et al
Activated Microcluster Water
Phenomenal enhancement of healing, plant
growth, food preservation &c with Activated Microcluster

"IIS-RT"-1997. Collection ?22
Resonance in physics, chemistry and
Valentin G. Shironosov
Department of BioMedPhysics, UdSU, Izhevsk, svg@uni.udm.ru ,
tel. +7-3412-763-466
---- The resonant problems in different areas of physics,
chemistry and biology from the unified point of view -
extremeness of resonant statuses of motion in the nature are
reviewed. In particular, the problems of dynamics of motion and
holding of atomic, macroscopic particle, micro-organisms in
inhomogeneous fields, outside and inside resonance conditions
are analyzed; problems of dynamic stability of unstable states,
bifurcation, chaos, discretization, evolution of non-linear
dynamic systems which are not inclusive in an obvious view a
small parameter. A fundamentals of the resonant theory of
dynamic systems are set out. The unsolved problems are marked
and the paths of their solution are planed, in particular: ball
lightning, activated water, resonant effect of superweak fields
at biological systems, including correlation between periods of
solar activity and processes happening at this time on the
The foreword.
---- This book has arisen as outcome of the numerous lectures
and seminars, in which one I attempted in the understandable
form to set out an achievements of the different explorers, in
the most different spheres of activity at unified object of our
research her Majesty - Nature. The contents of the book was
finally made after I had in a winter semester 1999/2000 to read
a course of the lectures for the students-biophysicist of
physical faculty of the Udmurt state university. . The
noticeable place in the book takes a phenomenon of the resonance
which has permitted to realize unified connection of phenomena,
diversiform ambient and diving through us. Moreover, I and my
employees in a lot of cases have could to influence “development
of events” in this area.
1. Introducing.
2. Resonance in linear systems. Traps for particles.
2.1. About dynamic stability of unstable states.
2.2. Atomic traps.
2.3. Problem of levitation of magnetic particles.
2.4. "A Problem 1/R3 " in a system of two dipoles.
2.5. Cells in "atomic" traps.
2.6. Ponderomotive wave action at "resonators".
3. Resonance in non-linear systems.
3.1. Simple computational method for non-linear dynamic systems.
3.2. About a pendulum of Kapica outside and inside zone of a
parametric resonance.
3.3. Dynamic stability of saddle points in autonomous systems.
3.4. About stability of unstable states, bifurcation, chaos of
non-linear dynamic systems.
3.5. Discretization, chaos and evolution in non-linear dynamic
4. Resonant traps.
4.1. Ponderomotive wave action at patterns in conditions of a
magnetic resonance.
4.2. Resonant levitation of bodies and particles with own
magnetic moment.
4.3. Problem of two magnetic dipoles allowing for equations of
motions of their spins.
5. Instead of the concluding - unsolved problems.
5.1. About the nature of a ball lightning.
5.2. Abnormal properties of activated water.
5.3. Resonant effect of fields at biological systems.
5.4. Sun, radiation and life.
List of the literature.
The application - history of the problem.
"IIS-RT"-2008. Collection # 43-1
High quality water production: analysis
and perspective
Shironosov V.G., Minakov V.V., Shironosov O.V., Shironosova
G.I., Ivanov V.B.
Scientific Research Center "Resonant Technologies" Udmurt State
Scientific Research Center "IKAR", www.ikar.udm.ru,
svg@uni.udm.ru svg@uni.udm.ru
Ecology and the industry of Russia, Moscow, 2008, p. 4-7.
Nowadays there are a number of methods of drinking water quality
determination. The main water characteristics are its chemical
composition and purity. However it turns out that even pure
water has very complex structure and properties. Drinking water
standards do not reflect the most essential water property- its
biological beneficial effect. That is why regular water we drink
is not good enough.
During the last decades scientists are getting more interested
in water, as water is a unique liquid. Numerous experiments
results show that existing methods of water properties
investigation do not satisfy requirements. They do not include a
number of water parameters that actually characterize water
beneficial properties and biological activity. Physiological
water properties are determined not only by its chemical
composition and the process of its purification, but also by a
number of interrelated physical parameters which characterize
water as a complex structured system in a non-equilibrium
thermo-dynamic state. This system has a microcluster structure
and become a source of emission (Figure 1) [1].
Figure 1. Microclusters (0.01-0.1 mm) in water solutions: 1 -
distilled water, 2 - natural mineral water, 3 - 70% alcohol
Water activation is the process of water transfer into a
non-equilibrium thermo-dynamic state, accompanied by change of
water structure. Water acquires resonant microcluster
structure. There are number of methods of water activation
(physical, chemical, biological, ets) -Figure 2. 1-3 solutions
were activated by means of the device "Izumrud-SI" (mod.03). The
solutions 1 and 2 were received by means of flow-through devices
for anolyte and catholyte production (1:1). The solutions 4-5
were activated by means of the device "Izumrud-SI" (mod.04). The
solution 4 was contact activated by means of electrolysis, the
solution 5 was non-contact activated by means of electrolysis.
The solution 6 was non-contact activated by means of ultrasonic
scanning. The solution 7 was activated by means of ultraviolet
radiation. The solution 8 was activated by means of gaseous
fractions formed in the result of a reaction between Al and HCl
solution. Activated water has a high physicochemical and
biological activity.
Figure 2. Microclusters (5-25 mm) in water solutions: 1 -
anolyte acid solution; 2 - catholyte alkaline solution; 3 -
anolyte neutral cathodic; 4 - 0.3% Na2CO3 water solution; 5 -
distilled water; 6 - vodka "Sarapulskaya"; 7, 8 - distilled
One of the most essential drinking water parameters is water
"charge", that is water RedOx. Silver-chlorine electrode was
used as an auxiliary electrode for RedOx measurement. RedOx
water in these conditions should be negative and pH should be
neutral, since RedOx of human body cells is ? ?70 mV. When RedOx
of cells is different from the norm, people contract diseases.
Investigation data (Invention application RU 2007127132, RU
2007127133; Patents RU 2299859, RU 2316374) show that RedOx is
a general parameter reflecting drinking water structure and
biological activity. RedOx can vary even if pH remains
unchanged. RedOx and pH anomalies [2.3] do not contradict Nernst
equation. It actually reflects the fact that Nerst equation is
not universal and can not be applied to every case. It also
reflects peculiarities of non-equilibrium environment parameters
measurement (Figure 3, during our experiments electromotive
voltage of signal - E was changed by the method described in
Invention application RU 2007127132).
Figure 3. Dynamics ReDox (1-3) and E (4-6) samples of
distilled water (1, 2, 4, 5) and of infusion solution (3, 6):
1, 5 - control samples; 2, 3, 5, 6 - activated non-contact by
electrolysis without diaphragm in an interval t=0-6,7 h.
Anomalies of pH and RedOx of non-contact and contact
activated water can easily be explained by the fact, that stable
high-energy resonant microclusters form on the base of
covibrating dipoles (water molecules, OH-) near anode and
cathode [2-4]. In a static state such dipole systems are
not stable (collapse effect), but in a dynamic state there is a
stabilization effect. Alternating field formed on the base of
two covibrating in antiphase dipoles has a narrow frequency
range (resonance effect) and becomes narrower at the rate of
The anomalous properties of activated water solutions (such
as relaxation period, non-contact activation effect, cluster
structure existence period- Figures 1 and 2, opportunity
to predetermine and control mineralization degree, homeopathy)
can be explained by high-quality microcluster structures
("molecular tuning forks")- Q ~ 1013-23. Regular drinking water
(RedOx>0) penetrates into human body tissues and takes
electrons from cells that consist of water by 80-90%. In the
result of that biological structures of the human body (cell
membranes, organoids, nucleic acids, etc) are destroyed by
oxidation processes. That is how body gets older, essential
organs cease to perform their functions, immunity decreases.
Melt water in mountains have microcluster structure and a
negative charge due to triboelectricity, transconformation and
phase transition. Drinking water with a negative RedOx is easily
assimilated by human body. It gives its charge to human blood
and compensates a negative cell charge. For example, we found
out that if mice that if mice are treated with a lethal dose
of X-rays and then given water with RedOx =-450 mv, their
death rate decreases from 96% to 10% (in comparison with the
control group of mice, that was given regular de-activated tap
water with a positive RedOx.
As a rule, a negative water RedOx lasts not longer than 24
hours, that is why it is recommended to prepare such water or
live near mountain springs with 'alive' water.
In 1990 Kiselev B.I. discovered a method of water solutions
non-contact activation by means of laser, magnetic or sonic
field (Patent 1827274 USSR). He proved for the first time
that it is possible to make water biologically active for some
period of time by means of physical methods. Clinical tests show
that activated water solutions can be used as
immunostimulant remedies, therapeutic and prophylactic agents,
since they do not have any side effects. Oral introduction of
activated water solution (during 60 days) is less effective
than infusion introduction ( 10 days).
In 2000 microhydrin (nanocarbon) was discovered. They called it
"longevity tablets". One tablet per a glass of water, milk or
coke shift liquid RedOx from +300 mV to -300 mV which is much
more than fresh carrot juice RedOx (-70 mV). Microhydrin is one
of the most effective antioxidants, but unfortunately, 1 liter
of such water is rather expensive $4. Later Dvornikov V.M.
created a beverage "Vashe Zdorovye" (Patent RU 2234945) which
can retain negative RedOx during 6-12 months. As test had shown,
the beverage has marked immunostimulating properties and can be
used as effective therapeutic and prophylactic agent, but is
quite expensive- $6/liter.
One of the important water parameters is its mineral
composition. Ca++, Mg++, J, Se bulk ions deficiency in water
cause a number of diseases. There are few springs which have
water with microelement and ion content which comply with
Russian Healthcare Organization standards. Some of these springs
are situated in Sarovo area.
Calcium and magnesium deficiency can lead to hypertension, heart
ischemia, osteochondrosis (even in 1.5 year old children),
osteoporosis, incorrect posture, intelligence and memory
decrease, quicker bilestone formation and stone formation in
urinary tracts, tooth decay, alopecia etc. Ca and Mg ions are
essential for normal development and health. They are especially
important for children, women during pregnancy and
breastfeeding, aged people.
The tests show that there are just a number of unique springs
with water with such properties and composition that this water
comply with the demands for healthy life. As a rule, these
springs are situated in mountains. So what can people do if they
mostly drink regular tap or bottled water?
In the course of history, two methods of water production were
The first method is more widely-spread and cheap. It is based on
water purification and decontamination up to standards of the
particular region. This method allows to preserve necessary
mineral substances and to produce cheap water - $0.0001-0.001
per liter.
The second method was considered to be affordable only for some
people. It allows to produce high quality clear water by means
of reversed osmosis or electrodialysis and the following
mineralization (addition of mineral compositions, substances and
gases). Now the reversed osmosis technology is getting less
expensive and more widely-spread. It will allow producing
cheaper and more affordable water.
Reversed osmosis devices are usually advertised as
next-generation devices for high-quality water production. But
it is proved that because of the reversed osmosis devices water
-distilled (demineralized);
- deionized (oxidated), since water RedOx is positive in
comparison with silver chloride electrode (200-400 mV);
- water structure retain information about pipes covered with
slime and dirt; it is especially dangerous for people with low
Such water is not good enough for drinking.
New unique Russian technologies, patented devices and methods
allowed creating next-generation devices for production of high
quality water (on the base of FTR-3 (Flow-Through Reactor,
Figure 4) and extra-high quality water (by mens of Faraday
screen) with resonant microcluster structure (Figure 5). Such
devices can also control water parameters during water
Figure 4. Device "Emerald - SI" (mod. 01) for reception of
the drinking activated high quality water with the given
mineral structure and antioxidant properties properties: a -
household, b - office, c - industrial.

Now the device "Izumrud-SI" (mod.01 os) has no analogues (Figure
The new approach is based on three main stages: pure water
activation, the following mineralization and properties control.
The offered device (Faraday screen, Patent 2299859) allowed to
boost efficiency of water activation and electrical safety and
to lower power inputs. Water mineralization was performed by
means of unique Russian mineral composition "Severyanka++"
containing Ca++, Mg++, J, Se ions.
The device has integrated controller, flow-type sensors with
two-level indication system - reversed osmose processes
monitoring (purification), activation monitoring (water
ionizing), water mineralization (mineral composition
optimization). The integrated controller and twin indicator
lamps (green and red) perform sensors monitoring and signal if
any disrepairs happen. Three light indicators regimes: 1) green,
2) flashing (green/ red), 3) red, which tells that filters or
mineral additive should be changed.
Figure 5. Device "Emerald-SI" (???.01 os) for production of
extra-high quality water with the set mineral composition and
antioxidant properties.
Water and water solutions cost depending on "Izumrud- SI"
devices performance: $0.004-0.008/liter (mod. 01),
$0.008-0.08/liter (mod. 01 os).
The devices can be used in different spheres of science and
engineering when intensification of the processes is needed by
means of activated high-quality water solution production with
predetermined composition and properties.
Figure 6. Block scheme (a) and principle scheme (b) device
"Emerald-SI" (mod.01 os).
The device can be applied for creation of new class of condensed
substances (solid substances, activated solutions and
beverages). Block scheme of the device "Izumrud-SI" (mod. 01 os-
Figure 6a) includes purification subassemblies 1, 2,
electroactivation subassemblies 3, mineral composition
controller 4, sensors 5, 6, 9 for control of water properties
(activation degree, pH, RedOx, temperature, dielectric
capacitivity , conductivity etc), sensors 7 and 8 for liquid
composition control (mineral elements, substances). The sensors
5, 7, 9 are on the system output, sensors 6 and 8 are installed
in front of the purification subassemblies. If necessary, one
can also install water disinfection subassemblies 10 and 11
(Figure 6a), fine filter 12, degasifier 13, tank for activated
liquids 14, liquid heater 15, liquid cooler 16, one or several
ultrasonic activators, high-pressure switch 19, low-pressure
switch 22, automated cut-off valve 20 and pump 21. Fine filters
12 and degasifiers 13 can be standard membrane devices- on the
base of osmotic, track, selective or hollow fibers membranes, on
the base of vacuum or ultrasonic deaerators or on the base of
both. Tank for activated liquids 14 can also have pressure and
temperature maintenance system.
This technology is aimed at liquid quality and treatment
efficiency increase, at water parameters control, at preventing
electrode overgrowing with cathode depositions. It prevents
diaphragms from clogging. The technology allows to expand
operational options and to make the device user-friendlier and
easier to maintain.
Tap water always was and will remain process water, unless the
offered technology is used. This is said in new State Standard.
Low water quality is explained by water treating facilities
condition and water chlorination technology that is widely used
and other factors. Now there are two ways out: first, to produce
bottled water, second, to treat tap water by means of regular
water purifiers or purifying installations.
The "Izumrud" electroactivation devices can produce 100-2000
tons of water depending on tap water quality. The main advantage
of this technology over bottled water production consists in the
quality of produced water - it is ionized and has RedOx and
pH close to that of melt water and human body. The project
creators hope that if one distinguishes drinking water and
process water it will help to solve numerous problems of water
supply and to increase average life expectancy.
Smirnov A.N., Suroeshkin A.V., Lapshin B.V. et al.
Supramolecular water complexes// Russian Chemistry Magazine,
2004, volume 48.
Shironosov V.G., Shironosov E.V. 'Non-contact electrochemical
water activation experiments', Collection of abstracts of the
2nd International Symposium 'Electrochemical activation in
medicine, farming and industry', Moscow, VNIIIMT AO NPO
'Screen', Part 1, p.66-68, 1999
Shironosov V.G. Resonance in physics, chemistry and biology.
Izhevsk, Udmurt State University, p. 92, 2001
Shironosov V.G. 'Phisical foundation of resonant water
activation', Collection of abstracts of the 1st International
Symposium 'Electrochemical activation in medicine, farming and
industry', Moscow, VNIIIMT AO NPO 'Screen', 1997
Shironosov V.G., Shironosova G.I., Minakov V.V., Ivanov V.B.
Installations and devices for ecologic safety at home, at work
and in hospitals. Abstracts of the XIII International Symposium
"2003- International Year of Water", Austria, 2003
Activated liquid (useful links)
- Adaptive treatment method (artificial biofield source in
- Water - a source of biological and electrical energy;
- Non-contact activated infusion solutions as applied to
prophylaxis of postoperative pancreatitis of oncopatients;
- The Treating of Patients in U.S.A. using Anolyte, Catholyte
and Non-Contact Activated Liquid (NAL);
- Open seminar professor Ashot Khachatryan in Singapore;
- Non-contact activation of liquids (infusion solutions and
drugs, drinks, tea, coffee, drinking water, including tubs,
swimming pools, an intensification of biotechnology, the
extension of the deadline life);
- High quality water production: analysis and perspective;
Hi-tech from Russia - Download video: water_rtv_090406 -
Excerpts from the TV program "The great secret of water"
(www.rutv.ru, 09/04/2006);
-- Udmurtiya pure water (43 Mb) ;
- Levitation - is simply (0,7 Mb);
- Solitary vortices - clusters of activated water (0,2 Mb);
- Activation of water (16 Mb);
- Presentation Icare "on the International forum on
nanotechnology, Moscow, 3.12.2008-5.12.2008 (~40 Mb);
- Universal Device for contact and non-contact activation of
liquids (won prestigious international awards - gold,
"IIS-RT"-1999. Collection # 15-12
Noncontact electrochemical water
activation experiments
V.G. Shironosov, ?.V. Shironosov
Scientific Research Center "IKAR", www.ikar.udm.ru,
Scientific Research Center "Resonant Technologies" Udmurt State
University, http://v4.udsu.ru/science/untsrt
The II International Symposium "Electrochemical Activation (ECA)
in medicine, agriculture economy, industry".
?.: October 28-29 1999, p.68.
Results of the water ECA experiments are given. Simple model,
explains the noncontact activation, are suggested.
Electrochemical activation, theoretical physics.
---- The noncontact electrochemical water activation phenomenon
(CAW) was theoreticaly predicted in 1992 on the base of
substantial field physical theory by I.L. Gerlovin [1].
Noncontact ECA experimental results was published by V. Bahir in
1992 [2].
---- Hermetically sealed thin-walled capacitys (ampoules or
capsules), or a polyvinyl chloride tube (PVC, diameter - 3 mm,
thickness of the wall - 1 mm) with physiological solution was
placed to the work chambers of (anodic or cathodic)
electrochemical diaphragmal activator. As a rule, activation
of the ampoules was conducted for 30 minutes by switched
on current or by current switched off immediately before placing
of the capacitys with physiological solution to ECA mediums.
---- After 30 minutes of noncontact activation results to the
solutions in the ampoules was [3]:
Parameters Initial
physical sol. Anolyte
Catholyte D LA C:off
D LA C:on D GA C:off
D GA C:on D FA C:off
D FA C:on D LC C:off
D LC C:on D GC C:off
D GC C:on D FC C:off
D FC C:on
?? 6.7±0.2 1.1
11.5 -0.8±0.1
-1.3±0.1 -0.2±0.1
-0.5±0.1 0.1±0.2
0.2±0.15 0.5±0.2
0.8±0.2 0.2±0.15
0.4±0.2 -0.4±0.1
ORP, ?? 260±5
1135±15 -845±5 110±10
150±7 31±8
30±5 -80±5
-130±4 -490±7
-560±10 -280±5
-370±6 23±7
---- where, D LA current:off = ??(ORP)la C:off-??(ORP)initial
ph. sol.; L,G,F - matherial of the ampoule (lavsan, glass,
fluoroplastic); ? - anolyte activation, C - catholyte
activation, C:off(on) - activation by current swithed on(off)
immediately before placing the capacities with physiological
solution to ECA mediums.
---- In that way, after exposition of hermetical ampoules with
the physiological solution in anolyte or in catholyte, the
results ?? and ORP of physiological solution was materially
changed; it could be regarded as displaying of the noncontact
ECA. The effect is the same when the electrolizer is switched on
or when it is switched off. Anolyte and catholyte are influence
on the physiological solution though the glass, lavsan and
fluoroplastic. By that, the direction of the pH and ORP changes
corresponds (for the glass and lavsan) to sign of
electrochemical processing (anodic or cathodic) and inverts for
the fluoroplastic. In 2 hours after ECA, the pH and ORP results
are relaxing; it is the evidence of electrolize stable products
unpenetration into hermetically sealed thin-walled capacities.
Therefore, noncontact ECA passes on an energetic level
without any attendant transport (mass exchange) of ions
through the ampoules wall[3].
---- We conducted complementary experiments for elucidation of
the noncontact activation phemomenon nature.
Experiment 1: Hermetically sealed thin-walled polyethylene
packets (thickness of the pellicle ~0.1 mm) with distilled water
placed into a work cathodic chamber of the electrochemical
activator "Espero-1". Activation was conducted with a diaphragm
and without it for 30 minutes by switched on current. The
results are in the table 1.
Table 1.
Parameters Initial distilled
water medium
cathod with diaphragm cathod medium without
diaphragm Dpacket with diaphragm
Dpacket without diaphragm
?? 7.2±0.2 10.7
7.6 -0.4±0.2 -0.4±0.2
ORP, ?? 264±5
-873±5 -460±5
-364±20 -384±20
----where, D pac with diaph.=??(ORP)pac. without
diaph.-??(ORP)init. dist. water
Experiment 2: Hermetically sealed thin-walled polyethylene
packets (thickness of the pellicle ~0.1 mm) with distilled water
placed into cylindrical food aluminium and plastic capacitys
(dalum14=14 sm, dplast14=14 sm), filled with catholyte.
Catholyte (??=13.5, ORP = -950 ??) was received on the
"Emerald-Si" unit. Activation was conducted for 30 minutes in
fresh-made solutions. The results are in the table 2.
Table 2.
Parameters Init. dist. water
D alum14 D alum+polyeth14
D alum+tefl14 D alum14+plast
D plast14 D plast+foil14
?? 7.5±0.2
-0.3±0.2 0±0.2
-0.8±0.3 -0.4±0.3
-0.4±0.3 0.3±0.3
ORP,?? 289±3
-749±10 -245±10
-301±10 -175±10
-165±15 -280±15
---- where, D ? =??(ORP)?-??(ORP)init. dist. water,
alum+polyeth14 -catholyte was filled into a thin polyethylene
packet (~0.1mm), wich was close-adjoined to aluminium capacity
walls, alum+tefl14 - aluminium capacity with a thin-walled
teflon cover, alum14+plast - catholyte was filled into a plastic
capacity (thickness of the wals ~2 mm) and placed into an
aluminium capacity-alum14, plast+foil14 - the thin aluminium
foil was close-adjoined to the plastic capacity walls.
Experiment 3: Dielectrical vessels with anolyte and catholyte( V
= 100 ml.), were prepared on the "Emerald-Si" unit by Va=Vk =5
l/hour, placed into micro wave field (? = 1 ???, n=2.4 ???) for
1 minute, after that its parameters were measured. Measuring of
the parameters and heating of the anolyte and catholyte was
simultaneously conducted for 1-2 minutes in the water bath. The
results are in the table 3.
Table 3.
Parameters Initial solutions
Micro waves Heating
anolyte catholyte
anolyte catholyte
anolyte catholyte
?? 3.9 12.4
3.0 13.1
2.7 13.0
ORP,?? 1108±10
-960±10 1093±10
-253±10 1085±10 -928±5
?, degree ? 22±0.1
22±0.1 50±2
50±2 50±2 50±2
The experiments permit to draw some conclusions:
The noncontact electrochemical water activation are to be
observed by small thickness of dielectric partition (mm and
less) and depends from a material of the partition; by that,
CAW, in anodic and cathodic chambers, has a different sign of D
ORP (table) for the same material partition;
CAW takes place as for ECA water with diaphragm as for ECA water
without it (table 1);
DORP increases by activation in a metal capacity, or in a metal
capacity with a thin nonconductive dielectrical cover (table 2)
Nonthermal influence effect of microwave field to the catholyte
(sharp decreasing of ORP table 3).
---- Anomal properties 1-3 phenomenon of noncontact
electrochemical activation can be simply explained by origin of
high energetics steady resonance systems from oscillating water
difields, - (two and more) near the anode and cathode [4-7]. In
statics such systems from difields are not steady (collaps
effect), in dynamics, by resonance, a dynamics stabilisation
unsteady condition effect displays though [5-7]. Variable
electromagnetic field from two synchronously-oscillating
difields (SAD) [6] has a narrow frequency spectrum (resonance
effect and decrease ~ 1/r6. Maximum of the spectrum, possibly,
belong to microwave diapason, because, for ??- typical
frequencies of rotation transitions ~2 ??? (length of a wave l?
=18 sm). Therefore, contactless activation can to be origin
only from thin walls, close by SAD, and depend from
spectral properties of material-partition. Amplification of CAW
in metal cylindrical form capacities can be explained by
amplification of active microwave field by means of reflection
from the conducting surfaces (microwave resonator effect). It
should be expect amplification of CAW by the sizes of capacityes
~l ?, l ?/2.
Gerlovin I.L. The base of the united theory of all interaction
in a matter .-SP.; Energoatom Publication 1990
Bahir V.?. Electrochemical activation. -?.; ARSRIMT, v.1, 1992.
p. 197-204.
Prilucky V.I., Bahir V.?. Electrochemical activated water:
Anomal properties, mechanism of biological action.- ?.; ARSRIMT
JS Scientific Production Unity "Ecran". 1997. -p. 228.
Shironosov V.G. Physical base of resonance activation of water,
p. 220-221, The I International Symposium "Electrochemical
activation in, medicine, agriculture economy, industry ",
collection of the articles -M; ARSRIMT JS Scientific Production
Unity "Ecran". 1997. - p. 248. http://ikar.udm.ru/sb/sb1-2e.htm
Shironosov V.G. About the steady in unsteadness conditions,
bifurcation, chaos of the nonlinear dynamics systems. SA
USSR,1990, v. 314, N 2, p. 316-320.
Shironosov V.G. An addition of two magnetic difields with the
due regard of spin motion equations. Sel. Physics, 1985, N 7, p.
74-78. http://ikar.udm.ru/sb/sb22e.htm
Shironosov V.G. Fireball's physical nature. In collection
thesises of articles IV Russian university academical scientific
practical conferention Izhevsk: publucation of Udmurt state
university, 1999, v.7, p. 55-58.
"IIS-RT"-1997. Collection ?1-2
Physical Basics of Water Resonance
Shironosov V.G. svg@uni.udm.ru
First International Symposium "ElectroChemical Activation in
Medicine, Agriculture, Industrial"
The collection of the reports M.: 1997, p 220 (in Russian)
Discussing questions about water activation on level of
molecular structure.
Proposing to use water activation by short wave resonance
---- Simplicity of production and storage relatively harmless
action on living organism activated water produced by technology
of electrochemical activation (ECA) provided its wide use in
different spheres and technologies.
---- Water activation in general is conducted with adding
diluted solution of salt. During process of flowing through
anode chamber in ECA every microvolumetic salt solution comes
into contact with surface of anode, where appears in high
intensity electric field. As a result, solution exposed to
strong electron - acceptor influence and inside of the solution
synthesize active substances which acts like strong oxidants.
Most parts of those compounds cannot exist outside of water in
another state of aggregation. In this matter anolyte is unique
in its chemical composition. Also, in this solution guarantees
absence of dioxins or any xenobiotics which create risk of
contamination to environment.
---- Physics of this process is complicated, but it's easy in
general to understand. Flowing through reactor activated water
obtained features of "Mazera" - systems highly active ions,
molecules "microgenerators". Water activated by resonance short
wave frequency (SWF) - electromagnetic radiation acquires
characteristics close to ECA activation [1]. In some way
molecules of activated water based on clinic experiment of their
use of our hospital center [2], - It's something like a
miniature version of SWF generators ("Kremlin Pills"), which by
flowing through a living organism causes its "restoration" -
healing by resonance field. That is why even a small amount of
these substances soluted in that water will cause effects
(effect close to homoeopathy).
----According to this experiment it becomes extremely important
to learn the spectrum of emission and absorption of liquid
atmospheres which were activated by ECA and using internally,
because of clinical experiment of using SWF devices were
found to have not only positive influences by electromagnetic
vibrations, but also negative influences at certain
frequencies. That is why additional activation of liquids by
short wave resonance radiation on certain frequencies may
substantially increase its healing abilities.
Smith C.W. Millimeter wavelength coherence phenomena in water,
?. 210; Lashenko A.K., Lileev A.C., Zaseskij A.J. Dielectric
properties of electrolytes solutions and mechanisms of an
absorption of electromagnetic irradiation by water systems in a
microwave and EHF ranges, p. 226, Tenth Russian Symposium
"Millimeter waves in medicine and biology" The collection of the
reports (M.: RAS, - 1995, p 260) (in Russian)
Ilinskij I.C. KVH-THERAPY in a combination with air- and water
treatment for the patients with illness of a stomach.
Tenth Russian Symposium "Millimeter waves in medicine and
biology" The collection of the reports (M.: RAS, - 1995, p 260)
(in Russian)
"IIS-RT"- 2007. Collection ? 17-4
The method of adaptive treatment.
Artificial source bio medicine
Boris Ivanovic Kiselev
Director-General AOZT 1990-1997
tel.+7 (812) 387-4801, mob. +7-905-213-6630St. Petersburg,
Russia 196070, Moskovsky Prospekt, Build 161, Room 70,
ipcitus@mail.ru ipcitus@mail.ru
The article, in a very short and concise way, describes the
major discovery of great importance to human civilization, for
the first time it is proved that the so-called "bio" is not the
prerogative of living objects. This discovery provides, firstly,
a complete theory of the fundamental fields, secondly, to take a
fresh look at the origin of life on earth and, finally, thirdly,
a new direction in medicine, is fundamentally different from all
known and allow for the two main principles of treatment;
treat the patient, not the disease.
shown to a new method based on the eight-practice patients a
wide range of diseases.
St. Petersburg city 1993-1997 ISSUE 1
Say immediately : it further goes on regular panacea, and will
be shown one possibility - a new approach to patient management.
Purpose of this study is on the one hand, the formulation of the
new directions in alternative medicine, in which treatment of
the patient is fundamentally different from all known methods of
eastern European or mainstream medicine, and the other is to
show practical achievements in the proposed area for treatment
in the last eight years.
The basis for this new direction and establishes the following
assumptions :
diagnosis and treatment choices priority (with several diseases)
should be made by the patient's body;
according to their reserves resistance, the body shall mobilize
the patient choices and creating their own funds to deal with a
command key, in which the body begins to work this way, should
be a matter to a neutral body itself.
Easy to suggest that the implementation of these assumptions can
any possible medical errors, but also be able to treat diseases
such that the early stages are not diagnosed, such as IBS;
the possibility of complications and side effects, and the
complete absence of contraindications;
change the role of the attending physician.
Obviously, the medical institute's approach to treatment is not
to teach. Therefore, asking for the opinion of modern medical
technique, even with higher ranking doctors is useless.
Technology to the key had been tested in Pokrovskaya Hospital C
- Petersburg, from which the author received a certificate in
1990. The principle of this technology was handling the
electromagnetic field vials isotonic sodium chloride solution
method intact. In other words, the chemical composition of the
solution in the processing has not been changed. The following
experiments were conducted at the outset IN VITRO to ensure
objectivity, then at the Institute of Animal Physiology of
Photographs were produced using Kirlian photography, aura images
of drops of fresh blood conventional arrive, and arrive,
processed image technique (see photo No.1-3).
Photo 1 Photo 2
Photo 3
On the right plain broth, in the middle-treated, and the
left-Aura drops of fresh blood. From comparison of images clear
that the aura of processed box "dead" arrive the same aura
living blood.
This is the first time shown that the method can artificially
and physically force an inanimate object (water) for a limited
time, a media bio. In other words, created an artificial source
of bio (IIBP), as opposed to natural-life source.
In the early twentieth century, Academician Vernadsky V. I. has
the idea of a global theory, which would have unified laws to
animate and inanimate nature. This is the future of the unity of
live and dead he called “noosphere”. In theory, no par. It is
expected that it will be the most important theory of
civilization on Earth. Currently, a critical step in
establishing the theory of undefined methodological framework
for future theory, and viable paradigm for developing systems.
In this paradigm contains the basic requirements for any viable
and growing system in animate and inanimate nature and the
systems that characterize the viability of all civilization on
Earth. This law is far from par, but the conditions laid down in
the paradigm must enter in theory “noosphere”.
One theory is Fundamental Fields (TFP), the foundation of the
theory of soils, a paradigm based on a viable and developing
systems. Average combines all forms of interaction in the matter
: the strong, weak, electromagnetic and gravitational - the main
concept of TFP-laminate space. All the contradictions within
existing disparate theories Spacetime time substance, and among
addressed through TFP. However, the current hypothesis in
biology, biophysics, and the hypothesis of the bio, ie special
fields supposedly inherent only living system, a barrier between
the known fields in biophysics and this particular field of
living systems. We show that in fact there is no such barrier.
In this work, experimentally it has shown that the special
effects of water or aqueous solutions known in physics fields,
in the water or in aqueous solution, and there may exist some
time secondary stimulated radiation in connection with the
collapse of large water clusters with small numbers game small
(electrically active) clusters with large numbers game. These
small dipole, chaotically moving, a very low radiation of
Incoherent chaotic spatial polarization. Since water is a major
component of living systems, it is what field biologists called
Random clusters of water in a living system comes from the
special internal chemical mechanism changes (in a person that
ATF) clusters. If this mechanism did not exist, the cells would
not be able to assimilate micro-clustered water. Thus,
stimulated emission of living systems (bio) is certainly a
necessary accompaniment of the metabolism of cells of these
systems, ie making large clusters of small external water.
On the magnetic radiospectrometer RE-1306, working Effect
paramagnetic resonance with hydrophilic probes measured changes
in the rotational mobility of ions in the cell water, as
compared to natural water. Owners resonance lies in the range of
15-25 Hz. And the probe shows the rotational mikrovyazkosti
decrease by 20-30%. As the frequency of the radiation is very
low, and a living object is small compared to the wavelength of
radiation, the actual field measurements near the site is always
in short zone. Thus, the living organism as the laser is the sum
of noncoherent point emitters with chaotic in a very low
polarization range. Thus, it can be an important conclusion,
namely : bio measuring devices must be physically in a
multi-anechoic chamber for the suppression of external
interference in the very low range of 120 dB. Such cells, in the
author's opinion, in the territory of Russia is not. This is a
very expensive camera. It should now understand. With
measurements must be conducted by an electric dipole, and with
high sensitivity magnetic antennas, ie parametric antennas with
lasers, which can provide high sensitivity measurements.
Another problem, which is transport, water molecules are
resonant absorbent of proteins. Dipole number is in the tens of
thousands-tens, and the natural water these numbers are mainly
based on the number of Debye. Thus, mono-structurized water
molecules is essential for effective synthesis and protein
To determine the impact of protein, a biological experiment on
the effectiveness of the drug on blood cells IN VITRO. This two
similar tubes filled the same number of the same blood. Then one
of them introduced normal arrive at 1 / 15 of the blood, and
another at the same level arrive treated field. Of the two
bottles sampled at the electron microscope.
After exposure to images submitted (photo No. 4-5).
Photo 4 Photo 5
On the left image visible blood cells with proteins
conglomerate, and the right-treated cells of the protein.
Photo 6 Photo 7
Photo 8 Photo 9
Photo No. 6-9 shows the effects on the blood cells of the same
blood IN VITRO various fields of the above methods. Photo No.
6-picture baseline erythrocyte (seen large blocks of waxy
erythrocyte). At photo No. 7 after exposure to copyright
methodology (see disintegration of large blocks into smaller).
Pic No. 8-effects of ultraviolet radiation (visible
disintegration of larger units than the photo No. 7). Photo No.
9-effects on erythrocyte (still large blocks, within which is
scheduled to break small). Thus, you can make two important
conclusions :
• objectively proved that the effect on blood broth, this is the
electromagnetic field, there really was;
• effects on erythrocyte fields of copyright way more favourable
than in other fields.
Impact on Plant (photo No. 10 : Left-treated water on the
news. how, right-normal). The impact on the bread (photo No.
11) (a week) : right-treated water on copyright technique
Photo 10 Photo 11
Check impact of the animals arrive at conducted to verify the
absence of a negative effect on the kidneys and liver.
After such checks in the cardiology division Pokrovskaya
Hospital on 30 IBS patients were treated in the drug compared
with a control group.
Treatment proposed method has significant advantages over UFO
blood and other traditional methods. In preparation cardiac
surgery intensive care department applied for the septic
endocarditis, when antibiotics did not work. It also found that
the drug was triggered automatically as gipokoagulyant and how
giperkoagulyant and as analgetik.
The same "product", also with a double placebo was tested at the
Department of Infectious Diseases GIDUV in treating hepatitis B
and AIDS. The result was positive and published in the Medical
Gazette (No. 19, 1993). Comparison with azidotimedinom AIDS
treatment showed a significant advantage copyright method. One
of the patients monitored so far, and he periodically receives
treatment (from 1991). The result is shown on the chart
Zashtrihovannoy area on the chart marked points of treatment. In
December 1991 T4 lymphocytes were measuring 300, in September
1996 T4 lymphocytes reached 1026.
The Department Pediatric Gastroenterology GIDUVa treated group
of children with various diseases, including goiter and golden
Staphylococcus. A report the department. After treatment was
Also been treating compression fractures and scoliosis
(stages 1-2) in children aged 12 to 14 years (16). Output
2 -3 positive course of treatment-recovery (time-treatment of
four months to a year). Confirmed rentgenologicheski and
photographs (Photo No. 12-13). Recovery Time-2 months.
Photo 12 (before)
Photo 13 (after)
Photo 14 (before) Photo 15 (after)
There is also a full recovery with the restoration of
eosinophilic granuloma vertebrae in the spine and Kyummelya
There are some observations on healing polycystosis ovaries,
uterus myoma, welding pipes, eczema and neyrodermita, trophic
ulcers, parapraktita, Hiss and burns. Quickly and with
sustained remission kupiruetsya Hypertensive Stroke. There had
been cured diffuse kistozno- slipchivogo Arachnoiditis Medio
basal localization. As observed in the treatment of breast
tumors overlaid pack, it can be concluded that the man found a
source of bio anticancer funds directly.
Before Treatment After Treament
Comparing left photos tumors before and after treatment showed
that the tumor disintegrated into two parts and has been
considerably reduced. The photographs show the germination of
living tissue in the tumor. The experience of breast cancer
treatment in outpatient settings said that in the early stages,
but already proposed knife surgery, IIBP can eliminate tumors.
In a hospital in the intensive care unit was eliminated
digestive tumor, the patient aged 74 years. It never seen any
side effects or complications.
Photo 16 (before)
Photo 17 (after)
Photo No. 16-17 demonstrated by the treatment of fatty oily skin
(youth acne). Results obtained 4 months. Treatment proved
hypothesis author of the new opportunities the new directions in
alternative medicine. Thus, IIBP can be characterized as
polisistemny tsitoprotektivny adaptogencorrector homeostasis.
The technical name IIBP AKVATSIT--K (cell KISELEVA water).
Studies make important statements :
the proposed method can cure any disease without
laboratory tests on animals;
new directions in alternative medicine actually has principles
"do no harm" and "must treat the patient, not the disease";
the doctor is actually researcher processes in body homeostasis
Copy, which allows more correct to use other means of treatment
in case of their own resistance forces is not enough;
IIBP bioenergy can make in science;
IIBP to better understand and explore the emergence of life on
IIBP use in biological sciences and biotechnology could provide
new results that are unattainable by other methods;
IIBP is extremely cheap and environmentally friendly production
of patients a wide range of diseases;
public medicine unprofitable use this tool, as there is no need
to require huge funding from the state for drugs abroad,
receiving "commissions" person of companies.
Water - the source of the biological
and the electrical energy
Kiselyov Boris Ivanovich
General Director of JSC AKVAMED, 1990-1997),
+7-905-213-6630, v. House. +7 (812) 387-4801, 196070,
St.-Petersburg, Moskovsky prospect, d.161, kv.70,
e-mail: ipcitus@mail.ru ipcitus@mail.ru
In 1974, I defended a thesis on "The Oscillator Energy SPATIAL
In 1975, HAC rejected my thesis because it was incomplete.
I have repeatedly defended this thesis in Vake 5 more times. By
the then 19 copyright certificates were already issued to me.
However, in the course of defending my thesis, I realized that
the reason for rejection was very different and the truth began
to surface. After a while, I showed a letter to my best friend,
who suggested that the rejection was because I was considered an
Thesis were rejected.
However, the topic was not abandoned and I began to use it in
As a result, in 1990, I received the copyright certificate
number 1827274 for "Method for processing physiological
solution. Kisseleva BI."
In due time, I had perfected the process and received several
patents. Testing began with the measurement of blood IN VITRO
prior to the introduction of a nat. solution and treated by my
usual method.
It was found that blood, as an independent body of liquid has an
opportunity to respond to an "artificial bio-field"
Venous blood in the eyes become blood Alogo color, although
color was dark. The blood of anaemic patients became normal
haemoglobin rate. Later, in 1993, under the direction of MD SK
Churin extensive studies were carried out on IN VITRO, and IN
VIVO. The results were contained in a report submitted to the
Academic Council approved by the hospital.
The primary findings of the work:
1. In the experiment, IN VITRO "Akvatsit-K" (the so-called
structured I nat. Slurry). Structuring turned ordinary nat.
solution in cell water and reduced the aggressiveness of
platelets, to normalize the distribution of calcium inside the
cell, causing activation of platelets.
2. "AKVATSIT-K" reduces the content of lipid hydroperoxide in
plasma, indicating a stabilization of cell membranes.
3. There is good portability and lack of side effects course
"AKVATSIT-K" for all the examined patients and the virtual
absence of contraindications for this therapy to patients.
4. Under the short course influence of "AKVATSIT-K" as with the
course AUEFOK, influences on the level of the lipids of the
blood (cholesterol, HDL and LPNP) as well as blood sugar level
could not be noted.
5. Towards the end of the course of "AKVATSIT-K", patients with
hypertension 1,2 st. were observed hypotensive effect.
6. Against the background of the course "AKVATSIT-K", an
improvement in the indices of ergometric was revealed. Tolerance
to the physical load increased. However, with the course AUEFOK
the tolerance to load remained at the same level as before the
7. There are positive developments in the state of blood
coagulation (prolongation of time recalsification, reducing
troboplastin-Thrombin activity and prothrombin activity).
Taking into account the favorable influence of "AKVATSIT-K" on
the platelet count and the positive shifts in the clinic against
the background of an improvement in the state of patients, it is
possible, with a high portion of probability, to assume that the
conducted course of "AKVATSIT-K", is connected with its
influence on the coagulation potential of the blood and the
processes of the peroxide oxidation of the lipids, which have
value in atherogenesis.
Thus, this processing technique of intact nat. solution and
methods of measurement of quantitative characteristics of
changes in energy ions allowed the testing on patients with
cardiovascular diseases, HIV patients and other diseases.
Patients suffering from multiple sclerosis 1-2 Art., Scoliosis,
Article 1-3. As well as secondary syphilis had been successfully
treated. Go to the second part of my work, namely, to create
electro-hydrodynamic generator (pat. number 56397
CASMITTER- its name is an abbreviation for "CURRENT
EMITTER", in other words, strengthening the current stimulated
by the movement of water along the emitter.
This enhancement of current is because of clearance across
the velocity vector of water movement, there is a constant
force on the protons of water, intensified by its dielectric
constant by 89 times. Calculation shows that the amount
of this force composes value, under specific conditions, tens
of megatons. Calculation is carried out for the generator,
depicted on Fig. 1-4.
Furthermore, the water (electrolyte H4O) after several cycles of
circulation increases energy of Brownian motion into tens of
thousands of times (see Fig. 5, 6 before and after and the
diagram of the setup in Fig. 7).
In other words, through the sum of a constant force and forces
of Brownian motion, impacts of a wide spectrum is produced
throughout the entire length of electrodes. It is possible to
assume that the lattice of the atom emitters under the influence
of these forces, will enter into resonance and will drop
electrons from its shells, which will already possess
considerably larger energy, than energy of the action of
Experimentally, such "fast" electrons were found as follow:
A solution was made of saturated KMnO4 (pregnant solution).
After a few minutes in the generator, the solution
became completely transparent, and at the bottom of the
dilators, precipitated brown iron ore were deposited. Iron in
the periodic table is right at the next location and is
different from the manganese to one electron at the second
level. Thus, the penetration of the electron on the second
level of the manganese atom shows no normal energy of the
It is thus natural to assume that the electron left the
atom emitter from its resonant power spectrum of proton
In other words, the amplifier turned dynamo (UPT), which
has its own source of nuclear energy. It is possible to
formulate cold hydrogen-nuclear reactor for fast electrons,
which differs from the existing nuclear fast neutron reactors.
Therefore, such a generator fuelled electrolyte as an
alternative to forms of fuel could be a serious competitor for
all methods to obtain power and energy.
RSC President
"Kurchatov Institute"
The intensive care unit association Inter-Cardio had tested the
preparation "Akvatsit-K" in postoperative patients with
infection, instead of antibiotics.
The drug showed high efficacy in the treatment of sepsis,
without the complications and side effects.
Professor AB ZORIN
Association of Inter-Cardio
Hospital Sall-Petrier Department Professor GANDZHBAKA
47 Boulevard Opital
75651 Paris index 13 - FRANCE
President Ave KABROL
Gen., Secretary etc. TOMA
Treasurer Ave PAVI
Association of Inter-Cardio
Hospital 'COVER
11 Grand Ave, 65, VO
St. Petersburg 199026 - Russia
President Ave ZORIN A.
Gen.. Secretary T. et al BAGRINSKAYA
Treasurer Dr. A. SHATALOV
In Pokrov Hospital of St. Petersburg and the Institute of
Physiology. Pavlov, a study on the impact of intact-structured
isotopic solution of sodium chloride (Akvatsit-K) for the
biological experiment and clinical (cardiovascular disease,
ischemic heart disease and hypertension).
The experiment was conducted in vitro on the blood of animals
(IP 14) to determine the SA-binding capacity of the membranes of
platelets using KHTTS, fluorescent probe for spectrofluorometer.
In addition, a study on the blood of animals (? 15) the impact
of the preparation "Akvatsit-K" for hydroperoxide oxidation of
blood lipids and given the comparative evaluation of the impact
with the impact of MSS-blood for the same parameter.
Result: Reduction of fluorescence of platelets in the
experimental group was an average of 32,4% ± 0,6%, in the
control group - a decrease by an average of 15,1% ± 0,27%, that
in 2,1 times less than in experimental group. The observed
statistically significant effect of increasing calcium in the
outer membrane as compared with the control group, which is
likely to reduce the ability of platelet aggregation after
exposure to the preparation "Akvatsit-K", ie reduced
aggressiveness of platelets.
Result of hydroperoxide oxidation of lipids in blood plasma
showed a decrease in average, 0,61 ± 0,03 to 1 ml of blood
(control group). Thus, the statistically significant effect of
reduction in the hydroperoxide oxidation of lipids with working
of the plasma of the blood in vitro by the preparation of
"Akvatsit-K" is a favorable factor for the stabilization of cell
membranes, damage by the activation process of peroxide
oxidation of lipids.
With MSS, there is increase in blood lipid peroxidation, which
is a destabilizing factor for the "normal" functioning of cell
Studies conducted in vitro, showed good progress under the
influence of "Akvatsit-K" in a state of cellular membranes,
reducing the extent of lipid peroxidation, "aggressiveness" of
platelets. One can assume that the changes observed in the
smooth muscle cells (SMC) vascular wall, which in its
SA-homeostasis resembles platelets: changes in concentration in
the sagas + MMC vessels occurs by the same laws and mechanisms.
Clinical part
We examined 27 male patients aged 20 to 62 years. The majority
of patients were persons of working age (avg. age 48 years). The
main diagnoses: ischemic heart disease and / or hypertension.
Angina with CHD corresponded to I-II functional class,
hypertension of WHO classification in line with I-II stage.
The heavier group of patients consisted of 5 persons
(transferred infarction with the postmyocardial infarction
angina II- III functional class).
All the patients in the group were treated with traditional
therapy treatment and a course of "Akvatsit-K". The course
consisted of intravenous drip of 15 ml ampoules of "Akvatsit-K",
dissolved in 150ml of isotonic solution of sodium chloride over
7-10 course of injections daily. No cases was reported of
clinical deterioration in the current disease or poor tolerance
of procedure. In patients with normal blood pressure,
"Akvatsit-K" did not affect its value, while in patients with
elevated systolic blood pressure, value fell by an average of 15
± 5 mm and the diastolic by 7 ± 7 mm and remained stable until
patient was discharged. Influence of "Akvatsit-K" for the
frequency of attacks of angina pectoris was assessed only on the
group of severe patients (5 men) with angina strain II-III
functional class. There was a significant reduction of attacks
of angina at rest, the easier halting of the stenocardia
attacks, a sharp (5 times) reduction in the number of
nitroglycerin tablets to halt attacks during the day, all
patients managed to reduce the dose of designated nitrate's
prolonged action of beta blocker and calcium antagonists.
Objective criterion for the improvement of the patients served
as a test of dynamic studies of tolerance to physical activity
by veloergometry before and after the course "Akvatsit-K".
Initial power of 75 Watts. Every 3 min. load increased by 25
Watts. In the overwhelming number of cases, the load terminates
upon attainment of heart rate 150 beats / min. Improving the
well-being was noted in 16 out of 20 patients. OBJECTIVE: To
reduce systolic blood pressure at rest and at the end of the
load at 20 mm and an increase in the height of the load is not
less than one degree (25 W), decrease signs of coronary
insufficiency at the end of the load is not less than 1 mm. ST
segment depression per kg. It is essential that 6 out of 7
patients on background therapy were minimal objective signs of
improvement only on this type of treatment. In addition, the
improved haemodynamics (increase in heart rate, blood pressure,
rate of spending reserves myocardium under load). A study of
influence of "Akvatsit-K" for blood coagulation system, as well
as indicators of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism (cholesterol,
sugar). Patients did not receive anticoagulants of direct and
indirect actions.
After the end of the treatment time recalcification of plasma
extended the average for the group from 162 ± 11,6 sec. to 235 -
139 sec. It decreased the value of thromboplastin-Thrombin
Activity with 94,5 ± 1,7 mg% to 238,5 ± 13,6 mg% (p <0.02),
the value of prothrombin index decreased from 91,9 ± 1,7% to 79
, 9 ± 1,9 (p <0.01). Distinct tendency to the content of
fibrinogen in the blood from 274,8 ± 3,5 mg% to 238,5 ± 13,6
mg%, and activation of fibrinolysis, lysis time of clots
decreased from 314,7 ± 17,2 min. up to 277,2 ± 13,9 min.
Critical reduction in size of prothrombin index and no prolong
time in recalcification were noted. Fluctuations in prothrombin
activity before treatment -108-76%, after treatment 100-63%
(from 27 patients, reduced to 63% were from 3 patients).
Table 6 provides comparative data of "Akvatsit-K" for the severe
group of patients (5) and blood.
No side effects of the preparation "Akvatsit-K" was found.
Observation of clinical application of the patent, see IIS-RT ?
17-4, 2000 - Kiselev BI Adaptive method of treatment (an
artificial source of bio-field in medicine). 6
Device for activation of liquids
PURPOSE: The quality of the formed liquid is improved. The
operation affinity and manipulation affinity of facility are
enhanced. Provided is the liquid activating device.
CONSTITUTION: A liquid activating device. With rinse units(1,
2). With the constitution unit for the electrical type
activation. The constitution unit for adding the inorganic
component and inorganic substance is included. One or a
plurality of transmitters(5, 6) getting ready the display system
for controlling the property of the activated liquid is
included. Liquid activating device. In the entrance of the
apparatus, one or more transmitters getting ready the display
system for controlling the property of the liquid is included.
The invention relates to a device according to the preamble of
claim 1
The device can be used for activation of liquids and for the
preparation of high-quality water, water solutions with
predetermined mineral compositions and properties can be used.
Also for the production of washing, disinfection and germicidal
solutions can be used.
Moreover, the device for reacting liquids in a thermodynamic
activated non-equilibrium state with resonant micro cluster
structure can be used.
This condition is characterized by increased physical chemical
It is used for intensification of chemical, biological and
physical processes.
Activated liquids are everywhere used where antiseptics and
stimulators are used by biological and chemical processes.
These include the treatment of seeds for various crops before
planting and the soil for the purpose of casting weed control.
They can also be used to accelerate growth of crops and increase
their harvest.
Also for the treatment of wounds in animals and humans and for
the treatment and prevention of many diseases, the activated
device with liquids.
There are devices for the activation of liquids by means of
electrolysis (with and without diaphragm) known (VM Bachir
Electrochemical activation, M. VNIIIMT, 1992, part 1, 401 pp.).
These devices allow fluids with predetermined properties (in
particular with a certain oxidation-reduction potential = redox
potential, pH, micro cluster structure) to be produced.
However, they also have significant defects.
During the preparation of the activated liquids no system for
monitoring their properties and composition.
It is used untreated tap water.
In effect, contain activated liquids uncontrollable side
There is a Elektrodenbeschlagung (cathode deposits).
This in turn causes an uncontrollable degradation of the
produced fluids, a deterioration of the electrolytic cell
operation and frequent refresh.
Of the invention, the closest prior art, the means I sumrud SI
(RU 12 120 U) for the preparation of activated liquids (water,
anolyte, catholyte, contactless activated liquids).
This device contains a purification unit and units for
electrical activation and addition of mineral elements and
The major shortcomings of these devices are: the absence of a
system for the control of the properties and composition of the
produced fluids, and the formation of cathode deposits
contaminated activated media (depending on the composition of
the raw water).
The object of the invention is to increase the quality of the
produced fluids and the operating and ease of installation.
This object is achieved by the features of claim 1.
The device for activation of liquids comprising components for
the cleaning, the electrical activation, and the addition of
mineral elements and substances.
It is also additionally provided with one or more transmitters
with a display system to control the properties of the activated
Moreover, this device can be also equipped with one or more
transmitters with a display system for the control of fluid
properties at the inlet of the device.
They can also be provided with one or more donors with a display
system for monitoring the temperature of the composition of the
In addition, they can also be provided with or
Flüssigkeitserhitzern-cool, with memories and ultrasound
activators, and with one or a plurality Entkeimungsbaugruppe
Which is arranged in front Entkeimungsbaugruppe the cleaning
The cleaning unit of the device can additionally be provided
with one or more fine filters.
The raw liquid contains different side after cleaning materials
and gases.
These cause fogging of the cathode electrodes with debris and
contamination of the fluids and the formation of activated
secondary pollutants (carbonic acid, carbon, etc.).
The complete assembly of the device (one or more) sensors with a
display system for the display of liquid properties and
composition makes it possible to control the operation of the
device for the produced fluids.
Disturbances and also fogging of the electrodes detected and
replenished the pads and the filter elements are replaced.
The membranes Cartridgen with the mineral elements and
substances can be exchanged and the feedback systems are being
implemented to control and automatic transmission.
Attaching an additional unit for fine cleaning and degassing
significantly reduces the cathode deposits.
In addition, the operating time of the device is extended
without refresh, thereby improving the stability and the quality
of the produced activated liquids.
The use of storage (even with heating or cooling) extends the
functionality of the application possibilities and effectiveness
of the device considerably without affecting their performance
is increased.
The intensification of activation processes in the range of
specific temperatures warming is taking place or Cooling of
fluids during the production of the activated liquid.
This is done by means of incorporation of temperature control
devices in the apparatus.
The invention will be explained in detail in the drawings
schematically illustrated embodiments.
Shown are:
Fig 1 shows a device for the activation of liquids with a
sensor with a display system for the control of the properties
and the composition of the fluids,
Fig 2 shows a device with additional units for
sterilization, degassing and ultrasonic activation, including
storage, heaters and coolers for the fluids and filters for
fine cleaning and
Fig 3 shows the scheme of the device for liquid
activation Izumrud-Sl (Mod 01os).
As shown in FIG 1 shows, the device for activation of the units
1 and 2 liquids for cleaning, a unit 3 for the electrical
activation (electrical activator) and a unit 4 for the addition
of mineral elements and substances.
This device also includes transmitter 5, 6 and 9 with display
systems to control the properties of the fluids (activation
level, pH, redox potential, temperature T,
Dielektrizitätskennzahl [epsilon], conductivity p, etc.), and
sensor 7 and 8 with a display system for the control the
composition of the fluids (mineral elements and substances).
Donor 5, 7 and 9 are installed at the output of the device.
The encoder 6, and 8 are disposed at the inlet of the device in
front of the cleaning units.
The device can also be equipped with the following components:
building blocks 10 and 11 for the sterilization of the liquid,
as Figure 2 shows.
Moreover filter 12 for fine cleaning, degasser 13, memory 14 for
storing the activated liquids, heater 15 and cooler 16 for the
liquid and one or more activators are available 17.
As sensor 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 having a display system for the
control of the properties and composition of fluids before and
after the activation can standard encoder with display systems
(mineralization, ion composition, materials, activation
parameters, redox potential, pH, T, epsilon [ ], p) are used.
As a filter for fine purification 12 and 13 may as degasser
standard devices are used on the basis of membrane technology.
It is to osmotic membranes, trace, Selektionsund more fiber
membranes and vacuum and Ultraschallentgaser and combinations
The memory 14 may be equipped with a system which maintains a
constant pressure and a constant temperature.
As an example for the realization of the proposed technical
solution is the device for the activation of liquids Izumrud-Sl
(Mod. 01 os) as shown in Figure 3.
In this device as a display unit for a single donor separate
assembly 18 is designed on the basis of a double light
The device contains additional assemblies and modules for
operation automation.
These include high-pressure relay 19, automatic shutoff valve
20, 21 booster pump, low pressure relay 22
The memory 14 is equipped with a system for the maintenance of
constant pressure.
The device for activation of fluids works as follows:
Come into the Rohflüssigkeiten units 1 and 2 for cleaning (Fig.
While they flow through the encoder 6 to the display system to
determine the properties and the sensor 8, with a display system
for determining the composition of the liquids.
After cleaning, the liquids are transported to the electrical
activator third
Here comes into the electrical activation of the liquids.
It may be added before or after the electrical activation of the
assembly 4 certain substances.
Due to the stress caused by the electric field (electric
activation) the modification of the internal structure of the
water comes into (under normal conditions and in the absence of
external influences is the water is a mixture of homogeneous
isotropic Raumclustem polar water molecules and their ambipolar
Here, the water is activated with its modified structures both
in Kathodenais stored in the anode region of electric activator
These modified structures exist for a time and then relax back
to the unactivated raw water after the activation process is
The liquids at the exit of the electrical activator 3 can be
monitored by the sensor 5, 7 and 9 for the determination of the
properties and the composition of the fluids with each display
Before cleaning the fluids can be disinfected by the units 10
and 11 (Figure 2).
At the output of the cleaning units, the liquids are
subsequently purified by filter 12 and additionally treated with
degasser 13th
After the activation and control of the properties of the fluids
may be transported by means of units 15 and 16 is heated or
cooled in the memory 14.
In the apparatus for fluid-Sl Izumrud activation (Fig. 3) flows
the liquid (the original tap water) through the first filter of
the first pre-cleaning unit
The first filter (Absetzcartridgefilter) holds the mechanical
admixtures to-back.
The second filter (with active carbon) provides an odor removal
and removal of the residual chlorine from the water.
The third filter (Pressed coal) from organochlorine compounds,
unpleasant taste and odor.
After flowing through the three Vorreinigungsfilter the filtrate
enters the fine cleaning filter 12 (rückosmotische membrane).
The pore diameter in this membrane is max. 0.0001 [mu] m.
Therefore, this membrane can practically only water molecules
and dissolved oxygen.
After the final purification filter the water comes to the
deaerator 13 (Nachreinigungskohlenfilter from coconut).
Then the purified water flows through the encoder 6 for property
control (activation step) and donor 8 for composition control
(mineralization conductivity meter).
Then it passes into the third electric activator
The electrical activator device lsumrud-SI (Mod 01 os) has a
special design and is constructed from modern materials.
He has a resonant power supply.
This electrical activator makes it possible to activate the
water, to sterilize effectively, its structure and redox
potential in the range of about
~ - (100 .. 25O) mV to improve.
In the end, the water has antioxidant properties.
If the water continues to Mineralisationsbaueinheit the
mineralizer 4, flows through, it is saturated with the easily
digestible for the human organism trace elements Ca <+ +>,
Mg <+ +>, I <">, Se.
Thereafter the activated and mineralized water is conveyed
through the sensor 5 to determine the characteristics
(activation step), and the sensor 7 for determining the
composition (mineralization conductometer).
In the storage tank 14, it is then collected and discharged
through the high pressure valve 19 and a valve.
Which is collected in the storage container Antioxydanswasser 14
under a pressure up to 2.5 bar.
If no water is then derived, remains its redox potential
obtained at least 3 days.
The signals from the input sensors 5 and 6 for the control
characteristic and the output sensors 7 and 8 for the
composition control can be processed by control units
(controllers) of the electrical activator, third
They provide consumers with the information on the proper
operation of the device via the display 18 in the form of 3
While green and red mean in order a deviation from the norm.
The three LEDs indicate the quality of the cleaning, activation,
and mineralization of activated water.
The alarm LED unit in a timely manner to malfunction of the
electrical activator and exchanged cartridges and refill the
mineral additives.
The high pressure relay 19, the automatic shut-off valve 20, the
booster pump 21 and the low pressure relay 22 provide the
continuous automatic operation of the device securely.
The prerequisite is that the required pressure in the pipeline
network and electricity available.
Precipitated from the water supply from the mains, it closes the
check valve 20 from the water outlet of the device, and the
water in the reservoir is retained.
As mineralization donor Typenkonduktometer activation donors
were used, namely the donor activation level according to the
Russian Application No. 2007127132 dated 16.07.2007.
With comparable characteristics of the electrical activation
(energy input, output), the known device has ended after 24
hours of continuous operation, the water activation (ie, the
improvement of redox potential).
The cathodes were misted with cathode deposits.
The registered device worked, however, three months later, still
It should only be remarked that the red LED of the display
system 18 after these three months reported the required
replenishment of mineral additives.
CPC: G01N29/02
IPC: G01N29/02
The invention relates to a method for recognising the cluster
structure and the microclusters in liquids with the change in e
h characteristic values of radiation incident on the liquid.
According to the invention, the technical achievabililty of the
method can be improved, the sensitivity increased, the cost of
the recognition process reduced, the cluster structure and the
microclusters recognised in deep liquid layers and the dynamic
range improved, wherein the liquid under investigation is
subjected to ultrasound radiation, wherein the liquid
microclusters themselves form highly energetic eddy formations
of liquid dipoles.
The invention relates to a method for the detection of clusters
of micro-structure and the cluster of liquids.
It can be used for measuring the physico-chemical and biological
activity of the structured liquids in various applications.
To specifically include the detection of characteristics and
parameters of the biologically active substances (biologically
active additives), the activated gases and liquids, which are
located in thermodynamic non-equilibrium state with micro
cluster structure or have been brought into this state by means
of substances and fields, for the optimization of process the
activation of the liquids and the hydrogen energy in real-time.
It is a method for the detection (identification and acquisition
of the properties and parameters) of the structured conductive
liquids known.
This is done by visualizing the structure of water by freezing
water and photo-taking (Masaru Emoto, Messages from Water:
secret codes of the ice crystals.
M.: OOO publishing "Sophia", 2006. - 96 S., http://www.astarta
.pp.ru / forum / showthread php.?
t = 1065).
The main shortcomings of this method are its complexity, inertia
and conservation, ie Freezing.
Only the structure of the upper layer of the liquid is detected.
The conditions for the implementation of the method
significantly affect the measurement results.
It is a method for visualizing and exploring the parameters of
the patterned conductive liquids due to the method of the gas
discharge visualization (GEV) known.
The GEV method is a process tool.
It allows to analyze the thin water structures rapidly and to
take into account the particularities of environmental
influences (the assessment of structural modifications in the
liquid phase objects, http://grv.fromru.com/use.html).
About the shortcomings of this method is one in which complexity
of its technical realization.
Only the structure of the upper layer of the liquid is detected.
The conditions for the implementation of the method
significantly affect the measurement results.
Is technically closest to the proposed method is the method for
the detection of characteristics and parameters of the patterned
conductive liquids by means of the visualization
supraübermolekulären water complexes due to laser interference
(Smirnov AN Lapshin VB Balyschev AW Lebedev IM Syrojeschkin AW
Supraübermolekuläre water complexes. "Explored in Russia", p
413-421. http://zhurnal.ape.relarn.ru/articles/2004/038.pdf).
The liquid to be tested is treated with laser radiation.
If supraübermolekuläre water complexes (SUEK) is present in the
liquid, so as a result of this treatment is the amplitude of
phase modulation of the laser radiation on optical inhomogeneity
of the extended laser beam passing through the liquid system.
Observing and documenting SUEK done using video equipment.
The main shortcomings of this method are the complexity of its
technical implementation, the complexity of the realization of
the resonance methods of detection when the micro-cluster sizes
exceed the radiation wavelength, because an optical
high-frequency range is used.
Moreover, the cluster structure is recognized only in the thin
surface layer of the liquid.
The object of the invention to simplify the technical
feasibility of the process of increasing its sensitivity to
lower the cost of the acquisition sequence to identify the
cluster structure and the micro-clusters in deep and liquid
sections to extend the dynamic range.
This object is achieved according to the invention in that after
the change of the characteristics of the radiation acting on the
under test liquid, the liquid is treated with ultrasound, and in
the measurement of the radiation characteristics of the Doppler
frequency shift is applied.
The use of ultrasound as a radiation source shall ensure that: a
simplification of the process, the reduction of the energy
intensity of the process, its cheaper, increasing the
sensitivity and the possibility of three-dimensional mass
analytical detection of the cluster structure of the liquid due
to the method of pulse wave Doppler (using Doppler frequency
shift for the measurements).
The use of ultrasound for the detection and visualization of
various physical education and inhomogeneities in liquids is
well known.
However, it was due to the specific structure and the properties
of the cluster of micro-liquid to be impossible to realize such
structures by ultrasound.
We have demonstrated experimentally and theoretically that it is
This is due to the fact that the liquid micro-clusters are
themselves high-energy vortices (high-energy vortical
formations) from FlüssigkeitsdipoSen (di-polar liquid).
The Flüssigkeitsdipole the resonance microclusters (RM)
(Resonance micro-clusters (RM)). With dimensions of ~ [lambda]
of ultrasound in liquid and less
This allows the resonant micro cluster with the ultrasonic
radiation are in resonance interaction and dissociate in
Komponentendipole (composition dipole) and ions.
This is also due to the technical simplicity of
Frequenzumstimmung and the possibility of application of pulse
wave Doppler ultrasound for.
The formation of stable clusters of micro bound dipoles was
first explained theoretically 1985 (Schironossov VG reports from
universities, Physics, 1985, Volume 28, Issue 7, pp. 74-78).
It was previously unknown to law the formation of stable
vortical resonance micro-clusters (RM) of two or more resonance
moderately in push-pull oscillating dipoles (solution of the
problem "1 / R <3>") established with a rapidly decreasing
radiation field.
The field decreases with the distance from (~ 1 / R <4>).
Later (Schironossov VG, EV Schironossov Collected theses, Report
International symposium.
Electrochemical activation in medicine, agriculture and
industry. - M.: VNIIIMT NPO EKRAN, 1999, Part 1, page 66) was
also tentatively (discovered empirically) the effect of the
non-contact activation of liquids (KAF) in the electrolysis
without a diaphragm by means of thin walls.
Such non-contact activation of liquids was determined by the
The resonant micro clusters of water bound OHDipolen (after
peroxy type - H2O2 H2O2 ...) cause the formation of
characterizing radiation in different wavelength ranges
(mechanisms of action of the electromagnetic waves of low
intensity to water and water solutions.
22nd International scientific and practical conference "Problems
of electronics", http://merak.ru/journal20rus.htm).
The specific relaxation time of the RM - [tau] RM exceeds by
several orders of magnitude the [tau] o the usual nonequilibrium
media (KMR (NMR), ESR, etc.).
They can be a few tens of seconds to a few decades.
This is confirmed by the results of the tests.
Thus, the patterned conductive liquid is a substance which is in
a thermodynamic non-equilibrium state with a micro cluster
And this material itself acts as a radiation source.
Structured systems (liquids and gases) have their own vortex
structure (Schironossov VG Physical nature of ball lightning.
Collected Theses of reports of the 4thRussian
scientific-practical conference for universities and academies.
Izhevsk: Publisher of Udmurter University, 1999, Part 7, pp.
55-58. http://www.ikar.udm.ru/sb15-9.htm).
Listens to the action of the substances or fields on completely,
returns the non-equilibrium structure of the substances back to
their original state of equilibrium.
The method according to the invention is explained in detail
based on embodiments shown in the drawings.
Shown are:
FIG 1-3 schemes the detection of the parameter microclusters
fluids according the parameters of the ultrasonic measurement
In Figures 4 to 11 Examples of the generated images
of the cluster structure for different liquids are shown: FIG
4 0.3% water solution of Na2CO3) contact as enabled in
the system "Izumrud-Sl" (Mod 04s) -
FIG 5 ANK (neutral anolyte kathodenbahandelt), won
in the 'Izumrud-Sl "(Mod 03) -"
http://www.ikar.udm.ru/i-si-03.htm "
Figure 6 distilled water, contactless enabled in the
system "Izumrud-Sl" (Mod 04s) -
"http://www.ikar.udm.ru/i-si-04.htm" size of the horizontal
mark 5 mm;
FIG 7 vodka "Sarapulskaya" contactless enabled by U.S.
Piezostriktionstrahlers (10 W1 24 kHz);
FIG 8 Saueranolyt, won in the 'Izumrud-S "(model 03) in
Flow Operating anolyte / catholyte 1:1 -
"http://www.ikar.udm.ru/ isi-03.htm", the size of the
horizontal mark 5 mm;
FIG 9 catholyte, in the 'Izumrud-Sl "(Mod 03) obtained in
the flow mode anolyte / catholyte = 1: 1 -"
http://www.ikar.udm.ru/isi-03.htm, size of the horizontal mark
5 mm;
Figure 10 distilled water, activated by gaseous fractions
due to the interaction of AI and HCI solution;
Fig. 11 distilled water, activated by UV radiation.
The means for detecting the cluster structure and the
micro-clusters of liquid (Figure 1) consists of a container 1 to
be investigated with the (micro-structured and cluster 2
containing) liquid 3
The emitter 4 and the U.S. receiver 5 are arranged either in
this tank or contact (with the walls of this container FIG 1).
The emitter 4 and the U.S. receiver 5 can be used as a single
component 6 using the Impulsererfassungsmethoden (FIGS. 2 - 3)
are performed.
The container 1 (Fig. 1 - 3) may be a flow-Eindosierbehälter.
The procedure for the detection of clusters of micro-structure
and clusters of liquid consists in the following: The container
1 contains structured liquid 3 (Fig. 1 - 3); the radiator 4 and
the U.S. receiver 5 (Fig. 1) or a unified element 6 ( FIG 2, 3).
Everything is placed in the container 1.
Here, the radiator 4 and the U.S. receiver are arranged on the
container walls 6.
Due to the interaction between the U.S. and the waves of the
liquid 3 micro clusters 2 comes into a change in the wave
Below are the parameters of the abandoned and the reflected wave
(amplitude, frequency, phase, delay, when pulse techniques are
used) measured.
Thereby, a signal is formed which represents the parameters and
the properties of the cluster structure of the liquids.
By mathematical processing of the signals of several converters
(Fig. 3) the display of the cluster structure and the
micro-clusters of liquid is visualized on a screen.
Order to increase the sensitivity and the degree of the method,
in addition, the dissociation of the cluster pattern is effected
in the molecular components and ions by the frequency and the
amplitude of the wave can be retuned U.S..
The resolution of various substances in the fluid to be examined
as well as the treatment of the liquid with different fields
cause the modification of the cluster structure of this liquid.
Acting accordingly using the signal to be detected size.
As to be examined structured liquids, such substances can be
used, which are located in the liquid state, and which have been
brought into the thermodynamic non-equilibrium state with
resonance microclusters structure or can be maintained in this
state, by means of the release of various substances, chemical
and biochemical reactions, physical processes, heating and
radiation of various electrical and mechanical generators and
power sources.
These include, for
As solutions of chemicals, Mikroclusterund nanoclusters powder
(Mikrohydrin, Megamin, Sehydrin (Segidrin), activated alumina,
etc.), the contact or in contactless activated liquids (which
have been produced by electrolysis with or without a diaphragm,
with the use of electrical and mechanical generators warming)
The effectiveness of the method is confirmed by examples
notified of detection of the cluster structure and the
micro-clusters of different liquids, which are located in
thermodynamic non-equilibrium state with resonant micro cluster
structure (4 to 11).
The representations of the cluster structure and the
micro-clusters of liquid were at modes of Echound Doppler
signals (the limited to the frame area) in the U.S. Scanner
"MyLab 15" is generated.
The amounts of distilled water were sonicated by ultrasound.
It was known in advance that the treatment benefits would not
cause intense heating of the liquid to be examined (line encoder
10.0 MHz).
During this treatment, in the usual pattern formation fluids
were visualized on echo operation, which have been previously
observed in the prototype using optical methods.
When power Doppler operation limited Doppler positive
developments were visualized by micro-clusters.
They had a stable rounded shape and distinct contours.
These micro cluster formations had. The form of rings and
toroids or other stable forms having a diameter of 0.6 to 1, 5
cm, and moved over the entire volume of liquid USbehandelten
It increased the amount and size of the described positive
Doppler toroids depending extension of the exposure time, the
frequency selection and the power increase of the search pulses.
In addition, the number of toroids produced in specified volume
of liquid, and their formation rate were influenced by the
actual state of the activated liquid.
The dependence of the amount and from what the articles
described the characteristics of the U.S. sonicated liquid
indicates that these micro-clusters (stable long-life education
and no bogus representations ie, Artefacts).
The Doppler representation of the toroidal microclusters are
actually the velocity of the water particle motion again
(molecules, clusters and larger clusters) in the predetermined
point of the room.
Thus, under U.S. influence such stable (more than a few seconds)
existing objects are created in the water, in which the rate of
molecular motion exceeds the natural level in the base of the
liquid with not much thermal performance.
Thereby achieving the DopplerVerschiebungeni kHz and more.
CPC: G01N37/005
IPC: G01N27/416
The invention relates to a method for determining the activity
of a structured liquid, including the measuring of physical
parameters thereof. The potential difference between the
electrodes dipped in the liquid is used as a characteristic
value for measurement, the electrodes being made of materials
with which the microclusters of the liquid do not interact in
the same manner, which simplifies the technical construction,
increases sensitivity, records activity on smaller portions
reduces the energy intensity and reduces the costs of the
The invention relates to a method for determining the activity
of a structured liquid.
The method can be used in various applications, including
specifically in the detection of characteristics and parameters
of biologically active substances, as well as activated gases
and liquids, which are in thermodynamic non-equilibrium state
with micro cluster structure or have been brought into this
state by means of the substances, and of fields .
It is a method for detecting the characteristics and parameters
of the liquids by means of visualization of the structured
conductive supraübermolekulären water complexes due to laser
interference known (Smirnov AH Lapshin VB Balyschev AW Lebedev
IM Syrojeschkin AW Supraübermolekuläre water complexes.
"Explored in Russia", p 413-421.
http://zhurnal.ape.relarn.ru/articles/2004/038.pdf .
The main shortcomings of this method are its complexity and the
fact that the activity is detected only in the surface layer of
the liquid, and that due to the application of an optical
high-frequency range.
Is technically closest to the proposed method is a method for
determining the activity of a structured conductive liquid.
Such activity measured using the detection of residual radiation
from excited water micro-clusters of bound dipoles OHnach the
peroxy type - H2O2, H2O2 ...
(Mechanisms of action of low-intensity electromagnetic waves on
water and water solutions. 22nd International scientific and
practical conference "Problems of electronics",
The major shortcoming of this method is that it is necessary to
use super-sensitive spectral with Mikrowellenund mm areas.
This eliminates the possibility of measurement of activity of
small portions of liquid, which have been subjected to a
specific way.
Other shortcomings include the lack of sensitivity of the
method, the complexity and costliness of its technical
realization and insufficient accuracy (for insufficient exposure
to the inner physical fields on the electrode sensors of
Mikrowellenund mm ranges through the liquid medium).
It is an object of the invention to simplify the technical
realization of the process, to increase the sensitivity to
detect the activity of small portions of liquid to reduce the
energy intensity and to reduce the cost of the detection
This object is achieved according to the invention is achieved
in that the potential difference is used between the immersed in
the liquid electrodes as to be measured characteristic value,
wherein the electrodes are made of materials which cooperate
dissimilar with the micro-clusters of the liquid (Fig. 1).
For measuring the parameters of the test liquid special
electrodes are immersed in the liquid to be tested and measuring
the potential difference between the electrodes are immersed.
Here, the structured liquid to be analyzed is separated by a
thin wall of the liquid to be tested.
Also then, the potential difference of the test liquid to be
compared with the potential difference of the liquid to be
The use of potential difference between the immersed in the
liquid electrodes as being measured characteristic value, while
the electrodes are made of the the micro clusters of liquid
different cooperating materials, ensures the simplification of
the procedure itself, the reduction of the energy intensity of
the process and its cheapening .
This is due to the fact that the micro-clusters of the liquid
surface with atomic electromagnetic fields of dissimilar
electrodes cooperate to dissociate in the formation of
lonenkomponenten Hydratisierungselektronen.
As a form at the dissimilar electrode potentials of various
The difference between these potentials (EMK) serves just as an
activity measure of the structured liquid (concentration of
micro-clusters after the peroxy type, per unit volume).
Thus, in detail, one of the electrodes, which dissociates the
peroxy active are formed from silver, gold, platinum, palladium
or iron oxide.
This is, for example, to determine the activity of the patterned
conductive liquids from bonded OH dipoles (after the peroxy type
- H2O2, H2O2, etc).
The other electrode, such As the low activity may be carried out
of iron.
The actual appearance of the rapid decomposition of the
compounds of bonded dipoles on the surface of each electrode was
as activation (activation) denotes (Altshuller GS, Shapiro RB
"Technology for young people", Issue No. 10, 1958.
Pp. 25-27.).
The formation of stable clusters of micro bound dipoles was
explained theoretically 1985 (Schironossov VG reports from
universities, Physics, 1985, Volume 28, Issue 7, pp. 74-78).
It was previously unknown to law the formation of stable
resonance micro-clusters (RM) of two or more resonance
moderately in push-pull oscillating dipoles (solution of the
problem "1 / R <3>") established with a rapidly decreasing
radiation field.
The field decreases with the distance from (~ 1 / R <4>).
Later experimentally discovered (empirically) the effect of
non-contact activation of liquids (KAF) in the electrolysis cell
without diaphragm through thin walls.
Such non-contact activation of liquids was the RM-radiation
caused Collected (Schironossov VG, EV Schironossov theses of the
reports of the 2nd International Symposium. Electrochemical
activation in medicine, agriculture and industry. - M.: VNIIIMT
NPO EKRAN, 1999, part 1, page 66).
The specific relaxation time [tau] of RM RM exceeds by several
orders of magnitude the [tau] 0 the usual nonequilibrium media
(KMR (NMR), ESR, etc.).
They can be a few tens of seconds or more.
This is confirmed by the results of the tests.
The activated or by the action of substances or fields to be
activated is a liquid substance, which is located in a
thermodynamic non-equilibrium state with a micro-structure and
the cluster itself, the radiation source.
Structured liquids have a specific electromagnetic radiation
Hears the influence of substances, or on fields completely,
returns the non-equilibrium structure of the substances back to
their original state of equilibrium, and therefore so does the
induced emf.
The specificity of the method is its high sensitivity to weak
energy flows and small amounts of soluble substances.
This is because the change of the polycrystalline structure of
the water according to the laws of thermodynamics molecular
requires much less energy than. The change of the characteristic
values ??of weak electrolytes
The measurement of the potential difference between the immersed
in the test liquid electrodes, the test fluid is separated from
the to be tested structured liquid by means of a thin wall,
makes it possible the influence of the electrodes reduce the
change process essential to carry out the selective measurements
by specific spectral characteristics of the walls and the test
fluid to be used, and the determination of the liquid contact
and activity without introduction of chemical admixtures make
the part of the electrodes.
The additional measurement of the potential difference between
the possible in the test liquid immersed electrodes and the
comparison of this difference with the measured potential
difference for the examined liquid to the sensitivity, the fault
tolerance and the accuracy of the device for realization of the
process and their calibration significantly (by a few orders of
magnitude increase).
The invention is explained in detail with reference to the
Fig. 1 shows a circuit diagram for measuring the
potential difference between dissimilar electrodes
Fig 2 shows a circuit diagram for measuring the potential
difference between the electrodes immersed in the test liquid,
wherein the test fluid is separated from the liquid to be
examined, structured by a thin wall,
Fig 3 shows a circuit diagram for measuring the potential
difference between the immersed in the test liquid and the
liquid to be examined and electrodes
Fig 4 shows the curves of the type [Delta] [phi] of the
structured fluid as a function of time during the activation
process (t <t i) and after (t> t).
The means for implementing the method for determining the
activity of a structured liquid (Figure 1) consists of a
container 1 for the liquid to be examined is structured second
Two electrodes are arranged in the container 3 and 4 from
dissimilar materials.
The electrodes are connected to potential difference knife 5.
The device can a container 6 (Fig. 2) with 7, and the test
liquid therein electrodes 3 and 4.
The test fluid is separated from the container 1 with the
structured liquid to be examined, 2 by means of a thin wall 8.
Moreover, the device can additionally be provided with a
container 9 (FIG. 3).
9 contains the test liquid, the container 10 and the electrode
11 disposed therein and 12
Here, the electrodes 3 and 4 as well as 11 and 12, as EMF
sources serially connected to and connected to the potential
difference knife 5.
The containers can be formed as DurchflussEindosierbehälter.
The method for determining the activity of the structured liquid
consists in the following: The electrodes 3 and 4 in the
container 1 with the structured liquid 2 (FIG. 1) or in the
container 6 is introduced with testing liquid 7 (FIG. 2).
The test liquid contacted with the liquid to be examined by a
thin wall 11
The electrodes 3 and 4 are made from such materials, which
interact differently with the micro-clusters of the liquid.
Due to the interaction of the liquid with the microclusters
atomic surface electromagnetic fields of dissimilar electrodes
their dissociation is carried out in the formation of under
lonenkomponenten Hydratisierungselektronen.
It appears the emf across the electrodes 3 and 4
The EMF will be forwarded from the electrodes 3 and 4 (Fig. 1,
2) for knife 5.
At the output of the blade 5, a signal is generated which
indicates the concentration and energy of the micro-cluster
after the peroxy type, per unit volume, is proportional to, and
which has the activity of the structured liquid 2.
The liquid 2 to be examined is introduced into the container 1
(Fig. 2), and thereby separated from the container 6 with test
liquid 7 by a thin wall 8 so comes into the non-contact
activation of the test liquid.
Accordingly, the electromotive force appears at the output of
the electrodes 3 and 4
As a thin wall 7, 8 and the test liquid materials having
different spectral characteristics and properties in relation to
the radiation transmission can be used.
In detail, the thin wall of such materials such as dielectrics,
conductors, semiconductors, or their combinations are performed.
Order to increase the sensitivity and the interference security
of the device for realization of the proposed method and its
calibration, in addition, the potential difference between the
immersed in the test liquid 10 electrodes 11 and 12 (FIG. 3) is
measured and compared with the potential difference, which in
the the test liquid was measured second
The measurement of the potential difference in liquids and the
comparison of results can be (in time) either sequentially or
simultaneously, by means of a serially opposition differential
circuit of the electrodes as EMF sources (Fig. 3).
The resolution of various substances in the fluid to be examined
as well as the treatment of the liquid with different fields
cause the change of the liquid type.
This has accordingly made on the signal to be detected size.
As to be examined structured liquids, such substances can be
used, which are located in the liquid state, and which have been
brought into the thermodynamic non-equilibrium state with
resonance microclusters structure or can be maintained in this
state, by means of the release of various substances, chemical
and biochemical reactions, physical processes, a heating, a
radiation of various electrical and mechanical generators and
power sources.
These include, for
As solutions of chemicals Mikroclusterund nanocluster powder
[Mikrohydrin, Megamin, Sehydrin (Segidrin), activated alumina,
etc.] and the contact or in contact-activated liquids (which by
electrolysis with or without diaphragm, using electrical and
mechanical generators, or by heating were generated).
The effectiveness of the process is notified to Examples 1 to 5
confirms the determination of the activity of various structured
liquids which are located in thermodynamic non-equilibrium state
with resonant micro cluster structure.
Distilled water was used as the test liquid.
As electrodes, which cooperate with the dissimilar micro
clusters of the liquid, platinum Pt, and stainless steel were
The electrodes were immersed in the liquid to be examined.
Example 1
A method for measuring the activity of the structured liquid -
water solution of hydrogen peroxide with various concentrations
HbO2 - has according to the scheme in FIG 1 - [Delta] [Phi] i
and Figure 3 - [Delta] [Phi] 3 is performed (with counter
circuit the EMF electrodes).
Table 1
Example 2
A method for measuring the activity of the structured liquid to
the circuit diagram of Figure 3 (with counter circuit the EMF
The potential difference [Delta] [Phi] was found between the
electrodes immersed in the test liquid.
The test liquid was separated from the structured liquid to be
examined with a thin polypropylene wall.
Structured as to be examined was the contact-activated liquids
by electrolysis in distilled water and infusion
diaphragm-electrolysis apparatus "Izumrud-Sl" (mod 04) used
"http://www.ikar.udm.ru/i-si-04.htm" .
The curves of the activity of the structured liquid [Delta]
[Phi] versus time during the activation process (t <t), then
(t> t [iota]) are shown in Figure 4.
Example 3
A method for measuring the activity of the structured liquid to
the circuit diagram of Figure 3 (with its cascading the EMF
The liquid was obtained by means of exposure from distilled
Types of stress: ultraviolet (UV); gaseous fractions, which were
obtained by the electrolysis with diaphragm in the anode (A) and
cathode (K); resolution BAS - Mikrohydrin (M), Upsarin UPSA with
vitamin C (UUC).
As UVStrahlungsquelle the plant for water purification for pools
UV-C was used with a lamp 35,000 TUV 4P SET5 (40 watt UV-C).
For the extraction of gaseous fractions (A), (K), the plant was
"Izumrud-Sl" (Mod 03) used (http://www.ikar.udm.ru/i-si-03.htm).
The results of the activity measurements for structured fluid
(SF), which were prepared by various methods are listed in Table
Table 2
Thus, the method of measuring members of the physico-chemical
and biological activity of the structured liquids.
It can be used in various applications, specifically for the
detection of characteristics and parameters of the biologically
active substances, and the activated gas and liquid, which are
located in thermodynamic non-equilibrium state with micro
cluster structure or have been brought into this state by means
of substances and fields.
N The use of small electrodes that are placed in various
locations on the test liquid, makes it the basis of this method
to visualize the cluster structure of liquids and produce their
tomograms (EMF-graphy, ADS Tomography).
IPC: C02F1/46
FIELD: chemical industry; food industry; medicine; production of
devices for activation of liquids. ^ SUBSTANCE: the invention is
pertaining to the devices for activation of liquids, and may be
used for production of the liquids with the preset properties,
treatment of the potable water and the mineralized water,
activation of the infusion and medical solutions, and also the
blood. The device contains the container for the activated
liquid and the electrodes, one of which is made hollow. The
hollow electrode is located inside the container for the liquid
subjected to the activation and inside it there are the other
electrodes arranged - one or more. At that the hollow electrode
is fulfilled either continuous with one or several holes or in
the form of the net, or is made out of the semi-permeable
substance.; The device in addition is supplied with the thin
wall installed on the outside the hollow electrode. The
technical result of the invention is simplification of the
design, the improved electrical safety and efficiency of
treatment of the liquids (the increased efficiency of the
device) and the extension of the device operational and
functional capabilities. ^ EFFECT: the invention ensures
simplification of the device design, the improved its electrical
safety and efficiency of the liquids treatment, the extended its
operational and functional capabilities.
Applicant: ZAO NITS IKAR [RU]
IPC: B01D9/02
FIELD: applied physics; applied chemistry; methods of production
of the solid substances from the different crystallizable
liquids. ^ SUBSTANCE: the invention is pertaining to the field
of the applied physics and the applied chemistry and may be used
for production of the solid substances from the different
crystallizable liquids. The crystallizable liquid before
crystallization is exposed to the contact with the other liquid
activated or being activated by means of electrolysis or at the
expense of dissolution of the microhydrin. The contact with the
crystallizable liquid is exercised directly or through the
intermediate medium, which represents the thin wall, the liquid
or of their combinations.; The invention allows to simplify the
production process, to vary the structure of the crystallizable
substance with the minimal power inputs. ^ EFFECT: the invention
ensures simplification of the production process, the capability
to vary the structure of the crystallizable substance at the
minimal power inputs.
IPC: C02F1/46