SubGenius Antifag
Masque of the Red Dearth
DW rails :
David Wilcock: Time Travel Secrets
Revealed... And Why It Matters Today!
What if the searing problems of today are already hurtling
towards a fore-ordained conclusion? What if that
conclusion is not only 'good,' but incredibly positive and
Is the DOD planning on giving us full disclosure...
regardless of any in-process attempts to keep it partial?
What was the Roswell Cube? Are this and other technologies
still in use today?
Was 'The Plan' to save planet Earth transmitted into the
1950s with highly classified and super-advanced ET
Will we become a time-travel-capable society in the
aftermath of disclosure? How does that change reality as
we know it? What is the nature of time and how do we
ensure that we maintain our course trajectory on the most
positive timeline?
by Egon von Greyerz
Why the Orientation of Pyramids
Correlates with Ice Ages
Orientation patterns of more than 960 ancient pyramids,
sites, and temples, randomly spread around the world,
correlates with the temperature changes of the last series
of glaciation cycles. Most ancient monuments are hundreds
of thousands of years old. Renovations of ancient
monuments were done on top of their much older
foundations, leaving most of the original orientations
intact. The orientation of ancient monuments is, beyond
any doubt, a very potent mathematical data analysis tool,
revealing an astounding, inescapable truth.
Antiquity Reborn: Why Orientation
is the Key
Child's Play Music
Hands-on, play-based music incursions for primary schools,
education support, child care centres and more in Perth
& Mandurah, Western Australia
Tesla Turbine [Smoke Flow Slow Mo]
Coming to America. Share FAR &
Compiled Dreams and Visions pertaining to the future of
America. I would never claim dates/times but these events
are ABSOLUTELY being seen simultaneously via dreams and
visions all over America. God does nothing without warning
His servants the prophets. I felt led to have his back and
show youothers that have been shown the same things as
well as where it can be found in scripture.
Unraveling Why We Sleep:
Quantitative Analysis Reveals Abrupt Transition from
Neural Reorganization to Repair in Early Development
Junyu Cao, et al.
Sleep serves disparate functions, most notably neural
repair, metabolite clearance and circuit reorganization,
yet the relative importance of these functions remains
hotly debated. Here, we create a novel mechanistic
framework for understanding and predicting how sleep
changes during ontogeny (why babies sleep twice as long as
adults) and across phylogeny (why mice sleep roughly five
times that of whales). We use this theory to
quantitatively distinguish between sleep used for neural
reorganization versus repair. We conduct a comprehensive,
quantitative analysis of human sleep using total sleep
time, cerebral metabolic rate, brain size, synaptic
density, and REM sleep (used here to also refer to Active
Sleep in infants and children). Our findings reveal an
abrupt transition, between 2 and 3 years of age in humans.
Specifically, our results show that differences in sleep
across phylogeny and during late ontogeny (after 2 or 3
years in humans) are primarily due to sleep functioning
for repair or clearance, while changes in sleep during
early ontogeny (before 2 - 3 years in humans) primarily
support neural reorganization and learning. Moreover, our
analysis shows that neuroplastic reorganization occurs
primarily in REM sleep but not in NREM. In accordance with
the developmental role of neuroplasticity, the percent of
time spent in REM sleep is independent of brain size
across species but decreases dramatically as brain size
grows through development. Furthermore, the ratio of NREM
sleep time to awake time emerges as a new invariant across
development. This developmental transition and fundamental
shift across ontogeny and phylogeny suggests a complex
interplay between developmental and evolutionary
constraints on sleep.
Michael Moore Presents: Planet of
the Humans | Full Documentary | Directed by Jeff Gibbs
Michael Moore presents Planet of the Humans, a
documentary that dares to say what no one else will
— that we are losing the battle to stop climate change on
planet earth because we are following leaders who have
taken us down the wrong road — selling out the green
movement to wealthy interests and corporate America. This
film is the wake-up call to the reality we are afraid to
face: that in the midst of a human-caused extinction
event, the environmental movement’s answer is to push for
techno-fixes and band-aids. It's too little, too late.
Removed from the debate is the only thing that MIGHT save
us: getting a grip on our out-of-control human presence
and consumption. Why is this not THE issue? Because that
would be bad for profits, bad for business. Have we
environmentalists fallen for illusions, “green” illusions,
that are anything but green, because we’re scared that
this is the end—and we’ve pinned all our hopes on biomass,
wind turbines, and electric cars?
No amount of batteries are going to save us, warns
director Jeff Gibbs (lifelong environmentalist and
co-producer of “Fahrenheit 9/11” and “Bowling for
Columbine"). This urgent, must-see movie, a full-frontal
assault on our sacred cows, is guaranteed to generate
anger, debate, and, hopefully, a willingness to see our
survival in a new way—before it’s too late.
The Simpson's C0V1D 19 Matrix ...
Pelosi does Matrix
Shocking! 2014 prediction on
vaccines by Anthony Patch
Anthony Patch
Home made Rifle
New type of glass inspired by
seashells could pave the way for shatterproof phone
... shatterproof glass based on the unlikely durability of
Despite the ‘weak’ components that make up mollusks’
shells, these protective shields are incredibly tough
thanks to an impact-resistant material known as nacre.
Based on the brick-like nature of nacre’s arrangement, a
team of researchers has created a composite glass that’s
three times as strong as tempered glass, and up to 24
times as strong as plain glass...
Development of a Highly Durable and
Water-Repellent Material Inspired by Porcupinefish
—Abrasion-Resistant and Flexible, It May Be Used to
Protect Various Structural Materials—
NIMS has developed a novel, highly
water-repellent material inspired by porcupinefish skin.
This material is superior to conventional water-repellent
materials due to its significantly enhanced abrasion
resistance and flexibility. It may therefore be useful in
extending the durability of various structural materials.
Water repellency has been a major
research focus as a means of keeping the surfaces of
materials dry, thereby eliminating the effects of
moisture, including the growth of frost, corrosion and
mold and the buildup of grime. Highly water-repellent
materials need to have uneven surfaces at the micro- to
nano-scale. However, these structures make materials
brittle when subjected to external forces, such as
abrasion, twisting and scratching, immediately impairing
their water repellency.
Inspired by porcupinefish skin, the
NIMS research team recently developed a water-repellent
material with enhanced durability. This skin is composed
of two types of materials with contrasting mechanical
properties: hard, tetrapod-shaped spines and highly
flexible skins. Using this composite structure as a model,
the team succeeded in developing a highly water-repellent
material by densely integrating tetrapod-shaped inorganic
nanomaterials into a flexible silicone resin. This
material is capable of continuously maintaining its
microscopic uneven surface structure even when deformed or
damaged by external forces.
This highly durable and water-repellent
material can be easily produced by simply combining and
kneading together the inorganic nanomaterial and a
general-purpose resin. The material is therefore
compatible with conventional resin casting and painting
techniques. In future development efforts, we intend to
put this material into practical use in various fields in
which the use of water-repellent materials has been
limited by inadequate durability (e.g., paints applied to
the hulls of ships to reduce water resistance).
This project was carried out by a
research team led by Yoshihiro Yamauchi (International
Center for Young Scientists, NIMS) and Masanobu Naito
(Leader of the Data-driven Polymer Design Group, Research
and Services Division of Materials Data and Integrated
System, NIMS)....
Exposed: There’s a new federal
court to handle all the expected COVID vaccine-injury
claims by Jon Rappoport
The simple truth is: the US government is anticipating
many people will be filing claims for compensation, when
their family members are harmed or killed by a new COVID
Of course, the government isn’t coming right out and
admitting that.
The press will tout the usual excuses for injury and
death. “He died from COVID, not the vaccine.” “Well, there
was just one bad batch of vaccines.” “Because COVID is
such a dire situation, and we’re rushing to save lives, a
few mistakes are inevitable.”
Anything but the truth: GUESS WHAT, THE VACCINE IS HIGHLY
This new federal vaccine court for COVID will operate
exactly like the present system for paying out claims for
vaccine injury to children. Citizens have to jump through
many absurd hoops and navigate all sorts of red tape, to
try to squeeze money out of the federal government. The
system is set up that way. It’s your basic bureaucratic
The language that establishes the new COVID vaccine court
is found in the Federal Register, 3/17/20, buried in
section 14 of a document titled: “Declaration Under the
Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act for
Medical Countermeasures Against COVID-19.”
Here is the relevant passage in that document:
“Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program…Section
319F-4 of the PHS Act, 42 U.S.C. 247d-6e, authorizes the
Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP) to
provide benefits to eligible individuals who sustain a
serious physical injury or die as a direct result of the
administration or use of a Covered [COVID] Countermeasure
[e.g., a vaccine]. Compensation under the CICP for an
injury directly caused by a Covered Countermeasure is
based on the requirements set forth in this Declaration,
the administrative rules for the Program, and the statute.
To show direct causation between a Covered Countermeasure
and a serious physical injury, the statute requires
‘compelling, reliable, valid, medical and scientific
evidence.’ The administrative rules for the Program
further explain the necessary requirements for eligibility
under the CICP…”
Overturning COVID restrictions and
states of emergency by Jon
Covid update: The grand Ohio legal
case for our time, against kings on their thrones
by Jon Rappoport
‘Without Freedom of Thought, there
can be no such Thing as Wisdom’ -- Ben Franklin
SD Gov. Noem: Lessons Learned from
COVID-19 -- Governor Kristi Noem
South Dakota is open for business. If you value our way of
life, where people love freedom, smaller communities, and
lots of wide-open spaces, come to South Dakota. The air is
fresh, the people are free, and the possibilities are
Scientists find 'secret molecule'
that allows bacteria to exhale electricity
By Brandon Specktor
The soil bacteria breathe through 'giant snorkels' made of
a special conductive protein, the researchers found.
For mouthless, lungless bacteria, breathing is a bit more
complicated than it is for humans. We inhale oxygen and
exhale carbon dioxide; Geobacter — a ubiquitous,
groundwater-dwelling genus of bacteria — swallow up
organic waste and "exhale" electrons, generating a tiny
electric current in the process.
Those waste electrons always need somewhere to go (usually
into a plentiful underground mineral like iron oxide), and
Geobacter have an unconventional tool to make sure they
get there.
"Geobacter breathe through what is essentially a giant
snorkel, hundreds of times their size," Nikhil Malvankar,
an assistant professor at Yale University's Microbial
Science Institute in Connecticut, told Live Science.
That "snorkel" is called a nanowire. Though these tiny,
conductive filaments are 100,000 times smaller than the
width of a human hair, they are capable of shuttling
electrons hundreds to thousands of times the length of an
individual Geobacter microbe's body. Thanks to this
adaptation, Geobacter are some of the most impressive
respirators on Earth. ("You can't exhale 1,000 feet [300
meters] in front of you, can you?" Malvankar said).
At any given time, billions of the bacteria are buzzing
with electricity beneath the seafloor. Now, in a new study
published Aug. 17 in the journal Nature Chemical Biology,
Malvankar and his colleagues have figured out how to
combine that energy into a potent, microbial power grid.
Using advanced microscopy techniques, the researchers have
uncovered the "secret molecule" that allows Geobacter to
breathe over tremendously long distances previously unseen
in bacteria. The team also found that, by stimulating
colonies of Geobacter with an electric field, the microbes
conducted electricity 1,000 times more efficiently than
they do in their natural environment.
Understanding these innate, electrical adaptations could
be a crucial step in transforming Geobacter colonies into
living, breathing batteries, the researchers said.
Electric field stimulates
production of highly conductive microbial OmcZ
The Bacteria in Your Gut Produce
A flavin-based extracellular
electron transfer mechanism in diverse Gram-positive
Proud Boys Promote Fake Rally to
Expose Violent Antifa Lunatics — and it Worked
"It Will Happen In The Coming
California's Crime Dynasties:
Did you know that 4 families have
run California for over 80 years?
COVID-19 Drug: Tiny Antibody
Component Highly Effective Against SARS-COV-2 in
Animal Studies
SciTech Daily
Ab8 COVID-19 Drug Breakthrough:
Tiny Antibody Component Completely Neutralizes the
SARS-CoV-2 Virus
John Mellors, M.D., chief of infectious diseases, UPMC and
the University of Pittsburgh, discusses a scientific
breakthrough that is a major step toward a potential drug
to treat and prevent COVID-19.
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine scientists
have isolated the smallest biological molecule to date
that completely and specifically neutralizes the
SARS-CoV-2 virus, which is the cause of COVID-19. This
antibody component, which is 10 times smaller than a
full-sized antibody, has been used to construct a drug —
known as Ab8 — for potential use as a therapeutic and
prophylactic against SARS-CoV-2.
The researchers report today (September 14, 2020) in the
journal Cell that Ab8 is highly effective in preventing
and treating SARS-CoV-2 infection in mice and hamsters.
Its tiny size not only increases its potential for
diffusion in tissues to better neutralize the virus, but
also makes it possible to administer the drug by
alternative routes, including inhalation. Importantly, it
does not bind to human cells — a good sign that it won’t
have negative side-effects in people.
Ab8 was evaluated in conjunction with scientists from the
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC) and
University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) at Galveston, as
well as the University of British Columbia and University
of Saskatchewan.
“Ab8 not only has potential as therapy for COVID-19, but
it also could be used to keep people from getting
SARS-CoV-2 infections,” said co-author John Mellors, M.D.,
chief of the Division of Infectious Diseases at UPMC and
Pitt. “Antibodies of larger size have worked against other
infectious diseases and have been well tolerated, giving
us hope that it could be an effective treatment for
patients with COVID-19 and for protection of those who
have never had the infection and are not immune.”
The tiny antibody component is the variable, heavy chain
(VH) domain of an immunoglobulin, which is a type of
antibody found in the blood. It was found by “fishing” in
a pool of more than 100 billion potential candidates using
the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein as bait. Ab8 is created when
the VH domain is fused to part of the immunoglobulin tail
region, adding the immune functions of a full-size
antibody without the bulk.
Abound Bio, a newly formed UPMC-backed company, has
licensed Ab8 for worldwide development...
Pierluigi Ighina- L'Atomo Magnetico
Mobile Phone Radiation May Be
Killing Insects: German Study
AFP - Agence France Presse, September 17, 2020
Radiation from mobile phones could have contributed to the
dramatic decline in insect populations seen in much of
Europe in recent years, a German study showed Thursday.
Integrity: Do You Have It?
-- Peak Prosperity
In here Chris & Evie describe one of the most
important elements of their success: Integrity. What does
gardening have to do with Integrity? Lots. Watch to
find out. In each video you'll learn something.
Maybe small, maybe profound, but you'll be smarter for
Everything that has happened was
meant to happen -- Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc
[ N.B. : Breaking Rumor !!! Dr Fauci
says : "Hindia has lots of CV cases since the people
are generally unhealthy / unfit & they don't use
budesonide ( like the Taiwanese, or tetrasilver
tetroxide ), & they're silly, superstitious
geeks who can't see past their muladhara chakras or
masks, & they travel by plane rather than stay
home & astral project or teleport or skype like
self/non-self-respectin' humen boddhisattvas oughta.
And it's their karma, 'cause they're racists
religionist capitalists, and tantra
is sexist." -- Ed. ]
George Soros
Has 200 Organizations To Attack America
DNS Update Required
The site you were looking for is no longer available
at this IP address. This IP address is deprecated and
is no longer able to serve the requested domain. If
this is your site, please update your DNS to use the
correct IP address or CNAME. Still have questions?
Contact Us.
Shifting Crystals Turn Evaporation into Energy and
Offer Artificial Muscles for Many Applications
"...Xi Chen and his co-authors at the CUNY Advanced
Science Research Center, of shape-changing crystals that
enable energy transfer from evaporation to mechanical
motion. Entitled: “Mechanistic insights of
evaporation-induced actuation in supramolecular
crystals,” the study appears in the journal “Nature
A tripeptide crystal with aqueous pores can reversibly
deform in response to humidity changes...
"When evaporation causes water to be removed from the
pores, this results in a forceful deformation of the
entire crystal through a network-like connection. The
resulting shape-change is reversed when water vapor is
reintroduced," said Chen, the corresponding author of
the research and an assistant professor, chemical
engineering, in CCNY's Grove School of Engineering. "Our
peptide crystals allow the direct observation of
water-material interactions at the molecular level by
using existing crystallographic, spectroscopic and
computational methods. The revealed actuation mechanisms
are applicable more generally for the deigns of
materials or structures that efficiently harness
Federal Judge
Rules Pennsylvania Lockdown “Unconstitutional”
"...Even in an emergency, the authority of the
government is not unfettered. The liberties protected by
the Constitution are not fair-weather freedoms – in
place when times are good but able to be cast aside in
times of trouble.
There is no question that this
Country has faced, and will face, emergencies of every
sort. But the solution to a national crisis can never be
permitted to supersede the commitment to individual
liberty that stands as the foundation of the American
The Constitution cannot accept the
concept of a “new normal” where the basic liberties of
the people can be subordinated to open-ended emergency
mitigation measures. Rather, the Constitution sets
certain lines that may not be crossed, even in an
BLM Poseur Ms. Piggy Prays for Power :
Shock Video: Black Lives Matter
Founder Takes Part in Bizarre Occult Ritual
‘Trained Marxist’ dresses as winged demon in strange art
Clif High: How We Remote Viewed
Trump On Joe Rogan
State-by-state breakdown of
federal aid per COVID-19 case
by Ayla Ellison
HHS recently began distributing the first $30 billion of
emergency funding designated for hospitals in the
Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act. Some
of the states hit hardest by the COVID-19 pandemic will
receive less funding than states touched relatively
lightly, according to an analysis by Kaiser Health News.
The first round of grants will be distributed based on
historical share Medicare revenue, not based on COVID-19
burden. Therefore, hard-hit states like New York will
receive far less per COVID-19 case than most other
HHS said it doled out the first slice of funding based on
Medicare revenue to get support to hospitals as quickly as
possible. The agency said the next round of grants "will
focus on providers in areas particularly impacted by the
COVID-19 outbreak," rural hospitals and other healthcare
providers that receive much of their revenues from
Below is a breakdown of how much funding per COVID-19 case
each state will receive from the first $30 billion in aid.
Kaiser Health News used a state breakdown provided to the
House Ways and Means Committee by HHS along with COVID-19
cases tabulated by The New York Times for its analysis.
Alabama $158,000 Alaska $306,000 Arizona $23,000 Arkansas
$285,000 California $145,000 Colorado $58,000 Connecticut
$38,000 Delaware $127,000 District of Columbia $56,000
Florida $132,000 Georgia $73,000 Hawaii $301,000 Idaho
$100,000 Illinois $73,000 Indiana $105,000 Iowa $235,000
Kansas $291,000 Kentucky $297,000 Louisiana $26,000 Maine
$260,000 Maryland $120,000 Massachusetts $44,000 Michigan
$44,000 Minnesota $380,000 Mississippi $166,000 Missouri
$175,000 Montana $315,000 Nebraska $379,000 Nevada $98,000
New Hampshire $201,000 New Jersey $18,000 New Mexico
$171,000 New York $12,000 North Carolina $252,000 North
Dakota $339,000 Ohio $180,000 Oklahoma $291,000 Oregon
$220,000 Pennsylvania $68,000 Rhode Island $52,000 South
Carolina $186,000 South Dakota $241,000 Tennessee $166,000
Texas $184,000 Utah $94,000 Vermont $87,000 Virginia
$201,000 Washington $58,000 WEST VIRGINIA $471,000
Wisconsin $163,000 Wyoming $278,000
High-fidelity record of Earth’s
climate history puts current changes in context
By Tim Stephens
A continuous record of the past 66 million years shows
natural climate variability due to changes in Earth’s
orbit around the sun is much smaller than projected future
warming due to greenhouse gas emissions
InSex :
Tarantula Wasp
...A female tarantula hawk paralyzes its prey with its
sting before dragging it to a burrow where it then lays an
insect inside the body. The egg will then hatch inside of
the spider and will feed on the body, avoiding vital
Fog Fence
Nebelkollektor fischt Trinkwasser
aus Nebel: Der CloudFisher der WasserStiftung
Trinkwasser aus der Luft gewinnen:
Test mit Salzlösung und Solarenergie | Gut zu wissen |
Trinkwasser wird immer knapper auf der Erde. Eine neue
Technologie könnte Menschen in heißen und trockenen
Regionen zu sauberem Wasser verhelfen. In Gilching bei
München tüfteln Ingenieure des Startups Aquahara an einer
Anlage, die mithilfe von Salz Wasser aus der Luft gewinnen
UCLA, Stanford study finds for
average 50-64 year old, chances of dying from COVID-19
are 1 in 19.1M
Stupid du Jour :
Mark Passio - Tesla
& Humanity's Missing Paradigm Shift
manifestation of Free Energy through Tesla
Technology is entirely dependent upon a
particular type of Spiritual Paradigm Shift
that must take place first in the body of
Humanity. This Paradigm Shift was hinted at by
Tesla himself, but unfortunately, that
necessary shift in consciousness still has not
occurred at the level required to break the
stranglehold of our current corrupt, polluting
and unsustainable energy systems. In this
presentation, Mark Passio discusses what this
spiritual shift in consciousness entails, and
some of the reasons why we are still so far
away from achieving it as a species.
UFO Battle Of Los
Angeles Original Footage & Broadcast
February 26, 1942
Ice Age Farmer warns
about engineered food SCARCITY as a
weapon to control humanity -- Health
Ranger Report
How the CloudFisher
The video
"How the CloudFisher works" shows the process
of collecting the smallest drops of water from
fog in specially developed three-dimensional
The CloudFisher is the world's most effective
collector for obtaining drinking water from
CloudFisher* is the first standard fog
collector that can withstand high wind speeds.
It is quick and easy to install, and requires
no energy or maintenance. All materials are
The CloudFisher can supply people with
high-quality drinking water that meets WHO
standards, and can also provide water for
agriculture and forestry.
Wind resistant up to 120 kph.
Rubber expanders reduce the impact of wind
3D mesh for higher water yield.
Robust plastic grid prevents the mesh from
bulging and draining water outside the trough.
Flexible troughs follows the movement of the
net in the wind.
Top Conclusions After 9 Months Of
Reporting On Covid-19
US9620280 -- Split Flux
ISA Industries
A better
tomorrow is on the horizon. After many decades
of research & development, ISA Industries
is bringing self-sustaining energy
technologies to the global market...
Smart : VisionPro
Eyeglasses --
The Only
Pair You Will Ever Need...
VisionPro glasses are an exclusive frame and
lens combination with a compound lens system
that enables you to focus on objects at any
distance without having to switch glasses...
Instant Adjustment For Each Eye Independently
Precise Correction Based On Real User Feedback
Easy Reading With Maximum Clarity
Easy to Clean and Fingerprint Proof Glasses
Polycarbonate Lenses For Maximum Clarity and
Simple to Use By Everyone, Easy Adjustment and
Position Fix
"The object is not to
stay alive but to stay human.” --
Winston Smith in G. Orwell's 1984
The #Trumpknew Woodward
Nothingburger --
If he was
trying to cover up covid why did he restrict
travel mere weeks later?:
Russian Weather
Engineering over North America -- 1985
to Present Day -- How it's done --
UN Blames the Patriarchy
The UN
blames men for COVID-19.
Covid Concentration Camps
Ohio FEMA Camps – Still
More Questions Than Answers
The Ohio
Star reported on September 3 that Ohio
Department of Health (ODH) Interim Director
Lance Himes released an order on August 31 –
an order creating Federal Emergency Management
Agency (FEMA) shelters and legalizing their
use for people who “are unable to safely
self-quarantine in their place of residence
and to isolate those diagnosed with or showing
symptoms of COVID-19.”
The non-congregate FEMA sheltering will be
utilized throughout the state for people,
according to the examples given by Himes, who
“test positive for COVID-19 who do not require
hospitalization but need isolation (including
those exiting from hospitals); those who have
been exposed to COVID-19 who do not require
hospitalization; and asymptomatic high-risk
individuals needing social distancing as a
precautionary measure.”
State Orders Public
Colleges and Universities to Create
COVID-19 Quarantine Shelters
DON'T Think This
Nightmare Will Never Come Here
This topic
is the epitome of inhumanity to mankind. It's
not a topic that I wanted to cover, but it's
necessary to make people aware, especially in
America, where for the most part we have no
clue of what's going on outside of our
"entertain ourselves" world. This is a reason
to pray for China and their people.
Rex Research Wins $100M DARPA
R&D Contract for Weapons System Concept !
[ Clickify to Expand ]
France Sends Navy to
Eastern Mediterranean Amid
Turkey-Greece Standoff
has become more embroiled in conflicts
in the region as the U.S. has
disengaged in recent years
Turkish Presidential
Advisor Says Turkey Will ATTACK French Aircraft
Carrier, Wage War on Greece
Nostradamus says :
Century 2 Quatrain 86
Wreck for the fleet near
the Adriatic Sea :
The land trembles stirred up upon the
air placed on land
Egypt trembles Mahometan augment,
The Herald surrenders himself, to cry is
Century 3 Quatrain 23
If France you pass
beyond the Ligurian Sea,
You will see yourself in the isles and
seas enclosed
Mahomet contrary, more so the Adriatic
Of horses and asses you will gnaw the
Nature Communications volume 11, Art. 1495
Exfoliated near infrared
fluorescent silicate nanosheets for (bio)photonics
Gabriele Selvaggio, et al.
Door-to-door MEDICAL TYRANNY: City
of Houston to dispatch COVID medical experimentation
teams to homes of “randomly selected” residents to
DRAW BLOOD for a government pandemic experiment
Houston Health Department leading
antibody testing survey to better understand the
spread of COVID-19 in Houston
September 2, 2020
The Houston Health Department is collaborating with the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Rice
University, and Baylor College of Medicine to conduct an
antibody testing survey to understand how many people in
the city were previously infected with the virus that
causes COVID-19.
The survey will identify people infected in the past with
COVID-19 by the presence of antibodies, proteins the
body’s immune system makes to fight infections. Antibody
testing does not replace oral or nasal swab viral testing
that looks for current infection.
Teams consisting of Houston Health Department staff and
Houston Fire Department paramedics will visit randomly
selected homes across Houston, asking household members to
answer survey questions and provide a blood sample. Phase
one is set to take place Sept. 8-24, with phase two
starting in the winter of 2021.
Sub‐Nanometer Thick Gold Nanosheets
as Highly Efficient Catalysts
Sunjie Ye, et al.
2D metal nanomaterials offer exciting prospects in terms
of their properties and functions. However, the ambient
aqueous synthesis of atomically‐thin, 2D metallic
nanomaterials represents a significant challenge. Herein,
freestanding and atomically‐thin gold nanosheets with a
thickness of only 0.47 nm (two atomic layers thick) are
synthesized via a one‐step aqueous approach at 20 °C,
using methyl orange as a confining agent. Owing to the
high surface‐area‐to‐volume ratio, abundance of
unsaturated atoms exposed on the surface and large
interfacial areas arising from their ultrathin 2D nature,
the as‐prepared Au nanosheets demonstrate excellent
catalysis performance in the model reaction of
4‐nitrophenol reduction, and remarkable
peroxidase‐mimicking activity, which enables a highly
sensitive colorimetric sensing of H2O2 with a detection
limit of 0.11 × 10−6 m. This work represents the first
fabrication of freestanding 2D gold with a sub‐nanometer
thickness, opens up an innovative pathway toward
atomically‐thin metal nanomaterials that can serve as
model systems for inspiring fundamental advances in
materials science, and holds potential across a wide
region of applications...
For the synthesis of Au nanoseaweed, aqueous solutions of
HAuCl4 and Na3C6H5O7 (sodium citrate, SC) were
sequentially added into an aqueous solution of Methyl
Orange (0.21 × 10−3 m) at 20 °C. The resultant solution
was kept undisturbed at this temperature for 12 h (see
Figure 1a and the Supporting Information). The reaction
products were collected by centrifugation, and then washed
several times with Milli‐Q water until the supernatant was
colorless. The centrifuged pellet was readily re‐dispersed
in Milli‐Q water for further characterization....
WO2020104789A1 --
"The present application relates to a method for the
production of a noble metal nanomaterial comprising: (A)
adding an aqueous solution of a source of noble metal ions
and a reducing agent to an aqueous solution of an organic
compound to form a reaction mixture, wherein the organic
compound is capable of undergoing 2D planar stacking in
aqueous solution; and (B) separating the noble metal
nanomaterial from the reaction mixture. The present
application also relates to a noble metal nanomaterial
manufactured according to said method."
9/08/2020 -- Directed Energy Weapon
(DEW) beam shooting from California to MALHEUR
Malheur.. of all the places in the world.. or a satellite
parked above it.... what are the chances?! Who could
be involved up in Malheur or UP ABOVE MALHEUR in
space? smh facepalm
Best view of the beam seen in full HD 1080p at 11:34 or
so. another good view at 13:20 or so... In a very strange
turn of events, upon the upload and premiere of this video
on youtube.. almost all shots of the beam are hard to see
only on youtube (you can see just fine on twitch for
instance). You literally cannot see the beam in the
half video here on youtube that was seen live by my
audience just fine over on twitch.
Nonetheless you can view pretty well in 1080p HD using a
laptop , maybe turn down the lights and look close. The
live links are provided for you to see on your own instead
of having to watch this video.
High power microwave can show up on IR. So can high power
IR lasers. Both could theoretically cause fires.
This is a real life example of something beaming from
somewhere very strange (malheur or above it in space) to
another location hundreds of miles away in California,
beaming directly into a fire.
Amazon Bans Int'l Seed Sales:
Problem, Reaction, Famine: Technocrats Take Control of
Ice Age Farmer
Throughout human history, people have brought seed of
their favorite foods -- but no longer. The technocrats are
now banning international sales of SEEDS on Amazon/Wish,
due to the "dangerous Chinese Mystery Seeds" false flag --
even as parts of the US experience seed shortages! This
"Problem/Reaction/Famine" dialectic is actively being used
in many areas to engineer food shortages ahead, in order
to further a technocratic, transhumanist rewrite of our
food system and takeover of society.
Join a collaborative network of people working to advance
the knowledge and understanding of ancient cereal grains
and other edible seedcrops for modern nutrition.
We offer you the “real thing”; planting-seeds for edible
seedcrops. In the view of the Kusa Seed organization, the
plants themselves are teachers. Enroll yourself in a
“study course” at your own home! Simply invite one of our
esteemed faculty members to come and grow at your place;
you plant the seed and the “study course” will unfold
before your eyes. Our faculty hail from the far corners of
the earth’s storied mountains, valleys, and plains — from
Afghanistan; India; Iraq; Italy; Japan; Korea; Poland;
Russia; Tibet and other places.
Dana Coverstone NEW Dream: LADY
The 1% blunder: How a
simple but fatal math mistake by US Covid-19 experts
caused the world to panic and order lockdowns
How an “Act of God”
Pandemic Is Destroying the West
By Prof Michael Hudson
My Hospital Experience and
What the Nurses Told Me About COVID-19
by Target Liberty
JB reports in:
I just got home from back surgery where
I spent 4 days in the hospital to start the recovery
process. I was able to have some really good conversations
with the nurses that were caring for me.
First off, the hospital was empty (in
I asked one nurse if I could ask a few
questions that I just needed answers for.
First, ‘Do masks do anything to stop a
virus?” She looked at me shocked, then said “no, they
don’t do anything, the N95 does stop a percentage of a
virus when you wear one, but overall they don’t do a
So I asked why are there so many
mandates then? We are we being bombarded with wearing a
mask to save grandma?
At this time another nurse said,
“Well, when this all started we were
pressured to report everyone who was admitted into the
hospital as a covid case. We were also told that we were
to report every death as a covid death, and to do our best
to get people on a ventilator, even though we knew that it
seemed to actually make things worse for the patient.”
Bottom line, most of them refused, and
several were fired.
I asked what they suggested was the
best way to fight the virus, and was told, the same things
you would do to fight the flu.
It was pretty intense, and they were
very upset when they started talking about it. Upset as in
I didn’t wear a mask while I was there
and was only asked one time if I would put one on when a
certain nurse was coming to that section of the hospital
to generally check on patients. So, I did, as it seemed
important to the people I was working with. No sense in
getting them in trouble. When that person left, I took it
back off.
There was more conversation, including
their thoughts on schools requiring masks, kids committing
suicide “in one month more than we’ve had in a year”.
They had strong opinions on lockdowns
when “the very thing we need to fight a virus is fresh air
and the vitamin D we get from sunlight.”
One fun thing, when I was being wheeled
through the hospital, the nurse stopped a few times to
introduce me to other nurses working there, and she would
simply say, “Hey so and so, I want you to meet Joshua, he
thinks like we do”.
So there is a resistance in some of
these hospitals!
New Authoritative Report Shows 73%
Of DHHS, CDC, FDA Regulations “Unconstitutional…”
By Dale Maxwell
Does this mean that all of the rules governing Childhood
Vaccines are illegal? Opinion by Ralph Fucetola JD Lawful
regulations must be adopted in strict compliance with
certain statutes and rules. An Agency that fails to follow
the rules in rule-making has created an unconstitutional
regulation. These procedures, under the Administrative
Procedures Act (APA...
Allgire Remote Viewed Michael
Reinoehl Weeks Before He Was 'Removed' By
Federal Marshalls
KOLYMA [1996 documentary | Horror
stories of Soviet Union's worst Siberian gulags]
In Jewish-controlled, Communist Russia, many ethnic
Russians, who were considered enemies of the Communist
government, were sent to concentration camps in Siberia.
Through starvation, disease, random executions,
subfreezing temperatures, over two million Russian
citizens lost their lives in Siberian concentration camps.
"Kolyma" in existence for 40 years, was the worst of these
This award winning documentary is based on eye witness
testimony including interviews with former prisoners who
worked in the Kolyma River Region during the Stalinist
era. Film includes archival records, surviving documentary
footage and films of the remains of the "Kolyma"
concentration camp.
Fear of GERMS - George Carlin
WARNING Dream from Pastor for
DECEMBER 2020 // Dana Coverstone
BREAKING NEWS: Ohio Health Dept.
Issues ORDER for "Non-Congregate Shelter" of
"Asymptomatic" People in CAMPS - over COVID-19
HOLODOMOR 2.0: Man Made Famine
& Election Chaos -- Ice Age Farmer
The same forces instigating social unrest and elections
chaos are engineering a man-made famine and attempting to
take over food production -- exactly as happened in the
Soviet takeover of Ukraine -- by spreading fraudulent
COVID-19 tests to farmworkers and meat plants. From
John Podesta, to the UFW, to Tyson, to the Rockefellers,
Christian explores the the players, groups, and deep
connections between those behind the agenda to "Reset the
Table" and use food as a weapon.
Ritual Public Shaming --
Paul Joseph Watson
The Secret Speech of General Chi
Exclusive Study: COVID-19
Lockdowns Over 10 Times More Deadly Than Pandemic
...CHEAT SHEET: Back-of-the-Envelope Calculations Show
COVID-19 “Cure” Is Worse Than Disease
Standard approaches to evaluating
epidemic policy responses, involving the Value of a
Statistical Life, have conceptual problems and are biased
towards the elderly and rich.
Using a life-years criterion as an
alternative shows that the lockdowns cost an order of
magnitude more life-years than they saved.
Most of the publicized cost-benefit
analyses of COVID-19 lockdowns have used coarse measures
like lives as units rather than life-years, which misleads
politicians and the general public. COVID-19 deaths
disproportionately impact the oldest members of the
population, whereas the economic impacts of lockdowns
disproportionately harm the youngest of the working
population, who have far greater life expectancies at the
time of impact.
Using prior research on workforce
entrants and recent graduates entering into a market
marred by an economic recession, empirical estimates of
life-years lost can be determined. Extensive research on
job displacement can be used to estimate the economic
impact in life-years of starkly increased unemployment for
mid-to-late career workers.
Combining these analyses, we found that
an estimated 18.7 million life-years will be lost in the
United States due to the COVID-19 lockdowns. Comparative
data analysis between nations shows that the lockdowns in
the United States likely had a minimal effect in saving
life-years. Using two different comparison groups, we
estimate that the COVID-19 lockdowns in the U.S. saved
between a quarter to three quarters of a million
Every broad age category lost
life-years from the lockdowns including those 55 and
The media and state and local
governments contributed to the panic by selectively
presenting evidence on COVID-19 and shutdowns of dubious
Public health researchers and health
economists gave poor policy advice and made selective use
of the prior research literature. They will likely be
rewarded, not punished, by academia for their failure
because of academia’s biases.
Public health in general is so biased
and vulnerable to motivated cognition that it is not “not
yet ready for policy analysis.”
"It's A Game-Changer" - New
WHO-Backed Research Finds Cheap Steroids Reduce
COVID-19 Mortality By One-Third
For the last 2 months, we've been wondering: whatever
happened to that British study purporting to show
surprising efficacy of cheap steroid dexamethasone in
treating COVID-19?
While we suspected that drug companies working on vaccines
and fancy new treatments (see Gilead's questionably
effective remdesivir) might secretly be working to
undermine this type of research for fear it might
interfere with "innovation" their bottom lines, on
Wednesday, a group of doctors brought together by the WHO
published a report analyzing several studies on the
effectiveness of steroids in treating late-stage COVID-19.
The studies, which involved a total of 1,700 patients,
apparently show that a number of cheap, plentiful
corticosteroids (anti-inflammatory drugs that can damp the
effects of an overactive immune system) helped lower
COVID-19-related mortality by roughly one-third, compared
with the 'control' group that didn't receive the
The paper published by JAMA featured a meta-analysis
performed by the group of scientists and doctors
encompassing seven studies done between February and June.
All the studies evaluated the use of the commonly used
steroid drugs dexamethasone, hydrocortisone and
methylprednisolone. The study found relatively consistent
benefits for using the drugs in severely ill patients: Of
678 severely ill patients who received steroids, 32.7%
died, compared with 41.5% of patients receiving either the
usual care, or a placebo (depending on the study).
Horowitz: Venezuela in America: CDC
to confiscate property rights with new anti-eviction
We Are The Future Of Oral Care
A simple yet revolutionary dental device that will clean
smelly germs between your teeth where your toothbrush and
mouthwash can't reach to clean!
PerioTwist Product Video
My Last Video for YouTube : Vernon
Vernon Coleman has had enough. International best-selling
author, Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA, explains why
this is the last video for his rapidly growing YouTube
channel. He also explains why he doesn't use wikipedia,
why people should sue the BBC, and why scientific truth
and freedom of speech are important.
For more unbiased information about other important
matters, please visit,
The Defense of Bosnia [Documentary
| 92-95 Bosnian war]
Ivermectin treatment 'could bring
us all together by Christmas'
Sky News
Professor Thomas Borody says the combination of
Ivermectin, Doxycycline and Zinc has shown to be
almost 100 per cent effective as a treatment for
COVID-19 based on the findings of six publications.
“The Ivermectin has two roles,” Mr Borody said.
“It blocks the landing sights on the spike of the
receptors called AC2 receptor throughout the lungs and
the gut, and secondly, it inhibits replication within
the cell by using Zinc which it forces or helps to get
in the cells.
“The Doxycycline helps in those two areas as well.
“From the six publications that have
actually examined it and published, it works close
to 100 per cent.
“We’ve been given a gift, of these three drugs
together which are already registered, licensed and
ready to use that work so well.
“You will recall, the World Health Organisation
encouraged mass therapy for parasites, how much more
should we encourage mass therapy where we have such
“And if we do treat, yes we will be together by
Christmas and even beyond, while we’re waiting for a
vaccine in a couple of years.”
Sorry, Folks. The Show is Over.
We’re Discovering The Truth About The Virus….Masks
Will Be a Thing of The Past Soon Enough…
The American Journal of Clinical
Nutrition, Volume 111, Issue 6, June 2020, Pages
Ultra-processed food
consumption and the risk of short telomeres
in an elderly population of the Seguimiento
Universidad de Navarra (SUN) Project
Alonso-Pedrero, Ana Ojeda-Rodríguez, Miguel A
Martínez-González, Guillermo Zalba, Maira
Bes-Rastrollo, Amelia Marti
Those participants
with the highest UPF consumption had almost twice the
odds of having short telomeres compared with those
with the lowest consumption (adjusted OR: 1.82; 95%
CI: 1.05, 3.22; P-trend = 0.03).
A higher consumption
of UPF (>3 servings/d) was associated with higher
risk of having shorter telomeres in an elderly Spanish
population of the SUN Project.
The Truth About Kyle Rittenhouse
Mark Dice
No Truth Allowed -- mark
DIY Plasma Physics Powersource
(Mini 20,000v Flyback)
Nature Chemistry (20 January 2013 ), volume 5,
Quantitative visualization of DNA
G-quadruplex structures in human cells
Biffi, David Tannahill, John McCafferty &
Shankar Balasubramanian
G-quadruplex nucleic acid structures are of great
interest as their high thermodynamic stability under
near-physiological conditions suggests that they
could form in cells. Here we report the generation
and application of an engineered, structure-specific
antibody employed to quantitatively visualize DNA
G-quadruplex structures in human cells. We show
explicitly that G-quadruplex formation in DNA is
modulated during cell-cycle progression and that
endogenous G-quadruplex DNA structures can be
stabilized by a small-molecule ligand. Together
these findings provide substantive evidence for the
formation of G-quadruplex structures in the genome
of mammalian cells and corroborate the application
of stabilizing ligands in a cellular context to
target G-quadruplexes and intervene with their
The WHO PCR Test Coronavirus Primer Sequence is Found in
All Human DNA (Chromosome 8)
[MIRRORED] Another doctor who knows biochemistry and is an
ardent truth speaker with knowledge of what she shares.
Amandha Dawn Vollmer holds a degree of Doctor of Naturopathic
Medicine from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in
Toronto and a Bachelor of Science in Agricultural
has been warning humanity for years of the
coming take over of humans into the main frame of the
Technocrats. It's time we not only wake up but stand up. He
speaks about Amandha Vollmer's research, her video is uploaded
on this channel. Peace out friends, we've got work to do.
WHO Coronavirus PCR Test Primer Sequence is Found in All
Human DNA
More people are receiving visions and dreams about the
coming destruction that will befall the USA, but also
involving many other areas around the world. Most alarming is
what will happen to the earth once this asteroid hits and how
even predictive programming by those who follow after the god
of this world is pointing to these events that are described
in the Word of God and the expected timing.
Nearly 1,000 German Doctors Say Covid-19 Is A 100% Scam -
Demand End to Lockdowns And Mandatory Wearing Of Masks -
Not sure if you had the coronavirus? A new report explains how
to know if you already it
[ Bullshit. The 2 symptoms of Covid are a sudden forehead
fever-sweat with simultaneous strange gut feeling. It can be
stopped in 1 hour with tetraSilver Tetroxide ]
This front-line, clearly expert Spanish doctor reveals the
reality around the truly massive media madness going on at the
moment. He explains the actual reality, and the interviewer is
thrown into confusion...!
Then a studio journalist is brought in to sort him out - but
our doc is solid as a rock - and leaves the henchman for dead!
UNREAL. (subtitled)
...The researchers used a powerful molecule called bone
morphogenetic protein 2 (BMP2) to initiate bone formation
after microfracture, but then stopped the process midway with
a molecule that blocked another signaling molecule important
in bone formation, called vascular endothelial growth factor
“What we ended up with was cartilage that is made of the same
sort of cells as natural cartilage with comparable mechanical
properties, unlike the fibrocartilage that we usually get,”
Chan said. “It also restored mobility to osteoarthritic mice
and significantly reduced their pain.”...
The work builds on previous research at Stanford that resulted
in isolation of the skeletal stem cell, a self-renewing cell
that is also responsible for the production of bone, cartilage
and a special type of cell that helps blood cells develop in
bone marrow.
Methods, compositions and kits for producing functional
chondrocytes, skeletal cells, bone marrow stromal cells, and
progenitor cells thereof are provided. These methods,
compositions and kits find use in producing chondrocytes,
osteoblasts, stromal cells, and progenitor cells thereof in
vivo, or in vitro for transplantation, for experimental
evaluation, as a source of lineage- and cell-specific
products, and the like, for example for use in treating human
disorders of the cartilage, bone and hematopoietic system. In
some embodiments, specific combinations of protein factors are
identified for reprogramming non-skeletal cells into bones,
hematopoietic stroma, and chondrocytes, which may be provided
in vitro or in vivo.
Watch the summary videos of specific undercover meetings from
CMP’s Human Capital project documenting Planned Parenthood’s
sale of baby body parts. Full footage for each encounter is
also available. Planned Parenthood Medical Director:
“Dismemberment” Abortion “Checkbox” Skirts Federal
Partial-Birth Law Press Release Full Footage 1 | Full Footage
2 Planned Parenthood “Lamborghini” Exec Haggles ...
“All the data we have, including WFP forecast that the number
of people experiencing malnutrition will grow by 80 percent by
the end of the year, … points to a real disaster,” David
Beasley, Executive Director of the UN World Food Program
(WFP), said.
As a favor to drug companies that are studying it as a
potential “drug” treatment for the Wuhan coronavirus
(COVID-19), the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is
going after N-acetylcysteine, a natural compound that the
agency is suddenly claiming no longer qualifies as a legal
dietary supplement.
Reports indicate that the FDA has sent out a series of warning
letters to supplement manufacturers warning them that NAC, as
it is also called, does not meet the definition of a dietary
supplement because it was supposedly first approved as a
“drug” back in 1963.
The FDA claims that NAC was never marketed as a food or
supplement prior to the agency’s approval of it as a drug.
This, according to the agency, means that the “rights” to sell
it are under the jurisdiction of the FDA, which is steering it
towards Big Pharma entities now trying to capitalize on it as
a possible Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) remedy.
In a 2017 study conducted by researchers from the Thomas
Jefferson University, NAC succeeded in slowing down the growth
of cancer cells in patients with breast cancer. The natural
antioxidant reduced the aggressiveness of tumors by modulating
the metabolism of cancer cells. NAC also depleted the cancer
cells of nutrients, forcing them to starve and die. (Related:
Yale researchers add “reduction of hearing loss” to the many
benefits of NAC supplements.)
“Having face masks and then think[ing] you can crowd your
buses or your shopping malls — that’s definitely a mistake”.
Sweden’s top expert on the coronavirus has warned that
encouraging people to wear face masks is “very dangerous”
because it gives a false sense of security but does not
effectively stem the spread of the virus.
“It is very dangerous to believe face masks would change the
game when it comes to COVID-19,” said Anders Tengell, who has
overseen Sweden’s response to the pandemic while resisting any
form of lockdown or mask mandate.
“Face masks can be a complement to other things when other
things are safely in place,” Tengell added.
“But to start with having face masks and then think[ing] you
can crowd your buses or your shopping malls — that’s
definitely a mistake,” he further urged.
Tegnell has consistently spoken out against the use of masks,
last month declaring that “With numbers diminishing very
quickly in Sweden, we see no point in wearing a face mask in
Sweden, not even on public transport.”
“The findings that have been produced through face masks are
astonishingly weak, even though so many people around the
world wear them,” Tengell has urged.
“I’m surprised that we don’t have more or better studies
showing what effect masks actually have. Countries such as
Spain and Belgium have made their populations wear masks but
their infection numbers have still risen,” the epidemiologist
also declared.
Sweden, which didn’t enforce any mandatory lockdown order, has
seen its coronavirus cases and deaths slow to a trickle.
“That Sweden has come down to these levels is very promising,”
Tegnell has said, adding “The curves are going down and the
curves for the seriously ill are beginning to approach zero.”
As Newsweek acknowledged earlier this month, Sweden’s COVID-19
death rate is lower than those of Spain, the UK and Italy,
countries which all imposed lockdowns.
Sweden’s GDP fall of 8.6 in Q2 2020 is also significantly less
severe than the 12.1 average experienced in the Eurozone,
leaving the Scandinavian country in “much better shape than
the rest of Europe.”