Jean Solomides
Physiatrons vs Cancer
Dr Jean Solomides
Les produits Solomides
Jean Solomidès 1 de 2
Jean Solomidès 2 de 2
Les produits Solomides 2
Jean Solomides
Jean Solomides , born Yangos Solomides, the 28 February 1911 , In
Cyprus, is a French doctor , researcher and biologist of Cypriot
origin, who worked at the Institut Pasteur from 1938 to 1947. He
died in France, 28 May 1979 .
Jean Solomides comes to France to study, physics, chemistry,
natural sciences. He graduated from the Sorbonne with a Bachelor
of Science degree, and in 1938 obtained a degree in medicine.
Research fellow at the CNRS , he is seconded to the Institut
Pasteur and works on tuberculosis . Detached in Toulouse during
the war, he passed a degree in natural sciences. With his teacher
Frédéric Van Deinse 1 , he studied tubercle bacilli and the
effects of oils, fats, glycerin on bacilli in the organism of
laboratory animals. At the time of the Liberation, he was a
trainee at the CNRS and then a researcher in 1945. He discovered
in 1947 that synthetic peroxidases (oxidation catalysts) destroy,
by oxidation, cultures of tuberculous bacilli, but also cancer
cells by Selectively fixing on their membrane. On March 4, 1948,
he made a communication on his method to the French Society of
Microbiology, published in the Annals of the Institut Pasteur and
in more than sixty other scientific publications.
In 1949, he obtained French citizenship for acts of resistance .
In the same year, he cured his father with an inoperable liver
tumor for which the Cypriot doctors call him condemned. Solomides
sends to Cyprus ampoules of iodized distillate of cod liver oil in
solution to treat his father. Three weeks later, the doctors
noticed to their surprise that the tumor had disappeared [citation
needed] . His father is completely cured 2 .
The cure of his father arouses negative reactions at the Institut
Pasteur [ref. Required] . Indeed, this healing, its experiments on
glycerin that have proved that the artificial immunity is
transient and "that question the usefulness of vaccinations which
make up the majority of the resources of the Pasteur Institute",
are worried. He was dismissed from the Institute at the end of
1949 , against the will of Professor Van Deinse 3 . He then
installed his laboratory in the cellar of his pavilion at Sceaux
with the help of a doctor. In 1951 and 1952, he obtained the MA
for Citral-Urethane and Geranyl 4 , against bronchitis, eczema,
allergies, and as analgesics in the treatment of cancer. In
Belgium, the drug is tested and reimbursed by the Social Security.
In 1955, Georges de Caunes invited him to French radio-television
with two or three patients. As a result of this emission, many
patients contact him in order to try this treatment much less
heavy than the ordinary treatment. In October 1956, Solomides
created a popularization magazine, Victories on Cancer , and the
World League for Cancer Chemotherapy , the League later became the
sick Human Rights League , and the magazine became Remedies-News .
His life then becomes a series of struggles to officially
recognize his discoveries. His cancer drugs do not receive AMM
although they legally cure the sick with doctors collaborators,
and he has to face many lawsuits for "illegal practice of
medicine" 5 .
Despite the relentlessness of the Seine Medical Doctors' Chamber
of the Ministry of Health, thousands of patients have been cured
or improved, thanks to their findings 6 , 7 , 8 9 .
He died exhausted , in May 1979, at 68 years, from a pulmonary
embolism .
He was publicly defended by the artist Philippe Druillet in
Charlie Hebdo (June-July 1979) 10 .
1952: Chemotherapy of cancer considered as a virus disease: 1.
Aldehydes (in collaboration with Dr. E. Ronsin)
1969: Physiatry and synthetic physiatrists (Institut Solomides).
Laurent Dailliez , Fight against cancer: the works and cures of
Dr. Jean Solomides , Le Hameau, Paris, 1974, 252 p.
André Conord, The Solomidès Case , Jean-Jacques Pauvert , 1980 (
ISBN 978-2720200816 )
Friday , magazine proposed by André Campana : Parallel medicine or
charlatans? , Survey and realization of Jean-Marie Perthuis ( FR3
, Friday 28 March 1984:
Pierre Lance , Cursed scholars, Researchers excluded , Volume 1
(Presses de Valmy, 2001, Guy Trédaniel , 2003), ( ISBN
978-2844454577 )
Simone Brousse, Cancer , Cancer , Ed. Garancière, ( ISBN
978-2734000334 ) , p. 334
Synthetic physiatrists and cancer , published under the
supervision of Dr. Roger Bocquet , Maloine, 1981 ( ISBN
978-2224007959 ) .
Notes and references
"French physician and biologist of Dutch origin, born in Batavia
(Dutch East Indies) on 21/06/1890, died on 06/03/1974 Royal Dutch
Navy Medical Officer Chief of the laboratory of bacteriology and
clinical serology of The University of Leiden (Holland)
(1926-1928), assistant chief of laboratory and head of the BCG
department at the Institut Pasteur, Paris (1931-1960), head of the
BCG department at the Institut Pasteur " [1]
Revue Remèdes and André Conord, L'Affaire Solomides , Pauvert,
1980, p. 91.
André Conord, The Affair Solomides , Jean-Jacques Pauvert , 1980,
p. 92.
two oils of vegetable origin with ether-oxide of
olyethylene-glycol. The Geranyl was experimented in Villejuif, a
small laboratory, Biostabilex, operates the visas until 1972
See the detail on:
Revue Remèdes , n ° 1 to 72
Simone Brousse, Cancer , Cancer , Ed. Garancière, p.334.
Synthetic physiatrists and cancer , published under the direction
of Dr. Roger Bocquet , Maloine.
André Conord, The Affair Solomides , Jean-Jacques Pauvert , 1980,
p. 293, 336, 376.
Jean Solomides
[A] André Conord, 1977, 1980: The Solomidès Case (Pauvert, 1980)
[index] .
[B] Dr Philippe Lagarde : "Classical and complementary medicines
are inseparable", in Alternative Health - The Impatient , Nº 239,
November 1997, p. 40-41.
[C] Christian Bécant: The case Solomides (
http://perso.wanadoo.fr/afb/revue-affaire-solomides.htm ).
[D] Apostrophes , television broadcast on Antenne 2, October 14,
1977 (
) and November 4 1977 (
) [03/06/2009].
Friday , magazine proposed by André Campana: Parallel medicine or
charlatans? , Investigation and realization of Jean-Marie Perthuis
(FR3, Friday 28 March 1984:
.html ) [03/06/2009].
Laurent Dailliez,, 1974: Fight against cancer: the works and cures
of Dr. Jean Solomides (Le Hameau, Paris).
"The potion of Doctor Solomides", Sept to Eight of Sunday 15 June
2008, on TF1, 18:50 ,
Yangos Solomides was born in Cyprus on February 28, 1911, with
British nationality. [A: 85]
He chose to study medicine in France, in order to do research
afterwards. [A: 86]
In 1929, he made his PCN (undergraduate degree in physics,
chemistry, natural sciences) in Montpellier, and in 1930 his first
year of medicine. [A: 86]
He prepares a science degree at the Sorbonne, which will allow him
to access teaching or research. [A: 86]
In 1937 and 1938, he acquired the certificates of biological
chemistry, mineralogy and general physiology, these three
certificates constituting a license [A: 86-87].
On November 24, 1938, he passed his Doctor of Medicine thesis at
the University of Paris [A: 87].
In 1939, he obtained the diploma of bacteriology of the Faculty of
medicine of Paris [A: 87].
He worked at the Institut Pasteur, in 1938 on tuberculosis, and in
1939 and 1940 on the bacillus of Koch [A: 87]. He is a researcher
at the CNRS, seconded for eight years to the Institut Pasteur [A:
During the war, he was assigned to residence in Toulouse, and
obtained in 1943 and 1944 certificates of general chemistry,
physical chemistry and general botany at the University of
Toulouse, and was thus licensed in natural sciences. [A: 87]
From 1940 to 1944, in collaboration with his master Frédéric Van
Deinse, head of the BCG department at the Institut Pasteur, he is
studying tubercle bacilli, their effects on rabbits and guinea
pigs, oils and Fatty substances on the bacilli and on the organism
of experimental animals, for example on the sensitizing or on the
contrary immunizing properties of glycerine. [A: 87]
On the liberation of France, he became a trainee at CNRS and then
researcher in 1945. [A: 88]
He sells to the Walter laboratories an ointment, Gadistol, based
on distillate of cod liver oil, against eczema, skin cancers and
especially radiodermitis (precancerous skin lesions, caused by
X-rays or gamma). [A: 88]
In 1947 or 1948 he discovered that synthetic peroxidase (oxidation
catalysts) destroyed cultures of tubercle bacilli by oxidizing
them, but also cancerous tumors on the membrane from which they
selectively bind. [A: 57: 179-180] They also allow other harmful
substances to act more selectively on cancer cells. Thus, the male
hormone used against breast and uterine cancers causes less facial
hirsutism and hoarseness of voice. [A: 61-62]
Synthetic physiatrists are used to prevent tumor development, to
reabsorb, to operate, and to prevent metastasis. [A: 49] They also
allow the patient to reduce his suffering [A: 54], but also to
resume his bad habits, thus compromising his chances of recovery
[A: 51].
On March 4, 1948, he made a communication on his procedure to the
French Society of Microbiology, published in the "Annales de
l'Institut Pasteur". [A: 59]
In May 1949, for acts of resistance during the war, he acquired
French nationality. [A: 100 & 188]
At the end of 1949, he learned that his father had a huge liver
tumor. He sends Famagusta iodized distillate of cod liver oil in
solution [A: 90] giving advice for treatment and injection.
Doctors are amazed to see the tumor disappear in three weeks [A:
The news aroused jealousy at the Pasteur Institute, where it was
reproached for its zeal in work and its experiments on glycerin,
proving that artificial immunity was transient, and which
questioned the usefulness of vaccinations which constituted The
majority of the resources of the Institut Pasteur. [A: 91-92]
Louis Aublant, Secretary General of the Pasteur Institute, asked
him to leave. [A: 92]
He is hired by the Institut Gustave-Roussy de Villejuif
(specialized in cancer), by Professor Charles Oberling, and
licensed from his first experimentation, after three weeks. [A:
He is refused the service of Professor Raoul Kourilsky,
specializing in tuberculosis at the Saint-Antoine hospital; At the
service of Dr. Jean-Paul Sisley, of the Laboratoire des Corps Gras
de Bellevue; At the service of Dr Chadourne, director of the
sanatorium of L'Haÿ-les-Roses; At the service of Professor Aubel.
It is written to him, strangely seen his diplomas, that we have
enough lab laborers. His wife, Michelle, suspected that the
Pasteur Institute was blocking his career, telephoned the
successor of Dr. Van Deinse to the head of the tuberculosis
department, posing as the director of a laboratory that wanted to
know what " He thinks of Solomides who has just presented himself
to her: "Oh, you know, he never broke three legs to a duck," he
replied. [A: 95-96]
He was informed that he was dismissed from the CNRS in June 1950
with six months' notice, without being able to receive him. The
president of the CNRS finally writes that he can not reveal to him
under what conditions the Commission of the medicine decided its
dismissal. [A: 97]
He treats a neighbor with a stomach cancer, whom a surgeon, after
opening, has closed again without operating because of the size of
the tumor. [A: 96-97]
He installed his laboratory in the cellar of his pavilion at
Sceaux, 13 rue de la Marne, with the help of a doctor who lent him
30,000 francs.
Because of his successes, five to ten patients a day present
themselves. [A: 98]
Having advised a patient not to carry out an operation, the
surgeon has him summoned by the county council of the Ordre des
médecins. Solomides not appearing in his disciplinary committee,
the council complains about the illegal practice of medicine. [A:
He is summoned by the investigating judge Ferdinand Gollety and
the police raided his home. [A: 103] In 1953, an amnesty ended the
case with a dismissal. [A: 104]
On March 13, 1951, he made a communication to the Society of
Comparative Pathology on some aliphatic (hexanal, heptanal, octal
and citral) aldehydes (alcohols dehydrogenated) as a treatment for
eczema and analgesics in cancer. The president of the company, M.
Gastinel, Professor of Microbiology, goes on to say that it is
impossible to cure eczema and especially cancer. Dr. Grillot, the
company's secretary, said: "You were unanimously elected as a
Correspondent of the Society of Pathology." A month later, a
letter informs him that his communication can not be published,
and he sends his resignation. The paper is published by a medical
journalist who attended the 1951 session of the Journal of the
American Medical Association under the title "The therapeutic
applications of œnanthol". [A 107]
In 1951, "La France médicale", which had published its previous
communications, refuses to do so, as well as "Nature" in England,
"Experientia" in Switzerland, for lack of space. [A: 108]
In 1951 and 1952, he obtained marketing authorization for
Citral-Urethane and Geranyl, two oils of plant origin with
ether-oxide of olyethylene glycol. Visas were obtained in six
months, against bronchitis, eczema, allergies, as analgesics in
cancer. The Geranyl was experimented in Villejuif. A small
laboratory, Biostabilex, operates visas until 1972. [A: 105]
From 1952, he decided to publish the "Annual Review of
chemotherapy and prophylaxis of cancer" which will make it known
by many doctors. [A: 109: 110]
In 1952 and 1953 he wrote to the French National League Against
Cancer in order to ask for a subsidy which he refused, since it
would enable him to provide free ampoules of synthetic peroxidases
for testing in their services. [A: 108-109]
On 19 December 1954, at a press conference given at the Essec
Prize, founded by the Catholic Institute and the French League
against Cancer, in order to encourage young researchers, Solomides
was surprised at the lack of curiosity The Institut de Villejuif
with respect to its medicines which, in some cases of cancer, give
good results and which always lead to sedation of pain. Professor
Pierre Denoix, director of the Gustave-Roussy Institute in
Villejuif, replied that he was embarrassed but polite, that we
could talk about this elsewhere. The Abbe Donjon, director of the
Catholic Institute, did not let Solomides leave the room. As there
are journalists, and in particular Jacques-Louis Tissier,
President of the Union of French Journalists and Foreign Press
Correspondents, who asks for explanations, a conference is
organized on 24 February 1955 for the learned societies. A
half-dozen patients came to testify. The next day, Georges de
Caunes invited him to the radio-television studios with two or
three patients. [A: 114]
From then on, a cohort of patients telephoned him, wrote him,
waited in front of his house for tens of meters, in order to try a
much less mutilating treatment. [A 117]
The Ordre des médecins asked the Radio-Télévision to no longer
communicate the address of Solomides to the patients who requested
it: they had to be directed to Curie, Villejuif, the Hartmann
Center. The President of the Order, M. Piédelievre, who had passed
the examinations to Solomides, having granted him the diploma of
doctor of medicine, reminds television that there is no cancer
treatment other than surgery And radiotherapy. [A: 117-118]
In April 1955, the Official Bulletin of the Chamber of Medical
Officers of the Seine (no. 4) published an article entitled
"French Radio-Television in the service of charlatans". [A: 118]
Solomides assigns the ballot for defamation claiming ten million
francs in damages. [A: 120-121]
Pushed by the Trade Union Chamber, the Ministry of Public Health
files a complaint in illegal practice of medicine and another for
illegal practice of pharmacy. [A 121]
Two police inspectors are sent and Solomides is reconvened by the
investigating judge Gollety, with whom he becomes a friend. [A
In Belgium, the drug is tested and reimbursed by the Social
Security. [A: 126]
A large Cuban laboratory pays a million francs for research
expenses, requests a contract to have exclusivity for South
America, and then ceases to show when Cuban officials have
requested information from the Institut Pasteur. [A: 126-127]
On January 31, 1956, Solomides gave a lecture on synthetic
peroxidases, with many patients healed, at the Sorbonne Geological
Amphitheater. [A 129]
On April 12, 1956, the conference, which was to be the occasion to
publish a pamphlet presenting a hundred new cases of cures,
scheduled for April 14, 1956 at the same place, is, according to
M. Pérez, dean of the Faculty of Sciences of Paris, By the
Ministries of National Education and Public Health, on the
intervention of the National Order of Physicians. In fact, a
junior public health official communicated the prohibition to the
dean without a ban on both departments. The conference is made
before the learned societies. [A: 129-130]
In October 1956, Solomides published an outreach journal,
"Victories on Cancer," and created the World League for Cancer
Chemotherapy. [A 131]
Of the patients sent home by oncologists who could do nothing for
them, Jean Solomides saved 14%; On those who follow his treatment
before any other, 70% are cured, double the conventional
treatment. In fact, by reacting surface antigens on cancer cells,
synthetic physiatrists added to chemotherapy increase efficacy by
30% [B: 41].
- On January 24, 1957, the trial began at the 16th Correctional
Chamber of the Seine, under the presidency of Mr. Mille.
Solomides, a victim of a heart malaise, is defended by Mr. Hayot.
[A: 134] Testify Mr Brillault, president of the civil court in
Bordeaux, and a young sales representative with laryngeal cancer
who were able to preserve their voice without surgery or radiation
therapy. This allowed Mr. Brillault to chair new hearings. Dr.
Boisseau, former director of the Pasteur Institute of Brazzaville,
then of the Pasteur Institute of Athens, retired physician
colonel, and then head of microbiology department at
Rhone-Poulenc, commander Of the Legion of Honor, testifies that
one of her relatives, who must have died of a breast tumor for two
years according to the diagnoses of the specialists, is in good
health thanks to the medicine of Solomides [A: 136- 137]. Dr.
Mamonni, a treating physician, testified that he had rescued his
twenty-year-old niece,
condemned according to Curie surgeons, and said that, in addition
to the increase in cures, Use of morphine. He adds that a
physician who is aware of the Solomides treatment and who refuses
to try it is a criminal. [A: 137]. M. Mignon deposited a copy of
the letter of Professor Denoix, in which the director of the
Gustave-Roussy Institute pronounced the death of his wife in the
near future; And a duplicate of the letter of Dr. M. of the Foch
Foundation, in which he affirms two years later that the
intestinal tumor has disappeared [A: 139]. According to article 63
of the Penal Code, Mr. Hayot pleads the obligation to rescue
persons in danger [A: 141]. On January 31, the court sentenced
Solomides to a minimum of 10,000 francs for conditional fines
because he noted the cure of cancers that allowed Solomides to
benefit from "the broadest extenuating circumstances"; And the
accusers only benefit from 1 symbolic F, and not from the 500,000
and 100,000 francs they claimed. The medical bodies appealed, and
the trial of 9 June 1960 confirmed the first judgment. [A:
On October 10, 1957, the unlawful trial of pharmacy was pleaded,
as only three of its synthetic physiatrists obtained the visa from
the Ministry of Public Health [A: 148, 151]. Solomides explains
that he obtained the visas as long as it was eczema and
bronchitis, but not for cancer, because of the partiality of the
Gustave-Roussy and Curie institutes, and the absence of
counter-expertise [A: 152]. He refers to the reimbursement of the
SPs in Belgium, their authorization in Switzerland and for two
days in Greece [A: 153]. Baroness Héraud quotes Professor
Oberling's letter, which states that "the ideas of Solomides do
not correspond to the present state of science" so as not to
involve him in Villejuif, and the letter of Dr. Lavedan, head of
the department Anti-cancer drug of Curie, which says without
explanation that all the leaders of the anti-cancer centers refuse
the request for subsidy made by Dr. Solomides, unanimously and in
the name of the French National League against cancer [A: 154] .
Expertise is sought [A: 154]; Some experts recuse themselves; The
results are published after two years and the illegal trial of
pharmacy continues in February 1961 [A: 157].
- Laboratory G ..., producer of the male hormone against breast
cancer, refuses to produce its medicines to obtain a visa because
it fears that its sales fall because of the opinion of doctors of
the major centers. Solomides decides to create his pharmaceutical
laboratory, Sceaux-Pharma, in order to obtain the visas [A: 160].
On November 24, 1957, Solomides inaugurated his institute near his
home, in the presence of Van Deinse, his former teacher, Boisseau,
former director of the Pasteur Institutes of Brazzaville and
Athens, many doctors; A Greek delegation led by Dr. Katsafados,
chief surgeon of the Tzanion Hospital in Piraeus, President of the
Anti-Cancer Centers of Greece, deputy, former Minister of Public
Health, and Dr. Katsaniotis, Director of Public Assistance of
'Athens; A Belgian delegation led by pharmacist Tack who heads the
Solomidès Institute of Belgium. [A 148]
His World League for Cancer Chemotherapy becomes the sick Human
Rights League, and the magazine "Victories on Cancer becomes"
Remedies-News "[A: 161]
In November 1958, stress caused a relapse of intestinal
tuberculosis which he had in his youth. [A: 162] He is being
treated with the Friedmann vaccine, the only curative vaccine and
the most effective vaccine against tuberculosis, used in forty-six
countries and not authorized in France [A: 163].
On July 23, 1960, representatives of the judiciary searched at
Sceaux. [A 163]
On February 2, 1961 the trial for the illegal practice of pharmacy
resumes [A: 167]. Solomides challenges the accusation that he does
not manufacture standardized "proprietary medicines", but "secret
remedies" in the course of experimentation, without the control of
a pharmacist, as is the case at the Institut Pasteur . The iodized
PS, PS 4A for example, is a progress, and of all the formulas
tested, only a dozen have been conserved, against five diseases:
cancers, multiple sclerosis, asthma and eczema. [A: 168, 305] He
rejects the report of the five experts who selected only 26 of the
80 cure cases. They deny any benefit of the PS, conclude to
misdiagnosis made by specialists like Pr Delarue and Pr Brux
whenever healing is impossible with the conventional treatment, or
they claim that a biopsy could heal the whole Cancer; They
attributed, for example, the cure of Nicol's uterine cancer to
curettage which was not a biopsy [A: 170-172]. The experts are
absent and there are no prosecution witnesses [A: 173]. Several
testimonies and diagnoses prove healings which were made without
the amputations (legs, breast) prescribed by classical medicine
[A: 174; 183].
At the second hearing on 9 March, the experts did not want to be
present [A: 186].
At the third hearing on April 27, the suspicion expressed
scandalized loudly of sick patients and Michelle Solomides who was
expelled. [A: 187-193]
The verdict of May 25 does not recognize extenuating
circumstances: the sentence is of 10,000 new francs in fine, 2,000
francs to the civil parties, plus costs [A: 194].
Four trials will follow, leaving Solomides without prosecution
until a few months in 1975 [A: 200].
Having renounced his own illness in 1963, Solomides urged Dr.
Persâtre, who was accused by the College of Physicians of
violating section 21 of the Code of Conduct, because he would give
consultations in commercial premises, and He was sentenced to one
year's suspension of the right to practice medicine [A: 203].
Having opened a dispensary outside his institute, along with Drs.
Persâtre and Nahon, another police search took place on June 2,
1965, prompted by a new complaint from the Ordre des médecins.
Patient records and visa applications are seized. [A: 204] The two
doctors are also prosecuted under Article L-372 of the Public
Health Code for illegally practicing medicine for working with
Solomides and for illegal practice of pharmacy for prescribing PS;
But none of the other prescribing doctors whose letters were
seized, including Dr. Albert Schweitzer (Nobel Peace Prize), was
prosecuted [A: 205-207]. Persâtre is struck out for life and Nahon
suspended for two years [A: 208]. Nahon is also sued for
"non-personal advertising" for publishing in the "Remedies" review
observations on PS cures in patients deemed incurable, as if it
were prohibited by the Code of Ethics for physicians to publish
his observations in Of medical journals [A: 208]. Nahon went
abroad and Persâtre became a medical visitor and died of despair
before the 1972 trial. [A: 210] The Presidents of the League of
Human Rights Sick, MM. Ayoul and Massiou [A: 210] are prosecuted
for illegal practice of pharmacy, and the association is
dissolved. * The Scout Center for Biological Research (CSRB) is
created so that Gustave-Roussy or Curie do not own it. [A: 216]
Inaugurated on 7 May 1965 to support the application for visas
through care and clinical trials, the Jean-Jaurès Street medical
center closed on 1 September 1966 [A: 216]. On April 4, 1968, the
court acknowledged the argument of the CSRB counsel sought to
dissolve, alleging that the center was blamed for being illegal,
whereas his activity was precisely to obtain an authorization Of
medicines. [A 216]
- On 15 December 1955, Solomides signed a contract with a Belgian
shipowner, Oïdtmann, [A: 220] who at the 1955 press conference
understood the value of synthetic peroxidases and claimed to
obtain Belgian pharmaceutical visas quickly To its relations [A:
218]. On December 21, 1961, Oïdtmann filed a complaint for fraud,
with as a lawyer, Mr. Piédelièvre, the son of the President of the
Order who stated on television in 1955 that only surgery and
radiotherapy were effective against cancer [ A: 219]. Solomides
was heard by the police, then by Justice Perez in 1962 [A: 219].
On October 26, 1966, five years after the complaint, Roussel J.
charged him in this case [A: 220]. The investigating judge and the
prosecutor, Mr Tachella, unlawfully added to the file the findings
of the appraisals and amnestied verdicts in February 1962 [A:
219], because they found no expert who wanted to sign a false
report; Mr. Tachella writes: "In view of the difficulties
encountered by the investigating magistrate in the search for
experts, those who have been sought by the judge recusing
alternately, the civil party then decides to admit to the case
file two reports submitted in other instances." [A: 221].
In 1967, Oïdtmann died; His family is persuaded to resume the
complaint [A: 226]. At the first hearing before the Twelfth
Correctional Chamber on November 25, 1969, Solomides' counsel, Mr.
Beyssade, pleaded the limitation period, which the court held in
its verdict of January 13, 1970 [A: 222-223]. The prosecutor
appealed, which took place on 14 November 1970 before the Ninth
Chamber of the Court of Appeal [A: 223].
The Advocate General, who admitted the limitation period for the
first three years, asked whether there were any fraudulent acts
after 1958. [A: 223] With the agreement of the Court of Cassation,
experts Roger Le Breton and Pinta can testify. [A: 223]
On 30 January 1971, the case was finally decided on the merits.
Solomidès proves with false experience that the experiments were
false [A: 223-224]
Me Piédelièvre considers that the sending to Oïdtmann of the
"Annual Journal of Cancer Physiotherapy and Chemotherapy" and
"Victories on Cancer" was a fraud for Mr Pasturel, considers that
there are some very interesting articles, in particular one by Dr
Katsafados, former Minister of Health in Greece. [A: 225]
Pasturel insisted on the very advantageous conditions for Oïdtmann
in order to launch the PS, and he abandoned the accusation, which
he had asked to be tried on the merits. Piédelièvre protested [A:
225]. President Fonade said to Solomides: "I knew you already in
the press, because a few years ago, we were a renowned but
contested personality, it was at the time of your trial and I
apologize for alluding to Amnesty trials, and I must admit that
most of the articles were favorable to you. " [A: 226]
Mr. Beyssade argued that even if Solomides had been mistaken about
the effectiveness of the PSs, there would be no scam because there
is neither staging nor intention to deceive. The verdict of 20
February 1971, the innocent Solomides of fraud and charlatanism,
acknowledges the prescription and condemns the Oddtmanns to the
costs [A: 226].
On February 12, 1964, scandalized by a severe judicial verdict and
then by the banning of a lecture by Dr. Müller on the life of
Solomides, a few hundred people try in vain to be heard by
journalists of the Figaro, Ministry of Health, where a delegation
is rebuked. [A 272]
- On April 20, 1964, Solomides organized a press conference where
many journalists listen to the testimonies of the sick and half a
dozen doctors, Solomides asks. Very few publications follow, as
editors do not want to take risks. The article of the editor of
the Central Press Agency appears only in the review of Solomides.
[A 268]
- After the easy authorization to open Sceaux-Pharma in 1962, the
renewal of the authorization scheduled for February 1964 did not
arrive. After three years of numerous written and telephone
requests, on July 7, 1967, the Ministry of Public Health justified
a refusal to open an opening due to incomplete equipment and lack
of capable personnel. The laboratory was therefore closed until 17
March 1970, when the Ministry, recognizing its abuse of power,
gave its authorization while the complaint brought by Solomides
against the Ministry of Public Health was to be presented before
the Paris Administrative Court [ : 212].
On 8 July 1970 the Administrative Court found that there were
anomalies within the time-limit and that the contested decree was
not legally justified because it was based on materially
inaccurate facts. [A: 213] Although the State Is ordered to pay
the costs, six years have been lost for applications for marketing
authorizations [A: 214].
- In 1965, the PS 88 is validated by the chemical and
toxicological expertises. [A: 228] In 1970, Sceaux-Pharma reopened
[A: 228] but did not produce anything, as it threatened closure if
it produced drugs without a visa [A: 231]. Its leaders are seeking
an expert for a clinical trial that would validate a visa. The
first, who is slow to agree, refuses by saying that his hospital
department does not have the favorable conditions for the
experimentation to be valid. A second expert undertook
satisfactory tests, acknowledged that he often achieved
spectacular results, but refused to sign his expert report,
because of the problems it might cause him with the Department of
Public Health. In March 1972, a third expert, hospital chief in
the north, was met by Solomides and Pierre Landrin. 25 out of 50
patients should receive the drug, but it does not do the
experiment [A: 230-231]. Since experimentation is mandatory on at
least 100 patients, fewer hospital services can perform the tests;
And the hospital chiefs are afraid of losing their renewable
mandate every three years and displeasing the ministry [A: 231].
- In June 1969, Irwin S. Morse, surgeon at South Miami Hospital,
and Paul O. Nees of the Biological Section of the Wisconsin Alumni
Research Foundation, published at the Sixth European Congress of
the International College of Surgeons (FIC) By excision of the
tumor after treatment and reduction to the physiatrons.
Experimentation in necropsied rats afterwards revealed no
significant toxicity. On spontaneous breast tumors of the dog,
with four veterinarians: Drs Austin, Boyd, McMillan and Mueller,
they observe reductions in tumor size. [A: 48-49]
- In the 1970s, one month of Solomides treatment costs 70 to 200
F, the most expensive being injected by intravenous injection,
while one month of treatment with nine ampoules of Bleomycin costs
1200 F; One month of Endoxan alone used costs 800 F, and half less
associated with another; Triamcinolone (cortisone) costs 200 to
600 F per month, and prednisone (cortancyl) about 80 F, but they
are generally not used alone. Often avoiding hospitalization,
Solomides treatment saves 75 to 750 francs per day of
hospitalization. By avoiding operations, it saves the 800 F of an
operation of a cancer of the uterus and the 2,000 F of a stomach
cancer operation, besides the adjuvant drugs and the
radiotherapies which can To reach 10,000 F. A dose of 60 mg radium
for brachytherapy costs 7,200 F. And often these treatments are
often used palliatively, with no hope of recovery. [A: 255-257]
- In the weekly Paris-Match, Professor Oberling unveils a picture
of his tools against cancer, among which is the Citral-Urethane,
whose inventor is Solomides. [PS: 106] PS 120 C is a little toxic,
due to TEM diluted to 1 / 36,000 in it, but is reserved for the
treatment of leukemia and Hodgkin's disease (3% of cancers). [A:
70] The Geranyl Biostabilex of Solomides is in the Vidal.
- In April 1972, the Regional Accreditation Commission wrote about
the clinic, which was judicially closed: "Since the report of the
investigation established that the center was closed, the
Commission considered that it could not examine this file because
The dispensary should have been opened without permission to be
allowed to open, but then would not it have been closed yet to be
opened without authorization? [A 217]
- On November 3, 1972, in front of the 17th Correctional Division
of Paris, Mrs. Mathieu Laurent testified that in 1965 she was
diagnosed with breast cancer and proposed the removal of a breast.
She preferred to be prescribed by Dr. Jacques Nahon of synthetic
physiatrists, which allowed her to retain her breast. Madame
Yvette Lefèvre gave a similar testimony, also cured by having kept
her breast. [A: 34-35]
- On 24 May 1973, before the 11th Chamber of the Paris Court of
Appeal, Mrs Janine Picaud, of Andrésy, testified that her
18-year-old son Jean-Pierre was operated on 24 November 1970 at
the Lariboisière hospital , To the brain for a right temporal
cancerous tumor. The prognosis is "serious in the short term".
Jean-Pierre undergoes two daily bites of cortisone. On 28 February
1971 he entered a coma. On the 10th of March, Dr. T., consulted at
Lariboisiere, said to his mother, "If there was anything, we would
tell you. We warn you that there is nothing to be done." The next
day, the mother went to see Dr. Solomides, whom an ambulance
attendant had given him the address at the first transport of his
son to Lariboisiere. It receives for two months ampoules of PS 300
in injections. Jean-Pierre is recovering. The physician in charge
of performing Lariboisière's treatment was not authorized by the
Departmental Council of the Ordre des médecins to testify to the
beneficial effect of synthetic physiatrists [A: 37-39].
The judgment of 14 June 1973 of the 11th Chamber of the Court of
Appeal observed that the results obtained with the physiatrons of
Jean Solomides were "indisputable" [A: 82].
On 28 December 1976 three days before the European law of 1
January 1977 which recognized the equivalence of certain diplomas
and allowed Solomides to lawfully practice medicine on condition
that he declared on his honor not to be charged, He is summoned to
the Palais de Justice as a matter of urgency, which prevents him
from making such a declaration. Absent from Paris, he hardly gets
a postponement until January 10, 1977, where he undergoes an
interrogation he refuses to sign. The examining magistrate
considers it unnecessary to refer to the European law "when one
has a good French law". [A: 234-235]
- On the television show Apostrophes of 14 October 1977, before
the doctor Henri Pradal, the oncologist Léon Schwarzenberg treats
solomidès de charlatan. On the issue of 4 November 1977, presenter
Bernard Pivot read a right of reply from Solomides [D].
A radio broadcast of Anne Gaillard to be held on 14 January 1978
between Jean Solomidès, Henri Pradal and André Conord to Prs
Georges Mathé, Léon Schwarzenberg and Étienne-Émile Baulieu, A:
When Solomides asked to be registered with the departmental
council of the Hauts de Seine Medical Order, the latter refused to
do so by invoking past prosecutions, wrongly because they were
amnestied. The regional council and the national council also
refuse. [A 295]
- Dr. Bocquet, a biologist, publishes in the Bulletin de
l'Académie Vétérinaire de France a demonstration of the action of
synthetic physiatrists on immunity, by selectively suppressing B
lymphocytes, those which produce protective antibodies to tumors
[A: 305, 333].
- On November 20, 1978, Solomides made his eleventh appearance
before the judiciary for the illegal practice of medicine and
pharmacy. [A 295]. Professor Verhaegue (of Lille) and Jean Bernard
are witnesses to the Medical Association, without being informed,
Mrs Carnet, Solomides' lawyer who believed that the case would be
judged on the law, not on the merits . Consequently, he did not
call any patient or doctor as a witness, but Sauveur Calabria,
president of the League for the priority application of Article 63
of the Criminal Code for the Patient at Risk (LAPA 63). Prosecutor
Lazari promises to review the law only several times, which he
does not do [A: 296, 305-306]. Similarly, Jean Bernard severely
criticizes the treatment of Solomides by asserting that they were
not cancers, otherwise they would not have been cured [A: 298].
Yet, in "Victories on Cancer" of October 1957, p. 8, describes the
case of a leukemic child with generalized lymphosarcomatosis.
Professor JB told his parents that he had only a few weeks left.
Dr V. prescribes peroxidases. The child heals and the parents will
inform Professor JB who, to their amazement, says to know the
treatment Solomides who would get 80% cure. [A: 297-298] In the
courtroom, Professor Jean Bernard says that it is "to try all new
therapeutics, whatever they may be, and if they are valid, their
effectiveness is revealed before five or six years Mr. Solomides
is not. " Yet, although he has been an influential member of the
Academy of Medicine for many years, he has not asked for any
experimentation [A: 302-303]. Professor Verhaegue admits that the
Solomides treatment reduces the inflammation and the volume of the
tumor, but regrets the silence of the patients aware of the
threats. [A: 303-304]
On 18 December 1978, Solomides was sentenced for the illegal
practice of medicine and pharmacy, to the maximum of the fine, and
especially to close his institute. While Jean Solomides appeals,
some twenty patients march in the Palais de Justice, shouting
"Order of physicians, assassin" [A: 308].
The Committee for Cancer Defense and Information (CDIC) was
created and published on January 20, 1978 in "L'Impatient"
(Solomidès, c'est la guerre). In two months, there are 1,000
members. On 28 March 1979, on the suggestion of André Campana, a
television writer and journalist, he published an "Appeal for the
experimentation of medicines developed by Jean Solomides": a full
page of 350 signatures in The daily "Le Matin de Paris" including
that of 170 doctors, about thirty elected officials, journalists,
trade unionists, artists. After the ad service of the World
"agreed to publish it, its medical columnist Dr. Claudine
Escoffier-Lambiotte refused to publish it. In an interview with"
Paris-Match ", Professor Lucien Israel attacks Dr. Solomides, and
none Right of reply is published. [A: 287, 309, 312]
On April 27, 1979, an inquiry was made in Paris-Match No. 1561,
where Professor Lucien Israel asked: "Do you trust this gentleman
who claims to have found a miracle cure for cancer in his back
kitchen for thirty years? ", While he made his discovery at the
Institut Pasteur. He said: "A few months ago, a couple of weeks
before he went to trial, his son who works with him came to me and
asked me to test the drug in the man. Judgment as if it were a
possible thing, it takes twelve or eighteen months to get serious
results. " The judgment, on December 18, 1978, preceded the visit
of Jean-Michel Solomides, which occurred in January 1979. [A:
318-320] Jean-Michel Solomides writes a short letter that is
truncated in Paris-Match. On May 12, his father demanded a
corrigendum. [A 322]
In Le Monde on March 31, 1979, Dr. Charles Proux, who headed the
radiotherapy unit at the Tenon Hospital, said that "the patients
felt better, they regained some energy, but there was no cure and
No direct effects on tumors. " But even an analgesic effect should
have caused the greatest interest, since Professor Léon
Schwarzenberg, at the Entretiens de Bichat 1979, advocated to
reduce the suffering of terminal cancer patients by injecting a
mixture of drugs such as alcohol (ethanol ), Heroin and morphine.
[A: 315-316, 333]
- Solomides falls ill with pulmonary congestion, is alighted on
May 12, and dies on May 28, 1979. [A: 288, 322] About fifteen
thousand patients were treated [A: 323].
- On 28 July 1983, the Regional Directorate for Health and Social
Affairs of Île-de-France brought an action which resulted in a
search of the premises of the Institute on 15 January 1985, with
seizure of the material used to manufacture Solomides products .
- Following a report sent to the public prosecutor's office in
November 2006, on 3 June 2009, Messimy's laboratory, located some
twenty kilometers from Lyon, set up by the Choisis la Vie
association since 1985, is invested by gendarmes (OCLAESP), headed
by Colonel Thierry Bourret, acting on a letter rogatory of a judge
from Marseille. Nine persons are held in police custody and
Jean Solomides and Mirko Beljanski
Solomides and Beljanski having been colleagues at the Institut
Pasteur for a little more than a year from 1948 to 1949, I
wondered what Beljanski thought of Solomides. At the CIRIS General
Assembly in 2002 or 2003, a collaborator told me that Beljanski
thought that Solomides was a charlatan. This was confirmed to me
in 2009 by Dr. Jean Lacaze, who told me that he had received a
letter from Beljanski, in which he reproached him for associating
it in a writing with the "semi-charlatan" Solomides ...
It is also remarkable, in one of the ironies of history, that in
Confiscated Health (1989, pp. 135-136), the Beljanski couple
reported that they had sought in vain for support from the
scientific advisor Of the Minister of Research, Jacques
Benvéniste, and that he also found himself a few months later to
the ban of the scientific community, for having made the heterodox
discovery of the "memory" of water ....
Products Solomides,
multiple sclerosis, cancer, a prohibited treatment.
By Vévé
In the 1970s, Dr. Jean Solomides launched a miracle cure for
cancer: physiatrists. Treatment decried by some, miracle solution
for others, this drug was removed from the market. Back on
testimonials from a doctor and some patients ...
Distribution of illegal drugs: from the conditional prison in
Conditional sentences of six months to one year were required on
Thursday against five people who appeared in Marseille for
manufacturing and distributing illegal and sometimes dangerous
medicines via an association, it was learned from Of the lawyers.
The court of correctional of Marseilles has made its decision
under deliberation to May 15, indicated Me Olivier Saumon,
attorney of the National order of the pharmacists, who had been
civil party in this case.
Five people, including two pharmacists and a doctor, and the
"Choisis la vie" association are being prosecuted for making and
distributing illegal drugs that were prescribed to people with
cancer or multiple sclerosis.
Robert Gaillard, president of the association "Choisis la vie" and
his wife Christiane, are accused of illegal practice of pharmacy,
deception and endangering the lives of others.
The prosecution demanded six months' suspended prison sentence for
the Gaillard spouses, one year suspended and two years of
prohibition against the two pharmacists and one year suspended
with one year's imprisonment. Prohibition against the doctor.
He applied for a fine of 10,000 euros against the association
"Choisis la vie". Founded in 1985 and based in Messimy (Rhône),
this association broadcast "Solomides" products, named after a
doctor who died in 1979 The range of drugs "Vita", supposed to
fight against certain degenerative diseases.
The medicines, which were not granted marketing authorization,
were presented as a side-by-side therapy to help patients deal
with the disease, which the association also offered listening and
psychological support.
The survey began in 2006 when the Pharmacovigilance Center in
Saint-Etienne alerted the French Agency for the Safety of Health
Products (Afssaps) on the delivery of medicines without a
marketing authorization to a young woman suffering from Multiple
sclerosis. This patient, suffering from pneumocystosis and severe
lymphopenia, had to be hospitalized in emergency resuscitation.
The investigation led to the dismantling of the laboratory where
the products were manufactured.
Some products in the Vita range contained substances with
significant carcinogenic risks, such as urethane.
Solomide Products vs Cancer
Solomide products, synthetic physiatrists or peroxidases have been
used for years against certain cancers, including cancers known to
be serious and serious, such as cancers of the brain, lung,
leukemias and others. In spite of this, the laboratory which has
been officially manufacturing and selling Solomides products for
many years in France has been "dismantled" by the Gendarmes of the
Central Office for the Fight Against Environment and Public
Health, thus depriving The sick of many interesting remedies.
It should be remembered that Dr. Solomides, a graduate of science,
a former researcher at the Pasteur Institute, invented synthetic
physiatrists or peroxidases (PS) in the 1950s, with which he began
by curing his father with a Cancer of the liver in terminal phase.
The principle of these remedies is that distilled and solubilized
oil of cod liver would bring oxygen to the cancer cell, which
would seriously harm it, because it lives in anaerobic (in the
absence of oxygen). The PS have demonstrated efficacy against
certain severe cancers such as gliomas (brain tumors with very
poor prognosis), bronchial cancers, certain inoperable
meningiomas, leukemias including myeloma ... but also multiple
sclerosis, viral hepatitis, ulcerative colitis Hemorrhagic, etc.
These products did not present themselves as alternatives to
conventional treatments, but as complements, thus giving hope
where they were no longer available.
However, as is often the case in natural medicine, studies on PS
were rare and limited in number of cases due to a lack of
financial resources. However, numerous testimonies attest to the
soundness of the method. So, instead of banning and seizing these
remedies sold for more than 50 years, perhaps it would have been
more judicious for the sick, to seriously study their therapeutic
effects? Because modern medicine is only of very limited efficacy
against gliomas, lung cancer, multiple sclerosis, viral hepatitis
... So the "discovery" of a complementary treatment would not have
been superfluous ...
Dr. Luc Bodin
Improvements in or relating to the preparation of organic
iodine compounds with therapeutic properties
The invention comprises an iodohydrin of a water-soluble
tris-(polyoxyethylene ether) of castor oil complexed with an
iodide and iodate of an alkali metal or alkaline earth metal which
is prepared by reacting an alkali or alkaline earth metal
hypoiodite with a water-soluble tris-(polyoxyethylene ether) of
castor oil. The products may be dissolved in water or urethane
water.ALSO:The invention comprises an iodohydrin of a
water-soluble tris(polyoxyethylene ether) of castor oil complexed
with an iodide and iodate of an alkali metal or alkanine earth
metal which is prepared by reaction of a watersoluble
tris(polyoxyethylene ether) of castor oil with an alkali or
alkaline earth metal hypoiodite.ALSO:Pharmaceutical preparations
comprise an iodohydrin of a water-soluble tris(polyoxyethylene
ether) of castor oil complexed with an alkali metal or alkaline
earth metal iodide and iodate together with a pharmaceutically
acceptable carrier and/or diluent. The preparations are
The present invention relates to organic iodine compounds with
therapeutic properties.
According to this invention we provide a process for the
preparation of an organic iodine compound with therapeutic
properties in which process an alkali metal or an alkaline earth
metal hypoiodite is reacted with a water-soluble tris
(polyoxyethylene ether) of castor oil (ERP), to form an iodohydrin
of ERP complexed with an iodide and an iodate of an alkali metal
or an alkaline earth metal.
According to a feature of the present invention potassium
hypoiodite is used as the mineral hypoiodite.
According to another feature of the invention, the reaction is
carried out with agitation.
As a new medicine, particularly for use in the treatment of
tumours of cancerous origin, the invention covers an iodohydrin of
ERP complexed with an iodide and an iodate of an alkali metal or
an alkaline earth metal.
It appears that the reaction between the hypoiodite and ERP
involves a peroxide effect with an acid reaction which neutralises
the strong alkalinity of the mineral hypoiodite by liberating
hypoiodous acid (I011) whidh fixes on the double bond of the
treated organic compound. Iodine derivatives and iodohydrins are
then formed.
It is not possible to prove the presence of [Price 4s. 6d.]
peroxide either before or after hypoiodation and it is not yet
known by what mechanism the p11 of the hypoiodite falls to values
in the region of neutrality.
The process for the preparation of the new iodine derivatives in
accordance with the invention comprises two phases:
(a) Prepamition of tho potdirsium, hypiodite grs of potash tablets
and 50 grs of iodine sublimate are brought into contact in a
crystalliser or a litre flask (balloon type); a litre of distilled
water is then added in small quantities with constant agitation. A
yellowish liquid having a very strong iodoform odour and a very
alkaline pH is rapidly obtained, in one or two minutes. No
precipitate remains and there is no trace of undissolved iodine.
(b) Hypodisation of ERP The litre of potassium hypoiodite
solution, prepared as stated above, is immediately mixed by
stirring with two litres of ERP. A small amount of heat is given
off and this raises the temperature of the mixture to
approximately 350C to 400C; it is followed by a progressive
reduction of the pH which passes from 12 to 13 to approximately
7.5 by a mechanism which still remains obscure, since the ERP is
not an acid substance (pH 6.5-6.8 in a 10% solution in distilled
The resulting product is soluble in water, and is very soluble in
urethan water. By simple acidification it liberates Wodine, it
also liberates iodine in potassium iodide solutions, acidified by
acetic acid, but does not discolour indigo blue as does the
mineral hypoiodite for its pH is neutral.
Physico-chemicad chkracteristics Non-ionic surface active agents,
of which ERP forms part, have the basic property of separating 2
1,077,6S3 in aqueous solution and at temperatures above 40'C into
two layers: a lower layer formed of the non-ionic detergent and an
upper layer formed of the solvent which in this case is water.
However, it has been discovered that the product of the
hypoiodisation of ERP in solution in 15 to 20%' of water, does not
become cloudy and no longer separates into two layers whatever the
temperature to which it is raised (even 1O00GC. All the test
solutions of ERP alone, or associated with potassium iodide,
potassium iodate or both together, become cloudy and separate into
two layers at approximately 60 whatever their pH (neutral, acid or
alkaline). One concludes that the potassium iodide and the
potassium iodate formed by dissociation from the hypoiodite
according to the reaction: 3KIO= KI03 +2 KI, are not sufficient to
confer upon ERP such remarkable stability to heat. The
simultaneous presence of KIO therefore seems necessary.
Ciernecat chliwacterIstics In our work in respect of the present
invention we applied ourselves particularly to proving the
possible existence of the organic hypoiodite I0-R function where R
is the residue of the hypoiodised ERP, but without any success.
The classical reactions considered as specific for the presence of
hypoiodite: reaction of hyposulphite which is transformed into
sulphate, of arsenite (which is transformed into arsenate) of urea
into nitrogen and of oxygenated water into oxygen proved to be
negative. Likewise, indigo blue was not bleached by the product of
the invention. It appears therefore that the hypoiodite fixes on
the double link to form an iodohydrin according to the reaction:
The presence of potassium iodide and potassium iodate has been
proved by simple acidification with acetic acid. A bright red
coloration of the solution by liberation of iodine is then
discovered. However, it is necessary to acidify with acetic acid
to obtain with silver nitrate a yellowish and very abundant
precipitate of silver iodide; with lead acetate no precipitate is
obtained and acidification leads only to liberation of iodine.
Test solutions of XII and of potassium iodate alone or associated
with ERP have given abundant precipitates.
However, although with silver nitrate, in an acid medium at least,
the hypoiodised ERP can be demineralised under the conditions we
have indicated, this does not happen with lead acetate, the
negative reactions of which suggest that KI and KIOR are very
strongly bound or complexed with fthe ERP molecule.
The organic iodine derivatives according to the invention have
numerous advantages, in particular (a) a pH in the region of
neutrality and (b) very good stability.
The new iodine derivatives have anti-carcinogenic properties.
The most common mineral hypoiodite is potassium hypoiodite.
The new iodine derivatives may be introduced into the organism
particularly intravenously, orally or per rectum for several
months without any disturbance of the blood count and the
leutocytic formula carried out in the course of treatment and
without causing sclerosis or any incident.
The new iodine derivatives therefore are not toxic in therapeutic
doses and do not produce any sensitisation. Nevertheless, the
administration of hypoiodised ERP should, 80 as a precaution, be
effected gradually under strict supervision.
Polarographic Characteristics of the ERP-Hypoiodite Product The
polarograph has confirmed the existence of two half-wave
potentials corresponding exactly to those of potassium iodide and
potassium iodate such as are found with test solutions in an
indifferent electrolyte (lithium chloride, and in equivalent
Toxicological tests It has not yet been possible to find the
lethal dose for 50%,/ of animals treated (DL 50); several rats
received 5 cm' of 10%o 95 aqueous solutions of hypoiodised ERP
three times a week for four weeks. None of the animals of the 6
treated died or showed the least sign of poisoning. In a healthy
person or one affected by cancerous tumors, 100 no toxicity is
observed, the blood formula remains good as also the level of urea
in the blood. On the other hand, in certain cases of voluminous
tumors of patients, who are already very tired, a considerable
decrease in the red corpuscles is sometimes observed at the same
time as fast melting away of the tumors, with or without an
increase in the level of urea in the blood. This is indirect
intoxication from rapid cell destruction (lysis) of tumors of
people who are already debilitated and undermined by illness. The
administration of hypoiodised ERP to these patients must be given
progressively and under strict supervision. 115 Therapeutic tests
In the case of a rat grafted with the tumor T8 of Guerin, a clear
stoppage of the growth of the tumor is observed. At the moment it
is a matter of simple inhibition of 120 the evolution of the tumor
of the treated rats compared with that of untreated controls.
Tests are repeated with higher concentrations of hypoiodised ERP.
With man, using the existing hypoiodised 125 ERP prepared
according to the instructions -1,077,683 1,077,683 indicated, and
according to an example of non-restrictive formula, Hypoiodised
ERP 15 cm' (10% aqueous solution) Nipagine 1/10 000 Ethylene
glycol 1 cm' Urethane 3 g Distilled water to 100 cm3 there is
obtained considerable cell destruction of tumors with a cure which
it is hoped is complete. The following notes constitute an
Mmme C... of Paut. Ample removal with auxiliary cleansing of the
left breast. Radiotherapy, then shortly after, right pulmonary
metastasis treated by Endoxan. Before the end of this treatment,
left sub-clavicular metastasis. Treatment by hypoiodised ERP, cc
daily intravenously at first, then per rectum, progressive
resorption in approximately 3 months of the pulmonary and
subclavicular metastasis. General condition excellent. Apparent
cure, but the treatment still continuing on a smaller scale.
It will be appreciated that the present invention is not limited
to the above described examples, as other detailed methods and
other detailed forms may be adopted without departing from the
scope of the invention as defined by the claims.
Procédé de stabilisation du triéthylène mélamine et
produits conformes à ceux obtenus par le présent procédé ou
procédé similaire
Procédé de préparation de nouveaux dérivés iodés notamment
de l'éther-oxyde du polyéthylène glycol et de l'huile de ricin
et produits conformes à ceux obtenus par le présent procédé ou
procédé similaire
Substances peroxydantes et leur procédé de préparation
Solutés stables et atoxiques de peroxydes, notamment pour
le traitement du cancer.
Verfahren zur Herstellung von Verbindungen mit
peroxydativer Wirkung oder deren Loesungen
Peroxide and peroxidase compsns. are anti-inflammatories -
pref. contg. sodium persulphate and polyethylene glycol 6000
Composition having an anti-inflammatory effect