Wilbert B SMITH Caduceus Coil
http://www.presidentialufos.comW. SMITH : Gravity Control / Binding Force / Caduceus Coil / Geo-Magnetic Generator
W. SMITH : Project Magnet
KeelyNet.com (July 5, 1993 ) CADUCEUS.ASC
( Courtesy of David Brenneman. )
Certain experiments, not as carefully controlled as the above, were carried out by independent researchers with caduceus-wound coils (1). This was also called a "Tensor" coil by its main proponent, Wilbert Smith.
The caduceus coil, illustrated in fig. #1, basically consists of ordinary insulated copper wire wound in a double-helix around a ferrite core. THIS COIL HAS REPEATEDLY BEEN FOUND TO VIOLATE ESTABLISHED LAWS OF ELECTROMAGNETICS AND HERTZIAN WAVE THEORY WHEN A HIGH FREQUENCY CURRENT IS INJECTED INTO IT.
First, this apparatus has zero impedance - unlike an ordinary coil. When fed electrical energy the wire in the Tensor coil does not get hot.
Secondly, it has infinite resonance - unlike an ordinary coil which will resonate chiefly at its natural fundamental frequency and weakly on the 2nd or 3rd harmonic, the Tensor coil is capable of resonating strongly on any number of frequencies randomly spaced in the spectrum. The signal pumped into such a coil strangely enough cannot be quantified (detected) by standard RF (radio frequency) detection apparatus. Many "Ham" radio operators and electronic technicians who have used these coils, are completely baffled by them. One radio amateur found that with two such coils, one used as a transmitter and the other as a receiver, the second would not pick up the signal from the first unless they were precisely aligned.
For the signal to be transmitted the alignment had to be as critical as that of a laser beam.
A few investigators have also reported unexpected bizarre inertial effects in conjunction with these coils. One researcher activated his caduceus coil with pulsed bursts of microwave frequency whereupon it appeared to lift itself up by its own bootstraps executing a periodic series of little hops off the ground. Why the coil would jump like this or exhibit the other weird effects noted above, has no explanation under standard electromagnetic theory, and must be attributed to the field effect produced by the unique coil winding.
Looking at this coil configuration carefully we see that the oppositely wound wires of the double helix will cross each other on the opposite sides of the core's diameter with each complete turn. Hence, the coil will have two rows of bumps formed where the two wires cross, the rows placed diametrically opposite one another on the core.
Researchers claim that it is important for these crossover bumps to lie in a straight line. Now, when the high frequency current flows in opposite directions through the two wires, the magnetic fields essentially cancel on the sides of the coil but on the top and bottom where the crossovers are, the fields overlap forming on the top magnetic vectors orientated in one direction parallel to the coil axis, and on the bottom vectors of the same magnitude oriented oppositely to those on top. If we observe the coil from the side we then see that the consecutive vectors along the coil axis would form several closed toroidal loops circulating into the ferrite core. As we stated elsewhere, Wilbert Smith himself while experimenting with the Tensor coil, claimed to have recorded time differential effects between the coil field and the outer environment. This phenomenon, as well as non-coupling of signal between coils, may arise from the unique trapped toroidal magnetic field described above.
KeelyNet.com ( MAY 11, 1994 )
by Joel McClainIn looking at the presumed design of the Sweet VTA, (presumed as a result of the lack of detailed information available) I have coined the term "alternate depletion" to describe its method of attaining ZP energy.
We know from conventional transformer theory that a transformer will reverse the phase of the primary signal in the secondary winding. This is caused by the inverse relationship of EMF and CEMF in the core of the transformer. Typically, the core is made of iron laminates, or some other ferrous material. The Sweet VTA uses this principle in a manner which uses the phase reversal to cause a cascase of energies.
The dual caduceus coils are seen as next to each other, which permits inductive coupling, and within the field of opposing magnetic fields, which creates a stress within the cores of the caduceus coils. At the crossover points of each coil, the flux collapse is "assisted" by the stress field of the core. The stress field, similar to a conventional electric generator, oscillates the lattice structure of the copper wire, causing movement of electrons.
Energy "stored" in the stress field is added to the energy of the original flux collapse, because it is "pushed" in by the opposing energy of the other caduceus coil. That is the effect of reversed phasing, as mentioned earlier. While one crossover field is collapsing, the corresponding coil is expanding, which adds more stress field energy than that which was originally "displaced".
This continues to occur at each crossover point. The displacement caused by the "push" results in am imbalance in the stress field. As the process reverses, and the alternate coil's field collapses, it is aided by the "push" from the expanding field of the first coil. The current induced in the second coil is greater than the current in the first coil, because the "push" of the first coil is composed of its original energy, plus the "push" of the first coil.
This continues to increase the energy at each crossover point, yielding far greater energy at the output of the coils than that which was used to begin the process. The energy is amplified through each winding in a cascade effect.
Core saturation, normally undesirable in a power transformer, is required in the Sweet VTA design. The power attained will depend upon the strength of the cores. Power will increase until the core is saturated, and no longer able to expand energy into the magnetic field.
Why does the field collapse at each winding? This is at the heart of every caduceus coil. When wires are laid over each other, a capacitance is formed, and the capacitance cancels the inductance of the windings before the crossover point. This causes field collapse into the core, and then into the next winding.
A Tesla coil uses the same principle, in that a frequency is applied which is resonant at the value of LC, causing the series impedance to consist of wire resistance only.
From this, we can see that the current which is used to excite a caduceus coil must also be resonant relative to the length of the windings and the amount of crossover capacitance. To determine the appropriate frequency, the volume of the core as well as a resonating chamber must also be taken into account. The core is essentially a resonant cavity, and you need to apply a frequency which will cause it to resonate.
Think of the core as a hollow cylinder, to which you will apply a musical note until it resonates. The core density is irrelevant to resonance, and applies only when considering saturation. Try using an ordinary "tin can", opened on one end, and apply acoustic energy until you reach resonance, and hear the energy "ringing" back at you.
Having determined the resonant frequency of the core, then add the windings as if they were the holes in a flute, with a crossover at each "hole". In other words, even spacing is not going to work. Each crossover needs to be preceded by a length of wire which is calculated based upon the PHI relationship to resonance.
The caduceus coil has to attain aggregate resonance before it can produce an over-unity effect, so each of the seven crossovers is a whole note on the diatonic scale. In other words, use alternate cube and square roots of PHI (1.618) times the length of the previous winding to determine the length of the next winding.
In this way, every winding is both a note as well as a harmonic of another winding.
Both coils of the Sweet VTA must be wound identically, placed side by side, and centered in the magnetic stress field. The primary for each coil should apply a low level signal at the resonant frequency, and the primaries should be 180 degrees out of phase with each other to aid in the expansion and collapse of the flux fields.
Much has been speculated about the necessity of "tuning" the magnets, using various methods which have been known to cause the magnets to explode. I don't think that this is relevant to the design. The stress field is merely reactive to the electromagnetic energy of the coils. However, the size of the magnets and their strength is important.
The size is necessary so as to keep the flux fields contained within the stress field, and the strength is a factor of the power which is to be derived from the coils.
Think of the magnetically created stress field as if it were a guitar string, first plucked, and then tightened to the next higher note. A strong enough "string" will be able to "play" the entire octave without "snapping".
Given these design parameters, the alternate depletion mode can be more easily visualized. The primary coil applies the first note at the resonant frequency of the core. This is picked up by the tuned windings as primary and harmonic frequencies.
The flux field expands into the alternate coil as well as into the stress field. The phase reversal of the second coil "pushes" energy from the stress field into the core and windings of the first coil, whose flux collapse "pulls" out the field of the alternate coil as it is being energized by its primary.
Each cycle of primary current will increase the potential of energy at the outputs of the coils. As one caduceus "inhales" the other "exhales", with the addition of stress field energy from the opposing magnetic fields.
This will only happen at resonance, which follows strict mathematical rules. The input signal at the primary must be kept small to avoid overdriving the VTA, which if the core density and magnetic strength are adequate, will cause the circuit to lose dimensional stability.
Gravity IS time IN OUR universe, and as the VTA energies cancel the quadrupole effects of particle spin energy in the electromagnetic field, the VTA will begin to lose relative "weight".
It becomes caught in its own "warp field", and will start to rise. Further power applied at the primary may cause the VTA to "leave" our subjective temporal reality, and seem to disappear.
Although it is "lost", it continues to create temporal distortions which are detrimental to the dimensional stability and therefore to the biological health of persons who are within the distortion field.
With only a rudimentary understanding of the principles of electricity and music, virtually anyone can create a "time machine" or "anti-g" device in this manner, but the costs can be high if the machine loses stability. The universe, for its immense and vast amounts of matter and energy, is in a delicate balanced state.
One VTA lost in hyperspace can set up a chain reaction of events which will cause the vortical "waves of creation" to become unbalanced, resulting in the destruction of a galaxy. Locally, we would begin to see this manifesting itself in polar instability, as the magnetic energy of the earth itself begins to "feed" the VTA.
To avoid creating this chain reaction of events, the primary signal must NOT be a function of secondary output power. The amplitude of the primary excitation current must be fixed in such a manner as to avoid overdriving the VTA.