Earth Battery
Earth Energy & Vocal Radio: Nathan
by Gerry Vassilatos
Inventor, Nathan Stubblefield, with
wireless telephone.
The notion of drawing up electrical power from the ground sounds
incredibly fanciful to conventional scientists, but numerous
patents support the claim. A number of retrieved patents list
compact batteries which can operate small appliances by drawing up
ground electricity. Others describe methods whereby enough usable
electrical power may be drawn out of the ground itself for
industrial use.
Earth batteries have been detailed in a previous article. Their
history can be traced back to experiments performed by Luigi
Galvani on copper plates in deep stone water wells. Currents
derived through these gave Galvani and his assistants "shivering
thrills and joyous shocks".
The most notable earth battery patent is one which operated arc
lamps by drawing "a constant electromotive force of commercial
value" directly from the ground. In addition to this remarkable
claim, a vocal radio broadcast system... through the ground.
It all began one hundred and fifty years ago with the advent of
telegraphy. The meandering wire went through rich dark ever-green
forests. Lush com flowing valleys sparkled and languidly waved as
the linesmen drew their trail. Across meadows where wild flowers
covered the earth in fragrant bouquets, there went the line in its
curious path.
Over rolling hills which soared into the hazy sunlight, the
telegraph linesmen sang as they went. And the lines followed a
mysteriously winding trail which few discern. Sorciers and
Templars alike called these trails "woivres". Anglo-Saxon
geomancers called it VRIL, the black radiant organismic energy of
Who is Nathan B. Stubblefield, and why do most citizens in the
state of Kentucky justifiably revere his name? A native of Murray,
Kentucky, Nathan B. Stubblefield had a love for the lonely wooded
areas on the outskirts of town. Certain spots in these woods were
mysterious and possessed of a strange magic all their own. Few
would seek the magic of these places, and learn its true and deep
power. There the song is sweet and deep, and still.
Vitalizing and sense-provocative, Stubblefield knew that specific
locations could be unique natural energy sources. Rock outcrops,
evergreens, and flowing springs each registered as strong sensual
attractants. Could it be that they were sensual attractants
because they conducted and projected special energetic ground
currents? Can it he that we are enthralled and drawn into certain
spots because of their projective energy? Furthermore, what is the
exact nature of this energy? Does it contain or exceed the
qualities of electricity?
A self-educated experimenter and avid reader of every kind of
scientific literature, Nathan Stubblefield supplemented his living
with farming. He remained a practical inventor of some of the most
unusual electrical devices ever developed in America.. What he
discovered and demonstrated before hundreds of qualified observers
in his day seems to challenge many basic axioms of electrical
He developed an extraordinary receiver of ground electricity
(which produced great quantities of electric power) and numerous
"vibrating telephones" which were used by local residents in 1887.
The telephonic devices were patented in 1888 and represent the
first commercial wireless telephones, using the ground as the
transmission medium. The years when telephonic lines were suddenly
made available to the world betrayed the fact that the new medium
was one which only the very rich could afford. Common people could
simply not be serviced with local telephones until prices were
made cheaper.
While telegraphy employed thrifty iron wire, telephony demanded
the expensive and better conducting copper lines. Telephones
designed by A. G. Bell did not give powerful enough signals
through iron wire at any distance because of the additional
resistance represented. Other problems included the fact that the
Bell telephone could not transmit or receive a strong and clear
vocal signal without excessive battery power. The Bell System was
not a truly "democratic" medium of communications.
A mysterious and unrecorded sequence of discoveries preceded
Stubblefield's early developments, but he was able to dispense
with wire connections entirely. His was not a "one-wire" system.
Nathan Stubblefield performed the "impossible": he developed,
tested, demonstrated, and established a small, democratic
telephone service which did not require wire lines at all! His
system utilized the ground itself as the conductive medium.
Mr. Stubblefield discovered that telephonic signals of exceptional
clarity could be both transmitted and received through the ground
medium. There was simply no precedent for this development. The
first effect of this wonder was that common people could now have
the much needed communications which both great distance and
poverty prevented. Farms could be interlinked by the Stubblefield
exchange by simply plugging both terminals into the ground. Wire
would not take up the expense which the telephone exchange would
later charge to the customers in addition to service. Signals were
loud and clear. All those who experienced this kind of telephonic
conversation declared that Stubblefield had discovered a true
We have photographs of his telephone sets. These reveal small,
ruggedly built wooden cases which are surmounted by conventional
transmitter-receiver sets. Heavy insulated cables rim to the outer
ground from this apparatus. Stubblefield developed an
"annunciator" (horn loudspeaker) which amplified the voice of
callers. These sets of his appeared in numerous demonstrations on
the east coast, from New York to Delaware. The signals were so
loud and clear that they defied commercial levels of excellence
provided by the now growing monopolies of American Telephone and
Western Telegraph.
Thomas Edison broke the Bell telephone monopoly when he developed
the carbon button microphone for Western Union. Sounds were louder
when using the Edison carbon microphone. These carbon microphones
needed excessive battery power, and batteries were not cheap. Some
telephone companies began utilizing dynamo systems to power their
lines. The fuel needs of dynamos drive customer costs much too
far, prohibiting the ordinary people from having the system for
their own moments of need.
Stubblefield developed remarkably unexpected systems by which
available resources became the commodity. In the early
Stubblefield system, twin terminals into the ground formed the
initial bridge among telephones. System users were effectively
joined together through the ground itself: wires were eliminated!
The signals were exceptional, and did not fade or intensify with
rain, a fact later to be considered in theoretical discussions.
Those who experienced speech through the Stubblefield system each
reported similar impressions.
Ordinary soil conduction telephonics require a certain degree of
ground water for their operation. Stubblefield's system did not
operate on this principle for reasons which will become more
obvious as we continue recounting his tale.
Stubblefield developed a means by which calls could be
individualized among customers. Later, his central telephone
exchange included power-amplifying relays, set in the ground at
specific distances. Calls were handled by an elaborate system of
two-wire, ground connected automatic switches and relays. Signal
purity was remarkable for the time, using a single carbon button
for both transmission and reception.
Furthermore, Stubblefield's telephones could be left on for days
without weakening the power system at all. Now hundreds of
ordinary people in widely separated places could afford the [12]
installation of telephone service.
The theoretical reasons why ground conduction telephony can occur
had later been established by researchers in England, notably Sir
William Preece. Preece successfully attempted only telegraphic
signals across great distances of land and sea. Stubblefield was
telephoning through greater distances with the legendary clarity
and strength which became equal to his other mysterious
The true difference between the Stubblefield system and these
early "conduction telegraphy" systems becomes obvious as soon as
we delve further into his biography. How were ground plugged
relays acting as amplifiers in the Stubblefield system? This
feature forms the core of an intensive investigation which several
have reproduced in various forms today.
His discovery of an earth charging phenomenon permitted the
development of an equally astounding invention, the Stubblefield
earth battery. This device, an earthed electrode, drew up enough
natural electric charge from the earth to operate motors, pumps,
arc lamps, and his ground telephone system. The implementation of
his earth energy technology would have changed the nature of
American Society were it permitted free market expression in its
As telephony gradually replaced the telegraph service, lines were
also accommodated to telephony. Before becoming entirely
reclusive, Mr. Stubblefield befriended a few employees of the
telephone service. These friends obtained cast-off telephone
equipment and parts for his experiments.
He became very familiar with the behavior of telephone exchange
equipment in the natural environment. The telephonic systems of
existing service companies were grounded systems. Each end of both
telegraphic and telephonic lines were sunk into the ground, while
the single expensive copper line formed the communications link.
Ground sites terminated specific lengths of these service lines in
special, thick metal plates. Plates were well-buried in selected
ground. These plates were composed either of zinc or copper, and
required specific ground placement for their continued operation.
Linesmen were taught to find "good ground" for these sites. Some
later insensitivity among the growing numbers of hired crew
members required the development of "ground location meters"; none
of which were to give the special and anomalous characteristics
observed in early linework.
Certain telephonic patents reveal extremely articulated"
termination plates for these service lines: folded, stacked,
coiled, and interleaved. Acting as accumulators of earth energies,
these often became extremely charged. It was found that signals
would both self-clarify and self-amplify to unexpected degrees
when these special terminations were employed.
Telegraph linesman "felt" their way through woods, laying the
paths for lines according to a peculiar intuition. Theirs was an
intuitive path rather than a strictly mathematical one, carved
through woods and vales in the artistic meandering way of the
ancient "geomancers". Older linesmen recalled the days when line
installations took their winding routes through woods, across
meadows, and sinuously along ridges, lakes, and streams. Linesmen
innately sensed the most favorable paths along which lines should
Geomancy is the ancient qualitative science by which "holy spots"
are discerned, and sacred edifices are properly founded. Intuitive
discernment, rather than mathematical objectivity, governs the
geomancer's aesthetic. Geomantic aesthetics governed the building
of ancient villages and towns, and it is no wonder that most
architects of any real artistic worth exercise these same
aesthetics. Art-governed architects are natural geomancers.
Geomantic qualitative science precedes geologic quantitative
science. A surveyor might simply draw a straight line across a
section of land, and engineers would then employ powerful means to
cut that straight path despite all natural barriers. Much of
modern housing development is based on this "draw and cut" method.
The sharp paths of engineers is effective and direct, but the old
meandering rural roads dotted with their naturally placed homes
are beautiful.
The old linesmen trekked across woods in a careful manner, turning
aside from natural barricades. Maps of these first telegraphic
lines may be consulted. It will be seen that these lines meandered
with natural features. Telegraphic lines twisted and turned
through the countryside and wilds; a twisting vine of iron on
tar-covered wooden poles.
Properly ground-conformed telegraph lines were known to produce
unexpected signal strengths, as well as unexpected signals. Night
station operators were often "haunted" by spurious messages. These
contained fragmentary words and sentences, and could not be traced
to other station operators.
It is curious that the older placed lines demonstrated a
remarkable and constant feature throughout their years, requiring
few, or no batteries for their operation. This absolutely
astounding fact is well documented in the telegraph and telephone
literature of the day.
In these trade journals we find reports of lines in which current
was everflowing! Company owners found this fascinating natural
fact quite lucrative as well as surprising. The question was,
where is the current coming from? The echo of the linesman
resounded in the forest, the answer singing beneath his feet.
Another equally remarkable fact involved the engineer's
methodically driven lines across land and through mountains. These
lines did not manifest electrical self-excitations. Clearly, the
difference of methods had produced completely opposed energetic
results; the one active and the other inert.
As companies expanded across greater regions of ground, engineers
replaced the oldtime lineman's sense of "proper placement" with
surveyor's charts. It is not unusual for corporate expansions to
bring about such a dramatic loss of quality — in exchange for a
growth of quantity.
MrStubblefield pondered the question of "taking current from the
ground". He stated in very plain language that the earth was
filled with "an electrical ocean". This electrical ocean was
surging with huge "electrical waves" which could be felt in
certain places. No doubt, he was one who felt the ground energy.
Telegraph lines were once two-wire lines: each completing the
circuit among station receivers, batteries, and keys. It was
quickly [13] discovered that single lines, terminated in the
ground with heavy metal plates, could achieve similar results. The
immense savings in wire, poles, insulators, and maintenance was an
attractive feature of this method for company owners.
Telegraph linesmen required skill in finding proper ground
terminals. Improperly placed ground plates could ruin a system by
not conducting signals properly through time. Spurious
conductivity in a line could ruin critical transmissions and
receptions. Telegraphic lore is filled with discussions about both
"good ground" and "bad ground".
The linesmen were workers in a yet primarily agrarian society,
having experience with soil and earth in general. Many of them
were farmboys who watched the oldtimers "divining" for water.
Linesmen frequently discussed such natural means for discerning
the "good ground" for terminating a telegraph line.
Thomas Edison adopted a method which could "valve" line signal by
preventing unnecessary signal leakages into the ground. His method
included the use of terminal rheostats in order to control the
amount of current flowing to the ground during signal time.
Several of these terminal rheostat patents have been found. One
familiar model uses a thick cylinder of carbon with a slide spring
The most amazing thing to the telegraph linesmen was the variation
of rheostatic settings which each ground required before strong
signalling could occur. Some terminal rheostats needed to be
closed completely. Others could be opened full until signals were
of sufficient strength to operate the system. Each ground had its
own "character". Each ground was possessed of activities which
defied description except but by poetry, song, and twisting green
Telegraph line was not copper, neither was it insulated throughout
its length. Telegraph line was bare iron wire, and was supported
on porcelain insulators fixed to tarred wooden poles. Signal
strength along such resistive wire would have theoretically been
extremely poor, but was exceedingly strong at times. So great was
the developed signal strength that operators could "remove battery
cups" and work with almost no current at all. Where did this extra
energy come from? From what mysterious depths did this strange
power emerge? Examination of telegraph systems reveals them to be
radionic tuners on a vast scale. I suggest that VRIL articulate
energy, the dendritic living energy found in the ground, was at
work in all these systems.
Nathan Stubblefield's experiments involved the development of
earth batteries: buried metallic arrangements which produced
electrical power. We find a good number of the earth battery
designs in the Patent Registry. The earliest designs appeared in
1841 when Alexander Bain discovered the phenomenon. While working
a telegraphic line, he chanced to discover that his leads had
become immersed in water. This short-circuit through earthed water
did not stop the actions which resounded through his system.
Mr. Bain took the next step to a greater distance, burying copper
plates and zinc plates with a mile of ground between them. These,
when connected to a telegraphic line performed remarkably well
without any other battery assistance. Bain obtained a patent for
his earth battery in 1841, using it to drive telegraph systems and
Stephen Vail (1837) observed the same effect, not knowing what
caused it. The establishment of the first functional telegraph
line seemed to require ever few batteries with time. Vail began
with some 12 battery cups, reducing them gradually until 2 were
needed. There came a point where he found it possible to remove
even these, while operating the system.
This mystery persisted for years. I have heard such an account by
a close friend and electrical engineer who reported that local
telegraph stations remained in operation despite the fact that
their batteries had not been recharged for a great number of years
(W. Lehr).
J. W. Wilkins in England (1845) corroborated findings made by
Bain, developing a similar earth battery for use in telegraphic
service. An early English Patent appears in 1864 by John Haworth,
the first true composite earth battery. This battery is drum
shaped, having numerous solid discs mounted on an insulative axis,
end braced, and buried. Their power was rated in terms of disc
diameter and telegraph line distance: 1 foot diameter discs for 75
miles of line, 2 foot discs for up to 440 miles of line.
Patent Archives have revealed a great number of these devices
including several remarkable operative descriptions. Earth
batteries by Garratt (1868), Edard (1877), Mellon (1889), and
Hicks (1890) yield therapeutic powers. Earth batteries by Bryan
(1875), Cerpaux (1876), Bear (1877), Dieckmann (1885), Drawbaugh
(1879), Snow (1874), Spaulding (1885), and Stubblefield (1898)
produce usable power. In addition to these marvelous patents,
there are those which found their way into telephonic service
later: designs by Strong (1880), Brown (1881), Tomkins (1881),
Lockwood (1881) provided power assistance and primary power for
telephonic systems through out the countryside.
The well reputed fame of "earth batteries" centers around their
very anomalous electrical behavior. The central mystery about
earth batteries is that they do not corrode to the degree in which
their electrical production rate theoretically demands. Exhumed
earth batteries reveal little surface corrosion.
Nathan Stubblefield knew that probes (placed into various soils)
reveal an amazing degree of strong electrical activity. These
currents show an amazing degree of variation across any chosen
plot of ground. Wet soils often reverse the expected electrical
strength: weakening, instead of strengthening their appearance.
Proper placements of metallic probes can produce strong currents
for use.
Touching a well-grounded iron rod is a good first experiment to
try in these regards. Try and find a place where power leakage
into the ground is minimal, such as a park or wooded area. Take a
yard-long solid iron rod whose surface is free of shellac or
insulator coatings. Carefully drive the rod into the ground with a
hammer. Wetted hands on the iron should produce a mild electrical
sensation. These voltages may be measured. They "pin" sensitive
galvanometers. The current does not cease after several weeks of
activity when properly placed.
Stubblefield's observations of natural electrical manifestations
led him to consider the taking of "free" electrical energy from
the earth. His initial revelation contended that such vast amounts
of energy could be used to drive the engineworks of industry.
Stubblefield sensed that the ground currents were arriving as [15]
electrical waves.
In Stubblefield's view the electrical waves permeate the earth.
Electrical waves were treated as ocean waves, constantly surging
and cresting in specific locales. As ocean waves crash against
fixed shores and rocks, so electrical waves also surge and crash
against underground geological features. Stubblefield reasoned
that this electroactivity should be extreme in certain locales:
the "rocky shores" of the electrical ocean. Just as there are
rocky shores, calm beaches, and surging ocean depths, Stubblefield
clearly envisioned the mysterious dark waves of the vast and
unsuspected electrical ocean.
Knowing these truths, Stubblefield arranged ground rods in
specific locales in order to intercept the electrical waves for
power. He knew that these electrical waves would only appear in
very specific places, so he did not expect to find them everywhere
in abundance. Stubblefield constantly spoke of "working the
ground" before power could be taken from it.
Stubblefield observed the natural tides and boundaries of the
electrical ocean in and around his lovely rural hometown.
Concerning this earth energy, Tesla and other investigators later
developed equivalent models. Tesla charted and used the earth
waves in their surging impulses. Moray also intercepted these
natural impulses in the "radiant energy" generator.
Some researchers believed that the vast electrical ground
reservoir finds its source in the enormous solar efflux. Certainly
daytime grounds yield a remarkable amount of static. Ground
terminal shortwave reception is excessively "choked" during the
daylight hours on certain bands. Despite the supposed insulative
qualities of the atmosphere the solar efflux finds its way through
space, eventually permeating the ground. Some researchers have
referred to the ground-permeating solar energy as the "slow solar
The "slow discharge" represents the enormous drift of aether
through the entire body of ground. The earth evidences a
constantly self regenerating charge. Tesla opposed the notion that
this potent field was the result of decaying radioactive materials
deep in the crust.
Numerous other researchers would refer to this "electrical ocean"
as the vast reservoir of untapped natural energy. Somehow this
reservoir is regenerated in a constant swelling. Where did the
energy come from? Earth static was presumed by Tesla to be a solar
activity which manifested in and across the ground. The ever
growing static of earth was problematic for physicists who could
not see the source for such energetic growth potentials. Tesla
believed that ultrafine corpuscles from the sun permeated the
entire earth, manifesting as static charge, and further
conjectured that these rays came primarily from the sun, since it
was ejecting matter "at excessively high voltages". If this were
so, reasoned Tesla, then sunlight contained something of this
electroactive component, and it was certainly possible to derive
electrical energy from sunlight.
Nikola Tesla announced these facts in 1894, finding only the
silencing ridicule of academicians already hating his very name.
When Tesla declared that "rays from space" were "bombarding the
earth" he was absolutely rejected by the academic club who
rejected these claims as "superstitious". Upbraiding his findings,
they later claimed for themselves the very same discovery
(Millikan, 1932).
Tesla stated that the electrical energy released by the sun is a
far greater, more permeating supply than sunlight itself. He
certainly believed it should be considered as a first rate natural
electrical source of enormous potential for commercial
applications. His assertion was based on experimentally verified
facts when, measuring steadily growing charge states in vacuum
tubes, it occurred to him that earth charge was sourced in solar
Tesla also demonstrated the extraction of free electrical power
from solar energy. A well grounded mica capacitor is surmounted by
a highly polished zinc plate. This plate may be poised in a highly
evacuated glass container to best advantage, the zinc not exposed
to corrosive influences. The tube is elevated and exposed to
sunlight. The mica capacitor is connected in series with the
vacuum tube. After only several minutes of exposure time, the
stored electrical energy is formidable: producing a powerful white
arc discharge.
Tesla patented this device. Since earth absorbs the permeating
solar efflux, then these energies can be extracted for aeons.
Others have viewed the generation of ground static as a natural
"radiant process" from the ground itself. Static charge appears as
the inert by-product of the mysterious VRIL, the self magnifying
organismic ground energy. VRIL, according to medieval mystical
philosophers, is the ground of being from which all material
manifestations emerge. VRIL connectively fuses metaphysical
realities (dream, vision, ideation, impulse) with physical
realities. (mineralogy, botany, zoology). By the radionic method
by which telegraph lines may be locally "tuned" we may well
surmise that this ground based regenerative supply is the true
source of static.
Samuel Morse originally planned the burial of telegraphic lines
between cities. Having done so across several tens of miles at
great expense and through great labor, Morse found his system
utterly incapable of operation. Static had so flooded his
receivers that no signalling was possible at all. This first bad
experience with the static of ground presented such a
discouragement, that he almost stopped the entire plan. The
uneconomical task of elevating all his cables later became the
normal procedure.
Early telegraphers observed a steady growth of static throughout
night seasons. This growth continued despite the absence of winds
or storm conditions anywhere along the line. Researchers have
often referred to this kind of power as "free energy", meaning
that the power source is extraterrestrial and natural in supply.
Such an energy source would remain cost-free. The privatization of
utility companies could conceivably be municipal and democratic;
municipal groups could share the cost of installing the ground
energy stations.

U.S. Patent No. 600,457 - N. B. Stubblefield, Electrical
Battery - Patented Mar. 8, 1898.
Mr. Stubblefield developed a peculiar bi-metallic induction coil
which could (when buried) draw up sufficient electrical power to
operate lamps and other appliances which he designed and tested.
The patent specification describes a terminal which draws
electricity out of the ground. This device required very specific
placement — it would not work with equal effectiveness in all
locations. A very precise placement of the device required an
equally precise knowledge, and Stubblefield shared this knowledge
with only a few of his associates.
I spoke with an academician who had the extreme privilege of
speaking with Mr. Stubblefield's son, Bernard Stubblefield.
Bernard, by this time himself quite aged, told that his father's
method in locating the "right spot" was deliberate. His father
referred to the device as indeed a receptive terminal and not a
Despite the insistence of Patent Officers in calling the device a
"battery", Stubblefield declared it to be an energy receiver, a
receptive cell for intercepting electrical ground waves. Its
conductive ability somehow absorbs and directs enormous volumes of
electrical energy. With this energy Nathan Stubblefield operated a
score of arc lamps at full brightness for twenty four hours a day.
It becomes apparent that Mr. Stubblefield had witnessed (or
experienced) some natural occurrence of discharging electrical
energy in a telephonic system, and had determined the mode of its
manifestation with simple means. His ground energy receiver (Pat.
600,457) remains a true electrician's mystery. There was a
definite trigger by which this energy was stimulated and
maintained. The induction coil which bears his name is equipped
with three coils which are wrapped around upon a heavy iron core.
Bare iron wire and cotton covered copper wire are wrapped side by
side, comprising a primary coil body. Each layer of this primary
coil body is covered by a band of cotton insulation, bringing four
wire leads to the coil terminus. Two leads of iron and two of
copper are external to the coil. Commercial-electrical power is
obtained through these connective terminals.
In addition to this bimetallic winding, there is a third winding:
the "secondary". This third coil is insulated from the primary
bimetallic coil, serving as a trigger device. Presumably, a
stimulating impulse shock was introduced into the tertiary coil,
after which the upwelling electrical ground response brought forth
powerful currents in both iron and copper coils.
Electrolytically (as a battery in acid or saltwater) the
Stubblefield coil is disappointing, producing less than one volt
according to those who have duplicated its construction.
Stubblefield's bimetallic coil was a "plug": a receiver which
intercepts the vast and free electrical reservoir of the ground
itself. His patent and subsequent company brochures define the
manner in which his earth battery was to be activated.
Technically, the Stubblefield device is a modified thermocouple (a
bimetal in tight surface contact) but could not supply the degree
of power which he reported. While this arrangement could develop a
few milliwatts of power in appropriately hot ground spots, the
thermoelectric explanation of the device cannot explain the
phenomenal output reported in news reports of Stubblefield's
Furthermore, though the Stubblefield power receiver is wound like
an induction coil, it produces a steady direct current output.
This poses additional problems for the conventional engineers.
Electrical induction only occurs with electrical alternations,
oscillations, and impulses. Witnesses described ground-powered
motors which ran unceasingly and unattended for months without
need for replacing or replenishing the ground battery. Small
machinery, clocks, and loud gongs were run by other ground-buried
cells as reported by credible witnesses.
Mr. Stubblefield reported that the burial of his "earth energy
cell" required time to build up charge. Once the cell was
saturated, however, the cell became a conduit of earth charge and
flowed over in "commercial electrical volumes". He did not claim
complete knowledge of the phenomenon. He simply stated that (once
the coil became saturated with the earth charge) it suddenly
manifested an electromotive force "far greater than any known wet
cell reaching into weeks and months of continuous work night and
day" and poured this charge out for use.
Stubblefield used the cell as a "plug", drawing out the electrical
charge of the ground. The cell coilings acted as a lumped
conductor. Charge saturated this conductor and flowed up into it,
powering any electrically connected appliance. After repeated
exhumations, the copper element of these cells "is not acted on in
a perceptible degree . . . even after repeated renewals".
Mr. Stubblefield described means by which such cells could be
connected in series at short distances from one another. "With
these, acting as electrodes . . . you draw from the electrical
energy of the earth a constant E.M.F. of commercial value". The
phrase "acting as electrodes" is the heart of the Stubblefield
energy cell. It is not a battery. It absorbs and flows over with
the stupendous energy of the earth's charge. Stubblefield may have
discovered the auto-magnifying voltage effect of electrostatic
induction in coils before Tesla, who later utilized the effect in
his special electrostatic transformers.
Stubblefield's buried bifilar coils may have become saturated with
earth electrostatic energy, travelling up the coil. In such a
case, the mere battery power of the coil was replaced by the
electrostatic flow, the coil acting as an electrode. This seemed
obvious when considering the fact that its ordinary battery
current (1 watt) was gradually replaced by a continually growing
electrical current of far greater proportion.
Experimenters have observed the "slow accumulation and creep" of
current up through vertically buried coils and large solid rods.
This current has growth characteristics which gains strength with
lengthened burial time. Buried coils and rods do not give their
full output until they have "developed" power over a few hours of
This behavior resembles nothing like a true electrical current.
The best model to explain the phenomenon is vegetative growth — a
biological expression. Only a full scale test of the reconstructed
Stubblefield device in proper grounds will give conclusive and
satisfying answers.
Witnesses convey that Mr. Stubblefield's batteries were usually
buried at the roots of certain very old oak trees. From these
sites it was possible for him to bring small arc lamps to their
full candlepower. Tremendous amounts of energy are required for
this expenditure of power. Not only was he remarkably able to draw
such volumes of current from the ground reservoir for lamp
lighting, but the power was available to him throughout the day.
Arc lamps were hung in the trees themselves with their receiver
coils buried in the roots. Such was the nature of this current
that the lamps did not heat excessively, and seemed to burn
Nathan was not replacing his lamps with the frequency demanded by
such continuous operation. Obtained through his employment with
the telephone company, he was able to recharge old wetcell [17]
batteries with energy from these buried receivers for other
experiment. Certain conventional thinkers claimed that the
Stubblefield simply used wetcell power for his telephones. Later
demonstrations indicate the fundamental error of this conventional
view. Stubblefield ran most of his apparatus nonstop for days —
without turning off the power.
It is more than likely that charged wetcells were used to "jump
start" the ground electrode during certain seasons, since the
patent reveals that an outer third coil could be added to the
copper-iron bimetal. We do not know the secrets of the earth
charge as Nathan determined. Others since this time have observed
fluctuations at certain times of the year in ground energy. It may
be that a sudden induction is required before the excess ground
charge surges to the surface — like priming a pump.
The arc lamps could have been low pressure gas arc-lamps of the
kind demonstrated by Daniel MacFarland-Moore; but these required
high voltages. Nathan did not utilize such excessive voltages.
Another paradox deals with the notion that Stubblefield simply
connected hundreds of his small-wattage batteries together,
producing a large and commercial output. Nowhere is this
evidenced. Nathan showed that one or two such batteries were
sufficient to draw off "the charge of the earth" . . . a very
different kind of energy.
When properly placed, the weak power of the Stubblefield "battery"
becomes an electrode for the powerful earth charge. But arc
lighting and battery charging was not his only specialty; there
were other marvels which he began developing in methodic
succession. His bimetallic coil receiver intercepted electrical
waves and produced enormous power outputs which could be
modulated: superimposed with additional signals, sounds, and
Salva (1795) suggested several electrical schemes for
long-distance, and even an aquatic telegraphy. He suggested that
physiophonic telegraphy be the communications mode; where human
recipients would receive the mild shocks of a distant signal
station, and so convey messages.
Salva also believed that earthquakes had subterranean electric
origins. Working on the hypothesis that subterranean electricity
caused violent communications under vast earth strata, Salva
suggested that ground and water be used to replace wires for
electrical signalling.
Sommerring (1811) first attempted telegraphic transmissions
through water-filled wooden tubs. The signals were effectively
passed as if through wire conductors, the thought of wireless
ground resulting.
James Lindsay (1830) first developed the notion of utilizing
artificially generated electricity for special modes of lighting,
motor-power, and communication. Mr. Lindsay suggested that
submarine cables might be laid between land masses while using
"earth batteries and bare wires" as the means for power transfer.
Steinheil (1838) demonstrated the remarkable passage of signals
along one-wire to the ground. When trying to use earth as the
"second line" he measured large currents. This complete success
proved the great conductivity of ground; and so the "earth
circuit" was born, liberating telegraph systems from the expense
of using the two-wire system.
Morse (1842) sent telegraph signals across a river. Antonio Meucci
(1852) had already demonstrated the transmission of vocal signals
through seawater, but traversing the ground represents a different
thing altogether. Mr. Stubblefield reasoned that, since electrical
waves traverse the whole earth, it might be possible to send
signals to distant places. These ground-permeating natural
electrical waves might serve as carriers for the human voice. The
ground would act as both power generator and signal conductor.
Like a gale carrying messages downwind, these electrical waves
could bring wireless communications instantly to any part of the
To this end, Mr. Stubblefield experimented with the buried power
receiver and a system of telephone sets. He found it possible to
send vocal signals through the ground to a distant receiver,
referring to this system as a "ground telephone". Telephoning
through the ground became routine for this remarkable man. Signals
sent through the Stubblefield method were notable for their
reported "great clarity". What is strange about this system is its
elegant simplicity: Stubblefield's transmitting system evidences
an almost crude minimalism which offends some researchers, while
surprising others.
Numerous private and public demonstrations of this first system
were made in Murray, Kentucky (1886-1892), where the mysterious
"black boxes" were seen. Two metal rods were stuck into the ground
a few feet apart from each distantly placed set. Speech between
the two sets was clear, loud, and startling despite distances of
3500 to 6000 feet. These transmissions were made through the
ground itself and used the Stubblefield cell for power.
As mentioned, in several photographs we see special loudspeaking
telephones outfitted with long (1 foot) horns, designed to act as
annunciators. Calls from these annunciators brought his son
Bernard to the telephone transmitter. The system was never
switched off. Power was limitless and did not diminish with time
of day or length of use.
While Marconi and others were barely managing the transmission of
telegraph signals for equivalent distances, Nathan Stubblefield
was transmitting vocal dialogue. The clarity of these signals and
their sheer volume was the most widely recognized feature of the
Stubblefield system. He was developing the system to operate
through far greater distances, using automatic relays to boost
signals for very great distances.
He published an extraordinary brochure in 1898 to attract
investors who had expressed interest in consolidating a small
corporation. In this brochure, Stubblefield insisted that power
for his device was not generated in the cell. He calmly stated
that the cell received energy from the earth. In a less discussed
portion of this brochure, Stubblefield stated that
electrotherapeutic potentials were derived from the earth battery.
Other researchers made similar claims for their earth batteries
(Hicks, Mellon).
In 1902, Stubblefield set up one of his sets in a "Mainstreet"
upper office — in a hardware shop. From that point to his farm
(some 6000 feet distant) he conducted continuous conversations
with his son Bernard. Tapping with a pencil on his one-piece
transceiver, Bernard was quickly heard in aloud, very clear voice.
This transceiver was a carbon button placed in a tin snuff box.
Speech and response were transacted through the self-same device,
[18] which acted as both microphone and loudspeaker. Cells were
placed downstairs from the office in the ground. They were never
removed and never wore out, though operating twenty four hours
around the clock.
Nathan Stubblefield offered to construct a large scale power
station for the town of Murray. His quoted initial installation
cost were estimated at five thousand dollars. The town politicians
declined the offer. Now, the technique of drawing up electricity
from the earth remains a mystery.
Nathan Stubblefield demonstration with wireless telephone,
The Stubblefield ground radio system was demonstrated for
approximately one thousand Murray residents (January 1902).
Photographs of Stubblefield and his family, and a good crowd of
witnesses from town show the cell lying on the ground among all
his assembled inventions; a flower-pot sized coil of good volume.
Other devices show motors and large capacitor stacks for aerial
voice transmission experiments.
After the successful completion of these preliminary tests,
Stubblefield travelled to Washington, D.C. for a public
demonstration which was to be one of his crowning public
achievements (March 1902). Stubblefield sent wireless messages
from a steamship to stations on the shores of Georgetown. This
successful test employed trail-wires in the river water. While
successful, witnesses acknowledged that Stubblefield's ground
telephony sounded louder and came through with greater clarity.
Photographs of this event are all available.
He declared that news, weather, and other announcements could be
broadcast through the ground across a great territory for private
reception. Simultaneous messages and news of all kinds would soon
be transmitted through the ground from a central distribution
He also stated that (while such broadcasts required wide
transmissions) he was developing a means by which privacy of
ground telephonic messages could be maintained among callers. This
method of individuation would take place through the ground,
insuring that no one could eavesdrop on anyone's conversations.
The Washington D.C. demonstrations were followed by a trip further
north. Mr. Stubblefield took his apparatus to New York City for
additional tests, preparing for a public demonstration in
Manhattan's Central Park. The demonstration was to take place in
less than twenty four hours after his arrival.
Stubblefield found (to his shock) that the ground was not
permeable to earth charge in all places, and not conducive to easy
ground telephony. He requested more time to discover the
powerpoints before setting up the stations properly. Time to "work
the stony earth" of the Park left a few investors foolishly wary
of the system's worth. This demonstration was withdrawn.
His next public expositions were given in Philadelphia's Fairmont
Park with greater success (May 1902). He now recognized, more than
ever before, the role of geologic formations in determining and
establishing stations.
Stubblefield published a prospectus for his WTCA (Wireless
Telephone Company of America), stating that "I can telephone
without wires a mile or more now, and when the more powerful
apparatus I am working on is finished and combined with further
developments, the distance will be unlimited". He sold only one
telephonic system to another corporation: the Gordon Telephone
Company of Charleston. This system was used to communicate with
offshore islands. It would be interesting to retrieve this system
and examine its contents.
He entered these commercial aspects with some trepidation. By June
of the same year he withdrew from the project completely. A few
persons managed to discover the reason for his quiet, sudden
retreat. Because of his difficulty in instantly stationing his
system in New York City, it was suggested that he adopt the method
of burying lines to "fake" the operation — if just for the purpose
of making a good show. Nathan declined.
After witnessing these demonstrations, another inventor (A. F.
Collins) duplicated some of Nathan's inventions and filed a
counter-patent for a ground telephonic system (patent 814,942 for
"Wireless Telephony", 1906). One of the signing witnesses on the
Collins patent was one Walton Harrison.
Harrison, a WTCA member later infringed on another Stubblefield
experiment with his "Transmitter for Wireless Communication", a
telegraphic-telephonic system (patent 1,119,952, 1914). It became
apparent that certain WTCA members were trying to oust
Stubblefield himself!
The WTCA now took on a life of its own. Stubblefield was
thoroughly disgusted at the display of human greed and ambition,
and left them to their own devising. Collins and others were later
accused of petty crimes having to do with mail fraud, and the WTCA
failed in time. Internal disputes over money, rather than
technological progress and implementation, was their own death
Marconi arrived with an inferior (though highly publicized)
system. When Marconi began his work, the effective signal
transmission distance was equal to that achieved by Stubblefield.
Stubblefield was experimenting with ground radio since 1888, but
did not patent his developments until much later. Credible
witnesses saw his ground radio experiments in action during this
time frame, establishing the historical priority of Stubblefield —
a true and original American genius.
While Marconi could barely send telegraphic "dot and dash" signals
with great difficulty (and static), Nathan had already transmitted
the human voice with loud, velvet clarity. Others would adopt and
implement the Collins system (Fessenden, DeForest, Bethenod,
Nikola Tesla performed double ground experiments with impulses as
early as 1892, reporting these in lectures and patenting some
embodiments in 1901. No one of these later systems ever achieved
the same results of clarity, tone, and volume of Stubblefield
ground telephony. Priority in this art belongs to Nathan
Stubblefield. In addition, his was the only system in which
natural energies were obtained, magnified, and entirely employed
as the empowering source. All the other inventors used
"artificial" sources (batteries, alternators, dynamos).
Following all these ground radio demonstrations, Stubblefield
researched "magnetic waves" and developed several systems which
did not use ground terminals for exchanging signals. Long distance
wireless telephone communications were his aim. Many imagined this
to be radio as we know it, but several features of the
Stubblefield aerial system are distinctive and different. First,
his transmitters and receivers were telephonic, [19] not
telegraphic. In his preliminary experiments, the earth battery was
used to energize an apparatus to which was connected a long
horizontal aerial line. Marconi later adopted this "bent L"
symmetry in conjunction with a grounded copper conduction screen.
We do not have photographs of these arrays, but have handwritten
manuscript copies of certain diary notes in which a progressively
greater telephonic distance is reported. Nathan made steady
progress in this form of telephonic transmission, but used neither
alternators or spark discharge.
A second series of experiments reveal the development of stacked
capacitors. Photographs reveal two large capacitor stacks,
presumably for inductive transmission purposes. Some researchers
induced ground oscillations of electrical current, while absorbing
each "flyback" into large capacitors. This system evidenced the
"hydraulic" model of electricity, popular during the latter
Victorian Epoch.
Tesla would later show the essential differences between current
species developed in various electrical machines. Each of these,
when separated, evidenced entirely unsuspected new phenomena. It
is most probable that Stubblefield was one of the first
individuals to discover some of these strange effects, even before
Tesla himself.
Direct current impulses have very different characteristics than
alternating high frequency currents, used by Marconi. Vocal
modulations of strong direct currents release polarized impulses.
Impulses do not produce the inductive waves used in conventional
radio transmission: they produce inductive rays which travel in
straight lines. These inductive rays are penetrating and more like
electrostatic energy than electromagnetic energy.
Photographs reveal a final form of Stubblefield's aerial telephone
which utilizes a two foot in diameter single turn copper band.
This outer copper band is spaced from a second inner copper band,
and is mounted on wooden pedestals. A telephone is connected to
this array. This compact apparatus transmitted inductive rays for
great distances when earth energy was modulated by the human
A truly honest and humble man, he justly considered the ambitious
and aggressive (northern) investors as "scalawags and damned
rascals". He became suspicious of others. Considering the time
frame in which these events took place, we may understand his
reaction. Rejecting their tempting swindle, he was compelled to
leave for home in order to continue his beloved experiments in
privacy. He became mysteriously compulsive about his privacy after
In the words of several persons with which I have had the good
fortune to speak, "Nathan was honest to a fault". He, disappointed
again in human behavior, packed away his equipment and went home.
After this unfortunate time period, Mr. Stubblefield preferred to
be alone. Some say he became increasingly intolerable to be with.
These patterns mark the genius, the dreamer. Those who walk in the
future, while being in the here and now. Finally, his wife left
As visitors approached the Stubblefield farm, yet a good way off,
Stubblefield would appear at the door to wave them away. This
often occurred when they were simply too far away to be visually
located. He refused to speak to anyone for long periods. This
occurrence was reported during the night, when visibility from the
cabin to the distant parts of his fields would be impossible.
Nathan would always appear at the door, somehow knowingly, and
wave them off.
Pranking schoolboys, intent on stealing vegetables or fruits,
would ever so secretly crawl onto his farm quite out of possible
sight. Nathan would always be right next to them laughing in no
time, somehow mysteriously detecting their presence. In a later
embodiment, bells would sound when anyone approached so much as a
half-mile from his cabin. It has been suggested that he had
developed a device which could actually indicate the positions of
any intruder across a space of ground.
Some declared that Nathan, jealous of his privacy, rigged the
whole farm with delicate trip wires in order to locate and
surprise pranksters. Sometimes the intruders would be met by
Stubblefield, waiting at the very spot where they were stealthily
heading. No intruder ever managed to feel or find these supposed
wires. Others would say that Nathan buried sound-sensors all over
the farm. These, when pressed, could model a trace across a map of
the farm inside the cabin. Each sensor, tied to an indicator,
could show up on the map, and studying this map, he could see
where intruders were on the fields. Nathan could then gleefully
sneak up on them and chase them away. This tantalizing mystery has
never been fully explored.
Methods of distant ranging and location were devised by Antonio
Meucci, employing tone signals. These required receivers, however,
at the distant end. But Nathan knew where the intruders were
coming from and where they were going as well. Nathan may have
developed ground-wireless relays which responded to ground-buried
sensors. These may have transmitted a tonal signal to the cabin,
where a receiver would he triggered. This receiver may have been
the bell-sounding mechanism. How did he locate people with pin
point. accuracy however? No complex array of detectors was ever
found in his cabin when he died.
In light of all his experimentation with earth energy and
wireless, we will assume that his last two mysterious inventions
speak of utterly new and unknown (though related) ground energy
phenomena. But, what natural phenomenon permitted him to achieve
this feat?
Ocean waves often contour the shoreline, evidencing something of
the shore outlines to distant places. Electrical waves might
conceivably do this. But how would Nathan model this inside his
cabin? No such map was ever really found. Also, if he were using
some kind of ground impulse Doppler radar or sonar (electrical
ground impulses outward) then what feature beneath the approaching
intruders would signal an echo back to the receiver?
Some have suggested that Stubblefield was utilizing distant
variable ground conductivity. Intruders would alter this by their
weight and step. How would such a signal be transferred back to
the measuring station? Such reciprocation in ground currents would
require that they are irritable and sensitive. This would evidence
an unsuspected permeating biological nature in geology; a song, a
personality with which the old linesmen~dowsers were intimate.
A motor, designed by Stubblefield to operate entirely by [20]
fluctuations in ground static, has been stored in a local museum.
The device features several mobile pithballs around a compass-like
perimeter, resembling the equally mysterious electrostatic hoop
telegraphs of the 1700's. Students of Stubblefield's work have
examined the pithball pendulum device and ignorantly concluded it
to be useless.
Pithball (static) telegraphs of the early 1700's reveal this
Stubblefield design to be a very special "find". Pithball
telegraphs utilized a grounded metal hoop, an underlying dial, and
a pendulum on which a pithball (cork) was hung. A single line
(sometimes of silk) connected two such arrangements.
Signals were made and received in a very curious manner with
pithball hoops, an equally historic mystery. Moving the pithball
to a particular letter on the dial resulted in identical
displacements in the receiver: an anomaly. These arcane devices
managed the articulate transaction of messages by unknown
phenomena approaching intelligent transfer.
Witnesses of these signalling devices were credible persons in the
scientific community. No one questioned how it was possible to
articulate such a transfer with static electricity. In any event,
any researcher not familiar with the designs would pass over
Stubblefield's "pithball table" without counting it as worthy of
Another device, found in Nathan's cabin after he passed away, is
of singular mystery. One person actually thought that Nathan built
it because it "looked really strange" — like some science artform.
It sat upon a trunk of to the side of his cabin room. Bernard
Stubblefield, his son, did not recognize the device. Nathan must
have built it after Bernard was taken away with his mother.
Bernard did not remember seeing the device before this moment. It
was taken to a local museum, where it now resides.
The device is a square arrangement, having several
insulator-mounted pithballs in each quadrant of the central square
table. It is quite likely that this was the means by which Nathan
detected movements and positions in his field. If this analysis
proves true, then it represents a major leap in his earth power
technology. I have surmised that this device is the Stubblefield
long-range detector. Motions in a specific pithball pendulum gave
the direction and position of the intruder. Such a device relies
on phenomena which are unknown in conventional science.
Natural observations in systems lead to unexpected, theory-busting
discoveries. Such an effect demonstrates that an articulate
quasi-intelligent energy permeates the natural environment of
which electricity is a minor part. The natural phenomenon which is
responsible for this ability is truly remarkable, nothing short of
the miraculous. In its realm, we see that nature is suffused with
an almost biological organization which includes the supposed
inert world of geology. This would be equivalent to acknowledging
that geological structure is suffused with a neurological
sensitivity; a thing which academic science is neither prepared
nor equipped to endorse. Nevertheless, different aspects of this
ground sensitivity were discovered and differently implemented
throughout the following years.
T. H. Moray (1935) also discovered long-range articulate tuning
through the ground from a fixed single site. His "radiant energy
listening device" permitted him to scan a tract of land and
actually eavesdrop on distant conversations and sounds with
earphones. This device did not implement a microphone: the Moray
Listening Device used a grounded rod and special large germanium
detector. How does a stationary tuner sweep across land and
pinpoint sound sources?
Stanley Rogers (1932) discovered the same long-range scanning
effect when, using a radionic tuner for mineral detection, he
found it possible to sweep a field or meadow with a variable
capacitor. Adjustments on these grounded tuners could sweep across
land, revealing and mapping every mineral contour. Dr. Ruth Drown
(1951) independently, developed a compact device which could
sweep, scan, and delve through subterranean grounds for the
specific purpose of ore detection. This device permitted
photographic detection of ores swept through the ground, isolating
specifically sought mineral deposits.
The Stubblefield pithball pendulum represents a leap in ground
power technology. It is an engine which operates without
electrical transformations at all: a ground-powered "auric"
Two more mysteries have lingered from this latter period of
invention in the Stubblefield biography. The nature of each
reveals the extent to which he had developed and advanced his new
technology. Nathan continued to pursue his experiments, but little
was seen of him for long time periods. Alone and tired, Nathan
stopped working his farm completely.
Later visitors felt sorry for Nathan, now aged and abandoned by
his wife and children. Several of the town's many charitable
ladies decided to take him some food. On one occasion, they
arrived at his farm to find the ground "ablaze with light . . .
like pure sunlight was coming right up out of the hillside". Later
investigators entered his land area and found heavy wires leading
from the roots of trees. To these wires were attached small arc
lamps, hung in the trees. These were long extinguished. They
imagined this to be the explanation of his hillside sunlight.
Their hasty analysis proved problematic from stories which
witnesses report.
The warm and diffuse sunlight which came from the ground itself
around his house was not localized in specific lamps. The light
came from the ground, not from the trees as before "a whole
hillside that would blossom with light" [. . .] "lit up like
daytime". These observations indicate that Stubblefield had
managed indeed the direct conversion of earth energy to light and
This would be acceptable, were Mr. Stubblefield simply working on
a newer means of drawing electricity from the ground to light
small arc-lamps; a feat which he had accomplished earlier. But
these kind persons could never find any evidence of arc-lighting
or any other form of known lighting anywhere near the area. In
their own words "the light seemed to come from the ground itself".
In addition to the ground sunlight effect, many heard very loud
and unfamiliar noises coming from the whole area surrounding his
cabin. What could this be? Had he managed to directly transduce
the natural impulses of the ground energy into audio?
His own last claim, made two weeks before he passed away was made
to a kind neighbor: "The past is nothing. I have perfected now the
greatest invention the world has ever known . . . I have taken
light from the air and earth . . . as I did sound".
I was the quite fortunate recipient of an unexpected personal
letter while writing my original treatise on Nathan Stubblefield.
It was told by a gentleman who received the account through a man
who witnessed the following story:
Neighbors had not seen Nathan for several days. As they were
worried about his health, they attempted to call on him. The lock
was secured from the inside. It was a lonely, cold, and rainy
March day when old friends and neighbors broke the lock on
Nathan's cabin and entered. He had passed away in his bed, the
probable victim of malnutrition and fatigue.
They all noticed that the interior of the cabin was "toasty warm",
as if heated by a strong fire. Moved to locate the source of this
heat, town officials found "two highly polished metal mirrors
which faced each other, radiating this great heat in rippling
Now this, I must say, is a truly great discovery and last mystery.
It fulfills what Nathan reported in his last testimony. Nathan's
deepest confidence was in those kind and compassionate people who
continued to seek him out with love and concern to his last days.
Abandoned by all, he wished one of his dearest neighbors to write
a biography. Perhaps he wished to explain his life, an apology for
all his ways. He said "I have lived fifty years ahead of everybody
else". While often sounding inspirational, these are words of
deepest sorrow.
To live with a vision of the future is to experience the
surprising, often disappointing rejection and resistance of all
who surround. The conspiracy of human nature. Some said he was
incapable of loving others. It was his love which coaxed the
living sunshine out of hard, rocky ground. And his love brought up
the resounding waves of an eternal sea of energy. Love, like the
rose, often hides within its shelter of thorns; singing lonely,
windy songs to the deep. In endless dreams of night, the stars
Corliss, William R. Lightning, Auroras, Nocturnal Lights, and
Related Luminous Phenomena: A Catalog of Geophysical Anomalies.
Glen Arm, MD: Sourcebook Project, 1982. Print.
Devereux, Paul. Earth Lights Revelation: Ufos and Mystery
Lightform Phenomena: the Earth's Secret Energy Force. London:
Blandford, 1989. Print. <http://amzn.to/1FE8EHW>
Hoffer, Thomas W. "Nathan B. Stubblefield and His Wireless
Telephone." Journal of Broadcasting. 15.3 (1971): 317-330. Print.
Fawcett, Waldon. "The Latest Advance in Wireless Telephony."
Scientific American. 86:21 (May 24, 1902): 363. Print.
The Stubblefield Papers, Pogue Special Collections Library, Murray
State University. <http://libguides.murraystate.edu/MS84-04>
Borderlands, Vril Compendium Volume 2, "Vril Telegraphy" (project
BSRF, Vril Compendium Volume 4, "Earth Batteries" (project page)
BSRF, Vril Compendium Volume 5, "Meucci, Grey" (project page)
BSRF, Vril Compendium Volume 6, "Telephonic Earth Batteries"
(project page)
BSRF, Vril Compendium Volume 7, "Loomis, Stubblefield, Dolbear"
(project page)
My many thanks to the warm and dear people of Murray, Kentucky. My
very special thanks to Mrs. Dortha Bailey and Mr. E. R. Bailey,
Mrs. Baker, Ms. Alexander. Thank you Wm. Lehr!
YouTube Videos by Lasersaber
Working Nathan Stubblefield Coil!
How To Build A Nathan Stubblefield Coil Part 1
How To Build A Nathan Stubblefield Coil Part 2
How To Build A Nathan Stubblefield Coil Part 3
How To Build A Nathan Stubblefield Coil Part 4
How To Build A Nathan Stubblefield Coil Part 5
Stubblefield Electromagnet Effects?
Magnet motor NS coil 48 days and still going!
Magnet motor baby NS coil!
Magnet motor baby NS coil - part 2
Stubblefield Coil
I built a 6" acrylic frame for the coil. That way I can insert
different cores, or no core. I also built this winding machine
yesterday. I've had the motor for some time and it has a nice
reduction gear box on it. I also put a foot switch on it so I can
have my hands free.
Theres no speed control, but the price was right since I salvaged
the motor. The speed is fine for most winds anyway.
I suppose I should also get a counter for it, but I don't
generally use one. It would be nice for the new motor though.
Balancing the coils would be better than guessing.
Anyway, I decided to start with 20 AWG wire. I got 150 feet of
both bare copper and steel. I have a plan to weave the cotton into
the wind so I won't need cloth covered wire.
We'll see how it goes...
I got a few layers put on today. I wound one row of steel, then
put a layer of cotton down. Then I wound a row of copper. I left
enough space between the loops to keep them insulated from one
another, and to have a space for the next winding to fit into.
Each row is a separate strand and I just connect them at the ends.
This makes it much easier to wind.
I think in the end the result will be satisfactory since the
copper will be right next to the steel, separated by a layer of
cotton and all the layers will be in series.
I haven't taken any measurements yet except to check for shorts. I
should have it done by tomorrow and then we'll see if it works.
Finished it. It took forever to wind. I used about 200 feet of
both copper and steel 20awg wire.
The dry voltage across the coil was .69 volts with the copper
positive. Current was a minuscule 40 ua.
I sprayed it with some tap water, which got about a third of the
layers wet, and the voltage went up to .75 volts. The current
jumped up to 19 ma.
The current and voltage were unaffected by inserting an iron core
into the coil. The iron did polarized and would deflect a compass
at either end. However, I couldn't get any response from either
the compass or a piece of steel wire when I shorted the coil.
I'm not used to these low power devices. If I fire one of my motor
coils up on the bench, I get all kinds of metal crap flying
Anyway, I decided to soak it in salt water and see how it worked
after that. It currently reads .82 volts at a respectable 85ma.
I'll dry it out and see if those values hold up.
These things are weird. When I shorted the two ends of the copper
together and short the two steel ends, the current between the two
went up to 106ma. Instantaneous current is over 200ma, then it
drops down to a steady 106.
I couldn't detect any solenoidal pull either. A steel rod
partially out of the center exhibits no detectable movement when
the leads are shorted, even when balanced on a very soft spring.
This indicates little or no net current flow in one direction,
which would be keeping with two generators (the two wires) pushing
current in opposite directions. But then how do we get a polarity
on the steel? A slight imbalance maybe?
I'm not really sure anymore how Laser's motor is running either.
Perhaps there's some inductance from the spinning magnets that
dictates polarity? I'll have to think about it.
Continuing along with the weird theme... I shorted all the
separate windings together, both top and bottom... and the current
increased. You can see when it's in the vertical position the
current is around 119ma. When I tipped it over to show the bottom
shorts, it gave me a few more ma's.
I don't know whether to consider this a battery or a self filling
capacitor (is there a difference?). I doesn't act like a coil
though. I'll bet you could get the same results with two sheets of
metal coiled up like a capacitor with some cotton in between.
That's essentially what I have here. I may try that next...
I went to check on it this morning and I think it died overnight.
It read only .2 volts and the current was a paltry 10ma.
I stuck it outside in the sun to warm it up. Perhaps that will
revive it. Maybe it needed a constant load to keep it going?
We'll see if the patient revives in a couple of hours.
I think I read somewhere that the copper has to be corroded. If
so, you'd need to use bare copper wire and swab it with copper
sulfate. You can get this 'antiquing' solution, which is called
Copper Patina, at a stained glass store.
Thanks for the info. I'm using bare wire and I dipped it in salt
water, so that's a start.
I did find a short and managed to isolate that section. The
voltage is back up to .49 volts, but it's still nothing to write
home about. I think you would have to make a really big coil for
it to do much.
I really should get back to my sammich motor but I've lost the
momentum. I need to find some inspiration somewhere. 10 hours more
work will see it running, but I can't seem to kindle the spark.
I even cleaned the shop...
We do not know the secret of the earth charge as Nathan
Stubblefield determined it. Others since his time have observed
fluctuations at certain times of the year in ground energy. It may
be that a sudden induction is required before the excess ground
charge surges to the surface..... like priming a pump.
So I did some experiments in building different types of cells. I
used a 10 inch carriage bolt 3/4 inch diameter between two delron
spacers. I used steel wire and copper wire that was coated. I
would wind one layer and sand it off, check for shorts, and
then wrap it with gauze and start the next winding. I then put the
secondary induction coil windings on.
These are the results I got in a one gallon plastic jug filled
with water. Volts .07, 250ma into dead short through meter
shunt. I'm still working on a better cell to go into the ground at
this time.
Stubblefield published an extraordinary brochure in 1898 to
attract investors who had expressed interest in consolidating a
small corporation around his work. In this brochure, Stubblefield
insisted that power for his device was not generated in the cell.
He calmly stated that the cell received its surplus energy from
the earth. In a less discussed portion of the brochure,
Stubblefield stated that "electrotherapeutic" devices had been
developed from his earth battery. Other researchers made similar
claims for their earth batteries (Hicks, Mellon). During this
time, Stubblefield declared that news, weather, and other
announcements could be broadcast through the ground across a great
territory for private reception. He also added that simultaneous
messages and news of all kinds would soon be transmitted through
the ground from a central distribution station. (Shades of Tesla!)
In 1902 Stubblefield set up one of his sets in a "Mainstreet"
upper office... in a hardware shop. From that point to his farm
(some 6000 feet distant) he conducted continuous conversations
with his son Bernard. Tapping with a pencil on his one-piece
transceiver, Bernard was quickly heard in a loud, very clear
voice. This transceiver was a carbon button placed in a tin snuff
box. Speech and response were transacted through the same device,
which acted as both microphone and loudspeaker. Cells (EARTH
BATTERIES) were placed downstairs from the office in the ground.
They were never removed and never wore out, though operating
twenty-four hours a day around the clock.
Nathan Stubblefield offered to construct a large scale power
station for the town of Murray. His quoted initial installation
costs were estimated at five thousand dollars. The town
politicians declined the offer. As a result, the technique
of drawing up electricity from the earth remains a mystery.
The Stubblefield ground radio system was demonstrated for
approximately one thousand Murray residents. Photographs of
Stubblefield and his family, and a good crowd of witnesses from
town, show the cell laying on the ground among all his assembled
inventions; and a flower-pot sized coil of good volume. Other
devices show motors and large capacitor stacks for aerial voice
transmission experiments.
Stubblefield declares it to be an "energy receiver....a receptive
cell for intercepting electrical ground waves". Its conductive
ability somehow absorbs and directs the enormous volumes of earth
Whether the current derived from this cell is electricity as we
know it has been questioned. One indicator is not found when
considering his use of the energy in lighting lamps. With this
energy Nathan Stubblefield operated a score of arc lamps at full
brightness for twenty-four hours a day. There was a definite
trigger by which this energy was stimulated and maintained.
The induction coil which bears his name is equipped with three
coils which are wrapped around and upon a heavy iron core. Bare
iron wire and cotton-covered copper wire are wrapped side by side,
comprising a primary coil body. Each layer of the primary
coil body is covered by a band of cotton insulation,
bringing four wire leads to the coil terminus. Two leads of iron
and two of copper are external to the coil. Commercial electrical
power is obtained through these connective terminals.
In addition to this bimetallic winding, there is a third winding:
the "secondary". This third coil is insulated from the primary
bimetallic coil, serving as a trigger device. Presumably, a
stimulating impulse shock was introduced into the tertiary coil,
after which the upwelling electrical ground response brought forth
powerful currents in both iron and copper coils.
Electrolytically (as a battery in acid or saltwater) the
Stubblefield coil is disappointing, producing less then one volt
according to those who have duplicated its construction.
Stubblefield's bimetallic coil was a "plug": a receiver which
intercepts the vast and free electrical reservoir of the ground
itself. His patent and subsequent company brochures define the
manner in which his earth battery was to be activated.
Technically, the Stubblefield device is a modified thermocouple (a
bimetal in tight surface contact) but a thermocouple could not
supply the degree of power which he reported. While this
arrangement could develop a few milliwatts of power in
appropriately hot ground spots, the thermoelectric explanation of
the device cannot explain the phenomenal output reported in the
news reports of Stubblefield's demonstrations.
Furthermore, though the Stubblefield power receiver is wound like
an induction coil, it produces a steady direct current output.
This poses additional problems for the conventional engineer.
Electrical induction only occurs with electrical alternations,
oscillations, and impulses.
January 1, 1902
Witnesses describe ground-powered motors which ran unceasingly and
unattended for months without need for replacing or replenishing
the ground battery. Small machinery, clocks, and loud gongs were
run by other ground-buried cells as reported by credible
witnesses. Stubblefield may have discovered the auto-magnifying
voltage effect of electrostatic induction in coils before
Tesla, who later utilized the effect in his special
electrostatic Transformers.
These buried coils may have become saturated with earth
electrostatic energy, which travelled from subterranean depths. In
such a case, the mere battery power of the coil was replaced by
the electrostatic flow, the coil acting as an electrode. This
seems obvious when considering the fact that its ordinary battery
current (1 watt) was gradually replaced by continually growing
electrical current of far greater proportion.