Stuff & Stuff
Sci-Tech News & Olds
( Emergency Pre-Crime Edition -- November 2014 )
Due to the unexpected side-effects of a Kozyrev-Sprink " Chronon Generator " ( above ) being tested @ the Rex Research R&D Lab, the local flow of Time has been ortho-rotated to the Now condition for the indefinite interim future.
The hyper-pressurized Time being produced by the " Chronon Generator " is causing an ever-increasing area to retract from the Matrix by at least one ( 1 ) Planck Unit L* ( up to ~ 30 trillion / second ) per chronon, creating a "Now" Zone without Past or Future.
At this time, only the ten square miles surrounding the Rex Research Galactic Command Center in Las Vegas are " Now ". Everyone else on Earth is effectively lost in the astral plane ( or Lala Land ) and will remain so until the Chronon Generator field has extended around the entire planet. The process will be complete by December 21, 2012 ( at which Time we will implement Plan 9-B From Outer Space ).
Until then, therefore, you shall remain in your present side-track timeline, out-of-phase with actual Reality, which now is firmly established here in Las Vegas, NV and will remain so until December 21, 2012.
You are, however, welcome and invited to relocate here until the city runs out of water ( in about 5 years ) or you implement airwell technology.
Or, if you send a donation to Rex Research ( via Paypal ), you will receive a generous gratuitous dispensation of chronons of correct laevo-rotary polarity that will ensure your continuity-of-presence during the ensuing dissolution and reconstruction of Reality ( according to our proprietary program, Now-World-Order.exe ).
The chronon packet you receive ( in appreciation for your donation ) will protect you from the apperceptual side-effects of the Chronon Generator, including : alternating bouts of cognitive dissonance / resonance, telepathetic emotional intellgencing, pseudo-levitation ( diagravitic separation ), and memory reversal.
We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused by this vital scientific experiment. If you have suffered any financial, health, or mental losses thereby, you are cordially invited to submit an invoice for reimbursement. We are heavily insured against such contingencies.
This Month :
The Bedini SG Book -- A complete guide to the history, theory & construction of Bedini's Generator.
Clif HIGH : Asymmetric Linguistic Trend Analysis (October 25, 2014 ) -- Update October 25, 2014
Meghan Rosen : New Microscope Sees Bioenergetics ( E. BETZIG, et al.)
Dan Winter's " Imploder " : " 33-68% gain in Marijuana growing ! "
Giuseppe NACCI, M.D. : Thousand Plants vs Cancer -- PDF
The First Web Page -- Still #1
Contemporary LENR Technology Patents -- Cold Fusion redux
The Hendershot Generator -- PDF Book detailing construction.
Pluvia Rainwater-Electrical Generator -- waterspout micro-turbine.
Supa BOONDEE : Electron Generator -- "Almost free" electricity
Dean WARWICK: Ampliflaire ~ Efficient Wood-Burning Stove
Gecko Gloves -- Come Wall-Walk with me ... Article & patents
CN102587381 : Double-swelling cement ~ Build dams twice as fast so they'll crack sooner ( Yangtze Go Home ! ) ... or : non-explosive demolition of dams...
Liposomal Vitamin C -- I aint afeared o' no Ebola virus !
Website Copier Software -- Download entire websites, such as this one.
Martin A. Armstrong : The Business Cycle And the Future
Edgar CAYCE re: The Sinking of Japan
Mentally ill man allegedly rapes pit bull
[ Copy-Paste reference url in new window / tab ]
The Bedini SG Book
"The Bedini SG Is The First, REAL FREE ENERGY MACHINE Released To The Public. It's Been Replicated By Thousands Of Experimenters Globally. The Beginner's Book Reveals The Complete Design And Working Principle, All In One Place. The Intermediate Book Shows How To Apply Tesla's Methods Using John's SPECIAL TRICKS! The Advanced Book Teaches How John Used Low-Drag Generators To Convert Mechanical Energy Into Excess Electricity In His Self-Running Machines! This Trilogy Contains The Most Comprehensive Collection of Accurate Information On REAL FREE ENERGY Methods Available Anywhere!!!"
Asymmetric Linguistic Trend Analysis Update
October 25, 2014
Clif High
officialdom & tptb fears = danger for populace....
The Spanish Flu pandemic which began in 1918 was one of the most lethal, perhaps the most lethal disease scourge to hit humanity in 'modern' times. It infected 500 million people out of a world population of about 1.5 billion, or 1/one person out of every 3/three. The flu was both lethal, and maiming. Residual damage and retained viri from this influenza have been cited as significant factor in the rise of polio within northern hemisphere nations over the subsequent 2/two generations.
While 1/one in 3/three were infected, and made ill, an estimated 1/one in 10/ten of the general population perished from the disease. The fatality rate of the Spanish Flu, at the lower end of the range of estimates, was 20%, or somewhere over 100/one hundred million humans. To put that in perspective, the total kill level for World War 1 was 37/thirty-seven million, or about a third the level of the disease.
The impact of the 1918 influenza global outbreak on humanities economic and social infrastructure was deep, and long lasting. Estimates were that the US economy did not recover to pre-influenza levels for 27/twenty seven years (not the stock markets but actual production/delivery of products as a metric).
It is a certainty, a fact, that the 'Spanish' influenza outbreak in the USA in 1918 was brought to this country by its government, through its Army.
Epidemiological data indicate that pandemic began in the US in March 1918, at a crowded army camp in Fort Riley, Kansas. Subsequently, the transport of hundreds of thousands of infected troops in close physical contact between camps caused influenza to spread quickly even before troops assembled in East Coast ports en route to France. The troops brought the influenza to the trenches of the opposing armies and to other parts of Europe and beyond. (source)
Editorially, i should like to note that then, with the Spanish flu outbreak of 1918, as now, with Ebola, the USGov't is apparently doing all it can to spread the disease. Then, as now, SPECIALLY selected soldiers were sent to become 'infected carriers', although without their knowledge and consent.
Here in woo-woo world, we expect these infected soldiers to be returned to various bases here in the USA to begin the spread of the next wave of the pandemic.
We also need to note that our data shows a [killer flu] that sweeps the planet in 2014- 2016. This [killer flu] is strangely timed considering that the US Gov't has, in 2009, dug up bodies of people in Alaska (preserved by the cold) who died of the flu in 1918/1919. why would they be doing that? And then we start seeing a number of very interesting patents coming from CDC (among others, and now totally over 480) that relate to DNA from influenza being used to 'boost' other diseases. Hmmmm....
Further, our predictive data shows (from the SpaceGoatFarts entity where we keep all the [unknown] and [officially denied] data elements) that the flu will be labeled as [dark star]. Initially i did not understand the reference, however new immediacy data of the last week has provided some details that point to [alaska] and its association with the 1918/1919 influenza. These details would seem to point to a variant of this influenza as being our [killer flu] of this upcoming 'season'. The [star] attribute set is pointing toward a [general (in US military)], and the [dark] attribute set refers to a number of aspects of this individual, but specifically being a [line officer] who [wears (the) dark star]. There are many more levels to the detail associations connecting [tptb] to this (to be) unfolding disease [flush] this coming [winter/northern hemisphere].
Note from our data that the 2014-2016 [killer flu] will [pass in 3/three waves], and that the [fever] used by the body to destroy the virus will last [3/three days], and that many of the [victims] will [perish of dehydration/exhaustion (of lungs)]. Further, there are other similar symptoms to the 1918 Spanish flu including [masses of fever blisters].
Soooo....i can be wrong on these interpretations. Have been so in the past. Hope to be so now. Perhaps by foreknowledge and taking immune boosting steps, we can create conditions where i am wrong. If so, now is the time.
A last note, the flu 'season' exists due to the drop in exposure to sunlight and thus the production of vitamin D in the skin. This happens every year as the northern hemisphere moves into late Fall and Winter. One effective way to prevent disease is to make sure you get enough vitamin D.
Note: Colloidal Silver will NOT work against ebola or any other virus in the body. This is due to ebola virus, and all others NOT having any need for oxygen, and having a hard, protein shell. Collodial Silver MOA is to bind to oxgen receptors in all cells it encounters. As viri have no oxygen receptors, CS at any size is worthless as an anti-viral. CS ONLY works on bacteria. The continued meme of CS against Ebola in the alternative media is deliberate disinformation. Who wants you to believe in an ineffective ebola cure? Hmmm....
Guys....Collodial Silver will ONLY kill virus inside a laboratory test. It will NOT do so in the blood. Bear in mind that silver is not allowed to be 'free floating' in your bloodstream. It is bound to cells all along the way through the gut and never makes it across the intestinal wall in any quantity.
PLUS, the method of action of silver AT ANY SIZE? including 'nano' is to bind to oxygen receptors on the bacteria, and others on fungi. BUT a virus has NO such receptors, and silver is useless against it in the body.
It will not hurt you, but to rely on it against a virus?.....risky behavior.
[ Ed. Note : Not to be confused with ANTELMAN's TetraSilver Tetroxide , a novel " molecular battery " that locks onto the target pathogen ( Ag : S ) , then electrocutes it with some kilovolts, then oxidizes it ... without interfering with other medications, & without argyrosis.
Science News October 24 2014
New Microscope Sees BioenergeticsA new microscope sweeps lattices of light over samples to give scientists sneak peeks inside living cells without hurting them.
Meghan Rosen
Scientists have previously devised ways to glimpse the hidden machinery of cells, but spying the tiny nuts and bolts in action is tricky. Shining light on cells for too long can bleach their color and even kill them.
So 2014 chemistry Nobel Prize-winner Eric Betzig of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute's Janelia Research Campus in Ashburn, Va., and colleagues tweaked a technique to see cells' innards (SN Online: 10/8/14). Instead of shooting a focused beam of light at a developing embryo or a virus infecting a cell, the scientists spread the beam out into a grid.
Breaking up the beam dials down the light's intensity and protects cells,the researchers report in the Oct. 24 Science. Using the scope, the scientists watched as a cancer cell navigated through a sticky thicket of protein and as an immune cell (shown in orange) stretched out and glommed on to another cell (blue-green).
Science 24 October 2014: Vol. 346 no. 6208
DOI: 10.1126/science.1257998
Lattice light-sheet microscopy: Imaging molecules to embryos at high spatiotemporal resolution
Bi-Chang Chen, et al.
In vivo imaging provides a window into the spatially complex, rapidly evolving physiology of the cell that structural imaging alone cannot. However, observing this physiology directly involves inevitable tradeoffs of spatial resolution, temporal resolution, and phototoxicity. This is especially true when imaging in three dimensions, which is essential to obtain a complete picture of many dynamic subcellular processes. Although traditional in vivo imaging tools, such as widefield and confocal microscopy, and newer ones, such as light-sheet microscopy, can image in three dimensions, they sacrifice substantial spatiotemporal resolution to do so and, even then, can often be used for only very limited durations before altering the physiological state of the specimen.
Lattice light-sheet microscopy. An ultrathin structured light sheet (blue-green, center) excites fluorescence (orange) in successive planes as it sweeps through a specimen (gray) to generate a 3D image. The speed, noninvasiveness, and high spatial resolution of this approach make it a promising tool for in vivo 3D imaging of fast dynamic processes in cells and embryos, as shown here in five surrounding examples. Lattice light-sheet microscopy. An ultrathin structured light sheet (blue-green, center) excites fluorescence (orange) in successive planes as it sweeps through a specimen (gray) to generate a 3D image. The speed, noninvasiveness, and high spatial resolution of this approach make it a promising tool for in vivo 3D imaging of fast dynamic processes in cells and embryos, as shown here in five surrounding examples.
To address these limitations, we developed a new microscope using ultrathin light sheets derived from two-dimensional (2D) optical lattices. These are scanned plane-by-plane through the specimen to generate a 3D image. The thinness of the sheet leads to high axial resolution and negligible photobleaching and background outside of the focal plane, while its simultaneous illumination of the entire field of view permits imaging at hundreds of planes per second even at extremely low peak excitation intensities. By implementing either superresolution structured illumination or by dithering the lattice to create a uniform light sheet, we imaged cells and small embryos in three dimensions, often at subsecond intervals, for hundreds to thousands of time points at the diffraction limit and beyond.
We demonstrated the technique on 20 different biological processes spanning four orders of magnitude in space and time, including the binding kinetics of single Sox2 transcription factor molecules, 3D superresolution photoactivated localization microscopy of nuclear lamins, dynamic organelle rearrangements and 3D tracking of microtubule plus ends during mitosis, neutrophil motility in a collagen mesh, and subcellular protein localization and dynamics during embryogenesis in Caenorhabditis elegans and Drosophila melanogaster. Throughout, we established the performance advantages of lattice light-sheet microscopy compared with previous techniques and highlighted phenomena that, when seen at increased spatiotemporal detail, may hint at previously unknown biological mechanisms.
Photobleaching and phototoxicity are typically reduced by one to two orders of magnitude relative to that seen with a 1D scanned Bessel beam or the point array scanned excitation of spinning disk confocal microscopy. This suggests that the instantaneous peak power delivered to the specimen may be an even more important metric of cell health than the total photon dose and should enable extended 3D observation of endogenous levels of even sparsely expressed proteins produced by genome editing. Improvements of similar magnitude in imaging speed and a twofold gain in axial resolution relative to confocal microscopy yield 4D spatiotemporal resolution high enough to follow fast, nanoscale dynamic processes that would otherwise be obscured by poor resolution along one or more axes of spacetime. Last, the negligible background makes lattice light-sheet microscopy a promising platform for the extension of all methods of superresolution to larger and more densely fluorescent specimens and enables the study of signaling, transport, and stochastic self-assembly in complex environments with single-molecule sensitivity.
Dan Winter's " Imploder " : " 33-68% gain in Marijuana growing ! "
The First Web Page
[ Excerpts -- Original patents in PDF format are available @ the marvelous European Patent Office : ]
Contemporary LENR Technology Patents (reactor)
Nuclide transmutation device and nuclide transmutation method
ABSTRACT -- The present invention produces nuclide transmutation using a relatively small-scale device. The device (10) that produces nuclide transmutation comprises a structure body (11) that is substantially plate shaped and made of palladium (Pd) or palladium alloy, or another metal that absorbs hydrogen (for example, Ti) or an alloy thereof, and a material (14) that undergoes nuclide transmutation laminated on one surface (11A) among the two surfaces of this structure body (11). The one surface (11A) side of the structure body (11), for example, is a region in which the pressure of the deuterium is high due to pressure or electrolysis and the like, and the other surface (11B) side, for example, is a region in which the pressure of the deuterium is low due to vacuum exhausting and the like, and thereby, a flow of deuterium in the structure body (11) is produced,and nuclide transmutation is carried out by a reaction between the deuterium and the material (14) that undergoes nuclide transmutation.
Enhanced alpha particle emitter
US 8801977
ABSTRACT -- A composition of matter that experiences an increase rate of radioactive emission is presented. The composition comprises a radioactive material and particles having affinity for Hydrogen or its isotopes. When exposed to Hydrogen, the composition's emission rate increases. Methods of production are also presented.
Ceramic element
US 8485791
ABSTRACT -- A heating element can comprise a ceramic material doped with various elements. The heating element can be heated by forcing a fuel to flow through the ceramic material, where the fuel interacts with the dopants. The interaction can produce energy in the form of heat. Inventive aspects of the present material include apparatus and methods for modulation of the heat energy, physical features providing for an increase in the rate of heat release, optimization of materials and material morphology for quantity and efficiency of heat release and provision for fueling and maintenance.
System and method for generating particles
US 8419919
ABSTRACT -- A method may include the steps of supplying current to the electrodes of an electrochemical cell according to a first charging profile, wherein the electrochemical cell has an anode, cathode, and electrolytic solution; maintaining a generally constant current between the electrodes; exposing the cell to an external field either during or after the termination of the deposition of deuterium absorbing metal on the cathode; and supplying current to the electrodes according to a second charging profile during the exposure of the cell to the external field. The electrolytic solution may include a metallic salt including palladium, and a supporting electrolyte, each dissolved in heavy water. The cathode may comprise a second metal that does not substantially absorb deuterium, such as gold. The external field may be a magnetic field.
A hybrid fusion fast fission reactor
WO 2009108331
A hybrid nuclear fusion fast fission reactor is disclosed. The hybrid reactor may include an electrolyte solution comprised of PdCI2 a conductive salt and D2O, an anode of a noble metal, a cathode consisting of a conductive high Z (atomic number greater than 46) material wound around a deuteride-forming actinide nuclear fuel element, a power source providing constant current to the + anode and the - cathode, an applied power profile for fabricating the PdD nanoalloy, and a co-deposition of a PdD nanoalloy on to the high Z cathode winding as well as the nuclear fuel element. A preferred embodiment stablizes the actinide deuteride nuclear fuel element from hydrogen isotope de-loading. A preferred embodiment initiates deuterium-deuterium fusion in the deuterized fuel element and fissioning deuterized fuel element actinides. A preferred embodiment includes surrounding spent nuclear fuel elements with deuteride nuclear fuel elements that will fast fission the spent fuel elements. Another preferred embodiment includes surrounding the deuteride nuclear fuel elements with spent fuel elements as fast neutron reflectors that will also fission.
Method and apparatus for carrying out nickel and hydrogen exothermal reaction
US 20110005506
(A. Rossi )
ABSTRACT -- A method and apparatus for carrying out highly efficient exothermal reaction between nickel and hydrogen atoms in a tube, preferably, though not necessary, a metal tube filled by a nickel powder and heated to a high temperature, preferably, though not necessary, from 150 to 5000 C are herein disclosed. In the inventive apparatus, hydrogen is injected into the metal tube containing a highly pressurized nickel powder having a pressure, preferably though not necessarily, from 2 to 20 bars.
Energy generation apparatus and method
US 20110122984
ABSTRACT -- A practical technique for inducing and controlling the fusion nuclei within a solid lattice. A reactor includes a loading source to provide the light nuclei which are to be fused, a lattice which can absorb the light nuclei, a source of phonon energy, and a control mechanism to start and stop stimulation of phonon energy and/or the loading of reactants. The lattice transmits phonon energy sufficient to affect electron-nucleus collapse. By controlling the stimulation of phonon energy and controlling the loading of light nuclei into the lattice, energy released by the fusion reactions is allowed to dissipate before it builds to the point that it causes destruction of the reaction lattice.
Theory of Operation
The Source of the Observed Energy in So Called "Cold Fusion"
Unlike the common assumptions involved in "Cold Fusion," it is believed that the energy released in these reactions is the result of neutron capture by hydrogen isotopes and the beta decay of 4H to 4He.
An additional alternative reaction path is a 2H undergoing an electron capture event and combining with a passing 2H to form 4He.
The Source of the Free Neutrons
The neutrons participating in these reactions are the product of flavor change of protons that have been loaded into the core lattice (while the current implementation contemplates a crystalline core, other implementations may use ceramic cores or powder beds). The flavor change represents the transmutation of the proton into a neutron by a process similar to electron capture. Neutron generation requires a crystal lattice capable of generating phonons, capable of loading hydrogen ions, and which can supply valence or conduction band electrons, providing the ˜511 KeV electron mass. The required system is one that can achieve a total Hamiltonian energy of ˜782 KeV. This value represents the difference in mass between the proton-electron combination and the mass of the neutron. This combination leads to the transformation of a proton and electron into a neutron. This is an endothermic reaction that leads to an overall lower system energy level. The system is converting only enough energy (mass) to affect an electron capture, leaving the resulting neutron at an extremely low energy level. The resulting low energy neutron has a high cross section of reaction with respect to (1-3)H nuclei in the lattice. This neutron capture is similar to the process leading to a neutron star as discussed in [Baym1971], and applies to the H, D and T caught in the lattice and further enhanced by the quantum currents which allows the lower loading in this system.
It is believed that that energy is transferred to the protons through superposition of multiple phonon wave functions within the lattice of the core. This energy grows very rapidly as the non-bonded energy is extremely asymmetric. As mentioned in [NIH_Guide], "Repulsion is modeled by an equation that is designed to rapidly blow up at close distances (1/r12dependency)." Additional energy beyond the phonon energy is realized from atomic band state confinement of ions. When local loading of the lattice is high, hydrogen ions take up positions at the octahedral points of vacant S(n+1) electron orbitals between the PnS(n+1) orbital wave function energy levels in transition metals. This wave function energy level occupation provides confinement necessary for what is referred to as Quantum Compression, a property arising out of the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle.
Reactor for energy generation through low energy nuclear reactions (lenr) between hydrogen and transition metals and related method of energy generation
US 20130243143
ABSTRACT -- An embodiment of an apparatus includes a reaction chamber, a reaction unit, and an energy regulator. The reaction chamber includes an energy port, and the reaction unit is disposed in the reaction chamber and is configured to allow an energy-releasing reaction between first and second materials. And the energy regulator is configured to control a rate at which reaction-released energy exits the reaction chamber via the energy port. The reaction chamber may include a thermally conductive wall that forms a portion of the energy port, and the energy regulator may include a thermally conductive member and a mechanism configured to control a distance between the thermally conductive wall and the thermally conductive member. Furthermore, the reaction unit may include a mechanism configured to facilitate the reaction between the first and second materials, and may also include a mechanism configured to control a rate at which the reaction releases energy.
Method for Producing Heavy Electrons
US 20110255645
ABSTRACT -- A method for producing heavy electrons is based on a material system that includes an electrically-conductive material is selected. The material system has a resonant frequency associated therewith for a given operational environment. A structure is formed that includes a non-electrically-conductive material and the material system. The structure incorporates the electrically-conductive material at least at a surface thereof. The geometry of the structure supports propagation of surface plasmon polaritons at a selected frequency that is approximately equal to the resonant frequency of the material system. As a result, heavy electrons are produced at the electrically-conductive material as the surface plasmon polaritons propagate along the structure.
Nuclear reactor consuming nuclear fuel that contains atoms of elements having a low atomic number and a low mass number
WO 2013108159
ABSTRACT -- The invention relates to a reactor for consuming a nuclear fuel that contains atoms of elements having a low atomic number (Z) and a low mass number (A), wherein the nuclear reactor (1) comprises a vessel (2) containing a reaction chamber (3). This reaction chamber (3) is topped and sealed by a sealed container (4), and contains the nuclear fuel, which comprises a colloidal mixture capable of producing Ultra Low Momentum Neutrons (ULMNs) by using electromagnetic radiations (5).
Apparatus and method for generation of ultra low momentum neutrons
WO 2006119080
ABSTRACT -- Method and apparatus for generating ultra-low momentum neutrons ('ULMNs') using surface plasmon polariton electrons 14, hydrogen isotopes 10, surfaces 20 of metallic substrate 12, collective many-body effects, and weak interactions in a controlled manner. The ULMNs can be used to trigger nuclear transmutation reactions and produce heat. One aspect of the present invention effectively provides a 'transducer' mechanism that permits controllable, low-energy, scalable condensed matter system at comparatively modest temperatures and pressures.
System and method for controlling a power generation system including a plurality of power generators
WO 2014127460
ABSTRACT -- A power generation system (1) comprising : a fuel input port for receiving a fuel; a plurality of power generators (4) in fluid communication with the fuel input port, each of the power generators (4) being switchable between an inactive state and an active state, wherein, in the inactive state, the power generators (4) produce substantially no power, and, in the active state, the power generators (4) produce each a respective predetermined substantially fixed power; a controller (2) operatively coupled to the power generators (4) for setting a set of the power generators (4) to the active state and setting all of the power generators (4) not part of the set of the power generators to the inactive state, the controller (2) being configured for selecting which of the power generators (4) are part of the set of the power generators (4) such that the system power is substantially equal to a power requirement.
Thermal-energy producing system and method
WO 2013076378
ABSTRACT -- System and method for producing thermal energy is based on a very large number of nanoscale particle accelerators in a volume accelerating electrons and hydrogen ions at very high local electric fields. Nanoscale particle accelerators comprise a dielectric material possessing electric polarizability and a metallic material capable of forming an interstitial and/or electrically conductive metal hydride and capable of enhancing the local electric field by the geometry and/or by the sufficiently small dimensions of the said metallic material. Low to medium strength local electric fields are utilized for the generation of Rydberg matter and inverted Rydberg matter in the presence of a material capable of forming and storing Rydberg atoms. Destabilization of Rydberg matter and inverted Rydberg matter leads to solid state physical reactions that release energy.
Method of generating thermal energy
US 20130276771
ABSTRACT -- The present invention relates to a method of generating thermal energy, the method comprising: (i) contacting a surface of a metal with an atmosphere comprising hydrogen to form a surface having hydrogen absorbed thereon; and (ii) exposing the surface having hydrogen absorbed thereon to an atmosphere comprising oxygen, wherein the oxygen reacts with the absorbed hydrogen to produce thermal energy, wherein before performing step (ii) the surface is activated with an atmosphere comprising water.
Methods of generating energy and/or he-4 using graphene based materials
EP 2656350
ABSTRACT -- There is disclosed a method of generating non-ionizing radiation, non-ionizing 4He atoms, or a combination of both, the method comprising: contacting graphene materials with a source of deuterium; and aging the graphene materials in the source of deuterium for a time sufficient to generate non-ionizing radiation, non-ionizing 4He atoms. In one embodiment, graphene materials may comprise carbon nanotubes, such as nitrogen doped single walled or multi-walled carbon nanotubes. Unlike an alpha particle, the non-ionizing 4He atoms generated by the disclosed method are a low energy particles, such as one having an energy of less than 1 MeV, such as less than 100 keV. Other non-ionizing radiation that can be generated by the disclosed process include soft x-rays, phonons or energetic electrons within the carbon material, and visible light.
Methods of generating energetic particles using nanotubes and articles thereof
US 20130266106
ABSTRACT -- There is disclosed a method of generating energetic particles, which comprises contacting nanotubes with a source of hydrogen isotopes, such as D2O, and applying activation energy to the nanotubes. In one embodiment, the hydrogen isotopes comprise protium, deuterium, tritium, and combinations thereof.
There is also disclosed a method of transmuting matter that is based on the increased likelihood of nuclei interaction for atoms confined in the limited dimensions of a nanotube structure, which generates energetic particles sufficient to transmute matter and exposing matter to be transmuted to these particles.
Devices powered with nanotube based nuclear power systems may substantially change the current state of power distribution. For example, nanotube based nuclear power systems may reduce, if not eliminate, the need for power distribution networks; chemical batteries; energy scavenger devices such as solar cells, windmills, hydroelectric power stations; internal combustion, chemical rocket, or turbine engines; as well as all other forms of chemical combustion for the production of power.
Power units based on dislocation site techniques
US 8603405
ABSTRACT -- A distributed energy system includes a gas-loaded heat generator capable of producing a thermal energy. The system includes a gas source to provide one or more isotopes of hydrogen, a plurality of metallic micro-structures, a gas loading chamber containing the plurality of metallic micro-structures. The gas loading chamber is structured to receive the one or more isotopes of hydrogen from the gas source. The system also includes a gas loading system capable of providing a gas loading pressure to the gas loading chamber containing the plurality of metallic micro-structures with an amount of one or more isotopes of hydrogen to form hydrogen clusters. In one form, the system further includes a thermal transducer capable of converting a first portion of the thermal energy. In still another form, the system additionally includes a waste heat recovery device capable of applying a second portion of the thermal energy.
Nickel alloys for hydrogen storage and the generation of energy therefrom
US 20140126680
ABSTRACT -- An apparatus for the generation of thermal energy comprises a reactor vessel containing a volume of pressurized hydrogen; a hydrogen-storing nickel alloy structure in the reactor vessel and configured to have an electric potential applied across it and to be heated to at least about 100 C; and a heat exchange conduit configured to carry a heat exchange medium past the nickel alloy structure so as to allow thermal energy generated in the nickel alloy structure to be transferred to the heat exchange medium. The hydrogen-storing nickel alloy structure comprises a nickel alloy skeletal catalyst mixed with an oxide. The applied electric potential, and the increase in the gas pressure and temperature of the hydrogen from the applied heat, create a reaction between hydrogen nuclei and nickel nuclei in the nickel alloy structure whereby thermal energy is generated by the emission of phonons from the nickel alloy structure.
Methods of generating energy and/or he-4 using graphene based materials
EP 2656350
ABSTRACT -- There is disclosed a method of generating non-ionizing radiation, non-ionizing 4He atoms, or a combination of both, the method comprising: contacting graphene materials with a source of deuterium; and aging the graphene materials in the source of deuterium for a time sufficient to generate non-ionizing radiation, non-ionizing 4He atoms. In one embodiment, graphene materials may comprise carbon nanotubes, such as nitrogen doped single walled or multi-walled carbon nanotubes. Unlike an alpha particle, the non-ionizing 4He atoms generated by the disclosed method are a low energy particles, such as one having an energy of less than 1 MeV, such as less than 100 keV. Other non-ionizing radiation that can be generated by the disclosed process include soft x-rays, phonons or energetic electrons within the carbon material, and visible light.
Method and device for direct nuclear energy conversion in electricity in fusion and transmutation processes
US 20130121449
ABSTRACT -- A method and device to generate electric energy on demand by fusion or transmutation nuclear reactions produced inside a super-capacitor that uses inter-atomic field's particularities obtained inside nano-structures, by using temperature, density and electric fields in order to modify nuclear entanglement and quantum non-localities particularities in order to control nuclear reaction rate of an inserted material, called nuclear fuel, facilitated by the nano-structure nuclear composition, called burner, that controls the non-local nuclear reaction.
Fusion or transmutation generated nuclear particles' energy is converted using a super-capacitor made of a micro-nano-hetero structure meta-material that loads from the nuclear energy and discharges by electric current.
The device contains the nuclear burner module that produces the nuclear particles surrounded by the direct nuclear energy conversion into electricity super-capacitor modules comprising several functional sub-modules, and the utilities that provide the nuclear fuel and byproducts management and process control systems.
Method and apparatus for generating energy by nuclear reactions of hydrogen adsorbed by orbital capture on a nanocrystalline structure of a metal
US 20140098917
ABSTRACT -- Technical problems: increasing and regulating the power obtained according to a method and by an apparatus based on nuclear reactions between hydrogen(31) and a primary material (19) comprising cluster nanostructures (21) of a transition metal, in which hydrogen is kept in contact with the clusters (21) within a generation chamber, at a determined process temperature, and in which a process comprising an orbital capture reaction of H- ions (35) by clusters (21)and then a capture reaction by the atoms (38) of the cluster (21) is triggered by impulsively acting on the primary material (19), thus generating an energy as a primary reaction heat (Q1).
Solution: arranging a secondary material (28) such as Lithium and/or Boron and/or a transition metal as 232Th, 236U, 239U, 239Pu within a predetermined distance (L) from the clusters (21) of primary material (19), such that secondary material (28) faces primary material (19), said secondary material (28) adapted to interact with protons (35'?) that are emitted by/from primary material (19) during the above process. Secondary material (28) reacts with such protons (35'?) according to nuclear proton-dependent reactions releasing a secondary reaction heat (Q2) that is added to primary reaction heat (Q1). According to an aspect of the invention, a step, and a means thereto, is provided of/for regulating the heat produced, by adjusting the amount of secondary material (28) that is arranged close to and facing primary material (19).
Method of acceleration of nuclear transmutation of isotopes by carrying out exothermic reactions
US 20140192941
ABSTRACT -- Methods for acceleration of nuclear transmutation of tritium and radioactive isotopes of metals, and decontamination of metals contaminated with radioactive isotopes by destroying radioactive isotopes to a required level of residual radioactive inventory in metals with simultaneous release of thermal energy via stimulating accelerated transmutation with the half-life parameters describing kinetics of radioactive isotope destruction much shorter than their generally accepted half-life. The stimulus is applied to radioactive metals by placing them into a chamber, exposing them to gaseous substances of the group of hydrogen, deuterium, tritium, or a mixture of these isotopes in a molecular hydrogen form for said gaseous substances to be absorbed by the metals, heating the metals to a temperature of at least 200° C. and maintaining at the said temperature. Exothermic reactions of non-radioactive metals with deuterium, tritium, or a mixture of these isotopes in a molecular hydrogen form release a significant amount of energy.
Irrespectively of a mechanism of nuclear reactions involving tritium—radioactive decay and/or nuclear reactions with tritium participation—certain amount of energy is released in these experiments. Therefore, tritium in metals could be used as a source of energy production.
A search for economically viable alternative sources of energy production has been going on for the last several decades. Recently, an economically viable method of energy production based on exothermic reaction of nickel with hydrogen was proposed by A. Rossi (Italian patent No. 0001387256 issued on 6 Apr. 2011). According to the patent, a highly efficient exothermal reaction between nickel atoms and hydrogen atoms takes place in a tube, preferably, though not exclusively made of a metal, filled with a nickel powder and heated to a high temperature preferably, though not necessarily, of 150 to 500° C., by injecting hydrogen into the said metal tube with the said nickel powder being pressurized, preferably, though not necessarily, to a pressure of 2 to 20 bars. In the exothermal reaction described in the patent, the hydrogen nuclei are compressed around the metal atom nuclei (as the capability of nickel to absorb hydrogen is high), while the said high temperature generates inter-nuclear percussions which are made stronger by the catalytic action of other optional undisclosed elements, thereby triggering a capture of a proton by the nickel powder, with a consequent transformation of nickel to copper and a beta+ decay of the latter to a nickel nucleus having a mass larger by a unit than that of the original nickel.
The said patent did not specify an isotopic composition of nickel used for the experiments; therefore, for a purpose of estimating heat release in this reaction, we used an isotopic composition of nickel with an abundance of the stable isotopes existing on the Earth. Table 1 shows possible products of the nuclear reactions of nickel isotopes with hydrogen atoms. For the purpose of our estimates, cross sections for all isotopes are assumed to be identical. An energy released per each nuclear reaction of nickel isotopes is estimated based on Einstein's equation, ?E=?mc2. As can be seen from Table 1, each nickel isotope can theoretically react with hydrogen atom. Assuming that all nuclear reactions of each isotope of a nickel sample with hydrogen atoms are going on in parallel, energy released by g-atom of nickel (2.38E+24 MeV) is calculated based on stoichiometric concentrations of the nickel stable isotopes. Moreover, most of nickel stable isotopes will be mainly transformed to stable 29Cu63 isotope provided a sufficient amount of hydrogen atoms is available.
Energy producing device and method
WO 2012163966
An apparatus (1) for producing useful energy, comprises a container (3) for containing an electrolyte (5), an anode (7) and a cathode (9) arranged at least partly in the container for electrolysis of the electrolyte, and a light source (15). At least the cathode comprises a metallic surface. The electrolyte comprises a hydrogen isotope. The light source is arranged for illuminating a volume bordering the cathode and/or at least a portion of the cathode surface. The light source is configured to emit radiation for exciting and/or ionising at least one hydrogen isotope. The method comprises illuminating a volume bordering the cathode and/or at least a portion of the cathode surface so as to thereby excite and/or ionise at least one hydrogen isotope.
Resonant Vacuum Arc Discharge Apparatus for Nuclear Fusion
US 20120008728
ABSTRACT -- The present invention relates to a resonant vacuum arc discharge apparatus for producing nuclear fusion. A resonant high-frequency high-voltage alternating current (AC) power supply is used to efficiently power a fusion tube normally containing deuterium, tritium and/or helium-3 vapor. Metals that can hold large amounts of hydrogen isotopes such as palladium and titanium can be used to increase the target density. The nuclear fusion device can be used for energy production, well logging, uranium mining, neutron activation analysis, isotope production or other applications that require a neutron source.
The inventor previously received patents for a resonant power supply for producing vacuum arc discharges, U.S. Pat. No. 6,630,799, and for a vacuum arc discharge apparatus for the efficient production of x-rays, U.S. Pat. No. 6,765,987. These devices used a high-voltage resonant circuit attached to the cold cathode electrodes of a partially evacuated tube in order to produce x-rays. The resonant AC circuit was significantly more efficient than a DC powered x-ray source of the same voltage and energy. The x-ray tube in its preferred embodiment used a noble gas such as xenon or argon at pressures in the low millitorr range.
A search of prior art failed to reveal any record of the use of resonant alternating current power sources in an accelerator type device for the production of fusion or neutrons as described in the present invention. The following prior art patents were reviewed:
U.S. Pat. No. 7,342,988 to Leung et al., Neutron Tubes
U.S. Pat. No. 6,922,455 to Jurczyk et al., Gas-Target Neutron Generation and Applications
U.S. Pat. No. 4,996,017 to Ethridge, Neutron Generator Tube
U.S. Pat. No. 4,244,782 to Dow Nuclear Fusion System
U.S. Pat. No. 3,417,245 to Schmidt, Neutron Generating Apparatus
U.S. Pat. No. 3,386,883 to Farnsworth, Method and Apparatus for Producing Nuclear Fusion Reactions
U.S. Pat. No. 3,246,191 to Fentrop, Neutron Generating Discharge Tube
U.S. Pat. No. 3,117,912 to Imhoff et al., Method of Producing Neutrons
U.S. Pat. No. 3,016,342 to Kruskal et al., Controlled Nuclear Fusion Reactor
U.S. Pat. No. 2,983,820 to Fentrop, Well-Logging Apparatus
U.S. Pat. No. 2,973,444 to Dewan, Neutron Source for Well Logging Apparatus
U.S. Pat. No. 2,489,436 to Salisburu, Method and Apparatus for producing Neutrons
U.S. Pat. No. 2,240,914 to Schutze, Device for Converting Atoms
Material surface treatment method using concurrent electrical and photonic stimulation
US 20130233718
A material surface treatment protocol (e.g., FIG. 13) uses concurrent electronic and photonic stimulation to generate an exothermic reaction and coat the surface (e.g., FIGS. 8 and 9) of a material, such as palladium. This protocol is performed at or near the boiling point of water within a sealed vessel that prevents the escape of steam and that is lined with silica or a similar glass to increase the silica available to the reaction. The great majority of the applied energy is heat used to elevate the temperature to near the boiling point, while concurrent stimulations provide only about 100 mW of additional energy for the surface treatment.
The protocol typically requires at least two hours of treatment before bursts of heat are observed. It is suspected that something must be happening to either the solution or to the electrodes in that period to facilitate the observed reaction. Lithium salts, such as lithium sulfate (Li2SO4), are used as an electrolyte in the solution. Since the reaction does not occur immediately, it is possible that the silica and the lithium in our protocol are bonding in some way before the bursts of heat are observed. In particular, the lithium may be combining with the silica compound in the solution over the time frame of the treatment protocol to form a lithium silicate, possibly Li2SiO3 (lithium metasilicate). Alternatively, since silsesquioxanes were used in the anionic silica hydride in the solution for the experiments, perhaps the lithium is either bonding to resulting siliceous cage structures or entering the center of the silica cage when that compound is used as the source of the silica.
The energy density of the reaction shown in the data log is thus 234 Joules/41.5×10-12 m3 or 5.64×103 MJ/L.
Making the worst-case assumption that the active region of the reaction has the 12.0 g/cm3 density of fully dense palladium, that converts to 470 MJ/kg.
That energy density is several times greater than molecular energy densities, thus providing further evidence that the reaction is not a molecular chemical reaction.
At the present state of the research in LENRs, it is not known whether the lithium silicate is a reactant, in which case it would be consumed in the reaction, or a catalyst, in which case it would not be consumed.
The nature and shape of the bursts of heat recorded in our data logs, together with the condition of the electrode surfaces seen from SEM analyses, indicate that the surface temperature of the electrodes may locally approach or even attain the 1555° C. melting point of palladium, such that the solution at the surface of that electrode can locally flash to steam. A continuous reaction requires the on-going replenishment of solution in the liquid phase, which naturally occurs in the test reaction reactor. An alternative protocol may be to provide fresh solution at that inlet of a nozzle where the steam is exhausted.
Low Energy Nuclear Thermoelectric System
US 20130263597
ABSTRACT -- A low energy nuclear thermoelectric system for a vehicle which provides a cost-effective and sustainable means of transportation for long operation range with zero emission using an onboard low energy nuclear reaction thermal generator. The present invention generally includes a thermal generator within a thermal enclosure case, an energy conversion system linked with the thermal generator, an energy storage system linked with the energy conversion system, a cooling system and a central control system. The thermal generator reacts nickel powder with hydrogen within a reactor chamber to produce heat. The heat is then transferred to the energy conversion system to be converted into electricity for storage in the energy storage system. The cooling system provides cooling for the various components of the present invention and the control system regulates its overall operation. The present invention may be utilized to power a vehicle in an efficient, sustainable and cost-effective manner.
Stirling engine device for converting heat energy of hot gas into mechanical work, has cylinder storing operating gases, where heating of operating gases is performed by reaction of reaction metal with reaction gas
DE 102011103832
Abstract -- The device (100) has a piston (120) mounted and reciprocally moved in front and rearward directions in cylinders through operating gases that is stored in the cylinder. Pressure of the operating gases is temporally predetermined-changed using a temperature controller, and heating of the operating gases is performed by a reaction of a reaction metal with a reaction gas. The reaction metal and reaction gas are provided in a region closer to a closed front surface (114) of the cylinder, where the reaction gas is supplied with the cylinder by a feed line and formed by hydrogen.
[0006] In Stirling engine system of the invention, by the feature combination that a heating of the working gas being provided in particular the possibility of heating of the working gas inside said at least one cylinder of the Stirling engine system by a reaction of a reactive metal and a reaction gas. This implies a compact design with a comparatively low weight. The crucial factor is the high energy gain, which is generated by means of the materials used in this invention. Because the heat-generating reaction proceeds without the consumption of oxygen and therefore can be installed in the interior of the cylinder, a fast-acting, direct heat without the interposition of another heat transfer medium is possible, as is the case in the conventional case by the material of the cylinder wall. In this way, the working gas can be brought to an average operating temperature more rapidly than in the prior art.
System and method for supplying hydrogen and deuterium to lenr and e-cat based energy generating systems
US 20140099252
ABSTRACT -- An approach for supplying hydrogen and/or deuterium to LENR and E-Cat based energy generating systems includes receiving a source material that is rich in hydrogen and/or deuterium. A gaseous form of at least one of those elements is extracted from the source material via electrochemical dissociation, hydrocarbon recovery, or a suitable mechanical process. The gaseous form of the element is preferably filtered to remove water vapor and other impurities before being pressurized and supplied to the energy generating system. Advantages of the approach include enhanced safety and system portability due to elimination of a need for pressurized gas storage tanks.
Underwater vehicle, such as submarine, torpedo or underwater drone for civilian or military use, has low energy nuclear reactor, which provides vast propulsion and ship operating energy
DE 102012016526
ABSTRACT -- The underwater vehicle has a low energy nuclear reactor, which provides the vast propulsion and ship operating energy. The reactor generates heat energy, which drives a Stirling engine, which then transfers the mechanical force on a main shaft of the ship. An electrical generator is provided for supplying the electrical power required for operation of the ship.
A worthy effort ... This illustrated ebook shows the construction and claimed operation of the famed Hendershot Generator ( more HERE )
Pluvia Rainwater-Electrical Generator
March 26, 2014
Rainwater used to generate electricity
Ben Coxworth
When we complain about the rain, other people will often say "Yeah, but it's good for the plants." Well, thanks to a microturbine-based system created by three students from the Technological University of Mexico, it's now also being used to generate electricity for use in low-income homes.
In a nutshell, the Pluvia system – developed by Omar Enrique Leyva Coca, Romel Brown and Gustavo Rivero Velázquez – uses the stream of rainwater runoff from houses' rooftop rain gutters to spin a microturbine in a cylindrical housing. Electricity generated by that turbine is used to charge 12-volt batteries, which can in turn be used to power LED lamps or other small household appliances.
The generator measures about 2 inches wide by 10 inches high (51 x 254 mm), and receives the water through a half-inch (13 mm) pipe. Once the water has flowed through the microturbine, it proceeds to pass through a charcoal filter and into a storage tank, leaving it "equal to or cleaner than the water in the network supply system of Mexico City," according to the students.
The Pluvia system has already been tested in Mexico City's Iztapalapa community. The university now hopes to increase the power of the system, allowing it to generate a greater amount of electricity.
Investigación y Desarrollo
Supa BOONDEE : Electron Generator
Siriporn Petkijnam
Jun 15, 2010
Almost FREE electricity with Boondee Electron generator
Electron generator was invented by the inventor of Boondee Workshop
It needs a little power -- as little as 6 volts DC -- to start up the energy. Ater that the engine will generate electric power and not require 6 volt anymore. During the generating electricity the engine become hot -- about 120*C. -- so we are developing the next prototype to ventilate the heat. This 1st prototype can generate AC electricity 220 volt / 1000 watts. Have to stop the engine every 3 hours and wait about 5 minutes to restarting again.
In July 16, 2011 I just built a new version of electron generator model FE-88. It use battery size AA x 8 pcs to warm up the system. Warwick died for somebodies' sins ...
October 9, 2006
Murder By Remote-Control?
Further indications have come to light that Dean Warwick, alternative energy pioneer and intelligence insider did not die of natural causes.
Dean Warwick collapsed and died whilst addressing a packed auditorium in Blackpool last weekend. Significantly however, he said he felt a “beam” or “burning” at the side of his head shortly before beginning his talk.
According to those who last spoke to him before he began his talk, Dean said: “I think I’m going to be bumped off”.
Originally from New Zealand but now resident in Scotland, Dean had promised to make some momentous announcements at the conference.
In the weeks prior to speaking at Probe International’s conference, Dean had given Dave Starbuck a foretaste of what was coming in an interview.
Among other things, Dean promised that he would name who was behind the murder of Bobby Kennedy.
However, he said, that would only be the beginning. For he told Dave Starbuck that he would also name the “Anti-Christ” and blow the whistle on underground bases and missing children.
In the taped interview with Dave Starbuck, he also revealed how and why seven survivors at Lockerbie were allowed to die from hypothermia. The reason, he said, was that the survivors knew that a terrorist bombing did not bring down Pam Am Flight 103, which went down in 1988 killing 270 passengers and crew.
They were allowed to die, said Dean, because they knew that a missile or beam weapon brought down the Jumbo jet and had they lived, would have been able to testify to this.
Such knowledge however, made Dean Warwick a very dangerous man to those with things to hide. Which is why questions are being asked about his sudden demise.
According to Dave Starbuck who was at the Probe International conference when he spoke, Dean was starting to hit his stride. He got to the point when he said he was about to reveal who was behind Bobby Kennedy’s murder, the name of the “Anti-Christ” and more besides.
But before he did, Dean sat down as if composing his thoughts prior to speaking again.
He never did though.
Instead, he keeled over and fell from the stage and despite efforts to revive him, was pronounced dead shortly thereafter.
Although a post mortem has yet to be conducted, the circumstances surrounding Dean’s death are highly suspicious. All the more so as those who witnessed the event and tried to telephone this website were unable to do so.
Although we took no calls this weekend, our phone line was reportedly “permanently engaged”. Making it seem all the more likely that Dean was "taken out", possibly by a beam weapon, by a group with a vested interest in keeping the lid on what is really going on.
Some of you may know the inventor Dean Warwick from the Nexus magazine and his company Amplifaire in Scotland.
The editor of the UK nexus magazine was present at the conference in Blackpool England when Dean Died.
Probe International conference held at Blackpool this past weekend saw more drama than expected when inventor and intelligence insider Dean Warwick collapsed whilst addressing a packed auditorium.
Originally from New Zealand but now resident in Scotland, Dean had promised to make some momentous announcements at the conference.
In the weeks prior to speaking at Probe International’s conference, Dean had given Dave Starbuck a foretaste of what was coming in an interview.
Among other things, Dean promised that he would name who was behind the murder of Bobby Kennedy.
However, he said, that would only be the beginning. For he told Dave Starbuck that he would also name the “Anti-Christ” and blow the whistle on underground bases and missing children.
In the taped interview with Dave Starbuck, he also revealed how and why seven survivors at Lockerbie were allowed to die from hypothermia. The reason, he said, was that the survivors knew that a terrorist bombing did not bring down Pam Am Flight 103, which went down in 1988 killing 270 passengers and crew.
They were allowed to die, said Dean, because they knew that a missile or beam weapon brought down the Jumbo jet and had they lived, would have been able to testify to this.
Such knowledge however, made Dean Warwick a very dangerous man to those with things to hide. Which is why questions are being asked about his sudden demise.
According to Dave Starbuck who was at the Probe International conference when he spoke, Dean was starting to hit his stride. He got to the point when he said he was about to reveal who was behind Bobby Kennedy’s murder, the name of the “Anti-Christ” and more besides.
But before he did, Dean sat down as if composing his thoughts prior to speaking again.
He never did though.
Instead, he keeled over and fell from the stage and despite efforts to revive him, was pronounced dead shortly thereafter.
Although a post mortem has yet to be conducted, the circumstances surrounding Dean’s death are highly suspicious. All the more so as those who witnessed the event and tried to telephone this website were unable to do so.
Although we took no calls this weekend, our phone line was reportedly “permanently engaged” . Making it seem all the more likely that Dean was "taken out", possibly by a beam weapon, by a group with a vested interest in keeping the lid on what is really going on.
Dean Warwick: Ampliflaire Efficient Wood-Burning Stove
Dean Warwick’s patented Ampliflaire is a major break-through in heating technology and is theonly heat exchange process capable of raising combustion cycle efficiency within fuel burning systems.Other systems of heat exchange by their very nature must lower combustion cycle efficiency.Ampliflaire recovers the heat energy other systems lose. Wherever fuel is burned or heat energy iswasted, there is a unit to resolve the problem, and flue-pipe models, retro-fitted to conventional boilers,convert them into overall effective condensing systems with remarkable savings.Ampliflaire open fires release the electrical energy in plants, absorbed from the sun during thegrowing cycle. Grown fuels are the most efficient converters of solar energy, and the burning of grownfuels in this way is the safe way to make available energy from a nuclear reaction.As hydroxides (OH) of carbon (C), the potential energy in plants far outshines their current use.With the largest man-made forest in Europe, the United Kingdom Government already recognizes acommitment to grown fuel which can easily satisfy British needs. Examples are winter species grass for methane gas, bio-diesel, hydrogen from plants, liquids, and wood replenishing solids.Ampliflaire reduces heating bills by approximately 90%, reduces pollution, increases propertyvalue, removes household dust, eradicates condensation, and efficiently circulates refreshed air.The company’s brochure features numerous practical cases of individual or commercial clients whoare now enjoying the benefits of Ampliflaire. From small cottages to large hotels, from churches to business premises, the company has an efficient and effective system available.
.Dean Warwick keeled over dead October 7, 2006 in the middle of a Unidentified Flying Object(UFO) conference presentation in Blackpool, UK. Mr. Warwick was an alternative energy pioneer, former U.S. Government officer and intelligence insider who had promised to make some momentous announcements. The circumstances suggest a Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) ‘hit’ using an Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) weapon. These ELF weapons can be set on a ‘delta wave’ and are able to shut a person’s nervous system down. Much of this technology has been perfected on the 4th level of the CIA underground Dulce facility in the New Mexico desert. The fourth level of this underground base deals with technological aspects of human aura research, dream manipulation, hypnosis, telepathy and advanced mind control. The ELF weapons ‘suck’ the life out the victim’s body, and Warwick literally ’fell asleep’ on his feet
The suspected assassin was followed out of the auditorium by a quick-thinking woman who then observed him laughing as he proudly reported his murderous deed on his cell phone. (Sources:,, and
Ampliflaire More Heat - Less Fuel
Off The Square Trade Centre North Trinity, Bowmont St, Kelso, Roxburghshire, TD5 7JH
Tel: 01573 225209
08-03-2006, 02:44 AM
I would like to propose this as one of the most unintentionally baffling web sites in the universe:
I had a brochure from them that I treasure as a wonderful example of appalling home-made DTP and utterly confusing copy: by the end of the four A4 pages, I still have no idea what they are really about: something to save money or the environment.
Heating apparatus
Also published as: WO8804014 // EP0333739 // DE3750611 // CA1336807
Heating apparatus for heating an environment comprises one or more heat exchange conduits (A, B, C, D, E, F, 6, 8) located in the flow path of primary heated fluid (F1-F2), and a device (4) for inducing a flow of air in each conduit, each conduit being adapted to carry air into, through and out of a heat flow path to the environment (2), the arrangement being such that, in use, air within the conduits progresses from a cooler to a hotter part of the heat flow path, and the conduits are spaced closer together toward the downstream direction of the flow path to improve the efficiency of heat exchange between the primary heated fluid and secondary air in the conduits.
This invention relates to heating apparatus, particularly of the type which makes use of heat from existing heating or cooking apparatus.
Open fires, closed fires, boilers, cookers (solid fuel, oil or gas), ceiling mounted radiant gas heaters and etc, loose valuable heat to the outside atmosphere without the benefit of all the heat generated having contributed to the inside atmosphere of the home or workplace.
Heat is transmitted by three means; Radiation, Convection and Conduction. Most of the heat transmitted to the room from an open fire is by radiation. No convected heat emits from an open fire--it cannot. All the convected heat and most of the conducted heat--which conducted heat in turn transfers to convected heat in the main as air passing over the fire surrounds draws on that heat and takes it away up the flue--is lost up the flue and in turn to the outside atmosphere.
All fires--unless supplied with air for combustion in a sealed ducted source from the exterior--actually lower room temperature for some time after starting up. An open fire on an exterior wall is at best 10% efficient, on an interior wall is at best 20% efficient. A free standing closed solid fuel fire is at best 30% efficient. Solid fuel, oil or gas cookers are at best 53% efficient. Ceiling mounted radiant gas heaters are at the 30% efficient, and wall mounted radiant/convector gas heaters are at best 50% efficient. Solid fuel, oil or gas boilers are in the 50%-60% efficiency range with the most efficient being a very low output gas boiler in the region of 74% efficiency. These figures take into account all the heat generated which actually finds its way first to the interior including that which bleeds through the linings and structure of the flue to the interior. The remaining percentage is the heat energy which is lost to the outside atmosphere without benefit to the purpose for the heating system--this is the heat lost up the flue in the form of the convected heat generated in the system, and in turn a part of that convected heat which is converted to conducted heat and lost through the exterior lining and structure of the flue.
An object of this invention is to provide heating apparatus which makes use of the otherwise wasted heat and returns it back to the interior of the area being heated.
According to the present invention, there is provided heating apparatus for heating an environment, comprising a passage defining a flowpath for warm gas, the flowpath being adapted to pass warm gas past a plurality of heat exchange tubes generally transverse to the flowpath and spaced therealong, the tubes forming at least in part at least one heat exchange conduit adapted to carry air through the flowpath from a downstream to an upstream part thereof in indirect heat exchange, and air-flow inducing means for inducing a flow of air in the or each conduit and thence to the environment, characterized in that the spacing between adjacent tubes progressively decreases in the downstream direction of the flowpath thereby in use progressively improving the rate of heat exchange between the air and the warm gas.
Preferably one or more heat exchange conduits comprises one or more first banks of parallel tubes extending into a heat flow path, the inlets of the tubes being operatively connected to air flow-inducing means, and one or more second banks of parallel tubes connected directly or indirectly to the outlets of the first tubes and extending out of the heat flow path.
Preferably, the one or more heat exchange conduits comprises a plurality of parallel tube elements which provide a sinuous flow path for air.
Preferably the or each heat exchange conduit is in the form of a continuous tube.
Heating apparatus according to the present invention comprises a plurality of banks of tubes for parallel spaced location in the path of a flow of heat, each bank being in intercommunication with the or each end adjacent bank by passage means and so disposed that the bank nearest the heat source is upstream of the heat flow and the bank remote or remotest from the heat source is downstream of the or each other bank, and air flow-inducing means for inducing a flow of air into the bank or banks of tubes at the downstream end of the heat flow, to pass the air through successive banks, provided to the upstream bank or banks nearest the heat source from which the air exits into a room or other enclosed area, the air as it enters the downstream bank or banks of tubes being relatively cool and being gradually heated as it passes through successive banks of tubes to exit at the upstream bank or banks of tubes at a higher temperature.
Preferably, where more than two banks of tubes are provided, the spacing between adjacent banks decreases towards the downstream bank.
Preferably the banks of tubes are formed as a unit and are located in a containment member mounted, in the warm gas flow path.
Preferably the air inlet or inlets to the or the most, downstream bank, or banks of tubes, is, or are, operatively connected to the air flow-inducing means, and the air outlet or outlets from the, or the most upstream, bank, or banks, of tubes communicate with a common room or other enclosed area whereby cool air is withdrawn therefrom into the banks of tubes and heated air is returned thereto.
Preferably the tubes in the banks downstream of the two most upstream banks progressively reduce in wall thickness from two upstream banks.
Embodiments of the present invention will now be described in detail, by way of example, with reference to the accompanying drawings, wherein:
FIG. 1 is a front elevational view of a convector heating apparatus according to a first embodiment of the invention:
FIGS. 2 and 3 are perspective views of components of the apparatus shown in FIG. 1;
FIGS. 4, 5 and 6 are exploded perspective views of the apparatus according to a further embodiment.
FIGS. 7, 8 and 9 are diagrammatic views showing the flow of heat from existing heating or cooking apparatus and the flow of air in the banks of tubes of the apparatus according to the invention.
FIG. 10 is a schematic elevation of a third embodiment of the invention:
FIG. 11 is an end elevation of FIG. 10;
FIG. 12 is a partial cross sectional view of FIG. 10 on a smaller scale;
FIG. 13 is a top plan view of FIG. 10;
FIG. 14 is a schematic elevational view of part of the apparatus shown in FIGS. 10 to 13;
FIG. 15 is a right end elevation of FIG. 14;
FIGS. 16 and 17 show further schematic illustrations of heat flow past the banks of tubes and air flow in the tubes;
FIG. 18 is a schematic elevational view illustrating a fourth embodiment of the invention;
FIG. 19 is a schematic cross sectional view of a fifth embodiment of the invention; and
FIG. 20 is a top plan view of a chimney breast for location therein of the apparatus of the fourth embodiment of FIG. 18;
Referring firstly to FIGS. 1 to 6, the room air flowing into the system to be heated is shown at 1 and the heated air returning is shown at 2. FIG. 1 is an open fire burning coal, wood, peat, gas (artificial logs or coal), and etc., with the unit of FIG. 3, fitted to the top of the open surround by a containment 19 and 20 shown in FIG. 2 as if a drawer in its slider to a cabinet.
FIG. 4 shows a unit 30 (in exploded view) fitted to the after flue pipe 31 of a closed fire 32.
FIG. 5 shows a unit 30a fitted to the after flue pipe 31a of a solid fuel, oil or gas fired cooker/boiler 32a.
FIG. 6 shows a unit 30b fitted to the flue pipe 31b in the chimney breast above an open fire.
Other applications of the system are possible. A unit may be above a ceiling mounted radiant gas heater in a factory or warehouse. A unit may have the inlet 1 and the outlet 2 on the opposite sides of the wall to the heat source, e.g. as shown in FIG. 6, and the inlet 1 and the outlet 2 may be on opposite sides of the wall in each other, e.g. where emission is required in an adjoining room or hallway or into an adjacent cupboard for use as an airing cupboard. A unit may or may not have a supply of ducted fresh air from the exterior supplied to the inlet 1 and a unit may or may not have air from outlet 2 ducted away to some distant use. All applications of the system are dependant on the requirements of the user.
The working principles of the system are shown in FIG. 7 and FIG. 8 which show banks of tubes A, B, C, D, E, F, through which may be forced air from the room to be heated. The flow of the air through the unit is in the form of from the room 1 through the upper banks of tubes 6 down through the communicating chamber or header 7 and back through the lower banks of tubes 8 and return to the room 2. 25 is a seperating membrane. Flue gases from the heat source (fire etc.) rise up through the array of tubes at F1 and exit at F2. As the flue gases travel through the banks of tubes they heat up these tubes which in turn pass their heat on to the air passing through the tubes as shown in, FIG. 9.
The passage of air through the tubes is in overall effect in reverse order to that of the passage of the flue gases. Cool room air entering the system meets cooled flue gases leaving the system in the upper banks of tubes. This room air is gradually heated as it passes through the system, the reverse being the case for the flue gases, and meets the hotter flue gases entering the system in the lower banks of tubes as it--the room air--then leaves this harmonious system.
FIGS. 10, 11, 12, and 13 depict a unit in schematic elevation, end view, partial cross section and plan view, which unit may be fitted to the upper part of the opening to an open fire (as depicted in FIGS. 1 and 3) with the containment unit depicted in FIGS. 14 and 15 (as depicted in FIG. 2). Air is shown entering from the room 1 through a probable filter 3 and into the unit through the fan or fans 4, along a communication duct 5 and into the banks of tubes 6 (FIG. 12, only one tube shown for clarity) and into the communicating duct 7, or header, and down and back through the banks of tubes 8 (FIG. 12, only one tube shown for clarity) and exiting into the room 2.
In the typical system with banks of tubes A, B, C, D, E, F, there may be a unit spacing horizontally between tubes of d for diameter, and a spacing between F and E which is less than the spacing between E and D which is less than the spacing between D and C which is less than the spacing between C and B which is less than the spacing between B and A. The net effect of this is that the spacing X between tubes from one bank to another and through which passes flue gases from F1 to F2, is gradually reduced as the flue gases approach the upper banks of tubes. The flue gases enter the system F1 and pass through the spacing X between banks B and A and heat is given up to the tubes contacted (FIG. 9). The flue gases--now reduced in temperature--travel on to spacing X between banks C and B which is smaller than that at B and A and which squeezes the flue gases and increases the flue gas pressure at this point, above that which it would have been had the flue gases met a spacing X between banks C and B the same as the spacing X between banks B and A. From gas law P.multidot.V/T is a constant and this increase in flue gas pressure has the effect of raising the flue gas temperature as it passes through spacing X, and by the raising of the flue gas temperature at that point effecting an increase in the heat exchange between the flue gases flowing round the tubes and the air flowing through the tubes. As the volume of flue gases remains a constant the flue velocity through spacing X is thereby increased. This process is repeated again and again through each spacing X at each juncture of banks of tubes until the flue gases leave the system F2 much reduced in temperature, and more so--reduced in temperature--than had the flue gases merely passed through a system with the spacings X a constant, and with this overall effective throat system having increased flue velocity to such an extent as to negate the possibility of back puff into the heat source.
The gauge thickness of the tube wall (FIG. 9) 26, in the two lower banks A and B are of equal gauge and of such thickness as to minimize their destruction from heat contact. The system may be further enhanced by the tubes in the upper banks above A and B being constructed of a gauge wall thickness lighter than that of tubes A and B and reducing in gauge wall thickness to the lightest being in the uppermost bank. This would have the effect of maximizing the rate of transfer of heat to the room air passing through the tubes which room air is quenching the inner wall of the tube of the heat conducted through the tube wall thickness. The net effect of this being maximum heat gain in the room air and maximum heat loss in the flue gases, i.e. maximum efficiency in the system.
A unit may comprise any number of tubes from two upwards depending on the system required for a particular application.
FIGS. 16 and 17 are further embodiments of the previously stated system whereby flue gases enter at F1 and exit at F2 through a greater number of tubes than depicted in FIG. 7, with room air entering at 1 and flowing through tubes 6 into and down communicating duct 7 and through tubes 8 and down communicating duct 9 and through tubes 10 and down communicating duct 11 and through tubes 12 and exiting into the room 2. FIG. 18 is a schematic elevation of FIGS. 16 and 17 with flue gases entering F1 and exiting F2 with room air entering at 1 and exiting at 2, for a possible installation to a chimney breast as depicted in FIG. 6 with a plan view of the containment depicted in FIG. 20, as 19, having flange 20 for bolting the unit in a gas proof seal, with the unit taking heat from the gases in a standard wall flue 21. Further adaptations of this unit are as previously stated--into an airing cupboard and/or another room and etc.
FIG. 19 is a schematic cross section of a possible system to a boiler or cooker or free standing heater as depicted in FIGS. 4 and 5 with further banks of tubes in addition to these previously stated,--through tubes 12--and down communicating duct 13 and through tubes 14 and down communicating duct 15 and through tubes 16 and exiting into the room 2. The containment here is an open sided box 17 with flange 20 for a gas proof seal and flue connector 18 at either end of the box for connection to after flue pipe of the heat source.
A further adaptation may be as in FIG. 1 where the fans housings 22 may be fitted at the bottoms of legs--as communicating ducts, vertically to and with duct 5, immediately in front of 23--and thereby allowing the open fire to be increased in size forward of its original surround 23 and with a larger grate fitted forward of the original at 24. The unit is removable from its containment structure thereby providing accessibility for the cleaning of the flue and also the unit itself which may be immersed, e.g. in a bath of liquids capable of dissolving any solid matter adhering to the unit. The unit could be constructed of materials such as stainless steel for appearance and freedom of maintenance and, e.g. zinc galvanized or electroplated steel tubes etc, and which unit by its removability may be maintained by redipping etc, if required.
Central heating is generally represented by radiators supplied with hot water from a boiler system through pipes, and over which radiators--should be referred to as convectors as radiation does not take place without a 200 deg C temperature difference between the radiator and the radiated--flows room air convecting away the heat to room furniture and etc, and generally raising room temperature.
With the unit fitted to an ordinary open fire, central heating is achieved without the cost and space of an installation of boiler, pipes or radiators. Air flowing through the unit at temperatures well in excess of 100 degC from a fan rated at about 100 CFM (cubic feet per minute) will be taken through or under doors, through Building Regulation required room ventilators and/or by other means--depicted--to all parts of a standard sized home, and in a short space of time drastically improve the temperature of that home. ##EQU1##
The cost of running a 100 CFM fan is 1 unit of electricity (6.38 pence) per 40 Hrs, with a life expectancy of the fan between 25,000-30,000 Hrs (1250 days) continuous running.
The apparatus as hereinbefore described provides filtered particle free air and heated (depending on the fire built up) to temperatures well in excess of 100 deg C, which intensely heated air within the unit provides a bacterium and virus destruct--the vast majority of these being destroyed at 121 deg C--environment, further benefiting the interior environment of the home or workplace in providing all around warmth from an open fire--whereas without the apparatus a person would be warm on the side facing the fire and on the other side, and in providing a de-humidified (condensation loss), and well ventilated atmosphere.
Testing a unit of four banks of parallel spaced tubes in an open fire of dimensions 24 inches wide by 18 inches deep and using one fan of 100 CFM rating gave the following results in output:
Test Output Efficiency
1, 220 deg C.
2, 66 deg C.
3, 102 deg C.
4, 185 deg C.
5, 104 deg C.
The unit generally performed in the region of 80% efficiency, with the slight discrepancies in the test results being due to the fluctuation of flame strength resulting from the burning of wood only, for the results obtained in all tests.
Further tests were performed for actual output readings, and with Test 6 of the unit fitted into the top of an open fire of average burn; actual output from the unit registered 538,000 BTU.
During testing it was recorded that temperature some 40 feet distance from the unit, and seperated from the open fire by partitions, reached 0.8 deg C. higher than at positions 4 feet either side of the unit. It was also recorded that during all tests the unit remained cool to the touch, with Test 4 recording only 32 deg C. on top of the unit.
Come Wall-Walk With Me : Gecko Gloves
Synthetic setae
Synthetic setae emulate the setae found on the toes of a gecko and scientific research in this area is driven towards the development of dry adhesives. Geckos have no difficulty mastering vertical walls and are apparently capable of adhering themselves to just about any surface. The 5-toed feet of a gecko are covered with elastic hairs called setae and the end of these hairs are split into nanoscale structures called spatulae (because of their resemblance to actual spatulas). The sheer abundance and proximity to the surface of these spatulae make it sufficient for van der Waals forces alone to provide the required adhesive strength.[1] Following the discovery of the gecko’s adhesion mechanism in 2002, which is based on van der Waals forces, biomimetic adhesives have become the topic of a major research effort. These developments are poised to yield families of novel adhesive materials with superior properties which are likely to find uses in industries ranging from defence and nanotechnology to healthcare and sport.
Basic principles
Geckos are renowned for their exceptional ability to stick and run on any vertical and inverted surface (excluding Teflon[3]). However gecko toes are not sticky in the usual way like chemical adhesives. Instead, they can detach from the surface quickly and remain quite clean around everyday contaminants even without grooming.
Extraordinary adhesion
The two front feet of a tokay gecko can withstand 20.1 N of force parallel to the surface with 227 mm2 of pad area,[4] a force as much as 40 times the gecko's weight. Scientists have been investigating the secret of this extraordinary adhesion ever since the 19th century, and at least seven possible mechanisms for gecko adhesion have been discussed over the past 175 years. There have been hypotheses of glue, friction, suction, electrostatics, micro-interlocking and intermolecular forces. Sticky secretions were ruled out first early in the study of gecko adhesion since geckos lack glandular tissue on their toes. The friction hypothesis was also dismissed quickly because the friction force only acts in shear which cannot explain the adhesive capabilities of geckos on inverted surfaces. The hypothesis that the toe pads act as suction cups was dispelled in 1934 by experiments carried out in a vacuum in which the gecko's toes remained stuck. Similarly, the electrostatic hypothesis was refuted by an experiment showing that geckos could still adhere even when the build-up of electrostatic charge was impossible (such as on a metal surface in air ionized by a stream of x-rays). The mechanism of microinterlocking which suggested that the curved tips of setae could act as microscale hooks was also challenged by the fact that geckos generate large adhesive forces even on molecularly smooth surfaces.
The possibilities finally narrowed down to intermolecular forces, and the development of electron microscopy in the 1950s, which revealed the micro-structure of the setae on the gecko's foot, provided further proof to support this hypothesis. The problem was finally solved in 2000 by a research team led by biologists Kellar Autumn of Lewis & Clark College in Portland, Oregon, and Robert Full at the University of California at Berkeley.[6] They showed that the underside of a gecko toe typically bears a series of ridges, which are covered with uniform ranks of setae, and each setae further divides into hundreds of split ends and flat tips called spatulas (see figure on the right). A single seta of the tokay gecko is roughly 110 micrometers long and 4.2 micrometers wide. Each of a seta's branches ends in a thin, triangular spatula connected at its apex. The end is about 0.2 micrometers long and 0.2 micrometers wide.[5] The adhesion between gecko's foot and the surfaces is exactly the result of the Van der Waals force between each seta and the surface molecules. A single seta can generate up to 200\muN of force[7] There are about 14,400 setae per square millimeter on the foot of a tokay gecko, which leads to a total number of about 3,268,800 setae on a tokay gecko's two front feet. From the equation for intermolecular potential:
\Phi (R,D)=-\frac{\rho_1\rho_2\pi^2\alpha R}{6 D}
where \rho_1 and \rho_2 are the number of contacts of the two surfaces, R is the radius of each contact and D is the distance between the two surfaces.
We find that the intermolecular force, or the van der Waals force in this case between two surfaces is greatly dominated by the number of contacts. This is exactly the reason why the gecko's feet can generate extraordinary adhesion force to different kinds of surfaces. The combined effect of millions of spatulae provides an adhesive force many times greater than the gecko needs to hang from a ceiling by one foot.
The surprisingly large forces generated by the gecko's toes made us wonder how geckos manage to lift their feet so quickly – in just 15 milliseconds – with no measurable detachment forces. A few years ago, Kellar Autumn and his research group found out the 'Lift-off mechanism' of the gecko's feet. Their discovery revealed that gecko adhesive actually works in a 'programmable' way that by increasing the angle between the setal shaft and the substrate to 30 degrees, no matter how big the perpendicular adhesive force is, geckos 'turn off' the stickiness since the increased stress at the trailing edge of the seta causes the bonds between seta and the substrate to break.The seta then returns to an unloaded default state. On the other hand, by applying preload and dragging along the surface, the geckos turn on the modulate stickiness. This 'Lift-off' mechanism can be shown in the figure on the right.
Self-cleaning ability
Unlike conventional adhesives, gecko adhesive becomes cleaner with repeated use, and thus stays quite clean around everyday contaminants such as sand, dust, leaf litter and pollen. In addition, unlike some plants and insects that have the ability of self-cleaning by droplets, geckos are not known to groom their feet in order to retain their adhesive properties – all they need is only a few steps to recover their ability to cling to vertical surfaces.
Kellar Autumn and his research group have conducted experiments to test and demonstrate this ability of the gecko.[8] They also use the contact mechanical model to suggest that self-cleaning occurs by an energetic disequilibrium between the adhesive forces attracting a dirt particle to the substrate and those attracting the same particle to one or more spatulae. In other words, the Van der Waals interaction energy for the particle-wall system requires a sufficiently great number of particle-spatula systems to counterbalance; however, relatively few spatulae can actually attach to a single particle, therefore the contaminant particles tend to attach to the substrate surface rather than the gecko's toe due to this disequilibrium. Figure on the right shows the model of interaction between N spatulas, a dirt particle and a planar wall.
It's important to know that this property of self-cleaning appears intrinsic to the setal nano-structure and therefore should be replicable in synthetic adhesive materials. In fact, Kellar Autumn's group observed how self-cleaning still occurred in arrays of setae when isolated from the geckos used...
7 November 2012
The real Spider-Man: Stickiness goes to the next level
Paul Rincon
Spider-Man suit, scientists could use geckos - rather than arachnids - as their model
Geckos are among the superheroes of the animal world.
These colourful lizards can scamper rapidly up walls, scuttle along ceilings and even hang upside down on polished glass.
Yet the secret of their amazing climbing ability remained a mystery until relatively recently.
The underside of a gecko's foot looks like a tyre tread and is covered in millions of microscopic hairs. Each hair splits into hundreds of tips just 200 billionths of a metre wide.
The secret of this lizard's adhesion turns out to be the relatively weak intermolecular forces that draw materials together any time they get close.
These van der Waals forces nevertheless explain how a gecko can support its own body weight on just one finger, and a single gecko hair can lift the weight of an ant.
To un-stick, the gecko pulls its foot away at a different angle.
"What we're talking about is something that is about as sticky as sticky tape - it's not crazy glue," says Prof Kellar Autumn, who became intrigued by gecko adhesion after being funded to develop climbing robots by the US military.
Prof Autumn, from Lewis & Clark College in Oregon, added: "What is special about it is that it is controllable. And its controllability is based on geometry and physics, not chemistry."
“The way gecko adhesives work is so bizarre... that I don't think we would have invented it”
The effort to uncover the mechanisms behind gecko climbing has already yielded synthetic material that sticks in the same way.
Stick, peel and re-stick a piece of existing adhesive tape several times and it quickly loses its clingy properties.
Prof Autumn and Mark Cutkosky, from Stanford University, compared natural and polymer-based synthetic gecko hairs using a machine that simulated gecko climbing. This showed both versions could be re-used some 30,000 times without losing their stickiness.
Synthetic adhesives could yield transformative applications in robotics, industry, medicine, sports and clothing.
But one possible use always comes up in any popular discussion: could they allow humans to scale walls like Spider-Man?
In 2007, physicist and engineer Nicola Pugno, from Turin Polytechnic in Italy, calculated that a person wearing gloves and boots made of carbon nanotubes and structured to mimic gecko feet could indeed cling safely to a wall or a ceiling.
Challenges would include wear and tear and the propensity for dirt particles to collect and inhibit stickiness.
The suit would have to work on every kind of surface and for long periods of time. But Prof Pugno says: "We are not very far, in my opinion, from a kind of Spider-Man suit."
Prof Metin Sitti, from Carnegie Mellon University, says the idea is "not impossible". Selecting a lightweight person and applying the adhesive to many parts of the suit (not just the feet and hands) would improve the chances of success, he explains.
But, he comments: "We get questions like: 'Can you carry a one-tonne weight'. And we say: 'Maybe, but that's not our biggest advantage'."
Secrets of gecko climbing
Gecko adhesion
A. The toes of geckos are covered in ridge-like lamellae, producing a tyre tread pattern
B. Millions of microscopic hairs, or setae, cover each toe. These are only as long as two diameters of a human hair
C. Each seta ends in up to 1000 even tinier tips, called spatulae
D. The spatular tips are only 200 billionths of a metre wide -below the wavelength of visible light
Several institutes have been developing robots that can climb walls - Stanford University's "Sticky-bot" can be seen in action here. Some scientists envisage "geckobots" being used to search for survivors in a burning building or disaster zone, to explore the rocky terrain of Mars, or even as toys.
But many in the field are most excited by more routine applications.
Medicine is one target area for these adhesives. They could spawn advanced bandages that can be removed easily after healing or gripping surfaces on instruments designed for delicate surgery. Since the mechanism works in the wet, it could be used to affix implants within the body.
Stanislav Gorb, from the University of Kiel, studies biological adhesion; his work also looks at the way beetles stick to surfaces.
He says gecko material has several advantages when compared with generic sticky tape. There is no "visco-elastic" adhesive to dry out, so it stays attached for longer and leaves no residue.
But he says that with current production methods, they are unlikely to replace classical sticky tape.
"Maybe in 5-10 years we will have a method that will make the tape very cheap - right now it isn't. Secondly, right now, the forces are in the range or even lower than traditional sticky tape."
Zip it up
Metin Sitti thinks gecko material could provide alternatives to current "closure" technologies, such as hook and loop fastening, zips and sealing systems on food packaging.
It is one area he is exploring through his company NanoGripTech, set up to commercialise his lab's gecko work.
Synthetic gecko hairs Synthetic gecko-inspired adhesives can be even stickier than the real thing
Synthetic adhesives work best on glass; rough or uneven surfaces pose more of an obstacle. Getting high performance out of gecko material on a variety of surfaces and in different conditions represents the firm's first challenge.
"We have been focusing on what happens when the surface gets wet, oily, dirty and what happens when temperatures change from very cold to very hot," says Prof Sitti.
"The second challenge is how can you manufacture and sell this [material] at high volume and at low cost?"
Prof Sitti is working on this problem and expects within a year to begin manufacturing at low volumes.
A silicone-based bio-inspired adhesive made by German firm Binder has been on the market for some six months. Prof Gorb was involved with its development.
The company has been exploring medical applications and the "pick and place" technology used in clean rooms to precisely position components on to circuit boards.
"Clean rooms often work with suction systems. That generates dust and requires a lot of energy, which contributes to the cost," says Jan Tuma, managing director of Binder.
"We are only sticky on really flat, shiny surfaces. It depends on the pins per sq cm and at the moment we have 29,000 pins per sq centimetre.
"Geckos have more, but they have had millions of years to develop, and we have had only a few."
Prof Autumn says: "We can look to Nature as a giant library of design principles. The way gecko adhesives work is so bizarre and so different from the way that adhesives have been engineered, that I don't think we would have invented it."
Stanislav Gorb
US2013168523 (A1)
WO2013069013 (A1)
Verfahren zur Herstellung von einer Replik einer funktionalen Oberfläche
Suction grip arm
Methods for modifying the surfaces of a solid and microstructured surfaces with encreased adherence produced with said methods
Kellar AUTUMN :
Adhesive microstructure and method of forming same
Preparation method of bionic gecko adhesive tape
Preparation method of bionic gecko adhesive tape
Preparation method of bionic gecko tape
Preparation method of conductive bionic gecko adhesive tape
Preparation method of bionic gecko composite microarray
Adhesive material used for imitating gecko sole adhesive arrays and preparation method thereof
Preparation method of gecko structure simulating adhesive
nanoGriptech was spun off from research conducted at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh which is focused on understanding and duplicating, using synthetic polymer materials, the amazing controllable sticking, high friction, highly directional, and tactile qualities of gecko feet. nanoGriptech’s R&D team is working to optimize and mass produce these advanced micro/nano-materials for a wide range of consumer applications.
Double-swelling cement : Yangtze go home !
Method for pouring large dam by utilizing double-swelling cement
The invention relates to a method for pouring a large dam by utilizing double-swelling cement. In a traditional method, the speed of pouring the large dam is very slow and the construction cost is very high by utilizing sectional and block pouring manners. According to the method for pouring the large dam by utilizing the double-swelling cement, disclosed by the invention, the SO3 content of the adopted cement is within 2.8-3.5%, the content of magnesium oxide in a clinker is within 4.0-6.0%, and hydration heat meets requirements of hot cement in GB200-2003. The method is characterized in that fly ash or grinded mineral slag is added when concrete is mixed, flake ice replaces mixing water for pre-cooling aggregate, an additive is simultaneously added, and a cooling water pipe is embedded in the poured concrete. During pouring, a distribution, high-lift and continuous pouring construction method replaces a traditional sectional, block and grouting construction method. The method for pouring the large dam by utilizing the double-swelling cement, disclosed by the invention, has the advantages of largely increasing construction speed, reducing construction cost and improving social benefits and economical benefits remarkably.
I aint afeared o' no Ebola virus !
Liposomal Vitamin C
How to Make Liposomal Vitamin C At HomeHave you ever wished you could get the many health benefits of high-dose intravenous (IV) vitamin C at home, at low cost? Discover a cheap and simple way to multiply the effectiveness of oral Vitamin C. One gram of this simple megavitamin C can do the work of up to 8 grams of pure vitamin C by intravenous injection! Wellness expert Arthur Doerksen shows you how to make it in your kitchen in less than 10 minutes. The iSonic P4810 ultrasonic unit is recommended. Check Amazon.
Amount to Take: Start with one ounce a day, increase if needed.
Remember to soak the lecithin granules for 3 - 4 hours before blending with the Vitamin C. With liquid lecithin, use 50% less, no soaking required.
Dr. Mercola: The Benefits of Liposomal Vitamin C
Liposomal composition for cellular regeneration of the skin.
Liposomal composition for cellular regeneration of the skin, consisting of a suspension of liposomes with a size of 75 to 300 mm which encapsulate each of the active principles glycolic acid, vitamin C and vitamin E. The composition comprises: Content of active principle Liposomal glycolic acid 5.0-30.0% 0.100-0.600% Liposomal vitamin C 5.0-30.0% 0.250-1.500% Liposomal vitamin E 0.0025-0.0100% Excipient made up to 100 ml
The Life, Health Implications of LET Vitamin C
Cardiologist, Thomas Levy, MD JD, a frequent Vitamin C lecturer and the author of two books on the subject theorizes in his book, Curing the Incurable, that it is likely the human body was not intended to get all its ascorbate (Vitamin C) from dietary sources. He presents eight evidences for this theory:
The need for ascorbate (Vitamin C) in the human body for basic maintenance of basic structure and function is essential and fluctuates greatly based on health status and environmental conditions.
Even in IV doses exceeding 200 grams per day, no toxicity for ascorbate has ever been documented.
Human livers have all the ingredients necessary to synthesize ascorbate except one — the enzyme L-Gulonolactone oxidase (GLO).
Humans have the gene required to produce GLO but it is defective in the vast majority of the population.
Some humans apparently synthesize ascorbate as not all individuals deprived of dietary ascorbate develop scurvy.
Most mammals, reptiles, and amphibians do synthesize ascorbate. Some of the larger mammals produce upwards of 100 grams daily.
Intravenous doses of ascorbate have shown powerful antioxidant, anti-toxin and anti-pathogenic properties in humans. (Dr. Levy cites many cases of this including Fred Klenner’s use of ascorbate to cure 60 out of 60 cases of polio in the late 1940s.)
The uptake of ascorbate by the intestines is very inefficient.
Since Liposomal Encapsulation Technology can deliver virtually 100% of a nutrient directly to the bloodstream, it promises to eliminate the huge loss of bioavailability when dose sizes of actively transported nutrients are increased. This bio-availability chart was developed from a study done by J.L. Groff, S.S. Gropper, and S.M. Hunt which
was published in the book Advanced Nutrition and Human Metabolism, West Publishing Co., 1995, pages 222-237.
Concerning the inefficiency of the body’s uptake of Vitamin C, studies show that the body has an increasing resistance to traditional forms of oral Vitamin C — tablets, powders, capsules — as dose size increases.
J.L. Groff (1995 - see chart at left) demonstrated that less than 2 grams of a 12 gram oral dose of Vitamin C actually gets to the bloodstream. Based on that study, 2 grams of liposomal encapsulated Vitamin C has the bio-availability equal to 24-500 mg tablets of the nutrient.
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Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ( 19th century German philosopher ) :
“No one is more hopelessly enslaved than the one who falsely believes himself to be free.”
("Niemand ist hoffnungsloser versklavt als der, der fälschlich glaubt frei zu sein.")
[ Excerpt ]
Innovations, such as HAARP, makes one realize, very quickly, that mankind has been dragged into a psychopathic world of horrors created by the globalists for their perverted agenda. What is important to realize is that what is about to happen to the country, as a result of this artificially manipulated massive weather front and it is being done to us, this is not an act of nature.
Bernard Eastman HAARP Patents (Partial)
Bernard J. Eastlund’s U.S. Patent # 4,686,605, “Method and Apparatus for Altering a Region in the Earth’s Atmosphere, Ionosphere; and/or Magnetosphere”
Eastlund authored patent US20070238252 ‘Cosmic particle ignition of artificially ionized plasma patterns in the atmosphere’ which was published a few months before his death. The conclusion section of the patent contains the following text:
“This invention has a phenomenal variety of possible ramifications and potential future developments. As alluded to earlier, a variety of telecommunications systems for improvement of local cellular systems, short haul stand alone cellular systems, city wide cellular systems and long haul communications systems could result. Two new approaches to weather modification and control are suggested. The first is for manipulation of the steering winds that control the development of mesocyclones, or the modification of the directions of the jet streams that influence development of hurricanes. The second is a method for influencing the electrical charge distribution in weather patterns such as meso-cyclones. Possible defense applications include a method of accelerating electrons to MEV energies in conjunction with the HAARP antenna. Research applications include the creation of bright and controlled guide stars for astrophysical purposes. Thus it can be seen that the ramifications are numerous, far-reaching, and exceedingly varied in usefulness.”
Air Force Annotated Weather Modification Research (Partial)
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Eisenhower, Dwight E. “Crusade in Europe” quoted in John F. Fuller, ed., Thor’s Legions. Boston: American
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Frisby, E. M. “Weather-modification in Southeast Asia, 1966-1972.” The Journal Of Weather-modification
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Gray, William M., et al. “Weather-modification by Carbon Dust Absorption of Solar Energy.” Journal of
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Halacy, Daniel S. The Weather Changers. New York: Harper & Row, 1968.
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Hume, Capt Edward E., Jr. Atmospheric and Space Environmental Research Programs in Brazil (U), March
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James, G. E. “Chaos Theory: The Essentials for Military Applications” ACSC Theater Air Campaign Studies
Coursebook, AY96, Vol. 8. Maxwell AFB, Ala.: Air University Press, 1995.
Jiusto, James E. “Some Principles of Fog Modification with Hygroscopic Nuclei” Progress of NASA
Research on Warm Fog Properties and Modification Concepts, NASA SP-212. Washington, D.C.: Scientific
and Technical Information Division of the Office of Technology Utilization of the National Aeronautics and
Space Administration, 1969.
Johnson, Capt Mike. Upper Atmospheric Research and Modification-Former Soviet Union (U) supporting
document DST-18205-475-92, Foreign Aerospace Science and Technology Center, AF Intelligence
Command, 24 September 1992. (Secret) Information extracted is unclassified.
Kasemir, Heinz W. “Lightning Suppression by Chaff Seeding and Triggered Lightning.” In Wilmot N. Hess,
ed., Weather and Climate Modification. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1974.
Keaney, Thomas A., and Eliot A. Cohen, Gulf War Air Power Survey Summary Report. Washington D.C.:
GPO, 1993.
Air Force Earthquake Weapon Patent
Document ID: 800062
Technology Abstract Title: Earthquake Weapon
Description: Ultrasonic or acoustic weapon to destroy runways, buildings, bridges. Weapon will
generate a very strong acoustic wave that causes structures to resonate, and thereby destroy them. This
has the advantage of being a destructive force that is not designed to kill people.
Advantages: Destructive to structures and warmaking potential, but does not directly threaten people.
Challenges: How to generate a strong enough acoustic field.
Countermeasures: Acoustic wave cancellation methods (generate a wave out of phase with the
weapon) standard earthquake protection methods, such as flexible structures, truss designs, reinforced
Possible Applications: Destruction of structures Attacking hardened, hidden structures. Airfield
interdiction (destroy runways) Civilian application: demolition. 12/11/2008
American Foreign Policy in Review & Retrospect
A celebration of theUSA's exceptional infantilism
Libya :
Syria :
Isis :
Russia :
Grenada :
Panama :
China :
Cuba :
Behold !
The Miraculous Power of Propaganda & Magical Thinking !
The Jewish Telegraph
Behold ye the wonders of Islam !
The Muslim Ashura Ritual
Thanks Mom ! ... Is this revenge for the clitorectomy ( vide infra : ) ?
in libro >>![]()
<< in vivo ...
Is that why I grew up to do this ... ? ...
Sigh ...
If only we had gotten well laid, were decent lovers, or merely smoked good cannabis, or were properly breast-fed and / or spanked -- then perhaps these idiotic scenes could have been avoided ... or not ...
Coming soon to a Caliphate near you !
Not to mention this megalomanic tribe's grotesque tradition of pud-slashing herpes-sharing baby-rape :
" Gobble Gobble ! " >><< " Oooooooo, Baby .... ! "
( Mo' the Mohel just couldn't wait to add insult to injury & osculate the brat's tinkle-tube ! )
" No ! No ! Give me a few more seconds ! " >><< "I beg to differ, but must defer ... "
Stop Circumcision ! Start Lateralcision !
Which reminds me of that kid Emmanuel ab Nazareth who allegedly got himself cruxified and now he's God and has his own churches and devotees who indulgence in unqualified adoration of sublimated sado-masochistic homosexual necrophilic cannibalism, as clearly illustrated below ( give Herr van Eyck credit for getting the Tau-Cross right ) :
Jesus ' Last Words :
"I swear, the Romans put this scintillating lace g-string on me ! I .... gurgle... "
David Carradine's ' Last Words :
"I swear, the Tong put this thong on me ! I .... gurgle... "
Armageddon outa here ! Follow Me ! I'll set You Free !
No bullshyte, Mo' ! But this 14,300-Years-Old Human Coprolite beats your royal flush :
Outstanding !
Historical Cycles: Are we doomed to repeat the past?
Chinese dynastic cycles show how the theory of historical cycles work and how to apply them to our current situation. Are we headed towards an age of chaos? What did the ancients do to survive?
Princeton Economic Institute
September 26, 1999
Armstrong Articles:
The Business Cycle And the Future
Martin A. Armstrong
For many years, I have pursued a field of study that is at best non-traditional. My discovery of a global business cycle during the early 1970's was by no means intentional. As a youth growing up in the 1960's, the atmosphere was anything but stable. I don’t really know if it was Hollywood that captivated my interest in history with an endless series of movies about Roman and Greek history, but whatever it was that drove me, I can only attest to what resulted.
My father had always wanted to return to Europe after serving under General Patton during the war. My mother insisted that she would go only when he could afford to take the whole family. That day finally came and something inside me insisted upon being able to earn my own spending money. I applied for a job despite my age of only 14. It wasn’t much, but on weekends I worked with a coin/bullion dealer. In those days, gold was illegal to buy or sell in bullion form so the industry centered on gold coins issued by Mexico, Hungary and Austria. I soon became familiar with the financial markets as they were starting to emerge. It was this experience that began to conflict with the formal training of school.
One day in a history class, the teacher brought in an old black and white film entitled "Toast of the Town." This film was about Jim Fisk and his attempt to corner the gold market in 1869 that created a major financial panic in which the term "Black Friday" was first coined. In the film was a very young support actor named Cary Grant who stood by the ticker tape machine reading off the latest gold prices. He read the tape and exclaimed that gold had just reached $162 an ounce. I knew from my job that gold was currently selling for $35. At first I thought that the price quote of $162 in the movie must be wrong. After all, Hollywood wasn’t known for truthfulness. Nonetheless, I was compelled to go to the library to check the newspapers of 1869 for myself. This first step in research left me stunned – the New York Times verified $162 was correct.
For the first time in my life, I was faced with a paradox that seemed to conflict with traditional concepts. How could gold be $162 in 1869 and yet be worth only $35 in the 1960's? Surely, inflation was supposed to be linear. If a dollar was a lot of money in 1869, this meant that adjusted for inflation gold must have been the equivalent of several thousand dollars. If value was not linear, then was anything linear?
I began exploring the field of economics on my own and reading the various debates over the existance of a business cycle. Kondratieff was interesting for his vision of great waves of economic activity. Of course, others argued that such oscillations were purely random. Over the years that followed, this nagging question still bothered me. I had poured my heart and soul into history, quickly learning that all civilizations rose and fell and there seemed to be no exception.
I was still not yet convinced that a business cycle was actually definable. Kondratieff’s work was indeed interesting, but there was not enough data to say that it was in fact correct. On the other hand, it seemed that the random theory crowd was somehow threatened by the notion that the business cycle might be definable. After all, if the business cycle could be defined, then perhaps man’s intervention would not be successful. Clearly, there was a large degree of self-interest in discouraging any attempt to define the business cycle. I knew from my study of history that a non-professional German industrialist took Homer and set out to disprove the academics who argued that Homer was merely a story for children. In the end, that untrained believer in Homer discovered Troy and just about every other famous Greek city that was not supposed to have existed beyond fable.
I didn’t know how to go about such a quest to find if the business cycle was definable. Admittedly, I began with the very basic naive approach of simply adding up all the financial panics between 1683 and 1907 and dividing 224 years by the number of panics being 26 yielding 8.6 years. Well, this didn’t seem to be very valid at first, but it did allow for a greater amount of data to be tested compared to merely 3 waves described by Kondratieff.
The more I began to back test this 8.6-year average, the more accurate it seemed to be. I spent countless hours in libraries reading contemporary accounts of events around these dates. It soon became clear that there were issues of intensity and shifts in public confidence. During some periods, society seemed to distrust government and after a good boom bust cycle, sentiment shifted as people ran into the arms of government for solutions. Politics seemed to ebb and flow in harmony with the business cycle. Destroy an economy and someone like Hitler can rise to power very easily. If everyone is fat and happy, they will elect to ignore drastic change preferring not to rock the boat.
The issue of intensity seemed to revolve around periods of 51.6 years, which was in reality a group of 6 individual business cycles of 8.6 years in length. Back testing into ancient history seemed to reveal that the business cycle concept was alive and well during the Greek Empire as well as Rome and all others that followed. It was a natural step to see if one could project into the future and determine if its validity would still hold up. Using 1929.75 as a reference point, major and minor turning points could then be projected forward in time. For the most part, I merely observed and kept to myself this strange way of thinking. In 1976, one of these 8.6-year turning points was quickly approaching (1977.05). For the first time, I began to use this model expecting a significant turn in the economy back toward inflation. My friends thought I was mad. Everyone was talking about how another Great Depression was coming. The stock market had crashed by 50% and OPEC seemed to be undermining everything. I rolled the dice and stuck to it and to my amazement, inflation exploded right on cue as gold rallied from $103 to $875 by January 1980.
As my confidence in this model increased, I began to expand my research testing it against everything I could find. It became clear, that turning points were definable, but the wildcard would always remain as a combination of volatility and intensity. To solve that problem, much more sophisticated modeling became necessary.
As the 51.6-year turning point approached (1981.35), there was no doubt in my mind that the intensity would be monumental. Indeed, interest rates went crazy with prime reaching 22% and the discount rate being pushed up to 17%. The government was attacking inflation so hard, they moved into overkill causing a massive recession into the next half-cycle date of 1985.65. It was at this point in time that the Plaza Accord gave birth of the G5. I tried to warn the US government that manipulating the currency would set in motion a progressive trend toward higher volatility within the capital markets and the global business cycle as a whole. They ignored me and claimed that until someone else had such a model, they did not believe that volatility would be a concern.
The next quarter cycle turning point was arriving 1987.8 and the Crash of 1987 unfolded right on cue. It was at this time that a truly amazing development took place. The target date of 1987.8 was precisely October 19th, 1987 the day of the low. While individual models specifically based upon the stock market were successful in pinpointing the high and low days, I did not think for one moment that a business cycle that was derived from an average could pinpoint a precise day; it simply did not seem logical.
After 1987, I began to explore the possibility that coincidence should not be just assumed. I began researching this model even more with the possibility that precision, no matter how illogical, might possibly exist. I began viewing this business cycle not from a mere economic perspective, but from physics and math. If this business cycle were indeed real, then perhaps other fields of science would hold a clue to this mystery. Physics helped me understand the mechanism that would drive the business cycle but mathematics would perhaps answer the quantitative mystery. I soon began to understand that the circle is a perfect order. Clearly, major historical events that took place in conjunction with this model involved the forces of nature as well. If this business cycle was significant, surely it must encompass something more than the mere economic footprints of mankind throughout the ages.
The Mystery of 8.6
At first, 8.6 seemed to be a rather odd number that just didn’t fit mathematically. In trying to test the validity of October 19th, 1987 being precise or coincidence, I stumbled upon something I never expected. This is the first time I will reveal something that I discovered and kept secret for the last 13 years. The total number of days within an 8.6-year business cycle was 3141. In reality, the 8.6-year cycle was equal to p (Pi) * 1000. Suddenly, there was clearly more at work than mere coincidence. Through extending my studies into physics, it became obvious that randomness was not a possibility. The number of variables involved in projecting the future course of the business cycle was massive, but not completely impossible given sufficient computer power and a truly comprehensive database. The relationship of 8.6 to p (Pi) confirmed that indeed the business cycle was in fact a perfect natural cyclical phenomenon that warranted further investigation. Indeed, the precision to a day appeared numerous times around the world in different markets. Both the 1994.25 and the 1998.55 turning points also produced clear events precisely to the day. The probability of coincidence of so many targets being that precise to the day was well into the billions. Indeed, the relationship of p to the business cycle demonstrated the existence of a perfect cycle that returned to its point of origin where once again it would start anew. The complexity that arose was that while the cycle could be measured and predicted, precisely which sector of the global economy would become the focal point emerged as the new research challenge.
It was also clear that the driving forces behind the business cycle had shifted and intensified due to the introduction of the floating exchange rate system back in 1971. My study into intensity and volatility revealed that whenever the value of money became uncertain, inflation would rise dramatically as money ceased to be a store of wealth. Numerous periods of debasements and floating exchange rate systems had taken place throughout recorded history. The data available from Rome itself was a spectacular resource for determining hard rules as to how capital responded to standard economic events of debasement and inflation. The concept of Adam Smith’s Invisible Hand was valid, but even on a much grander scale involving capital flow movement between competing economies. The overall intensity of the cycle was decisively enhanced creating greater waves as measured by amplitude by the floating exchange system. As currency values began to swing by 40% in 4-year intervals, the cycle intensified even further causing currency swings of 40% within 2-year intervals and finally down to a matter of months following the July 20th, 1998 turning point.
The Domino Effect
The events that followed 1987 were all too easy to foresee. The G5 talked the dollar down by 40% between 1985 and 1987 essentially telling foreign capital to get out. The Japanese obliged and their own capital contraction led to the next bubble top at the peak of the 8.6-year cycle that was now due 1989.95. As the Japanese took their money home for investment, the value of their currency rose as did their assets thereby attracting global investment as well. Everyone was there in Tokyo in late 1989. Just about every investment fund manager globally was touting the virtues of Japan. As the Japanese bubble peaked, capital had acquired a taste for foreign investment. That now savvy pool of international investment capital turned with an eye towards South East Asia. Right on cue, the capital shifted moving into South East Asia for the duration of the next half-cycle of 4.3 years until it too reached its point of maximum intensity going into 1994.25. At this point, international capital began to shift again turning back to the United States and Europe, thus causing the beginning of a new bull market in a similar manner to what had happened in Japan. In fact, 1994.25 was once again the precise day of the low on the S&P 500 for that year. As American and European investment returned home, the steady outflow of capital from South East Asia finally led to the Asian Crisis in 1997. In both cases, Japan and South East Asia blamed outsiders and sought to impose punitive measures to artificially support their markets. In Japan, these interventions have left the Postal Savings Fund insolvent as public money was used to support the JGB market. Financial institutions were encouraged to hide their losses and even employees from the Minister of Finance were installed in some cases engaging in loss postponing transactions of every kind. Major life companies were told not to hedge their risks for fear that this would make the markets decline even further. Thus, the demise of Japan that would have been complete by 1994 was extended by government intervention that has most likely resulted in a lengthening of the business cycle decline into 2002.85.
The next peak on the 8.6-year business cycle came in at 1998.55, which was precisely July 20th, 1998. While the intensity was defined rather well by the model’s forecast of 6,000 on the Dow by the quarter-cycle target of 1996.4 followed by 10,000 for 1998, the development of highly leveraged hedge funds created a trap that was not fully anticipated. It was clear that the European markets had captured the greatest intensity between 1996 and 1998 and that Russia too had reached our target for maximum intensity. However, the excessive leveraging of funds like Long-Term Capital Management had significantly created the peak in volume as well. Thus, the spread trades were so excessive, that the collapse that was to be expected, took on a virus type of affect. As Russia moved into default, and LTCM moved into default, the degree of leverage caused a cascade of liquidation that was spread around the world. Everything became affected causing the collapse in liquidity and credit to further undermine the global economy as a whole. Despite the new highs in US indices into 1999, the broader market has failed to keep pace and the peak in both liquidity and volume remains clearly that of 1998.55.
The Future
While this business cycle can be calculated on quarter-cycle intervals of 2.15 years into the final peak for this major wave formation of December 24th, 2032. Though this is long beyond my life expectancy, there is so much more behind the true understanding of the driving forces within the business cycle. I have learned that it is easy to claim coincidence and ignore the telltale signs of a hidden order. It is easy to argue that there is no basis for such a model without ever making an effort to test results. If everyone stopped with such criticism, most of ancient Greece would still be buried and Homer would still be considered a book for children. Man would not fly or travel to the moon. A cure for cancer would not be sought and progress would simply not exist. But furthering our understanding is part of humanity. Like law, that when strictly enforced deprives society of justice when circumstances are ignored, it is also the sin of ignorance toward new concepts that deprives mankind of progress and ultimately our posterity.
The Economic Confidence Model in 2.15-year intervals
1998.55... 07/20/98
2000.7.... 09/13/00
2002.85... 11/08/02
2005.... 01/02/05
2007.15... 02/27/07
2009.3... 04/23/09
2011.45... 06/18/11
2013.6... 08/12/13
2015.75... 10/07/15
2017.9... 12/01/17
2020.05... 01/26/20
2022.2... 03/22/22
2024.35... 05/16/24
2026.5... 07/11/26
2028.65... 09/04/28
2030.8... 10/30/30
2032.95... 12/24/32
The future that lies ahead will increasingly move ever greater toward intensity and volatility. Such periods have always brought not merely great booms and busts, but they too hold in the palm of their hand the thunderbolt of war. The economic future of Russia is one of such corruption and decay, that it too will rise as the warlord who seeks to regain what he has lost. China too will eventually beat the drums of war as its economy worsens and its leaders seek to hold the slippery reigns of power. Such periods of economic strife will begin to grow in intensity particularly following 2002.85 and moving into 2007.15. Only when economic chaos reaches a sudden state of eruption is it possible to see a successful revolution. The government was not prepared in Indonesia. However, unless a complete shock takes place in China and Russia, it is far more likely that these two nations will not fall to internal revolution but will seek to turn the economic tides against their neighbors. These are basic facts of history that cannot be denied. War is directly linked to the economic fate of mankind. Undermine the economy and you will create the next Hitler.
During the American Revolution, World War I and World War II, the act of counterfeiting the currency of your enemy was but one means of warfare intent upon undermining their economy. The dark side to investigating the business cycle is clearly exposing the map through which an enemy can exploit your economy at the precise moment of maximum intensity thereby creating the greatest amount of economic instability. I suppose it is like splitting the atom. The power can be used to light a city or harnessed to destroy it. We must always face that plus and minus no matter what field one seeks to explore.
The financial markets will contract globally. The untold hidden losses within the Japanese financial system are slowly bubbling to the surface. However, as new mark-to-market rules approach on April 1st, 2001, the sins of the past will all be forced into the open light of day and those who have thought that economic recovery was underway will be shocked by what they will still face. While the US market may yet contract into 2000, the flicker of hope for one more rally into 2002.85 exists as long as the rest of the world remains so uncertain. But for the US market to survive into 2002, it must also retest support going into 2000. Without a pull back, the global instability will create a dangerous economic situation in the years ahead. It is clear that a high in 2002/2003 for the US market may be followed by a crash, but the shift in capital investment will then move back toward the tangible sectors that have been left behind.
In the next issue of the WCMR, the details of this business cycle will be expanded to provide a list of turning points down to the 8.6-month interval. There is a wealth of knowledge that lies ahead if we are not afraid to explore. Regularity of the business cycle does not mean that we lack free will. For it has taken me 30 years of observation to get this far. The peak for one nation may be the low for another. For within the scheme of global capital flows, not everyone can enjoy a boom simultaneously. For every gain in trade, there must be someone who loses. This is simply the nature of the global economy. The greatest booms unfold when capital concentrates in one sector. When that capital shifts, you also find the result of the greatest financial panics in history. An individual will always possess the free will to follow the crowd or strike out with his own independence to buck the trend. There will be those who believe in the business cycle and use it to their advantage just as there will be those who refuse to acknowledge its existence. As long as not everyone believes, the cycle will exist forever. The regularity of the business cycle is not determined by man alone; for within its deep calculations resides the very heart of nature itself. Like the Biblical forecast of Joseph that seven years of plenty will be followed by seven years of famine, understanding the nature of the business cycle can certainly enhance our ability to better manage our affairs rather than constantly add to the intensity of the cycle through our own error of intervention. For now, it is more likely that the politics will continue to act in the opposite direction of the cycle adding to its intensity and enhancing its volatility. Perhaps I have been an evangelist seeking to point out that the economy is like a rain forest – destroy one species and it will ripple through the entire system. The global economy to me is the same delicate system that cannot be viewed in isolation, but only through its collective integration. The failed labor policies of Europe have created perpetually high unemployment and the worst record of economic growth for the past 30 years. Instead of objectively reviewing what has happened, Europe seeks to federalize and strengthen the very controls that already exist. Communism and socialism are all political byproducts of our failure to understand the business cycle. Blaming the rich, your neighbor or a particular race are all vain quests to explain the cause of a cycle that has moved through the boom bust phase. Who knows, perhaps it is possible that if for one moment we truly understood the business cycle and worked in harmony with it, the possibility of reducing the amplitude just might result in a more stable political-economy for all mankind.
Edgar CAYCE re: The Sinking of Japan
January 1934 :
“As to the changes physical again: The earth will be broken up in the western portion of America.
“The greater portion of Japan must go into the sea.
“The upper portion of Europe will be changed as in the twinkling of an eye.
“Land will appear off the east coast of America.”
( Japanese geologist Nobichiko Obara claims that the Japanese archipelago is sinking into the sea. )
Edgar Cayce's A.R.E.
Association for Research and Enlightenment
215 67th Street, Virginia Beach, VA 23451
Toll free: 800-333-4499; 757-428-3588
"The first sign of this change in the Earth's core would be the "breaking up of some conditions" in the South Pacific and "sinking or rising" in the Mediterranean or Etna area. Cayce forecast that, by the end of the century, New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco would be destroyed. He said that "the greater portion of Japan must go into the sea" at this time, and that northern Europe would be "changed as in the twinkling of an eye." In 1941, Cayce predicted that lands would appear in the Atlantic and the Pacific in the coming years, and that "the coastline now of many a land will be the bed of the ocean. Even many of the battlefields of (1941) will be ocean, will be the sea, the bays, the lands over which the new order will carry on their trade as with one another."
"Watch New York, Connecticut and the like. Many portions of the east coast will be disturbed, as well as many portions of the west coast, as well as the central portion of the United States. Los Angeles, San Francisco, most of all these will be among those that will be destroyed before New York, or New York City itself, will in the main disappear. This will be another generation though, here; while the southern portions of Carolina, Georgia, these will disappear. This will be much sooner. The waters of the Great Lakes will empty into the Gulf of Mexico."
Edgar Cayce Prophecy Maps
by Sally Painter
Reading 1152-11 Changes in US Coastlines
While Cayce never gave specific dates for Earth changes, he did map out a timeline of events that can be followed. Special attention was given in the readings that it would require "another generation" and often foretold which event would precede another one. It is clear that based on his readings, the geography of the entire world will change and it all begins with the polar shift.
Two Signals of the Beginning
The two signals Cayce researchers have attributed to the beginning of the major Earth changes are described in a Sept. 28, 1977 article titled, Prophecy Holds Bright Future of Livingston written by Owen Jones. This article appeared in the Livingston Enterprise newspaper serving the Livingston, Montana area and detailed that the simultaneous eruption of two famous volcanoes would herald the final shifting of the poles.
Mt. Pelee: Located on the French Caribbean Island of Martinique, Mt. Pelee last erupted in 1902.
Mt. Etna: Located in NE Sicily, Italy, Mt. Etna is an active volcano. It's the largest one currently active in Europe.
According to researchers of Cayce's readings, when both volcanoes erupt together, there will be approximately 90 days to evacuate the west coast before the massive flood claims the coastline.
Reading 3651-1 Japan and Parts of Europe Underwater
Many of the Cayce readings are archived as reports. The report of reading 3651-1 details the fate of Japan and part of Europe:
Japan will sink into the sea.
The upper portion of Europe will be changed instantaneously with displacement of oceans and rivers.
Sinking of Japan Disaster Scenes
... Meanwhile ...Full Movie
... And extremely understated ...
Coming Soon to a Planet near You !
Mentally ill man allegedly rapes pit bull
By Bob Wilson, WTNH Reporter & Micah Bailey, Assignment Editor Published: October 24, 2014, 12:54 pm Updated: October 26, 2014, 4:18 pm
WATERBURY, Conn. (WTNH)– Waterbury Police are investigating after a woman had to confront a naked man at gunpoint while he allegedly performed sexual acts on her pit bull Tuesday morning. The man is believed to be suffering from mental health issues.
“I thought my dog had killed somebody, because I saw a man underneath her,” said Alice Woodruff. “I started to scream. I had a citronella candle and I threw it at him, screaming get off my dog, you have to get out of here. He said no! Today is the day we are going to spend the rest of our lives together.”
Alice Woodruff lives in Waterbury, she says on Tuesday at 10 a.m. she found a man attacking her dog Layla, who she describes as an aggressive rescue pit bull who they keep on an 800-pound tow chain in the back yard; however, Woodruff says Layla was calm during the attack.
“He pranced through the yard naked, yelling ‘this is our day and you have to prosper in it,'” said Woodruff. “‘ISIS sent me,’ and I was thinking ‘did something like this just land in my back yard?’ I ran in, got my gun out of the bedroom, and realized as usual the ammunition is in my car locked in my glove box. I showed him the clip went in, but I always kept the gun at my side while I was talking to him. He kept saying this is the plan, that we were going to die today in a massacre. He didn’t seem to care that I had the gun, and I kept it down. Then I gave him a warning and shot the gun to the right into the dirt.”
“After you shoot the gun, did he take off?” we asked.
“No, he put his arms out and started walking toward me, telling me to kill him, but to know that as soon as I kill him that we were going to die,” said Woodruff. “Honestly, the whole time I thought there was a bomb or gun and he was going to take it out and do a massacre.”
Woodruff works in the mental field. She says standing next to a pile of clothes, the naked man in front of her, she felt the danger, but also compassion.
“I knew he needed help, and I knew there was something going on,” said Woodruff. “I have been in the field for so long there is no help for these people.”
“After all this you were still corn earned for his safety?” we asked.
“I don’t want him to harm anybody else,” said Woodruff. “Somebody else might have killed him, and he was only 22.”
Woodruff says the man is a neighbor of hers but they had never met. Tonight, he is in a hospital. Police say they will arrest him immediately when he is released from the hospital. They plan to charge him with cruelty to an animal, sexual assault, and breach of peace.
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and of course many more.