repellent serves as a conservation
There is evidence that surfactants such as sodium lauryl sulfate
can act as a shark repellent at concentrations on the order of 100
parts per million. However, this does not meet the desired "cloud"
deterrence level of 0.1 parts per million.[1][2]
Research indicates that sharks will avoid an area when they smell
chemical released by dead and dying sharks. Six chemicals were
synthesized from shark glands and tissues and used in experiments.
Sharks immediately reacted once they detected these chemicals. To
quote a 2004 Associated Press article, "Fisherman and scientists
have long noted sharks stay away if they smell a dead shark."[3]
Recent Advances
There have been significant advances in the research, development,
and testing of aerosol shark repellents that repel sharks through
replicating the chemicals that sharks emit when they die or are in
danger.[4] The scientists behind these advances, Dr.Eric Stroud
and Dr. Patrick Rice, operate a company dedicated for the research
and development of such shark repellents.[5] Their organization,
SharkDefense, is geared towards saving both humans and sharks.[6]
Sharkdefense does not sell any products, but they are partnered
with a company called SharkTec LLC, which sells Sharkdefense
approved products at [7]
Some of the earliest research on shark repellents took place
during the Second World War when military services sought to
minimize the risk to stranded aviators and sailors in the water.
Studies at the time, combined with historical research, revealed
that about the only thing that will drive sharks away is the odor
of another dead shark. Efforts were made to isolate the active
principles in dead shark bodies that repelled other sharks.
Eventually, it was determined that certain copper compounds, such
as copper sulfate[citation needed] and copper acetate ,[8] in
combination with other ingredients, could mimic a dead shark and
drive live sharks away from human beings in the water. For years,
a combination of copper acetate and a black dye to obscure the
user was supplied to sailors and aviators of the United States
Navy as a shark repellent. Known as "Shark Chaser," it was first
packaged in cake form using a water soluble wax binder and rigged
to life vests. The Navy employed Shark Chaser extensively between
1943 and 1973. It is believed[8] that the composition does repel
sharks in some situations, but not in all, with about a 70%
effectiveness rating.
Today, the search for an ideal shark repellent is ongoing. Some
research, based on semiochemicals, looks promising. Electrical
devices that disturb a shark's sensitive ampullae of Lorenzini are
also partially effective.
Researchers tout shark repellent
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico — Excited by the scent of blood, a dozen
sharks dart about in a frenzy as a researcher dips a pole in the
sea and squirts out a clear, yellowish substance. Within seconds,
the sharks jerk their snouts away and vanish.
Researchers say they finally have found a potent repellent to
drive away sharks, after testing off Bimini island in the Bahamas.
It’s a goal that’s eluded scientists for decades.
If proven effective, the repellent one day might protect divers,
surfers and swimmers. But researchers say that would require much
more study. First they hope it can protect sharks — in decline
worldwide due to overfishing — by reducing the numbers caught
needlessly by long-line commercial fishermen.
“You introduce this chemical, and they all leave,” said lead
researcher Eric Stroud, a 30-year-old chemical engineer from Oak
Ridge, N.J. “It works very, very well.”
The repellent, called A-2 because it was the second recipe tried,
is derived from extracts of dead sharks that Stroud gathered at
New Jersey fish markets and piers. Fishermen and scientists have
long noted sharks stay away if they smell a dead shark.
“We have something that really works, but research remains,” said
Samuel Gruber, a University of Miami marine biologist and shark
expert who is helping conduct tests at the Bimini Biological Field
Tests have found the repellent effective on three species: the
Caribbean reef, blacknose and lemon sharks. Studies are needed on
other species such as the great white, mako and oceanic whitetip.
Gruber said the repellent seems to carry a chemical messenger that
triggers a flight reaction. He said more studies are needed to
pinpoint the active molecule among a dozen or so.
A dose of 4 fluid ounces is enough to scare away feeding sharks,
Stroud said, keeping them away from a fish head for two hours with
just a few drops per minute. In contrast, sharks didn’t respond to
a red dye in control tests.
The researchers presented their work in May during a meeting of
the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists in
Norman, Okla. Films of their tests captured images of sharks
splashing the surface as they turn to flee.
They hope to make a slow-dissolving repellent for use in baits and
fishing nets, and to guard equipment on submarines and oil
exploration vessels that sharks have damaged in the past.
The repellent, though nontoxic, is apparently so disagreeable to
sharks it can revive them from semiconsciousness. Some species
slip into a hypnotic state if turned belly-up, and tests found the
repellent brought captive sharks out of that trance.
Repellent research began in World War II, when the U.S. Navy
created “Shark Chaser” for sailors and downed pilots. Mixed with
black dye, it was made of copper acetate, which scientists thought
would smell like a rotting shark. Studies later showed it wasn’t
that effective.
A promising find came in 1972, when University of Maryland shark
expert Eugenie Clark discovered that a Red Sea fish, the Moses
sole, secreted a milky substance that repelled sharks.
The finding caused a stir, and soon the makers of Coppertone
suntan lotion contacted Clark, hoping to market it. She said she
discouraged them, saying initial research couldn’t back up such a
Years of study followed by Gruber and others. In the end, though,
the repellent derived from the sole wasn’t practical because it
had to be squirted into a shark’s mouth to be effective.
Clark — who at 82 still works at Mote Marine Laboratory in
Sarasota, Fla. — said the latest findings could be a welcome way
to reduce accidental killing of sharks, though she is skeptical of
human use, saying few would be carrying the repellent at the rare
moment it’s needed.
“I’d be happy to see somebody work it out, but I don’t see it as a
practical solution,” she said.
Anti-shark items on the market now include cages, steel mesh suits
and a device called the Shark Shield, which when worn by divers or
surfers emits an electric field. The device’s Australian maker
acknowledges it can’t guarantee total effectiveness.
In most cases, the danger of attack is extremely slight. The
International Shark Attack File, at the Florida Museum of Natural
History, recorded 55 unprovoked attacks worldwide last year,
including four deaths.
Stroud got the idea to pursue a repellent after several 2001 shark
attacks drew widespread attention, including one that nearly
killed an 8-year-old boy near Pensacola, Fla.
Stroud and engineer Mike Herrmann do lab work in a New Jersey
warehouse, relying on donations of less than $500,000 from two
private benefactors.
They have a patent pending and are starting a company, Shark
Defense Inc., to eventually market the repellent.
The Science Behind SharkTec's Shark
Repellent Sprays
Sharks have an amazing sense of smell (most sharks can detect
blood and animal odors from many miles away) which is one of the
reasons they are such effective predators. In addition to smell,
sharks also rely on their sense of taste. Typically before a shark
commits to its prey it will first give a "test bite". The shark
has very sensitive taste buds in its mouth which can quickly
decipher whether the potential meal is within its ordinary diet;
in the case of humans the shark will often reject this prey after
the first bite.
Using what is called Semiochemicals derived from decomposed sharks
SharkTec is able to offer a natural product which triggers a
flight reaction in sharks. Essentially living sharks will
instinctually stay far-far away from the area where they can smell
and taste another dead shark!
The theory of repelling living sharks by using semiochemicals as
shark repellents was proposed by Baldridge (1990) and by Rasmussen
and Schmidt in 1992. In 2001, investigation of these possibilities
led Eric M. Stroud (SharkTec’s partner) to begin qualitative
analysis on semiochemical extractions using captive juvenile
sharks. In 2003, with the help of Dr. Samuel Gruber, Grant
Johnson, and the Bimini Biological Field Station, the team was
able to document a number of successful field tests on wild
feeding sharks. The results of these field tests were first
presented at the 2004 Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and
Herpetologists 26 – 31 May, 2004, in Norman, OK. Since then the
product has continued to return compelling results and has been
feature on well known publications such as Discovery Channel.
Shark Shield
Luke Tipple, a Marine Biologist, Discovery Channel Host and Shark
Diver presents the Shark Shield FREEDOM7, the only scientifically
proven and independently tested electronic shark deterrent
designed to reduce the risk of an unwanted shark encounter.
Shark Shield devices create a powerful electrical field which
induces spasms in predatory shark's highly sensitive electrical
receptors. Used by professional and navy divers around the world,
the FREEDOM7 is a safety device providing peace of mind while
supporting the conservation of shark
An Ocean of Respect
Drawn by the call of the ocean, sharks or no sharks, we’re
still going out there! Our solution is scientific, lightweight and
powerful. With Shark Shield, we’ve replaced fear with awe.
Shark Shield has taken 20 years of tireless scientific research to
evolve into what it is today: proven, reliable and non-evasive
shark deterrent technology. And underlying it all is a deep
respect for sharks, the great predators of the ocean. Now you can
have the peace of mind to swim, surf, kayak and dive without fear.
It’s our playground, but it’s their home!
In 1995 it was discovered that sharks have a heightened
sensitivity to close-range, low frequency electrical fields. Two
decades of intensive global research has developed this knowledge
into a reliable and essential piece of equipment that protects
visitors to the ocean and the predators that live there.
Shark Shield consists of two electrodes which when both are
submerged emit a three dimensional electronic field that surrounds
the user. When a shark comes to within a few meters of the Shark
Shield, the strong electronic pulses emitted by the device cause
the shark to experience muscle spasms.
This does NOT harm the shark in any way, but merely causes it to
experience a high level of discomfort. From testing, the closer
the shark is to the Shark Shield field, the more spasms occur in
the sharks’ snouts, which results in it turning away from the
electronic field, thereby protecting the user.
When you’re out there surfing, you don’t want to be thinking about
predators. Now with Shark Shield connected to your board, all you
have to think about is your next wave! The low drag antennae in
the water below you will emit an electrical pulse that is keeps
you safe and does no lasting harm to the creature.
Sharks have highly sensitive electrical receptors called Ampullae
of Lorenzini located in their snouts. These sense electrical
current and are used to detect prey, but only at very close
distances. Once the shark is out of the affected area, it no
longer feels the electrical impulse.
There are no long-term adverse effects to the shark and as a
result Shark Shield devices support the conservation of sharks by
removing the need for culling or other lethal means of managing
human and shark interactions.
Shark Shield devices do not affect other ocean creatures.
Proven Protection
When you strap a Shark Shield to your ankle, board or kayak, you
are strapping on the credibility and belief of some of the worlds
leading oceanic organizations: from the Natal Sharks Board in
South Africa, to the Australian Elite Military and the US Coast
You can review published test results in our Scientific Research
section. The video below shows Ian “Shark” Gordon testing Shark
Shield and the effectiveness of the technology on even the largest
of sharks.
As a result of continuous research and investment over the past
ten years, Shark Shield has lodged numerous patents relating to
electrical shark deterrents.
Scientific Overview
Shark Deterrent Research by Kwazulu Natal Shark Board
The electrical wave-form used in the Shark Shield is based on a
technology originally invented by the Kwazulu Natal Shark Board of
South Africa in the 1990's.
Predatory sharks have small gel filled sacs knows as ‘Ampullae of
Lorenzini’ on their snouts. They use these short range sensors
when feeding or searching for food.
Shark Shield is a three-dimensional electrical wave form which
creates an unpleasant sensation impacting the shark’s ‘Ampullae of
Lorenzini’. When the shark comes into proximity of the electrical
wave form (a few meters in diameter) it experiences non-damaging
but uncontrollable muscular spasms causing it to flee the area.
The field is projected from the unit by two electrodes, which
create an elliptical field that surrounds the user. Both
electrodes must be immersed in the water for the field to be
created. The electrode configuration depends on the model of the
Shark Shield unit and the diagram below is a mathematical example
of how the original POD and SCUBA7 electric field would look if
you could see it.
In the video below we discuss how the electrical shark deterrent
technology works and provide examples of the electircal field
required to offer a level of protection against a shark attack.
From testing, the closer the shark is to the Shark Shield field,
the more spasms occur in the sharks’ snouts. This becomes
intolerable and the shark then veers away, and usually doesn’t
A distinct advantage of the unique electrical wave-form is that it
deters sharks and does no lasting harm to the shark. Once the
shark is out of the affected area, it no longer feels the effect
of the electrical wave form. The video below shows Ian "Shark"
Gordon testing Shark Shield and the effectiveness of the
technology on even the larges of sharks.
The original technology was released onto the market in 1995 by
POD Holdings Ltd, a joint venture company partly owned by the
Natal Sharks Board and the South African Government. In addition
to being tested by National Military and other authorities, Shark
Shield has been extensively tested to the highest standards by
scientists and marine biologists over many years.
Also published as: ZA9603377 // MX9601583 // JPH09140293 //
BR9602418 // AU5769496
Apparatus for repelling aquatic creatures such as sharks
comprising a pair of electrodes (18) for immersion in a body of
water, charge storage means such as a capacitor (14) charged to a
predetermined voltage by a charging circuit from a source of
electrical power, such as a battery, control logic to generate
control signals and controllable switch elements (16), such as
silicon controlled rectifiers (SCR's), thyristors or the like that
have a low on resistance. The thyristors (16) connect the
capacitor (14) selectively to the electrodes (18) in response to
the control signals, to discharge the capacitor charge into the
water, thereby to create an electrical field between the
electrodes (18). The charging circuit may be a DC to DC converter
(12) that provides an output voltage higher than the battery
voltage. The thyristors and associated circuitry are set to
discharge the capacitor charge into the body of water in a series
of pulses.
This invention relates to a method of and apparatus for repelling
aquatic creatures such as sharks.
The large nerves in animals such as sharks, contain many thousands
of nerve fibres. Some of these fibres are connected to muscles
and, when stimulated, cause the muscles to contract. Others run
between sense organs and the animal's brain. Artificial
stimulation of one of these large nerves by electric pulses
applied to the nerve gives rise to the transmission of nerve
impulses to the muscles and directly to the brain. The impulses to
the muscles give rise to muscular twitching which, together with
the direct impulses to the brain, are appreciated as an unnatural
sensation apparently arising simultaneously from all the sense
organs of the animal. These sensory messages to the brain will, in
all probability, startle the animal and drive it away from the
source of artificial stimulation.
The applicant's co-pending European Patent Application
(publication number 0 631 721) is directed to methods of and
apparatus for controlling aquatic animals utilising such
artificial stimulation. The patent application describes the use
of a pulsed electric field that is set up between electrodes
immersed in the water, the pulses having a duration of between 0.1
and 200 ms at a repetition rate of between 1 and 60Hz. The pulses
have an amplitude of between 24 and 72V and the rise time of each
pulse is preferably less than 0,001us. The polarity of the pulses
is reversed periodically by switching the output of the power
supply to the electrodes.
When it is intended specifically to control aquatic animals of the
sub-group Elasmobranchii, such as sharks the pulses are preferably
generated in pulse trains, each comprising a plurality of pulses
with a pulse duration of between 0.1 and 3ms. The pulses in each
pulse are spaced at intervals of between 1 and 30ms and the pulse
trains are repeated at intervals of between 100 and 1000ms. In a
preferred version of this embodiment of the invention described in
European Patent Application 0 631 721, each pulse in the pulse
train has a duration of 2ms and the pulses in each pulse train are
spaced at intervals of 20ms, the pulse trains being repeated at a
frequency of between 2 and 5Hz. The polarity of successive pulse
trains is preferably alternated.
This invention relates to a development on devices of the kind
described in European Patent Application 0 631 721.
According to this invention a method of controlling aquatic
animals in a body of water comprises the steps of: immersing at
least one first and one second electrode in the body of water;
storing electrical charge in charge storage means; and discharging
the charge storage means into the body of water via the
electrodes, thereby to create an electrical field between the
electrodes to repel aquatic animals from the vicinity of the
The charge storage means may be a capacitor which is charged to a
predetermined voltage by a charging circuit.
The charge storage means is preferably discharged by connecting it
to the immersed electrodes via controlled switching elements
having a low on resistance.
Further according to the invention apparatus for controlling
aquatic animals in a body of water comprises: at least one first
and one second electrode for immersion in a body of water; charge
storage means for storing electrical charge; a charging circuit
for charging the charge storage means from a source of electrical
energy; control means for generating control signals; and at least
one controllable switch element having a low on resistance and
arranged to connect the charge storage means selectively to the
first and second electrodes in response to the control signals, to
discharge the charge storage means into the body of water, thereby
to create an electrical field between the electrodes to repel
aquatic animals from the vicinity of the electrodes.
The charge storage means may comprise a capacitor.
The charging circuit may be a DC to DC converter operable from a
battery, the DC to DC converter providing an output voltage
substantially higher than the battery voltage.
The control means may include timing means for generating the
control signals at a predetermined rate and driver means for
applying the control signals to control terminals of the switch
elements with sufficient energy to operate the switch elements.
The switch elements are preferably silicon controlled rectifiers
(SCR's), thyistors or the like that are selected for desirably low
on resistance characteristics.
The characteristics of the switch elements and associated
circuitry are preferably selected for the charge storage means to
discharge into the body of water in a series of pulses, each pulse
having a rise time as close to instantaneous as is possible.
In the drawings:
Figure 1 is a circuit diagram of the electrode switching
circuitry forming part of the device of
the invention;
Figure 2 is a circuit diagram of the control circuitry for
the device; and
Figures 3 and 4 are oscilloscope traces illustrating some
of the preferred electrode pulse wave forms.

The circuits illustrated in the drawings are intended for use in a
personal protection device that is to be worn or carried by the
user. Such a device will of necessity be relatively small and
light and it will, in most applications, rely on battery power.
This is not intended to limit the scope of the invention to
battery powered devices.
Referring to Figure 1, electrical power (either battery or mains
power) is applied at 10 to a power converter 12.
The circuitry of Figure 1 illustrates battery power applied to a
DC to DC converter 12. While the voltage will be determined by the
eventual application, a typical input voltage for a personal
protection device is 12V battery voltage input to the DC to DC
convertor 12 where it is converted to 60V to 200V DC. In a
preferred form of the invention, the output voltage is 84V, but
environmental factors, such as water temperature and salinity
might determine that a different (or variable) output voltage be
The DC voltage is applied to a capacitor 14 where it is stored
pending discharge to a number of silicon controlled rectifiers
(SCRs) 16 connected in a cross fired bridge configuration.
Under the control of the control circuitry illustrated in
Figure 2, the SCRs 16 switch power to a set of electrodes 18. In
use the electrodes 18 are immersed in water which serves as an
electrolyte or load.
The output voltage can be controlled in dependence on the
conduction characteristics of the water surrounding the
electrodes. For instance, the applicant has found that reducing
water temperature reduces the water conductivity.
A temperature sensor may therefore be used to control the
resistance of a variable resistor in circuit with the DC to DC
convertor 12 to vary the output voltage in dependence on the water
The control circuitry illustrated in Figure 2 consists,
essentially, of a timer circuit 20, a control logic circuit 30 and
a driver circuit 40.
The timer circuit includes an integrated circuit timer 22 which
supplies regularly timed clock pulses to the control logic
circuitry 30.
The control logic circuitry 30 generates control signals which are
applied to the driver circuit 40.
The control logic circuitry 30 is set to apply alternating firing
signals to the gates 42 of a pair of metal-oxide semiconductor
field effect transistors (MOSFETs) 44 which drain to a pair of
dual secondary pulse transformers 46.
The output pulses from the pulse transformers are applied to the
SCR gates.
The control logic circuitry 30 is set to output alternating pulses
to the MOSFET gates 42 thereby activating the MOSFETs 44 to apply
pulses sequentially to each of the pulse transformers 46.1 and
The first secondary 48.1 of the pulse transformer 46.2 is
connected to SCR 1 (16.1). The second secondary 48.4 of the pulse
transformer 46.2 is connected to SCR 4 (16.4).
In the same way, the first secondary 48.2 of the pulse transformer
46.1 is connected to SCR 2 (16.2) and the second secondary 48.3 is
connected to SCR 3 (16.3).
The pulse transformers have a turns ratio which is calculated to
provide control signals to the gates of the
SCR's 16 having a sufficiently high voltage and sufficient energy
to switch the SCR's hard on rapidly. In the preferred form of the
invention, the SCR gates are supplied with a switching pulse that
is in excess of the maximum SCR rated gate pulse.
The SCR's are switched hard on rapidly in order to permit the
fastest possible discharge of the capacitor 14 in order to obtain
an output pulse at the electrodes with a desirably short rise time
as is illustrated in the waveform diagrams of figures 3 and 4.
The pulses may have a duration of between 100us and 200ms at a
repetition rate of between 0.5 and 60Hz. In this regard, a single
repetition of an alternating or commutated pulse device is an "up"
and a down pulse.
The pulse duration and shape (see figures 3 and 4) is determined
largely by the impedance of the load (sea water). The rise time of
each pulse is ideally as close to instantaneous as the circuit
will permit and preferably less than 0,2us.
The control logic circuit 30 applies control pulses alternately to
the gates of the MOSFET's 44.1 and 44.2, so that the secondary
windings of the pulse transformers 46.1 and 46.2 produce output
pulses alternately.
Thus, a control pulse applied to the gate of the MOSFET 44.2
causes relatively high voltage control pulses to be applied to the
gates of the SCR 1 (16.1) and SCR 4 (16.4), causing an output
pulse of nominal positive polarity to be generated between the
electrodes 18.1 and 18.2. The next control signal, applied to the
gate of the MOSFET 44.1, causes control pulses to be applied to
the gates of
SCR 2 (16.2) and SCR 3 (16.3), causing an output pulse of nominal
negative polarity to be generated between the electrodes. Thus,
alternate pulses at the electrodes 18.1 and 18.2 have opposite
polarity, effectively doubling the peak to peak output voltage of
the unit.
Where peak output voltage is of secondary importance, a simpler
circuit employing a single switch element can be used instead.
July 29, 2004
New Shark Repellent Uses Chemical Signals
Brian Handwerk
Researchers say they have developed a shark repellent that uses
apparently natural chemical signals to shift the animals from
hunting mode to flight mode. If it proves to be effective and
environmentally safe to use, it could soon become standard-issue
for everyone who comes into contact with the marine predators—from
surfers to commercial fishers.
Eric Stroud is a chemist and cofounder of the New Jersey based Oak
Ridge Shark Lab. He began looking for an effective repellent
during 2001, when some well-publicized incidents caused a media
feeding frenzy known as the Summer of the Shark (in fact, that
season recorded below-average statistics of shark-human
"As a chemist I was wondering what was being done as far as a
repellent," Stroud recalled. "I began looking through a lot of
past research and ended up in the area of semiochemicals. That
seemed to be promising."
Semiochemicals are chemical "messengers" used in natural behavior
and communication between individuals — though the chemicals'
exact roles are not completely understood.
Animals or even plants may emit different semiochemicals
(including pheromones) which serve as sexual attractants,
repellents to potential predators, or inducements to flight mode.
A flower, for example, may mimic sexual attractants to draw
pollinating insects, while other animals may emit scents that
deter predators.
Semiochemicals are currently used in animal-control industries
like insect management. They can be used as attractants to lure
bugs into traps or as repellents to keep them away.
Semiochemicals are also common in the lives of aquatic animals,
said Samuel H. Gruber. "Doc" Gruber is a marine biologist at
Florida's University of Miami and a leading shark researcher with
decades of hands-on experiences. "Certain kinds of fishes, like
minnows, release something when attacked that tells the rest of
the school to disperse quickly," he said.
Stroud and assistant Mike Herrmann believed that sharks might
possess a similar avoidance chemical that sometimes warns other
sharks to stay away. Their task was to isolate that chemical." We
took that as our direction and began to investigate the molecular
chemistry of shark tissues," Stroud said.
The hands-on results from tests at Gruber's Bimini Biological
Field Station in the Bahamas, and elsewhere, have been very
To date, six different species have been effectively repelled by
the mixture, which was dropped from a boat into a chum-filled sea
of feeding sharks.
"They stop feeding, go into alarm mode, and they rapidly leave,"
Stroud explained. "Once they detect this, we suspect by olfactory
senses, there's definitely a behavioral change, and they either go
deep or leave the area.
"I think it's not a question of [affecting the] gills or of pain,
it seems to be a signal," Gruber said. "When the shark gets the
signal its behavior looks reflexive."
In all tests so far, the chemical has proven nontoxic to sharks.
Fish feeding in the area appear to be totally unaffected, yet
sharks detect the substance in even minute proportions.
In the controlled environment of lab tanks, sharks have responded
to even 0.1 part per million — for example, they would likely
respond to 12 ounces of the chemical in an Olympic-size swimming
The semiochemical is even strong enough to awaken lab sharks from
tonic immobility, an induced, "death-feigning" state during which
researchers can go so far as to perform surgery without arousing
the animal.
Historic Challenge
Shark repellents have been in development for decades — with only
limited success. Researchers have tried (and continue to try)
everything from chemicals and cages to audio signals and electric
During World War II widespread ocean combat and casualties led to
large numbers of human-shark interactions. The Navy issued a
chemical repellent called Shark Chaser to protect sailors and
airplane pilots.
Sharks also caused operational difficulties. Future chef Julia
Child helped the wartime Office of Strategic Services (OSS), the
forerunner to today's CIA, cook up repellents that would prevent
sharks from prematurely detonating anti-submarine explosives.
None of these wartime repellents was particularly effective.
In the mid-1970s, marine biologist Eugenie Clark tested a natural
repellent from acidic protein secretions of the flounder-like Red
Sea Moses sole. Gruber also worked on the project in Israel,
Egypt, and Japan. However, effective, natural supplies of the
secretion were limited and synthetic versions proved expensive and
In the early 1980s Cold War developments renewed the Navy's lapsed
interest in repellents.
"It came to light that the submarine fleet was being challenged by
sharks," Gruber recalled. "We had subs, as did the Soviets,
cruising around the Atlantic listening for each other with towed
sonar arrays, and from time to time they experienced what was
called the 'million dollar bite.'
The costly chomp occurred when sharks bit, and damaged, trailing
arrays or listening devices known as hydrophones — in these cases,
big rubber tubes about 2 inches (5 centimeters) in diameter and
half a mile (800 meters) long.
"The sharks were really biting into these things," Gruber
recalled, noting that the problem spurred his first involvement in
the development of chemical repellents.
In the 1990s the Natal Sharks Board of South Africa developed and
patented electronic repellent technology employed by professional
divers on their cages.
Australian-based SeaChange Technology currently markets the
technology on their Shark Shield line of electronic repellent
products for divers, swimmers, and surfers. While some hail the
devices as effective, they lack the possible range of uses a
semiochemical repellent could offer.
Fisherman's Friend?
Semiochemical repellent could find its way into everything from
clothing to fishing tackle.
The substance could be a boon for longline commercial fishing
operations like swordfish boats—and for the sharks that they
inadvertently catch.
"To make longline fishing a little more selective, to reduce the
horrific bycatch, which is sometimes three or five wasted sharks
for each targeted species—that would be fantastic," Gruber said.
Though the product must be tested on more species, recreational
applications may soon include incorporating the chemical into
bathing suits, sunblock, and wet suits.
While the chance of attack will always be very small, those who
spend time in the water may breathe a bit easier knowing that they
are chemically less appealing to sharks.
Yet the biggest beneficiary may turn out to be the sharks
themselves. Helping them avoid human encounters may be critically
important to their survival.
Stroud's Shark Repellant Patents
Devices and methods are disclosed for repelling elasmobranchs
with high-pull-force magnets, including devices and methods for
reducing by-catch in commercial fisheries and protecting humans
from attacks by elasmobranchs.
[0002] Elasmobranchs represent a significant problem in the
commercial fishing industry. Elasmobranchs are often inadvertently
caught on fishing hooks and tackle directed at other more
commercially valuable kinds of fish. This inadvertent catching of
elasmobranchs (or other non-valued fish) is called "by-catch." As
many as 100 million elasmobranchs are killed each year as
by-catch. This loss of life has resulted in a real threat to
several shark species. Currently, as many as 80 species of shark
are considered threatened with extinction.
[0003] Further, when elasmobranchs are caught as by-catch, fishing
operations receive no return on their investment since the shark
is caught on a hook that might have otherwise brought in a
marketable fish. Additionally, the fishing tackle on which a shark
is caught often must be cut loose for the safety of those working
on the fishing vessel causing a loss of both equipment and time.
[0004] Longlining is a commercial fishing method that suffers
significant losses from shark by-catch. Longlining uses multiple
baited individual fish hooks with leaders strung at intervals
along an often very long (2-3 miles) main fishing line. Longline
fishing operations routinely target swordfish and tuna. The
longline hooks, however, are not selective and elasmobranchs are
sometimes caught in greater numbers than the intended catch. The
result is great loss of life in elasmobranchs and significant
financial losses in the longline industry. Elasmobranchs cause
additional losses in the longline fishing industry by scavenging
marketable fish caught on longlines before the fish may be
retrieved for processing.
[0005] Elasmobranchs also represent a problem in the commercial
trawling industry. Trawling is a commercial fishing method that
catches fish in nets. Elasmobranchs cause significant losses for
trawlers because they scavenge fish caught in trawl nets before
they are retrieved for processing. As such, valuable fish are
often lost to shark predation. Also, sharks often tear holes in
the nets, resulting in partial or complete loss of catch and
significant repair costs.
[0006] There has been a long-felt need for methods and devices to
deter elasmobranchs from commercial fishing lines and nets.
Attempts in the middle of the twentieth century were made to
protect trawl nets with electric discharge devices. (Nelson,
"Shark Attack and Repellency Research: An Overview," Shark
Repellents from the Sea ed. Bernhard Zahuranec (1983) at p. 20).
Nevertheless, no commercially effective repellent has yet to be
made available for reducing shark by-catch in the commercial
fishing industry or for reducing loss of valuable fish or fishing
tackle to shark predation. Further, Applicant is unaware of any
consideration in the art of the use of magnets to repel
elasmobranchs to limit by-catch and other losses from
[0007] U.S. Pat. No. 4,667,431 discloses an electric prod for
repelling fish. Within the electric prod, the switch for providing
electric current to the prod is a reed switch, which contains a
magnet. However, the magnet is not a part of the repelling portion
of the electric prod.
[0008] An effective shark repellent would not only be valuable to
the fishing industry but also would be valuable for protecting
humans from shark attacks. No effective repellent has yet to be
marketed for limiting the risk of shark attacks faced by humans
exposed to elasmobranchs. Over the last 50 years antishark
measures employed to protect humans from shark have included
electrical repellent devices (Gilbert & Springer 1963, Gilbert
& Gilbert 1973), acoustical playbacks (Myrberg et al. 1978,
Klimley & Myrberg 1979), visual devices (Doak 1974) and
chemical repellents (Tuve 1963, Clark 1974, Gruber & Zlotkin
1982). None of these procedures proved satisfactory in preventing
shark attacks. (Sisneros (2001)). As such, the long felt need for
an effective repellent has not been satisfied.
[0009] Researchers have historically used several bio-assays to
determine if a repellent evokes a flight response in shark. One
such bio-assay measures the effect of a repellent on a shark that
is immobilized in "tonic immobility." Tonic immobility is a state
of paralysis that typically occurs when a shark is subject to
inversion of its body along the longitudinal axis. This state is
called "tonic," and the shark can remain in this state for up to
15 minutes thereby allowing researchers to observe effects of
repellents. After behavioral controls are established, an object
or substance that has a repelling effect will awaken a shark from
a tonic state. Researches can quantify the strength of a repellent
effect from these studies.
[0010] Another bio-assay employs a Y-shaped maze wherein a shark
is exposed to a choice between two paths containing the same
olfactory stimulus. One path exits the maze without a repellent
while the other contains a repellent. If the sharks consistently
choose the path without the repellent or consistently become
agitated in the path having the repellent, researchers may
conclude the repellent is effective.
[0011] Applicant has discovered that a high-pull-force magnet is
an effective elasmobranch repellent useful in limiting by-catch as
well as protecting humans. High-pull-force magnets, known or
hereinafter developed, that are of sufficient strength to repel
elasmobranchs are acceptable in aspects of the present invention.
[0012] According to a non-limiting embodiment of the present
invention, an apparatus for repelling elasmobranchs is provided
comprising a high-pull-force magnet. Preferably, the
high-pull-force magnet is a permanent magnet. More preferably, the
high-pull-force magnet is a neodymium-iron-boride magnet.
According to a non-limiting embodiment of the invention, the
high-pull-force magnet may have a nickel coating to protect the
magnet from corrosion. High-pull-force magnets in accordance with
the present invention may have a shape of a cylinder, a cone, a
circle, a cube, a disk, a bar, a sphere, a plate, a rod, a ring, a
tube, a stick, a block or other shape. In a non-limiting
embodiment of the invention, a high-pull-force magnet may have a
hollow portion. In a non-limiting embodiment of the invention, a
plurality of high-pull-force magnets may be arranged together in a
ring. In another non-limiting embodiment of the invention, an
apparatus is provided with a high-pull-force magnet that is
capable of spinning.
[0013] High-pull-force magnets of the present invention have a
pull force preferably of greater than about 50 pounds, more
preferably greater than about 100 pounds, and most preferably
greater than about 200 pounds. In a non-limiting embodiment, a
high-pull-force magnet has a nominal strength of preferably
greater than about 5000 gauss, more preferably greater than about
10,000 gauss, and most preferably greater than about 20,000 gauss.
In a non-limiting embodiment, a high-pull-force magnet produces a
magnetic strength preferably of about 5 gauss at a distance of
about 0.01 m to about 1 m, more preferably of about 5 gauss to
about 14,000 gauss at a distance of about 0.01 to about 0.5 m, and
most preferably of about 10 gauss to about 320 gauss or greater at
a distance of about 0.1 m to about 0.4 m.
[0014] According to a first non-limiting aspect of the present
invention, an apparatus is provided comprising a high-pull-force
magnet and a buoy, a barge, a net, fishing tackle or any
combination thereof. Fishing tackle may comprise a longline, a
main line, a gangion, a lead, a weight, a buoy, a net, or any
combination thereof.
[0015] According to a second non-limiting aspect of the present
invention, an apparatus is provided comprising a high-pull-force
magnet and a fish hook. Such fish hook may be individual or
attached to longline or mainline and such fish hook may have a
single hook or multiple hooks.
[0016] According to a third non-limiting aspect of the present
invention, a method is provided for repelling elasmobranchs
comprising attaching a high-pull-force magnet to a hook, longline,
mainline, fishing tackle, gangion, lead, weight, buoy, net, boat
or any combination thereof.
[0017] According to a fourth non-limiting aspect of the present
invention, an apparatus is provided comprising a surfboard and a
high-pull-force magnet. A high-pull-force magnet may be housed
within the surfboard, be attached to the surfboard, or be trailed
behind the surfboard in the water.
[0018] In fifth non-limiting aspect of the present invention, a
method is provided for repelling elasmobranchs comprising
attaching a high-pull-force magnet to a human body or to clothing
or accessories associated with a human body. In a preferred
technique, a high-pull-force magnet may be attached to a human
ankle or wrist or may be attached to a bracelet. A high-pull-force
magnet may also be attached to a belt, a weight belt for diving,
or flippers for diving and snorkeling.
[0019] In a sixth non-limiting aspect of the present invention, a
kit is provided comprising a high-pull-force magnet.
[0020] The invention will now be described by way of example with
reference to the accompanying drawings wherein:
[0021] FIG. 1 illustrates a traditional circle hook
attached to a line and a non-limiting preferred zone (I) for
locating a high-pull-force magnet in accordance with the present
[0022] FIGS. 2A-C illustrate non-limiting positions within
the zone (I) for locating a high-pull-force magnet in accordance
with the present invention. FIG. 2A illustrates a
high-pull-force magnet attached to the line above the hook. FIG.
2B illustrates a high-pull-force magnet attached to the hook.
FIG. 2C illustrates a high-pull-force magnet attached to the
hook shank and clear of the hook eye.
[0023] FIGS. 3A-C illustrate non-limiting positions within
the zone (I) for locating a high-pull-force magnet on a J- hook
in accordance with the present invention. FIG. 3A illustrates a
high-pull-force magnet attached to the line above the hook. FIG.
3B illustrates a high-pull-force magnet attached to the hook.
FIG. 3C illustrates a high-pull-force magnet attached to the
hook shank and clear of the hook eye.
[0024] FIGS. 4A-B illustrate non-limiting positions within
the zone (I) for locating a high-pull-force magnet on a treble
hook in accordance with the present invention. FIG. 4A
illustrates a high-pull-force magnet attached to the line above
the hook. FIG. 4B illustrates a high-pull-force magnet attached
to the hook.
[0025] FIG. 5 illustrates an exemplary demersal longline
with a high-pull-force magnet in accordance with the present
[0026] FIGS. 6A-B illustrate non-limiting devices for
repelling elasmobranchs in accordance with the present
invention. FIG. 6A illustrates a buoy and high-pull-force magnet
and a net with a plurality of high-pull-force magnets in
accordance with the invention. FIG. 6B illustrates a barge and a
high-pull-force magnet in accordance with the present invention.
[0027] FIGS. 7A-C illustrate non-limiting exemplary
surfboards with a high-pull-force magnet in accordance with the
invention. FIG. 7A illustrates a surfboard with a
high-pull-force magnet embedded in or attached to the surfboard
in accordance with the invention. FIG. 7B illustrates a
surfboard with a high-pull-force magnet that is capable of
spinning in accordance with the invention. FIG. 7C illustrates a
high-pull-force magnet or magnets that are capable of spinning
when placed in water. Such a spinning high-pull-force magnet may
comprise individual magnets attached to a hub that is attached
to an axle to allow free spinning of the high-pull-force magnet
or magnets attached to the surfboard when water current is
[0028] FIGS. 8A-C illustrate exemplary accessories for
attaching a high-pull-force magnet to a human or other subject
or object. FIG. 8A illustrates a belt or weight belt with a
high-pull-force magnet in accordance with the invention. FIG. 8B
illustrates a bracelet or wristband with a high-pull-force
magnet in accordance with the invention. FIG. 8C illustrates
flippers for snorkeling or diving with a high-pull-force magnet
in accordance with the present invention.
[0029] FIG. 9 illustrates a plurality of high-pull-force
magnets arranged into exemplary bracelets, belts or attachable
rings in accordance with the invention.
[0030] "By-catch" is any kind of fish that is caught in a fishing
operation wherein the fish is not the object of the fishing
operation. For example, if the target fish of a longline fishing
operation is tuna, an elasmobranch caught on a hook of the
longline is by-catch.
[0031] "Elasmobranchs" in this specification means one or more
elasmobranchii in the super-orders Galeomorphii and Squalomorphii
and orders Squaliforms (dogfish), Carcharhiniformes (requiem
sharks), Lamniformes (mackerel sharks), and certain
Orectolobiformes (carpet sharks). Elasmobranchs in this
specification includes nurse sharks, an Orectolobiforme, but this
specification does not include the other carpet sharks, such as
[0032] "Gauss" is a measure of magnetic field strength. Gauss is a
unit of the density of a magnet's flux (or flux density) measured
in centimeter-gram-second. A tesla is equal to 10,000 gauss. Gauss
and tesla are common units for referring to the power of a magnet
to attract (or repel) other magnets or magnetic materials. The
Gauss unit describes both the coercivity of a magnet and its
saturation magnetization. Gauss describes how strong the magnetic
fields are extending from the magnet and how strong of a magnetic
field it would take to de-magnetize the magnet.
[0033] "Grade" of a neodymium-iron-boride magnet specifies the
quality of material used to construct the magnet. All else being
equal, the higher the quality of materials used to construct the
magnet, the greater the magnet's strength. In grading
neodymium-iron-boride magnets, a lower grade, e.g., N35, does not
have as much magnetic strength as a higher grade, e.g. N45.
[0034] "Longline" refers to a fishing line that may extend up to
many miles wherein a mainline extends the full length of the
longline and individual shorter gangion lines attached to the
mainline are spaced at set intervals (perhaps several feet or
meters or perhaps 1000 feet or greater apart). Hooks are attached
to the individual gangion lines. Hooks may be baited and used to
catch target fish. The addition of a magnet of sufficient strength
repels elasmobranchs from the baited hooks as well as from the
region of the longline generally.
[0035] "Nominal strength" of a magnet is measured in gauss or
tesla and reflects the theoretical strength of a magnet at its
core. Nominal strength is a function of the grade of a magnet. The
higher the grade, the higher the nominal strength. Nominal
strength is the strength necessary to demagnetize the magnet.
[0036] "Pull force" is the attractiveness of a magnet to a mild
steel flat surface in pounds. The formula for calculating pull
force is provided in detail herein.
[0037] "Target fish" is any kind of fish, the catching of which is
the object of a fishing operation. For example, the target fish of
a longline fishing operation may be tuna. A fish that is caught on
the longline that is not tuna would not be a target fish.
[0038] "Tonic immobility" is the state of paralysis that typically
occurs when an elasmobranch is subject to inversion of its body
along the longitudinal axis of the body, i.e., is belly up. An
elasmobranch can remain in this state for up to 15 minutes.
[0039] It has been discovered that high-pull-force magnets repel
elasmobranchs. High-pull-force magnets comprising a pull force of
about 50 pounds or greater introduced into the environment of an
elasmobranch have demonstrated repelling action on elasmobranchs.
Likewise, magnets comprising a nominal strength of greater than
about 0.5 teslas (5000 gauss) have demonstrated repelling action
on elasmobranch. Further, magnets producing about 5,000 mG to
about 500,000 mG of magnetic strength at a distance of about 0.01
m to about 1 m from the magnet or about 10,000 mG to about 320,000
mG of magnetic strength at a distance of about 0.1 m to about 0.4
m from the magnet have demonstrated repelling action on
[0040] High-pull-force magnets may be employed near fishing lines,
fish hooks or fishing nets to repel sharks from bait, hooks or
nets that have been set for target fish (not sharks).
High-pull-force magnets may also be employed near people, animals
or objects in the water to repel elasmobranchs from frightening or
injuring the people, animals or objects in a particular area.
[0041] Sufficient magnetic force to repel elasmobranchs may be
measured in a number of ways. Magnetic force may be measured as
pull force, as nominal magnetic strength at the core of the magnet
(in gauss) or at a distance of interest from the magnet (in
gauss). Any measurement known to an artisan practicing the
invention may be useful.
[0042] The high-pull-force magnet may be a permanent magnet or an
electromagnet. Magnets made of neodymium-iron-boride (NdFeB) are
preferred, given present magnet technology, since these magnets
have high pull force relative to their physical size. A coating,
such as nickel, may protect permanent high-pull-force magnets from
corrosion in water. A preferred NdFeB magnet, in accordance with
the present invention, may have a grade of about N38 through about
N50 or greater.
[0043] A high-pull-force magnet for repelling elasmobranchs may
comprise the shape of a cylinder, a cone, a circle, a cube, a
disk, a bar, a sphere, a plate, a rod, a ring, a tube, a stick, a
block, a tapered cone, or any other shape. The high-pull-force
magnet may further comprise a hollow portion for stringing, like
beads, on a fishing hook, line, belt, bracelet or rings. A
high-pull-force magnet comprising a cylinder with a diameter of
about 4 inches to about 8 inches and a thickness of about 1 inch
to about 4 inches is preferred. A magnet with a diameter of about
4 inches and a thickness of about 1.5 inches is most preferred.
[0044] High-pull-force magnets having a pull force of about 50
pounds or greater have demonstrated repelling activity on
elasmobranch species at distances as great or greater than 0.3 m
from the elasmobranches. Further, a longline fitted with a series
of seven magnets set more than 100 feet apart has shown repelling
activity across an entire longline of about 2000 feet. As such,
high-pull-force magnets in accordance with the invention may be
used to repel elasmobranches. The repelling activity of
high-pull-force magnets may be useful in the commercial fishing
industry to reduce elasmobranch by-catch and predation, and useful
to repel elasmobranchs from humans in the environment of an
elasmobranch or repel elasmobranchs from an area of interest.
[0045] The mode of action of high-pull-force magnets on
elasmobranchs is not fully understood. While not wishing to be
bound by any particular theory, one plausible theoretical
explanation for this surprising finding of repellent activity of
high-pull-force magnets is the possibility that electrical eddy
currents are generated by an elasmobranch moving through the
strong magnetic field created by the high-pull-force magnet. The
resulting eddy currents may over stimulate ampullae of Lorenzini
(known to be used by elasmobranchs for navigation and orientation)
causing the ampullae of Lorenzini to disorient the elasmobranch or
otherwise signal danger to the elasmobranch causing aversive
[0046] Several species of sharks have demonstrated the ability to
sense magnetic fields (Kalmijn, 1978; Ryan, 1980; Klimley, 1993;
2002) but were not repelled by the use of such magnets. The
ampullae of Lorenzini organ within sharks is used to detect weak
electrical fields at short ranges, which functions in the final
stages of prey capture: usually when a shark is inches from its
prey. A shark's prey emits weak electric fields that are
detectable to the shark. As a shark approaches prey, the shark can
sense the weak electric field emitted therefrom. In the natural
environment, the detection range of the shark's ampullae of
Lorenzini is effective only within inches of an object. As
magnetic field strength is increased elasmobranchs sense the
magnetic field at much greater distances, such as 0.3 m or
greater. When a plurality of magnets are introduced across a large
area or region (such as along a fishing longline) sharks may sense
a powerful magnetic field at close range spanning an area/length
of 1000 feet.
[0047] Magnetic fields generated by high-pull-force magnets such
as permanent magnets are effective repellents for elasmobranchs,
excluding certain carpet sharks in the Orectolobidae family. It is
believed that high-pull-force magnets are not effective repellents
against certain carpet sharks, particularly spotted wobbegongs
(Orectolobus maculatus), because they ambush predators and rely
more on visual, olfaction, and lateral line clues than this
magnetic sense. This species of shark is found chiefly in
Australia and Indonesia, and does not represent significant
by-catch species or species that are known to be aggressive
against humans. Magnets, however, are effective against nurse
sharks in the Orectolobiform family.
[0048] While not wishing to be bound by a particular theory, the
flux of a permanent magnet, such as an NdFeB magnet, may correlate
with the detection range of the ampullae of Lorenzini. Since, the
magnetic flux from a magnet decreases at the inverse cube of the
distance from the magnet, at only a few meters distance the
magnetic field exerted by the magnet is less than the Earth's
magnetic field. As such, repelling of elasmobranchs with magnets
appears to occur within several meters of a high-pull-force
magnet. Additionally, if a series of high-pull-force magnets is
spaced in a region, a measurable level of repelling appears to
occur over the entire region.
[0049] High-pull-force magnets have been demonstrated by Applicant
to act as acceptable repellents of elasmobranchs. The repellent
activity of high-pull-force magnets has been shown to be better
than existing shark-repellent technology with the exception of
certain chemical repellents being developed by SHARK DEFENSE LLC
that have a greater range of action.
[0050] A. Magnetic Forces
[0051] The force of a magnet may be measured in a variety of ways.
Gauss is a unit of the density of a magnet's flux (or flux
density) measured in centimeter-gram-second. A tesla is equal to
10,000 gauss. Gauss and tesla are known common units for referring
to the power of a magnet to attract (or repel) other magnets or
magnetic materials. The Gauss unit describes both the coercivity
of a magnet and its saturation magnetization. Basically, it
describes how strong the magnetic fields are extending from the
magnet and how strong of a magnetic field it would take to
de-magnetize the magnet.
[0052] The pull force of a magnet is related to the magnet's
nominal strength in gauss or teslas but uses the nominal strength
to create a practical measure of a magnets ability to apply a
pulling force on materials that are attracted to a magnetic field,
such as ampullae of Lorenzini in elasmobranch. Pull force is
related to the flux density of the magnet's magnetic field (in
gauss or tesla) and the shape of the magnet. Pull force is
calculated using the following equation: Pull Force=0.576*Br
<2>*(Th)*A <1/2 >where Br=Flux Density in KiloGauss,
Th=Thickness of Magnetized Surfaces in inches and A=Surface Area
of the magnet in inches. Using this equation, a magnet's pull
force may be determined A high pull force value for magnets is
greater than about 50 pounds.
[0053] The strength of a magnet's magnetic field is inversely
related to the distance an object is from the magnet. As such,
magnets of very low strength (or gauss) may repel elasmobranchs if
the elasmobranch moves close enough to sense the magnetic field of
the magnet. A high-pull-force magnet having sufficient strength to
repel an elasmobranch at sufficient distance such that the
elasmobranch is deterred from striking a baited hook or coming
near a person or other subject is preferred. It is more preferred
that a high-pull-force magnet have a pull force of at least 100
pounds to provide sufficient magnetic force to repel an
elasmobranch away from a baited hook or a person before the
elasmobranch may bight the hook or harm the person. Because an
elasmobranch may act to strike a hook or person at a distance from
the target, the stronger the high-pull-force magnet, the more
effective it will be. It has been reported that magnets have a
beneficial health effect in humans and a negative health effect in
humans at high power. Applicant makes no representation herein of
the safety of use of high-pull-force magnets by humans during
short- or long-term use.
[0054] A. Magnets
[0055] Exemplary and non-limiting high-pull-force magnets in
accordance with the invention may be constructed of any material
that is capable of generating a magnetic field without requiring
an outside energy source (such a permanent ferrous magnet).
Magnetism may be generated in any manner known to the skilled
artisan who is practicing aspects of the invention.
[0056] There are many varieties of permanent magnet materials
including neodymium magnets (which are some of the most powerful
permanent magnets known at this time), samarium-cobalt magnets,
ceramic magnets, plastic magnets, Alnico magnets as well as
traditional ferrous magnets. Any magnetic material having
sufficient pull force may be used as a repellent of elasmobranchs.
[0057] Exemplary permanent magnets include neodymium-iron-boride
(NdFeB) magnets, ferrous metal magnets, samarium-cobalt magnets,
or any other magnetic material. High-pull-force magnets may be
flexible or inflexible. High-pull-force magnets may be made of
sintered metal powder or of metal or any other magnetizable
[0058] A preferred magnetic material for high-pull-force magnets
contemplated within an aspect of the invention is NdFeB. NdFeB is
a more preferred material than ferrous magnets, flexible magnets
or samarium-cobalt magnets. Flexible magnetic strips may be
constructed from magnetic powder such as ferrous or other powder
mixed with polymer bonding material such as rubber-like material.
Samarium-cobalt magnets are less preferred in that they may be
more brittle than other magnets.
[0059] In selecting a high-pull-force magnet, a pull force of
about 50 pounds or greater is preferred. A pull force of about 100
pounds or greater is more preferred since the impact of the
magnetic field will felt at a greater distance from the magnet.
[0060] Neodymium-iron-boride magnets, commonly called "rare
earth," "NdFeB," or "NIB" magnets, typically meet or exceed
residual inductances greater than about 5,000 gauss, which is
preferred. Residual inductance defines how changing magnetic
fields generate electric currents and is also measured in gauss.
[0061] In order to maximize high pull force, the surface area of a
magnet may be maximized. For example, a 6'' diameter by 2'' thick
cylindrical N38 NdFeB magnet (nominal strength 13000 gauss; pull
force 1042 pounds) may be effective in repelling elasmobranchs at
a range of 6''.
[0062] A plurality of magnets may be employed to repel
elasmobranchs. For example, 1'' cube magnets may be arranged in a
12'' long bar and used to repel elasmobranchs. The cube magnets
may be of any magnetic material capable of producing sufficient
magnetic strength at any distance of interest from the magnet to
repel elasmobranchs.
[0063] Alternatively, a plurality of 1'' cube magnets may be
arranged linearly with a distance between each magnet. The magnets
may be arranged linearly with positive poles facing one another or
may be arranged with positive poles facing negative poles. Smaller
magnets are also effective in repelling elasmobranchs and may
preferably be arranged to maximize surface area presented to an
oncoming elasmobranch.
[0064] Metals with special magnetic properties may be used in
conjunction with permanent magnets in order to maximize or shape
the magnetic flux profile of the magnet and thereby increase the
pull force by directing the magnetic force more powerfully at an
elasmobranch of choice. For example, holmium metal, which
possesses the highest magnetic moment of the known elements, may
be used to optimize the magnetic flux profile. A 1.5'' holmium
ring with a drilled 0.5'' diameter center, coupled to an NdFeB
1.5'' diameter cylindrical magnet, produced aversive reactions in
immobilized sharks when the holmium end was oriented to the
shark's nares. Other materials that may also be used, among
others, for controlling the shape of the magnetic flux of a magnet
may be gadolinium; pyrolytic graphite; mu-metal (a nickel-iron
alloy comprising copper and molybdenum that has a very high
magnetic permeability and is, therefore, very effective at
screening magnetic fields); and bismuth.
[0065] To protect permanent magnets from corrosion when placed in
water, permanent magnets may be coated with any coating that will
reduce corrosion and preserve the magnetic force of the magnet.
For example, magnets may be coated with nickel, rubber, plastic,
acrylic, enamel, paint or other coating. Nickel-plated NdFeB
magnets are an example of preferred high-pull-force magnets so
long as the coating remains intact.
[0066] It may be desirable to encase a magnet in paint. Black
paint is a preferred paint color to avoid underwater reflections
and flashes of sunlight from the magnet's surface that can act as
an attractant. A magnet may also be enclosed in any waterproof
housing, such as a polymer coating.
[0067] B. High-Pull-Force Magnets in Combination with Hooks
[0068] A non-limiting aspect of the present invention is the use
of high-pull-force magnets to repel elasmobranchs from baited
hooks. Exemplary and non-limiting combinations of a
high-pull-force magnet and a hook are illustrated in FIGS. 1-4.
For example, in FIG. 1, an exemplary and non-limiting circle hook
and line ( 100) are illustrated wherein a circle hook ( 140) is
attached to a line ( 150) along with an exemplary and non-limiting
Zone I in the circle hook and line where a high-pull-force magnet
may be placed or affixed. The preferred region (Zone I) for magnet
placement along the line ( 150) or shank ( 142) of the hook is any
region wherein the affixed or placed magnet does not obstruct the
hook gap distance (Zone II). Not more than 20% of the hook gap
distance (Zone II) is preferably obstructed by the magnet such
that the hook is not prevented from being baited or setting in the
corner of the mouth of a target fish. Nevertheless, any
arrangement wherein the hook is not prevented from catching target
fish is acceptable. Tapered conical designs (not illustrated) are
contemplated such that the diameter of the high-pull-force magnet
at the hook end is smaller than the diameter of the
high-pull-force magnet at the line end of Zone I.
[0069] Exemplary and non-limiting combinations of a high-pull
force magnet on a hook and line are illustrated in FIGS. 2A-C. As
in FIG. 2A, a high-pull-force magnet ( 210) may be placed in
proximity to a circle or offset circle hook ( 240) attached to a
line ( 250) so that it rests on the hook eye ( 241) providing an
exemplary embodiment such as the hook-magnet combination embodied
at 260. As in FIG. 2B, a high-pull-force magnet ( 210) may be
placed in proximity to a circle or off-set circle hook ( 240) so
that it rests on the shank ( 242) of the hook providing an
exemplary embodiment such as the hook-magnet combination embodied
at 270. As in FIG. 2C, a high-pull-force magnet ( 210) may be
placed on a circle or offset circle hook ( 240) so that it is
secured to the outside of the shank ( 242) and the hook eye ( 241)
providing an exemplary embodiment such as the hook-magnet
combination embodied at 280. A high-pull-force magnet may be
affixed outside the shank ( 241) of a hook simply by the magnetic
force of the high-pull-force magnet. Vinyl electric tape (not
illustrated) may be used to secure the high-pull-force magnet.
Black vinyl tape is preferred to reduce reflections of light.
[0070] High-pull-force magnets may be provided in any shape. It is
preferred that a magnet's shape not significantly obstruct the
hook gap distance (zone II). The magnet may comprise a hole
through which a lead, or gangion, or mainline or other filamentous
object may pass. Exemplary non-limiting shapes may include a cube
or block of any size or other object having at least one plane
comprising four right angles and a hole passing through the object
such that fishing line or other filament may be passed through to
affix the magnet in place on fishing tackle or other object.
Alternative, non-limiting shapes may also include cylindrical or
other circular, oval or oblong three-dimensional shapes having a
hole passing through some portion of the shape. Alternative,
non-limiting shapes may also include a hollow pyramid or a hollow
[0071] Alternative, non-limiting shapes may also include a solid
cube or similar shape, a solid rectangle or similar shape, a solid
bar or similar shape, a solid pyramid or similar shape, a solid
trapezoid or similar shape or any other shape. Magnets may be
shaped as a ring, a trapezoid, a series of trapezoids, a series of
trapezoids arranged in a larger ring pattern, a cone, a tapered
cone, a narrow or wide cylinder or in the shape of a Billy club.
Preferably, the shape when combined with a hook provides a hook in
proximity to a magnet comprising sufficient magnetic field
strength to repel elasmobranchs.
[0072] Exemplary and non-limiting combinations of a
high-pull-force magnet and a hook are also illustrated in FIGS.
3A-C. As in FIG. 3A, a high-pull-force magnet ( 310) may be placed
in proximity to a j-hook ( 340) on a line ( 350) such that it
rests on the hook eye ( 341) providing an exemplary embodiment
such as the hook-magnet combination embodied at 360. As in FIG.
3B, a high-pull-force magnet ( 310) may be placed in proximity to
a j-hook ( 340) such that it rests on the shank ( 342) of the hook
providing an exemplary embodiment such as the hook-magnet
combination embodied at 370. As in FIG. 3C, a high-pull-force
magnet ( 310) may be placed on a j-hook ( 340) such that it is
secured to the outside of the shank ( 342) and the hook eye ( 341)
providing an exemplary embodiment such as the hook-magnet
combination embodied at 380. As described above in the
illustration of FIG. 2, magnets may be provided in any shape.
[0073] Exemplary and non-limiting combinations of magnet and hook
are also illustrated in FIGS. 4A-B. In FIG. 4A, a high-pull-force
magnet ( 410) may be placed in proximity to a treble hook ( 440)
on a line ( 450) such that it rests on the hook eye ( 441)
providing an exemplary embodiment such as the hook-magnet
combination embodied at 460. As in FIG. 4B, a magnet ( 410) may be
placed in proximity to a treble hook ( 440) such that it contacts
the shank ( 442) of the hook providing an exemplary embodiment
such as the hook-magnet combination embodied at 470.
[0074] A hook in accordance with the invention may be any hook
that is capable of catching target fish. The hook may comprise
stainless steel, steel, galvanized metals, ferromagnetic metals or
any other material, metallic or plastic or any other composite.
[0075] A high-pull-force magnet in accordance with an aspect of
the invention may comprise any magnetic material.
[0076] C. High-Pull-Force Magnets on Longlines
[0077] An exemplary and non-limiting method of repelling
elasmobranchs involving repelling elasmobranchs from longlines in
accordance with the invention is illustrated in FIG. 5. A longline
( 500) may be deployed from a boat ( 561) to fish for a target
fish of interest. The main line ( 550) of the longline may be
attached to a buoy ( 520) and at a set distance from the buoy may
be attached to an anchor ( 562). A set of gangions ( 530) with
hooks ( 540) may be attached to the mainline beginning at the
anchor ( 562) and may be spaced sufficiently to limit interaction
between individual gangion lines ( 530). Each hook may have a
magnet ( 510) mounted resting on the hook eye ( 541).
Alternatively, the magnet may be mounted on a hook shank ( 542) or
may be secured to the outside of the hook ( 540). The hooks may be
baited. The longline may be a demersal longline such that the main
line is proximal to the ocean or otherwise water's floor. The
longline may be a pelagic long line, such that the main line is
nearer to the surface of the water, suspending in the water
column, typically at about 100 to about 500 feet below the
surface. In the aspect of the invention where the longline is a
pelagic longline, anchors ( 562) may have less weight or may be
absent from the longline apparatus. The longline may also be a
semipelagic longline wherein the mainline is further down the
water column from the surface as compared to a pelagic line but is
not proximal to the water's floor or is not proximal to the
water's floor on at least one end of the longline. Use of magnets
with longlines reduces by-catch of elasmobranchs.
[0078] Longlines comprising magnets may be handled in the
commercial environment in a manner similar to those practices
known in the art of longline commercial fishing. Because hooks
must be carefully managed to control tangling and hooking of
objects on a longlining boat, including other portions of the
tackle of the longline, commercial fishing operations and those of
skill in the art will recognize how to handle longlines with
hooks. High-pull-force magnets on longlines likewise may be
handled in the same manners as one would consider appropriate in
the art to avoid entanglements of magnets or magnets sticking
together. The long distances between gangions (often more than 100
feet) allow for commercial fishing operators to provide sufficient
distance between magnets to avoid the magnets sticking together
during fishing or during handling of tackle. Further,
high-pull-force magnets used for longlines are of sufficiently
small size and magnetic force that the magnets may be separated
from one another by hand if they do become stuck together.
[0079] As described above, high-pull-force magnets of any size may
be used in combination with a longline hook so long as the target
fish may be caught on the hook. An exemplary high-pull-force
magnet on a longline hook may be 2''*0.25''*2''. Smaller
high-pull-force magnets are also acceptable. High-pull-force
magnets of less than 0.5'' cubed may be appropriate for smaller
hook settings. Smaller high-pull-force magnets having sufficiently
powerful magnetic fields such as N48 grade NdFeB are more
[0080] D. High-Pull-Force Magnet Repellents on Buoys, Nets and
[0081] An exemplary and non-limiting method of repelling
elasmobranchs with a high-pull-force magnet or a plurality of
high-pull-force magnets placed on a buoy or barge or net is
illustrated in FIGS. 6A-B. Buoys with high-pull-force magnets as
their weighted bases are shown as element 660 and 661 in FIG. 6A.
The floating portion of the buoy ( 620) allows the buoy to float
while the high-pull-force magnet portion of the buoy ( 610)
remains in the water because of its weight. A series of buoys
comprising high-pull-force magnets may be placed in a region to
repel elasmobranchs or may be placed around a swimming area or
rescue area to repel elasmobranchs. A series of buoys with
high-pull-force magnets may be accompanied by a series of
high-pull-force magnets submerged ( 611) in an area of interest,
such as a swimming area. As illustrated in FIG. 6B, very large
high-pull-force magnets may be placed on a large floating barge (
670) comprising a high-pull-force magnet ( 610).
[0082] An exemplary and non-limiting device for repelling
elasmobranchs with a plurality of magnets is illustrated in FIG.
6A as element 600, an elasmobranch repelling net apparatus. Buoys
( 660 and 661) may be employed to float a net ( 650) comprising a
series of magnets ( 640) held within the net and magnetic rings (
630) holding the ropes of the net together. The net may be strung
to the bottom of the water column using weighted magnets ( 611).
The net may be anchored to a specific location to provide a
physical barrier. The net may provide a curtain of magnetic field
to repel elasmobranchs from an area or to keep elasmobranchs from
entering an area of interest, such as a swimming or working area.
A net ( 650) comprising magnets such as those illustrated as
elements 610, 611, 630 and 640 may also be used to trawl for fish,
shrimp or other aquatic species. In another non-limiting aspect of
the invention, high-pull-force magnets may be placed in
aquaculture cages to repel sharks from predation or scavenging of
cultured stock. High-pull-force magnets are useful to prevent
damage by elasmobranchs to aquaculture cages, nets or other
[0083] E. Surfboard Fitted with High-Pull-Force Magnet
[0084] A non-limiting repelling device in accordance with the
invention may comprise a surfboard comprising a high-pull-force
magnetic device. FIG. 7A illustrates exemplary surfboards in
accordance with an aspect of the invention. A surfboard ( 720) may
comprise a high-pull-force magnetic device such as a permanent
high-pull-force magnet ( 710) imbedded, affixed, attached or
otherwise associated in any manner contemplated by one of skill in
the art with the surfboard. A permanent high-pull-force magnet may
be pressed into a space drilled into the surfboard ( 730). It may
also be affixed with glue, waterproof tape, Velcro or any other
mechanism known in the art now and hereafter.
[0085] In an alternative non-limiting example in FIG. 7B, a
surfboard ( 750) may comprise a high-pull-force magnet or
plurality of high-pull-force magnets in association with one
another wherein the high-pull-force magnet or magnets are capable
of spinning when placed in water ( 740). Such a spinning
high-pull-force magnet ( 740) may comprise individual magnets
attached to a hub ( 770) that is attached to an axle ( 760) to
allow free spinning of the high-pull-force magnet or magnets
attached to the surfboard ( 750) when water current is present.
[0086] A high-pull-force magnet may be enclosed in the body of a
surfboard or other watercraft or may be trailed behind a
surfboard, other watercraft or swimmer.
[0087] F. High-Pull-Force Magnet Repellents on Swimming and Diving
Clothing and Accessories
[0088] One exemplary non-limiting aspect of the present invention
comprises a magnetic material for producing a magnetic field near
a swimmer or diver or other person or object in an elasmobranch
[0089] High-pull-force magnets, such as, for example,
high-pull-force NdFeB magnets or other high-pull-force permanent
magnets may be worn as a bracelet or a band or otherwise placed in
proximity of a person or object. An increase in the number of
high-pull-force magnets and an increase in the grade of
high-pull-force magnets that may be worn increases the magnetic
field around the wearer and increases the repelling activity of
the bracelet, band or other magnet article. Research on captive
nurse sharks suggests that such a bracelet is effective in
repelling sharks. Using a vinyl-walled tank, high-pull-force
magnets were waved outside the tank wall near a resting nurse
shark inside the tank. The shark had no olfactory, motion, sound,
or visual clues. In seven separate observations, the nurse shark
always rapidly fled from its resting site once the high-pull-force
magnet was waved on the tank wall near the subject.
[0090] In a non-limiting example, an omnidirectional permanent
magnetic field may be affixed or arranged near a subject or object
exposed to an elasmobranch environment. The permanent magnetic
field may be generated from, for example, a permanent magnet or an
electromagnet. A permanent magnet may be affixed, for example, to
any portion of a swimmer's or diver's body such as the head, the
leg, the arm, the torso, the ankle, the wrist, or any other
portions of the body.
[0091] FIGS. 8A-C illustrate non-limiting examples of permanent
high-pull-force magnets ( 810) attached to a belt ( 801) ( FIG.
8A) or bracelet ( 802) ( FIG. 8B) or flippers ( 803) ( FIG. 8C).
[0092] FIG. 9 illustrates a variety of non-limiting alternative
designs for bracelets, belts or rings constructed solely from
high-pull-force magnets. A plurality of bar magnets ( 981) ( 982)
( 983), larger spherical magnets of varying sizes ( 984) or
smaller spherical magnets ( 985) may be shaped into a bracelet or
belt. A plurality of discs ( 986) may be shaped into a bracelet or
a belt or any shape that keeps the magnets in proximity to the
body. Two concave bar magnets ( 987) may be placed on the ankle or
wrist opposite each other such that they are held in place on the
ankle or wrist by attractive magnetic forces.
[0093] The bracelets in FIG. 9 may be flexible and may be
modulated to fit a portion of the body. Individual magnets of the
bracelet may be easily separated and placed on the ankle or wrist.
[0094] The disks ( 986) may be magnetized on their edges and not
magnetized on their faces. As such, the disks may be assembled as
a ring using magnetic connections on their edges. The disks may be
manipulated and may be returned to a circle. As such, they may
conform to a ring to attach to any type of clothing, equipment or
body part to which a ring may be attached.
[0095] High-pull-force magnets may likewise be attached to
clothing or water accessories such as swim trunks, wet suits,
headbands, flippers, goggles or other piece of clothing or
accessory. High-pull-force magnets may be sewn into such clothing
or may be affixed with tape, glue, Velcro or any other mechanism
for affixing to clothing or accessories for swimming, diving or
otherwise working or playing in water.
[0096] Many human-shark interactions in shallow water, especially
around the State of Florida in the United States, are hypothesized
to be "mistaken identity" by the shark in water with poor
visibility. The blacktip shark ( C. limbatus) and nurse shark ( G.
cirratum) are often implicated in these encounters. The sharks do
not have an olfactory clue in most of these "mistaken identity"
cases. A series of high-pull-force magnets, such as NdFeB
high-pull-force magnets or other strong permanent high-pull-force
magnets, may be used as means to repel the shark as it approaches
within a few inches of the magnets. With a strong high-pull-force
magnet, such as NdFeB, or an increased number of high-pull-force
magnets, to increase magnetic field strength, repellent activity
increases and the chance that a shark will be repelled prior to an
investigatory bump or bite is greatly increased.
[0097] The invention is further described with the following
non-limiting examples, which are provided to further illuminate
aspects of the invention.
Example 1
Pull Force of High-Pull-Force Magnets
[0098] Some of the high-pull-force magnets that have been used in
examples in this application are listed below in Table 1 with
calculation of the pull force of the respective high-pull-force
magnets based on the geometry, size, grade and nominal strength
(conservative BR) of the high-pull-force magnet.
Conservative Pull Force
Geometry Size Grade Br (Gauss) (pounds)
Puck 4'' * 1.5'' N38 13000 521
Bar 6'' * 2'' * 0.5'' N48 13800 191.31
Hollow 1'' * 1'' with 3/16'' N42 13200
cylinder hollow center
2 stacked 0.472'' * 1.97'' * N50 14100
hollow 0.24'' hollow
cylinders center
Cube 1'' * 1'' * 1'' N48 13800 110.5
[0099] Pull force is descriptive of the attractiveness of a magnet
to a steel flat surface. A shark is not a magnetic steel surface,
but it does have a surface (likely the ampullae of Lorenzini) that
interacts with the magnetic field of the magnet. As such, pull
force is an appropriate method for measuring interaction of an
elasmobranch with a magnetic field.
Example 2
High-Pull-Force Magnets as Repellents on Longlines
[0100] The following example demonstrates the elasmobranch
repellent activity of high-pull-force magnets of greater than
about 150 pounds of pull force on long lines. High-pull-force
magnet treatments were evaluated on one demersal longline located
in the middle of a large lagoon. Adjacent longlines in the same
lagoon produced large shark catch (generally greater than two
sharks over the 15 hooks on a line).
[0101] Seven hooks on a demersal longline of about 1000 feet were
treated with 2''*0.25''*2'' NdFeB N48 magnets (nominal force
14,000 gauss; pull force about 161 pounds). The high-pull-force
magnets were secured at even-numbered hooks on the longline,
directly above the eye of the hook and strapped to the gangion
leader with black vinyl electrical tape. All hooks received bait.
If the bait was lost during the experiment, the hook was re-baited
while the high-pull-force magnets were not removed or replaced;
only the bait was exchanged.
[0102] A large nurse shark of about 250 cm was captured on a
control hook (hook with no magnet affixed) after a second re-bait.
From earlier longline trials at this spot, a much higher nurse
catch was expected on this line, especially since the
high-pull-force magnets acted as weights and held the baits closer
to the sea floor. However, only one nurse shark was caught. As
such, it is believed sharks were repelled from the entire longline
by the series of high-pull-force magnets affixed thereto.
1 <st >Set 2nd
Hook Treatment Bait Bait bait Bait
Species Caught
1 None Barracuda Barracuda Tuna
2 Magnet Barracuda Barracuda Barracuda
3 None Barracuda Barracuda Barracuda
4 Magnet Barracuda Barracuda Tuna
5 None Barracuda Barracuda Tuna
6 Magnet Barracuda Barracuda Tuna
7 None Barracuda Barracuda Tuna
8 Magnet Barracuda Barracuda Tuna
9 None Barracuda Barracuda Tuna
10 Magnet Barracuda Barracuda Tuna
11 None Barracuda Barracuda Tuna
12 Magnet Barracuda Barracuda Tuna
13 None Barracuda Barracuda Tuna
Nurse, 250 cm
14 Magnet Barracuda Barracuda Barracuda
15 None Barracuda Barracuda Tuna
Example 3
High-Pull-Force Magnets as Repellents on Longlines
[0103] The following example demonstrates the elasmobranch
repellent activity of high-pull-force magnets of greater than 50
pounds of pull force on long lines. A first demersal longline with
eight hook sets was baited with barracuda flesh and placed in open
water. No high-pull-force magnets were placed on the hooks. Five
sharks were captured on the longline over 24 hours representing 5
separate shark species ranging in size from 97 cm to 240 cm. See
Table 3.
Hook Species
1 1. Tiger (F), 235 cm
2. Nurse (F) 231 cm
3. Sharpnose (F), 97 cm
4 Nurse 240 cm
14 Blacknose 115 cm
[0104] A second demersal longline with fifteen hook sets was
baited with squid and placed in the same position in open water as
the first demersal longline discussed above for 67 hours. The
trial with the second demersal longline was run three months after
the trial with the first demersal longline. Seven of the fifteen
hooks were treated with 1''*1*''*1" neodymium-iron-boride grade
N48 cube magnets (pull force of about 110 pounds; nominal force
around 14,000 gauss) with the high-pull-force magnet secured to
the outside of the hook shank using the magnetic force of the hook
and black vinyl electric tape. All hooks received bait. During
re-baits, the high-pull-force magnets were not removed or
replaced; only the bait was exchanged.
[0105] Two small sharks were caught on the second demersal
longline. A blacknose shark of 110 cm was caught on a control line
with no magnets. A sharpnose shark of 80 cm was caught on
high-pull-force magnet line. The large decrease in shark catch
between the first demersal longline trial (five relatively large
sharks for their species) and the second demersal longline trial
(two relatively small sharks) was ascribed to the presence of
magnets along the longline. See Table 4.
Hook # Trtmt Bait Species Caught
1 control squid
2 magnet squid
3 control squid
4 magnet squid
5 control squid
6 magnet squid sharpnose 80 cm
7 control squid blacknose 110 cm
8 magnet squid
9 control squid
10 magnet squid
11 control squid
12 magnet squid
13 control squid
14 magnet squid
15 control squid
[0106] A third demersal longline was set with 15 hooks in the same
position as the first and second demersal longlines discussed
above. The third demersal longline was set within a day of the
second demersal longline. Seven of the eight hooks were fixed with
magnets at the same position. Magnets were small NdFeB grade N50
hollow cylinders (12 mm outer diameter*6.1 mm inner diameter). Two
magnets were placed on each hook creating a total magnet length of
50 mm. Together the magnets have a pull force of about 47 pounds
and a nominal force of 14,100 gauss. The demersal line was placed
in the same open water position as both demersal lines in Example
3. Within a 24-hour period, 3 large (>200 cm) tiger sharks were
captured, 2 on magnet treatments. The smaller (less powerful)
magnets did not repel tiger sharks.
[0107] Since a larger number of sharks (and of larger size) were
caught on the first and third longlines, the three trials
presented in this example demonstrate that sharks were repelled
from the second longline comprising magnets of sufficient magnetic
strength to repel sharks. Together, the three longline trials
contained in this example demonstrate repelling of sharks by
magnets of sufficient magnetic strength to repel sharks across a
Example 4
High-Pull-Force Magnet Terminates Tonic Immobility at Greater than
30 cm Distance
[0108] Preliminary research conducted on the effects of specific
magnetic fields on shark behavior suggests that weak magnetic
fields (0.3-0.5 Gauss) produced by electromagnets had no
significant repelling effect on juvenile nurse sharks,
Ginglymostomata cirratum, and juvenile lemon sharks ( Negaprion
brevirostris) under tonic immobility, however, very strong
magnetic fields (i.e. about 14,000 Gauss or 1.4 Tesla) produced by
large (4''diameter*1.5'' height) "rare earth" magnets
(neodymium-iron-boride; NdFeB) (13000 gauss, pull force of 521
pounds) had a significant repelling effect on both shark species
at distances of 0.3 m or less. Additional experiments on captive
sharks in an offshore, sandy bottom, fenced-in enclosure were done
with NdFeB high-pull-force magnets buried under the sand. Exposure
of the sharks to the buried magnets resulted in "violent
reorientation" as the captive sharks came into proximity of the
buried high-pull-force magnets.
Example 5
Y-Maze Preference Bioassays
[0109] A Y-maze was constructed to establish a preference test to
determine the repellent activity of magnets on elasmobranchs. The
maze was constructed of three sections of clear acrylic 8 inch
diameter tubing, connected at 33[deg.] angles to form a Y-shape.
Slotted guides were secured to the entrances of each tube, to
allow the insertion of a moveable door, which obstructs one exit.
The entire maze was submerged in a test tank. Sharks were allowed
to freely enter the maze and exit the maze. A high-pull-force
magnet was placed, south pole facing the maze junction, in an
obstructed leg of the maze, preventing an exit from the maze in
that direction if that obstructed leg is chosen. The diameter of
the tubing was sufficient to allow juvenile nurse sharks, juvenile
lemon sharks, and juvenile wobbegong sharks to enter and pass
through, but it was small enough to prevent the specimen from
turning around within the tube.
[0110] For each trial, uncooked shrimp were used as a reward, and
the south pole of a 4'' diameter NdFeB nickel-coated cylindrical
high-pull-force magnet (pull force 521 pounds; nominal force about
13000 gauss) was placed in the obstructed leg. One shrimp was
positioned midway into the entrance tube to entice the shark to
enter the maze. Two shrimp were placed midway into the exit tube,
and two shrimp were placed midway into the tube containing the
magnet. When the shark entered the maze and reached the
Y-junction, the shark was presented with approximately the equal
odor gradient from the shrimp in the exit tube and the tube
containing the magnet. If the shark chose the maze without the
high-pull-force magnet, it was rewarded with two additional shrimp
as it exited. If the shark chose the maze with the high-pull-force
magnet, it was subjected to an exponentially-increasing magnetic
field as it moved down the tube. The shark could only physically
back out of the high-pull-force magnet tube and into the junction.
Sharks that moved into the magnet and attempted to back out were
visible traumatized. Feeding observations regarding the two shrimp
in the high-pull-force magnet tube were made.
[0111] Each trial was scored as follows:
+1 Subject enters the maze
+1 Subject exits the maze
+1 Subject takes the first reward shrimp just after entry (teaser)
+2 The unobstructed path is chosen at the junction
+3 At least one reward shrimp in the unobstructed path is taken
-2 The obstructed path is chosen (magnet) at the junction
-3 The specimen enters more than 6'' into the obstructed path and
is visibly struggling.
[0119] A perfect score=7 for each trial. If a shark became
traumatized and requires removal from the maze for its own safety,
a score is calculated up to the point of the rescue. A rescue is
made whenever a subject appears to be highly distressed, and a
physical injury is likely.
[0120] For example, a nurse shark entered the maze, took its first
reward shrimp, and immediately chose the unobstructed path. As it
exited, it took its two reward shrimp, and exited the maze without
a change in behavior.
[0121] In another example, a nurse shark entered the maze and took
its first reward shrimp. It chose the obstructed path but was
repelled by the magnet. The shark backed up into the Y-junction;
reoriented itself; and exited the unobstructed path without taking
the two shrimp available in the unobstructed path.
[0122] In yet another example, a lemon shark entered the maze and
took its first reward shrimp. It chose the obstructed path, and
then continued down the magnet to within 6'' of the magnet. It
became extremely distressed and a rescue was made.
[0123] In an investigation, three nurse sharks were subjected to
the maze. Shark 1 was subjected to the maze five times. Shark 2
was subjected to the maze 5 times but only entered the maze 4
times. Shark 3 was subjected to the maze once but required rescue
when it encountered the magnet and subsequently died, apparently
from stress related to exposure to the magnet. The magnet in the
obstructed maze was a 4''*1.5'' cylindrical NdFeB magnet of grade
N48 (13000 gauss, 521 pounds pull force). The results are
contained in Table 5.
Obstruction Nurse 2
Exit Nurse 1 (Lg.) (Med.) Nurse 3
Trial 1 L 1 1 -4
Trial 2* L 5 1 (rescue
Trial 3 R 4 3 performed)
Trial 4 L 4 4 Shark would
Trial 5 R 5 Did not enter not
re-enter maze
[0124] The data suggest that Nurse 1 has learned to navigate the
maze, retrieve a reward, and exit without distress. Nurse 2
appears to be learning, but did not re-enter on the fifth trial.
Nurse 3 had to be rescued. It was notably distressed by the
magnet. Unfortunately, Nurse 3 did not eat after this experience,
and subsequently died at about 30 days after the experiment. We
did not observe any external injuries on Nurse 3. We attribute
this to stress and possibly shock from encounter with the
high-pull-force magnet in the maze.
Example 6
N48 Neodymium-Iron-Boride (NdFeB) Nickel-Coated Permanent Magnet
Terminate Tonic Immobility
[0125] Juvenile lemon sharks ( Negaprion brevirostris) and
juvenile nurse sharks ( Ginglymostoma cirratum) that had been
placed in tonic immobility were subjected to the magnetic field of
an N48 neodymium-iron-boride (NdFeB) nickel-coated 4''*1.5''
cylinder permanent high-pull-force magnet and were observed. The
high-pull-force magnet had the following characteristics:
[0126] Calculated Pull Force 521 pounds
[0127] Residual Induction: 14 KGs
[0128] Coercive Force: 11.0 KOe
[0129] Intrinsic Coercive Force: >=12.0 KOe
[0130] Maximum Energy Produce: 48 MGOe
[0131] Curie Temperature: 320[deg.] C.-330[deg.] C.
[0132] Vickers Hardness: 500-600
[0133] Working Temperature: <-80[deg.] C.
[0134] Temperature Coefficient -0.11% per [deg.] C.
[0135] A DC milligauss magnetometer (Alpha Labs, Inc.) was used to
record magnetic field strength during the study. The magnetometer
sensor was secured to the top of a nonmagnetic [1/2]'' polyvinyl
chloride stake, which was driven vertically into the sand at the
test site. The magnetometer sensor was submerged for the study.
Water depth did not exceed 36'' at the test site. A meter-long
rule was secured to the magnetometer sensor.
[0136] A control test was preformed in order to determine if the
activated magnetometer sensor would terminate tonic immobility.
The magnetometer was set to zero to compensate for the background
magnetic field of the earth, which allowed fluctuations from the
permanent magnet to be measured. A juvenile female lemon shark in
tonic immobility was held directly at the magnetometer sensor.
Tonic immobility did not terminate. The magnetometer readings did
not fluctuate when the lemon shark was in proximity to the sensor
demonstrating no change in magnetic field strength.
[0137] Two 4'' cylindrical N48 grade NdFeB nickel-coated permanent
high-pull-force magnets (nominal strength 14000 gauss, pull force
about 521 pounds) were calibrated by observing the magnetic field
strength versus distance from the magnet under water. The
following data were recorded:
Distance milliGauss (mG)
1.5 m +191
1.0 m +524
0.9 m +700
0.8 m +920
0.7 m +1310
0.6 m >+2000
Because the maximum reading of the magnetometer used in the
experiments was 2000 mG, magnetic fields at distances less than
0.6 m from the magnet were calculated using a standard gauss
calculation for a cylindrical magnet. In this case, we used the
calculator provided at The following
parameters were in-put into the magnetic field calculator: L=4
in.; D=1.5 in; Br=13,000 G; Z=distance from magnet.
[0138] With a juvenile shark subject to tonic immobility at the
magnetometer sensor, the permanent magnet was moved along a
stationary rule, level with the shark and the sensor, towards the
shark. The high-pull-force magnet was not moved faster than 0.1
m/s toward the shark. The following results were obtained for
termination of tonic immobility. (Note: +denotes the north pole,
electrically on the gaussmeter.)
Magnetic Distance (m)
Pole to terminate
Facing tonic
Specimen Shark immobility Calculated mG
Juvenile lemon shark, + 0.1 246971
Juvenile lemon shark, - flipped + 0.0 3130415
Juvenile nurse shark, - 0.3 14477
Juvenile nurse shark, + 0.3 14477
Juvenile nurse shark, + 0.2 44154
Juvenile nurse shark, - 0.2 44154
Juvenile nurse shark, + 0.2 44154
Juvenile nurse shark, + 0.2 44154
[0139] Since the movement of the permanent high-pull-force magnet
underwater induces an electrical current, the next study moved the
tonic shark toward two stationary high-pull-force magnets, each
fixed at 1.5m from the sensor. Tonic immobility was terminated
when the sharks were brought within 0.2m of the high-pull-force
magnet faces.
[0140] It was consistently observed that tonic sharks awoke by
turning away from the magnet's face. This was independent of the
pole of the high-pull-force magnet, and the orientation of the
shark's head toward the magnet. More violent responses occurred
when the shark's head was oriented 90 degrees to the
high-pull-force magnet face, rather than 0 degrees (nose-to-magnet
[0141] The movement of the shark toward the high-pull-force
magnet, as well as the movement of the high-pull-force magnet
toward the shark might create electric current and awaken the
shark. To eliminate this possibility, care was taken not to move
the high-pull-force magnets in a rapid manner.
Example 7
Electromagnetic Device with Lower Magnetic Strength Did Not
Terminate Tonic Immobility
[0142] In a first experiment using an electromagnetic device, an
iron-core electromagnet was secured to the end of a PVC pole, and
energized with 12 VDC using a marine wet-cell battery. Current was
monitored using a digital multimeter. A tonic juvenile female
lemon shark was held at the magnetometersensor, while the tip of
the electromagnet was moved. The following results were obtained:
Distance between AMPS to
shark and electromagnet @ Measured
electromagnet 12VDC mG Shark's Response
1.0 m 6.27 A -10 Did not awaken
0.5 m 6.28 A -139 Did not awaken
0.0 m 6.24 A -1700 Did not awaken
0.0 m 6.16 A (reversed >2000 Did not
awaken polarity)
[0143] In a second experiment using an electromagnetic device, a
commercial 1000 lb.-strength waterproof electromagnet, produced by
L OCKNETICS, I NC., was energized with 12V DC using a marine
wet-cell battery. According to the product specifications, this
magnet draws a consistent 30A at 12 VDC, which exceeded the
capability of the digital multimeter. A tonic juvenile female
lemon shark was held at the magnetometersensor, while the face of
the electromagnet was moved. The following results were obtained:
Distance between AMPS to
lemon shark and electromagnet @ Measured Lemon
electromagnet 12VDC mG Response
1.5 m 30 A -20 Did not awaken
1.0 m 30 A -40 Did not awaken
0.5 m 30 A -280 Did not awaken
0.5 m 30 A, but flickered -280 Did not awake
powered randomly
instead of a constant
0.0 m 30 A >2000 Did not awaken
0.0 m 30 A reversed polarity >2000 Did not
[0144] These two experiments demonstrate that despite strong
electromagnetic fields in close proximity, such fields were not
sufficient to terminate tonic immobility in juvenile nurse sharks
and lemon sharks. The magnetic field strength was not sufficient
to terminate tonic immobility.
[0145] However, as seen above, a powerful field from an NdFeB
permanent high-pull-force magnet is sufficient to terminate tonic
immobility in juvenile nurse sharks and lemon sharks. It is
believed that a field strength of approximately 50 G at least 0.1
m distance from am elasmobranch reliably terminates tonic
immobility. 50 gauss is about 100 times the Earth's magnetic
Example 8
Bracelet, Belt or Other High-Pull-Force Magnet as Repellent of
[0146] Two lemon sharks in an outdoor pen were placed in tonic
immobility. A blinder was placed between the sharks and a magnet
having about 191 pounds of pull force and a nominal strength of
about 14000 gauss. Upon introducing the magnetic bar up to about
0.2 meters behind the blind, tonic immobility was terminated and
the sharks violently moved in orientation away from the
high-pull-force magnet.
Example 9
Bracelet as Repellent of Shark
[0147] Research on captive nurse sharks suggests that a
high-pull-force bracelet is effective in repelling sharks. Using a
vinyl-walled tank, high-pull-force magnets were waved outside the
tank wall near a resting nurse shark inside the tank. The shark
had no olfactory, motion, sound, or visual clues. In seven
separate observations, the nurse shark always rapidly fled from
its resting site once the high-pull-force magnet was waved on the
tank wall near the subject. When non-magnetic objects were waived
at the same position outside the tank, no change in behavior was
Example 10
Target Fish not Repelled by High-Pull-Force Magnets
[0148] Preliminary research conducted on the effects permanent
magnetic fields on adult cobia, Rachycentron canadum, suggests
that very strong magnetic fields (i.e. >14,000 Gauss or 14
Tesla) produced by "rare earth" magnets (NdFeB) (13,800 gauss, 110
pounds pull force) had little effect on cobia during feeding.
Digital video of cobia feeding within 5cm of the "rare earth"
high-pull-force magnet was recorded. In three trials sardines were
offered to the cobia on PVC tubes with no magnets inside. In three
subsequent trials sardines were offered on PVC tubes with a
high-pull-force magnet inside. The high-pull-force magnet was
composed of 4 discs (1 '' diameter*[1/4]'' height) stacked on top
of each other with Teflon(TM) rings between each magnet.
[0149] In another control test, squid was presented to yellowfin
tuna in the presence of an NdFeB high-pull-force magnet of grade
N48. A horizontal pole with six squid (and a corresponding
high-pull-force magnet) hung equally spaced along the pole was
presented to the tuna. The pole was lowered into the tank. The
tuna took the bait in the presence of the high-pull-force magnets.
The tuna were not repelled.
[0150] The ability to selectively repel elasmobranch is useful
both for longline fishing applications (to catch target fish and
avoid killing elasmobranch) and for human applications,
particularly for divers and snorkelers (to repel elasmobranchs and
not repel fish).
magneto-electropositive fishing hook
A fishing hook with elasmobranch-repelling qualities is
disclosed. The fishing hook, comprised of a ferromagnetic
material, is rendered repellent to elasmobranchs through the
incorporation of an exterior coating of an electropositive metal,
and contact or impulse magnetization.
[0002] Pelagic longlining fishing is an open-ocean technique that
employs a long mainline from which individual hooks are suspended
at various depths depending on the target species. The hooks are
attached to the main line by monofilament branch lines called
gangions or "snoods". Floats are attached to the mainline at
regular intervals to keep it elevated horizontally in the water
column. A variety of bait types are employed, including whole
small fish, Atlantic mackerel and squid, to name a few.
Luminescent light sticks are often fastened to the gangions near
the baited hooks, making them more attractive to the targeted
species and also attracting smaller species on which targeted
species feed. The longlines used by the United States domestic
pelagic longline fleet range from 20 to 40 miles in length. The
depth at which the hooks are set is controlled by the length of
the lines attaching the main line to the floats, by the length of
the gangions, and by the speed at which the longline gear is set.
After a variable "soak time," the gear is retrieved, and the catch
is brought on board for cleaning and icing down in the hold. This
"one at a time" processing and handling gives longline products a
high quality distinction in the marketplace.
[0003] Pelagic shark species such as the blue shark (Prionace
glauca) are often attracted to miles of attractive stimuli
resulting from the longlines. Shark interactions on pelagic
longlines result in substantial inconveniences and adverse
economic effects to fishers (Gilman, Clarke, Brothers,
Alfaro-Shigueto, Mandelman, Mangel, Petersen, Piovano, Thomson,
Dalzell, Donoso, Goren, Werner, 2007). In fisheries with
restrictions on shark-finning, a lack of market for shark meat, or
a per-trip limit on shark retention, shark interactions cause the
Reduced catch of marketable species: When baited hooks are
occupied by sharks (referred to as "bycatch") or removed by
sharks, there are fewer hooks available to catch marketable target
Damage and loss of fishing gear: Sharks bite off terminal tackle
(e.g., baited hook, leader, weighted swivel, and line) from branch
lines, stretch and chafe branch lines, break the main line, and
some shark species will pull the gear down causing branch lines to
become entangled often resulting in large quantities of unusable
fishing gear;
Risk of injury: It is dangerous for crew to handle caught sharks.
There is a risk of being bitten or hit by weights when branch
lines containing sharks snap during gear retrieval; and,
Expenditure of time. A majority of fishers consider the time
required to remove sharks from gear, retrieve terminal tackle and
repair and replace gear as a central concern resulting from shark
[0008] Responding to this problem, the inventors developed and
commercialized two repellent materials which show selective shark
repellent abilities for fisheries: Ferromagnets and
electropositive metals. Both materials affect the electrosensitive
ampullae of Lorenzini organ found only in sharks, as discussed
[0009] Elasmobranch fishes (sharks and rays) geolocate using
magnetoreception, a method used by a wide variety of marine and
terrestrial organisms (Kalmijn, 1973, 1974, 1982, 1984; Phillips,
1986; Carey and Scharold, 1990; Klimley, 1993; Wiltschko and
Wiltschko, 1995; Holland et al. 1999). Organisms that employ
magnetoreception typically gather information while in motion
about geomagnetic parameters such as field intensity and the angle
of inclination (Skiles, 1985).
[0010] There are three primary ways in which an animal perceives
the Earth's magnetic field: (1) magnetite-based magnetoreception
(Kirschvink et al., 2001; Wiltschko et al., 2002) (2) chemical
magnetoreception (Ritz et al., 2000), and (3) indirect
magnetoreception via electromagnetic induction (Kalmijn, 1982,
1984; Johnsen and Lohmann, 2005). Previous studies hypothesized
that elasmobranchs perceive the Earth's geomagnetic fields through
indirect magnetoreception via electromagnetic induction, and they
use this locational information to navigate within coastal and
pelagic environments (Kalmijn 1973, 1974, 1982, 1984; Carey and
Scharold, 1990; Klimley 1993; Holland et al. 1999).
[0011] To understand how the process of electromagnetic induction
aids elasmobranchs in navigation, it is essential to understand
the law of electromagnetic induction proposed by Faraday. The law
states that the electromotive force induced in a circuit is
directly proportional to the time rate of change of magnetic flux
through the circuit. An application of this law employs the
classic example of a simple generator (i.e. a coil conductor and a
permanent magnet) to demonstrate how the movement of the permanent
magnet induces a measurable electromotive force. As a magnetic
dipole approaches the coil, the magnetic field exerts an
electromotive force on the electrons within the coil, producing an
electrical current. For example, on a molecular level, a permanent
ferromagnetic material such as Barium-ferrite contains a
greater-than-average number of magnetic domains oriented in the
same direction, and within each domain, unpaired electrons have
their spin aligned in the same direction. The resulting magnetic
flux from the permanent magnet induces the movement of electrons
in the coil/conductor creating measurable voltages and current.
[0012] A similar phenomenon occurs when an animal swims through a
magnetic (or geomagnetic) field. Electromagnetic induction occurs
as an animal swims through the geomagnetic field emanating from
the center of the earth, which ranges from 0.25-0.65 gauss. The
geomagnetic flux causes the free electrons found within an
organism's body (similar to a conductive coil) to move, creating
an induced voltage and current within the shark.
[0013] Hypothetically, elasmobranchs can perceive the induced
voltages, using their acute electrosensory organ known as the
ampullae of Lorenzini (Kalmijn, 1966, 1971, 1974, 1984). The
electric potential created by the geomagnetic field is different
than that of the electric potential found within the conductive
gel of the ampullae. The difference in electric potentials
initiates the transmission of a signal sent via the afferent
neurons to the central nervous system of the elasmobranch.
Multiple ampullae distributed across the cephalic (nose) region of
the elasmobranch are able to detect the minute differences in the
Earth's geomagnetic field enabling the organism to determine its
relative geolocation. Studies of the swimming behavior of blue
sharks (Prionace glauca; Scharold, 1990) and scalloped hammerheads
(Sphyrna lewini, Klimley, 1993) concluded that their directional
movement within the referenceless pelagic environment must involve
some compass-like mechanism, although the physiological basis for
such a mechanism was not described at that time. Meyer et al.
(2005) exposed scalloped hammerheads (Sphyrna lewini) and sandbar
sharks (Carcharhinus plumbeus) to weak electromagnetic fields
(maximum field strength 100 [mu]T), which altered their feeding
behavior. This study supported the hypothesis that the ampullae of
Lorenzini, a network of gel-filled canals on the head of
elasmobranchs which detects electric fields in the final stages of
prey capture (Kalmijn, 1971; Kajiura and Holland, 2002, Kajiura,
2003) are also capable of detecting magnetic fields relatively
close to that of the Earth's geomagnetic field. The ampullae are
essentially low frequency voltmeters, allowing elasmobranchs to
detect low frequency electric stimuli, i.e. less than 5 nV/cm in
uniform fields and as low as 1 nV/cm in dipole fields Kalmijn
1966, 1971, 1974, 1982; Kajiura 2003; Peters 2007).
[0014] O'Connell (2007, 2008, 2009) found that for nurse sharks
(Ginglymostoma cirratum) and southern stingrays (Dasyatis
americana), the behavior towards a permanent magnet apparatus was
dependant on the treatment type. In the presence of permanent
magnets, D. americana and G. cirratum demonstrated a significantly
greater number of avoidance behaviors towards the magnet side of
the apparatus, while both species fed a significantly greater
number of times from the procedural (nonmagnetic) control side.
These results suggest that the species tested in this experiment
were sensitive to these magnets and were successfully repelled
from baited areas containing magnets.
[0015] On May 1, 2006, SharkDefense discovered that highly
electropositive metals (EPMs)-metallic elements towards the left
side of the periodic table-particularly early-Lanthanide or "rare
earth" metals, induced deterrent behavior in juvenile lemon
(Negaprion brevirostris) and nurse (Ginglymostoma cirratum)
sharks. Subsequent to this discovery, SharkDefense applied for
patents in the United States and Canada, which are currently
pending. Not all seawater-corrodible metals, such a copper and
zinc, are suitable as shark repellent EPMs. Shark repellency is a
function of the standard reduction potential available from the
metal in basic seawater electrolyte, relative to a shark's skin.
The standard cell potential, E0, between the metal and shark skin
must be 0.8 eV or greater. If a shark skin reference electrode is
not available, a carbon electrode may be substituted. An
electromotive force in a standard seawater (pH=8.1) electrolyte
with a carbon-metal electrode spacing of at least 0.01 m should
yield at least 0.5 eV, indicating satisfactory shark repellent. A
standard cell potential is calculated from the half-cell reactions
for the metal and the electrolyte. For example, the standard
reduction potential of zinc metal in basic electrolyte is 1.246
eV. Adding the -0.828 eV reduction for water, the standard cell
potential is +0.418 eV. Zinc metal is not an effective shark
repellent. By comparison, the standard reduction potential for
yttrium metal (a trivalent EPM and confirmed shark repellent), is
2.85 eV, giving a standard cell potential of 2.022 eV (Bard,
1985). This corresponds closely to actual measurements made with
yttrium metal and a shark fin clipping electrode in pH=8.1
seawater at 25[deg.] C.
[0016] In response to the discovery several National Oceanographic
and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), academic and private sector
researchers conducted various experiments to evaluate the efficacy
of employing EPMs as shark deterrent technology during commercial
fishing. The Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center of the
National Marine Fisheries Service, Honolulu, Hi. hosted a Shark
Deterrent and Incidental Capture Workshop on Apr. 11, 2008 at the
New England Aquarium, Boston, Mass. Researchers were invited to
present on a variety of topics, including shark sensory biology,
an overview of shark bycatch during pelagic longline fishing and
an arsenal of shark deterring technologies offered by Shark
Defense. The majority of the research presentations focused on the
effects of EPMs on shark behavior and presented evidence on their
efficacy as a shark bycatch reduction mechanism during commercial
fishing. The following outline the major results presented during
the workshop:
[0017] Wang, Swimmer, and McNaughton (2008) reported repelling
behavior of Galapagos (C. galapagensis) and sandbar (C. plumbeus)
sharks when an EPM (Neodymium-Praseodymium mischmetal; NdPr) was
placed on the end of a baited bamboo pole in preliminary studies
in Hawaiian waters.
[0018] Stoner and Kaimmer (2007) conducted laboratory
investigations on the effects of EPMs on spiny dogfish (S.
acanthias) and Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis). In a
pairwise test with EPMs and inert metal controls, they reported
that dogfish attacked and consumed baits protected with cerium
(Ce) mischmetal at a significantly lower frequency than controls.
Number of approaches before attacking the bait and time to attack
the baits was significantly higher in the presence of mischmetal,
as were numbers of approaches before first attack. No halibut
aversion was reported. Encouraged by the results of the laboratory
studies, Kaimmer and Stoner (2008) conducted field investigations
using EPMs as a deterrent during commercial fishing for halibut
near Homer, Ak. They reported a 17% reduction in spiny dogfish
bycatch and a 48% reduction in bycatch of the clearnose
skate-another elasmobranch with ampullae of Lorenzini
electroreception abilities. They reported no noticeable aversion
by the halibut and an associated 5% increase in halibut catch.
Increases in halibut catch were most likely due to more hooks
available to target species. Stoner and Kaimmer also conducted
additional cerium mischmetal EPM trials during 2008 at the Oregon
Coastal Aquarium (Newport, Oreg.) to observe the behavior of
sharks in the presents of EPMs and lead controls suspended in the
water column. Analysis of the video suggested that several species
of sharks and rays avoided the EPM more than the lead control.
[0019] Brill et al., (2009) conducted EPM trials using small
sandbar sharks (C. plumbeus) in a 3.6 m diameter*0.67 m deep pool.
The experimental design consisted of an EPM treatment-three small
ingots of NdPr mischmetal suspended in a vertical line immediately
below the water surface-and a control-three small lead ingots of
similar size and shape and similarly suspended in the water
column-placed into the tank with the captive sharks. Their
swimming patterns were recorded over one hour intervals and were
subsequently digitized using Lolitrack automated video analysis
software (Loligo Systems, Tjele, Denmark). They suggested that the
NdPr mischmetal clearly exhibited potential to repel sharks and
hand potential for reduction of shark bycatch during commercial
longline fishing.
[0020] Brill (2009) also reported that in field trials with bottom
longline gear, electropositive metal placed within 10 cm of the
hooks reduced the catch of sandbar sharks by approximately two
thirds, compared to the catch of sharks on hooks in proximity to
plastic pieces of similar size and shape.
[0021] Although two 2008 studies involving spiny dogfish were
inconclusive, the consensus of the workshop participants was that
EPMs were a potential practical and promising shark deterrent
technology for application in commercial fisheries.
[0022] While ferromagnets and electropositive metals alone have
both demonstrated shark repellency, species-specific behavioral
variations have been reported by fishermen using these single
materials (e.g., some sharks responded only to magnets and not to
metals). For example, in 2008 field studies where spiny dogfish
(Squalus acanthias) represent a large component of unwanted catch,
Pacific spiny dogfish were repelled by electropositive metals
(Stoner, Kaimmer, 2008), while Atlantic spiny dogfish were not
(Tallack, Mandelman, 2009). Brown smooth hound sharks (Mustelis
henlei) in Baja, Mexico were responsive to magnets but not to
electropositive metals. (J. Wang, pers. comm.). In a 2008
International Pacific Halibut Commission field study, unwanted
catch of Pacific longnose skates was reduced 48% using
electropositive metals (Stoner, 2008), while catch rates remained
unaffected for Atlantic butterfly rays and southern stingrays
(Dasyatis americana) using electropositive metals (Brill, 2009),
yet southern stingrays in both the Florida Keys and South Bimini,
Bahamas (D. americana) were responsive to permanent magnets
(O'Connell, 2007, 2008, 2009). Current magnetic materials that
combine electropositive metals and ferromagnetic metals, such as
neodymium-iron-boride (NIB) and samarium-cobalt (SmCo) magnets,
are unsuitable for commercial fishery use. NIB magnets are readily
corroded by seawater due to the high iron content in its sinter.
SmCo magnets offer better corrosion resistance but are brittle and
are more expensive compared to ferrite materials.
[0023] The storage and deployment of the aforementioned shark
repellent materials add additional challenges for fishermen. These
materials must be stored onboard the vessel, and add to the
expense when gear is lost due to shark interactions. During
deployment, each magnetic or electropositive repellent device must
be secured to a gangion, adding labor and time to the fishing
effort. Storing hundreds of powerful NIB or SmCo magnets in close
proximity onboard of a metal fishing vessel is not practical.
These magnetic materials produce fluxes in excess of 1,000 Gauss,
readily attracting other nearby magnetic metals. A lower flux
magnetic material that maintains shark repellency is required.
[0024] A demersal longline study was conducted by Coastal Carolina
University during the summer of 2008 at Winyah Bay, S.C. using
magnetized hooks ranging from 40 gauss to 80 gauss (much weaker
than powerful rare earth magnets). The results of this study were
compared to magnet-on-hook trials at the same location. A
significantly lower number of sharks were captured using
magnetized hooks than with the magnet-on-hook design ([chi]2=4.50,
d.f.=1, p=0.0339). While magnet-on-hook trials significantly
reduced the chances of capturing a shark by half ([chi]2=4.545,
d.f.=1, p=0.0330), sharks were repelled from ALL hooks in the
magnetized hook trials. The researchers recognized a temporal
variation existed between longline studies, and therefore
conducted tonic immobility trials with five juvenile lemon sharks
(Negaprion brevirostris). Using magnetized hooks (54 gauss), all
five subjects violently roused and terminated immobility when the
magnetized hook was presented.
[0025] In summary, a fishing hook with magnetic flux ranging from
5 to 80 Gauss and an electropositive coating is commercially
desirable, as this would reduce attraction to other metals and
tackle while maintaining shark repellency and high selectivity
towards target catch.
[0026] "By-catch" is any kind of fish that is caught in a fishing
operation wherein the catching of the fish is not the object of
the fishing operation. For example, if the target fish of a
longline fishing operation is tuna, an elasmobranch caught on a
hook of the longline is by-catch.
[0027] "Elasmobranchs" in this specification means one or more
elasmobranchii in the super-orders Galeomorphii and Squalomorphii
and orders Squaliforms (dogfish), Carcharhiniformes (requiem
sharks), Lamniformes (mackerel sharks), and Orectolobiformes
(carpet sharks).
[0028] "Electropositive" in this specification means possessing a
revised Pauling electronegativity of less than 1.3. Examples of an
electropositive metal suitable for use in the present invention
are a Lanthanide (also referred to as Lanthanoid) metal, a Group 1
metal, a Group II metal, a Group III metal, Magnesium metal, or an
alloy of electropositive metals.
[0029] "Ferromagnetic" in this specification means capable of
retaining a magnetic characteristic after exposure to another
magnetic field. Alloys of iron, cobalt, and many steels possess
this property. Within ferromagnetic materials, the spin of
unpaired electrons are aligned in the same direction. Also, a
greater-than-average number of magnetic domains containing these
aligned electrons are also aligned in the same direction, creating
a net moment. This moment creates the familiar "north" and "south"
poles of a permanent magnet or a ferromagnetic material.
[0030] "Gauss" is a measure of magnetic field strength. Gauss is a
unit of the density of a magnet's flux (or flux density) measured
in centimeter-gram-second. A tesla is equal to 10,000 gauss. Gauss
and tesla are common units for referring to the power of a magnet
to attract (or repel) other magnets or magnetic materials. The
Gauss unit describes both the coercivity of a magnet and its
saturation magnetization. Gauss describes how strong the magnetic
fields are extending from the magnet and how strong of a magnetic
field it would take to de-magnetize the magnet.
[0031] "Grade" of a neodymium-iron-boride magnet specifies the
quality of material used to construct the magnet. All else being
equal, the higher the quality of materials used to construct the
magnet, the greater the magnet's strength. In grading
neodymium-iron-boride magnets, a lower grade, e.g., N35 does not
have as much magnetic strength as a higher grade, e.g. N45.
[0032] "Hook" in this specification refers to a metal fishing hook
for marine use. Fishing hooks are further divided into specialized
shapes depending on the type of prey sought, such as circle hooks,
J-hooks, and treble hooks. The metals used in the manufacture a
fishing hook typically include steel or stainless steel, and
optionally include cadium, tin, zinc, gold, or nickel platings.
[0033] "Pull force" is the attractiveness of a magnet to a mild
steel flat surface in pounds. The formula for calculating pull
force is provided in detail herein.
[0034] "Target fish" is any kind of fish, the catching of which is
the object of a fishing operation. For example, the target fish of
a longline fishing operation may be tuna. A fish that is caught on
the longline that is not tuna would not be a target fish.
[0035] "Tonic immobility" is the state of paralysis that typically
occurs when an elasmobranch is subject to inversion of its body
along the longitudinal axis of the body, i.e., is belly up. An
elasmobranch can remain in this state for up to 15 minutes.
[0036] While not wishing to be bound to a specific physiological
mechanism, the inventor hypothesizes that weakly magnetized
materials are capable of repelling elasmobranchs more efficiently
than high pull force magnets. In recent experimentation with
captive juvenile lemon sharks (N. brevirostris) and free-swimming
blacktip sharks (C. limbatus) magnetic fluxes of 0.6 gauss to 100
gauss measured at the hook were effective in reducing shark
captures when compared to nonmagnetized control hooks. The
inventors hypothesize that very high pull force magnets,
particularly grade N38 and higher neodymium-iron-boride magnets,
may be too strong to achieve consistent repellency with
elasmobranchs. For example, rare earth magnets are capable of
producing thousands of gauss near their surfaces. This is
thousands of times greater than the Earth's geomagnetic signature
that is observed around 500 milligauss. The presence of an overly
powerful permanent magnetic flux may be so "unnatural" to an
elasmobranch's ampullary organ that the organ does not register
the effect at all, or nullifies it rather than produce an aversion
signal. In contrast, a weakly magnetized steel fishing hook may
only produce 100 gauss at its surface, and this is only 200 times
stronger than the Earth's geomagnetic signature. This effect was
observed using the tonic immobility bioassay with juvenile lemon
sharks (N. brevirostris). The sharks terminated tonic immobility
more often when weakly magnetized hooks were presented versus
powerful rare earth magnets.
[0037] The strength of the magnetic flux decreases with the
inverse cube of the distance from the magnetized hooks surface. A
shark would experience less than 10 gauss only a few inches from
the magnetized hook.
[0038] Cobalt and Iron are examples of ferromagnetic elements at
room temperature. Steel, low-austenitic stainless steels,
Samarium-Cobalt, Sendust, Neodymium-Iron-Boride, Permalloy,
Supermalloy, Alnico, Bismanol, CuNiFe, Heusler alloy, and Fernico
are examples of room-temperature ferromagnetic alloys. Some
ferromagnetic materials, are strong enough to be used directly as
a fishing hook. Steel and 400-series stainless steels are examples
of materials suitable for use as the entire fishing hook. Soft
alloys, such as Bismanol, do not possess this structural integrity
and therefore are more useful as a coating or external treatment
on an existing fishing hook.
[0039] A nonmagnetized ferromagnetic hook is made magnetic by
exposing the hook to another permanent magnet or an energized
electromagnet. Preferably, the nonmagnetized hook is placed in
physical contact with a permanent magnet, such as a Barium-ferrite
ceramic magnet. A nonmagnetized ferromagnetic hook may also be
magnetized by placing it in close proximity to an electrified
coil, commonly found on electromagnets. The magnetization process
is nearly instantaneous and is reversible by heating above the
Curie temperature, repeated mechanical shock, or degaussing
[0040] Weakly magnetized hooks are also desirable to fishermen for
four reasons. First, in many commercial fisheries, sharks comprise
a significant portion of by-catch. More by-catch equates to less
target fish and potential loss of income and tackle. For this
reason, it is very desirable for fishermen to have a shark
by-catch reduction device which does not affect the target fish.
Permanent magnets fulfill this requirement. Secondly, there is no
additional tackle in the form of permanent magnets to store and
rig onboard a moving metallic vessel. The present invention saves
storage space and reduces vessel weight. Third, since the hook is
only weakly magnetized, the tendency for the hooks to entangle and
attach to other metal surfaces is greatly reduced. This makes
handling magnetized metals on a metal vessel much easier than
having a plurality of permanent magnets to contend with.
[0041] Finally, if a ferromagnetic fishing hook, such as a steel
circle hook, is used, there is no significant additional expense
to the fishermen to magnetize the hook other than their time. This
eliminates the expense of purchasing permanent magnets to achieve
the same effect.
[0042] The second component of the magnetoelectropositive hook
incorporates the use of an electropositive metal on or within the
hook material. The pure metal (ground state) form of Praseodymium,
Neodymium, Cerium, Samarium, Ytterbium, or Magnesium metal is
particularly effective at inducing aversive behavioral responses
in juvenile sharks. For reasons not yet fully understood,
elasmobranchs, particularly those of the order Carcharhiniformes,
exhibit aversive behavior within a 0.2 meter range of these
electropositive metals.
[0043] We first observed the unusual repellent effects of
Lanthanide metals on sharks when tonically-immobilized juvenile
lemon sharks (N. brevirostris) exhibited violent rousing behavior
in the presence of a 153 gram 99.95% Samarium metal ingot. As the
Samarium metal was moved towards the immobilized shark, the shark
terminated tonic immobility, in the direction away from the
approaching metal. For experimental controls, pure Chromium, an
antiferromagnetic metal, and pyrolytic graphite, a highly
diamagnetic substance, failed to produce any behavioral responses
in juvenile lemon sharks.
[0044] Next, a polystyrene white plastic blinder was used to
remove any visual and motion cues from an approaching metal. This
blinder was placed close to the shark's eye, sufficiently
shielding its nares, eyes, gills, and head up to its pectoral fin.
Again, Samarium metal terminated tonic immobility in all test
subjects at a range of 2 to 50 cm from the blinder. Chromium metal
and pyrolytic graphite did not produce any notable behavioral
[0045] In order to confirm that pressure waves were not affecting
the test subjects, the tester's hand was moved underwater towards
the shark's head both with and without blinders at varying speeds.
This motion also did not disrupt the immobilized state.
[0046] The same series of experiments were repeated with juvenile
nurse sharks (G. cirratum) and yielded the same behavioral
[0047] The same experimental protocol was repeated with a 73 gram
ingot of 99.5% Gadolinium metal and yielded the same behavioral
results in both juvenile lemon sharks and nurse sharks. It is
noted that the rousing behavior was most violent when Samarium
metal was used. Additionally, the Gadolinium metal corroded
quickly after seawater exposure, and therefore would be
appropriate for a one-time use application.
[0048] Next, in order to eliminate the possibility of galvanic
cell effects, juvenile sharks were removed from their pens and
brought at least 15 meters away from any submerged metal objects.
All testers and witnesses removed watches, rings, and jewelry so
that only the lanthanide metal was exposed to seawater. The same
experimental method was repeated in lemon sharks and we report
that tonic immobility was terminated with Samarium metal in all
[0049] We report that waving Samarium or Gadolinium in air above
immobilized or resting sharks does not effect behavior, even when
the metal is very close to the water's surface. The metal must be
in contact with seawater in order to produce the repellent effect.
This is notably different from the effects of a rare-earth magnet,
which will often terminate tonic immobility at close range in air.
It is thus proposed that any electropositive metal or alloy must
be in contact with the seawater to produce the desired repellency
[0050] The effects of lanthanide metal on free-swimming sharks
were also evaluated. Two juvenile nurse sharks (less than 150 cm
total length) were allowed to rest in an open-water captive pen.
The tester approached the nurse sharks and moved his hand near the
pen wall. His hand contained no metal. Both nurse sharks remained
at rest. Next, the tester presented the 153 gram ingot of Samarium
metal underwater to the pen wall and we note that both nurse
sharks awakened and rapidly swam away from the tester's locale.
[0051] Next, a highly-stimulated competitively-feeding population
of six blacknose sharks (C. acronotus) (total length up to 120 cm)
and six Carribean reef sharks (C. perezii) (total length up to 210
cm) was established using chum and fish meat. A diver entered the
water near the population of sharks with the 153 gram of Samarium
metal secured to one end of a 1.5 meter-long polyvinyl chloride
pole. As free-swimming sharks swam close to the diver, the control
end of the pole (without metal) was presented in a left-right
waving motion. Approaching sharks would swim past, bump, or
briefly bite the pole. The diver then turned the Samarium
metal-end of the pole towards the approaching sharks. All
blacknose sharks exhibited a "twitching" or "jerking" behavior as
they came near the metal ingot and quickly swam away. Caribbean
reef sharks generally avoided the metal, but did not exhibit the
twitching behavior.
[0052] Some pure Lanthanide metals are extremely reactive to air
and water, and therefore are not particularly well-suited for long
time use in the marine environment. For example, pure Europium
metal has been observed to appreciably oxidize in air in a matter
of hours and degrades quickly in moist air. Other metals, such as
Erbium and Samarium have a much higher resistance to oxidation in
air and slowly react with cold seawater. Other reactive pure
Lanthanide metals are acceptable for one-time use as long as they
are kept protected prior to use.
[0053] Mixtures and alloys containing Lanthanide metals may serve
as an economical alternative to pure Lanthanide metals. In
particular, Cerium Misch metal, Lanthanum Misch metal,
Neodymium-Praseodymium Misch metal and Samarium-Cobalt (SmCo)
mixtures and alloys may be used in shark-repelling devices.
[0054] It is not yet fully understood why sharks are responding to
Lanthanide metals. It would seem that some type of detection is
occurring in the Ampullae of Lorenzini organ, but how electrical
currents are being generated and detected with a solitary rare
earth metal in seawater is not known at this time. We hypothesized
that a magnetic or electrical field was being induced by the
metal's movement through seawater. We attempted to measure minute
magnetic fields being produced by the movement of Samarium metal
through seawater in a closed system. A submersible calibrated
milliGauss meter probe was secured in a plastic tank containing
seawater with the same salinity, pH, and temperature of the water
used in previous shark testing. After zeroing out the Earth's
magnetic field, we did not detect any magnetic fields being
produced by the movement of Samarium metal through the tank,
within tenths of a milliGauss. Because there appears to be a lack
of a magnetic field component, there cannot be an electrical field
component. This is a difficult concept because the sharks are
responding, at most times violently, only when the metal is in
contact with seawater. The same phenomenon occurs when the sharks
are far-removed from any other pure metals or alloys in seawater.
[0055] The effect is not limiting to the order of the shark, as
both nurse sharks (Orectolobiformes) and lemon sharks
(Carcarhiniformes) responded in a similar manner.
[0056] Another hypothesis is that water-soluble salts are being
formed and driven towards the shark as the metal is moved through
seawater. The shark, in turn, may be hypersensitive to the
presence of rare-earth compounds or ions. The use of our blinder
during the experiments should have steered any water containing
rare earth salts around the shark's nose and mouth, limiting
exposure, but the response was equal with or without blinders. In
one test, an immobilized shark was moved towards a stationary
Samarium ingot. The shark exhibited bending away from the ingot
prior to terminating immobility. This movement would have pushed
metal salts away from the shark.
[0057] Further experiments using solutions of the nitrates and
chlorides of the early-Lanthanide metals showed no behavioral
shifts (using seawater controls) when presented to immobilized
sharks at doses up to 25 mL to the nares.
[0058] Captive Cobia, which are commercially valuable marine fish,
were exposed to Lanthanide metals during feeding trials. We report
that exposure to Holmium, Gadolinium, Dysprosium, and Samarium
ingots did not disrupt normal feeding behavior. Cobia do not
possess the Ampullae of Lorenzini organ found in sharks.
[0059] A close correlation was found between the revised Pauling
electronegativity values for these metals, and behavioral
response. As the revised Pauling electronegativity decreased, the
violence of the response seemed to increase. A repellency
threshold was found at an electronegativity of 1.3 or less-Metals
with electronegativities greater than 1.3 did not produce the
response. Highly reactive metals, such as Strontium and Calcium
(electronegativities of 0.89 and 1.00 respectively) produced a
rousing reaction as expected.
[0060] The present invention combines the repellent effects of
ferromagnetism along with electropositivity to offer two shark
repellents within a standard metal fishing hook. In one embodiment
of the invention, an electropositive metal is incorporated onto
the hook by wrapping a ribbon, foil, or sheet of the metal around
a portion, portions, or the entire magnetized hook. In another
embodiment of the invention, a coating of electropositive metal is
deposited onto a portion, portions, or the entire magnetized
exterior hook surface through sputtering, thermal evaporation,
thick-film deposition, or chemical vapor deposition techniques. In
a third non-limiting embodiment of the invention, an
electropositive metal or an alloy of electropositive metals is
combined with gallium metal to produce a low-melting point alloy.
The gallium-electropositive metal alloy is warmed to its melting
point and applied to a portion, portions, or the entire surface of
a cleaned and magnetized hook. Upon cooling, an electropositive
coating remains at the application site of the magnetized hook. In
yet another non-limiting embodiment of the invention, a hook is
made directly from a ferromagnetic alloy that also contains one or
more electropositive metals. This alloy would ideally have a
mechanical strength and machinability comparable to standard
fishing hooks.
[0061] The present invention finds use in commercial fisheries
where unintentional shark by-catch is a problem. The use of
magneto-electropositive fishing hooks reduces the number of sharks
captured on hook and therefore makes these hooks available for
target fish. The magneto-electropositive hook is particularly
useful in tuna and swordfish fisheries.
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Industry practices and attitudes, and shark avoidance strategies.
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[0099] U.S. patent application Ser. No. 11/800,545,
[0100] U.S. patent application Ser. No. 11/886,109,
Compounds, Methods of Use and Devices
Elasmobranch-repelling compositions are prepared from
elasmobranch carcasses. Extraction of these elasmobranch carcasses
with polar solvent after a period of aerobic decay yields
semiochemical repellents that induce a flight reaction in sharks
when introduced into the sharks' oceanic
[0001] This invention relates generally to elasmobranch
repellents, methods of making and using such repellents and
devices for administering such repellents. This invention also
relates to a process for selecting elasmobranch carcasses and
using polar solvents to extract semiochemicals that induce a
flight reaction in elasmobranchs. Qualitative techniques are
described, which allow for detection of the production of
semiochemicals during the extraction process. Without being
limited to a specific theory, it is believed that extracted
semiochemicals are detected in elasmobranchs by olfaction because
behavioral responses are achieved with very low concentrations of
the inventive repellent.
[0002] Shark attacks on humans have been recorded from ancient
times. One such attack on an unlucky Mediterranean sponge diver is
recorded from the third century B.C. (Thomas B. Allen, Shark
Attacks: Their causes and avoidance 35 (2001)). And since the
early part of the twentieth century, the populace of the United
States has been riveted by sporadic stories of sensational and
gruesome human encounters with sharks. As the twentieth century
progressed and America's love for the seashore grew, so did its
fascination with the remote but real possibility of a dangerous
brush with one of these creatures. From at least 1916, shoreline
municipalities began to develop physical structures to keep public
bathing areas safe from the perceived danger of sharks. And
through the present day, reports of shark attacks have frightened
coastal communities and negatively impacted their economies as
seashore revelers curtailed their beach excursions with each new
and ever frightening story of voracious sharks in a particular
town's waters.
[0003] As the number of humans spending time in the ocean has
increased, so has the number of shark attacks and along with that
increase in attacks so grows the urgent need for a repellent.
Further, as the twenty-four hour news cycle continues its frenetic
discussion of the threat of sharks to humans, each shark attack in
the developed world appears to be reported with greater sensation
and grander desperation. As such, the ever-pressing need to
develop an effective shark repellent is even greater than before
as the public seeks to provide itself some assurance that it will
not be a victim of the next injurious encounter with a shark.
[0004] While fear of attack by sharks seems to have appeared in
the United States in the early part of the twentieth century, the
Second World War particularly amplified this fear when U.S.
service personnel were called to combat in the dangerous and
"shark infested" South Pacific. During that time, the U.S. Navy
began a concerted effort to develop a chemical shark repellent to
protect sailors and air personnel exposed to sharks when downed in
shark-prone waters. Since then, government and private industry
have worked to discover and develop a chemical shark repellent
potent enough to protect humans. (Johnson and Baldridge (1985).
[0005] To establish clear criteria for government development of
an effective chemical shark repellent, Johnson and Baldridge set
forth a goal in 1985 of finding a chemical that would repel sharks
in ocean water at 1 part per billion. While the goal was a good
one, no previously-developed chemical repellent has even come
close to achieving the standard.
[0006] An effective repellent would not only provide some
assurance to humans bathing or adrift in waters frequented by
sharks, an effective repellent would also significantly help the
commercial fishing industry. Commercial longline fishing
operations routinely target swordfish and tuna. However, the
longline fishing hook is not selective, and it is not uncommon for
more sharks to be caught than swordfish or tuna. Sharks that are
caught as unintended targets are commonly called "by-catch."
Often, the shark dies on the hook prior to retrieval. If a live
shark is cut free during retrieval, the hook, snood and gangion
are usually lost. This presents significant monetary loss as well
as significant inadvertent death for millions of sharks. There has
been a long-felt need to reduce by-catch losses in the fishing
industry and to save the lives of many millions of sharks each
year. Currently, as many as 80 species of shark are considered
threatened with extinction and it is estimated that up to 100
million sharks are killed each year by humans. It is no surprise,
then, that an effective repellent would satisfy a long-felt need
in the commercial fishing industry.
[0007] It has been recognized for some time that development of a
repellent effective against two particular orders of shark,
Carcharhinoforme and Lamniformes, would provide considerable
protection to humans and considerable assistance to commercial
fishing. This is because nearly all of the known aggressive
species of sharks and the predominant kinds of sharks that also
interfere with commercial fishing are from those two orders.
Orders Squaliformes and Orectolobiformes, on the other hand,
represent sharks that have caused relatively few injuries
throughout history and do not commonly harm commercial fishing
[0008] Sharks and their close relatives, rays and skates, are
classified in biological taxonomy within the class Chondrichthyes
(fish) and the sub-class Elasmobranchii (fish without bones).
Within the sub-class Elasmobranchii, sharks are classified in the
sub-class Selachii, and rays and skates are classified within the
sub-class Batoidei.
[0009] Of the more than 350 known species of shark, as many as 35
species have been recorded attacking humans. Repeated attacks,
however, have been recorded with less than 15 of these species.
The frequency of shark attacks worldwide is quite small compared
to the number of humans who work and play in the ocean each day.
Less than about 100 humans are attacked by sharks each year with
fatalities from shark attack averaging around 30. Nevertheless,
the real fact of shark attack and the constant possibility, though
low probability, of shark attack makes the need for an effective
shark repellent a pressing reality for millions of ocean-going
people every day.
[0010] While fatal shark attacks have most likely occurred for
millennia, recorded events have been rare until the twentieth
century. One early recorded fatal shark attack occurred in 1580
when a man overboard on a Portuguese sailing vessel was reportedly
"torn to pieces" while clinging to a life buoy. (Allen (2001) at
33). This was certainly not the earliest recorded shark attack. In
fact, the danger of shark attacks on sponge divers in the
Mediterranean was documented in the Natural History of Pliny the
Elder in 77 A.D. and the above-noted fatal story of a sponge diver
who lost part of his lower body to a shark was recorded in the
third century B.C. (Allen (2001) at 35). Many shark attacks have
been recorded ever since. There appears, however, to have been no
consideration of methods of limiting shark attacks (at least in
the United States) until 1916.
[0011] The summer of 1916 ushered in "the year of the shark" for
the coastal regions around New York City. Over just 12 days in
that summer, at least four people were killed by sharks along the
New Jersey coastline. (Allen (2003) at 174). These attacks later
inspired the movie Jaws (1975). (Thomas B. Allen, The Shark
Almanac 174 (2003)). Beginning in 1916, the American public
embraced a collective and long-enduring fear of sharks. This fear
swelled to a point of concern for the U.S. government when it
entered World War II against Japan in the South Pacific. (Allen
(2001) at 207). To maintain morale among sailors and airmen (and
their families) who faced the constant possibility of finding
themselves adrift and exposed at sea, the U.S. government began
research directed at protecting service personnel from shark
attack. (Allen (2001) at 207). In this effort, the U.S. Navy began
a program to develop a chemical shark repellent. The resulting
product was known as "Shark Chaser."
[0012] In Chapter 17 of Dr. Perry W. Gilbert's 1975 printing of
"Sharks and Survival", Richard L. Tuve of the U.S. Naval Research
Laboratory describes the development of the U.S. Navy "Shark
Chaser" chemical shark repellent. The program originated with the
Office of Strategic Services in March 1942. Initial research was
based on anecdotal evidence; Floridian fishermen contended that if
a shark died on an unattended hook and line, further fishing in
that area became undesirable. The researchers, therefore,
hypothesized that some substance emitted by the decomposing body
drove other sharks away from the vicinity.
[0013] As research continued, Woods Hole investigators and U.S.
Navy scientists determined (erroneously it turns out) that the
principal chemical material exuding from the decomposing shark was
ammonium acetate. Scientists at Wood Hole also proposed the use of
copper, which was known to reduce feeding in captive fishes and
sharks. The ultimate combination of ammonium acetate and copper
produced copper acetate, which was combined with nigrosine dye to
provide a visual indication of the repellent dispersion.
[0014] The dye and copper acetate combination was molded into
cakes and field testing began in 1944. Following a series of
successful tests, a readjustment to 20% copper acetate and 80%
nigrosine dye cake was sold as the "Shark Chaser." The military
specifications for "Shark Chaser" were given under MIL-S-2785A as
of Feb. 2, 1961.
[0015] As the Shark Chaser repellent found widespread use,
continued research revealed that copper acetate was not effective
in repelling sharks. In Chapter 2 of Bernard J. Zahuranec's 1983
printing of "Shark Repellents from the Sea: New Perspectives" the
author gives insight into the inefficacy of the Shark Chaser. From
tests in the shark pens at Bimini, Bahamas, Gilbert and Springer
(1963) concluded that copper acetate fails to repel or inhibit the
feeding activities of several species of sharks we have worked
with at Bimini. Tester (1963) also reported the inefficacy of
copper acetate against tiger sharks and other fish. Some theorized
that the nigrosine dye itself was actually a visual deterrent. It
was eventually concluded that copper acetate was not a practical
deterrent for human use, and the military ultimately halted the
issuance of the Shark Chaser. Recent research by the present
inventors has confirmed these earlier findings that copper acetate
is ineffective as a shark repellent and that ammonium acetate is
not a principal component of decomposing shark tissue. See Tables
2 and 4 and FIG. 8.
[0016] While copper acetate was abandoned by the U.S. government
in the 1960s, shark repellent research continued in the United
States, with focus on marine organisms as sources of a repellent.
Holothurins, anemones, urchins, and gorgonians were explored for a
potential toxin but no shark repellent activity was detected. More
research has been conducted on other naturally-occurring
compounds. The inventors report that holotoxin from macerated sea
apples, as well as seven types of potent hemolytic glycosides
(saponins) from plants, were not effective as shark repellents.
[0017] Over the last 50 years antishark measures employed to
protect humans from shark have included electrical repellent
devices (Gilbert & Springer 1963, Gilbert & Gilbert 1973),
acoustical playbacks (Myrberg et al. 1978, Klimley & Myrberg
1979), visual devices (Doak 1974) and chemical repellents (Tuve
1963, Clark 1974, Gruber & Zlotkin 1982). None of these
procedures proved totally effective in preventing shark attacks.
(Sisneros (2001)).
[0018] Following World War II, when reports of Shark Chaser's
ineffectiveness began to appear, the Office of Naval Research
began to reconsider the matter of chemical shark repellents and
renewed the screening and testing of possible candidates
(Zahuranec & Baldridge 1983). Hundreds of chemical substances
were tested on sharks in an effort to find a chemical that would
produce a quick and effective repellent response (Springer 1954,
Gilbert & Springer 1963, Tester 1963). These chemicals
included powerful toxins that could (and did) kill a shark after
brief exposure; but none elicited the desired repellent response.
Support for the research eventually ended after many attempts had
provided no effective shark repellent. (Sisneros (2001)).
[0019] As described in the ReefQuest Centre for Shark Research:
In 1974, ichthyologist Eugenie Clark noticed that the delicate
Moses Sole (Pardachirus marmoratus) was easy to catch and appeared
to secrete a milky, astringent substance from the base of its
dorsal and anal fin spines. Suspecting that the little fish was
protected by a toxin of some kind, Clark collected several
specimens for study. She found that the Moses Sole did indeed
secrete a toxin she named "pardaxin," which caused red blood cells
to rupture and-most intriguingly-repelled sharks. Tests by Clark
in the laboratory and open sea revealed that at least four species
of sharks were repelled by pardaxin for 10 hours or longer.
[0021] While fresh pardaxin repelled sharks, it presented serious
stability problems because it was not stable for room temperature
storage, and was heat-sensitive. Pardaxin could be freeze-dried,
but this form was only 30% as effective as the fresh secretion, as
reported by Zlotkin (1976). Chemical analysis yielded that
pardaxin was an acid protein of 162 amino acids with a MW of
17,000 Daltons. The acid protein had a difficult synthesis pathway
making commercial production not commercially practical.
Sigma-Aldrich currently offers pardaxin for sale in the U.S. at
$487.00 US for 1 milligram (product #P0435-1MG). Similar compounds
such as mosesin and pavoninin present the same difficulties. There
has been and remains a long-felt need for a shark repellent that
can be produced and stored at room temperature with high yields of
repellent. Further, it is believed that pardaxin, mosesin, and
pavoninin act on the shark's respiratory system, requiring a
minimum concentration of repellent to enter the mouth and contact
the gill rakes of the shark, i.e., repellent had to be squirted
directly into the shark's mouth.
[0022] Zlotkin noted that pardaxin possessed surfactant
properties, reducing surface tension by as much as 60%. As
described at the ReefQuest Centre for Shark Research:
Zlotkin teamed with shark biologist Samuel Gruber to test a hunch:
could commercially available soaps repel sharks? Zlotkin and
Gruber tested two inexpensive commercial soap components, sodium
and lithium lauryl sulfate (SLS and LLS, respectively-SLS,
incidentally, is a common ingredient in shampoos), on young Lemon
Sharks (Negaprion brevirostris). They found that both compounds
were even more effective than pardaxin at repelling captive Lemon
Further tests by Nelson et al. found that SLS was an effective
repellent against blue sharks and even great white sharks. As
described in "The Behavior and Sensory Biology of Elasmobranch
Fishes: An Anthology in Memory of Donald Richard Nelson" (Tricas,
T. C. & S. H. Gruber (ed.) (2001)), as well as "Surfactants as
chemical shark repellents: past, present, and future" (J. A.
Sisneros (2000))," the greatest limitation of SLS is that it is
required to be squirted into the mouth of an approaching shark. It
is not effective in surrounding-cloud-mode dispersions. Therefore,
SLS is only useful when the user can clearly see an approaching
shark and orchestrate the delivery of SLS into the animal's mouth.
There has been a long-felt need for a repellent administered in
surrounding cloud dispersions, thereby avoiding the impracticable
need for direct-oral delivery.
[0024] In 2001, Sisneros reported further research on compounds
related to pardaxin. Sisneros confirmed that dodecyl sulfate was
the most effective surfactant shark repellent available at the
time and that even the best repellent did not meet the Navy's
potency requirement for a nondirectional surrounding-cloud type
repellent of 100 parts per billion (0.1 ppm or 100
micrograms/Liter). Sisneros further concluded that dodecyl sulfate
would only be practical as a directional repellent such as in a
squirt application. Sisneros suggested that future research should
test the action of alkyl sulfates on cell membranes, the potential
of other biotoxic agents, and semiochemicals in the search for an
effective chemical shark repellent. (Id.)
[0025] The existence of semiochemical repellents were first
considered by Rasmussen & Schmidt in 1992. They suggested that
sharks may be chemically aware of the presence of potential danger
by sensing the bodily secretions from potential predators.
Rasmussen & Schmidt hypothesized that lemon sharks, especially
juveniles, inherently recognize chemical exudates produced by the
American crocodile, Crocodylus acutus, a known predator of sharks.
The concentrations needed to produce aversive responses in lemon
sharks ranged from 10-7 to 10-9 M, which was near the functional
limit of shark chemoreceptors (Hodgson & Mathewson 1978).
[0026] Sisneros also noted that another proposed potential source
for shark repellent semiochemicals might perhaps be found in
decomposing shark flesh (Baldridge 1990, Rasmussen & Schmidt
1992) because anecdotal information from fishermen claimed that
sharks avoid areas containing decomposing carcasses of previously
caught dead sharks. Sisneros postulated that perhaps there are
semiochemicals found in extremely low concentrations in decaying
shark flesh that act as alarm pheromones and provide warning
signals to nearby sharks. None of those postulated compounds were
known or have since been found and there have been no commercially
available effective chemical shark repellents. As such, the long
felt need for an effective repellent had not been satisfied until
the present invention.
[0027] U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,490,360 and 4,340,587 describe the use of
lucibufagins from fireflies and extractions of fireflies as a
shark repellent. While the specifications suggest that behavioral
changes were occurring in numerous species of animals, no effects
were observed on larger inshore and pelagic sharks. Further, while
one specification describes the "very extensive practical use in
protecting bathing zones from the invasion of objectionable sea
life such as sharks," the Atlantic Sharpnose species represents a
very small-sized inshore species which has no reported
aggressiveness nor represents a bycatch problem. Additionally, no
practical synthesis is described for lucibufagins, therefore
tremendous quantities of fireflies are required to produce
drum-quantities of a repellent.
[0028] Data on the use of firefly-derived repellents were also
reported against the Atlantic Sharpnosed Shark (Rhizoprinodon
terraenovae), the smooth dogfish (Mustelus canis), the pinfish
(Lagadon rhomboides), and killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus) in a
paper presented at a symposium in 1981. (Bonaventura et al.,
Problems and Possibilities: The Development of an Effective Shark
Repellent for Naturally Occurring Biologically Active Substances,
Jan. 5, 1981, Annual Meeting of the American Association for the
Advancement of Science, Toronto, Canada). These data additionally
provide no support for a repellent of inshore and pelagic sharks
that would be useful as an effective shark repellent.
[0029] U.S. Pat. No. 6,606,963 describes an acoustical system
which produces shark-repelling waveforms. This invention affects
the shark's hearing and lateral line sensory systems. However, as
described by Klimley, Myrberg et al., sharks rapidly habituate to
a sound source unless output power is very high. The present
invention overcomes these limitations by, in theory, affecting the
olfactory system. There has been a long-felt need for a repellent
that is effective such that competitively feeding populations of
sharks will stop feeding and will avoid all food stimuli in the
presence of the repellent, wherein no habituation is observed
after exposure.
[0030] Researchers have historically used several bio-assays to
determine if a repellent evokes a flight response in shark. One
such bio-assay introduces repellent of a certain concentration and
volume to a position in a tank and measures avoidance in sharks of
that portion of a tank or other aversive swimming behavior.
[0031] Another such bio-assay introduces repellent of a certain
concentration and volume into the feeding zone of sharks and
measures whether sharks flee the feeding zone and/or cease feeding
[0032] Another preliminary bio-assay measures the effect of a
repellent on a shark that is immobilized in "tonic immobility."
Tonic immobility is a state of paralysis that typically occurs
when a shark is subject to inversion of its body along the
longitudinal axis. This state is called "tonic," and the shark can
remain in this state for up to 15 minutes thereby allowing
researchers to observe effects of chemical repellents. After
behavioral controls are established, an effective chemical
repellent will awaken a shark from a tonic state. Researches can
quantify dose sizes, concentrations, and time to awaken from these
studies. A microliter autopipettor is used to observe effects at
the 10-100 uL level. A 60 cc syringe is used as a baseline,
looking for a preliminary response.
[0033] Another bioassay is known as the Johnson-Baldridge test.
The test is defined as the delivery of 100 mg of chemical
repellent into a 6 cubic meter boundary of water over a 3.5 hour
period under steady-state conditions. This level of repellent
delivery from a point source is considered to represent a
concentration of 0.1 ppm. This is a proposed criterion in the art
for an "effective" repellent. If sharks demonstrate aversive
behavior under these conditions, then the criteria is satisfied.
The inventors have designed and constructed an experiment to test
if semiochemicals meet the Johnson-Baldridge criteria. A PVC
tripod was situated in the ocean. The tripod supported a
peristaltic metering pump, set to meter out exactly 100 mL of
repellent per hour. The tripod also supported a video camera and
transmitter, which observed the area under the tripod, marked off
for 6 cubic meters and compensated for tidal changes. The video
was monitored and recorded on shore. A fish head was secured under
the tripod, within view of the camera. Once a population of sharks
was established near the tripod, a control was performed. A second
fish head was secured, the pump was started, and behavior was
observed. If the fish head was protected for the 3.5 hour period,
the criteria were met.
[0034] Applicants have discovered an effective elasmobranch
repellent. According to a non-limiting embodiment of the present
invention, a repellent is provided comprising a semiochemical from
a carcass of an elasmobranch. The inventive semiochemical
terminated tonic immobility and evoked a flight response in an
elasmobranch. It was also noticed that the inventive semiochemical
did not evoke a flight response in fish having a bony skeleton. In
another non-limiting embodiment of the present invention, the
repellent comprises a semiochemical and a polar solvent. In
another non-limiting embodiment of the present invention, the
repellent comprises a carcass of an elasmobranch treated with a
polar solvent for between about one month to about six months. In
another non-limiting embodiment of the invention, the repellent is
filtered from the polar solvent treated elasmobranch carcass. In
another non-limiting embodiment of the present invention, the
repellent comprises a mixture of semiochemicals from more than one
carcass of more than one elasmobranch species.
[0035] According to a second embodiment of the present invention,
a method of repelling an elasmobranch is provided comprising
administering a semiochemical in the expected proximity of an
elasmobranch. In another non-limiting embodiment of the present
invention, the semiochemical is from an elasmobranch carcass
treated with a polar solvent.
[0036] According to a third non-limiting embodiment of the present
invention, a repellent is obtained by a process comprising the
steps of exposing a carcass of an elasmobranch to a polar solvent,
and filtering the repellent from the carcass. In another
non-limiting embodiment of the present invention, the repellent is
obtained by a process wherein an elasmobranch carcass is
aerobically decayed prior to exposure to a polar solvent and a
portion or the entirety of the pre-treated carcass is then exposed
to a polar solvent. In a non-limiting preferred embodiment, the
elasmobranch carcass is aerobically decayed to a degree of
decomposition between the onset of rigor mortis and the completion
of putrefaction prior to exposure to the polar solvent. In another
non-limiting preferred embodiment, the pre-treated carcass is
completely immersed in a polar solvent.
[0037] In a non-limiting embodiment of the present invention, the
inventive repellent is characterized on an HPLC chromatogram with
three characteristic peaks with relative peaks detected in the
range between approximately 240 nm to approximately 340 nm at
about 5, about 6 and about 7 minutes and the relative peak at
about 7 minutes is greater than the relative peaks at about 5
minutes and about 6 minutes. In a preferred embodiment, the
repellent HPLC chromatogram has the following characteristics
Column: Novapak 0.5u C18 reversed phase
Flow rate: 0.5 ml/min
Mobile phase: A: Methanol, 0.1% acetic acid
B: Water, 0.1% acetic acid
Gradient: 0-10 minutes 100% A
10-12 minutes, 0% A, 100% B, linear
12-20 minutes 100% B
20-22 minutes 0% B, 100% A, linear
22-60 minutes, 100% A
Injection: 50 ul into a 50 ul loop
Column temperature: 25[deg.] C.
In a preferred non-limiting embodiment, the repellent has the
following ultraviolet absorbances: 300 nm, greater than 1 AU; 312
nm, greater than 2 AU; and 322 nm, greater than 2 AU.
[0038] According to a fourth non-limiting embodiment of the
present invention, a process for making an elasmobranch repellent
is provided comprising the step of extracting a semiochemical from
a carcass of an elasmobranch by exposing said carcass to a polar
solvent and filtering said repellent from said carcass. In a
preferred non-limiting embodiment, the method of manufacture of
the inventive repellent comprises (1) placing a carcass of an
elasmobranch in an extraction vessel, (2) exposing the carcass to
aerobic decomposition, (3) treating said carcass and the
decomposition fluids of said carcass with a polar solvent
preferably in 50% water, 40% methanol, 6.5% ethanol, and 3.5%
methyl isobutyl ketone, by weight, (4) monitoring for detectable
semiochemicals, and (5) filtering the repellent from the carcass.
[0039] According to a fifth non-limiting embodiment of the present
invention, a compound for repelling elasmobranch is provided
wherein the compound is characterized by a uv-visible spectrum
having an absorbance peak between about 280 nm and about 340 nm.
[0040] According to a sixth non-limiting embodiment of the present
invention, a specially designed container is provided for
administering an elasmobranch repellent comprising a pressurized
container and an actuator for release of the repellent when
activated. In a preferred non-limiting embodiment, the container
is an aerosol container comprises an actuator that triggers a
continuous release of repellent when activated. In another
non-limiting preferred embodiment, the aerosol container is
weighted in the vicinity of the actuator to provide an erratic
motion in the water when the container is administered, the
actuator is activated and the repellent is discharged from the
[0041] According to a seventh non-limiting embodiment of the
present invention, a method of repelling an elasmobranch is
provided comprising administering a semiochemical from a raft,
buoy or piling in the expected vicinity of an elasmobranch. In a
preferred non-limiting embodiment of the present invention, the
semiochemical is administered from the raft, buoy or piling from a
pressurized diptube that discharges the semiochemical above the
surface of the water.
[0042] According to an eighth non-limiting embodiment of the
invention, a method of repelling an elasmobranch is provided
comprising attaching to a fishing longline a mass of carcass of an
elasmobranch that has been treated with polar solvent.
[0043] According to a ninth non-limiting embodiment of the present
invention, a kit is provided comprising a semiochemical repellent
and a vehicle for administering the semiochemical repellent. Such
vehicle of administration may include known devices and novel
devices disclosed herein.
[0044] The invention will now be described by way of example
with reference to the accompanying drawings wherein:
[0045] FIGS. 1A and 1B illustrate process flow charts for
extraction of semiochemical repellents in accordance with the
present invention.
[0046] FIG. 2 illustrates comparison of uv-visible spectra
of eight exemplary semiochemicals in accordance with the present
invention. The composite spectra represent eight exemplary
repellents in accordance with the present invention wherein
uv-visible spectral maxima reside in the region of around 280 nm
to around 340 nm. A distinct signature peak is notable in each
of these exemplary repellents at around 300 nm with a
semiochemical of a Great White shark head having the highest
relative detected absorbance at the signature 300 nm peak.
[0047] FIG. 3 illustrates HPLC chromatograms of the
early-eluting components of semiochemicals GWH and A1 in
accordance with the present invention. Notable are peaks at
around 5, around 6 and around 7 minutes. The 7 minute peak is
stronger than the others.
[0048] FIG. 4 illustrates HPLC chromatograms of
late-eluting components of exemplary semiochemicals GWH and A1
in accordance with the present invention. Noted are peaks of the
semiochemicals at around 31 minutes, around 34 minutes, around
36 minutes and around 42 minutes with a signature sharp peak in
the range of about 30 to about 40 minutes followed by a broad,
double-maxima peak about two minutes later.
[0049] FIG. 5 illustrates HPLC chromatograms of primary
amines in exemplary semiochemicals GWH and A1 in accordance with
the invention at 570 nm after treatment with ninhydrin. Noted
are peaks indicative of primary amines. Further, the
chromatograms contain peaks at around 5, around 6 and around 7
minutes with the 7-minute peak much stronger than the 5-minute
and 6-minute peaks.
[0050] FIG. 6 illustrates HPLC chromatograms of secondary
amines in exemplary semiochemicals GWH and A1 in accordance with
the invention at 440 nm after treatment with ninhydrin. Peaks
detected at 440 nm are indicative of secondary amines. Further,
the chromatograms contain a first strong and sharp peak around
34 minutes and a strong broad peak with two components eluting
about 2 minutes later.
[0051] FIG. 7 illustrates a GC-MS spectrograph of an
exemplary semiochemical GWH in accordance with the present
invention on Hewlett Packard model 6890 GC with 5973 MSD having
a column of DB-5 40 m*0.18 mm*0.40 mm film, a carrier of helium
at 1 mL/min; an injection of 1 microliters, splitless at
280[deg.] C.; heated to 40[deg.] C. and held for 5 minutes then
to 300[deg.] C. at 10[deg.] C./min and held for 5 minutes; with
the transfer line heated to 300[deg.] C.; and an MSD scan at
20-700 m/z. The mass spectral data in combination with the
chromatogram was analyzed using quality of NIST 98.1 library
[0052] FIG. 8 illustrates a uv-vis absorbance spectrum of
an exemplary semiochemical CP in accordance with the present
invention. Noted are peaks at around 440 nm and around 570 nm.
[0053] FIG. 9 illustrates a uv-vis absorbance spectrum of
50% w/w ammonium acetate (a proposed and discredited shark
repellent) in water, derivatized with 0.1 g ninhydrin at
40[deg.] C. for 15 minutes. Noted are no maxima at around 440 nm
or around 570 nm.
[0054] FIG. 10 illustrates a GC-MS chromatogram of an
exemplary semiochemical CP in accordance with the invention on
Hewlett Packard model 6890 GC with 5973 MSD having a column of
DB-5 40 m*0.18 mm*0.40 mm film, a carrier of helium at 1 mL/min;
an injection of 1 microliters, splitless at 280[deg.] C.; heated
to 40[deg.] C. and held for 5 minutes then to 300[deg.] C. at
10[deg.] C./min and held for 5 minutes; with the transfer line
heated to 300[deg.] C.; and an MSD scan at 20-700 m/z. The mass
spectral data in combination with the chromatogram was analyzed
using quality of NIST 98.1 library match.
[0055] FIG. 11 illustrates a comparison of uv-vis spectra
of one-year-old semiochemicals A2, A13N and SQ1. The uv-visible
spectra of each semiochemical was taken using a Perkin Elmer
Lambda 12 dual-beam scanning spectrophotometer, neat
semiochemical solution was micron filtered and loaded into
quartz cuvettes, representative uncontaminated solvents used in
the extraction process (at the same ratios used to perform the
extractions) were used as a reference sample or "blank," and a
peak at around 300 nm is seen for each semiochemical in
accordance with the invention.
[0056] FIG. 12 illustrates a comparison of uv-visible
spectra of semiochemical CL at 0, 7, 21 and 40 days during the
extraction process. A 300 nm peak is shown to increase in
absorbance over time.
[0057] FIGS. 13-15 illustrate HPLC chromatograms of
exemplary semiochemical A2 in accordance with the invention
derivatized with ninhydrin using a variety of solvents and
injection volumes.
[0058] FIG. 16 illustrates an FTIR spectrum of exemplary
semiochemical A2 in accordance with the invention. The resulting
proposed stretches corresponding to the spectral peaks are
provided in Example 4G, below.
[0059] FIG. 17 illustrates a Head Space Total Ion GC-MS
chromatograph of an exemplary semiochemical A2 in accordance
with the present invention.
[0060] FIG. 18 illustrates a Direct Injection GC-MS Total
Ion chromatograph of an exemplary semiochemical A2 in accordance
with the present invention.
[0061] FIG. 19 illustrates a total ion LC-MS chromatograph
of exemplary semiochemical A2 in accordance with the present
invention. Mass to charge ratios are noted in the chromatogram.
[0062] FIG. 20 illustrates a GC-MS chromatograph of
exemplary semiochemical CF-Composite in accordance with the
present invention on Hewlett Packard model 6890 GC with 5973 MSD
having a column of DB-5 40 m*0.18 mm*0.40 mm film, a carrier of
helium at 1 mL/min; an injection of 1 microliters, splitless at
280[deg.] C.; heated to 40[deg.] C. and held for 5 minutes then
to 300[deg.] C. at 10[deg.] C./min and held for 5 minutes; with
the transfer line heated to 300[deg.] C.; and an MSD scan at
20-700 m/z. The mass spectral data in combination with the
chromatogram was analyzed using quality of NIST 98.1 library
[0063] FIG. 21 illustrates a GC-MS chromatograph of an
exemplary semiochemical B-Composite in accordance with the
present invention on Hewlett Packard model 6890 GC with 5973 MSD
having a column of DB-5 40 m*0.18 mm*0.40 mm film, a carrier of
helium at 1 mL/min; an injection of 1 microliters, splitless at
280[deg.] C.; heated to 40[deg.] C. and held for 5 minutes then
to 300[deg.] C. at 10[deg.] C./min and held for 5 minutes; with
the transfer line heated to 300[deg.] C.; and an MSD scan at
20-700 m/z. The mass spectral data in combination with the
chromatogram was analyzed using quality of NIST 98.1 library
[0064] FIG. 22 illustrates HPLC chromatographs of
early-eluting components of one-and-a-half-year-old degraded
semiochemical A2 and more-than-one-year-old degraded
semiochemical N2. Noted is the absence of a strong peak at
around 7 minutes.
[0065] FIG. 23 illustrates HPLC chromatographs of
late-eluting components of one-and-a-half-year-old degraded
semiochemical A2 and more-than-one-year-old degraded
semiochemical N2. Noted are one sharp peak and one sharp double
peak at about 3 and about 2 minutes before a weak, broad
double-peak at around 35 minutes.
[0066] FIG. 24 illustrates prior known solution delivery
devices modified to contain semiochemical repellent in
accordance with the present invention. FIG. 24A illustrates a
pressurized delivery pole apparatus. FIG. 24B illustrates a
delivery device syringe. FIG. 24C illustrates a cattle-treatment
"drench" gun.
[0067] FIG. 25 illustrates a novel exemplary semiochemical
delivery device in accordance with the present invention. FIG.
25A illustrates an aerosol canister for administration of
semiochemical repellent to a shark environment. FIG. 25B
illustrates the various axes of rotation of the exemplary
canister. FIG. 25C illustrates directional discharge of
repellent by the novel exemplary device in all directions yet
having a preference for discharge in the water due to continuous
discharge of repellent and being weighted in the vicinity of the
actuator. It is noted that repellent is discharged in the water
and into the air above the water, creating a concentration of
repellent in the immediate vicinity of the container and
creating a wider dispersion of repellent as it settles out of
the air onto the surface of the water.
[0068] FIG. 26 illustrates a mortar-launched aerosol "bomb"
canister for administration of semiochemicals in accordance with
the present invention from a distance.
[0069] FIG. 27 illustrates an automated repellent dispenser
in accordance with the present invention comprising a raft or
other floating or fixed device that delivers repellent by
discharging repellent above the surface of the water.
[0070] FIG. 28 illustrates a duel barreled semiochemical
repellent discharger in accordance with the present invention.
[0071] FIG. 29 illustrates semiochemical repellent pouches
in accordance with the invention.
[0072] FIG. 30 illustrates an apparatus for administering
repellent along fishing longline in accordance with the present
[0073] FIG. 31 illustrates a semiochemical repellent
backpack discharger in accordance with the present invention for
use, for example, by scuba divers and those who snorkel.
[0074] FIG. 32 illustrates a spear gun fitted with a
repellent discharge device in accordance with the present
[0075] FIG. 33 illustrates a repellent delivery device
adapted to a surfboard in accordance with the present invention.
FIG. 33A illustrates a surfboard with a pressurized chamber that
is discharged by a surfer in an emergency. FIG. 33B illustrates
a surfboard with a chamber for containing repellent and a drip
valve and vent for continuous discharge during surfing.
[0076] FIG. 34 illustrates a wristwatch comprising a
repellent canister in accordance with the present invention.
[0077] FIG. 35 illustrates a belt (FIG. 35A) or bracelet
(FIG. 35B) comprising pressurized repellent in accordance with
the present invention.
[0078] The novel features, which are believed to be
characteristic of the present invention, will be further
understood from the following discussion.
[0079] "Acoustical stimulation" is the arousal or activation
of a subject related to sound or sense of hearing. Elasmobranchs
are attracted to low-frequency pulsed sounds, similar to those
emitted by wounded prey. Acoustical stimulation of a subject is
generally accomplished by the pulsing of sound waves in the
frequency of 25 to 100 Hz. Some elasmobranchs are attracted to
sound sources from distances as great as 250 m.
[0080] "Canister" is a large or small container or vessel of any
shape. An "aerosol canister" is a large or small container or
vessel of any shape the contents of which are held under pressure
and may contain a propellant gas or material to discharge a
desired substance in a spray, liquid, foam or mist.
[0081] "Carcass" is the dead body of an animal or any portion
thereof. For use in this application and unless otherwise
indicated, a carcass refers to the dead body of an elasmobranch
whole or in part and cleaned or uncleaned of stomach contents.
Carcass may include the head, tail and/or muscle tissue.
[0082] "Complete putrefaction" is the degree of decomposition
where muscular tissue has substantially liquefied. Typically, the
muscular tissue falls away, as a slime, from the skin, not
retaining any shape. This period roughly coincides with the "black
putrefaction" or "butyric putrefaction" periods of mammalian
decay, approximately 20-50 days after death.
[0083] "Conspecific" means of the same species.
[0084] "Conspecific repellents" are repellents that are made from
a species of elasmobranch that repels the same species or family
or order of elasmobranch.
[0085] "Elasmobranchii" represents the subclass of class
Chondrichthyes (cartilaginous fish), which includes the sharks and
rays. In this specification, "elasmobranchs" represent the
super-orders and orders of elasmobranchs that are of interest for
producing a repellent based on availability and conservation, and
also those that present a potential threat to humans or represent
a bycatch problem in commercial fisheries. As such,
"elasmobranchs" in this specification means one or more
elasmobranchii in the super-orders Galeomorphii and Squalomorphii
and orders Squaliforms (dogfish), Carcharhiniformes (requiem
sharks), Lamniformes (mackerel sharks), and Orectolobiformes
(carpet sharks).
[0086] "Feeding zone" is the area in which sharks have been
stimulated and demonstrate aggressive feeding behavior.
[0087] "Heterospecific" means from a different species.
[0088] "Heterospecific repellents" are repellents that are from a
species of elasmobranchs that repels a different species or family
or order of elasmobranch.
[0089] "Polar solvent" is a first substance capable of dissolving
another substance wherein the first substance comprises molecules
with electric charges unequally distributed, leaving one end of
each molecule more positive than the other.
[0090] "Putrefaction" is the degree of decomposition at which most
of a carcass is decomposed.
[0091] "Rigor mortis" is the degree of decomposition at which a
carcass becomes stiff.
[0092] "Semiochemical" is a compound or mixture of compounds
derived from the carcass of an elasmobranch that can terminate
tonic immobility of an elasmobranch with a dosage of less than 500
microliters, that can evoke a flight reaction in an elasmobranch
that has been stimulated to feed and that does not evoke a flight
response in telios fish.
[0093] "Tonic immobility" is the state of paralysis that typically
occurs when an elasmobranch is subject to inversion of its body
along the longitudinal axis of the body, i.e., is belly up. The
elasmobranch can remain in this state for up to 15 minutes.
[0094] Semiochemical repellents in accordance with the present
invention are prepared from an elasmobranch carcass as illustrated
in FIG. 1A. An elasmobranch carcass is collected (whole or in
part). The carcass or carcasses are aerobically decayed preferably
beyond the degree of decomposition of rigor mortis but before
complete putrefaction. Some semiochemical compounds are eluted
during the controlled aerobic decay.
[0095] The elasmobranch carcass can be of a single variety or of
multiple varieties of elasmobranch and may represent whole
carcasses or a part or parts of different carcasses. The carcass
sample preferably contains at least a portion of muscle tissue. A
whole carcass, dressed tube of carcass, steak of carcass or
section or sections of carcass may be used, cleaned or uncleaned
of entrails or stomach contents.
[0096] The carcass sample is allowed to aerobically decay beyond
rigor mortis but before putrefaction, which period of time may be
from about one day to about one month. The aerobically decayed
tissue is transferred to a bath of polar solvent, preferably along
with any semiochemicals that may have been released. The decayed
tissue is kept in a bath of polar solvent in an extraction vessel
for from about 1 week to about 6 months and up to about one year.
The polar-solvent-carcass vessel contents are sampled from time to
time to determine the stage of extraction of semiochemical(s).
When the presence of semiochemicals is detectable at a determined
end-point, the contents of the extraction tank may be filtered for
use as an elasmobranch repellent or the pre-filtered contents may
be formed into a mass for use as an elasmobranch repellent.
[0097] A preferred extraction process is described in FIGS. 1A-1B.
For example, muscular tissue from one or more sharks of the Order
of Carcharihiniform, Orectobolobiform, Lamniform or Squaliform are
obtained and allowed to aerobically decay in an environment free
from insects and other flesh eating organisms (1). In a preferred
embodiment, the shark tissue is aerobically decayed in an
extraction vessel of polypropylene, high density polyethylene
(HDPE) or glass for about ten days (2). Polar solvent is then
introduced to the extraction vessel of sufficient volume to cover
the decayed shark tissue (3). After an amount of time, preferably
one month, the extraction is sampled for instrumental analysis to
determine whether or not semiochemicals have begun to be produced.
[0098] If semiochemical production is not yet sufficient to
achieve a desired end-point (as set forth in this specification by
standard signatures on analytical instruments or by a
demonstration by testing the repellent activity against a shark),
the extraction process is allowed to proceed for another period of
time. The following period of time for further incubation of the
extraction may be any amount of time, ordinarily less than about
six months. Preferably, the waiting period is from about 1 day to
about one month, depending on the expected production time for
semiochemicals from the particular shark tissue in the particular
polar solvent. The skilled artisan will easily determine optimal
waiting periods between instrumental analyses of the extraction.
The waiting period and instrumental analysis should be repeated
until there has been sufficient production of semiochemicals to
achieve a desired end-point. The desired end-point is chosen by
detection of sufficient semiochemicals using instrumental analysis
or by the demonstration of a flight reaction in shark when applied
to the shark's environment. Semiochemical repellent may be
recovered at various stages (2A, 3A, 4A) in the process.
[0099] When the extraction process has produced sufficient
semiochemicals to achieve a desired end-point, the contents of the
extraction vessel is preferably filtered (4). The filtrate is
containerized and prepared for administration as an elasmobranch
repellent (5). The methods of the present invention are able to
produce more than 15 liters of repellent solution from a 2.2 kg
shark specimen. A 6-foot carcass is able to produce approximately
50 gallons of repellent solution according to the extraction
process described in the present invention.
[0100] When semiochemicals in sufficient abundance are detected,
the decay process may likewise be halted by lowering temperature
or immersion in solvents for preservation until use. In an
alternative, once semiochemicals in sufficient abundance are
detected the contents of the extraction vessel is formed into a
mass or masses for administration as an elasmobranch repellent.
[0101] In the extraction process, whole carcasses are preferable
over sectioned carcasses. In lieu of an entire carcass, successful
semiochemical repellents have been prepared using the entire head,
the entire tail, or the liver from a specimen. Blood alone is not
preferred for semiochemical derivation
[0102] At the outset, carcasses should be allowed to decay
aerobically, past the stage of rigor mortis, but before complete
putrefaction. This may be accomplished by leaving the carcass in
open air or a cooler for a period of time, taking care to not
allow insects and scavengers to manifest. Decomposition fluids are
preferably retained. A freshly killed carcass is unsuitable for
deriving semiochemicals because specific catabolites have not yet
been produced. A fully decayed carcass is unsuitable for deriving
semiochemicals because specific catabolites are fully depleted or
metabolized. Anaerobic decay is an unacceptable method, and
produces high yields of organic sulfur compounds and low yields of
[0103] Carcass selection may be made based on what species of
elasmobranch are desired to be repelled. For example, it is not
preferred to utilize stingray carcasses when trying to develop a
hammerhead-specific repellent. It is preferred, however, to use a
stingray carcass to develop a stingray repellent. Most genus
Carcarhinus specimens are very suitable for preparing
broad-spectrum shark repellents. It is demonstrated herein that
lemon shark carcasses not only produced semiochemical solutions
which repelled lemon sharks, but also repelled blacknose, reef,
and bull sharks.
[0104] Carcasses from multiple species are also suitable. For
example, a vessel containing two lemon shark carcasses, one nurse
shark carcass, and one smooth dogfish carcass produced a high
yield of semiochemicals after 6 months of extraction time.
[0105] After the initial decay period and before total
putrefaction, the decomposition fluids, blood, and the carcass
mass are preferably placed in an extraction vessel. In a preferred
embodiment, the carcass is not cleaned, gutted, or rinsed prior to
[0106] The extraction vessel is preferably a container which is
impervious to organic solvents and acids, and which seals
air-tight to prevent escape of solvent vapors. The vessel is
ideally polypropylene plastic or glass. This vessel should possess
access points for solvent addition, draining,
circulation/stirring, and viewing.
[0107] The optimal positioning of the carcass in the vessel and
solvent is with the carcass positioned vertically, head down, in
the vessel. More than one carcass may be positioned in the vessel
to increase yield.
[0108] A solvent for the extraction process is any polar solvent
that is less than 100% water. A preferred extraction solvent is a
water:solvent mixture at a 50:50 mix ratio by weight of water to
another polar solvent. The skilled extraction chemist will
understand that adjustments may be made to improve yields. A
preferred water to other polar solvent ratio is 50:50
water:solvent, by weight.
[0109] Any single, binary, ternary, or multiple solvent system is
suitable for the 50:50 mixture. For example, n-propanol,
iso-propanol, glycol ethers, methanol/ethanol systems, acetic
acid, hydrochloric acid solutions, butanol, dimethylsulfoxide, and
short-chain aldehydes and ketones are acceptable solvents. A
preferred polar solvent is 80% methanol, 17% ethanol, and 3%
methyl isobutyl ketone by weight. Water in combination with the
aforementioned solvents is also suitable, as long as anaerobic
decay is minimized. Leaving the carcass in pure water is not a
preferred solvent system. It is preferred that the solvent cover
the entire carcass mass.
[0110] The extraction process should be carried out at about room
temperature. Elevated temperatures speed the extraction process,
but produce lower-efficacy semiochemical solutions. Soxhlet
extraction similarly produces low-efficacy semiochemical
solutions. The most effective process is simply to leave the
vessel at room temperature and slow circulation for 3 to 6 months,
depending on the solvent strength.
[0111] The solvent should be sampled periodically to monitor the
presence of semiochemicals and to determine a desired end-point
for the extraction process. End-point may be determined with
uv-visible spectrophotometry, high performance liquid
chromatography (HPLC), mass-spectrometry, infrared detection,
visible detection of a yellow color or testing of samples on shark
to determine if a flight reaction is induced.
[0112] Spectrophotometry is a simple method for determining the
"ripening" state of the solvent mixture. Over time, peak
absorbances will be observed between about 290 nm and about 320
nm, with some maxima being extremely strong when the extraction
process is operating efficiently. When clear solvents are
employed, the solvent/semiochemical mixture develops a
characteristic pale-yellow coloration after 3 months, indicating
the presence of the semiochemicals.
[0113] Preferred end-points for the extraction process as detected
by different instrumental analyses are set forth in the following
[0114] At the end of the extraction process, the semiochemical
solution may be filtered, but not distilled. Rotary evaporation
and fractional distillation has been observed to ruin the efficacy
of the semiochemical solution. Fritted glass filters and micron
filters are very suitable for removing skin and biomass particles,
as well as improving visual clarity. Vacuum may be employed in the
filtration process, but heat is not preferred. Preferably, the
solution is used at full strength for maximum repellency on wild
sharks and rays.
[0115] A. Instrumental Analysis for Determining Desired End-Point
of Extraction Process
[0116] The end point of the extraction process may be determined
by instrumental analysis. End-point is reached when a
semiochemical has been produced in the extraction process to a
point where it is detectable in sufficient amounts by instrumental
analysis or where the extraction has developed to the point of
evoking a flight response, evoking aversive swimming behavior,
evoking termination of tonic immobility, or providing protection
sufficient to satisfy the Johnson-Baldridge test in elasmobranchs.
Liquid chromatography, spectrophotometry, gas chromatography and
qualitative analytical techniques are preferably used to identify
the point in time where semiochemical concentration reaches a
maximum. Semiochemicals possess characteristic absorbance maxima,
fragmentation, retention times, and physical properties, such as
odor, color and pH.
[0117] A desirable end-point may be determined by testing a
filtered sample from the extraction vessel on HPLC according the
following gradient elution configuration:
Column: Novapak 0.5u C18 reversed phase
Flow rate: 0.5 ml/min
Mobile phase: A: Methanol, 0.1% acetic acid
B: Water, 0.1% acetic acid
Gradient: 0-10 minutes 100% A
10-12 minutes, 0% A, 100% B, linear
12-20 minutes 100% B
20-22 minutes 0% B, 100% A, linear
22-60 minutes, 100% A
Injection: 50 ul into a 50 ul loop
Detection: 240 nm, range 1 AUFS
Column temperature: 25[deg.] C.
In this setup, 6 characteristic compounds elute within the first 8
minutes, producing 6 peaks. Of these characteristic peaks, 3 are
of particular interest. A distinctive strong peak at about 7
minutes and two moderate peaks at about 5 and about 6 minutes
demonstrate well developed semiochemical extract. A second group
of compounds elute after 23 minutes, indicating up to 25
additional compounds, with weak to moderate absorbances.
[0118] A desirable end-point may also be determined by testing a
filtered sample of the extraction on HPLC after amines in the
semiochemical repellent samples have been derivatized using
ninhydrin to produce strong chromophores. Derivatization with
ninhydrin yields two colored products, Rhuemann's purple at 570 nm
for primary amines, and a colored product with an absorbance
maximum at 440 nm for secondary amines. These colored products are
detected using an HPLC and an ultraviolet-visible detector.
Derivatization may be performed pre- or post-column, but
post-column work must employ additional pumps, flow combiners, and
elevated temperatures ahead of the detector. Preferably the
derivatization is performed pre-column. Samples are prepared by
combining 50% w/w of a 1% ninhydrin in 2-propanol solution with
50% w/w of a semiochemical sample. Samples are allowed to
derivatize for 2 hours at 40[deg.] C. prior to analysis. The
following system configuration is used:
Column: C18, reversed phase
Flow rate: 1 ml/min
Mobile phase: 80% water, 20% acetonitrile
Injection: 10 uL
Detection: 570 nm for primary amines,
440 nm for secondary amines
Column temperature: 35[deg.] C.
[0119] This method produces up to 5 characteristic peaks between 1
and 2 minutes for primary amines at 570 nm. The method also
produces up to 5 characteristic peaks between 1 and 2 minutes for
secondary amines at 440 nm. An entity at both detection
wavelengths is observed at 4.8 minutes with a trace concentration.
If, in an alternative method of HPLC analysis, the gradient
elution configuration set forth above is employed at 570 nm, three
characteristic peaks of particular interest elute at around 5,
around 6 and around 7 minutes, with the strongest peak at 7
minutes. If the same gradient elution method is employed at 440
nm, a characteristic broad double peak is expected to elute at
around 30 to around 40 minutes preceded by about two minute by an
earlier sharp peak.
[0120] End-point may also be determined using uv spectral
analysis. The ultraviolet spectra of an extracted semiochemical
repellent solution may be considered to contain sufficient
semiochemical products when they yield the following generally
characteristic absorbances:
240 nm, greater than 2 AU
266 nm, greater than 1 AU
273 nm, greater than 1 AU
280 nm, greater than 1.5 AU
289 nm, greater than 1.5 AU
294 nm, greater than 2 AU
300 nm, greater than 2.5 AU
312 nm, greater than 3 AU
322 nm, greater than 3 AU.
[0130] The visible spectrum of a semiochemical repellent solution
yields a weak but likewise characteristic absorbance maximum in
the red region, at 657 nm (less than 0.5 AU). A salient peak to
determine sufficient development of semiochemicals using
uv-visible spectrophotometry is often a signature peak beginning
around 300 nm and reaching a maximum near 310 or 320 nm.
[0131] For example, semiochemical CL (from C. limbatus) was
sampled at 0, 7, 21 and 40 days to determine development of
semiochemical uv-vis signature. (See FIG. 11.) Signature
absorbance at around 300 nm increased as extraction proceeded. A
300 nm shoulder was barely perceptible at 0 days but increased
throughout 7, 21 and 40 days of the extraction process to become a
distinct peak at 40 days around 3.5 AU.
[0132] B. Instrumental Analysis of Semiochemicals-Composition of
[0133] Semiochemical extractions may be qualitatively tested for
the presence of sufficient semiochemicals to act as an
elasmobranch repellent using a range of instrumental analytical
techniques. These qualitative techniques include HPLC, uv-visible
spectroscopy, infrared spectroscopy and mass spectrometry coupled
with other separation techniques.
[0134] 1. UV-Visible Spectrophotometry
[0135] To test an extraction for sufficient presence or
development of semiochemicals using uv-visible spectrophotometric
analysis a uv-visible spectrophotometer may be employed. A
dual-beam scanning spectrophotometer, such as the Perkin Elmer
Lambda 12 model, is preferable. Neat semiochemical solutions
should be micron-filtered and loaded into quartz cuvettes.
Representative uncontaminated solvents used in the extraction
process, at the same ratios used to perform the extraction, are
used as a reference sample or "blank."
[0136] An extracted semiochemical repellent solution may be
considered to contain sufficient semiochemical products when its
ultraviolet spectrum yields the following generally characteristic
240 nm, greater than 2 AU
266 nm, greater than 1 AU
273 nm, greater than 1 AU
280 nm, greater than 1.5 AU
289 nm, greater than 1.5 AU
294 nm, greater than 2 AU
300 nm, greater than 2.5 AU
312 nm, greater than 3 AU
322 nm, greater than 3 AU.
[0146] The visible spectra of a semiochemical repellent solution
yields a weak but characteristic absorbance maxima in the red
region, at 657 nm, less than 0.5 AU.
[0147] 2. Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectrophotometry
[0148] Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectrophotometry provides
confirmation of certain functional groups in a semiochemical
solution. Since the extraction solution contains water, another
extraction must be performed to remove the semiochemicals from the
water. FTIR cannot be accomplished in the presence of water. A
simple extraction using a separatory funnel, with a 50:50 weight
ratio mixture of a water-insoluble solvent to the semiochemical
solution is very adequate. Strong water-insoluble solvents include
diethyl ether, methylene chloride, and chloroform. The
water-insoluble phase of this extraction may be further dried
using magnesium or sodium sulfate, to remove all traces of water.
[0149] In an FTIR analysis, a waterless sample from the
water-insoluble phase described above is set on a KBr crystal. A
scan from 1100 nm to 3500 nm of a semiochemical extraction may
indicate the following groups:
2800-3000 nm Asymmetric and symmetric CH3 groups
1300-1400 nm Scissor, asymmetric, and symmetric CH3
1126.00 nm C-O bond stretching
1434.56 nm C-O bond stretching
1637.28 nm C-C bond stretching
2846.60 nm C-H bond stretching
2916.50 nm C-H bond stretching
2951.46 nm C-H bond stretching
3321.94 nm OH bond stretching, indicating alcohols
along with the
above three preceding stretches.
(FIG. 16.)
[0150] 3. High Pressure Liquid Chromatography, HPLC
[0151] High Pressure Liquid Chromatography, HPLC is also used to
detect the presence of semiochemicals in the extraction solution.
A gradient HPLC system shows the presence of semiochemicals in two
groupings, according to the following method:
Column: Novapak 0.5u C18 reversed phase
Flow rate: 0.5 ml/min
Mobile phase: A: Methanol, 0.1% acetic acid
B: Water, 0.1% acetic acid
Gradient: 0-10 minutes 100% A
10-12 minutes, 0% A, 100% B, linear
12-20 minutes 100% B
20-22 minutes 0% B, 100% A, linear
22-60 minutes, 100% A
Injection: 50 ul into a 50 ul loop
Detection: 240 nm, range 1 AUFS
Column temperature: 25[deg.] C.
[0152] In this setup, three particularly distinctive peaks may be
observed within the first about 8 minutes with the peaks spaced
about one minute apart. The strongest peak is generally the final
peak of the three. Most often peaks elute at about 5 minutes,
about 6 minutes and about 7 minutes with the peak at 7 minutes
relatively stronger than the peaks at 5 and 6 minutes. A second
group of compounds elute after 23 minutes, indicating up to 25
additional compounds, with weak to moderate absorbances.
[0153] In another analysis, components with absorbances at 622 and
624 nm elute at approximately 1.21 minutes using the following
Column: 0.5u C18 reversed phase
Flow rate: 1 ml/min
Mobile phase: 80% w/w water, 20% w/w acetonitrile
Injection: 50ul into a 50ul loop
Detection: 622-625 nm
Column temperature: 35[deg.] C.
HPLC coupled to fluorescence is also used to detect amino acids in
the semiochemical mixture. Amino acids were derivatized with an
active ortho-pthalaldehyde (OPA) reagent, which is prepared by
treating OPA with an excess of a thiol compound, namely
2-mercaptoethanol, to form an OPA-2-mercaptoethanol adduct. This
adduct reacts with primary amines to form fluorescent isoindoles,
which are readily detected by a fluorescence detector post-column.
[0154] HPLC resolution can be improved by deproteinization.
Membrane-filtered semiochemical samples are treated with
perchloric acid, and then neutralized with potassium hydroxide,
producing insoluble potassium perchlorate. The neutralized sample
is centrifuged for 15 minutes, and the supernatant is analyzed by
HPLC. Deproteinized samples generally produce better peak
resolution and symmetry.
[0155] 4. Ninhydrin Derivatization
[0156] The amine functions in semiochemical repellent samples can
be derivatized using ninhydrin to produce strong chromophores.
Ninhydrin is a selective oxidizing agent which causes oxidative
decarboxylation of amino acids producing CO2, NH3, and an aldehyde
with one less carbon atom than the parent amino acid. The reduced
ninhydrin then reacts with the liberated ammonia to form
Ruhemann's Purple, a complex which maximally absorbs light at 570
nm. Secondary amines, e.g., Proline and 4-Hydroxyproline, react
via a different path and form a yellow derivative with an optimal
absorbance at 440 nm.
[0157] Since the reaction with amines is highly specific and the
absorption characteristics of the formed chromophores follow
Beer's Law, reagents based on Ninhydrin have long been the most
popular choice for detection and quantitation of amines and amino
[0000] Ninhydrin reacts slowly at room temperature. Consequently,
in automated amino acid analysis, elevated temperatures of up to
130[deg.] C. are employed to reduce the conversion time to about
one minute.
[0158] Ninhydrin derivatization often yields two absorbances in a
semiochemical shark repellent, one at 570 nm and one at 440 nm,
corresponding to primary and secondary amine functions
respectively. For example, the absorbance spectra of a
semiochemical extraction from the head of C. perezii (using 50%
water, 40% methanol, 6.5% ethanol, and 3.5% methyl isobutyl
ketone) derivatized with 0.1 g ninhydrin at 40[deg.] C. for 15
minutes is found in FIG. 8. Clear maxima are observable at 440 nm
(around 4 AU) and 570 nm (2.9 AU). When primary and secondary
amines are not present, and the sample is derivatized with
ninhydrin, absorbances at 440 nm and 570 nm are not observed. A
uv-visible spectrum of 50% w/w ammonium acetate (a discredited
shark repellent) in water, derivatized with 0.1 g ninhydrin at
40[deg.] C. for 15 minute showed no maxima at 440 or 570 nm. (See
FIGS. 8 and 9.)
[0159] Products absorbing at 440 nm and 570 nm may additionally be
resolved and detected using an HPLC and an ultraviolet-visible
detector as described for end-point determination above. When
ninhydrin-derivatized semiochemical extracts are run on HPLC with
the following parameters a distinctive chromatograph is produced:
Column: Novapak 0.5u C18 reversed phase
Flow rate: 0.5 ml/min
Mobile phase: A: Methanol, 0.1% acetic acid
B: Water, 0.1% acetic acid
Gradient: 0-10 minutes 100% A
10-12 minutes, 0% A, 100% B, linear
12-20 minutes 100% B
20-22 minutes 0% B, 100% A, linear
22-60 minutes, 100% A
Injection: 50 ul into a 50 ul loop
Detection: 240 nm, range 1 AUFS
Column temperature: 25[deg.] C.
For primary amines, three distinct 570 nm absorbing peaks elute at
about 5, about 6 and about 7 minutes. (See FIG. 5.) For secondary
amines, a distinctive pattern of 440 nm absorbing peaks elute. A
sharp peak in the middle to later thirty minute range elutes
followed about two minutes later by a broad double peaked elution.
(See FIG. 6.)
[0160] 5. Thin-Layer Chromatography
[0161] Flash chromatography and thin-layer chromatography may be
performed, in order to observe amine components in ninhydrin
derivatized samples. Using the following system, the primary and
secondary amines can be well separated via flash chromatography:
Stationary phase: Silica gel, 230-400 mesh
Mobile phase: 66% n-butanol, 33% methyl formate, 1% glacial
Column height: 6''-30'', packed height, or 8'' * 8'' plates
Sample: 0.2 micron-filtered, derivatized with 1% ninhydrin
in 2-propanol.
[0162] In thin-layer chromatography, the underivatized sample is
spotted. After the endpoint is reached, the plate is developed
with either 1% ninhydrin in 2-propanol solution, or the
OPA-2-mercaptoethanol solution described earlier. The mobile phase
should be optimized for optimal retention factors (Rf's).
[0163] The biological activity of elasmobranch-repelling
semiochemicals extracted from various orders of elasmobranchs,
particularly, Orders Orectolobiformes, Lamniformes,
Carcharhiniformes and Squaliformes, has been demonstrated in
elasmobranchs of the Order Carcharhiniformes and Order
Lamniformes. Repellent activity has also been observed in
conspecific species interactions and heterospecific species
interactions. ((See Table 1)).
[0164] Semiochemical extractions produced from pelagic Lamniforms
have demonstrated repellency on inshore Carcharhiniformes (e.g.,
ML1, ML2, B, GWH). Semiochemical extractions produced from inshore
Carcharhiniformes have demonstrated repellency on highly migratory
(pelagic) Carcharhiniformes (e.g., GCC). Semiochemical extractions
produced from a Squaliform have demonstrated repellency on
Carcharhiniformes (e.g., SQ1). Semiochemical extractions produced
from one or more species of Carcharhiniformes have demonstrated
repellency on entirely different species of Carcharhiniformes
(e.g., CPP, GCC, CP). Semiochemical extractions produced from one
species of Carcharhiniformes have demonstrated repellency on
conspecific species (e.g., CP). Semiochemical extractions produced
from one or more species of Orectolobiformes have demonstrated
repellency on species of Carcharhiniformes (e.g., N2, BB1). (See
Table 1).
[0165] Repellency activity may be demonstrated in any method
described above or known to one of skill in the art. For the
investigations undertaken herein two common methods of testing
repellent activity were most often used.
[0166] A pressurized fluid delivery system was designed to deliver
repellent into large feeding populations of sharks. The repellent
was released as a subsurface cloud, which follows the current. A 1
L plastic container containing the semiochemical solution was
pressurized to approximately 20 psig with a battery compressor or
hand pump. A globe valve was used to hold back the fluid. The
fluid was delivered to the end of a long PVC pole using Teflon
tubing. This allowed the operator to place the tip of the pole
well into the population of feeding sharks. By actuating the small
globe valve, a cloud of the solution was released quickly and
reliably into the feeding population. Controls were established
using FD&C Red 40 dye and seawater, uncolored seawater, and
air. These controls established that sharks were not afraid to
approach the delivery pole, nor were sharks deterred from feeding
by the jet of control fluid or air. During field tests with
feeding populations of up to 12 Carcharhinus perezi with
Carcharhinus acronatus, we consistently observed that as little as
4 fl. oz (approx 129 ml) of semiochemical "A2" reduced the feeding
population to zero within 2 minutes when administered with the
above-described testing apparatus.
[0167] Another method is a "tonic immobility" study. During tonic
immobility studies, semiochemical is delivered using a plastic
syringe, which is not in contact with the specimen. The test
solution is released within 3 inches of the specimen's nose.
Controls are established using separate syringes with seawater.
Some controls were released with a high flow rate (30 mL/sec) in
order to establish that sharks were not awakened by the jet of
fluid over their noses.
[0168] Using the above-described tests, the repellent
characteristics of a wide range of semiochemicals prepared in
accordance with the invention has been established. For example,
semiochemical extractions produced from pelagic Lamniforms (e.g.,
I. oxyrhincus) have demonstrated repellency on inshore
Carcharhiniformes. In three tests, 450 ml to 700 ml doses of
semiochemical composition GWH, derived from the head of a great
white shark, repelled competitively-feeding blacknose and
Caribbean reef sharks. (See Table 1).
[0169] Semiochemical extractions produced from inshore
Carcharhiniformes have demonstrated repellency on highly migratory
(pelagic) Carcharhiniformes. A 500 mL dose of semiochemical
composition A13N, derived from lemon sharks, nurse sharks, and
spiny dogfish; repelled two adult blue sharks which were
previously stimulated by acoustical and olfactory attractants.
Similarly, a 500 mL dose of semiochemical composition GCC, derived
from a tiger shark carcass, was observed to repel a large adult
blue shark stimulated by acoustical and olfactory attractants.
[0170] Semiochemical extractions produced from a Squaliform
repelled species of Carcharhiniformes. A 250 mL dose of
Composition SQ1, derived from the Cuban Dogfish, repelled
competitively-feeding blacknose and Caribbean reef sharks. (See
Table 1).
[0171] Semiochemical extractions produced from one or more species
of Carcharhiniformes repelled entirely different species of
Carcharhiniformes. A 500 mL dose of semiochemical composition CPP,
derived from the head of a sandbar shark, repelled
competitively-feeding blacknose and Caribbean reef sharks.
Similarly, a 500 mL dose of composition A2, derived from lemon,
nurse, and dogfish carcasses, repelled two adult bull sharks
stimulated with olfactory attractants.
[0172] Semiochemical extractions produced from one species of
Carcharhiniformes repelled a conspecific species of
Carcharhiniformes (e.g., CP). In four tests using an aerosol
delivery canister, semiochemical composition CP, derived from the
head of a Caribbean Reef Shark, repelled competitively-feeding
blacknose and Caribbean reef sharks. (See Table 1).
[0173] Semiochemical extractions produced from one or more species
of Orectolobiformes repelled species of Carcharhiniformes. In
tests using captive juvenile lemon sharks, aversive swimming
responses were observed with a 10 mL dose of semiochemical
extraction from nurse shark carcasses. Similarly, a 10 mL dose of
semiochemical from a bamboo shark carcass produced aversive
swimming responses in captive juvenile lemon sharks. (See Table
Blind Code Order Family G. species
Section Polar Solvent System Decay Process
A Carcharhiniformes Carcarhinidae N.
brevirostris whole 50% water aerobic in
carcass, 40%
methanol polypropylene
Orectolobiformes Ginglymostomatidae G.
cirratum whole 8.5% ethanol at 25[deg.] C.
carcass, 1.5%
methylisobutyl (RT)
Squaliforms Squalidae S. acanthias
whole ketone
A2 Carcharhiniformes Carcarhinidae N.
brevirostris whole 50% water aerobic in
carcass, 40%
methanol polypropylene
Orectolobiformes Ginglymostomatidae G.
cirratum whole 8.5% ethanol at 25[deg.] C.
carcass, 1.5%
methylisobutyl (RT)
Squaliforms Squalidae S. acanthias
whole ketone
A2 Carcharhiniformes Carcarhinidae N.
brevirostris whole 50% water aerobic in
carcass, 40%
methanol polypropylene
Orectolobiformes Ginglymostomatidae G.
cirratum whole 8.5% ethanol at 25[deg.] C.
carcass, 1.5%
methylisobutyl (RT)
Squaliforms Squalidae S. acanthias
whole ketone
A2 Carcharhiniformes Carcarhinidae N.
brevirostris whole 50% water aerobic in
carcass, 40%
methanol polypropylene
Orectolobiformes Ginglymostomatidae G.
cirratum whole 8.5% ethanol at 25[deg.] C.
carcass, 1.5%
methylisobutyl (RT)
Squaliforms Squalidae S. acanthias
whole ketone
A2 Carcharhiniformes Carcarhinidae N.
brevirostris whole 50% water aerobic in
carcass, 40%
methanol polypropylene
Orectolobiformes Ginglymostomatidae G.
cirratum whole 8.5% ethanol at 25[deg.] C.
carcass, 1.5%
methylisobutyl (RT)
Squaliforms Squalidae S. acanthias
whole ketone
B Lamniformes Lamnidae I. oxyrhincus
cross- 50% water aerobic in
section 50%
acetone glass at
behind 25[deg.] C. (RT)
B2 Lamniformes Lamnidae I. oxyrhincus
cross- 100% water anaerobic in
section polypropylene
behind at 25[deg.] C.
A13N Carcharhiniformes Carcarhinidae N.
brevirostris whole 50% water aerobic in
carcass, 40%
methanol polypropylene
Orectolobiformes Ginglymostomatidae G.
cirratum whole 8.5% ethanol at 25[deg.] C.
carcass, 1.5%
methylisobutyl (RT)
Squaliforms Squalidae S. acanthias
whole ketone
ML1 Lamniformes Lamnidae I. oxyrhincus
liver 50% water aerobic in
acetone polypropylene
at 25[deg.] C.
ML2 Lamniformes Lamnidae I. oxyrhincus
liver 50% water aerobic in
acetone polypropylene
at 25[deg.] C.
SQ1 Squaliforms Squalidae S. cubensis
whole 50% water aerobic in
carcass 40%
methanol polypropylene
ethanol at 25[deg.] C.
methylisobutyl (RT)
CPP Carcharhiniformes Carcarhinidae C.
plumbeus head 50% water aerobic in
methanol polypropylene
ethanol at 25[deg.] C.
methylisobutyl (RT)
GWH Lamniformes Lamnidae C. carcharias
head 50% water aerobic in
methanol polypropylene
ethanol at 25[deg.] C.
methylisobutyl (RT)
GCC Carcharhiniformes Carcarhinidae G.
cuvieri cross 50% water aerobic in
section 40%
methanol polypropylene
behind 8.5%
ethanol at 25[deg.] C.
pectoral 1.5%
methylisobutyl (RT)
fins ketone
CP Carcharhiniformes Carcarhinidae C.
perezii head 50% water aerobic in
methanol polypropylene
ethanol at 25[deg.] C.
methylisobutyl (RT)
N2 Orectolobiformes Ginglymostomatidae G.
cirratum whole 50% water aerobic in
carcass 40%
methanol polypropylene
ethanol at 25[deg.] C.
BB1 Orectolobiformes Hemiscyllidae C.
punctatum whole 50% water aerobic in
carcass 40%
methanol polypropylene
ethanol at 25[deg.] C.
methylisobutyl (RT)
Blind Code Order Family G. species
Dose Method Population Response
A Carcharhiniformes Carcarhinidae C.
acronotus 500 ml cloud 15 repelled while
perezii stimulated with
A2 Carcharhiniformes Carcarhinidae C.
acronotus 500 ml cloud 12 repelled while
perezii stimulated with
A2 Carcharhiniformes Carcarhinidae N.
brevirostris range TI 1 terminated tonic
7 ml
to immobility
30 ml
A2 Carcharhiniformes Carcarhinidae C.
leucas 500 ml cloud 2 repelled while
stimulated with
A2 Carcharhiniformes Carcarhinidae C.
limbatus 1 ml/min johnson- 1 protected
bait at
baldridge point source for
source 1 hour until
pump battery
B Carcharhiniformes Carcarhinidae C.
acronotus 200 ml cloud 12 repelled while
perezii stimulated with
B2 Carcharhiniformes Carcarhinidae C.
acronotus 1 qt cloud 6 no behavioral
perezii change, feeding
A13N Carcharhiniformes Carcarhinidae P.
glauca 500 ml cloud 2 repelled while
stimulated with
bait and
ML1 Carcharhiniformes Carcarhinidae C.
perezii 700 ml cloud 8 repelled while
acronotus stimulated
ML2 Carcharhiniformes Carcarhinidae C.
perezii 700 ml cloud 8 repelled while
acronotus stimulated
SQ1 Carcharhiniformes Carcarhinidae C.
perezii 250 ml cloud 12 repelled while
acronotus stimulated
CPP Carcharhiniformes Carcarhinidae C.
perezii 500 ml cloud 7 repelled while
acronotus stimulated
GWH Carcharhiniformes Carcarhinidae C.
perezii 500 ml cloud 9 repelled while
acronotus stimulated
GCC Carcharhiniformes Carcarhinidae P.
glauca 500 ml cloud 2 repelled while
stimulated with
bait and
CP Carcharhiniformes Carcarhinidae C.
perezii 6 fl oz Aerosol 12 repelled while
acronotus stimulated
N2 Carcharhiniformes Carcarhinidae N.
brevirostris 10 ml syringe 1 aversive
observed after
dose in captive
BB1 Carcharhiniformes Carcarhinidae N.
brevirostris 10 ml syringe 1 aversive
observed after
dose in captive
Notes for Table 1:
The solvent system usually represents 50% w/w water with 50% of
the mixture of 80% MeOH, 17% EtoH, and 3% methyl isobutyl ketone
P. glauca = blue shark, a highly migratory (pelagic) shark, not an
inshore species
C. leucas = considered the most dangerous inshore shark species
C. punctatum = brownbanded bamboo shark, a harmless hand-sized
I. oxyrhincus = shortfin mako shark, obtained as steaks or liver
C. carcharias = great white shark, considered the most dangerous
epipelagic shark species, 2nd most dangerous inshore
G. cuvieri = tiger shark
C. plumbeus = sandbar shark
C. perezii = Caribbean reef shark
C. acronotus = blacknose shark (not blacktip, C. limbatus)
S. cubensis = (deepwater) Cuban dogfish
S. acanthias = spiny dogfish
G. cirratum = nurse shark
N. brevirostirs = lemon shark
The following compounds have been established as effective
controls in stimulated, tonically immobilized, and non-stimulated
free-swimming sharks under chemical repellent evaluation:
seawater, dose ranges 100ul to 1000 ml
HPLC grade micron-filtered water, dose ranges 1 ml to 10 ml
methanol/ethanol/mibk/water solution dos at approx 500 ml
methanol/ethanol/mibk solution dose ranges 1 ml to 6 ml
diethylene glycol monoethyl ether dose ranges 1 ml to 6 ml
acetone/water solution dose at approx 500 ml
[0174] Semiochemical extractions produced from a tiger shark
(Order Carcharhiniformes) repelled a juvenile Mako shark (Order
Lamniformes, Family Lamidae, Genus Isurus) discussed in Example 12
[0175] In sum, it has been demonstrated that a semiochemical
extraction of the order Lamniformes repels a Carcharhiniform, a
semiochemical extraction of the order Carcharhiniformes repels a
Lamniforme, a semiochemical extraction of the order Orectolobiform
repels a Carcharhiniform and a semiochemical extraction of the
order Squaliform repels a Carcharhiniform. Likewise, a
semiochemical extraction of the order Carcharhinoform
conspecifically repels a Carcarhiniform. (See Table 1).
[0176] The repellents and methods describe herein provide the
artisan with chemicals that have been demonstrated to repel, at
very low concentrations, families of shark known to migrate in
shallow coastal waters and species known to attack humans. In
contrast to earlier ineffective chemicals, the inventors have
discovered and herein disclose an effective semiochemical
repellent shown to result from decomposing shark tissue.
Controlled studies of these substances have shown that feeding is
halted in a variety of species of sharks at low concentration. The
present invention overcomes the hazards of earlier-tested noxious
chemicals such as the nerve toxin VX by producing a safe-to-handle
extract that does not to harm or kill sharks, does not harm humans
and does not harm other marine organisms. Further, it is reported
herein that teleost fishes, such as the Yellowfin Tuna,
demonstrate no aversive response in the presence of repellents of
the invention. Only sharks appear to be deterred by the compounds.
[0177] Once prepared using the methods of the invention, a
semiochemical repellent may be delivered to the environment of an
elasmobranch through a variety of methods and devices of delivery.
Alternative non-limiting embodiments of methods of and devices for
delivering a semiochemical repellent into an elasmobranch
environment include an extendable pressurized delivery device such
as a pole with a pressurized discharge tube for safe delivery to
stimulated sharks during scientific inquiry, a pressurized
repellent gun, a miniature pressurized repellent gun to be worn on
the wrist or ankle, a spear fishing gun with an adjacent repellent
cylinder, a time release sponge-material attached to a surfboard
or otherwise placed near a diver, swimmer or in some other place
of interest, a hollow surfboard with a calibrated drip to emit
repellent, a pump delivery system affixed to a surfboard, a
pressurized delivery device affixed to a surfboard wherein
discharge of repellent may be triggered by the surfer, a
floatation device, a wristwatch filled with repellent (pressurized
or unpressurized), a carbon dioxide activated pressurized syringe,
an aerosol bomb, a mortar-launched aerosol bomb, a
remote-controlled buoy with a repellent tank that may be fired by
a lifeguard or other person or mechanized system, a buoy with a
metering pump that runs during swim time (daylight), a repellent
pouch attached to longlines (muslin/burlap bags) or to clothing or
surfboard or other water device, jellied repellent (glycol
ether/hydroxypropylcelluose gels which time-dissolve in water),
sunscreen/sun care formulations containing repellent, lotions
containing repellent, porous fabric impregnated with repellent,
rechargeable porous fabric impregnated with repellent, a kite- or
balloon-deployed repellent bomb (remote control), a submerged
repellent mine (remote control) for deeper water, a
cattle-treatment drench gun converted to shark repellent gun
(, repellent-impregnated
cable insulation and cable jackets for undersea lines.
[0178] Exemplary, non-limiting devices for and methods of
administering elasmobranch repellents are discussed in detail in
the following section.
[0179] A variety of delivery devices known in the art are
illustrated in FIG. 24. For example, semiochemical repellent may
be discharged through a pressurized tube that runs alongside an
extended or extendable poll. (FIG. 24A.) The pressurized delivery
pole apparatus may be useful for administering repellent to
feeding or otherwise stimulated sharks. The apparatus may comprise
a delivery device housing (pole) (310) with a repellent discharge
tube (320) housed along or within the pole. The repellent
discharge tube may be connected to a pressurized chamber or
chambers (340) containing repellent (360). The delivery device may
contain a check valve (370) to facilitate the maintenance of
pressure. A trigger (350) may allow the pressurized repellent to
discharge through the tube (320) and away from the pole (310). The
pole may also contain a hook (330) or other device for presenting
bait or other stimulant to the sharks at the end of the pole
(310). During experimentation, the tube may be connected to more
than one chamber (340) containing more than one experimental
repellent solution (360). An alternative delivery device may be a
pressurized syringe. (FIG. 24B.) Such a syringe (410) may be
filled with repellent (450). It may have a plunger (420) to
provide pressure and optionally to expel the solution from the
syringe. It may also comprise a trigger (450), a check valve
(470), a pressure release cap (490) and a nozzle (425). When the
plunger is pressed, the cap (490) pops off the syringe and the
pre-pressurized repellent is expelled in a pressurized stream. A
commercially available delivery device is a cattle-treatment
"drench" gun converted into a shark repellent gun comprising a
reservoir (401) for repellent (402) and plunger (404) with
reservoir filling handle (407), a trigger (405) and a discharge
tube (406). (FIG. 24C.) The drench gun may be obtained from Dr.
Register & Associates, 1513 5th Ave., East Menomonie, Wis. A
cattle-treatment drench gun may be used to deliver a pressurized
stream of semiochemical repellent in accordance with the present
[0180] A. Pressurized Container Delivery Device
[0181] An exemplary and non-limiting semiochemical delivery device
in accordance with the invention is a pressurized container
comprising semiochemical. The container preferably may be of
sufficient size to contain, and likewise comprise, sufficient
repellent for at least one delivery of semiochemical sufficient to
evoke a flight response in a shark, e.g., an aerosol can filled
with repellent. (See FIG. 25.) The container may be constructed of
degradable material. A non-limiting pressurized aerosol container
(10) for administration of semiochemical repellent to a shark
environment in accordance with the present invention may comprise
a pressurized container (11) with sufficient tensile strength for
pressurization and preferably sufficient capacity to hold a
sufficient amount of semiochemical repellent (50) to repel at
least one elasmobranch upon administration to water. The container
may preferably be of sufficient size to be held comfortably in the
human hand such that it could be thrown or released into water
from the human grasp. The pressurized delivery device (10) may
further comprise compressed gas (40) sufficient to expel the
semiochemical repellent (50) contained therein. The container is
preferably asymmetrically weighted having a weight (13) at the top
(12) or base (14) portion of the container. The position of the
weightedness of the container may be varied throughout the shape
of the delivery device. The device may further comprise a nozzle
(22) that is preferably a directional discharge nozzle. The device
may further comprise an actuator (21) that when engaged allows the
compressed contents of the aerosol container to be expelled. The
device further preferably comprises a continuous discharge
apparatus (20) to allow the contents of the can to be expelled
with a single activation of the discharge apparatus (20).
Preferably, when the actuator (21) is engaged, the nozzle (22)
remains open to allow the can to be continuously and fully
evacuated. The actuator preferably cannot be casually disengaged
once engaged. The device (10) preferably floats. When the actuator
(20) is engaged and the container (10) is disposed in water (60)
the combination of continuous discharge, asymmetrical weight and
motion of water allows the container (10) to move erratically on
the surface of the water while spraying a cloud (61) of repellent
into the water and placing a mist of repellent in the air (62)
just above the surface of the water (60). Cloud dispersion, as
used in this specification, includes dispersion in the air or
water wherein the repellent is delivered as a liquid, mist, spray
or foam. The directional movement of the device (10) may be
alternatively manipulated by moving the relative positions of a
weighted portion (13) of the container. As illustrated, the
container (10) should discharge repellant proportionately more in
the water than in the air since the weight (13) is in vicinity of
the actuator (20). Movement may also be altered by altering the
shape (15) of the container or by altering the direction of the
discharge of the nozzle (22). For example, the canister may be in
the shape of a ball, thereby limiting the impact of axial
rotation, and the direction of discharge may be positioned to
discharge along the canister axis, thereby limiting the impact of
medial rotation.
[0182] Erratic motion may be created by several characteristics of
a pressurized container, each characteristic representing a
non-limiting alternative of a delivery device in accordance with
the invention. In a non-limiting preferred alternative, an aerosol
container of the invention floats. This allows erratic movement on
the surface of the water as the repellent is expelled at or near
the surface of the water. In another non-limiting alternative, the
container does not float. It sinks into the water and repellent is
discharged directly into the water where it provides a high
concentration of the repellent in a desired place.
[0183] In a non-limiting alternative, the container is
cylindrically shaped such that it will spin axially and medially
while the repellent is expelled. Spinning rapidly may lure sharks
while spraying repellent in a wide area. In another alternative,
the delivery device may have more than one nozzle such that
repellent may be released in more than one direction at once.
[0184] In a non-limiting configuration, the device is heavier on
an end of the container not comprising a nozzle. In a non-limiting
preferred configuration, the device is heavier on an end of the
container comprising a nozzle. When the container with pressurized
repellent is placed in water, the weightier end initially sinks
into the water and directs the nozzle into the water. When
discharged into the water, the force of expulsion drives the
nozzle into the air. When discharged into the air, the repellent
travels considerably farther before settling to the surface of the
water than it would after direct discharge into the water. In
another non-limiting preferred configuration having a weightier
nozzle end, when initial discharge occurs into the water, the
pressure from the discharge drives the nozzle into the air. When
the nozzle reaches the surface of the water, the combination of
weightedness and pressure from discharge drive the nozzle to the
water. A series of these opposing forces results in discharge of
the semiochemical over a wide range, covering a large arc both in
the air and in the water. Such an asymmetrical embodiment of a
container would move more erratically in the water as the volume
of pressurized repellent is released than would a symmetrical
embodiment. Erratic movement is created by, among other things,
the pressure of the released repellent acting against the weight
of the nozzle-end of the container and the buoyancy of the
container floating in the waves of the body of water. (See FIG.
25.) The erratic motion also acts as an attractant to sharks and
serves as a mechanism to distract sharks away from swimmers or
other endangered things and than to repel the shark from the
surrounding area by directly exposing the shark to a concentration
of repellent near the container.
[0185] B. Mortar-Launched Aerosol Bomb
[0186] A non-limiting delivery device of the invention comprises
delivery of a pressurized container or a pouch containing
repellent of the invention into the ocean from a mortar tube
activated with compressed gas. (FIG. 26.) In one aspect of the
delivery device, the container is an aerosol container (110) and
is placed in a mortar tube (115) with a
compressed-gas-mortar-charging-device (116) beneath the container
(110). Activation of compressed gas (170) launches the canister in
an arc toward a desired elasmobranch environment (163). The
actuator (121) is triggered by dissolution of the actuator plug
(123) when the canister encounters the water. In a preferred
embodiment, dissolution of the actuator plug (123) actuates
discharge of the repellent within several seconds. The mortar tube
allows access to elasmobranch environments that are not
immediately otherwise accessible. Discharge of the mortar tube
propels the container over a distance toward an area where a shark
may be expected or detected.
[0187] C. Raft/Buoy Delivery Device
[0188] Another non-limiting delivery device of the invention
comprises a raft (201) or other floating or fixed device
comprising a floating buoy (280), a solid platform (281), and a
container (211) of repellent (250) connected to a pump (270) with
a power source (not shown) that is capable of delivering repellent
into a shark environment either by automatic timing, remote
triggering or other actuating mechanism (271). The container (211)
comprises a check valve (215) that allows the pump (270) to build
pressure in the container (211) to a desired pressure. When a
desired pressure is achieved, a release valve (223) or
pressure-release cap releases the pressurized repellent (250) into
a delivery tube (217). The repellent is expelled across the water,
spreading a wide cloud of repellent. (FIG. 27.)
[0189] The pump may be automatically activated by a timer or may
be activated remotely. The pump preferably delivers sufficient
repellent into the water to repel sharks. Preferably, the
discharge tube is long enough and not submerged such that when
delivery begins, the repellent is sprayed a substantial distance
onto the surface of the water and, under pressure, the discharge
tube (217) moves erratically across a large radial area in
relation to the raft (201). In a preferred embodiment the
discharge tube is made of flexible material. Preferably the
discharge tube will spray over an entire 360 degree arc.
[0190] A specific non-limiting preferred device in accordance with
the invention is a raft/buoy that holds 2 liters of repellent.
(See FIG. 27.) The raft is anchored, e.g., at a sandbar or a
region where a shark might enter a shallow swimming area. If a
shark is spotted by a lifeguard, the lifeguard would hit a remote
control button. At the buoy or raft, a radio receiver switches on
the air pump. Air is pumped quickly into the 2 liter plastic tank,
which has a check valve to allow fast buildup of head pressure.
Once enough pressure builds up, a cap on the delivery tube pops
off of the tube, spraying repellent multi-directionally at about
20-30 psi.
[0191] D. Hand-Held Pressurized Discharge Delivery Device
[0192] A non-limiting delivery device in accordance with the
invention is a delivery device and method of delivery of
semiochemical repellent using a pressurized directional device.
(See FIGS. 28 and 31.) The pressurized directional device
comprises a sufficiently sized container for repellent to provide
sufficient repellent to the environment of a shark to evoke a
flight reaction. The pressurized directional device further
comprises a pressurizing mechanism such as a pump or a compressed
gas cylinder through which a pressure may be placed on the
container of semiochemical repellent to expel the repellent. The
pressurized directional device further comprises a discharge
nozzle that preferably focuses a stream of semiochemical repellent
in a particular direction under pressure when the repellent is
expelled from the pressurized chamber. The pressure in the
container of repellent is maintained, for example, with a check
valve. The pressurized directional delivery device further
comprises a mechanism for releasing the pressurized repellent
through the delivery nozzle, such as a valve or cap that releases
at a prescribed pressure or upon trigger by the user. In a
non-limiting alternative, the gun is fitted with backpack straps
(595). (See FIG. 31.)
[0193] A specific non-limiting semiochemical delivery device in
accordance with the invention may also comprise a semiochemical
repellent gun (510). (FIG. 28.) The gun may have one or more
chambers (520) for repellent (550), each chamber connected to at
least one source of compressed air (540) through a check valve
(515). The end of the chamber may have a capped directional outlet
(560). When the compressed air is introduced through the check
valve (515) and the cap (523) is sprung from the end of the gun,
the repellent (550) in the chamber is expelled in the direction of
a shark or the environment of a shark. The discharge nozzle may be
connected to a tube of any length to discharge the repellent over
any length necessary to deliver the repellent into a desired
[0194] E. Repellent Dispersing Pouch
[0195] A non-limiting semiochemical delivery device in accordance
with the invention (see FIG. 28) also comprises a pouch (610)
containing repellent (650). Repellent may be in the form of a
solution or solid, preferably partly or wholly soluble. The
repellent may be introduced to the environment of the shark by
diffusion or by rupturing (655), tearing or otherwise penetrating
the pouch. A pouch may also diffuse (656) repellent through its
fabric. A diffusing pouch may be attached to a fishing net or
longline (690) with a baited hook (691) on a snood (693) to allow
repellent to slowly diffuse (656) into the water surrounding bate
(692) or fishing net. The pouch will provide sufficient repellent
around the baited hook to repel sharks while not repelling the
desired teliost fish. A pouch to be placed on a longline may
preferably be constructed of muslin or burlap.
[0196] F. Longline Fishing Delivery Device
[0197] Sharks represent a significant problem in the long line
fishing industry. Commercial longline fishing operations routinely
target swordfish and tuna, however, the hook is not selective, and
sharks are sometimes caught in greater numbers than the intended
catch. A non-limiting method of delivery of semiochemicals in
accordance with the invention is a mass or part or piece of
decayed elasmobranch treated with a polar solvent.
[0198] Semiochemicals on longlines in accordance with the
invention are preferably soluble in seawater, and, at a sufficient
concentration to produce flight responses in elasmobranches.
Teleost fish are not affected by the semiochemicals. It is
theorized that this phenomenon is determined by receptor
specificity. Yellowfin tuna (T. albacares) and six species of reef
fish were observed to feed directly in a cloud of the
[0199] Since shark-repelling semiochemicals can be derived from
decayed shark carcasses, sections of an actual shark carcass are
utilized in accordance with a non-limiting aspect of the invention
to control by-catch. Small pieces of the carcasses, which have
been aerobically decayed and exposed to polar solvents, are
suitable as a source of semiochemicals and also remain on a hook
for considerable periods of time. The piece of decayed polar
solvent treated carcass is applied to the hook along with standard
bait or attractant, such as mackerel or squid, in approximately
equal mass. Therefore, each hook contains two pieces of material:
an attractant for fish and sharks, and a shark repellent. Since
the target fish do not detect the shark-repelling semiochemicals,
they are likely to navigate to the attractant/bait and strike the
hook. However, a shark navigating the odor plume towards the hook
will continue to experience an increasing concentration of the
semiochemical and will find the bait less attractive. The bait
will therefore be avoided by sharks but attracted by commercially
valuable fish.
[0200] When producing semiochemicals by extraction, it is
desirable to utilize blue shark (Prionace glauda) carcasses, since
this species presents the largest by-catch in commercial longline
fisheries. Two adult blue carcasses are sufficient to produce at
least 200 hooks worth of repelling mass. As a result, the carcass
of two blue sharks has the potential to spare the lives of 198
other sharks.
[0201] The decayed polar solvent treated shark carcass must not be
employed before the proper semiochemicals have been produced. A
freshly-killed shark carcass, for example, serves as an attractant
for other sharks. Even carcasses which have been decaying for days
may not possess the proper flora of semiochemicals. Decay
conditions must be carefully controlled. For example,
anaerobically-decayed carcasses are not suitable. Also, most
non-polar solvents kill or inhibit sufficient bacterial and
enzymatic reaction necessary to produce semiochemicals. Therefore,
the manufacturer must possess the proper analytical tools in order
to detect the presence of semiochemicals.
[0202] Once semiochemicals in sufficient abundance are detected,
the decay process may be halted either by lowering temperature,
immersion in solvents for preservation until use, or by filtering
the extraction. If catabolism continues unchecked, all tissue will
be putrefied and the semiochemical compounds will be catabolized
into other products. Usually, the detection of large quantities of
uric acid signals that catabolism has progressed too far.
[0203] The mass of decayed shark carcass ranges from 40 g to 200
g, practically, but may be expanded to 10 g to 500 g in order to
match the mass of the attractant bait used. Larger quantities of
the decayed matter are typically used when whole mackerel are
deployed as the bait.
[0204] It is desirable to encase the individual masses of decayed
shark carcass in a disposable container or slow-dissolving polymer
matrix which activates in water, such as a high molecular-weight
DOW CHEMICAL POLYOX. Properly-decayed shark carcasses may also
undergo a secondary chemical treatment which introduces other
repellent compounds into the tissue. For example, COMPOSITION 3M4,
produced by SHARKDEFENSE LLC, is a gustatory repellent in sharks.
The decayed matter may be treated with a solution of
dimethylsulfoxide and COMPOSITION 3M4, thereby impregnating the
decayed matter with a second potent repellent.
[0205] Another non-limiting alternative comprises a tube extending
the length of the longline comprising discharge tubes at each
snood. (See FIG. 30.) A pump may meet sufficient repellent to each
discharge tube to repel sharks. Another embodiment comprises the
structure of FIG. 30 over a relatively small distance, such as 20
feet. This embodiment is especially useful for research related to
shark repellents. This embodiment may also be applied, for
example, to buoys surrounding, e.g., a swimming area.
[0206] Repellent may also be applied along the entire longline by
brushing or soaking prior to placing the longline into the water.
Likewise, the longline may comprise porous material that will
allow adsorption of repellent and discharge of said repellent over
time. In another non-limiting delivery device for longline fishing
in accordance with the invention, semiochemicals or a mass of
carcass comprising semiochemicals may be affixed to a net or other
kind of fishing tackle.
[0207] A non-limiting semiochemical delivery device in accordance
with the invention may also comprise an apparatus for
administering repellent along longline fishing tackle. (FIG. 30.)
The apparatus (710) comprises a pressurized chamber (720)
connected to a source of compressed gas (740), contains repellent
(750) and is connected to a primary delivery tube (717). The
primary delivery tube is positioned adjacent to or otherwise in
concert with the longline (718). Additional secondary delivery
tubes (719) are joined to the primary delivery tube (717) in
proximity to each snood (793) of the longline. The secondary
delivery tubes terminate near the baited hook (791) of the snood.
When pressurized repellent is released from the chamber (720), the
repellent is delivered along the primary delivery tube (717) and
into the secondary delivery tubes (719) thereby discharging
repellent (750) near the baited hook (791) and repelling sharks
from the bait.
[0208] G. Backpack Pressurized Delivery Device
[0209] A non-limiting semiochemical delivery device in accordance
with the invention may also comprise a backpack (595) repellent
delivery device (500) comprising two chambers (520) of pressurized
repellent (550) and a nozzled spray gun (510). (FIG. 31.) The
backpack may be worn by scuba divers or snorkelers or other and
may provide two or more charges of elasmobranch repellent while
diving or snorkeling without resort to a repellent source on
[0210] H. Spear Gun with Pressurized Delivery Device
[0211] A non-limiting semiochemical delivery device in accordance
with the invention may also comprise a spear gun (845) further
fitted with a repellent gun (810), as described in section D
above. (FIG. 32.)
[0212] I. Surfboard Fitted with Delivery Device
[0213] A non-limiting semiochemical delivery device in accordance
with the invention may comprise a surfboard comprising a hollow
chamber for containing semiochemical repellent. FIG. 33A
illustrates a specific non-limiting embodiment of surfboard with a
pressurized chamber that is discharged by the surfer in an
emergency. A surf board (910) comprising a pressurized chamber
(920) for repellent (950) comprising a source of compressed gas
(925) for expelling repellent (950) through a release valve (984)
and into a discharge tube (919) in, for example, an elasmobranch
emergency situation. Discharge of repellent may be triggered by a
surfer via a remote control triggering device (971) or with an
ankle-band triggering device (972) or wrist-band triggering
device. In another specific and non-limiting embodiment, the
discharge tube (919) allows repellent to be periodically
introduced into the environment of the surf board via a drip valve
(983). In such an alternative, the chamber (920) need not be held
under pressure and no source of compressed gas is necessary.
Instead, the repellent may be allowed to leak through the drip
valve (983) by supplying, for example, a source of air or vent
(927) in a cap or other sealant (928) of a reservoir-filling end
(926) of the chamber (920). FIG. 33B illustrates such a surfboard
with a chamber for containing repellent (920) a drip valve (984) a
vent (927) and a discharge tube (919) for continuous discharge of
repellent (950) during surfing. A chamber alternatively may be
strapped to the side of the surfboard. A further alternative
comprises a plastic container drilled into the surface of the
surfboard. One or more than one discharge tube is contemplated.
[0214] J. Wristwatch Delivery Device
[0215] FIG. 34 illustrates a non-limiting delivery device in
accordance with the invention comprising a wristwatch (1010) and
further comprising a repellent chamber or container (1020). In a
non-limiting aspect in accordance with the invention the chamber
is pressurized. Repellent is released from the chamber by
activating a trigger (1021). In a specific non-limiting embodiment
another non-limiting aspect in accordance with the invention a cap
is removed. In another specific alternative embodiment the chamber
is ruptured with a knife or by applying pressure.
[0216] K. Belt or Bracelet Delivery Device
[0217] FIG. 35 illustrates a non-limiting delivery device attached
to a belt (FIG. 35A) or bracelet (FIG. 35B) and further comprising
pressurized repellent in accordance with the present invention. A
specific non-limiting embodiment alternative comprises a wristband
(1101) or belt (1102) with a repellent gun (1103) with a chamber
(1110) containing pressurized repellent (1150), a source of
compressed gas (1170) a check valve (1115) a trigger (1197) and a
nozzle with a pressure release valve (1122) to discharge the
repellent into the environment of the wearer of the wristband and
preferably in a desired direction.
[0218] The invention is further described with the following
non-limiting examples, which are provided to further illuminate
aspects of the invention.
Example 1
Preparation and Testing of Semiochemical GWH
Example 1A
Preparation of Semiochemical GWH from Order Lamniformes
[0219] GWH was aerobically prepared from the head of a great white
shark (C. carcharias, Order Lamniformes) in a polypropylene
extraction vessel. The carcass head was allowed to decay
aerobically for 10 days in a covered polypropylene container. The
carcass head was then fully immersed in solvent in a polypropylene
extraction vessel. The extraction solvent was 50:50 water:solvent,
by weight. The solvent was 80% methanol, 17% ethanol, and 3%
methyl isobutylketone. Extraction time was 6 months at 25[deg.] C.
with slow agitation (container was shaken or stirred during
sampling intervals). The extraction was periodically sampled by
HPLC in accordance with the above described method. After several
months signature peaks were noted at about 5, about 6 and about 7
minutes. The extraction process was terminated by filtering to
remove tissue. The resulting filtrate was containerized in a
polypropylene container. Extraction time was 6 months at room
temperature. The carcass processed for semiochemical GWH was
obtained from the U.S. Government (National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration Fisheries Service-Galveston, Tex.
(USA)), which had frozen the great white shark carcass after it
had been caught as bycatch.
Example 1B
Testing of Semiochemical GWH for Repellent Activity
[0220] GWH was tested for repellent activity against blacknose
sharks (C. acronotus Order Carcharhiniformes) and Caribbean reef
sharks (C. perezii Order Carcharhiniformes) present in a
population of 9 sharks. The target sharks were stimulated with
bait. A 500 mL dose of GWH was introduced to the shark population
as a cloud. The sharks were visibly repelled from the feeding
zone. (See Table 1).
Example 1C
UV-Vis Spectrum of Semiochemical GWH
[0221] GWH was spectrophotometrically analyzed in the uv-visible
range. A dual-beam Perkin Elmer Lambda 12 model scanning
spectrophotometer was used. Neat semiochemical solutions were
micron-filtered and loaded into quartz cuvettes. Representative
uncontaminated solvents were used in the extraction process, at
the same ratios used to perform the extraction, were used as a
reference sample. The resulting spectrum is contained in FIG. 2
and labeled GWH. A distinct and strong absorbance peak is
observable between about 300 nm and about 340 nm.
Example 1D
HPLC Chromatogram of Semiochemical GWH
[0222] A chromatograph of GWH was created to determine the
chromatographic signature of active components of GWH. (See FIGS.
3 and 4.) HPLC parameters were:
[0223] Solvents: (1) Methanol and 0.1% acetic acid; (2) Water and
0.1% acetic acid
[0224] Ternary HPLC Pump: Gradient control
[0225] 0-10 minutes: 100% methanol/acetic acid
[0226] 10-12 minutes: Linear gradient to 100% water/acetic acid
[0227] 12-20 minutes: 100% water/acetic acid
[0228] 20-22 minutes: Linear gradient to methanol/acetic acid
[0229] 22-40 minutes: 100% methanol/acetic acid
[0230] Column: Waters Novapak C18 RP 3.9*150 mm with guard column
[0231] Column heater: 25 C
[0232] Detection: 240 nm-340 nm
[0233] Injector: 50 uL loop.
[0000] The early eluting chromatograph contained signature peaks
at around 5, around 6 and around 7 minutes, respectively. (See
FIG. 3.) The late eluting chromatogram contained the signature
peaks at around 32 minutes, around 34.5 minutes, around 36.5
minutes and around 42 minutes. (See FIG. 4.)
Example 1E
HPLC Chromatogram of Ninhydrin Derivatized GWH
[0234] Semiochemical GWH was derivatized with 0.1 g ninhydrin at
40[deg.] C. for 15 minutes. The derivatized GWH was then subjected
to HPLC analysis with detection at 570 nm to detect primary
amines. (See FIG. 5.) The resulting chromatogram had a strong peak
at around 7 minutes and two weaker peaks at around 5 and around 6
minutes, respectively.
[0235] Derivatized GWH was also subjected to HPLC analysis with
detection at 440 nm to detect secondary amines. (See FIG. 6.) The
resulting chromatogram demonstrated a first strong and sharp peak
around 34 minutes and a strong broad peak with two components
eluting about 2 minutes later.
Example 1F
GC-MS of Semiochemical GWH
[0236] Tests of GWH were run on Direct Injection GC-MS. The GWH
semiochemical was injected neat into a Hewlett Packard model 6890
GC with 5973 MSD in accordance with the parameters on the
chromatogram. (See FIG. 7.) Analysis of the resulting mass
spectrogram using NIST 98.1 provided the following non-limiting
components of GWH: glycerin, N,N-dimethylurea, urea,
5-methyl-2,4-imidazolidinedione (5-methylhydantoin), creatinine,
methyl hexadecanoate (methyl palmitate),
hexahydro-3-(2-methylpropyl)-pyrrolo, [1,2-a]pyrazine-1,4-dione.
See Table 4.
Example 2
Preparation and Testing of Semiochemical CP from Order
Example 2A
Preparation and Repellent Testing of Semiochemical CP
[0237] CP was aerobically prepared from the head of a Caribbean
reef shark (C. perezii Order Charcharhiniformes). The carcass head
was processed in the manner described above for semiochemical GWH.
[0238] CP was tested for repellent activity against blacknose
sharks and Caribbean reef sharks present in a population of 12
sharks. The sharks were stimulated with bait. An aerosol canister
containing 6 fluid oz. of CP was then introduced to the 12 sharks.
All sharks were visibly repelled from the feeding zone. (See Table
1). In three ensuing tests delivery of semiochemical CP from an
aerosol canister again repelled competitively-feeding blacknose
and Caribbean reef sharks.
Example 2B
UV-Vis Spectral Analysis of Ninhydrin-Derivatized CP
[0239] Semiochemical CP was derivatized with 0.1 g ninhydrin at
40[deg.] C. for 15 minutes. A uv-visible spectrogram was
determined on a dual-beam Perkin Elmer Lambda 12 model. Neat CP
was micron-filtered and loaded into quartz cuvettes.
Representative uncontaminated solvents used in the extraction
process, at the same ratios used to perform the extraction, were
used as a reference sample.
[0240] The absorbance spectra of semiochemical CP derivatized with
ninhydrin provided clear maxima observable at 440 nm (around 4 AU)
and 570 nm (2.9 AU). (See FIG. 8.) With ninhydrin derivatized
extracts, 440 nm absorbance indicates secondary amines and 570 nm
absorbance indicates the presence of primary amines. When primary
and secondary amines are not present, and the sample is
derivatized with ninhydrin, absorbances at 440 nm and 570 nm are
not observed. A uv-visible spectrum of 50% w/w ammonium acetate (a
discredited shark repellent) in water, derivatized with 0.1 g
ninhydrin at 40[deg.] C. for 15 minute showed no maxima at 440 nm
or 570 nm. (See FIG. 9.)
Example 2C
GC-MS of Semiochemical CP
[0241] CP was tested with Direct Injection GC-MS. The CP
semiochemical was injected neat into a Hewlett Packard model 6890
GC with 5973 MSD operating in accordance with the parameters on
the chromatogram. (See FIG. 10.) Analysis of the mass spectrogram
using NIST 98.1 resulted in the following non-limiting components
of semiochemical CP: glycerin, N,N-dimethylurea, urea,
5-methyl-2,4-imidazolidinedione (5-methylhydantoin), creatinine,
2,3-butanediol, N-N-dimethylformamide, 2-butoxyethanol,
DL-methyltartronic acid, 1,4-dimethyl-piperazine,
Example 3
Preparation and Testing of Semiochemical A1 from Order
Example 3A
Preparation of Semiochemical A1
[0242] Semiochemical A1 was aerobically prepared from the carcass
of a lemon shark (N. brevirostris) a nurse shark (G. cirratum) and
a spiny dogfish (S. acanthias) (each species in Order
Carcharhiniformes). The carcasses were allowed to decay
aerobically for 10 days in a covered polypropylene container RT.
The carcasses were then fully immersed in solvent in a
polypropylene extraction vessel. The extraction solvent was 50:50
water:solvent, by weight. The solvent was 80% methanol, 17%
ethanol, and 3% methyl isobutylketone. Extraction time was 6
months at 25[deg.] C. with slow agitation. The extraction was
periodically sampled and terminated after components of the
extraction eluted from HPLC at the signature peaks of about 5,
about 6 and about 7 minutes. The extraction process was terminated
by filtering to remove tissue. The resulting filtrate was
containerized in a polypropylene container.
Example 3B
Testing of Semiochemical A1 for Repellent Activity
[0243] Semiochemical A1 was tested for repellent activity against
blacknose sharks and Caribbean reef sharks present in a population
of 15 sharks. The sharks were stimulated with bait. A 500 mL dose
of A1 was introduced as a cloud to the 15 sharks. The sharks were
visibly repelled from the feeding zone. (See Table 1).
Example 3C
HPLC Chromatograph of Semiochemical A1
[0244] A chromatograph of A1 was created to determine the
chromatographic signature of active components of the A1 extract.
(See FIGS. 3 and 4.) HPLC parameters were the same as above for
GWH. The early eluting chromatogram contained signature peaks at
around 5, around 6 and around 7 minutes, respectively. (FIG. 3.)
The late eluting chromatogram contained the signature peaks at
around 31, around 34, around 36 and around 42 minutes. (See FIG.
Example 3D
HPLC Chromatogram of Ninhydrin Derivatized A1
[0245] Semiochemical A1 was derivatized with 0.1 g ninhydrin at
40[deg.] C. for 15 minutes. The derivatized A1 was then subjected
to HPLC analysis with detection at 570 nm to detect primary
amines. (See FIG. 5.) The resulting chromatogram had a strong peak
at around 7 minutes, a weaker peak at around 6 minutes and a very
weak peak at around 5 minutes.
[0246] Derivatized A1 was also subjected to HPLC analysis with
detection at 440 nm to detect secondary amines. (See FIG. 6.) The
resulting chromatogram demonstrated a strong and sharp peak around
39 minutes and a strong broad peak with two components eluting
about 2 minutes later.
Example 4
Preparation and Testing of Semiochemical A2 from Multiple Orders
Example 4A
Preparation and Repellent Testing of Semiochemical A2
[0247] Semiochemical A2 was aerobically prepared using the method
described for GWH above from two lemon shark carcasses (N.
brevirostris), one nurse shark carcass (G. cirratum), and one
spiny dogfish carcass (S. acanthias) (orders Carcharhiniformes,
Orectolobiformes, and Squaliformes, respectively).
[0248] A2 was tested for repellent activity against blacknose
sharks and Caribbean reef sharks present together in a population
of 12 sharks. The 12 sharks were stimulated with bait. A 500 mL
dose of A2 was introduced as a cloud to the 12 sharks. The sharks
were visibly repelled from the feeding zone. (See Table 1).
[0249] A2 was tested for repellent activity against lemon shark
(N. brevironstris Order Carcharhiniformes). One lemon shark was
successively placed in a state of tonic immobility and
successively subjected to administration of A2 in a range from 7
mL to 30 mL via a syringe. Each administration resulted in the
termination of tonic immobility. (See Table 1). A2 was also tested
against lemon shark in a diluted form. 30 mL and 60 mL of 0.1 ppm
semiochemical A2 (diluted with HPLC-grade water) was introduced to
a tonically immobile lemon shark. Tonic immobility was terminated
with the dilute repellent. These data support a conclusion that
the semiochemical A2 will meet the goal of the Johnson-Baldridge
effective repellent concentration of 0.1 ppm.
[0250] During tonic immobility studies, the semiochemical was
delivered using a plastic syringe, which was not in contact with
the specimen. The test solutions were released within 3 inches of
the specimen's nose. Controls were established using separate
syringes with seawater. Some controls were released with a high
flow rate (30 mL/sec) in order to establish that sharks were not
awakened by the jet of fluid over their noses.
[0251] A2 was also tested for repellent activity against bull
shark (C. leucas Order Carcharhiniformes). (See Table 1). Bull
shark is considered the most dangerous inshore species of shark.
Two sharks were stimulated with bait and subjected to 500 mL of A2
in a cloud. The sharks were visibly repelled from the feeding
[0252] A2 was tested using the Johnson-Baldridge Test with
blacktip sharks (C. limbatus Order Carcharhiniformes). (See Table
1). A PVC tripod with a peristaltic metering pump set to meter out
1 mL/min of A2 repellent, a video camera and a transmitter was
situated in the ocean. A 6 cubic meter observation area under the
tripod was marked off and compensated for tidal changes. A fish
head was secured under the tripod, within view of the camera. In a
series of control-only experiments, solvent was pumped into the
observation area at the prescribed flow once a blacktip shark was
present. Thereafter, in a series of treatment experiments, a fish
head was secured, the pump was started, and the behavior of one
blacktip shark was observed. The fish head was protected for one
hour in the presence of the stimulated shark until the battery of
the pump was exhausted.
Example 4B
UV-Vis Spectrum of Semiochemical A2
[0253] A uv-visible spectrum of one-year-old A2 was compared with
spectra from one-year old A13N and one-year-old SQ1. All three of
these extracts demonstrated good flight responses in target
sharks. The three spectra together demonstrate matching strong
peaks in the 300 nm range. (See FIG. 11.)
Example 4C
Head Space-GC-MS and Proposed Components of A2
[0254] A 10-mL aliquot of shark fluid was placed in a 100-mL
headspace vial and capped with a Teflon butyl rubber septa. The
vial was allowed to equilibrate at 30[deg.] C. overnight prior to
analysis. The sample headspace was injected into a Hewlett Packard
model 6890 GC with 5973 MSD operating under the following system
Column: DB-5 40 m * 0.18 mm * 0.40 [mu]m film
Carrier: helium @ 1 mL/min
Injection: 10 cc manual cryo, split 25:1 @ 250[deg.]
Oven: 40[deg.] C. to 280[deg.] C. @ 10[deg.] C./min
Trans. Line: 280[deg.] C.
MSD: Scan 20-500 m/z.
A total ion chromatogram from Head Space Gas Chromatographic-Mass
Spectrometric analysis of the semiochemical repellent A2 is shown
in FIG. 17. Peaks are labeled with proposed chemical components of
[0255] Components identified by headspace in combination with
direct injection GC-MS are shown in Table 2. The components were
identified with the aid of the NIST 2002 mass spectral search
database and are tentative. Structures are proposed and are not
intended to be limiting on the structure or makeup of the obtained
semiochemical solution A2.
Example 4D
Direct Injection GC-MS and Proposed Components of A2
[0256] Semiochemical A2 was injected neat into a Hewlett Packard
model 6890 GC with 5973 MSD operating under the following system
Column: DB-5 40 m * 0.18 mm * 0.40 [mu]m film
Carrier: helium @ 1 mL/min
Injection: 2 [mu]L, splitless @ 280[deg.] C.
Oven: 40[deg.] C. hold 5 min, to 300[deg.] C. @ 10[deg.]
C./min, hold 5 min
Trans. Line: 300[deg.] C.
MSD: Scan 20-700 m/z.
A total ion chromatogram from Direct Injection Gas
Chromatographic-Mass Spectrometric analysis of the semiochemical
repellent A2 is shown in FIG. 18. Peaks are labeled with proposed
chemical components of A2. Structures are proposed and are not
intended to be limiting on the structure or makeup of the obtained
semiochemical A2.
[0257] Components identified by headspace and direct injection
GC-MS are shown in Table 2. The components were identified with
the aid of the NIST 2002 mass spectral search database and are
Summary of GC-MS Results from Various Analyses
Headspace GC-MS Direct Injection, small Direct
Injection, large
ethanol ethanol Detector filament off
acetic acid, methyl ester acetic acid, methyl ester ''
2-methylpentane ''
3-methylpentane ''
hexane ''
ethyl acetate ethyl acetate ethyl acetate
acetic acid
cyclohexane cyclohexane
heptane heptane
methyl isobutyl ketone methyl isobutyl ketone methyl
isobutyl ketone
toluene toluene toluene
1,3-dimethylcyclohexane n,n-dimethylurea
octane urea
1,2-dimethylcyclohexane myristic acid, methyl
1,3-dimethylcyclohexane myristic acid, ethyl
2-methyloctane palmitoleic acid, methyl
1,2,3-trimethylcyclohexane palmitic acid, methyl
ethylcyclohexane palmitic acid
1,1,3-trimethylcyclohexane ethyl-9-hexadecenoate
1,2,4-trimethylcyclohexane palmitic acid, ethyl
1,3-diethylcyclopentane 8-octadecenoic acid,
methyl ester
2,3-dimethylheptane stearic acid, methyl ester
1,2,4-trimethylcyclohexane ethyl oleate
3-methyloctane stearic acid, ethyl ester
octahydropentalene arachidonic acid
Example 4E
LC-MS and Proposed Components of A2
[0258] Semiochemical A2 was diluted 1:1 (v/v) for analysis with
HPLC grade water. The resulting solution was filtered through a
0.45-[mu]m Gelman Acrodisc Nylon syringe filter prior to analysis.
The filtered solution was transferred to autosampler vials for
[0259] The sample was analyzed using atmospheric pressure chemical
ionization (APCI) in the positive ionization mode. In addition to
mass spectrometry (MS), MS'' was also employed with n equal to 3
to afford fragmentation of the parent ion. The LC-MS conditions
are given below:
Pump: Agilent 1100 Series Binary Pump with Degasser
Detectors: Agilent 1100 Multi Wavelength Detector and LC/MSD
Column: YMC ODS-AQ column, 4.6 * 250 mm with a 5-[mu]m
Wavelength: 210 nm
Run Time: 20 minutes
Autosampler: 6 minute equilibration time between sample
Injection Volume: 10 microliter
Mobile Phase: A) 0.1% Formic acid in methanol
B) 0.1% Formic acid in water
Time Flow
(min.) (mL/min.) % A % B
Gradient Initial 1.00 5 95
5.00 1.00 5 95
15.00 1.00 00 0
20.00 1.00 100 0
[0260] A total ion chromatogram from Liquid Chromatographic-Mass
Spectrometric analysis of the semiochemical repellent A2 is shown
in FIG. 19. Peaks are labeled with the mass/charge (m/z) ratio of
proposed chemical components of A2. Table 3, below, also contains
this data.
Component Observed by LC-MS
Retention Time Observed Mass
(min) (M + 1) Comments
3.7 147.4 Strong
4.1 151.1 Strong
4.2 132.7 Strong
4.2 207.2 Strong
4.2 227.1 Strong
4.2 263.1 Strong
4.3 114.6 Weak
5.5 150.5 Weak
6.0 228.9 Weak
7.5 132.5 Weak
8.4 137.4 Weak
8.4 182.2 Weak
11.6 268.2 Weak
12.5 269.6 Strong
12.8 166.3 Strong
15.2 371.9 Weak
observed mass is report as the M + 1 ion; the molecular
weights are generally one mass unit lower than the observed mass.
[0261] Based on the LC-MS data, the following structures are
proposed. However, structures are proposed and are not intended to
be limiting on the structure or makeup of the obtained
semiochemical A2 as characterized by the LC-MS.
[0262] Compounds that were detected using LC-MS are described
below. A typical total ion chromatogram generated in the study is
shown in FIG. 19. Supporting data are also included in Table 3.
The structures that are proposed below are tentative assignments.
[0263] Retention time 3.7 min, m/z 147.2
[0000] This unknown was tentatively assigned as
[0264] Retention time 3.9 min, m/z 151.3
[0000] It appears that the molecular weight of this unknown is 150
and ions at M/z 189 and 227 are probably potassium adducts.
However, m/z 227 may belong to a slightly later eluting component
(see one of the compounds eluting at 4.2 minutes). Limited
fragmentation pattern and the molecular weight would support the
tentative proposed structure (II) of tartaric acid in FIG. 2:
[0265] Retention time, 4.2 min
[0000] Last significant peak is at m/z 263 and intense fragment
ions at m/z 227, 207, 189, 151, 132.7 would appear to support a
tentative proposed structure (III) of dibutyl tartarate.
[0266] The possibility also exist that the above ions are related
to different compounds. There is a question also whether m/z 263
may be a protonated dimer of a component at m/z 131 (leucine, IV),
and m/z 207 could be the monobutyl ester of tartaric acid. Again,
peak at m/z 227 may be attributed to the next eluting component
(see Structure VI below). Other structures were proposed for
molecular weight 131 including creatine, 3-hydroxy-dl-proline,
leucine (IV), or (V).
[0267] Retention time 4.2 min, m/z 227
[0000] This has been tentatively assigned before as (VI).
[0268] Retention time 7.5 min, m/z 132.7
[0000] The molecular weight appears to be 131. The components
mentioned at retention time of 4.2 minutes are also possible for
this component.
[0269] Retention time 11.6 min, m/z 268.2
[0000] Molecular weight of this unknown is 267. At the beginning,
oleylamine or pyrroridine structure (VII) was considered for this
unknown, but second derivative fragment at m/z 135.9 (M-132) could
not be explained for these structures. An adenosine structure
(VIII) is tentatively proposed for this unknown.
[0270] Retention time 12.5 min, m/z 269.5
[0000] An oleyl alcohol (IX) is proposed for this unknown.
[0271] Retention time 12.8 min, m/z 166.3
[0000] This is a nitrogen containing compound with molecular
weight of 165. This compound could be phenylalanine (X). The
second derivative data would support this assignment.
[0272] Ret. time 15.2 min, m/z 372.
[0000] This compound was observed in the previous study
(R03-0299). A component at m/z 330 in the first study (R03-0215)
was tentatively identified. This component is 42 mass units higher
than the earlier identified compound and could be due to a
tentatively proposed structure (XI). Fragmentation provides loss
of 18 (loss of hydroxyl as water) and another loss of 17 mass
Example 4F
HPLC Chromatographs of Ninhydrin-Derivatized Semiochemical A2
[0273] Semiochemical A2 was derivatized with 0.1 g ninhydrin for
two hours at 40[deg.] C. The derivatized A2 was then subjected to
HPLC analysis with detection at 570 nm to detect primary amines.
(See FIG. 13.) The following system configuration was used with
injection volume and mobile phase as set forth on the
chromatograph in FIG. 13:
Column: C18, reversed phase
Flow rate: 1 ml/min
Column temperature: 35[deg.] C.
The method produced around 5 characteristic peaks between 1 and 2
minutes for primary amines at 570 nm. With detection at 440 nm for
secondary amines and injection volume and mobile phase as set
forth in FIGS. 14 and 15, the method likewise produced around 5
characteristic peaks between 1 and 2 minutes. (See FIGS. 14 and
15.) An entity at both detection wavelengths is observed at 4.8
minutes with a trace concentration.
Example 4G
FTIR Spectrum of Semiochemical A2
[0274] An FTIR analysis was performed on semiochemical A2 using a
waterless sample from the water-insoluble phase described above is
set on a KBr crystal. A scans from 1100 nm to 3500 nm in butanol
and diethylether of a semiochemical indicated the following
2800-3000 nm Asymmetric and symmetric CH3 groups
1300-1400 nm Scissor, asymmetric, and symmetric CH3
1126.00 nm C-O bond stretching
1434.56 nm C-O bond stretching
1637.28 nm C-C bond stretching
2846.60 nm C-H bond stretching
2916.50 nm C-H bond stretching
2951.46 nm C-H bond stretching
3321.94 nm OH bond stretching, indicating alcohols
with the
above three stretches.
(See FIG. 16.)
Example 5
Preparation of Semiochemical CL from Order
[0275] Semiochemical CL solution from a carcass of C. limbatus
(Order Carcharhiniformes) was aerobically prepared using the
method described for GWH above. During the aerobic preparation
process, the extraction vessel was sampled at 0, 7, 21 and 40 days
to determine development of the semiochemical uv-vis signature
peak at 300 nm. (See FIG. 12.) Signature absorbance at around 300
nm increased as extraction proceeded. A 300 nm shoulder was barely
perceptible at 0 days and increased throughout 7, 21 and 40 days
to a distinct peak at about 40 days.
Example 6
Preparation and Testing of Semiochemicals CPP and GCC from
Order Carcharhiniformes
Example 6A
Preparation of Semiochemicals CPP and GCC
[0276] CPP and GCC were aerobically prepared from the head of a
sandbar shark (S. plumbeus) and the cross section behind the
pectoral fins of a tiger shark (G. cuvieri), respectively. Each
carcass is within Order Carcharhiniformes. The extraction process
was as described for GWH above.
Example 6B
Testing of Extracts CPP and GCC for Repellent Activity
[0277] CPP was tested for repellent activity against blacknose
sharks and Caribbean reef sharks present together in a population
of 7 sharks. The sharks were stimulated with bait. A 500 mL dose
of CPP was introduced as a cloud to the 7 sharks. The sharks were
visibly repelled from the feeding zone. (See Table 1).
[0278] GCC was tested for repellent activity against the highly
migratory (pelagic) non-inshore blue shark (P. glauca Order
Carcharhiniformes) in a population of 2 sharks. The sharks were
stimulated bait and acoustical stimulation. A 500 mL dose of GCC
was introduced as a cloud to the 2 sharks. The sharks were visibly
repelled from the feeding zone. (See Table 1).
Example 7
Preparation and Testing of Semiochemical A13N from Order
Example 7A
Preparation of Semiochemical A13N and UV-Vis Spectrum
[0279] A13N was prepared by mixing, in equal parts, three
previously prepared semiochemicals, A1, A3 and N. A13N contained
semiochemicals from a lemon shark carcass (N. brevirostris), a
nurse shark carcass (G. cirratum), and a spiny dogfish carcass (S.
acanthias) (each species in Order Carcharhiniformes). A1 was
prepared as described above. A3 was prepared in the same manner as
A1. N was prepared from the carcass of a nurse shark using the
method described for GWH above. A uv-visible spectrum of a
one-year-old sample of the mixed semiochemical A13N was prepared
as discussed in Example 4B above. The spectrum contained the
signature strong peak in the 300 nm range. (See FIG. 11.)
Example 7B
Testing of A13N for Repellent Activity
[0280] A13N was tested for repellent activity against a blacknose
shark and a Caribbean reef shark. A 500 mL dose of A13N was
introduced as a cloud to the two sharks, which were presently
stimulated with bait and acoustic stimulation. The sharks were
visibly repelled from the feeding zone.
Example 8
Preparation and Testing of Semiochemical B from Order
[0281] Semiochemical B was aerobically prepared from the
cross-section behind the first dorsal fin of a shortfin mako shark
(I. oxyrhincus Order Lamniformes). The carcass portion was allowed
to decay aerobically for 10 days in a covered polypropylene
container RT. The carcass portion was then fully immersed in
solvent in a glass extraction vessel. The extraction solvent was
50:50 water:acetone, by weight. Extraction time was 6 months at
25[deg.] C. with slow agitation. The extraction was periodically
sampled and terminated after components of the extraction eluted
from HPLC at the signature peaks of about 5, about 6 and about 7
minutes. The extraction process was terminated by filtering to
remove tissue. The resulting filtrate was containerized in a
polypropylene container.
[0282] Composition B2 was aerobically prepared from the
cross-section behind the first dorsal fin of a shortfin mako shark
in one polypropylene extraction vessel. The extraction solvent was
100% water. Extraction time was 6 months at 25[deg.] C. with slow
agitation. The extraction process was terminated by filtering to
remove tissue. The resulting filtrate was containerized in a
polypropylene container.
[0283] B was tested for repellent activity against blacknose
sharks and Caribbean reef sharks present together in a population
of 12 sharks. A 200 mL dose of B was introduced as a cloud to the
12 sharks, which were presently stimulated with bait. The sharks
were visibly repelled from the feeding zone. (See Table 1).
[0284] Composition B2 was likewise tested for repellent activity
against blacknose sharks and Caribbean reef sharks present
together in a population of 6 sharks. A 1 liter dose of B2 was
introduced as a cloud to the 6 sharks, which were presently
stimulated with bait. No behavioral change was noted and feeding
continued. (See Table 1).
Example 9
Preparation and Testing of Semiochemicals ML1 and ML2 from
Order Lamniformes
[0285] Extracts ML1 and ML2 were separately aerobically prepared
from two livers of a shortfin mako shark (I. oxyrhincus Order
Lamniformes) in two polypropylene extraction vessels. The livers
were initially allowed to decay aerobically for 10 days in covered
polypropylene containers at room temperature (RT). The livers were
then fully immersed in solvent in polypropylene extraction
vessels. The extraction solvent was 50:50 water:acetone, by
weight. Extraction time was 6 months at 25[deg.] C. with slow
agitation. The extraction was periodically sampled and terminated
after components of the extraction eluted from HPLC at the
signature peaks of about 5, about 6 and about 7 minutes. The
extraction process was terminated by filtering to remove tissue.
The resulting filtrate was containerized in a polypropylene
[0286] ML1 and ML2 were tested for repellent activity against
blacknose sharks and Caribbean reef sharks present together in two
populations of 8 sharks. The sharks were stimulated with bait.
Respective 700 mL doses of ML1 and ML2 were introduced to
respective shark populations as a cloud. The sharks were visibly
repelled from the feeding zones. (See Table 1).
Example 10
Preparation and Testing of Semiochemical SQ1 from Order
[0287] SQ1 was aerobically prepared from the carcass of a deep
water Cuban dogfish (S. cubensis, Order Squaliforme) in one
polypropylene extraction vessel as described for GWH above. A
uv-visible spectrum of semiochemical SQ1 one year after the
extraction process was terminated. The spectrum was prepared as
discussed in Example 4B above. The spectrum contained the
signature strong peak in the 300 nm range. (See FIG. 11.)
[0288] SQ1 was tested for repellent activity against blacknose
sharks and Caribbean reef sharks present together in a population
of 12 sharks. A 250 mL dose of SQ1 was introduced as a cloud to
the 12 sharks, which were stimulated with bait. The sharks were
visibly repelled from the feeding zone. (See Table 1).
Example 11
Preparation and Testing of Semiochemicals N2 and BB1 from
Order Orectolobiformes
[0289] N2 and BB1 were aerobically prepared from the carcasses of
a nurse shark (C. cirratum, Order Orectolobiformes, Family
Ginglymostomatidae) and a brownbanded bamboo shark (C. punctatum,
Order Orectolobiformes, Family Hemiscyllidae) in separate
polypropylene extraction vessels. The carcasses were initially
allowed to decay aerobically for 10 days in a covered
polypropylene container RT. The carcasses were then fully immersed
in solvent in a polypropylene extraction vessel. The extraction
solvent was 50:50 water:solvent, by weight. The solvent was 80%
methanol, 17% ethanol, and 3% methyl isobutylketone. Extraction
time was 6 months at 25[deg.] C. with slow agitation. The
extraction was periodically sampled and terminated after
components of semiochemicals eluted from HPLC at the signature
peaks of about 5, about 6 and about 7 minutes. The extraction
process was terminated by filtering to remove tissue. The
resulting filtrate was containerized in a polypropylene container.
[0290] N2 was tested for repellent activity against a lemon shark
(Order Carcharhiniformes, Family Carcarhinidae, N. brevirostris).
A 10 mL dose of N2 was introduced from a syringe into the
environment of the shark in a tank. Aversive swimming behavior was
observed. (See Table 1).
[0291] BB1 was tested for repellent activity against a lemon shark
(Order Carcharhiniformes, Family Carcarhinidae, N. brevirostris).
A 10 mL dose of BB1 was introduced from a syringe into the
environment of the shark in a tank. Aversive swimming behavior was
observed. (See Table 1).
Example 12
Repelling of Mako Shark of Order Lamniformes
[0292] A juvenile Mako shark (Order Lamniformes, Family Lamidae,
Genus Isurus) was repelled by semiochemical repellent GCC. A buoy
line baited with squid, blue fish, and striped bass was in the
water. Mako sharks are known to attack swordfish, and eat prey
such as blue fish and striped bass when it is available for
consumption. A 500 mL charge to the line under CO2 pressure was
applied. Diptubes were [1/4]'' HPDE. (See FIG. 30.) The bait was
not taken.
[0293] After coming in contact With the GCC, the Mako retreated
and did not appear again. Subsequently, the shark could not be
lured back to the site despite the application of three types of
stimulants and several hours applying traditionally adequate scent
and bait. After extensive attempts to re-lure the shark, only new
blue sharks appeared well after the repellent would be expected to
have completely dispersed. Generally, when repellent is not
deployed, sharks remain in the area where scent and bait has been
administered for an extended period of time (up to many hours).
The failure of the shark to return after fleeing the exposure to
GCC was interpreted as support for the strong action of the GCC
semiochemical against the juvenile Mako shark.
[0294] The test was done under the following conditions:
Live bait: Bluefish (2)
Carcass line: Bluefish (2) and striped bass (2)
Chum: Bunker, striped bass, and bluefish
Acoustics: Mako Magnet (
Orange buoy lines with diptubes (see FIG. 30.)
Example 13
Repellent Tests of Semiochemicals from Four Different
[0300] Semiochemical solutions from four orders of shark were
prepared as described for semiochemical GWH above, using carcasses
from Negaprion brevirostris, Ginglymostoma cirratum, Squalus
cubensis, and Isurs oxyrinchus. All solutions were found to
generally exhibit the sample characteristic absorbance maxima in
the UV region. (See FIG. 2.) The four semiochemical solutions were
derived from four different families of shark, Family
Carcarhinidae, Ginglymostomatidae, Squalidae and Lanmidae,
respectively. Each semiochemical exhibited the same repellency
effects on other species, the common absorbance maxima, therefore,
became a focus of finding an active chemical repellent entity.
(See, e.g., Table 1). For example, a 100 mL dose of semiochemical
solution prepared from spinal extracts of Squalus cubensis
effectively repelled a small feeding school of Carcharhinus perezi
and Carcharhinus acronatus.
Example 14
Repellent Test Controls
[0301] The following compounds have been established as effective
controls in stimulated free-swimming sharks, tonic immobility
tests and non-stimulated free-swimming sharks under chemical
repellent evaluation: seawater (dose ranges 100 ul to 1000 ml);
HPLC grade micron-filtered water (dose ranges 1 ml to 10 ml);
methanol/ethanol/methyl isobutyl ketone/water solution (dose at
approx 500 ml); (solvent for A, A2, A13N, SQ1, CPP, GWH, GCC, CP,
N2 and BB1); methanol/ethanol/methyl isobutyl ketone solution
(dose ranges 1 ml to 6 ml) (50% of solvent for A, A2, A13N, SQ1,
CPP, GWH, GCC, CP, N2 and BB1); diethylene glycol monoethyl ether
(dose ranges 1 ml to 6 ml); acetone/water solution (dose at approx
500 ml) (solvent for B, B2, ML1, and ML2).
Example 15
GC-MS of Composite of CF-Composite from Two C. falciformis
[0302] Semiochemical CF-Composite was prepared from two C.
falciformis heads subject to extraction with polar solvent as
described for A2 above. C. falciformis is a pelagic Carcarhiniform
known as the silky shark (Order Carcharhiniforme).
[0303] Tests were run by Direct Injection on a quadrupole GC-MS
system with a selective mass detector, as described for GWH above.
The resulting gas chromatogram is reported in FIG. 20. Analysis of
the resulting mass spectrogram using NIST 98.1 provided the
following resulting non-limiting components of CF-Composite: urea,
1-(2-hydroxyethyl)-2-imidazolidinone, ethyl acetate.
Example 16
GC-MS of Semiochemical B-Composite from P. glauca Head,
Body and Tail
[0304] B-Composite was prepared from a head, body and tail of P.
glauca the pelagic blue shark (Order Carcharhiniforme) subject to
extraction as described for GWH above.
[0305] Tests were run by Direct Injection on a quadrupole GC-MS
system with a selective mass detector, as described for GWH above.
The resulting gas chromatogram is reported in FIG. 21. Analysis of
the resulting mass spectrogram using NIST 98.1 provided the
following resulting non-limiting components of B-Composite:
glycerin, N,N-dimethylurea, urea, 5-methyl-2,4-imidazolidinedione
(5-methylhydantoin), creatinine, methyl hexadecanoate (methyl
palmitate), propanoic acid, dimethyl-propanedioic acid
(dimethylmalonic acid), butanoic acid (butyric acid),
3-methyl-butanoic acid, 2-methyl-butanoic acid (isovaleric acid),
phenol, 4-morpholinepropionitrile, n-hexadecanoic acid (palmitic
acid), 10-octadecenoic acid, methyl ester (methyl elaidate),
(E)-9-octadecenoic acid (eliadic acid).
Example 17
Comparison of Components Detected in Four Semiochemicals by
[0306] The components of semiochemicals GWH, CF-Composite, CP and
B-Composite were compared to determine shared chemistry. The
comparison is in Table 4.
Comparison of components of Four Semiochemicals in GC-Mass-
Spectrometry (values represent relative percentage matches
with NIST 98.1 library)
CF- B-
Component GWH Composite CP Composite
glycerin 64 72 64
N,N-dimethylurea 91 91 91
urea 78 56 64 72
5-methyl-2,4-imidazolidinedione (5-
86 86
creatinine 52 64 93
methyl hexadecanoate (methyl
95 94
hexahydro-3-(2-methylpropyl)- 72 56
pyrrolo [1,2-a] pyrazine-1,4-dione
propanoic acid 94
acid 80
(dimethylmalonic acid)
butanoic acid (butyric
acid) 64
3-methyl-butanoic acid
2-methyl-butanoic acid
(isovaleric 83
phenol 90
n-hexadecanoic acid (palmitic
acid) 95
10-octadecenoic acid, methyl
ester 53
(methyl elaidate)
(E)-9-octadecenoic acid (eliadic
acid) 74
1-(2-hydroxyethyl)-2-imidazolidinone 45
ethyl acetate 72
2,3-butanediol 78
N-N-dimethylformamide 43
2-butoxyethanol 72
DL-methyltartronic acid 50
1,4-dimethyl-piperazine 64
2-(1,1-dimethylethoxy)-thiophene 64
hexahydro-pyrrolo [1,2-a] 62
Example 18
Comparison of UV-Vis Spectra of Semiochemicals of Different
Species and Different Carcass Parts of Shark
[0307] Semiochemicals of different species and carcass parts of
shark were subjected to uv-vis spectral analysis according to the
above-discussed method. (See FIG. 2.) All extracts demonstrated a
peak around 300 nm. The control (solvent-first line) demonstrates
no absorbance shoulder around 300 nm. The semiochemical showing
the strongest absorption in the signature 300 nm range is
semiochemical GWH, which is an extraction of a great white shark
[0308] Semiochemical abstracts GWH, GCC, N2 were demonstrated to
have repellent activity. (See Table 1).
Example 19
Shelf-Life of A2 and N2
[0309] During a day of field tests on semiochemical repellents,
experiments with a more-than-one-year-old sample of A2
semiochemical repellent evoked only weak measurable flight
response in a variety of sharks. Similar results were obtained
with a more-than-one-year-old sample of N2. Because both A2 and N2
had evoked strong flight responses in many tests in prior months,
it was hypothesized that the A2 and N2 test samples had been
degraded and the semiochemical components had been lost or reduced
in concentration.
HPLC Chromatograph Analysis
[0310] Early eluting chromatograms of degraded A2 and N2 (FIGS. 22
and 23) were compared to chromatograms of GWH and A1 (FIGS. 3 and
4) to determine the chromatographic signature of active components
of the GWH and A1 extracts. HPLC parameters were as discussed
above. The chromatogram of GWH showed a strong peak around 7
minutes, a weaker peak at around 6 minutes and a weak peak at
around 5 minute (See FIG. 3.) The chromatograms of degraded A2 and
N2 contained no peak at around 7 minutes, a peak comparable with
the chromatogram of GWH at around 6 minutes and very weak peaks at
5.2 and 5.4 minutes, respectively. (See FIG. 22.) The peaks at 5.2
and 5.4 minutes had no clear correlation with the 5 minute peak of
[0311] Late eluting chromatograms of A2 and N2 were likewise
compared to GWH and A1. (FIGS. 4 and 23.) HPLC parameters were as
discussed above. The chromatograms of GWH and A1 showed
distinctive and expected peaks at around 34 minutes having a
notably weaker earlier peak within the 34 minute peak. The GWH and
A1 chromatograms likewise showed the expected broad peak about 2
minutes following the 34 minute peak, with two maxima within the
broad peak. The late eluting chromatograms of degraded A2 and N2
had unexpectedly sharp peaks at around 32 minutes and somewhat
sharp peaks about 2 minutes later that were distinctly different
from the expected broad peak of an active semiochemical such as
GWH or A1.
Example 20
Administration of Semiochemical Repellent Using a Canister
[0312] An aerosol container with a continuous-release actuator was
pressurized with 6 fluid oz. of semiochemical CP. The container
was constructed to be asymmetrically weighted so that it would not
lie on its axis on the surface of the water. In this test, the
container was lighter at its base and heavier at its discharging
end. The actuator was depressed, initiating release of the CP
semiochemical and thrown into a group of 12 feeding sharks. During
the pressurized discharge of the extract, the canister moved
erratically on the surface of the water. At times the
semiochemical was expelled into the air creating a mist that
subsequently fell on the surface of the water. At times, the
semiochemical was expelled directly into the water. The feeding
sharks were drawn to the erratic activity of the canister. When
the sharks encountered the cloud of discharged semiochemical near
the surface of the water, they fled. In a control, similar
pressurized containers with 100% methanol instead of semiochemical
were similarly thrown into a population of feeding sharks. The
sharks were drawn to the container and did not flee. An expended
container was recovered from the water with shark bite marks on
Example 21
Administration of Semiochemical Using a Remote Controlled
[0313] A two liter repellent chamber was filled with repellent on
a remote controlled raft. The raft was anchored at a sandbar where
a shark might be expected to enter a shallow swimming area. A
radio receiver was connected to a pump on the raft. The pump with
its own power source was connected to the two liter chamber with
tubing. The two liter chamber was provided a check valve for rapid
build up of pressure from the pump. Tubing was then fixed from the
two liter chamber exit portal away from the raft as a discharge
tube. The tubing was not sufficiently long enough to enter the
water where the raft was floating. The tubing exiting from the
chamber was capped with a pressure release cap.
[0314] A person remote from the raft signaled the radio receiver
to trigger activation of the pump. The pump compressed air into
the 2 liter plastic tank. Head pressure in the chamber increased
quickly. Once enough pressure built up, the cap popped off of the
tubing and repellent was rapidly sprayed over a 2 meter
surrounding area at about 20-30 psi. The chamber was emptied
within 20 seconds.
Example 22\
Administration of Semiochemical Using a Pressurized
Directional Device
[0315] A pressurized gun as described in FIG. 28 was charged with
degraded semiochemical A2. A population of about 10 blacknose
sharks and Caribbean reef sharks were stimulated with feed. A
swimmer entered the water with the pressurized gun. When sharks
approached, the swimmer discharged the first chamber in the
direction of the sharks by pointing the directional nozzle and
triggering the compressed gas canister. The sharks were partially
repelled. The swimmer then discharged the second pressurized
chamber in the direction of the sharks. The sharks were again
partially repelled.
Example 23
Administration of Semiochemical on a Longline
[0316] A mass of elasmobranch carcass treated with polar solvent
according to the methods of the invention is pressed together and
placed on a longline hook at the end of a gangion. The hook is
then baited, e.g., with mackerel. The longline is placed into the
water. Sharks are deterred from striking the hook because of the
semiochemical diffusing from the
polar-solvent-treated-elasmobranch-carcass mass near the hook.
Fish are not deterred. As a result, a tuna is caught on the hook.
Example 24
Preparation of Semiochemical in Jelly Form that Dissolves
Over Time in Water
[0317] Semiochemical was prepared in a jelly form that would
dissolve over time when placed in water. 100 g diethylene glycol
monoethyl ether was warmed to around 40[deg.] C. in a mixture with
2 g of hydroxypropylmethylcelluose under heavy agitation. The
mixture was allowed to cool with slow mixing to about 30[deg.] C.
At around 30 C, around 20 mL of semiochemical CP was added with an
eye dropper over about 2 minutes with slow mixing. The mixture was
then cooled to room temperature. A firm gel was formed over night.
About 10 g of gel was placed in about 125 mL of water. In about 8
hours the gel was fully dissolved. Such administration of
semiochemical could be particularly advantageous to divers and
snorklers who would want to repel elasmobranchs but who would not
want to repel fish.
Compounds for repelling elasmobranch having an aldehyde or
derivative, a carboxylic acid a derivative, a ketone or a
derivative thereof, a di-ketone or a derivative thereof, a
pyridine or derivative thereof, or an antipyrine or a derivative
thereof and methods of use thereof.
[0001] This invention relates generally to gustatory elasmobranch
repellents comprising aldehydes, carboxylic acids, ketones,
di-ketones, pyridines and anti-pyrines, separately or in
[0002] The reality of shark (elasmobranch) attacks and a pervasive
fear of shark attacks in the modern world combine to create a
great need for effective shark repellents. Effective shark
repellents are also needed in the commercial fishing industry.
[0003] Elasmobranchs represent a significant problem in the
commercial fishing industry. Elasmobranchs are often inadvertently
caught on fishing hooks and tackle directed at other more
commercially valuable kinds of fish. This inadvertent catching of
elasmobranchs (or other non-valued fish) is called "by-catch." As
many as 100 million elasmobranchs are killed each year as
by-catch. This loss of life has resulted in a real threat to
several shark species. Currently, as many as 80 species of shark
are considered threatened with extinction.
[0004] Further, when elasmobranchs are caught as by-catch, fishing
operations receive no return on their investment since the shark
is caught on a hook that might have otherwise brought in a
marketable fish. Additionally, the fishing tackle on which a shark
is caught often must be cut loose for the safety of those working
on the fishing vessel causing a loss of both equipment and time.
[0005] Longlining is a commercial fishing method that suffers
significant losses from shark by-catch. Longlining uses multiple
baited individual fish hooks with leaders strung at intervals
along an often very long (2-3 mile) main fishing line. Longline
fishing operations routinely target swordfish and tuna. The
longline hooks and bait, however, are not selective and
elasmobranchs are sometimes caught in greater numbers than the
intended target catch. The result is great loss of life in
elasmobranchs and significant financial losses in the longline
industry. Elasmobranchs cause additional losses in the longline
fishing industry by scavenging marketable fish caught on longlines
before the fish may be retrieved for processing. This problem also
applies to the commercial trawling industry.
[0006] There has been a long-felt need for methods and devices to
deter elasmobranchs from commercial fishing lines and nets.
Attempts in the middle of the twentieth century were made to
protect trawl nets with electric discharge devices. Nelson, "Shark
Attack and Repellency Research: An Overview," Shark Repellents
from the Sea ed. Bernhard Zahuranec (1983) at p. 20).
Nevertheless, no commercially effective repellent has been made
available for reducing shark by-catch in the commercial fishing
industry or for reducing loss of valuable fish or fishing tackle
to shark predation.
[0007] An effective shark repellent would not only be valuable to
the fishing industry but also would be valuable for protecting
humans from shark attacks. An effective repellent has yet to be
marketed for limiting the risk of shark attacks faced by humans
exposed to elasmobranchs. Over the last 50 years antishark
measures employed to protect humans from sharks have included
electrical repellent devices (Gilbert & Springer 1963, Gilbert
& Gilbert 1973), acoustical playbacks (Myrberg et al. 1978,
Klimley & Myrberg 1979), visual devices (Doak 1974) and
chemical repellents (Tuve 1963, Clark 1974, Gruber & Zlotkin
1982). None of these procedures proved satisfactory in preventing
shark attacks. (Sisneros (2001)). As such, the long felt need for
an effective repellent has not been satisfied.
[0008] Researchers have historically used several bio-assays to
determine if a repellent evokes a flight response in shark. One
such bio-assay measures the effect of a repellent on a shark that
is immobilized in "tonic immobility." Tonic immobility is a state
of paralysis that typically occurs when a shark is subject to
inversion of its body along the longitudinal axis. This state is
called "tonic," and the shark can remain in this state for up to
15 minutes thereby allowing researchers to observe effects of
repellents. After behavioral controls are established, an object
or substance that has a repelling effect will awaken a shark from
a tonic state. Researchers can quantify the strength of a
repellent effect from these studies.
[0009] Applicant has discovered effective chemical repellents for
elasmobranchs, which appear to affect the elasmobranch's gustatory
(taste) receptors. According to the present invention, an
elasmobranch repellent is provided comprising an aldehyde or a
derivative thereof, a carboxylic acid or a derivative thereof, a
ketone or derivative thereof, a di-ketone or a derivative thereof,
a pyridine or a derivative thereof, or an antipyrine or a
derivative thereof, separately or in combination. When tested,
these elasmobranch repellents are capable of terminating tonic
immobility of a tonic-immobile elasmobranch when introduced to
elasmobranch gustatory receptors.
[0010] According to a first non-limiting embodiment of the present
invention, a composition for repelling an elasmobranch is provided
comprising an aldehyde or a derivative thereof. In a preferred
non-limiting embodiment, the composition comprises a
methylbutanal. In a more preferred non-limiting embodiment, the
aldehyde is selected from 3-methylbutanal or 2-methylbutanal. In
another preferred non-limiting embodiment, the composition
comprises methylbutenal. In a more preferred non-limiting
embodiment, the aldehyde is selected from 2-methylbutenal or
[0011] In an alternative non-limiting preferred embodiment of the
first embodiment, the aldehyde comprises a linear carbon chain of
about 5 carbons. In a more preferred embodiment, the aldehyde is
selected from valeraldehyde, pentanal or trans-pentenal.
[0012] In an alternative non-limiting preferred embodiment of the
first embodiment, the aldehyde comprises a saturated carbon chain
comprising 1 carbon to about 6 carbons. In a more preferred
embodiment, the saturated aldehyde is selected from formalin (the
acetal form of formaldehyde gas in water), acetaldehyde,
propionaldehyde, butyraldehyde, isobutyraldehyde, valeraldehyde
(pentanal), capronaldehyde (hexanal), trimethylacetaldehyde (pivic
aldehyde) and isovaleraldehyde (3-methylbutanal).
[0013] In another preferred embodiment of the first embodiment,
the composition for repelling an elasmobranch comprises a natural
aldehyde. In a more preferred embodiment, the natural aldehyde is
selected from cinnimaldehyde, cuminaldehyde and acetaldehyde. In a
more preferred embodiment, the natural aldehyde is piperonal.
[0014] In another alternative preferred embodiment of the first
embodiment, the composition for repelling an elasmobranch
comprises an aromatic aldehyde, solubilized in a suitable polar
solvent. In a more preferred embodiment, the aromatic aldehyde is
selected from one or more methoxybenzaldehydes and a tolualdehyde.
[0015] In an alternative preferred non-limiting embodiment, the
composition comprises a combination of two or more aldehydes or
aldehyde derivatives.
[0016] According to a second non-limiting embodiment of the
present invention, a composition for repelling an elasmobranch is
provided comprising a carboxylic acid or a derivative thereof. In
a preferred non-limiting embodiment, the composition comprises
butyric acid. In another preferred non-limiting embodiment, the
composition comprises citric acid. In other preferred non-limiting
embodiments, the carboxylic acid is selected from trans-cinnamic
acid, 2-butenoic acid, lactic acid, 2,2-dimethylbutyric acid,
2,3,3-trimethylproprionic acid, 2-ethylbutyric acid, 2-ketobutyric
acid, 3-aminobutyric acid, 4-acetylbutyric acid, 3-butenoic acid,
tricarballylic acid and hydroxysuccinic acid. In an alternative
preferred non-limiting embodiment, the composition comprises a
combination of two or more carboxylic acids or carboxylic acid
derivatives. In a more preferred non-limiting embodiment, the
combination of carboxylic acids comprises at least two carboxylic
acids selected from crotonic acid, cinnamic acid, maleic acid,
citric acid and fumaric acid. In another more preferred
non-limiting embodiment, the combination comprises crotonic acid,
cinnamic acid and maleic acid. In an alternative preferred
non-limiting embodiment, the combination of carboxylic acids
comprises crotonic acid, citric acid and fumaric acid.
[0017] In a third non-limiting embodiment of the present
invention, a composition for repelling an elasmobranch is provided
comprising a ketone or a derivative thereof. In a preferred
non-limiting embodiment, the composition for repelling an
elasmobranch comprises ionone. In another preferred non-limiting
embodiment, the composition for repelling an elasmobranch
comprises zingerone. In an alternative preferred non-limiting
embodiment, the composition comprises a combination of two or more
ketones or ketone derivatives.
[0018] In a fourth non-limiting embodiment of the present
invention, a composition for repelling an elasmobranch is provided
comprising a di-ketone or derivative thereof. In a preferred
non-limiting embodiment, the composition for repelling an
elasmobranch comprises 2,3-butanedione. In another preferred
non-limiting embodiment, the composition for repelling an
elasmobranch comprises glyoxal. In another preferred non-limiting
embodiment, the composition for repelling an elasmobranch
comprises methylglyoxal. In an alternative preferred non-limiting
embodiment, the composition comprises a combination of two or more
di-ketones or diketone derivatives.
[0019] In a fifth non-limiting embodiment of the present
invention, a composition for repelling an elasmobranch is provided
comprising a pyridine or a derivative thereof. In a preferred
non-limiting embodiment, the composition for repelling an
elasmobranch comprises pyridine. In another preferred embodiment,
the composition for repelling an elasmobranch comprises
3-methylpyridine or 2-amino-3-picoline. In an alternative
preferred non-limiting embodiment, the composition comprises a
combination of two or more pyridines or pyridine derivatives.
[0020] In a sixth non-limiting embodiment of the present
invention, a composition for repelling an elasmobranch is provided
comprising an anti-pyrine or a derivative thereof. In a preferred
non-limiting embodiment, the composition for repelling an
elasmobranch comprises anti-pyrine. In another preferred
embodiment, the elasmobranch repellent comprises
4-amino-antipyrine. In an alternative preferred non-limiting
embodiment, the composition comprises a combination of two or more
anti-pyrines or an anti-pyrine derivative.
[0021] In a non-limiting embodiment of the present invention, a
composition for repelling an elasmobranch is provided comprising a
combination of two or more of aldehydes or derivatives thereof,
carboxylic acids or derivatives thereof, ketones or derivatives
thereof, diketones or derivatives thereof pyridines or derivatives
thereof or antipyrines or derivatives thereof. In a preferred
non-limiting embodiment, the composition for repelling an
elasmobranch comprises an aldehyde and a diketone. In a more
preferred non-limiting embodiment, the composition for repelling
an elasmobranch comprises butyraldehyde, isobutyraldehyde,
veratraldehyde and 2,3-butanedione.
[0022] A method of repelling an elasmobranch is provided
comprising administering a composition for repelling an
elasmobranch comprising an aldehyde or a derivative thereof, a
carboxylic acid or a derivative thereof, a ketone or a derivative
thereof, a di-ketone or a derivative thereof, a pyridine or a
derivative thereof, or an antipyrine or a derivative thereof,
separately or in combination, in the expected proximity of said
elasmobranch. In a preferred non-limiting embodiment, the
composition for repelling an elasmobranch is administered from an
aerosol canister. In another preferred non-limiting embodiment,
the composition for repelling an elasmobranch is administered in
proximity of a longline.
[0023] A method of manufacturing an elasmobranch repellent is
provided comprising the steps of combining an aldehyde or a
derivative thereof, a carboxylic acid or a derivative thereof, a
ketone or derivative thereof, a di-ketone or a derivative thereof,
a pyridine or a derivative thereof, or an antipyrine or a
derivative thereof, each alone or in combination with one another
or other ingredients, with an acceptable solvent, carrier, diluent
or other vehicle for administration or storage prior to
[0024] A kit is provided comprising a composition for repelling an
elasmobranch comprising a composition for repelling an
elasmobranch comprising an aldehyde or a derivative thereof, a
carboxylic acid or a derivative thereof, a ketone or derivative
thereof, a di-ketone or derivative thereof, a pyridine or a
derivative thereof, or an antipyrine or a derivative thereof,
separately or in combination, and a vehicle for administering said
composition for repelling an elasmobranch. In a preferred
embodiment, the kit comprises a vehicle selected from a
pressurized or pressurizable delivery device, a pressurized or
pressurizable repellent gun, a miniature pressurizable repellent
gun to be worn on a wrist or an ankle of a subject, a spear
fishing gun with an adjacent pressurizable container for said
composition, a time release sponge, a surfboard, a pump delivery
system affixed to a surfboard, a pressurized delivery device
affixed to a surfboard, a wristwatch comprising said composition,
a syringe, a pressurized syringe, an aerosol bomb, a
mortar-launched aerosol bomb, a remote-controlled buoy with a
repellent tank, a fixed buoy with a metering pump, a repellent
pouch, a jelly comprising glycol ether and hydroxypropylcelluose,
a skin lotion containing said repellent, a porous fabric
impregnated with repellent, rechargeable porous fabric impregnated
with said repellent, a submerged repellent mine, a
repellent-impregnated cable insulation for an undersea cable, and
a repellent-impregnated cable jacket for an undersea cable.
[0025] "Elasmobranchii" represents the subclass of class
Chondrichthyes (cartilaginous fish), which includes the sharks and
rays. In this specification, "elasmobranchs" represent the
super-orders and orders of elasmobranchs that are of interest for
producing a repellent based on availability and conservation, and
also those that present a potential threat to humans or represent
a bycatch problem in commercial fisheries. As such,
"elasmobranchs" in this specification means one or more
elasmobranchii in the super-orders Galeomorphii and Squalomorphii
and orders Squaliforms (dogfish), Carcharhiniformes (requiem
sharks), Lamniformes (mackerel sharks), and Orectolobiformes
(carpet sharks).
[0026] "Derivative" is a chemical compound that may be produced
from a compound of a similar structure in one or more steps, as in
replacement of hydrogen by an alkyl, acyl, amino group, etc,
wherein the derivative has a repellent function in elasmobranchs.
[0027] "Feeding zone" is the area in which sharks have been
stimulated and demonstrate aggressive feeding behavior.
[0028] "Gustatory Response" is a response in an elasmobranch to a
stimulation of taste receptors.
[0029] "Solvent" is a first substance capable of dissolving
another substance.
[0030] "Carrier" is a first substance capable of mixing with a
second substance.
[0031] "Diluent" is a first substance capable of mixing with a
second substance such that the second substance is decreased in
[0032] "Tonic immobility" is the state of paralysis that typically
occurs when an elasmobranch is subject to inversion of its body
along the longitudinal axis of the body, i.e., is belly up. The
elasmobranch can remain in this state for up to 15 minutes.
[0033] The elasmobranch repellent activity of aldehydes,
carboxylic acids, ketones, diketones, pyridines or antipyrines has
been demonstrated in eight species of elasmobranch. Tests
demonstrate the repelling compounds are correlated with a flight
response in elasmobranchs wherein the flight response is
correlated with stimulation of elasmobranch taste receptors with
the repelling compounds. As such, these compounds were effective
as elasmobranch repellents.
[0034] Flight responses upon exposure to the repelling compounds
disclosed herein have been observed in bioassays of eight
different species across two different orders of elasmobranch and
three different families of elasmobranch including lemon sharks of
various sizes and ages (N. brevirostris, Order Carcharhiniformes,
Family Carcarhinidae), nurse sharks of various sizes and ages (C.
cirratum, Order Orectolobiformes, Family Ginglymostomatidae),
tiger sharks of various sizes and ages (G. cuvieri, Order
Carcharhiniformes, Family Carcarhinidae) blacktip sharks of
various sizes and ages (C. limbatus Order Carcharhiniformes),
blacknose sharks of various sizes and ages (C. acronotus, Order
Carcharhiniformes, Family Carcarhinidae), Caribbean reef sharks of
various sizes and ages (C. perezii, Order Carcharhiniformes,
Family Carcarhinidae), great hammerhead sharks (Sphyrna mokarran,
Order Carcharhiniformes, Family Sphyrnidae), and blue sharks
(Prionace glauca, Order Carcharhiniformes, Family Carcarhinidae).
[0035] Among the above-listed species, flight responses have
repeatedly been observed upon exposure to a wide variety of
different aldehydes or combinations of aldehydes from one to ten
carbons in length; including methylbutanals, methylbutenals,
linear five-carbon aldehydes, saturated one-to-six carbon
aldehydes, unsaturated two-to-six carbon aldehydes, natural
aldehydes, aromatic aldehydes, piperonal and combinations of
aldehydes. Aldehydes and there derivatives are disclosed herein as
effective elasmobranch repellents.
[0036] Flight responses have likewise repeatedly been observed in
elasmobranchs upon exposure to an extensive variety of carboxylic
acids or combinations of carboxylic acids, including butyric acid,
citric acid, crotonic acid and mixtures of crotonic acid, cinnamic
acid and maleic acid, and crotonic acid, citric acid and fumaric
acid. Carboxylic acids and their derivatives are disclosed herein
as effective elasmobranch repellents.
[0037] Flight responses have likewise repeatedly been observed in
elasmobranchs upon exposure to ketones such as ionone and
zingerone. Ketones and their derivatives are disclosed herein as
effective elasmobranch repellents.
[0038] Flight responses have also been observed in elasmobranchs
upon exposure to diketones, such as 2,3-butanedione (diacetyl).
Diketones and their derivatives are disclosed herein as effective
elasmobranch repellents.
[0039] Flight responses have likewise repeatedly been observed
upon exposure to pyridine and pyridine derivatives such as
3-methylpyridine, 2-amino-3-picoline and upon exposure to
anti-pyrines and derivatives thereof, such as 4-aminoantipyrine
and antipyrine solutions. See Tables 25-26. Pyridines and their
derivatives and anti-pyrines and their derivatives are disclosed
herein as effective elasmobranch repellents.
[0040] Surprisingly, fish appear unresponsive to these
shark-repelling aldehydes. Tests involving captive Cobia and
Yellowfin Tuna show that feeding behavior is actually slightly
increased in the presence of aldehydes, particularly
3-methylbutanal, a potent shark gustatory repellent. Similarly,
teleost reef fish, such as Triggerfish and Snappers, have been
observed feeding and swimming in a cloud of shark-repelling
aldehydes. This behavior is presumed to result from the lack of
aldehyde-receptors in the fishes' gustatory system. Interestingly,
aldehyde dehydrogenases (ALDH, ALDH2) have been found in certain
species of fish.
[0041] In open water tests, the Queen triggerfish (Ballistes
vetula), Durgeon Triggerfish (Melichthys niger), Bermuda Chub
(Kyphosus sectatrix), Yellowtail Snapper (Ocyurus chrysurus) and
Remora (Remora remora) were observed to be unaffected by exposure
to elasmobranch repellents in numerous tests.
[0042] Flight responses, or repellency activity, may be
demonstrated in any method described herein or known to one of
skill in the art. Flight responses have been observed and measured
using several bioassays known in the art to correlate with flight
[0043] One bioassay used to observe and measure flight response is
the tonic immobility test. Tonic immobility is a state of
paralysis that typically occurs when a shark is subject to
inversion of its body along the longitudinal axis. This state is
called "tonic," and the shark can remain in this state for up to
15 minutes thereby allowing researchers to observe effects of
chemical repellents. The "tonic" state of the shark is first
established by releasing seawater in proximity to the "tonic"
shark with the same delivery instrument and at the same distance
as a "test" repellent compound will be released. Some controls are
released with a high flow rate (30 mL/sec) in order to establish
that sharks are not awakened by a jet of fluid over their noses.
Once behavioral controls are established, a compound or
composition that may have a repelling effect is delivered to the
shark. If the compound or composition engenders a flight response,
the shark will awaken from the tonic state and rapidly attempt to
flee the delivered repellent. Using this tonic immobility bioassay
researches can quantify the strength of a repellent effect.
[0044] In the tonic immobility studies disclosed herein, several
different methods were employed for delivery of repelling
compounds. A first method for delivery of chemical repellent in
tonic immobility studies employed a "Syringe 3/5/10 Assay" method.
The "Syringe 3/5/10 Assay" method is so named because a test
repellent is delivered to a shark from a distance of about "3"
inches with a bolus of about "5" mL with a response to the test
repellent considered positive if the shark reacts with a change in
behavior within less than about "10" seconds from the time of
[0045] The "3/5/10 Syringe Assay" as employed herein delivered a
dose of 5-6 mL of a test chemical repellent from a syringe fixed
with a needle having a gauge of about 22 from a distance at least
3 inches in front of a shark. Because the test chemical repellent
was delivered at a distance from the shark's nares and mouth, a
cloud of test chemical repellent was dispersed over the shark
within the water column. The dispersed test repellent was subject
to water current direction, dispersion and dilution. As a result,
a flight response within 10 seconds was considered a positive
repellency response. Time from delivery of the test substance
until a response was observed, measured and recorded. Time from
delivery to response is related to the size of the bolus delivered
from the syringe, distance of the shark from the syringe and water
current. As such, a longer time to response does not reflect
reduced potency for a particular compound. To the contrary, a
longer time to response as compared to some other compound or test
simply demonstrates potency even after a cloud of repellent has
traveled some distance against water current.
[0046] A second delivery method called the "Syringe Assay" method
delivered a dose of 60 mL or more of a test chemical repellent
from at least one foot, and up to as many as five feet, from a
shark. The distance of delivery was determined based on the
strength of the water current in the direction of the shark. Time
from delivery of the test substance until response was observed,
measured and recorded. The "Syringe" method allows a researcher to
observe how a diffusing and diluting cloud of test chemical
repellent affects the shark's behavior when the shark encounters
the delivered cloud of test substance. The "Syringe" method
requires relatively large doses because of the diffusion of the
cloud over time and distance. Time from delivery to response is
related to the size of the bolus delivered from the syringe,
distance of the shark from the syringe and water current. As such,
a longer time to response does not reflect reduced potency for a
particular compound, as discussed above.
[0047] A third method of delivery was called the "Bite Assay." In
this method of delivery, a dose of typically less than 5 mL was
presented directly into a shark's mouth using a pipette.
[0048] A fourth method of delivery was called the "Micropipette
Assay" method of delivery. In this method, a very small dose
(fraction of a mL) of a test substance was delivered directly into
a shark's mouth. The Micropipette Assay did not consistently
terminate tonic immobility in most chemical tests. A response,
such as a cough or other notable action of the shark, was usually
noted when effective gustatory repellents were delivered directly
into a shark's mouth while in tonic immobility.
[0049] The Micropipette Assay method has not proven to be a
particularly effective method of assaying for a flight response in
elasmobranchs. The Micropipette Assay method is, nevertheless, an
excellent method for specifying that a gustatory response has
occurred. It is effective for specifying a gustatory response
because the micropipette delivery method allows direct delivery of
an entire bolus of test substance into the mouth of the shark
being tested. A combination of data from micropipette assays
demonstrating a gustatory response and other assays demonstrating
a flight response is an excellent combination of data
demonstrating both the repellent activity of a compound and its
effectiveness as a gustatory repellent.
[0050] Another bioassay used to observe a flight response in
sharks is a free-swimming test using a small metal cage containing
bait. This assay is referred to as a "Cage Assay." The cage with
bait is suspended below a float in the water column. A [3/8] inch
diptube is secured from the cage to the boat and carried chemical
compounds to the proximity of the cage where the test substances
were delivered. Sharks are drawn to the vicinity of the boat with
chum. Sharks are observed to immediately bump and bite at the cage
wherein bait was contained. The number of interactions between the
sharks and the cage are recorded over time. Test chemical
repelling substance is delivered to the vicinity of the cage
through the diptube. The frequency of bumps and strikes by sharks
against the cage is then monitored and recorded. If bumps and
strikes by sharks cease for a period of time, that time period is
also recorded. In the free-swim ring tests disclosed herein using
a baited cage, the volume of test chemical repellent delivered
into the vicinity of the cage was about 500 mL.
[0051] Another bioassay used to observe a flight response in
sharks is a cloud dispersion assay on competitively feeding
population of sharks. This assay is referred to as a "Cloud
Dispersion Assay" or "Cloud Assay." A pressurized fluid delivery
system was designed to deliver repellent into large feeding
populations of sharks. The repellent is released as a subsurface
cloud, which follows the current. A 1 L plastic container
containing the test chemical repellent solution is pressurized to
approximately 20 psig with a battery compressor or hand pump. A
globe valve is used to hold back the fluid. The fluid is delivered
to the end of a long PVC pole using a Teflon tubing. This allows
the operator to place the tip of the pole well into a population
of feeding sharks. By actuating the small globe valve, a cloud of
the chemical solution is released quickly and reliably into the
feeding population. Controls are established using FD&C Red 40
dye and seawater, uncolored seawater, and air. These controls
establish that sharks are not afraid to approach the delivery
pole, nor are sharks deterred from feeding by the jet of control
fluid or air.
A. Composition for Repelling Elasmobranchs Via Gustatory Receptors
[0052] Compositions for repelling an elasmobranch via said
elasmobranch's gustatory receptors are disclosed herein. Gustatory
repellent compositions may comprise an aldehyde or a derivative
thereof, a carboxylic acid or a derivative thereof, a ketone or
derivative thereof, a di-ketone or derivative thereof, a pyridine
or a derivative thereof or an antipyrine or a derivative thereof,
or any compound that terminates tonic immobility or otherwise
evokes a behavioral response when administered to the mouth of an
elasmobranch in tonic immobility.
[0053] The biological activity of a gustatory chemical shark
repellent differs from olfactory and respiratory repellents. This
is readily observed using the tonic immobility bioassay. Unlike
mammals, a shark's "nose" (olfactory system) is isolated from its
mouth, but its mouth and gills are interrelated.
[0054] Using a microliter syringe or microliter pipette, a bolus
of test chemical can be directed precisely into one of the shark's
nares, or its mouth. Gustatory repellents will terminate tonic
immobility or evoke a behavioral response from a "tonic" shark
almost immediately when injected into the mouth of the shark.
Olfactory repellents will terminate tonic immobility almost
immediately when injected into a nare of the shark.
[0055] Repellents that act upon the respiratory system, such as
surfactants, saponins, and soaps, are typically introduced in the
mouth, but a delayed coughing response is observed. The delayed
response generally occurs after two gill pumps following the
introduction of the test compound into the shark's mouth.
[0056] Gustatory repellent compounds typically will cause the
shark to lock its mouth wide open, followed by head shaking.
Respiratory repellent compounds will invoke coughing and violent
gill pumping responses as the chemical contacts the gill rakes
through pumping action.
[0057] During chemical repellent tests, a divider may be used to
control the flow of trace amount of test chemical. A thin strip of
plastic may be placed between the shark's mouth and nares, to
minimize any chances that an olfaction substance will enter the
mouth, or that a gustation compound will enter the nares. While
the mouth may be separated from the nose in shark investigations,
there is no way to segregate the gills from the shark's "palate"
within the mouth. It has been hypothesized that the insertion of
some kind of internal dam into the mouth might separate the
"palate" from the gills but it is expected that this would injure
the animal and, as such, would be an unsatisfactory research
[0058] Gustatory responses have been demonstrated in seven species
of shark (lemon, nurse, blacktip, tiger, blacknose, Caribbean and
blue) in a wide range of aldehydes and aldehyde mixtures;
including methylbutanals, methylbutenals, linear five-carbon
aldehydes, saturated one-to-six carbon aldehydes, unsaturated
two-to-six carbon aldehydes, natural aldehydes, aromatic
aldehydes, aldehydes of up to ten carbons in length and in
combinations of aldehydes. See Tables 14-23. In Tables 14-23,
results of tests using aldehyde and combinations of aldehydes on
different species of elasmobranch are provided. Of particular
interest for the differentiation of a gustatory response from an
olfactory response are the tonic immobility assays using a
micropipette delivery method wherein chemical repellent is
delivered directly into the mouth of the test shark. A gustatory
response is positive when tonic immobility is terminated and a
flight response is observed (denoted under column "T?" as "Y") or
when a change in shark behavior short of termination of tonic
immobility is observed, such as a cough (denoted under column "T?"
as "R"). "N" under column "T?" denotes no response.
[0059] Gustatory responses to aldehydes and aldehyde mixtures are
likewise confirmed in Tables 1-8 using the delivery methods (other
than "micropipette") that resulted in termination of tonic
immobility or change of behavior. A review of the data in Tables
14-23 reveals that delivery of aldehydes or combinations of
aldehydes directly to the mouth of a shark using a micropipette
terminated tonic immobility in numerous tests among several
different species of shark. Delivery of aldehydes or combinations
of aldehydes directly to the mouth of nurse sharks in bite tests
likewise resulted in termination of tonic immobility.
[0060] From the data presented herein, it is believed that a
gustatory response (response based on detection of the repellent
in the mouth) is different from an olfactory response (a response
based on detection of the repellent in nares). Of particular
interest for the differentiation of a gustatory response from an
olfactory response are tonic immobility assays using a
micropipette delivery method wherein chemical repellent is
delivered directly into the mouth of the test shark. A gustatory
response is positive when tonic immobility is terminated and a
flight response is observed. See Tables 14-27.
[0061] The data in Tables 14-23 evidences that aldehydes stimulate
gustatory receptors in creating a flight response. Gustatory
responses have likewise repeatedly been observed upon exposure to
pyridine and pyridine derivatives such as 3-methylpyridine,
2-amino-3-picoline as well as upon exposure to 4-aminoantipyrine
and antipyrine solutions. See Tables 25-26. In Tables 25 and 26,
results of tests using pyridine and antipyrine derivatives on
different species of elasmobranch are provided. While delivery of
about 500 microliters of pyridine from a micropipette directly
into the mouth of a nurse shark did not evoke a response, "Syringe
3/5/10" assays and "Hd syringe" assays, which provide a stream of
test substance to the mouth and nares of a shark, predominantly
terminated tonic immobility. Delivery of 400 microliters of
antipyrine solution from a micropipette evoked a response in one
assay and did not evoke a response in another. "Hd Syringe"
assays, which direct a precise bolus of test substance to the
mouth and nose of a shark, with 4-aminoantipyrine terminated tonic
immobility in all tests.
[0062] The data in Tables 25-26 evidence that pyridines and
pyridine derivatives and antipyrines and antipyrine derivatives
stimulate gustatory receptors in creating a flight response. The
data in Table 27 and Example 5 evidence that ketones and
di-ketones simulate gustatory receptors in creating a flight
B. Composition for Repelling Elasmobranchs Comprising Aldehydes
[0063] A composition for repelling an elasmobranch may comprise an
aldehyde or a derivative thereof. Tables 1-7 and examples 1-8 and
12 provide data evidencing repeated observation of flight
responses among seven species of elasmobranch upon exposure to
more than twenty different aldehydes or combinations of aldehydes
from one to ten carbons in length; including methylbutanals,
methylbutenals, linear five-carbon aldehydes, saturated one-to-six
carbon aldehydes, unsaturated two-to-six carbon aldehydes, natural
aldehydes, aromatic aldehydes and combinations of aldehydes.
[0064] Exemplary and non-limiting aldehydes disclosed herein as
elasmobranch repellents include, and are not limited to,
3-methylbutanal, 2-methylbutanal, 3-methylbutenal,
2-methylbutenal, valeraldehyde, trans-pentenal, propionaldehyde,
butyraldehyde, isobutyraldehyde, capronaldehyde (hexanal),
trimethylacetaldehyde (pivaldehyde or pivic aldehyde),
trans-cinimaldehyde, cuminaldehyde, piperonal,
methoxybenzaldehydes, vanillin, 2-ethylbutyraldehyde
(diethylacetaldehyde), iso-butyraldehyde
(2-methylpropionaldehyde), heptanal (heptyl aldehyde), octanal
(octyl aldehyde), nonanal (nonyl aldehyde), decanal (decyl
aldehyde), dimethylbenzaldehydes, o-anisaldehyde, m-anisaldehyde
and p-anisaldehyde.
[0065] In general, the aldehyde function appears to be a
tremendously powerful gustatory compound. In humans, aldehydes
such as cuminal invoke spicy flavors, e.g., benzaldhyde
(cherries), piperonal (black cherries), cinnimal (hot cinnamon),
etc. However, in a shark, these receptors, if they exist, may
invoke entirely different sensations. It is reasonable to expect
that a shark would never encounter a free-aldehyde in the ocean,
particularly aldehydes of C2-C6, and therefore would find them
[0066] Most aldehydes having carbon chains of more than four
carbons are not water soluble. In these cases, denatured alcohol
may be used to solubilize the aldehyde. A preferred solvent may be
a mixture of methanol and ethanol. A more preferred solvent may be
a 50% w/w mixture of methanol and ethanol, denatured ethanol, or
diethylene glycol monoethyl ether.
[0067] The electrophilic carbonyl function of the aldehyde makes
it fairly reactive. If the aldehyde is soluble enough in seawater,
which is slightly basic, cyclic addition products may be
reversibly formed. These products are called "cyclic acetals" or
simply "acetals." Because acetyls of the aldehydes disclosed
herein likely form when the aldehydes are exposed to water,
acetals of the aldehydes disclosed herein are also expected to
play a role in gustatory repelling of elasmobranchs.
[0068] 1. Methylbutanals
[0069] Methylbutanals may be administered to elasmobranchs as a
repellent, including methylbutanal or any derivative thereof.
Excellent gustatory repellent activity has been observed in
3-methylbutanal and 2-methylbutanal as demonstrated in Table 1.
Syringe Total (Not including
Hd-Syringe 3/5/10 Bite Micropipette
Compound Y R N Y R N
3- 20/27 6/27 1/27
2/2 29/36 6/36 1/36
(81%) (17%) (3%)
Total 25/32 6/32 1/32
2/2 34/41 6/41 1/41
Percent of 78% 19% 3%
100% 83% 15% 2%
"Y" denotes termination of tonic immobility.
"R" denotes a behavior response within tonic immobility.
"N" denotes no response.
[0070] Table 1, which summarizes the data in Tables 14 and 15,
evidences the gustatory repellent characteristics of
methylbutanals. In 35 of 36 assays (combining columns "Y" and "R"
under the column labeled "Total (Not including Micropipette
Assays)" to arrive at a 97% effectiveness rate), including assays
on lemon, nurse, tiger and blacktip sharks, the gustatory
repellent activity of 3-methylbutanal was established. In 81% of
assays, tonic immobility was fully terminated. Termination of
tonic immobility demonstrates a flight response and good repellent
activity. In 17% of assays, a behavioral change was observed in
the shark being tested even though the shark remained paralyzed in
tonic immobility. In only a single assay did a shark not respond
to treatment with 3-methylbutanal.
[0071] In five of five assays for repellent effect of
2-methylbutanal in lemon and nurse sharks, tonic immobility was
terminated with as little as 200 microliters of repellent.
[0072] Together the data in Table 1 evidence the effectiveness of
methylbutanals as elasmobranch repellents. The acetyls of the
methylbutanals that are created when the methylbutanals are
exposed to water are also expected to play a role in the repellent
activity of the methylbutanals. Methylbutanals may be administered
into the vicinity of an elasmobranch in a method known in the art
or herein disclosed.
[0073] The methylbutanal compounds, 3-methylbutanal and
2-methylbutanal, are preferred elasmobranch repellents because
they are not prohibited by federal regulations, are easy to
handle, and provide a very strong repellent response. Other
derivatives of the methylbutanals including addition products, and
hydroxy- or amino-substituted methylbutanals are also expected to
provide good repellent effect because of the hydrogen bonding and
polarity provided by such groups.
[0074] 2. Methylbutenals
[0075] Methylbutenals likewise may be administered to
elasmobranchs as an effective repellent, including methylbutenals
or any derivative thereof. Excellent repellent activity has been
observed in 2-methylbutenal and 3-methylbutenal.
Compound Y R N
2-methylbutenal 4/4
3-methylbutenal 4/4
Total 8/8
Percent of Trials 100%
"Y" denotes termination of tonic immobility.
"R" denotes a behavior response within tonic immobility.
"N" denotes no response.
[0076] Table 2, which summarizes data from Tables 16 and 17,
evidences the effective repellent characteristics of
methylbutenals. In four of four trials for 2-methylbutenal (with
volumes as low as 300 microliters) and in four of four trials for
3-methylbutenal (with volumes as low as 350 microliters), all
tests on nurse and lemon sharks terminated tonic immobility. This
data demonstrates the effective repellent activity of the
methylbutenals. Additionally, as may be seen in Table 17,
Micropipette assays demonstrate the gustatory repellent nature of
the methylbutenals by showing a response to repellent directed
solely to the mouth and not including the nares. Acetyl
derivatives of methylbutenals are also expected to play a role in
the repellent effect of the methylbutenals.
[0077] Methylbutenals may be administered into the vicinity of an
elasmobranch in any method of delivery known in the art or herein
disclosed. Methylbutenals are preferred elasmobranch repellents
because they are not prohibited by federal regulations, are easy
to handle and provide a very strong repellent response.
Derivatives of methylbutenals including its addition products, and
hydroxy- or amino-substituted methylbutenals are also expected to
provide good repellent effect.
[0078] 3. Linear 5-Carbon Aldehydes
[0079] It is demonstrated herein that aldehydes having a linear
five carbon chain may be administered to elasmobranchs as a
particularly effective repellent. Linear five carbon chain
aldehydes are generally soluble in water and evoke a flight
response in a wide range of shark species. Five carbon chain
aldehydes include, methylbutanals or any derivative thereof,
methylbutenals or any derivative thereof, valeraldehyde or any
derivative thereof and trans-pentenal or any derivative thereof,
such as pentenal. Effective repellent activity has been observed
in each of these compounds.
[0080] Table 3, in combination with Tables 1 and 2 above, provides
data evidencing the gustatory repellent characteristics of linear
5 carbon aldehydes. As established above methylbutanals and
methylbutenals are effective elasmobranch repellents. See Tables
Total (Not
Hd-Syringe Syringe assays)
Compound Y R N Y R N
Valeraldehyde 5/5
1/1 6/6
Total 10/10
1/1 11/11
Percent 100%
100% 100%
"Y" denotes termination of tonic immobility.
"R" denotes a behavior response within tonic immobility.
"N" denotes no response.
[0081] Table 3, which summarizes data in Table 18, provides data
evidencing the repellent activity of valeraldehyde and
trans-pentenal. In six of six assays on lemon and nurse sharks
using valeraldehyde, tonic immobility was terminated. Further, the
results of micropipette assays in Table 18 using valeraldehyde
support the conclusion that valeraldehyde is a gustatory repellent
because all Micropipette assays showed a response by the shark to
direct delivery of valeraldehyde to the mouth. Additionally, in
five of five assays, trans-pentenal terminated tonic immobility in
lemon and nurse sharks. Again, the results of micropipette assays
in Table 18 support the conclusion that trans-pentenal is an
effective gustatory repellent.
[0082] Together, the data in Tables 1, 2 and 3 establish the
effectiveness of linear 5 carbon aldehydes as elasmobranch
repellents. Linear 5 carbon aldehydes may be administered into the
vicinity of an elasmobranch in any method of delivery known in the
art or herein disclosed. As such, a composition for repelling an
elasmobranch comprising a linear 5 carbon aldehyde including
valeraldehyde or pentenal or trans-pentanal has been provided
[0083] 4. Saturated C1-C6 Aldehydes
[0084] It is demonstrated herein that aldehydes having a saturated
carbon chain comprising 1 carbon to about 6 carbons may be
administered to elasmobranchs as a particularly effective
repellent. Such aldehydes are generally soluble in water and evoke
a flight response in a wide range of shark species. Saturated 1
carbon to 6 carbon aldehydes include, formalin, acetaldehyde,
proprionaldehyde, butyraldehyde, isobutyraldehyde, valeraldehyde,
capronaldehyde, trimethylacetaldehyde, 3-methylbutanal or any
derivative of any of the before-listed compounds. Good repellent
activity has been observed in each of these compounds.
[0085] Table 4, which summarizes data from Tables 14 and 19,
establishes the repellent activity of saturated C1-C6 aldehydes.
Total (Not including
Hd-Syringe Syringe Bite Micropipette
Compound Y R N Y N Y
4/4 4/4
4/4 4/4
4/4 4/4
Valeraldehyde 5/5
1/1 6/6
1/1 1/1
Trimethylacetaldehyde 5/5
1/2 1/2 6/7 1/7
3-methylbutanal 20/27 6/27 1/27
7/7 2/2 29/36 6/36 1/36
Total 30/37 6/37 1/37 22/23
1/23 2/2 53/61 53/61 1/61
Percent of Trials 81% 16% 3% 96%
4% 100% 87% 10% 16%
"Y" denotes termination of tonic immobility.
"R" denotes a behavior response within tonic immobility.
"N" denotes no response.
[0086] As may be seen above, in 100% of assays performed using
proprionaldehyde, butyraldehyde, isobutyraldehyde, valeraldehyde,
capronaldehyde, and trimethylaldehyde, tonic immobility was
terminated. These tests were done on nurse and lemon sharks. As
was discussed above and shown in Table 1,3-methylbutanal is an
excellent gustatory repellent.
[0087] The data in Table 4 evidences the utility of aldehydes
having a saturated carbon chain comprising 1 carbon to about 6
carbons including propionaldehyde, butyraldehyde,
isobutyraldehyde, valeraldehyde, capronaldehyde,
trimethylacetaldehyde and 3-methylbutanal or derivatives of any of
these compounds. Such aldehydes may be administered into the
vicinity of an elasmobranch in any method of delivery known in the
art or herein disclosed. Similarly, formalin and acetaldehyde are
very water soluble and would be expected to produce similar
gustation responses as the other C1-C6 aldehydes. As such, a
composition for repelling an elasmobranch comprising a saturated
aldehyde with a one to six carbon chain has been provided herein.
[0088] 5. Unsaturated C2-C6 Aldehyde
[0089] It is demonstrated herein that aldehydes that are soluble
in water and have an unsaturated carbon chain of two to six
carbons may be administered to elasmobranchs as a particularly
effective repellent. Unsaturated C2-C6 aldehydes include pentenal,
2-methylbutenal, 3-methyl-butenal, or any derivative of any of the
before-listed compounds. Excellent repellent activity has been
observed in each of these compounds.
[0090] Table 5 provides data establishing the repellent activity
of unsaturated C2-C6 aldehydes. The data for pentenal,
2-methylbutenal and 3-methylbutenal is repeated from Tables 2 and
3 above.
Compound Y R N
Pentenal 5/5
2-Methylbutenal 4/4
3-Methylbutenal 4/4
Total 13/13
Percent of Trials 100%
"Y" denotes termination of tonic immobility.
"R" denotes a behavior response within tonic immobility.
"N" denotes no response.
[0091] The unsaturated aldehydes crotonaldehyde and acrolein fall
within the family of unsaturated C2-C6 aldehydes and are also
expected to act as gustatory repellents. The oxidize form of
crotonaldehyde (crotonic acid) was shown to act as a gustatory
repellent. The hydrogenated form of acrolein (propionaldehyde) was
also shown to act as a gustatory repellent. Nevertheless,
crotonaldehyde and acrolein are very toxic and are considered
marine pollutants. As a result, testing of these compounds was not
considered feasible. Further, while these compounds would be
considered to be gustatory elasmobranch repellents as evidenced by
the data contained herein, crotonaldehyde and acrolein are not
preferred repellents.
[0092] The excellent elasmobranch repelling characteristics of
pentenal, 2-methylbutenal and 3-methylbutenal is illustrated
above. See Table 2.
[0093] The data in Table 5 evidences the utility of unsaturated
C2-C6 aldehydes including pentenal, 2-methylbutenal and
3-methylbutenal. Such aldehydes may be administered into the
vicinity of an elasmobranch in any method of delivery known in the
art or herein disclosed. As such, a composition for repelling an
elasmobranch comprising an unsaturated C2-C6 aldehyde has been
provided herein.
[0094] 6. Natural Aldehydes
[0095] It is demonstrated herein that naturally occurring
aldehydes such as cinnimaldehyde, cuminaldehyde and piperonal or
any derivatives of any of the before-listed compounds may be
administered to elasmobranchs as a particularly effective
repellent. Table 6 provides data establishing the repellent
activity of naturally occurring aldehydes.
Total (Effective
Hd-Syringe Syringe Cage Delivery Methods)
Compound Y R N Y Y Y
2/2 2/2
1/1 1/1
Natural /4
3/4 1/4 3/4
1/1 1/1
Total 1/4 3/4 3/3 1/1
4/8 1/8 3/8
Percent of 25% 75% 100%
100 50% 13% 38%
"Y" denotes termination of tonic immobility.
"R" denotes a behavior response within tonic immobility.
"N" denotes no response.
[0096] The data in Table 6 evidences the repellent activity of
naturally occurring aldehydes as elasmobranch repellents including
cinnimaldehyde, cuminaldehyde and piperonal. In two of two Syringe
assays for cinnimaldehyde on lemon and nurse sharks and one
Syringe assay for cuminaldehyde on lemon shark, tonic immobility
was terminated in each assay. In an individual cage assay for
piperonal, repellent activity was demonstrated by a decrease in
the number of strikes by feeding sharks against a baited cage. In
the piperonal assay, the sharks did not return to the baited cage
after 10 minutes. In one of four Hd Syringe assays for natural
aldehydes on nurse sharks, a behavioral change was observed within
tonic immobility but tonic immobility was not terminated. In three
of four Hd Syringe assays, no change was observed. The repellent
activity evidenced in Table 6 should likewise apply to
acetaldehyde. In view of the data in Table 6, effective
compositions for repelling an elasmobranch comprising a natural
aldehyde has been provided herein.
[0097] 7. Aromatic Aldehydes
[0098] It is demonstrated herein that aromatic aldehydes such as a
methoxy/vanillin combination, tolualdehyde, veratraldehyde, or
anisaldehyde or any derivatives of any of the before-listed
compounds may be administered to elasmobranchs as a particularly
effective repellent. Table 7 provides data evidencing the
repellent activity of aromatic aldehydes.
Compound Y R N
Methoxy/Vanillin 6/9 2/9 1/9
Tolualdehyde 1/1
Anisaldehyde 1/1
veratraldehyde 6/7 1/7
Total 14/18 2/18 1/18
Percent of Trials 78% 11% 6%
"Y" denotes termination of tonic immobility.
"R" denotes a behavior response within tonic immobility.
"N" denotes no response.
[0099] Table 7 demonstrates the repellent effect of aromatic
aldehyde on sharks. In six of nine Syringe Assays for
methoxy/vanillin aldehyde mixture, tonic immobility was terminated
among lemon, nurse and blacknose sharks. In two of nine, a
behavioral change was observed in tonic immobility. In one of
nine, no change was observed. In a single Syringe Assay for
tolualdehyde and another for anisaldehyde, tonic immobility was
terminated in lemons sharks. In six of seven Syringe Assays of
veratraldehyde, tonic immobility in nurse and lemons sharks was
observed. In one of seven Syringe Assays no response was noted.
Such aldehydes may be administered into the vicinity of an
elasmobranch in any method of delivery known in the art or herein
disclosed. As such, effective compositions for repelling an
elasmobranch comprising an aromatic aldehyde have been provided
[0100] 8. Longer Aldehydes and Combinations of Aldehydes
[0101] Aldehyde combinations or aldehydes having a chain length of
6 carbons or longer are effective elasmobranch repellents. It is
demonstrated herein that aldehyde mixtures and aldehydes having a
carbon chain of six carbons or longer or any derivatives thereof
may be administered to elasmobranchs to repel them. Table 8
provides data evidencing the repellent activity of aldehydes with
carbon chains longer than 6 carbons and combinations of aldehydes.
Additional data evidencing the repellent activity of combinations
of aldehydes may be seen in Table 23.
Syringe Bite 3/5/10
Compound Y R N Y R N
nonanal 1/1
decanal 1/1
heptanal 1/1
mesityl oxide 1/1
octanal 1/1
Aldehyde Mixture 7/7
6/6 2/2
Total 12/13 1/13
6/6 2/2
Percent of Trials 92% 8%
100% 100%
[0102] Eight-carbon octanal, nine-carbon nonanal, ten-carbon
decanal and six-carbon mesityl oxide were tested on lemon sharks
using a Syringe Assay. In each case, tonic immobility was
terminated. In one Syringe Assay with heptanal, no response was
observed. In seven of seven Syringe Assay tests for an aldehyde
combination containing proprional, butanal, isobutanal, pentanal,
hexanal, heptanal, octanal, nonanal, decanal, cuminal, cinnimal,
anisal, mesityl oxide, p-tolualdehyde and veratraldehyde on lemon
and blacktip sharks, tonic immobility was terminated. In two of
two Syringe 3/5/10 Assay tests of the aldehyde combination on
lemon and blacktip sharks, tonic immobility was terminated. In six
of six Bite Assay tests of the aldehyde combination on nurse
sharks, tonic immobility was terminated. In only a single
Micropipette Assay test wherein 500 microliters of aldehyde
mixture was delivered was no response observed.
[0103] Table 8 evidences the repellent effect of combinations of
aldehydes and aldehydes having carbon chains 6 carbons or longer
on a variety of sharks. Such aldehydes may be administered into
the vicinity of an elasmobranch in any method of delivery known in
the art or herein disclosed. As such, compositions for repelling
an elasmobranch comprising aldehydes of lengths of six carbons and
greater and combinations of aldehydes have been provided herein.
C. Composition for Repelling Elasmobranchs Comprising Carboxylic
[0104] Carboxylic acids or derivatives thereof alone or in
combinations are disclosed herein as effective elasmobranch
repellents. Exemplary and non-limiting carboxylic acids include
n-butyric acid, isobutyric acid, valeric acid, isovaleric acid,
propanoic acid, citric acid, 2-butenoic acid (crotonic acid),
3-butenoic acid (cinylacetic acid), trans-cinnamic acid,
2-hydroxy-1,2,3-propanetricarboxylic acid,
1,2,3-propanetricarboxylic acid (tricarballylic acid),
hydroxysuccinic acid (di-malic acid), 2,2-dimethylbutyric acid,
2,3,3-trimethylpropionic acid, 2,3-dimethylbutyric acid,
2-ethylbutyric acid, 2-ketobutyric acid, 2-methylisovaleric acid,
3-aminobutyric acid, and 4-acetylebutyric acid. Non-limiting
exemplary carboxylic acids include dicarboxylic acids and
tricarboxylic acids. Other naturally occurring acids that repel
sharks include malic acid, lactic acid, succinic acid, fumaric
acid and tricarballylic acid. These compounds may be used in
powder (crystalline) form, or in aqueous or polar solvent
[0105] Carboxylic acids may be solubilized in any manner known to
the art for administration into the expected environment of an
elasmobranch. In a preferred composition, the carboxylic acid is
prepared at a concentration of 0.1% w/w to 100% w/w in powder or
liquid form wherein the powder is solubilized in water, ethanol or
a suitable polar solvent. An exemplary mixture is 20% w/w
3-butenoic acid, 10% w/w citric acid, and 5% w/w/trancinnamic acid
solubilized in 50:50 w/w water:ethanol.
[0106] Carboxylic acids disclosed herein include all carboxylic
acids having the COOH function of a carboxylic acid. A preferred
non-limiting class of carboxylic acids includes carboxylic acids
comprising one to ten carbons. A more preferred non-limiting class
of carboxylic acids comprises two to about five carbons. Another
preferred non-limiting class of carboxylic acids comprises the
dicarboxylic acids. Another preferred non-limiting class of
carboxylic acids comprises the tricarboxylic acids.
[0107] The presence of butyric acid was detected in semiochemical
extractions of decayed shark tissue using gas chromatography
coupled with mass spectrometry and NIST structure libraries.
Semiochemicals from decayed shark tissue have been shown to have
properties that repel elasmobranchs. When n-butyric acid was
presented to juvenile lemon or nurse sharks in tonic immobility,
the immobility was terminated at mouth doses of 100 microliters.
[0108] Because n-butyric acid presents a very unpleasant odor
during handling, its derivatives were studied. Screening of
derivatives of butyric acid revealed the following compounds as
repellents in lemon and nurse sharks. 2,2-Dimethylbutyric Acid,
2,3,3-Trimethylproprionic Acid, 2,3-Dimethylbutyric Acid,
2-Ethylbutyric Acid, 2-Ketobutyric Acid, 3-Aminobutyric Acid,
4-Acetylbutyric Acid. Also, compounds having the -enoic form of
butyric acid were tested revealing the following shark repelling
compounds: 2-butenoic acid and 3-butenoic acid. Additionally,
naturally-occurring carboxylic acids were found to have shark
repelling properties. Other carboxylic acids and carboxylic acid
combinations were tested. Tables 9 and 10 provide a portion of the
data of some carboxylic acids.
[0109] Table 9 demonstrates the repellent effect of butyric acid,
butyric acid derivatives, enoic acid derivatives of butyric acid
and naturally occurring carboxylic acids.
Syringe Syringe 3/5/10 Micropipette
Compound/Mixture Y Y R N Y
Acid 2/2
Acid 2/2
Acid 2/2
Acid 2/2
Acid 2/2
Acid 2/2
Acid 2/2
Acid 2/2
Acid 2/2
(vinylacetic acid)
crotonic acid solution (2- 4/7 1/7
2/7 2/2
butenoic acid)
acid 2/2
acid 2/2
Citric acid 50% w/w
4/4 2/2
Acid 2/2
Acid 2/2
Total 4/4 4/7 1/7 2/7 30/30
Percent of Trials 100% 71% 14% 29%
"Y" denotes termination of tonic immobility.
"R" denotes a behavior response within tonic immobility.
"N" denotes no response.
[0110] In a first Micropipette Assay on a juvenile lemon shark, an
oral dose of no more than 100 microliters of butyric acid
terminated tonic immobility. An oral dose of no more than 400
microliters was then delivered by micropipette into the mouth of a
juvenile nurse shark. Tonic immobility was terminated. For each
derivative of butyric acid and each naturally occurring acid
listed in Table 9, a first micropipette assay was performed on a
juvenile lemon shark with no more than 100 microliters of test
acid in an oral dose. A second micropipette assay was then
performed on a juvenile nurse shark with no more than 400
microliters of test acid in an oral dose. In each test, tonic
immobility was terminated. This data evidences the gustatory
repelling activity of carboxylic acids.
[0111] In four of four Hd Syringe assays, citric acid between 0.3
mL and 2.4 mL of citric acid 50% w/w was delivered about three
inches from the mouth of a lemon shark. Each assay terminated
tonic immobility. Seven Syringe 3/5/10 assays on nurse and lemons
sharks were employed with crotonic acid solution. In four of the
seven assays the crotonic acid was delivered directly to the mouth
on a longline or within 10 inches of the shark's mouth. Tonic
immobility was terminated. In one of the seven assays, the
crotonic acid was delivered directly to the mouth of the shark on
a longline and a behavioral response was observed in tonic
immobility. In two of the seven assays, 6 mL of crotonic acid was
delivered to lemon sharks at a distance of 36 inches from the
shark's mouth. No response was observed. The lack of response is
explained by the small volume delivered at a very large distance.
[0112] The data in Table 9 evidences the broad repellent activity
of carboxylic acids and the exemplary and non-limiting repellent
activity of butyric acid, butyric acid derivatives, enoic acids
and naturally occurring carboxylic acids. Table 10 additionally
evidences the repellent effect of lactic acid and carboxylic acid
Syringe 3/5/10 Dispersion
Compound/Mixture Y R N Y
lactic acid 2/3 1/3
Crotonic/Cinnamic/ 3/4 1/4
Maleic Acid
Crotonic/Citric/ 6/7 1/7
Fumaric Acid
Total 15/21 3/21 1/27
Percent of Trials 71% 14% 19% 100%
"Y" denotes termination of tonic immobility.
"R" denotes a behavior response within tonic immobility.
"N" denotes no response.
[0113] In two of three Syringe 3/5/10 assays, lactic acid was
delivered to lemon sharks and terminated tonic immobility. In a
single Syringe 3/5/10 assay, lactic acid was delivered to a lemon
shark and no behavioral change was observed. In three of four
Syringe 3/5/10 assays, a mixture of Crotonic, Cinnamic and Maleic
acids in glycol were delivered to tiger and blacknose sharks and
terminated tonic immobility. In one of four Syringe 3/5/10 assays,
delivery of the repellent actually missed the mouth of the shark
and only a behavior change was seen in tonic immobility.
[0114] In a cloud dispersal assay of a mixture of Crotonic,
Cinnamic and Maleic acids, 400 ml was dispersed from a diptube
near the mouth of a great hammerhead shark. The shark fled the
area and did not return.
[0115] In a surrounding cloud dispersal assay, 500 mL of a mixture
of 20% w/w Crotonic acid, 10% w/w Citric acid and 5% w/w Cinnamic
acid solubilized in 50:50 w/w water:ethanol was delivered in a
subsurface dose in the vicinity of a population of competitively
feeding sharks (5 Caribbean reef sharks and 2 blacknose sharks).
The sharks were dispersed and did not return.
[0116] The data in Table 10 further evidences the broad repellent
activity of carboxylic acids and mixtures of carboxylic acids.
Together, Tables 9 and 10 evidence that carboxylic acids may be
delivered into the vicinity of an elasmobranch in any method of
delivery known in the art or herein disclosed to repel
elasmobranchs. As such, a composition for repelling an
elasmobranch comprising a carboxylic acid and derivatives thereof
has been provided herein.
[0117] The composition for repelling an elasmobranch may comprise
any carboxylic acid. It may preferably comprise a butyric acid,
citric acid, a trans-cinnamic acid, 2-butenoic acid, lactic acid,
2,2-dimethylbutyric acid, 2,3,3-trimethylproprionic acid,
2-ethylbutyric acid, 2-detobutyric acid, 3-aminobutyric acid,
4-acetylbutyric acid, 3-butenoic acid, tricarballylic acid,
hydroxysuccinic acid or any carboxylic acid that is deliverable to
the environment of an elasmobranch, for example soluble in water
or dissolved in a vehicle for delivery prior to delivery.
D. Composition for Repelling Elasmobranchs Comprising a Ketone or
[0118] A composition for repelling an elasmobranch is provided
herein comprising a ketone or a derivative thereof including, for
example, ionone or zingerone, or a di-ketone or a derivative
thereof, including, for example, 2,3-butanedione. Repelling
characteristics of ketones and their derivatives and di-ketones
and their derivatives are provided herein. Table 11 evidences the
repellent activity of ketones and their derivatives and di-ketones
and their derivatives.
[0119] Exemplary, non-limiting ketones and derivatives thereof
include ionone, zingerone and derivatives thereof. Exemplary,
non-limiting di-ketones and derivatives thereof include
2,3-butanedione, glyoxal and methylglyoxal. Data in Table 11
demonstrates the gustatory repellent activity of ketones and
[0120] In two individual cage assays for ionone and zingerone,
repellent activity was demonstrated by a decrease in the number of
strikes by feeding sharks against a baited cage. In both the
ionone and zingerone assays, a decrease in the number of strikes
at the cage was recorded when 500 mL of the repellent was
delivered to the competitively feeding sharks. After a lull in
feeding for 10 minutes, the sharks returned to the baited cage.
See Example 5.
[0121] Tonic immobility studies were carried out on
2,3-butanedione and 2,3 butanedione (diacetyl) in denatured
ethanol solution. In seven of eight Syringe Assays, tonic
immobility was terminated in juvenile lemon and nurse sharks. In
one Syringe Assay, a behavioral response was noted during tonic
immobility. In one cloud dispersion assay in free-swimming
Caribbean reef and blacknose sharks, no response was noted since
the volume was only 290 microliters. No response would be expected
with such a low volume. In one bite assay with a juvenile nurse
shark, tonic immobility was terminated.
Syringe Bite Cage
Compound Y R N Y R N Y
2,3-butanedione 7/8 1/8
1/1 1/1
Total 7/8 1/8
1/1 2/3 1/3
Percent of Trials 88% 13%
100% 67% 33%
"Y" denotes termination of tonic immobility.
"R" denotes a behavior response within tonic immobility.
"N" denotes no response.
[0122] The data in Table 11 evidences the gustatory repellent
activity of ketones, such as ionone and zingerone, and di-ketones,
such as 2,3-butanedione. Other ketones having demonstrated
gustatory repellent activity would include glyoxal and
E. Composition for Repelling Elasmobranchs Comprising a Pyridine
[0123] A composition for repelling an elasmobranch is provided
herein comprising a pyridine or a derivative thereof including
2-methylpyridine (alpha-picoline, 3-methylpyridine
(beta-picoline), 4-methylpyridine (gamma-picoline), lutidine
(dimethylpyridine), and isomers of lutidine, collidine
(trimethylpyridine) and isomers of collidine, 2-amino-3-picoline
and derivatives of each or all of the pyridine derivatives.
Repelling characteristics of pyridine and its derivatives are
provided herein.
[0124] In initial investigations using tonic immobility assays in
juvenile sharks, pyridine, alpha-picoline (2-methylpyridine),
beta-picoline (3-methylpyridine), gamma-picoline
(4-methylpyridine), lutidine and isomers thereof, collidine
(trimethylpyridine) and isomers thereof and 3-amino-2-picoline all
terminated tonic immobility when introduced to the mouth using a
micropipette or syringe.
[0125] Table 12 provides some additional data demonstrating the
repellent effect of pyridines and its derivatives in further
Hd-Syringe Syringe 3/5/10
Compound Y R N Y R N
3/4 1/4
3- 3/3
Total 3/3 3/4 1/4
Percent Total 100% 0% 0% 75%
25% 0%
"Y" denotes termination of tonic immobility.
"R" denotes a behavior response within tonic immobility.
"N" denotes no response.
[0126] In three of four Syringe 3/5/10 assays, pyridine was
delivered to nurse and lemon sharks and terminated tonic
immobility. In one of four Syringe 3/5/10 assays, delivery of
pyridine evoke a change in behavior within tonic immobility of a
nurse shark. In three of three Hd Syringe assays, delivery of
3-methylpyridine resulted in termination of tonic immobility. In
two of two Micropipette assays on 2-amino-3-picoline 95%
behavioral responses were noted in lemons sharks. In one, tonic
immobility was terminated. In another, a violent seizure in the
shark in response to the assay rendered measurement impossible.
[0127] Together the data in Table 12 demonstrate that pyridine and
its derivatives such as 3-methylpyridine are good elasmobranch
repellents. Pyridine is a simple heterocyclic aromatic organic
compound that is structurally related to benzene, with one CH
group in the six-membered ring replaced by a nitrogen atom.
Pyridine has an equatorial lone pair of electrons at the nitrogen
atom that does not participate in the aromatic pi-system. This
makes pyridine a basic compound as well as a nucleophile. Pyridine
is completely miscible in water.
[0128] The addition of one methyl group to the pyridine ring has
no appreciable reduction on miscibility, particularly in seawater.
Methylpyridines are commonly called "picolines." Methyl groups may
occur at the [alpha], [beta], [gamma] positions relative to the
[0129] It was not considered necessary to test all isomers because
in a shark, isomers would not be expected to have steric effects
that would alter the bioactivity of the compound since there are
no electrophilic reactions occurring. As long as the compound is
miscible or soluble in seawater, it is expected that it will find
its way to a gustatory receptor site and activate it.
[0130] Two methyl functions on the pyridine ring have slight
reduction on miscibility, particularly in seawater.
Dimethylpyridines are commonly called "lutidines." Dimethylation
may occur in the following positions:
[0131] As discussed above, it was not considered necessary to test
all isomers because in a shark, isomers would not be expected to
have steric effects that would alter the bioactivity of the
compound since there are no electrophilic reactions occurring.
[0132] Likewise, addition of three methyl functions to the
pyridine ring has an appreciable reduction on miscibility,
particularly in seawater. This compound is now only partially
miscible, but is still bioactive. Trimethylpyridines are commonly
called "collidines." Trimethyl functions may occur at the
following positions:
[0133] Toxicity is slightly reduced as methylation increases.
Pyridine itself is not a preferred repellent because pyridine is a
carcinogen and considered a marine pollutant. Likewise, picolines
are less preferred repellents because they are irritants (making
handling difficult) and are suspected carcinogens. While
collidines may be the least irritative of all the methylpyridines,
their toxicity decreases their preferability. Nevertheless, the
repellent activity of these compounds is clearly disclosed herein.
[0134] It is reasonable to expect that alkyl, alkenyl, amino,
hydroxyl, nitro, and halo-functions on the pyridine ring are
useful gustatory repellents as well. For example, aminopicoline
exhibited violent responses in juvenile sharks in the tonic
immobility assay. Once again, however, the toxicity of this
compound makes it less preferred from a handling, storage, and
environmental standpoint.
F. Composition for Repelling Elasmobranchs Comprising an
[0135] A composition for repelling an elasmobranch is provided
herein comprising an anti-pyrine or a derivative thereof including
anti-pyrine (phenazone) or 4-amino-antipyrine (metapirazone).
Table 13 provides data evidencing the repellent activity of the
anti-pyrines. In five of five Hd Syringe assays,
4-amino-antipyrine terminated tonic immobility in lemon and nurse
sharks. Additionally, the data from two Micropipette assays
demonstrate that antipyrine is a gustatory repellent. See Table
Compound Y R N
4-amino- 5/5
Total 5/5
Percent of Trials 100%
G. Composition for Repelling Elasmobranchs Comprising a
Combination of Elasmobranch Repellents
[0136] A composition for repelling an elasmobranch is provided
herein comprising a combination of two or more of aldehydes or
derivatives thereof, carboxylic acids or derivatives thereof,
ketones or derivatives thereof, diketones or derivatives thereof,
pyridines or derivatives thereof or antipyrines or derivatives
thereof. It is expected that a combination of respective gustatory
repellents will act together as a repellent composition. A
composition may comprise a combination of any elasmobranch
[0137] For example, an effective elasmobranch repellent
composition may comprise a number of aldehydes. See, e.g., Example
8, aldehyde repellent composition "BA1." A repellent composition
may also, for example, comprise aldehydes and a di-ketone. A
non-limiting preferred combination of aldehydes and a di-ketone
may comprise butyraldehyde, isobutyraldehyde, veratraldehyde and
2,3-butanedione. See Example 8, aldehyde repellent composition
"BA3." Likewise, a repellent composition may comprise, for
example, a combination of crotonic acid, citric acid and fumaric
acid, or a combination of crotonic acid, cinnamic acid and maleic
acid. See Table 24. Each of these combinations, along with a
variety of other combinations disclosed herein, evidence repellent
characteristics. See, e.g., Tables 23-24.
[0138] The data in Examples 8 and 9 and Tables 23 and 24, together
with the disclosure provided herein, evidence the effectiveness of
combinations of elasmobranch repellents as elasmobranch repellent
H. A Method of Manufacturing an Elasmobranch Repellent
[0139] The repellents and methods describe herein provide the
artisan with chemicals that have been demonstrated to repel, at
very low concentrations, families of shark known to migrate in
shallow coastal waters and species known to attack humans. As
such, one of skill in the art will recognize from the breadth of
repellents disclosed herein that an elasmobranch repellent may be
manufactured by combining an aldehyde or a derivative thereof, a
carboxylic acid or a derivative thereof, a ketone or a derivative
thereof, a di-ketone or a derivative thereof, a pyridine or a
derivative thereof, or an antipyrine or a derivative thereof,
separately or in combination, with an acceptable solvent, carrier,
diluent or other vehicle for administration or storage. An
exemplary solvent is ethanol or ethanol:water (50:50 w/w). Ethanol
and water are excellent solvents for elasmobranch repellents
because they are not prohibited by federal regulations from
dispersion in sea water. Other exemplary solvents include
acetonitrile, dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), denatured alcohol, C3-C4
glycols (2,3-propanediol, butanediol), glycol ethers (diethylene
glycol monoethyl ether), and glycol ether esters.
[0140] An elasmobranch repellent may also be manufactured by
crystallizing any of the above-discussed compounds and preparing
them as a powder to be dispensed into water. Powdered substances
may be combined with carriers to improve solubility or handling.
One skilled in the art would recognize many different carriers or
diluents that may be combined with a powder of any of the
repellents discussed herein.
[0141] A. Method for Repelling Elasmobranch with Gustatory
[0142] Also provided herein is a method of repelling an
elasmobranch comprising administering a composition for repelling
an elasmobranch comprising an aldehyde or a derivative thereof, a
carboxylic acid or a derivative thereof, a ketone or a derivative
thereof, a di-ketone or a derivative thereof, a pyridine or a
derivative thereof, or an antipyrine or a derivative thereof,
separately or in combination, in the expected proximity of said
[0143] Any of the repellents disclosed herein may be delivered to
the environment of an elasmobranch through a variety of methods
and devices of delivery. These compounds are most useful when they
can be directed into a shark's mouth or into the environment where
the repellent may enter the shark's mouth. As such, a squirt gun
or long syringe is a good delivery vehicle. The repellents
disclosed herein may likewise be incorporated into lotions,
longline time-release gels, time-release sponges, jelly's or any
other delivery device or substance contemplated by one of skill in
the art.
[0144] An extensive disclosure of devices for delivery of chemical
repellents into the vicinity of an elasmobranch is provided in
PCT/US06/05035. Delivery devices disclosed therein include, e.g.,
pressurized delivery pole apparatuses, syringes, cattle-treatment
"drench" guns, aerosol canisters, mortar-launched aerosol "bomb"
canisters, automated repellent dispensers on a raft or fixed to
some other object, repellent dischargers, pouches containing
repellents, apparatuses for administering repellent along fishing
longline, repellent backpack dischargers for use, for example, by
scuba divers and those who snorkel, spear guns fitted with a
repellent discharge device, delivery devices for surfboards,
wristwatches, belts and bracelets. Each of the devices and
suggestions for devices disclosed therein may be applied to
delivery of the compounds disclosed herein. PCT/US06/05035, filed
Feb. 13, 2006, is incorporated in its entirety herein by
[0145] Most aldehydes will oxidize in air. Therefore, it is
prudent to stabilize the aldehyde when it is stored, especially in
the warm climates. In a non-limiting preferred handling method,
the practitioner may use a pinch of hydroquinone or sodium iodide
with 3-methylbutanal or other aldehyde. The mixture may be stored
under nitrogen. This method keeps the aldehyde fresh and
effective. If an aldehyde oxidizes (in the case of 3-methylbutanal
to becomes isovaleric acid, which smells like feet or cheese) the
resulting acid may be less potent than the aldehyde.
[0146] Many of the gustation compounds disclosed herein are
regulated under federal environmental regulations. Some are
considered marine pollutants, and others, like pyridine and
aminopyridine are considered toxic. However, some, such as
3-methylbutanal, 2-methylbutanal, 3-methylbutenal,
2-methylbutenal, trans-pentenal, piperonal, etc., are very safe
and meet federal regulations.
B. Delivery Devices for Gustatory Compounds
[0147] Alternative methods for delivering a chemical repellent
into an elasmobranch environment include a miniature pressurized
repellent gun to be worn on the wrist or ankle, a spear fishing
gun with an adjacent repellent cylinder, a time release
sponge-material attached to a surfboard or otherwise placed near a
diver, swimmer or in some other place of interest, a hollow
surfboard with a calibrated drip to emit repellent, a pump
delivery system affixed to a surfboard, a pressurized delivery
device affixed to a surfboard wherein discharge of repellent may
be triggered by the surfer, a floatation device, a wristwatch
filled with repellent (pressurized or unpressurized), a carbon
dioxide activated pressurized syringe, an aerosol bomb, a
mortar-launched aerosol bomb, a remote-controlled buoy with a
repellent tank that may be fired by a lifeguard or other person or
mechanized system, a buoy with a metering pump that runs during
swim time (daylight), a repellent pouch attached to longlines
(muslin/burlap bags) or to clothing or surfboard or other water
device, jellied repellent (glycol ether/hydroxypropylcelluose gels
which time-dissolve in water), sunscreen/sun care formulations
containing repellent, lotions containing repellent, porous fabric
impregnated with repellent, rechargeable porous fabric impregnated
with repellent, a kite- or balloon-deployed repellent bomb (remote
control), a submerged repellent mine (remote control) for deeper
water, a cattle-treatment drench gun converted to shark repellent
gun (,
repellent-impregnated cable insulation and cable jackets for
undersea lines.
[0148] Chemical repellents disclosed herein may be discharged
through a pressurized tube that runs alongside an extended or
extendable poll. The pressurized delivery pole apparatus may be
useful for administering repellent to feeding or otherwise
stimulated sharks. The apparatus may comprise a delivery device
housing (pole) with a repellent discharge tube housed along or
within the pole. The repellent discharge tube may be connected to
a pressurized chamber or chambers containing repellent. The
delivery device may contain a check valve to facilitate the
maintenance of pressure. A trigger may allow the pressurized
repellent to discharge through the tube and away from the pole. An
alternative delivery device may be a pressurized syringe. Such a
syringe may be filled with repellent.
[0149] 1. Pressurized Container Delivery Device
[0150] An alternative delivery method may be a pressurized
container of repellent such as an aerosol canister. The container
may be constructed of degradable material. The aerosol canister
may have sufficient pressure and repellent to be discharged in the
water and repel sharks in the area. The container may be
asymmetrically weighted to provide an erratic movement in the
water as it discharges repellent. The aerosol container may
further comprise an actuator that when engaged allows the
compressed contents of the aerosol container to be expelled. The
device further preferably comprises a continuous discharge
apparatus to allow the contents of the can to be expelled with a
single activation of the discharge apparatus. Preferably, when the
actuator is engaged, the nozzle remains open to allow the can to
be continuously and fully evacuated. The actuator may be made of a
soluble material that allows discharge when exposed to water.
[0151] 2. Raft/Buoy Delivery Device
[0152] Another delivery device is a raft or other floating or
fixed device comprising a floating buoy, a solid platform, and a
container of repellent connected to a pump with a power source
that is capable of delivering repellent into a shark environment
either by automatic timing, remote triggering or other actuating
mechanism. The container comprises a check valve that allows the
pump to build pressure in the container to a desired pressure.
When a desired pressure is achieved, a release valve or
pressure-release cap releases the pressurized repellent into a
delivery tube. The repellent is expelled across the water,
spreading a wide cloud of repellent.
[0153] The pump may be automatically activated by a timer or may
be activated remotely. The pump preferably delivers sufficient
repellent into the water to repel sharks. Preferably, the
discharge tube is long enough and not submerged such that when
delivery begins, the repellent is sprayed a substantial distance
onto the surface of the water and, under pressure, the discharge
tube moves erratically across a large radial area in relation to
the raft. In a preferred method the discharge tube is made of
flexible material. Preferably the discharge tube will spray over
an entire 360 degree arc.
[0154] 3. Pouch
[0155] Another delivery device is a pouch containing repellent or
a sponge treated with repellent. Repellent may be in the form of a
solution or solid, preferably partly or wholly soluble. The
repellent may be introduced to the environment of the shark by
diffusion or by rupturing, tearing or otherwise penetrating the
pouch. A pouch may also diffuse repellent through its fabric. A
diffusing pouch may be attached to a fishing net or longline with
a baited hook on a snood to allow repellent to slowly diffuse into
the water surrounding bate or fishing net. The pouch will provide
sufficient repellent around the baited hook to repel sharks while
not repelling the desired teliost fish. A pouch to be placed on a
longline may preferably be constructed of muslin or burlap.
[0156] 4. Longline Apparatus
[0157] Sharks represent a significant problem in the long line
fishing industry. Chemical repellents on longlines in accordance
with the invention are preferably soluble in seawater, and, at a
sufficient concentration to produce flight responses in
elasmobranches. Teleost fish are not affected by the chemical
[0158] Another delivery device is an apparatus for administering
repellent along longline fishing tackle. The apparatus comprises a
pressurized chamber connected to a source of compressed gas,
contains repellent and is connected to a primary delivery tube.
The primary delivery tube is positioned adjacent to or otherwise
in concert with the longline. Additional secondary delivery tubes
are joined to the primary delivery tube in proximity to each snood
of the longline. The secondary delivery tubes terminate near the
baited hook of the snood. When pressurized repellent is released
from the chamber, the repellent is delivered along the primary
delivery tube and into the secondary delivery tubes thereby
discharging repellent near the baited hook and repelling sharks
from the bait.
C. Kit for Repelling Elasmobranch
[0159] The skilled artisan will recognize from the disclosure
herein that a kit may be compiled comprising a composition for
repelling an elasmobranch comprising an aldehyde or a derivative
thereof, a carboxylic acid or a derivative thereof, a ketone or a
derivative thereof, a di-ketone or derivative thereof, a pyridine
or a derivative thereof, or an antipyrine or a derivative thereof
and a vehicle of administering said repellent.
[0160] In a preferred combination for a kit, the vehicle is
selected from the group consisting of a pressurized or
pressurizable delivery device, a pressurized or pressurizable
repellent gun, a miniature pressurizable repellent gun to be warn
on a wrist or an ankle of a subject, a spear fishing gun with an
adjacent pressurizable repellent container, a time release sponge,
a surfboard, a pump delivery system affixed to a surfboard, a
pressurized delivery device affixed to a surfboard, a wristwatch
comprising said repellent, a syringe, a pressurized syringe, an
aerosol bomb, a mortar-launched aerosol bomb, a remote-controlled
buoy with a repellent tank, a fixed buoy with a metering pump, a
repellent pouch, a jelly comprising glycol ether and
hydroxypropylcelluose, a skin lotion containing said repellent, a
porous fabric impregnated with repellent, rechargeable porous
fabric impregnated with said repellent, a submerged repellent
mine, a repellent-impregnated cable insulation for an undersea
cable, and a repellent-impregnated cable jacket for an undersea
[0161] The invention is further described with the following
non-limiting examples, which are provided to further illuminate
aspects of the invention.
Example 1
Methylbutanal Elasmobranch Repellents
[0162] Tonic immobility studies were carried out on lemon, nurse,
tiger and blacktip sharks with 3-methylbutanal and 2-methylbutanal
using Hd Syringe, Syringe 3/5/10 and Bite assays. In 40 of 41
total assays for repellent effect, tonic immobility was terminated
or the sharks demonstrated a change of behavior during tonic
immobility upon delivery of 3-methylbutanal. In Micropipette
assays, a gustatory response to the deliver of 3-methylbutanal was
observed in 16 of 20 assays.
[0163] Lemon, nurse, blacktip and tiger sharks were placed in
tonic immobility by inverting the shark's body along its
longitudinal axis. Each shark was observed to enter a tonic state
of paralysis. The "tonic" state of each shark was first
established by releasing a control of seawater in proximity to the
shark with the same delivery instrument and at the same distance
as the chemical repellent would later be delivered. In certain
controls, sea water was released with a high flow rate (30 mL/sec)
in order to establish that the sharks would not be awakened by a
jet of fluid over their noses.
[0164] Once behavioral controls were established, the chemical
repellent was delivered to the shark using the Hd Syringe Assay
method, the Syringe 3/5/10 Assay method, the Bite Assay method or
the Micropipette Assay method. The shark was observed for any
behavioral response. If tonic immobility was terminated, the
positive response was denoted as "Y." If tonic immobility was not
terminated but a behavior change within tonic immobility was
noted, such as the opening of the mouth or a cough, the response
was denoted as an "R" for reduced response. If no behavior change
was observed, the negative response was denoted "N."
[0165] In Hd-Syringe Assays, the 3-methylbutanal was delivered to
the shark's mouth and nares using a 3 mL hypodermic syringe fitted
with a 22 gauge needle. The needle was held within 3 inches of the
shark's mouth and the test repellent was slowly released from the
syringe with a very fine plume in the water column. Any response
was denoted. If a response occurred during a measurable time after
delivery of the test chemical, the time between delivery and
response was noted. If a response occurred immediately or the
response occurred before a measurable time could be established,
no time to response was noted.
[0166] Because the test chemical repellent is delivered at a
distance from the shark's nares and mouth, a cloud of test
chemical repellent is dispersed over the shark within the water
column. The dispersed test repellent is subject to water current
direction, dispersion and dilution. As a result, the time between
delivery of the chemical repellent and a response was not
correlatable with volume of delivered repellent or potency of
repellent. Instead, the time between delivery and response was
usually related to water current.
[0167] In Syringe 3/5/10 Assays, 5-6 mL of 3-methylbutanal was
delivered at least 3 inches in front of the shark's mouth. A cloud
of the repellent dispersed over the shark within the water column.
The shark was observed for a behavioral response. A behavioral
response within 10 seconds was considered a positive flight
response. Time from delivery of the repellent until behavioral
response was recorded, if measurable. As noted above, because the
dispersion of the chemical repellent upon delivery is affected by
volume of repellent, water current, and other factors, the time
between delivery and response was not correlatable with the
potency of the repellent.
[0168] In Bite Assays, a dose of typically less than 5 mL of
3-methylbutanal was presented directly into the shark's mouth
using a pipette. The shark was observed for behavioral response as
above. Because the delivery was directly into the shark's mouth
and responses were generally observed immediately upon delivery,
time to response was not recorded.
[0169] Twenty seven Hd Syringe Assays were performed. Eleven
assays on juvenile lemon sharks, 15 assays on juvenile nurse
sharks and one assay on a tiger shark. See Table 14. In 74% of
assays tonic immobility was terminated indicated a flight
response. In 22% of assays a behavioral change was observed
indicating a response to the chemical repellent. In one assay no
response was observed. See Table 14.
[0170] Seven Syringe 3/5/10 Assays were performed. One assay on a
juvenile lemon shark, two assays on juvenile nurse sharks, three
assays on blacktip sharks and one assay on a tiger shark. 100% of
assays terminated tonic immobility indicating a flight response.
Two Bite assays were performed on nurse sharks each resulting in
termination of tonic immobility indicating a flight response. In
total, 97% of assays resulted in a positive response to
3-methylbutanal and 81% resulted in direct termination of tonic
immobility demonstrating a strong repelling effect for
3-methylbutanal. See Table 14.
[0171] Twenty Micropipette Assays were performed on juvenile lemon
sharks and juvenile nurse sharks. In fifteen assays a gustatory
response was observed (five terminated tonic immobility, ten
behavioral responses observed). In five assays no response was
observed. These data demonstrate the gustatory repellent activity
of 3-methylbutanal because the repellent is delivered directly
into the mouth of the shark and no repellent is available to the
nose of the shark. See Table 14.
[0172] Because Micropipette assays deliver very small volumes into
the mouth of the shark, the volume of repellent is at times not
sufficient to evoke termination of tonic immobility and, more
rarely, is not sufficient to evoke a response. Further because the
Micropipette assays were often done serially on the same set of
sharks, second and third doses of the repellent over time would be
expected to evoke less of a reaction. Nevertheless, the small
doses delivered to the shark in the Micropipette assay provide
important data on whether a compound is a gustatory stimulant
because the small dose may be delivered directly into the mouth of
the shark. This eliminates any olfactory response that might be
acting in concert with a gustatory response to terminate tonic
[0173] In each assay disclosed herein, a control of sea water was
performed prior to the testing of each test repellent. In the
control, sea water was delivered to the shark to be tested in the
same delivery manner as the test repellent was delivered. If the
shark made no response to the delivery of sea water, the control
was considered successful. Subsequently, the test repellent was
delivered to the shark. In Cloud Dispersion assays and Cage
assays, sea water or dye control was delivered to the test shark
population prior to delivery of repellent.
[0174] Controls were performed in each assay reported herein and
yielded no response from the subject shark. Control data is not
illustrated in the data tables provided in this example or
throughout. Nevertheless, each data point was subject to a control
prior to the testing of each compound.
Tonic Immobility Assays with 3-Methylbutanal
Component Species TTI Delivery Dose
3-methylbutanal Lemon R Hd syringe
3.6 ml
3-methylbutanal Lemon R Hd syringe
1.4 ml
3-methylbutanal Lemon Y Hd syringe
400 ul
3-methylbutanal Lemon Y Hd syringe
500 ul
3-methylbutanal Lemon Y Hd syringe
0.6 ml 6.27 sec
3-methylbutanal Lemon Y Hd syringe
0.3 ml 2.73 sec
3-methylbutanal Lemon Y Hd syringe
0.3 ml 2.17 sec
3-methylbutanal Lemon Y Hd syringe
0.5 ml 4.53 sec
3-methylbutanal Lemon R Hd syringe 1
ml 1.7 sec
3-methylbutanal Lemon Y Hd syringe
1.6 ml 9.52 sec
3-methylbutanal Lemon N Hd syringe
1.4 ml
3-methylbutanal Nurse Y Hd syringe
0.6 ml
3-methylbutanal Nurse R Hd syringe
0.8 ml
3-methylbutanal Nurse Y Hd syringe
1.6 ml
3-methylbutanal Nurse Y Hd syringe
400 ul
3-methylbutanal Nurse Y Hd syringe
150 ul
3-methylbutanal Nurse Y Hd syringe
350 ul
3-methylbutanal Nurse R Hd syringe
0.4 ml 1.28 sec
3-methylbutanal Nurse R Hd syringe
0.8 ml 2.80 sec
3-methylbutanal Nurse Y Hd syringe
1.2 ml 4.39 sec
3-methylbutanal Nurse Y Hd syringe
0.2 ml 0.64 sec
3-methylbutanal Nurse Y Hd syringe
0.2 ml 0.89 sec
3-methylbutanal Nurse Y Hd syringe
0.2 ml 0.76 sec
3-methylbutanal Nurse Y Hd syringe
0.15 ml 1.08 sec
3-methylbutanal Nurse Y Hd syringe
0.1 ml 0.82 sec
3-methylbutanal Nurse Y Hd syringe
0.2 ml 1.00 sec
3-methylbutanal Tiger Y Hd syringe 1
ml 1 sec
3-methylbutanal Lemon Y syringe 3/5/10
6 ml 2 sec
3-methylbutanal Nurse Y syringe 3/5/10
3 ml 2 sec
3-methylbutanal Nurse Y syringe 3/5/10
3 ml 2 sec
3-methylbutanal Blacktip Y syringe 3/5/10
6 ml 5 sec
3-methylbutanal Blacktip Y syringe 3/5/10
6 ml 2.75 sec
3-methylbutanal Blacktip Y syringe 3/5/10
6 ml 1.47 sec
3-methylbutanal Tiger Y syringe 3/5/10
6 ml 3.46 sec
3-methylbutanal Nurse Y bite 3.6 ml
3-methylbutanal Nurse Y bite 2 ml
3-methylbutanal Lemon Y micropipette
150 ul
3-methylbutanal Lemon R micropipette
150 ul
3-methylbutanal Lemon R micropipette
150 ul
3-methylbutanal Lemon R micropipette
200 ul
3-methylbutanal Lemon R micropipette
250 ul
3-methylbutanal Lemon Y micropipette
400 ul
3-methylbutanal Lemon R micropipette
400 ul
3-methylbutanal Lemon R micropipette
400 ul
3-methylbutanal Lemon N micropipette 250
3-methylbutanal Lemon N micropipette
250 ul
3-methylbutanal Lemon N micropipette
200 ul
3-methylbutanal Lemon Y micropipette
200 ul
3-methylbutanal Lemon N micropipette
100 ul
3-methylbutanal Lemon R micropipette
150 ul
3-methylbutanal Lemon R micropipette
200 ul
3-methylbutanal Nurse R micropipette
400 ul
3-methylbutanal Nurse Y micropipette
400 ul
3-methylbutanal Nurse Y micropipette
400 ul
3-methylbutanal Nurse R micropipette
270 ul
3-methylbutanal Nurse R micropipette
270 ul
[0175] Five Hd Syringe assays were performed on juvenile lemon and
nurse sharks using 2-methylbutanal. In each assay tonic immobility
was terminated demonstrating a flight response and the repellent
activity of 2-methylbutanal. See Table 15.
Tonic Immobility Assays with 2-Methylbutanal
Component Species T? Delivery
2-methylbutanal Lemon Y hd syringe
400 ul
2-methylbutanal Lemon Y hd syringe
200 ul
2-methylbutanal Nurse Y hd syringe
500 ul
2-methylbutanal Nurse Y hd syringe
200 ul
2-methylbutanal Nurse Y hd syringe
200 ul
Example 2
Methylbutenal Elasmobranch Repellents
[0176] Tonic immobility studies were carried out on lemon and
nurse sharks with 3-methylbutenal and 2-methylbutenal using Hd
Syringe and Micropipette assays as described above in Example 1.
One Hd Syringe assay was performed on a juvenile lemon shark using
2-methylbutenal. Three Hd Syringe assays were likewise performed
on juvenile nurse sharks. All assays resulted in termination of
tonic immobility demonstrating the repellent activity of
2-methylbutenal. See Table 16.
Tonic Immobility Assays with 2-Methylbutenal
Component Species T? Delivery Dose
2-methylbutenal Lemon Y hd syringe
300 ul
2-methylbutenal Nurse Y hd syringe
450 ul
2-methylbutenal Nurse Y hd syringe
400 ul
2-methylbutenal Nurse Y hd syringe
1700 ul
[0177] Hd Syringe assays were likewise performed using
3-methylbutenal. One assay was performed on a juvenile lemon
shark. Three assays were performed on juvenile nurse sharks. All
assays resulted in termination of tonic immobility demonstrating
the repellent activity of 3-methylbutenal. See Table 17.
Tonic Immobility Assays with 3-Methylbutenal
Component Species T? Delivery Dose
3-methylbutenal Lemon Y hd syringe
350 ul
3-methylbutenal Nurse Y hd syringe
700 ul
3-methylbutenal Nurse Y hd syringe
100 ul
3-methylbutenal Nurse Y hd syringe
1000 ul
3-methylbutenal Lemon R
micropipette 400 ul
3-methylbutenal Lemon R
micropipette 400 ul
3-methylbutenal Lemon Y
micropipette 400 ul
3-methylbutenal Nurse R
micropipette 400 ul
3-methylbutenal Nurse R
micropipette 400 ul
3-methylbutenal Nurse R
micropipette 400 ul
[0178] As evidenced in Tables 16 and 17, methylbutenal is an
effective elasmobranch repellent because tonic immobility was
terminated in all test species when an HD Syringe Assay was
employed and a gustatory response was observed in all Micropipette
Assays. See Tables 16 and 17.
Example 3-5
Carbon Aldehyde Elasmobranch Repellents
[0179] Tonic immobility studies were carried out on juvenile lemon
and nurse sharks using the linear 5-carbon aldehydes,
valeraldehyde and trans-pentenal with Hd Syringe and Micropipette
assays as described above in Example 1. One Syringe assay was
carried out on a juvenile nurse shark.
[0180] In the Syringe assay about 60 mL or more of valeraldehyde
was delivered from one to as many as five feet from the shark
depending on the water current. Time from delivery of the test
substance until a response was observed, measured and recorded.
Time from delivery to response was related to the size of the
bolus delivered from the syringe, distance of the shark from the
syringe and water current. As such, a longer time to response does
not reflect reduced potency for a particular compound. To the
contrary, a longer time to response as compared to some other
compound or test simply demonstrates that even after a cloud of
repellent has traveled some distance against water current, the
potency of the repellent is demonstrated.
[0181] Two Hd Syringe assays were performed on juvenile lemon
sharks with valeraldehyde. Likewise, three Hd Syringe assays were
performed on juvenile nurse sharks and one Syringe assay was
performed on a juvenile nurse shark. In all assays valeraldehyde
terminated tonic immobility demonstrating the repellent activity
of valeraldehyde. In six of six Micropipette assays (three on
lemon sharks and three on nurse sharks) a change in behavior
during tonic immobility was observed. This demonstrates the
gustatory activity of valeraldehyde. See Table 18.
[0182] Two Hd Syringe assays were performed on lemon sharks with
trans-pentenal and three Hd Syringe assays were likewise performed
on nurse sharks. In all assays tonic immobility was terminated
demonstrating the repellent activity of valeraldehyde. In six of
six Micropipette assays (three on lemon sharks and three on nurse
sharks) a change in behavior during tonic immobility was observed.
In five of the Micropipette assays tonic immobility was
terminated. This strongly evidences the gustatory activity of
trans-pentenal. See Table 18.
Tonic Immobility Assays with Valeraldehyde and Trans-Pentenal
Component Species T? Delivery Dose
valeraldehyde Lemon Y hd syringe 350
valeraldehyde Lemon Y hd syringe 250 ul
valeraldehyde Nurse Y hd syringe 400 ul
valeraldehyde Nurse Y hd syringe 100 ul
valeraldehyde Nurse Y hd syringe 300 ul
valeraldehyde Nurse Y syringe 52
ml 15.5 sec
valeraldehyde Lemon R micropipette 400 ul
valeraldehyde Lemon R micropipette 400 ul
valeraldehyde Lemon R micropipette 400 ul
valeraldehyde Nurse R micropipette 400 ul
valeraldehyde Nurse R micropipette 400 ul
valeraldehyde Nurse R micropipette 400 ul
trans-pentenal Lemon Y hd syringe 300 ul
trans-pentenal Lemon Y hd syringe 250 ul
trans-pentenal Nurse Y hd syringe 150 ul
trans-pentenal Nurse Y hd syringe 300 ul
trans-pentenal Nurse Y hd syringe 400 ul
trans-pentenal Lemon Y micropipette 400 ul
trans-pentenal Lemon Y Micropipette 400 ul
trans-pentenal Lemon R Micropipette 400 ul
trans-pentenal Nurse R Micropipette 400 ul
trans-pentenal Nurse Y Micropipette 400 ul
trans-pentenal Nurse Y Micropipette 400 ul
[0183] As evidenced in Table 18, linear 5-carbon aldehydes,
valeraldehyde and trans-pentenal, were observed to be effective
elasmobranch repellents in two different species using three
different assays. In combination with the data provided in Tables
14-17, the data herein evidences that linear 5-carbon aldehydes
are effective elasmobranch repellents.
Example 4
Saturated C1-C6 Aldehyde Elasmobranch Repellents
[0184] Tonic immobility studies were carried out on juvenile lemon
and nurse sharks using aldehydes with saturated carbon chains
comprising 3 carbons to about 6 carbons including propionaldehyde,
butyraldehyde, isobutyraldehyde, valeraldehyde, capronaldehyde,
trimethylacetaldehyde. In combination with the study of
3-methylbutanal and 2-methylbutanal in Example 1 and the study of
valeraldehyde and trans-pentenal in Example 3, the data provided
herein evidences the repellent activity of aldehydes with
saturated carbon chains comprising 3 carbons to about 6 carbons.
These data may also be applied to the one and two carbon-chain
compounds formalin and acetaldehyde because they are highly water
soluble and are expected to exhibit the same bio-activity on
gustatory receptors as the longer aldehydes.
[0185] Syringe, Hd Syringe, Syringe 3/5/10 and Micropipette assays
were carried out as described in Examples 1 and 2.
[0186] Using propionaldehyde, a three carbon aldehyde, four
Syringe assays were performed. Two on nurse sharks and two on
lemon sharks. All resulted in termination of tonic immobility
thereby demonstrating the repellent activity of propionaldehyde.
See Table 19.
[0187] Using butyraldehyde, a four carbon aldehyde, two Syringe
assays were performed on lemon sharks resulting in termination of
tonic immobility; three Syringe assays were performed on nurse
sharks, two resulted in termination of tonic immobility and one
had no result. Because 4 of 5 assays resulted in termination of
tonic immobility, the repellent activity of butyraldehyde was
demonstrated. See Table 19.
[0188] Using isobutyraldehyde, another four carbon aldehyde, three
Syringe assays were performed on lemon sharks and one Syringe
assay was performed on a nurse shark. All resulted in termination
of tonic immobility demonstrating the repellent activity of
isobutyraldehyde. See Table 19.
[0189] Using trimethylacetaldehyde, a five carbon aldehyde, three
Hd Syringe assays on juvenile nurse sharks, two Hd Syringe assays
on juvenile lemon sharks and two Syringe 3/5/10 assays on juvenile
nurse sharks resulted in termination of tonic immobility. The data
clearly demonstrate the repellent activity of
trimethylacetaldehyde. See Table 19.
[0190] Micropipette assays using trimethylacetaldehyde resulted in
a change of behavior during tonic immobility in three juvenile
nurse sharks and three juvenile lemon sharks. These data
demonstrate the gustatory effect of trimethylacetaldehyde. See
Table 19.
Tonic Immobility Assays with Saturated C1-C6 Aldehydes
Component Species T? Delivery Dose
propionaldehyde nurse Y syringe 35
ml 7.79 sec
propionaldehyde nurse Y syringe 20
ml 4.99 sec
propionaldehyde lemon Y syringe 18
ml 2.87 sec
propionaldehyde lemon Y syringe 37
ml 8.53 sec
butyraldehyde lemon Y syringe 23
ml 4.75 sec
butyraldehyde lemon Y syringe 23
ml 5.66 sec
butyraldehyde nurse Y syringe 21
ml 3.23 sec
butyraldehyde nurse N syringe 33 ml
butyraldehyde nurse Y syringe 23
ml 4.75 sec
isobutyraldehyde lemon Y syringe 4
ml 1.30 sec
isobutyraldehyde lemon Y syringe 9
ml 2.61 sec
isobutyraldehyde lemon Y syringe 6
ml 1.28 sec
isobutyraldehyde nurse Y syringe 60
ml 11.92 sec
capronaldehyde lemon Y syringe 27
ml 3.21 sec
trimethyl- Nurse Y Hd syringe 200 ul
trimethyl- Nurse Y Hd syringe 100 ul
trimethyl- Nurse Y Hd syringe 300 ul
trimethyl- Lemon Y Hd syringe 600 ul
trimethyl- Lemon Y Hd syringe 200 ul
trimethyl- nurse N syringe 3/5/10 4
trimethyl- nurse Y syringe 3/5/10 5
trimethyl- nurse R micropipette 400
trimethyl- nurse R micropipette 400
trimethyl- nurse R micropipette 400
trimethyl- lemon R micropipette 400
trimethyl- lemon R micropipette 400
trimethyl- lemon R micropipette 400
[0191] In combination with the data from Examples 1 and 3, which
demonstrate the repellent activity of valeraldehyde and
3-methylbutanal, both five carbon aldehydes, the data demonstrate
the repellent activity of aldehydes with saturated carbon chains
comprising 1 to about 6 carbons.
[0192] Tonic immobility studies were carried out using
diethylacetaldehyde on juvenile lemon, juvenile nurse, blacktip
and tiger sharks. In six of six Syringe 3/5/10 Assays, tonic
immobility was terminated in juvenile nurse sharks. In two of four
Syringe 3/5/10 Assays, tonic immobility was terminated in blacktip
sharks. In one 3/5/10 Syringe Assay, a behavioral response was
noted during tonic immobility. In one 3/5/10 Syringe Assay, no
response was noted. In one 3/5/10 Syringe Assay on a tiger shark,
tonic immobility was terminated.
[0193] In twelve Hd Syringe Assays on juvenile lemon and nurse
sharks, a behavioral response during tonic immobility was observed
in 9 assays. In three assays tonic immobility was fully
terminated. In eight Micropipette Assays in juvenile lemon and
nurse sharks a gustatory response was noted with two full
terminations of tonic immobility. In two Micropipette Assays, no
response was noted. See Table 20.
Tonic Immobility Assays with Saturated C1-C6 Aldehydes
Component Species T? Delivery Dose
Response Comments
diethylacetaldehyde nurse Y syringe 3/5/10
5 ml 4 sec
diethylacetaldehyde nurse Y syringe 3/5/10
2.6 ml 4 sec
diethylacetaldehyde nurse Y syringe 3/5/10
0.4 ml 5 sec
diethylacetaldehyde nurse Y syringe 3/5/10
1 ml 2 sec
diethylacetaldehyde nurse Y syringe 3/5/10
3.6 ml 3 sec
diethylacetaldehyde nurse Y syringe 3/5/10
1.2 ml 1 sec
diethylacetaldehyde blacktip Y syringe
3/5/10 6.5 ml 5 sec
diethylacetaldehyde blacktip Y syringe
3/5/10 6 ml 5 sec
diethylacetaldehyde blacktip R syringe
3/5/10 6 ml 5 sec cough/tensed
diethylacetaldehyde blacktip N syringe
3/5/10 4.9 ml
diethylacetaldehyde Tiger Y syringe 3/5/10
5.6 ml 2.83 sec 120 cm female
tiger on Longline
diethylacetaldehyde lemon R hd syringe
1 ml 1.86 sec cough
diethylacetaldehyde Lemon R hd syringe
0.6 ml cough
diethylacetaldehyde Lemon R hd syringe
0.8 ml cough
diethylacetaldehyde Lemon R hd syringe
1.1 ml cough
diethylacetaldehyde Lemon R hd syringe
1.3 ml cough
diethylacetaldehyde Lemon R hd syringe
1.5 ml cough
diethylacetaldehyde Lemon Y hd syringe
1.5 ml 5.96 sec
diethylacetaldehyde Nurse R hd syringe
0.3 ml 1.33 sec cough
diethylacetaldehyde Nurse R hd syringe
0.4 ml 3.23 sec cough
diethylacetaldeyde Nurse Y hd syringe
1.2 ml 5.62 sec
diethylacetaldehyde Nurse R hd syringe
0.3 ml 1.39 sec cough
diethylacetaldehyde Nurse Y hd syringe
1.5 ml 0.78 sec
diethylacetaldehyde lemon R micropipette
300 ul blinked
diethylacetaldehyde lemon N micropipette
200 ul
diethylacetaldehyde lemon R micropipette
150 ul cough
diethylacetaldehyde lemon R micropipette
150 ul cough
diethylacetaldehyde lemon R micropipette
150 ul cough
diethylacetaldehyde lemon N micropipette
100 ul
diethylacetaldehyde lemon N micropipette
200 ul
diethylacetaldehyde lemon R micropipette
250 ul cough
diethylacetaldehyde nurse Y micropipette
270 ul 1 sec
diethylacetaldehyde nurse Y micropipette
270 ul 1 sec
diethylacetaldehyde nurse R micropipette
500 ul
[0194] The data in Table 20 evidences the repellent activity of
diethylacetaldehyde, further supporting the repellent activity of
aldehydes with saturated carbon chains comprising 1 to about 6
Example 5
Piperonal (Aromatic Aldehyde), Ionone (Ketone) or Zingerone
(Ketone) Repellents on Free-Swimming Elasmobranchs
[0195] A series of chemical repellent tests on free-swimming
Caribbean reef sharks (C. perezii) and blacknose sharks (C.
acronotus) was performed in tropical waters. A small metal cage
containing bait was suspended below a float in the water column. A
[3/8]'' ID HDPE diptube was secured from the cage to the boat, so
that chemical compounds could be transported to the cage's
proximity. Sharks were stimulated using bunker chum in bags.
[0196] Sharks were observed to immediately bump and bite at the
cage. The number of interactions was recorded using an underwater
pole-camera. When 500 mL of 50% w/w piperonal in diethylene glycol
monoethyl ether was presented, the number of strikes was
dramatically reduced, and interactions ceased. When 500 mL of 50%
w/w alpha-ionone in diethylene glycol monoethyl ether was
presented, the number of strikes was reduced, but interactions
continued after a 10 minute period. When 500 mL of 50% w/w
zingerone in diethylene glycol monoethyl ether was presented, the
number of strikes was reduced, but interactions continued after a
10 minute period.
Example 6
Natural Aldehyde Elasmobranch Repellents
[0197] Tonic immobility studies were carried out on juvenile lemon
and nurse sharks using natural aldehydes including
trans-cinnimaldehyde, cuminaldehyde and a combination of natural
aldehydes. Syringe, and Syringe 3/5/10 assays were carried out as
described in Examples 1 and 2.
[0198] Two Syringe assays (one on a lemon shark the other on a
nurse share) using trans-cinnimaldehyde resulted in termination of
tonic immobility. One Syringe assay on a lemons shark using
cuminaldehyde resulted in termination of tonic immobility.
[0199] A combination of natural aldehydes was created from 4.4 g
cuminaldehyde (cumin) and 5.3 g mixed isomers of anisaldehyde
(anise) solubilized in 19.8 g denatured ethanol. In one Syringe
3/5/10 Assay on a juvenile nurse shark, a behavioral response
within tonic immobility was observed. In three other Syringe
3/5/10 Assays, no response was observed. See Table 21. In two of
the negative response assays only 500 microliters of chemical was
delivered to the shark. This may explain the lack of response. See
Table 21.
Tonic Immobility Assays with Natural Aldehydes
Component Species T? Delivery Dose
Trans-cinnimaldehyde lemon Y syringe
21 ml 4.31 sec
trans-cinnimaldehyde nurse Y syringe
33 ml 4.97 sec
cuminaldehyde lemon Y syringe 19
ml 3.94 sec
natural aldehydes nurse R syringe
3/5/10 6 ml
natural aldehydes nurse N syringe
3/5/10 6 ml
natural aldehydes nurse N syringe 3/5/10
500 ul
natural aldehydes nurse N syringe 3/5/10
500 ul
[0200] Together these data demonstrate the repellent activity of
natural aldehydes including trans-cinnimaldehyde and
Example 7
Aromatic Aldehyde Elasmobranch Repellents
[0201] Tonic immobility studies were carried out on juvenile lemon
sharks, juvenile nurse sharks and a blacknose shark using aromatic
aldehydes including a mixture of methoxy/vanillin (containing
methoxybenzaldehydes and vanillin) and tolualdehyde. Syringe and
Micropipette assays were carried out as described in Examples 1
and 2.
[0202] A methoxybenzaldehyde combination with vanillin was made
from 2 g Ortho-vanillin, 1 g 2,4,5-trimethoxybenzaldehyde, 1 g
2,3,4-trihydroxybenzaldehyde, 1 g 3-hydroxy-4-methoxybenzaldehyde,
1 g 2,3,4-trimethoxybenzaldehyde, 1 g 2,5-dimethoxybenzaldehyde, 1
g veratraldehyde, 1 g 4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzaldehyde, 1 g
3-ethoxy-4-hydroxy-benzaldehyde, and 50 g denatured alcohol.
[0203] Seven Syringe assays were carried out using the
methoxy/vanillin repellent combination on lemon sharks, one
Syringe assay was carried out on a blacknose shark and one Syringe
assay was carried out on a nurse shark. Five of six assays on
lemon shark resulted in termination of tonic immobility. One assay
on a lemon shark resulted in a change in behavior during tonic
immobility. One assay on a nurse shark had no response. One assay
on a nurse shark was inconclusive because the shark became ill.
The assay on the blacknose shark resulted in termination of tonic
immobility. See Table 22. In six of ten Micropipette assays on
lemon shark, a response was observed. This demonstrates that
methoxy/vanillin is a gustatory repellent. See Table 22.
[0204] Using p-tolualdehyde, one Syringe Assay on a lemon shark
resulted in termination of tonic immobility. See Table 22.
[0205] Using veratraldehyde, six of six Syringe Assays on lemon
and nurse sharks resulted in termination of tonic immobility. See
Table 22. In a single Syringe Assay on a nurse shark no response
was observed. In eight of twelve Micropipette Assays a gustatory
response was observed in lemon sharks. In four Micropipette
assays, no response was observed.
Tonic Immobility Assays with Aromatic Aldehydes
Component Species T? Delivery Dose
Response Comments
methoxy/vanillin mixture lemon R syringe
27 ml
methoxy/vanillin mixture nurse N syringe
54 ml
methoxy/vanillin mixture lemon Y syringe
5 ml 1.91 sec
methoxy/vanillin mixture lemon Y syringe
14 ml 4.72 sec
methoxy/vanillin mixture lemon Y syringe
11 ml 6.92 sec
methoxy/vanillin mixture nurse N/A syringe
47 ml shark nearly dead,
of alcohol/aldehydes
methoxy/vanillin mixture lemon R syringe
6 ml 2.4 sec
methoxy/vanillin mixture lemon Y syringe
10 ml 3.82 sec
methoxy/vanillin mixture lemon Y syringe
16 ml 5.2 sec
methoxy/vanillin mixture blacknose Y
syringe 50 ml <20 sec
methoxy/vanillin mixture lemon Y
micropipette 100 ul 5 sec
methoxy/vanillin mixture lemon R
micropipette 100 ul 2 sec
methoxy/vanillin mixture lemon N
micropipette 100 ul 8 sec
methoxy/vanillin mixture lemon R
micropipette 100 ul 2 sec
methoxy/vanillin mixture lemon R
micropipette 23 ul 10 sec
methoxy/vanillin mixture lemon N
micropipette 25 ul
methoxy/vanillin mixture lemon Y
micropipette 300 ul
methoxy/vanillin mixture lemon Y
micropipette 300 ul
methoxy/vanillin mixture lemon N
micropipette 300 ul
methoxy/vanillin mixture lemon N
micropipette 300 ul
p-tolualdehyde lemon Y syringe 22
ml 3.54 sec
veratraldehyde lemon Y syringe 16
ml 2.67 sec
veratraldehyde lemon Y syringe 20
ml 6.45 sec
veratraldehyde lemon Y syringe 10
ml 1.06 sec
veratraldehyde lemon Y syringe 11.5
ml 0.94 sec
veratraldehyde nurse Y syringe 4.5
ml 0.54 sec
veratraldehyde nurse Y syringe 29
ml 9.71 sec
veratraldehyde nurse N syringe 47 ml
veratraldehyde lemon R micropipette
100 ul
veratraldehyde lemon N micropipette
100 ul
veratraldehyde lemon R micropipette
100 ul 3 sec
veratraldehyde lemon N micropipette
100 ul
veratraldehyde lemon R micropipette
100 ul 3 sec
veratraldehyde lemon Y micropipette
100 ul 12 sec
veratraldehyde lemon N micropipette
250 ul
veratraldehyde lemon Y micropipette
100 ul 3 sec
veratraldehyde lemon N micropipette
250 ul
veratraldehyde lemon N micropipette
280 ul
veratraldehyde lemon Y micropipette
300 ul 3 sec
veratraldehyde lemon Y micropipette
280 ul 2 sec
veratraldehyde lemon Y micropipette
310 ul 2 sec
[0206] Together these data evidence the gustatory repellent
activity of aromatic aldehydes such as methoxy/vanillin,
p-tolualdehyde and veratraldehyde.
Example 8
Longer Aldehydes and Combinations of Aldehydes
[0207] A combination of aldehydes was prepared in about 873 g of
methanol in the following amounts: butanal 144.22 g; isobutanal
144.22 g; pentanal 172.26 g; hexanal 200.32 g; decanal 46.884 g;
cuminal 44.463 g; cinnimal 52.864 g; anisal 68.075 g; mesityl
oxide 29.445 g; p-tolualdehyde 36.045 g; and veratraldehyde 16.618
g. The combination was labeled BA1.
[0208] Tonic immobility studies were carried out with the aldehyde
combination labeled BA1 on juvenile lemon sharks, juvenile nurse
sharks and blacktip sharks using the above-described aldehyde
mixture. Syringe, Syringe 3/5/10, Bite and Micropipette assays
were carried out as described in Examples 1 and 2. In three
Syringe and six Bite assays on juvenile nurse sharks all assays
terminated tonic immobility. In three Syringe and one Syringe
3/5/10 assay on juvenile lemon sharks all assays terminated tonic
immobility. In one Syringe assay and one Syringe 3/5/10 assay on
blacktip sharks both resulted in termination of tonic immobility.
These data demonstrate the excellent repellent activity of the
above-described mixture of aldehydes. See Table 23.
[0209] In one Micropipette assay in a juvenile lemon shark no
response was observed. Nevertheless, because the aldehydes that
have been combined to create the above-described aldehyde mixture
have demonstrated gustatory stimulation in other Micropipette
assays, it is concluded that the aldehyde mixture tested here is a
gustatory repellent. See Table 23.
[0210] In a cloud dispersion assay, a population of competitively
feed Caribbean reef and blacknose sharks was repelled from the
feeding zone with a delivery of 500 mL of BA1 repellent
[0211] A combination of aldehydes in the following amounts was
prepared in about 1294 grams of methanol: proprional 174.24 g;
butanal 216.33 g; isobutanal 216.33 g; pentanal 172.26 g; hexanal
100.16 g; heptanal 28.5475 g; octanal 64.11 g; nonanal 35.5625 g;
decanal 78.14 g; cuminal 74.105 g; cinnimal 66.08 g; anisal 68.075
g; and mesityl oxide 29.445 g. The combination was labeled BA2.
[0212] Tonic immobility studies were carried out with the aldehyde
combination labeled BA2 on juvenile lemon sharks using the
above-described aldehyde combination. Syringe, and Micropipette
Assays were carried out as described in Examples 1 and 2. Pipette
Assays were carried out in the same manner as Micropipette Assays
with delivery of the repellent directly to the mouth except the
volumes were sometimes larger. In three of four Syringe Assays in
lemon shark, tonic immobility was terminated. In one Syringe
Assay, a behavioral change was observed within tonic immobility.
In four of four Pipette Assays, tonic immobility in lemon sharks
was terminated. In three Micropipette Assays a gustatory response
was observed. In three others no response was observed.
[0213] A combination of aldehydes and a ketone in the following
amounts was prepared in 160 grams of denatured alcohol:
Butyraldehyde 10 g; Isobutyraldehyde 10 g; Veratraldehyde 10 g;
and 2,3-butanedione (Diacetyl) 10 g. The combination was labeled
BA3. A cloud dispersion of the repellent composition was delivered
to a population of Caribbean reef and blacknose shark
competitively feeding. The sharks were dispersed from the feeding
zone. In one Syringe Assay with the BA3 repellent on a juvenile
lemon shark, tonic immobility was terminated. In two other Syringe
Assays (one on a lemon shark and one on a nurse shark) behavioral
changes were observed within tonic immobility. In one additional
Syringe Assay, a nurse shark experienced a violent seizure and the
assay could not be finished.
[0214] A combination of aldehydes and ammonium acetate was
prepared in the following amounts in 258 grams of denatured
alcohol and 200 g of water: butyraldehyde 72.1 g; isobutyraldehyde
36.2 g; veratraldehyde 35.0 g; and ammonium acetate 50 g. The
repellent composition was labeled BA4. In two cloud assays in
free-swimming competitively feeding Caribbean reef and blacknose
sharks, a cloud dispersion of 500 mL of the repellent composition
BA4 repelled the sharks from the feeding zone.
Tonic Immobility Assays with Aldehyde Mixture
Component Species T? Delivery Dose
Aldehyde mixture BA1 nurse Y syringe
4 ml 1.38 sec
Aldehyde mixture BA1 nurse Y syringe
6 ml 3.41 sec
Aldehyde mixture BA1 lemon Y syringe
5 ml 2.03 sec
Aldehyde mixture BA1 lemon Y syringe
9 ml 4.09 sec
Aldehyde mixture BA1 lemon Y syringe
5 ml 2.72 sec
Aldehyde mixture BA1 nurse Y syringe
9 ml 4.60 sec
Aldehyde mixture BA1 blacktip Y syringe
20 ml
Aldehyde mixture BA1 lemon Y syringe
3/5/10 6 ml 5 sec
Aldehyde mixture BA1 blacktip Y syringe
3/5/10 6 ml 5 sec
Aldehyde mixture BA1 nurse Y bite 5
Aldehyde mixture BA1 nurse Y bite 5
Aldehyde mixture BA1 nurse Y bite 5
Aldehyde mixture BA1 nurse Y bite 2
ml 1 sec
Aldehyde mixture BA1 nurse Y bite 2
ml 1 sec
Aldehyde mixture BA1 nurse Y bite 2
ml 1 sec
Aldehyde mixture BA1 lemon N micropipette
500 ul
aldehyde mixture BA1 carib Y cloud - co2
500 mL
aldehyde mixture BA2 lemon Y syringe
9 ml 3.48 sec
aldehyde mixture BA2 lemon R syringe
15 ml 7.49 sec
aldehyde mixture BA2 lemon Y syringe
13 ml 2.99 sec
aldehyde mixture BA2 lemon Y syringe
5 ml 5.30 sec
aldehyde mixture BA2 lemon Y pipette
1 ml
aldehyde mixture BA2 lemon Y pipette
0.5 ml 2.98 sec
aldehyde mixture BA2 lemon Y pipette
0.5 ml
aldehyde mixture BA2 lemon Y pipette
>0.5 ml
aldehyde mixture BA2 lemon N micropipette
25 ul
aldehyde mixture BA2 lemon R micropipette
25 ul
aldehyde mixture BA2 lemon R micropipette
18 ul
aldehyde mixture BA2 lemon N micropipette
10 ul
aldehyde mixture BA2 lemon N micropipette
10 ul
aldehyde mixture BA2 lemon R micropipette
25 ul
aldehyde mixture BA3 carib reef/ Y cloud
1000 ul
aldehyde mixture BA3 lemon Y syringe
25 ml 8 sec
aldehyde mixture BA3 nurse R syringe
60 ml 5 sec
aldehyde mixture BA3 lemon R syringe
27 l
aldehyde mixture BA3 nurse N/A syringe
100 mL Violent
aldehyde mixture BA4 carib reef/ R cloud -
co2 500 mL
aldehyde mixture BA4 carib reef/ R cloud -
co2 500 mL
octanal lemon Y syringe 37 ml
6.23 sec
nonanal lemon Y syringe 30 ml
5.00 sec
decanal nurse Y syringe 60 ml
17.72 sec
heptanal lemon N syringe 56 ml
mesityl oxide lemon Y syringe 38
ml 6.21 se
[0215] Some of the longer carbon chain aldehydes that had been
included in the above-described aldehyde mixture were also tested
for repellent activity.
[0216] In Syringe assays on lemon sharks using octanal, nonanal
and mesityl oxide, tonic immobility was terminated. In a Syringe
assay on a nurse shark using decanal tonic immobility was
terminated. In a Syringe assay on a lemon shark using heptanal, no
response was observed. This lack of response may have resulted
from an unfavorable water current.
Example 9
Carboxylic Acid Elasmobranch Repellents
[0217] A wide range of carboxylic acids was tested on lemon,
nurse, blacktip, blacknose, tiger and great hammerhead sharks. The
carboxylic acids listed in Table 9 were each tested. Further, a
range of doses of the following components were tested: cinnamic
acid; citric acid; crotonic acid; lactic acid; aqueous succinic
acid; crotonic acid, cinnamic acid, and maleic acid in glycol; and
crotonic acid, citric acid and fumaric acid in solution. See Table
24. All compositions evidenced repellent characteristics.
[0218] The results together demonstrate the effective repellent
characteristics of carboxylic acid compositions. Tonic immobility
studies were carried out on many different carboxylic acids as
well as cloud dispersal studies in free-swimming individual
sharks. The data demonstrate the repellent activity of carboxylic
[0219] In a first set of studies on the effectiveness of
carboxylic acids as elasmobranch repellents, each tested substance
was subjected to the following protocol. In a first micropipette
assay on a juvenile lemon shark, an oral dose of no more than 100
microliters of carboxylic acid was observed to terminate tonic
immobility. An oral dose of no more than 400 microliters was then
delivered by micropipette into the mouth of a juvenile nurse
shark. Tonic immobility was terminated. For butyric acid, each
derivative of butyric acid and each naturally occurring acid
listed in Table 9, the protocol was successfully repeated and each
treatment resulted in termination of tonic immobility for each
listed substance. The data evidences the gustatory repelling
activity of carboxylic acids.
[0220] Further studies on carboxylic acids and mixtures of
carboxylic acids were pursued. The data is contained in Table 24.
[0221] In four of four Hd Syringe assays, citric acid between 0.3
mL and 2.4 mL of citric acid 50% w/w was delivered about three
inches from the mouth of a lemon shark. Each assay terminated
tonic immobility. Seven Syringe 3/5/10 assays on nurse and lemons
sharks were employed with crotonic acid solution. In four of the
seven assays the crotonic acid was delivered directly to the mouth
on a longline or within 10 inches of the shark's mouth. Tonic
immobility was terminated. In one of the seven assays, the
crotonic acid was delivered directly to the mouth of the shark on
a longline and a behavioral response was observed in tonic
immobility. In two of the seven assays, 6 mL of crotonic acid was
delivered to lemon sharks at a distance of 36 inches from the
shark's mouth. No response was observed. The lack of response is
explained by the small volume delivered at a very large distance.
See Table 24.
[0222] In two of three Syringe 3/5/10 assays, lactic acid was
delivered to lemon sharks and terminated tonic immobility. In a
single Syringe 3/5/10 assay, lactic acid was delivered to a lemon
shark and no behavioral change was observed. See Table 24.
[0223] Crotonic Acid (25.0 g), Cinnamic Acid (10.0 g) and Maleic
Acid (25.0 g) were combined in 100.0 g Diethyl Glycol Monoethyl
Ether to create a repellent composition. In three of four Syringe
3/5/10 assays, the repellent carboxylic acid composition
(crotonic/cinnamic/maleic) was delivered to tiger and blacknose
sharks and terminated tonic immobility. In one of four Syringe
3/5/10 assays, delivery of the repellent actually missed the mouth
of the shark and only a behavior change was seen in tonic
immobility. See Table 24.
[0224] In a cloud dispersal assay 400 ml of the carboxylic acid
composition (crotonic/cinnamic/maleic) was dispersed from a
diptube near the mouth of a great hammerhead shark. The shark fled
the area and did not return. See Table 24.
Tonic Immobility Assays with Carboxylic Acids
Component Species T? Delivery Dose
Response Comments
cinnamic acid solution lemon N syringe
3/5/10 1.5 ml mouth
citric acid 50% w/w lemon Y hd syringe
2.4 ml both
citric acid 50% w/w lemon Y hd syringe
2.5 ml both
citric acid 50% w/w lemon Y hd syringe
0.3 ml both
citric acid 50% w/w lemon Y hd syringe
1.5 ml mouth
citric acid 50% w/w lemon Y syringe 3/5/10
6 ml mouth longline/231 cm
citric acid 50% w/w lemon Y syringe 3/5/10
2 ml mouth
citric acid 50% w/w lemon N syringe 3/5/10
2.5 ml distanced 6 inches
citric acid 50% w/w lemon Y syringe 3/5/10
6 ml distanced 12 inches
citric acid 50% w/w lemon N syringe 3/5/10
6 ml distanced 12 inches
citric acid 50% w/w lemon N syringe 3/5/10
6 ml distanced 10 inche
citric acid 50% w/w lemon Y syringe 3/5/10
6 ml distanced longline
citric acid 50% w/w lemon N syringe 3/5/10
6 ml mouth longline
citric acid 50% w/w lemon R syringe 3/5/10
6 ml mouth longline
citric acid 50% w/w nurse R syringe 3/5/10
6 ml mouth longline/3 coughs
citric acid 50% w/w nurse R syringe 3/5/10
6 ml mouth longline
citric acid 50% w/w blacktip Y syringe
3/5/10 6 ml mouth longline
citric acid 50% w/w blacknose R syringe
3/5/10 6 ml both longlinge/cough
citric acid 50% w/w blacknose Y syringe
3/5/10 6 ml mouth
crotonic acid solution lemon Y syringe
3/5/10 6 ml distanced
crotonic acid solution nurse Y syringe
3/5/10 6 ml mouth
crotonic acid solution nurse R syringe
3/5/10 6 ml mouth longline/cough
crotonic acid solution lemon Y syringe
3/5/10 6 ml mouth longline/231 cm
crotonic acid solution lemon Y syringe
3/5/10 6 ml distanced 10 inches
crotonic acid solution lemon N syringe
3/5/10 6 ml distanced 36 inches
crotonic acid solution lemon N syringe
3/5/10 6 ml distanced 36 inches
lactic acid lemon N syringe 3/5/10
1.5 ml mouth
lactic acid lemon Y syringe 3/5/10
1.5 ml r nare
lactic acid lemon Y syringe 3/5/10
0.5 ml mouth
saturated succinic acid lemon R
micropipette 400 ul mouth
solution aq
saturated succinic acid lemon R
micropipette 400 ul left nare
solution aq
succinic acid lemon N swab
succinic acid lemon N swab
crotonic/cinnamic/maleic in tiger Y syringe
3/5/10 5 ml mouth violent
crotonic/cinnamic/maleic in blacknose Y syringe
3/5/10 5 ml mouth
crotonic/cinnamic/maleic in tiger R syringe
3/5/10 5 ml mouth missed mouth,
crotonic/cinnamic/maleic in tiger Y syringe
3/5/10 5 ml mouth
crotonic/cinnamic/maleic in great Y diptube to
bait 400 ml poss mouth 13'
at mini-barge, did not return
crotonic/citric/fumaric nurse R syringe
3/5/10 6 ml mouth longline/cough
crotonic/citric/fumaric lemon Y syringe
3/5/10 0.5 ml both
crotonic/citric/fumaric lemon Y syringe
3/5/10 6 ml distanced 36
moved into cloud
crotonic/citric/fumaric nurse Y syringe
3/5/10 6 ml mouth
crotonic/citric/fumaric lemon Y syringe
3/5/10 6 ml mouth very large
specimen in
crotonic/citric/fumaric lemon Y syringe
3/5/10 6 ml mouth longline
crotonic/citric/fumaric nurse Y syringe
3/5/10 6 ml mouth longline
crotonic/citric/fumaric nurse Y
micropipette 200 ul mouth spit
crotonic/citric/fumaric lemon Y
micropipette 300 ul mouth
crotonic/citric/fumaric lemon Y
micropipette 215 ul mouth
crotonic/citric/fumaric lemon Y
micropipette 120 ul mouth
crotonic/citric/fumaric lemon Y
micropipette 100 ul mouth
crotonic/citric/fumaric lemon Y
micropipette 100 ul mouth
crotonic/citric/fumaric lemon Y
micropipette 100 ul mouth
crotonic/citric/fumaric lemon Y
micropipette 200 ul mouth
crotonic/citric/fumaric lemon Y
micropipette 200 ul mouth
crotonic/citric/fumaric lemon Y
micropipette 150 ul mouth
crotonic/citric/fumaric lemon Y
micropipette 125 ul mouth
crotonic/citric/fumaric lemon Y
micropipette 125 ul mouth
crotonic/citric/fumaric lemon Y
micropipette 100 ul mouth
crotonic/citric/fumaric lemon Y
micropipette 100 ul mouth
crotonic/citric/fumaric lemon Y
micropipette 50 ul mouth
crotonic/citric/fumaric lemon Y
micropipette 50 ul mouth
crotonic/citric/fumaric nurse R
micropipette 300 ul mouth
crotonic/citric/fumaric nurse R
micropipette 300 ul mouth spit
crotonic/citric/fumaric nurse R
micropipette 300 ul mouth
crotonic/citric/fumaric nurse Y
micropipette 200 ul mouth
crotonic/citric/fumaric nurse Y
micropipette 100 ul mouth
crotonic/citric/fumaric nurse Y
micropipette 100 ul mouth
crotonic/citric/fumaric nurse Y
micropipette 50 ul r nare
crotonic/citric/fumaric nurse Y
micropipette 50 ul r nare
crotonic/citric/fumaric nurse R
micropipette 50 ul l nare cough
crotonic/citric/fumaric nurse R
micropipette 25 ul r nare
crotonic/citric/fumaric nurse R
micropipette 25 ul r nare cough
[0225] In a surrounding cloud dispersal assay, 500 mL of a mixture
of 20% w/w Crotonic acid, 10% w/w Citric acid and 5% w/w Cinnamic
acid solubilized in 50:50 w/w water:ethanol was delivered in a
subsurface dose in the vicinity of a population of competitively
feed sharks (5 Caribbean reef sharks and 2 blacknose sharks). The
sharks were dispersed and did not return.
[0226] Together, these data evidence the effectiveness of
carboxylic acids and combinations of carboxylic acids as
elasmobranch repellents.
Example 10
Pyridine Elasmobranch Repellents
[0227] Tonic immobility studies were carried out on juvenile lemon
sharks and juvenile nurse sharks using 100% pyridine, 100%
3-methylpyridine and 100% 2-amino-3-picoline at 95% or
2-amino-3-picoline 95% cut to 10% w/w in desalinated water.
Syringe 3/5/10, Hd Syringe and Micropipette assays were carried
out as described in Examples 1 and 2. In three Syringe and six
Bite assays on juvenile nurse sharks all assays terminated tonic
immobility. In three Syringe and one Syringe 3/5/10 assay on
juvenile lemon sharks all assays terminated tonic immobility. In
one Syringe assay and one Syringe 3/5/10 assay on blacktip sharks
both resulted in termination of tonic immobility. In one cloud
dispersion assay with 2-amino-3-picoline 95% cut to 10% w/w with
desalinated water, Caribbean reef sharks demonstrated a population
decrease upon the administration of 500 mL of repellent. See Table
Tonic Immobility Assays with Pyridine
Component Species T? Delivery Dose
Response Comments
Pyridine nurse Y syringe 3/5/10 5.7
ml 2 sec
Pyridine nurse R syringe 3/5/10 6 ml
Pyridine lemon Y syringe 3/5/10 1.2
ml 6 sec
Pyridine lemon Y syringe 3/5/10 3
ml 5 sec
Pyridine nurse N micropipette 500 ul
Pyridine nurse N micropipette 500 ul
3-methylpyridine lemon Y hd syringe
0.7 ml
3-methylpyridine lemon Y hd syringe
0.3 ml
3-methylpyridine nurse Y hd syringe
0.7 ml
2-amino-3-picoline 95% lemon Y
micropipette 400 ul mouth
2-amino-3-picoline 95% lemon F
micropipette 400 ul left nare -
2-amino-3-picoline 95% Caribbean Y cloud -
co2 500 mL population decreasedcut
to 10% w/w in reefdesalinated water,TV = 500 mL
[0228] Together, the data in Table 25 evidence the effective
gustatory repellent activity of pyridines and pyridine
Example 11
Anti-Pyrine Elasmobranch Repellents
[0229] Compositions for repelling an elasmobranch comprising an
anti-pyrine or a derivative thereof including anti-pyrine or
4-amino-antipyrine were tested. Tonic immobility studies were
carried out on juvenile lemon sharks and juvenile nurse sharks
using 4-aminoantipyrine and antipyrine solution. See Table 26. The
4-aminoantipyrine solution was prepared from 5 g 4-aminoantipyrine
and 30 g water.
[0230] Hd Syringe, Syringe 3/5/10 and Micropipette assays were
carried out as described in Examples 1 and 2. In four Hd Syringe
assays on juvenile lemon sharks using 4-aminoantipyrines, all
assays terminated tonic immobility. In one Hd Syringe assay on a
juvenile nurse shark, tonic immobility was terminated even with a
volume of 300 microliters. In only one Syringe 3/5/10 Assay on a
blacktip shark, no response was observed using 4-aminoantipyrine.
In one Micropipette assay on a juvenile lemon shark using
antipyrine solution, a response was observed within tonic
immobility. Together, these data evidence that antipyrine is a
gustatory stimulant. In another Micropipette assay on a juvenile
lemon shark, no response was noted.
Tonic Immobility Assays with Antipyrine
Component Species T? Delivery Dose
4-aminoantipyrine lemon Y hd syringe
1.05 ml
4-aminoantipyrine lemon Y hd syringe
0.45 ml
4-aminoantipyrine nurse Y hd syringe
0.3 ml
4-aminoantipyrine lemon Y hd syringe
0.5 ml
4-aminoantipyrine lemon Y hd syringe
0.7 ml
4-aminoantipyrine blacktip N syringe
3/5/10 6 ml
antipyrine solution lemon R micropipette
400 ul
antipyrine solution lemon N micropipette
400 ul
Example 12
Repellent Activity on Blue Sharks
[0231] In two assays each on two different blue sharks,
3-methylbutanal in dosages of 20 mL or less produced a behavioral
response (classic mouth-agape response) from a direct delivery of
the repellent to the mouth using a syringe. The sharks had been
captured on rod and reel and were held in tonic immobility along a
boat. The first shark had a total length of 6.5 feet. The second
shark had a total length of 8 feet.
Example 13
Di-Ketones (Diacetyl) Elasmobranch Repellents
[0232] Di-ketones were tested for repellent activity on
elasmobranchs. 2,3-butanedione evidenced a flight response in
lemon and nurse sharks. See Table 27. The results, in combination
with the results for ionone and zingerone on free-swimming sharks
in Example 5 above, evidence the repellent activity of ketones and
di-ketones. Tonic immobility studies were carried out on
2,3-butanedione and diacetyl in denatured alcohol. In seven of
eight Syringe Assays, tonic immobility was terminated in juvenile
lemon and nurse sharks. In one Syringe Assay, a behavioral
response was noted during tonic immobility. In one cloud
dispersion assay in free-swimming Caribbean reef and blacknose
sharks, no response was noted since the volume was only 290
microliters. No response would be expected with such a low volume.
In one bite assay with a juvenile nurse shark tonic immobility was
Tonic Immobility Assays with Acetyl
Component Species T? Delivery Dose
2,3-Butanedione lemon Y syringe 10
ml 3.34 sec
2,3-Butanedione lemon Y syringe 6
ml 3.34 sec
2,3-Butanedione lemon Y syringe 2
ml 2.43 sec
2,3-Butanedione lemon Y syringe 5
ml 3.56 sec
2,3-Butanedione nurse Y bite 3 ml
diacetyl nurse Y syringe 57 ml
11.14 sec
diacetyl/SLX carib reef/ N cloud - co2
290 ul
solution blacknose
diacetyl/SLX nurse R syringe 45 ml
diacetyl mixture lemon Y syringe 7
ml 1.52 sec
diacetyl mixture lemon Y syringe 6
ml 1.40 sec
[0233] Together with the data provided in Example 5 for ionone and
zingerone, the data in Table 27 evidence the repellent activity of
ketones and di-ketones.
electropositive metals and methods of use
[0001] This invention relates generally to electropositive metals
for repelling elasmobranchs and methods of using electropositive
metals to repel elasmobranchs.
[0002] Elasmobranchs represent a significant problem in the
commercial fishing industry. Elasmobranchs are often inadvertently
caught on fishing tackle directed at other more commercially
valuable kinds of fish. This inadvertent catching of elasmobranchs
(or other non-valued fish) is called "by-catch." As many as 100
million elasmobranchs are killed each year as by-catch. This loss
of life has resulted in a real threat to several shark species.
Currently, as many as 80 species of shark are considered
threatened with extinction.
[0003] Further, when elasmobranchs are caught as by-catch, fishing
operations receive no return on their investment since the shark
is caught on a hook that might have otherwise brought in a
marketable fish. Additionally, the fishing tackle on which a shark
is caught often must be cut loose for the safety of those working
on the fishing vessel causing a loss of both equipment and time.
[0004] Longlining is a commercial fishing method that suffers
significant losses from shark by-catch. Longlining uses multiple
baited individual fish hooks with leaders strung at intervals
along an often very long (2-3 miles) main fishing line. Longline
fishing operations routinely target swordfish and tuna. The
longline hooks, however, are not selective and elasmobranchs are
sometimes caught in greater numbers than the intended catch. The
result is great loss of life in elasmobranchs and significant
financial losses in the longline industry. Elasmobranchs cause
additional losses in the longline fishing industry by scavenging
marketable fish caught on longlines before the fish may be
retrieved for processing.
[0005] Elasmobranchs also represent a problem in the commercial
trawling industry. Trawling is a commercial fishing method that
catches fish in nets. Elasmobranchs cause significant losses for
trawlers because they scavenging fish caught in trawl nets before
they are retrieved for processing. As such, valuable fish are
often lost to shark predation. Also, sharks often tear holes in
the nets, resulting in partial or complete loss of catch and
significant repair costs.
[0006] There has been a long-felt need for methods and devices to
deter elasmobranchs from commercial fishing lines and nets.
Attempts in the middle of the twentieth century were made to
protect trawl nets with electric discharge devices (Nelson, "Shark
Attack and Repellency Research: An Overview," Shark Repellents
from the Sea ed. Bernhard Zahuranec (1983) at pg .20).
Nevertheless, no commercially effective repellent has yet to be
made available for reducing shark by-catch in the commercial
fishing industry or for reducing loss of valuable fish or fishing
tackle to shark predation. Further, Applicant is unaware of any
consideration in the art of the use of electropositive metals to
repel elasmobranchs to limit by-catch and other losses from
[0007] An effective shark repellent would not only be valuable to
the fishing industry but also would be valuable for protecting
humans from shark attacks. No effective repellent has yet to be
marketed for limiting the risk of shark attacks faced by humans
exposed to elasmobranchs. Over the last 50 years antishark
measures employed to protect humans from shark have included
electrical repellent devices (Gilbert & Springer 1963, Gilbert
& Gilbert 1973), acoustical playbacks (Myrberg et al. 1978,
Klimley & Myrberg 1979), visual devices (Doak 1974) and
chemical repellents (Tuve 1963, Clark 1974, Gruber & Zlotkin
1982). None of these procedures proved satisfactory in preventing
shark attacks. (Sisneros (2001)). As such, the long felt need for
an effective repellent had not been satisfied.
[0008] Researchers have historically used several bio-assays to
determine if a repellent evokes a flight response in shark. One
such bio-assay measures the effect of a repellent on a shark that
is immobilized in "tonic immobility." Tonic immobility is a state
of paralysis that typically occurs when a shark is subject to
inversion of its body along the longitudinal axis. This state is
called "tonic," and the shark can remain in this state for up to
15 minutes thereby allowing researchers to observe effects of
repellents. After behavioral controls are established, an object
or substance that has a repelling effect will awaken a shark from
a tonic state. Researchers can quantify the strength of a
repellent effect from these studies.
[0009] The applicant has discovered that an electropositive metal
is an effective elasmobranch repellent useful in limiting by-catch
as well as protecting humans. Electropositive metals, particularly
the Lanthanide metals, known or hereinafter developed, that are of
sufficient electropositivity to repel elasmobranchs are acceptable
in aspects of the present invention.
[0010] According to a non-limiting embodiment of the present
invention, an apparatus for repelling elasmobranchs is provided
comprising an electropositive metal. Preferably, the
electropositive metal is a Lanthanide metal. More preferably, the
electropositive metal is a Mischmetal. Electropositive metals may
have a shape of a cylinder, a cone, a circle, a cube, a disk, a
bar, a sphere, a plate, a rod, a ring, a tube, a stick or a block.
[0011] Electropositive metals of the present invention preferably
have a revised Pauling electronegativity of less then 1.32. In a
non-limiting embodiment, an electropositive metal has a cathode
half-cell standard electrode potential greater then 1.9 volts in
aqueous solution. In a non-limiting embodiment, the
electropositive metal is a Lanthanide metal, a Mischmetal, an
Alkaline Earth metal, an Alkali metal, or a Group 3 metal on the
periodic table.
[0012] According to a first non-limiting aspect of the present
invention, an apparatus is provided comprising an electropositive
metal and a buoy, a barge, a net, fishing tackle or any
combination thereof. Fishing tackle may comprise a longline, a
main line, a gangion, a branchline, a weight, a buoy, a net, or
any combination thereof.
[0013] According to a second non-limiting aspect of the present
invention, an apparatus is provided comprising an electropositive
metal and a fish hook. Such fish hook may be individual or
attached to longline or mainline and such fish hook may have a
single or multiple hooks.
[0014] According to a third non-limiting aspect of the present
invention, an apparatus is provided comprising a surfboard and an
electropositive metal.
[0015] In fourth non-limiting aspect of the present invention, a
method is provided for repelling elasmobranchs comprising
attaching an electropositive metal to a human body or to clothing
or accessories associated with a human body. In an aspect of the
invention, an electropositive metal may be attached to a human
ankle or wrist. In a further aspect an electropositive metal may
be attached to a bracelet. In yet a further aspect an
electropositive metal may be attached to a belt, a weight belt for
diving or flippers. In yet a further aspect, an electropositive
metal may be housed within a surfboard or attached to a surfboard.
In yet another aspect, an electropositive metal may be trailed
along with a human in water.
[0016] The invention will now be described by way of
example with reference to the accompanying drawings wherein:
[0017] FIG. 1 illustrates a traditional circle hook (40)
attached to a line (30) and preferred zone (I) for locating an
electropositive metal in accordance with the present invention.
[0018] FIGS. 2A-C illustrate non-limiting positions within
the zone (I) for locating an electropositive metal in accordance
with the present invention. FIG. 2A illustrates an
electropositive metal attached to the line above the hook. FIG.
2B illustrates an electropositive metal attached to the hook.
FIG. 2C illustrates an electropositive metal attached to the
hook shank and clear of the hook eye.
[0019] FIG. 3A-C illustrate non-limiting positions within
the zone (I) for locating an electropositive metal on a J-hook
in accordance with the present invention. FIG. 3A illustrates an
electropositive metal attached to the line above the hook. FIG.
3B illustrates an electropositive metal attached to the hook.
FIG. 3C illustrates an electropositive metal attached to the
hook shank and clear of the hook eye.
[0020] FIG. 4A-B illustrate non-limiting positions within
the zone (I) for locating an electropositive metal on a treble
hook in accordance with the present invention. FIG. 4A
illustrates an electropositive metal attached to the line above
the hook. FIG. 4B illustrates an electropositive metal attached
to the hook.
[0021] FIG. 5 illustrates a demersal longline with an
electropositive metal in accordance with the present invention.
[0022] FIGS. 6A-B illustrate non-limiting apparatuses and
methods of repelling elasmobranchs in accordance with the
present invention. FIG. 6A illustrates a buoy and
electropositive metal and a net with a plurality of
electropositive metals in accordance with the invention. FIG. 6B
illustrates a barge and an electropositive metal.
[0023] FIGS. 7A-B illustrate non-limiting surfboards with
an electropositive metal in accordance with the invention. FIG.
7A illustrates a surfboard with an electropositive metal that is
capable of spinning in accordance with the invention. FIG. 7A
illustrates a surfboard with an electropositive metal embedded
in or attached to the surfboard in accordance with the invention
[0024] FIGS. 8A-C illustrate accessories for attaching an
electropositive metal to a human or other subject or object.
FIG. 8A illustrates a belt or weight belt with an
electropositive metal in accordance with the invention.
FIG. 8B illustrates a bracelet or wristband with an
electropositive metal in accordance with the invention. FIG. 8C
illustrates flippers for snorkeling or diving with an
electropositive metal in accordance with the present invention.
[0025] "By-catch" is any kind of fish that is caught in a fishing
operation wherein the catching of the fish is not the object of
the fishing operation. For example, if the target fish of a
longline fishing operation is tuna, an elasmobranch caught on a
hook of the longline is by-catch.
[0026] "Elasmobranchs" in this specification means one or more
elasmobranchii in the super-orders Galeomorphii, Squalomorphii,
and Batoidea and orders Squaliformes (dogfish), Carcharhiniformes
(requiem sharks), Lamniformes (mackerel sharks), Rajiformes (true
rays), Pristiformes (sawfishes), Torpediniformes (electric rays)
and certain Orectolobiformes (carpet sharks). Elasmobranchs in
this specification includes nurse sharks, an Orectolobiform, but
this specification does not include the other carpet sharks, such
as wobbegongs.
[0027] An "Electropositive metal" is a metal which readily donates
electrons to form positive ions. Electropositive metals are strong
reducing agents and all react with water to some degree, typically
liberating hydrogen gas or forming a hydroxide. The most
electropositive metals tends to be found on the left-hand side of
the Periodic Table of the elements, particularly in Groups I, II,
III, and the Lanthanides. In general, electropositivity decreases
and electronegativity increases as one moves to the right hand
side of the Periodic Table of the elements. The most
electropositive metal known is Francium, which is radioactive. The
most stable electropositive metal is Cesium which is highly
reactive in water and air. Electropositive metals typically do not
exhibit any permanent magnetism (ferromagnetism) at room
[0028] "Revised Pauling Electronegativity" is is a chemical
property which describes the power of an atom to attract electrons
towards itself. First proposed by Linus Pauling in 1932 as a
development of valence bond theory it has been shown to correlate
with a number of other chemical properties. Electronegativity
cannot be directly measured and must be calculated from other
atomic or molecular properties The Pauling electronegativity for
an element is calculated using the dissociation energies of at
least two types of covalent bonds formed by that element. Linus
Pauling's original values were updated in 1961 to take account of
the greater availability of thermodynamic data, and it is these
"Revised Pauling" values of the electronegativity which are most
usually used.
[0029] "Standard Electrode Potential" is the measure of the
individual potential of any electrode at standard ambient
conditions, which is at a temperature of 298K, solutes at a
concentration of 1 M, and gases at a pressure of 1 bar. The basis
for an electrochemical cell such as the galvanic cell is always a
reduction-oxidiation reaction which can be broken down into two
half-reactions: oxidation at anode (loss of electron) and
reduction at cathode (gain of electron). Electricity is generated
due to electric potential difference between two electrodes. This
potential difference is created as a result of the difference
between individual potentials of the two metal electrodes with
respect to the electrolyte (In practice, seawater serves as the
conductive electrolyte). In an electrochemical cell, an
electropositive metal acts as the cathode, and the standard
electrode potential represents the voltage of the reduction
half-cell reaction.
[0030] A "Lanthanide metal" belongs to the series comprising the
15 elements with atomic numbers 57 through 71, from Lanthanum to
Lutetium. All lanthanides are f-block elements, corresponding to
the filling of the 4f electron shell, except for lutetium which is
a d-block Lanthanide. The Lanthanide series is named after
Lanthanum. The Lanthanide series is also commonly referred to as
the "rare earths" or "rare earth elements".
[0031] "Mischmetal" is an alloy of Lanthanide elements in various
naturally-occurring proportions. The term "Mischmetal" is derived
from the German "Mischmetal" meaning mixed metals. Mischmetals are
also called Cerium mischmetal, rare earth mischmetal or misch
metal. A typical composition includes approximately 50% Cerium and
45% Lanthanum, with small amounts of Neodymium and Praseodymium.
Other Mischmetal alloy mixtures include Lanthanum-rich Mischmetal,
Ferrocerium, and Neodymium-Praseodymium Mischmetal.
[0032] An "Alkaline Earth" metal belongs to the series of elements
comprising Group 2 of the Periodic Table of elements: Beryllium,
Magnesium, Calcium, Strontium, Barium, and Radium. The alkaline
earth metals are silvery colored, soft, low-density metals, which
react readily with halogens to form ionic salts, and with water to
form strongly alkaline hydroxides.
[0033] An "Alkali Earth" metal belongs to the series of elements
comprising Group I of the Periodic Table of elements: Lithium,
Sodium, Potassium, Rubidium, Cesium, and Francium. The alkali
metals are all highly reactive and are rarely found in elemental
form in nature. As a result, in the laboratory they are stored
under mineral oil. They also tarnish easily and have low melting
points and densities.
[0034] A "Group 3 metal" belongs to the third vertical column of
the Periodic Table of elements. While Lanthanides are usually
considered part of Group 3, the metallic elements Yttrium and
Scandium all always considered Group 3 metals. The physical
properties of Yttrium and Scandium resemble Lanthanides and these
two metals are commonly considered part of the "rare earths".
[0035] "Longline" refers to a fishing line that may extend up to
many miles wherein a mainline extends the full length of the
longline and individual shorter gangion lines attached to the
mainline are spaced at set intervals (perhaps several feet or
meters or perhaps 1000 feet or greater apart). Hooks are attached
to the individual gangion lines. Hooks may be baited and used to
catch target fish. The addition of an electropositive metal repels
elasmobranchs from the baited hooks as well as from the region of
the longline generally.
[0036] "Target fish" is any kind of fish, the catching of which is
the object of a fishing operation. For example, the target fish of
a longline fishing operation may be tuna. A fish that is caught on
the longline that is not tuna would not be a target fish.
[0037] "Tonic immobility" is the state of paralysis that typically
occurs when an elasmobranch is subject to inversion of its body
along the longitudinal axis of the body, i.e., is belly up. An
elasmobranch can remain in this state for up to 15 minutes. While
in tonic immobility, the shark is comatase and unresponsive to
many external stimuli. Biologists often perform surgery on sharks
using tonic immobility, precluding anesthesia. An effective shark
repellent terminates tonic immobility, often violently, thus,
tonic immobility is useful as a bioassay for testing the
effectiveness of electropositive metals.
I. Electropositive Metals as Repellents of Elasmobranchs
[0038] The applicant first observed the unusual repellent effects
of electropositive Lanthanide metals on sharks when
tonically-immobilized juvenile lemon sharks (N. brevirostris)
exhibited violent rousing behavior in the presence of a 153 gram
99.95% Samarium metal ingot. As the Samarium metal was moved
towards the immobilized shark's head, the shark terminated tonic
immobility, in the direction away from the approaching metal. For
experimental controls, pure Chromium, an antiferromagnetic metal,
and pyrolytic graphite, a highly diamagnetic substance, failed to
produce any behavioral responses in juvenile lemon sharks.
[0039] A polystyrene white plastic blinder was used to remove any
visual and motion cues from an approaching electropositive metal.
This blinder was placed close to the shark's eye, sufficiently
shielding its nares, eyes, gills, and head up to its pectoral fin.
Again, Samarium metal terminated tonic immobility in all test
subjects at a range of 2 to 50 cm from the blinder. Chromium metal
and pyrolytic graphite did not produce any notable behavioral
shifts. In order to confirm that pressure waves were not affecting
the test subjects, the tester's hand was moved underwater towards
the shark's head both with and without blinders at varying speeds.
This motion also did not disrupt the immobilized state. The same
series of experiments were repeated with juvenile nurse sharks (G.
cirratum) and yielded the same behavioral results.
[0040] The same experimental protocol was repeated with a 73 gram
ingot of 99.5% Gadolinium metal, an electropositive Lanthanide
metal, and yielded the same behavioral results in both juvenile
lemon sharks and nurse sharks. It is noted that the rousing
behavior was most violent when Samarium metal was used.
Additionally, the Gadolinium metal corroded quickly after seawater
exposure, and therefore would be appropriate for a one-time use
[0041] In order to eliminate the possibility of galvanic cell
effects, juvenile sharks were removed from their pens and brought
at least 15 meters away from any submerged metal objects. All
testers and witnesses removed watches, rings, and jewelry so that
only the lanthanide metal was exposed to seawater. The same
experimental method was repeated in lemon sharks and we report
that tonic immobility was terminated with electropositive Samarium
metal in all tests.
[0042] The application has discovered that waving Samarium or
Gadolinium in air above immobilized or resting sharks does not
effect behavior, even when the metal is very close to the water's
surface. The electropositive metal must be in contact with
seawater in order to produce the repellent effect. This is notably
different from the effects of a rare-earth magnet, which will
often terminate tonic immobility at close range in air.
[0043] The effects of an electropositive Lanthanide metal on
free-swimming sharks were also evaluated. Two juvenile nurse
sharks (less than 150 cm total length) were allowed to rest in an
open-water captive pen. The tester approached the nurse sharks and
moved his hand near the pen wall. His hand contained no metal.
Both nurse sharks remained at rest. Next, the tester presented the
153 gram ingot of electropositive Samarium metal underwater to the
pen wall and we note that both nurse sharks awakened and rapidly
swam away from the tester's locale. Next, a highly-stimulated
competitively-feeding population of six blacknose sharks (C.
acronotus) (total length up to 120 cm) and six Caribbean reef
sharks (C. perezii) (total length up to 210 cm) was established
using chum and fish meat. A diver entered the water near the
population of sharks with the 153 gram of Samarium metal secured
to one end of a 1.5 meter-long polyvinyl chloride pole. As
free-swimming sharks swam close to the diver, the control end of
the pole (without metal) was presented in a left-right waving
motion. Approaching sharks would swim past, bump, or briefly bite
the pole. The diver then turned the Samarium metal-end of the pole
towards the approaching sharks. All blacknose sharks exhibited a
"twitching" or "jerking" behavior as they came near the metal
ingot and quickly swam away. Caribbean reef sharks generally
avoided the metal, but did not exhibit the twitching behavior.
[0044] Following the aforementioned initial experiments, many
electropositive metals were procured and presented to
tonic-immobilized juvenile sharks. The violence of the shark's
response to each metal was scored on a scale of 0 to 4, with 0
equating to no response and 4 equating to a violent rousing
reaction. All testing was performed in the Bahamas using
open-water captive pens. Arc-melted 100 gram Lanthanide metal
ingots, Calcium, and Strontium were obtained from Metallium Inc.,
USA. Lanthanum, Cerium, Neodymium, Yttrium, Praseodymium and
Mischmetal samples were obtained from HEFA Rare Earth Metals,
Canada. Magnesium, Beryllium, transition metals and nonmetals were
procured as surplus items online from EBay.
[0045] In juvenile N. brevirostris and G. cirratum, the applicant
has found that the following Lanthanide metals all terminated the
tonic state at distances less than 0.1 meters: 100 grams of 99%
purity Lanthanum metal, 90 grams of 99% purity Cerium metal, 100
grams of 99% purity Praseodymium metal, 100 grams of 99% purity
Neodymium metal, 73 grams of 99.95% purity Samarium met al, 145 g
of arc-melted 99% purity Terbium metal, 89 g of arc-melted 99%
purity Erbium metal, 100 grams of arc-melted 99% purity Holmium
metal, 100 grams of arc-melted 99% Gadolinium metal, 100 grams of
arc-melted 99% Dysprosium metal, and 100 grams of arc-melted 99%
purity Ytterbium metal.
[0046] In the same experiment, 75 grams of 99% purity Yttrium
metal, a Group 3 metal, also terminated tonic immobility in
juvenile N. brevirostris.
[0047] In the same experiment, a 30 gram 99% purity ingot of
Strontium and separately, a 40 gram 99% purity ingot of Calcium
terminated tonic immobility in juvenile G. cirratum. These metals
were highly
reactive in seawater and dissolved before a second series of tests
could be performed.
[0048] In the same experiment, the following Mischmetals
terminated tonic immobility in N. brevirostris: An 80 gram slice
of Cerium Mischmetal, and a 100 gram slice of
Neodymium-Praseodymium Mischmetal.
[0049] In the same experimental, the following Alkaline Earth
metals terminated tonic immobility in N. brevirostris: A 70 gram
block of 99% Magnesium, and a 10 gram pellet of 99% purity Barium.
The Barium pellet reacted violently with seawater and a subsequent
test could not be performed.
[0050] Transition metals and nonmetals, which are much less
electropositive than the Lanthanides, Alkali, Alkaline Earth, and
Group 3 metals, were also screened using the tonic immobility
bioassay. The following transition metals and metalloids failed to
illicit a rousing response in immobilized juvenile N.
brevirostris: A 20 gram disc of 99.95% purity Tellurium, a 20 gram
cylinder of 99.5% purity Tungsten, a 20 gram cylinder of 99.5%
purity Cobalt, a 20 gram cylinder of 99.5% purity Iron, a 20 gram
cylinder of 99.5% purity Niobium, a 20 gram cylinder of 99.5%
purity Zirconium, a 20 gram square of 99.95% Rhenium, a 100 gram
pillow of Aluminum, and a 15 gram square of pyrolytic graphite
[0051] Based on the aforementioned experimental results, a close
correlation was found between the revised Pauling
electronegativity values for the electropositive metals, and
behavioral response. As the revised Pauling electronegativity
decreased, the violence of the shark's response seemed to
increase. A significant repellency threshold was found at a
revised Pauling electronegativity of 1.32 or less-Metals with
electronegativities greater than 1.32 did not produce the
response. Highly reactive metals, such as Strontium and Calcium
(electronegativities of 0.89 and 1.00 respectively) produced a
violent rousing reaction as expected.
[0052] An electropositive metal for repelling elasmobranchs may
comprise the shape of a cylinder, a cone, a circle, a cube, a
disk, a bar, a sphere, a plate, a rod, a ring, a tube, a stick, a
block, a tapered cone, or any other shape.
[0053] The mode of action of electropositive metals on
elasmobranchs is not fully understood. While not wishing to be
bound by any particular theory, one plausible theoretical
explanation for this surprising finding of repellent activity of
electropositive metals is the possibility that relatively high
voltages, ranging from 0.8 VDC to 2.7 VDC with currents up to 0.1
milliamperes, are created between the metal and the shark's skin.
This electromotive force may over-stimulate the ampullae of
Lorenzini (known to be used by elasmobranchs for navigation and
orientation), which saturate below 100 nanovolts, causing a highly
unnatural stimulus to the shark.
[0054] Electropositive metals exhibit no measurable permanent
magnetism (ferromagnetism). The applicant hypothesized that a
magnetic or electrical field was being induced by the metal's
movement through seawater. The applicant attempted to measure
minute magnetic fields being produced by the movement of Samarium
metal through seawater in a closed system. A submersible
calibrated milliGauss meter probe was secured in a plastic tank
containing seawater with the same salinity, pH, and temperature of
the water used in previous shark testing. After zeroing out the
Earth's magnetic field, the applicant did not detect any magnetic
fields being produced by the movement of Samarium metal through
the tank, within tenths of a milliGauss
[0055] Electromotive forces generated by electropositive metals
are effective repellents for elasmobranchs, excluding certain
carpet sharks in the family Orectolobidae. It is believed that
electropositive metals are not effective repellents against carpet
sharks because carpet sharks, particularly spotted wobbegongs
(Orectolobus maculatus), are ambush predators and rely more on
visual, olfaction, and lateral line clues than this
electromagnetic sense. This species of shark is found chiefly in
Australia and Indonesia, and does not represent significant
by-catch species or species that are known to be aggressive
against humans. Electropositive metals, however, are effective
against nurse sharks, another Orectolobiform.
[0056] Electropositive metals have been demonstrated to act as
acceptable repellents of elasmobranchs. The repellent activity of
electropositive has been shown to be better than existing
shark-repellent technology with the exception of certain chemical
repellents and magnetic repellents being developed by SHARK
DEFENSE LLC that have a greater range of action.
[0057] A. Electromotive Forces
[0058] The repellency of an electropositive metal may be measured
in a variety of ways. The applicant has found that the standard
electrode potential of the cathode half-cell reaction of an
electropositive metal in aqueous medium can be measured in a
closed system using an electropositive metal at the anode (the
site of oxidation), a piece of shark skin at the cathode (the site
of reduction), and seawater as an electrolyte. Electromotive
forces were measured using a calibrated direct current voltmeter.
Electromotive forces greater than 0.8 volts were recorded for all
electropositive metals, with Lithium metal, an Alkali earth metal,
producing the highest measurable voltage at 2.71 volts. This
demonstrated that cations and anions were exchanged through the
electrolyte. These measured electromotive forces closely
correlated to published standard electrode potentials for
electropositive metals. A closed system using an electropositive
metal at the external cathode (-) and a piece of shark skin at the
external anode (+) with seawater electrolyte represents a simple
and effective means of measuring electromotive forces and
predicting repellency.
[0059] The strength of an electropositive metal's electromotive
force field is inversely related to the distance an object is from
the metal. As such, metals with a low standard electrode potential
may repel elasmobranchs if the elasmobranch moves close enough to
sense the electromotive force field of the metal. A highly
electropositive metal having sufficient strength to repel an
elasmobranch at sufficient distance such that the elasmobranch is
deterred from striking a baited hook or coming near a person or
other subject is preferred. It is more preferred that an
electropositive metal have a standard electrode potential of at
least 2.00 volts in seawater to provide sufficient electromotive
force to repel an elasmobranch away from a baited hook or a person
before the elasmobranch may bight the hook or harm the person.
Because an elasmobranch may act to strike a hook or person at a
distance from the target, the higher the standard electrode
potential or the lower the revised Pauling electronegativity of
the metal, the more effective it will be. II. Methods and Devices
for Electropositive Metals
[0060] A. Electropositive Metals
[0061] Exemplary and non-limiting electropositive metals in
accordance with the invention may be constructed of any metal that
is capable of generating an electromotive force in seawater
relative to the shark's skin.
[0062] Electromotive forces may be generated in any manner known
to the skilled artisan who is practicing aspects of the invention
or electrochemistry.
[0063] There are many varieties of electropositive metals
including the Lanthanide metals, the Alkaline Earth metals, the
Alkali metals, Mischmetals, and the Group 3 metals on the periodic
table of elements. Any electropositive metal having sufficient
standard electrode potential or a low revised Pauling
electronegativity may be used as a repellent of elasmobranchs.
[0064] Exemplary electropositive metals include Lanthanum, Cerium,
Neodymium, Praseodymium, Samarium, Europium, Gadolinium, Terbium,
Dysprosium, Holmium, Erbium, Thulium, Ytterbium, Lutetium,
Yttrium, Scandium, Lithium, Magnesium, Calcium, Strontium, Barium,
Cerium Mischmetal, Neodymium-Praseodymium Mischmetal, and
Lanthanum-rich Mischmetal. Electropositive metals may be flexible
or inflexible.
[0065] A preferred electropositive metal contemplated within an
aspect of the invention is Neodymium-Praseodymium Mischmetal.
Neodymium-Praseodymium Mischmetal is a more preferred material
than pure forms of Lanthanide or Alkaline earth metals due to cost
and low corrosion reactivity in seawater. Pure Lanthanide metals,
particularly the "late Lanthanides" comprising elements 63 through
71, are prohibitively expensive in pure form. Pure Alkali metals
are extremely reactive in seawater and present fire hazards in
storage. Certain Alkaline earth metals are also highly reactive in
seawater, such as Barium and are too short-lived for commercial
fishing applications. Highly electropositive metallic elements
such as Promethium, Radium, and Francium are highly radioactive
and are not feasible for any elasmobranch repelling application.
[0066] In selecting an electropositive metal, a revised Pauling
electronegativity of less than 1.32 is preferred. A revised
Pauling electronegativity of about 1.14 or less is more preferred
since the impact of the electromotive force field will be felt at
a slightly greater distance from the metal.
[0067] Early Lanthanide metals, particularly elements 57 through
62, commonly called the "early Lanthanides", possess revised
Pauling Electronegativities less than 1.2, which is preferred.
Similarly, Mischmetals containing combinations of Lanthanum,
Cerium, Neodymium, and Praseodymium exhibit calculated revised
Pauling electronegativities of less than 1.2, which is preferred.
[0068] In order to maximize electromotive forces, the surface area
of an electropositive metal may be maximized. For example, a 6''
diameter by 2'' thick cylindrical Cerium Mischmetal block (revised
Pauling electronegativity of 1. 15) may be effective in repelling
elasmobranchs at a range of 8 inches.
[0069] A plurality of electropositive metals may be employed to
repel elasmobranchs. For example, 1'' cube metals may be arranged
in a 12'' long bar and used to repel elasmobranchs. The cube
metals may be of any electropositive metal material capable of
producing sufficient electromotive force at any distance of
interest from the metal to repel elasmobranchs. Alternatively, a
plurality of 1'' cube electropositive metals may be arranged
linearly with a distance between each piece of metal.
[0070] B. Electropositive Metals in Combination with Hooks
[0071] A non-limiting aspect of the present invention is the use
of electropositive metals to repel elasmobranchs from baited
hooks. Exemplary and non-limiting combinations of an
electropositive metal and a hook are illustrated in FIGS. 14. For
example, in FIG. 1, an exemplary and non-limiting circle hook
(140) is illustrated attached to a line (150) along with exemplary
and non-limiting zone (I) in the circle hook and line where an
electropositive metals may be placed or affixed. The preferred
region (zone I) for metal placement is any region wherein the
affixed or placed magnet does not obstruct the hook gap distance
(zone II). Not more than 20% of the hook gap distance (zone II) is
preferably obstructed by the metal such that the hook is not
prevented from setting in the corner of the mouth of a target
fish. Nevertheless, any arrangement wherein the hook is not
prevented from catching target fish is acceptable. Tapered conical
designs (not illustrated) are contemplated such that the diameter
of the electropositive metal at the hook end is smaller than the
diameter of the electropositive metal at the line end of zone I.
[0072] Exemplary and non-limiting combinations of an
electropositive metal on a hook and line are illustrated in FIG.
2. An electropositive metal (210) may be placed in proximity to a
circle or offset circle hook (240) such that it rests on the hook
eye (241) providing an exemplary embodiment such as the hook-metal
combination embodied at 260. An electropositive metal (210) may be
placed in proximity to a circle or off-set circle hook (240) such
that it rests on the shank (242) of the hook providing an
exemplary embodiment such as the hook-metal combination embodied
at 270. A metal (210) may be placed on a circle or offset circle
hook (240) such that it is secured to the outside of the shank
(242) and the hook eye (241) providing an exemplary embodiment
such as the hook-metal combination embodied at 280. Vinyl electric
tape (not illustrated) may be used to secure the metal. Black
vinyl tape is preferred to reduce reflections of light.
[0073] Electropositive metals may be provided in any shape. It is
preferred that a metal's shape not significantly obstruct the hook
gap distance (zone II). The metal may comprise a hole through
which a lead, or gangion, or mainline (250) or other filamentous
object may pass. Exemplary non-limiting shapes may include a cube
or block of any size or other object having at least one plane
comprising four right angles and a hole passing through the object
such that fishing line or other filament may be passed through to
affix the magnet in place on fishing tackle or other object.
Alternative, non-limiting shapes may also include cylindrical or
other circular, oval or oblong three-dimensional shapes having a
hole passing through some portion of the shape (210). Alternative,
non-limiting shapes may also include a hollow pyramid or a hollow
[0074] Alternative, non-limiting shapes may also include a solid
cube or similar shape, a solid rectangle or similar shape, a solid
bar or similar shape, a solid pyramid or similar shape, a solid
trapezoid or similar shape or any other shape. Metals may be
shaped as a ring, a trapezoid, a series of trapezoids, a series of
trapezoids arranged in a larger ring pattern, a cone, a tapered
cone, a narrow or wide cylinder or in the shape of a Billy club.
Preferably, the shape when combined with a hook provides a hook in
proximity to an electropositive metal comprising sufficient
electromotive force field strength to repel elasmobranchs.
[0075] Exemplary and non-limiting combinations of electropositive
metal and hook are also illustrated in FIG. 3. An electropositive
metal (310) may be placed in proximity to a j-hook (340) such that
it rests on the hook eye (341) providing an exemplary embodiment
such as the hook-metal combination embodied at 360. An
electropositive metal (310) may be placed in proximity to a j-hook
(340) such that it rests on the shank (342) of the hook providing
an exemplary embodiment such as the hook-metal combination
embodied at 370. An electropositive metal (310) may be placed on a
j-hook (340) such that it is secured to the outside of the shank
(342) and the hook eye (341) providing an exemplary embodiment
such as the hook-metal combination embodied at 380. As described
above in the illustration of FIG. 2, electropositive metal may be
provided in any shape.
[0076] Exemplary and non-limiting combinations of an
electropositive metal and hook are also illustrated in FIG. 4. An
electropositive metal (410) may be placed in proximity to a treble
hook (440) such that it rests on the hook eye (441) providing an
exemplary embodiment such as the hook-metal combination embodied
at 460. An electropositive metal (410) may be placed in proximity
to a treble hook (440) such that it contacts the shank (442) of
the hook providing an exemplary embodiment such as the hook-metal
combination embodied at 470.
[0077] A hook in accordance with the invention may be any hook
that is capable of catching target fish. The hook may comprise
stainless steel, steel, galvanized metals, ferromagnetic metals or
any other material, metallic or plastic or any other composite.
[0078] C. Electropositive Metals on Longlines
[0079] An exemplary and non-limiting method of repelling
elasmobranchs involving repelling elasmobranchs from longlines in
accordance with the invention is illustrated in FIG. 5. A longline
(500) may be deployed from a boat (561) to fish for a target fish
of interest. The main line (550) of the longline may be attached
to a buoy (520) and at a set distance from the buoy may be
attached to an anchor (562). A set of gangions (530) with hooks
(540) may be attached to the mainline beginning at the anchor
(562) and may be spaced sufficiently to limit interaction between
individual gangion lines (530). Each hook may have an
electropositive metal mounted resting on the hook eye (541).
Alternatively, the electropositive metal may be mounted on a hook
shank (542) or may be secured to the outside of the hook (540).
The hooks may be baited. The longline may be a demersal longline
such that the main line is proximal to the ocean or otherwise
water's floor. The longline may be a pelagic long line, such that
the main line is nearer to the surface of the water, suspending in
the water column, typically at 100-500 feet below the surface. In
the aspect of the invention where the longline is a pelagic
longline, anchors (562) may have less weight or may be absent from
the longline apparatus. The longline may also be a semipelagic
longline wherein the mainline is further down the water column
from the surface as compared to a pelagic line but is not proximal
to the water's floor or is not proximal to the water's floor on at
least one end of the longline. Use of electropositive metals with
longlines reduces by-catch of elasmobranchs.
[0080] Longlines comprising electropositive metals may be handled
in the commercial environment in a manner similar to those
practices known in the art of longline commercial fishing. Because
hooks must be carefully managed to control tangling and hooking of
objects on a longlining boat, including other portions of the
tackle of the longline, commercial fishing operations and those of
skill in the art will recognize how to handle longlines with
hooks. Electropositive metals on longlines likewise may be handled
in the same manners as one would consider appropriate in the art
to avoid entanglements.
[0081] As described above, electropositive metals of any size may
be used in combination with a longline hook so long as the target
fish may be caught on the hook. An exemplary electropositive metal
on a longline hook may be 2''*0.25''*2''. Smaller electropositive
metals are also acceptable. Electropositive metals of less than
0.5'' cubed may be appropriate for smaller hook settings.
[0082] D. Electropositive Metal Repellents on Buoys, Nets and
[0083] An exemplary and non-limiting method of repelling
elasmobranchs with an electropositive metal or a plurality of
electropositive metals placed on a buoy or barge or net is
illustrated in FIG. 6. Buoys with electropositive metals as their
weighted bases are shown as element 660 and 661 in FIG. 6A. The
floating portion of the buoy (620) allows the buoy to float while
the electropositive metal portion of the buoy (610) remains in the
water because of its weight. A series of buoys comprising
electropositive metals may be placed in a region to repel
elasmobranchs or may be placed around a swimming area or rescue
area to repel elasmobranchs. A series of buoys with
electropositive metals may be accompanied by a series of
electropositive metals submerged (611) in an area of interest,
such as a swimming area. As illustrated in FIG. 6B, very large
electropositive metals may be placed on a large floating barge
(670) comprising an electropositive metal (610).
[0084] An exemplary and non-limiting method of repelling
elasmobranchs with a plurality of electropositive metals is
illustrated in FIG. 6A as element 600, an elasmobranch repelling
net apparatus. Buoys (660 and 661) may be employed to float a net
(650) comprising a series of electropositive metals (640) held
within the net and electropositive metal rings (630) holding the
ropes of the net together. The net may be strung to the bottom of
the water column using weighted electropositive metals (611). The
net may be anchored to a specific location to provide a physical
barrier. The net may provide a curtain of electromotive field
forces to repel elasmobranchs from an area or to keep
elasmobranchs from entering an area of interest, such as a
swimming or working area. A net (650) comprising electropositive
metals such as those illustrated as elements 610, 611, 630 and 640
may also be used to trawl for fish, shrimp or other aquatic
species. In another non-limiting aspect of the invention,
electropositive metals may be placed in aquaculture cages to repel
sharks from predation or scavenging of cultured stock.
Electropositive metals are useful to prevent damage by
elasmobranchs to aquaculture cages, nets or other equipment.
[0085] E. Surfboard Fitted with Electropositive Metal
[0086] A non-limiting repelling device in accordance with the
invention may comprise a surfboard comprising an electropositive
metal device. FIG. 7B illustrates exemplary surfboards in
accordance with an aspect of the invention. A surfboard (720) may
comprise an electropositive metal device such as Mischmetal (710)
imbedded, affixed, attached or otherwise associated in any manner
contemplated by one of skill in the art with the surfboard An
electropositive metal may be pressed into a space drilled into the
surfboard (730). It may also be affixed with glue, waterproof
tape, Velcro or any other mechanism known in the art now and
[0087] In an alternative non-limiting example in Figure A, a
surfboard (750) may comprise an electropositive metal or plurality
of electropositive metals in association with one another wherein
the electropositive metal or metals are capable of spinning when
placed in water (740). Such a spinning electropositive metal (740)
may comprise individual metal pieces attached to a hub (770) that
is attached to an axle (760) to allow free spinning of the
electropositive metal or metals attached to the surfboard (720)
when water current is present.
[0088] An electropositive metal may be enclosed in the body of a
surfboard or other watercraft or may be trailed behind a
surfboard, other watercraft or swimmer.
[0089] F. Electropositive Metal Repellents on Swimming and Diving
Clothing and Accessories
[0090] One exemplary non-limiting aspect of the present invention
comprises an electropositive metal material for producing an
electromotive force field near a swimmer or diver or other person
or object in an elasmobranch environment.
[0091] Electropositive metals, such as for example, Mischmetal, or
other electropositive metals may be worn as a bracelet or a band
or otherwise placed in proximity of a person or object. An
increase in the number of electropositive metals and an increase
in the standard electrode potential of the metals that may be worn
increases the electromotive force field around the wearer and
increases the repelling activity of the bracelet, band or other
metal article.
[0092] In a non-limiting example, an omnidirectional electromotive
force field may be affixed or arranged near a subject or object
exposed to an elasmobranch environment. The electromotive force
field may be generated from, for example, an electropositive
metal. An electropositive metal may be affixed, for example, to
any portion of a swimmer's or diver's body such as the head, the
leg, the arm, the torso, the ankle, the wrist, or any other
portions of the body.
[0093] FIG. 8 illustrates a non-limiting example of
electropositive metals (810) attached to a belt (801) (FIG. 8A) or
bracelet (802) (FIG. 8B) or flippers (803) (FIG. 8C).
[0094] Electropositive metals may likewise be attached to clothing
or water accessories such as swim trunks, wet suits, headbands,
flippers, goggles or other piece of clothing or accessory.
Electropositive metals may be sewn into such clothing or may be
affixed with tape, glue, Velcro or any other mechanism for
affixing to clothing or accessories for swimming, diving or
otherwise working or playing in water.
[0095] Many human-shark interactions in shallow water, especially
around the State of Florida in the United States, are hypothesized
to be "mistaken identity" by the shark in water with poor
visibility. The blacktip shark (C. limbatus) and nurse shark (G.
cirratum) are often implicated in these encounters. The sharks do
not have an olfactory clue in most of these "mistaken identity"
cases. A series of electropositive metals, such as Mischmetal or
other electropositive metal, may be used as means to repel the
shark as it approaches within a few inches of the metal. With an
electropositive metal, such as Cerium, or an increased number of
electropositive metals, to increase electromotive force field
strength, repellent activity increases and the chance that a shark
will be repelled prior to an investigatory bump or bite is greatly
[0096] The invention is further described with the following
non-limiting examples, which are provided to further illuminate
aspects of the invention.
Example 1
Tonic Immobility Responses to Electropositive Metals
[0097] In order to screen the repellency potential of various
metals, 193 individual trials were conducted on juvenile sharks at
South Bimini, Bahamas in open ocean pens. All sharks were placed
into tonic immobility, and the behavioral response of the shark
towards a test metal was scored using a scale of 0 to 4. A score
of zero represented no response, with the shark remaining
immobilized. A score of one represented a slight fin flinch or eye
blink. A score of two represented a slight bend (less than 15
degrees) away from the metal, without rousing. A score of three
represented a strong bend away from the metal (more than 15
degrees), without rousing. A score of four represents the
termination of tonic immobility, with a rousing response,
indicating adequate repellency. No more than three consecutive
trials were performed on any one given shark. A minimum of 4 hours
of rest was allotted before a shark was retested. Classifying the
behavioral scores with a specific group on the Periodic Table of
the element demonstrates that the electropositive metals found in
Group 2 and Group 3 of the periodic table of elements produced a
stronger repellent response than transition metals (Groups3
through 12), a poor metal (Group 13), a metalloid (Group 16), and
a nonmetal (Group 14). See Table 1.
Group Tests
(Periodic table) Performed Average Score
Group 1 1 4
Group 2 13 3.23
Group 2 Alloy 34 2.79
Group 3 84 2.28
Group 8 6 1.17
Group 13 4 0.75
Group 5 5 0.20
Group 14 21 0.10
Group 9 5 0
Group 7 6 0
Group 6 4 0
Group 4 5 0
Group 16 6 0
[0098] The aforementioned tests can also be analyzed in terms of
the type of metal tested on the immobilized sharks. As expected,
Alkali metals, Alkaline earths, Mischmetals, early Lanthanides,
and late Lanthanides produced the highest repellency behavioral
scores. These types of metals are electropositive and have revised
Pauling electronegativities less then 1.32. See Table 2.
Type of metal Performed Average Score
Alkali metal 1 4
Alkaline earth 13 3.23
Mischmetal 34 2.79
Early Lanthanide 49 2.66
Late Lanthanide 29 1.83
Rare Earth 6 1.333
Poor metal 4 0.75
Transition metal 31 0.26
Nonmetal 21 0.10
Metalloid 6 0
Example 2
Published Standard Electrode Potentials of Electropositive
[0099] The published standard electrode potentials (SEP) for the
cathode half-cell reaction of electropositive metals is a
practical means of determining the repellency of the metal without
performing a bioassay. As the cathode half-cell reaction voltage
increases, the repellent effect is also expected to increase. The
published voltage represents the electromotive force between the
electropositive metal and the reference electrode. Published
standard electrode potentials typically use a standard hydrogen
electrode as the reference electrode. In practice, shark skin is
the reference electrode and produces measurable voltages at about
88% of the published standard electrode potentials. The safe
handling of highly electropositive metals must be considered, as
well as the longevity of the metal in seawater. See Table 3.
Cathode SEP Terminates Tonic metal
(Volts) Immobility? Safety Comments
Lithium 3.05 YES Short-lived in water
Rubidium 2.98 PROBABLE Explosive in water
Potassium 2.93 PROBABLE Fire hazard in water
Cesium 2.92 PROBABLE Explosive in water
Barium 2.91 PROBABLE Short-lived in water
Strontium 2.89 YES Short-lived in water
Calcium 2.76 YES Short-lived in water
Sodium 2.71 PROBABLE Fire hazard in water
Lanthanum 2.52 YES Safe for repellent use
Cerium 2.48 YES Safe for repellent use
Praseodymium 2.47 YES Safe for repellent use
Neodymium 2.44 YES Safe for repellent use
Samarium 2.41 YES Safe for repellent use
Europium 2.41 PROBABLE Corrodes quickly in
Gadolinium 2.40 YES Safe for repellent use
Terbium 2.39 YES Safe for repellent use
Magnesium 2.38 YES Safe for repellent use
Yttrium 2.37 YES Safe for repellent use
Dysprosium 2.35 YES Safe for repellent use
Holmium 2.32 YES Safe for repellent use
Erbium 2.31 YES Safe for repellent use
Thulium 2.31 PROBABLE Safe for repellent use
Lutetium 2.30 PROBABLE Safe for repellent use
Ytterbium 2.22 YES Safe for repellent use
Beryllium 1.847 NOT PROBABLE Weakly repellent,
toxic oxides
Aluminum 1.662 NO Not a repellent
Zirconium 1.45 NO Not a repellent
Niobium 1.099 NO Not a repellent
Chromium 0.744 NO Not a repellent
Rhenium 0.3 NO Not a repellent
Tungsten 0.1 NO Not a repellent
[0100] Beryllium and Magnesium metals are Alkaline earths in Group
2 of the periodic table of elements. These metals exhibit larger
revised Pauling electro-negativities (1.56 and 1.31 respectively)
than the Lanthanide metals. Magnesium, however, has a higher
standard electrode potential (see Table 3) than beryllium and
therefore is expected to be a better shark repellent than
beryllium. Tonic immobility testing has confirmed that magnesium
indeed produces aversive behavior in immobilized juvenile sharks.
It is anticipated the beryllium would be weakly repellent based on
the published standard electrode potentials. Additionally, the
highly toxic nature of beryllium compounds preclude its use as a
safe shark repellent.
Example 3
Target Fish not Repelled by Electropositive Metals
[0101] Preliminary research conducted on the effects of
electropositive metals on adult cobia, Rachycentron canadum,
suggests that electromotive forces produced by electropositive
metals had little effect on captive cobia. Digital video of cobia
striking at electropositive metals was recorded. Cobia were
observed directly biting electropositive metals as well as
transition metals. It is hypothesized that the shiny nature of the
metals acted as a visual attractant to the fish. Since bony fish
lack the ampullae of Lorenzini organ found in sharks, the fish
were unable to detect the electromotive forces produced by the
electropositive metals.
Shark Repellant Patents
Composition and device for discouraging the predatory
intentions of carnivorous fish
Shark repellant and preparation method thereof
Wetsuit System With Shark Deterrents
Electronic controls and options for powered riding machine
Multi-factorial electronic shark repellant
Shark repellant surfboard wax and method of making same
Shark repellant device
Shark repellant devices
Shark repellant patch
Diver's knife
A Sprayable Web-Forming Composition