Stuff & Stuff
( March 2016 )
Sci-Techy News & Olds & Miscellaneous Odds, Ends, Evens & Beginnings
Pertinent Factoids for Enlightened Sovereign Human Beings with Rights & Choices who Refuse to pseudo-half-live as Retarded Religio-Fascist Dupes in Boring Denial, Willful Ignorance & Stupidiotic Slavery with Cranium-crammed-in-Colon till Death farts them out of insipid Incarnation…
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UPDATED 20 March
Just-Do-It-Yourself Nike Shoes Sold Separately --
Mexican farmer builds pyramid after being 'ordered by ALIEN
Raymundo Corona built the pyramid in Coahila near the Mexico-US border
He told me to build the temple in the form of a pyramid said Raymundo Corona.
Mr Corona, 33 when he claims the alien visited him in 1984, said: "He told me to build the temple in the form of a pyramid.
"When I asked him why it had to be in the form of a pyramid, he said it was because it should be like my faith, something that winds and storms couldn't move and was always pointing upwards."
Mr. Coriba saw the alien in his dreams before he visited in person, he built to pyramid to the aliens specifications.
Recalling the moment he asked his mysterious visitor his name, Mr Corona told Mexican daily La Vanguardia that Herulayka had warned him: "Many people will laugh at you, defame you and say it was an act of insanity or something he did during a bender, it was an act of a madman or a drug addict.
"He told me he came from the constellation of Orion, from a place called Nefilin which is a place 20 times larger than Earth where people are similar to human beings.
"He was a tall man with honey-coloured eyes and white hair down to the ground. He was barefoot and wore a tunic tied with a rope."
Mr Corona, whose wife was less than a day away from giving birth to his daughter at the time, says he had seen the alien in dreams before their meeting in person. He said the extraterrestrial had claimed humans were destroying their own planet and should wake up to the fact they must look after it like a child because it gave them what they needed for their own survival.
Monclova is less than 600 miles from Roswell in New Mexico where a US Air Force surveillance balloon crashed in 1947, sparking rumors it was actually an alien spacecraft.
A well-done summary-review :
[ Page 2 ]
Planet X Causing Massive Destruction as it Approaches: From Global Strange Sounds to Earths Moon Polar Shift. A Jaw-Dropping Amount of Compiled Evidence Never Seen Before !
We've got nothing else to do, so : Let's Dump on Dutch Sinse --
3/05/2016 -- Dutchsinse calls media ! Smeared by CBS News / PNSN + USGS over Mt. Saint Helens EQ
March 7, 2016
The properties of light can be controlled by means of nanostructures
A theoretical study based on computational simulations has shown that the intensity of ultraviolet light that is made to pass through a graphene nano-ribbon is modulated with a terahertz frequency. So we are seeing the opening up of a new field of research into obtaining terahertz radiation that has a whole host of applications.
Nanoscale, 2015; 7 (45): 19012
DOI: 10.1039/C5NR05889A
Optical field terahertz amplitude modulation by graphene nanoribbons.
Hong Zhang, Yoshiyuki Miyamoto, Xinlu Cheng, Angel Rubio.
In this study, first-principles time-dependent density functional theory calculations were used to demonstrate the possibility to modulate the amplitude of the optical electric field (E-field) near a semiconducting graphene nanoribbon. A significant enhancement of the optical E-field was observed 3.34 Å above the graphene nanoribbon sheet, with an amplitude modulation of approximately 100 fs, which corresponds to a frequency of 10 THz. In general, a six-fold E-field enhancement could be obtained, which means that the power of the obtained THz is about 36 times that of incident UV light. We suggest the use of semiconducting graphene nanoribbons for converting visible and UV light into a THz signal.
August 4, 2015
New device converts DC electric field to terahertz radiation
Tunable radiation source that reaches coveted THz region of spectrum could be used for medical imaging or security applications
..Researchers have designed a new device that can convert a DC electric field into a tunable source of terahertz radiation….
This device exploits the instabilities in the oscillation of conducting electrons at the device's surface, a phenomenon known as surface plasmon resonance. To address the terahertz gap, the team created a hybrid semiconductor: a layer of thick conducting material paired with two thin, two-dimensional crystalline layers made from graphene, silicene (a graphene-like material made from silicon instead of carbon), or a two-dimensional electron gas. When a direct current is passed through the hybrid semiconductor, it creates a plasmon instability at a particular wavenumber. This instability induces the emission of terahertz radiation, which can be harnessed with the help of a surface grating that splits the radiation.
By adjusting various parameters -- such as the density of conduction electrons in the material or the strength of the DC electric field -- it is possible to tune the cutoff wavenumber and, consequently, the frequency of the resulting terahertz radiation…
Journal of Applied Physics, 2015; 118 (5): 054303
DOI: 10.1063/1.4927101
Tunable surface plasmon instability leading to emission of radiation.
Godfrey Gumbs, Andrii Iurov, Danhong Huang, Wei Pan.
We propose a new approach for energy conversion from a dc electric field to tunable terahertz emission based on hybrid semiconductors by combining two-dimensional (2D) crystalline layers and a thick conducting material with possible applications for chemical analysis, security scanning, medical (single-molecule) imaging, and telecommunications. The hybrid nano-structure may consist of a single or pair of sheets of graphene, silicene, or a 2D electron gas. When an electric current is passed through a 2D layer, we discover that two low-energy plasmon branches exhibit a characteristic loop in their dispersion before they merge into an unstable region beyond a critical wave vector qc . This finite qc gives rise to a wavenumber cutoff in the emission dispersion of the surface plasmon induced instability and emission of radiation (spiler). However, there is no instability for a single driven layer far from the conductor, and the instability of an isolated pair of 2D layers occurs without a wavenumber cutoff. The wavenumber cutoff is found to depend on the conductor electron density, layer separation, distances of layers from the conductor surface, and the driving-current strength.
February 25, 2016
How brain oscillations respond to teleportation
Technology may not have caught up to the teleportation devices of science fiction, but now we have some idea of how the brain handles "beaming up" from one location to another, thanks to research by neuroscientists at the University of California, Davis, involving some specially wired volunteers.
The work is published online Feb. 25, 2016 in the journal Neuron.
Arne Ekstrom, associate professor at the UC Davis Center for Neuroscience, wants to know how we memorize places and routes, and learn to find our way around. It's long been known that as a rat navigates a maze, its brain gives off a rhythmic oscillation, Ekstrom said. This also happens when humans travel around a virtual landscape on a computer screen. Most models of brain function assume that the oscillations, emanating from the hippocampus deep inside the brain, are at least partly driven by external inputs.
"There is this rhythmic firing in the brain during navigation and while remembering things, but we don't know if it is triggered by sensory input or by the learning process," Ekstrom said.
Ekstrom, postdoc Lindsay Vass and graduate student Milagros Copara were able to solve this problem by working with a group of patients being treated at UC Davis' Department of Neurological Surgery. These patients have a severe form of epilepsy, and surgeon and study coauthor Kia Shahlaie implanted electrodes on their brains, inside the skull, to find out where seizure activity begins and identify treatment options.
In between seizures, the electrodes recorded normal brain activity, and three patients volunteered to take part in the experiment. They were asked to navigate through a streetscape on a computer screen. At some points, they entered a teleporter and jumped to a different, known location in the map. During teleportation, the screen went black for a random period of time.
Teleportation did not interrupt the oscillations at all, but the rhythm did change with the distance travelled during teleportation, Ekstrom said.
The results show that these oscillations are driven entirely by memory and learning processes in the brain, and do not depend on external senses. They also show that the oscillation carries information about speed and distance travelled, even when that travel is virtual teleportation.
February 18, 2016
Historic event: One-year 1 megawatt E-Cat trial completed
On February 17, 2016, a 350-day commercial test of a one megawatt heat plant based on Andrea Rossi’s E-Cat was completed. The event must be considered historic since it’s the first time an industrially useful amount of energy is produced over such a long time from this kind of yet unexplained radiation-free nuclear reaction—LENR or Low Energy Nuclear Reactions.
To be clear, the report from the one-year trial, which has been controlled by a major independent third party certification institute, will be released only in about a month, and until then no official information is provided on the test result. However, multiple sources have told me that the test has been successful.
Earlier, some sources having visited the test plant told me that the COP, Coefficient of Performance, i.e. the ratio between output power and input power for control, was in the range 20—80, meaning that the heat plant was consuming 12—50 kW while producing 1 MW—the average consumption of about 300 Western households, including electricity, space heating, water heating and air conditioning.
I have also been told that the total amount of fuel—mostly harmless elements such as lithium, hydrogen and nickel, according to Andrea Rossi’s granted patent on the technology—was in the range of tenths of grams. And supposedly the charge has never been changed during the year. On the other hand, after one year’s run, the reactors are now being recharged for further operation.
All this might be confirmed by the third party institute, that has been controlling the heat plant 24/7 with video cameras.
The test has been undertaken by Andrea Rossi and his US industrial partner Industrial Heat, and according to Rossi, commercialisation of similar industrial heat plants will be initiated as soon as possible, provided that the result is positive. Industrial Heat has acquired the right to produce and sell E-Cat based technology in, as far as I have been told, North, Central and South America, China, Russia, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.
Needless to say, the consequences of such an energy source for the world will be huge. And the consequences for industry, finance and society is also the focus of the New Energy World Symposium or NewS, which will be held in Stockholm, Sweden, on June 21, 2016, provided that the report from the test is clearly positive.
So, now we all wait for the report. Personally, however, I will put the champagne on ice. Now.
Comments --
First, Rossi never suggested that the radiation from the hot cat is anything other than heat — he specifically denied EM and gamma radiation. But if you’re concerned about the radiation spectrum of an LENR reaction (whatever the heck that is), simply measure it with appropriate spectroscopy.
But my main point is that an estimate of the energy produced by use of a thermal camera is a ruse by Rossi to begin with and is intended only to complicate, obfuscate and mislead. First, if you want a proof of concept of Rossi’s “effect”, then the device tested by Levi and reported by Lewan in 2011 is vastly better. At least 10 times as much power from about the same volume and a power out to power in ration also at least ten times better. Problem is, that measurement, just like ALL the measurements, publicly reported, in which Lewan/or and Levi were involved, lacked calibration and thus were worthless. In the case of the 2011 experiment, a simple (but deliberate by Rossi) misplacement of the output thermocouple, too close to the huge heater in the device, would be enough to get the results without any LENR.
One of the strangest aspects of this whole story is the decreasing output per volume of the ecats with time, a hallmark of energy scams, and the failure to repeat what seems like immensely successful and potentially probative experiments like Levi’s fluid/mass flow calorimetry run. Most of you know my conclusion about why those things are the way they are, so I won’t bother to repeat it again.
I can hardly wait for the big reveal– who the “independent” referee of Rossi’s will be this time, what the company is which allowed the test and was the “customer” and which agency has been trying without success to certify a domestic/home ecat for going on five years. And people think this is all real? And they really believe Rossi can spend 16 hours a day for a year inside the container with the machine and STILL not be able to say conclusively whether it works or not (F9 !!!!) Yah shoore.
“The most egregious error is the emissivity one, where the total and normal emissivity values used are the same in the report, but have been shown to be quite different in several skeptical analyses. This is important in that the power calculated by the report authors is directly a result of the emissivity values used. The reported COP is therefore directly connected to this conflation of emissivity values.”
Actually the most basic, fundamental and crucial error in every one of the tests, demos and experiments, reported publicly by and for Rossi has been the same identical and unforgivable mistake — failure to calibrate the output power measurement coupled with failure to insure the integrity of the input power source and measurement.
Mats Lewan, the late Dr. Kullander and Dr. Essen were criticized for this failure in early 2011 (the wet steam/dry steam debacle) and again in later experiments (the thermocouple placement debacle) and had every opportunity to get it right in the hot cat experiments. But they failed dismally to do so. It is completely incomprehensible that a device which incorporates a *built in* large electrical heater was not calibrated over the full operating temperature range, using that heater.
There are innumerable other inconsistencies, lies, deceptions and evasions in Rossi’s stories (he’s currently recycling the nonsense about having a huge (robotic?) factory ready to make millions of ecats). But the failure to hold Rossi’s feet to the performance of a proper calibration has happened every time and the only possible explanation is negligence and incompetence on the part of those assisting and participating in these tests.
That someone should take a discovery purported to be a tabletop multi kilowatt reactor and not work with a large company (think GE, GM, Tesla or any large Chinese or European company) is incomprehensible since this ridiculous farce has now gone 5 years!
The decrement in performance from a power output of 135kW peak and 20kW steady state reported in 2011 in Mats own magazine under *his authorship!* …
( )
… to the current arguable 3 kW of the hotcat is equally inexplicable. And the so-called COP went from better than 30 to the current claim of 3! This performance loss with time, when improvement would be expected, is the hallmark of an energy scam.
The lack of response of the Swedish scientists responsible for the Lugano report to responsible critiques by people like Thomas Clarke is also very telling.
The topping on the cake is Rossi claim to certification based on a worthless self-reported safety document and Rossi’s joy over a patent which simply describes a heater configuration wherein the source of heat could be anything — for example, the electric heater the device prominently contains. These claims are reminiscent of the time Rossi purchased a PhD diploma from a now state-closed fake university (Kensington). He is now claiming it was honorary which is pure nonsense. Rossi just makes stuff up as he goes along and the believers all swallow it.
11 chilling predictions for what the world will look like in 10 years
Private intelligence firm Stratfor predicts many countries will experience chaos and decline in the coming decade
In 2015, private-intelligence firm Strategic Forecasting, or Stratfor, published its Decade Forecast, in which it projects the next 10 years of global political and economic developments. :
Russia will collapse ...
.. and the US will have to use its military to secure the country's nukes.
Germany is going to have problems ...
... and Poland will be one of Europe's leaders.
There will be four Europes.
Turkey and the US will have to be close allies, but for an unexpected reason.
China will face one huge problem.
Japan will be Asia's rising naval power.
The South China Sea islands won't start a war, but there's a catch.
There will be 16 mini-Chinas.
US power will decline.
Garlic Extract vs Plaque
...As reported in the Journal of Nutrition, aged garlic extract shows significant promise in its ability to reverse deadly buildup of plaque in arteries. The study was found to both reduce the amount of accumulated “soft plaque” in the arteries as well as prevent new plaque from forming.
Reduction of plaque in arteries after a year of aged garlic extract
The study, conducted at the independent biomedical research facility LA BioMed, Torrance, Calif., showed that adding the supplement aged garlic extract resulted in a reduction in the amount of soft plaque, also known as low-attenuation plaque, that had built up in the arteries of patients. Participants in the study were already known to be suffering from metabolic syndrome, which carries with it a number of cardiac disease risk factors, including hypertension and obesity.
.This isn’t the first time aged garlic extract has been associated with a reduction in plaque build-up of coronary arteries or heart disease. A study published in the July 2012 issue of Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research found that average coronary artery calcium progression was significantly less one year after the start of the study among subjects receiving a combination of coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) and aged garlic extract...
New study shows aged garlic extract can reduce dangerous plaque buildup in arteries
Supplement can help prevent progression of heart disease
The supplement Aged Garlic Extract can reverse the buildup of deadly plaque in arteries and help prevent the progression of heart disease, according to a new study scheduled for publication in the Journal of Nutrition.
The research, conducted at LA BioMed, found a reduction in the amount of low-attenuation plaque, or "soft plaque," in the arteries of patients with metabolic syndrome who took Aged Garlic Extract. Metabolic syndrome is characterized by obesity, hypertension and other cardiac risk factors.
"This study is another demonstration of the benefits of this supplement in reducing the accumulation of soft plaque and preventing the formation of new plaque in the arteries, which can cause heart disease," said Matthew J. Budoff, MD, an LA BioMed lead researcher. "We have completed four randomized studies, and they have led us to conclude that Aged Garlic Extract can help slow the progression of atherosclerosis and reverse the early stages of heart disease."
The study involved 55 patients, aged 40 to 75 years, who had been diagnosed with metabolic syndrome. All the participants underwent screening at the beginning of the study to measure the total coronary plaque volume as well as dense calcium, non-calcified plaque and low-attenuation plaque. The screening was conducted using Cardiac Computed Tomography Angiography (CCTA), a noninvasive imaging technology that accurately measures calcium deposits and plaque buildup in the arteries.
Following evaluation, the participants were given either a placebo or a dose of 2,400 milligrams of Aged Garlic Extract every day. A follow-up screening conducted a year after the initial screening found those who had taken Aged Garlic Extract had slowed total plaque accumulation by 80%, reduced soft plaque and demonstrated regression (less plaque on follow-up) for low-attenuation plaque.
Garlic and Heart Disease
Ravi Varshney, Matthew J Budoff
Background: Thousands of studies have been published based on animal and human studies evaluating garlic's effects and safety.
Objective: We reviewed the available literature investigating the effects of garlic supplements on hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, C-reactive protein (CRP), pulse wave velocity (PWV), and coronary artery calcium (CAC), as well as available data on side effects.
Methods: We searched PubMed for all human studies using medical subject heading words through 30 May 2013 and assessed relevant review articles and original studies. Only double-blind, randomized, controlled trials and meta-analyses of double-blind, randomized, controlled trials were included. The review of articles and data extraction were performed by 2 independent authors, with any disagreements resolved by consensus.
Results: Garlic supplementation reduced blood pressure by 7–16 mm Hg (systolic) and 5–9 mm Hg (diastolic) (4 meta-analyses and 2 original studies). It reduced total cholesterol by 7.4–29.8 mg/dL (8 meta-analyses). The most consistent benefits were shown in studies that used aged garlic extract (AGE). A few small studies that used AGE also showed favorable effects on CAC, CRP, and PWV. Although garlic is generally safe, rare adverse reactions have been documented with limited causality established.
Conclusion: We conclude that garlic supplementation has the potential for cardiovascular protection based on risk factor reduction (hypertension and total cholesterol) and surrogate markers (CRP, PWV, and CAC) of atherosclerosis. Larger studies are warranted to evaluate these effects further.
Soviet scientists against illuminati - Fukushima (Sovjetski naučnici protiv iluminata)
(* Google translation) Independent analyst Sergei Albertovich Sallj, doctor of physico-mathematical sciences, professor, secretary of the St. Peterburg part "of the Russian Physical Society," and assistant to the president of "the Russian Physical Society" shared unique information about the achievements of Soviet science and global monopoly over knowledge.
Why was science in the USSR actively developing for only 15 years? Why cold nuclear fusion, finding physicians Ivana Filimonenko, wasn't allowed for use by Korolev, Kurchatov and Gluškov? What's behind mysterious deaths of these great scientists? Why is the program of cold nuclear fusion in the Soviet Union declared pseudo-scientific? Why are being killed an associate scientist all over the world, including the United States? What happened to the chief designer of St.Peters-burg company that was involved in the manufacture engines based on cold nuclear fusion? Which actually deals with the "Commission combating pseudoscience"? Why the Japanese are not able to implement in their industry alternative technology? What is the truth discovered by the former Minister of Economy of Japan - Heizi Takenaka? What is behind the tragedy of Fukushima? Is there such a thing as a geo-physical weapon?
Transcription of Russian Cold Fusion Video Documenting 1957 Start
Ivan Filimonenko - Cold fusion, Part 2
A soviet documentary about the work of Ivan Filimonenko, a Russian scientist, who invented ways of producing energy through cold fusion, neutralize radiation, achieve reactionless thrust for propulsion system and discovered a way to significantly slow the aging process of the human body.
The invention of Hammond "Godsite" glasses
George Hammond
Traditional theory has it that eyeglass correction in middle age is necessitated by the decreasing flexibility of the lens in the eye requiring the assistance of a lens to acquire proper focus accomodation. Recent discoveries however cast some questions on this theory... particularly since it is the "resting curvature" of the lens, not the "accommodation curvature" of the lens which seems to be the most widespread problem.. and there is little reason to believe that the ambient "resting curvature" of the lens would be under any (aging) pressure to change.
Rather, HAMMOND'S research seems to indicate that it is brain development (e.g. perceptual development) during one's lifetime toward "better true size perception" that simply requires an unobtainable change in ambient curvature... which produces "blurred vision" in older people and requires glasses.
The PROBLEM with glasses is that they change the focus location of the image by MAGNIFYING the object. For instance My glasses (I am farsighted, hence positive lenses) cause a measurable 5%-Magnification of everything I am seeing, in order to move the focal plane to the retina (focus correction).
My question is this. If we suppose, according to HAMMOND'S THEORY that this change in apparent size of the World with age is a "natural design of God"... isn't there an (optical) way that we could move the plane of focus so that we wouldn't have blurred vision, WITHOUT introducing any "changed magnification" into the system.
This then, would produce "True Godsite" without blurring or manmade magnification... according to Hammond's new theory.
Is it optically-possible to make a pair of glasses which will do this... or are we up against some kind of optical law which says it is impossible.
If it IS POSSIBLE, then according to Hammond's discovery, the present design of glasses is actually quite psychologically harmful, sort of the optical equivalent of "bleeding someone with leeches" used to be in the olden days of medicine.
As scened by John @ Revelation [ # ] :
Fukushima/Unstoppable/1/3 Worlds Oceans Dying.
March 08, 2016
Harm/Benefit Analysis
According to Kaczynski, we need to reject organization-dependent technologies that tie us into the technosphere, and cultivate organization-independent ones:
Small-scale technology is technology that can be used by small-scale communities without outside assistance. Organization-dependent technology is technology that depends on large-scale social organization. We are aware of no significant cases of regression in small-scale technology. But organization-dependent technology does regress when the social organization on which it depends breaks down.
Easier said than done! It implies eliminating just about everything that makes it possible for people to survive. It implies living without electricity—not even off-grid systems that use batteries, photovoltaic cells and small-scale wind generators. It means living without pumped water, because demand pumps, pipes and valves are all manufactured products. It means living without electronics of any kind, since the electronics industry is globally integrated. No internet; no vaccinations; no cosmetic dentistry; no eyeglasses; no antibiotics or painkillers... Nothing that's mass-produced... It means living off the land using crude tools you can fashion yourself in a primitive smithy using salvaged metal. Very few people would ever settle for that!
Sorry, Ted, but we need a better metric on which to base our decisions than simply sorting technologies into organization-dependent and organization-independent, and depriving ourselves of all the organization-dependent ones. So how about we do this instead: define a reasonably complete list of positive and negative aspects of technology, and then select which technologies we do use in order to maximize the benefit while minimizing the harm?
Calculating the harm/benefit ratio
Unlike the primitivist, extremist approach outlined above, this is a perfectly copacetic, constructive initiative, but I believe that the end result will be exactly the same, although achieved more gradually. You see, the harm/benefit analysis maximizes technology's benefit to us while minimizing technology's harm to us—not the technosphere. And I would conjecture that, based on which aspects of technology we regard as positive or negative, we can structure the process so that whatever helps us also shrinks the technosphere, and vice versa.
Here are 30 aspects of technology, in no particular order, which, for each technology, take a value somewhere between harmful and beneficial:
Harmful / Beneficial
1. toxic/radioactive / inert/biodegradable/edible
2. disposable / maintainable
3. mandatory / optional
4. limited useful life / unlimited useful life
5. fosters dependence / fosters autonomy
6. standardized / custom
7. expensive /free
8. obsolescent / perpetual
9. single-purpose / multiple-purpose
10. depletes resources / conserves resources
11. artificial / natural
12. synthetic / organic
13. industrial / artisanal
14. limits options / opens up possibilities
15. transnational / local
16. requires specialists / requires generalists
17. classifiable / unclassifiable
18. analytical / intuitive
19. individual use / community use
20. new / (re)used
21. consumer grade / commercial grade
22. rarely used / frequently used
23. networked / standalone
24. powered / unpowered
25. automatic / manual
26. branded / generic
27. proprietary / open-source
28. registered / anonymous
29. requires access / requires skill
30. individual effort / team effort
To analyze a particular technology, add up its harm h and its benefit b. To determine its Harm/Benefit Ratio (HBR) divide one by the other:
HBR = h / b
Click here to download a Harm/Benefit Calculator in spreadsheet format :
Note that there is nothing magical about the 30 aspects of technology listed above, and you can modify this list or come up with one entirely your own. It is just a way of evaluating the pros and cons of technology, but with a particular view in mind: what is considered beneficial is that which is beneficial to you, within your local environment, human or natural, which makes you autonomous, self-sufficient and free. And what is considered harmful is what disrupts the natural environment while depriving you of autonomy, self-sufficiency and freedom, forcing you to relinquish control to impersonal, remote, nonhuman entities.
Technology is neither good nor bad, and it is essential for survival. Our job is to pick and choose carefully, to embrace technologies that liberate and empower us, and to look for ways to avoid or eliminate the ones that weaken us, make us dependent on outside interests and forces, and can even result in our extinction as a species along with all the rest (yes, there are a few such technologies).
If we do this job well, then we will shrink the technosphere — the oppressive, totalitarian, malignant, global entity into which technology has been allowed to coalesce. The mechanism by which the technosphere will shrink is a simple one to describe but rather difficult to evaluate in a quantifiable fashion. But sometimes such quantifiable evaluation isn't necessary; all that's needed is the ability to predict with confidence that the required result will be obtained through some finite, physically possible amount of effort. For example, there is no need for precise mathematical models to estimate how many whacks with a stick it will take to break a piñata; it sufficient to know that some reasonable number of whacks is enough to get at the candy inside it. And so it is here: some amount of effort, of which we humans, being adaptable and resourceful, are most certainly capable, provided we are sufficiently incentivized and motivated, will produce the result we are looking for.
The technosphere expands when it gains efficiency. The efficiency in question is not some relative measure of the amount of useful output for a certain amount of input. Rather, it is the systemic efficiency of the technosphere as a whole: does it, all other things being equal, gain a greater measure of control over us? If we select technologies that cause us to relinquish control to the technosphere, then we are doing its work for it, making it more efficient. Conversely, if we select technologies that specifically deprive the technosphere of control or make the exercise of control more expensive in terms of time, resources and energy, then we reduce its efficiency and its scope.
And this will cause it to shrink. This effect is automatic. The technosphere's emergent intelligence is the intelligence of a machine. Its internal programming is such that it always acts rationally in its own internal self-interest. For the technosphere, the ends always justify the means, to the exclusion of every other consideration. These ends are: limitless growth and expansion; complete domination of the biosphere; and complete control over us humans. If we succeed in thwarting it to a point where increased effort leads to decreased results, then, being rational, it will have no choice but to decrease effort... and shrink. This process, if taken far enough, will reduce it to a set of mere instrumentalities, from which we can choose à la carte — no longer able to pursue its own agenda but pressed into service if needed and allowed to dwindle and disappear if not.
Harm/Benefit Ratio Calculator
Harm -- Benefit
toxic/radioactive 0 -- inert/biodegradable/edible 0
disposable 0 -- maintainable 0
mandatory 0 -- optional 0
limited useful life 0 -- unlimited useful life 0
fosters dependence 0 -- fosters autonomy 0
standardized 0 -- custom 0
expensive 0 -- free 0
obsolescent 0 -- perpetual 0
single-purpose 0 -- multiple-purpose 0
depletes resources 0 -- conserves resources 0
artificial 0 -- natural 0
synthetic 0 -- organic 0
industrial 0 -- artisanal 0
limits options 0 -- opens up possibilities 0
transnational 0 -- local 0
requires specialists 0 -- requires generalists 0
classifiable 0 -- unclassifiable 0
transparent 0 -- ambiguous/opaque 0
individual use 0 -- community use 0
new 0 -- (re)used 0
consumer grade 0 -- commercial grade 0
rarely used 0 -- frequently used 0
networked 0 -- standalone 0
powered 0 -- unpowered 0
automatic 0 -- manual 0
branded 0 -- generic 0
proprietary 0 -- open-source 0
registered 0 -- anonymous 0
requires access 0 -- requires skill 0
individual effort 0 -- team effort
Is Alzheimer's being spread by cold sore virus? Controversial theory fuels fears disease could be infectious
by Fiona Macrae
The cold sore virus and other common bugs are major causes of Alzheimer’s disease, it was claimed last night.
The controversial theory will fuel fears that Alzheimer’s is infectious – and raise fresh concerns about whether it could be linked to blood transfusions.
However, it also suggests that antibiotic and antiviral medicines already on pharmacy shelves could be used to treat the memory-robbing disease.
An international team of researchers, including experts from Cambridge, Edinburgh and Manchester universities, said evidence that bugs are behind Alzheimer’s is ‘incontrovertible’ and can no longer be ignored.
In a powerful editorial in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Research, the 31 doctors and scientists say the idea that microbes cause Alzheimer’s has been long neglected.
Yet there are more than 100 studies linking the cold sore bug – herpes simplex virus 1, or HSV-1 – to it.
Other suspects include a bacterium that causes pneumonia. The researchers argue that after working their way into the brain the microbes lie dormant, only to be awakened by ageing or illness.
They can then kill vital brain cells, triggering the symptoms of Alzheimer’s. The theory also states that beta-amyloid, the toxic protein often thought to be a cause of the disease, is actually made by the brain to fight off the bugs.
Last autumn, UK research raised fears the disease could be spread through blood transfusions, operations and even dental work.
Conventional wisdom states that Alzheimer’s is either caused by faulty genes or a combination of bad luck and ageing.
Evidence for the latest theory includes Manchester University research on human brain cells, which found that infection with the cold sore virus caused a dramatic increase in levels of beta-amyloid.
Other research shows that viruses and other bugs are present in the brains of most elderly people – and that the cold sore virus hides in regions key to memory and mood.
Professor Douglas Kell, a Manchester University biologist and one of the report’s authors, said that dormant bacteria have been found in blood. And while he doesn’t want to cause alarm, it is possible they could be passed on through blood transfusions. The editorial concludes that with tests of hundreds of other drugs coming to nothing, the time is ripe to look at alternatives.
It states: ‘Given the failure of 413 trials of other types of therapy carried out between 2002 and 2012, anti-viral or anti-microbial treatment could rectify the “no drug works” impasse.’
Others cautioned that while more research is justified, there no firm evidence that the disease is contagious.
Dr James Pickett, head of research at the Alzheimer’s Society, said: ‘A large number of different microbes including viruses, bacteria and fungi have been found in the brains of older people – but there do appear to be more of them in the brains of people who have died with Alzheimer’s disease.
‘While these observations are interesting and warrant further research, there is currently insufficient evidence to tell us that microbes are responsible for causing Alzheimer’s disease in the vast majority of cases. We would like to reassure people that there remains no convincing evidence that Alzheimer’s is contagious or can be passed from person to person like a virus.’
15 Mar, 2016
Nano-sized particles cure final-stage breast cancer in mice – breakthrough study
Nanotechnology has helped scientists cure mice which have breast cancer in its terminal stage. The study could be a turning point in treating the disease with clinical trials on human patients expected to be conducted as early as next year.
"I would never want to over-promise to the thousands of patients looking for a cure but the data is astounding," Mauro Ferrari, president of the Houston Methodist Research Institute in Texas and a co-senior author of the paper said in the press release published by the Houston Methodist leading medicine website. The study, conducted by a team of researchers from Houston Methodist Research Institute, was published in the journal Nature Biotechnology.
A radiologist examines breast X-rays after a regular cancer prevention medical check-up at a radiology center in Nice. © Eric Gaillard 'Mind-boggling' breast cancer therapy can make tumors ‘disappear’ in 11 days, doctors say
The new treatment for breast cancer, which used the so-called “nanoparticle generator” proved to be effective in mice and, therefore, has colossal potential to be transformed in order to treat the disease in humans, scientists said. The generator successfully interferes with the tumor cell’s ability to develop drug resistance.
“This may sound like science fiction, like we’ve penetrated and destroyed the Death Star, but what we discovered is transformational. We invented a method that actually makes the nanoparticles inside the cancer and releases the drug particles at the site of the cellular nucleus. With this injectable nanoparticle generator, we were able to do what standard chemotherapy drugs, vaccines, radiation, and other nanoparticles have all failed to do,” said Ferrari.
During their research Ferrari and his colleagues used a chemotherapy drug called doxorubicin but hid it inside microscopic silicon discs. This way the cancer cells lost their ability to resist the treatment. When the disc was inside a tumor cell, it broke down and the anti-cancer doxorubicin was released.
The study showed that half of the mice that had been injected with the new drug had no traces of cancer for eight months. This is tantamount to 24 years in humans, the scientists explained.
"If this research bears out in humans and we see even a fraction of the survival time, we are still talking about dramatically extending life for many years.
"That’s essentially a providing a cure in a patient population that is now being told there is none," Ferrari said.
Although the new method was only tested for curing breast cancer, Ferrari expressed a strong hope that it could be also used in fighting other cancer types.
According to the scientist, the discovery could completely turn the current cancer treatment head over hills.
"We are talking about changing the landscape of metastatic disease, so it’s no longer a death sentence," he said.
“Lung and liver metastases are the two main reasons why we lose cancer patients. The results we have proven with this paper is that we can provide a functional cure; we can essentially cure long-term, [giving] disease-free survival for about 50 per cent of the animals that we provided this therapy to."
The scientists plan to obtain approval from the Federal Drug Administration and begin clinical trials in humans in 2017.
Also published as: WO2008021908 // US2008311182 // MX2009001461 // JP2010500375
Multistage delivery vehicles are disclosed which include a first stage particle and a second stage particle. The first stage particle is a micro or nanoparticle that contains the second stage particle. The second stage particle includes an active agent, such as a therapeutic agent or an imaging agent. The multistage delivery vehicle allows sequential overcoming or bypassing of biological barriers. The multistage delivery vehicle is administered as a part of a composition that includes a plurality of the vehicles. Methods of making the multistage delivery vehicles are also provided.
14 March 2016
Mathematicians shocked to find pattern in ‘random’ prime numbers
…Although whether a number is prime or not is pre-determined, mathematicians don’t have a way to predict which numbers are prime, and so tend to treat them as if they occur randomly. Now Kannan Soundararajan and Robert Lemke Oliver of Stanford University in California have discovered that isn’t quite right….
The pair found that in the first hundred million primes, a prime ending in 1 is followed by another ending in 1 just 18.5 per cent of the time. If the primes were distributed randomly, you’d expect to see two 1s next to each other 25 per cent of the time. Primes ending in 3 and 7 take up the slack, each following a 1 in 30 per cent of primes, while a 9 follows a 1 in around 22 per cent of occurrences.
Similar patterns showed up for the other combinations of endings, all deviating from the expected random values. The pair also found them in other bases, where numbers are counted in units other than 10s. That means the patterns aren’t a result of our base-10 numbering system, but something inherent to the primes themselves. The patterns become more in line with randomness as you count higher – the pair have checked up to a few trillion – but still persists...
15 Mar 2016
The Complete History Of Monsanto, “The World’s Most Evil Corporation”
Ryan Cristian
Of all the mega-corps running amok, Monsanto has consistently outperformed its rivals, earning the crown as “most evil corporation on Earth!” Not content to simply rest upon its throne of destruction, it remains focused on newer, more scientifically innovative ways to harm the planet and its people.
As true champions of evil, they won’t stop until…well, until they’re stopped! But what is Monsanto and how did they get to be so obscenely evil in the first place? I think that’s the best place to start this journey, so grab a few non-GMO snacks or beverages and let’s go for a ride into the deep, murky sewers of their dark past….
New technique for rapidly killing bacteria using tiny gold disks and light
Light-activated gold nanoparticles destroy potentially deadly bacterial cells in seconds
Researchers have developed a new technique for killing bacteria in seconds using highly porous gold nanodisks and light, according to a study published today in Optical Materials Express, a journal published by The Optical Society. The method could one day help hospitals treat some common infections without using antibiotics, which could help reduce the risk of spreading antibiotics resistance.
"We showed that all of the bacteria were killed pretty quickly . . . within 5 to 25 seconds. That's a very fast process," said corresponding author Wei-Chuan Shih, a professor in the electrical and computer engineering department, University of Houston, Texas.
Scientists create gold nanoparticles in the lab by dissolving gold, reducing the metal into smaller and smaller disconnected pieces until the size must be measured in nanometers. One nanometer equals a billionth of a meter. A human hair is between 50,000 to 100,000 nanometers in diameter. Once miniaturized, the particles can be crafted into various shapes including rods, triangles or disks.
Previous research shows that gold nanoparticles absorb light strongly, converting the photons quickly into heat and reaching temperatures hot enough to destroy various types of nearby cells -- including cancer and bacterial cells.
In 2013, Shih and his colleagues from the University of Houston created a new type of gold disk-like nanoparticle that measures to a few hundred nanometers in diameter. The disks are riddled with pores, lending the particles a sponge-like look that helps increase their heating efficiency while maintaining their stability, said Shih.
In the new work, the researchers set out to test the antimicrobial properties of their new nanoparticles when activated by light. They grew bacteria in the lab including E. coli and two types of heat-resistant bacteria that thrive in even the most scorching environments such as the hot springs of Yellowstone National Park.
Then, they placed the bacteria cells on surface of a single-layer coating of the tiny disks and shone near infrared light from a laser on them. Afterward, they used cell viability tests and SEM imaging to see what percentage of cells survived the procedure.
Using a thermal imaging camera, the research team showed that the surface temperature of the particles reached temperatures up to 180 degrees Celsius nearly instantaneously, "delivering thermal shocks" into the surrounding array. As a result, all of the bacterial cells were killed within 25 seconds, the researchers report.
E. coli proved most vulnerable to the treatment; all of its cells were dead after only five seconds of laser exposure. The other two types of bacteria required the full 25 seconds, but that's still much quicker than traditional sterilization methods such as boiling water or using dry-heat ovens, which can take minutes to an hour to work, said Shih. And it's "considerably shorter" than what other nanoparticle arrays have demonstrated in recent studies, the researchers write. The time needed to achieve similar levels of cell death in those studies ranges from 1 to 20 minutes.
In control trials, the researchers found that neither the gold disks nor light from the laser alone killed nearly as many cells.
The technique has important potential biomedical applications, said Shih. Currently, the researchers are investigating using the particles as a simple coating for catheters to help reduce the number of urinary tract infections in hospitals.
"Any sort of light activated procedure would be much easier to implement at the bedside of a patient," instead of removing and potentially replacing the catheter every time it needs to be cleaned, he said.
Another potential application they're exploring is integrating the nanoparticles with filter membranes in small water filters, he said, to help improve water quality.
Optical Materials Express, 2016; 6 (4): 1217
DOI: 10.1364/OME.6.001217
Photothermal inactivation of heat-resistant bacteria on nanoporous gold disk arrays.
Greggy M. Santos, Felipe Ibañez de Santi Ferrara, Fusheng Zhao, Debora F. Rodrigues, Wei-Chuan Shih.
A rapid photothermal bacterial inactivation technique has been developed by irradiating near-infrared (NIR) light onto bacterial cells (Escherichia coli, Bacillus subtilis, Exiguobacterium sp. AT1B) deposited on surfaces coated with a dense, random array of nanoporous gold disks (NPGDs). With the use of cell viability tests and SEM imaging results, the complete inactivation of the pathogenic and heat-resistant bacterial model strains is confirmed within ~25 s of irradiation of the NPGD substrate. In addition to irradiation control experiments to prove the efficacy of the bacterial inactivation, thermographic imaging showed an immediate averaged temperature rise above 200 °C within the irradiation spot of the NPGD substrate. The light-gated photothermal effects on the NPGD substrate offers potential applications for antimicrobial and nanotherapeutic devices due to strong light absorption in the tissue optical window, i.e., the NIR wavelengths, and robust morphological structure that can withstand high instantaneous thermal shocks.
Mar. 18, 2016
12 science-backed habits to get a better night's sleep
Lydia Ramsey and Jessica Orwig
The endless opportunities that technology offers come with an unexpected side effect: There never seem to be enough hours in the day to get things done and rest, too.
And our bodies might be suffering for it.
Whether it is because we're staying up late watching the latest show or lying awake in bed, unable to sleep, about 20% of Americans are sleep-deprived, experts estimate.
Rather than suffer through the day feeling groggy, here are 12 science-backed habits that can help you get a good night's sleep — tonight.
Avoid "social jet lag" by keeping consistent sleeping hours.
As much fun as sleeping in on the weekends is, it's not doing your body any favors. You can blame something called "social jet lag."
Unlike regular jet lag, this one only happens when our body clocks get thrown off by the gap between our weekend and weekday sleep schedules. You can avoid it by waking up at the same time each day.
Steer clear of computer/phone screens right before bed.
Do not attempt.
You might think that scrolling through your Instagram feed before bed might be a good way to wind down, but it's not helping you fall asleep.
Studies suggest that the light from cellphones and other electronic devices may interfere with our brain's production of melatonin, the chemical that tells our bodies it's time to sleep.
To combat this, researchers suggest powering down your devices an hour before heading to bed. Plus, you'll also have more time to read that book you keep neglecting.
Exercise regularly.
The relationship between sleep and exercise is a little complicated. A small study of women with insomnia found a connection between better sleep and exercise. The better night's sleep you get, the more likely you'll work out.
But it's a beneficial cycle. The study found that four months down the road of exercising consistently, the women were sleeping at least 45 minutes more a night.
Sleep well. Work out well. Repeat.
Eat a diverse diet.
In an analysis of the 2007-2008 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, researchers at the University of Pennsylvania found that the amount of time people slept was linked to the types of foods they ate.
And "normal sleepers" — those who got seven to eight hours of shut-eye each night — tended to eat a more diverse diet.
Obviously, the researchers can't say whether spicing up your plate will necessarily help you sleep, but it likely won't do any harm!
Stay away from caffeine starting six hours before bed.
Caffeine is one of the best ways to get an energy boost in the morning, but if you consume it too close to bed, it could cause some sleep problems.
A small study of 12 healthy normal sleepers who took caffeine pills zero, three, or six hours before bed found that the participants had the best night's sleep if they didn't have caffeine within at least six hours of sleeping. Big surprise.
Cuddle up in a bedroom that's cool.
Bonus: Cooler temperatures make for better blanket forts.
Studies suggest there's an optimal temperature for sleeping: Sixty to 66 degrees Fahrenheit if you're wearing pajamas and have a blanket, and 86 to 89 degrees if you prefer to sleep with a little less on. Scientists think that when our bodies cool down, it helps jump-start the sleep process.
Know how much sleep you need. It changes with age.
Sleep training helped me sleep like a baby more of the time.
As you grow, your body changes and so do your sleeping needs. Here's the recommended number of hours of sleep you need depending on your age group, according to the National Sleep Foundation:
0 to 3 months: 14 to 17 hours
4 to 11 months: 12 to 15 hours
1 to 2 years: 11 to 14 hours
3 to 5 years: 10 to 13 hours
6 to 13 years: 9 to 11 hours
14 to 17 years: 8 to 10 hours
18 to 64 years: 7 to 9 hours
Over 65 years: 7 to 8 hours
Skip the snooze button. Your body will thank you.
That glorious snooze button sure seems inviting in the morning, but it could be messing up your sleep cycle and making you feel more tired throughout the day. Here are two reasons you should skip the snooze.
The quality of sleep you get after hitting snooze is less than if you just continued sleeping for those extra 10 minutes. And by falling back to sleep, you're setting yourself up for another sleep cycle that you have no chance of finishing, according to Robert S. Rosenberg, the medical director of the Sleep Disorders Center of Prescott Valley and Flagstaff, Arizona.
Avoid a nightcap.
Anyone who's ever had one too many knows that alcohol sometimes seems to put you to sleep.
But according to the National Institute of Health, alcohol toys with signals in your brain that affect your quality of sleep. More specifically, it robs you of the deeper, restorative stages of sleep, which is why you may feel tired and unrested the morning after.
Don't sleep like this.
If you're having a hard time sleeping and wake up with aches and pains the next morning, you might want to reassess your sleeping position.
A large telephone survey of Australian residents revealed that people who favored sleeping on their side were less likely to report aches and pains and sleepless nights compared to people who sleep in any other position.
Holy Crap! They Hid MARS From Us -- Covering Over Whole Cities!
David Voss
Life on Mars, water, trees, ancient cities.
Evidence of life on Mars and the Moon, Actual nasa pictures. proof life existed on Mars. cities on the Moon.Actual Nasa pictures the truth revealed. inca like cities on mars, skulls found on mars surface.Transport networks discovered all over mars that lead underground, evidence of ancient farming on mars. evidence of beach shores on mars and oceans, actual pictures of water found in lakes on mars, actual structures found on the moon and more. you must see it to beleive it ! also vegetation found on mars ! we are being lied to find out the real truth !
10 Times The Simpsons Predicted The Future
From predicting Donald Trumps run for presidency to the massive outbreak of the Ebola virus, we count down 10 Times The Simpsons Predicted The Future.
Update re: Sterling Allen / :
Reader responds to a thread about the Scalia death, an international pedophile ring, and Sterling Allan
In Response To: Why does VT spell his name as "Stirling David Allen" when his name is apparently "Sterling David Allan"? (MrFusion)
This email from a reader is being posted in response to a thread from Feb. 27. See the thread links toward the bottom of this page. The posts in that thread will give some context to what the reader is saying. Also note that the link given in the first post in that thread for the VT story no longer works. The story has been updated and the new link is here:
The email from reader R.:
Mar 18th: VT lies are being reprinted everywhere even by bloggers that ought to know better
Hope you can post updates..Did anybody cared to try to contact his father ?
His website is here: and
I was under the impression that Utah state decided NOT to charge him in regards to his affair with a young teen (between 16-18 yrs old I believe)
Also apparently it was Keshe (a CIA tool-asset with a messianic complex) that made the grandiose charges vs Allan at the US consulate at the FBI desk (!).. some say that his angel investor (a rich ?! Indian guy) kept him out of jail and Allan agreed to work with the powers to be to eke out free energy tinkerers ?
In any event I do smell a set up-before his arrest Sterling as per his website was supposed to fly to Russia and meet inventors of a working on free energy devices..
Funny but the many websites of S. Allan are no longer being updated etc..becoming like zombie websites(live on forever)
And those in the free energy movement(I am just an enquirer,not an inventor etc) suddenly all have total amnesia ?
The angel investor Allan was partnering with - I do suspect foul play here
I do know that Geoffrey Smith of Energy labs did not get a good impression when Allan and his angel investor visited him for over a week..Note-Allan sort of $$$ oriented-this is how he is perceived for better or worse by free energy tinkerers- many are paranoid beyond reason but unfortunately many for good reasons too
Look what happened to the late Paul Pantone (died on Dec 15)-was it foul play- well he shortly died after his 1st GEET book-his websites are now zombie websites..
In any event the only one seeming to be doing okay is the infamous Eric P Dollard
thanks to Aaron Murakami of the
Sterlng Allen / PESWiki & Judge Scalia & The Order of Saint Hubertus & Keshe & You :
Back to Keshe
Keshe came to us with solid proof that Sterling Allan, working directly with an elite group in Belgium, was operating inside the “Free Energy Community” online recruiting children through sex trafficking.
He presented a wealth of solid evidence, videos, email, more, that a network existed that tied “new age” types to not only online recruiting but to NGO’s working in South and Central America, in Africa and the Middle East, were involved as well.
We found organizations that were running schools and orphanages, “Palestinian scholarships,” help for abused or displaced mothers, from Lebanon, to Morocco, to Mexico and Brazil, all involved in stealing children.
These groups plant themselves near the camps in the Middle East, preying on the Palestinians or working with ISIS to traffick Syrian and Iraqi Christians and Shiites, with full support of Turkish organized crime and suspected complicity with their intelligence services and political leadership as well…
In August 2015, we arranged for Keshe to meet with the FBI in Rome to hand over his evidence. As many know by now, the computers seized on January 15, 2016 by FBI agent Jeff Ross in Salt Lake City, Utah contained files that listed high level clients, details of their preferences and enough to secure the kind of protection we had been seeing in Lebanon, Syria, Nigeria, Morocco, Turkey, Belgium, Britain, Ireland and the United States.
Our information that it was Justice Scalia of the US Supreme Court who was protecting, Sterling Allan, despite nearly 2 years of him doing everything imaginable to be arrested, was confirmed.
Our report on Scalia’s murder at the hands of a secret society tied to the Bohemian Grove “satanic cult” was also confirmed, as was our information that only after Scalia’s death could Sterling Allan be arrested.
We also have seen the “spin” that has tried to move what is solid evidence into conspiracy theory through wild misrepresentations of the Scalia-Obama meeting, or even blaming Obama personally for a “pillow over the face” suffocation killing partial confirmation as well, particularly when we follow the sources of these fabrications into the midst of Washington’s pedophile sewer...
Let’s take a look at Scalia and the St. Hubertus group, a subset we are all informed, of the “Bohemian Grove” secret society. We know those involved are selected, not just money and power but for their history of moral flexibility, love of power combined with mediocre intellect, physical cowardice and delusions of being “special.”..
A New Method of Preparing Highly Conductive Ultra-Thin Indium Tin Oxide for Plasmonic-Enhanced Thin Film Solar Photovoltaic Devices
Joshua Pearce
Michigan Technological University, Materials Science and Engineering, Faculty Member
A new method of preparing highly conductive ultra-thin indium tin oxide for plasmonic-enhanced thin film solar photovoltaic devices. Abstract Recent numerical modeling of plasmonic metallic nanostructures have shown great potential as a method of light management in thin-film nanodisc-patterned hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) solar photovoltaic (PV) cells. A significant design challenge for such plasmonic-enhanced PV devices is the requirement for ultra-thin transparent conducting oxides (TCOs) with high transmittance (low loss) and low enough resistivity to be used
Smaller, cheaper microbial fuel cells turn urine into electricityA new design of microbial fuel cell uses urine and overcomes two limitations of standard microbial fuel cells: their cost and low power production. (
A new design could help produce sustainable energy in developing countries
A new kind of fuel cell that can turn urine into electricity could revolutionize the way we produce bioenergy, particularly in developing countries. The research, published in Electrochimica Acta, describes a new design of microbial fuel cell that's smaller, cheaper and more powerful than traditional ones.
The world's supply of fossil fuels is being depleted, and there is increasing pressure to develop new renewable sources of energy. Bioenergy is one such source, and microbial fuel cells can produce it.
In their study, researchers from University of Bath, Queen Mary University of London and the Bristol Robotics Laboratory describe a new design of microbial fuel cell that overcomes two limitations of standard microbial fuel cells: their cost and low power production.
"Microbial fuel cells have real potential to produce renewable bioenergy out of waste matter like urine," said Dr. Mirella Di Lorenzo, corresponding author of the study from the University of Bath. "The world produces huge volumes of urine and if we can harness the potential power of that waste using microbial fuel cells, we could revolutionize the way we make electricity."
Microbial fuel cells are devices that use the natural processes of certain bacteria to turn organic matter into electricity. There are other ways of producing bioenergy, including anaerobic digestion, fermentation and gasification. But microbial fuel cells have the advantage of working at room temperature and pressure. They're efficient, relatively cheap to run and produce less waste than the other methods.
There are, however, some limitations. Microbial fuel cells can be quite expensive to manufacture. The electrodes are usually made of cost-effective materials, but the cathode often contains platinum to speed up the reactions that create the electricity. Also, microbial fuel cells tend to produce less power than the other methods of bioenergy production.
The new miniature microbial fuel cell uses no expensive materials for the cathode; instead it's made of carbon cloth and titanium wire. To speed up the reaction and create more power, it uses a catalyst that's made of glucose and ovalbumin, a protein found in egg white. These are typical constituents of food waste.
"We aim to test and prove the use of carbon catalysts derived from various food wastes as a renewable and low-cost alternative to platinum at the cathode," said corresponding author Dr. Mirella Di Lorenzo from the University of Bath.
They then tweaked the design to see what would produce more power. Doubling the length of the electrodes, from 4mm to 8mm, increased the power output tenfold. By stacking up three of the miniature microbial fuel cells, the researchers were able to increase the power tenfold compared to the output of individual cells.
"Microbial fuel cells could be a great source of energy in developing countries, particularly in impoverished and rural areas," said Jon Chouler, lead author of the study from the University of Bath. "Our new design is cheaper and more powerful than traditional models. Devices like this that can produce electricity from urine could make a real difference by producing sustainable energy from waste."
"We have shown that the cell design has an incidence on performance and we want to further investigate the relevance of electrode surface area to volume ratio on performance. Our aim is to be able to effectively miniaturize the MFC and scale-up power production by generating compact batteries of multiple miniature units," added Dr. Di Lorenzo.
Electrochimica Acta, 2016; 192: 89
DOI: 10.1016/j.electacta.2016.01.112
Towards effective small scale microbial fuel cells for energy generation from urineAbstract
Jon Choulera, b, George A. Padgetta, Petra J. Cameronc, Kathrin Preussd, e, Maria-Magdalena Titiricid, e, Ioannis Ieropoulosf, Mirella Di Lorenzoa, ,
To resolve an increasing global demand in energy, a source of sustainable and environmentally friendly energy is needed. Microbial fuel cells (MFC) hold great potential as a sustainable and green bioenergy conversion technology that uses waste as the feedstock. This work pursues the development of an effective small-scale MFC for energy generation from urine. An innovative air-cathode miniature MFC was developed, and the effect of electrode length was investigated. Two different biomass derived catalysts were also studied. Doubling the electrode length resulted in the power density increasing by one order of magnitude (from 0.053 to 0.580 W m−3). When three devices were electrically connected in parallel, the power output was over 10 times higher compared to individual units. The use of biomass-derived oxygen reduction reaction catalysts at the cathode increased the power density generated by the MFC up to 1.95 W m−3, thus demonstrating the value of sustainable catalysts for cathodic reactions in MFCs.
1. Introduction
In the face of the growing problem of fossil fuel depletion, there is global interest in developing sustainable and environmentally friendly forms of energy. One form of alternative energy that may be viable in addressing this problem is bioenergy [1] and [2]. In this context, Microbial fuel cells (MFC) hold great potential as green and carbon-neutral technology that directly converts biomass into electricity [3].
MFCs are electrochemical devices that take advantage of the metabolic processes of microorganisms to directly convert organic matter into electricity with high efficiencies for long periods of time [4]. Compared to other bioenergy conversion processes (i.e. anaerobic digestion, gasification, fermentation), MFCs have the advantage of reduced amounts of sludge production [5], as well as cost-effective operation, since they operate under ambient environmental conditions (temperature, pressure) [6]. Moreover, MFCs require no energy input for aeration so long as the cathode is passively aerated, for example via the use of a single-chamber device [7]. Lastly, MFCs have the ability to generate energy remotely by using a range of feed stocks, and can thus be used in areas of poor energy infrastructure. Organic waste used as a feed stock in particular offers attractive prospects from its cost-effectiveness and abundance. Urine has been demonstrated to be an effective feed stock for MFC operation with the additional benefit of nitrogen, phosphate and potassium recovery from the fuel [8]. In particular, according to Ieropoulos et al [9]. urea is enzymatically hydrolysed to ammonia and carbon dioxide. Ammonia is then oxidised at the anode of the MFC to generate mainly nitrite and in smaller amounts nitrate [10].
Despite the breadth of applications and the growing interest in MFC technology over the past two decades, commercialisation of MFCs for energy generation has not yet been realised.
The major limiting factors that hinder the practical implementation of MFCs at large scale, are the cost of materials used and the difficulties in the scale-up process [11].
Typically the electrodes are made from highly cost-effective materials such as carbon cloth, carbon paper, and graphite based rods, plates and granules. Recently, even some metals, such as copper and silver, have been shown to be effective anode materials [12]. However, expensive metals, such as platinum, are usually used at the cathode to enhance the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) [13], [14] and [15]. Recently, the use of biomass-derived catalysts recovered from waste has been proposed as an effective alternative to expensive metal ORR catalysts. In particular, biomass-derived materials from wood [16], sewage sludge [17] and bananas [18] have been shown to function as ORR catalysts to boost MFC performance whilst reducing the device cost and its carbon footprint. Doping these materials with heteroatoms such as nitrogen and sulphur [19], also in combination with nanoparticles like iron [20], has been shown to enhance the catalytic activity towards the ORR even further.
Another limitation towards practical implementations of MFCs, is their poor performance due to high internal resistances and ohmic losses experienced upon scale-up [21]. Consequently, the power performance of MFCs is low compared to other renewable energy technologies [8] and [22]. Considering the thermodynamic limit of an MFC (1.14 V open circuit), the most feasible approach to scale-up the power generated by this technology is to create a collection of multiple MFCs connected together as a stack. By miniaturising individual MFC units, stacks of large numbers of constituent MFCs could be developed, within a compact footprint. This approach has been referred as the ‘miniaturisation and multiplication’ strategy [9].
MFC miniaturisation offers other advantages as well. The large surface area-to-volume ratio and short electrode distances - typical characteristics of miniature MFCs- provide a pathway to reducing ohmic losses, improving the mass transport processes between bulk liquid, biofilm and electrode and therefore enhancing power performance [23]. The consolidation of microfabrication techniques has led to the first prototypes of micro-sized MFCs, which have been discussed in a recent review [11]. Nonetheless, the process of miniaturisation of the MFC technology is still in its infancy. The two-chamber configuration is typically adopted for the miniature MFCs reported thus far, and, usually, a ferricyanide solution is used as the catholyte [24]. Given the greater operational simplicity and cost-effectiveness of oxygen diffusion systems, air-cathode MFC designs should be considered instead. Moreover, a more in-depth analysis on how to effectively miniaturise the system for better performance would be beneficial.
With the aim of guiding the development of efficient small-scale MFCs, this study reports the development of an innovative air-cathode small-scale MFC and analyses the effect that the chamber length (and therefore the electrodes length) have on its performance either when operated as a single unit or when assembled in a stack. No expensive metals have been employed at the cathode, and the use of two types of innovative and highly sustainable biomass-derived ORR catalysts are compared with a catalyst-free device…
4. Conclusions
Microbial fuel cells are an extremely attractive technology for the generation of clean electricity from a range of waste streams. The most viable route to boosting power density generated by MFCs is to develop small scale devices and arrange multiple units in stacks.
In this context, our study aims to guide towards the development of effective miniature MFCs. For this purpose we have developed an innovative miniature MFC, which can easily be further miniaturised. We have used an air-cathode configuration since it has the advantage of greater operational simplicity and cost-effectiveness. While fixing the electrodes spacing to 4 mm, we have investigated the effect of the electrodes length, when the system was continuously fed with artificial urine at a fixed flow rate of 0.36 mL min−1.
The doubling of the electrode length of the miniature MFC, and so the hydraulic retention time as well, increased the power density more than tenfold due to enhanced mass transfer properties and substrate consumption at the electrode surface.
By electrically stacking three individual units in parallel, the power output reached the peak value of 1.2 W m−3. Moreover, the use of two different types of biomass-derived ORR catalysts at the cathode increased the power density up to threefold. These renewable and cost-effective cathode catalysts are of particular interest for applications in remote or impoverished regions where MFCs could be used for remote and sustainable energy generation from waste…
Nibiru Come Home ! We Miss You ! All is Forgiven ! Love, Mommy Earth & Daddy Sol...
A well-done summary-review :
Planet X Causing Massive Destruction as it Approaches:
From Global Strange Sounds to Earths Moon Polar Shift.
A Jaw-Dropping Amount of Compiled Evidence Never Seen Before
We trolls gots nothin' else to do for Life, so : We trumps on Dutch Sinse --
Dutchsinse calls media ! Smeared by CBS News / PNSN + USGS over Mt. Saint Helens EQ
See Also :
Suspicious Observers
DARPA Announces VTOL X-Plane Phase 2 Design
Unorthodox unmanned aircraft would push the limits of technology to combine plane-like speed and helicopter-like agility into one breakthrough vehicle
March 7, 2016
The properties of light can be controlled by means of nanostructures
A theoretical study based on computational simulations has shown that the intensity of ultraviolet light that is made to pass through a graphene nano-ribbon is modulated with a terahertz frequency. So we are seeing the opening up of a new field of research into obtaining terahertz radiation that has a whole host of applications.
Nanoscale, 2015; 7 (45): 19012
DOI: 10.1039/C5NR05889A
Optical field terahertz amplitude modulation by graphene nanoribbons.
Hong Zhang, Yoshiyuki Miyamoto, Xinlu Cheng, Angel Rubio.
In this study, first-principles time-dependent density functional theory calculations were used to demonstrate the possibility to modulate the amplitude of the optical electric field (E-field) near a semiconducting graphene nanoribbon. A significant enhancement of the optical E-field was observed 3.34 Å above the graphene nanoribbon sheet, with an amplitude modulation of approximately 100 fs, which corresponds to a frequency of 10 THz. In general, a six-fold E-field enhancement could be obtained, which means that the power of the obtained THz is about 36 times that of incident UV light. We suggest the use of semiconducting graphene nanoribbons for converting visible and UV light into a THz signal.
August 4, 2015
New device converts DC electric field to terahertz radiation
Tunable radiation source that reaches coveted THz region of spectrum could be used for medical imaging or security applications
..Researchers have designed a new device that can convert a DC electric field into a tunable source of terahertz radiation….
This device exploits the instabilities in the oscillation of conducting electrons at the device's surface, a phenomenon known as surface plasmon resonance. To address the terahertz gap, the team created a hybrid semiconductor: a layer of thick conducting material paired with two thin, two-dimensional crystalline layers made from graphene, silicene (a graphene-like material made from silicon instead of carbon), or a two-dimensional electron gas. When a direct current is passed through the hybrid semiconductor, it creates a plasmon instability at a particular wavenumber. This instability induces the emission of terahertz radiation, which can be harnessed with the help of a surface grating that splits the radiation.
By adjusting various parameters -- such as the density of conduction electrons in the material or the strength of the DC electric field -- it is possible to tune the cutoff wavenumber and, consequently, the frequency of the resulting terahertz radiation…
Journal of Applied Physics, 2015; 118 (5): 054303
DOI: 10.1063/1.4927101
Tunable surface plasmon instability leading to emission of radiation.
Godfrey Gumbs, Andrii Iurov, Danhong Huang, Wei Pan.
We propose a new approach for energy conversion from a dc electric field to tunable terahertz emission based on hybrid semiconductors by combining two-dimensional (2D) crystalline layers and a thick conducting material with possible applications for chemical analysis, security scanning, medical (single-molecule) imaging, and telecommunications. The hybrid nano-structure may consist of a single or pair of sheets of graphene, silicene, or a 2D electron gas. When an electric current is passed through a 2D layer, we discover that two low-energy plasmon branches exhibit a characteristic loop in their dispersion before they merge into an unstable region beyond a critical wave vector qc . This finite qc gives rise to a wavenumber cutoff in the emission dispersion of the surface plasmon induced instability and emission of radiation (spiler). However, there is no instability for a single driven layer far from the conductor, and the instability of an isolated pair of 2D layers occurs without a wavenumber cutoff. The wavenumber cutoff is found to depend on the conductor electron density, layer separation, distances of layers from the conductor surface, and the driving-current strength.
February 25, 2016
How brain oscillations respond to teleportation
Technology may not have caught up to the teleportation devices of science fiction, but now we have some idea of how the brain handles "beaming up" from one location to another, thanks to research by neuroscientists at the University of California, Davis, involving some specially wired volunteers.
The work is published online Feb. 25, 2016 in the journal Neuron.
Arne Ekstrom, associate professor at the UC Davis Center for Neuroscience, wants to know how we memorize places and routes, and learn to find our way around. It's long been known that as a rat navigates a maze, its brain gives off a rhythmic oscillation, Ekstrom said. This also happens when humans travel around a virtual landscape on a computer screen. Most models of brain function assume that the oscillations, emanating from the hippocampus deep inside the brain, are at least partly driven by external inputs.
"There is this rhythmic firing in the brain during navigation and while remembering things, but we don't know if it is triggered by sensory input or by the learning process," Ekstrom said.
Ekstrom, postdoc Lindsay Vass and graduate student Milagros Copara were able to solve this problem by working with a group of patients being treated at UC Davis' Department of Neurological Surgery. These patients have a severe form of epilepsy, and surgeon and study coauthor Kia Shahlaie implanted electrodes on their brains, inside the skull, to find out where seizure activity begins and identify treatment options.
In between seizures, the electrodes recorded normal brain activity, and three patients volunteered to take part in the experiment. They were asked to navigate through a streetscape on a computer screen. At some points, they entered a teleporter and jumped to a different, known location in the map. During teleportation, the screen went black for a random period of time.
Teleportation did not interrupt the oscillations at all, but the rhythm did change with the distance travelled during teleportation, Ekstrom said.
The results show that these oscillations are driven entirely by memory and learning processes in the brain, and do not depend on external senses. They also show that the oscillation carries information about speed and distance travelled, even when that travel is virtual teleportation.
February 18, 2016
Historic event: One-year 1 megawatt E-Cat trial completed
On February 17, 2016, a 350-day commercial test of a one megawatt heat plant based on Andrea Rossi’s E-Cat was completed. The event must be considered historic since it’s the first time an industrially useful amount of energy is produced over such a long time from this kind of yet unexplained radiation-free nuclear reaction—LENR or Low Energy Nuclear Reactions.
To be clear, the report from the one-year trial, which has been controlled by a major independent third party certification institute, will be released only in about a month, and until then no official information is provided on the test result. However, multiple sources have told me that the test has been successful.
Earlier, some sources having visited the test plant told me that the COP, Coefficient of Performance, i.e. the ratio between output power and input power for control, was in the range 20—80, meaning that the heat plant was consuming 12—50 kW while producing 1 MW—the average consumption of about 300 Western households, including electricity, space heating, water heating and air conditioning.
I have also been told that the total amount of fuel—mostly harmless elements such as lithium, hydrogen and nickel, according to Andrea Rossi’s granted patent on the technology—was in the range of tenths of grams. And supposedly the charge has never been changed during the year. On the other hand, after one year’s run, the reactors are now being recharged for further operation.
All this might be confirmed by the third party institute, that has been controlling the heat plant 24/7 with video cameras.
The test has been undertaken by Andrea Rossi and his US industrial partner Industrial Heat, and according to Rossi, commercialisation of similar industrial heat plants will be initiated as soon as possible, provided that the result is positive. Industrial Heat has acquired the right to produce and sell E-Cat based technology in, as far as I have been told, North, Central and South America, China, Russia, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.
New Energy World Symposium, News.
Needless to say, the consequences of such an energy source for the world will be huge. And the consequences for industry, finance and society is also the focus of the New Energy World Symposium or NewS, which will be held in Stockholm, Sweden, on June 21, 2016, provided that the report from the test is clearly positive.
So, now we all wait for the report. Personally, however, I will put the champagne on ice. Now.
Comments --
First, Rossi never suggested that the radiation from the hot cat is anything other than heat — he specifically denied EM and gamma radiation. But if you’re concerned about the radiation spectrum of an LENR reaction (whatever the heck that is), simply measure it with appropriate spectroscopy.
But my main point is that an estimate of the energy produced by use of a thermal camera is a ruse by Rossi to begin with and is intended only to complicate, obfuscate and mislead. First, if you want a proof of concept of Rossi’s “effect”, then the device tested by Levi and reported by Lewan in 2011 is vastly better. At least 10 times as much power from about the same volume and a power out to power in ration also at least ten times better. Problem is, that measurement, just like ALL the measurements, publicly reported, in which Lewan/or and Levi were involved, lacked calibration and thus were worthless. In the case of the 2011 experiment, a simple (but deliberate by Rossi) misplacement of the output thermocouple, too close to the huge heater in the device, would be enough to get the results without any LENR.
One of the strangest aspects of this whole story is the decreasing output per volume of the ecats with time, a hallmark of energy scams, and the failure to repeat what seems like immensely successful and potentially probative experiments like Levi’s fluid/mass flow calorimetry run. Most of you know my conclusion about why those things are the way they are, so I won’t bother to repeat it again.
I can hardly wait for the big reveal– who the “independent” referee of Rossi’s will be this time, what the company is which allowed the test and was the “customer” and which agency has been trying without success to certify a domestic/home ecat for going on five years. And people think this is all real? And they really believe Rossi can spend 16 hours a day for a year inside the container with the machine and STILL not be able to say conclusively whether it works or not (F9 !!!!) Yah shoore.
“The most egregious error is the emissivity one, where the total and normal emissivity values used are the same in the report, but have been shown to be quite different in several skeptical analyses. This is important in that the power calculated by the report authors is directly a result of the emissivity values used. The reported COP is therefore directly connected to this conflation of emissivity values.”
Actually the most basic, fundamental and crucial error in every one of the tests, demos and experiments, reported publicly by and for Rossi has been the same identical and unforgivable mistake — failure to calibrate the output power measurement coupled with failure to insure the integrity of the input power source and measurement.
Mats Lewan, the late Dr. Kullander and Dr. Essen were criticized for this failure in early 2011 (the wet steam/dry steam debacle) and again in later experiments (the thermocouple placement debacle) and had every opportunity to get it right in the hot cat experiments. But they failed dismally to do so. It is completely incomprehensible that a device which incorporates a *built in* large electrical heater was not calibrated over the full operating temperature range, using that heater.
There are innumerable other inconsistencies, lies, deceptions and evasions in Rossi’s stories (he’s currently recycling the nonsense about having a huge (robotic?) factory ready to make millions of ecats). But the failure to hold Rossi’s feet to the performance of a proper calibration has happened every time and the only possible explanation is negligence and incompetence on the part of those assisting and participating in these tests.
That someone should take a discovery purported to be a tabletop multi kilowatt reactor and not work with a large company (think GE, GM, Tesla or any large Chinese or European company) is incomprehensible since this ridiculous farce has now gone 5 years!
The decrement in performance from a power output of 135kW peak and 20kW steady state reported in 2011 in Mats own magazine under *his authorship!* …
( )
… to the current arguable 3 kW of the hotcat is equally inexplicable. And the so-called COP went from better than 30 to the current claim of 3! This performance loss with time, when improvement would be expected, is the hallmark of an energy scam.
The lack of response of the Swedish scientists responsible for the Lugano report to responsible critiques by people like Thomas Clarke is also very telling.
The topping on the cake is Rossi claim to certification based on a worthless self-reported safety document and Rossi’s joy over a patent which simply describes a heater configuration wherein the source of heat could be anything — for example, the electric heater the device prominently contains. These claims are reminiscent of the time Rossi purchased a PhD diploma from a now state-closed fake university (Kensington). He is now claiming it was honorary which is pure nonsense. Rossi just makes stuff up as he goes along and the believers all swallow it.
11 chilling predictions for what the world will look like in 10 years
Private intelligence firm Stratfor predicts many countries will experience chaos and decline in the coming decade
In 2015, private-intelligence firm Strategic Forecasting, or Stratfor, published its Decade Forecast, in which it projects the next 10 years of global political and economic developments. :
Russia will collapse ...
.. and the US will have to use its military to secure the country's nukes.
Germany is going to have problems ...
... and Poland will be one of Europe's leaders.
There will be four Europes.
Turkey and the US will have to be close allies, but for an unexpected reason.
China will face one huge problem.
Japan will be Asia's rising naval power.
The South China Sea islands won't start a war, but there's a catch.
There will be 16 mini-Chinas.
US power will decline.
Voting for Ted Cruz because he's an "American" is liking eating a Turd because it looks like a Tootsie Roll ( & ditto for Hillary the "Woman" )
Ted Cruz: Illegal Alien? NO PAPERS (Canada Born - Entered Illegally in 1974)?
Judge Jeanine Bitch-Slaps Mitt Romney :
Judge Jeanine: Mitt Romney awoke a sleeping giant
...As reported in the Journal of Nutrition, aged garlic extract shows significant promise in its ability to reverse deadly buildup of plaque in arteries. The study was found to both reduce the amount of accumulated “soft plaque” in the arteries as well as prevent new plaque from forming.
Reduction of plaque in arteries after a year of aged garlic extract
The study, conducted at the independent biomedical research facility LA BioMed, Torrance, Calif., showed that adding the supplement aged garlic extract resulted in a reduction in the amount of soft plaque, also known as low-attenuation plaque, that had built up in the arteries of patients. Participants in the study were already known to be suffering from metabolic syndrome, which carries with it a number of cardiac disease risk factors, including hypertension and obesity.
.This isn’t the first time aged garlic extract has been associated with a reduction in plaque build-up of coronary arteries or heart disease. A study published in the July 2012 issue of Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research found that average coronary artery calcium progression was significantly less one year after the start of the study among subjects receiving a combination of coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) and aged garlic extract...
New study shows aged garlic extract can reduce dangerous plaque buildup in arteries
Supplement can help prevent progression of heart disease
The supplement Aged Garlic Extract can reverse the buildup of deadly plaque in arteries and help prevent the progression of heart disease, according to a new study scheduled for publication in the Journal of Nutrition.
The research, conducted at LA BioMed, found a reduction in the amount of low-attenuation plaque, or "soft plaque," in the arteries of patients with metabolic syndrome who took Aged Garlic Extract. Metabolic syndrome is characterized by obesity, hypertension and other cardiac risk factors.
"This study is another demonstration of the benefits of this supplement in reducing the accumulation of soft plaque and preventing the formation of new plaque in the arteries, which can cause heart disease," said Matthew J. Budoff, MD, an LA BioMed lead researcher. "We have completed four randomized studies, and they have led us to conclude that Aged Garlic Extract can help slow the progression of atherosclerosis and reverse the early stages of heart disease."
The study involved 55 patients, aged 40 to 75 years, who had been diagnosed with metabolic syndrome. All the participants underwent screening at the beginning of the study to measure the total coronary plaque volume as well as dense calcium, non-calcified plaque and low-attenuation plaque. The screening was conducted using Cardiac Computed Tomography Angiography (CCTA), a noninvasive imaging technology that accurately measures calcium deposits and plaque buildup in the arteries.
Following evaluation, the participants were given either a placebo or a dose of 2,400 milligrams of Aged Garlic Extract every day. A follow-up screening conducted a year after the initial screening found those who had taken Aged Garlic Extract had slowed total plaque accumulation by 80%, reduced soft plaque and demonstrated regression (less plaque on follow-up) for low-attenuation plaque.
Garlic and Heart DiseaseAbstract
Ravi Varshney, Matthew J Budoff
Objective: We reviewed the available literature investigating the effects of garlic supplements on hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, C-reactive protein (CRP), pulse wave velocity (PWV), and coronary artery calcium (CAC), as well as available data on side effects.
Methods: We searched PubMed for all human studies using medical subject heading words through 30 May 2013 and assessed relevant review articles and original studies. Only double-blind, randomized, controlled trials and meta-analyses of double-blind, randomized, controlled trials were included. The review of articles and data extraction were performed by 2 independent authors, with any disagreements resolved by consensus.
Results: Garlic supplementation reduced blood pressure by 7–16 mm Hg (systolic) and 5–9 mm Hg (diastolic) (4 meta-analyses and 2 original studies). It reduced total cholesterol by 7.4–29.8 mg/dL (8 meta-analyses). The most consistent benefits were shown in studies that used aged garlic extract (AGE). A few small studies that used AGE also showed favorable effects on CAC, CRP, and PWV. Although garlic is generally safe, rare adverse reactions have been documented with limited causality established.
Conclusion: We conclude that garlic supplementation has the potential for cardiovascular protection based on risk factor reduction (hypertension and total cholesterol) and surrogate markers (CRP, PWV, and CAC) of atherosclerosis. Larger studies are warranted to evaluate these effects further.
Soviet scientists against illuminati - Fukushima (Sovjetski naučnici protiv iluminata)
(* Google translation) Independent analyst Sergei Albertovich Sallj, doctor of physico-mathematical sciences, professor, secretary of the St. Peterburg part "of the Russian Physical Society," and assistant to the president of "the Russian Physical Society" shared unique information about the achievements of Soviet science and global monopoly over knowledge.
Why was science in the USSR actively developing for only 15 years? Why cold nuclear fusion, finding physicians Ivana Filimonenko, wasn't allowed for use by Korolev, Kurchatov and Gluškov? What's behind mysterious deaths of these great scientists? Why is the program of cold nuclear fusion in the Soviet Union declared pseudo-scientific? Why are being killed an associate scientist all over the world, including the United States? What happened to the chief designer of St.Peters-burg company that was involved in the manufacture engines based on cold nuclear fusion? Which actually deals with the "Commission combating pseudoscience"? Why the Japanese are not able to implement in their industry alternative technology? What is the truth discovered by the former Minister of Economy of Japan - Heizi Takenaka? What is behind the tragedy of Fukushima? Is there such a thing as a geo-physical weapon?...
Transcription of Russian Cold Fusion Video Documenting 1957 Start
Ivan Filimonenko - Cold fusion, Part 2
A soviet documentary about the work of Ivan Filimonenko, a Russian scientist, who invented ways of producing energy through cold fusion, neutralize radiation, achieve reactionless thrust for propulsion system and discovered a way to significantly slow the aging process of the human body.
The invention of Hammond "Godsite" glasses
George Hammond
Traditional theory has it that eyeglass correction in middle age is necessitated by the decreasing flexibility of the lens in the eye requiring the assistance of a lens to acquire proper focus accomodation. Recent discoveries however cast some questions on this theory... particularly since it is the "resting curvature" of the lens, not the "accommodation curvature" of the lens which seems to be the most widespread problem.. and there is little reason to believe that the ambient "resting curvature" of the lens would be under any (aging) pressure to change.
Rather, HAMMOND'S research seems to indicate that it is brain development (e.g. perceptual development) during one's lifetime toward "better true size perception" that simply requires an unobtainable change in ambient curvature... which produces "blurred vision" in older people and requires glasses.
The PROBLEM with glasses is that they change the focus location of the image by MAGNIFYING the object. For instance My glasses (I am farsighted, hence positive lenses) cause a measurable 5%-Magnification of everything I am seeing, in order to move the focal plane to the retina (focus correction).
My question is this. If we suppose, according to HAMMOND'S THEORY that this change in apparent size of the World with age is a "natural design of God"... isn't there an (optical) way that we could move the plane of focus so that we wouldn't have blurred vision, WITHOUT introducing any "changed magnification" into the system.
This then, would produce "True Godsite" without blurring or manmade magnification... according to Hammond's new theory.
Is it optically-possible to make a pair of glasses which will do this... or are we up against some kind of optical law which says it is impossible.
If it IS POSSIBLE, then according to Hammond's discovery, the present design of glasses is actually quite psychologically harmful, sort of the optical equivalent of "bleeding someone with leeches" used to be in the olden days of medicine.
Dear Sir / Madam :
You have been selected to attend the 66th Bilderberg conference at Trump Tower in Las Vegas, Nevada from May 31 - June 3, 2016. This conference brings together leaders of business, economics, media, finance, politics, religion, sex and military in a forum which will allow for open and off the record discussions of current events and global issues.
It must be stressed that this meeting is SECRET and by invitation only. We operate under Chatham House Rules, meaning you are not permitted to discuss anything that is said during the conference to members of the media or otherwise.
Please keep all of your arrangements confidential, including all of the information included herein. In recent years we have lost much of our control over the dissemination of information due to the rise of independent media sources and internet-based journalists. We intend to correct this problem and plan to discuss it at this year's conference.
May. 19, 2014
Liberating devices from their power cords
David Salisbury
Imagine a future in which our electrical gadgets are no longer limited by plugs and external power sources.
This intriguing prospect is one of the reasons for the current interest in building the capacity to store electrical energy directly into a wide range of products, such as a laptop whose casing serves as its battery, or an electric car powered by energy stored in its chassis, or a home where the dry wall and siding store the electricity that runs the lights and appliances.
It also makes the small, dull grey wafers that graduate student Andrew Westover and Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering Cary Pint have made in Vanderbilt’s Nanomaterials and Energy Devices Laboratory far more important than their nondescript appearance suggests.
“These devices demonstrate – for the first time as far as we can tell – that it is possible to create materials that can store and discharge significant amounts of electricity while they are subject to realistic static loads and dynamic forces, such as vibrations or impacts,” said Pint. “Andrew has managed to make our dream of structural energy storage materials into a reality.”
That is important because structural energy storage will change the way in which a wide variety of technologies are developed in the future. “When you can integrate energy into the components used to build systems, it opens the door to a whole new world of technological possibilities. All of a sudden, the ability to design technologies at the basis of health, entertainment, travel and social communication will not be limited by plugs and external power sources,” Pint said.
The new device that Pint and Westover has developed is a supercapacitor that stores electricity by assembling electrically charged ions on the surface of a porous material, instead of storing it in chemical reactions the way batteries do. As a result, supercaps can charge and discharge in minutes, instead of hours, and operate for millions of cycles, instead of thousands of cycles like batteries.
In a paper appearing online May 19 in the journal Nano Letters, Pint and Westover report that their new structural supercapacitor operates flawlessly in storing and releasing electrical charge while subject to stresses or pressures up to 44 psi and vibrational accelerations over 80 g (significantly greater than those acting on turbine blades in a jet engine).
Furthermore, the mechanical robustness of the device doesn’t compromise its energy storage capability. “In an unpackaged, structurally integrated state our supercapacitor can store more energy and operate at higher voltages than a packaged, off-the-shelf commercial supercapacitor, even under intense dynamic and static forces,” Pint said.
One area where supercapacitors lag behind batteries is in electrical energy storage capability: Supercaps must be larger and heavier to store the same amount of energy as lithium-ion batteries. However, the difference is not as important when considering multifunctional energy storage systems.
Supercapacitors store ten times less energy than current lithium-ion batteries, but they can last a thousand times longer.“Battery performance metrics change when you’re putting energy storage into heavy materials that are already needed for structural integrity,” said Pint. “Supercapacitors store ten times less energy than current lithium-ion batteries, but they can last a thousand times longer. That means they are better suited for structural applications. It doesn’t make sense to develop materials to build a home, car chassis, or aerospace vehicle if you have to replace them every few years because they go dead.”
Westover’s wafers consist of electrodes made from silicon that have been chemically treated so they have nanoscale pores on their inner surfaces and then coated with a protective ultrathin graphene-like layer of carbon. Sandwiched between the two electrodes is a polymer film that acts as a reservoir of charged ions, similar to the role of the electrolyte paste in a battery. When the electrodes are pressed together, the polymer oozes into the tiny pores in much the same way that melted cheese soaks into the nooks and crannies of artisan bread in a panini. When the polymer cools and solidifies, it forms an extremely strong mechanical bond.
“The biggest problem with designing load-bearing supercaps is preventing them from delaminating,” said Westover. “Combining nanoporous material with the polymer electrolyte bonds the layers together tighter than superglue.”
The use of silicon in structural supercapacitors is best suited for consumer electronics and solar cells, but Pint and Westover are confident that the rules that govern the load-bearing character of their design will carry over to other materials, such as carbon nanotubes and lightweight porous metals like aluminum.
The intensity of interest in “multifunctional” devices of this sort is reflected by the fact that the U.S. Department of Energy’s Advanced Research Project Agency for Energy is investing $8.7 million in research projects that focus specifically on incorporating energy storage into structural materials. There have also been recent press reports of several major efforts to develop multifunctional materials or structural batteries for use in electric vehicles and for military applications. However, Pint pointed out that there have not been any reports in the technical literature of tests performed on structural energy storage materials that show how they function under realistic mechanical loads.
laptop hanging from a chip
The engineers suspended a heavy laptop from the supercapacitor to demonstrate its strength. (Vanderbilt Nanomaterials and Energy Devices Laboratory)
Amrutur Anilkumar, professor of the practice in mechanical engineering, postdoctoral associate Shahana Chatterjee, graduate student Landon Oakes, undergraduate mechanical engineering majors John Tian, Shivaprem Bernath and Farhan Nur Shabab and high school student Rob Edwards collaborated in the project.
Nano Lett., 2014, 14 (6), pp 3197–3202
DOI: 10.1021/nl500531r
A Multifunctional Load-Bearing Solid-State SupercapacitorAbstract
Andrew S. Westover†‡, John W. Tian†, Shivaprem Bernath†, Landon Oakes†‡, Rob Edwards†, Farhan N. Shabab†, Shahana Chatterjee†, Amrutur V. Anilkumar†, and Cary L. Pint*†‡
A load-bearing, multifunctional material with the simultaneous capability to store energy and withstand static and dynamic mechanical stresses is demonstrated. This is produced using ion-conducting polymers infiltrated into nanoporous silicon that is etched directly into bulk conductive silicon. This device platform maintains energy densities near 10 W h/kg with Coulombic efficiency of 98% under exposure to over 300 kPa tensile stresses and 80 g vibratory accelerations, along with excellent performance in other shear, compression, and impact tests. This demonstrates performance feasibility as a structurally integrated energy storage material broadly applicable across renewable energy systems, transportation systems, and mobile electronics, among others.
Maxwell Loughan : Radiant Energy Receiver
13 year old Invents Free Energy Device for 15 bucks!
A new generation of smart youth are now producing the very free energy technologies I have been promoting and the consciousness that goes with it for the past 15 years!
Rex-ommended Viewing --
Prophecies: Bruno Gröening, Slava Sevrukowa, van Rensburg, Baba Vanga, Mother Shipton, Nostradamus, visions of the future, predictions for the new golden age
Paradigm Shift: Bronze Age Mythology to Electric Universe (After Joseph Campbell And Paulo Freire)
David Avery
I just renamed this video to reach more of its intended viewers: those interested in paradigm shift.
Where the narrative of story meets the dialogue of change is the sweet spot where mythologies are born. Big changes in many areas of science and society point towards a gap waiting to be filled by new ways of thinking. For these new models to become the new ''norm' a whole new mythology must evolve. A mythology always needs a cosmology for its base. Electric Universe theory may provide the new cosmology which makes a new mythology possible at last. This video answers questions like what really is a mythology and how does it work and change? This could be the breakthrough a lot of us have been waiting for ...
Science to Sage
March Issue - Living Cosmos
How does God create? That was my question as a kid.Through these series of magazines you will see through the lens of sages, innovative thinkers, best selling authors, and artists. See how creation weaves its web. I look for the synthesis of compelling ideas. In over 4 plus years and over 42 issues, there seems to be a thread emerging that fuses east and west, ancient and modern, heart and mind. This riveting collection of works opens a whole new realm of existence.
Contributors :
Wal Thornhill ~ The Living Cosmos
Gene Webb ~ The Common Pulse of Life (Aether Spectrum is an Electro-Magnetic Pulse Pattern
Gene Webb ~ The Mobius
Dr. R. M. Santilli ~ Concave Lenses Detect Terrestrial
Foster Gamble ~Principles, Strategies, and Tactics for the Most Critical Moment in Human History
The Seven Laws of Hermes are Electric-Magnetic
Magazine Link :
PDF Link :
Water & Aether, Same?
It is a great companion to Living Cosmos : Ancient Wisdom & Innovative Thinking...check it out!
Last Issue -- URL :
In5D March 4, 2016
EXPOSED! Photos From INSIDE Chemtrail Planes Like You’ve NEVER Seen Before !
04 Mar 2016
Oxygen levels in womb affect aging in adulthood, study finds
Anti-aging products are a multi-billion dollar industry, but it seems there's only so much that creams and pills can do. A study found that much of our aging 'destiny' is set before birth, and is related to the amount of oxygen present in the womb.
The study, led by a team of researchers from the University of Cambridge, centered around telomeres, otherwise known as the ends of chromosomes. In short, telomeres play a similar role to the plastic that binds the ends of shoelaces, preventing chromosomes from fraying. As humans get older, telomeres become shorter and shorter, meaning their length can be used as a proxy to measure aging.
The researchers measured the length of telomeres in blood vessels of laboratory rats born from mothers who were not fed antioxidants during a normal or complicated pregnancy. In some of the rats, they simulated one of the most common complications in pregnancy - a reduction in the amount of oxygen a baby receives - by placing a group of pregnant rats in a room containing seven percent less oxygen than normal.
They found that adult rats born from mothers who had less oxygen during pregnancy had shorter telomeres than rats from uncomplicated pregnancies, and experienced problems with the inner lining of their blood vessels. Both of these results signified those rats had aged more quickly and were predisposed to developing heart disease.
However, when pregnant rats in that group were given antioxidant supplements, their offspring's risk of developing heart disease was lowered.
"Antioxidants are known to reduce aging, but here, we show for the first time that giving them to pregnant mothers can slow down the aging clock of their offspring. This appears to be particularly important when there are complications with the pregnancy and the fetus is deprived of oxygen. Although this discovery was found using rats, it suggests a way that we may treat similar problems in humans," Dr. Beth Allison, first author of the study, said in a statement.
In addition, offspring born from uncomplicated pregnancies - when the fetus received appropriate levels of oxygen - also benefited from antioxidants, and showed longer telomeres than those rats whose mothers did not receive such supplements during pregnancy.
The study's lead author, Professor Dino Giussani from the Department of Physiology Development & Neuroscience at the University of Cambridge, said the findings prove that the environment in the womb could be even more important than humans' post-natal environments.
"Our study in rats suggests that the aging clock begins ticking even before we are born and enter this world, which may surprise many people," he said.
"We already know that our genes interact with environmental risk factors, such as smoking, obesity and lack of exercise to increase our risk of heart disease, but here we've shown that the environment we're exposed to in the womb may be just as, if not more, important in programming a risk of adult-onset cardiovascular disease," Giussani added.
The research, funded in the UK by the British Heart Foundation, was published in the journal FASEB on March 1.
Divergence of mechanistic pathways mediating cardiovascular aging and developmental programming of cardiovascular diseaseAbstract
Allison, B. J., Kaandorp, J. J., Kane, A. D., Camm, E. J., Lusby, C., Cross, C. M., Nevin-Dolan, R., Thakor, A. S., Derks, J. B., Tarry-Adkins, J. L., Ozanne, S. E., Giussani, D. A.
Aging and developmental programming are both associated with oxidative stress and endothelial dysfunction, suggesting common mechanistic origins. However, their interrelationship has been little explored. In a rodent model of programmed cardiovascular dysfunction we determined endothelial function and vascular telomere length in young (4 mo) and aged (15 mo) adult offspring of normoxic or hypoxic pregnancy with or without maternal antioxidant treatment. We show loss of endothelial function [maximal arterial relaxation to acetylcholine (71 ± 3 vs. 55 ± 3%) and increased vascular short telomere abundance (4.2–1.3 kb) 43.0 ± 1.5 vs. 55.1 ± 3.8%) in aged vs. young offspring of normoxic pregnancy (P < 0.05). Hypoxic pregnancy in young offspring accelerated endothelial dysfunction (maximal arterial relaxation to acetylcholine: 42 ± 1%, P < 0.05) but this was dissociated from increased vascular short telomere length abundance. Maternal allopurinol rescued maximal arterial relaxation to acetylcholine in aged offspring of normoxic or hypoxic pregnancy but not in young offspring of hypoxic pregnancy. Aged offspring of hypoxic allopurinol pregnancy compared with aged offspring of untreated hypoxic pregnancy had lower levels of short telomeres (vascular short telomere length abundance 35.1 ± 2.5 vs. 48.2 ± 2.6%) and of plasma proinflammatory chemokine (24.6 ± 2.8 vs. 36.8 ± 5.5 pg/ml, P < 0.05). These data provide evidence for divergence of mechanistic pathways mediating cardiovascular aging and developmental programming of cardiovascular disease, and aging being decelerated by antioxidants even prior to birth.
March 3, 2016
Super-Intelligent Humans Are Coming
Genetic engineering will one day create the smartest humans who have ever lived.
Stephen Hsu
[ OR : Stop being stupid and start being the smartest human you ever were ]
Watch a Magnet Inside a Sock Break Open a Safe in Seconds
Casey Chan
Crack Any Master Combination Lock in 8 Tries or Less Using This Calculator
The New Mind Control
Robert Epstein
“Subliminal Stimulation”, Controlling People without Their Knowledge. The internet has spawned subtle forms of influence that can flip elections and manipulate everything we say, think and do...
CONTACT : Richard Cheney --
UPDATE : 3 March
3 March 2016
New way to control chemical reactions
Scientists have harnessed static electricity to control chemical reactions for the first time, in a breakthrough that could bring cleaner industry and cheaper nanotechnology.
The team used an electric field as a catalyst for a common reaction, the Diels-Alder reaction, improving its reaction rate by a factor of five.
Lead researcher Professor Michelle Coote from ANU Research School of Chemistry said the team had overturned conventional thinking with their new-found control of the common reaction, which is used to make a range of chemicals from self-healing materials to the drug cortisone.
"It’s the most unexpected result possible," said Professor Coote, who is also a Chief Investigator with ARC Centre of Excellence for Electromaterials Science (ACES). "We now have a totally new way of thinking about chemistry.
"The breakthrough could speed up manufacturing processes and allow unprecedented control of chemical reactions, for example in manufacturing flexible electronic components based on organic circuits," she said.
An electric field catalyst is completely different to conventional catalysts, which are often based on expensive rare chemicals and can create unwanted by-products or contaminate the final products.
As electric fields can be turned on and off very quickly from outside the test-tube, the new approach gives the researchers remote control over chemical processes.
Professor Coote predicted that electric fields could strongly affect reaction rates, but it had never been observed before because standard chemical reactions are conducted with molecules oriented in random directions in a gas or liquid.
The Centre of Excellence brought together a team, including researchers from Universitat de Barcelona in Spain and Dr Simone Ciampi from the University of Wollongong, that devised a way to test Professor Coote’s prediction, using the electric field generated by the tip of a scanning-tunneling electron microscope.
The group oriented all the molecules in the same direction by attaching them to a surface and then used the probe of the electron microscope to test each molecule.
By changing the strength and polarity of the electric field, the team were able to vary the rate of the Diels-Alder reaction, in which a conjugated diene and a substituted diene form a cyclohexene system, by a factor of five
Professor Coote said the result will help research understand a lot of natural biochemical reactions.
"Nature uses enzymes as the ultimate catalyst, which can vary reaction rates by 14 orders of magnitude," she said.
"Enzymes work with carefully oriented charged functional groups, held in precise orientations, effectively generating an oriented electric field within the active site."
Professor Coote started the project when ANU joined the University of Wollongong as an ACES partner and was introduced to colleagues at Universitat de Barcelona.
ACES Director Professor Gordon Wallace said it is only a holistic approach to interdisciplinary research that can take ideas to industries in the shortest time possible.
"The collegial environment and multidisciplinary approach within ACES meant that we could mobilise all the skills necessary-from molecular modelling to exquisite experiments-very quickly to enable this amazing discovery," Professor Wallace said.
The breakthrough has been published in the latest edition of Nature.
Volume 94 Issue 10, p. 8
March 7, 2016
Zapping Diels-Alder reactions
Electric field spurs reagents to join up in a non-redox transformation
Bethany Halford
Shocking -- An electric field can trigger a Diels-Alder reaction.
In a discovery that might come as a shock—or, at the very least, an electric shock—chemists have found that a properly oriented external electric field can nudge two reagents to hook up with one another in a Diels-Alder reaction. The fundamental discovery expands chemists’ knowledge of how electricity can drive synthesis and catalysis (Nature 2016, DOI: 10.1038/nature16989).
Chemists have long used electricity to trigger redox reactions. And theorists have suggested that electric fields could spur on non-redox transformations, but until now, no one had shown this was possible with a bimolecular system. “What is particularly striking is that we chose a really simple nonpolar carbon-carbon-bond-forming reaction—a Diels-Alder reaction—for which there are no formal zwitterionic intermediates involved,” says Michelle L. Coote, a professor at Australian National University who coauthored the study. “So we think these electric field effects could be very general.”
Coote and her collaborators, University of Wollongong’s Simone Ciampi and University of Barcelona’s Nadim Darwish and Ismael Diez-Perez, were inspired by the work of Hebrew University of Jerusalem theorist Sason Shaik, who suggested that an oriented electric field might accelerate Diels-Alder reactions. To prove this experimentally, Coote and her colleagues tethered a dienophile to a gold surface and a diene to the tip of a scanning-tunneling microscope.
They brought the molecules close to one another and applied an electric field. Upping the power of the electric field led to an increase in the reaction rate. What’s more, the field’s polarity mattered: The reaction rate only got a boost when the electric field favored electron flow from the dienophile to the diene.
Shaik tells C&EN he was delighted to see his theory, which had been described as “daydreaming,” proven experimentally. Although the current method can’t synthesize products on a practical scale, he thinks the discovery has the potential to change how chemists make molecules. “I definitely see a future where instead of mixing chemicals in a flask and heating, you will zap molecules with an electric field,” he says.
Nature 531, 88–91 (03 March 2016)
Electrostatic catalysis of a Diels–Alder reaction
Albert C. Aragonès, Naomi L. Haworth, Nadim Darwish, Simone Ciampi, Nathaniel J. Bloomfield, Gordon G. Wallace, Ismael Diez-Perez & Michelle L. Coote
It is often thought that the ability to control reaction rates with an applied electrical potential gradient is unique to redox systems. However, recent theoretical studies suggest that oriented electric fields could affect the outcomes of a range of chemical reactions, regardless of whether a redox system is involved1, 2, 3, 4. This possibility arises because many formally covalent species can be stabilized via minor charge-separated resonance contributors. When an applied electric field is aligned in such a way as to electrostatically stabilize one of these minor forms, the degree of resonance increases, resulting in the overall stabilization of the molecule or transition state. This means that it should be possible to manipulate the kinetics and thermodynamics of non-redox processes using an external electric field, as long as the orientation of the approaching reactants with respect to the field stimulus can be controlled. Here, we provide experimental evidence that the formation of carbon–carbon bonds is accelerated by an electric field. We have designed a surface model system to probe the Diels–Alder reaction, and coupled it with a scanning tunnelling microscopy break-junction approach5, 6, 7. This technique, performed at the single-molecule level, is perfectly suited to deliver an electric-field stimulus across approaching reactants. We find a fivefold increase in the frequency of formation of single-molecule junctions, resulting from the reaction that occurs when the electric field is present and aligned so as to favour electron flow from the dienophile to the diene. Our results are qualitatively consistent with those predicted by quantum-chemical calculations in a theoretical model of this system, and herald a new approach to chemical catalysis.
Actually ... Not so new after all :
JOHNSON, James Y. : Dipolar Resonance / Anomalous Dispersion Mutation
GB417501 : Process for Altering the Energy Content of Dipolar Substances
SPRINK, Leon : Space Activator -- 80% Reduced Time of Reactions, 50% Reduced Calories
GB685522 : Method of and Apparatus for Carrying out Chemical Reactions
FR866491 : Dispositif pour améliorer les réactions chimiques
FR762697 : Procédé et dispositifs pour la transformation d'un liquide en vapeur et réciproquement
FR966735 : Procédé et appareils destinés à exercer une influence sur les modifications d'état de la matière
FR1005532 : Dispositif pour l'amélioration de certaines réactions chimiques
RAVATIN, Jacques : Space Activator
WO8000293 / FR2421531 : Apparatus for Amplifying Emissions Due to Shapes
FR2716123 : Device for Activating Fluids & Solids
WILKINSON, Francis E. : High-Frequency Transformations
GB686529 : Improvements relating to the Desulphurisation of Oils of Mineral Origin
GB697224 : Process and apparatus for treating hydrocarbons
GB697223 : Process and Apparatus for Treating Mineral or Vegetable Oils for the Production of Oils of Lower Boiling Point
GB65863 : Process and Apparatus for the Extraction of Gold from its Ores
US2303970 : Method for Desulphurizing Mineral Oils
BROOKS, Joanna : Spectral Chemistry
"Spectral Catalysts" are specialized applications of electric and magnetic fields, heterodyned hyperfine structure frequencies ( e.g., the alpha rotation-vibration constant ), splitting frequencies, spectral signatures @ resonance, etc., used to affect chemical reactions and biosystems ...
Xin An ZENG [ ZENGA /ZHENG, &c. ], et al. : Electric Field Sterilization & Chemical Acceleration
CN1635100 : Process for Accelerating Ageing of Brandy Oak by Electromagnetic Field
Endgame, 2 - Contra-versus
Derrick Jensen
[ PDF ]
No Excuses -- Pfuck Patience :
END:CIV - Resist or Die
END:CIV examines our culture's addiction to systematic violence and environmental exploitation, and probes the resulting epidemic of poisoned landscapes and shell-shocked nations. Based in part on Endgame, the best-selling book by Derrick Jensen, END:CIV asks: "If your homeland was invaded by aliens who cut down the forests, poisoned the water and air, and contaminated the food supply, would you resist?"
The causes underlying the collapse of civilizations are usually traced to overuse of resources. As we write this, the world is reeling from economic chaos, peak oil, climate change, environmental degradation, and political turmoil. Every day, the headlines re-hash stories of scandal and betrayal of the public trust. We don't have to make outraged demands for the end of the current global system — it seems to be coming apart already.
But acts of courage, compassion and altruism abound, even in the most damaged places. By documenting the resilience of the people hit hardest by war and repression, and the heroism of those coming forward to confront the crisis head-on, END:CIV illuminates a way out of this all-consuming madness and into a saner future.
Backed by Jensen's narrative, the film calls on us to act as if we truly love this land. The film trips along at a brisk pace, using music, archival footage, motion graphics, animation, slapstick and satire to deconstruct the global economic system, even as it implodes around us. END:CIV illustrates first-person stories of sacrifice and heroism with intense, emotionally-charged images that match Jensen's poetic and intuitive approach. Scenes shot in the back country provide interludes of breathtaking natural beauty alongside clearcut evidence of horrific but commonplace destruction.
END:CIV features interviews with Paul Watson, Waziyatawin, Gord Hill, Michael Becker, Peter Gelderloos, Lierre Keith, James Howard Kunstler, Stephanie McMillan, Qwatsinas, Rod Coronado, John Zerzan and more.
Laithwaite Redux :
Antigravitational gyroscope
Bernecker, Stefan
The aim of the invention is the direct conversion of flow into lift in an entirely closed system. The main possible applications are in aviation and space flight. This problem is solved by discovery of the physical fact that for each elementary part of a body possessing volume the gravitation acts on this elementary part absolutely perpendicular to the centre of the earth, but that as a result the gravitational forces acting on the totality of parts of a body do not run parallel, since they intersect at one and the same point M and thereby stand at a certain (effective) angle @ to one another (@ drawing). An extremely rapidly rotating ring or disc would attain weightlessness from a circumferential speed of 12.4 km/sec (considering the peripherally rotating effective mass). With further acceleration in excess of 12.4 km/sec calculable lift is possible solely due to rotating masses.
Russian Scientists Create 'Sea Vitamins' Chocolate Which Slows Down Aging
Scientists in the Russian Far East Primorsky Territory created a chocolate with sea urchin and starfish extracts facilitating longevity, the G.B. Elyakov Pacific Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry (PIBOC), Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, said Tuesday.
"Recently PIBOC and the Far Eastern Federal University scientists created new functional food called the ‘Sea Masterpiece’ chocolate <…> This ‘sea vitamins’ complex slows the aging process and renders a corrective effect on metabolic processes, which increases the quality of life and contributes to longevity," the institute said.
The so-called sea vitamins include substances taken from starfish, sea urchins and magnolia vine, it explained.
PIBOC has studied the structure and biomedical properties of marine natural compounds for over 40 years.
Medicines and dietary supplements have been successfully developed and implemented in medical practice based on the institute’s research.
Method of Processing Seaweed
List of Countries Forecast 2025
Commentary :
There have been many questions about the countries forecast specially the one focusing on the United States of America (USA). They won't be answered one by one but below you can find some explanation, thoughts and reflections. We are going to keep this as short as possible.
The majority of the economic and demographic data used in the making of the forecasts is widely available by institutions such as the CIA, IMF, UN, USG, etc. You can see the most relevant data at every single country's page. There is a tiny part of data coming from a variety of shadow sources such as Internet gurus, unsigned reports and others. But all these sources are from the internet and are of public domain for at least a minority. For example, several years ago Dagong, the Chinese ratings agency, published a report analyzing the physical economy of the States comparing it with those of China, Germany and Japan. The conclusion was that the US GDP was something between $5 to $10 trillion instead of $15 trillion as officially reported by the USG. We assume that the official data, especially economic, released by governments is fake, cooked or distorted in some degree. Historically it is well known that the former Soviet Union was making up fake statistics years before its collapse. Western as well as other countries are making up their numbers today to conceal their real state of affairs. We are sure that many people out there can find government statistics in their own countries that by their own personal experience are hard to believe or are so optimistic that may belong to a different country.
Despite the numeric data "quantity" there is a "quality" model which has not a direct translation into numeric data. The 2014 strain of Ebola has a death rate of 50-60% but try to imagine what would happen if there is a pandemic of Ebola with hundreds of thousands or millions infected with the virus. So far the few cases of Ebola-infected people have "enjoyed" intensive healthcare with anti-viral and breathing assistance but above all with abundant human support by Physicians and nurses. In a pandemic scenario that kind of healthcare won't be available for the overwhelming number of infected leading to a dramatic increase of the death rate due to the lack of proper healthcare. The "quality" factor is that the death rate could increase to 80-90% in a pandemic scenario from the stated 50-60% rate. The figure itself is not important what is relevant is the fact that the scenario can evolve beyond the initial conditions from a 50% death toll to more than 90%. By the way, no pandemic or nuclear war is included in the forecast.
The key element to understand the process that the USA will enter in the upcoming decade is migration. In the past, specially in the 20th century, the key factor that allowed the USA to rise to its colossus status was immigration with the benefits of a demographic expansion supporting the credit expansion and the brain drain from the rest of the world benefiting the States. The collapse of the Western financial system will wipe out the standard of living of its population while ending ponzi schemes such as the stock exchange and the pension funds. The population will be hit so badly by a full array of bubbles and ponzi schemes that the migration engine will start to work in reverse accelerating itself due to ripple effects thus leading to the demise of the States. This unseen situation for the States will develop itself in a cascade pattern with unprecedented and devastating effects for the economy. Jobs offshoring will surely end with many American Corporations relocating overseas thus becoming foreign Corporations!!!! We see a significant part of the American population migrating to Latin America and Asia while migration to Europe - suffering a similar illness - won't be relevant. Nevertheless the death toll will be horrible. Take into account that the Soviet Union's population was poorer than the Americans nowadays or even then. The ex-Soviets suffered during the following struggle in the 1990s with a significant death toll and the loss of national pride. Might we say "Twice the pride, double the fall"? Nope. The American standard of living is one of the highest, far more than double of the Soviets while having added a services economy that will be gone along with the financial system. When pensioners see their retirement disappear in front of their eyes and there are no servicing jobs you can imagine what is going to happen next. At least younger people can migrate. Never in human history were so many elders among the population. In past centuries people were lucky to get to their 30s or 40s. The American downfall is set to be far worse than the Soviet Union's one. A confluence of crisis with a devastating result.
The Demographic crisis in the former Soviet Union countries has extended for over two decades, if we accept that it ended early in this decade (2010s). The demographic crisis will hit the World in the near future and is projected to last between three and eight decades more or less depending on technological breakthrough and environmental issues. The aftermath is more likely a frozen picture with the population numbers staying the same for a very, very long period of time. The countries forecast population numbers do reflect birth/deaths but also migratory movements. Many countries are going to increase their gross population due to immigration while their native population may shrink.
Over the past two thousand years we have witnessed the Western civilization built around the Mediterranean Sea shifting to Northern Europe and then by the mid 20th century shifting to an Atlantic axis to finally get centered into the States in the past 30 years. The next move will see the civilization being centered in Asia with Russia and China on top. Historically a change in the economic paradigm has resulted in a death toll that is rarely highlighted by mainstream historians. When the transition from rural areas to large cities happened in Europe many people unable to accept the new paradigm killed themselves. They killed themselves by a psychological factor. This is not mainstream but it is true. A new crisis joins old, well known patterns with new ones.
Sorry to disappoint many of you with our forecast. It is getting worse and worse every year since the beginning of the pre-crisis in 2007. It is already said that this website is non-profit, built on spare time and we provide our information and services AS IS without further explanations and/or guarantees. We are not linked to any government in any way, shape or form. We are not a death or satanic cult or arms dealers as some BS is floating around the internet on this topic. Take into account that the forecast is nothing more than a model whether flawed or correct. It is not God's word or a magic device that allows to foresee the future...
Steve Quayle Alert --
Hi Steve,
Please put this in the “I need to get his off my chest” category. I know you know most (if not all) of this, but I believe, as a somewhat recently retired US Army General, I have an obligation to put this out there.
We have all heard it said that generals are always fighting the last war. I did not find that true during my military career. In fact, I found the opposite. There were many exceptionally smart men and women who strained to look through fog, into the future, in anticipation of what would come next. The problem is, this is extremely difficult to do.
Do you think post-World War II (and to some extent post-Korean War) planners could have envisioned the Viet Nam War?
Do you think the post-Vietnam planners could have foreseen kicking in doors in Afghanistan and Iraq?
What do you think post Afghanistan/Iraq planners are envisioning next?
As you know, the Pentagon has war plans for multiple contingencies….along with concomitant branches and sequels. Some predict total war, but those plans rarely see the public eye. With today’s technologies and weaponry, it is too difficult to fathom that any nation would go down this path. Besides, anyone in a position of power, who publicly predicted such a war--- and urged immediate preparation-- would likely see his/her career end rather quickly.
Yet sadly, history would indicate total war is the most likely next outcome.
Those who fought the last total war, (World War II) have mostly passed. Those who remain have seen their voices grow dim. We are now in the fourth generation from World War II…and all current US generations have come to believe the following about war:
Wars are protracted affairs that can last a decade or more.
Wars are low-level conflicts.
Wars do not affect the general populace of the US. (We bomb others, they don’t bomb us.)
Only a few are needed to prosecute a war. (Currently, less than one half of one percent of our population have served in the military.)
War is good for economy.
The status quo is maintained regardless of war’s outcome.
God is on our side.
If history is any guide, all of the above beliefs will be shattered during the next war.
Steve, there are historical “war cycles.” Not every war can be total (WW II), or a stand-off (Korea), or swiftly-victorious-but-without change (Desert Storm), or indecisive (Vietnam/Iraq/Afghanistan). There is a rhyme and rhythm to human conflict and we are on course for total war. Strauss and Howe to an excellent job of explaining such cycles in their 1997 classic book, The Fourth Turning.
With that said, I believe the next war will:
Last only 2-3 weeks.
Be a high-level conflict where more people will die than in all previous wars combined.
See the general US population targeted (and stunned) at the devastation.
Affect everyone—not just those in uniform.
Decimate the economy. Those not killed directly will struggle to survive post-hostilities.
Destroy the status quo and usher in a new order.
Make manifest that God is no longer on our side. We chose to abandon Him, so He honored our free will.
The reality is, Americans have not fared well at the beginning of most wars. We get caught off-guard, stumble, and suffer casualties we should not suffer. Our strength is in our ability to recover and adapt. As a people---and as a military—we have proven ourselves able to adjust “on the fly” and overcome overwhelming odds.
This trait is not lost on our enemies. Their solution? Win before we can adjust. Attack so hard and so fast, we cannot get up. The Japanese had this idea at Pearl Harbor, but did not have the means to execute the strategy. Today’s weapons/technology allow for such a strategy to be successful.
The difficulty for most American leaders is that they have been brought up to believe there is a linear path to things such as civilization’s progress, economic growth, cultural achievement, technological advancement, military improvement, and so on. Yet, this has never been the case. Things cycle. The ancients knew this. Our founding fathers knew this.
Linear thinking is a relatively new mindset…fueled and reinforced in large part by the industrial and technological revolutions. And, while the material achievements have been amazing, and seemingly straight up, the human condition has not changed. Like everything in nature, human behavior cycles.
(As an aside, the Romans also believed technological advances were linear and destined to grow to the sky. Yet, after the Empire fell, Europe forgot how to make concrete for over 700 years. When Rome fell, knowledge was lost in the areas of health care, architecture, hygiene, plumbing, engineering, etc. This knowledge was not recovered until centuries later. Thus, even technology cycles, if you look back far enough.)
The point is, among other things, industrial and technological advances have reinforced a false belief-system that past is prologue….despite overwhelming historical evidence to the contrary. The result is, we are careening down a destructive path that many Americans can “feel”, but cannot articulate.
This is not intended as fear mongering…there is plenty of non-substantiated nonsense out there. As hard as this is to write, however, there is substantial evidence to indicate total war is on the horizon. I believe future historians will look back and say, “How could they have not seen the path they were on?”
Your website has offered many solutions re what people should do. Your recent prepper articles have been outstanding. Of course, the best way to live through total war is to not participate. Given this, what can the average American do?
Leave the battlefield, which in total war, is the entire nation. Go south of the equator.
If you can’t leave the country, leave the urban areas.
Prepare as best you can for the war and its aftermath.
Get right with God.
Be attuned to the promptings of the Holy Spirit. The early Christians were told via visions, dreams, & prophets to flee before the Romans sacked the city in 70 AD.
There is another issue. Your readers are going to have to make a judgment call as to whether the next war is a “God’s judgment war”. If you determine in the affirmative, then your bravery, good intentions, self-sacrifice, and noble deeds will be in vain. You will not be fighting a foreign foe. You will be fighting His will. You will lose. And please, do not fall into the trap that “at least we are better than the other guys”. The Egyptians, Assyrians, and Babylonians were not saints, yet God use them to judge ancient Israel and Judah.
Thankfully Steve, you get it…and have gotten it for a long time. You are trying to save lives, both in the physical and the eternal. I am merely adding my voice to yours. I hope this small contribution will convince those who are on the fence to recognize the current situation and take appropriate action.
Is there hope? Of course…but it would require repentance and revival on scale we have not seen for a long time in the US. Fast and pray.
Your friend in Christ
BG, Retired
Mar 2, 2016
Major Carbon Monoxide Explosion West Coast !!!
Massive Carbon Monoxide Explosions ??
15 February 2010
Carbon monoxide may signal earthquake
K. S. Jayaraman , Ramesh Singh.
Earth emits a burst of carbon monoxide (CO) a few days before an earthquake, according to geophysicist Ramesh Singh. He and co-workers from France and the United States report that this gas could be used as one of the precursor signals for an earthquake early warning system.
The scientists used data from an American satellite and analysed changes in carbon monoxide at different altitudes. "The carbon monoxide shows enhancement in concentration a few days prior to the earthquake," Singh said.
Singh, who was formerly with the Indian Institute of Technology in Kanpur, is currently in the physics department of Chapman University in California, USA. The project was funded by the Indo-French Centre for the Promotion of Advanced Research in New Delhi.
The researchers discovered the connection between CO emission and earthquake by analysing satellite remote sensing data collected around the time when a 7.6 magnitude earthquake shook Gujarat in western India nine years ago killing about 20,000 people and rendering thousands homeless.
Singh said that CO levels were taken by an instrument onboard NASA's Terra satellite — launched in 2009 — circling the earth in a polar orbit at a height of 705 km. The instrument measures CO concentrations at different heights and also computes the total amount of the gas in a vertical column of air above the earth surface.
Analysis of the satellite data showed a large peak in CO concentrations during January 19 and 20 — a week before the main earthquake event. On January 19, the total CO in the vertical column was also higher than usual. After the 26 January earthquake the concentration of the gas dropped.
According to the scientists, CO gas is forced out of the earth due to the build up of stress prior to the earthquake "influencing the hydrological regime around the epicentre."
Singh said an anomalous increase in land surface temperature a few days prior to Gujarat earthquake — as inferred from the data of NASA's other satellite MODIS — is also related to the CO emission. "The increase of column CO and concentrations of CO may have enhanced the land surface temperature," he said.
"The anomalous changes in CO concentrations prior to the main earthquake event and enhancement of temperature of the earth surface observed from MODIS satellite data give an indication of coupling between land and atmosphere," the scientists report. Singh said observation by other researchers of a sudden increase in water vapour in the atmosphere and changes in the ionosphere a few days prior to the Gujarat earthquake all seem to be connected.
According to the report, all these observations including the latest discovery of CO emission show the existence of a 'strong coupling' between land-atmosphere-ionosphere. "The integration of all these parameters in a seismically active region therefore looks a potential approach to understand earthquake processes and may provide reliable information about an impending earthquake," the researchers conclude.
Appl. Geochem.
doi: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2010.01.014 (2010)
Satellite detection of carbon monoxide emission prior to the Gujarat earthquake of 26 January 2001.
Singh, R.P. et al.
NOAA AVHRR images have clearly shown anomalous changes in land surface temperature associated with earthquakes in the past two decades. Soon after the Gujarat earthquake of January 26, 2001, an anomalous increase in land surface temperature was inferred from MODIS satellite data a few days prior to the main earthquake event. The cause of such an anomalous change in surface temperature prior to the earthquake is attributed to many probable phenomena, but no definite cause has been identified. In the present study, changes of a complementary nature were found of land surface temperature associated with the emission of CO from the epicentral region. The observed changes on land and atmosphere associated with the Gujarat earthquake of 26 January, 2001, show the existence of strong coupling between land, atmosphere and ionosphere.
Suspicious Observers
Earthquakes are Predictable: OLR Trial Period Results
Technically the last earthquakes came two days after the 2-week trial period, however that timeline was meant for the window of making the forecasts. The Trial Period would not close until we tested the merit of the final prediction. Had it been made with 1 minute to go and the earthquake struck 1 minute AFTER the trial ended, you would have an easy example of why the study must be done in this way.
Solar Alerts and Earthquake Warnings on Twitter:
See also :
TATE, Joe : Ambient Power Module ~ Patented as an earthquake early warning system -- EQs emit AM radio signals in advance of the event... Extremely simple/easy to build -- Joe & I made 100 in one afternoon ...
Suck Methane, Whitey !
Feb 24, 2016
How Hot, How Fast?
“I don’t want to earn my living; I want to live.” ~ Oscar Wilde
The species Homo sapiens — clearly our most-loved species, at the expense of nearly all others — has occupied Earth at a temperature somewhere between 2.2 and 3.2 C above baseline (i.e., relative to ~1750). We’ve also survived ice ages, which are characterized by a global-average temperature a few degrees below baseline.
Our species has occupied this planet for about 200,000 years. Our human predecessors were here about 6 million years ago. As with every other species, ours requires habitat to persist. As is the case with non-human species, habitat for Homo sapiens has persisted at a global-average temperature within a narrow range, from about 12 C to about 17 C.
The following calculations include only global dimming and the two self-reinforcing feedback loops for which estimates of heating are available. This analysis assumes moistening of the upper troposphere produces heating at a pace similar to methane. To my knowledge, no data, models, or forecasts are available to evaluate this assumption. As you’ll read, it’s a minor point.
The remaining feedback loops remain a mystery in terms of their potential for warming the planet. But I can assure you we will continue to hear the phrase, “faster than expected.”
Civilization pillow talk
I’ll start with global dimming because industrial civilization cannot be maintained. Therefore, it will not be maintained. Even a child is able to understand this point … unless the child happens to exhibit behavior consistent with that of a privileged, Caucasian man living in the global north.
Global dimming results from industrial activity, as indicated here. Earth will warm by 1 to 3 C degrees above today’s temperature within days or weeks after completion of the ongoing collapse of industrial civilization.
Moistening of the upper troposphere adds 1 to 3 additional degrees. I describe this phenomenon as item 39 on this list.
The monster, though, is atmospheric methane. A potent greenhouse gas, methane leaking emanating from the Arctic Ocean alone is likely to add between 5 and 11 degrees of warming within one or two decades. So said Paul Beckwith in November 2014 as he prepared to attend COP-20 in Lima, Peru. The paleo-climatic evidence supports this view. Please note that human extinction is likely to be triggered even if the exponential rise in atmospheric methane doesn’t matter, as explained here, but methane is a misbehaving bull in a fully stocked China shop.
Currently, Earth is more than 1 C above its baseline temperature. The 1 C mark was the absolute upper Rubicon beyond which we could not cross, as pointed out by the United Nations Advisory Group on Greenhouse Gases in October 1990. According to David Spratt, 0.5 C was the significant threshold. Unfortunately, I doubt anybody suspected the rate of climate change was outstripping the adaptive response by 10,000 times back in October 1990, as we now know from research focused on vertebrates.
Madly, as if poisoned by our own culture, we negotiate. The 1.5 C “target” produced by COP-21 in Paris was eclipsed a month after the ink dried on the vaunted agreement. Unlike us, nature does not negotiate. Rather, nature bats last.
On, then, to the simple addition, rounding down in every case (i.e., taking a conservative approach):
1. The most-rapid scenario starts with the current 1 C above baseline and adds about 3 C from loss of global dimming plus 1 degree from moistening of the upper troposphere (to avoid counting the feedbacks twice), plus 11 C from Arctic methane, for a total of 16 C above the 1750 baseline by November 2024. That’ll be inconvenient, as it is much warmer than Earth’s global-average temperature at any time during at least the last 2 billion years (i.e., 2,000,000,000 years). The loss of global dimming is guaranteed by the temperature rise resulting from moistening of the upper troposphere or the rise in atmospheric methane. Civilization will not persist beyond 2 C above baseline, which translates to at least twice that temperature rise within the interior of large continents where grains are grown (thus sustaining civilization)
2. At the slower end of the abrupt-climate-change spectrum is 1 C currently, plus 1 C from loss of global dimming, plus 1 degree from moistening of the upper troposphere, plus 5 C from Arctic methane, for a total of 8 C above the 1750 baseline by November 2034. As above, the loss of global dimming is guaranteed by the temperature rise resulting from moistening of the upper troposphere or the rise in atmospheric methane.
The latter scenario — the “slow” one — takes Earth to a planetary temperature well-suited for dinosaurs, were the transition to take hundreds of thousands of years. It is well beyond the temperature at which Earth has harbored anything resembling Homo sapiens, and it’s quite near the highest planetary temperature during the last 2 billion years. The transition from here to 8 C above baseline will occur more rapidly than any previous known rise in global-average temperature.
Even excluding a few dozen self-reinforcing feedback loops, is there any doubt either version of abrupt climate change will remove all habitat for our species in the very near future? If so, please share the attendant evidence.
Oh, and I still don’t know your expiration date. Or mine. But I’m certain each of us will die, even those of us who are middle-aged, Caucasian men in the global north.
The Mass Extinction Event Horizon
The Permian mass extinction of 250 million years ago wiped out 95% of life on land and sea and took 80,000 years from start to finish.
The Dinosaur mass extinction of 60 million years ago took 33,000 years to complete after the asteroid impact.
Anthropogenic mass extinction will take up to 300 years, and is more likely go into runaway mode in a little over 30 years making it 100-1000 times faster than anything ever before.
The Runaway Mass Extinction Tipping Point Is Running Towards Us!
Thousands of people die each year trying to get into Europe.
When oil prices burp, stock markets shit themselves.
66% of humans go without water each year.
50% of our soil will be gone in 30 years.
no soil + no water = no food.
50% of species will go extinct in 40 years, maybe sooner.
40% of earth’s green growth is eaten by humans and livestock.
Runaway mass extinction cannot be stopped or reversed once started.
You may not have noticed, but I didn’t really mention climate yet.
Watch 4 top climate/energy scientists tell you why Renewable Energy will NOT stop Climate Catastrophe.
The Collapse Data Cheat Sheet, January 2015
January 24, 2016
No Soil & Water Before 100% Renewable Energy
Many say we can have 100% renewable energy by 2050. This is factually incorrect.
We can have 100% renewable electricity production by 2050.
But electricity production is only 18% of total world energy demand.
82% of total world energy demand is NOT electricity production.
The other 82% of the world’s energy is used to extract minerals to make roads, cement, bricks, glass, steel and grow food so we can eat and sleep. Solar panels and wind turbines will not be making cement or steel anytime soon. Why? Do you really want to know? Here we go.
TWED = Total World Energy Demand
18% of TWED is electrical grid generation.
82% of TWED is not electrical grid generation.
In 20 years, solar & wind energy is up from 1% to 3% of TWED.
Solar & wind power are projected to provide 6% of TWED by 2030.
When you hear stories about solar & wind generating
50% of all humanity’s electrical power by 2050,
that’s really only 9% of TWED because
100% of electrical production is 18% of TWED.
But, it takes 10X as much solar & wind energy to close 1 fossil fuel power plant simply because they don’t produce energy all the time.
Reference Link:
That means it will take 10 X 18% of TWED to close all fossil power plants with intermittent power.
Research says it will take 4 X 82% of TWED for a 100% renewable energy transition. But then again, whoever trusts research?
10 X 18% + 4 X 82% = 100% Renewable TWED.
We require 10X the fossil electrical grid energy we use now just to solve 18% of the emissions problem with solar & wind power. This also means that even if we use 100% efficient Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) for all the world’s electricity generation, we would still only prevent 18% of our emissions. 100% efficient CCS is very unlikely. Switching to electric vehicles would only double electrical demand while most of our roads are made out of distilled oil sludge.
These figures do not include massive electrical storage and grid infrastructure solar & wind require. Such infrastructure is hundreds of millions of tons of materials taking decades to construct, demanding even more energy and many trillions of dollars. With that kind of money in the offing, you can see why some wax over-enthused.
Solar & wind systems last 30 years meaning we will always have to replace them all over the world again 50% sooner than fossil power plants.
Solar and wind power are an energy trap.
It takes 1 ton of coal to make 6-12 solar panels.
Business As Usual = BAU
In 15 years 40% of humanity will be short of water with BAU.
In 15 years 20% of humanity will be severely short of water.
Right now, 1 billion people walk a mile every day for water.
In 60 years humanity will not have enough soil to grow food says Scientific American. They call it, “The End of Human Agriculture.” Humanity’s soil is eroding and degrading away at 24 million acres per year. And, when they say 60 years they don’t mean everything is wonderful until the last day of the 59th year. We will feel the heat of those words in much less than 30 years. Soil loss rates will only increase with severe droughts, storms and low-land floods. Here’s what BAU really looks like.
50% of humanity’s soil will be gone in 30 years.
50% of humanity will lack water in 30 years.
50% of humanity will go hungry in 30 years.
A 100% TWED transition takes 50 years minimum. It is a vastly more difficult and complex goal than you are told.
Reference Link:
Reference Link:
We are losing earth’s soil and fresh water faster than we can effect 100% renewable TWED.
In 25 years civilization will end says Lloyds of London and the British Foreign Office.
In my opinion, in 30 years we won’t have enough fossil fuel for a 100% renewable TWED transition.
This is the most important fact I’ve learned:
Renewable Energy is Unsustainable without massive energy demand destruction
Humanity will destroy its soil and water faster than we can switch to renewable energy with BAU. We cannot sustain economic growth with renewable energy. Without massive political-economic change, civilization will collapse with 100% certainty. But, don’t worry, I like to fix things.
Animal Agriculture = AA
Humans + Livestock = 97% of the weight of all land vertebrate biomass
Humans + Livestock = 80% of the cause of all land-air extinctions
Humans + Livestock = 50% of the use of all land surface area
Humans + Livestock = 40% consumption of all land plant growth *
* Net Primary Production.
50% of the soy grown in South America is shipped over to China to feed their pigs. Rainforests and deep-rooted scrub are cleared to grow animals & feed so that their required fresh water is in reality a sky river exported in boats to China and Europe leaving little moisture in the air to reach São Paulo. Since rainforest roots are so thick they don’t require very much, or even good, soil; this leaves rainforest soil so poor and thin that it degrades and erodes faster when exposed to the elements.
The Himalayan mountains are heating 2X faster than the planet and many fear that China will run out of water in 15 years by 2030.
50% of China’s rivers have vanished since 1980.
60% of China’s groundwater is too poisoned to touch.
50% of China’s cropland is too poisoned to safely grow food.
Animal Agriculture will destroy our soil and water long before we can effect 100% intermittent TWED transition with BAU.
BAU means 7 billion people will not stop eating meat and wasting food without major $$$ incentive. Meaning a steadily rising carbon tax on meat. Just saying that can get you killed in some places.
Without using James Hansen’s 100% private tax dividends to carbon tax meat consumption out of the market earth will die. 100% private tax dividends means 100% for you, 0% for government.
100% for you,
0% for gov.
The funny thing is that meat and fire saved our ancestors from extinction and now meat and fire will cause mass extinction of all the life we love on earth. Survival is not an optional menu item as is eating meat. We have to act now, not 5 years from now, or forever be not remembered as the least greatest generation because there’ll be no one left to remember us.
Michael Mann says we will lock-in a 2 degree temperature rise in 3 years for 2036 with BAU. Ocean fish will be gone in less than 25 years simply because of the BAU of meat consumption. The BAU of fishing kills everything in its path producing lots of waste kill. We are stealing all the Antarctic Ocean’s krill just to sell as a health supplement. You can learn a lot about fishing by watching “Cowspiracy” on Netflix.
We cannot let governments get control of carbon markets like how Sanders, Klein and McKibben want government to get 40% of your carbon tax dividend money. Naomi Klein and Bill McKibben are funded by the Rockefellers. Klein’s latest video about herself was funded by the oil-invested Ford Foundation. This is 100% in direct opposition to James Hansen’s tax dividend plan and immoral. Hansen said that governments should get 0% of that money, not 40%. I strongly believe your carbon dividends should be in a new open-source world e-currency directly deposited to your phone to be phased in over 10 years. But, I’m kinda simple that way.
Google: Rockefellers fund Bill McKibben. Believe me, the Rockefellers don’t fund out of the kindness of their hearts. To learn why they would do such a thing, you can watch the educational video at the bottom of this page.
Reference Link:
James Hansen repeated at COP21 that his 100% private carbon tax dividends would unite Democrats and Republicans because government would be 100% excluded. Socialists like Sanders, Klein and McKibben want government to control 40% of that money. They are divisive and Republicans will never accept their revolutionary rhetoric. We don’t have time for this endless fighting. Forget the Socialist vs. Capitalist mentality. We barely even have time to unite, and nothing unites like money. Environmentalism in the 21st century is about a revolving door of money and power for elite socialists and capitalists. Let’s give everyone a chance to put some skin in the game.
Reference Link:
What humans & livestock have done so far:
We are eating up our home.
99% of Rhinos gone since 1914.
97% of Tigers gone since 1914.
90% of Lions gone since 1993.
90% of Sea Turtles gone since 1980.
90% of Monarch Butterflies gone since 1995.
90% of Big Ocean Fish gone since 1950.
80% of Antarctic Krill gone since 1975.
80% of Western Gorillas gone since 1955.
60% of Forest Elephants gone since 1970.
50% of Great Barrier Reef gone since 1985.
40% of Giraffes gone since 2000.
30% of Marine Birds gone since 1995.
70% of Marine Birds gone since 1950.
28% of Land Animals gone since 1970.
28% of All Marine Animals gone since 1970.
97% – Humans & Livestock are 97% of land-air vertebrate biomass.
10,000 years ago we were 0.01% of land-air vertebrate biomass.
Humans and livestock caused 80% of land-air vertebrate species extinctions and occupy half the land on earth. Do you think the new 2-child policy in China favours growth over sustainability? The Zika virus could be a covert 1% population control measure for all I know. Could the 1% be immune? I don’t know, but I know this…
1 million humans, net, added to earth every 4½ days...
Endgame -- 20 Premises
Premise One: Civilization is not and can never be sustainable. This is especially true for industrial civilization.
Premise Two: Traditional communities do not often voluntarily give up or sell the resources on which their communities are based until their communities have been destroyed. They also do not willingly allow their landbases to be damaged so that other resources—gold, oil, and so on—can be extracted. It follows that those who want the resources will do what they can to destroy traditional communities.
Premise Three: Our way of living—industrial civilization—is based on, requires, and would collapse very quickly without persistent and widespread violence.
Premise Four: Civilization is based on a clearly defined and widely accepted yet often unarticulated hierarchy. Violence done by those higher on the hierarchy to those lower is nearly always invisible, that is, unnoticed. When it is noticed, it is fully rationalized. Violence done by those lower on the hierarchy to those higher is unthinkable, and when it does occur is regarded with shock, horror, and the fetishization of the victims.
Premise Five: The property of those higher on the hierarchy is more valuable than the lives of those below. It is acceptable for those above to increase the amount of property they control—in everyday language, to make money—by destroying or taking the lives of those below. This is called production. If those below damage the property of those above, those above may kill or otherwise destroy the lives of those below. This is called justice.
Premise Six: Civilization is not redeemable. This culture will not undergo any sort of voluntary transformation to a sane and sustainable way of living. If we do not put a halt to it, civilization will continue to immiserate the vast majority of humans and to degrade the planet until it (civilization, and probably the planet) collapses. The effects of this degradation will continue to harm humans and nonhumans for a very long time.
Premise Seven: The longer we wait for civilization to crash—or the longer we wait before we ourselves bring it down—the messier will be the crash, and the worse things will be for those humans and nonhumans who live during it, and for those who come after.
Premise Eight: The needs of the natural world are more important than the needs of the economic system.
Another way to put premise Eight: Any economic or social system that does not benefit the natural communities on which it is based is unsustainable, immoral, and stupid. Sustainability, morality, and intelligence (as well as justice) requires the dismantling of any such economic or social system, or at the very least disallowing it from damaging your landbase.
Premise Nine: Although there will clearly some day be far fewer humans than there are at present, there are many ways this reduction in population could occur (or be achieved, depending on the passivity or activity with which we choose to approach this transformation). Some of these ways would be characterized by extreme violence and privation: nuclear armageddon, for example, would reduce both population and consumption, yet do so horrifically; the same would be true for a continuation of overshoot, followed by crash. Other ways could be characterized by less violence. Given the current levels of violence by this culture against both humans and the natural world, however, it’s not possible to speak of reductions in population and consumption that do not involve violence and privation, not because the reductions themselves would necessarily involve violence, but because violence and privation have become the default. Yet some ways of reducing population and consumption, while still violent, would consist of decreasing the current levels of violence required, and caused by, the (often forced) movement of resources from the poor to the rich, and would of course be marked by a reduction in current violence against the natural world. Personally and collectively we may be able to both reduce the amount and soften the character of violence that occurs during this ongoing and perhaps longterm shift. Or we may not. But this much is certain: if we do not approach it actively—if we do not talk about our predicament and what we are going to do about it—the violence will almost undoubtedly be far more severe, the privation more extreme.
Premise Ten: The culture as a whole and most of its members are insane. The culture is driven by a death urge, an urge to destroy life.
Premise Eleven: From the beginning, this culture—civilization—has been a culture of occupation.
Premise Twelve: There are no rich people in the world, and there are no poor people. There are just people. The rich may have lots of pieces of green paper that many pretend are worth something—or their presumed riches may be even more abstract: numbers on hard drives at banks—and the poor may not. These “rich” claim they own land, and the “poor” are often denied the right to make that same claim. A primary purpose of the police is to enforce the delusions of those with lots of pieces of green paper. Those without the green papers generally buy into these delusions almost as quickly and completely as those with. These delusions carry with them extreme consequences in the real world.
Premise Thirteen: Those in power rule by force, and the sooner we break ourselves of llusions to the contrary, the sooner we can at least begin to make reasonable decisions about whether, when, and how we are going to resist.
Premise Fourteen: From birth on—and probably from conception, but I’m not sure how I’d make the case—we are individually and collectively enculturated to hate life, hate the natural world, hate the wild, hate wild animals, hate women, hate children, hate our bodies, hate and fear our emotions, hate ourselves. If we did not hate the world, we could not allow it to be destroyed before our eyes. If we did not hate ourselves, we could not allow our homes—and our bodies—to be poisoned.
Premise Fifteen: Love does not imply pacifism.
Premise Sixteen: The material world is primary. This does not mean that the spirit does not exist, nor that the material world is all there is. It means that spirit mixes with flesh. It means also that real world actions have real world consequences. It means we cannot rely on Jesus, Santa Claus, the Great Mother, or even the Easter Bunny to get us out of this mess. It means this mess really is a mess, and not just the movement of God’s eyebrows. It means we have to face this mess ourselves. It means that for the time we are here on Earth—whether or not we end up somewhere else after we die, and whether we are condemned or privileged to live here—the Earth is the point. It is primary. It is our home. It is everything. It is silly to think or act or be as though this world is not real and primary. It is silly and pathetic to not live our lives as though our lives are real.
Premise Seventeen: It is a mistake (or more likely, denial) to base our decisions on whether actions arising from these will or won’t frighten fence-sitters, or the mass of Americans.
Premise Eighteen: Our current sense of self is no more sustainable than our current use of energy or technology.
Premise Nineteen: The culture’s problem lies above all in the belief that controlling and abusing the natural world is justifiable.
Premise Twenty: Within this culture, economics—not community well-being, not morals, not ethics, not justice, not life itself—drives social decisions.
Modification of Premise Twenty: Social decisions are determined primarily (and often exclusively) on the basis of whether these decisions will increase the monetary fortunes of the decision-makers and those they serve.
Re-modification of Premise Twenty: Social decisions are determined primarily (and often exclusively) on the basis of whether these decisions will increase the power of the decision-makers and those they serve.
Re-modification of Premise Twenty: Social decisions are founded primarily (and often exclusively) on the almost entirely unexamined belief that the decision-makers and those they serve are entitled to magnify their power and/or financial fortunes at the expense of those below.
Re-modification of Premise Twenty: If you dig to the heart of it—if there were any heart left—you would find that social decisions are determined primarily on the basis of how well these decisions serve the ends of controlling or destroying wild nature.
-- Derrick Jensen
Endgame, Volume 1
Derrick Jensen
Guy McPherson's climate change update
This is a recording of Guy McPherson giving his climate change update with Mike Sliwa on 23 February, 2016.
The most shocking fact from this is that 20% of warming of the planet in the last 100 years has occurred in the last year.
Global Ocean Phytoplankton in Severe Decline
by Paul Beckwith -- Well known climate science educator; Part-time Geography professor (climatology, oceanography, environmental issues), University of Ottawa. Physicist.
Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret
Director: Kip Andersen, Keegan Kuhn
Synopsis: The World's largest environmental organizations are failing to address the single most destructive force facing the planet today. Follow the shocking, yet humorous, journey of an aspiring environmentalist, as he daringly seeks to find the real solution to the most pressing environmental issues and true path to sustainability.
Looking for a Fellatio-Job ? Geoengineering Super-Blows -- AND Pays You to Do It !
Scientific Forecast of Northern Hemisphere Life Extinction by 2050
The scientific forecast for the end of life is but 35 years away...
The lowest range extinction date of 2042 is 2.5 years later than to the previous best estimate for the extinction of 3/4 of the Earth's surface using aerial growth and methane GWP methods and is close to Carana's best estimate from runaway global warming due to the "Clathrate Gun Effect."
Hydrogen & Health
Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 1997 May 8;234(1):269-74.
Electrolyzed-reduced water scavenges active oxygen species and protects DNA from oxidative damage.Abstract
Shirahata S1, Kabayama S, Nakano M, Miura T, Kusumoto K, Gotoh M, Hayashi H, Otsubo K, Morisawa S, Katakura Y.
Active oxygen species or free radicals are considered to cause extensive oxidative damage to biological macromolecules, which brings about a variety of diseases as well as aging. The ideal scavenger for active oxygen should be 'active hydrogen'. 'Active hydrogen' can be produced in reduced water near the cathode during electrolysis of water. Reduced water exhibits high pH, low dissolved oxygen (DO), extremely high dissolved molecular hydrogen (DH), and extremely negative redox potential (RP) values. Strongly electrolyzed-reduced water, as well as ascorbic acid, (+)-catechin and tannic acid, completely scavenged O.-2 produced by the hypoxanthine-xanthine oxidase (HX-XOD) system in sodium phosphate buffer (pH 7.0). The superoxide dismutase (SOD)-like activity of reduced water is stable at 4 degrees C for over a month and was not lost even after neutralization, repeated freezing and melting, deflation with sonication, vigorous mixing, boiling, repeated filtration, or closed autoclaving, but was lost by opened autoclaving or by closed autoclaving in the presence of tungsten trioxide which efficiently adsorbs active atomic hydrogen. Water bubbled with hydrogen gas exhibited low DO, extremely high DH and extremely low RP values, as does reduced water, but it has no SOD-like activity. These results suggest that the SOD-like activity of reduced water is not due to the dissolved molecular hydrogen but due to the dissolved atomic hydrogen (active hydrogen). Although SOD accumulated H2O2 when added to the HX-XOD system, reduced water decreased the amount of H2O2 produced by XOD. Reduced water, as well as catalase and ascorbic acid, could directly scavenge H2O2. Reduce water suppresses single-strand breakage of DNA b active oxygen species produced by the Cu(II)-catalyzed oxidation of ascorbic acid in a dose-dependent manner, suggesting that reduced water can scavenge not only O2.- and H2O2, but also 1O2 and .OH.
Quit beotching -- Man up !
Seneca - Letters From a Stoic
Ralph Waldo Emerson : Essays and Lectures [ PDF ]
February 18, 2016
Video: Doctors Who Discovered Cancer Enzymes in Vaccines All Found Murdered
Rory Hall
Nagalase prevents vitamin D from being produced in the body.
Not long ago, Neon Nettle reported on the epidemic of doctors being murdered, most of which were in Florida, U.S. The scientists all shared a common trait, they had all discovered that nagalase enzyme protein was being added to vaccines which were then administrated to humans.
Nagalese is what prevents vitamin D from being produced in the body, which is the body’s main defence to naturally kill cancer cells.
According to Nagalase is a protein that’s also created by all cancer cells. This protein is also found in very high concentrations in autistic children. And they’re PUTTING it in our vaccines!!
This prevents the body from utilizing the Vitamin D necessary to fight cancer and prevent autism. Nagalese disables the immune system. It’s also known to cause Type 2 Diabetes. So basically…they weren’t killing these doctors because they had found the cure to cancer or were successfully treating autism…they’re killing them because these Dr’s had been researching and had the evidence that the vaccines they’re injecting our precious children with are CAUSING our current cancer and autism crisis!!
And that it’s obviously being done knowingly and on purpose! The Dr’s they killed in FL had been collaborating and were getting ready to go public with the information…
Doctors are Being Killed for Saving Your Children ~ Most Urgent!!!
Dr. Ted Broer explains why doctors are being killed for what they've discovering about vaccinations and how to cure the effects of the Elite's genocide.forced on your children and those taking forced vaccinations.
18 February 2016
Eternal 5D data storage could record the history of humankind
Scientists at the University of Southampton have made a major step forward in the development of digital data storage that is capable of surviving for billions of years.
Using nanostructured glass, scientists from the University’s Optoelectronics Research Centre (ORC) have developed the recording and retrieval processes of five dimensional (5D) digital data by femtosecond laser writing.
The storage allows unprecedented properties including 360 TB/disc data capacity, thermal stability up to 1,000°C and virtually unlimited lifetime at room temperature (13.8 billion years at 190°C ) opening a new era of eternal data archiving. As a very stable and safe form of portable memory, the technology could be highly useful for organisations with big archives, such as national archives, museums and libraries, to preserve their information and records.
The technology was first experimentally demonstrated in 2013 when a 300 kb digital copy of a text file was successfully recorded in 5D.
Now, major documents from human history such as Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), Newton’s Opticks, Magna Carta and Kings James Bible, have been saved as digital copies that could survive the human race. A copy of the UDHR encoded to 5D data storage was recently presented to UNESCO by the ORC at the International Year of Light (IYL) closing ceremony in Mexico.
The documents were recorded using ultrafast laser, producing extremely short and intense pulses of light. The file is written in three layers of nanostructured dots separated by five micrometres (one millionth of a metre).
The self-assembled nanostructures change the way light travels through glass, modifying polarisation of light that can then be read by combination of optical microscope and a polariser, similar to that found in Polaroid sunglasses.
Coined as the ‘Superman memory crystal’, as the glass memory has been compared to the “memory crystals” used in the Superman films, the data is recorded via self-assembled nanostructures created in fused quartz. The information encoding is realised in five dimensions: the size and orientation in addition to the three dimensional position of these nanostructures.
Professor Peter Kazansky, from the ORC, says: “It is thrilling to think that we have created the technology to preserve documents and information and store it in space for future generations. This technology can secure the last evidence of our civilisation: all we’ve learnt will not be forgotten.”
The self-assembled nanostructures change the way light travels through glass, modifying polarisation of light that can then be read by combination of optical microscope and a polariser, similar to that found in Polaroid sunglasses.
Coined as the ‘Superman memory crystal’, as the glass memory has been compared to the “memory crystals” used in the Superman films, the data is recorded via self-assembled nanostructures created in fused quartz. The information encoding is realised in five dimensions: the size and orientation in addition to the three dimensional position of these nanostructures.
Professor Peter Kazansky, from the ORC, says: “It is thrilling to think that we have created the technology to preserve documents and information and store it in space for future generations. This technology can secure the last evidence of our civilisation: all we’ve learnt will not be forgotten.”
Also published as: GB2490502 / WO2012150566
This patent describes an optical element, which converts incident linearly or circularly polarized visible light into radially or azimuthally polarized light beam. The polarization converter is a single optical element, produced by direct laser writing technique in an optically transparent substrate. Direct laser writing based on ultra-short pulsed laser radiation forms form birefringence self-assembled nanogratings in optically transparent material, such as fused silica. The period of gratings is smaller than wavelengths of a visible light.
D-I-Y Eco-Terrifying Wham Bam Shazam Chemtrail Commodifier :
Self-build Chem Cannon Worksheets - ClimateChanged
A set of 3 downloadable worksheets with detailed instructions for the following self-build orgone projects: Saint Malachy “Mighty Midget” 90l Chem Cannon
“A small compact unit capable of coping with medium/heavily geo-engineered skies…”
Rex-ommended Viewing :
Sri Yantra Research Center
Vitic Rods Research -- Kinds of rods, instructions, rules, construction, &c…
Description by Count Stefan Colonna Walewski :
"IX L ARCANE. Recharging nervous energy. A way used in ancient Egypt for strengthening of currents of energy within the body. It was shown in the figures, using the second Master Arcane exercise. Two rods clasped in the hands of standing figures, were the grips of tremendous power, akin to electricity (secondary electricity), which when the grips were held in the hand released this energy into the body, to be stored in unipolar ganglias, and spinal fluid, raising the potential of energy 100%, and lasting for a day and a night, 24 hours.
"The rods were two in number and of different compositions. One generally to be used in the right, another in the left hand. One having the power of the Sun, another the power of the Moon.
'The Sun rod of Power is composed of hard coal (carbon) specially hardened, in which the structure of the molecules is changed the way the molecules of iron are changed when converting iron into magness. (To convert iron into magness, the structure of iron moecules is changed by re-crystallization process, hardening, then it will retain the magnetism.) The process of hardening is heating to high temperature and then instantly cooling by submerging in water. (The rods of bard coal prepared for the electric arc lamps are excellent as Sun rods of Power.)
The hardened rod of coal can be inserted in a copper tube, with both ends open or closed (Length of rod six inches, diameter one inch or according to the grip of the band.)
"The Moon rod of Power is composed of hard lode stone, or pressed lode stone, (it may also be a rod of magnetized hard iron or steel magness. The Moon rod of Power can be inserted in a zinc or tin tube with both ends open or closed. (Length and diameter same as Sun rod.) The Moon grip or rod works as a kind of catalyst, to bring the Sun grip or rod into more powerful action.
The rods of power were known even long long ago, and the secret of their making knew only a few initiated.
The mysterious metal (bronze) auricalcum has tremendous power, and is composed of five metals, each having a definite color, white, black, red, blue and yellow. It is radioactive, and it hides the mystery of immaculate conception. Proportion of the metals is even. Then comes electron, composed of gold and silver, (40% and 60% silver), then a combination of silver 75% and zinc 25%; combination of copper and zinc, and also copper and tin. (Many combinations of bronze you can make figuring out planets and their relations and properties. Sun, gold; Moon, silver; Saturn, lead; Jupiter, tin; Mars, iron; Venus, copper; Mercury, mercury. Also minerals, coal, lode-stone, beryl, amber, tourmaline, rock crystal , hematite, etc. (Here text contains drawing of two figures rods, one figure is standing with a rod in each hand, one is sitting in the Egyptian meditation position, on a chair, back erect, feet flat on floor, hands on knees, with rods on knees. MM) The Egyptian master system postures for recharging the nervous energy, one should be relaxed and following the direction of the Sun. Objects shaped in different symbolic forms are also used throughout the world, like Babylonian maies (iron with silver inlay, with horned human head and head of the bull). In Tibet is used dorgee, etc."
This'll make your Yin spin Yangwise :
The newly improved set of postpartum fitness equipment for women by sitting on coals is made up of a chair (10) where the bottom of the chair (10) has a tray (14) for the placement of burning coals (30) featuring a burning coal cup or container (31) arranged so the bottom surface has an opening for ventilation with a prop or beam (42) for the air to ventilate from the bottom to the top. The pyramid-shaped lid cover (35) is for covering the hot coal cup (31 ). The top of the pyramid (38) is the smoke exit (39) for rising upward to the vagina.
A mechanical device including two concentric space frame structures is used to enhance plant growth. Essentially identical in shape but with the inner space frame smaller than the outer by a 4:5 relationship the space frame structures independently rotate about a common axes line. Each space frame consists of a right square pyramid of rods with its apex pointing upward and a second similar pyramid directly below it by a distance approximately two and one half times the length of each rod comprising the pyramid. The second, lower pyramid however has its apex pointing downward and is turned 45-degrees about a line connecting the two apex points. Eight additional rods complete each space frame. They each, respectively connect a corner of the upper pyramid base to a corner of the lower pyramid base in a manner that is symmetric.
[0002] These teachings involve equipment and methods for horticultural and agricultural productivity enhancement.
[0003] The field of cultivating plants has spurred technological advances from the plow, to artificial irrigation, to hybridization and now to advances in the application of DNA research. In the area of subtle influences that alter a plants environment, some have experimented with “talking to their plants” and playing Mozart for them. While neither of those techniques has found widespread use, there is a growing body of serious research regarding the effects of sound and vibrations on plant growth. Like all living organisms, plants have highly complex sensory networks for monitoring their surroundings, and are known to modify their growth and development to suit their environment. For example, plants exposed to a variety of mechanical perturbations, such as wind or touch, undergo physiological and developmental changes that enhance resistance to subsequent mechanical stress. Developmental changes in response to mechano-stimulation are collectively known as thigmomorphogenesis.
[0004] The short paper “Biochemical and physiological changes in plants as a result of different sonic exposures” by Yu-Chuan Qin, Won-Chu Lee, Young-Cheol Choi and Tae-Wan Kim that was published in Elsevier's Ultrasonics journal (41 (2003) 407-41) investigates the biochemical mechanisms that might be involved in some of these phenomena. Chinese cabbage and cucumbers at two growth stages were the researchers' subjects. For each plant type three groups were constituted. Besides a control group that was not subject to any artificial acoustic treatment, one group was exposed to steady ultrasonic (US) waves of 20 k Hz, while the other was exposed to so-called “green music” (GM) consisting of a combination of classical music and natural sounds including bird songs. Both O2 intake and polyamines content were measured. In brief, they found Chinese cabbage reacting more positively to the GM and the cucumbers to the US. However, for each quantity measured, either one or the other or both of the sonically exposed plants had greater readings than those of the control plants. That paper's charts of the polyamines content measurements are reproduced as FIGS. 1A and 1B. The caption of the Chinese cabbage growth graph in that paper is:
“Polyamine content (nmol/gFW) of Chinese cabbage seedlings: (A) 15 d and (B) mature plant (70 d) as a result of different acoustic exposures. Error bars represent the standard deviations of the means of polyamine contents.” And the caption in that paper of the cucumber data is: “Polyamine content (nmol/gFW) of cucumber seedlings: (A) 15 d and (B) mature plant (70 d) as a result of different acoustic treatments. Error bars represent the standard deviations of the means of polyamine contents.”
[0006] Studies have also focused on specific frequencies' effects, for example “Plant gene responses to frequency-specific sound signals”, Mi-Jeong Jeong, Chang-Ki Shim, Jin-Ohk Lee, Hawk-Bin Kwon, Yang-Han Kim, Seong-Kon Lee, Myeong-Ok Byun and Soo-Chul Park. (Mol Breeding (2008) 21:217-226) published Springer's Molecular Breeding journal. They demonstrated sound affecting plant growth through mRNA expression analyses.
[0007] Others have looked at the issue of the effect of vibration on plant growth. One relevant article is: “Growth Promotion by Vibration at 50 Hz in Rice and Cucumber Seedlings”, Hideyuki Takahashi, Hiroshi Suge and Tadashi Kato. (Plant CellPhysiol. 32(5): 729-732 (1991)). They looked at the effect of 50 Hz vibration and mention that a motivation of their study was the issue that motors and other mechanical apparatus in a green house might produce sounds with unintended and unexpected effects on plants.
[0008] FIG. 3 shows a reproduction of that paper's “FIG. 1.” Its caption is:
“Germination of rice and cucumber seeds as affected by vibration at 50 Hz Data is shown as the percentage of germinated seeds in a time-course study. Top (A), rice seeds under submerged conditions; middle (B), rice seeds on filter paper; bottom C), cucumber seeds on filter paper. Open (O) and closed (�) circles indicate the control and the vibrated seeds, respectively. One hundred seeds were used for each treatment.”
[0010] U.S. Pat. No. 7,600,343 dated Oct. 13, 2009 by Reiner Schultheiss, et al, discusses the effect of shock waves on plant growth.
[0011] However, previous attempts to improve plant growth along the lines of the research above have not made it into routine, large-scale, commercial use. Systems and methods are needed which can improve plant growth in ways compatible with our current environmental imperatives that are also inexpensive to deploy and maintain. Preferably, solutions would avoid chemical fertilizers and chemical pesticides and be simple to deploy in both the developed world and the developing world.
[0012] System and methods consistent with these teachings involve two counter-rotating geometric space frame structures that may be thought of as concentric. When energized and operated proximate to growing plants, the growth rate of those plants can be enhanced. Experimental results have shown its operation to be associated with effective increase in plant growth.
Are plants sensitive to sound?
Chris Smith
Korean researchers claim to have discovered two sound-sensitive genes in rice plants.
Mi-Jeong Jeong and colleagues from the National Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology in Suwon, South Korea, made the discovery by exposing plants to noise and studying how this affected gene activity.
Initially they tried playing 14 samples of classical music to their rice, including Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata, but saw no response.
Next they tried playing sounds of specific frequencies and began to see a change. At 125 Hz and 250 Hz the activity of two genes, rbcS and Ald, went up. But when sounds at at 50 Hz were played, the gene activity went down.
To find out whether other genes could be rendered sound-sensitive, the team linked the genetic elements that control the Ald gene to a 'reporter' gene inserted into the rice called GUS (beta-glucuronidase). They found that sounds could then also manipulate the levels of GUS.
This suggests that it might be possible to use sound instead of chemicals to control different genetic processes in plants, such as switching on resistance genes to help them fight off pests or ripen more rapidly.
Not all scientists are convinced though; some say that the new research, which is published in the journal Molecular Breeding, makes use of old techniques and lacks sufficient numbers to make the data credible. Sounds like sour grapes, although it does suggest that it's not just cereals like wheat and barley that have 'ears'...
Molecular Breeding 21(2):217-226
DOI: 10.1007/s11032-007-9122-x
Plant Gene Response to Frequency-Specific Sound Signals
Mi-Jeong Jeong, et al.
We identified a set of sound-responsive genes in plants using a sound-treated subtractive library and demonstrated sound regulation through mRNA expression analyses. Under both light and dark conditions, sound up-regulated expression of rbcS and ald. These are also light-responsive genes and these results suggest that sound could represent an alternative to light as a gene regulator. Ald mRNA expression increased significantly with treatment at 125 and 250Hz, whereas levels decreased significantly with treatment at 50Hz, indicating a frequency-specific response. To investigate whether the ald promoter responds to sound, we generated transgenic rice plants harboring a chimeric gene comprising a fusion of the ald promoter and GUS reporter. In three independent transgenic lines treated with 50 or 250Hz for 4h, GUS mRNA expression was up-regulated at 250Hz, but down-regulated at 50Hz. Thus, the sound-responsive mRNA expression pattern observed for the ald promoter correlated closely with that of ald, suggesting that the 1,506bp ald promoter is sound-responsive. Therefore, we propose that in transgenic plants, specific frequencies of sound treatment could be used to regulate the expression of any gene fused to the ald promoter.
Pak. J. Bot., 46(6): 2015-2020, 2014.
0.8 kHz enhanced relative water content, stomatal conductance and quantum yield...
A method for control of gray mold caused by Botrytis cinerea is provided to inhibit growth of Botrytis cinerea without specific equipments and technique by treating a plant with a single frequency sound, so that the gray mold is suppressed in an environment-friendly manner. The gray mold caused by Botrytis cinerea is controlled by treating a subject plant with a single frequency sound selected from 250-500 Hz generated by a sound generator, wherein the plant is vegetable including tomato, cucumber, strawberry, lettuce, eggplant and red pepper, or flower including lily, gladiolus, rose and carnation.
Postharvest Biology and Technology 12/2015; 110:43-50.
DOI: 10.1016/j.postharvbio.2015.07.015
Sound waves delay tomato fruit ripening by negatively regulating ethylene biosynthesis and signaling genes
J.-Y. Kim, et L.
Regulation of tomato fruit ripening may help extend fruit shelf life and prevent losses due to spoilage. Here, tomato fruit were investigated whether sound treatment could delay their ripening. Harvested fruit were treated with low-frequency sound waves (1. kHz) for 6. h, and then monitored various characteristics of the fruit over 14-days at 23. ±. 1. °C. Seven days after the treatment, 85% of the treated fruit were green, versus fewer than 50% of the non-treated fruit. Most of the tomato fruit had transitioned to the red ripening stage by 14 days after treatment. Ethylene production and respiration rate were lower in the sound-treated than non-treated tomatoes. Furthermore, changes in surface color and flesh firmness were delayed in the treated fruit. To investigate how sound wave treatment effects on fruit ripening, the expression of ethylene-related genes was analyzed by quantitative real-time RT-PCR analysis. The expression level of several ethylene biosynthetic (ACS2, ACS4, ACO1, E4 and E8) and ripening-regulated (. RIN, TAGL1, HB-1, NOR, CNR) genes was influenced by sound wave treatment. These results indicated that sound wave treatment delays tomato fruit ripening by altering the expression of important genes in the ethylene biosynthesis and ethylene signaling pathways.
The following information is in reference to Chapter 17, page 210 of The Power Of Sound.
Music in the Garden
“Measuring Effects of Music, Noise, and Healing Energy Using a Seed Germination Bioassay. “ The objective of this 2004 study was to measure biologic effects of music, noise, and healing energy without human preferences or placebo effects using seed germination as an objective biomarker. A series of five experiments were performed utilizing okra and zucchini seeds germinated in acoustically shielded, thermally insulated, dark, humid growth chambers. Conditions compared were an untreated control, musical sound, pink noise, and healing energy. Healing energy was administered for 15-20 minutes every 12 hours with the intention that the treated seeds would germinate faster than the untreated seeds. The objective marker was the number of seeds sprouted out of groups of 25 seeds counted at 12-hour intervals over a 72-hour growing period. Temperature and relative humidity were monitored every 15 minutes inside the seed germination containers. A total of 14 trials were run testing a total of 4600 seeds.
Results: Musical sound had a highly statistically significant effect on the number of seeds sprouted compared to the untreated control over all five experiments for the main condition and over time. This effect was independent of temperature, seed type, position in room, specific petri dish, and person doing the scoring. Musical sound had a significant effect compared to noise and an untreated control as a function of time while there was no significant difference between seeds exposed to noise and an untreated control. Healing energy also had a significant effect compared to an untreated control and over time with a magnitude of effect comparable to that of musical sound. Conclusion: This study suggests that sound vibrations (music and noise) as well as biofields (bioelectromagnetic and healing intention) both directly affect living biologic systems, and that a seed germination bioassay has the sensitivity to enable detection of effects caused by various applied energetic conditions.67
Method of stimulating plant growth
Inventor(s): SCHULTHEISS REINER, et al.
The method of stimulating a plant substance is disclosed. The method has the steps of activating a pressure pulse or an acoustic shock wave generator or source to emit pressure pulse or acoustic shock waves; and subjecting the plant substance to the pressure pulse or acoustic shock waves stimulating said plant substance wherein the substance is positioned within a path of the emitted shock waves. In one embodiment the emitted pressure pulse or shock waves are divergent or near planar. In another embodiment the emitted shock waves are convergent having a geometric focal volume of point at a distance of at least X from the source, the method further comprising positioning the substance at a distance less than the distance X from the source. The substance is a plant tissue having cells. The tissue can be a seed, zygotic embryo or somatic embryogenic culture of somatic embryos of plants.; The plant may be a vegetable, tree, shrub or tuber. The tissue may be a part of the root system, a part of the stem system or a part of the leaf system. The method of stimulating includes activating the cells within the treated tissue thereby releasing growth factor proteins or other chemical compositions promoting growth and accelerating germination or plant growth.
February 22, 2016
This image of Mark Zuckerberg says so much about our future
Rich McCormick
The image above looks like concept art for a new dystopian sci-fi film. A billionaire superman with a rictus grin, striding straight past human drones, tethered to machines and blinded to reality by blinking plastic masks. Golden light shines down on the man as he strides past his subjects, cast in gloom, toward a stage where he will accept their adulation. Later that night, he will pore across his vast network and read their praise, heaped upon him in superlatives, as he drives what remains of humanity forward to his singular vision.
Except it's not from a sci-fi movie — it's from Mobile World Congress, in Barcelona, and the man is Facebook boss Mark Zuckerberg. The picture trips all of our "horrible cyberpunk future" alarms, carefully put in place by everything from The Matrix to Noam Chomsky's Manufacturing Consent. The former uses evil squid-bodied robots, the latter privileged human elites, but both works see humanity too distracted and preoccupied — by a full-scale replica of late-90s reality, or just sports on TV — to even be aware of the actions of those in charge. Zuckerberg's picture acts this out: MWC attendees plugged into Samsung's Gear VR headset literally can't see the Facebook boss as he breezes past them…
8 Amazing Vehicles That No Longer Exist
In this film, we take a look at eight incredible transport inventions that we sadly don't get to travel around in anymore. But luckily, some of them are making a comeback. Take a look at our film and let us know if you'd fancy taking any of these on your way to work!
February 22, 2016
Proven one-step process to convert CO2 and water directly into liquid hydrocarbon fuel
A team of University of Texas at Arlington chemists and engineers have proven that concentrated light, heat and high pressures can drive the one-step conversion of carbon dioxide and water directly into useable liquid hydrocarbon fuels.
This simple and inexpensive new sustainable fuels technology could potentially help limit global warming by removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to make fuel. The process also reverts oxygen back into the system as a byproduct of the reaction, with a clear positive environmental impact, researchers said.
"Our process also has an important advantage over battery or gaseous-hydrogen powered vehicle technologies as many of the hydrocarbon products from our reaction are exactly what we use in cars, trucks and planes, so there would be no need to change the current fuel distribution system," said Frederick MacDonnell, UTA interim chair of chemistry and biochemistry and co-principal investigator of the project.
In an article published today in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences titled "Solar photothermochemical alkane reverse combustion," the researchers demonstrate that the one-step conversion of carbon dioxide and water into liquid hydrocarbons and oxygen can be achieved in a photothermochemical flow reactor operating at 180 to 200 C and pressures up to 6 atmospheres.
"We are the first to use both light and heat to synthesize liquid hydrocarbons in a single stage reactor from carbon dioxide and water," said Brian Dennis, UTA professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering and co-principal investigator of the project.
"Concentrated light drives the photochemical reaction, which generates high-energy intermediates and heat to drive thermochemical carbon-chain-forming reactions, thus producing hydrocarbons in a single-step process."
Duane Dimos, UTA vice president for research commended the researchers on their success.
"Discovering a one-step process to generate renewable hydrocarbon fuels from carbon dioxide and water is a huge achievement," Dimos said. "This work strengthens UTA's reputation as a leading research institution in the area of Global Environmental Impact, as laid out in our Strategic Plan 2020."
The hybrid photochemical and thermochemical catalyst used for the experiment was based on titanium dioxide, a white powder that cannot absorb the entire visible light spectrum.
"Our next step is to develop a photo-catalyst better matched to the solar spectrum," MacDonnell said. "Then we could more effectively use the entire spectrum of incident light to work towards the overall goal of a sustainable solar liquid fuel."
The authors envision using parabolic mirrors to concentrate sunlight on the catalyst bed, providing both heat and photo-excitation for the reaction. Excess heat could even be used to drive related operations for a solar fuels facility, including product separations and water purification.
The research was supported by grants from the National Science Foundation and the Robert A. Welch Foundation. Wilaiwan Chanmanee, postdoctoral research associate in mechanical and aerospace engineering, and Mohammad Fakrul Islam, graduate research assistant and Ph.D. candidate in the department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at UTA, also participated in the project.
MacDonnell and Dennis have received more than $2.6 million in grants and corporate funding for sustainable energy projects over the last four years.
MacDonnell and Dennis' investigations also are focused on converting natural gas for use as high-grade diesel and jet fuel. The researchers developed the gas-to-liquid technology in collaboration with an industrial partner in UTA's Center for Renewable Energy and Science Technology, or CREST, lab, and are now working to commercialize the process.
MacDonnell also has worked on developing new photocatalysts for hydrogen generation, with the goal of creating an artificial photosynthetic system which uses solar energy to split water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen. The hydrogen could then be used as a clean fuel.
DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1516945113
Solar photothermochemical alkane reverse combustion
Wilaiwan Chanmaneea, Mohammad Fakrul Islama, Brian H. Dennisb, and Frederick M. MacDonnella
An efficient solar process for the one-step conversion of CO2 and H2O to C5+ liquid hydrocarbons and O2 would revolutionize how solar fuel replacements for gasoline, jet, and diesel solar fuels could be produced and could lead to a carbon-neutral fuel cycle. We demonstrate that this reaction is possible in a single-step process by operating the photocatalytic reaction at elevated temperatures and pressures. The process uses cheap and earth-abundant catalytic materials, and the unusual operating conditions expand the range of materials that can be developed as photocatalysts. Whereas the efficiency of the current system is not commercially viable, it is far from optimized and it opens a promising new path by which such solar processes may be realized.
A one-step, gas-phase photothermocatalytic process for the synthesis of hydrocarbons, including liquid alkanes, aromatics, and oxygenates, with carbon numbers (Cn) up to C13, from CO2 and water is demonstrated in a flow photoreactor operating at elevated temperatures (180–200 °C) and pressures (1–6 bar) using a 5% cobalt on TiO2 catalyst and under UV irradiation. A parametric study of temperature, pressure, and partial pressure ratio revealed that temperatures in excess of 160 °C are needed to obtain the higher Cn products in quantity and that the product distribution shifts toward higher Cn products with increasing pressure. In the best run so far, over 13% by mass of the products were C5+ hydrocarbons and some of these, i.e., octane, are drop-in replacements for existing liquid hydrocarbons fuels. Dioxygen was detected in yields ranging between 64% and 150%. In principle, this tandem photochemical–thermochemical process, fitted with a photocatalyst better matched to the solar spectrum, could provide a cheap and direct method to produce liquid hydrocarbons from CO2 and water via a solar process which uses concentrated sunlight for both photochemical excitation to generate high-energy intermediates and heat to drive important thermochemical carbon-chain-forming reactions.
Sublingual Suggestion : Sublime Mindwashing for Clonal Compliance & Profit !
Programming the nation 2011 HD
Women in Advertising (1950s to Today)
Covert Transhumanism; A Mind Control Documentary.
This documentary is a look into the black ops underworld of planet Earth and what mind control evolved into after projects like mkultra.
I am an 8 year victim/survivor or domestic electronic warfare programs in the United States. As result of my targeting I have come to know cutting edge directed energy weapon and artificial intelligence information and I plan to expose the technological conspiracy as much as possible with my work.
Covert Transhumanism; A Mind Control Documentary
Covert Transhumanism Web Page
email from Jean de Climont
Date: Feb 25, 2016
Electrons magnetic fieldDear Sir,
The wrong direction was given two centuries ago to the electrical current.
A similar error occurred with the magnetic field of electrons presently postulated with a dipole topology within the standard model, although there is no experimental evidence.
The electron magnetic field has in fact the inverse topology: it has not a dipole structure but a rotational structure.
As a consequence, the motion of electron can not be the cause of magnetic fields.
The experiment proposed to verify this alternative view of electron magnetic field topology is presented in a new video. The video may be seen from the producer home page:
or directly in YouTube
You will find more than 2500 dissident scientists proposing critics of the mainstream paradigm and alternative theories in the Worldwidedissident scientists list new issue 2016 now including more than 8000 names with many more emails and web addresses together with more information on critics and alternative theories. (Note that the coversheet is dated 2014 although the contents is 2016)
You will see that most alternative theories propose an ether. Waves in ether cover from gamma rays to light, but also the so called gravitational waves. These waves propagates at the speed of light. They have the same support: ether.
As a consequence of this increase of dissidents found in the Internet I have updated the book "The failure of pure science"
Rex-ommended Reading :
They Own It All (Including You) By Means of Toxic Currency
Free PDF
Excerpt from leaks by Ed Snowden: Some of the tactics used by intelligence agencies for manipulating Internet discussions.
...This 'information-influencing' is part of so-called 'strategic communication.' Journalist Robert Parry wrote:
"In this age of pervasive media, the primary method of social control is through the creation of narratives delivered to the public through newspapers, TV, radio, computers, cell phones and any other gadget that can convey information. This reality has given rise to an obsession among the power elite to control as much of this messaging as possible.
So, regarding U.S. relations toward the world, we see the State Department, the White House, Pentagon, NATO and other agencies pushing various narratives to sell the American people and other populations on how they should view U.S. policies, rivals and allies. The current hot phrase for this practice is "strategic communications" or Stratcom, which blends psychological operations, propaganda and P.R. into one mind-bending smoothie.
I have been following this process since the early 1980s when the Reagan administration sought to override "the Vietnam Syndrome," a public aversion to foreign military interventions that followed the Vietnam War. To get Americans to "kick" this syndrome, Reagan's team developed "themes" about overseas events that would push American "hot buttons."Tapping into the Central Intelligence Agency's experience in psy-ops targeted at foreign audiences, President Ronald Reagan and CIA Director William J. Casey assembled a skilled team inside the White House led by CIA propaganda specialist Walter Raymond Jr.
From his new perch on the National Security Council staff, Raymond oversaw inter-agency task forces to sell interventionist policies in Central America and other trouble spots. The game, as Raymond explained it in numerous memos to his underlings, was to glue black hats on adversaries and white hats on allies, whatever the truth really was.
...The seeding of narratives is effected by intelligence services working in cooperation with journalists (among other methods). A former editor for an influential and internationally circulated German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ), Udo Ulkoffe, published a book in 2014 called 'Gekaufte Jornalisten' (Bought Journalists), in which he revealed the prescriptive role of secret services role towards the media. In an interview, Ulkoffe said:
"It is not right what I have done in the past. To manipulate people, to make propaganda. And it is not right what my colleagues do and have done in the past because they are bribed to betray people not only in Germany, but all over Europe," he told RT. "I was a journalist for 25 years and I was educated to lie, to betray, and not to tell the truth to the public."
"I was bribed by the Americans not to report exactly the truth... I was invited by the German Marshall Fund of the United States to travel to the US. They paid for all my expenses and put me in contact with Americans they'd like me to meet," he said. "I became an honorary citizen of the state of Oklahoma in the US just because I wrote pro-American. I was supported by the CIA. I have helped them in several situations and I feel ashamed for that too."
Many other journalists are involved in the same practice, Ulfkotte added. "Most of the journalists you see in foreign countries, they claim to be journalists, and they might be. But many of them, like me in the past, are so-called 'non-official cover.' It means you work for an intelligence agency, you help them if they want you to. But they will never say they know you." The journalists selected for such jobs usually come from big media organizations. The relationship with the secret service starts as a friendship. "They work on your ego, make you feel like you're important. And one day one of them will ask you 'Will you do me this favor?'" Ulfkotte explained…
February 19, 2016
TPP to Criminalize Information Sharing
by Daily Bell Staff
February 26, 2016
Scientists make significant anti-aging breakthrough
A breakthrough in understanding human skin cells offers a pathway for new anti-ageing treatments...
Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 2016
DOI: 10.1016/j.jid.2016.01.017
Age-Dependent Decrease of Mitochondrial Complex II Activity in Human Skin Fibroblasts
Amy Bowman, Mark A. Birch-Machin.
The mitochondrial theory of aging remains one of the most widely accepted aging theories and implicates mitochondrial electron transport chain dysfunction with subsequent increasing free radical generation. Recently, complex II of the electron transport chain appears to be more important than previously thought in this process, suggested predominantly by nonhuman studies. We investigated the relationship between complex II and aging using human skin as a model tissue. The rate of complex II activity per unit of mitochondria was determined in fibroblasts and keratinocytes cultured from skin covering a wide age range. Complex II activity significantly decreased with age in fibroblasts (P = 0.015) but not in keratinocytes. This was associated with a significant decline in transcript expression (P = 0.008 and P = 0.001) and protein levels (P = 0.0006 and P = 0.005) of the succinate dehydrogenase complex subunit A and subunit B catalytic subunits of complex II, respectively. In addition, there was a significant decrease in complex II activity with age (P = 0.029) that was specific to senescent skin cells. There was no decrease in complex IV activity with increasing age, suggesting possible locality to complex II.
February 26, 2016
Clever hack creates the first 128GB 3.5-inch floppy drive
Joel Hruska
Stirling Allen Goes Down...
February 26, 2016
Utah Pedophile Bust: 9/11 Truther, Energy Guru
By Gordon Duff
This has gone on way too long with powerful perpetrators having virtual immunity
[ Editor’s Note: Investigations are now ongoing as to Allen’s professional and personal relationships as pedophiles often run in packs, especially those who are public figures, using the age old cover of hiding in plain site.
What is most shocking below is that Stirling had made multiple child molestation admissions on the internet and not been turned in early, or by any of his “friends”. This may be because some, or maybe even many of this friends were of the same persuasion.
The FBI has a history of breaking up pedophile rings and I would bet they are going to dig down to the bedrock on this one. We will be following this story very closely as we would not be surprised to see more arrests…
February 26, 2016
Scalia Murdered After Obama Meeting (updated)
By Gordon Duff
White House confrontation over FBI file leads to Scalia killing
[ Editorial note: Revelations on the Allan case, which led to Scalia now lead into the entire Koch network, including the Federalist Society, said to be operating not simply in law schools but America’s high schools as well, and into the Heritage Foundation. We don’t know when it began, maybe at the Presidio under Michael Aquino and the Temple of Set or before. We do know it has victimized thousands of children around the world, not only in America but channeling children through Belgium and the Netherlands into sexual slavery and death.
What is it that makes the powerful desire what is so hurtful and obscene? When we ignored the Franklin Coverup, we opened ourselves to this. ]
Justice Antonin Scalia was surprised when he was ordered to the White House. This was not a man you gave orders to, especially not President Obama. It was Justice Antonin Scalia who vacated the long sacrosanct immunity from civil lawsuits, opening the door for a weakened presidency.
When Scalia left the White House after a meeting with the president just before flying to Texas, the manila envelope he was carrying had printouts from a computer seized by FBI Special Agent Jeff Ross of the Salt Lake City, Utah field office, or so informants tell us.
lia left the White House carrying “slam dunk proof” that would lead to the arrest, conviction and, of course, impeachment of a seated Supreme Court Justice, files that contained names of victims and details on sex acts, preferred “types” along with dates and places. All of this was on the seized computer and these files went “up hill” from the FBI to the Department of Justice and directly over to the White House...
The computer itself belonged to a Stirling David Allen, arrested and charged with child rape and sodomy by the FBI after an investigation that began with a meeting in Rome, Italy. The FBI had known about Allen for some time, had wanted to arrest him since 2014 but had been blocked, they just didn’t know why or who was behind it, not until Justice Scalia died. Within 9 days, Allen was jailed, and the evidence he held began to yield gold.
Allen is being held on these charges with bail set at $250,000.
We were shown an email from Allen where he tells of his January 15, 2016 meeting with Agent Ross at which time his computers were seized by the FBI. What we are told was on Allen’s computer and what Allen told agents is astounding. Allen confessed, we are told, not only to his own sex crimes but to being recruited by a powerful international organization that provided him broad protection from prosecution.
Clif High / Repost ( February 2016 ) -- Nails it again :
Keywords :
'dealership (cars) lines (of credit)'
'levels never before seen'
'rate of bankruptcies (within auto dealerships)'
'99%' over these next 10/ten years.'
Text :
New growth in the 'popping' of the 'stock market bubble' sets is increasing at a very rapid pace as the 'money velocity' and 'credit creation' both 'crash' to 'never before seen levels' as the 'derivatives' system start 'coming apart' as the 'systemic movement (is) downward'. These sets have support that shows that the 'dealership (cars) lines (of credit)' are 'collapsing' to 'levels never before seen'. These sets are showing that the 'rate of bankruptcies (within auto dealerships)' will 'increase' to nearly '99%' over these next 10/ten years.
February 24th, 2016
The Subprime Auto Loan Meltdown Is Here
Michael Snyder
And you wonder why your precious brat spawn is so freakin' stupidiotic ? Dr Joseph Farrell re : amairikuhn edgykayshun --
US Department of Education Endorses “Pay for Success” Bonds for Pre-K Special Education
Now, in case you missed the scam - and I rather doubt you did - here it is, one more time:
What is “pay for success” and what are “social impact bonds?” As blogger Fred Klonsky explains:
"...Pay for Success is a social impact bond (SIB) that pays Wall Street investors like Goldman Sachs a bounty for every child that does not receive special education support.
"Pay for Success is nothing less than a push-out program that then pays the bond investor a bonus for every child that is pushed out of special ed services…"
This left me breathless, and almost at a loss for words.
That's right: you can now invest in educational deprivation for special needs students, and the more that get pushed out of the "system," the more "successful" it is, and the more money you make. This is not capitalism folks. This is not the manufacture of a product nor the production of a needed service. This is simply the monetization of inhumanity. It is ultimately, if one examines the premise carefully, the trafficing in humanity itself, and of a most barbarous kind. This is not the betterment of society.
And just when I thought the finance-capital world could not possibly become more depraved or more corrupt. Don't get me wrong: I'm not, never have been, and never will be, sympathetic to any form of socialism. But finance capitalism has not served us any better, and I suspect there's little difference between the two. Paper profits are made, the richer get richer, and more empowered in their assault on any manifestion of humanity which they don't like...
To Be Continued...