Spirulina is a microscopic blue-green alga in the shape of a
spiral coil, living both in sea and fresh water. Spirulina is the
common name for human and animal food produced primarily from two
species of cyanobacteria: Arthrospira platensis, and Arthrospira
maxima. Though referred to as 'algae' because they are aquatic
organisms capable of photosynthesis, cyanobacteria are not related
to any of the various eukaryotic algae.[1]
Arthrospira is cultivated around the world, and is used as a human
dietary supplement, as well as a whole food, and is available in
tablet, flake, and powder form. It is also used as a feed
supplement in the aquaculture, aquarium, and poultry
Arthrospira are free-floating filamentous cyanobacteria
characterized by cylindrical, multicellular trichomes in an open
left-hand helix. They occur naturally in tropical and subtropical
lakes with high pH and high concentrations of carbonate and
bicarbonate. Arthrospira platensis occurs in Africa, Asia and
South America, whereas Arthrospira maxima is confined to Central
These maxima and platensis species were once classified in the
genus Spirulina. There is now agreement that they are in fact
Arthrospira; nevertheless, and somewhat confusingly, the older
term Spirulina remains in use for historical reasons.[2][3]
An illustration from the Florentine Codex showing how the Aztecs
harvested spirulina off lakes by skimming the surface with ropes
(right) and then drying the algae into square cakes which would be
eaten as a nourishing condiment (left).
Spirulina was a food source for the Aztecs and other Mesoamericans
until the 16th century; its harvesting from Lake Texcoco and
subsequent sale as cakes is described by one of Cortés'
soldiers.[4][5] The Aztecs called it Tecuitlatl, meaning stone's
Spirulina was found in abundance at Lake Texcoco by French
researchers in the 1960s, but there is no reference to its use
there as a daily food source after the 16th century.[3] The first
large-scale spirulina production plant, run by Sosa Texcoco, was
established there in the early 1970s.[2]
Leo Szilard postulated the development of algae-based food
supplements (which he called "Amruss") in his 1961 short story,
The Voice of the Dolphins.
Spirulina may have an even longer history in Chad, as far back as
the 9th century Kanem Empire.[citation needed] It is still in
daily use today, dried into cakes called dihé, which are used to
make broths for meals, and also sold in markets. The spirulina is
harvested from small lakes and ponds around Lake Chad.[6]
Most cultivated spirulina is produced in open-channel raceway
ponds, with paddle-wheels used to agitate the water. The largest
commercial producers of spirulina are located in the United
States, Thailand, India, Taiwan, China, Pakistan, Burma (a.k.a.
Myanmar) and Chile .[2]
Nutrients and other chemicals
Spirulina contains an unusually high amount of protein with,
between 55% and 77% by dry weight[7], depending upon the source.
It is a complete protein,[8] containing all essential amino acids,
though with reduced amounts of methionine, cysteine, and lysine
when compared to the proteins of meat, eggs, and milk.[citation
needed] It is, however, superior to typical plant protein, such as
that from legumes.[3] [9]
[edit] Essential fatty acids
Spirulina is rich in gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), and also provides
alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), linoleic acid (LA), stearidonic acid
(SDA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA),
and arachidonic acid (AA).[9][10]
Spirulina contains vitamin B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3
(nicotinamide), B6 (pyridoxine), B9 (folic acid), vitamin C,
vitamin D, vitamin A, and vitamin E.[9][10]
The bioavailability of vitamin B12 in spirulina is in dispute.
Several biological assays have been used to test for the presence
of vitamin B12.[11] The most popular is the US Pharmacopeia method
using the Lactobacillus leichmannii assay. Studies using this
method have shown spirulina to be a minimal source of bioavailable
vitamin B12.[12] However, this assay does not differentiate
between true B12 (cobalamin) and similar compounds (corrinoids)
that cannot be used in human metabolism. Cyanotech, a grower of
spirulina, claims to have done a more recent assay, which has
shown spirulina to be a significant source of cobalamin. However,
the assay is not published for scientific review, so the validity
of this assay is in doubt.[13] The American Dietetic Association
and Dietitians of Canada in their position paper on vegetarian
diets state that spirulina cannot be counted on as a reliable
source of active vitamin B12.[14]
Spirulina is a rich source of potassium, and also contains
calcium, chromium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus,
selenium, sodium, and zinc.[9][10]
Photosynthetic pigments
Spirulina contains many pigments, including chlorophyll-a,
xanthophyll, beta-carotene, echinenone, myxoxanthophyll,
zeaxanthin, canthaxanthin, diatoxanthin, 3'-hydroxyechinenone,
beta-cryptoxanthin and oscillaxanthin, plus the phycobiliproteins
c-phycocyanin and allophycocyanin.[2]
Considerations and Potential
Spirulina contains phenylalanine, which should be avoided by
people who have the metabolic disorder phenylketonuria, where the
body cannot metabolize this amino acid, and it builds up in the
brain, causing damage.[15] Because spirulina is a dietary
supplement, the United States Food and Drug Administration does
not regulate the production and quality of the product. Although
rare, cyanobacteria like Spirulina may contain toxins called
microcystins, which accumulate in the liver and can potentially
cause cancer or other liver diseases. Currently, no standard
exists to regulate the safety of spirulina.[16]
In vitro research
Spirulina extract inhibits HIV replication in human T-cells,
peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC), and Langerhans
An in vitro study in 2008 concluded that Spirulina may possess
iron chelating properties. Human neuroblastoma cells were treated
with a toxic amount of iron, and then treated with Spirulina. When
treated, the iron-induced oxidative stress was reduced.[18]
Animal research
Spirulina helps prevent heart damage caused by chemotherapy using
Doxorubicin, without interfering with its antitumor activity.[19]
Spirulina reduces the severity of strokes and improves recovery of
motor control after a stroke;[20] reverses age-related declines in
memory and learning;[21] and prevents and treats hay fever.[22]
A study on the metabolism of mice indicates that it has little
effect on their metabolism, and therefore probably that of humans,
A study with diabetic rats concluded that Spirulina maxima was
effective in correcting the abnormal carbohydrate and lipid
metabolisms caused by excess fructose within the body.[24]
Human Research
Spirulina has been found to increase weight gain and correct
anemia in both HIV-infected and HIV-negative undernourished
children[25] because of its excellent nutritional quality.
Spirulina is effective for the clinical improvement of melanosis
and keratosis due to chronic arsenic poisoning.[26]
A study in 2005 found that spirulina protects against hay
fever.[27] A more recent double-blind, placebo-controlled study in
2008 concerning 150 allergic rhinitis patients found that
Spirulina platensis significantly reduced the secretion of
pro-inflammatory interleukin-4 by 32%, and the patients
experienced symptomatic relief.[28] Furthermore, Spirulina was
found to reduce the inflammation involved in arthritis in
geriatric patients by stimulating the secretion of interleukin-2,
which helps in regulating the inflammatory response.[29]
A 2007 study[30] found that 36 volunteers taking 4.5 grams of
spirulina per day, over a six week period, exhibited significant
changes in cholesterol and blood pressure: (1) lowered total
cholesterol; (2) increased HDL cholesterol; (3) lowered
triglycerides; and (4) lowered systolic and diastolic blood
pressure. This study, however, did not contain a control group;
researchers cannot be confident that the changes observed are due
totally, or even partially, to the effects of the Spirulina
maxima, as opposed to other confounding variables (i.e., history
effects, maturation effects or demand characteristics). A
randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled intervention study
involving geriatric patients determined that spirulina helped to
significantly reduce the LDL-to-HDL ratio after four months of
A 2007 study concluded that spirulina improved the antioxidant
potential of many geriatric patients who were administered it for
16 weeks. The plasma of these patients showed a measured increased
level of total antioxidant status.[29] A double-blind,
placebo-controlled study in 2006 found that spirulina
supplementation decreased the amount of creatine kinase ( an
indicator of muscular breakdown) in individuals after exercise.
Furthermore, the experimental group's time to exhaustion during
all out treadmill exercise increased by 52 seconds. These effects
were thought to be due to spirulina's antioxidant potential.[31]
See 2010 published study: Maria Kalafati; Athanasios Z. Jamurtas;
Michalis G. Nikolaidis; Vassilis Paschalis; Anastasios A.
Theodorou; Giorgos K. Sakellariou; Yiannis Koutedakis; Dimitris
Kouretas, Ergogenic and Antioxidant Effects of Spirulina
Supplementation in Humans, Medicine and Science in Sports and
Exercise®. 2010;42(1):142-151, concluding a positive effect
occurred, although the mechanism was not well understood.
There are no known side effects to spirulina, however the body may
react to the consumption of it with symptoms including fever,
dizziness, nausea, rashes or itchiness[32].
Organic Certification
Until recently, much spirulina was certified organic. In 2002, the
USDA's National Organic Standards Board voted to disallow the use
of Chilean nitrate. They granted a three-year window to spirulina
producers, which expired in 2006. As a result, leading spirulina
manufacturers have stopped labelling their spirulina as organic,
citing safety concerns of nitrate alternatives.[33]
The United Nations World Food Conference in 1974 lauded spirulina
as the 'best food for the future'. Recognizing the inherent
potential of spirulina in the sustainable development agenda,
several Member States of the United Nations came together to form
an intergovernmental organization named the Intergovernmental
Institution for the use of Micro-algae Spirulina Against
Malnutrition (IIMSAM).[34] IIMSAM aspires to build a consensus
with the UN Member States, international community and other
stakeholders to make spirulina a key driver to eradicate
malnutrition, achieve food security and bridge the health divide
throughout the world.
Spirulina has been proposed by both NASA (CELSS)[35] and the
European Space Agency (MELISSA)[36] as one of the primary foods to
be cultivated during long-term space missions.
Notes & references
1. ^ Cyanobacteria: Life History and Ecology, UCMB
2. ^ a b c d e f Vonshak, A. (ed.). Spirulina
platensis (Arthrospira): Physiology, Cell-biology and
Biotechnology. London: Taylor & Francis, 1997.
3. ^ a b c Ciferri, O. "Spirulina, the Edible
Microorganism." Microbiological Reviews. 47, 4, Dec. 1983. PMCID:
4. ^ Diaz Del Castillo, B. The Discovery and Conquest
of Mexico, 1517-1521. London: Routledge, 1928, p. 300.
5. ^ Osborne, Ken; Kahn, Charles N. (2005). World
History: Societies of the Past. Winnipeg: Portage & Main
Press. ISBN 1-55379-045-6.
6. ^ Abdulqader, G., Barsanti, L., Tredici, M.
"Harvest of Arthrospira platensis from Lake Kossorom (Chad) and
its household usage among the Kanembu." Journal of Applied
Phycology. 12: 493-498. 2000.
7. ^
8. ^
9. ^ a b c d Babadzhanov, A.S., et al. "Chemical
Composition of Spirulina Platensis Cultivated in Uzbekistan."
Chemistry of Natural Compounds. 40, 3, 2004.
10. ^ a b c Tokusoglu, O., Unal, M.K. "Biomass Nutrient
Profiles of Three Microalgae: Spirulina platensis, Chlorella
vulgaris, and Isochrisis galbana." Journal of Food Science. 68, 4,
11. ^ Variations in the Growth Response of Four Different
Vitamin B12 Assay Microorganisms to the Same Tissue and Standard
Preparations. Elizabeth A. Cook and Lillian N. Ellis. Appl
Microbiol. 1968 December; 16(12): 1831–1840.
12. ^ Watanabe, F. et al. "Characterization and
bioavailability of vitamin B12-compounds from edible algae."
Journal of nutritional science and vitaminology, Oct. 2002, 48
13. ^ Spirulina Pacifica as a Source of Cobalamin Vitamin
B-12. Jan. 1999.
14. ^ Position of the American Dietetic Association and
Dietitians of Canada: Vegetarian diets
15. ^ Robb-Nicholson, C. (2006). "By the way, doctor".
Harvard Women's Health Watch 8.
16. ^ Gilroy, D., Kauffman, K., Hall, D., Huang, X., &
Chu, F. (2000). "Assessing potential health risks from microcystin
toxins in blue-green algae dietary supplements". Environmental
Health Perspectives 108 (5): 435–439. doi:10.2307/3454384. PMID
10811570. PMC 1638057.
17. ^ Ayehunie, S. et al. "Inhibition of HIV-1 Replication
by an Aqueous Extract of Spirulina platensis (Arthrospira
platensis)." JAIDS: Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency
Syndromes & Human Retrovirology. 18, 1, May 1998: 7-12.
18. ^ Barmejo-Bescós, P., Piñero-Estrada, E., &Villar
del Fresno, A. (2008). "Neuroprotection by Spirulina platensis
protean extract and phycocyanin against iron-induced toxicity in
SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells". Toxicology in Vitro 22 (6):
1496–1502. doi:10.1016/j.tiv.2008.05.004. PMID 18572379.
19. ^ Khan, M., et al. "Protective effect of Spirulina
against doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity." Phytotherapy
Research. 2005 December;19(12):1030-7.
20. ^ Wang, Y., et al. "Dietary supplementation with
blueberries, spinach, or spirulina reduces ischemic brain damage."
Experimental Neurology. May, 2005 ;193(1):75-84.
21. ^ Gemma, C., et al. "Diets enriched in foods with high
antioxidant activity reverse age-induced decreases in cerebellar
beta-adrenergic function and increases in proinflammatory
cytokines." Experimental Neurology. July 15, 2002; 22(14):6114-20.
22. ^ Chen, LL, et al. "Experimental study of spirulina
platensis in treating allergic rhinitis in rats." Journal of
Central South University (Medical Sciences). Feb. 2005.
23. ^ Yin, J; Zuberi, A; Gao, Z; Liu, D; Liu, Z; Cefalu,
WT; Ye, J (Jul 2008). "Effect of Shilianhua extract and its
fractions on body weight of obese mice". Metabolism: clinical and
experimental 57 (7 Suppl 1): S47–51.
doi:10.1016/j.metabol.2008.03.004. ISSN 0026-0495. PMID 18555854.
24. ^ Kulshreshtha, A., Zacharia, J., Jarouliya,
U.,Bhadauriya, P., Prasad, G.B.K.S., & Bisen, P.S. (2008).
"Spirulina in Health Care Management". Current Pharmaceutical
Biotechnology 9 (5): 400–405. doi:10.2174/138920108785915111. PMID
25. ^ Simpore, J., et al. "Nutrition Rehabilitation of
HIV-Infected and HIV-Negative Undernourished Children Utilizing
Spirulina." Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism. 49, 2005:
26. ^ Mir Misbahuddin, AZM Maidul Islam, Salamat Khandker,
Ifthaker-Al-Mahmud, Nazrul Islam and Anjumanara. Efficacy of
spirulina extract plus zinc in patients of chronic arsenic
poisoning: a randomized placebo-controlled study. (Risk factors ).
Journal of Toxicology: Clinical Toxicology. 44.2 (March 2006):
27. ^ Mao, TK, et al. "Effects of a Spirulina-based dietary
supplement on cytokine production from allergic rhinitis
patients." Journal of Medicinal Food. Spring 2005;8(1):27-30.
28. ^ Cingi, C., Conk-Dalay, M., Cakli, H., & Bal, C.
(2008). "The effects of Spirulina on allergic rhinitis". European
Archives of Oto-Rhino-Larynology 265 (10): 1219–1223.
doi:10.1007/s00405-008-0642-8. PMID 18343939.
29. ^ a b c Park, H.; Lee, Y.; Ryu, H.; Kim, M.; Chung, H.;
Kim, W. (2008). "A randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled
study to establish the effects of spirulina in elderly Koreans".
Annals of nutrition & metabolism 52 (4): 322–328.
doi:10.1159/000151486. PMID 18714150. edit
30. ^ Torres-Duran, Ferreira-Hermosillo, &
Juarez-Oropeza. (2007). Antihyperlipemic and antihypertensive
effects of Spirulina maxima in an open sample of mexican
population: A preliminary report. Lipids in Health and Disease. 6,
31. ^ Lu, H.K., Hsieh, C.C. Hsu, J.J., Yang, Y.K., &
Chou, H.N. (2006). "Preventative effects of Spirulina platensis on
skeletal muscle damage under exercise induced oxidative stress".
European Journal of Applied Physiology 98 (2): 220–226.
doi:10.1007/s00421-006-0263-0. PMID 16944194.
32. ^
33. ^ Organic standards spark spirulina row
34. ^ IIMSAM, Intergovernmental Institution for the use of
Micro-algae Spirulina Against Malnutrition
35. ^ Characterization of Spirulina biomass for CELSS diet
potential. Normal, Al.: Alabama A&M University, 1988.
36. ^ Cornet J.F., Dubertret G. "The cyanobacterium
Spirulina in the photosynthetic compartment of the MELISSA
artificial ecosystem." Workshop on artificial ecological systems,
DARA-CNES, Marseille, France, October 24–26, 1990.
Cyanotech Corporation, a
world leader in microalgae technology, produces BioAstin® Natural
Astaxanthin and Hawaiian Spirulina Pacifica®—all natural,
functional nutrients that leverage our experience and reputation
for quality, building nutritional brands which promote health and
well-being. Cyanotech's spirulina, FDA reviewed and accepted as
Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) for use as a food ingredient,
augments energy and immune response. BioAstin's benefits derive
from its superior antioxidant activity and from its ability to
fight free radical damage and combat ongoing oxidative stress,
enhancing skin, muscle and joint health.* Cyanotech produces these
products from microalgae grown at its 90-acre facility in Hawaii
using patented and proprietary technology and distributes them to
nutritional supplement, nutraceutical and cosmeceutical makers and
marketers in 58 countries on six continents.
Cyanotech was the first microalgae company in the world to obtain
ISO 9001:2000
The Medical Research of
--- Method for promoting polysaccharide accumulation of
spirulina cells
Abstract -- The invention
relates to a method for promoting the polysaccharide accumulation
of spirulina cells, which is characterized by standing cultured
spirulina to make the spirulina float, irradiating the floating
spirulina by strong light before processing and drying to make the
cells to sink under high temperature, collecting and washing the
sunken cells to obtain algae mud with high polysaccharide content
or prepare a dry powder product or be used as the material for
extracting spirulina polysaccharide. Therefore, enterprises can
extract spirulina polysaccharide of more folds from the product on
the basis of equivalent production capacity. With the method, the
production cost of the spirulina polysaccharide can be greatly
reduced, and the method provides a material basis for the wide
application of the spirulina polysaccharide, thereby greatly
improving the economic benefits of the enterprises and increasing
the competition of the enterprises in markets.
CN101709009 --- Nutrient solution
for domestic culture of spirulina
Abstract -- The invention
discloses a nutrient solution for the domestic culture of
spirulina. In the traditional culture of the spirulina, fresh
water culture or seawater culture is adopted, the obtained
spirulina is called fresh water spirulina or seawater spirulina,
and the two culture modes both need a culture pool which is
suitable for the growth of the spirulina. However, the domestic
culture of the spirulina enjoys extensive development space. The
invention provides the nutrient solution suitable for the domestic
culture of the spirulina. The nutrient solution is prepared from
fresh water, inorganic salt and trace elements. The invention is
mainly used for the domestic culture of the spirulina, can
regulate the growth rule of the spirulina aiming at the
physiological characteristic of the spirulina, promotes the growth
and the development of the spirulina, improves the product quality
and enhances the product yield.
CN101705189 --- Spirulina mixed
culturing technology and device
Abstract --- The
invention discloses a spirulina mixed culturing technology,
comprising the following steps: air sterilization: performing
steam sterilization on a ring-shaped transparent glass tube
through multiple steam inlet ports arranged in the ring-shaped
transparent glass tube; inoculating: inoculating after the device
is sterilized, culturing 150-180L of purified sterile spirulina
seeds in a lab, placing the spirulina seeds into the device
through a sterilized peristaltic pump, and opening a circulating
pump; sterilizing culture medium; placing the sterilized culture
medium into the device successively in a sealed and sterile state
after inoculating; ventilating; introducing mixed air containing
15-20% of carbon dioxide into the device through the air inlets;
regulating temperature: controlling the temperate to be at 28-33
DEG C for culturing; and discharging: discharging from a discharge
hole. The invention effectively uses carbon dioxide, and reduces
carbon dioxide emission, thus having the advantages of environment
protection, low cost, high yield and stable quality, and the
spirulina is food-grade.
Abstract -- The present
invention refers to a process to produce biomass and proteins from
microalgae, advantageously using as a source of development of
said microalgae rejects from the alcohol industry, notably sugar
cane husks and carbon dioxide originating from fermentation vats.
The process according to the present invention comprises basic
steps of preparation of cane husks, adaptation and preparation of
inoculum with the microalga Spirulina platensis OF 25, cultivation
of the microalga under controlled conditions and use of CO2,
separation of algal biomass and optional recirculation of the
water phase in the process until acceptable DQO and DBO levels by
environmental regulations are reached.
CN101463322 ---Method for
cultivating large area organic Spirulina
Abstract -- The invention
discloses a method for cultivating organic spirulina in large
areas, which comprises the following steps: 1. the selection of a
cultivation base; 2. choosing the concentrated solution of organic
fertilizer with fine quality for use; 3. Cultivation; a track pool
is added with enough purified water, the concentrated solution of
the organic fertilizer according to the 1000: 1-5 weight ratio of
the concentrated solution of the purified water and the organic
fertilizer and spirulina seed; the photosynthesis is carried out
on the spirulina by stirring; the cultivation is carried out; when
per kilogram of culture fluid contains 0.5-0.7 g of spirulina dry
powder, the collection is carried out; and the concentrated
solution of the organic fertilizer is supplemented again;
meanwhile, the carbon dioxide gas is filled till the pH value of
the cultivate fluid reaches 8.5-9 to cause that the spirulina
continuously grow; the steps are cycled in sequence. In the
method, the chemical synthetic fertilizer or the chemical
treatment are entirely not used or basically not used, thus
fundamentally solving the problem of the chemical substance
residue of the spirulina products and the overproof of the heavy
meta; of the spirulina, guarantying the organic performance and
safety of the spirulina powder and increasing the yield of the
CN101455285 --- Treatment method
of heavy metal polluted helical alga
Abstract : A method for
using heavy metal mild pollution spirulina to extract phycocyanin,
and using its algal residue as principal substrate to adsorb and
remove lead, arsenic and cadmium in the water, pertains to the
field of environmental biotechnology. The method can be widely
used in innocent treatment of mild heavy metal pollution spirulina
without accessing market standards in industrial production. The
inventive method has main features the method adopts the features
of mild heavy metal pollution that it only stick on cell walls,
uses a improved purification method to obtain spirulina further
processed product phycocyanin that conforms to safety criterion
and has higher economic value, wherein, the accompanying diagram
is a mass spectrogram of the extracted phycocyanin; and fixs the
algal residues, for preparing biological adsorbent for obtaining
lead, arsenic, cadmium and other heavy metals.
CN201292358 --- Spirulina
cultivation machine
Abstract -- The utility
model relates to a spirulina cultivation machine for automatically
controlling a light source and a heat source. The spirulina
cultivation machine is technically characterized in that a liquid
crystal electric power board which can automatically control the
light source and the heat source has extremely high requirement on
temperature and light intensity during spirulina cultivation; and
the prior spirulina cultivation machine is generally manually
controlled, and the control of the light source and the heat
source is hard to manage. The spirulina cultivation machine is
characterized in that a temperature control device which can
automatically control the heat degree and the light intensity is
arranged on the liquid crystal electric power board and is mainly
used for controlling the growth, the illumination and the
temperature adjustment of the spirulina in a photosynthesis box.
When the inner temperature of the photosynthesis box exceeds the
growth requirement of the spirulina, the temperature control
device can automatically cut off power so as to retain the optimal
growth temperature and the illumination of alga, and the energy
can be saved. One external power cord is connected to the bottom
of a base to enable the spirulina cultivation machine to be
convenient and safe. The spirulina cultivation machine is quite
easy and convenient to operate by household users and the persons
having no experience of spirulina cultivation.

CN101240244 --- Sea water cultivation of
functionality series fresh-keeping spirulina platensis and
spirulina maxima
Abstract -- The invention
belongs to sea water breeding pure natural fresh-keeping type
dull-tip spirulina and ultra-large spirulina which are alga for
world wild production at present. The domestication descendiblity
mutagenesis, controlling temperature, controlling light,
controlling Ph and conditioning all kinds of nutrition constituent
two alga variety are breed into high yield (390g/square
meter/day), large alga body (1,2 to 1.05 times) and maintaining
all nutrition constituent alga variety in special sea water, some
nutrition constituent also are higher than primary alga, for
example, Gamma-linolenic acid and Beta-carotene are respectively
higher 56and 32than primary alga. We have breed functional series
fresh-keeping spirulina and produced in clean environment in large
scale. The newly breed sea water production alga has 11 kinds and
their function respectively are fatigue protection, blood sugar
dropping, beauty treatment, pruritus protection, hemostasia, alga
mud, fodder, invigorating the stomach, invigorating the kidney and
weight losing.
CN101240243 --- Fresh water
cultivation of series function fresh-keeping spirulina
platensis and spirulina maxima
Abstract -- The invention
belongs to sweet water breeding pure natural fresh-keeping type
dull-tip spirulina and ultra-large spirulina which are alga for
world wild production at present. Functional fresh-keeping new
patern dull-tip spirulina and ultra-large spirulina variety which
are emanated by cobalt (60)10 gray-25000 gray for 5 minutes to 10
hours, after controlling temperature, controlling light,
controlling pH and conditioning all kinds of nutrition ingredient,
single excellent mutagenesis variety screened by micromanipulator
are purified and cultured are chosen. The functional fresh-keeping
new patern dull-tip spirulina and ultra-large spirulina variety
have stabilising germ line and higher nutrition ingredient than
general dull-tip spirulina, ultra-large spirulina and other
mutagenesis variety, especially some ingredients are more several
times than present dull-tip spirulina and ultra-large spirulina.
The alga wall of the new type spirulina is very thin, the width
and length of alga body are larger than present dull-tip spirulina
and ultra-large spirulina. We have breed five kinds of sweet water
production alga variety whose functions are respectively fatigue
protection, blood sugar dropping, beauty treatment, pruritus
protection and hemostasia in indoor large scale clean environment
deep layer (1 to 1.5meter).
CN201089772 --- Spirulina
CN101126067 --- Method for
determining high quality spirulina production series
Abstract -- The invention
relates to a method used for determining the production line of
qualified spirulina. By designing a random primer and adopting
PAPD equimolecular biology, the specific stripes of 5 strains of
sprial alg systems Sp-1, Sp-2, Sp-3, Sp-4 and Sp-5 are cloned;
cluster analysis discovered that: 5 strains can be divided into
two types: wherein one type is Sp-1 and Sp-2, the other is Sp-3,
Sp-4 and Sp-5, and the cloning maps of primer S35 and primer S99
have specific stripes that can identify the two type of strains;
the specific stripes that have molecular weight of 680bp and 900bp
only occurred in Sp-3, Sp-4 and Sp-5 stratins, and the specific
stripes that have molecular weight of 900bp and 650bp only
occurred in Sp-1 and Sp-2 stratins. The stripes, that respectively
have molecular weight of 680bp and 900bp, cloned from candidate
strains by primer S35 and primer S99 properly have comparatively
better performance and are suitable for mass production; while the
stripes, that respectively have molecular weight of 900bp and
650bp, cloned from candidate strains by primer S35 and primer S99
properly have comparatively poorer performance and are not
suitable for mass production.

CN101104870 --- Method for
identifying spirulina strain production characteristics
Abstract -- Disclosed is
an identification method for spirulina strain production
characters. Through extracting total DNA of 5 strains of spirulina
sp-1, sp-2, sp-3, sp-10, sp-NC and electrophoresis analysis, the 5
strains can be classified into two main categories according to
the chromosome external DNA numbers(exDNA): wherein sp-1, sp-2,
sp-10 and sp-NC fall into one category with only one exDNA; sp-3
falls into the other category with two exDNA . When two exDNAs are
contained in total DNA of candidate strain, the production
character is much better and is good for large scale production;
when only one exDNA is contained in total DNA, the production
character is probably not good and can not be used for plant
CN101240242 --- Screening method
for industrially cultivating excellent strain of spirulina
Abstract -- A method for
filtering spirulina to breed superior strain factory is provided.
By designing particular primer, the corresponding gene order of
seven spirulina strain Sp-1, Sp-2, Sp-3, Sp-4, Sp-5, Sp-6, Sp-7
are cloned and tested using molecular biology method such as PCR,
the gene is translated into aminoacid before the gene is carried
out multiple sequence matching discover using DNAStar v6.13
software, the seven strain can be divided into two class according
to the seventh, twentieth, thirtieth, fifth-sixth and seventy
second sites of 1 to 80 amino acid sequence: in which Sp-1, Sp-2,
Sp-3, Sp-6 are one class, Sp-3, Sp-4, Sp-3, Sp-5 and Sp-7 are
another class. The 1 to 80 sites amino acid sequence of candidacy
strain is compared with Sp-1, Sp-2, Sp-3, Sp-4, Sp-5, Sp-6, Sp-7,
if they are same to the strain of Sp-3, Sp-4, Sp-3, Sp-5 and Sp-7,
they may be excellent production and suitable for large scale
production, if they are same to the strain of Sp-1, Sp-2, Sp-3,
Sp-6, they may be not suitable for factory production.
CN1903751 --- Treatment
technology of spirulina waste water
Abstract -- The present
invention relates to a water, salt-contained waste water, sewage
and sludge treatment method. In particular, it relates to a
treatment method of high-salt waste water produced in spirulina
prince production process. Said method includes the following
steps: making the waste water be fed into the inlet of regulation
tank, recovering spirulina princes by utilizing filtering screen,
then making the waste water be fed into regulation tank,
regulating water quality and water quantity, pumping said waste
water into diatomite filter to remove solid matter, then making
the waste water be fed into intermediate tank, pumping said waste
water into filtering system to farther remove smaller solid and
living beings, then making the filtered waste water be fed into
the disinfection system to kill microorganism and algal single
spore,; and making the waste water be flowed into electrodialysis
device so as to obtain weak brine and strong brine. The weak brine
is flowed into weak brine system, the strong brine is flowed into
strong brine tank, and is undergone the process of drying
solidification, then its residuum is buried.
CN1900315 --- Method for
screening high quality spirulina princeps strain for large
scale production
Abstract -- The method of
screening high quality spirulina strain for large scale production
includes designing primer of 16S-23S rRNA transcription spacer,
cloning and measuring 16S-23S rRNAITS sequences shown in SEQ No. 1
of 7 spirulina strains Sp-1, Sp-2, Sp-3, Sp-5, Sp-9, Sp-10 and
Sp-15 by means of PCR technology; separating the 7 spirulina
strains into two groups, including the first group comprising
Sp-3, Sp-5 and Sp-15, and the second group comprising Sp-1, Sp-2,
Sp-9 and Sp-10 according to the similarity of the sequences; and
measuring the 16S-23S rRNAITS sequence of the candidate strain and
comparing with those of the said strain. When the candidate strain
may be classified into the first group, it has excellent character
and is suitable for large scale production; when the candidate
strain may be classified into the first group, it is not suitable
for large scale production.
CN1864474 --- A method for
breeding spirulina
Abstract -- The spirulina
cultivating process is one sealed industrial cultivating process
including cultivating spirulina in cultivating solution inside
separate transparent cultivating barrels, setting the cultivating
barrels inside a sealed shed with transparent top or side,
mounting heating pipes below the cultivating barrels, setting
ventilating units connected via ventilating pipe into the
cultivating barrels, and controlling the temperature inside the
cultivating barrels at 16-38 deg.c and pH value in 8-12. The said
spirulina cultivating process is suitable for cultivation all the
year round, can avoid great area contamination and can produce
spirulina in high yield, and the fresh spirulina may be eaten
CN1807571 --- Method for
cultivating spirulina
Abstract -- This invention
discloses a method for spirulina culture, which contains
constructing culture environment of spirulina, confecting culture
liquid, nursing during culture process, gathering and harvesting
spirulina. Firstly construct culture environment of spirulina;
then confect culture liquid, whose components and the mass
proportions are as follows: NaHCO3 10-15Kg, KH2PO4 0. 1-0. 9Kg,
microelement1-8Kg, pure crude water1 ton, and the culture
conditions are as foolws: water temperature keeps at 25deg C-
35deg C, humidity keeps at 40íÒ-60íÒ, charge oxygen in the time of
the day and illuminate for at least 12 hours a day; then gather
the spirulina: flush the filter spirulina and test with pH paper,
and it is up to grade when the paper showing neutrality;
supplement nourishment: after series gathering, feed each
nutrimental materials proportionally into culture crock,
consquenty guarantee the spirulina get plenty nourishment. When
the pH value of culture liquid ascends to 11, add NaHCO3 to
maintain its pH value in 8-11. Continuely culture and harvest to
keep the spirulina of certain density; add NaHCO3 to stabilize the
pH value of culture liquid and accelerate growth and breeding of
spirulina in the culture liquid.

CN2856054 --- Enclosed spirulina
culturing appts
Abstract -- The utility
model discloses a shell-type helix algae cultivation apparatus
including a tectorial house noumenon and transparent containers
collocated in the house for holding helix algae culture solution
and helix algae. The house is equipped inside with terraced
brackets. Said transparent containers are equipped with air
charging devices that are set up on the terraced brackets. Said
house includes a supporting wall, a supporting skeleton set and a
cover of light transmission film on the supporting skeleton set.
Said house is equipped with a heating device, an exhaust device, a
ventilation device, an illumination device and a humidity
regulation device. The entrance of the house is equipped with a
buffer room and a dressing room. The adoption of the said
blueprint keeps the helix algae free from being prone to suffer
from contaminations and inset pests and plant diseases because the
adverse factors caused by the external environment changes are
overcome. The terraced cultivation makes full use of the space
pattern of the tectorial house and optimization of illumination
conditions and technical operation, thereby having a rather good
practical value for market promotion.

CN2928860 --- High efficiency
cultivator for spirulina princeps
Abstract --- The utility
model discloses a highly effective spirulina incubator which
comprises a culture container, a machine base, an air supply pipe,
an air pump, a heat booster, a stirrer, a magnetic field
generator, a secondary light source, a guide shell and an eduction
valve, or the like. The machine base is positioned at the bottom
of the culture container and an opening at the bottom of the
culture container is communicated with the eduction valve
positioned in the machine base. The guide shell is arranged in the
middle of an opening at the bottom of the culture container, the
heat booster is arranged in the middle of the guide shell, the air
supply pipe is arranged at the bottom of the guide shell, the air
pump is positioned inside the machine base or upon the culture
container and is connected with the air supply pipe, and the
stirrer, the magnetic field generator, and the secondary light
source are positioned in the culture container. The highly
effective spirulina incubator can not only generate a rotating
magnetic field for making the luminous intensity generate periodic
changes from light to shade alternatively, but also can prevent
and clear the surface accumulated algae inside the culture
container and bare pipes, or the like. The utility model achieves
a spirulina cultivating device with higher productivity and better

CN1813528 --- Method for indoor
cultivating edible spirulina and controlling its oxygen
Abstract -- The present
invention discloses a control method of edible spirulina indoor
culture and its oxygen release and ecological landscape formation.
Said method includes the following steps: preparing culture
container for indoor culture of spirulina, defining culture
method, collecting frond cell, controlling food application and
oxygen release and regulating and controlling ecological landscape
formation. Said invention also provides the concrete steps of said
regulation and control method.
CN2904637 --- Spirulina household
purified cultivation device
Abstract -- The utility
model relates to a spirulina culture device for family purifying
use. The spirulina cultivating device consists essentially of a
culture vessel, a foundation, and an upper cover; wherein, inside
the culture vessel is provided with a heater, subsidiary light
source, and a air supply tube, the bottom of the culture vessel is
provided with a settling tank, an observation port, and an air
cleaner, the top of the culture vessel is provided with a
spirulina taking pump. The utility model adopts a completely
closed purified environment for the culture of spirulina and
therefore the culture process is clean and to make frequent
cleansings to the culture vessel and to make frequent replacement
of culture solution, and meanwhile the production cost is low is
CN1341707 --- Application
technique of solar collector in microfine algae cultivation
Abstract -- In the course
of closed of opened culture of microfine algae of spirulina
princeps, etc. a certain quantity of solar collectors are
series-connected, parallelly-connected or series-parallelly
connected with culture pool, culture tank and culture pipe, and a
pumping method or other methods are used to make microfine algae
culture pass through solar collectors and flow, so that under the
irradiation of sunlight the solar collectors can utilize adsorbed
selective coating layer to high-effectively convert light energy
into heat energy and transfer the heat energy into microfine algae
culture, so that it not only can high-effectively raise temp. of
microfine algae culture, but also can reduce its production cost
of microfine algae in cold area, therefore, it possesses important
and extensive application valve.
CN2420287 --- Spirulina
Abstract --- The utility
model discloses a spirulina cultivator, which is composed of a
square box seat and a transparent cultivation barrel, wherein, a
spirulina-taking pipe is erected on the middle part of the
cultivation barrel, a heater and a secondary light source are
fixed near the spirulina-taking pipe, and the sensed temperature
information of the cultivation barrel is transmitted to a main
board by a temperature sensor stuck to the wall of the cultivation
barrel; after the temperature information is compared, magnified
and treated, a temperature indication display displays a set
temperature range and controls heating operation and temperature
rise, an annular air feed pipe is arranged on the bottom of the
barrel, and a plurality of pinholes are arranged on the pipe. The
utility model has the advantages of high automation, reasonable
structure and low fabricating cost, and is a household requisite.
CN2422289 --- Spirulina
cultivation device with light guide system
Abstract -- The utility
model relates to a spirulina cultivation device with a light guide
system, and the utility model is the product belonging to light
industry. The utility model is composed of a transparent top
cover, a light transmission pipe, a reflecting mirror and stable
accessories, wherein, the utility model transmits sunlight into
the deepest part of a spirulina cultivation pond through the light
guide system, spirulina in the deepest part can receive more
sunlight and gain much more sufficient photosynthesis, and thus,
spirulina with high protein is produced. The device has the
advantages of less investment and reasonable design, and provides
a new method for cultivating the eutrophic spirulina.
CN2317233 --- Domestic
cultivation device for Spirulina
Abstract --- The utility
model relates to a domestic cultivation device for spirulinas. The
utility model is composed of a container, a stirrer, a light
source, a spirulina receiving bag, etc., wherein, the container is
a ware with an upper opening; the stirrer is a publicly known
miniature air pump, and an air outlet head is arranged in
solutions of the ware. The utility model reduces a principle and
the structure of outdoor cultivation, a ware container is used for
replacing an outdoor cement pool, spirulina seeds which are
matched with proper nutritive salt components and water are led
into the ware, gas lifting stirring is carried out on spirulina
solutions in the ware, the light source which can emit light for
photosynthesis is assisted, when air temperature is slightly low,
a warming device is started, and a purpose of successful
cultivation can be achieved. Fresh spirulinas with the weight of
40 grams can be collected every day, and compared with dry
powders, the dosing effect of the fresh spirulinas is superior.

CN2317232 --- Stirring and
collecting integral device for cultivation pool of Spirulina
Abstract -- The utility
model changes a fixed stirring mode for a half pool width in the
existing cement pool cultivation into a stirring mode
reciprocating along a pool length and traveling on a whole pool
width, an alga receiving bag is placed on a moving rack, and algae
are received when a stirring rack moves; therefore, stirring
quality is enhanced, and a disadvantage of receiving the algae by
manual work can be avoided. A gear which is arranged on a shaft of
the stirring rack is matched with rack bars which are arranged on
a pool wall along a lengthwise direction, and the shaft of the
stirring rack is driven by a bidirectional motor.
CN1177002 --- Method for external
gene conversion for spirulina
Abstract -- The present
method takes the plasmid which contains exogenous gene and
possesses protonucleus expression element as conversion carrier,
and passes through conventional inversion method to proceed
transformation treatment against spirulina cell, then proceed
selective cultivation of step generation, so as to obtain the
transgene spirulina. This method possesses the advantages of
simple in operation and good in effect.
CN2367618 --- Spirulina
cultivation apparatus
Abstract --- The utility
model relates to a spirulina cultivation device which is an
improved novel device used for cultivating spirulina. The device
is composed of a step type bracket (1), a plastic shallow tray (2)
and a plastic cultivation bag (3). As the device is made of angle
iron and transparent plastic, materials are easy to be gotten and
are not easy to be damaged, and the light transmission property of
the utility model is superior to that of a glass vessel easily
adsorbing incrustation scale. Besides, as the device has the step
type bracket, stereoscopic cultivation can be carried out to the
WO2007129327 --- A PHOTO
Abstract -- The present
invention proposes to meet the long standing need for Photo
Bio-reactors for the laboratory scale and mass cultivation of
photosynthetic organisms such as spirulina and many other micro
algae. The photo bio reactor comprises a system of coaxial helical
transparent autoslavable tubular coils (1) for flow of a culture
medium containing micro algae to be cultivated. The annular spaces
between the adjacent coils and the space enclosed by innermost
coil are provided with means (3) of providing predetermined
alternate periods of light and darkness on the inner and outer
surfaces of each of said coil and for temperature control of the
medium to improve photosynthetic performance. The tubular coils
have high surface area to volume ratio for extensive dissolution
of the carbon-dioxide gas injected into the media. For cultivating
biomass suitable for producing hydrocarbon, the organism used is
the blue-green micro algae Botryococcus braunii.
Abstract -- The present
invention relates to an economical and efficient method for mass
production of spirulina using seawater-based medium composition of
pH ranging between 6.5 and 8.0 comprising sodium bicarbonate of
concentration ranging between 1.2 to 3.0 % w/v, nitrogen of
concentration ranging between 0.1 to 0.3 % w/v, phosphorus of
concentration ranging between 0.1 to 0.3 % w/v, potassium of
concentration ranging between 0.1 to 0.3 % w/v seawater and
composition thereof.
FR2914315 --- Photosynthesis of
algae e.g. Spirulina...
Abstract -- The process
for photosynthesis of algae, comprises injecting liquid culture
and algae spores in a transparent pipe, operating a pressurized
fluid transport unit to force the liquid culture to flow towards a
oxygen jet so that the liquid culture refills the oxygen jet to
form a rotating spray to make the oxygen to escape, collecting the
liquid culture from the oxygen jet in a controlling area, and
automatically conducting the liquid culture through the
transparent pipe for another photosynthesis. The liquid culture
flows downwards in the transparent pipe to generate oxygen. The
process for photosynthesis of algae, comprises injecting liquid
culture and algae spores in a transparent pipe, operating a
pressurized fluid transport unit to force the liquid culture to
flow towards a oxygen jet so that the liquid culture refills the
oxygen jet to form a rotating spray to make the oxygen to escape,
collecting the liquid culture from the oxygen jet in a controlling
area, and automatically conducting the liquid culture through the
transparent pipe for another photosynthesis. The liquid culture
flows downwards in the transparent pipe to generate oxygen by
photosynthesis; towards a connecting section; and towards the
pressurized fluid transport unit through the connecting section
and a temperature control unit. A device is arranged for spraying
water on transparent pipe. A device is arranged for emitting light
on the transparent pipe.; A gate assembly is arranged for removing
the liquid culture after flowing through the transparent pipe. An
independent claim is included for a system for photosynthesis of
UA81508 --- METHOD FOR
Abstract -- A method for
preparation of nutrient medium based on Zarucca medium for
cultivation of Spirulina platensis (Nordst.) Geitler is proposed.
By means of change EDTA concentration, namely increasing to 0.16
g/l of water solution as compared with 0.08 g/l in a control
(Zarucca) and change of the technology for preparation of nutrient
medium, namely previous chelating with 0.16 g/l EDTA of salts,
containing ions of calcium, magnesium and iron, the elimination of
deposition, wherein the deposit contains these elements, and
increasing of productivity of Spirulina platensis cyanobacteria
cultivation to 20% as compared with the cultivation on control
nutrient medium (Zarucca medium) were achieved.
MD3171 --- Process for
Spirulina platensis cyanobacterium biomass obtaining
Abstract -- The invention
refers to biotechnology, namely to a process for obtaining
Spirulina platensis cyanobacterium biomau industry, as well as in
the clinical and experimental medicine. The process, according to
the invention, includes inoculation of cyanobacterium in the
quantity of 0,40`0,45 g/l in a nutrient medium containing, g/L:
NaHCO3 - 16,8, K2HPO4@3H2O - 0,1, NaNO3 - 2,5, NaCl - 1,0, K2SO4 -
1,0, CaCl2@6H2O - 0,04, MgSO4@7H2O - 0,20, H3BO3 - 0,00286,
MnCl2@4H2O - 0,00181, CuSO4@5H2O - 0,00008, MoO3 - 0,000015, water
- up to 1L and [Zn(Gly L-Ser)] - 0,02`0,03, which is added by
instalments: 1/3 on the first day and 2/3 on the third day of
cultivation, and cultivation thereof during 6 days in the
accumulation regime by a light of 3000`4800 lx, at a temperature
of 30`35?C and pH 9,5`10,0.
MD3129 --- Process for Spirulina
platensis cyanobacterium biomass obtaining
Abstract -- The invention
refers to biotechnology, namely to a process for Spirulina
platensis cyanobacterium biomass obtaining and may be used in the
pharmaceutical industry, clinical and experimental medicine. The
process, according to the invention, includes inoculation of the
cyanobacterium in the quantity of 0,40...0,45 g/L into a nutritive
medium containing, g/L: NaHCO3 - 16,8, K2HPO4 - 0,1, KNO3 - 3,75,
NaCl - 1,0, K2SO4 - 3,75, CaCl2.6H2O - 0,04, MgSO4.7H2O - 0,7,
H3BO3 - 0,00286, MnCl2.4H2O - 0,00181, ZnSO4.7H2O - 0,00022,
CuSO4.5H2O - 0,00008, MoO3 - 0,000015, FeSO4.7H2O - 0,024, Fe-EDTA
- 0,025, water - up to 1 L, to which on the first day of
cultivation it is added the coordinative compound
[Fe2MgO(C4H3OCOO)3(CH3COO)3(H2O)(C4H8O)] in the quantity of
0,under at the light of 3400...4800 lx, at the temperature of
31...36?C, pH 9,5...10,0. The result consists in raising the
activity of superoxidedismutase in the obtained biomass.
MD3128 --- Process for Spirulina
platensis biomass obtaining
Abstract -- The invention
refers to biotechnology, in particular to a process for Spirulina
platensis biomass obtaining that may be used in the pharmaceutical
industry, as well as in the clinical and experimental medicine.
The process for Spirulina platensis biomass obtaining includes
preparation of the nutrient medium, containing, g/L of water:
NaHCO3 - 16,8; K2HPO4 - 1,0; KNO3 - 3,75; NaCl - 1,0; K2SO4 -
3,75; CaCl2(6H2O - 0,04; MgSO4(7H2O - 0,70; H3BO3 - 0,00286;
MnCl2(4H2O - 0,00181; ZnSO4(7H2O - 0,00022; CuSO4(5H2O - 0,00008;
MoO3 - 0,000015; FeSO4(7H2O - 0,024; Fe-EDTA - 0,025, inoculation
of the Spirulina platensis suspension in the amount of 0,40...0,45
g/L and cultivation thereof during 6 days in the accumulation
regime under the light of 3400...4800 lx, at a temperature of
31...36?C and pH of 9,5...10,0. Novelty of the invention consists
in that on the first day of cultivation into the medium is added
the coordinative compound [Fe2Mg(CCl3COO)6(CH3OH)3] in the
quantity of 0,005...0,025 g/L.
MD3417 --- Nutrient medium for
cultivation of Spirulina platensis cyanobacyterium
Abstract -- The invention
refers to biotechnology, in particular to a nutrient medium for
cultivation of Spirulina platensis cyanobacterium and may be used
for obtaining spirulina biomass with an increased content of
iodine, selenium and germanium. The claimed nutrient medium
comprises the Zarrouk standard medium, wherein it is additionally
added Kl, Na2SeO3 and GeO2, in the following ratio of ingredients,
g/L:Kl 0,004à0,005Na2SeO3 0,010à0,0105GeO2 0,0025à0,0030.
MD2501 --- Process for Spirulina
platensis biomass obtaining
Abstract -- The invention
refers to biotechnology, in particular to processes for Spirulina
platensis biomass obtaining, enriched with peptides, amino acids,
proteins, phycobiliproteins, polysaccharides and lipids, used in
the pharmaceutical, food and cosmetic industry. The claimed
process consists in spirulina cultivation on the nutrient medium
Gromov No. 16 in the accumulation regime, with periodic mixing, at
the temperature of 35+- 2 degree C and permanent illumination of
12...15 thousand erg/cm2 in the first 24 hours of utilization and
of 18...21 thousand erg/cm2 in the next 96 hours. In the first day
of cultivation, after Spirulina platensis inoculation, in the
medium is added white or red wine in the amount of 1...2 ml/L. The
result of the invention consists in increasing the content of
amino acids, proteins, peptides, phycobiliproteins,
polysaccharides and lipids in the Spirulina platensis biomass.
US4431738 ---Method of plant
tissue and cell culture
Abstract -- In a plant
tissue and cell cultivation, a method for facilitating both cell
multiplication and differentiation is attained by conducting the
cultivation in a culture medium containing an extract of micro
algae such as Chlorella, Scenedesmus and Spirulina
US6698134 --- Method of
cultivating fresh spirulina at home and device thereof
Abstract -- The present
invention discloses a method and an apparatus for cultivating and
consuming fresh Spirulina at home. The method comprises species
selection of Spirulina for cultivation at home, cultivation
environment and apparatus conditions, cultivation and maintenance
of Spirulina, collection of fresh Spirulina, consumption and
storage of fresh Spirulina. The invention changes the situations
that Spirulina are only produced in plants and the finished
products of Spirulina are bought in stores or hospitals. The
invention not only enables the nutrients of Spirulina to be stored
and utilized much completely, but also comprehensively utilizes
this original biological resource and characteristics of Spirulina
(such as absorption of carbon dioxide, release of fresh oxygen and
production of high-protein nutrient source) and thus develops and
popularizes much quickly the edible Spirulina to meet the needs of
the public to health foods.
US4217728 --- Apparatus for
cultivating algae
Abstract -- A flow
rectifying device is provided in a cultivation basin used in the
cultivation of algae of the type in which there is a horizontal
circulating flow of the cultivation water. The flow rectifying
device avoids the formation of puddles or stagnant water and
provides for uniform flow of the circulating water as the
direction of flow changes at corners of the basin. The flow
rectifying means includes a plurality of curved parallel fins for
smoothly deflecting the flow of the circulating cultivation water
and thereby prevents contamination of the cultivation liquid by
preventing algae from being destroyed. The apparatus is
particularly useful in cultivating blue-green algae of the genus
Spirulina and other aquatic lower algae.
MD20010258 --- Process for
cultivation of cyanobacteria Spirulina platensis
Abstract -- The invention
refers to biotechnology, in particular to a process for
cultivation of cyanobacteria Spirulina platensis. The process for
cultivation of cyanobacteria Spirulina platensis includes seeding
of spirulina on the Gromov's medium No. 16, wherein on the third
day of cultivation it is added in the capacity of zinc source one
of the coordinative compounds: [Zn(CH3COO)2ò4H2O], [Zn
(CH2ClCOO)2ò4H2O], [Zn(CH2BrCOO)2ò4H2O], [Zn(CHBr2COO)2ò4H2O],
[Zn(CCl3COO)2ò4H2O], [Zn(CBr3COO)2ò4H2O]in the concentration of
5...20 mg/L. The cultivation is carried out during 6 days at the
lighting of 3000...4000 lx and the temperature of 30...35 degree
C.The result of the invention consists in increasing the
productivity of spirulina with increased content of peptides and
MD20010148 --- Process for
cultivation of cyanobacteria Spirulina platensis
Abstract -- The invention
refers to biotechnology, in particular to a process for
cultivation of cyanobacteria Spirulina platensis, representing a
source of phycobiliproteins and carotenoids, used in the
pharmaceutical, food industries and in cosmetology. The process
for cultivation of cyanobacteria Spirulina platensis includes
inoculation of spirulina in a quantity of 0,4...0,5 g/L on a
nutrient medium in the following ratio of ingredients (g/L):
NaHCO3 - 16,8; K2HPO4A3H2O - 1,0; NaNO3 - 2,5; NaCl - 1,0; K2SO4 -
1,0; CaCl2A6H2O - 0,04; MgSO4A7H2O - 0,20; H3BO3 - 0,00286;
MnCl2A4H2O - 0,00181; ZnSO4A7H2O - 0,00022; CuSO4A5H2O - 0,00008;
MoO3 - 0,000015.; On the third day of cultivation in the said
medium it is added 5...10 mg/L of one of the following
co-ordinative compounds with nitrate: hexa-A-glycinato
The process is carried out at a temperature of 30...35 degree C
and illumination of 3000...4000 lx.The result of the invention
consists in the intensification of the synthetic process that
facilitates the increase of the spirulina biomass productivity as
well as the content of carotenoids and phycobiliproteins
Abstract -- The invention
relates to a mutant of Spirulina platensis (Nordst) Geitl
deposited in the CCTE collection as Spirulina platensis (Nordst)
Geitl CCTE-1997, under the number 3, at 09.08.97. The culture
medium, especially conceived for the Spirulina platensis (Nordst)
Geitl CCTE-97/3 consists of mineral water and thermo-mineral
water, HCO3, nitrites, ammonium, SO-2 4, chlorides, Na+, K+, Mg2+,
Ca2+, iron, phosphorus, NaHCO3 and NaNO3. The invention also
describes a process for continuous flow cultivation of Spirulina
platensis (Nordst) Geitl CCTE 97/3 for preparing biomass, which is
developed in a pyramid-type construction having square basis,
glass lateral surface and a ratio of 1.618 between the side of the
basis and the height, the sides of the basis being oriented along
the directions N-S and E-W, having determined sizes, ensuring
natural light for 10...12 h/day. The invention also relates to an
installation for the continuous flow cultivation of the Spirulina
platensis (Nordst) Geitl CCTE 97/3 form, which comprises the
Spirulina culture assembly consisting of tanks (1a, 1b, 1c and
1d), electrically-operated valves, pipe, flowmeter, filter, pump,
pipe connections, pipe, electrically-operated valves, tank for
supplementing the waste medium, strainer pump, float devices, the
circuit for inoculum and completion with fresh medium comprising a
fresh medium preparation tank, pump, pipe, pipe connection,
inoculum tank, signalling float device, distributing pipe,
electrically-operated valves, the suspension ventilation assembly
comprising a device for increasing the pressure of the free or CO2
enriched air, pipe and nozzles for forming air microbubbles; the
suspension temperature control assembly comprising a thermal
plant, a pipe and heat exchangers; the suspension stirring
assembly consisting of paddles; the additional illumination
automatic assembly comprising lamps and sensors; the pH measuring
and signalling assembly consisting of devices.
Abstract -- PURPOSE:To
culture the subject blue-green alga useful as a raw material of
functional food by increasing gamma-linolenic acid accumulated in
the alga with further adding ammonium salt to a medium at
logarithmic growing stage thereof in a cultivation using a
specific inorganic liquid medium. CONSTITUTION:A blue-green alga
of genus Spirulina is cultured in an inorganic liquid medium
containing nitrate of alkali metal as an N-source and ammonium
salt is further added to the medium at a logarithmic growing stage
of the blue- green alga to culture the objective blue-green alga.
Besides, said blue-green alga is once harvested during a period
from middle stage to final stage in the logarithmic growing stage
and blue-green alga harvested at the next time is preferably
cultured again in a medium containing ammonium salt.
Abstract -- PURPOSE:To
carry out the mass cultivation of Spirulina which is an alga
belonging to Cyanophyceae, in high efficiency, by adding sodium
bicarbonate, sodium chloride and sodium nitrate to the residual
liquid of methane fermentation and culturing the alga in the
mixture. CONSTITUTION:The residual liquid of methane fermentation
is filtered, and the filtrate is added with about 0.8% sodium
bicarbonate, about 0.1% sodium chloride and about 0.2% sodium
nitrate to obtain the culture liquid. The liquid is sterilized and
inoculated with Spirulina, and the alga is cultured in an
incubator at about 30 deg.C under the light irradiation of
3-4K-lux for 8hr a day. After the cultivation for about 30 days,
about 0.7g of the dried cell of the Spirulina is obtained per 1
liter of the culture liquid.