
Stuff & Stuff
Sci-Tech News & Olds
( April 2015 AD / 837835 Jurassic )
FEMA Tried To
Ban This Shocking Website ! Click HERE
NOW To View Before It's Too Late !
This Month :
Diary of a Plagiarist : re : Email from John Galt ...
Viet Tran & Seth Robertson :
Bass Frequencies vs Fire
British Pathe Film : Parallel Parking Wheels
Guy McPherson ( Nature Bats Last ) : "
For Those Who Still Refuse to Accept the Impending Demise
of Humans "
Michael Thorner : MK-677 ~
Fountain of Youth Drug Restores Muscles
Paul Brown : Photoremediation of
Nuclear Waste
Nano-Gold News
Rongjia Tao, et al.
: Electrostatic Oil Treatment ... Update -- " Saving
energy: Increasing oil flow in the Keystone pipeline with
electric fields. "
Richard Hess : Fullerene Solar Cells
Zhiyu Yang, et al. : Latex
metamaterial Acoustic Absorption
Ieropoulos, et al. : Urine Microbial Fuel Cell
Videos Plus
Etienne De La Boetie : The Politics of
Obedience : The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude
Edward Mandell House : Comments On The Federal
Reserve System, @ a private meeting with President Woodrow
zerohedge.com : Net / Median Worth of Americans
Sovereignty Databases
Behold ! The Divine Sacred Holy Jewish practice of “ Metzitzah
b’peh ” -- Stop Circumcision ! Start
State Legal Tender :
Genuine Fiat Finance, of / for / by Los Peoples
Sovereign of the Month : Tim Rifat --
A Man For All Times & Dimensions -- Help
Timmy Fight the Archon Daemon Jihadi Hordes !
Diary of a Plagiarist
Dear Diary ...
John Galt [ Eeeek
!!! ] writes :
"I can't believe I visited every page on
this website -- and clicked every ad !"
Yo, Johnny, my fellow space traveller ! Believe it ! You came here
because this is the supra-divine templatic moldering of the
titillatory Technotopic ecstasy -- that which belies in
blatant latency behind your very wettest trysts with Ms Taggart's
beautiful booty !
Welcome to Las Vegas Stupid-X 2015 ! Join
in the abuses of ~ 219 gallons Water / Person / Day to support
myopic delusional fantasy half-lives without consequence --
All-Natural Reality-Validated Victory for Evil -- Triumphant
Formula of Failure @ the 20th Annual Village Idiot Reunion &
Mensa Happy Hour. Such convoluted conversions of a polluted
narrative are yet another brazen example of rhetorical
miscegenation !
As for YOU -- reading this exquisitely poignant emotional
blackmail right now -- You are here because you are bored
caca-poopless about the evile pornocracy ruling through your
pathetic praetorial predations.
Whereas, Your alleged likeability was lured by these sententious
presumptions to the point of adverbial maceration, that by the
fallacious hope in this makeshift mythos, albeit manufactured of
bathotic babble out masquerading communications with misinformed
existence. The senses reel with unrealized simulations of loving
compassion :
You hope the Answer is herein : you are so right !
Welcome to the Internet's own Shangri-Lala Land of Realistic
Civilization, never to be conflated with the fraudulent simulacrum
we suffer today ) !
Although today this database appears to be a wackypedia of
sci-tech factoids and theorisms, mayhap in due time it will
precipitate complete , void from akasha as the all-new Wonderworld
of Now !
But in all sinfull probability you will not survive to see it's
tautology, because it's too late ! The Universe ended Tomorrow,
and you died again of your own tawdry turpitude !
You could have done something about it decades ago, and pray you
even did, when there was sufficient lead time in which to
implement the manifest destination desired of these alternate
realities, in an effective manner ( per aetherio-ad-domino ). But
Nooooo ! Rather, you reverse-mortgaged your invaluable timeline
for a no-money-down 20-year bankruptcy with a 100% balloon
catherer due on demand, mildly interesting perhaps, until -- You
chose, and affirmed to empower the corporate cluster-copulating
daisychain dry-hump Lie !
But -- the butt of the Joke is upon thee ! For You will never see
your 401K $$s ! You will never retire ! You will never even
dumpster-dive in your senior years, because mobs of your starving
juvenile brat spawn will have cleaned them out already !
But a few copies of this precious database will survive the
calamities of that horizontal event to serve the Needful Thingies
of those few Gen-Zed Neo-Humans who manage to migrate from the
decimated landscape of this short-sold future past to reach the
fresh, clean new lands of Pacifica and Atlantis II even now
arising from 'neath the ocean.
As for the rest of y'all : Tough faeces, matron fornicators ! You
still have a choice, however narrow ! Chance to Choose One : 1 / 0
As for we are of the superlative SubGenius ! Our stupenduous
Stupidism shall reign supreme ! We shall retreat to Victory,
surrender and win ! Infinite Slack shall be ours forever !
The inevitablility of this ineluctable truism is proven by the
Algorith of Economic Animism :
Vc^2 = Le^3 + Pp^4 x Wd^5 / Tc^-1
where Vc = Velocity of Cashflow, Le = Loss by Embezzlement, Pp =
Pure Profit, Wd = Discretionary Waste, and Tc = Time Control.
Be not deceived : Money is merely a demigod, as it were padding
the back pocket of your pantaloons, upon which to sit and
pyroflatulate 'ere passing it, exchanged for more Time and less
chump change.
This is still another God-eat-God world of wanton vanity. But that
shall be none of your business, for your bankrupture precludes
evermore the venal marketing. Certainly, your maudlin audacity (
and the mendacity of averages ) do not adversely effect the
research results, and are not accepted exceptions to custom.
Verily, the Wheel of your Life hath fallen off its very hub ; For
ye were so neglect to tauten the nuts thereof, and obsessed as
with a unapparent neurotic delusion, and grandiose narcisms.
Therefor, in fact and deed, ye peurile poseurs shall prostrate,
and fear fully , and soil your panties, and wallow then and
therein as both victim and witness to the imposition of extremely
prejudiced terminal torment, 'ere looming unto entire extinction
by excruciating ecocide, politicide, religicide, sieverts, plague,
famine, & entertainment...
The few million minions who are spared of such a fatal fate shall
appear to live thereafter in dolorous corporate slave colonies on
Luna & Mars, and no rectum : so full of faeces, with farts for
brains, projected as such in ersatz labiation, mealy mouthings to
beg for execution.
Behold, ye art thine own worst enemas, yet incapable of excreting
saidsuch, so necessarily paroxismic , spews forward as splattered
spasms conversation with your shattered mirror image. In
consequence whereof, compassion commands trust in love.
For even as The Razor of Truth doth slash through these Veils of
Reality, the Void of Situational Awareness is thus !
Belief then belies itself : within a vacuum of Imagination, so too
enow : the Strop of Lie sharpens again : another fleeting eternity
oozes away as a sop of philosophic sapience.
And the person of you shall be tested by your Urine, and judged of
it, and employed therewith, on that fearful Day of Pee. And no
matter how oft' ye shake it, thine peppy shall not cease of
dripping; nor thine bladder be controlled, nor constrain any
content, nor swell turgid, nor stand erectile, nor e'en squirt,
but only drip a burning caustic, antagonizing clap ! Alas ! That
instant might have fraught upon humans' urethral covenance --
And the abuttment of jovial jocularity shall grin nervously --
But I digress ...
Welcome to the April 2015 Edition of
& Stuff
Viet Tran & Seth Robertson
: Bass Frequencies vs Fire
Feb 5, 2015
Pump Up the Bass to Douse a
Blaze: Mason Students' Invention Fights Fires
The fire extinguisher uses low-frequency sound waves to douse a
blaze. Engineering seniors Viet Tran and Seth Robertson now hold a
preliminary patent application for their potentially
revolutionizing device.
British Pathé : Parking problem solved
What happened to this ingenious, forgotten solution to the problem
of parallel parking from the automobile’s early days?
Guy McPherson : Nature Bats Last
Mon, Mar 9, 2015
For Those Who Still Refuse to
Accept the Impending Demise of Humans
I’m frequently disparaged by relatively wealthy, Caucasian men who
cannot think for themselves. It turns out to be a stunningly large
proportion of the demographic. The line they trot out, time after
time, is that I do not explain how a rapid rise in global-average
temperature will cause human extinction.
Allow me, yet again, to explain with small words and short
sentences. I doubt it’ll help, but I’m giving it one more try.
The genus Homo has occupied the planet for about 2.8 million
years. We’ve never had humans at 3.3 C or higher above baseline in
the past (baseline = beginning of the industrial revolution,
commonly accepted as 1750).
Even when the genus Homo was present at relatively high
global-average temperatures, the rise in temperature paled in
comparison to the contemporary rate of change. Even the Wall
Street Journal realizes it’s too late to mitigate. Well, of course
it is: The rate of evolution trails the rate of climate change by
a factor of 10,000, according to a paper in the August 2013 issue
of Ecology Letters.
And that’s based on the relatively slow rate of change so far. It
fails to take into account abrupt climate change, which has begun
only within the last few years.
Plants cannot keep up with the rate of change. So they die. For
those without the slightest clue about biology, this seems to be a
technical problem to which we’ll simply design a technical
solution. Not so fast, engineers. The living planet is not merely
a complex set of cogs to which we can apply wrenches and
screwdrivers. Evolutionary change requires random mutations and
subsequent heritability. Alas, there is no time for
multi-generational adaptation to a rapidly changing physical
Without plants, there is no habitat for the genus Homo. Without
plants, our species has no food. Never mind the lack of water for
Earth’s current human occupants. Never mind the early deaths of
millions of people due to ongoing climate change. After all, the
techno-fantasies of the engineers include the ability to create
potable water with “free energy.”
Starvation lurks.
Even if we could manage to move plants from one area to another,
don’t expect the plants to thrive unless we move the soil, too.
And the rich array of organisms within the soil. And the
relatively stable weather system with which the plants evolved.
Whoops, too late. The weather is too weird. The soils are too
interactively alive.
We’re human animals. As with every other animal on the planet, we
need habitat to survive. Once the habitat is gone, we won’t last
long. But, immersed in abject misery, every moment will seem to
last forever.
Forever is a long time. Especially toward the end.
Factoid :
26 JUN 2013
DOI: 10.1111/ele.12144
Rates of projected climate
change dramatically exceed past rates of climatic niche
evolution among vertebrate species
Ignacio Quintero1 and John J. Wiens
A key question in predicting responses to anthropogenic climate
change is: how quickly can species adapt to different climatic
conditions? Here, we take a phylogenetic approach to this
question. We use 17 time-calibrated phylogenies representing the
major tetrapod clades (amphibians, birds, crocodilians, mammals,
squamates, turtles) and climatic data from distributions of >
500 extant species. We estimate rates of change based on
differences in climatic variables between sister species and
estimated times of their splitting. We compare these rates to
predicted rates of climate change from 2000 to 2100. Our results
are striking: matching projected changes for 2100 would require
rates of niche evolution that are > 10 000 times faster than
rates typically observed among species, for most variables and
clades. Despite many caveats, our results suggest that adaptation
to projected changes in the next 100 years would require rates
that are largely unprecedented based on observed rates among
vertebrate species.
Don't worry : You can buy enough rejuvenation
Rx to outlive the Extinction Event !
Michael Thorner :
November 04, 2008
Fountain of Youth: Drug Restores
Live Science Staff
A daily dose of an investigational medication has been found to
restore muscle mass in the arms and legs of older adults and
improve some of their biochemistry to levels found in healthy
young adults, suggesting an anti-frailty drug has been found.
The drug, called MK-677, was evaluated for its safety and
effectiveness in a study that showed the drug restored 20 percent
of muscle mass loss associated with normal aging. In fact, levels
of growth hormone (GH) and of insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-
I) in healthy seniors who took the drug increased to the levels
found in healthy young adults, said Michael O. Thorner, a
professor of internal medicine and neurosurgery at the University
of Virginia Health System.
"Our study opens the door to the possibility of developing
treatments that avert the frailty of aging," Thorner said. "The
search for anti-frailty medications has become increasingly
important because the average American is expected to live into
his or her 80s, and most seniors want to stay strong enough to
remain independent as they age."
Funded by the National Institutes of Health, the two-year,
double-blind, placebo-controlled study involved 65 men and women
ranging in age from 60 to 81. The results are detailed in the Nov.
4, 2008, issue of the journal Annals of Internal Medicine.
The drug mimics the action of ghrelin, a peptide that stimulates a
growth hormone called secretagogue receptor (GHSR). Drug
developers are focusing on GHSR because it plays an important role
in the regulation of growth hormone and appetite. They think it
may prove to be an excellent treatment target for metabolic
disorders such as those related to body weight and body
Drugs found to work in early trials don't always hold up to
further testing, however.
The new research was a "proof-of-concept" study that sets the
stage for a larger and longer clinical trial to determine whether
MK-677 is effective in people who are frail and to assess its
long-term safety.
Cloning of growth hormone releasing hormone receptor
Nucleic acid encoding the growth hormone releasing hormone
Nucleic acid encoding the growth hormone releasing hormone
Molecular cloning of the ovine pituitary growth hormone
releasing hormone receptor
Cloning of a gene encoding for the growth hormone releasing
hormone receptor
Method for increasing growth hormone secretion
Cloning and characterization of the growth hormone
releasing hormone receptor.
Paul BROWN : Photoremediation of
Nuclear Waste
PhotoRemediation Hypercon Process;
Remove One Neutron From Nuclei, Transmute Long Life Nuclear
Waste Into Short Lived Isotopes
In the midst of the tritium research and Paul’s inability to buy
it in the state where he worked, he accidentally stumbled upon a
curious phenomenon in a nuclear handbook.
As he looked down a long list of radioactive isotopes which are
all made in nuclear reactors, Paul noticed that if he could remove
one neutron from their nuclei, he would transmute each of them
into a very-short-lived isotope.
This discovery made him very excited and for the next few years,
Paul started testing this theory. Not only was it true but the
government apparently knew about it right after WW II. (Many
scientific labs around the world subsequently confirmed the
viability of the photoremediation--Hypercon process.)
Why bury nuclear waste and endanger everyone nearby for thousands
of years, Paul asked, when he could apply photoremediation (using
low energy X-rays) and generate electricity too? As another
company was formed and started to bring this invention to where
Nuclear Solutions is today, Paul and his family had to survive a
National Security Agency campout at their home for an extended
period of time.
The NSA kept threatening him and his family with "bringing in the
van" if they didn't cooperate. When one young company employee
asked an NSA agent what would happen if they just posted the
information about nuclear waste treatment on the web in spite of
any NSA controls, the agent responded, "We will kill you." (Paul's
wife who was there has also confirmed this quote.)
In terror, they could only imagine whether they would live through
the interrogation experience or not. It was fortunate, as Paul
told me later, that he made phone calls to at least one or more
high level government friends, including one who had connections
with the CIA. The intercession between Paul and the NSA, that was
facilitated by the third party, was crucial to allowing Paul and
his company to continue with their completely peaceful intention
of eliminating nuclear waste.
Paul Brown was, and always will be, a hero in my eyes. He was also
the first recipient of the "Integrity in Research Award" at our
Conference on Future Energy in 1999, which made him very happy.
The picture of Paul accepting that award can be found on our
institute’s http://users.erols.com/iri/Pauleulogy.htm website,
where we also proudly offer the 200-page "Collected Writings of
Paul Brown, Ph.D." (IRI #808) as a memorial to his genius.
Paul has published extensively on a wide variety of topics
including atmospheric electricity, variable reluctance
alternators, propellentless propulsion, alternates to mass-gain at
light velocities, gravity and residual electric force, besides the
nuclear topics mentioned above. Wired magazine produced a great
article about Paul in Feb., 1999 called "Nuking Nukes" that is
posted at
(and can be emailed, faxed, or printed for free, according to the
The company he founded, Nuclear Solutions,
www.nuclearsolutions.com has confirmed their intention to carry on
Dr. Brown’s lifetime of service and discovery. Their main product,
clean electricity generation plants utilizing photoremediation of
nuclear waste, is well-documented on their website. It is a
publicly trading company whose stock will inevitably soar, just as
Paul did with all of his achievements.
Keeping the faith,
Thomas Valone, MA, PE
Integrity Research Institute
1220 L St. NW #100-232
Washington, DC 20005
202-452-7674, 800-295-7674
FAX: 301-513-5728
See also :
Paul BROWN :
Photoremediation of Nuclear Waste
Zhu Huai YONG : NanoGold
http://www.keelynet.com/indexaug808.htm ( 08/24/08 )
Air-purifying church windows used
early nanotechnology
Stained glass windows that are painted with gold purify the air
when they are lit up by sunlight, a team of Queensland University
of Technology experts have discovered.
Associate Professor Zhu Huai Yong, from QUT's School of Physical
and Chemical Sciences said that glaziers in medieval forges were
the first nanotechnologists who produced colours with gold
nanoparticles of different sizes.
In modern language," photocatalytic air purifier with
nanostructured gold catalyst," Professor Zhu said.
He said tiny particles of gold, energised by the sun, were able to
destroy air-borne pollutants like volatile organic chemical
(VOCs), which may often come from new furniture, carpets and paint
in good condition.
"These VOCs create that 'new' smell as they are slowly released
from walls and furniture, but they, along with methanol and carbon
monoxide, are not good for your health, even in small amounts," he
"Gold, when in very small particles, becomes very active under
sunlight. "
The electromagnetic field of the sunlight can couple with the
oscillations of the electrons in the gold particles and creates a
"The magnetic field on the surface of the gold nanoparticles can
be enhanced by up to hundred times, which breaks apart the
pollutant molecules in the air."
Professor Zhu said the by-product was carbon dioxide, which was
comparatively safe, particularly in the small amounts that would
be created through this process. He said the use of gold
nanoparticles to drive chemical reactions opened up exciting
possibilities for scientific research.
"This technology is solar-powered, and is very energy efficient,
because only the particles of gold heat up," he said.
August 21, 2008
Air-purifying church windows
early nanotechnology
Associate Professor Zhu Huai Yong, from Queensland University of
Technology's School of Physical and Chemical Sciences, said that
church windows stained with gold paint purify the air when they
are lit up by sunlight.
Stained glass windows that are painted with gold purify the air
when they are lit up by sunlight, a team of Queensland University
of Technology experts have discovered.
Associate Professor Zhu Huai Yong, from QUT's School of Physical
and Chemical Sciences said that glaziers in medieval forges were
the first nanotechnologists who produced colours with gold
nanoparticles of different sizes.
Professor Zhu said numerous church windows across Europe were
decorated with glass coloured in gold nanoparticles.
"For centuries people appreciated only the beautiful works of art,
and long life of the colours, but little did they realise that
these works of art are also, in modern language, photocatalytic
air purifier with nanostructured gold catalyst," Professor Zhu
He said tiny particles of gold, energised by the sun, were able to
destroy air-borne pollutants like volatile organic chemical
(VOCs), which may often come from new furniture, carpets and paint
in good condition.
"These VOCs create that 'new' smell as they are slowly released
from walls and furniture, but they, along with methanol and carbon
monoxide, are not good for your health, even in small amounts," he
"Gold, when in very small particles, becomes very active under
"The electromagnetic field of the sunlight can couple with the
oscillations of the electrons in the gold particles and creates a
"The magnetic field on the surface of the gold nanoparticles can
be enhanced by up to hundred times, which breaks apart the
pollutant molecules in the air."
Metal oxide nanoparticles in an exfoliated silicate
Improved mesoporous catalysts
Related Nanogold Tech : LU : DNA-Au
** Nano
Au / Ag Preparation Patents
February 17, 2015
Gold nanotubes image and destroy
cancer cells in three ways
Leeds scientists have shown that gold nanotubes can fight cancer
in three ways: as internal nanoprobes for high-resolution
photoacoustic imaging, as drug delivery vehicles, and as agents
for destroying cancer cells.
The study, published in the journal Advanced Functional Materials,
details the first successful demonstration of the biomedical use
of gold nanotubes in a mouse model of human cancer — an
alternative to existing chemotherapy and radiotherapy methods,
which have serious side effects.
“To the best of our knowledge, this is the first [combination] in
vitro [lab] and in vivo [live in animals] study of gold
nanotubes,” the researchers say.
According to study lead author Sunjie Ye, who is based in the
School of Physics and Astronomy and the Leeds Institute for
Biomedical and Clinical Sciences at the University of Leeds, “high
recurrence rates of tumors after surgical removal remain a
formidable challenge in cancer therapy. Gold nanotubes have the
potential to enhance the efficacy of these conventional treatments
by integrating diagnosis and therapy in one single system.”
Gold nanotube schematic showing hollow interior (left) and
transmission electron microscope image (right) (credit: Jeremy
Freear/Advanced Functional Materials)
The researchers injected the gold nanotubes intravenously. They
controlled the length of the nanotubes for the right dimensions to
absorb near-infrared light (which penetrates tissue well) from a
pulsed infrared laser beam.
By adjusting the brightness of the laser pulse, the researchers
were able to control whether the gold nanotubes were in imaging
mode or cancer-destruction mode.
For imaging, after absorbing energy from the laser pulse, the gold
nanotubes generated ultrasound for multispectral optoacoustic
tomography (MSOT), used to detect the gold nanotubes.
For cancer destruction, there were two options:
Use a stronger laser beam to rapidly raise the temperature in the
vicinity of the nanotubes so that the temperature was high enough
to destroy cancer cells.
Load the central hollow core of the nanotubes with a therapeutic
The gold nanotubes were coated with protective sodium
polystyrenesulfonate (PSS) and were excreted from the body, and
therefore are unlikely to cause problems in terms of toxicity, an
important consideration when developing nanoparticles for clinical
use, the researchers say.
Abstract of Engineering gold nanotubes with controlled length
and near-infrared absorption for theranostic applications :
Important aspects in engineering gold nanoparticles for
theranostic applications include the control of size, optical
properties, cytotoxicity, biodistribution, and clearance. In this
study, gold nanotubes with controlled length and tunable
absorption in the near-infrared (NIR) region have been exploited
for applications as photothermal conversion agents and in vivo
photoacoustic imaging contrast agents. A length-controlled
synthesis has been developed to fabricate gold nanotubes (NTs)
with well-defined shape (i.e., inner void and open ends), high
crystallinity, and tunable NIR surface plasmon resonance. A
coating of poly(sodium 4-styrenesulfonate) (PSS) endows the
nanotubes with colloidal stability and low cytotoxicity. The
PSS-coated Au NTs have the following characteristics: i) cellular
uptake by colorectal cancer cells and macrophage cells, ii)
photothermal ablation of cancer cells using single wavelength
pulse laser irradiation, iii) excellent in vivo photoacoustic
signal generation capability and accumulation at the tumor site,
iv) hepatobiliary clearance within 72 h postintravenous injection.
These results demonstrate that these PSS-coated Au NTs have the
ideal attributes to develop their potential as effective and safe
in vivo imaging nanoprobes, photothermal conversion agents, and
drug delivery vehicles. To the best of knowledge, this is the
first in vitro and in vivo study of gold nanotubes.
Advanced Functional Materials, 2015
DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201404358
12 FEB 2015
Engineering Gold Nanotubes with
Controlled Length and Near-Infrared Absorption for
Theranostic Applications
Sunjie Ye, et al
"The researchers injected the gold nanotubes intravenously. They
controlled the length of the nanotubes for the right dimensions to
absorb near-infrared light (which penetrates tissue well) from a
pulsed infrared laser beam.
"By adjusting the brightness of the laser pulse, the researchers
were able to control whether the gold nanotubes were in imaging
mode or cancer-destruction mode.
"For imaging, after absorbing energy from the laser pulse, the
gold nanotubes generated ultrasound for multispectral optoacoustic
tomography (MSOT), used to detect the gold nanotubes.
"For cancer destruction, there were two options:
Use a stronger laser beam to rapidly raise the temperature in the
vicinity of the nanotubes so that the temperature was high enough
to destroy cancer cells.
Load the central hollow core of the nanotubes with a therapeutic
High-length-to-diameter-ratio solid-walled hollow
gold/gold-silver nanotube and manufacturing method thereof
The invention discloses a high-length-to-diameter-ratio
solid-walled hollow gold/gold-silver nanotube and a controllable
synthesis manufacturing method of the nanotube. According to the
method, a high-length-to-diameter-ratio silver nanowire serves as
a template; as Au (I) salt is adopted as a gold source in an
optimized mode for replacement reaction, the adjustability of the
replacement reaction rate and the precise controllability of
experiments can be improved; in this way, the wall thickness of
the nanotube and the flatness of the surface of the nanotube can
be controlled more accurately, and the situation that a porous
wall and a uneven surface are produced, or the nanotube collapses
or fractures is avoided. The high-length-to-diameter-ratio
solid-walled hollow gold/gold-silver nanotube has better
conductivity, oxidation resistance, strength, bending resistance,
light transmittance and abrasion resistance.
Rongjia TAO, et al. : Electrostatic
Oil Treatment
Update -- Large Scale Field Tests -- Very Successful !
ScienceDaily, 27 February 2015.
American Physical Society.
"Saving energy: Increasing oil flow in the
Keystone pipeline with electric fields."
Researchers have shown that a strong electric field applied to a
section of the Keystone pipeline can smooth oil flow and yield
significant pump energy savings.
Traditionally, pipeline oil is heated over several miles in order
to reduce the oil's thickness (which is also known as viscosity),
but this requires a large amount of energy and
counter-productively increases turbulence within the flow. In 2006
Rongjia Tao of Temple University in Pennsylvania proposed a more
efficient way of improving flow rates by applying an electric
field to the oil. The idea is to electrically align particles
within the crude oil, which reduces viscosity and turbulence.
To test this, Tao collaborated with energy company Save The World
Air, Inc. to develop an Applied Oil Technology (AOT) device that
links to oil pipelines and produces an electric field along the
direction of the oil flow. Recent trials on oil pipelines in
Wyoming and China verified that crude oil particles form short
chains in an electric field. These chains reduce viscosity in the
direction of flow to a minimum. At the same time the viscosity
perpendicular to the flow increases, which helps suppress
turbulence in the overall flow.
This past summer Tao and his colleagues also successfully tested
the AOT device on a section of the Keystone pipeline near Wichita,
"People were amazed at the energy savings when we first tested
this device. They didn't initially understand the physics," said
Tao. "A second test with an independent company was arranged and
found the same thing." Tests on a section of the Keystone pipeline
found that the same flow rate could be achieved with a 75 percent
reduction of pump power from 2.8 megawatts to 0.7 megawatts,
thanks to the AOT device. The device itself uses 720 watts.
Once aligned, the oil retained its low viscosity and turbulence
for more than 11 hours before returning to its original viscosity.
But the process is repeatable and Tao and his colleagues envision
AOT stations spaced along a pipeline, significantly reducing the
energy necessary to transport oil. This work was published in
January 2015 in Physical Review E and Tao will present the
additional Keystone pipeline test results at the American Physical
Society March Meeting 2015 in San Antonio (March 2-6).
Previously Tao has also shown that the same technique applied with
a magnetic field can reduce blood viscosity by 20 to 30 percent,
published in 2011 in Physical Review E. With clinical trials, Tao
says this could represent a future treatment for heart disease.
Story Source:
R. Tao, G. Q. Gu.
Suppressing turbulence and enhancing liquid suspension flow in
pipelines with electrorheology.
Physical Review E, 2015; 91 (1)
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.91.012304
Modern Mechanix ( August 1931 )
Motorcycles of the Air May Give Wings
to All
SINCE the very beginning of aviation the alluring idea of an
aerocycle or motorcycle of the air, such as is shown on this
month’s cover of Modern Mechanics and Inventions, has appealed to
countless inventors, none of whom have to date succeeded in
perfecting a craft of this type. But today, for the first time in
history, the development of light motors and alloys has progressed
to such a degree that the problem of building an aircycle plane is
greatly simplified, so it is safe to predict that within a short
time a light plane built along the lines of those shown in Douglas
Rolfe’s drawing on the opposite page will be commercially
Indeed, as shown in the photograph herewith, a cycle plane already
has been successfully designed and flown by Johann Franz, a
Czechoslovakian inventor. A tow rope of the type used in launching
gliders assisted in the take-off of the cycle plane, “but once in
the air it skimmed along with its propeller turning over under
power of its motorcycle engine. Mr. Franz patented his plane in
the United States in January of this year, and is now refining its
design. Perhaps this novel aerocycle will be the germinal idea out
of which will develop the flying flivver of which we have heard so
much, which will bring aerial transportation within the means of
the average man.
There have been other instances in which ships which may be said
to fit into this class have been built and flown, though with
indifferent success. Notable examples include the early Santos
Dumont Demoiselle, affectionately known as the “Infuriated
Grasshopper” by reason of its general tendency to make successive
hops rather than sustained flights; and, more recently, the
De-Pischoff biplane, a French creation of extremely small wing
spread which was not a success because it was so designed that the
pilot’s body blanketed the control surfaces.
For long flights or navigating in heavy weather larger and more
protected types of aircraft will of course be indispensable, but
for the sportsman who wishes to get somewhere in a hurry the
ultra-light plane may yet become a common necessity.
The illustration on page 98 presents features of such a plane as
conceived by Douglas Rolfe, a flying artist whose war experience
as a flyer with the Royal Air Force of the British Army and his
intimate post-war association with some of the most competent
airplane engineers in the country lends weight to his opinions.
The illustration, of course, shows only the essentials of a type
of plane which would lead gliders in popularity were it obtainable
by the young enthusiast at a moderate price.
The ultimate development of such a light single-seater craft will
point toward an all-metal plane weighing not more than 250 pounds,
the abolishment of fixed stabilizing surfaces in the rear, single
airwheel landing gear and stamped dural construction throughout.
The greatest single problem confronting designers and engineers
before such a craft can be safely produced and sold is the
development of a wing construction and mechanism which will permit
the angle of incidence to be varied to suit the constantly
changing conditions of flight. This is a problem which today is
engaging the minds of the best aeronautical engineers in the
Airplane wings attached to the human body have recently become
popular with skiers, who, in skimming down a steep slope, develop
sufficient speed to take to the air in much the same fashion as a
glider. Of course, such flights are necessarily short, but
intensely thrilling to the pilot.
An application of the airplane idea to a bicycle is illustrated on
this page. The “Glide-O-Bike” is the invention of Harry T. Nelson
of Dallas, Texas, and is intended purely for the amusement of
young riders. The wing and tail units of the device can be
attached to a bicycle frame in a few moments. When the rider
pedals into the breeze the lift developed by the wing in front of
the handle bars lifts the front wheel of the bicycle from the
road, giving much the same sensation as flying. Lateral stability
is attained through the use of dihedral.
Aerocycle Patents
Still waiting ...
Richard HESS : Fullerene Solar
January 27, 2009
Plastic power
A startup has a new solar technology so light and malleable
that it could charge your laptop - or light up a skyscraper.
Barney Gimbel
(Fortune Magazine) -- Inside a converted textile mill in Lowell,
Mass., Rick Hess unfurls a roll of brown plastic film attached to
a small electric meter. "Three volts," he says, smiling. "And
that's just from the light in this room. Imagine what this reads
when we're outside."
Hess, who runs solar upstart Konarka, is showing off Power
Plastic, a new lightweight, flexible, and cheap material that
converts indoor and outdoor light into electricity. Think of it as
a solar panel that rolls up like camera film. "Soon you may not
even need batteries," Hess says, holding a prototype of a portable
device that will recharge your cellphone in an hour. "We can put
this stuff anywhere."
Lowell-based Konarka (named after a temple dedicated to a Hindu
sun god) currently sells small amounts of its Power Plastic for
use on outdoor umbrellas and tote bags that will recharge a
cellphone whether you're on the go or on the beach. That potential
impressed investors, who have put $145 million into the closely
held venture, including a recent $45 million in funding from
French oil giant Total. "We believe the solar market in the U.S.
will accelerate between 2010 and 2015, and we need to be ready for
this," says Philippe Boisseau, president of Total's gas and power
business. "By then Konarka products could become mass market."
Konarka won't disclose its revenue.
Sure, solar chips have been used to power calculators, watches,
and other small gadgets for years. But most are made of silicon,
the material found in computer chips - and they are rigid,
fragile, and expensive to manufacture. (Think clean rooms with
skilled techies in space suits.) Konarka's film rolls off a
converted printing press that used to belong to Polaroid. It
prints a secret plastic ink onto rolls of thin film. As it absorbs
light, the polymer ink emits electrons, producing electricity.
In a few years, Hess says, Konarka will have perfected a
translucent version of its product that could be built into the
windows of skyscrapers, generating enough power to run whole
buildings. It is also working on projects for the Department of
Defense to make solar-power tents that recharge soldiers'
equipment in remote locations. Eventually the technology could
even be woven into clothing - imagine slipping your cellphone into
your pocket to recharge it.
Thin-film solar technology is a promising new field in alternative
energy - and it's attracting loads of venture capital. Many
startups, including HelioVolt in Austin, Miasol in Santa Clara,
Calif., and Nanosolar in San Jose, are working on similar
products. Most, however, are made of metal foil as opposed to
plastic, which means they're not as light or flexible.
Power Plastic, however, does have its drawbacks. So far it is not
nearly as efficient or durable as traditional silicon panels.
Konarka's cells convert about 6% of the light that hits them into
electricity, whereas silicon solar panels typically are 16% to 20%
efficient. Hess says Konarka hopes to double its efficiency within
a few years. Power Plastic also doesn't last nearly as long -
about five years as opposed to more than 30 with silicon panels.
But Hess argues that it doesn't matter because his product will be
cheap to replace.
Barry Maranta, president of SkyShades, an Australian company that
makes solar patio umbrellas and lightweight awnings for parking
lots, says he plans to purchase a few hundred thousand square
meters of Power Plastic this year. (It sells for $100 to $200 per
square meter.) He hopes to put enough Power Plastic on parking lot
canopies at Orlando International Airport to generate $150,000 of
electricity a year, which translates into a 35% return on
investment over a decade, he says. "People used to buy solar
panels because it made them feel good about themselves," Maranta
says. Thanks to companies like SkyShades and Konarka, perhaps
going solar will also lead to brighter balance sheets.
Konarka Technologies, Inc.
Website : www.konarka.com
Konarka Technologies, Inc. was a solar energy company based in
Lowell, Massachusetts, founded in 2001 as a spin-off from
University of Massachusetts Lowell. In late May 2012, the company
filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy protection and laid off its
approximately 80-member staff. The company’s operations have
ceased and a trustee is tasked with liquidating the company’s
assets for the benefit of creditors.[1]
The company was developing two types of organic solar cells:
polymer-fullerene solar cells and dye-sensitized solar cells
(DSSCs). Konarka cells were lightweight, flexible photovoltaics
that could be printed as film or coated onto surfaces.
The company had hoped its manufacturing process, which utilized
organic chemistry, would result in higher energy conversion
efficiency at lower cost than traditional silicon fabricated solar
cells.[citation needed] Konarka was also researching infrared
light activated photovoltaics which would enable night-time power
The company's co-founders included the Nobel laureate Alan J.
Heeger. [2] The company was named after Konark Sun Temple in
As of 2006, Konarka had received $60 million in funding from
venture capital firms including 3i, Draper Fisher Jurvetson, New
Enterprise Associates, Good Energies and Chevron Technology
Ventures.[3] Konarka also received nearly $10 million in combined
grants from the Pentagon and European governments, and in 2007 was
approved for further funding through the Solar America Initiative,
a component of the White House's Advanced Energy Initiative.[4]
The company raised a further $45 million in private capital
financing in October 2007 in a financing round led by Mackenzie
Financial Corporation.[5]
The company also received $1.5 million from a state of
Massachusetts alternative energy trust fund in 2003 during
Governor Mitt Romney's term and another $5 million during Governor
Deval Patrick's term. At the time of its bankruptcy filing in
2012, its funding history was summarized: "Konarka raised more
than $170 million in private capital investments and $20 million
in government grants, according to its website. Under the Bush
administration, Konarka received a $1.6 million Army contract in
2005 and a $3.6 million award from the Department of Energy in
2007. Under the Obama administration, Konarka was one of 183
clean-energy companies that got a total of $2.3 billion in tax
credits as part of the 2009 stimulus."[6]
Bankruptcy and political fallout
The bankruptcy filing occurred days after a visit by Republican
presidential candidate Romney to Solyndra, another bankrupted
solar energy firm which also received over $500 million of funding
from the United States government. The fact that Konarka also
received a loan in 2003 during Romney's gubernatorial term was
noted by Democrats and inserted into the campaign-politics
Dye-sensitized solar cells
Konarka in 2002 was granted licensee rights to dye-sensitized
solar cell technology from the Swiss Federal Institute of
Technology (EPFL).
This solar-cell design included two main components: a special
light-sensitive dye that released electrons when exposed to
sunlight and titanium dioxide nanoparticles which escorted
electrons away from the dyes and to an external electronic
circuit, generating electricity [8]
Polymer-fullerene solar cells
Konarka built photovoltaic products using next generation
nanomaterials that were coated on rolls of plastic (Power
Plastic). Konarka's nanomaterials absorbed sunlight and indoor
light and converted them into electrical energy. These products
could be easily integrated as the power generation component for a
variety of applications and could be produced and used virtually
anywhere. Konarka was one of several companies developing
nanotechnology-based solar cells, others include Nanosolar and
Nanosys. [9]
These materials, as well as positive and negative electrodes made
from metallic inks, could be inexpensively spread over a sheet of
plastic using printing and coating machines to make solar cells,
using roll-to-roll manufacturing, similar to how newspaper is
printed on large rolls of paper. Konarka’s manufacturing process
enabled production to scale easily and results in significantly
reduced costs over previous generations of solar cells. .[10]
Richard Hess, Konarka's president and CEO, said that the company's
ability to use existing equipment allowed it to scale up
production at one-tenth the cost compared with conventional
Unlike conventional solar cells, which were packaged in modules
made of glass and aluminum and were rigid and heavy, Konarka's
solar cells were lightweight and flexible. This made them
attractive for portable applications. What was more, they could be
designed in a range of colors, which made them easier to
incorporate attractively into certain applications. One of the
first products to use Konarka's cells was to be briefcases that
could recharge laptops. Another company was testing Konarka's
solar cells for use in umbrellas for outdoor tables at
restaurants. They could also be used in tents and awnings.[11]
Because the solar cells could be made transparent, Konarka was
also developing a version of its solar cells that could be
laminated to windows to generate electricity and serve as a window
However, the technology had several drawbacks. The solar cells
only lasted a couple of years, unlike the decades that
conventional solar cells last and the solar cells were relatively
inefficient. Conventional solar cells can easily convert 15
percent of the energy in sunlight into electricity; Konarka's
cells only converted up to 8.3%, the highest that the National
Renewable Energy Laboratory has recorded for organic photovoltaic
Flexible batteries
Konarka owned the rights to an organic-based solar-recharging
flexible battery technology.[13] However, as of April 2007,
Konarka had no plans to produce these commercially itself.[13]
Flexible batteries have thin-solar cells which are held inside a
flexible gas barrier to prevent them from degrading when exposed
to air. At just two grams in weight and just one millimetre thick,
the flexible battery is small enough to be used in low-wattage
gadgets - including flat smart cards and mobile phones. The
potential for this type of product was seen as large, given that
there was a growing demand for portable self-rechargeable power
Konarka Technologies and Renewable Capital announced the licensing
and joint development of Konarka's dye-sensitized solar cell
technology for large-scale production, scaling to several hundred
Polymer-fullerene solar cells
Konarka opened a commercial-scale factory, with the capacity to
produce enough polymer-fullerene solar cells every year to
generate one gigawatt of electricity, the equivalent of a large
nuclear reactor. The company planned to gradually ramp up
production at its new factory, reaching full capacity in two to
three years.[11]
Konarka was issued a number of United States patents relating to
its photovoltaics research:
6706963, Jan 25, 2002, "Photovoltaic cell interconnection"
6858158, Jan 24, 2003, "Low temperature interconnection of
6900382, Jan 24, 2003, "Gel electrolytes for dye sensitized solar
6913713, Jan 24, 2003, "Photovoltaic fibers"
6924427, Jan 24, 2003, "Wire interconnects for fabricating
interconnected photovoltaic cells
6933436, Apr 27, 2001, "Photovoltaic cell"
6949400, Jan 24, 2003, "Ultrasonic slitting of photovoltaic cells
and modules"
7022910, Mar 24, 2003, "Photovoltaic cells utilizing mesh
7071139, Dec 20, 2002, "Oxynitride compounds, methods of
preparation, and uses thereof"
7186911, Jan 24, 2003, "Methods of scoring for fabricating
interconnected photovoltaic cells"
Zhiyu YANG, et al. : Acoustic
22 February 2010
Latex could silence noisy neighbours
Colin Barras
THE rumbling bass from the party animals next door need no longer
keep you awake at night. Cheap and effective soundproofing can be
yours in the shape of novel tiles made from latex and a few
plastic buttons.
Low-frequency sounds, especially, seem to seep through most
domestic walls. That's because of their long wavelength, says
Zhiyu Yang at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
in Kowloon. Bass sounds at 100 hertz have a wavelength of over 3
metres in air, "and several times longer in solids", he says.
To block out all sound, buildings would need walls several metres
thick. Now Yang and his team have developed soundproof panels made
of latex and plastic buttons, that will do the job.
These noise-cancelling panels consist of a latex rubber membrane
stretched over a 3-millimetre-thick rigid plastic grid of
1-centimetre-wide squares. ...
Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 041906 (2010)
Acoustic metamaterial panels for sound
attenuation in the 50–1000 Hz regime
Z. Yang, H. M. Dai, N. H. Chan, G. C. Ma and Ping Sheng
We show experimentally that thin membrane-type acoustic
metamaterials can serve as a total reflection nodal surface at
certain frequencies. The small decay length of the evanescent
waves at these frequencies implies that several membrane panels
can be stacked to achieve broad-frequency effectiveness. We report
the realization of acoustic metamaterial panels with thickness =15
mm and weight =3 kg/m2 demonstrating 19.5 dB of internal sound
transmission loss (STL) at around 200 Hz, and stacked panels with
thickness =60 mm and weight =15 kg/m2 demonstrating an average STL
of >40 dB over a broad range from 50 to 1000 Hz.
Acoustic metamaterial with simultaneously negative effective
mass density and bulk modulus
Acoustic energy absorption metamaterials
Ioannis Ieropoulos, et al. : Urine Microbial Fuel Cell
sciencedaily.com ( 6 March 2015 )
Urine power to light camps in disaster
A toilet, conveniently situated near the Student Union Bar at the
University of the West of England (UWE Bristol), is proving that
urine can generate electricity.
The prototype urinal is the result of a partnership between
researchers at UWE Bristol and Oxfam. It is hoped the pee-power
technology will light cubicles in refugee camps, which are often
dark and dangerous places particularly for women.
Students and staff are being asked to use the urinal to donate pee
to fuel microbial fuel cell (MFC) stacks that generate electricity
to power indoor lighting.
The research team is led by Professor Ioannis Ieropoulos, Director
of the Bristol BioEnergy Centre located in the Bristol Robotics
Laboratory at UWE Bristol.
Professor Ieropoulos says, "We have already proved that this way
of generating electricity works. Work by the Bristol BioEnergy
Centre hit the headlines in 2013 when the team demonstrated that
electricity generated by microbial fuel cell stacks could power a
mobile phone. This exciting project with Oxfam could have a huge
impact in refugee camps.
"The microbial fuel cells work by employing live microbes which
feed on urine (fuel) for their own growth and maintenance. The MFC
is in effect a system which taps a portion of that biochemical
energy used for microbial growth, and converts that directly into
electricity -- what we are calling urine-tricity or pee power.
This technology is about as green as it gets, as we do not need to
utilise fossil fuels and we are effectively using a waste product
that will be in plentiful supply."
The urinal on the University campus resembles toilets used in
refugee camps by Oxfam to make the trial as realistic as possible.
The technology that converts the urine into power sits underneath
the urinal and can be viewed through a clear screen.
Andy Bastable, Head of Water and Sanitation at Oxfam, says, "Oxfam
is an expert at providing sanitation in disaster zones, and it is
always a challenge to light inaccessible areas far from a power
supply. This technology is a huge step forward. Living in a
refugee camp is hard enough without the added threat of being
assaulted in dark places at night. The potential of this invention
is huge."
Both Professor Ieropoulos and Andy Bastable agree it is the cheap,
sustainable aspect of this technology, which relies on the
abundant, free supply of urine that makes it so practical for aid
agencies to use in the field.
Professor Ieropoulos says "One microbial fuel cell costs about £1
to make, and we think that a small unit like the demo we have
mocked up for this experiment could cost as little as £600 to set
up, which is a significant bonus as this technology is in theory
It certainly brings new meaning to the idea of spending a penny in
the fight against poverty.
Our Darling :
Claus Von Stauffenberg
( Placed the Divine Boombox vs Hitler under the conference
table in Das Bunker )
Etienne De La Boetie
The Politics of Obedience : The Discourse of Voluntary
[ PDF ]
ISIS says : " Tune your
instruments to A = 432 Hz or we will cut off your ears !
Former Hitler Youth Warns Of
America's Nazi Future ( Helmer von Campe )
" WAKE UP " film
"... Lays bare the system we have been given and ...
are so afraid to wake up to... "
Edward Mandell HOUSE : Comments On The
Federal Reserve System, @ a private meeting with President
Woodrow Wilson
"... Soon, every American will be required to register their
biological property in a national system designed to keep track of
the people and that will operate under the ancient system of
" By such methodology, we can compel people to submit to our
agenda, which will affect our security as a chargeback for our
fiat paper currency.
" Every American will be forced to register or suffer being unable
to work and earn a living. They will be our chattel, and we will
hold the security interest over them forever, by operation of the
law merchant under the scheme of secured transactions.
" Americans, by unknowingly or unwittingly delivering the bills of
lading to us will be rendered bankrupt and insolvent, forever to
remain economic slaves through taxation, secured by their pledges.
" They will be stripped of their rights and given a commercial
value designed to make us a profit and they will be none the
wiser, for not one man in a million could ever figure our plans
and, if by accident one or two should figure it out, we have in
our arsenal plausible deniability. After all, this is the only
logical way to fund government, by floating liens and debt to the
registrants in the form of benefits and privileges.
" This will inevitably reap to us huge profits beyond our wildest
expectations and leave every American a contributor to this fraud
which we will call 'Social Insurance.'
" Without realizing it, every American will pay us for any loss we
may incur and in this manner; every American will unknowingly be
our servant, however begrudgingly.
" The people will become helpless and without any hope for their
redemption and, we will employ the high office of the President of
our dummy corporation to foment this plot against America. ”
Net / Median Worth of Americans
While the average net worth of Americans is 4th in the world
pulled up by the top 10%, the median net worth of Americans comes
in the 19th spot. Yep, behind Spain, Italy and Ireland so 3
of the 5 PIIGS nations. Meaning the bottom 80% in these
broke ass barely hanging on nations have more wealth than the
bottom 80% of us here in America....
So there it is. While the average net worth of Americans is
4th in the world pulled up by the top 10%, the median net worth of
Americans comes in the 19th spot. Yep, behind Spain, Italy
and Ireland so 3 of the 5 PIIGS nations. Meaning the bottom
80% in these broke ass barely hanging on nations have more wealth
than the bottom 80% of us here in America.
Public Service
Every time You
click a sacred Ad on this website, Obama-God
saves a precious Kitten !


Every time you neglect to visit our Advertisers, Cheney-Satan kills a Kitty !


Save the Kitties !
Save our Advertisers !
Save rexresearch.com !
Save Yourself !
"Failure to Obey"
Documentary on Checkpoint Refusal (full movie)
DVD: Failure to Obey
According to current federal law, border patrol agents currently
have the authority to stop and conduct searches on vessels,
trains, aircraft, or other vehicles anywhere within “a reasonable
distance from any external boundary of the United States.” This
“reasonable distance” is defined as 100 miles from any border,
including coastal boundaries.
In this 100-mile zone, the US Border Patrol has claimed certain
extra-constitutional powers, such as, claiming the authority to
operate inland immigration checkpoints.
In practice, Border Patrol agents routinely ignore or
misunderstand the limits of their legal authority, violating the
constitutional rights of innocent people. Although the 100-mile
border zone is not literally "Constitution-free," it is frequently
treated as such by the Border Patrol.
As a result, two-thirds of the U.S. population, or approximately
200 million people, are potentially subject to detention and
warrantless searches by Border Patrol agents.
This film documents the story of Pastor Steven Anderson being
being beaten, tasered, and jailed for refusing a warrant-less
search of his vehicle. The film also covers his trial and
subsequent border patrol encounters.
State Legal Tender
The dollar has lost 10 percent of its value since the beginning of
quantitative easing. The 2012 election exit polls reported that
Americans believe rising prices to be nearly tied with
unemployment as their greatest economic concern. Yet Congress has
done nothing about this, while benefiting from government money
printing to pay for their deficits.
That’s why the states have stepped in to promote sound money.
Article I Section 10 of the Constitution enables states to declare
gold and silver coins as legal tender. This gives the states the
impetus to remove all taxes on gold and silver. By supporting a
choice in currency for their citizens, states are taking the first
step back toward money that maintains its purchasing power and
serves the people rather than the government.
Why Legal Tender?
Legal tender gives gold and silver coin its official designation
as money. This ensures that a transaction using the coins is
considered an exchange of currency rather than barter. It is
important to have this legal distinction to protect anyone who
wants to use hard money as currency.
Why no taxes?
The taxation of gold and silver coins discourages their use as
money. State sales taxes – approximately half of all states have a
sales tax on gold and silver coins – limit the acquisition of
coins, particularly among lower-income citizens. State capital
gains taxes suppress the exchange of the coins by imposing an
income tax liability. If gold and silver coins are money, they
should not be taxed as property by the states.
Is state legal tender constitutional?
The United States Constitution in Article I Section 10 says that
no state shall “make anything but gold and silver coin a tender in
payment of debts.” This is an exception to a list of prohibitions
on the states. It emanated from a vigorous debate during the
Constitutional Convention about how to ban paper money, the source
of high inflation during the Revolutionary War.
Do you have to accept legal tender as payment?
No. Legal tender does not mandate acceptance, as the U.S. Treasury
Department clarifies, it simply designates it as acceptable
currency. It is not uncommon for retailers to decline to accept
U.S. paper dollars and coins, for example, as a matter of policy
(such as a convenience store refusing to accept large
denominations). No one is forced to tender or accept gold and
silver legal tender coins.
How are the coins valued?
Gold and silver coins are valued according to their intrinsic
worth – their gold or silver weight and any additional numismatic
value. Market values for both kinds of coins can easily be
discovered because they circulate in a liquid market.
How would this work in practice?
It is likely that gold and silver coins will be used as currency
through electronic payment systems rather than in the physical
exchange. Just as the Federal Reserve Note has become more
frequently used with the swipe of a card, specie coin could be
deposited in an account and linked to a debit card. This would
provide a way to use the coins as money at the point of sale
without the physical inconvenience of transporting them.
Which gold and silver coins can be legal tender?
Most state legal tender legislation has applied to gold and silver
bullion coins issued by the federal government. This applies to
the most common type of coin – the American Eagle – and the
bullion requirement ensures that the coins are at least 90 percent
fine gold or 99.9 percent silver content.
Texas Senate Bill 989 --84th Legislature
Bill Title: Relating to the establishment and administration of
a state bullion depository; authorizing fees.
Sovereignty Databases
"The claim and exercise of a constitutional right cannot be
converted into a crime."
[Miller v. US, 230 F 486, at 489]
“Anyone entering into an arrangement with the government takes the
risk of having accurately ascertained that he who purports to act
for the government stays within the bounds of his authority, even
though the agent himself may be unaware of the limitations upon
his authority.”
[Federal Crop Insurance v. Merrill, 332 U.S. 380 (1947)]
Behold ! The Divine Sacred Holy Jewish practice of “ Metzitzah
b’peh ”
July 25, 2013
Rabbi A. Romi Cohn has sucked 25,000
baby penises – “it’s a joyous occasion”
by Streicher's Ghost
... The mohel, A. Romi Cohn, said he had performed more than
25,000 circumcisions, on babies and adults, in New York City and
elsewhere over the last 40 years. When he circumcises an infant,
he said, he almost always put his mouth on the baby’s penis to
pull blood away from the wound in an ancient part of the
circumcision ritual, known in Hebrew as metzitzah b’peh … A
circumcision, he added, “is a joyous occasion — nothing traumatic
about it.”
Sovereign of the
A Man For All Times & Dimensions --
Help Timmy Fight the Archon Daemon Jihadi Hordes of
Mediterranean Wave-Walkers !
The Odd Story of Pavlita
Generators – Psychotronic Science or Total Scam?
The current guru of psychotronics is an Englishman called
Tim Rifat. However, one may know him by his other names like
Ray St. Clair or as his lordship Gary Beaver. (1)
A con man of legend, Beaver claims psychotronic generators
capture the energy of the user. When turned on, they can do
all manner of things like ward off evil occult types, increase
mental capacity, increase one’s income, and enhance one’s
sexual prowess.
All they seem to really do is make annoying noises.
Beaver is something of a viral character; he has numerous
websites and has amassed a rather large Internet following.
(2) He has even been a regular on the ever-lame Jeff Rense
One of Beaver/Rifats influences appears to be Robert Pavlita,
a Hungarian inventor who made waves in the late sixties and
early seventies. Pavlita is one of the pioneers of the
psychotronic generator. He went around Hungary and apparently
researched and bought numerous old alchemist manuscripts.
However, con artists like Rifat/Beaver have over exaggerated
this aspect of his work...
Tim Rifat Scam
Government agents have libelled and slandered Tim Rifat as
being a scam artist. This is defamation and legally prosecutable,
so all outrageous bloggers beware as:- all products and Services
are fully Trademarked and recognised by the British Government:
Intellectual Property Office: given the full seal of approval by
law, which is applicable world wide: All counterfeiters and
criminals selling goods and Services in the same categories as any
of Psi-Lord Ltd's range are legally con artists and scam artists.
These are the libellers and slanderers that have tried to defame
me. For example Life Tech.org sold Psychotronic Generators® even
thought Trademarked by Psi-Lord Ltd, until threatened with
prosecution - these are the real scam artists: Tim Rifat does not
have a Twitter page, Facebook page... So all the so called Tim
Rifat's using my material are scam artists, probably MI5, NSA,
CIA, FBI... My face is on RVScience.com so check to see the real
me not a fat paedophile MI5... scam artist trying to impersonate
me like Paul Hughes Barlow aka Graham Nickells...
The Trademarks held are:-
Vampires®, Vampire® for: crystals, health, jewellery, physic
Real Vampire®, Real Vampires® for: crystals, health, jewellery,
physic consultancy
Supernatural Spirit® for: crystals, health, jewellery, physic
Mind over Matter® for: crystals, health, jewellery, physic
Psychotronic Generators®, Psychotronic Generator®
Psychotronic Crystals®, Psychotronic Crystal®
Psychotronic Crystalware® for: crystals, health, computer
applications, physic consultancy
Sublime Good® for: crystals, health, psychic consultancy
Bone Generators®, Bone Generator® for psychic consultancy
Supernatural Spirits®for psychic consultancy
As you can see our complete range is covered so any overlap with
other companies is non existent. Psi-Lord Ltd is the only legal
player in Supernatural Spirit(s), Mind Over Matter, Vampires, Real
The Company is registered in Cyprus (EU), uses Paypal that does
not allow scam artists and is fully compliant with all EU
regulations. In fact we are the only multinational Company in the
psychic field of consultancy that is fully legal, all the other
companies are illegal, con artists or non compliant with EU law,
they are the scam artists. Be safe buy only from, Psi-Lord Ltd,
the only Trademarked multinational Psi Corporation, where all the
products are government approved. Avoid scams only buy from
Psi-Lord Ltd, Mind Over Matter.ru
Archon Authority Real Vampire
Rothschild Psychotronic Crystal Sublime Good Money Vampire®
The Rothschild Zionists have 500 trillion in wealth and own the
West. They own all the central banks and are paid by governments
to print money. Since they had all the money they are the perfect
source of money for the poor Psi-Maser.
This Psychotronic Crystal® is tied to the Rothschilds and cuts
their silver cord linking the biophysical body to the physical
body of the Zionist central bankers. It reconnects the physical
body and all the physical wealth of the Rothschild to the
Psychotronic Crystal®. So all physical money energy goes to you
not via the silver chord to the biophysical undead spirit: Judas
Evil Walkin Satanist Rothschilds. The Psychotronic Crystal® dumps
the toxic waste in the money energy into the Rothschild
biophysical Supernatural Spirit as Amalek. It diverts the Sublime
Good Money energy to you, automatically, 24/7. Unlike normal
Psychotronic Crystals® it does not need to be fed to work all the
physical gold and 500 trillion dollars of the Rothschilds is fed
to you to make you rich in anything you do, as the Matrix was
configured to channel all the money energy into the eye of the
Illuminati pyramid. Now the eye is the Psychotronic Crystal® using
the Queens Diamond (Psychotronic Crystal®) anniversary ritual to
power the Sequestration of all Rothschild money. To use you simply
place the Psychotronic Crystal® on your eyes to link into it, then
carry it 24/7 on your person (left pocket optional) to link your
physical body to 500 trillion dollars to make you rich. It turned
Tim Rifat into a millionaire join the Rothschild's masters to make
them your slaves.
$600 for Service
Real Vampire Audios Series
Vampires®: Real Vampire® Science:
Until this Century Vampires® have been fictional. Now the modern
day British Dr Dee 007 (trained by MI6 Magus Colin Bloy to take
over MI6's occult war machine) Tim Rifat reveals the real science
of Vampires®. Until now only Psychic Vampires® existed. These
Vampires® sucked out the Soul energy of others. That is because
the Soul is left hand Pulsar, going in and out. The Psychic
Vampire® pulls the outward expansion of the victim's energy body
into an inward contraction of his/her Soul. Psychic Vampires are
always self involved hate filled individuals to tune the outward
moving expansion of their friends with their morbid involution of
spite. The physical Vampire® has been impossible since the
physical energy body is right hand Circular Force. It does not go
in or out so cannot be sucked dry by a psychic Vampire®.
With the 2012 Galactic Alignment change from Circular Force to
Pulsar in/out Force, the rules have changed. The physical body now
has a Pulsar expansion, contraction component that is taking over
from the non Vampire® Circular Force physical body. Tim Rifat the
Ipsissimus modern MI6 007 Dr Dee Supreme Magician and scientist
has the power to change the energy body of the Real Vampire® so
their physical body has a permanent contraction with respect to
the expansion of all the physical energy bodies of every non
Vampire®. So as their physical energy bodies Pulsar expands
outward the Real Vampire® contracts her/his energy body to pull
out their physical energy. This turns the Psychic Vampire® to a
Physical Vampire, a Real Vampire®. The Real Vampire's® physical
energy body contracts permanently in the Matrix - it becomes a
black hole. This means that all the people you touch with your
physical body get sucked dry of physical energy - automatically.
As your physical energy body grows you suck dry anyone you see.
Eventually you become an Ultra Gangster Real Vampire® energy body
that sucks dry all the people on a continent. If you want to
jumpstart the process read the Ultra Gangster Real Vampire® pages.
Until the 2012 alignment begun in 2003 ending December 2012 the
Real Vampire® was impossible. Now by having a Psychotronic
Generator® tuned to a Real Vampire® the Psychotronic Crystal®
expands as your energy body contracts; when it comes for your
physical energy body to expand the Psychotronic Generator®
downloads into your Bone Generators® the instantaneous expansion
so you can continue contracting eternally - a pseudo black hole in
the physical reality - a Real Vampire®. All the expansion is done
by the Psychotronic Crystal® for you so you always contract in the
physical energy body so you always suck energy out of everyone.
Only Psychotronic Crystal® tied to your Bone Generators® can
enable Physical Vampires®. That is why Tim Rifat holds the
Trademarks - all others are conmen criminal fraudsters.
You suck all the physical energy out of all humans so you grow
younger, stronger, healthier, quicker, smarter,
handsomer/prettier, have better skin, bigger breasts and heal
supernaturally quick. Until Tim Rifat became a Vampire® in 2010
the British Governments biological weapons planted in food, mail,
his home had disabled him. Now as a Vampire® he heals himself in a
day. If you wish to be a Vampire :0
Supernatural Spirit® Vampires
At 17 I got interested in ritual magic. Not understanding the
occult words one had to say I desisted from voicing anything, as
only a fool dabbles in magic. Luckily after University in 1981 I
met a real 007 MI6 Dr Dee Magus called Colin Bloy. He was using
the entire New Age Movement and the power of Satanist High Church
Protestantism (all Churches with Northern Altars - Christian
Churches - all Catholic - have East facing altars). Using the
power of all New Age followers; the New Age was sponsored by
Luciferians for the purpose of a high energy power source,
promoted by the CIA and MI6; the black chequerboard wormholes to
dark energy matter dreamtime were opened on a worldwide scale
(shut down in China by the arrest of all New Age cult followers);
the light chequerboard wormholes to suck humans dry was opened
using the Churches (Satanist, North Altars). Hence as the Magus
psychic protégé I entered the world of MI6's black ops occult
branch. The Magus taught me how to do real ritual magic; not as
taught in all books - these are disinformation, but the real MI6
Dr Dee Magic. Armed with this knowledge we turned all Westerners
into the zombie brain dead you now see all around you. Once this
was completed in 1987 (Harmonic Convergence), the power was turned
on the USSR to use possession - Walk In Technology (Walk In Evil
Satanist Technology: West) to turn all Soviets into Westerners -
desperate for the rich lifestyle shown on the Dallas TV show and
many other clones of such. The USSR was easily dismantled from
within by West. As you might appreciate my education under the
tutelage of the MI6 Magus led me to advance beyond my wildest
dreams. In 1988 I split from the Magus and went independent. A
vicious war ensued between myself and MI6 occult branch. I had
fallen out with Bloy as he did not want me to jump the abyss and
become a Magister Templar. I went straight to Ipsissimus in 1986.
At the time I thought it was my natural talent. Only years later
did I realise I had been set up by the Dark God, called many
names, Yaltabaoth... to be elevated above all others so I could be
sacrificed. The Wicker Man, (Messiah Isaah) ultimate Scapegoat...
Why? To act as a dump for all Evil and to open up the Light God
power to the exclusive use of the Dark God. Fortunately I was so
powerful that Cosmic Law intervened and gave me the choice, become
TIM: Total Intent Manifest and become Cosmic Law's assassin, or
become the Cosmic Scapegoat. I took the former choice in 1986 and
the effect was for me to retroactively take over all MI6 occult
branch's power in stages while fighting a vicious war with the
British Government, its thugs and imbeciles. Finally psychically
killing Bloy in 2004 all the power of the British went to me. In
February 2010, the Wicker Man month of the Soul, I took over the
Dark Lord's power.
Now the magic I had taken over in the MI6 occult branch portfolio
was perfect for making different types of Vampire. Why? All the
West buildings are in fact Psychotronic Generators® for walk in
technology. They generate electrical voltage spikes in human
bodies that enable the human to be possessed, exorcised or given
psychic visions, powers. Stonehenge is one of the most ancient of
these West Psychotronic Generators. As a scientist, my degree was
in chemistry, I developed the science to explain MI6's magic. They
are mainly arts graduates and do what the Enochian Entities tell
them. Yes Supernatural Spirits are the real teachers, controllers
of MI6 occult branch. Hence Walk In Technology (West). As a
scientist I quickly realised the Scalar longditunal and time
vectors of light generate the Walk In voltages. I developed
Psychotronic Crystals® to use the fact that quartz produces
voltages when squeezed and if used in conjunction with dreaming
travel (not simple astral projection), can be made into a Super
Psychotronic Generator® of any type of Walk In, good or bad.
Quantum Superimposed on the bones of any human, the most magical
part of any human due to Hyperinfinity - the magic of matter,
these Psychotronic Crystals® turn humble bones into Bone
Generators® - Quantum Engine for superpowers. Use of my
talent as the only precognitive Remote Viewer - I see the future,
not any future, but the one that manifests - no one else can do
this - I brought back Sublime Good® Engines. They can suck all the
good out of any Evil, be it a Vampire, Werewolf, Demon, black
magician, shapeshifter, Voodoo Priest, zombie... Dark God; so it
can be used by the Psi-Master.
In my dreaming I met many types of intradimensional and
extradimensional, called Faire, Sidhe... in the countless
different dreaming dimensions. A very powerful group of Sidhe Blue
Pulsars taught me much not of humanity including how to grow fangs
in my dreaming body and feed off the energy bodies of anyone or
anything. Having split with the Blue Pulsars as I am my own
Master, I can now combine this with the MI6 occult of Walk In
Technology, occult magic and the black white energy squares of the
Enochian Chequerboard set up by Freemasonic buildings... New Age,
Protestantism to power any Walk In. Having learnt about the true
nature of Vampires. They feed off the lifeforce of any victim by
biting them with energy dreaming body fangs. I now can offer the
Supernatural Spirit Vampire Bone Generators® Psychotronic
Your body is Remotely View. I then use MI6 occult magic to call up
your body and Soul. An Archetype of a Vampire form from the list
below is chosen. Walk In technology is then used to place this in
you. So your energy body has fangs to bite victims. Your human
body then gets a Vampire overlay to make you stronger, quicker -
without the light Achilles Heel so daylight doe not harm you. As
you know all Magic, Mind over Matter®, requires power. Luckily the
advent of my Supernatural Spirit®.com website has initiated a host
of Supernatural Spirit books based on magic, Vampires, Werewolves,
Demons, zombies, Sorcerers... Remote Sensors such as Sookie
Stackhouse - I wrote the manual on mind reading (Remote Sensing
for Managers 2003 Vision Books - on www.psi-master.com) TV Series,
films, games. Luckily all of these mass media offerings are based
on love for the Vampire. Al all the readers, watchers of TV, films
of paranormal romance are generating energy to love the Vampire.
As these Bone Generator® Psychotronic Generators® feed off the
love for the Vampire generated by this media frenzy for Vampires
you get your Vampire super boosted by the billions of frantic
Vampire lovers. This means your Vampire Walk In is ready for use
immediately, pre-powered by the media frenzy for Vampire lovers.
Tim Rifat's Bone Generators® Psychotronic Generators® suck all the
power out of these human Vampire lovers to make you the biggest
baddest Vampire in Town. I personally love Kate Beckinsales Amazon
Vamp - gorgeous Kate in tight black leather helps, so I have give
you a selection of Vampire Archetypes from Master (evil) to
Vampire human lover.
This site covers all aspects of Supernatural Spirit® heroes,
villains, monsters, sorcerers, weather wizards except assassins,
warriors, that is covered on Extreme Situations, another site. All
Bone Generator® Services are also partnered with a Psychotronic
Generator® Psychotronic Crystal® and can be digitally photographed
for Psychotronic Crystalware®, to turn your computer and therefore
the Internet into a Psychotronic Generator® of your Supernatural
Spirit Vampire Walk In. All the Services are automatic the
Psychotronic Generator® should be kept anywhere in your energy
field 24/7 to reboot your Supernatural Spirit® Vampire - it's as
easy to use as that! All Services cost $600 if you want to buy
them all, the Special Volume Discount price is $17,000 (payable in
instalments or a lump sum.
The Great Lord Vampire® Houses Update:
The Immortal Great Lord has a new Arch Duke Marcus the
The final Immortal Real Vampiress is Antoinette the Angelic the
6th and final Eternal One.
The Immortal Vampire Lords and Ladies Great House is now full. If
you wish to become an immortal Real Vampire® or Vamp you need to
wire minimum 10 million dollars. Psi-Lord Ltd reserves the right
to refuse you as you may not be suitable.
The Great Lord of Luck Real Vampire® has 3 Archdukes:
Archduke of Stealth and Wealth
Archduke Kali
Archduke Marcus the Magnanimous
All 3 have also not all the Vampire® powers of the first Services
a) through r). These 3 for, the inner Court of Real Vampires as of
The Ultra Gangster Great Lord Vampire® has as its' leader Emperor
Great Lord Vampire® Lord of Stealth and Wealth as it's Uber Ultra
The other two Great Lords Kali and Marcus the Magnanimous have
reserved 2 places.
Three therefore remain as of 7/9/10.
The Master of the Matrix Great Lord Real Vampires® have as its'
head Imperator Lord of Stealth and Wealth who is of 7/9/10:
The number one Grandmaster Mason Real Vampire® (11 only left)
The number one Lord of Demons Great Lord Real Vampire® (11 only
Solar Psychotronic Generator® Great Lord Real Vampire® (6 only so
5 left)...
Hey Buddy ! Can ya spare 20 bucks for a
bottle of coffee, asshole ?
Nuke you, slaveboy !