o-Silicic Acid & Health
Nutr Metab (Lond) v.10; 2013 ( Jan 8, 2013 )
Biological and therapeutic effects of
ortho-silicic acid and some ortho-silicic acid-releasing
compounds: New perspectives for therapy
Lela Munjas Jurkic, Ivica Cepanec, Sandra Kraljevic Pavelic
and Krešimir Pavelic
Silicon (Si) is the most abundant element present in the Earth's
crust besides oxygen. However, the exact biological roles of
silicon remain unknown. Moreover, the ortho-silicic acid (H4SiO4),
as a major form of bioavailable silicon for both humans and
animals, has not been given adequate attention so far. Silicon has
already been associated with bone mineralization, collagen
synthesis, skin, hair and nails health atherosclerosis, Alzheimer
disease, immune system enhancement, and with some other disorders
or pharmacological effects. Beside the ortho-silicic acid and its
stabilized formulations such as choline chloride-stabilized
ortho-silicic acid and sodium or potassium silicates (e.g. M2SiO3;
M= Na,K), the most important sources that release ortho-silicic
acid as a bioavailable form of silicon are: colloidal silicic acid
(hydrated silica gel), silica gel (amorphous silicon dioxide), and
zeolites. Although all these compounds are characterized by
substantial water insolubility, they release small, but
significant, equilibrium concentration of ortho-silicic acid
(H4SiO4) in contact with water and physiological fluids. Even
though certain pharmacological effects of these compounds might be
attributed to specific structural characteristics that result in
profound adsorption and absorption properties, they all exhibit
similar pharmacological profiles readily comparable to
ortho-silicic acid effects. The most unusual ortho-silicic
acid-releasing agents are certain types of zeolites, a class of
aluminosilicates with well described ion(cation)-exchange
properties. Numerous biological activities of some types of
zeolites documented so far might probably be attributable to the
ortho-silicic acid-releasing property. In this review, we
therefore discuss biological and potential therapeutic effects of
ortho-silicic acid and ortho-silicic acid -releasing silicon
compounds as its major natural sources.
Silicon (Si) is the most abundant element (27.2%) present in the
earth's crust following oxygen (45.5%) [1]. Silicon is known for a
number of important chemical and physical properties, i.e.
semiconductor property that are used in various scientific and
technical applications. These Si features, along with structural
complexity of its compounds, have attracted researchers from the
earliest times [2]. In particular, silicon dioxide or silica
(SiO2) is the most studied chemical compound following water, and
the most important Si-containing inorganic substance [1].
Formally, silica (SiO2) is a silicic acid anhydride of monomeric
ortho-silicic acid (H4SiO4), which is water soluble and stable in
highly diluted aqueous solutions. Moreover, several “lower”
hydrated forms of ortho-silicic acid exist in aqueous solutions as
well including meta-silicic acid (H2SiO3 or lower oligomers like
di-silicic (H2Si2O5) and tri-silicic acids (H2Si3O7) including
their hydrated forms pentahydro-silicic (H10Si2O9), and
pyro-silicic acids (H6Si2O7) [1]. These are water soluble, formed
in reversible equilibrium reactions from H4SiO4 and stable in
diluted aqueous solutions. During a prolonged storage period, at
increased concentration or in an acidic environment, these low
molecular silicic acids undergo further condensation by
cross-linking and dehydration. This process results in formation
of poly-silicic acids chains of variable composition [SiOx(OH)4-2x
and complex structure [1]. The end product is a jelly-like
precipitate, namely hydrated silica (SiO2·xH2O; often referred as
“colloidal silicic acid” or “hydrated silica gel”). Further
condensation follows which is accompanied by dehydration yielding
less hydrated silicon dioxide (SiO2) phases, also known as “silica
gel” or “amorphous silicon dioxide”.
Lower molecular forms, especially the ortho-silicic acid (H4SiO4;
Figure ?Figure1),1), play a crucial role in delivering silicon to
the living organisms’ cells and thus represent major sources of
silicon for both humans and animals. Most of the silica in aqueous
systems and oceans is available in the form of H4SiO4, which makes
it an important compound in environmental silicon-chemistry and
biology [3]. In this paper, we critically review the most recent
findings on biological effects of Si and ortho-silicic acid on
animals and human beings. Moreover, we propose that previously
observed positive biological effects of various colloidal silicic
acids (various hydrated silica gels) as well as some zeolites
[4-6], e.g. zeolite A (Figure ?(Figure2)2) and clinoptilolite
(Figure ?(Figure3),3), might be, at least partially, ascribed to
the ortho-silicic acid-releasing property.
Figure 1
Chemical 3D structure of Si(OH)4.

Figure 2
Zeolite A structure: an assembly of framework's cages
(tiles). Centre of a tile is the centre of a void in the
framework. Voids are connected with adjacent ones through the
large "windows" which are faces of tiles.

Figure 3
Microporous crystal structure of clinoptilolite.

Silicon represents the third most abundant trace element in
the human body [7,8]. For example, it is present in 1–10
parts-per-million (ppm) in hair [9], nails [10], in the cornfield
epidermis, and in the epicuticle of hair [11,12]. Silicon is
naturally present in food as a silicon dioxide (SiO2), free
ortho-silicic acid (H4SiO4), silicic acids bounded to certain
nutrients, and in the silicate form. Although silicon is a
life-important micronutrient mineral, in our opinion it has not
received adequate attention. Considering the abundance of silicon,
both in the nature and humans, it is expected that it should play
an important role in human and animal health.
Silicon bioavailability and consumption
Presently, many biological roles of silicon remain unknown [13].
Consequently, the recommended daily silicon intake (RDI) has not
yet been set [13,14]. Considering the risk assessment of amorphous
silicon dioxide as common silicon source (e.g. food additive
E551), the safe upper intake level (UIL) may be estimated as 700
mg/day for adults, that is the equivalent to 12 mg silicon/kg
bw/day for a 60 kg adult [15]. These numbers refer to the
amorphous silicon dioxide form and only small amounts of silicon
(as H4SiO4) are actually released in the gastrointestinal (GI)
tract and subsequently absorbed in the systemic circulation. Due
to lack of data, it is difficult to set a recommended upper intake
level for silicon. Moreover, little information on the intake of
dietary silicon by humans is available. A mean intake of daily
silicon has been reported in Finland [16], (29 mg silicon/day) and
in a typical British diet (20–50 mg silicon/day) [17-19]. This
corresponds to 0.3-0.8 mg/silicon/kg bw/day for a 60 kg person.
These data are in the same range as the estimated mean intakes of
silicon in the USA (30 and 33 mg silicon/day in men, and 24 and 25
mg silicon/day in women, respectively) [8]. Silicon intake
decreases with age to less than 20 mg silicon/day (18.6 ± 4.6 mg
silicon/day for elderly British woman in an unrelated randomised
controlled intervention study) [20].
Generally, silicon is abundantly present in foods derived from
plants such as: cereals, oats, barley, white wheat flour, and
polished rice. In contrast, silicon levels are lower in animal
foods including meat or dairy products. Furthermore, silicon is
present in drinking waters, mineral waters, and in beer as well
[17]. However, Jugdaohsingh et al. [21] raised some doubt on
utilisation of silicon from drinking water in an animal rat study
as no significant differences were found in the silicon bone
concentration when the drinking water was supplemented with
silicon in the ortho-silicic acid form. Indeed, the major sources
of silicon in the typical Western hemisphere diet comes from
cereals (30%), followed by fruits, beverages and vegetables, which
altogether comprise around 75% of total silicon intake [20]. Even
though plant food contains high levels of silicon, its
bioavailability from these sources is questionable, due to poor
solubility of actual silicon forms present in these foods
[18,19,22]. Efficient absorption in the GI tract would require
their breakdown to soluble species such as ortho-silicic acid,
present in drinking and mineral waters in the range of 2 to 5 mg
silicon/L [23] and in beer ranging from 9 to 39 mg silicon/L
[18,24]. Absorption studies indicate that the ortho-silicic acid
is a main readily bioavailable source of silicon for humans,
whereas its higher polymers are not of significant absorbability
[25]. In a placebo-controlled study on eight volunteers,
Jugdaohsingh et al. [25] showed that 53% of administered
ortho-silicic acid is excreted in the urine, whereas the ingestion
of polymeric silicic acid causes only a marginal increase of
silicon in the urine. This result substantiates the statement that
polymeric silicic acids and amorphous silicon dioxide are of poor
Besides the ortho-silicic acid, water soluble silicates are
bioavailable silicon forms as well. For instance, pharmaceutically
acceptable alkali metals silicates (M2SiO3; M= Na, K) in
adequately diluted aqueous solutions, release ortho-silicic acid
(H4SiO4) upon contact with stomach hydrochloric acid (HCl).
Popplewell et al. [26] employed a tracer dose of radiolabelled
ammonium silicate to measure total uptake and urine excretion.
Their results revealed that 36% of ingested dose was absorbed and
completely excreted in urine within 48h. However, elimination
occurred in two steps where the major dose (90%) has been excreted
within the first 2.7 hours. They suggested that excess silicon is
eliminated from the body through two distinct processes, differing
significantly in the duration. The ‘slower process’ is thought to
include the intracellular uptake and release of silicon, whilst
the ‘faster process’ probably includes retention of silicon in the
extracellular fluids [26]. These data report on increased silicon
levels in serum upon consumption of silicon-rich food [7,27],
showing that at least some silicon is available from food as well.
Indeed, selective silicon deprivation in rats showed a significant
drop of urinary silicon excretion and fasting silicon serum
concentration, suggesting that the rats actively regulate silicon
levels via urinary conservation, perhaps through renal
re-absorption [21]. Most of silicon present in the serum is
filtered by the kidney [7,28] suggesting the kidney as its major
excretion route; silicon levels in serum correlate with those in
urine. However, it is still not clear how and if the body can
efficiently retain adequate doses of silicon.
In concentrated solutions, ortho-silicic acid (H4SiO4) has to be
stabilized to avoid its polymerization into poly-silicic acids and
eventually into silica gel, resulting in a decreased silicon
bioavailability. This issue has been solved in the field of
pharmaceutical technology by use of choline chloride in aqueous
glycerol solution. This resulted in development of a liquid
formulation known as choline-stabilized ortho-silicic acid
(ch-OSA). Choline chloride-stabilized ortho-silicic acid is not a
new chemical entity of ortho-silicic acid, but a complex of H4SiO4
and choline chloride formed by several possible hydrogen bonds
between these two compounds. Subsequently, from the standpoint of
nutrition and pharmacology, the effects of ch-OSA must involve
effects of both H4SiO4 and choline chloride rather than a new
chemical entity. Due to a possible impact of choline chloride on
the chemical stability of H4SiO4, certain specific biological
effects different from those of a pure ortho-silicic acid or its
immediate releasing compounds (e.g. sodium silicate), must be
taken in account. Ch-OSA has been approved for human consumption
and is known to be non-toxic. Its lethal doses (LD) exceed 5000
mg/kg bw in humans [29] and 6640 mg/kg bw in animals [30]. The
ch-OSA represents the most bioavailable source of silicon [22,29].
Moreover, in a randomized placebo-controlled study [29], the
bioavailability of ch-OSA during maternal transfer to the
offspring was investigated in a supplementation study with pigs.
The authors correlated significantly higher silicon concentrations
in the serum of weanling piglets from supplemented sows and
maternal transfer of absorbed silicon between sows and their
offspring during lactation with high bioavailability of silicon
from ch-OSA. Importantly, highly bioavailable silicon from ch-OSA
did not altered calcium, phosphorus and magnesium levels in blood.
Therapeutic and biological effects of ortho-silicic acid and
certain ortho-silicic acid-releasing compounds
It was reported that silicon is connected with bone mineralization
and osteoporosis [31], collagen synthesis and ageing of skin [11],
condition of hair and nails [32], atherosclerosis [33,34],
Alzheimer disease [9,35,36], as well as with other biological
effects and disorders. Trace minerals are known to generally play
a vital role in the human body homeostasis [37] and the serum
levels of silicon are similar to other trace elements, i.e. of
iron, copper, and zinc [38]. Silicon is excreted through the urine
in similar orders of magnitude as calcium. Some researches claim
that silicon does not act as a protein-bounding element in plasma
and is believed to exist almost entirely as un-dissociated
monomeric ortho-silicic acid [28]. While early analyses showed
that serum contains 50–60 µg silicon/dL [38,39], more recent
analyses indicate that human serum contains 11–25 µg silicon/dL,
or levels ranging between 24 and 31 µg/dL (8.5 and 11.1 µmol/L),
detected by absorption spectrometry in large population groups
[40]. Interestingly, pregnant women had very low serum silicon
concentrations (3.3-4.3 µg/dL) in comparison with infants that
have high concentrations between 34 and 69 µg/dL [27,41].
Moreover, silicon concentrations in serum showed a statistically
significant age and sex dependency, as it seems that silicon
concentrations decrease with age, especially in woman [40].
Biological importance of silicon might be analysed in the context
of its bio-distribution in the body. For example, the highest
silicon concentration has been measured in connective tissues,
especially in the aorta, tracheas, bone, and skin. Low levels of
silicon in the form of ortho-silicic acid [42-44] may be found in
liver, heart, muscle, and lung [45]. It is therefore plausible to
assume that observed decrease of silicon concentration in the
ageing population may be linked to several degenerative disorders,
including atherosclerosis. Supplementation of the regular diet
with bioavailable forms of silicon may therefore have a
therapeutic potential including prevention of degenerative
processes. Several experiments have already confirmed this
hypothesis. For example, in a controlled animal study,
spontaneously hypertensive rats had lower blood pressure upon
supplementation with soluble silicon [44], whilst silicon
deficiency in animals has been found to be connected with bone
defects and impaired synthesis of connective tissue compounds,
such as collagen and glycosaminoglycans [46-48]. It is therefore
reasonable to assume that silicon deficiency or lower
bioavailability may be linked to problems with bone structure and
collagen production. Moreover, silicon was shown to be uniquely
localized in active growth areas in young bones of animals where a
close relationship between silicon concentration and the degree of
mineralization has been assessed [46,49]. Studies confirmed the
essential role of silicon in the growth and skeletal development
of chicks that during silicon deprivation showed significantly
retarded skeletal development [50]. Experimental silicon
deprivation in rats [51-53] and chicks [46,47] demonstrated
striking effects on skeletal growth and bone metabolism as well.
On the other hand, the controlled animal study of Jugdaohsingh et
al. [21] showed no profound effects of a silicon-deficient diet on
the bone growth and skeletal development in rats. Silicon
concentrations in the tibia and soft tissues did not differ from
those in rats on a silicon-deficient diet where the silicon was
supplemented in drinking water. Nevertheless, silicon levels in
tibia were much lower compared to the reference group fed by a
silicon rich diet. Body and bone lengths were also found to be
lower in comparison with the reference group, while reduction in
bone growth plate thickness was found in silicon deprived rats
Moreover, Reffit et al. [54] found that ortho-silicic acid
stimulates collagen type 1 synthesis in human osteoblast-like
cells and skin fibroblasts and enhances osteoblastic
differentiation in the MG-63 cells in vitro. Ortho-silicic acid
did not alter collagen type 1 gene expression, but it modulated
the activity of prolyl hydroxylase, an enzyme involved in the
production of collagen [55]. Similarly, Schütze et al. [56]
reported that the zeolite A stimulated DNA synthesis in
osteoblasts and inhibited osteoclast-mediated bone resorption in
vitro. This is probably attributable to the ortho-silicic
acid-releasing property of zeolite A.
The mechanism underlying observed biological effects of silicon
may probably be ascribed to its interrelationships with other
elements present in the body such as molybdenum [57] aluminium
[9,35,58,59], and calcium [46,49,50]. For instance, it was proven
that silicon levels are strongly affected by molybdenum intake,
and vice versa[59]. Furthermore, silicon accelerates the rate of
bone mineralization and calcification as shown in controlled
animal studies, in a similar manner that was demonstrated for
vitamin D [11,50]. It is well known that vitamin D increases the
rate of bone mineralization and bone formation [60], and that its
deficiency leads to less mature bone development. Vitamin D is
known to be important in calcium metabolism, but silicon-deficient
cockerels’ skulls in a controlled animal study showed lower
calcification and collagen levels irrespective of the vitamin D
dietary levels suggesting a vitamin D-independent mechanism of
action [61]. Jugdaohsingh et al. [21] found that silicon
supplementation in drinking water did not significantly altered
silicon concentrations in bones and suggested that some other
nutritional co-factor is required for maximal silicon uptake into
bone and that this co-factor was absent in rats fed with a
low-silicon diet compared to the reference group fed by a
silicon-rich diet. They suggested vitamin K as such co-factor,
which is important in bone mineralisation through carboxylation of
osteocalcin, and whose deficiency might influence incorporation of
minerals such as silicon in the bones.
Osteoporosis is among leading causes of morbidity and mortality
worldwide [62]. It is defined as a progressive skeletal disorder,
characterised by low bone mass (osteopenia) and
micro-architectural deterioration [63]. Interestingly, the
administration of silicon in a controlled clinical study induced a
significant increase in femoral bone mineral density in
osteoporotic women [31]. Direct relationship between silicon
content and bone formation has been shown by Moukarzel et al.
[64]. They found a correlation between decreased silicon
concentrations in total parenterally fed infants with a decreased
bone mineral content. This was the first observation of a possible
dietary deficiency of silicon in humans. A randomized controlled
animal study on aged ovariectomized rats revealed that long-term
preventive treatment with ch-OSA prevented partial femoral bone
loss and had a positive effect on the bone turnover [65]. Dietary
silicon is associated with postmenopausal bone turnover and bone
mineral density at the women's age when the risk of osteoporosis
increases. Moreover, in a cohort study on 3198 middle-aged woman
(50–62 years) it was shown that silicon interacts with the
oestrogen status on bone mineral density, suggesting that
oestrogen status is important for the silicon metabolism in bone
health [66].
Skin and hair
Typical sign of ageing skin is fall off of silicon and hyaluronic
acid levels in connective tissues. This results in loss of
moisture and elasticity in the skin. Appearance of hair and nails
can also be affected by lower silicon levels, since they are
basically composed of keratin proteins. As previously discussed,
ortho-silicic acid may stimulate collagen production and
connective tissue function and repair. For example, Barel et al.
[67] conducted experiments on females, aged between 40–65 years,
with clear clinical signs of photo-ageing of facial skin. Their
randomized double-blinded placebo-controlled study illustrates
positive effects of ch-OSA taken as an oral supplement on skin
micro relief and skin anisotropy in woman with photo-aged skin.
Skin roughness and the difference in longitudinal and lateral
shear propagation time decreased in the ch-OSA group, suggesting
improvement in isotropy of the skin. In addition, ch-OSA intake
positively affected the brittleness of hair and nails. Oral
supplementation with ch-OSA had positive effects on hair
morphology and tensile strengths, as shown in a randomized
placebo-controlled double blind study by Wickett et al. [68].
Alzheimer disease
Aluminium (as Al3+ ion) is a well-known neurotoxin. Aluminium
salts may accelerate oxidative damage of biomolecules.
Importantly, it has been detected in neurons bearing
neurofibrillary tangles in Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease
with dementia as shown in controlled studies [69,70]. Amorphous
aluminosilicates have been found at the core of senile plaques in
Alzheimer's disease [69,71], and have consequently been implicated
as one of the possible causal factors that contribute to
Alzheimer’s disease. Since aluminosilicates are water insoluble
compounds, the transport path to the brain is still not well
understood. By reducing the bioavailability of aluminium, it may
be possible to limit its neurotoxicity. Consumption of moderately
high amounts of beer in humans and ortho-silicic acid in animals
has shown to reduce aluminium uptake from the digestive tract and
slow down the accumulation of this metal in the brain tissue
[36,72]. Silicic acid has also been found to induce
down-regulation of endogenous antioxidant enzymes associated with
aluminium administration and to normalize tumour necrosis factor
alpha (TNFa) mRNA expression [35]. Although the effect of silicic
acid on aluminium absorption and excretion from human body
produced conflicting results so far as shown in an open-label
clinical study [7], in a controlled clinical study it was shown
that silicic acid substantially reduces aluminium bioavailability
to humans [73]. In fact, it was already found that silicon reduces
the aluminium toxicity and absorption in some plants and animals
that belong to different biological systems [74-76]. This is
possible as silicon competes with aluminium in biological systems
such as fresh water, as suggested by Birchall and Chappell study
perfomed on the geochemical ground [77], and later confirmed by
Taylor et al. in randomized double blind study [78]. They found
that soft water contains less silicic acid and more aluminium,
while hard waters contain more silicic acid and less aluminium.
Removal of aluminium from the body and its reduced absorption by
simultaneous administration of silicic acid was tested and proven
by Exley et al. in controlled clinical study [59]. They showed
reduced urinary excretion of aluminium along with unaltered
urinary excretion of trace elements such as iron in persons to
whom silicic acid-rich mineral water was administered. Moreover,
they documented that regular drinking of a silicon-rich mineral
water during a period of 3 months significantly reduced the body
burden of aluminium. Similar results were obtained by Davenward et
al. [79] who showed that silicon-rich mineral waters can be used
as a non-invasive method to reduce the body burden of aluminium in
both Alzheimer's patients and control group by facilitating the
removal of aluminium via the urine without any concomitant effect.
They also showed clinically relevant improvements of cognitive
performances in at least 3 out of 15 individuals with Alzheimer
disease. This implies a possible use of ortho-silicic acid as
long-term non-invasive therapy for reduction of aluminium in
Alzheimer's disease patients. The mechanism through which
aluminium bioavailability reduction occurs involves interaction
between aluminium species and ortho-silicic acid where highly
insoluble hydroxyaluminosilicates (HAS) forms are produced
[77,80]. This process makes aluminium unavailable for absorption.
Immunostimulatory effects
Quartz as a form of crystalline silicon dioxide has been connected
with severe negative biological effects. However, in controlled
studies on mouse and rats it was shown that sub-chronic and
short-term exposure to this compound can actually have beneficial
effects on respiratory defence mechanisms by stimulating immune
system through the increase of neutrophils, T lymphocytes and NK
cells. It also activates phagocytes and consequently additional
ROS production [81-83] which can help the pulmonary clearance of
infectious agents. In rats, crystalline silica caused
proliferation and activation of CD8+ T cells and, to a lesser
amount, of CD4+ T cells.
Recently, an “anionic alkali mineral complex” Barodon® has shown
immunostimulatory effects in horses [84], pigs [85] and other
animals. Barodon® is a mixture of sodium silicate (M2SiO3, M=
Na,K) and certain metal salts in an alkaline solution (pH= 13.5),
where sodium-silicate (sodium water glass) represents 60% of the
total content. In a placebo-controlled experiment in pigs, the
immunostimulatory effect of Barodon® was assessed by measurement
of proliferation and activation of porcine immune cells,
especially CD4+ CD8+ double-positive (dpp) T lymphocytes in
peripheral blood and in the secondary lymphoid organ [85]. As this
type of T lymphocyte cells are characterized by a specific memory
cell marker CD29, they may play a role during activation of
secondary immune responses as shown in a cross-sectional and
longitudinal study on pigs [86]. Moreover, Barodon® acted mainly
on the lymphoid organs, implying a role in antigenic stimulation
of immune tissues [85]. Barodon® induced increased levels of
MHC-II lymphocytes and non-T/non-B (N) cells as well along with
increased stimulatory mitogen activity including the activity of
PHA, concanavalin A, and pokeweed mitogen [85,87]. In a
placebo-controlled experiment on pigs, it was shown that this
mineral complex exerts an adjuvant effect with hog cholera and
Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae vaccines by increasing the
antibody titres and immune cell proportions [88]. Moreover,
Barodon® showed nonspecific immunostimulating effects in racing
horses and higher phagocytic activity against Staphylococcus equi
subsp. equi and Staphylococcus aureus as well in a controlled
study [84]. Administration of Barodon® in horse herds reduced many
clinical complications, including stress-induced respiratory
disease, suggesting activation of immune cell populations
similarly to the treatment with inactivated Propionibacterium
acnes[89,90]. The exact mechanism of Barodon® immunostimulatory
effect is not known, although it has been suggested that sodium
silicate, the main mineral ingredient, might be responsible for
the observed immune-enhancing properties. Indeed, sodium silicate
is known to decompose quantitatively into bioavailable
ortho-silicic acid (H4SiO4) in the acidic gastric juice (HCl), and
as such being absorbed in the body. In this manner, presumably all
observed pharmacological effects of Barodon® are actually
originated from the ortho-silicic acid.
Pure sodium metasilicate (Na2SiO3) also bears immunostimulatory
effects and acts as a potent mitochondria activator [91]. Dietary
silicon in the form of sodium metasilicate activates formation of
ammonia by elevating mitochondrial oxygen utilisation as shown in
a controlled animal experiment [91]. These findings further
corroborate the hypothesis that sodium silicate might be
responsible for immunostimulatory effects of Barodon®. Once again,
the pharmacologically active species was ortho-silicic acid
released upon the action of stomach hydrochlorid acid on sodium
Zeolites as a source of ortho-silicic acid
Zeolites are a class of aluminosilicates of general formula
(Mn+)x/n[(AlO2)x(SiO2)y·mH2O, wherein M represents a positively
charged metal ion such as sodium (Na+), potassium (K+), magnesium
(Mg2+), or calcium (Ca2+). Zeolites are crystalline
aluminosilicates with open 3D framework structures built of SiO4
and AlO4 tetrahedra linked to each other by sharing all the oxygen
atoms to form regular intra-crystalline cavities and channels of
molecular dimensions [92]. The positively charged metal ions (e.g.
Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+) are positioned in these cavities of
aluminosilicate skeleton which are termed as micro- (2–20 Å),
meso- (20–50 Å), and macro-(50–100 Å) -pores. These ions are
readily exchangeable in contact with aqueous solution of other
positively charged ions (e.g. heavy metal ions like Hg2+). This
structural characteristic of zeolites is the base of their ion
(cation)-exchange property [93].
At present, 191 unique zeolite frameworks have been identified
[94], while over 40 naturally occurring zeolite frameworks have
been described. Zeolites have been widely employed in chemical and
food industries, agriculture, and environmental technologies as
adsorbents, absorbents, adsorbent filter-aids, ion-exchangers,
catalysts, active cosmetic and pharmaceutical ingredients, soil
improvers, etc. [95-103]. Besides, zeolites exhibit a number of
interesting biological activities [5,104,105] (Figure
?(Figure4).4). For example, nontoxic natural zeolite
clinoptilolite affects tumour cells proliferation in vitro and
might act as an adjuvant in cancer therapy [105]. Katic et al.
[106] confirmed that clinoptilolite influences cell viability,
cell division, and cellular stress response that results in
antiproliferative effect and apoptosis induction in vitro.
Obtained results demonstrated that clinoptilolite biological
effect on tumour cells growth inhibition might be a consequence of
adsorptive and ion-exchange characteristics that cause adsorption
of some serum components by clinoptilolite [106]. Similarly,
clinoptilolite showed antiviral effects in vitro and a potential
in antiviral therapy either for local skin application against
herpesvirus infections or oral treatment of adenovirus or
enterovirus infections [107]. The antiviral mechanism is probably
non-specific and is based on adsorption of viral particles on
external cavities at the clinoptilolite surface rather than a
consequence of ion-exchange properties.
Each zeolite particle acts like a large inorganic molecule and
acts as a molecular sieve with a potential in molecular medicine
in molecular medicine. Their pores are indeed, rather small (less
than 2 nm to 50 nm) [108], and these structural similarities
between the cages of zeolites and binding sites of enzymes
resulted in development of zeolite structures that mimic enzyme
functions [108], e.g. haemoglobin, cytochrome P450 or iron-sulphur
proteins [109].
Important data on biological zeolites fate (Figure ?(Figure5)5)
and effects in vivo have been widely reported so far in the
scientific literature. For example, it was shown that zeolites
bear detoxifying and decontaminant properties when added to animal
diets, reducing levels of heavy metals (e.g. lead, mercury, and
cadmium) and various organic pollutants, i.e. radionuclides
(Figure ?(Figure6)6) and antibiotics [108]. Furthermore, zeolites
have been successfully utilized for haemodialysis, for cartridges
in haemoperfusions, for wound healing, and surgical incisions
[108]. For instance, QuikClot and Zeomic formulations are already
being marketed for haemorrhage control [110] and dental treatment
[5], respectively.
Several toxicological studies proved that certain natural zeolite,
e.g. clinoptiolite are non-toxic and completely safe for use in
human and veterinary medicine [105]. In vitro and in vivo
controlled animal studies have shown that clinoptilolite is an
inert substance that may cause, in some instances, only moderate
but not progressive fibrosis or mesothelioma [111]. This effect
might be attributed to side-substances present in natural
zeolites, e.g. silica or clay aluminosilicates [112]. It should be
also stated that some zeolites might be extremely dangerous for
human health and exert negative biological effects. For example,
erionite, a fibrous type of natural zeolite, causes a high
incidence of mesotheliomas and fibrosis in humans and experimental
animals [113].
Animal studies have also shown the possibility of zeolite A
(sodium aluminosilicate) as a viable source of silicon [4,6,114].
The latter is one of known zeolites that breaks down into
bioavailable ortho-silicic acid (H4SiO4) in the digestive system.
This property arises from the structure of zeolite A which is
characterized by the same number of aluminium and silicon atoms in
zeolite A [115]. Zeolite A is hydrolysed at low pH (stomach
hydrochloric acid) into ortho-silicic acid (H4SiO4) and aluminium
ions (Al3+). These are combined back to the amorphous
aluminosilicate. Such process readily provides additional source
of bioavailable silicon to the organism [114,116]. Indeed,
randomized placebo-controlled studies on dogs [114] proved that
silicon is absorbed upon oral administration of zeolite A.
Comparable results have been obtained in a randomized
placebo-controlled research on horses as well [6]. Addition of
zeolite A to the diet of young racing quarter horses have resulted
in decreased skeletal injury rates and better training performance
[117]. However, increased bone formation was found in randomized
controlled studies on broodmare horses [118], but not in yearling
horses [119]. Food supplementation with zeolite A in calves showed
no changes in bone architecture or mechanical properties [120].
However, in a controlled study Turner et al. [120] showed
increased aluminium content in the bone and cartilage of zeolite
A-fed calves which is an important safety issue for the zeolite A
therapeutic usage.
In conclusion, we believe that ortho-silicic acid (H4SiO4) might
be a prominent therapeutic agent in humans. Some potential
therapeutic and biological effects on bone formation and bone
density, Alzheimer disease, immunodeficiency, skin, hair, and
nails condition, as well as on tumour growth, have already been
documented and are critically discussed in the presented paper.
Acid forms of ortho-silicic acid include:
choline-chloride-stabilized ortho-silicic acid (ch-OSA) as a
specific pharmaceutical formulation of H4SiO4, simple water
soluble silicate salts such as sodium silicate (E550; Na2SiO3) or
potassium silicate (E560; K2SiO3), and certain water-insoluble
forms that, upon contact with stomach juice (HCl), release small,
but biologically significant amounts of ortho-silicic acid. The
latter involves: colloidal silicic acid (hydrated silica gel),
amorphous silicon dioxide (E551), certain types of zeolites such
as zeolite A (sodium aluminosilicate, E554; potassium
aluminosilicate, E555; calcium aluminosilicate, E556), and the
natural zeolite clinoptilolite. However, for some of the
above-proposed therapeutic perspectives of both ortho-silicic acid
and ortho-silicic acid -releasing derivatives, additional insights
into biological mechanisms of action and larger studies on both
animals and humans are required.
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The present invention disclosed a stabilized solution of ortho-
silicic acid that serves as highly bioavailable silicon (Si)
source consisting of: (i) ortho-silicic acid (H4Si04), from
0.01-8% w/w; (ii) carnitine salt (1) of pharmaceutically
acceptable acids, formula (1), X= C1, H2PO4, HSO4, NO3, CH3SO3,
C6H5SO3, 1, 4-CH3C6H4SO3 from 7-40% w/w; (iii) pharmaceutically
acceptable acid, from 0.05-4 molar equivalents to H4Si04; (iv)
auxiliary stabilizer of H4Si04, selected from the group
comprising: glycerol, 1, 2-propylene glycol, d-panthenol,
glucosamine, or their mixtures, from 10-50% w/w; and (v) diluent,
selected from the group consisting of purified water, ethanol, or
their mixtures, in amounts of up to 100% w/w of overall
formulation. The present invention discloses the preparation and
the use of the formulation that provides all known positive
therapeutic effects of ortho-silicic acid in human and animals,
and benefits of use for plants.
Field of the invention
The present invention relates to a stabilized solution of ortho-
silicic acid (H4Si04) , which is used as nutritional and
therapeutic source of silicon (Si) in nutrition, medicine,
cosmetic, veterinary and agriculture.
Summary of the invention
The present invention solves the technical problem of
stabilization of ortho-silicic acid (H4Si04) solution, and
procedure for production of such stabilized solution.
The solution is consisting of:
(i) ortho-silicic acid (H4Si04) , from 0.01-8% w/w;
(ii) carnitine salt (1) of pharmaceutically acceptable acids,
(H3C) 3N OOH
X= CI, H2P04, HS04, N03, CH3S03, CfiH5S03, 1 , -CH3C6H4S03 from
7-40% w/w;
(iii) pharmaceutically acceptable acid, from 0.05-4 molar
equivalents to H4Si04;
(iv) auxiliary stabilizer of H4Si04, selected from the group
comprising glycerol, 1 , 2-propylene glycol, d-panthenol,
glucosamine, or their mixtures, from 10-50% w/w; and
(v) diluent, selected from the group consisting of purified water,
ethanol or their mixtures, in amounts of up to 100% w/w of overall
formulation. Prior art
Silicon (Si) is important biogenic microelement which exhibits
several roles in human and animal organism:
(i) helps resorption of calcium and takes part in its transport,
stimulates osteoblasts; stimulates bone mineralization; in
traumatic cases provides faster bone healing; prevents
osteoporosis [E. M. Carlisle: A requirement for silicon for bone
growth in culture, Fed. Proc. 37 (1978) 1123; E. M. Carlisle: A
relation between silicon and calcium in bone formation, Fed. Proc.
29 (1970) 265; E. M. Carlisle: Silicon: a requirement in bone
formation independent of vitamin D, Calcif. Tissue Int. 33 (1981)
27; D. M. Reffitt, N. Ogston, R. Jugdaohsingh : Orthosilicic acid
stimulates collagen type I synthesis and osteoblast-like cells in
vitro, Bone 32 (2003) 127; S. Spripanyakorn, R. Jungdaohsingh, R.
P. H. Thompson, J. J. Powell: Dietary silicon and bone health,
Nutr. Bull. 30 (2005) 222];
(ii) takes part in structure of connective tissue and formation of
functional tertiary structure of building proteins of soft organs
like liver, lung, and brain; takes part in structure of arterial,
vein, and capillary walls, increases elasticity and hardness of
blood vessels, decreases their permeability [E. . Carlisle, D. L.
Garvey: The effect of silicon on formation of extra-cellular
matrix components by chondrocytes in culture, Fed. Proc. 41 (1982)
461; E. M. Carlisle, C. Suchil: Silicon and ascorbate interaction
in cartilage formation in culture, Fed. Proc. 42 (1983) 398];
(iii) acts as cross-linking agent for glucosaminoglycans and
mucopolysaccharides in joints, ligaments and sinovial fluid [K.
Schwartz: A bound form of silicon in glycosaminoglycans and
polyuronides, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 70 (1973) 1608; A. Lassus:
Colloidal silicic acid for the treatment of psoriatic skin
lesions, arthropathy and onychopathy. A pilot study. J. Int. Med.
Res. 25
(1997) 206]; (iv) stimulates immune system [A. Schiano, F.
Eisinger, P. Detolle: Silicium, tissu osseux et immunite, Revue du
Rhumatisme 46 (1979) 483] ;
(v) exhibits antiinflammatory action at various inflammatory
diseases like arthritis, osteoarthritis, skin disorders like
psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis, neurodermitis , skin
irritations; hastes wound healing, soothes decubitus, etc. [A.
Lassus: Colloidal silicic acid for oral and topical treatment of
aged skin, fragile hair and brittle nails in females, J. Int. Med.
Res. 21 (1993) 209; A. Lassus: Colloidal silicic acid for the
treatment of psoriatic skin lesions, arthropathy and onychopathy.
A pilot study. J. Int. Med. Res. 25 (1997) 206];
(vi) in oligomeric form, silicic acid decreases resorption of
aluminum (Al<3+>) from gastrointestinal tract, thus beside
antioxidative action, preventively acts on development of
neurodegenerative diseases connected with prolonged exposure to
aluminum, like Alzheimer disease [J. D. Birchall, J. S. Chappell:
The chemistry of aluminium and silicon in relation to Alzheimer's
disease, Clin. Chem. 34 (1980) 265; R. Jugdaohsingh : Soluble
silica and aluminium bioavailability, PhD Thesis (1999) University
of London; R. Jugdaohsingh, S. H. Anderson, K. L. Tucker: Dietary
silicon intake and absorption, Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 75 (2002) 887;
R. Jugdaohsingh, D. M. Reffitt, C. Oldham: Oligomeric but not
monomeric silica prevents aluminium absorption in human, Am. J.
Clin. Nutr. 71
(2000) 944; D. M. Reffitt, R. Jugdaohsingh, R. P. H. Thompson:
Silicic acid: its gastrointestinal uptake and urinary excretion in
man and effects on aluminium excretion, J. Inorg. Biochem. 76
(1999) 141] ;
(vii) stimulates biosynthesis of skin building proteins: collagen
and elastin [C. D. Seaborn, F. H. Nielsen: Silicon deprivation
decreases collagen formation in wounds and bone, and ornithine
transaminase enzyme activity in liver, Biol. Trace Element Res. 89
(2002) 251; M. R. Calomme, D. A. V. Berghe: Supplementation of
calves with stabilised orthosilicic acid effect on the Si, Ca, Mg
and P concentration in serum and the collagen concentration in
skin and cartilage, Biol. Trace Element Res. 56 (1997) 153];
(viii) stimulates growth and improves strength and shine of hair
and nails [A. Lassus: Colloidal silicic acid for oral and topical
treatment of aged skin, fragile hair and brittle nails in females,
J. Int. Med. Res. 21 (1993) 209]; and
(ix) antioxidative action; by this way preventively acts on
development of atherosclerosis and other diseases caused by
prolonged oxidative stress condition such as diabetes and diabetes
complications [J. Loeper, J. Goy-Loeper, L. Rozensztajn, M.
Fragny: The antiatheromatous action of silicon, Atherosclerosis 33
(1979) 397-408; J. Loeper, J. Emerit, J. Goy, L. Rozensztajn, M.
[Fatty acids and lipid peroxidation in experimental atheroma in
the rabbit. Role played by silicon (in French)], Pathol. Biol.
(Paris) 32 (1984) 693-697; J. Loeper, J. Goy, M . Fragny, R.
Troniou, O. Bedu: Study of fatty acids in atheroma induced in
rabbits by an atherogenic diet with or wihout silicon i.v.
treatment, Life Sci. 42
(1988) 2105-2112; J. Loeper, J. Goy-Loeper, L. Rozensztajn, M.
Fragny: [The antiatheromatous action of silicon (in French)],
Bull. Acad. Natl. Med. 163 (1979) 530-534].
At plants, silicon exhibits the following effects [H. A. Currie,
C. C. Perry: Silica in Plants: Biological, Biochemical and
Chemical Studies, Ann. Botany 100 (2007) 1383-1389]:
(i) stimulates photosynthesis process and increases utility of
nutrients what results in enhanced crop yields;
(ii) improves water management and thus enhances resistance to
stress conditions like drought; and
(iii) enhances resistance to insect attacks and fungal diseases.
Biologically available source of silicon is ortho-silicic acid
(H4Si04) . It is known to those skilled in the art that silicic
acid, in its monomeric form, ortho-silicic acid (H Si04) is not
stable, but at higher concentrations undergoes polymerization
yielding dimeric (H6Si207) , trimeric (H8Si3Oi0) , as well as
linear unbranched oligomers (SI) which are all water soluble.
Linear polymers of silicic acid (SI) undergo further
polymerization giving tridimensional, branched polymers (S2) which
are of very low water solubility and give opalescent gel. The
process of polymerization proceeds further with generation of
hydrated silicon dioxide (silica gel; Si02-xH20) . The course of
polymerization of silicic acid is given in Scheme 1, at the end of
the specification.
Beside monomeric ortho-silicic acid (H Si04) , biologically
available forms are also its lower oligomers that are soluble in
water; they release starting H4Si0 by hydrolysis (oligomerization
is reversible) . In other words, at certain concentrations, an
equilibrium between monomeric ortho-silicic acid and its lower
oligomers is established.
Branched polymers of silicic acid are not biologically available
[H. Yokoi, S. Enomoto: Effect of degree of polymerization of
silicic acid on the gastrointestinal absorption of silicate in
rats, Chem. Pharm. Bull. 27 (1979) 1733; K. Van Dyck, R. Van
Cauwenbergh, H. Robberecht: Bioavailability of silicon from food
and food supplements, Fresenius J. Anal. Chem. 363 (1999) 541] .
The use of natural, as low as possible refined food (e.g. whole
grain cereals), usually provides sufficient intakes od silicon to
organism. However, at the use of highly refined and unhealthy
food, deficiency of silicon can take place. Such conditions, with
eventual accompanied factors, often can cause development of
diseases or disorders connected with silicon deficiency.
Because of this reason, development of stabilized form of ortho-
silicic acid, wherein its polymerization is inhibited, and
consequently increased its bioavailability, is of a great
importance .
Such products can be used as effective food supplements or
therapeutic agents at such diseases or disorders. For the use in
nutrition, medicine, and cosmetic, there are included only
pharmacologically acceptable forms of silicic acid.
In agriculture, therein also only non-toxic forms of silicic acid
of high bioavailability can be employed.
The most known product which is used as food supplement for
silicon supplementation is "BioSil(R)" which is based on choline
chloride (2)- stabilized ortho-silicic acid [S. R. Bronder, WO
95/21124; V. Berghe, D. A. Richard, EP 1 371 289 Al (2002) ,
BioPharma Sciences B. V. , Belgium] .
Additionally, in patent literature there are disclosed other,
mainly as auxiliary, stabilizers that inhibit polymerization of
ortho- silicic acid such as: boric acid (H3B03) or sodium
tetraborate natrijev tetraborat (Na2B407 . 10H2O) [L. J.
Clapsdale, M. G. Syracuse: Nongelling aqueous silica sols
stabilized with boron compounds, US 2,630,410 (1953);
Union Carbide Co.]; H3B03 in the presence of humectants like
polyethylene glycol, urea, sorbitol; then polysorbates ; pectin;
ethoxylated higher fatty acids; acetylated or
hydroxypropyl-starch; starch phosphate; maltitol; vitamins [W. A.
Kros, US Patent application 2006/0178268 Al]; amino acids proline,
serine, lysine, arginine, glycine or their mixtures; polypeptides
or protein hydrolyzates [V. Berghe, D. A. Richard, WO 2004/016551
Al , BioPharma Sciences B.V.) ;
M.-C. Seguin, J. Gueyne: Complex containing biologically
assimilable orthosilicic acid, which is under solid form, stable
and concentrated, and a process for preparation of said complex,
US Patent 6,335,457 Bl (2002) Exsymol S.A.M., onako] ; and calcium
chloride (CaCl3) in combination with choline chloride or betaine
[V. Berghe, D. A. Richard, WO 2003/077657 Al, Bio Pharma Sciences
B.V.] .
Partially polymerized forms of silicic acid (of nano-sized
particles) were stabilized with strong inorganic acids in the
presence of methyl sulfonilmethane (CH3S02CH3) or
dimethylsulfoxide (CH3SOCH3) and humectants like 1 , 2-propylene
glycol or polyethyene glycol 400 (PEG-400) [I. Suvee, G. Tourgis:
Hydronium stabilized and dissoluble silicic acid nanoparticles :
Preparation, stabilization and use, WO 2009/127256 Al (2008)].
Somewhat similar products are based on silicic acid stabilized by
alkali hydroxides [J. M. Rule: Process of making stable silica
sols and resulting composition, US Patent 2,577,485 (1951) E.I.
DuPont de Nemours Co.] or as basic complexes with amino acid
arginine in the presence of inositol [M. F. McCarty, J. Zielinski:
Arginine silicate complex and use thereof, US Patent 5,707,970
(1998); V. Juturu, J. R. Komorowski: Arginine silicate inositol
complex and use thereof, WO2004/017913 A2 (2002) and US Patent
7,576,132 B2 (2005)] . However, in these cases, silicic acid is
present in anionic form (as silicate; Si (OH) 30<"> or
Si03<2">) .
Beside choline chloride-stabilized ortho-silicic acid (H4Si04) ,
on the market there can be find various food supplements
containing silicon in the forms of amorphous or colloidal silicon
dioxide (Si02) - The latter is also called "silicic acid", despite
the fact that it is actually an anhydride of silicic acid. Such
products are characterized by very low bioavailability [R.
Jugdaohsingh : Silicon and bone health, J. Nutr. Health Aging 11
(2007) 99] .
Alternative and slightly more effective (bioavailable) sources of
silicic acid are various plant drugs like extracts of horsetail
(Equisetum arvense) , nettle {Urtica dioica) , and some other
plants. However, it is known that portion of soluble (and thus
bioavailable) silicic acid from these healing plants usualy does
not exceed 10% w/w. All other silicic acid is insoluble and thus
not biologically available [D. Kustrak: Pharmacognosy and
phytopharmacy , (in Croatian) Golden marketing-Tehnicka knjiga,
Zagreb, Croatia (2005) ] .
In agriculture, the products based on silicon are used for
increasing of resistance to stress (at drought and hail) and
fungal diseases. Widely known products contain extract of
horsetail (Equisetum arvense) or milled quartz sand (silicon
dioxide; SiCb) in organic, and solution of potassium silicate (30%
w/w K2Si03) in conventional agriculture (most often in wine
growing: e.g. "Sil- Matrix<R>") . Such products are usually
employed by foliar application.
The technical problem of effective stabilization of ortho-silicic
acid (H4Si04) :
(i) at low pH value (stabilization of solution from the present
invention) ; as well as
(ii) at physiological conditions (close to pH= 7; where the rate
of its polymerization is drastically reduced, and consequently
increases its bioavailability) ; is solved on a new and effective
manner as will be demonstrated in detailed description of the
Detailed description of the invention
The present invention involves improved formulation of stabilized
solution of ortho-silicic acid (H4Si04) which is used in
nutrition, medicine, cosmetic, veterinary, or agriculture as
effective source of highly bioavailable silicon (Si) .
The solution is consisting of the following ingredients:
(i) ortho-silicic acid (H4Si04), from 0.01-8% w/w;
(ii) carnitine salt (1) of pharmaceutically acceptable acids,
X= CI, H2P04, HSO", N03, CH3SO3, C6H5S03, 1 , 4 -CH3C5H4S03 from
7-40% w/w;
(iii) pharmaceutically acceptable acid, from 0.05-4 molar
equivalents to H4Si04;
(iv) auxiliary stabilizer of H4Si04, selected from the group
comprising: glycerol, 1 , 2-propylene glycol, d-panthenol,
glucosamine, or their mixtures, from 10-50% w/w; and
(v) diluent, selected from the group consisting of purified water,
ethanol or their mixtures, in amounts of up to 100% w/w of overall
Since enantiomeric form of carnitine does not have any impact on
stabilization of H4Si0 , herein mentioned salts can be derivatives
of racemic DL-carnitine or enantiomerically pure L- or
Carnitine salt is selected from the group consisting of: carnitine
hydrochloride (la; X= CI), carnitine dihydrogenphosphate (lb; X=
H2P0 ), carnitine hydrogensulfate (lc; X= HS0 ) , carnitine
nitrate (Id; X= N03) , carnitine methanesul fonate (le; X= CH3S03)
, carnitine benzenesul fonate (If; X= C6H5S03) , carnitine
p-toluenesulfonate (lg; X= 1 , 4-C6H4S03) , or mixtures of these
Pharmaceutically acceptable acid which is used in the solution
from the present invention is selected from the same group, where
the advantage is given to phosphoric acid (H3P04) , because it was
found that H3PO4 additionally stabilizes ortho-silicic acid
(H4Si04), presumably by inhibition of its polymerization (see
Table 1) .
Glucosamine as auxiliary stabilizer is used either in the form of
free base, or corresponding salt of pharmaceutically acceptable
acid such as sulphuric (H2S04) , phosphoric (H3P04) , hydrochloric
(HC1) , or other above-mentioned acid. Unexpectedly, it was found
that carnitine salts like carnitine hydrochloride (la) ,
effectively act as stabilizers of ortho-silicic acid (H4Si0 ) at
low pH values (acidic medium) .
In this manner, solutions of ortho-silicic acid of concentration
of 2-4% w/w, prepared by hydrochloric acid (HC1 ) -catalysed
hydrolysis of tetraethyl orthosilicate [TEOS; Si(OC2H5)4], are
stable at room temperature (20-25 [deg.]C) for 2-3 months. During
storage, slow polymerization occurs (as given in Scheme 1) with
formation of opalescent gel.
In contrast, carnitine hydrochloride (la) in concentration from 7-
40% w/w does act as stabilizer of ortho-silicic acid (H4S04) due
to the fact that solutions of analogous concentrations do not
undergo gelling, e.g. polymerization, even after 2 years storage
at room temperature .
Mechanism of stabilizing action of carnitine salts such as
hydrochloride la on H4Si04 in acidic medium is presumably
analogous to the same action of choline chloride, which is known
stabilizer from the literature; this effect obviously includes the
impact of "deep eutectic liquid" property of these compounds when
they are in mixture with suitable hydrogen bond donors like
glycerol [S. R. Bronder, US Patent 5,922,360 (1999)] .
In the prior art there are described deep eutectic mixtures and
their use as solvents or as reaction mediums [A. P. Abbott, D.
Boothby, G. Capper, D. L. Davies, R. K. Rasheed: Deep Eutectic
Solvents Formed between Choline Chloride and Carboxylic acids:
Versatile Alternatives to Ionic Liquids, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 126
(2004) 9142-9147; M. Figueiredo, C. Gomes, R. Costa, A. Martins,
C. M. Pereira, F. Silva: Differential capacity of deep eutectic
solvent based on choline chloride and glycerol on solid
electrodes, Electrochim. Acta 54 (2009) 2630-2634] .
However, choline chloride (2) destabilizes ortho-silicic acid
(H4Si04) at pH conditions that are close to physiological (around
7) . Moreover, choline chloride in these conditions does catalyze
polymerization of H Si0 (see Table 1), what actually decreasing
its bioavailability .
Completely unexpectable , it was found that carnitine
hydrochloride (la) , in contrast to choline chloride (2) , under
physiological conditions close to pH= 7, does not destabilize
ortho-silicic acid significantly, and thus represents an important
improved version:
(i) of "deep eutectic liquid" which does stabilize H4Si04 in
acidic pH medium of the solution from the present invention; as
well as
(ii) in the same time does not influence negatively (does not
destabilize) the stability of H Si0 under physiological conditions
(pH values around 7), and in this manner does not decrease its
bioavailability .
The effect was found and studied on a model solution of DL- (+-) -
carnitine hydrochloride (la) and ortho-silicic acid (H4Si04) ,
prepared by hydrolysis of tetraethyl orthosilicate [TEOS;
Si(OC2H5)4] in the presence of phosphoric acid (H3P0 ) . The
hydrolysis reaction of TEOS with formation of the complex of
H4Si04 and la in molar ratio of 1:1, compound 3a, is given in
Scheme 2, end of specification.
For the purpose of study of the effect of DL- (+-) -carnitine
hydrochloride on stabilization of H4Si04, as controls, the
following samples are prepared:
(i) a standard solution of H4Si0 of concentration of 1% w/w Si;
(ii) a solution of analogous complex of H4Si04 with choline
chloride (2) with the same molar ratio (1:1) . The study of
stabilizing effect was carried out under conditions that are known
to lead fast polymerization of ortho-silicic acid (H4Si04) , and
these are at pH values close to neutral. At such conditions, pH=
6-7, relatively fast polymerization of H4Si04 takes place, with
formation of its poylmers in the form of opalescent gel. In more
concentrated systems, this change, from the phase of solution
(which is, at the begining, clear and then opalescent) to the
phase of (opalescent) gel is relatively fast, so it can be
employed for analytical purpose for determination of gelling
(polymerization) rate of H4Si04.
Test solutions are prepared by mixing equal volume of solution of
complex 3a (or complex of choline chloride or standard solution of
pure H4Si04 of the same concentration) and 1.32M phosphate buffer
of pH= 7. For these test solutions it was determined the time
required for change from the moment of mixing (clear solution) to
the formation of opalescent gel. This time was termed as gelling
(or polymerization) time (tG) . Longer gelling time (tG) means
slower polymerization what suggests to more stable complex.
Results are given in Table 1.
Table 1. The effect of choline chloride (2) and DL- (+-)
-carnitine hydrochloride (la) on stabilization of ortho-silicic
acid (H4Si04) in solution at pH= 6.5.<a>
a Test solution was prepared by mixing 2 mL of sample solution and
2 mL of 1.32 M phosphate buffer of pH= 7. Final pH value of all
test solutions after mixing of corresponding sample solution with
the buffer was 6.5.
b Time from the moment of mixing the sample solution with
phosphate buffer (clear solution) until the formation of
opalescent gel, expressed in minutes.
c "Relative stability" expressed as numerical parameter,
coefficient which describes stability of ortho-silicic acid in the
given sample in comparison with the standard (solution of H"jSi04)
. Shows stabilizing or destabilizing effect on ortho-silicic acid,
and its polymerization (gelling) .
d The standard was prepared by addition of TEOS (1.2 mL; 1.12 g;
0.0054 mol) to a solution of 85% phosphoric acid (0.2 mL; 0.34 g;
0.289 g H3P04; 0.0029 mol; 0.55 mol. equiv.) in distilled water
(10.00 g) followed by stirring at room temperature for 3 h, with
subsequent dilution with distilled water up to the total weight of
15.00 g [contains 150 mg (1% w/w) of Si] .
e Sample solutions were prepared by addition of 0.0054 mol of
choline chloride (2; 0.75 g) , or DL- (+-) -carnitine
hydrochloride (la; 1.06 g) , and then TEOS (1.2 mL; 1.12 g; 0.0054
mol) to a solution of 85% phosphoric acid (0.2 mL; 0.34 g; 0.289 g
H3P04; 0.0029 mol; 0.55 mol. equiv.) in distilled water (10.00 g)
. Reaction mixture was stirred at room temperature for 3 h, and
then diluted with distilled water to overall weight of 15.00 g
[contains 150 mg (1% w/w) of Si] .
From thus obtained results it is clear that choline chloride (2)
drastically destabilizes ortho-silicic acid (H4Si04) at pH values
close to physiological (pH= 6.5), because the gelling time was
approx. 5.5 times shorter than in the case of the standard
(Experiment 2 versus Experiment 1) . This suggests approx. 5.5
times faster polymerization affected by choline chloride; it not
only destabilizes H Si04, but moreover does act as catalyst of its
polymeri zation . Choline chloride can be obviously considered as
"stabilizer" of silicic acid in a formulation with very low pH,
lower than pH= 3, in technological sense (as excipient) , helping
stabilization of final product based on H4Si0 , to ensure
prolonged shelf life.
In contrast, DL- (+-) -carnitine hydrokloride (la) does not
influence significantly on rate of polymerization of ortho-silicic
acid (H4S1O4) , where observed gelling time was only 3% shorter
than for the standard (Experiment 3 against Experiment 1), what
can be considered as acceptable difference within the limits of
experimental error which are normally for this method up to
approx. 5% .
In continuation of the study, it was found that not all strong
mineral acids influence in the same manner to the stability of
ortho-silicic acid (H4Si04) . Despite that in initial experiments,
hydrochloric acid (HC1) was employed as classical agent for
acidification and regulation of pH in pharmaceutical products,
phosphoric acid (H3P04) appeared to exhibit significant additional
stabilization effect against polymerization of H4Si04 (Table 2) .
Table 2. Study of influence of pharmaceutically acceptable acids
on stability of ortho-silicic acid (H4Si04) at pH= 6.5.<a>
<a> Test solution was prepared by mixing 2 mL of sample
solution and 2 mL of 1M phosphate buffer of pH= 8.5; pH values of
test solutions after mixing of the sample solutions and buffer
were the same (pH- 6.5) .
The time from the moment of mixing of the test solution with
phosphate buffer (clear solution) until the formation of
opalescent gel, expressed in minutes. <c> "Relative
stability" expressed as numerical parameter, coefficient which
describes stability of ortho-silicic acid in the given sample in
comparison with the standard (solution of H4Si04) . Shows
stabilizing or destabilizing effect on ortho-silicic acid, and its
polymerization (gelling) .
d These solutions were prepared by addition of TEOS (1.2 mL; 1.12
g; 0.0054 mol) to a solution of 85% phosphoric acid (0.2 mL; 0.34
g; 0.289 g H3P04; 0.0029 mol; 0.55 mol. equiv.) or 37%
hydrochloric acid (0.25 mL; 0.30 g; 0.11 g HC1; 0.003 mol; 0.55
mol. equiv.) in distilled water (10.00 g) at room temperature
during 3 h, with subsequent dilution with distilled water up to
total weight of 15.00 g [contains 150 mg (1% w/w) of Si] .
From thus obtained results it was concluded that phosphoric acid
(H3PO4) in the same concentration provides approx. 40% longer
gelling time, this means slower polymerization than analogous
solution where hydrochloric acid (HC1) was employed.
Furthermore, effect of humectants, which were described in the
literature like 1 , 2-propylene glycol, glycerol, sorbitol, and
polyethylene glycol (PEG) -400, and also substances which have not
been described (as stabilizers) : d-panthenol (4) and glucosamine
(5) , on stability of ortho-silicic acid (H Si04) in the presence
of DL- (+-) -carnitine hydrochloride.
The study was conducted in analogous manner with the use of 1
phosphate buffer of pH= 8.5. Results are presented in Table 3.
Table 3. The study of influence of auxiliary stabilizer on
polymerization (gelling) rate of ortho-silicic acid (H4Si04) in
solution at pH= 6.5 in the presence of DL- (+) -carnitine
hydrochloride . <a>
<a> Composition of the sample solutions (% w/w) : 3.5%
H4Si04 (1% of Si), 7% carnitine hydrochloride (1 mol . equiv. /
H4Si04), 6.6% ethanol, 20% auxiliary stabilizer, 1.9% H3P04 (0.55
mol. equiv. / H4Si04) , and up to 100% distilled water.
Test solution was prepared by mixing 2 mL of sample solution with
2 mL of 1M phosphate buffer of pH= 8.5; pH values of all test
solutions after mixing a corresponding sample solution and buffer
were the same (6.5) .
b Time from the moment of mixing of sample solution with the
phosphate buffer (clear solution) until the formation of
opalescent gel, expressed in minutes.
c "Relative stability" expressed as numerical parameter,
coefficient which describes stability of ortho-silicic acid in the
given sample in comparison with the standard (solution of H4Si04)
. Shows stabilizing or destabilizing effect on ortho-silicic acid,
and its polymerization (gelling) .
d Instead auxiliary stabilizer, in this sample solution was added
20% w/w more distilled water.
e Since pH value is in acidic region, as source of glucosamine was
employed glucosamine sulfate.
The results showed that the claim "humectants (as such) do
additionally stabilize ortho-silicic acid (H4Si04) because of
retaining water (hygroscopic) action, and thus inhibit its
polymerization (gelling) [W. A. Kros : Aqueous solution of non-
colloidal silicic and boric acid, US Patent Appl . 2006/0178268
Al]" is not valid.
It was observed that polyethylene glycol (PEG-400) does
destabilize H4Si04, where observed gelling time was more than 30%
shorter than that for the standard (Table 3; Experiment 5 /
Experiment 1) .
Sorbitol does not exhibit any significant influence on stability
of H4S1O4 in the presence of carnitine hydrochloride; gelling time
(tG) was the same as for the standard (Table 3; Experiment 4 /
Experiment 1) .
At other auxiliary stabilizers activity increases in the following
order (see Table 3) :
(i) glycerol (+14%; Experiment 2 / Experiment 1) ;
(ii) glucosamine (+36%; Experiment 6 / Experiment 1);
(iii) d-panthenol (+57%; Experiment 7 / Experiment 1) ;
(iv) 1 , 2-propylene glycol (+71%; Experiment 3 / Experiment 1) .
Finally, it appeared that the combination of:
(i) DL- (+-) -carnitine hydrochloride (la) ;
(ii) pharmaceutically acceptable acid, among them phosphoric acid
(H3PO4) is preferred; and
(iii) auxiliary stabilizer: glycerol, glucosamine, d-panthenol,
and 1 , 2-propylene glycol;
does stabilize ortho-silicic acid (H4Si04) , both at low pH values
(acidic range) of the solution from the present invention, as well
as in physiological conditions (pH around 7), in unexpected
Study of effect of whole formulation of the present invention
[combination of (i)-(iii)] was performed on analogous manner, by
determination of gelling (polymerization) time with the use of 1M
phosphate buffer of pH= 8.5. As the control probe, the solution
from the prior art based on mixture of choline chloride and
glycerol was studied, however, with the same concentration of
silicon, in order to provide comparable results. Results are given
in Table 4.
Table 4. The study of solution composition on inhibition of
gelling (polymerization) of ortho-silicic acid (H4Si04) in soluton
at pH=
<a> The test solutions were prepared by mixing 2 mL of each
of sample solution with 2 mL of 1M phosphate buffer pH= 8.5; pH
values of all test solutions were corrected to pH= 6.5 by addition
of small amounts of anhydrous sodium carbonate.
b The time from the moment of mixing of the given sample solution
with the phosphate buffer (clear solution) until the formation of
opalescent gel, expressed in minutes.
c "Relative stability" expressed as numerical parameter,
coefficient which describes stability of ortho-silicic acid in the
given sample in comparison with the standard (solution of H4Si0 )
. It shows stabilizing or destabilizing effect on ortho-silicic
acid, and its polymerization (gelling) . <d> The solution of
analogous composition like the product "BioSil<R>" was
prepared by addition of TEOS (1.2 mL; 1.12 g; 0.0054 mol) to a
solution of 85% phosphoric acid (0.2 mL; 0.34 g; 0.289 g H3P04;
0.0029 mol; 0.55 mol. equiv.) and choline chloride (7.05 g; 47%
w/w) in a mixture of distilled water (3.00 g) and glycerol (2.85
g; 19% w/w) with stirring at room temperature for 3 h, with
subsequent dilution with distilled water (0.64 g) up to the total
weight of 15.00 g [contains 150 mg (1% w/w) of Si].
e The solutions were prepared by addition of TEOS (1.2 mL; 1.12 g;
0.0054 mol) to a solution of 85% phosphoric acid (0.2 mL; 0.34 g;
0.289 g H3P04; 0.0029 mol; 0.55 mol. equiv.) and DL- (+-)
-carnitine hydrochloride (3.75 g; 25% w/w) in a mixture of
distilled water (6.00 g) and auxiliary stabilizer (3.00 g; 20%
w/w) followed by stirring at room temperature for 3 h, and
subsequently diluted with distilled water (0.79 g) up to the total
weight of 15.00 g [sadrzi 150 mg (1% w/w) Si] .
From thus obtained results, it is clear to those skilled in the
art that the solution from the present invention exhibits
drastically enhanced effects of stabilization of ortho-silicic
acid (H4Si04) at physiological pH values. Observed gelling
(polymerization) times of H4Si04 were 20-70x longer than the same
value for analogous solution from the prior art.
The best version of the solution from the present invention is
based on the combination of carnitine salt (like carnitine
hydrochloride), 1 , 2-propylene glycol and phosphoric acid (Table
4, Experiment 5) . Analogous solution with glycerol and
d-panthenol showed somewhat weaker stabilizing effect. The version
of the formulation with glucosamine (as sulfate) showed the
weakest effect, but even this was 20x stronger than is the case at
the solution based on choline chloride from the prior art.
Finally, it was found that the kind of carnitine salt, which is
used in the formulation from the present invention, does not have
significant effect. The study of the kind of anion of carnitine
salt on stability of H4Si0 was carried out analoguously, by
determination of gelling (polymerization) time with the use of 1M
phosphate buffer of pH= 8.5. Result are given in Table 5.
Table 5. Study of the kind of carnitine salt on inhibition of
gelling (polymerization) of ortho-silicic acid (H4Si04) in
solution at pH= 6.5.<a>
<a> The composition of the sample solutions (%, w/w) : 3.5%
H4Si04 (1% Si); 5.8% carnitine base; 1.5 molar equiv. / Si of
corresponding acid (Experiment 1: HC1; Experiment 2: H3P04;
Experiment 3: H2S04); 6.6% ethanol; and up to 100% distilled
The composition of the sample solution in the Experiment 4 (%,
w/w) : 3.5% H4Si04 (1% Si); 7% carnitin hydrochloride; 1.9% H3P04
(0.5 mol. equiv. / H4Si04); 6.6% ethanol, up to 100% distilled
Test solutions were prepared by mixing 2 mL of each of sample
solution with 2 mL of 1 phosphate buffer pH= 8.5; pH values of all
test solutions after mixing of each of the sample solutions and
the phosphate buffer were the same, pH= 6.5.
b The time from the moment of mixing of a given sample solution
with the phosphate buffer (clear solution) until the formation of
opalescent gel, expressed in minutes.
From thus obtained results it is clear that the kind of anion from
carnitine salt has some effect on stability of H4Si04, however,
none of them did not exhibit significant negative (destabilizing)
effect. The best effect showed carnitine dihydrogenphosphate , or
alternatively, the combination of equimolar quantities of
carnitine base and phosphoric acid (Table 5; Experiment 2) .
In the case where the work with large amounts of acids wants to be
avoided, for industrial purpose, the most convenient version is
the use of carnitine hydrochloride (commercially available) and
phosphoric acid (Table 5; Experiment 4) .
Explanation of stabilizing effect of the formulation from the
present invention on ortho-silicic acid (H4SiQ4) . Unexpected
effect of the formulation from the present invention.
A key unexpected effect of carnitine salt on stability of ortho-
silicic acid is obviously based on possibility of forming
relatively stable complexes like compound 3a (Scheme 2) .
In the patent application WO 95/21124, which discloses stabilized
solution of ortho-silicic acid (H4Si04) based on choline chloride
(2) as stabilizer in strongly acidic medium, there are mentioned
quaternary ammonium salts (where belongs choline chloride itself)
as stabilizers of H4Si04. The person skilled in the art can
consider carnitine salts from the present invention also as
"quaternary ammonium salts" that are mentioned "generically" in
the prior art, indeed .
However, until the studies described in the present invention, the
person skilled in the art could not know that stabilizing effect
of carnitine salts (like carnitine hydrochloride) would be
substantially different than at choline chloride as sole really
disclosed stabilizer of H4Si04 from the category of "quaternary
ammonium salts".
Precisely, in the present invention it has been disclosed that
choline chloride obviously does stabilize H4Si04 in acidic
solution as is in the formulation of the solutions from the prior
art (e.g. at product "BioSil<R>") , however, choline
chloride at physiological pH values not only destabilizes, but
moreover catalyzes its polymerization. In this manner, it
decreases its bioavailability, because, bioavailability of
polymeric silicic acids are drastically lower. This was confirmed
in independent study published in the literature, where, for
corresponding product based on choline chloride
("BioSil<R>") determined bioavailability was at a level of
30% [R. Jugdaohsingh : Silicon and bone health, J. Nutr. Health
Aging 11 (2007) 99-110] .
In contrast, carnitine salts, like DL- (+-) -carnitine
hydrochloride, not only act as stabilizers of ortho-silicic
(H4Si04) in acidic pH medium of the formulation from the present
invention, but they do not cause its destabilization at
physiological conditions. In contrast to choline chloride,
carnitine salts do not catalyze polymerization of H4Si0 under
physiological conditions, and subsequently, cannot exhibit
negatively on (decreasing) of its bioavailability .
The reason of this presumably lies behind the fact that both
choline chloride from the prior art and carnitine salts from the
present invention, as well as many other quaternary ammonium salts
are able to stabilize H4Si04 in acidic medium by the way of
solvation mechanism as "deep eutectic liquids" in combinations
with hydrogen- bond donors (e.g. polyols like glycerol) . However,
this effect is lost at physiological conditions wherein pH is
close to 7. In these conditions differences in the structure of
quaternary ammonium salts become important, and where not all of
them can be considered as the same .
Presumably the key factor of stabilization / destabilization of
ortho-silicic acid (H4Si04) is ability or disability to form
stable complex with the given molecule. Whereas choline chloride
can act as bidentate ligand for H4Si04, carnitine salts act as
tetradentate ligands. Because of this, carnitine hydrochloride
(la) forms far more stable complex 3a than choline chloride (2)
which gives the corresponding complex with less hydrogen bonds.
Also, in the case of the use of carnitine salts with acids which
can additionally stabilize H4Si04, as in the case of phosphoric
acid (complex 3b), stability is additionally increased (compare
results from Table 5; Experiment 2/Experiment 1) (Scheme 3, end of
specification) .
In this case, less stable complex (e.g. with choline chloride)
means higher equilibrium concentration of free H Si04 (because the
formation of the complex is a reversible process), and
consequently its faster polymerization. Unwanted polymerization
causes shift of the equilibrium of formation of the complex into
the left (to the degradation direction) .
In short, less stable complex finally results in faster
polymerization process, what directly leads to decreased
bioavailability of silicon (Si) at in vivo conditions.
Additionally, despite the fact that in the prior art the use of
strong pharmaceutically acceptable mineral acids in the
formulations of ortho-silicic acid (H4Si04) is known, among them,
there is "generically" mentioned also phosphoric acid (H3P0 ) [I.
Suvee, G. Tourgis: Hydronium stabilized and dissoluble silicic
acid nanoparticles : Preparation, stabilization and use, WO
2009/127256 Al (2008); W. A. Kros, US Patent 2006/0178268 Al],
there is no a single and clear evidence or study of kind of acid
on stability of H4Si04.
In the present application, clear additional stabilizing effect of
phosphoric acid on stability of H4Si04 in solution, is clearly
demonstrated .
Finally, in development of the solution from the present
invention, significant synergistic effect of the formulation of:
(i) carnitine salts;
(ii) pharmaceutically acceptabe acid, expecially phosphoric acid;
and (iii) auxiliary stabilizers, glycerol, glucosamine,
d-panthenol, and 1 , 2-propylene glycol; on stability of H4Si04
under physiological conditions (pH values closed to 7) has been
clearly shown, what is the key prerequisite for high level of
bioavailability under in vivo conditions.
Preparation of the solution from the present invention
The solution from the present invention is prepared by addition of
precursor of silicic acid ( PSA) of tetraethyl orthosilicate
[TEOS; Si(OC2H5) ] in previously prepared solution of carnitine
salt like DL- (+-) -carnitine hydrochloride ( la ) ,
pharmaceutically acceptable acid, and auxiliary stabilizer of
H4Si04 according to the invention with vigorous stirring at
temperatures between -10 [deg.]C to +40 [deg.]C, preferably at +15
[deg.]C to +30 [deg.]C (room temperature conditions) during 1-24
Alternatively, as PSA the followings can be employed:
(i) sodium or potassium silicate (common composition xM2OySi02; M=
Na, K, x:y= 1:1 to 1:3.5); or
(ii) silicon tetrachloride (SiCl4) .
However, the use of tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS) provides
advantage, since it is neither toxic nor corrosive like SiCl4.
Moreover, commercially available products are of very high purity
because TEOS is readily purified by distillation. This provides
very pure final product with the content of unwanted heavy metals
(Pb, Cd, Hg, As) far under limits usual for pharmaceutical
products and food supplements.
In contrast, purification of sodium or potassium silicate from
heavy metals is difficult and commercial products are not of so
high level of chemical purity.
In the case of the use of silicon tetrachloride (SiCl4), as
pharmaceutically acceptable acid is usually employed hydrochloric
acid (HC1) released during its hydrolysis (4 mol of HC1 per single
mol of SiCl4) .
Excess of HC1 is neutralized by addition of corresponding amounts
of pharmaceutically acceptable base such as sodium or potassium
hydroxide (NaOH, KOH) , calcium or magnesium hydroxide or
carbonate [Ca(OH)2, Mg(OH)2, CaC03, MgC03] , etc. In this case,
corresponding salts of used bases are generated, e.g. NaCl, KC1,
CaCl2, MgCl2. These salts do not alter stability of ortho- silicic
acid in the solution from the present invention; these are leaved
in the final product or, if precipitate, removed by filtration .
In the case of the use of sodium or potassium silicate and silicon
tetrachloride (SiCl4) , the reaction is strongly exothermic, and
intensive cooling of the reaction mixture is necessary. At the use
of tetraethyl orthosilicate, the reaction is only slightly
exothermic, temperature raises for only a few [deg.]C, and the
reaction can be conducted with only a mild external cooling,
without special difficulties .
In the cases of the use of SiCl4 or sodium/potassium silicate, the
reaction is complete almost instantly, whilst hydrolysis of
tetraethyl orthosilicate is far more slower; it tooks from 1.5-2 h
at room temperature.
In any case, generated ortho-silicic acid in status nascendi forms
complex with carnitine (e.g. carnitine hydrochloride) .
As side-products, in reactions with sodium or potassium silicate,
equivalent amounts of sodium or potassium salt of pharmaceutically
acceptable acid is generated; these are eventually removed by
filtration after completion of the reaction.
In the case of the use of tetraethyl orthosilicate, four molar
equivalents of ethanol (C2H5OH) is formed. Since ethanol is
completely non-toxic in this concentration, the latter is not
subjected to removing, but leaved in the final product as diluent.
It is known to those skilled in the art that ethanol is usual and
widely employed pharmaceutical excipient - diluent.
Hydrolysis of tetraethyl orthosilicate can be carried out in the
presence of pharmaceutically acceptable acid in purified water
(only) , whereas all other ingredients (carnitine salt, auxiliary
stabilizer) can be added afterwards.
Alternatively, the solution from the present invention can be
prepared by the same manners, with the use of free carnitine
("carnitine base" or its zwitter-ionic form), however, then
pharmaceutically acceptable acid (e.g. H3P04) is used in excess of
one molar equivalent; this is because one equivalent is spent on
neutralization of carnitine base.
At the end, the product is subjected to dilution with water up to
declared concentration of silicon (Si), filtration, and packaging
into plastic bottles.
The course of reaction is given in Scheme 2.
The use of the solution from the present invention
The use of the solution from the present invention provides all
known positive therapeutic effects of silicic acid on human,
animal, or plant organism which are known to a person skilled in
the art.
The solution from the present invention is employed as food
supplement or as therapeutic agent for humans and animals, and for
plant nutrition.
Before the application, the solution is diluted with water to a
concentration suitable for application:
(i) at humans in doses from 5-15 mg of silicon (Si);
(ii) in animals in doses from 5-50 mg; and (iii) at plants, by
foliar application in concentrations from 0.005- 0.01% w/w of
silicon (Si), in amounts from 10-30 g per hectare (ha) .
At humans and animals, the solution is used in all medicinal,
cosmetic, and veterinary indications wherein it is known that
silicon (Si) acts positively:
(i) helps in resorption of calcium; takes part in its transport,
stimulates osteoblasts, stimulates bone mineralization, hastes
bone fracture healing; in prevention of osteoporosis;
(ii) takes part in structure of arterial, vein, and capillary
walls, increases their elasticity and hardness of blood vessels,
decreases their permeability; also takes part in structure of
connective tissue and formation of functional tertiary structure
of building proteins of soft organs like liver, lung, and brain;
(iii) stimulates immune system; thus increases natural ability of
organism to fight against microorganisms at infective diseases,
and in all other disorders and diseases which develop in
conditions of weak immune system, e.g. allergies;
(iv) antiinflammatory effect; the therapy of various acute and
chronic inflammatory diseases, e.g. positively acts at various
skin diseases such as psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis,
neurodermitis , eczema, skin irritations, burns, wound healing,
soothes decubitus, then at dandruff, and other skin diseases and
disorders; helps also in other inflammatory diseases like
rheumatoid arthritis;
(v) acts as cross-linking agent for glucosaminoglycans and
mucopolysaccharides and thus helps in function of joints,
ligaments and formation of sinovial fluid;
(vi) inhibits resorption of aluminum (Al<3+>) from
gastrointestinal tract, and beside antioxidative action,
preventively acts on development of neurodegenerative diseases
such as Alzheimer or Parkinson diseases;
(vii) stimulates biosynthesis of skin building proteins: collagen
and elastin; in treatment of wrinkles and prevention of its
formation; thus helps in slowing-down of skin ageing; (viii)
stimulates growth of hair and nails; strengthes hair and nails,
hair becomes even shinier; and
(ix) acts as antioxidant; prevents development of atherosclerosis
and other diseases which are caused by prolonged exposure to
oxidative stress like diabetes and diabetes complications.
It is known to those skilled in the art that analogous biological
effect silicon exhibits also in animals, and therefore the
formulation from the present invention is also used in veterinary
in all mentioned indications.
In plants, silicon nutrition provides:
(i) increased crop yields (due to stimulated photosynthesis caused
by better utility of nutrients added by common fertilization) ;
(ii) resistance to stress conditions (e.g. during drought or after
hail) ; and
(iii) resistance to insects attacks and fungal diseases.
In agriculture, the present solution is diluted with water to the
final concentration of 0.005-0.1% and used by foliar application
by all common spraying equipments. Lower concentrations
(0.005-0.05% of Si) are used preventively for stimulation of
growth and against development of fungal diseases (e.g. at grape),
whilst higher concentrations (0.05-0.1% of Si) are employed in
stressful conditions at drought or after hail. Dosing rates are
between 10-100 g of silicon per hectare (ha), or 1-10 L of the
formulation from the present invention in concentration of 1% w/w
of Si to the sprayer with 200-400 L of water, applied on area of 1
Finally, the solution from the present invention can be used as
raw material (intermediate) for production of other pharmaceutical
products, cosmetics, food supplements, veterinary, and
agrochemical products with content of highly bioavailable silicon
(Si) . Examples
General remarks
The term room temperature means the temperature interval: 20-25
[deg.]C . All portions (%) of ingredients are expressed as weight
percentages (w/w) . Relative ratio of reactants in reaction
mixtures are expressed as molar equivalents (mol. equiv.) .
Example 1
Preparation of the standard solution of ortho-silicic acid
(HjSiO^) and its complexes with choline chloride (2) and PL- (+-)
-carnitine hydrochloride (la) . Influence of 2 and la on stability
of H Si04 in solution at pH= 6.5.
(1) Preparation of the standard solution of ortho-silicic acid of
concentration of 1% w/w of silicon (Si) (Table 1, Experiment 1;
Table 2, Experiment 2; Table 3, Experiment 1): To a solution of
85% phosphoric acid (0.2 mL; 0.34 g; 0.29 g H3P04; 0.003 mol; 0.55
mol. equiv.) in distilled water (10.00 g) , tetraethyl
(TEOS; 1.2 mL; 1.12 g; 0.0054 mol) was added. The reaction mixture
was stirred at room temperature for 3 h. Then, distilled water
(3.54 g) was added up to the overall weight of the reaction
mixture of 15.00 g. Content of silicon (Si) in such prepared
solution was 10 mg/g ( 1 % w/w) .
(ii) Preparation of control solution of complex of choline
(2) and ortho-silicic acid in concentration of 1% w/w of silicon
(Si) (Table 1, Experiment 2): To a solution of choline chloride
(2; 0.75 g; 0.0054 mol; 1 equiv.) in distilled water (10.00 g) ,
85% phosphoric acid (0.2 mL; 0.34 g; 0.29 g H3P04; 0.003 mol; 0.55
mol equiv.) was added. Then, tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS; 1.2
mL; 1.12 g; 0.0054 mol) was added, and reaction mixture was
stirred at room temperature for 3 h. After this, distilled water
(2.79 g) was added up to the overall weight of the reaction
mixture of 15.00 g. The content of silicon (Si) in thus prepared
solution was 10 mg/g (1% w/w) .
(iii) Preparation of complex of DL- (+-) -carnitine hydrochloride
(la) and ortho-silicic acid of concentration of 1% w/w of silicon
(Table 1, Experiment 3) : To a solution of DL- (+) -carnitine
hydrochloride (la; 1.06 g; 0.0054 mol; 1 equiv.) in distilled
(10.00 g) , 85% phosphoric acid (0.2 mL; 0.34 g; 0.29 g H3P04;
0.003 mol; 0.55 mol. equiv.) was added. Then, tetraethyl
orthosilicate (TEOS; 1.2 mL; 1.12 g; 0.0054 mol) was added, and
the reaction mixture was stirred at room temperature for 3 h.
Finally, distilled water (2.48 g) was added up to the total weight
of 15.00 g. Content of silicon (Si) in such prepared solution was
10 mg/g (1% w/w) .
(iv) Determination of gelling (polymerization) time, tG, of ortho-
silicic acid (H4Si04) in the presence of choline chloride (2) and
DL- (+-) -carnitine hydrochloride (la): In a test tube, 2 mL of
freshly prepared 1.32M phosphate buffer of pH= 7, and 2 mL of
sample solution or standard solution was mixed. pH values of all
thus prepared test solutions were 6.5. To such prepared test
solutions, the time from the moment of mixing with phosphate
buffer (t0) until the formation of opalescent (and thick) gel was
determined. This time interval is termed as "gelling
(polymerization) time", tG, and expressed in minutes. Thus
obtained results for tG were given in comparison with the value
obtained for the standard solution of H4Si04 (as the standard) .
The results are given in Table 1.
Preparation of 1.32M phosphate buffer of pH= 7 for the testing:
Sodium dihydrogenphosphate (NaH2P04; 16.00 g; 0.132 mol) and
sodium hydroxide (3.14 g; 0.0785 mol) were quantitatively
transferred into a 100 mL measuring flask and dissolved in 80-85
mL of distilled water by shaking at room temperature. Thus
obtained solution was carefully diluted to 100 mL mark with
distilled water. Measured pH value of thus prepared solution was
7.0. Example 2
The study of influence of pharmaceutically acceptable acid on
stability of ortho-silicic acid (H^SiO^) in solution at pH= 6.5.
(i) Preparation of the standard solution of ortho-silicic acid of
concentration of silicon (Si) of 1% w/w in the presence of
hydrochloric acid (HC1) (Table 2, Experiment 1): To a solution of
37% hydrochloric acid (0.25 mL; 0.296 g; 0.11 g HC1; 0.003 mol;
0.55 mol. equiv.) in distilled water (10.00 g) , tetraethyl
(TEOS; 1.2 mL; 1.12 g; 0.0054 mol) was added. The reaction mixture
was stirred at room temperature for 3 h. Then, distilled water
(3.59 g) was added up to the overall weight of the reaction
mixture of 15.00 g. Content of silicon (Si) in thus prepared
solution was 10 mg/g (1% w/w) .
(ii) Determination of gelling (polymerization) time, tG, of ortho-
silicic acid (H4Si04) prepared with hydrochloric and phosphoric
To a test tube, 2 mL of freshly prepared 1M phosphate buffer of
pH= 8.5 and 2 mL of sample or standard solutions were mixed. pH
values of all test solutions were 6.5. To thus prepared test
solutions, the time from the moment of mixing with the phosphate
buffer (tD) until the formation of opalescent (and thick) gel was
determined. This time interval was termed as "gelling
(polymerization) time", tG, and expressed in minutes. The results
are given in Table 2.
Preparation of 1M phosphate buffer of pH= 8.5 for the testing:
Sodium dihydrogenphosphate (NaH2P04; 12.00 g; 0.1 mol) and sodium
hydroxide (4.00 g; 0.1 mol) were quantitatively transferred into a
100 mL measuring flask and dissolved in 80-85 mL of distilled
water by shaking. Thus prepared solution was carefully diluted up
to the 100 mL mark with distilled water. Measured pH value of this
solution was 8.5.
Example 3 The study of influence of auxiliary stabilizer on
stability of ortho-silicic acid (H4Si04) in solution at pH= 6.5.
(i) Preparation of solutions of complexes of DL- (+-) -carnitine
hydrochloride (la) with different auxiliary stabilizers, in
concentration of 1% w/w of silicon (Si) (Table 3, Experiments 2-7)
. General procedure: To a solution of DL- (+) -carnitine
(la; 1.06 g; 0.0054 mol; 1 mol. equiv.) and auxiliary stabilizer
(3.00 g; 20% w/w) :
(a) glycerol (Table 3, Experiment 2) ;
(b) 1 , 2-propylene glycol (Table 3, Experiment 3) ;
(c) sorbitol (Table 3, Experiment 4);
(d) PEG-400 (Table 3, Experiment 5);
(e) glucosamine sulfate (Table 3, Experiment 6) ;
(f) d-panthenol (Table 3, Experiment 7);
in distilled water (7.00 g) , 85% phosphoric acid (0.2 mL; 0.34 g;
0.29 g H3P04; 0.003 mol; 0.55 mol. equiv.) was added. Then,
tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS; 1.2 mL; 1.12 g; 0.0054 mol) was
added, and the reaction mixture was stirred at room temperature
for 3 h. After this, distilled water (2.48 g) was added up to the
total weight of reaction mixture of 15.00 g. Content of silicon
(Si) in thus prepared solutions was 10 mg/g (1% w/w) .
(ii) Determination of gelling (polymerization) time, tG, of ortho-
silicic acid (H4Si04) in the presence of DL- (+) -carnitine
hydrochloride (la) and various auxiliary stabilizers: In a test
tube, 2 mL of freshly prepared 1M phosphate buffer pH= 8.5 and 2
mL of sample or standard solutions were mixed. pH values of all
prepared test solutions were 6.5. For thus prepared test
solutions, the time from the moment of mixing with the phosphate
buffer (tQ) until the formation of opalescent (thick) gel was
determined. This time interval is termed as "gelling
(polymerization) time", tG, and expressed in minutes. The results
are give in Table 3.
Preparation of 1M phosphate buffer of pH= 8.5 required for this
testing is described in Example 2.
Example 4
Stabilizing effect of the formulation from the present invention
in comparison with the solution based on choline chloride,
analogous to the prior art, on ortho-silicic acid (H SiQ4) in
solution at pH= 6.5.
(i) Preparation of the control solution of analogous composition
as the product "BioSil<R>" (Table 4, Experiment 1): To a
solution of 85% phosphoric acid (0.2 mL; 0.34 g; 0.289 g H3P04
0.0029 mol; 0.55 mol . equiv.) and choline chloride (7.05 g; 47%
w/w) in a mixture of distilled water (3.00 g) and glycerol (2.85
g; 19% w/w), TEOS (1.2 mL; 1.12 g; 0.0054 mol) was added. The
reaction mixture was stirred at room temperature for 3 h, and
subsequently diluted with distilled water (0.64 g) up to the total
weight of the reaction mixture of 15.00 g [contains 10 mg/g (1%
w/w) of Si] .
(ii) Preparation of versions of the formulation from the present
invention. General procedure (Table 4, Experiments 2-5): To a
solution of 85% phosphoric acid (0.2 mL; 0.34 g; 0.289 g H3P04;
0.0029 mol; 0.55 mol. equiv.) and DL- (+-) -carnitine
hydrochloride (3.75 g; 25% w/w) in a mixture of distilled water
(6.00 g) and auxiliary stabilizer (3.00 g; 20% w/w) :
(a) glycerol (Experiment 2) ;
(b) glucosamine sulfate (Experiment 3) ;
(c) d-panthenol (Table 4, Experiment 4); or
(d) 1 , 2-propylene glycol (Experiment 5);
TEOS (1.2 mL; 1.12 g; 0.0054 mol) was added. The reaction mixtures
were stirred at room temperature for 3 h, and then diluted with
distilled water (0.79 g) up to the total weight of the reaction
mixtures of 15.00 g [contain 10 mg/g (1% w/w) of Si] .
(iii) Determination of gelling (polymerization) time, tG, of
ortho- silicic acid (H4Si04) at various versions of the
formulation from the present invention in comparison with the
solution based on choline chloride analogous to the prior art: In
a test tube, 2 mL of freshly prepared 1M phosphate buffer of pH=
8.5 and 2 mL of sample or standard solutions were mixed. pH values
of all test solutions were corrected to the same value of 6.5 by
addition of minimal amounts of solid sodium carbonate (Na2C03) .
For thus prepared test solutions, the time from the moment of
mixing with the phosphate buffer (tD) until the formation of
opalescent (thick) gel was determined. This time interval was
termed as "gelling (polymerization) time", tG, and expressed in
minutes. The results are given in Table 4.
Preparation of 1M phosphate buffer of pH= 8.5 for this testing was
described in Example 2.
Example 5
The study of influence of various carnitine salts on stability of
ortho-silicic acid (H^SiO^) in solution at pH= 6.5.
(i) Preparation of complexes of H4Si0 and carnitine salts with
different pharmaceutically acceptable acids . General procedure
(Table 5, Experiments 1-3): To a solution of L-carnitine base
(0.87 g; 0.054 mol) in distilled water (10.00 g) the following
pharmaceutically accepatable acids were added:
(a) 37% hydrochloric acid (0.70 mL; 0.83 g; 0.31 g HC1; 0.0084
mol; 1.5 mol. equiv.) (Table 5, Experiment 1);
(b) 85% phosphoric acid (0.55 mL; 0.935 g; 0.795 g H3P04; 0.0081
mol; 1.5 mol. equiv.) (Table 5, Experiment 2);
(c) 96% sulfuric acid (0.45 mL; 0.828 g; 0.795 g H2S0"; 0.0081
mol; 1.5 mol. equiv.) (Table 5, Experiment 3); followed by
tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS; 1.2 mL; 1.12 g; 0.0054 mol) . The
reaction mixture was stirred at room temperature for 3 h. Then,
distilled water was added up to the overall weight of the reaction
mixtures of 15.00 g.
Preparation of the solution of carnitine hydrochloride (la)
complex in the presence of phosphoric acid was described in
Example l/(iii) (Table 5, Experiment 4) .
Content of silicon (Si) in thus prepared solutions was 10 mg/g (1%
w/w) . (ii) Determination of gelling (polymerization) time, tG, of
ortho- silicic acid (HSi0 ) at complexes with carnitine salts with
different pharmaceutically acceptable acids: In a test tube, 2 mL
of freshly prepared 1M phosphate buffer of pH= 8.5 and 2 mL of
sample or standard solutions were mixed. pH values of all thus
prepared test solutions were the same (6.5) . For thus prepared
test solutions, the time from the moment of mixing with the
phosphate buffer (tD) until the formation of opalescent (thick)
gel was determined. This time interval was termed as "gelling
(polymeri zaton) time", tG, and expressed in minutes. The results
are given in Table 4.
Preparation of 1M phosphate buffer of pH= 8.5 for this study is
described in Example 2.
Example 6
Preparation of solution of ortho-silicic acid of concentration of
0.01% w/w of H4Si04 stabilized with carnitine hydrochloride
according to the invention (0.0029% w/w of Si); 1 kg-scale.
To a solution of DL-carnitine hydrochloride (70.00 g; 7% w/w) in a
mixture of distilled water (400.00 g) and glycerol (500.00 g; 50%
w/w), L-carnitine base (170 mg; 0.00106 mol), 85% phosphoric acid
(182 mg; 155 mg H3P0 ; 0.0016 mol; 1.5 mol. equiv.), and
tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS; 220 mg; 0.00106 mol) were added.
The reaction mixture was stirred at room temperature for 24 h.
Then, purified water (29.43 g) was added up to the total weight of
the reaction mixture of 1000.00 g. The silicon (Si) content in
thus prepared solution was 0.028 mg/g (0.0029% w/w of Si) .
Composition of the solution (% w/w) :
- 0.01% H4Si04 (0.0029% Si);
- 7% DL- (+-) -carnitine hydrochloride;
- 50% glycerol; and
- up to 100% purified water. Example 7
Preparation of solution of ortho-silicic acid of 2% w/w
concentration of H4S1O4 stabilized with carnitine hydrochloride
according to the invention (0.58% w/w of Si); 1 kg-scale.
To a solution of DL- (+-) -carnitine hydrochloride ( la; 300.00 g;
30% w/w) in purified water (300.00 g) , 1 , 2-propylene glycol
(250.00 g; 25% w/w) and 85% phosphoric acid (12.00 g; 10.20 g
H3P04; 0.1 mol; 0.52 mol. equiv.) were added. Then, tetraethyl
orthosilicate (TEOS; 43.40 g; 0.208 mol) was added, and the
reaction mixture was stirred at room temperature for 3 h.
Afterwards, distilled water (94.60 g) was added up to the total
weight of the reaction mixture of 1000.00 g. Content of silicon
(Si) in thus prepared solution was 5.84 mg/g (0.58% w/w of Si) .
Composition of the solution (% w/w) :
- 2% H4S1O4 (0.58% Si) ;
- 1% phosphoric acid;
- 30% DL- (+-) -carnitine hydrochloride;
- 25% 1 , 2-propylene glycol;
- 3.8% ethanol; and
- up to 100% purified water.
Example 8
Preparation of solution of ortho-silicic acid of 2% w/w
concentration of H4SiC>4 stabilized by carnitine hydrochloride
according to the invention (0.58% w/w of Si); 1 kg-scale.
To a solution of DL- (+) -carnitine hydrochloride ( la; 350.00 g;
35% w/w) in purified water (200.00 g) , glycerol (350.00 g; 35%
w/w) was added. The reaction mixture was coolod to -10 [deg.]C,
and then silicon tetrachloride (SiCl4; 24 mL; 35.59 g; 0.209 mol)
was added dropwise. The reaction mixture was stirred at
temperatures between -10 [deg.]C to - 5 [deg.]C during 1 h. Then,
solid calcium carbonate (CaC03; 37.00 g; 0.37 mol) was added in
several portions during 30 minutes. The reaction mixture was
stirred at temperatures between -5 [deg.]C and room temperature
during 1 h. Afterwards, purified water (approx. 28-30 g) was added
up to the total weight of the reaction mixture of 1000.00 g.
Content of silicon (Si) in thus prepared solution was 5.84 mg/g
(0.58% w/w of Si) .
Composition of the solution (% w/w) :
- 2% H4Si04 (0.58% w/w Si);
- 35% DL- (+-) -carnitine hydrochloride;
- 35% glycerol;
- 3.8% ethanol; and
- up to 100% purified water.
Example 9
Preparation of solution of ortho-silicic acid of 2% w/w
concentration of H4SiQ4 stabilized with carnitine hydrochloride
according to the invention (0.58% w/w of Si); 1 kg-scale.
To a solution of DL- (+-) -carnitine hydrochloride (la; 300.00 g;
30% w/w) in purified water (250.00 g) , 1 , 2-propylene glycol
(300.00 g; 30% w/w), d-panthenol (50.00 g; 5% w/w), and 85%
phosphoric acid (60.00 g; 51.00 g H3P04; 0.52 mol; 2.5 mol.
equiv.) were added. The reaction mixture was cooled to 0 [deg.]C,
and then sodium silicate (Na2Si03; 25.40 g; 0.208 mol) was added
in portions during 30 minutes. The reaction mixture was stirred at
temperatures from 0 [deg.]C to room temperature during 1 h. Then,
purified water (14.60 g) was added up to the total weight of the
reaction mixture of 1000.00 g. The content of silicon (Si) in thus
prepared solution was 5.84 mg/g (0.58% w/w of Si) .
Composition of the solution (% w/w) :
- 2% H4S1O4 (0.58% Si) ;
- 1% phosphoric acid;
- 30% DL- (+) -carnitine hydrochloride;
- 30% 1 , 2-propylene glycol; - 5% d-panthenol;
- 3.8% ethanol; and
- up to 100% purified water.
Example 10
Preparation of solution of ortho-silicic acid of 4% w/w
concentration of H4SiQ4 stabilized by carnitine hydrochloride
according to the invention (1.17% w/w of Si) .
To a solution of DL- (+-) -carnitine hydrochloride ( la; 300.00 g;
30% w/w) in purified water (300.00 g) , 1 , 2-propylene glycol
(200.00 g; 20% w/w), d-panthenol (100.00 g; 10% w/w), and 85%
phosphoric acid (12.00 g; 10.20 g H3P04; 0.104 mol; 0.25 mol .
equiv. ) were added. Then, tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS; 87.00
g; 0.42 mol) was added, and the reaction mixture was stirred at
room temperature for 3 h. Afterwards, purified water (1.00 g) was
added up to the total weight of the reaction mixture of 1000.00 g.
Content of silicon (Si) in thus prepared solution was 11.7 mg/g
(1.17% w/w of Si).
Composition of the solution (% w/w) :
- 4% H4Si04 (1.17% Si) ;
- 1% phosphoric acid;
- 30% DL- (+-) -carnitine hydrochloride;
- 20% 1 , 2-propylene glycol;
- 10% d-panthenol;
- 7,7% ethanol; and
- up to 100% purified water.
Example 11
Preparation of solution of ortho-silicic acid of 8% w/w
concentration of H4SiQ4 stabilized by carnitine hydrochloride
according to the invention (2.34% w/w of Si) . To a solution of
DL- (+-) -carnitine hydrochloride ( la ; 200.00 g; 20% w/w) in
purified water (250.00 g) , 1 , 2-propylene glycol (150.00 g; 15%
w/w), glycerol (100.00 g; 10% w/w), and 85% phosphoric acid (24.00
g; 20.40 g H3P04; 0.208 mol; 0.25 mol. equiv. ) were added. Then,
tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS; 175.00 g; 0.84 mol) was added, and
the reaction mixture was stirred at room temperature for 2. Upper
ethanol layer was removed by separatory funnel. Afterwards,
purified water was added up to the total weight of the remained
reaction mixture of 1000.00 g. Content of silicon (Si) in such
prepared solution was 23.4 mg/g (2.34% w/w of Si) .
Composition of the solution (% w/w) :
- 8% H4Si04 (2.34% Si) ;
- 2% phosphoric acid;
- 20% DL- (+-) -carnitine hydrochloride;
- 15% 1 , 2-propylene glycol;
- 10% glycerol; and
- up to 100% purified water.
Example 12
Preparation of solution of ortho-silicic acid of 2% w/w
concentration of H SiQ4 stabilized by carnitine
dihydrogenphosphate according to the invention (0.58% w/w of Si);
1 kg-scale.
Solution of L-carnitine base (100.00 g; 10% w/w; 0.62 mol) in
purified water (450.00 g) and 1 , 2-propylene glycol (300.00 g;
30% w/w) was cooled with stirring to 0 [deg.]C . Then, 85%
phosphoric acid (84.00 g; 71.40 g H3P04; 0.73 mol; 0.53 mol.
equiv. / H4Si04) was added dropwise during 1 h. Afterwards,
tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS; 43.40 g; 0.208 mol) was added, and
the reaction mixture was stirred at room temperature during 3 h.
Then, purified water (22.60 g) was added, up to the total wight of
the reaction mixture of 1000.00 g. Content of silicon (Si) in such
prepared solution was 5.84 mg/g (0.58% m/m Si) .
Composition of the solution (% w/w) : - 2% H4S1O4 (0.58% Si) ;
- 1% phosphoric acid;
- 16% L-carnitine dihydrogenphosphate;
- 30% 1 , 2-propylene glycol;
- 3.8% ethanol; and
- up to 100% purified water.
The present invention discloses a formulation that serves as a
highly bioavailable silicon (Si) source consisting of: (i)
ortho-silicic acid (H4SiO4), from 0.01-8% w/w; (ii) salicylic acid
(1), from 1-2 molar equivalents to H4SiO4; (iii) pharmaceutically
acceptable acid, from 0.1-4 molar equivalents to H4SiO4; or
pharmaceutically acceptable base, in amounts of 2 molar
equivalents to salicylic acid (1); and (iv) diluent, selected from
the group consisting of: purified water, 1, 2-propylene glycol,
glycerol, ethanol, or their mixtures, in amounts of up to 100% w/w
of the formulation. The present invention discloses the
preparation and the use of the formulation that provides all known
positive therapeutic effects of ortho-silicic and salicylic acid
in human and animals, and benefits of use for plants.
Field of the invention
The present invention relates to the composition of highly
bioavailable silicon (Si) which is used in medicine, cosmetics,
veterine and agronomy.
Summary of the invention
The present invention solves technical problem of effective
stabilization of ortho-silicic acid (H Si04) , which is used as
nutritional and therapeutic source of highly bioavailable silicon
(Si) .
Formulation of the product is in the form of a solution
(i) ortho-silicic acid (H4Si04) , from 0.01-8% w/w;
(ii) salicylic acid (1) ,
from 1-2 molar equivalents to H4Si04;
(iii) pharmaceutically acceptable acid, from 0.1-4 molar
equivalents to H4Si04; or pharmaceutically acceptable base, in
amounts of 2 molar equivalents to salicylic acid (1) ; and
(iv) diluent, selected from the group consisting of: purified
water, 1, 2-propylene glycol, glycerol, ethanol, or their
mixtures, in amounts of up to 100% w/w of the formulation.
The use of the formulation provides all positive therapeutic
effects of silicon in human, animal or plant organism.
Prior art
Silicon (Si) is important biogenic microelement which exhibits
several important roles in human and animal organism:
(i) helps resorption of calcium and takes part in its metabolism;
stimulates osteoblasts; stimulates bone mineralization; in
traumatic cases, influences faster bone healing; helps in
prevention of osteoporosis [E. M. Carlisle: A requirement for
silicon for bone growth in culture, Fed. Proc. 37 (1978) 1123; E.
M . Carlisle: A relation between silicon and calcium in bone
formation, Fed. Proc. 29 (1970) 265; E. M. Carlisle: Silicon: a
requirement in bone formation independent of vitamin D, Calcif.
Tissue Int. 33 (1981) 27; D. M. Reffitt, N. Ogston, R.
Jugdaohsingh : Orthosilicic acid stimulates collagen type I
synthesis and osteoblast-like cells in vitro, Bone 32 (2003) 127;
S. Spripanyakorn, R. Jungdaohsingh, R. P. H. Thompson, J. J.
Powell: Dietary silicon and bone health, Nutr. Bull. 30 (2005)
(ii) takes part in the structure of connective tissue and
formation of functional tertiary structure of building proteins of
soft organs such as liver, lung, and brain; takes part in
structure of arterial, vein, and capillary walls, increases
elasticity and hardness of blood vessels, decreases their
permeability [E. M. Carlisle, D. L. Garvey: The effect of silicon
on formation of extra-cellular matrix components by chondrocytes
in culture, Fed. Proc. 41 (1982) 461; E. M. Carlisle, C. Suchil:
Silicon and ascorbate interaction in cartilage formation in
culture, Fed. Proc. 42 (1983) 398];
(iii) acts as cross-linking agent for glucosaminoglycans and
mucopolysaccharides in joints, ligaments, and sinovial fluid [ .
Schwartz: A bound form of silicon in glycosaminoglycans and
polyuronides, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 70 (1973) 1608; A. Lassus:
Colloidal silicic acid for the treatment of psoriatic skin
lesions, arthropathy and onychopathy. A pilot study. J. Int. Med.
Res. 25
(1997) 206]; (iv) stimulates immune system [A. Schiano, F.
Eisinger, P. Detolle: Silicium, tissu osseux et immunite, Revue du
Rhumatisme 46 (1979) 483] ;
(v) exhibits antiinflammatory effect; e.g. helps at various
inflammatory diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, muscle
inflammation, skin disorders such as psoriasis, seborrheic
dermatitis, neurodermitis, skin irritations, accelerates wound
healing, soothes decubitus and other skin disorderds and diseases
[A. Lassus: Colloidal silicic acid for oral and topical treatment
of aged skin, fragile hair and brittle nails in females, J. Int.
Med. Res. 21 (1993) 209; A. Lassus: Colloidal silicic acid for the
treatment of psoriatic skin lesions, arthropathy and onychopathy.
A pilot study. J. Int. Med. Res. 25 (1997) 206];
(vi) in oligomeric form, silicic acid inhibits resorption of
aluminum (Al<3+>) from gastrointestinal tract, and beside
antioxidative action, preventively influences on development of
neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer disease [J. D. Birchall,
J. S. Chappell: The chemistry of aluminium and silicon in relation
to Alzheimer's disease, Clin. Chem. 34 (1980) 265; R. Jugdaohsingh
: Soluble silica and aluminium bioavailability, PhD Thesis (1999)
University of London; R. Jugdaohsingh, S. H. Anderson, K. L.
Tucker: Dietary silicon intake and absorption, Am. J. Clin. Nutr.
75 (2002) 887; R. Jugdaohsingh, D. M. Reffitt, C. Oldham:
Oligomeric but not monomeric silica prevents aluminium absorption
in human, Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 71
(2000) 944; D. . Reffitt, R. Jugdaohsingh, R. P. H. Thompson:
Silicic acid: its gastrointestinal uptake and urinary excretion in
man and effects on aluminium excretion, J. Inorg. Biochem. 76
(1999) 141] ;
(vii) stimulates biosynthesis of skin building proteins: collagen
and elastin [C. D. Seaborn, F. H. Nielsen: Silicon deprivation
decreases colagen formation in wounds and bone, and ornithine
transaminase enzyme activity in liver, Biol. Trace Element Res. 89
(2002) 251; M. R. Calomme, D. A. V. Berghe: Supplementation of
calves with stabilised orthosilicic acid effect on the Si, Ca, Mg
and P concentration in serum and the collagen concentration in
skin and cartilage, Biol. Trace Element Res. 56 (1997) 153]; and
(viii) stimulates growth of hair and nails [A. Lassus: Colloidal
silicic acid for oral and topical treatment of aged skin, fragile
hair and brittle nails in females, J. Int. Med. Res. 21 (1993)
209] .
At plants, silicon shows the following effects [H. A. Currie, C.
C. Perry: Silica in Plants: Biological, Biochemical and Chemical
Studies, Ann. Botany 100 (2007) 1383-1389] :
(i) stimulates photosynthesis process and enhances utility of
nutrients, what results in increased crop yields;
(ii) improves water management, thus increases resistance to
stress events like drought; and
(iii) enhances resistance to attacks of insects and fungal
Biologically available form of silicon is ortho-silicic acid (H
Si04) . However, in literature, there is described that too large
doses of silicic acid can cause damages of liver and kidney which
is the most important organ for excretion of silicon [J. W.
Dobbie, M. J. Smith: Silicate nephrotoxicity in the experimental
animal: the missing factor in analgesic nephropathy, Scotish Med.
J. 27 (1982) 10] .
A person skilled in the art knows that silicic acid in its
monomeric form, ortho-form (H4Si04) , is not stable and at higher
concentration, but undergoes polymerization with formation of
dimer (H6Si207) , trimer (H8Si3O10) , and linear chain oligomers
(SI) which are still water soluble. Linear chain polymers of
silicic acid (SI) undergo further polymerization yielding
tridimensional, branched polymers (S2) which are not of
significant water solubility but form opalescent gel. The
polymerization process proceeds further with formation of
hydratized silicon dioxide (silica gel; Si02'xH20) . The course of
polymerization of silicic acid is given in Scheme 1 (at the end of
the specification) . Beside monomeric ortho-silicic acid (HSi04) ,
biologically available forms are also its lower oligomers soluble
in water, due to partial hydrolysis that release starting HSi0
(oligomerization is reversible) . In other words, under certain
conditions of concentration, the equilibrium between ortho-silicic
acid and its lower oligomers is established.
Branched polymers of silicic acid are not biologically available
[H. Yokoi, S. Enomoto: Effect of degree of polymerization of
silicic acid on the gastrointestinal absorption of silicate in
rats, Chem. Pharm. Bull. 27 (1979) 1733; K. Van Dyck, R. Van
Cauwenbergh, H. Robberecht: Bioavailability of silicon from food
and food supplements, Fresenius J. Anal. Chem. 363 (1999) 541].
By using natural, as less as possible refined food (e.g. whole
grain cereals), usual intakes of silicon in organism are
sufficient. However, at use of highly refined and unhealthy food,
silicon deficiencies occur quite often. Such conditions, with
eventual other factors, often can cause development of diseases or
disorders where silicon plays important role.
Because of this reason, it is of a great importance development of
stabilized form of silicic acid where its polymerization is
inhibited and, in this way, lost its bioavailability. Such
products can be used as effective food supplements or therapeutic
agents at diseases and disorders caused by silicon deficiency.
For application in pharmacy, cosmetics, and veterinary, only
pharmaceutically acceptable forms of silicic acid can be employed.
For use in agriculture, also, only non-toxic forms of silicic acid
of high bioavailability can be applied.
The most known product used as food supplement for silicon
supplementation is "BioSil<R>", based on choline
chloride-stabilized ortho-silicic acid [S. R. Bronder, U.S.
5,922,360 (1999); V. Berghe, D. A. Richard, E.P. 1 371 289 Al
(2002), the holder is BioPharma Sciences B.V., Belgium] .
Except choline chloride, in the patent literature there are
mentioned also other stabilizers that prevent (inhibit)
polymerization of ortho-silicic acid such as humectants like
polyethylene glycol, polysorbates, plant gums, substituted
cellulose, 1 , 2-propylene glycol, pectin, ethoxylated derivatives
of higher fatty acids, acetylated or hydroxypropyl-derivatized
starch, starch phosphate, urea, sorbitol, maltitol, vitamins [W.
A. Kros, U.S. 2006/0178268 Al] , as well as proline, serine,
lysine, arginine, glycine, their mixtures, polypeptides or protein
hydrolyzates [V. Berghe, D. A. Richard, WO 2004/016551 Al (Bio
Pharma Sciences B.V.) ] .
Beside choline chloride-stabilized silicic acid, on the market
exist various food supplements which contain silicon in the forms
of amorphous or colloidal silicon dioxide (Si02) . However, such
products are characterized by very low bioavailability [R.
Jugdaohsingh : Silicon and bone health, J. Nutr. Health Aging 11
(2007) 99] .
Somewhat effective (bioavailable) sources of silicic acid are also
various plant drugs like extracts of horsetail (Equisetum arvense)
, nettle (Urtica dioica) , and some other plants. However, it is
known that portions of soluble (and thus bioavailable) silicic
acid from these healing plants usually do not exceed 1/10 of total
amounts. All remained silicic acid is not soluble and, as such,
not bioavailable [D. Kustrak: Pharmacognosy and phytopharmacy (in
Croatian) Golden marketing-Tehnicka knjiga, Zagreb, Croatia
In agriculture, silicon based products are used for only a few
years. They are used for increasing resistance of plants to stress
(at drought or hail) and against fungal diseases. It seems that
they also pasively protect from insect attacks by forming thin
hard barrier of silicon dioxide on the plant leaves. The most
known product are those based on horsetail {Equisetum arvense)
extract or finelly milled quartz sand (silicon dioxide; Si02) in
organic, and solution of potassium silicate (30% K2Si03) in
conventional agriculture (mainly at grape; e.g. "Sil-Matrix" ) .
These products are usually applied by foliar spraying.
Salicylic acid (1) is a well known pharmaceutically active
substance which, as such, or in forms of its derivatives (e.g.
salicylamide, acetylsalicylic acid) , is widely used as
antiinflammatoric, analgesic, and antipyretic for decades. At
topical application in higher concentrations (>5%) acts as
keratolytic (removes dead top skin layers) what is used both in
medicine and cosmetic (peeling) . In lower concentrations (1-2%),
it acts as keratoplastic . Beside this, exhibits topical
microbiocidal action.
Technical problem of production of improved product with effects
of bioavailable silicon based on effective stabilization of ortho-
silicic acid (H Si0 ) is solved by the present invention on a new
[with salicylic acid (1) ] and significantly better way, as will
be demonstrated in detailed description of the invention.
Detailed description of the invention
The present invention represents improved pharmaceutical,
cosmetic, veterinary or agrochemical composition which is
effective source of highly bioavailable silicon.
The formulation is consisting of:
(i) ortho-silicic acid (H4Si04), from 0.01-8% w/w;
(ii) salicylic acid (1) ,
from 1-2 molar equivalents to H Si04; (iii) pharmaceutically
acceptable acid, from 0.1-4 molar equivalents to H Si04; or
pharmaceutically acceptable base, in amounts of 2 molar
equivalents to salicylic acid (1) ; and
(iv) diluent, selected from the group consisting of: purified
water, 1 , 2-propylene glycol, glycerol, ethanol, or their
mixtures, in amounts of up to 100% w/w of the formulation.
In the present formulation the following pharmaceutically
acceptable acids can be used: hydrochloric (HC1) , sulfuric
(H2S04) , nitric (HN03) , phosphoric (H3P04) , methanesulfonic
(CH3SO3H) , benzenesulfonic (C6H5S03H) , salicylic ( 1 , 2-C6H4
(OH) COOH) or sulfosalicylic [C6H3(3- COOH) (4-OH)S03H] acid,
mixtures of these acids, or other acids which are not of
significant toxicity for human, animal, or plant organism.
The use of salicylic acid as pharmaceutically acceptable acid
represents the special case of the present invention, because then
it is in the same time:
(i) a stabilizer of ortho-silicic acid at pH values closed to
neutral (and physiological) ;
(ii) agent for acid-catalyzed hydrolysis of precursor or silicic
acid ( PSA) ; and
(iii) pH-regulating agent of the present formulation.
Pharmaceutically acceptable base is selected from the group
comprising sodium hydroxide (NaOH) , potassium hydroxide (KOH) ,
ammonium hydroxide (NH OH) , tetramethylammonium hydroxide
[N(CH3)4OH], tetraethylammonium hydroxide [N (C2H5) 4OH] ,
mixtures of these bases, or other bases characterized by:
(i) negliable toxicity to human, animal or plant organism; and
(ii) which do not precipitate insoluble silicates in aqueous
Completely unexpectable, it was found that salicylic acid (1) acts
as effective stabilizer of ortho-silicic acid (H Si0 ) at pH
values closed to neutral. In this manner, it inhibits its
polymerization into biologically unavailable polymers of silicic
acid. Consequently increases its bioavailability after oral
administration of the formulation from the present invention.
The effect was found and studied on a model complex 2, disodium
salicylate-HSi0 , prepared from sodium silicate (Na2Si03) and
salicylic acid at molar ratio of 1:1. Chemically pure sodium
silicate was prepared by base-catalyzed hydrolysis of tetraethyl
orthosilicate [TEOS; Si(OC2H5)4] with sodium hydroxide (NaOH) .
Hydrolysis reaction and formation of the complex 2 with salicylic
acid is given in Scheme 2 (at the end of the specification) .
Since pH values of solutions of complexes like compound 2 are in
basic region, and are between 10-13, these are termed as "basic
complexes of salicylic and ortho-silicic acid".
The study of stabilizing effect of salicylic acid was carried out
in conditions that are known to result in fast polymerization of
ortho- silicic acid (H4Si0 ) , and these are at pH values close to
neutral. At these conditions, pH= 6-7, relatively fast
polymerization of HSi0 takes place with formation of its polymers
what is accompanied with generation of opalescent gel. In more
concentrated systems, the change from the phase of solution (which
is, at the begining, clear and afterwards opalescent) to the
moment of formation of (opalescent) gel is relatively fast, and
can be used in analytical purpose for determination of gelling
(polymerization) rate (time) of ortho-silicic acid (H4Si04) .
The test solution was prepared by mixing equal volumes of the
solution of compound 2 (sample solution) and 1.5M phosphate buffer
pH= 4.5. The time required for conversion of thus prepared clear
test solution until the formation of opalescent gel was
determined. This time was called gelling or polymerization time
(tG) . Longer gelling (tG) time means slower polymerization, this
suggests on more stable complex. Beside the complex 2 from the
present invention, as control probes, by the same manner the
followings are studied:
(i) sodium silicate solution (Na2Si03) as standard;
(ii) solution of complex with choline chloride [ (CH3) 3N<+>
(CH2CH2OH) CI<"> ] ; and
(iii) solution of complex with L-serine (HOOCCH (NH2) CH2OH) ;
which are described in the prior art as HSi04 stabilizers [S. R.
Bronder: Stabilized orthosilicic acid comprising preparation and
biological preparation, W095/21124 (1994)]. Results are given in
Table 1.
Table 1. Basic complexes of salicylic and ortho-silicic acid:
Stabilizing effect of salicylic acid (1) on polymerization of
ortho- silicic acid (HSi0 ) at pH= 6.5.
In all test solutions as diluent was employed distilled water,
except otherwise noted. All solutions of complexes contained 6.5
w/w of ethanol which was generated as side-product of hydrolysis
of tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS) . Stability tests were carried
out by mixing 2 mL of each of sample solution or standard with 2
mL of 1.5M phosphate buffer of pH= 4.5; pH values of all solutions
after mixing with the buffer were the same (pH= 6.5) .
The time from the moment of mixing the sample solution and
phosphate buffer (clear solution) until the formation of
opalescent gel, expressed in minutes [min] .
"Relative stability" is expressed as numerical parameter,
coefficient, which describes stability of ortho-silicic acid in
the given sample in comparison with the standard [pure solution of
sodium silicate (Na2Si03) ] . It shows stabilizing or
destabilizing effect on ortho-silicic acid, in other words on its
polymerization (gelling) .
This was prepared by addition of TEOS (1.2 mL; 1.12 g; 0.0054 mol)
to a solution of sodium hydroxide (NaOH; 0.44 g; 0.011 mol; 2.05
equiv.) in distilled water (6.00 g) with stirring during 6 h, and
subsequent dilution with distilled water (7.44 g) up to the total
weight of 15.00 g [contains 150 mg (1% w/w) of Si].
Samples are prepared by addition of 0.0054 mol of choline chloride
(0.75 g) or L-serine (0.57 g) in hydrolyzed solution of sodium
silicate (6.00 g distilled water + 0.44 g NaOH + 1.2 mL TEOS),
with subsequent dilution with distilled water up to the total
weight of 15.00 g [contains 150 mg (1% w/w) of Si].
The solution of the complex was prepared by addition of salicylic
acid (0.75 g; 0.0054 mol) in previously prepared solution of
sodium silicate (6.00 g distilled water + 0.44 g NaOH + 1.2 mL
TEOS), with subsequent dilution with distilled water up to the
total weight of 15.00 g [contains 150 mg (1% w/w) of Si].
Solutions are prepared by mixing previously prepared solution of
sodium silicate (6.00 g distilled water + 0.44 g NaOH + 1.2 mL
TEOS) and 2.25 g (15% w/w) or 6.00 g (40% w/w) of 1 , 2-propylene
glycol with subsequent dilution with distilled water, up to the
total weight of 15.00 g [contains 150 mg (1% w/w) of Si]. The
solution of the complex was prepared by addition of salicylic acid
(0.75 g; 0.0054 mol) to previously prepared solution of sodium
silicate (6.00 g distilled water + 0.44 g NaOH + 1.2 mL TEOS) .
Reaction mixture was stirred at room temperature during 1 h. Then,
1, 2-propilene glycol (2.25 g; 15% w/w) was added, and
subsequently diluted with distilled water, up to the total weight
of 15.00 g [contains 150 mg (1% w/w) of Si] .
Solutions like those of the complex 2 are clear and colourless
solutions, stable to the occurence of gelling at room temperature
(17-25 [deg.]C) , and at temperatures <30 [deg.]C, during
minimally 2 years.
Alternatively, the formulation from the present invention can be
prepared as complex with ortho-silicic acid (HSi04) with salicylic
acid salts (like disodium salicylate) in molar ratio of 1:2.
Beside basic complexes like compound 2, the formulation from the
present invention can be prepared as stabilized solution of ortho-
silicic acid (H4Si04) also in acidic medium, by the influence of
one or more above-mentioned pharmaceutically acceptable acid
(0.1-4 molar equivalents) in the presence of 1-2 molar equivalents
of salicylic acid, calculated to H4Si0 .
Complex of salicylic acid and ortho-silicic acid, compound 3, was
prepared in situ, by phosphoric acid-catalyzed hydrolysis of
tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS) in the presence of salicylic acid.
The reaction is given in Scheme 3 (at the end of the
specification) .
Since pH values of solutions of the complexes like compound 3 are
in acidic region, between 1-2.5, these are called "acidic
complexes of salicylic and ortho-silicic acid".
The study of stability of acidic complexes of salicylic and ortho-
silicic acid (H4Si04) was performed with 1.32M phosphate buffer of
pH= 7. As the control, complexes with choline chloride and
L-serine, described in the prior art as stabilizers of H Si0 ,
were used. Results are given in Table 2.
Table 2. Acidic complexes of salicylic and ortho-silicic acid:
Stabilizing effect of salicylic acid (1) on polymerization of
ortho- silicic acid (H4Si04) at pH= 6.5.
<a> In all test solutions, as diluent was used distilled
water, except otherwise noted. All solutions contained 6.5% w/w of
ethanol which was formed as side-product during hydrolysis of
tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS) . Stability tests were performed
by mixing 2 mL of each of sample solution with 2 mL of 1.32M
phosphate buffer of pH= 7.0; pH values of all test solutions after
mixing with buffer were the same (6.5) . <b> The time from
the moment of mixing the given sample solution and phosphate
buffer (clear solution) until the formation of opalescent gel,
expressed in minutes [min] .
c "Relative stability" is expressed as numerical parameter,
coefficient, which describes stability of ortho-silicic acid in
the given sample in comparison with the standard [pure solution of
silicic acid (HSi04) ] . It shows stabilizing or destabilizing
effect on ortho-silicic acid, in other words on its polymerization
(gelling) .
d This was prepared by addition of TEOS (1.2 mL; 1.12 g; 0.0054
mol) to a solution of 85% phosphoric acid (0.2 mL; 0.34 g; 0.289 g
H3P04; 0.00295 mol; 0.55 mol. equiv.) in distilled water (13.54 g)
with stirring for 6 h [total wight 15.00 g; contains 150 mg (1%
w/w) of Si] .
e Samples are prepared by addition of 0.0054 mol of choline
chloride (0.75 g) or L-serine (0.57 g) to a solution of
ortho-silicic acid (H4Si04; 10.00 g destilirana voda + 1.2 mL TEOS
+ 0.2 mL 85% H3P04; 3 h-stirring / room temperature) with
subsequent dilution with distilled water, up to the total weight
of 15.00 g [contains 150 mg (1% w/w) of Si] .
f Samples are prepared by addition of salicylic acid (0.75 g;
0.0054 mol) to a solution of tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS; 1.2
mL; 1.12 g; 0.0054 mol) in 1 , 2-propylene glycol (10.00 g) .
Distilled water (0.4 mL; 0.022 mol; 4.1 mol. equiv.) was added to
the reaction mixture, and stirred at room temperature during 5 h.
Then, 1,2- propylene glycol was added to the solution up to the
total weight of 15.00 g [contains 150 mg (1% w/w) of Si].
To the solution from the Experiment 5, also 85% phosphoric acid
(0.2 mL) was added.
From thus obtained results, it was concluded that choline
chloride, which is in the literature described as "stabilizer" of
ortho- silicic acid, actually acts as catalyst of its
polymerization under physiological conditions where pH value is
close to 7. Solutions which contained choline chloride showed
5-10x faster polymerization process accompanied with formation of
silica gel in comparison to the solution of the standard
(Experiments 2; Table 1 and 2) . Choline chloride can be obviously
considered as "stabilizer" of silicic acid in a formulation with
very low pH, lower than pH= 3, due to its property of "deep
eutectic liquid" in mixture with polyols like glycerol. In fact,
it is "stabilizer" in technological sense (as excipient) which
helps stabilization of final product, solution of H Si0 ,
providing long term shelf life of the product.
However, in contrast to this, under physiological conditions, at
pH values close to 7, it destabilizes ortho-silicic acid
catalyzing its polymerization, and thus decreases their
bioavailability. This finding is in accordance with literature
data wherein it was described that bioavailability of choline
chloride-stabilized ortho- silicic acid at oral administration is
<50% [R. Jugdaohsingh : Silicon and bone health, J. Nutr.
Health Aging 11 (2007) 99] .
Additionally, amino acid serine, which is also described in the
literature as stabilizer of ortho-silicic acid, does exhibit
slight stabilizing effect, indeed. However, this effect is almost
negliable because observed increase of gelling time was only 8-10%
prolonged against that for the standard (Experiments 3; Tables 2
and 3) .
In contrast, salicylic acid (1) exhibits significant effect of
stabilization of ortho-silicic acid (H4Si04) where observed
polymerization time was 2.2x longer (Experiments 4; Tables 2 and
3), what suggest on high stability of the complex H4Si04-salicylic
acid (compound 3) .
It was found that application of 1 , 2-propylene glycol as
humectant which acts as auxiliary stabilizer, in accordance to the
literature statements, does increase polymerization time of H
Si04, indeed, for approx. 30% (Experiments 5 and 6; Table 1) .
Determination of optimal weight percentage of 1 , 2-propylene
glycol, where concentrations of 15% w/w (Experiment 5) and 40% w/w
(Experiment 6) were studied, showed that the use of higher
concentration fail to result in further positive effect on
stability of H4Si04. In conclusion, optimal concentration of 1 ,
2-propylene glycol in the formulation was 15% w/w.
In continuation of the research, it was found a synergistic effect
of 1 , 2-propylene glycol (in optimal concentration of 15% w/w) on
the basic stabilizing effect of salicylic acid.
The formulation of the present invention based on combination of
salicylic acid (1 mol . equiv. to H4Si04) and 15% w/w of 1 ,
2-propylene glycol showed . lx longer polymerization time than at
the standard
(Experiment 7; Table 1) . This result represents increase of
almost 100% from the result obtained with the use of salicylic
(Experiment 4; Table 1) as sole stabilizer. These results clearly
suggest to those skilled in the art an unexpected additional
synergistic effect on stabilization of ortho-silicic acid.
By the use of a version of the formulation from the present
invention with 1 , 2-propylene glycol as sole diluent, this
additional synergistic effect onto basic stabilizing effect of
salicylic acid is lost. In this manner, in Experiments 4 and 5
(Table2), obtained gelling times are 2-2.2x longer than at
standard, what is also a very good result, but in the same range
as with salicylic acid only (Experiment 4; Table 1) .
However, such versions of the formulation of the present invention
exhibit adequate stability in real time at acidic acomplexes of
salicylic and ortho-silicic acid.
Except 1, 2-propylene glycol, as humectant can be also used
glycerol. Additionally, as alternative diluent, beside purified
water, can be employed ethanol, or mixtures of these substances.
Solutions of the complex like compound 3 are also clear,
colourless and relatively viscous solutions, stable to occurrence
of gelling at room temperature (17-25 [deg.]C) , and at
temperatures <30 [deg.]C, during minimally 2 years. Explanation
of inhibition effect of salicylic acid on polymerization of
ortho-silicic acid (HSiQ )
From obtained results, it can be concluded that salicylic acid
acts stabilizing to ortho-silicic acid presumably due to formation
of relatively stable complexes with it.
In the basic medium, as is the case with the complex 2 (Scheme 2)
, in solution are present 2 molar equivalents of strong base (e.g.
NaOH) which reacts with salicylic acid yielding its disodium salt,
disodium salicylate [ 1 , 2-C6H4 (ONa) COONa] . Acidity of
ortho-silicic acid [pKa (H4Si04) = 2,2.10<"10>] is similar
to that of hydroxyl group of simple phenol [pKa (C6H5OH) =
1,3.10<~10>]. However, due to electron- attracting
properties of carboxylic group in the ortho-position, acidity of
phenolic group of salicylic acid is higher than that of ordinary
phenol or ortho-silicic acid (H4Si04) . Because of this, the
compound 2 is not correct to name silicate, but it can be rather
considered as the complex of disodium salicylate and ortho-silicic
acid (H4Si04) .
Since in the solution of complex 2 in (predominantly) aqueous
medium, due to hydrolysis, is present also significant
concentration of hydroxide anions (OH<">) , what is the
reason of why the solution is basic, subsequently, certain amounts
of ortho-silicic acid is present in the form of ortho-silicate
anion Si(OH)30<">, indeed.
However, this fact does not have any negative consequences in
final use of the formulation from the present invention, because,
upon dilution with water at oral administration, it provides
ortho- silicic acid exclusively in its monomeric form. This
ensures maximal level of bioavailability, what is not the case at
choline chloride- stabilized HSi0 where some significant amounts
of the same is already polymerized, and thus corresponding product
is of lowered bioavailability . In acidic medium salicylic acid
also forms complex with ortho- silicic acid, like complex 3
(Scheme 3) . Completely the same (analogous) complex is generated
by addition of basic complex like compound 2 into acidic or
neutral (physiological) medium. From this follows complete analogy
between the complex 2 and complex 3 because :
(i) compound 2 in physiological conditions gives the complex 3
(Scheme 4, at the end of specification) ;
(ii) whilst the compound 3 exists both in more acidic medium as
well as under physiological conditions (at pH values closed to 7)
Finally, stablizing effect of salicylic acid is obviously
consequence of its structure, where two functional groups are
present, carboxylic (as bidentate ligand) and phenolic hydroxyl
group (as monodentate ligand) . Due to their neighbouring, ortho-
position, salicylic acid acts as very effective tridentate ligand
for ortho-silicic acid (HSi04) . Stability of such complex is
significant, what is visible from drastically increased
polymerization (gelling) time at pH= 6.5. This actually means that
the stability constant of the complex 3 is very high; this result
in very low equilibrium concentration of free H4Si0 in the
solution of the complex, what consequently leads to drastically
slower polymerization process (high values of tG) .
Additional synergistic effect of 1 , 2-propylene glycol ( PG) on
the basic stabilizing effect of salicylic acid is presumably
consequence of additional formation of hydrogen bonds between
molecules of PG and the complex 3 . It can be shown by calculation
that (roughly) estimated optimal amounts of 1 , 2-propylene glycol
of 15% w/w in the formulation corresponds to the value of approx.
5.5 molar equivalents of PG to H4Si04. Probably, minimal molar
excess of 4 equivalents of PG to H4Si04 does act positively in a
synergistic manner, due to the formation of hydrogen bonds between
molecules of PG and the complex 3 . Use of the formulation from
the present invention
Application of the formulation of the present invention provides
all known positive therapeutic effects of silicic acid on human,
animal or plant organism, which are known to those skilled in the
At humans and animals, the present formulation is used in the
following medicinal, cosmetic, and veterinary indications:
(i) helps in resorption of calcium; takes part in its transport,
stimulates osteoblasts, stimulates bone mineralization,
accelerates wound healing; in prevention of osteoporosis;
(ii) takes part in structure of arterial, vein, and capillary
walls, increases elasticity and hardness of blood vessels,
decreases its permeability; also takes part in structure of
connective tissue and formation of functional tertiary structure
of building proteins of soft organs like liver, lung, and brain;
(iii) stimulates immune system; thus increases natural ability of
organism to fight against microorganisms at infective diseases,
and at all diseases and disorders which develop upon weak immune
system like various allergic diseases;
(iv) antiinflammatory effect of silicon and silicic acid; therapy
of various acute and chronic inflammatory diseases, e.g.
positively acts at various inflammations of locomotive system such
as muscle inflammations, rheumatoid arthritis, etc; skin diseases
like psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis, neurodermitis, eczema, skin
irritations, burns, wound healing, at dandruff, and at other skin
disorders and diseases; also positively acts at other inflammatory
(v) acts as cross-linking agent for glucosaminoglycans and
mucopolysaccharides, and thus helps function of joints, ligaments,
and production of synovial fluid; (vi) inhibits resorption of
aluminum (Al<3+>) from gastrointestinal tract, thus
preventively acts on development of neurodegenerative diseases
like Alzheimer or Parkinson diseases ;
(vii) stimulates biosynthesis of skin building proteins: collagen
and elastin; in treatment of wrinkles and prevention of their
development; thus helps in slowing-down skin ageing;
(viii) stimulates growth of hair and nails; for strengthening of
hair and nails; also hair becomes shinier.
Due to the presence of salicylic acid which, beside
antiinflammatory action, exhibits also analgesic and antipyretic
effects, the formulation from the present invention is used as
adjuvant in treatment of pain and decreasing of increased body
temperature. This is expecially recommended at indications where
basic patological condition is consequence of silicon deficiency.
As example, herein is given the treatment of strong pain at bone
fractures, joints and/or ligaments. The silicon therapy in these
cases is essential for fast mineralization process and healing,
and in the same time can provide (due to the content of salicylic
acid) :
(i) soothing of inflammation process; and
(ii) calming pain; which are formed due to given traumatological
changes .
At topical application (e.g. in cosmetics), the formulation of the
present invention, due to the content of salicylic acid, shows:
(i) keratoplastic effect, at concentrations of salicylic acid
<2% w/w;
(ii) keratolytic (peeling) effect, at concentrations of salicylic
acid >5% w/w in the final formulation; and
(iii) microbiocidal effect. The latter effects of salicylic acid
are excellently supplemented with basic actions of silicon, where
effects of refreshing of the skin are achieved through combination
of wrinkle reducing (biosynthesis of collagen and elastin) ,
keratolytic/keratoplastic, and microbiocidal effects.
Moreover, due to microbiocidal effect of salicylic acid and
fungistatic action of ortho-silicic acid, the formulation from the
present invention at topical application provides positive effects
in conditions like:
(i) acne;
(ii) problematic skin;
(iii) seborrheic dermatitis; and
(iv) dandruff.
It is known to those skilled in the art that analogous biological
effects of silicon (in the form of HSi0) exhibits also at animals,
in this manner, the formulation of the present invention is
applied in veterinary in all mentioned indications.
At plants, the formulation of the present invention provides:
(i) increased crop yields (due to stimulation of photosynthesis
through better utility of nutrients which are added by common
fertilization; silicon effects) ;
(ii) resistance to stressful events (e.g. during drought or after
hail; silicon effects) ; and
(iii) resistance to fungal diseases (effects of silicon and
salicylic acid) .
The formulation of the present invention intended for medicinal,
cosmetic, veterinary, and agrochemical applications is in the
dosing form of solution (concentrate) . Before use, the solution
is diluted with water and administered orally in a dosage which
corresponds to the following daily intakes of silicon (Si) :
(i) 5-25 mg of Si at humans; and (ii) 5-250 mg of Si at animals;
5-50 mg at small animals like cats or dogs, 50-250 mg at large
ones like horses and cows.
In agriculture, the present formulation is also diluted with water
up to the final concentration od silicon from 0.005-0.1% w/w, and
applied by foliar application by using all common spraying
equipments .
Lower concentrations (0.005-0.05% w/w of Si) are used
preventatively for stimulation of growth and against occurrence of
fungal diseases (e.g. at grape), whilst higher concentrations
(0.05-0.1% w/w of Si) are applied in urgent conditions of drought
or after hail. Dosage rates are from 10-100 g of silicon per
hectare (ha) or 1-10 L of the present formulation in concentration
of 1% w/w of Si per single tank of 200-400 L of water, applied to
the area of 1 ha.
Finally, the formulation of the present invention can be used as
starting material (intermediate) for production of other
pharmaceutical products, cosmetics, then veterinary or
agrochemical products with content of silicon (Si) of high
For instance, the version of the formulation from the present
invention of the composition:
- 3.8% w/w HSi04 [corresponds to 1% w/w of Si]
- 5% w/w salicylic acid;
- 6.5% w/w ethanol;
- ad 100% w/w 1, 2-propylene glycol; in the form of colourless
viscous solution, serves as suitable concentrate (intermediate)
for production of various oral and topical final dosage forms for
human or veterinary use, such as: oral solution, oral suspension,
shampoo, lotion, cosmetic mask, cream, ointment, gel, therapeutic
patch for human use; or concentrate for solution intended for use
in agriculture. Preparation of the formulation from the present
Basic complexes of ortho-silicic (H4Si04) and salicylic acid are
prepared by hydrolysis of precursor of silicic acid ( PSA)
tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS) :
(i) in the presence of 2 molar equivalents of pharmaceutically
acceptable base in a diluent, with subsequent addition of
salicylic acid; or alternatively,
(ii) in previously prepared solution of salt of salicylic acid
with pharmaceutically acceptable base in a diluent.
Alternatively, the following PSA can be used:
(i) sodium or potassium silicate (common composition xM2OySi02; M=
Na,K, x:y= 1:1 do 1:3,5); or
(ii) silicon tetrachloride (SiCl4) .
The use of sodium (Na2Si03) or potassium silicate (K2Si03) as PSA
represents a special case of performance of the present invention,
because these are in the same time:
(i) pharmaceutically acceptable bases, as sources of sodium (NaOH)
or potassium (KOH) hydroxide; and
(ii) sources of silicic acid ( PSA) .
In these cases, no additional pharmaceutically acceptable base is
used, since equimolar amounts of these silicates and salicylic
acid do directly give salicylate salts like disodium or
dipotassium salicylates which, in the same time act as:
(i) basic agent for hydrolysis of TEOS; and as
(ii) ligand for complexation of in status nascendi formed H4Si04.
In the case of the use of SiCl4 as PSA in this synthesis, 6 molar
equivalents of pharmaceutically acceptable base (e.g. NaOH) is
employed, because, 4 equivalents is spent on neutralization of
hydrochloric acid (HC1) generated during hydrolysis of SiCl4,
whilst 2 remained equivalents serve for neutralization reaction of
salicylic acid yielding salicylate salt (e.g. disodium salicylate)
which forms the complex with liberated H4Si04 (complex 2;
analogously to Scheme 2) .
Acidic complexes of salicylic and ortho-silicic acid, such as
compound 3 , are prepared by addition of 0.1-4 molar equivalents
of pharmaceutically acceptable acid into previously prepared
solution of precursor of silicic acid ( PSA) and salicylic acid in
the diluent .
In the preparation of the formulation of the present invention, no
matter of the kind of either basic or acidic complex of ortho-
silicic and salicylic acid, the following molar ratios of
salicylic acid and precursor of silicic acid ( PSA; expressed
through the molar portion of silicon in the PSA) is used:
salicylic acid : Si = 1:1 to 2:1
As the diluent or solvent 1 , 2-propylene glycol, purified water,
glycerol, ethanol, or mixtures of these substances can be
Reactions are conducted by vigorous stirring at temperatures from
- 10 [deg.]C to +40 [deg.]C, preferably from +15 [deg.]C to +30
[deg.]C (conditions of room temperature) during 0,5-6 h.
In the case of the use of sodium or potassium silicate or silicon
tetrachloride (SiCl ) reaction is very exothermic. At the use of
tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS) , the reaction is only mildly
exothermic, however, with mild cooling; the reaction is conducted
without special difficulties.
In the case of the use of SiCl4 or sodium/potassium silicate, the
reaction is almost instantly finished, whereas the hydrolysis
reaction of TEOS tooks 1.5-2 h at room temperature.
The use of tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS) is preferred because it
is neither toxic nor corrosive like SiCl4, and available
commercial products are of very high purity due to the fact that
TEOS is readily purified by distillation. In this manner, final
product of very high purity with the content of unwanted heavy
metals (Pb, Cd, Hg, As) far under common limits for pharmaceutical
products and food supplements can be produced. In contrast, sodium
or potassium silicate are difficult to purify from heavy metals,
so, commercial products are not of so high level of chemical
In every case, ortho-silicic acid (HSi0 ) , in status nascendi
generated in the reaction, forms the complex with:
(i) salicylate salt (in basic medium; example is the complex 2,
Scheme 2); or with
(ii) salicylic acid (in acidic medium; example is the complex 3,
Scheme 3) .
In all cases, the formulation of the present invention is clear,
colourless, more or less viscous solution.
As side-products in reactions of sodium or potassium silicate,
equivalent amounts of sodium or potassium salts of
pharmaceutically acceptable base are formes, which, after
completion of the reaction can be eventually removed by
filtration. For instance, at the use of sodium silicate and
hydrochloric acid (HC1) , the side-product is sodium chloride
(NaCl) which is not soluble in 1 , 2-propylene glycol, and after
synthesis is removed by filtration.
In the case of the use of tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS) , four
molar equivalents of ethanol (C2H5OH) are generated. Since ethanol
in this concentration is completely harmless and does not
influence negatively on the stability of the present solution, it
is not removed but kept in the final product as auxiliary solvent
or diluent. It is known to those skilled in the art of
pharmaceuticaly technology that ethanol is widely used as
pharmaceuticaly excipient, diluent. Alternatively, ethanol can be
removed from the final solution of the present invention by
evaporation under high vacuum at temperatures <40 [deg.]C,
without negative effect upon its stability. Finally, the reaction
product, the solution, is only diluted with water or 1 ,
2-propylene glycol up to the nominal concentration of silicon
(Si), filtered, and paked into plastic bottles.
The course of the reaction is given in Schemes 2 and 3.
General remarks
The term room temperature refers to the temperature interval:
20-25 [deg.]C. All percentage (%) portions of ingredients are
expressed as weight (w/w) portions.
Example 1
Preparation of standard solutions of sodium silicate and ortho-
silicic acid, as well as solution of the control complexes with
stabilizers choline chloride and L-serine from the prior art
(i) Preparation of standard solution of sodium silicate (Na2Si03)
of concentration of 1% w/w of silicon (Si) (Experiment 1; Table
1): To a solution of sodium hydroxide (NaOH; 0.44 g; 0.011 mol;
2.05 mol . equiv.) in distilled water (6.00 g) , tetraethyl
orthosilicate (TEOS; 1.2 mL; 1.12 g; 0.0054 mol) was added. The
reaction mixture was stirred at room temperature for 6 h. Then,
distilled water (7.44 g) was added up to the total weight of 15.00
g. Silicon content in such prepared standard solution is 150 mg
(1% w/w of Si) . Colourless clear solution, pH= 13-14.
(ii) Preparation of standard solution of ortho-silicic acid
(H4Si04) of 1% w/w concentration of silicon (Si) (Experiment 1;
Table 2) : To a solution of 85% phosphoric acid (0.2 mL; 0.34 g;
0.289 g H3P04; 0.00295 mol; 0.55 mol. equiv.) in distilled water
(10.00 g) , tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS; 1.2 mL; 1.12 g; 0.0054
mol) was added. The reaction mixture was stirred at room
temperature for 3 h. Then, destilled water (3.54 g) was added up
to the total weight of reaction mixture of 15.00 g. Content of
silicon in such prepared standard solution is 150 mg (1% w/w of
Si) . Clear colourless solution, pH= 1.5.
(iii) Preparation of basic complexes of choline chloride and L-
serine with ortho-silicic acid of 1% w/w concentration of silicon
(Si) (Experiments 2 and 3; Table 1) . General procedure: To a
solution of sodium hydroxide (NaOH; 0.44 g; 0.011 mol 2.05 mol.
equiv.) in distilled water (6.00 g) , tetraethyl orthosilicate
(TEOS; 1.2 mL; 1.12 g; 0.0054 mol) was added. The reaction mixture
was stirred at room temperature for 6 h. Afterwards, to the
reaction mixture that contains sodium silicate in amounts
equivalent to 150 mg (0.0054 mol) of silicon (Si), choline
chloride (0.75 g; 0.0054 mol) or L-serine (0.57 g; 0.0054 mol) as
literature described "stabilizers" of ortho-silicic acid was
added. Each solution was stirred at room temperature for 30
minutes, and then, in each of them, distilled water was added up
to the total weight of 15.00 g. The silicon content in each of
solution of complex was 150 mg (1% w/w of Si). pH of solutions was
(iv) Preparation of solution of acidic complexes of choline
chloride and L-serine with ortho-silicic acid of 1% w/w
concentration of silicon (Si) (Experiments 2 and 3; Table 2) .
General procedure: To a solution of 85% phosphoric acid (0.2 mL;
0.34 g; 0.289 g H3P04; 0.00295 mol; 0.55 mol. equiv.) in distilled
water (10.00 g) :
(a) choline chloride (0.75 g; 0.0054 mol; 1 mol. equiv.) was added
in one solution; whilst to another,
(b) L-serine (0.57 g; 0,0054 mol; 1 mol. equiv.) was added.
In each reaction mixture, tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS; 1.2 mL;
1.12 g; 0.0054 mol) was added. The reaction mixtures was stirred
at room temperature for 3 h. Then, distilled water was added in
each solution up to the total weight (of each) of 15.00 g. Silicon
content in each of the solution of complex is 150 mg (1% w/w of
Si) .
Example 2
Preparation of basic complexes of ortho-silicic and salicylic acid
according to the present invention
(i) Preparation of the solution of complex 2, disodium salicylate
/ ortho-silicic acid of 1% w/w concentration of silicon
(Experiment 4; Table 1): To a solution of sodium hydroxide (NaOH;
0.44 g; 0.011 mol; 2.05 mol. equiv.) in distilled water (6.00 g) ,
tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS; 1.2 mL; 1.12 g; 0.0054 mol) was
added. The reaction mixture was stirred at room temperature for 6
h. Then, salicylic acid (0.74 g; 0.0054 mol) was added to the
reaction mixture in portions during 10 minutes with vigorous
stirring. The reaction mixture was stirred at room temperature for
1 h. Afterwards, distilled water (6.70 g) was added up to the
total weight of the reaction mixture of 15.00 g. Clear colourless
solution; content of silicon in such prepared solution is 150 mg
(1% w/w of Si). pH of the solution was 12.0-12.5.
(ii) Preparation of control solution of sodium silicate with 15%
and 40% concentrations of 1 , 2-propylene glycol of 1% w/w
concentration of silicon (Experiments 5 and 6; Table 1) : Two
analogous experiments of preparation of sodium silicate from
tetraethyl orthosilicate were conducted: To a solution of sodium
hydroxide (NaOH; 0.44 g; 0.011 mol; 2.05 mol. equiv.) in distilled
water (6.00 g) , tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS; 1.2 mL; 1.12 g;
0.0054 mol) was added. The reaction mixture was stirred at room
temperature for 6 h. Then, to the reaction mixtures, 1 ,
2-propylene glycol (PG) was added:
(a) 2.25 g for the contet of 15% PG; and
(b) 6.00 g for the content of 40% PG.
Then, distilled water was added up to the total weight of each
reaction mixture of 15.00 g. Clear, colourless, and slightly
viscous solutions were obtained; the silicon content in such
prepared solutions is 150 mg (1% w/w of Si) . (iii) Preparation of
complex 2, disodium salicylate and ortho- silicic acid (H4Si04)
with 15% 1 , 2-propylene glycol, according to the present
invention, of 1% w/w concentration of silicon (Experiment 7; Table
1): To a solution of sodium hydroxide (NaOH; 0.44 g; 0.011 mol;
2.05 mol. equiv.) in distilled water (6.00 g) , tetraethyl
orthosilicate (TEOS; 1.2 mL; 1.12 g; 0.0054 mol) was added. The
reaction mixture was stirred at room temperature for 6 h. Then,
distilled water (4.45 g) and 1 , 2-propylene glycol (2.25 g) were
added to the reaction mixture. Afterwards, salicylic acid (0.74 g;
0.0054 mol) was added in portions during 10 minutes with vigorous
stirring. The reaction mixture was stirred at room temperature
during 1 h. Then, the product was filtered. Colourless, clear, and
slightly viscous solution was obtained; the silicon content was
150 mg (1% w/w of Si). pH value of the solution was 12.0-12.5.
The results of stability tests at pH= 6.5 and also the influence
of salicylic acid on stability of ortho-silicic acid for basic
complexes are given in Table 1.
Example 3
Preparation of acidic complexes of ortho-silicic and salicylic
acid according to the present invention
(i) Preparation of solution of the complex 3 of ortho-silicic and
salicylic acid of 1% w/w concentration of silicon (Experiment 4 ;
Table 2): To a solution of salicylic acid (0.74 g; 0.0054 mol) in
1, 2-propylene glycol (10.00 g) , distilled water (0.40 g; 0.022
mol; 4.1 mol. equiv.) followed by tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS;
1.2 mL; 1.12 g; 0.0054 mol) were added. The reaction mixture was
stirred at room temperature for 5 h. Then, 1 , 2-propylene glycol
(2.74 g) was added to the reaction mixture up to the total weight
of 15.00 g, and the product is filtered. Colourless, clear, and
viscous solution of the following composition was obtained:
- 3.8% w/w HSi04 [or 1% w/w of silicon (Si)];
- 5% w/w salicylic acid; - 6.6% w/w ethanol;
- up to 100% w/w 1 , 2-propylene glycol.
(ii) Preparation of the complex 3 of ortho-silicic and salicylic
acid in the presence of phosphoric acid of 1% w/w concentration of
silicon (Experiment 5; Table 2) : To a solution of salicylic acid
(0.74 g; 0.0054 mol) in 1 , 2-propylene glycol (10.00 g) ,
distilled water (0.40 g; 0.022 mol; 4.1 mol. equiv.) and
tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS; 1.2 mL; 1.12 g; 0.0054 mol) were
added. Then, 85% phosphoric acid (0.2 mL; 0.34 g; 0.289 g H3P04;
0.003 mol; 0.55 mol. equiv.) was added and stirred at room
temperature for 3 h. To the solution, 1 , 2-propylene glycol (2.40
g) was added up to the total weight of 15.00 g, and the product
was filtered. Colourless, clear, and viscous solution of the
following composition was obtained:
- 3.8% w/w H4Si0 [or 1% w/w of silicon (Si)];
- 5% w/w salicylic acid;
- 2% w/w phosphoric acid;
- 6.6% w/w ethanol;
- up to 100% w/w 1 , 2-propylene glycol.
The results from stability tests at pH= 6.5, and the effect of the
influence of salicylic acid on stability of ortho-silicic acid,
for acidic complexes of ortho-silicic acid are presented in Table
Example 4
The study of influence of choline chloride and L-serine on
stability of silicic acid ([Eta]43[iota]04) in solution. Influence
of salicylic acid on stability of H4Si04 in solution.
(i) General procedure for basic complexes: In a test tube, 2 mL of
1.5M phosphate buffer of pH 4.5 and 2 mL of sample solution or
solution of standard were mixed. pH values of all resulting test
solutions after mixing with the buffer were the same (6.5). To
such prepared mixtures (test solutions) , the time from the moment
of mixing with phosphate buffer (tc; all solutions in the moment
of preparation were clear) to the formation of opalescent (thick)
gel was determined. This time interval was termed as "gelling
(polymerization) time", tG, and expressed in minutes. Obtained
results for tG are expressed in comparison with results obtained
for the standard solution of sodium silicate (Na2Si03) of the same
concentration of 1% w/w of silicon (the standard for basic
complexes). The results are given in Table 1.
(ii) Preparation of 1.5M phosphate buffer of pH= 4.4 required for
the testing of basic complexes: Sodium dihydrogenphosphate
(NaH2P04; 18.00 g; 0.15 mol) was quantitatively transferred into a
100 inL measuring flask and dissolved in 80-85 mL of distilled
water by shaking at room temperature. Thus obtained solution was
diluted with distilled water up to the mark of 100 mL. Colourless
clear solution, pH= 4.5.
(iii) General procedure for acidic complexes: In a test tube, 2 mL
of 1.32M phosphate buffer pH 7 and 2 mL of sample solution or
solution of standard were mixed. pH values of all resulting test
solutions after mixing with the buffer were the same (6.5). To
such prepared mixtures (test solutions) , the time from the moment
of mixing with phosphate buffer (tD; all solutions in the moment
of preparation were clear) to the formation of opalescent (thick)
gel was determined. This time interval was termed as "gelling
(polymerization) time", tG, and expressed in minutes. Obtained
results for tG are expressed in comparison with results obtained
for the standard solution of ortho-silicic acid (HSi04) of the
same concentration of 1% w/w of silicon (the standard for acidic
complexes). The results are given in Table 2.
(iv) Preparation of 1.32M phosphate buffer of pH= 7 required for
study of acidic complexes: Sodium dihydrogenphosphate (NaH2P04;
16.00 g; 0.132 mol) and sodium hydroxide (NaOH; 3.14 g; 0.0785
mol) were quantitatively transferred into a 100 mL measuring flask
and dissolved in about 80 mL of distilled water by shaking at room
temperature. Thus obtained solution was diluted with distilled
water up to the mark of 100 mL . Colourless clear solution, pH=
Example 5
Preparation of the formulation from the present invention in the
form of solution of complex of ortho-silicic acid (H4Si04) with
dipotassium salicylate of 0.5% w/w concentration of H4Si04 (or
0.15% w/w of Si)
To a solution of potassium hydroxide (KOH; 0.31 g; 0.0055 mol;
2.04 mol. equiv.) in distilled water (8.00 g) , 1 , 2-propylene
glycol (2.25 g; 15% w/w) was added, followed by salicylic acid
(0.37 g; 0.0027 mol; 1 mol. equiv.). The reaction mixture was
stirred at room temperature for 1 h. Then, to this clear
colourless solution containing dipotassium salicylate, tetraethyl
orthosilicate (TEOS; 0.6 mL; 0.56 g; 0.0027 mol) was added.
Reaction mixture was stirred at room temperature for 5 h. Then,
distilled water (3.51 g) was added up to the total weight of 15.00
g, and the product is filtered. Colourless, clear, and slightly
viscous solution was obtained; the silicon content was 0.15% w/w
of Si; pH= 12.0-12.5.
Example 6
Form of solution of the complex of ortho-silicic acid (H4Si04)
with disodium salicylate of [epsilon] !% w/w concentration of
HSi04 (or 2.27% w/w of Si)
To a solution of sodium hydroxide (NaOH; 1.00 g; 0.025 mol; 2 mol.
equiv.) in distilled water (7.00 g) , tetraethyl orthosilicate
(TEOS; 2.8 mL; 2.62 g; 0.0126 mol) was added. The reaction mixture
was stirred at room temperature for 6 h. Then, salicylic acid
(1.74 g; 0.0126 mol; 1 mol. equiv.) was added to the reaction
mixture during 30 minutes with vigorous stirring. The reaction
mixture was stirred at room temperature for 1 h. Afterwards, 1 ,
2-propylene glycol (2.25 g) and distilled water (0.39 g) were
added up to the total weight of 15.00 g. Finally, the reaction
mixture was filtered. Colourless, clear, and viscous solution was
obtained; content 2.27% w/w of Si; pH= 12.0-12.5.
Example 7
Preparation of the formulation from the present invention in the
form of 1% w/w solution of ortho-silicic acid (H^SiO^) (or 0.29%
w/w of Si)
To a solution of salicylic acid (0.43 g; 0.0031 mol; 2 mol.
equiv.) in a mixture of 1 , 2-propylene glycol (7.50 g) and
glycerol (3.00 g) , tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS; 0.35 mL; 0.33
g; 0.00157 mol) was added. The reaction mixture was stirred at
room temperature for 5 h. Then, distilled water (3.74 g) was added
up to the total weight of 15.00 g. After filtration, colourless,
clear, and viscous solution of the following composition was
- 1% w/w H4Si04 [or 0.29% w/w of silicon (Si)];
- 2,9% w/w salicylic acid;
- 1.9% w/w ethanol.
Example 8
Preparation of the formulation from the present invention in the
form of 2% w/w solution of ortho-silicic acid (HqSiO (or 0.58% w/w
of Si)
To a solution of salicylic acid (0.43 g; 0.0031 mol; 1 mol.
equiv.) in 1, 2-propylene glycol (10.00 g) , distilled water (0.23
g; 0.0128 mol; 4.1 mol. equiv.) and tetraethyl orthosilicate
(TEOS; 0.7 mL; 0.65 g; 0.0031 mol) were added. Then, sulfuric acid
(0.1 mL; 0.18 g; 0.177 g H2S0 ; 0.0018 mol; 0.58 mol. equiv.) was
added dropwise to the reaction mixture, and stirred at room
temperature during 3 h. Afterwards, 1 , 2-propylene glycol (3.51
g) was added up to the total weight of 15.00 g. After filtration,
colourless, clear, and voscous solution was obtained with the
following composition:
- 2% w/w H4Si04 [or 0.58% w/w of silicon (Si)];
- 2.9% w/w salicylic acid;
- 3.8% w/w ethanol;
- up to 100% w/w 1 , 2-propylene glycol.
Example 9
Preparation of the formulation from the present invention in the
form of 6% w/w solution of ortho-silicic acid (H^SiOj) (or 1.75%
w/w of Si)
To a solution of salicylic acid (1.30 g; 0.0094 mol; 1 mol .
equiv.) in 1, 2-propylene glycol (10.00 g) , distilled water (0.70
g; 0.039 mol; 4.1 mol. equiv.) and tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS;
2.1 mL; 1.96 g; 0.0094 mol) were added. Then, to the reaction
mixture, 85% phosphoric acid (0.16 mL; 0.27 g; 0.23 g H3P04;
0.0024 mol; 0.25 mol. equiv.) was added, and stirred at room
temperature during 6 h. Afterwards, 1 , 2-propylene glycol (0.77
g) was added up to the total weight of 15.00 g. After filtration,
colourless, clear, viscous solution of the following composition
was obtained:
- 6% w/w H4S1O4 [or 1.75% w/w of silicon (Si)];
- 8.7% w/w salicylic acid;
- 1.5% w/w phosphoric acid;
- 11.5% w/w ethanol;
- up to 100% w/w 1 , 2-propylene glycol.
Example 10
Preparation of the formulation from the present invention in the
form of solution of the complex of disodium salicylate and ortho-
silicic acid (H4Si04) of 2% w/w concentration of H4Si0 (or 0.58%
w/w of Si) with the use of sodium silicate as precursor of silicic
acid To a solution of sodium silicate (Na2Si03; 0.38 g; 0.0031
mol) in distilled water (10.00 g) , salicylic acid (0.43 g; 0.0031
mol; 1 mol. equiv.) was added in portions during 30 minutes under
vigorous stirring. The reaction mixture was stirred at room
temperature for 1 h. Then, 1 , 2-propylene glycol (2.25 g) and
distilled water (1.94 g) were added up to the total weight of the
reaction mixture of 15.00 g. After filtration, colourless, clear
solution of the following composition was obtained:
- 2% w/w H4Si04 [or 0.58% w/w of silicon (Si)];
- 2.9% w/w salicylic acid;
- 15% w/w 1, 2-propylene glycol;
- up to 100% water.
Example 11
Preparation of the formulation from the present invention in the
form of 2% w/w solution of ortho-silicic acid (H^SiC (or 0.58% w/w
of Si) with the use of silicon tetrachloride as precursor of
silicic acid
To a solution of salicylic acid (0.43 g; 0.0031 mol; 1 mol.
equiv.) and sodium hydroxide (NaOH; 0.46 g; 0.0115 mol; 3.7 mol.
equiv.) in mixture of 1 , 2-propylene glycol (12.00 g) and
distilled water (2.00 g) cooled to -5 to -10 [deg.]C, under
vigorous stirring, silicon tetrachloride (SiCl ; 0.36 mL; 0.53 g;
0.0031 mol) was added dropwise during 15 minutes. The reaction
mixture was stirred at this temperature during 1 h, then, for 1 h
at temperatures from -5 [deg.]C to room temperature. Afterwards, 1
, 2-propylene glycol (0.25 g) was added to the reaction mixture,
and stirring was continued for additional 15 minutes at room
temperature. After filtration where a precipitate of sodium
chloride (NaCl; approx. 0,67 g) was removed, colourless, clear,
and viscous solution of the following composition was obtained:
- 2% w/w H4S1O4 [or 0,58% w/w of silicon (Si)];
- 2.9% w/w salicylic acid;
- up to 100% w/w 1 , 2-propylene glycol.
The invention relates to a method for preparing ortho silicic
acid, to the ortho silicic acid obtainable by this method and to
its use as a silicon preparation as formed in the production of
animal feed, food or food supplement, and of pharmaceutical or
cosmetic preparation.
[0001] The present invention relates to a method for preparing
ortho silicic acid, to the ortho silicic acid obtainable by this
method and to its use as a silicone preparation in the production
of animal feed, food, food or feed supplement, and for the
production of a pharmaceutical or cosmetic preparation.
Silicon (Si) has been recognized as an essential trace element for
diatoms, Si accumulating plants and higher animals. The best
documented function of silicon in vertebrates is its regulatory
action in bone calcification and its chemical association with
several constituents of the extracellular matrix in connective
tissues (Carlisle E. (1989), Silicon, in : Handbook of
Nutritionally Essential Mineral Elements, ed. B.L. O'Dell and R.A.
Sunde, Marcel Dekker Inc., New York, pp. 603-618). This matrix
consists primarily of fibrous proteins such as collagen, embedded
in a hydrated polysaccharide gel. Silicon being bound to
components of this matrix is regarded to be important for the
structural integrity, the development and the regulatory functions
of connective tissue. Gastro-intestinal absorption of Si is only
possible after hydrolysis of dietary Si-compounds into ortho
silicic acid. The solubility of silicon compounds in the diet is
low and consequently these compounds have a limited
bioavailability. Organic compounds comprising Si-C bounds are not
found in biological systems and several classes of synthetized
products were found to have an unacceptable high toxicity. The
natural soluble silicon compound, ortho silicic acid also called
monomeric silicic acid is present both in fresh and sea water but
only at very low concentrations (<1 mmol l<-1> [Sullivan
C. (1986) Silicification by diatoms, in : Silicon Biochemistry,
CIBA Foundation Symposium 121, John Wiley and Sons, New York, pp.
24-39].) Higher concentrations in aqueous media initiates a
polymerization reaction of into non-bioavailable colloids and
ultimately gels. A method for the preparation of a stabilized
formulation of ortho silicic acid is disclosed US 5,922,360.
[0002] The present invention has for its object to provide a
method for preparing ortho silicic acid starting from relatively
inexpensive and market available starting materials while
polymerisation of formed ortho silicic acid is substantially
[0003] This is obtained with the method according to the invention
for preparing ortho silicic acid wherein an acid hydrolysable
silicon compound is hydrolysed in an acid solution in the presence
of a solvent agent under the formation of ortho silicic acid, such
as a acid aqueous solution. Due to the use of an acid solution and
to the presence of a solvent agent the afore mentioned
polymerisation reaction is substantially suppressed and the ortho
silicic acid formed is sufficiently stabilized.
[0004] The starting material, which is an acid hydrolizable
silicon compound, may be selected from a silicate, such as a
monomeric silicate such as silicon halogenide, methyl ortho
silicate, sodium or magnesium orthosilicates, or from hydrated
silicate such as crystalline sodium silicate.
[0005] According to another embodiment the acid hydrolizable
silicon compound has the general formula
wherein R1, R2, R3 and R4 are independently selected from H,
C1-C12 alkyl, C1-C12 alkoxy which are optionally substituted by an
hydroxyl group, under the proviso that R1, R2, R3 and R4 are not
simultaneously H. Preferably, R1, R2, R3 and R4 are selected from
H, C1-C4 alkyl, C1-C4 alkoxy optionally substituted by an
hydroxylgroup. It is noted that R1, R2, R3 and R4 are preferably
selected such that the compound split off from the hydrolisable
silicon compound is removable using traditional techniques such as
evaporation and distillation, and most preferably is non-toxic
(LD50 orally in rat higher than 1g/kg bodyweight). The most
preferred silicon compound is tetra-ethoxy-silanol.
[0006] Other preferred examples for R are C2H5, CH3CO, HCO, C3H7,
C4H9 and CH3CH(OH)CHCO. The solution may comprise 1-80%,
preferably 10-70%, more preferably 40-60% solvent agent.
[0007] The solvent agent used in the acid solution for stabilizing
the formed ortho silicic acid may be selected from the group
comprising glycol, glycerol, (poly)alkylene glycol, DMSO and
polysorbate 80. The (poly) alkylene glycol may be polypropylene
glycol or polyethylene glycol. The alkylene glycol may be ethylene
glycol or propylene glycol. A common set of properties for all
solvent agents are a high solubility in water (more than 30%), a
boiling point higher than 130 DEG C, a liquid state between -10
DEG C and 40 DEG C and a stability at an acid pH of generally 0-4.
[0008] The formed ortho silicic acid stabilized by the solvent
agent, may be stabilized further by contacting the ortho silicic
acid with a particulate carrier.
[0009] Surprisingly, it is experienced that this particulate
carrier adsorbed ortho silicic acid has a bioavailability which is
comparable or even improved over the stabilized formulation, as
disclosed in US 5,922,360. The bioavailability is a critical issue
since it was recently shown in comparative human supplementation
studies that solid silicon supplements such as colloidal silica
and phytolytic silicates are not bioavailable whereas a solution
of stabilized ORTHO SILICIC ACID in a HCl-choline matrix has a
high bioavailability [Calomme M., Cos P., Vingerhoets R., Van
Hoorebeke C., Vanden Berghe D. (1998) Comparative bioavailability
study of silicon supplements in healthy subjects, Journal of
Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition, 22, S12, (abstract #47) .Van
Dyck K., Van Cauwenbergh R., Robberecht H., Deelstra H. (1999),
Bioavailability of silicon from food and food supplements,
Fresenius Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 363, 541-544.]
Accordingly, the present invention also provides a silicon
preparation, comprising ortho silicic acid adsorbed on a
particulate carrier, obtainable by the process comprising the
steps of:
i) providing a solution, comprising ortho silicic acid stabilized
with said acid solvent agent; and
ii) contacting the ortho silicic acid comprising solution with the
particulate carrier.
In order to avoid to an additional extent the polymerization of
ortho silicic acid, it is preferred that the ortho silicic acid is
formed in situ. The handling and the formation of dosing forms of
the silicon preparation are further improved when the carrier,
after contact with ortho silicic acid, is extruded.
[0010] The skilled person will appreciate that the silicon
preparation according to the invention may contain ortho silicic
acid over a broad silicon content range depending on the
contemplated use of the silicon preparation. Generally, the
silicon content of the silicon preparation is within the range of
0.01-50 wt.%, preferably within the range of 0.01-10 wt.%, more
preferably within the range of 0.1-10 wt.%, and most preferably
within the range of 0.1-5 wt.%. Accordingly, the silicon
preparation may be used in a dosing regime which is suitable for
most contemplated food, feed, pharmaceutical and cosmetic
utilities. In this respect it is noted that the pharmaceutical and
cosmetic preparation will have a positive effect on nails, hair,
skin, teeth, collagen, connetive tissue, bones, encourages cell
generation, stimulates the immune system against infections and
toxins and inhibits degenerative (ageing)-process.
[0011] Experimental use of silicon preparations according to the
invention have shown, that the silicon preparation has a desired
high bioavailability expressed as the total silicon absorption by
an organism such as a human being. Over a period of 0-8 hours the
relative bioavailability was much improved over the afore
mentioned colloidal and phytolytic silica preparations. In other
words the total silicon absorption over 8 hours is more than 250
mu g Si.h/l, preferably more than 500 mu g Si.h/l, more preferably
more than 600 mu g Si.h/l, such as 250-700 mu g Si.h/l, preferably
300-700 mu g Si.h/l.
[0012] The silicon preparation according to the invention adsorbed
on a carrier may be used as such or in combination with any
acceptable carrier material, excipient or diluent.
[0013] The silicon preparation according to the invention may be
administared orally or in any other suitable fashion. Oral
administration is preferred and the silicon preparation may have
the form of a tablet, aqueous dispersion, dispersable powder or
granule, emulsion, hard or soft capsule, syrup, elixir or gel. The
dosing forms may be prepared using any method known in the art for
manufacturing these pharmaceutical or cosmetic compositions and
may comprise as additives sweeteners, flavoring agents, coloring
agents, preservatives and the like. Carrier materials and
excipients may include calcium carbonate, sodium carbonate,
lactose, calcium phosphate or sodium phosphate; granulating and
disintegrating agents, binding agents and the like. The silicon
preparation may be included in a gelatin capsule mixed with any
inert solid diluent or carrier material, or has the form of a soft
gelatin capsule, in which the ingredient is mixed with a water or
oil medium. Aqueous dispersions may comprise the silicon
preparation in combination with a suspending agent, dispersing
agent or wetting agent. Oil dispersions may comprise suspending
agents such as a vegetable oil. A gel formulation may be prepared
following the teaching given in US 5,922,360.
[0014] It is now possible to make dry mixtures of carrier-bound
ortho silicic acid with other components such as trace elements,
vitamins, amino acids, sugars, plant extracts, and other
ingredients used in the manufacturing of food and food
supplements. As an explanation it is considered that the ortho
silicic acid remains in its monomeric form in carrier-bound ortho
silicic acid and is therefore different from non-bioavailable
polymerized forms of ortho silicic acid such as in colloidal or
solid silicic acid and silicates.
Ortho silicic acid is for instance prepared in the presence of the
acid solvent agent and in situ by (a) hydrolysis of monomeric
silicon compounds such as silicon halogenide or methyl
orthosilicate [Iler R. (1979) Monosilicic acid, in : The Chemistry
of Silica, John Wiley and Sons, New York, pp. 178-180.], (b) by
reacting monomeric silicates such as sodium or magnesium
orthosilicates or hydrated crystalline sodium silicate with dilute
acid (Iler 1979), (c) by hydolyzing organic alkylsilanol
compounds. It is noted that next to the formed ortho silicic acid
the other hydrolization reaction compounds should be non-toxic and
if desired should be removed from the reaction mixture.
Preferably, the alkylsilanol compound is an ethoxysilanol compound
and the formed ethanol may be separated without difficulty. The
freshly prepared ortho silicic acid is bound to the carrier or a
combination of carriers. A second method is to bind first a
organic silicon compound on a carrier and thereafter hydrolyzing
the organic silicon compound into ortho silicic acid for instance
at a pH of lower than 4, such as 0.2-2.5, more preferably 0.8-1.0.
[0015] The solid carrier or combination of solid carriers may be
selected from the group comprising:
i) natural and semi-synthetic fibers,
ii) plant metabolites such as polyfenols, lignans, flavonoid,
iii) fatty acids and esters thereof such as stearates, palmitates,
linoleates, oleates, adipates, caprylates, caprates, cocoates,
iv) phosholipids and derivates thereof,
v) polyalcohols such as inositol, trehalose,
vi) hydrogenated and sulfated compounds,
vii) salts such as chlorides, sulfates, nitrates, etc.,
viii) pectines and alginates,
ix) sugars or sugar alcohols and derivatives thereof such as
lactose, sucrose, mannitol, sorbitol, sorbitolesters,
x) poly- and oligosaccharides silicic acharides and derivatives
thereof such as dextran, fructans, inulin, oligofructose,
xi) gelatine or derivatives thereof such as gelatine hydrolysate
xii) cellulose er derivatives thereof such as microcrystalline
cellulose,hydroxypropylcellulose, hydroxypropyl
methylcellulose,carboxymethylcellulose, cellulose gum
xiii) peptides and polypeptides such as collagen, soy proteins,
mays protein and derivates thereof
xiv) glucans and derivatives thereof such as proteoglycans,
glycosaminoglycans, hyaluronic acid, chondroitin sulfate, heparin,
heparan sulfate, keratan sulfate, dermatan sulfate,
xv) starch and derivatives thereof,
xvi) lecithin and derivatives thereof, and
xvii) byproducts of foodproduction, such as fermented byproducts
from cheese, beer and mays, and cheese whey as an example
xviii) foodproducts such as dried animal food, substrates for
plants such as natural peat for plant production, dried plant
extracts are dried plant homogenates and cosmetic powders such as
Example A
[0016] Ortho silicic acid is prepared as followed. Two liters of a
fresh solution of cold sodiumsilicate (27 % SiO2 in 14 % NaOH) is
mixed with 2 - 4 liters of glycerol (pro analyse, 100 %) until a
homogeneous solution is obtained. To decrease the pH, one liter of
cold, concentrated hydrochloric acid is added and the mixture is
stirred strongly at a temperature between 0 - 10 DEG C. During
continuous mixing, solid or a suspension of calcium carbonate is
added until a pH of 1-3 is obtained. During mixing CO2 gas will be
[0017] Half a liter of freshly prepared combination of
concentrated ortho silicic acid is mixed with 0.5 kg of gelatine,
or 0.5 kg of cheese whey, or 200 g of cellulose, or 1 kg of
galactose, or 1 kg of saccharose. The resulting paste is mixed
until a homogeneous paste is obtained. The paste is dried in
vacuo. The final product contains minimum 0.1 % elemental silicon
and preferably between 1 - 5 % elemental silicon.
[0018] A daily intake of 0.5 g during 2 months resulted in
improved nail and hair quality in four different persons. This
improvement was equivalent as observed using the formulations
mentioned in US 5,922,360.
Example B
[0019] The carrier (65 %) microcrystalline cellulose is mixed with
35 % of a combination of concentrated ortho silicic acid with
glycerol (see example A). Demineralized water is added during
continuous mixing to obtain an appropiate quality of the
granulated material. The plastic mass is extruded with a basket
extruder (Caleva Model 10, Sturminster Newton, Great Britain) at
750 rpm. The extruded strands are spheronized (Caleva Model 120
spheronizer). The resulting pellets are dried to a final water
content of lower than 5 %. Typical pellet size is between 800 and
1200 mu m. The pellets are encapsulated in hard gelatine capsules
size OO. Each capsule contains 0.54 g pellets equal to 5 mg
elemental silicon in the form of carrier-bound ortho silicic acid.
The loading capacity of the microcrystalline cellulose can be
increased to 45 % ortho silicic acid.
Example C
[0020] The carrier, a mixture (1:1) of soy proteins and mays
proteins (70 %) are mixed with 30 % of a combination of ortho
silicic acid with glycerol (see example A). Demineralized water is
added during continuous mixing to obtain an homogenous plastic
mass. The mixture is dried by lyophilization. Following
granulation the protein-bound ortho silicic acid is directly
encapsulated or used as a raw material in the manufacturing of
animal feed, food, food supplements, cosmetics or pharmaceutical
Example D
[0021] The carrier (65 %) a mixture (3:1) of microcrystalline
cellulose and fructans is mixed with 35 % of a combination of
concentrated ortho silicic acid with glycerol (see example A).
Demineralized water is added during continuous mixing to obtain an
appropiate quality of the granulated material. The plastic mass is
extruded with a basket extruder (Caleva Model 10, Sturminster
Newton, Great Britain) at 750 rpm. The extruded strands are
spheronized (Caleva Model 120 spheronizer). The resulting pellets
are dried to a final water content of lower than 5 %. Typical
pellet size is between 800 and 1400 mu m. The pellets are pressed
to tablets or used as a raw material in the manufacturing of
animal feed, food, food supplements, cosmetics or pharmaceutical
Example E
[0022] 100 ml icecold tetra-ethoxy-silanol is dropped slowly in 1
liter of 50% solution icecold glycerol in water pH 1,0. After 8 h
at 0 DEG C the silanol compound is completely hydrolysed. Ethanol
is removed by quick evaporation under vacuum.
The remaining OSA solution is mixed with 2 - 3 kg lactose as a
paste and further dried under vacuum. The final product contains
minimum 0.1 % Si and preferably between 0.3 abd 2% Si.
[0023] Dissolution assays of the preparations of Examples A-E
prove that ortho silicic acid is released within 30 minutes into
the dissolution medium. This is demonstrated by measuring the
silicon content of the dissolution medium at fixed time-points
with Zeeman corrected Electrothermal Atomic Absorption Spectometry
(Perkin Elmer). The fact that ortho silicic acid is released
during dissolution demonstrates clearly that binding of ortho
silicic acid to the carrier will not result in polymerization of
ortho silicic acid but remains in a dissociatable form.
Dissolution assays were repeated at 3, 6 and 12 months after the
production date without difference in results demonstrating that
carrier-bound ortho silicic acid is chemically stable over a long
period of time.
Example F
[0024] Three healthy subjects (2 females, 1 male, aged 22-34 y)
were included after informed, written consent. None had taken Si
supplements within 3 months before the start of the study. Each
fasting subject received in a cross-over protocol Si p.o. as
follows:10 mg of Si in the form of stabilized ortho silicic acid
(ortho silicic acid, 0.5 ml of BioSil containing 20 g Si/l, as in
US 5, 922,360), 10 mg of Si in the form of carrier-bound ortho
silicic acid (capsules of the preparation of Example D), 20 mg of
Si in the form of colloidal silica (polymerized ortho silicic
acid) 20 mg of Si in the form of phytolytic silica (a standarized
dry extract of the Si-accumulating plant Equisetum arvense) or a
placebo (10 ml mineral water) within 1 week washout period between
each supplement or the placebo. Blood samples were collected in Si
free polypropylene tubes prior to supplementation and after 1, 2,
4, 6 and 8 hours post partem. Identical meals were consumed during
the experiment after 2 and 6 hours supplementation. The Si
concentration in serum and urine was determined for each subject
in one batch with AAS. A Zeeman/3030 Atomic Absorption
Spectrometer equipped with a HGA-600 graphite furnace was used in
combination with an AS-60 autosampler (Perkin-Elmer Corp. Norwalk
CT). The area under the time concentration curve (A.U.C.) was
calculated using the linear trapezoidal rule as an objective
parameter of the total Si absorption. The serum silicon
concentration increases significantly from the baseline value
after supplementation of both liquid ortho silicic acid and
carrier-bound ortho silicic acid (fig. 1 ortho silic acid = OSA)
but not after supplementation of polymerized ortho silicic acid
forms such as colloidal silica or phytolytic silica. The kinetic
absorption profile for carrier-bound ortho silicic acid indicates
a slower-release effect compared to liquid ortho silicic acid. The
total bioavailability is similar for carrier-bound ortho silicic
acid and liquid ortho silicic acid whereas the polymerized forms
of ortho silicic acid are not bioavailable since no significant
difference is seen for these products compared to the placebo
(fig. 2 ortho silicic acid = OSA). Bioavailability experiments
were repeated one year after the production date of the
carrier-bound ortho silicic acid without differences in results,
demonstrating that carrier-bound ortho silicic acid is chemically
stable over a long period of time.
Fig. 1 Increase in silicon concentration in serum from the
baseline value in healthy subjects after supplementation of
respectively 10 mg Si in the form of carrier-bound OSA, 10 mg Si
in the form of liquid OSA, 20 mg Si in the form of colloidal
silica, 20 mg of Si in the form of phytolytic silica.
Fig. 2 Total absorption of silicon in serum over a period of 0-8
hours p.p. measured in healthy subjects after supplementation of
respectively 10 mg Si in the form of carrier-bound OSA, 10 mg Si
in the form of liquid OSA, 20 mg Si in the form of colloidal
silica, 20 mg of Si in the form of phytolytic silica.
Stabilized orthosilicic acid
Preparation comprising ortho silicic acid which is stabilized with
a stabilizing agent and is substantially free of organic silicon
compounds, preferably a nitrogen-containing stabilizing agent such
as choline, to a method for preparing such a preparation,
comprising: i) providing a solution containing a stabilizing
agent; ii) dissolving an inorganic silicon compound in the
solution containing the stabilizing agent; and iii) hydrolyzing
the silicon compound to ortho silicic acid, and to the obtained
biological preparation.
Silicon is an essential trace element for plants, animals and
humans. In a watery environment silicon is initially present as
ortho silicic acid which is quickly converted by polycondensation
to polysilicic acid, which transposes into a colloidal solution
and gels. Ultimately, insoluble silicates are formed.
In the same way as carbonic acid for compounds comprising carbon,
ortho silicic acid is the most important metabolite for organic
silicon compounds. Water glass (sodium ortho silicate) is the
usual source of ortho silicic acid, which however hydrolyses after
oral administration to mammals and forms insoluble and
non-absorbable gels through polycondensation.
Organic silicon compounds such as alcohol esters, such as ethyl
ortho silicate and glycol ortho silicate, cannot be used in
biological systems because of the poor solubility and the low
resistance to hydrolysis, but above all because of the
unacceptable toxicity.
There therefore exists a need for a silicon-comprising preparation
not possessing the above stated drawbacks, because silicon has a
positive biological effect on nails, hair, skin, teeth, collagen,
connective tissue, bones, encourages cell generation, stimulates
the immune system against infections and toxins and inhibits
degenerative (ageing)-processes.
The present invention is based on the insight that if ortho
silicic acid is formed in the presence of a stabilizing agent,
polycondensation is inhibited and even avoided and, furthermore
organic silicon compounds substantially do not occur.
A first aspect of the present invention therefore relates to a
preparation comprising ortho silicic acid which is stabilized with
a stabilizing agent and is substantially free of organic silicon
A second aspect of the present invention relates to a method for
preparing a preparation as according to claims 1-7, which
comprises of:
i) providing a solution containing a stabilizing agent;
ii) dissolving an inorganic silicon compound in the solution
containing the stabilizing agent; and
iii) hydrolyzing the silicon compound to ortho silicic acid.
A third aspect of the present invention relates to a biological
preparation containing a preparation according to claims 1-7,
and/or a preparation prepared according to claims 8-13, and a
pharmacologically acceptable diluent.
The biological preparation according to the invention is can be
used for:
chronic infections with destruction of the mucous membranes: forms
of sinusitis and ulcers.
problems with connective tissues, arteriosclerosis, bone and
tendon problems, gynaecology (fibroids, polycystic adenopathy);
the growth of children: children with recurrent infections with
overload of the lymphatic system.
The stabilization using a stabilizing agent preferably takes place
with stabilizing agents containing a nitrogen atom with a free
electron pair which forms a complex with the silanol groups of the
ortho silicic acid. Quaternary ammonium compounds are preferably
used, for instance tetra-alkyl compounds, wherein each alkyl group
contains for instance 1-5 carbon atoms, in particular methyl and
ethyl groups. Very highly recommended are trialkylhydroxyalkyl
compounds, wherein the hydroxy group is preferably methanol or
ethanol. Choline has been found very suitable, which is further
recommended in that it provides the option of the stabilizing
agent also forming the solution for the ortho silicic acid, and an
inert solvent can therefore be omitted.
Another or additional type of stabilizing agent is an amino acid,
such as proline and serine. Serine enhances uptake in the stomach
and gives additional stability.
Starting point for the preparation of the ortho silicic
acid-comprising preparation is a solution containing the
stabilizing agent, wherein an inert solvent can be used.
Incorporated in -This solution is an inorganic silicon compound
which hydrolysis under the influence of water to ortho silicic
acid, which is immediately stabilized by the stabilizing agent
that is present. The solution containing the stabilizing agent can
initiate the hydrolysis immediately after addition of the
inorganic silicon compound. Usually recommended is a solution
containing a stabilizing agent in which no hydrolysis can take
place until after the addition of a hydrolyzing agent, such as
If choline is used as stabilizing agent it can be converted to
choline hydrochloride using dry hydrochloric acid. In this liquid
stabilizing agent can be incorporated the inorganic silicon
compound, such as a silicon halogenide, particularly silicon
Simultaneously with the addition of the inorganic silicon
compound, or following the addition of the hydrolyzing agent, the
hydrolysis of the inorganic silicon compound to ortho silicic acid
takes place. The silicic acid formed in situ is subsequently
stabilized by forming a complex with the stabilizing agent. It is
of great importance herein that the stabilizing agent only forms a
complex and does not enter into a reaction, particularly an
esterifying reaction, with the ortho silicic acid. Then achieved
is that no organic silicon compounds are created which have an
inherent toxicity, are absorbed in the stomach and enter the blood
After forming a complex the ortho silicic acid-comprising solution
can if desired be partially neutralized by adding a base, such as
a lye, particularly sodium hydroxide. Neutralization can take
place to a pH smaller than 4, in particular smaller than 3, in
general to a pH lying in the range of 1-3, whereby any
polycondensation of ortho silicic acid is substantially avoided.
If desired, a further purification of the preparation can take
place, for instance through absorption of contaminants on active
carbon, optionally followed by filtration.
If desired, the content of hydrolyzing agent, particularly water,
can be reduced by removing the hydrolyzing agent, for instance
through distillation, whereby a constant viscosity is achieved if
use is made of choline as the stabilizer.
Preparations then result with a silicon content generally of 1% by
weight, preferably of about 4% by weight, such as 8% by weight. A
very acceptable preparation contains 3-5% by weight of silicon,
70s by weight of choline hydrochloride and the rest water. The pH
of this preparation lies within the range 1-3.
Biological preparations can be-manufactured from this prepared
preparation for the purpose of administering ortho silicic acid to
plants, animals and humans, whereby the bio-availability of
silicon is greatly improved. The above prepared solution can be
administered as biological preparation as such, for instance as
nail tincture. A usage of 0.5 ml of a 2% Si-solution per day for
three weeks caused a fungal infection to disappear (3 patients),
where treatment with ketonazols did not render any improvement. If
for instance an edible acid, such as malic acid, is added a
preparation results which is very suitable for administering to
If a solid carrier is added, for instance cattle feed, cattle feed
pellets can be pressed therefrom which contain ortho silicic acid
in stabilized form for administering silicon to cattle. If
sugar/maltose is used as solid carrier, tablets and gels can be
formed therefrom.
Through use of a glucuronic acid buffer a preparation on a cream
basis can be formed wherein the pH is less than 4, which creams
are suitable for local cutaneous application.
It will be apparent that all kinds of diluents can be used in
order to obtain a preparation for biological application. Such
diluents contain lower alkanols, such as ethanol, dichloromethane,
ethyl acetate, glycerine and polyalcohols.
Choline hydrochloride (UCB) is dried under vacuum (100 DEG C./6
hours). The choline hydrochloride is treated with dry hydrochloric
acid. Silicon hydrochloride (1 mol per mol) is added to the formed
choline solution at a temperature which is kept below 40 DEG C.
For hydrolysis, water (ice/ice water) is added to the solution
while cooling, wherein the temperature is held within the range of
-20 DEG C. to -30 DEG C.
The solution containing the ortho silicic acid is subsequently
neutralized by adding sodium hydroxide wherein cooling takes place
to a temperature below 0 DEG C. The pH neutralization amounts to
about 1.3.
A purification over active carbon is then performed, followed by
filtering off the formed precipitate and the active carbon.
After distillation under vacuum a preparation is obtained which
contains 3% by weight of silicon, 70% by weight choline
hydrochloride and the rest water.
FAB/MS with glycerol as liquid matrix provides a spectrum with a
molecular cation at M/Z 104 (C@+) and an MC@+ adduction at
M/Z243/245, typical for chloride isotropy. This spectrum is the
same as the spectrum for choline.
Element analysis produces 24.+-.2% by weight chlorine and 9.+-.1%
by weight N. This points to a ratio of chloride to nitrogen of
Neutralization is subsequently carried out to a pH of 2.7-3.0.
The preparation is stable for more than two years when stored at
room temperature.
Formulation Example A
The biological preparation contains 3% by weight silicon in the
form of ortho silicic acid, 70% by weight choline hydrochloride,
the rest water and a pH of 2.7-3.0. This liquid is suitable for
oral and cutaneous administering.
Formulation Example B
The biological preparation as prepared above is mixed with cattle
feed which ultimately contains silicon as ortho silicic acid in a
concentration of 0.001-0.005% by weight. This mixture can be
pressed to pellets which are administered to cattle.
Formulation Example C
The preparation A is mixed with sugar and/or maltose which is
pressed to tablets containing silicon in the form of ortho silicic
acid at a content of 0.1-0.2% Si by weight.
Formulation Example D
A silicon-comprising cream is prepared as follows. A fat phase
containing Imwitor 960 (Huls) 7%, Miglyol 812 10%, Softigon 701
(Huls) 2%, Marlowet TA 25 (Huls) 2%, Lanette N (Henkel) 4%,
Isopropylmyristate 3%, a water phase containing Inositol 0.2%,
Gluconate buffer 0.05 M, pH 3.8 ad 100, Glycerol 10% and the
preparation A, as well as a perfume.
The fat phase is melted at 80 DEG C., whereafter the water phase,
also heated to 80 DEG C., is admixed, followed by cooling. Shortly
before solidifying, the preparation A and perfume (4 drops) are
added. The cream eventually contains 0.01-0.05% by weight silicon
as ortho silicic acid.
Flavourings can be added if desired, for instance by dilution
(1:30) in a 0.01 M citrate buffer (pH 3.5-3.8) and by adding a
flavouring (raspberry and the like).
Composition, useful to stimulate the manufacture and repair
of cartilage to treat osteoarthritis
Composition comprises silicon and chondroitin, which are present
in a form that is soluble in water, the chondroitin has a
molecular weight of = 25000 g/mole and the silicon is present in a
complexed form, e.g. with sugar, or in a form of silicic acid or
ortho-silicic acid. - ACTIVITY : Antiarthritic; Osteopathic.
The present invention relates to a composition combining silicon
and chondroitin, particularly advantageous in the prevention and /
or treatment of osteoarthritis.
Osteoarthritis, or arthropathic chronic degenerative cartilage
degeneration is a c.0 joints which leads to its dest_: uction more
or less rapid.
The cartilage surface cracking, crumbling and eventually
Then, bone growths in form of the joint and hinder movement.
Symptoms include joint pain and difficulty performing 11
This is the most common joint disease.
The first symptoms usually appear from 40 to 50 years, but the
disease often begins much earlier in life.
The most commonly used in the treatment of osteoarthritis
treatments are simple analgesics (paracetamol), nonsteroidal
anti-inflammatory drugs (aspirin, diclofenac), anti-inflammatory
drugs (corticosteroids).
A number of molecules are proposed as chondroprotective
(protective cartilage) also called antiarthrosiques (glucosamine,
They have not shown that they were "pushing" destroys cartilage,
but they slow down the evolution of malad = e.
Indeed, the "sodium chondroitin" for example is a molecule used in
the long term (6 month treatment renewable), which inhibits
elastase (an enzyme involved in the degradation of cartilage).
The clinical effects are possible after pl-zsieurs weeks of
treatment, but they are inconsistent.
In the prior art, the chondroitin has also been proposed in
combination with silicon to form silica, for the treatment of
osteoarthritis (US2007122473), or with compositions comprising
chondroitin and plant extracts, for relieve the pain of
osteoarthritis US6579543).
These compounds have the drawback of being difficult to solubilize
and be of very low bioavailability.
This implies the use of high doses of these compounds to observe
an effect on osteoarthritis, this effect is associated with side
The side effects seen with the compositions of the prior art
include skin reactions (erythema, urticaria, eczema,
maculopopuleuse rash with or without pruritus and / or edema) and
gastrointestinal effects (Nausea, vomiting) (Vidal 2008 Page 406
ISBN 978-2-85091-156-9).
Thus, treatment of osteoarthritis of the known prior art are not
satisfactory enough.
They have a limited and inconsistent efficacy.
They act primarily on the symptoms, pain, but do not allow
cartilage repair.
They require long-term treatment.
In addition, they have no preventive action.
Given the above, a technical problem to be resolved is one
invention to provide an improved method for the treatment and. /
Or prevention of osteoarthritis, which does not present the
aforementioned drawbacks composition.
The solution proposed by the inventon to this problem for a first
object compound: itiDn combining silicon and chondroitin,
chondroitin and silicon being present in soluble form in water,
characterized in that the chondroitin has a lower or equal to 25
000 g / mol molecular weight and the silicon is present in a form
complexed, for example sugars, or in a form of silicic or
orthosilicic acid.
The invention secondly relates to a composition combining silicon
and chondroitin, wherein the silicon and chondroitin are present
in soluble form in water, has a chondroitin is less than or equal
to 25 000 g / mol molecular weight and the silicon is present in a
form complexed, for its application as a medicament in the
treatment and / or prevention of osteoarthritis.
Indeed, the Applicant has found, surprisingly, that the
combination of silicon and chondroitin, chondroitin and the
silicon being present in soluble form in water, chondroitin having
a molecular weight below or equal to 25 000 g / mol, permits
treatment and more efficient and faster osteoarthritis without the
drawbacks observed in one prior art prevention.
Advantageously, in the framework of the present invention, has a
chondroitin or less molecular weight 0000 g / mol, preferably less
than or equal to 16 000 g / mol; - The silicon is present at a
concentration between 0.0001 and 5% by weight, based on the total
weight of the composition; - Chondroitin is present at a
concentration between 0.5% and 6C by weight relative to the total
weight of the composition; - The silicon is derived from the
envelope of cereals, rice, or plants such as nettle; - The
composition is applied as a drug to stimulate the production and
repair of cartilage in] e = reatment and / or prevention of
The invention will be better understood on reading the following
non-limiting description.
The composition according to the invention. Ion present improved
preventive action against osteoarthritis.
It combines silicon and chondroitin which are present in a soluble
form in water and which act synergistically against
The compositions of the invention can improve the solubility and
bioavailability of silicon and chondroitin.
The dDses necessary to observe an effect are thus reduced, which
improves the risk / benefit ratio.
Thus, the compositions of the invention are more effective and
have fewer side effects than those of the prior art.
The silicon is preferably in a form complexed, for example with
sacred, that is to say, with one or more carbohydrates, or the
silicon is present as silicic acid raw orthosilicic acid.
These forms have better bioavailability and more advantageous than
the silicon in the form of silica plarmacocinétiques properties.
Carbohydrates which may be complexed silicon include the
monosacch6rides, di-, tri-, oligo-and polysaccharides and
These carbohydrates may comprise one or more aldoses, such as
glucose, or ketoses such as fructose, one or more tr:
monosaccharides, such as dihydroxyacetone and glyceraldehyde one
or more tetroses as erythrose, and the threose Erythrulose a
pertoses or more, such as ribose, arabinose, xylose, lycose,
ribulose and xylulose, one or more hexoses such as allose,
altrose, glucose, mannose, gulose, idose , galactose, talose,
psicose, fructose, sorbose and tagatose, heptoses one or more,
such as sedoheptulose, and / or one or more octoses, alone or in
THE include disaccharides preferably sucrose, trehalose, lactose,
maltose, isomaltose, cellobiose 2t.
Trisaccharides include raffinose and preferably gentianose.
In the context of the invention, preferred sugars include glucose,
fructose, sucrose, e galactose, mannose and other natural sugars.
Preferably silicon can originated envelope cereal, rice, or plants
comne nettle, in which p is preferably in a larger proportion ::
ESENT soluble form in water.
As against, silicon or horsetail bamboo is not preferred because
it is present in a greater proportion in a form The recrystallized
plant and is therefore slightly soluble in water.
Silicon as silica or SiO2 called Silicon dioxide or silica in
English only suitable PES either in the compositions according to
the invention because it is very assimilated by the body.
Silicon according to the invention Fulani. be obtained by applying
known extraction methods such as those described in the Treaty of
clinical herbal medicine.
Endobiogénie and Medicine (Christian Luraffourd, Jean-Claude
Lapraz Editions Massonn; 1: uly 2002 ISBN-10: 2294005961 pages
Chondroitin has a lower or equal to 25 000 g / mol molecular
weight Éftre more soluble in water.
A less than or equal to 20 000 g / mol molecular weight is
preferred, and in particular less than or equal to 1700 molecular
weight, 16000, 15000, 10000, 5000 or 3000 g / mol are.
particularly preferred.
A preferred range of molecular weight is between 15000 and 16000 g
/ mol, a value of t e molecular weight is preferably 15 900 g /
For this, the chondroitin is preferably hydrolyzed.
Chondroitin comes from various known sources, such as cartilage,
bone or cornea, fish, marine mammals, birds, ducks, swine, sheep,
cattle or goats.
Chondroitin according to the invention can be obtained by
application of known extraction methods, such as those described
in Technical Bulletin Biocatalysts n [deg.] 106 p 1-4.
For example, the method described in this document comprises the
steps of: - the cartilage is used intact or cut into pieces; - It
is hydrolyzed enzymatically, preferably with proteases, for 16 to
24 hours, at a pH between 5 and 7 and a temperature between 55 and
70 [deg.
] C, stirring, for example in 7-10 mL of medium Promod648L
(marketed by B_ocatalysts [deg.]) Per kg of cartilage.
In most cases, this results in a complete solubilization of the
cartilage; - The mixture is cooled to 40 [deg.] C and gra3 and
solid wastes are separated; - Soluble peptides and proteins are
removed from the aqueous solution; and - chondroitin sulphate is
precipitated in the aqueous solution, then dried and reduced to
Chondroitin thus obtained comprises a mixture of molecules of
chondroitin moléculaLres whose weight can be between 620 000 g /
mol and 25 000 g / mol.
The classic has a chondroitin: 7oids molecular average of about
100,000 to 3_0000 g / mol.
Chondroitin is then hydrolyzed, preferably enzymatically.
Proced {s of enzymatic hydrolysis used to obtain chondroitin
according to the invention are described in "Extraction and
purification of chondroitin sulfate from cartilage stripe by
enzymatic hydrolysis and ultrafiltration" (Lignot B., et al; Sow
Congress French Process Engineering, L9 :7-October 2001, Nancy,
In another example of the prior art, an extraction process
chondreït = not from cartilage, such as sharks, little ':
Understanding the steps of: -. Cartilace the previously cleared of
muscle tissue residual and frozen at - 20 [deg.] C, is supplied
and maintained throughout his treatment at a temperature near or
below 4 [deg.] C; - The minced cartilage in pure water (amount
equivalent weight / volume); - Chopped mixture was homogenized in
a blender hung twenty minutes.
The resulting mixture Contains particles whose size is less than
500 mm; - The mixture is centrifuged at 13600 g for 15 minutes and
then the supernatant was filtered on Whatman 24 filter, or the
mixture is centrifuged at 3000-4000 g in a CEPA centrifuge
equipped with a nylon bag that porosity of 1 m , which allows to
obtain 30 L of supernatant of starting / water mixture cartilage
25 kg/25 L; then - the recovered solution undergoes
ultrafiltration tangential flow columns known whose porosity is
chcis_.e depending on the molecular weight of chondroitin sought.
The liquid extract may be used as such or after concentration, for
example by na: iofiltration which favors the maintenance of
biological activity.
However, this method presents a method to lower extraction
efficiency of any chondroitin followed by enzymatic hydrolysis.
In the compositions according .. to the invention, the chondroitin
is present at a concentration: 0.01 ration and 90% by weight. the
total weight of the composition, preferably between 0.1 and 85%,
more preferably between 0.5% and 80% wt%, and particularly 80%,
70%, 60% oi 40%.
Preferably, the concentration of a composition in choridrDïtine
liquid cotprise is between 0.5 and 1% by weight of the total
weight of the composition, while it is preferably of the order of
50% in a composition in solid as a capsule.
Indeed, the total weight of composition per day is conventionally
absorbed substantially infér_eur with a solid composition (in the
order of 500mg/jour) relative to a liquid composition (in the
order of 30g/jour).
In the compositions according to the invention, according to the
invention is silicon) resent at a concentration between 0.0001 and
5% by weight, based on the total weight of the composition
preferably comprises between 0.0005 and 2 % or between 0.001 and
1%, in particular 0.001%, 0.005%, 0.01 `-: and 1%.
Particularly preferably, the combination comprises silicon at a
concentration of between 0.001 and 1% by weight, based on the
total weight of the composition comprising, chondroitin and
present at a concentration: ration between 0, 5 and 60% by weight
relative to the total weight of the composition.
The concentration ratio that chondroitin / silicon is
advantageously between 10 and 200 and preferably it is L60.
The combination according to the invention offers the following
advantages compared to the prior art, in the treatment or
prevention of osteoarthritis, particularly in relation to
treatment with silicon, in particular as silica, and chondroitin
greater than 25,000 g / mol, comparable concentrations molecular
weight - the curative and preventive treatment 10 are
substantially more effective; - The combination according to the
invention can shorten the latency period before obtaining
therapeutic results of curative or preventive order 15 - the
combination according to the invention reduces side effects and
increasing the tolerance of the treatment; - A synergistic effect
is observed related compounds according to the invention which
extends beyond the sum of effects of these 20 compounds
indivic'Luellement taken.
Indeed, surprisingly, the Applicant has found that the silicon
acts as a catalyst in the manufacture of chondroitin novo by the
treated organism.
It appears that this action 25 catalyst silicon SENSIB =. Ement
increased when administered in combination with chondroitin
molecular weight = _Lnf than or equal to 25000 g / mol,
particularly with chondroitin molecular weight : equal to or
Lnfrieur 30 20000 g / mol.
Advantageously, the invention is effectively used as a medicament
for:. Th treatment of osteoarthritis, and in particular the
treatment of cartilage degeneration, to slow or stop the formation
of cracks on cartilage, erosion of cartilage, loss of cartilage,
bone formation excroissanc = _s on the joint, bone and joint pain
and difficulty performing movements reshuffle.
Advantageously, the compositions according to the invention are
used to allow and stimulate the production of cartilage and
Advantageously, the invention is effectively used as a medicament
for the prevention of osteoarthritis, and in particular to reduce
the incidence of osteoarthritis and its characteristic symptoms,
decrease the intensity of the symptoms and reduce the age of onset
of first symptônes.
Compositions of the Invention are intended for administration
topically From transcutaneous, perlingual or enteral or oral,
parenteral, anal, nasal, ocular or oral route is preferred.
Furthermore the combination according to the invention, the
compositions may comprise other suitable compounds to optimize
their effectiveness.
These other compounds may be selected from the glucosanine the
méthylesulfonyl-methane (MSM), the curcuminDïdes, piperine,
bromelain, iridoids, gingerols, prodelphinidins, boswellic acid
and its salts, salicylic acid and its salts and esters, or
extracts Vegete. ux rich in these components alone or in
The compositions comprise a pharmaceutically cutre oi cosmetically
or nutritionally acceptable, that is to say a vehicle suitable for
use in contact with human cellLles and animals without excessive
toxicity, irritation, undue allergic response, and the like and
proportionate to a benefit / risk ratio.
The compositions of the present invention may be in any
pharmaceutical form normally used for adminis: ration orally,
especially in anhydrous form (preferably the tablet, capsule,
powder or lyophilized or liquid form , preferably in the form of
oral solution.
The compositions of the present invention are preferably
For example, a capsule according to invention may be formulated
from a mix of turmeric extract, glucosamine and maltodextrin
wherein the silicon is added and chondroitin according to the
For example, an oral solution of the invention can be prepared by
dissolving silicon and chondroitin according to the invention in
water or an aqueous composition.
A preferred method of preparing an oral solution according to the
invention comprises me process step that is solubilized in water
with gentle agitation, the following compounds: preservatives such
as potassium sorbate and sodium benzoate, and . an antioxidant
such as ascDrbique acid; and a step that is added with vigorous
stirring, and then hydrolyzed chondroitin eg tréLit nettle
titrated silicon.
Examples of compositions according to the invention 30, there may
be mentioned: 1 / capsule comprising (percent by weight of the
total composition) - 40% glucosamine; - 8% extract of turmeric; -
1.7% maltodextrin; - 0.3% of silicon complexed with sugars from
nettle; - 50% 16 000 g of chondroitin / Raol.
A process for preparing such capsules includes a step in which the
ingredients introduced oz powder form in a mixer, in order of
increasing weight; and one step in which the mixture of these
ingredients is homogenized under moderate agitation. 2 / a
drinkable solution comprising (in percentage by weight of the
total composition): - 0.6% ascorbic acid; - 0.1% of sodium
benzoate; - 0.1% potassium sorbate; - 0.02% silicon complexed with
sugars from nettle; - 10% aqueous extract of turmeric; - 1%
chondroitin hydrolyzed 1E 000 g / mol; - Qs 100% RO water.
Of course, the invention is not limited to the embodiments
described above and those skilled in the art can, by routine,
adapt these embodiments.