St. Clair Index
John St. CLAIR Patent
Cavitating Oil Hyperspace Energy Generator
A hyperspace energy generator that uses
cavitating oil bubbles within a magnetic field in order to
create wormholes between space and hyperspace for the
purpose of permeating the hull of a spacecraft with
low-density hyperspace energy.
[0001] This invention is a hyperspace
energy generator that uses cavitating oil bubbles within a
magnetic field in order to create wormholes between space
and hyperspace for the purpose of permeating the hull of a
spacecraft with low-density, low-speed-of-light hyperspace
[0002] As shown by physicist Dr. John
Archibald Wheeler of Princeton University, there is a second
term in Newton's gravitational equation which includes an
additional force depending on whether or not the body is
spinning.F=mg+m(v*[Omega]) where F is the force, m the mass,
g the acceleration of gravity, v the forward velocity of the
body, and [Omega] the angular velocity of the body.
Referring to FIG. 1, a rotating cylinder (A) is moving with
a velocity (B) while spinning counterclockwise as shown by
the angular velocity vector (C). The velocity crossed with
the angular velocity vector produces a force in the upward
direction (D).
[0004] Referring to FIG. 2, a pendulum
(A) held in the left hand over the right hand will spin in
the counterclockwise direction due to the hyperspace energy
vortex (B) emanating from the palm of the right hand. This
vortex arises because human beings are hyperspace energy
beings that live in physical containers located in this
universe. The vortex might be considered a wormhole between
space and hyperspace. Notice that the angular momentum
vector of the vortex points up out of the palm of the hand.
If the hand were spinning from left to right, then there
would be a force exerted, as shown by the above equation,
that would bring hyperspace energy into the right arm.
[0005] Referring to FIG. 3, in order to
test this hypothesis, a Chakra Vortex Accelerator was built
for the purpose of spinning this hand vortex. The
motor-driven machine has a base (A) on which is mounted a
warehouse palletizing ring and platform (B). A control
column (C) has a speed control and on/off switch. A person
(D) stands on the platform with his right arm outstretched
and palm facing upward (E). The platform spins from left to
[0006] Referring to FIG. 4, the velocity
vector (A) points to the right. The angular momentum vector
of the rotating chakra energy vortex points up. The cross
product A*B=C produces a force that brings in high
permeability hyperspace energy into the arm.
[0007] Referring to FIG. 5, after
spinning 99 times per day for a few months, it was noticed
that the right arm (A) would remain out at an angle [phi]
from the body without making any exertion to do so. The left
arm, which was not receiving the energy, remained at the
side of the body. That is, the low-density hyperspace energy
in the right arm was making the arm lighter and producing a
subsequent antigravitational effect. The conclusion was that
it might be possible to invent some device which would
produce large amounts of hyperspace energy. This would make
possible relativistic electromagnetic fields which can be
used to produce the lift force for electromagnetic field
propulsion vehicles.
[0008] Then in the February 1995 issue
of Scientific American, an article appeared entitled
Producing Light from a Bubble of Air which gave the details
for producing sonoluminescence from a cavitating bubble
using a kit for sale containing the piezoelectric
transducers. Referring to FIG. 6, the experimental setup
includes a ring stand (A) with a three-finger clamp (B)
holding a 100 milliliter flask containing degassed water
produced by a Walsh vacuum/pressure pump. Piezoelectric
drive transducers (D) are mounted on the sides of the flask
in order to create sound pressure waves which create the
cavitation bubble (M) in the center of the flask. The
transducers are connected by insulated wire (I) to a pair of
inductors (E) having a mutual inductance between them. These
inductors are driven by a frequency generator (H) connected
to an audio amplifier (G). The oscillation signals are
picked up by the oscilloscope (J) which is connected to the
resistors (F) using the probes (K). The piezoelectric drive
transducers act electrically as capacitors. The inductors
are wired in series with the capacitance such that the
combination resonates at the frequency at which acoustic
resonance occurs. Bubbles introduced into the flask tend to
coalesce in the center of the flask Above a certain sound
intensity, the bubble will collapse and emit a dim light
visible to the unaided eye in a darkened room, a process
called sonoluminescence.
[0009] Further research showed that
there were some earlier doctoral theses available. One of
them by Dr. Steven DeWitt Horsburgh entitled Radial
Instabilities of a pulsating air bubble in water mentioned a
most interesting observed phenomenon of the surface
oscillations called a "beaconing effect." When a bubble
exhibited a stable or long-lived shape oscillation lasting
more than two minutes, the bubble had a tendency to slowly
precess. The precession rate was on the order of a few hertz
which can be taken to mean around 3 Hz. Visually, the beacon
looked like a light house beacon. It was a very obvious
effect and when the beacon crossed the photodiode, the
output voltage increased by at least an order of magnitude.
[0010] Upon reading this, it became
apparent that sonoluminescence is involved with
gravitational hyperspace physics. Einstein's theory says
that inertia is a manifestation of the geometry of
spacetime. It also says that geometry is affected by the
presence of matter to an extent proportional to the factor
G/c<2 > where G is the gravitational constant and c is
the speed of light. The inverse of this factor is the linear
mass [Omega] of the universe. A spherical shell of mass m
with a radius R will create a drag angular velocity on a
pendulum equal to [mathematical formula - see original
document] The mass of the shell divided by the linear mass
(mass per length) converts the mass into a length which is
then divided by the radius of the shell which is also a
length. The numerical factor 4/3 is found only by a detailed
calculation. The calculation, starting from a flat
background spacetime manifold, showed the effect of the
moving current of mass on the metric. Expressed in polar
coordinates, the metric acquires a non-zero coefficient
g[phi]t. Inserted into the equation for geodesic motion,
this off-diagonal metric coefficient gives rise to a
precession according to the above equation. The numerical
factor corresponds to a pendulum located anywhere inside the
rotating shell of mass.
[0012] In other doctoral theses, books
and physics articles on cavitation, light is emitted after
the bubble starts to collapse. A very sharp peak of light is
produced which lasts in terms of picoseconds. Thus this type
of sonoluminescence is very different than the beaconing
effect where the bubble remains stable for long periods of
time. The beaconing effect is actually a rotating wormhole
between space and hyperspace.
[0013] Briefly what happens is that
there is ionized gas in the bubble which releases electrons.
As the electrons spiral down through the wormhole from space
into hyperspace, they give off light. This situation puts
the electrons in contact with the charge of hyperspace.
Space has a charge which is equal to the sum of the electron
charge qe and the hyperspace charge qh. The charge of space
q is equal to the Planck mass times a conversion factor
between mass and charge. The Planck mass is equal to the
linear mass [Omega] of the universe times the bottom
dimensional limit of the universe known as the Planck scale
[Lambda]. The conversion factor is the square root of the
gravitational constant G times the permittivity of space
[epsilon]. The permittivity is linear capacitance or
capacitance per unit length. Thus the charge of space
isq=[Lambda][Omega]{square root}{square root over
(G[epsilon])}=qe+qh Because the electron comes in contact
with the hyperspace charge, the drag angular velocity in the
above equation has to be modified. Notice that if the
angular velocity of the shell is modified by the electron
fine structure constant [alpha], and the mass involved is
the mass of the electron, moving through a radius into
hyperspace of the Planck scale [Lambda], then the drag
angular velocity would be [mathematical formula - see
original document] The angular frequency of the shell is
2[pi] times the electron frequency
[0016] The inverse of the electron fine
structure constant [alpha] is equal to Planck's reduced
constant -times the speed of light c times the factor 4[pi]
times the permittivity of space [epsilon] divided by the
square of the charge of the electron qe. [mathematical
formula - see original document] Planck's constant is equal
to the Planck scale [Lambda] squared times the linear mass
[Omega] times the speed of light.-=[Lambda]<2>
[Omega]c Notice that the fine structure constant has a
square in it and Planck's constant also has a square. If the
electron charge were traveling through the Planck scale into
hyperspace, then there would be a linear charge equal to the
electron charge divided by the Planck scale [mathematical
formula - see original document] The constant equal to the
linear mass [Omega] times the permittivity times the square
of the speed of light is actually the square of the linear
charge [chi] of space. So the fine structure constant can be
written [mathematical formula - see original document] So
the electron fine structure constant is related to the ratio
of the charge of hyperspace to the charge of the electron,
which is the reason that the equation had to be modified.
The electron moving across the Planck scale wormhole is
modified by the hyperspace charge it is seeing in a
hyperspace co-dimension. This confirms that the beaconing
effect is a rotating wormhole into hyperspace.
[0021] The electron fine structure
constant is actually the fastest velocity in the Bohr atom.
The fine structure constant is the ratio of the electron
orbital velocity to the speed of light. [mathematical
formula - see original document] where the permitted
quantized n orbital speeds are vn/n or v/1, v/2, v/3 and so
on. Using a value of v/3, the fine structure constant would
be [mathematical formula - see original document] which when
substituted into the drag angular frequency equation
[mathematical formula - see original document] The frequency
of precession is [mathematical formula - see original
document] which is close to the 3 Hz observed in the
experiment. The ionized electrons are moving at a slower
velocity in the bubble. The 1/3 ratio could also come from
the subspace tetrahedron geometry where the tetrahedral
angle is determined by this
ratio[theta]=asin(1/3)=19.47122063[deg.] This is an
alternative possibility because this angle determines the
charge of hyperspace according to the tetrahedron diagram of
[Delta]physics. In geometrical physics, all the constants of
physics are determined geometrically by the tetrahedron. The
tetrahedron diagram plots the natural logarithm of mass
versus the natural logarithm of wavelength. The tetrahedron
is circumscribed by a sphere which reflects the electron
wavelength into the electron mass. Thus the diagram combines
the dual reality of classical physics, involving point mass
particles, and quantum physics, involving wave-like
particles. The scientific discovery that the electron and
the proton are one and the same particle was made using this
diagram. It also shows that hyperspace exists.
[0027] Referring to the tetrahedron
diagram in FIG. 7, a line drawn at the tetrahedral angle
produces the tetrahedral lines (A,B) along path (abc). This
tetrahedron is circumscribed by sphere (C) with diameter
(G). The electron wavelength (vertical dotted line D)
reflects off the sphere (d,f) and returns as the electron
mass (F). The distance (df) between reflection points is
equal to the natural logarithm of the hyperspace charge. It
can be shown that the electron charge is related to the
geometry around the top of the sphere. Part of the geometry
is outside the sphere which makes the charge immune to
relativistic velocities.
[0028] Referring to FIG. 8, a
current-carrying solenoid (A) produces a magnetic flux (B)
through the center of the coil. The end of the solenoid
behaves like a magnetic monopole. One end has a positive
magnetic charge density +[rho]m and the other has a negative
magnetic charge density -[rho]m. One of Maxwell's
electromagnetic equations states that the divergence of the
magnetic field is equal to the magnetic charge
density.[Nabla].B=[rho]m=+[rho]m-[rho]m=0 Because the
magnetic field is solenoidal, the sum of the charges in our
spacetime is equal to zero, which is the usual Maxwell
equation. In the case of the wormhole, one pole of the
magnetic flux is in our spacetime and the other pole is in a
co-dimension of hyperspace. In our universe, there is a net
magnetic charge density, and Maxwell's equation
becomes[Nabla].B=[rho]m When working with bar magnets,
bringing two north poles together shows that there is a
spring constant involved. The electrons on the surface of
the pole spin in the same direction which creates an
electrical current around the surface. The magnetic pole
strength g is therefore a spring constant K divided by the
current per area J. [mathematical formula - see original
document] The magnetic charge density is then the pole
strength per volume V or [mathematical formula - see
original document] The divergence of the magnetic field has
units of [mathematical formula - see original document]
which are the units of the magnetic charge density. Notice
that the units can also be formatted as a pressure per
electrical current in the wire. [mathematical formula - see
original document] The current flowing through the coils of
the solenoid, or around the pole face of the bar magnetic
creates a pressure on spacetime. And it is this pressure
that can punch through spacetime into hyperspace. Referring
again to FIG. 8, an electrical charge winding n times around
the end of the spacetime solenoid, as seen by path (C), is
equal to the charge divided by Planck's constant times the
pole flux [mathematical formula - see original document]
which shows that the flux [Phi] is quantized by the winding
number n [mathematical formula - see original document]
where the flux is equal to the winding number n times
Planck's constant h divided by the charge. Since the flux is
the pole strength in webers, the pole strength g has a value
of [mathematical formula - see original document] The
magnetic charge density is the pole strength divided by the
Planck volume or [mathematical formula - see original
document] The magnetic B field of space divided by the
Planck length of the wormhole, acting as a linear magnetic
field, times the winding number is equal to the magnetic
charge density.
[0039] Referring to FIG. 9, the wormhole
(A), connecting space and hyperspace (D), is precessing (C)
in the counterclockwise direction with the angular velocity
vector in the vertical z-direction. The magnetic flux (B)
through the wormhole is in the radial direction. The mouth
of the wormhole is an area with a normal vector in the
radial direction also. This arrangement creates an electric
field which circulates around the interior periphery of the
wormhole. Maxwell's equation says that the curl of the
electric field E is equal to the negative time rate of
change of the magnetic B field. [mathematical formula - see
original document] This equation is difficult to manage in
differential form. As both Maxwell and Feynman have said, it
is better to use the integral form involving Stokes' theorem
where the area da is converted into a line integral ds which
goes well with Maxwell's idea of flux linkage. [mathematical
formula - see original document] The flux [Phi], which is
precessing around at the drag angular velocity calculated
previously, is equal to the negative of the electric field
around the interior perimeter (E) of the wormhole. This is
the reason that the beaconing effect lasts for such a long
length of time. The force on the electron is equal to the
charge of the electron times the electric field. Because the
charge is negative, the electron rotates counterclockwise in
the opposite direction to that of the electric field. The
electrons continuously circulate around the inside periphery
of the wormhole. Quantum theory predicts that any radiated
electromagnetic energy from an accelerated electron will
give off one or more discrete quanta, or photons. The
electron is accelerating because it is moving in a circular
path. Because the water vapor is ionized in the cavitating
bubble due to shock waves, surface oscillations and high
temperatures, there are huge numbers of electrons available
for producing an intense light which, as registered by the
photodiode, increased by an order of magnitude when the
beacon rotated by the photodiode.
[0042] From gravitational physics it is
known that negative energy has to be produced in order to
create a wormhole. Most experimenters are using collapsing
spherical bubbles that do not produce negative energy and
therefore do not produce the beaconing effect. This next
background section shows that if the bubble collapses
asymmetrically, then negative energy is produced.
[0043] Referring to an experiment
carried out by Fizeau, FIG. 10, water flows (B,C) in
opposite directions in two tubes of water (A). A light beam
from a lamp (D) is projected through both tubes using
half-silvered mirrors (E). Fizeau measured an interference
(F) between light propagating with the flow and light
swimming against the current, indicating that the flow of
the medium does affect light propagation. A moving medium
turns out to drag light to an extent quantified by a
dragging coefficient [mathematical formula - see original
document] where n is the index of refraction of the medium.
Einstein's addition theorem of velocities states
[mathematical formula - see original document] In the limit
of slow flows compared with the speed of light in a vacuum,
the effective velocity of light v in the medium flowing at a
velocity u is [mathematical formula - see original document]
The relationship between cavitating bubbles and light
dragging is that when the bubble collapses, the surface has
a tremendous acceleration and velocity which creates
internal shockwaves that bounce back and forth within the
medium. At the same time, the water vapor and air are
ionized which creates short bursts of light. Thus there is
light that is being dragged along by the collapsing surface
of the bubble. This moving medium appears to light as a
change in the metric of spacetime resembling, it turns out,
a gravitational field. The velocity of the medium affects
the elemental length ds<2 > of spacetime as given by
the metric for light draggingds<2> =c<2>
dt<2> -dx<2> +k(c<2> dt<2>
-u.dx)<2> where k is equal to [mathematical formula -
see original document] and dx is the elemental length in the
{dx,dy,dz} directions. The velocity u in the dot product is
equal to the velocities {ux,uy,uz} in the x, y and
z-directions. Expanding the equation produces the following
metricds<2> =(1+k)dt<2> +(kux<2>
-1)dx<2> +(kuy<2> -1)dy<2> -dz<2>
-2kuxdxdt-2kuydydt+2kuxuydxdy where velocity uz is zero and
the speed of light is equal to one.
[0050] The dt<2 > energy density
term is modified by one plus the k factor. Thus the index of
refraction of the medium, the speed of light and the overall
light dragging velocity u affects the energy density. It can
be shown that the speed of light in hyperspace is much
lower. The difference of the squares of the velocities in
the denominator creates the possibility for amplification of
this term.
[0051] The factors of the elemental
lengths are then inserted into the g metric tensor which is
then used to calculate the spacetime distortion generated by
the collapsing bubble. The g metric tensor is a 4*4 matrix
having rows and columns that correspond to the elemental
lengths {t, x, y, z}. [mathematical formula - see original
document] In Einstein's General Theory of Relativity, the G
curvature tensor, which is a 4*4 matrix having units of
inverse meter squared, is equal to a stress-energy-momentum
T tensor that is calculated from the electromagnetic fields.
The stress tensor T combines energy density, electromagnetic
flux, and pressure terms in one matrix.G=8[pi]T
[0053] Most of the physics constants are
linear constants such as linear mass which is mass per unit
length. The permittivity of space [epsilon] is linear
capacitance or capacitance per meter. The permeability of
space [mu] is linear inductance or inductance per meter. The
speed of light converts time into meters. What this means is
that energy, pressure and momentum can all be converted into
meters using these linear constants. The inverse squared of
the length in meters is the curvature which is measured in
units of m<-2> .
[0054] Referring to FIG. 11, a square
bubble (A) in the xy plane collapses with a velocity in the
x-direction (C), and a velocity in the y-direction (B). This
produces a curvature in the vertical z-direction (D). The
curvature in the z-direction is the curvature tensor
component Gzz. which can be computed directly from the g
light dragging metric tensor. The result of the calculation
is an equation in terms of the velocity, acceleration and
the time rate of change of the acceleration, known as jerk.
[0055] Because the profile of the bubble
radius expanding and collapsing with time has been published
by those researching cavitation, it is possible to
differentiate the profile to get the velocity, acceleration
and jerk. These equations can then be inserted into the
equation for the G curvature tensor.
[0056] The radius R of the bubble
depends on the air density inside the bubble [rho], the
viscosity of the water [mu], the pressure of the P of the
environment, the surface tension [sigma] of the water, the
ratio of specific heats [gamma], and the velocity {dot over
(R)} and acceleration {umlaut over (R)} of the bubble
radius. [mathematical formula - see original document]
[0057] Referring to FIG. 12, the above
equation for the bubble radius is shown in the feedback
simulation program. The diagram starts by solving the
equation for the acceleration which is then integrated twice
(1/S) to get the velocity and position. These variables are
then fed back to the input through the various constants
involving the viscosity, surface tension, pressure and air
density. The graph at the bottom of the simulation shows the
bubble radius with time.
[0058] Referring to FIG. 13, the bubble
profile with time is reproduced from the Scientific American
article mentioned previously. This profile was then fitted
with a polynomial equation which is plotted in FIG. 14. By
differentiating the equation, the velocity, acceleration and
jerk are obtained which can then be inserted into Einstein's
G curvature tensor.
[0059] Referring to FIG. 15, the
curvature component in the vertical direction Gzz is plotted
with respect to time. In the Scientific American plot, the
light flash occurs at the end of the collapse marked "LIGHT
FLASH" around 22 microseconds (FIG. 13). This corresponds to
the two intense positive curvature Gzz spikes at the end of
the collapse. This represents a symmetrical spherical bubble
collapse where the velocities are the same in the x and y
[0060] The energy density component Gtt
for this symmetrical collapse is given by [mathematical
formula - see original document] Looking at this carefully,
notice that if the velocity in the x-direction ux is equal
to the velocity in the y-direction uy, and the acceleration
in the x-direction ax is equal to the acceleration in the
y-direction, then the equation reduces to zero.
[mathematical formula - see original document] which means
that the symmetrical collapse with equal velocities does not
produce any negative energy with which to create the
wormhole. Only sharp pulses of light are emitted at the end
of the bubble collapse where the intense positive curvature
spikes are encountered. In order to get the rotating
wormhole beaconing effect, the velocities have to be
[0063] Referring to FIG. 16, the bubble
is given an asymmetrical profile as shown by the two curves.
The upper curve is in the x-direction, and the lower curve
is in the y-direction. The collapse in the y-direction is
not as severe.
[0064] Referring to FIG. 17, the
asymmetrical collapse has the curvature spikes at the
beginning similar to the symmetrical case of FIG. 15. Notice
that there are no spikes at the end of the collapse.
However, the energy density is much different.
[0065] Referring to FIG. 18, the energy
density Gtt is plotted as a function of time. Rather than
being zero as in the symmetrical case, there is a large
region of negative energy density as the bubble collapses.
This negative energy is what creates the wormhole. Because
there are no large curvature spikes at the end of the
collapse, the wormhole bubble is stable and precesses for a
few minutes.
[0066] Experiments with the pendulum
show that some people have much larger auras than others.
The pendulum swings over the entire hand. One particular
person who has enormous vortices was working in a television
repair shop. When a television set is brought in to the
shop, the large capacitor has to be discharged first. The
repairman with the large chakra vortices was standing behind
a second repairman who was approaching the television set.
As the second repairman got closer to the set, an enormous
streaming blue spark sailed over his head and zapped the
first technician. Hyperspace has a much higher permittivity
than our spacetime. The resistance of space R is equal to
the square root of the permeability [mu] over the
permittivity [epsilon]. [mathematical formula - see original
document] Since the technician with the large chakra
vortices was producing large quantities of hyperspace
energy, his resistance was very much lower due to his larger
permittivity. The spark grounded on his body. The free
electrons, which are created by ionization of the hydrogen
atoms of the water vapor, see a very low path of resistance
and flow toward the wormhole. There they are trapped in
accelerated motion due to the presence of the circular
electric field and give off substantial numbers of photons
which produces the beaconing lighthouse effect.
[0068] The elemental length ds<2 >
in cylindrical coordinates {t, r, [theta], z} for a mass M
is given by [mathematical formula - see original document]
The mass M distorts the radius r of the elemental length
which is what gives the mass a curvature or gravitational
field. Negative energy, which is produced at the end of the
bubble collapse, is equal to a negative mass times the speed
of light squared. Thus mass M in the equation goes to
negative mass, or M->-M. Furthermore, negative energy
inverts the mass factor so that the metric becomes
[mathematical formula - see original document] The g metric
tensor contains the factors of the elemental lengths along
the matrix diagonal [mathematical formula - see original
document] As before, Einstein's G curvature tensor in the
radial Grr, angular G[theta][theta], and vertical
z-direction Gzz is calculated from this negative energy g
metric tensor.
[0072] Referring to the 3D G curvature
plot in FIG. 19, the strength of the curvature is given by
the length of the arrow, and the direction of the curvature
is given by the arrow. The curvature in the radial direction
Grr is along the bottom axis from the box corner origin to
the right. The curvature in the angular direction
G[theta][theta] is the bottom axis from the origin to the
left. The height of the box is the curvature in the vertical
direction Gzz. Notice in general that the curvature is
perpendicular to the left face ([theta]z-plane) and then
starts to curve to the right and begins to point toward the
right face (rz-plane). On the bottom face (r[theta]-plane)
there is an upward vertical curvature.
[0073] In cylindrical coordinates, the
[theta]z-plane is actually a vertical tube of radius r. So
at small r, the curvature is perpendicular to the tube. At
larger radius, the curvature starts to point in the
[theta]-direction, wrapping around the tube. At small
radius, there is also a vertical curvature parallel to the
sides of the tube.
[0074] Referring to FIG. 20, the
curvature in cylindrical coordinates is seen to be the
structure of the wormhole. The wormhole (A) is formed due to
the radial pressure (B) which pulls open the wormhole. One
end of the tube connects to hyperspace, and the other end
connects to our spacetime. There is also a shearing pressure
(D) along the sides of the tube which slices spacetime open
and helps shape the tube. Moving outward along the radius,
the curvature turns sideways and produces a shearing
pressure (D) in the [theta]-direction which gives the
wormhole a vortex appearance. These wormholes can also be
very large, enabling one to peer into a co-dimension as
attested to by the inventor.
[0075] As described in the previous
section, the cavitating bubble has to collapse
asymmetrically in order to generate the negative energy
which creates the wormhole. In order to collapse
asymmetrically, the forces on the bubble surface have to be
unequal. The force on the bubble is given in terms of the a
dragging coefficient, the bubble radius R, the surface
charge density Dr, the magnetic B field in spherical
coordinates {Br, B[theta], B[phi]}. The fields are
integrated over the entire solid angle [Omega] of the bubble
to determine the force F. [mathematical formula - see
original document] The integration of the tangential
components of the magnetic field such as {B[theta], B[phi]}
over the solid angle of the bubble will sum to zero. The
surface charge density Dr and the radial magnetic field Br
are the only fields which can be used to create an
unbalanced force. If there is no surface charge density,
then the force equation reduces to [mathematical formula -
see original document] where the conversion constant is the
linear charge squared divided by the linear mass of the
universe [chi]<2 > /[Omega]m.
[0078] In this invention, referring to
FIG. 21, the magnetic field is created by two cylindrical
solenoids (A,B) which are wrapped around the top and bottom
of the glass container (C). The container has flat sides in
the shape of an octagon. Each solenoid consists of a
continuous roll of very thin sheet copper which are
separated by beaded mylar line. The mylar beads separate the
sheets electrically and provide air cooling to the coil
which can get rather hot. This makes it easy to assemble the
coil because the copper roll and mylar line are wound
together as the solenoid is formed. The lines of magnetic
flux flow vertically through the container yet do not
interfere with the transducers (D) which are mounted on the
flat sides of the container.
[0079] Referring to FIG. 22, the
cavitating bubble which forms in the liquid in the container
experiences a vertical magnetic field (B) due to the two
solenoids. These flux lines create a radial force on the top
and bottom of the bubble (D,C). The flux lines on the
outside (E) do not create any radial force because they are
tangential to the surface. The spherical bubble flattens
into an asymmetrical ellipsoidal shape (A) which enables the
creation of the wormhole and lighthouse beaconing effect.
[0080] Referring to FIG. 23, the
spacetime curvature of the wormhole (D) creates a tunnel
(C), known as the throat of the wormhole, between flat space
in our universe (A) and flat hyperspace (B) which exists in
a co-dimension of our universe. In general, the
co-dimensions have different physics constants. Going back
to the chakra vortices of the human energy field, the
vortices remove energy from space and deliver it to several
hyperspace co-dimensions. This energy builds up human aura
modules at different frequencies in astral space. Astral
space has a very low speed of light and small linear mass.
This is the reason that human beings can leave their bodies
and pass through solid concrete walls, or project their
spiritual eye to remote locations for viewing. On the other
hand, the linear mass and speed of light of space is very
much greater than hyperspace. Therefore, the pressure of the
space is much greater than the pressure in hyperspace. In
terms of the wormhole with a throat area A, the pressure
would be the linear mass times the speed of light squared
over the area [mathematical formula - see original document]
The pressure of hyperspace on the other side of the wormhole
is [mathematical formula - see original document] Because
the linear mass and the speed of light of hyperspace are
lower than that of space, there is a positive net pressure
going into hyperspace.Pnet=Pspace-Phyperspace This is the
reason that the human vortices can obtain energy from this
universe. Because the cavitating bubble produces negative
energy, the linear mass is negative on the side of space.
The pressure equation is then given by [mathematical formula
- see original document] which shows that there is a reverse
pressure going from hyperspace into our space. The
asymmetrical cavitating bubble generates hyperspace energy.
The hyperspace energy flowing into our universe also gives
the light generated by the wormhole a soft white misty look.
[0085] There are many reasons for
generating this hyperspace energy. Electromagnetic fields
are subject to the Lorentz transformation which involves
comparing the frame velocity with that of the velocity of
light. [mathematical formula - see original document] If the
ratio of the velocity v to the velocity of light c is close
to unity, then huge relativistic fields can be produced.
These fields can curve spacetime to such an extent that a
large lift force can be produced on the hull of an
electromagnetic field propulsion vehicle.
[0087] Not Applicable.
[0088] FIG. 1. Rotating
cylinder demonstrating additional lift force.
[0089] FIG. 2. Use of the
[0090] FIG. 3. The Ascension
Machine, Chakra Vortex Accelerator.
[0091] FIG. 4. Hyperspace
energy brought into body by rotation of hand chakra.
[0092] FIG. 5.
Antigravitational effect using low density hyperspace
[0093] FIG. 6.
Sonoluminescence experiment.
[0094] FIG. 7. Tetrahedron
diagram showing hyperspace charge.
[0095] FIG. 8. Magnetic
[0096] FIG. 9. Precessing
[0097] FIG. 10. Fizeau light
dragging experiment.
[0098] FIG. 11. Asymmetrical
velocity collapse of bubble radius generates wormhole.
[0099] FIG. 12. VisSim
feedback simulation of the collapsing bubble.
[0100] FIG. 13. Cavitating
bubble radius as a function of time.
[0101] FIG. 14. Digitized
bubble radius of FIG. 13.
[0102] FIG. 15. Spiking
spacetime curvature of collapsing bubble.
[0103] FIG. 16. Dual velocity
profile required to produce negative energy.
[0104] FIG. 17. Spacetime
curvature for dual velocity collapse.
[0105] FIG. 18. Negative
energy generated from asymmetrical collapse of bubble.
[0106] FIG. 19. 3D plot of
spacetime curvature using negative energy.
[0107] FIG. 20. Wormhole
[0108] FIG. 21. Perspective of
cavitation tank equipped with magnetic coils.
[0109] FIG. 22. Flattening of
bubble by magnetic field.
[0110] FIG. 23. Hyperspace
energy generated by reverse pressure gradient of wormhole.
[0111] FIG. 24. Solenoid and
transducer driving circuits.

[0112] 1. Referring to FIG. 24, the
transducer driving circuit uses a frequency generator (A)
driving a linear amplifier (B) into a pair of variable
inductors (C) which resonate with the capacitance of the
transducers (D) attached to the sides of the
octagonally-shaped glass container (H). Resistors (L,M,G)
provides voltage measuring points for the oscilloscope.
[0113] A DC current source (I) drives
the two solenoids (E,F) which produce a vertical magnetic
field (J) through the container. The magnetic field produces
an asynmetrical force on the bubble surface (K) such that
the collapsing bubble produces negative energy. The
spacetime curvature produced by the light dragging of the
collapsing bubble surface, together with the negative
energy, create a wormhole between space and hyperspace. The
negative spacetime energy produces a negative pressure which
brings low-density hyperspace energy into our dimension.