Stuff & Stuff - Sci-Tech news & Olds -- August 2016
: the internet @ its bestest :
Stuff & Stuff

( August 2016 )

 Sci-Techy News & Olds & Miscellaneous Odds, Ends, Evens & Beginnings

Googoolflops3 of Pertinent Factoids for Enlightened Sovereign Human Beings with Rights & Choices who Refuse to pseudo-half-live as Retarded Religio-Fascist Dupes in Boring Denial, Willful Ignorance & Stupidiotic Slavery to Bankers with Cranium-crammed-in-Colon till Death flatulates them out of insipid Incarnation…

The Truths Are In Here @ Aisle 14 ==>
Fresh Lies @ Aisle 666 ! Free Samples !

» Stuff & Stuff Archives : Back & 4th Issues, 1st Edition Facsimile Counterfeits Preprint Mimeograph Photocopies & ToeNotes.

UPDATE : 20 August

Clif High / halfpasthuman ALTA Report Hits ---

2016 Webbot Prediction of Immense Continental Floods: China a Perfect Match, 300 Million Evacuate
2016 Webbot Prediction of Rivers From the Sky is a Perfect Match | Mini Ice Age 2015-2035

ALTA Predictive Linguistics ( August 2016 ) Keywords Excerpt :

Asymmetric Linguistic Trends Analysis Intelligence Report from
by clif high
Frenzy - August, 2016

'winds' 'popcorn storms (violent brief thunder storms)''crossing continents''water load''within the 'storm''grows''released''next shore''popcorn storms''numerous''violent''flash floods'
'fires''rains''wringing clouds''deluge''miles' 'train tracks' 'supporting infrastructure ' 'washed away' 'another country, near the coast' 'rains destroy trains' 'sets of destruction' 'boats' 'sunk by rains' 'destroying rains' 'sports stadiums' 'port buildings' 'flooded out' 'washed away'[ not]  'lakes in the atmosphere': 'wind driven' 'cumulative time' 'rain clouds keep coming' 'rivers in the atmosphere' 'as though a river ' 'swept everything away'

'weekly felt' 'global population''earthquakes''tornadoes''floods''move houses''shift populations' [central europe / France] 'brief''dip straight into winter''snow''freezing temperatures' [ northern hemisphere September ] 'results''roadways''highways''rendered useless''planetary stretching effects'[roads]'stretched to separation''rebuilding of the facilities''rebuilding airports' [ Depression ]'developed world' 'D3' 'bizarro world' 'last hill''long walk into the dark valley'  '5/five years negative growth period''paper debt''talent magnet''dark valley' 'depression' 'tell' 'Sari wearing woman''virtues''upsetting''over turning''up ending''emptying''banksters''sari wearing woman''smart''one of the top thinkers''locally well known''virtues''propel her''new social heights''virtues''uplifting against her wishes''ruthless''defense of principles''an enlightened being''repeatedly tested death and challenges'

'surprise encounter''sub sea survey''oceanographic representation''analysis''exposure''surprise encounter''sub set inhabitants''unknown''officially denied''WTF?''results of the sub sea survey''Caribbean mummy ship wreck discovery''surprise encounter''ocean activities (that affect GlobalPop)''results of the oceanographic survey''very revealing''viral discussion' 'what is going on down there'

'cruise ship rescue''smoke''wailing people''helicopters''heaving waters''rescue''cruise ship''rampaging disease''disabled crew members''over flowing septic systems''polluted water''failed systems''maritime disaster''play itself out'

'disaster drama''maritime''mess''ship disaster''much damage''distraught tourists''management freaking out''insurance''banking''trauma''drama''troubling food crop woes''southern hemisphere''food crop problems''crop failures''food crop plague''plague''planetary food security'

'flying cars' [early 2020s ]'multiple legged hydrofoiling water bug car''roads are destroyed''localized stretching''natural''deliberate effort'[ between July 31 and October 8]'re-orient''world''deliberate effort in lawsuit''transformational''upending''re-seating''heard about''over half of humans'

'small nation''monetize gold''receives support global smuggling community''small nation''financial problems''gold taken as money over currencies''globally impacting financial press''financial world''financial press''panic''faces of tv presenters''news people fainting''propaganda media''unawares''raw''uncontrolled manner''shock''real''demonstrated''financial press''on camera''paper debt world''numbers bounce like tennis balls'


'housing business''housing''construction''construction to politics corruption''scandal''corrupt politicians''flayed alive''egregious profits''under the covers''back room owners''rental properties''bad behavior''media''politicians''donated apartment'

'bad foods'


[ Spratley Islands ]'rare earths''ground support'[ Space initiative ]'build space ports''employ tens of millions for decades''Space port business' [next 20+ years]

'ChinaPop under the oceans''serious''significant''future of ChinaPop''under oceans habitat''under oceans industrial activities'

[Bitcoin / block chain ]'improved government efficiency''curtail internal governmental paper fraud'
'designs''5/five year transition''e-gold yuan''circulating money''redeemable digits''commodities backed crypto-currencies' [ PTB ]'losing their minds''power base''leaks''rumors''final tremble''fragile western banking system'


'war for europe population''increasingly violent''successful push back''core peoples initiative''alter into army''november 2016''establishing command structures''introduction''rapid deployment forces''deployment''drones''monitor''harass''authorities''migrant'

'social media''core peoples groups' 'migrant'='invaders''PopWar'[war between populations – in which the populations fight not only each other, but also the authorities]
'drones''core peoples''disproportionate fear''invaders /migrant population''great alarm''radicalized migrants''weapons''streets shooting up in the sky''revealing''incidents''sky shooting''authorities''radicalized migrants''exposure of their hidden behavior''taking videos''social media''war on terror''authorities''police stations''perpetrators houses''authorities' [very bad reactions]

'drones''urban France''Germany''drones''armed''authorities''officialdom''who owns them''air tactics''shoot outs'[ between drones ]'debris rains down'[ videos 'drones in PopWar''propaganda films''social media'[2017  new technology]'drone hijacking''ownership'
'bird-like''transparent drones''no flying bird is safe'

'break up of EU''EU system''pensions''EU bureaucracy''pension shocks''bad money failing''rapid fall''full on assault''mental energy'
'energy'[ Winter nearly continuous storm northern Europe / Siberia]

[early 2017]'joining ventures'

'street battles''focused population cleansing''both sides'[ against officialdom]'active street wars''ghetto battle''finish''ghetto''burned out''razed to the ground''fire''fire fighting government workers''absent''orders from officialdom' + 'barricades' [northern Italy / south eastern France]'winter'[ several months early]'trapped munitions smuggler''blow themselves up''stay warm''sudden freeze''destroying''vital road''removing a large switchback''buses'[Fulda?]'mountain pass'.


'german people''war between populations''war with the government''war within''person at war with themselves''conflict''Deutsche Bank''be failed''large debate''role of banks''social order''limits''imposed on government and banks''germany in turmoil'

'brilliant flash''flash crash''daily descent''bringing all parties''large meeting''end of the month''perceived fiscal collapse''controllers''fiscal technicians''determined population''imposing its thoughts/will on the proceedings''revolution''congress of affected peoples''protest''politics of the street'

'bavarian hooligans''center of a battle''migrants''skirmishes''battle''last of the organized tours of summer''bavarian hooligans' are going to be 'key influencers' over the next several years of PopWar.
The 'internal dialogue''too big to fail banks''institutions''German conversation''what are banks? Do we really need them? And what can we do about the politician problem?'


'HindPop'[ & Pakistan and Bangladesh and Kashmir ]'sympathy''peoples of the hind''too hot''too wet then too cold''record levels''weak fronts' will 'fail to hold off''unexpected turn in weather''floods''muds''low lands''ferocity''odd''usual expectations''Fall weather turn''persistent and odd''force away''usual shifts in winds'

'giant money scandal''failing romance''money empire''secrets revealed''break-up''investigation' ting in the data to outsiders, not able to share in the cultural shock of it all, is the roiling that will  'investigation in India'

[ new electrics ][ Siberia / India / Italy ]'field dynamics''mathematics''defining the 21st century''break-out period'[ early 2020s]


'explosion''regretted''accidental''bringing an apology'.

'break-up politically''unwanted accidental explosion''fractional fighting''central authorities''self-immolating''self-destroying''withdrawal to smaller cohorts / political groups'


'death by starvation''two faces''political system''attrition''starvation of funds''loss of donors''lies for fund raising exposed''dollar dying systemic fiscal diseases''fiat currency regime''ending''taking out/removing''supports''political machinery'

'political machinery''reactions''officialdom''rigid control''dollar based debt economy''suffer''breakdown''bankrupt companies''actually fail''banks''initiate the process''cities municipalities''proximate causes''failures''contracts''into arrears''defaulted contracts''oil companies ''not able to pay''resulting cascading defaults''bankruptcy''fail up the chain''failing companies''dying on the vine''lack of operating cash'

'collapse''depression''end of the petrodollar empire''concept''America''hard wall of dying petrodollar reality''break-down''social order''money deteriorates further''send the dollars home''repatriation''dying petrodollar''mind shift'

'mind shift''sleeping''speeding up''strong''quick''rapid''awakening process''pressure on the retail gold / silver / bitcoin / mining shares''flood'[ early 2017 ]'long store foods''all forms of emergency''preparedness goods'
'attacks''lone shooters''terrorists''bad guy''social pressures''fragility''political-economic system''election''most deadly ever''shootings''attacks''tensions build'.

'organic''bad behavior''massive lay-offs/business crash''american tech flush''hot spots'[ California and east coast ]'sudden''overnight''breaking of the real estate prices''high end lifestyle centers''financial hit''bad behavior''organic'

'crashing''real estate''reactive'[ down over 80% ]'barter for real estate''listing agencies''price changes''pricing is dropping''price discovery''real estate''currencies''dollar / currency price''universal constants''bitcoin''gold''silver''silver more valuable than gold''urban gold mining''forgotten precious metals''scavenger hunts''parts stash''luxury watches'

'chaos''social disruption''political chaos-theater''displayed emotional tension' [ September ] 'erupting''social body'[ equinox ]'unknown political chaos'[ first week in October]'political chaos-theater''political chaos-theater''chaos''stark realization''panic to own gold and/or silver and/or bitcoin''mainstream population'


'european street wars'[Bitcoin ]'breach''barrier''air gaps''price of silver''air gaps''cause comments''mainstream propaganda press''discussions''prompts''bank runs' [ Europe] 'bank runs''affecting vaults''population nervous''certainty''institutions''bank run''gold and silver''population''take money''put into precious metals'

'global bond market(s)''going blooey /exhaustion/terminal weakness' [by mid October ] 'global bond markets''barbequed''rates''sovereign bonds''compete''precious metals''bitcoin markets''take away''reflection on paper debts''bond holders''freaking out''banking crisis''country to country''days'.

'debt (system) death''depression wave''global fiscal system''internal crisis''four terrible days''single week''first step global fiscal collapse'

[minions ]'this''that''cause''sudden crisis/collapse/crash''global population''not be buying excuses''minions''politicians'

'gambling experience''millions''private traders''so violent ''prompt heart attacks''sudden rush''crisis period collapsing fiscal structures''day traders''pensioners''wiped out''shocked nearly to death'.

'reversal''trading''markets''reversal''sudden reversal''paper debt markets''reversal''pattern''central authorities''creating''massive buying''reversal''reversal pattern''trade trend''small traders''retail''wiped out''destroyed''reversal patterns''widely recognized''disappearance''reversal patterns''markets''crisis''instant asset price freeze problems'

'giant''values ''fiat currencies''participating''trading markets''fiat breaks''wild swings''prices energy''every thing else''markets''unhinged''exchange''fiat currencies''near''reaching limits'continuing confidence''runs on banks''first''spark''set off''global western brush-fire'

'failing fiat currencies''shift in economic fortunes''big move eastward''currencies are real''fake and dying fiat''western dollar empire''fading away''new energies''currencies of the eastern nations''less opportunity''harder scramble''dollar empire''bleeding out talent''human energy''eastern world'.

'foreign scientists'[ ChinaPop ]'succeed''device''technology''require silver''go parabolic''better than parity''wireless telepathy'

'failure cancer''western business world'[next 12/twelve months] 'credit freeze''cash crisis''open door level''global giants''fast food industry''business dries up''franchises scream''franchises''employees outnumber customers''2 to 1''weeks at a time''dying base currency supply''reduced cash circulation''lower levels of the consumer society''economic disease'[ never been] 'forecast''economics sub set''blindsided''gobsmacked'

'dying currencies flow disease''condition of ill health resulting from the inability of the economy achieve homeostasis'[ banksters] 'deserved results''banksters''disease state or condition''body financial''dying of the circulatory system''arteries and veins of commerce''perishing''lack''cash money''circulated''system''financial gangrene''western business system''symptom''central authorities reaction'[ September 2016]

'rapid''unexpected''silver prices'[ companies ]'go out of business''shorts''uncovered''chain of defaults''cascade upward''large players''commodities markets''defaulting pressure''bullion banks)''frantically''obtain coverage''sinking positions''no silver or gold''make good''systemic problems''governments''deeply involved''failing silver shorts positions' [ September 2016 ]'churn''system''cash drought''holing''puncturing''slowing circulation of real money''major markets indices' 'killer'

'infrastructure''failing''failing fiat currencies''major western indices'

'demand pressures''break down''air support''rush to air support''drones''reconnaissance''tactics'[new]'battery technology'' sensor response software''drone industry''demand shock''drones''drone knowledge''operators''crash frenzy''drone gap'

'drama''angry mobs''confronting heads of technology companies'[ next 6/six months ] 'population''rebelling''technology companies''dictatorial behavior''rebellions''businesses''censorship''theft''clients''clients''platform''fight among giants''angry''on-line PR / political war of words''shocking'[ into late 2020s ]'alphabet''handful 5''sent scrambling'

[early 2020's] 'oil shock'[first four years of the 2020s ]'cost effective energy sources''field transformation effect generators'[less oil ] 'burned''joules''atomically burned''new materials'.

'energy shift'[ next 8/eight years] 'crash''steel industry''tens of thousands'[ large bulk fuel carriers ]'recycled''new steel''near transparent metals''construction''new metals''field effect mathematics'[next ten years.] 'new metals''active (or dynamic) fields''anti-fragile''self-healing'

'energy shock'[next four years]'infrastructure''energy shock' and 'oil shock''oil disasters''threshold' [ till 2027]

'field generators''field transformation effects'[ mathematics ]

'depression''bleak view''desperation''seeking escape ruin''flow''creeping despair''drive speculative investment''bizarre schemes''extra planetary diaspora''escape''diminishing future''mental point-of-view change'

 [break-down]'control infrastructure''self compounding effects''computer trading''resonance''trade synchronization''late in the season'

'silver''energy''energy performance devices''unknown''undefined''unnamed''silver''more valuable than gold'

'global monetary reset'[not ]'planned events''crash-cade''plans of TPTB''screw it all up''timing''planning''global monetary reset''run to cash'

'unexpected, unwanted, accidental explosion'[ Turkey ]'prompt''emotional frenzy''explosion''horrific damage''horror''explosion''clear sign''the world has changed'

'emotional frenzy''own silver''own gold''own bitcoin''run to cash''jittery money''know before hand''desperate to get out''crash''panic to own''gold channels''drained from both ends''large buyers no metal to be had in quantity''retail buyers''empty stores''buy gold''retail stores''gold/ silver vacuums''panic to own gold''panic to own silver''fear driven''gold''silver''dread''tension''anxiety''daily percentage movement up'. 


'oceans''officially denied''officially rejected''officially redacted''bad reactions''oceanographic resource survey''vast quantities''produce thousands''pictures''make onto the internet''bright eyes''sub sea inhabitants''activities''lighted structures''buildings''active construction''conspiracy theories''official denials''viral cults'

'reactive electronics''device''become aware''human''use it''turn on functions desired''wireless telepathy''sense (the) human interest''reverse engineered alien technology''source''new capacities''daily technology'

'seas''strange things''intelligence down there''encounter''meet'
'mystery' [ Atlantic ocean]'official denials''sudden', 'mysterious''nonsensical'

'new lands''new sources sub sea rare earth metals'

'fly by''space alien cruise ship''space alien tourists''slow passage''alone-ness''huge problems''global IslamPop''on-going religious internal warfare''space alien cruise ship''divine sign''unexpected'

'vatican' [ November of 2016]'near instant''illegal funds''dollar dies''purchasing power''criminal class''slowly be rounded up''put on trial'

[Conclusion: the final staging... ]

Yummy Yummy Yummy ! I've got Plague in my Tummy !!


Google slammed for removing Palestine from its maps

Pier Ighina's Cosmic Energy Inventions - The Tesla / Reich / Keely of Italy - English Sub

How to Easily Destroy ET / Milab Implants

Place the suspect part of your body ( head, arm, genitals ) in a microwave oven and irradiate it for 1 minute at highest power level.

Occult Banking: Semitic Origins of Double-Entry Bookkeeping & Money Creation

Colin McKay is an Australian born entrepreneur living in New South Wales. From 2010-2014 he blogged on finance, economics, and Australian politics and in 2010 he served as board member and bookkeeper for the Center for Economic Stability. In 2011 he presented his own concept for Deror, an alternate currency ecosystem where "everyone is their own central banker.” McKay blogs at and is presently writing a book tracing the foundations of double-entry accounting to ancient Semitic cults.

Colin is with us to provide a detailed overview of his essay “The Money Shot: Even Banking Is All About Sex,” which presents the history and mechanisms of el modo vinegia (“the Venetian method”) of double-entry bookkeeping. He explains how this Hermetic-Kabbalist system for calculating debts that was formalized during the early Renaissance period has been used for deliberately concealing the immoral practice of usury in the banking system. Colin describes how the ancient Semitic worship of the androgynous goddess Inanna-Ishtar and the principle of the unity of opposites (male/female, order/disorder, creation/destruction), used in combination with trickery in the form of deceitful words, is the fundamental underlying concept of creating “money” out of nothing. He illustrates how this “magick” is represented by the Hermetic-Kabbalist alchemical symbol of the hexagram (Seal of Solomon) and breaks down the two-sided, sexual nature of the process at the heart of usury. Then, we discuss Professor Richard Werner’s investigations of the central banking system in Japan and his legal perspective of credit. Colin also talks about the practice of money lending within the Catholic church and the 14th century transformation of modern banking that occurred when the church adopted the Venetian method.

In the members’ segment, Colin addresses the importance of understanding the mechanisms of the central banking system and the creation of credit by private banks. He explains how the predatory banking system’s core fraud revolves around the changing of labels that lead borrowers to mistake substance for form. Then, Colin introduces his alternate currency, Deror, an honor based system that can be understood by looking at ancient Cuneiform record keeping, which used a bartering system of IOUs overseen by central authorities such as temple priests. He lays out how the algorithm works on the concept of a triangular balance sheet, with credits on one side, debts on another, and an honor rating at the top, and he gives examples of the exchange as a social interaction based on trust. Colin says the idea behind this system is that everyone is able to be a “money god” with infinite potential to create money. Later, we look at the idea that Bitcoin shares similar problems with conventional money in that its worth is based in a value that can be increased through saving rather than spending. At the end, Colin illuminates the occult concept of expanding or lengthening balance sheets as a metaphor for the power of lenders over those they manipulate.
International Review of Financial Analysis, Volume 36, December 2014, Pages 1–19

Can banks individually create money out of nothing? — The theories and the empirical evidence

Richard A. Werner


This paper presents the first empirical evidence in the history of banking on the question of whether banks can create money out of nothing. The banking crisis has revived interest in this issue, but it had remained unsettled. Three hypotheses are recognised in the literature. According to the financial intermediation theory of banking, banks are merely intermediaries like other non-bank financial institutions, collecting deposits that are then lent out. According to the fractional reserve theory of banking, individual banks are mere financial intermediaries that cannot create money, but collectively they end up creating money through systemic interaction. A third theory maintains that each individual bank has the power to create money ‘out of nothing’ and does so when it extends credit (the credit creation theory of banking). The question which of the theories is correct has far-reaching implications for research and policy. Surprisingly, despite the longstanding controversy, until now no empirical study has tested the theories. This is the contribution of the present paper. An empirical test is conducted, whereby money is borrowed from a cooperating bank, while its internal records are being monitored, to establish whether in the process of making the loan available to the borrower, the bank transfers these funds from other accounts within or outside the bank, or whether they are newly created. This study establishes for the first time empirically that banks individually create money out of nothing. The money supply is created as ‘fairy dust’ produced by the banks individually, "out of thin air"….

5.2. The empirical evidence: credit creation theory supported

The second contribution of this paper has been to report on the first empirical study testing the three main hypotheses. They have been successfully tested in a real world setting of borrowing from a bank and examining the actual internal bank accounting in an uncontrolled real world environment.

It was examined whether in the process of making money available to the borrower the bank transfers these funds from other accounts (within or outside the bank). In the process of making loaned money available in the borrower's bank account, it was found that the bank did not transfer the money away from other internal or external accounts, resulting in a rejection of both the fractional reserve theory and the financial intermediation theory. Instead, it was found that the bank newly ‘invented’ the funds by crediting the borrower's account with a deposit, although no such deposit had taken place. This is in line with the claims of the credit creation theory.

Thus it can now be said with confidence for the first time – possibly in the 5000 years' history of banking - that it has been empirically demonstrated that each individual bank creates credit and money out of nothing, when it extends what is called a ‘bank loan’. The bank does not loan any existing money, but instead creates new money. The money supply is created as ‘fairy dust’ produced by the banks out of thin air.32 The implications are far-reaching.

Free Flowing Currency

Rediscover the Natural Economic Order
A public Honour-based credit system where everyone is their own central banker.

When you create credits (IOUs) to spend, you are drawing on your public Honour.
So your Honour rating goes down.

When you earn credits — by selling something, or doing work for someone — your Honour rating goes back up.

Every week the system cancels a percentage of your credits and debits.
It helps restore your Honour rating

Peroxynitrate & Disease :


There has been a largely unrecognized explosion of chronic disease in the US.  More than 170 million Americans are currently suffering from diseases and conditions that can be vastly improved or even reversed by reducing levels of a single molecule called peroxynitrite. Elevated levels of peroxynitrite have been associated with more than 60 chronic diseases, yet can be controlled through moderate changes in lifestyle, reducing exposures to a few environmental toxins, improving diet plus introducing non-prescription supplementation. While thousands of scientists recognize the pivotal role of peroxynitrite in disease, few policy makers and physicians are aware of the opportunity they have to heal a nation suffering from chronic diseases. The annual economic burden of just forty fast-growing chronic diseases tracked in this paper is more than $2.5 trillion. With increased public awareness coupled with enlightened action this cost to society can be reduced to a fraction by simply implementing the knowledge we already have.

This Is Why You’ll Never Throw Onion Skin Away Ever Again

Multiple studies have shown that the onion shell is high in antioxidants, even more than the onion itself, and it significantly boosts overall health.

The Russians Have Already Shot Down Numerous US Drones Violating Crimean Airspace (Video)

And one of them, the mother of all drones, the massive Northrop Grumman RQ-4 Global Hawk, was apparently commandeered by Russian electronic warfare and landed in Simferopol...

World ranking of countries by their average

Which country has the highest IQ? What is the average IQ of your country? Here is the average IQ of more than 80 countries.

These numbers came from a work carried out from 2002 to 2006 by Richard Lynn, a British Professor of Psychology, and Tatu Vanhanen, a Finnish Professor of Political Science, who conducted IQ studies in more than 80 countries.

Richard and Tatu argues that differences in national income are correlated with differences in the average national intelligence quotient (IQ). They further argue that differences in average national IQs constitute one important factor, but not the only one, contributing to differences in national wealth and rates of economic growth.

These results are controversial and have caused much debate, they must be interpreted with extreme caution….
August 15, 2016

Scientists find the brain's generosity center

Brain area that lights up when we do good for others is more active in more empathetic people

Scientists have identified part of our brain that helps us learn to be good to other people. People who rated themselves as having higher levels of empathy learned to benefit others faster than those who reported having lower levels of empathy. They also showed increased signalling in their subgenual anterior cingulate cortex when benefiting others...

DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1603198113

Neurocomputational mechanisms of prosocial learning and links to empathy.

Patricia L. Lockwood, Matthew A. J. Apps, Vincent Valton, Essi Viding, and Jonathan P. Roiser

Are you too weak/scared to disarm a cop/soldier to acquire a gun during martial law/civil war ? D-I-Y or DIE :
Homemade Shotgun
Homemade 12 ga shotgun
Homemade 12 Gauge Slamfire Guns!!!
Making A Homemade .22lr Handgun

WORLD'S FIRST - SELF POWERED Q Beta Prototype with Silicon Crystal Graphite Powercells

Q beta prototype - with integrated power source. Silicon Crystal Graphite Powercells run this entire machine continuously without external input of any kind.
Experimental Portable Generators

DHT ( DiHydroTestosterone ) Blockers vs Hair Loss

Natural DHT Blockers: List of Herbs that Inhibit DHT

It is known that the main antagonist in the fight against genetic hair loss is DHT. DHT is short for dihydrotestosterone. Therefore, the principal part of anyone’s hair loss prevention regime should be DHT blockers. The conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone and the hormones’ interactions within the human body is believed to not only shape the progression of balding, but also play a role in benign prostate hypertrophy (enlarged prostate) and even prostate cancer. There are many shampoos, vitamins, and ‘hair loss pills’ that are being sold these days with some pretty wild claims on their effectiveness in halting the conversion process of testosterone to DHT. The evidence is cloudy to say the least. It is still very much up to the individual to run their own trial and error.

DHT-Blocker is a prevalent term used to describe a number of methods or products whose primary aim is to prevent DHT from miniaturizing the hair follicles. Eventually the hair follicle will become so damaged that it will lie dormant and stop growing hair altogether. Sometimes the term ‘DHT-Blocker’ is incorrectly used as marketing lingo or by those who simply do not understand the process. As such, ‘DHT-Blocker’ has become a term associated with any product that works through the following mechanisms:

Lower baseline production of DHT
Inhibit global production of DHT, by reducing production of the enyzme 5 alpha reductase that converts into DHT
Prevent DHT from binding to the receptors in hair follicles
Reduce cholesterol, too much cholesterol can produce enyme 5 alpha reductase which turns testosterone into DHT
Purify the scalp and remove any excess sebum and scalp DHT

Saw palmetto is likely the most popular natural DHT blocker. A lot of evidence has been gathered showing its efficacy in preventing or slowing hair loss. It is a potent herbal DHT inhibitor and considered the best natural DHT blocker by many. Saw palmetto is approved in Europe as a treatment for hair loss. It is also widely used to keep men’s prostates healthy, just like the medication Finasteride. Propecia is the name brand of Finasteride. Both saw palmetto and Propecia are known to be  5-alpha-reductase inhibitors. Saw palmetto is tolerated very well by the majority who take it. Mild side effects such as upset stomach are sometimes experienced by users.

Ground Pygeum Bark

Pygeum bark, or Pygeum Africanum is another herbal remedy that has been shown to alleviate unpleasant side effects of benign prostatic hyperplasia (enlarged prostate). Pygeum Africanum is thought to be a hormone balancer. It will aid the user in reducing and regulating levels of DHT. Like saw palmetto, it also partially blocks the action of 5 alpha reductase. Pygeum is known to block another enyzme called aromatase as well.

Pumpkin Seed

Pumpkin seeds and the derived oil has been discovered to break down DHT via the liver. Eating raw pumpkin seeds was a method in the old days to prevent benign prostatic hyperplasia. In Germany, the regulatory agency that acts like the United States’ FDA is called the German E Commission. The E Commission has approved pumpkin seed oil for the treatment of prostate disorders. The Physicians’ Desk Reference for Herbal Medicines believes the DHT blocking properties are thanks to the presence of rare amino acids such as cucurbitin and several plant steroids.

Stinging Nettle Root

Stinging nettle is a botanical with a long history of human use. Like saw palmetto, stinging nettle is used widely in Europe to treat BPH. There was also a double blind study in 2013 with 100 patients you can read about here. It is sometimes combined with pygeum bark and saw palmetto for a potent blend of DHT blockers. This herbal combination is found to effectively reduce prostate swelling. Since androgenetic alopecia is caused by a similar mechanism (DHT) as prostatic hyperplasia, this blend of herbs has been seen to be particularly effective at warding off hair loss.


Beta sitosterol is actually a mixture of phytersterols. These phytersterols have anti-androgenic properties, which are known to fight off DHT. Most plant species contain sterols, for example, even saw palmetto has sterols. Beta Sitosterol actually contains more sterols than saw palmetto. Beta sitosterol also lowers cholesterol levels which is associated with higher DHT levels. It is a completely organic product, and is not known to have any negative side effects.

Emu Oil

100% natural emu oil contains a high concentration of linolenic acid. Some research has indicated that linolenic acid is a mild antiandrogen. It is sometimes used to treat acne and hirsuitism. While it may not be the best DHT blocker, many associate using emu oil with promoting new hair growth. The oil is not greasy and can be applied to the scalp at night.

Soy Beans

Soy Isoflavones are extracted from soybeans. This is another natural DHT remedy that generally comes in tablet form. These isoflavones indirectly block DHT by regulating bad cholesterol. High levels of cholesterol can elevate production of enzyme 5 alpha reductase, which in turn converts testosterone into DHT. Consuming soy products have also been shown to regulate hormones, increase bone strength, promote cardiovascular health, and seen to have positive effects on the prostate. This is a good DHT blocker for women as it reduces the risk of breast cancer, prevents osteoporosis, and protects against uterine cancer.

Green Tea

Some research has indicated that epigallocatechin 3 Gallate (EGCG), one of the active components of green tea, also blocks the formation of DHT. At Harvard Medical School, a team of scientists reported in an issue of The Journal of Nutrition that green tea had significantly decreased DHT and testosterone concentration in the blood. A more recent study was conducted by British researchers. This was published in a peer reviewed medical journal Cancer Prevention Research in 2009. It found that EGCG decreased cell proliferation in cancerous prostate cells by inhibiting DHT.

Giant Dodder Seed

This is a botanical that has been shown to block DHT by inhibiting 5 alpha reductase. However, the documented success thus far is limited to cultured skin cells. Giant dodder has yet to be clinically studied on humans. The study, which was published in September of 2008 issue of the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology, showed DHT conversion was prevented when giant dodder extract was added to skin cells taken from mice with testosterone induced alopecia.

Gotu Kola

Known by the scientific community as centella asiatica, the gotu kola herb has been used in India, China, and Indonesia (particularly in Ayurveda and Brahmi medicine) to treat many conditions for thousands of years. It has been used for things from anti-aging to a cure for diabetes. One of its constituents, called asiaticoside, has been found to stimulate and repair hair, nails, and other connective tissues. A study that was published in March 2011 of the International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceautical Sciences concluded that gotu kola extract increased hair length and density in rats. It is thought to improve blood circulation to the hair.While no definitive human studies have been completed, many herbal hair loss products will include this ingredient in their mix.

Muira Puama Root

Known as ‘nature’s viagra’, this is a male tonic that increases libido and strengthens sexual function. It is sometimes called ‘potency wood” as it is found in bark in certain trees native to the Amazon rain forest. It has been used for a long time in South America for mainly impotency, but reducing hair loss and balding was found to be another helpful benefit.

Eleuthero Root

Known formerly as Siberian Ginseng, Eleuthero is utilized in many healthy hair supplements. It is also known to reduce hormones that are related to stress. It is used as a herbal antioxidant in Russia and China, but also as a natural hair loss cure. To date, there is no clinical proof of its positive effects on preventing hair loss.


Some hair loss product manufacturers will promote L-Lysine as a DHT blocker. That is not the case. It has no androgenetic properties. However, researchers have found that those that supplement DHT inhibitors with L-Lysine get better results. It was used by patients taking Propecia and found to bolster their results when compared to the control group.

EMF Health Hazards :

Excerpts from an email from Gary Vesperman --

" All cement structures that have re-bar are subject to various electrical assaults from various sources such as high powered transmission lines and cell phone transmitters and consequently will suffer from accelerated corrosion. Simple theory is: Radio frequency radiation or magnetic fields will penetrate cement to some small degree and thus induce currents to flow and then the currents cause corrosion. Thus concrete structures within range of cell towers will crumble and fail much more quickly.
Canada’s Hydro British Columbia power company is replacing 10,000 failing concrete poles with wooden poles. A Quebec organic pig farmer’s barn structure is being adversely affected. Calgary’s Bow River railroad bridge has corroded more quickly. Lille, France, has had a disastrous water tower structural failure. An overpass in Quebec has fallen down. High-frequency electromagnetic fields also affect the surfaces of Canada’s Parliament."


1) Measurement of wireless radiation levels from various sources in a railway station in Stockholm, Sweden  The exposure levels were high enough to cause various health effects including neurological ones (RF levels were high enough to open the blood brain barrier which protects the brain from toxins; this leads to neuronal death and brain damage, particularly the hippocampus which is the center for memory and learning)  Areas that were particularly high were those areas near a base station (cell antenna installation)

 The lead author of this paper is Dr. Lennart  Hardell , Swedish oncologist and  professor at Örebro University Hospital in Örebro, Sweden  https://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Lennart_Hardell

Dr. Hardell was a member of WHO  IARC (World Health Organization Int'l Agency Research for Cancer)  that classified wireless RF radiation as class 2B possible carcinogen in 2011, but now says this should be upgraded to a class 2A probable carcinogen now. ?v=w8H8Eg6FFRc&noredirect=1

2) Summary of the health arguments concerning cell phones and cell towers, including information from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP, representing over 60,000 US pediatricians), FDA, National Institutes of Health (NIH), US Dept of the Interior, EPA, and hundreds of scientists from around the world - all of whom have expressed disagreement over the FCC's exposure guidelines which are outdated and based on the assumption that microwave radiation levels are safe as long as they are below thermal limits (i.e. not enough microwaves to burn or warm our flesh).  

It is written by Dr. Ron Powell, a retired U.S. Government career scientist (Ph.D., Applied Physics, Harvard University, 1975). He worked for the Executive Office of the President, the National Science Foundation and the National Institute of Standards and Technology. For those organizations, respectively, he addressed federal research and development program evaluation, energy policy research, and measurement development in support of the electronics and electrical-equipment industries and the biomedical research community.  He currently interacts with other  fields on human health.

You can find other documents on wireless devices written by Dr. Powell here on Scribd: t/291507610/

Jerry Decker @ writes :

Hola Folks!

I received the attached from Ash down in New Zealand and here areall the links shared by Leroy;

Introduction to Orgonite, 274pp

Gifting Good Weather Compendium, 22pp

deMeo - Greening Deserts_Orgon Energy_Ambiente_en, 4pp

Tognetti - Cloud Busting, 120pp
2012-eng-2-2 - Comparison of orgonite with the orgone accumulator, 16pp
Thesis-Klupenger - the Effect of Human Intention on the Weather, 243pp
How to make cemenite

Fukushima Redux :

The answer(s) TPTB refuse :

United States of America -- Estimated Population in 2025 : 61,169,180

There have been many questions about the countries forecast specially the one focusing on the United States of America (USA). They won't be answered one by one but below you can find some explanation, thoughts and reflections. We are going to keep this as short as possible.

The majority of the economic and demographic data used in the making of the forecasts is widely available by institutions such as the CIA, IMF, UN, USG, etc. You can see the most relevant data at every single country's page. There is a tiny part of data coming from a variety of shadow sources such as Internet gurus, unsigned reports and others. But all these sources are from the internet and are of public domain for at least a minority. For example, several years ago Dagong, the Chinese ratings agency, published a report analyzing the physical economy of the States comparing it with those of China, Germany and Japan. The conclusion was that the US GDP was something between $5 to $10 trillion instead of $15 trillion as officially reported by the USG. We assume that the official data, especially economic, released by governments is fake, cooked or distorted in some degree. Historically it is well known that the former Soviet Union was making up fake statistics years before its collapse. Western as well as other countries are making up their numbers today to conceal their real state of affairs. We are sure that many people out there can find government statistics in their own countries that by their own personal experience are hard to believe or are so optimistic that may belong to a different country.

Despite the numeric data "quantity" there is a "quality" model which has not a direct translation into numeric data. The 2014 strain of Ebola has a death rate of 50-60% but try to imagine what would happen if there is a pandemic of Ebola with hundreds of thousands or millions infected with the virus. So far the few cases of Ebola-infected people have "enjoyed" intensive healthcare with anti-viral and breathing assistance but above all with abundant human support by Physicians and nurses. In a pandemic scenario that kind of healthcare won't be available for the overwhelming number of infected leading to a dramatic increase of the death rate due to the lack of proper healthcare. The "quality" factor is that the death rate could increase to 80-90% in a pandemic scenario from the stated 50-60% rate. The figure itself is not important what is relevant is the fact that the scenario can evolve beyond the initial conditions from a 50% death toll to more than 90%. By the way, no pandemic or nuclear war is included in the forecast.

The key element to understand the process that the USA will enter in the upcoming decade is migration. In the past, specially in the 20th century, the key factor that allowed the USA to rise to its colossus status was immigration with the benefits of a demographic expansion supporting the credit expansion and the brain drain from the rest of the world benefiting the States. The collapse of the Western financial system will wipe out the standard of living of its population while ending ponzi schemes such as the stock exchange and the pension funds. The population will be hit so badly by a full array of bubbles and ponzi schemes that the migration engine will start to work in reverse accelerating itself due to ripple effects thus leading to the demise of the States. This unseen situation for the States will develop itself in a cascade pattern with unprecedented and devastating effects for the economy. Jobs offshoring will surely end with many American Corporations relocating overseas thus becoming foreign Corporations!!!! We see a significant part of the American population migrating to Latin America and Asia while migration to Europe - suffering a similar illness - won't be relevant. Nevertheless the death toll will be horrible. Take into account that the Soviet Union's population was poorer than the Americans nowadays or even then. The ex-Soviets suffered during the following struggle in the 1990s with a significant death toll and the loss of national pride. Might we say "Twice the pride, double the fall"? Nope. The American standard of living is one of the highest, far more than double of the Soviets while having added a services economy that will be gone along with the financial system. When pensioners see their retirement disappear in front of their eyes and there are no servicing jobs you can imagine what is going to happen next. At least younger people can migrate. Never in human history were so many elders among the population. In past centuries people were lucky to get to their 30s or 40s. The American downfall is set to be far worse than the Soviet Union's one. A confluence of crisis with a devastating result.

The Demographic crisis in the former Soviet Union countries has extended for over two decades, if we accept that it ended early in this decade (2010s). The demographic crisis will hit the World in the near future and is projected to last between three and eight decades more or less depending on technological breakthrough and environmental issues. The aftermath is more likely a frozen picture with the population numbers staying the same for a very, very long period of time. The countries forecast population numbers do reflect birth/deaths but also migratory movements. Many countries are going to increase their gross population due to immigration while their native population may shrink.

Over the past two thousand years we have witnessed the Western civilization built around the Mediterranean Sea shifting to Northern Europe and then by the mid 20th century shifting to an Atlantic axis to finally get centered into the States in the past 30 years. The next move will see the civilization being centered in Asia with Russia and China on top. Historically a change in the economic paradigm has resulted in a death toll that is rarely highlighted by mainstream historians. When the transition from rural areas to large cities happened in Europe many people unable to accept the new paradigm killed themselves. They killed themselves by a psychological factor. This is not mainstream but it is true. A new crisis joins old, well known patterns with new ones.

Sorry to disappoint many of you with our forecast. It is getting worse and worse every year since the beginning of the pre-crisis in 2007. It is already said that this website is non-profit, built on spare time and we provide our information and services AS IS without further explanations and/or guarantees. We are not linked to any government in any way, shape or form. We are not a death or satanic cult or arms dealers as some BS is floating around the internet on this topic. Take into account that the forecast is nothing more than a model whether flawed or correct. It is not God's word or a magic device that allows to foresee the future.


Tony Bushby

Chapter Thirteen--
"Today he is called Mohammed (570-632), but his real name was Lothar Schmalfuss.....The reference is found in a book called 'Chronica Majora', a summary of world history from biblical Creation to the year of the author's death.   It was written by Matthew Paris (d.1259), a pious Christian monk, described by the church 'as an historian who holds the first place among English chroniclers'.  From his quaint specimen of Abbey records, the erudite Monk explained how Mohammed started an 'impious religion':
It is well known that Mohammed was once a cardinal, and became heretic because he failed to be elected pope.  Also (later in life) having drunk to excess, he fell by the roadside, and in this condition was killed by swine.  And for that reason, his followers abhor pork even unto this day.
Monk Matthew Paris called Mohammed 'cardinal'; a term that today signifies councilors of the pope, and the origin of that category of priesthood reveals another area of censored information in Christian development.  The 16th Century church said that 'the office of cardinal (incardinatus) first came into being in the 6th Century...its true origin to this day remains unanswered for in none of the Councils (records) do we find authority for the distinguishing features of the office'.  However, the position of cardinal was created by special decree at a French synod in January 560 and that information is recorded church history.  'The Synods which were held during the sixth century were confined to France and Spain'....
...It was at one of those Synods that the 'creatio' of cardinals occurred and the deliberations involved in its manufacture were termed 'frivolous' by the 19th Century church.  At that gathering a group of seven old bishops 'of carnal nature' established for themselves a special office to protect their earthly privileges.  Many bishops of the time 'were given up to worldliness and gain, and we hear of worse scandals' and the creation of a new hierarchal administrative body of churchmen was one of those disgraces.  Under the guise of 'bearers of hidden knowledge' they generated a new upper level class of ecclesiastics that were sworn by oath never to reveal the true origins of Christianity outside their select group.  Professional clergymen were now entering the church and to protect the knowledge of Constantine's deification of his descendants at Nicaea from reaching new priests, a directorial code of silence was developed by the Incardinatus.

Incoming clerics were naive about the true Christian origins and the basis of their preaching was not revealed until they achieved and maintained the office of bishop.  They were then eligible to enter the College of Cardinals, and after swearing a vow of secrecy, were enlightened as to the invented nature of the Christian deity.  Mohammed had achieved the position of cardinal, knew the false essence of Christianity, and having being passed over for the top papal job at around the age of forty, departed and established his own religion."

Jumpin' Jehovah: Exposing the Atrocities of the Old Testament God


Paul Tice

The Sibylline Oracles,
books 3-5, by the Rev. H.N. Bate, M.A

Translated and edited by

The Essene Gospel Of Peace
Book Two

The Essene Gospel Of Peace
Lost Scrolls of the Essene Brotherhood

The Teachings of the Elect
Book Four

Karen Elkin has outdone herself again !  Science To Sage Magazine :

Online resources that may be of benefit to those interested in the deeper aspects of the Western Mystery Tradition :

This is a brief video of pyrolytic (destructive) distillation in plant alchemy work as taught by the adept Isaac Hollandus.

Plant Alchemy: Hollandus Pyrolytic Distillation

This is a brief video of pyrolytic (destructive) distillation in plant alchemy work as taught by the adept Isaac Hollandus.

This alternate method of working in the plant kingdom was initially brought to my attention by the New Zealand alchemist Rubaphilos.

I created a local working group last year (dubbed CORE group) and we did this process so that everyone in the group could see the ‘white fume’ and ‘red fume’ for themselves, instead of just listening to me rant about it excitedly in discussions and classes. Though the segments were filmed last fall, workload as well as moving and reconfiguring my life (yet again) delayed me by a few months from getting this short video compiled...

This was nearly an 18-hour process with setup and breakdown, and about 15 hours of process itself. The results seen at the end are what Hollandus called the White Fume and Red Fume. Raymond Lully called these same materials the White Wine and Red Wine, and yet other alchemists called them Mercury and Sulphur, or sometimes White Mercury and Red Mercury. When watching the process, you can see how Hollandus’ terms represent how the materials appear before condensing and how Lully’s terms point to what the materials look like after condensing, thus an example of how alchemists referred to the same things but by differing names based on how things appear during different parts of a process.

This process has to be done multiple times to begin to get enough total working materials to progress further in this particular work. Since each working of this first process takes 15 to 18 hours every time (not considering actual cleaning of the equipment which adds more time), and needing really good ventilation or ability to work outside in a protected way (which I don’t have here at the moment), it will be some time before I can resume this particular process. I have plenty of Ens work and other alchemy work to make my time productive, but I just felt very strongly that this process should be seen at least once by those in my small working group while we are also focused on other processes. Additionally, when I give talks on alchemy, I discuss this process as a deeper aspect to what is traditionally taught in (Prima) plant work. Because it has become such a focal point in clarifying distinctions in differing versions of how prima work is currently taught, I think it is beneficial to be able to see it rather than just hear about it… so I’ve posted it live for anyone that wants to view it.

Ending Credits: Special thanks are given to Darren at Blue Conduit Films for recording the segments used to make this video, and acknowledgement to Rubaphilos for sh

Sharing his Understanding of the Hollandus process in plant work so openly with the alchemy community. --- Aethyrius

Information available online on other websites that is reasonably accessible and possibly useful in research on practical laboratory alchemy.

Restorers of Alchemical Manuscripts
R.A.M.S. Digital Library

Rex Research

Adam McLean’s Alchemy Website

Rubaphilos Salfluӗre Website

Rubaphilos Salfluӗre Alchemy Forum

Inner Garden Alchemy Research Group

Rubellus Petrinus Alchemy Forum

Weiser Antiquarian Books

Jiandong Feng, et al. : Molybdenum Sulfide Membrane Electrical Generator

Water generates electricity (with a pinch of salt!)
July 13, 2016

Electricity generated with water, salt and a three-atoms-thick membrane

Proponents of clean energy will soon have a new source to add to their existing array of solar, wind, and hydropower: osmotic power. Or more specifically, energy generated by a natural phenomenon occurring when fresh water comes into contact with seawater through a membrane.

Researchers at EPFL's Laboratory of Nanoscale Biology have developed an osmotic power generation system that delivers never-before-seen yields. Their innovation lies in a three atoms thick membrane used to separate the two fluids. The results of their research have been published in Nature.

The concept is fairly simple. A semipermeable membrane separates two fluids with different salt concentrations. Salt ions travel through the membrane until the salt concentrations in the two fluids reach equilibrium. That phenomenon is precisely osmosis.

If the system is used with seawater and fresh water, salt ions in the seawater pass through the membrane into the fresh water until both fluids have the same salt concentration. And since an ion is simply an atom with an electrical charge, the movement of the salt ions can be harnessed to generate electricity.

A 3 atoms thick, selective membrane that does the job

EPFL's system consists of two liquid-filled compartments separated by a thin membrane made of molybdenum disulfide. The membrane has a tiny hole, or nanopore, through which seawater ions pass into the fresh water until the two fluids' salt concentrations are equal. As the ions pass through the nanopore, their electrons are transferred to an electrode - which is what is used to generate an electric current.

Thanks to its properties the membrane allows positively-charged ions to pass through, while pushing away most of the negatively-charged ones. That creates voltage between the two liquids as one builds up a positive charge and the other a negative charge. This voltage is what causes the current generated by the transfer of ions to flow.

"We had to first fabricate and then investigate the optimal size of the nanopore. If it's too big, negative ions can pass through and the resulting voltage would be too low. If it's too small, not enough ions can pass through and the current would be too weak," said Jiandong Feng, lead author of the research.

What sets EPFL's system apart is its membrane. In these types of systems, the current increases with a thinner membrane. And EPFL's membrane is just a few atoms thick. The material it is made of - molybdenum disulfide - is ideal for generating an osmotic current. "This is the first time a two-dimensional material has been used for this type of application," said Aleksandra Radenovic, head of the laboratory of Nanoscale Biology

Powering 50'000 energy-saving light bulbs with 1m2 membrane

The potential of the new system is huge. According to their calculations, a 1m² membrane with 30% of its surface covered by nanopores should be able to produce 1MW of electricity - or enough to power 50,000 standard energy-saving light bulbs. And since molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) is easily found in nature or can be grown by chemical vapor deposition, the system could feasibly be ramped up for large-scale power generation. The major challenge in scaling-up this process is finding out how to make relatively uniform pores.

Until now, researchers have worked on a membrane with a single nanopore, in order to understand precisely what was going on. '' From an engineering perspective, single nanopore system is ideal to further our fundamental understanding of membrane-based processes and provide useful information for industry-level commercialization'', said Jiandong Feng.

The researchers were able to run a nanotransistor from the current generated by a single nanopore and thus demonstrated a self-powered nanosystem. Low-power single-layer MoS2 transistors were fabricated in collaboration with Andreas Kis' team at at EPFL, while molecular dynamics simulations were performed by collaborators at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Harnessing the potential of estuaries

EPFL's research is part of a growing trend. For the past several years, scientists around the world have been developing systems that leverage osmotic power to create electricity. Pilot projects have sprung up in places such as Norway, the Netherlands, Japan, and the United States to generate energy at estuaries, where rivers flow into the sea. For now, the membranes used in most systems are organic and fragile, and deliver low yields. Some systems use the movement of water, rather than ions, to power turbines that in turn produce electricity.

Once the systems become more robust, osmotic power could play a major role in the generation of renewable energy. While solar panels require adequate sunlight and wind turbines adequate wind, osmotic energy can be produced just about any time of day or night - provided there's an estuary nearby.

Method for growing substrate-modified large-size monolayer molybdenum disulfide film through chemical vapor deposition

Preparation method of molybdenum disulfide thin film and molybdenum disulfide thin film



Preparation method of flexible transparent molybdenum disulfide film electrode

Preparation method for a large-area single-layer or few-layer molybdenum disulfide film

Apparatus for Forming Single-layer molybdenum disulfide for Manufacturing FET and Method for Manufacturing FET using single-layer molybdenum disulfide

Process for manufacturing molybdenum disulfide thin film through two-step method

Method for growing substrate-modified large-size monolayer molybdenum disulfide film through chemical vapor deposition

Preparation method of molybdenum disulfide thin film and molybdenum disulfide thin film

Preparation method for laminated molybdenum disulfide film

Nano-structure screening layer suitable for liquid state environment, process and detection system

Method for preparing molybdenum disulfide thin film

Musthafa Ottakam Thotiyl, et al. : Titanium Nitride Photo-Battery
June 17, 2015

Novel battery uses light to produce power

To move the world toward sustainability, scientists are continuing to explore and improve ways to tap the vast power of sunlight to make fuels and generate electricity. Now they have come up with a brand-new way to use light—solar or artificial—to drive battery power safely. Their "photo battery," reported in ACS' The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, uses light and titanium nitride for the anode.

Metal-ion batteries such as those based on lithium ions run most of our gadgets. But they take a long time to charge. They can also overheat and catch fire if they're defective or damaged. These problems are often related to the unstable material used for the anode, the negative side of the battery. Musthafa Ottakam Thotiyl and colleagues wanted to address these flaws in a unique way.

The researchers developed a battery with a titanium nitride photoanode that is highly stable and thus far safer than conventional options. Under normal indoor lighting, it discharged electric current and recharged within 30 seconds without an external power source. The photo battery worked for more than 100 cycles and could power a light-emitting diode (known as an LED). Although not yet strong enough to run commercially available devices, the researchers say their design is a promising first step toward a more sustainable and safer battery technology.

J. Phys. Chem. C, Article ASAP.
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.5b02871

Chemically Chargeable Photo Battery

Musthafa Ottakam Thotiyl, et al.


Here we show a surrogate strategy for power production, wherein light is used to actuate a discharge chemistry in the cathode of an aqueous rechargeable battery (ARB). The proposed photo battery consists of a titanium nitride photoanode, promising cathode material iron(III) hexacyanoferrate(II) as the battery active species and Na2S2O8 as the chemical charging agent. The photo battery delivered negligible capacity in the dark and the capacity shot up to 77.8 mAh/g when artificially shined light, confirming that the battery chemistry is light driven. In the ambient light, the device retained 72% of its artificial light discharge capacity with a stable cycling for more than 100 cycles. Further, an unprecedented means for charging the battery rapidly is presented using Na2S2O8 and it revitalized the battery in 30 s without any external bias. This methodology of expending a photoanode extends to a battery that is free from dissolution of active materials, irreversible structural changes, spontaneous deinsertion reactions, and safety concerns commonly encountered in the state of the art anode materials in ARBs. Apart from bringing out a sustainable way for power production, this device opens up avenues for charging the battery in the likely events of electrical input unavailability, while solving the critcial issues of longer charging time and higher charging voltage.

Zika Zap -- U-B-Dead :

Alarm Bells Are Ringing! Has The Ultimate Bioweapon Been Unleashed Upon Americans?
- 'Shot In The Arm, Shot In The Head, Either Way, You End Up Dead' 

Tinkle for Uncle Sambo :

'This Is The News That We've Been Dreading' - Are 'Door To Door' Urine Sample Collections REALLY Just For Zika Virus Or Is Something Much More Sinister Unfolding?

Science  10 Jun 2016: Vol. 352, Issue 6291, pp. 1262-1263
DOI: 10.1126/science.352.6291.1262

New solution to carbon pollution?

Eli Kintisch

Researchers working in Iceland say they have discovered a new way to trap the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide (CO2) deep underground: by changing it into rock. Results published this week in Science show that injecting CO2 into volcanic rocks known as basalt triggers a reaction that rapidly forms new carbonate minerals—potentially locking up the gas forever. Most other tests of carbon capture and storage (CCS) have taken place in sandstone formations. But sandstone is too chemically inert to foster CO2-trapping reactions, and scientists worry that gas injected into it could leak back into the atmosphere. Scientists say the new results could help solve some of the technical problems that have kept CCS projects from being commercially successful. But they say the main obstacle—high cost—is one that only changes in policy can overcome.

Gilberto Chierice : Phosphoethanolamine vs Cancer

Brazil president signs law legalizing renegade cancer pill


Herton Escobar

Responding to political pressure and popular demand for a largely untested cancer drug, Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff signed into law today a measure that allows the renegade compound—synthetic phosphoethanolamine—to be produced and sold legally as a cancer therapy in Brazil.

Scientists poured scorn on the decision, contending it puts patients at risk and undermines the authority of the Brazilian Health Surveillance Agency (the equivalent of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration) to regulate research and approval of new drugs based on internationally accepted safety and efficacy protocols. This was a “political decision inspired by a messianic surge of pseudoscience,” says Gustavo Fernandes, president of the Brazilian Society of Clinical Oncology in Brasília. “It was the worst possible way of dealing with this problem.”

The “cancer pill” sparked a national debate last year after Brazilian media carried testimonials of patients claiming that it relieved symptoms or even cured their cancer. The compound was developed in the early 1990s by Gilberto Chierice, an analytical chemist at the University of São Paulo whose lab distributed it to patients free of charge for several years, without any regulatory approval or clinical oversight.

Apart from a few studies in mouse models and in cell lines, there is no laboratory evidence that synthetic phosphoethanolamine works as a cancer drug. The university tried to shut down Chierice’s operation in June 2014, but since then more than 15,000 people sued the university, forcing it to continue providing them with the pills. Advocacy groups, meanwhile, pressured politicians and health authorities to legalize use of the compound as a cancer drug. Brazil’s congress passed a bill to do just that last month.

Officials in the ministries of health, industry, and science advised Rousseff to veto the bill, according to O Estado de S. Paulo newspaper. But with Rousseff fighting for her political life—the congress is attempting to impeach her over allegations of fiscal improprieties—her executive office recommended signing the bill, sources say.

The law authorizes production, prescription, and consumption of synthetic phosphoethanolamine as a cancer therapy “independently” of registration with the Brazilian Health Surveillance Agency. To acquire the pills, consumers must show medical proof that they have a malignant tumor and sign a consent form.

Under the new law, the substance can only be produced and distributed by “licensed agents.” On 1 April, the University of São Paulo closed Chierice’s former research lab, which had until then been producing the pills under court orders. The only place the compound is currently being produced is a private lab contracted by the São Paulo state government to supply it for an upcoming clinical trial. The lab is preparing the pills according to a formula patented by Chierice and six colleagues; they claim their preparation is different from the synthetic phosphoethanolamine available on the international market as a dietary supplement. 

Late last year, the science ministry committed to spending nearly $3 million on preclinical studies of synthetic phosphoethanolamine. Initial results, made public last month, were not promising. According to the experiments, conducted at four academic and private labs, the pills produced by Chierice’s group contained only 30% synthetic phosphoethanolamine, and the substance failed to kill cancer cells. It doesn’t appear to be toxic.

At a 5 April hearing in Brazil’s Federal Senate, Chierice charged that the government-sponsored studies are being done in “bad faith,” and stated that his group is obtaining clinical data from overseas. The University of São Paulo in 2015 lodged a complaint with the police accusing Chierice of “curandeirismo,” or illegally dispensing unproven medical treatments. A criminal investigation is underway, according to news reports. “Maybe [Chierice] was well intentioned, but he did a lot of wrongs,” Fernandes says.

The new law may please desperate cancer patients, but it’s an unfortunate move, says biochemist Luiz Fernando Lima Reis, research director at Hospital Sírio-Libanês in São Paulo, where high-profile politicians have been treated for cancer, including Rousseff in 2009 and former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva in 2011. “Decisions like this should be based on scientific evidence,” Reis says.

Fosfoetanolamina como precursor de fosfolipìdeo para correção de disfunções celulares e metabólicas


Que representa uma aplicação inovadora para um composto precursor de síntese de lipídeos, denominado fosfoetanolamina, o qual possui atividade de correção de disfunção celular e metabólica, incluindo atividades antiproliferativas, apoptóticas, neuroprotetora e antiepiléptica.

...What substance is this? It is the combination of a very common substance used in many hair shampoos, called monoethanolamine, and phosphoric acid, which is a food preservative. The combination of these two compounds produces a substance called phosphoethanolamine, which is a marker of differentiated cells, which are considered cancer cells.

 As it acts in the body? This substance ourselves manufacture within the long muscle cells and liver endoplasmic reticulum. So we can not call it natural product because it is synthesized, but your body already makes for the same purpose: to defend you at all times of your life cells that differentiate.

In practice, this substance reinforces what we already have? How it acts in the cancer cell? First, it passes the digestive tract to the bloodstream, it goes to the liver and forms a reaction with the fatty acid. What is this fatty acid? It is the substance that is fed to the tumor. It tumor energy. And it goes along with this substance inside the cell. When she comes in, that cell is relatively still, ie the main organelle her, called mitochondria, is stopped. It forces the mitochondria to work and when it forces, it denounces to the immune system and the cell is settled, is called apoptosis…

Is there any contraindications? The capsule has to be ingested before the person to do chemotherapy? There is no “before” because it does not work as an adjunct. If you blow the immune system of the person, the results are not good because the action of fosfoamina requires that the immune system is intact. If there is no chemotherapy which destroys the immune system, perfect, may be combined. You have an idea of ​​how many people have benefited from this substance in the last 20 years? Lately we made about 50,000 capsules per month. This equates to 60 each person, 800 people or close to a thousand people a month. Now how many people have benefited I am not able to say because many of them, who were terminally ill, are there, alive. So I can not say how many people were healed. You published this study in several scientific journals. How many in total? Today I suppose there are nine to ten work in the best oncology journals in the world, which are international journals, along with the staff of the [Institute] Butantan, and explain the fosfoamina mechanism of action

Phosphoethanolamine Synthetic - The Cancer cure

Effectiveness of 'Cancer Pill' Disproved in New Test


The hope in the therapeutic potential of phosphoethanolamine, the "cancer pill", suffered a new setback in tests sponsored by the federal government.

Mice and rats with cancer that received doses of the substance had no improvement - the tumors in the animals' organisms continued to grow.

Posted on the website of the Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovation and Communications (MCTIC, in its Portuguese acronym), the results add to other evidence that "phospho", as it is called, may not have a good performance against cancer.

Until now, the only positive result was the indication that phosphoethanolamine would not be toxic even when ingested at relatively high concentrations.

The data have been challenged by researchers who work with the substance, led by chemist Gilberto Chierice, a retired professor at the University of São Paulo.

Chierice and colleagues as Durvanei Augusto Maria, of Butantan Institute, argued that the concentration of "phospho" used in the in vitro tests were much lower than those employed in their own studies, and that the individual's metabolism as a whole (and not single cells) would be necessary for the pill to work.

The team published some studies showing anti-tumor effects of "phospho", both in vitro and in vivo (in live animals), involving different types of tumor.

Folha tried to speak to the researchers that vouch for the benefits of phospho, but they did not answer until the conclusion of this edition.


Applicant(s):     KTN BIOTEC INC [JP] +
The present invention provides an anti-cancer agent containing 1,2-dipalmitoleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine as an active ingredient, an agent to induce cell death, a protein phosphatase 2A activation potentiator, and a protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B activation potentiator, and the like.
20 July 2016

Sun cream compound offers unprecedented protection against UVA radiation

A new compound developed by University of Bath scientists in collaboration with King’s College London offers unprecedented protection against the harmful effects of UVA radiation in sunlight, which include photo-ageing, cell damage and cancer.

Most sunscreens on the market protect well against solar UVB radiation but have limited effectiveness against UVA-induced damage, relying on the reflective properties of creams to defend against dangerous UVA rays.

However this compound, called the ‘mitoiron claw’ by the team, offers strong protection within our cells precisely where the greatest damage from UVA occurs, and doesn’t interfere with rest of the cell.

The researchers from the Department of Pharmacy and Pharmacology at University of Bath, working with colleagues at Kings College London, hope to see the mitoiron claw compound added to sunscreens and skin care products within 3-4 years.

Free iron concentration is particularly high within mitochondria, the batteries of the cell, where it is needed for several vital functions. However upon exposure to UVA in sunlight, excess free iron acts as a catalyst for the production of toxic reactive oxygen species (ROS), damaging cell components such as DNA, fat and proteins thereby increasing the risk of cell death and cancer.

However this custom-designed iron chelator (a molecule that binds to an iron atom like a claw) moves directly to mitochondria where it safely binds the excess free iron, preventing it from reacting upon exposure to UVA rays.

Tests with human skin fibroblast cells exposed to UVA radiation equivalent to 140 min of uninterrupted sun exposure at sea level, showed cells treated with the mitoiron claw were completely protected against cell death. Untreated cells suffered significant cell death.

The research is published in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology.

Dr Charareh Pourzand, from the Department of Pharmacy and Pharmacology at the University of Bath, said: “The role of iron-mediated damage induced upon exposure of skin cells to UVA has been underestimated for many years. For efficient protection against UVA-induced iron damage of skin strong chelators are needed, but until now these risked toxic effects caused by non-targeted iron starvation of cells.

“Our mitochondria-targeted compound provides a solution to this problem and can address an unmet need in the skincare and sunscreen fields. This mitoiron claw is a highly effective compound, offering unprecedented protection against UVA-induced mitochondrial damage.”

Now that the protective effects of the compound have been demonstrated the team, Dr Charareh Pourzand and Dr Olivier Reelfs from University of Bath and Prof Robert Hider and Dr Vincenzo Abbate at Kings College London, plans further work to explore the potential of this new type of compound.

This includes the possibility of developing therapies for diseases involving mitochondrial iron overload, such as Friedreich's ataxia.

The research was funded by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC).
Journal of Investigative Dermatology, Volume 136, Issue 8, August 2016, Pages 1692–1700
A Powerful Mitochondria-Targeted Iron Chelator Affords High Photoprotection against Solar Ultraviolet A Radiation

Olivier Reelfs, Vincenzo Abbate, Robert C. Hider, Charareh Pourzand
Mitochondria are the principal destination for labile iron, making these organelles particularly susceptible to oxidative damage on exposure to ultraviolet A (UVA, 320–400 nm), the oxidizing component of sunlight. The labile iron-mediated oxidative damage caused by UVA to mitochondria leads to necrotic cell death via adenosine triphosphate depletion. Therefore, targeted removal of mitochondrial labile iron via highly specific tools from these organelles may be an effective approach to protect the skin cells against the harmful effects of UVA. In this work, we designed a mitochondria-targeted hexadentate (tricatechol-based) iron chelator linked to mitochondria-homing SS-like peptides. The photoprotective potential of this compound against UVA-induced oxidative damage and cell death was evaluated in cultured primary skin fibroblasts. Our results show that this compound provides unprecedented protection against UVA-induced mitochondrial damage, adenosine triphosphate depletion, and the ensuing necrotic cell death in skin fibroblasts, and this effect is fully related to its potent iron-chelating property in the organelle. This mitochondria-targeted iron chelator has therefore promising potential for skin photoprotection against the deleterious effects of the UVA component of sunlight.

High-molecular iron (III) chelating agent based on 3-hydroxyl-4-pyridinone compounds and preparation method thereof

The invention discloses a high-molecular iron (III) chelating agent based on 3-hydroxyl-4-pyridinone compounds and a preparation method thereof. The method comprises the following steps: subjecting epoxy-group-containing glycidyl methacrylate to free radical polymerization so as to obtain poly(glycidyl methacrylate), then adding amine-group-containing 3-hydroxyl-4-pyridinone compounds and then carrying out ring-opening reaction with epoxy groups, and carrying out covalent attachment to a side chain of poly(glycidyl methacrylate) so as to obtain the high-molecular iron (III) chelating agent. The preparation method provided by the invention avoids other side reaction and has the advantages of mild reaction conditions, safe production, simple process, convenient purification, high yield (the maximum being 100%) and facilitation to industrial production. Meanwhile, the problems like insolubility, infusibility, small iron (III) chelate capacity of a conventional high-molecular iron (III) chelating agent are solved, wherein the maximum of the chelating capacity of a ferric ion can reach to 1196 [mu]mol/g.

Use of 3-hydroxy-4-pyridone high-molecular iron chelating agent

The invention discloses a use of a 3-hydroxy-4-pyridone high-molecular iron chelating agent. The 3-hydroxy-4-pyridone high-molecular iron chelating agent has antibacterial effects and can be used as an antibacterial material. The 3-hydroxy-4-pyridone high-molecular iron chelating agent has excellent effects of resisting methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus. According to a mechanism of cation simulative antibacterial peptide formation from tertiary amine or secondary amine positive ion structures in a high-molecular iron chelating agent, interaction between a positive charge area and a negative charge area on a cell membrane, and iron chelating effects of an iron chelating agent, the normal growth environment around bacteria is destroyed and bacterium growth is inhibited so that bacteria cannot normally grow. The 3-hydroxy-4-pyridone high-molecular iron chelating agent cannot be absorbed by skin because of macro-molecule characteristics, does not produce toxic or side effects and can be used as an antibacterial material with dual antibiosis effects.
20 July 2016
Sun cream compound offers unprecedented protection against UVA radiation

A new compound developed by University of Bath scientists in collaboration with King’s College London offers unprecedented protection against the harmful effects of UVA radiation in sunlight, which include photo-ageing, cell damage and cancer.

Most sunscreens on the market protect well against solar UVB radiation but have limited effectiveness against UVA-induced damage, relying on the reflective properties of creams to defend against dangerous UVA rays.

However this compound, called the ‘mitoiron claw’ by the team, offers strong protection within our cells precisely where the greatest damage from UVA occurs, and doesn’t interfere with rest of the cell.

The researchers from the Department of Pharmacy and Pharmacology at University of Bath, working with colleagues at Kings College London, hope to see the mitoiron claw compound added to sunscreens and skin care products within 3-4 years.

Free iron concentration is particularly high within mitochondria, the batteries of the cell, where it is needed for several vital functions. However upon exposure to UVA in sunlight, excess free iron acts as a catalyst for the production of toxic reactive oxygen species (ROS), damaging cell components such as DNA, fat and proteins thereby increasing the risk of cell death and cancer.

However this custom-designed iron chelator (a molecule that binds to an iron atom like a claw) moves directly to mitochondria where it safely binds the excess free iron, preventing it from reacting upon exposure to UVA rays.

Tests with human skin fibroblast cells exposed to UVA radiation equivalent to 140 min of uninterrupted sun exposure at sea level, showed cells treated with the mitoiron claw were completely protected against cell death. Untreated cells suffered significant cell death.

The research is published in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology.

Dr Charareh Pourzand, from the Department of Pharmacy and Pharmacology at the University of Bath, said: “The role of iron-mediated damage induced upon exposure of skin cells to UVA has been underestimated for many years. For efficient protection against UVA-induced iron damage of skin strong chelators are needed, but until now these risked toxic effects caused by non-targeted iron starvation of cells.

“Our mitochondria-targeted compound provides a solution to this problem and can address an unmet need in the skincare and sunscreen fields. This mitoiron claw is a highly effective compound, offering unprecedented protection against UVA-induced mitochondrial damage.”

Now that the protective effects of the compound have been demonstrated the team, Dr Charareh Pourzand and Dr Olivier Reelfs from University of Bath and Prof Robert Hider and Dr Vincenzo Abbate at Kings College London, plans further work to explore the potential of this new type of compound.

This includes the possibility of developing therapies for diseases involving mitochondrial iron overload, such as Friedreich's ataxia.

The research was funded by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC).
Journal of Investigative Dermatology, Volume 136, Issue 8, August 2016, Pages 1692–1700
A Powerful Mitochondria-Targeted Iron Chelator Affords High Photoprotection against Solar Ultraviolet A Radiation

Olivier Reelfs, Vincenzo Abbate, Robert C. Hider, Charareh Pourzand

Mitochondria are the principal destination for labile iron, making these organelles particularly susceptible to oxidative damage on exposure to ultraviolet A (UVA, 320–400 nm), the oxidizing component of sunlight. The labile iron-mediated oxidative damage caused by UVA to mitochondria leads to necrotic cell death via adenosine triphosphate depletion. Therefore, targeted removal of mitochondrial labile iron via highly specific tools from these organelles may be an effective approach to protect the skin cells against the harmful effects of UVA. In this work, we designed a mitochondria-targeted hexadentate (tricatechol-based) iron chelator linked to mitochondria-homing SS-like peptides. The photoprotective potential of this compound against UVA-induced oxidative damage and cell death was evaluated in cultured primary skin fibroblasts. Our results show that this compound provides unprecedented protection against UVA-induced mitochondrial damage, adenosine triphosphate depletion, and the ensuing necrotic cell death in skin fibroblasts, and this effect is fully related to its potent iron-chelating property in the organelle. This mitochondria-targeted iron chelator has therefore promising potential for skin photoprotection against the deleterious effects of the UVA component of sunlight.

High-molecular iron (III) chelating agent based on 3-hydroxyl-4-pyridinone compounds and preparation method thereof

The invention discloses a high-molecular iron (III) chelating agent based on 3-hydroxyl-4-pyridinone compounds and a preparation method thereof. The method comprises the following steps: subjecting epoxy-group-containing glycidyl methacrylate to free radical polymerization so as to obtain poly(glycidyl methacrylate), then adding amine-group-containing 3-hydroxyl-4-pyridinone compounds and then carrying out ring-opening reaction with epoxy groups, and carrying out covalent attachment to a side chain of poly(glycidyl methacrylate) so as to obtain the high-molecular iron (III) chelating agent. The preparation method provided by the invention avoids other side reaction and has the advantages of mild reaction conditions, safe production, simple process, convenient purification, high yield (the maximum being 100%) and facilitation to industrial production. Meanwhile, the problems like insolubility, infusibility, small iron (III) chelate capacity of a conventional high-molecular iron (III) chelating agent are solved, wherein the maximum of the chelating capacity of a ferric ion can reach to 1196 [mu]mol/g.

Use of 3-hydroxy-4-pyridone high-molecular iron chelating agent

The invention discloses a use of a 3-hydroxy-4-pyridone high-molecular iron chelating agent. The 3-hydroxy-4-pyridone high-molecular iron chelating agent has antibacterial effects and can be used as an antibacterial material. The 3-hydroxy-4-pyridone high-molecular iron chelating agent has excellent effects of resisting methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus. According to a mechanism of cation simulative antibacterial peptide formation from tertiary amine or secondary amine positive ion structures in a high-molecular iron chelating agent, interaction between a positive charge area and a negative charge area on a cell membrane, and iron chelating effects of an iron chelating agent, the normal growth environment around bacteria is destroyed and bacterium growth is inhibited so that bacteria cannot normally grow. The 3-hydroxy-4-pyridone high-molecular iron chelating agent cannot be absorbed by skin because of macro-molecule characteristics, does not produce toxic or side effects and can be used as an antibacterial material with dual antibiosis effects.

The case for cockroach milk: The next superfood?


Ben Guarino

The milk crystals of the Pacific beetle cockroach are beautiful. Slice open an embryonic roach under a microscope, and the crystals spill out in a shower of nutrient-dense glitter.

But the flavor of cockroach milk is nothing to write home about. Subramanian Ramaswamy, a biochemist at the Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine in Bangalore, India, told The Washington Post as much early Tuesday. As a party dare — he’d lost a drinking competition — one of Ramaswamy’s colleagues once ate a sprinkling of the crystals.

“He said it doesn’t taste like anything special,” Ramaswamy said.

Most roaches lay eggs. Not the Pacific beetle cockroach. It gives birth to live young, sort of like humans if we kept babies by the dozen in fleshy organs called brood sacs. Also like humans, mother Pacific beetle cockroaches produce food for their offspring. The embryos dine on a liquid substance packed with fats, sugars and protein. You can think of this like cockroach milk.

It gets weirder.

Insect experts have long known that this cockroach species secreted liquid food. But they thought baby roaches simply digested the stuff. When Barbara Stay, a zoologist at the University of Iowa, first stumbled upon a cache of crystals tucked inside the embryos, scientists were stumped.

“We didn’t believe these crystals were actually protein crystals,” Ramaswamy said.

Close inspection of the crystals using X-rays proved otherwise. Experiments suggest that cockroach milk is among the most nutritious and highly caloric substances on the planet, according to research published recently in the journal for the International Union of Crystallography, IUCRJ. Pound-for-pound, cockroach milk crystals contain three times more energy than buffalo milk, according to the analysis by Ramaswamy and his colleagues. Buffaloes, he said, were the previous top contender for producing a protein with the most calories.

“It’s a complete food,” Ramaswamy said of the roach crystals. In the brood sac, the embryos gulp down the liquid. There, the proteins turn to hard crystals in their guts. Nothing is wasted — “the mouth is open and the backside is closed,” as Ramaswamy described the embryos. Within the sac, the baby roaches rely on these concentrated nutrients to grow large with an alien speed.

The discovery comes at a time when dairy milk is under increasing environmental scrutiny, as cow burps add to greenhouse gases.  Alternatives like almond milk, too, have not always fared better; growing the nuts is a famously water-intensive process.

So what about a roach drink? When asked if the energy-efficient cockroach crystals might end up in more human mouths, Ramaswamy described the potential as fantastic. “I could see them in protein drinks,” he said. Then he described the hurdles.

Lacking nipples, cockroaches cannot be milked in the county fair sense. A cockroach-inspired thirst-quencher, if it ever existed, would more likely come via yeast, he said. Bioengineered yeast is already used in the food industry to produce synthetic sweeteners, for instance.

Plus, the roach brand is bad for business.

“I don’t think anyone is going to like it if you tell them, ‘We extracted crystals from a cockroach and that is going to be food,’ ” Ramaswamy said. Further examination of the crystals will also tell if the roach crystals are toxic to humans.

Structure of a heterogeneous, glycosylated, lipid-bound, in vivo-grown protein crystal at atomic resolution from the viviparous cockroach Diploptera punctata

Sanchari Banerjee, et al.

Macromolecular crystals for X-ray diffraction studies are typically grown in vitro from pure and homogeneous samples; however, there are examples of protein crystals that have been identified in vivo. Recent developments in micro-crystallography techniques and the advent of X-ray free-electron lasers have allowed the determination of several protein structures from crystals grown in cellulo. Here, an atomic resolution (1.2 Å) crystal structure is reported of heterogeneous milk proteins grown inside a living organism in their functional niche. These in vivo-grown crystals were isolated from the midgut of an embryo within the only known viviparous cockroach, Diploptera punctata. The milk proteins crystallized in space group P1, and a structure was determined by anomalous dispersion from the native S atoms. The data revealed glycosylated proteins that adopt a lipocalin fold, bind lipids and organize to form a tightly packed crystalline lattice. A single crystal is estimated to contain more than three times the energy of an equivalent mass of dairy milk. This unique storage form of nourishment for developing embryos allows access to a constant supply of complete nutrients. Notably, the crystalline cockroach-milk proteins are highly heterogeneous with respect to amino-acid sequence, glycosylation and bound fatty-acid composition. These data present a unique example of protein heterogeneity within a single in vivo-grown crystal of a natural protein in its native environment at atomic resolution.

George Delk : perpetual motion machine? Running 2 years continuously

Edward Leedskalnin Perpetual Magnetic Holder --

The TPU extraordinary device works! Perpetual motion "holder" [ Leedskalnin ] via magnetism!!! (Part1)

Will ED's PMH Work After 2 Years??? ED LEEDSKALNIN States It Will! Lets Find Out!

Edward Leedskalnin PMH

Here one will find my replication of EDWARD LEEDSKALNIN "perpetual motion holder" or PMH.

This is a a 1.25" square stock that i bent and formed. it has a "keeper" and 2 spools of #14AWG wire. the length of wire should be about 250 foot on theses spools. ED calls for slightly different dimensions then shown. But the idea works the same.

Steven Mark's TPU --
How to build a TPU PT. 1
How To Build A TPU Pt. 2
How to Build A TPU Pt. 3
How to build a TPU Pt. 4
How to build a TPU Pt. 5
How To Build A TPU Pt. 6
How To Build A TPU Pt. 7
How To Build A TPU Pt. 8
How To Build A TPU Pt. 9A
How To Build A TPU Pt. 9B
Jack Durban / Steven Marks interview TPU part1
Jack Durban / Steven Marks interview TPU part2

How to Get Rid of Roaches --
Top 5 Actually Proven Ways to Get Rid of Cockroaches Properly Today you really need to know but probably don't...

How to Get Rid of Cockroaches: Get rid of pests today! Is this your dream? Would you like to have pests out of your life for good? Well, you've come to the right article! Included here are many ideas which could help you with your plight. Read on to find out what you can do to fix the problem - home remedies for cockroaches.

How to Kill Cockroaches: Before you decide to rid your home of pests you should consider the moral implications. For example, if you have a mouse problem you may want a method that just removes them, but does not kill them. These days most exterminators offer this to their customers, but it may be somewhat more expensive - killing cockroaches.

How to Kill Roaches: Mix equal parts of sugar and borax together for an all natural pest control. Place the concoction into a glass jar & punch holes in the lid for a reusable container. Sprinkle the all-natural product along the outside of your house. Ants will be attracted to the concoction & will carry it back to their nest effectively ridding your home of ants - best way to get rid of cockroaches.

Best Way to Get Rid of Roaches: If you are having a pest control problem at your home, take a look at your garbage for clues to why this is happening. Garbage needs to be in air tight bags and disposed of on a regular basis. Keep your trash outside your home and not inside your kitchen to reduce the chances of having a pest problem - how to get rid of cockroaches naturally.

Home Remedies for Roaches: Make sure that when you install your windows, they come equipped with screens for protection. Screens can serve as a very strong line of defense for bugs, as most will not get into your home if you have a good screen up. This small investment can save a lot of trouble in the future - how to get rid of german cockroaches.

How to Get Rid of German Roaches: If you have any leaky pipes or anything that drips water, make sure that you get them repaired. Leaving water around is a good way of keeping pests in your home. They will not want to leave because you are giving them a way to get the water that they need - how to prevent cockroaches.

How to Get Rid of Roaches Fast: Are their cockroaches in your home? The best way to kill these creatures is to sprinkle borax in places where cockroaches hide. Put all your food away & leave a few scraps to attract the cockroaches to a certain area sprinkled with borax, such as a cupboard or a crack where they hide - how do you get rid of roaches.

How to Get Rid of Roaches Naturally: Go through the foundation and roof of your house to ensure that there are no cracks or holes that pests can get into. If you find any, make sure you seal them up as soon as possible. Try to avoid using typical caulk as they usually can chew through this. Your best bet is to use something made with copper or mesh - home remedies to get rid of roaches.

Best Way to Kill Roaches: Did you see rodents in your home? Look over your home for cracks these rodents can fit through. Use steel wool to fill the holes & put some poison out. Mustard oil may work as well - home remedy for roaches.

How to Kill German Roaches: Sometimes calling a professional exterminator is a necessity. While many do it yourself, remedies work wonderfully, infestations can reach beyond the control of your average house owner. While it may be more expensive to call in a professional or service, it is definitely worth it to effectively rid your home of pests - killing roaches.

How to Get Rid of Roaches for Good: You should under no circumstances tolerate pest into your home. If you do not take action right away, the situation will get worse. An pest-infested home will lose its value, the pest will damage the home & some pest can actually transmit diseases to pets & in some cases to humans - how do you get rid of cockroaches.

Kill Cockroaches: Use peanut butter in your mousetrap. Many people follow the old tradition of using a piece of cheese, but the truth is that is does not works nearly as good as peanut butter does. Cheese goes stale & does not have nearly as strong of an odor. Use peanut butter & see how much faster it is to get rid of the rodent - how to get rid of cockroaches in kitchen.

Get Rid of Cockroaches :

The Democratic Party no longer exists

Paul Craig Roberts

...And an orchestrated war with Russia has all of us marked for extinction

The Democratic Party that once was concerned with workers' rights, the elderly, civil rights, and the constitutional protections of America liberty no longer exists. As the just completed Democratic presidential primaries and the Democratic presidential convention have clearly demonstrated, the United States now has two Republican parties in service to the One Percent.

The organized Democrats - the Democratic National Committee - have shown themselves to be even more venal and corrupt than the Republicans. Leaked emails document that the Democratic National Committee conspired with the Hillary campaign in order to steal the nomination from Bernie Sanders. It is clear that Sanders was the choice of Democratic Party voters for president, but the nomination was stolen from him by vote fraud and dirty tricks.

The DNC and the media whores have tried to discredit the incriminating emails by alleging that the leaked emails resulted from a plot by Russia's President Vladimir Putin in behalf of "Putin's American agent," Donald Trump. "A vote for Trump is a vote for Putin," as the presstitute scum put it.

This diversionary tactic has not worked. Not even Americans are stupid enough to fall for it.

Consequently, the corrupt "leader" of the DNC had to resign and was unable to deliver her speech at the nominating convention from fear of being booed off the stage.

Sanders' supporters have abandoned Hillary and the fake "Democratic Party." Probably most of them will vote for the Green Party candidate.

The organized Republicans - the Republican National Committee - and the zionist neoconservatives wanted to block Donald Trump from the nomination just as the DNC blocked Sanders, but could not. The neoconservatives are organizing for Hillary as she is their warmonger and Trump says he is not, but as the Presidential contest is really a contest between the two Republican parties about which gets to be the whore for the One Percent, the RNC, impressed with Hillary's lack of voter support, seems to be sticking with Trump. Better to be a well-paid whore than to be out in the cold.

In the coming presidential election, the outcome will probably be determined by whether the powerful oligarchic interest groups decide whether Trump is an actual threat or whether they can cosy up to him and rope him in by appointing his government.

Trump's disability is that no matter how able an individual is, that person cannot simultaneously make themselves a multi-billionaire and be knowledgeable of economic and foreign policy issues. The bald fact is that Trump, if he becomes president, does not know whom to appoint in order to have the support from his government to effect the changes for which his supporters hope he stands.

When a person becomes President, that person doesn't suddenly become an encyclopedia with full knowledge. The President is dependent on the information flows from his government. If those information flows support the interests of Wall Street, the corrupt "banks too big to fail," the military-security complex, the Israel Lobby, agribusiness, and the extractive industries (energy, mining, timber), the President's decisions will support these material interests.

Donald Trump is the American people's choice, because he is opposed to the offshoring of American jobs - a corporate practice that has enriched the One Percent at the expense of the American middle class.

Donald Trump is the American people's choice, because he opposes the fabricated, gratuitous conflict with Russia. Even Americans understand that taking war to a major nuclear power will not end well.

Donald Trump is the American people's choice because he realizes that NATO - an organization whose purpose disappeared 25 years ago when the Soviet Union collapsed as a result of the coup against Gorbachev by extreme elements of the Soviet Communist Party - now serves as a vehicle and cover for Washington's aggressions, which are war crimes under the international statutes that Washington created. Washington's wars benefit some of the One Percent at the expense of both the 99 Percent and millions of innocent peoples in many countries.

What will happen now is that the presstitutes will demonize Donald Trump even more than they have demonized Vladimir Putin. The scum presstitutes will do everything that they can possibly do to make a vote for Trump into an act of treason against America.

Now that the presstitutes have learned that they can tell the most blatant lies - Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction, Iranian nukes, Assad's use of chemical weapons, Russian invasions - without being held accountable, they know that they can lie about Trump.

And they will. To the hilt.

But the presstitutes have lost credibility. A person has to be an imbecile to believe a word that they say.

"Progressives" will wander off the track. They will be turned off by Trump's stand on immigration, which is where the American people stand. "Progressives" will be worried about whether the 'fascist" Trump will persecute transgender and homosexual people or revoke the right of women to abort the unborn. To "progressives" this will seem all important as Washington and its NATO vassals hurl the world into nuclear war.

Neither can any intelligence be expected from the defunct American left-wing. The American left-wing supports the official story of 9/11, the excuse for the last 15 years of illegal wars and the American Police State. To find the American left-wing totally allied with the official explanation of what is in reality a false flag event, committed in order that the neoconservatives would have their new Pearl Harbor in order to invade the Middle East, is demonstrable proof that the American left-wing is irrelevant.

The American left interprets 9/11 and subsequent false flag events as oppressed peoples striking back at their oppressors. The emotional satisfaction of this takes the impotent American left-wing out not only of action but of relevance in commentary. The American left-wing has become an asset of the enemy - the neoconservatives who control policy in Washington.

So, where do we stand? The answer is that we are closer to nuclear annihilation than ever before. I know of what I speak. I held the highest security clearances. I was a member of a secret committee that enabled President Reagan to end the Cold War.

The President of Russia, Vladimir Putin is doing everything he can possibly do to avoid the nuclear war that the crazed American neoconservatives are bringing to humanity. For his efforts in behalf of planet Earth he is demonized 24 hours a day, seven days a week, year after year. For simply stating facts, I am described by the presstitutes as "an apologist for Putin."

The endless lies about Russia have convinced the Russian media that Washington is mobilizing its NATO vassals for an attack on Russia. Read the transcripts to this Russian media broadcast.

If you aren't scared after absorbing this Russian news broadcast, you are stupid beyond belief. The message is clear: the West has declared war on Russia but is trying to keep Russia off guard by denying it.

The video of the Russian news broadcast also shows the dismissive way the Russian media was treated at the recent NATO conference in Poland. The non-entity representatives of the non-entity countries of Latvia, which has been ruthlessly looted by the West, Estonia, Lithuania, and Poland, and the Ukraine representative either refuse to speak to the Russian media or use the interview to repeat Washington's false accusations against Russia. These imbeciles insulting Russia are representatives of countries that Russia could destroy in a few minutes. If these idiots think Washington could save them, they are as stupid as the Polish colonels who thought that the British guarantee in March 1939 meant anything and could save Poland from the rash action of sticking Poland's fingers in Hitler's eye. This Polish stupidity provoked by the stupid British set off World War II with the British and French declaration of war against Germany, thus consigning Poland to Soviet rule for a half century. Some guarantee! The imbecile Chamberlain who wanted peace started WWII with Britain's worthless "guarantee."

Does it make you feel safe that the arrogant warmongering imbeciles in Washington have convinced a nuclear power the equal of the United States that America is going to attack?

Moreover, Russia is a nuclear power allied with another nuclear power, China, which has had enough of Washington's imbecilic provocations. Are you willing for "your" government to lead your future into nuclear war with two nuclear powers?

Here we Americans are going into a presidential election and the overpowering fact of our time - that Washington is threatening humanity with nuclear war - is not a subject for discussion! What is the matter with us Americans? Are we stupid beyond all belief? We sit stupidly, thinking that issues of no importance are the most important issues of our time while "our" insane government provokes nuclear war. Have any people in history failed their obligation to this extent? If so, who?

My case rests. There is no countervailing evidence against the fact that unadulterated evil rules the West and is driving the world to extinction. Western democracy is a total failure. Democracy could not prevent the crazed warmonger Hillary from presidential nomination despite the opposition of the American people.

How long can Russia, and China, wait before they conclude that they have to pre-empt the coming attack from Washington? Does anyone, even stupid Americans, think that once Russia and China are convinced that they are targets for attack that they will just sit there and await the attack?

Do peoples as guilty of dereliction of duty as Western peoples are have any right to survive?

The Politics and Science of Our Demise


Guy McPherson

Conservative estimate : ~ 8* C. temperature rise by ~ 2025

3 KW Replication of the Barbosa Earth-Energy Generator

Levitate a Magnet with Bismuth Crystals - No Energy Cost, Indefinite Levitation

No, unfortunately this is not an over-unity device, though in a vacuum it would very nearly be a perpetual motion device as the magnet would have nothing to slow it from spinning without air resistance.
Diamagnetic Levitation Via Bismuth. No Power Supply, No Tricks, Just Science. :)

Bismuth generated diamagnetic levitation
Learn how to make do-it-yourself DHAA (dehydroascorbic acid)

The discoverer claims it surpasses absorption limits of other forms of vitamin C and sites a number of studies so indicating.

There are different types of ports on the cells in the body, and one of the ports is for vitamin C.

The form of vitamin C disclosed in the video and on the web site is absorbed through the glucose ports on the cells, and there are 4-5 times more glucose ports than ascorbic acid/vitamin C ports in the cells, so much higher absorption rates are achieved with this form (it also takes energy to absorb vitamin C through the vitamin C ports, but it doesn't take energy to absorb through the glucose ports). (Absorption into blood stream from digestive tract and from blood stream into cells in the body).  The cells can then convert this form of vitamin C back to the common form.
26 July 2016
Taking the cow piss out of our waterways

Fresh Scientist ‘People’s Award’ winner finds how to stop cow urine running off our paddocks into rivers and creeks

If carbon is added to paddocks where cows urinate it can reduce the runoff of nitrogen into waterways meaning more nutrients for pasture growth and cleaner creeks and rivers.

This research finding is a win for both the farmers and the environment and was published in the international Journal of Environmental Management earlier this month by Griffith University PhD student, Amanda Neilen.

Amanda is one of ten 2016 Queensland Fresh Science finalists and her one minute explanation of her research won her the “People’s Award” at a public event in Brisbane last week.

“Cow’s urine is high in nitrogen and this can accumulate in the soil and then leach or wash off into waterways,” she says.

High levels of nitrogen in our waterways cause the algal blooms that can choke the life out a river or smother a reef. Loss of nitrogen from farm paddocks means there are also fewer nutrients available for plant and animal growth.

Amanda’s research discovered that grass-covered soil was three times less likely to have nitrogen runoff compared to bare soil.

Every time cows urinate they can release up to two litres of nutrient-rich fluid. But much of this fluid can be lost from the soil and plants, especially during the high summer rainfall that southeast Queensland experiences.

“I looked at how to keep the nutrients from cow urine in the soil so it was available to the grass and then the cows,” says Amanda.

For her experiment, Amanda collected fresh urine from dairy cows at Maleny Dairies in the Sunshine Coast hinterland, north of Brisbane.

“I investigated the three pathways that cow’s urine can take when it hits the ground. It can stick to the soil, get sucked up by the grass or eaten by soil microbes.

“I found that by adding carbon to the soil it stimulated the activity of the soil microbes and stopped the nitrogen from leaching away.

“Adding carbon to the nitrogen from urine is like adding the hot chips to the tomato sauce. It makes the nitrogen more appealing for the soil microbes to work on.”

Having more nitrogen available in the soil means more grass. This means a farmer can carry more cows in each paddock.

For Maleny dairy farmer, Sonya Hooper, this sort of research is very important for keeping their cows productive and their waterways clean.

“We want to get as much grass feed as we can for our cows,” she says. “We also want clean water in our creeks as we use that water in our watering troughs and in the dairy.”

Sonya works with the Lake Baroon Catchment Care Group to fence waterways on her property and to construct cow paths and bridges over causeways and creeks.

“This reduces erosion and keeps the water in the creeks cleaner,” she says. “If we can make the water even cleaner with this new research, it will be great for our farm.”
16 December 2015

Filtering the blood to keep cancer in check

A new diagnostic system used to detect cancer cells in small blood samples could next be turned towards filtering a patient’s entire system to remove those dangerous cells – like a dialysis machine for cancer – says an Australian researcher who helped develop the system.

The technique was developed for cancer diagnosis, and is capable of detecting (and removing) a tiny handful of cancer-spreading cells from amongst the billions of healthy cells in a small blood sample.

The revolutionary system, which works to diagnose cancer at a tenth of the cost of competing technologies, is now in clinical trials in the US, UK, Singapore and Australia, and is in the process of being commercialised by Clearbridge BioMedics PteLtd in Singapore.

“It’s like a non-invasive ‘liquid biopsy’ that can flag the presence of any type of solid cancer – like lung, breast, bowel, and so on – without the need for surgery,” says Dr Majid Warkiani, a lecturer at the School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering at the University of New South Wales, and a project leader at the Australian Centre for NanoMedicine at UNSW.
Isolation of Circulating Tumour Cells

The initial challenge in developing the early-warning diagnosis system was to find those few cancer cells amongst billions of healthy blood cells. That challenge was met by a system that ‘spins out’ and isolates circulating tumour cells (CTCs), which are shed into the bloodstream from a solid tumour and can establish tumours elsewhere in the body—the mechanism by which cancer spreads through the body.

The ‘liquid biopsy’ can thus be used both for early cancer diagnosis and for monitoring a patient’s response to treatment.

But the potential for the new system goes far beyond just diagnosis.

If the filtering system could be scaled up, a cancer patient’s entire blood supply could potentially be similarly filtered, removing the dangerous cells and cycling the rest of the patient’s blood back into their system. It would be similar to dialysis treatment for kidney patients.

“It would be a revolution in cancer treatment. You would keep filtering out the dangerous cells, prolonging the life of the patient,” says Dr Warkiani. “There is still a long way to go—including securing money and support in Australia—before this is possible.’

But he believes this new technology will become one of the essential components of routine cancer management in the near future.

“A therapeutic version of this system, used for blood cleansing, could make the cancer a chronic disease and decrease drastically its mortality rate,” he says…


Inventor(s):     EBRAHIMI WARKIANI MAJID, et al.

A system for intra-operative blood salvage autotransfusion is provided. The system comprises at least one inlet configured to receive whole blood of a patient; at least one curvilinear microchannel in fluid flow connection with the at least one inlet, the at least one curvilinear microchannel being adapted to isolate circulating tumor cells in the whole blood, based on cell size, along at least one portion of a cross-section of the at least one curvilinear microchannel; and at least two outlets in fluid flow connection with the at least one curvilinear microchannel, at least one outlet of the at least two outlets being configured to flow the circulating tumor cells isolated from the whole blood, and at least one other outlet of the at least two outlets being configured to flow at least a portion of a remainder of the whole blood, cleansed of the isolated circulating tumor cells, for return to the patient.
October 17, 2012
Melbourne researchers make major breakthrough in HIV prevention


Brigid O'Connell

MELBOURNE researchers have developed cows' milk that can defend human cells against HIV.

The next stage is to test the effectiveness and safety of the milk before making it into a cream which will hopefully allow women to protect themselves against contracting the virus during sex, without relying on men.

It came as a new report today showed the number of HIV diagnoses in Australia had grown over the past decade, with an 8 per cent spike in new cases detected last year.

Lead researcher, University of Melbourne's Marit Kramski said they vaccinated pregnant cows - which cannot contract human immunodeficiency virus - with an HIV protein and studied the first milk produced by the cow after birth.

Dr Kramski said this first milk, called colostrum, produced milk high in antibodies to protect its newborn against disease.

The researchers were able to inhibit the virus from infecting cells when combing the virus cells with milk.

"We think the antibodies bind to the surface of the virus and blocks the protein which needs to be freed to get in contact with human cells - like a key and lock system. If the key's not accessible or you change the key, you can't open the door," Dr Kramski said.

"It's a very cheap and easy way to produce a lot of antibodies."

Dr Kramski said they had partnered with Australian biotechnology company Immuron Ltd to develop the milk, and would continue working with them to produce a preventative cream.

But she said a cream or gel could be a decade off.

"We have the antibodies at the moment - the next step will be formulation," Dr Kramski said.

Dr Kramski said condoms were "cheap and easy" but not an option for everyone with millions of people getting infected with HIV every year.

"A lot of women, especially in Africa or South America they don't have the power to say you need to use a condom before we have sex," she said.

"This milk looks like it can be a cheap, easy new prevention tool, because if you use drugs it's really expensive."

Clinical trials for other HIV prevention creams, however - including Carraguard containing an anti-HIV microbicide - found the product to be safe but not effective in reducing spread of HIV.

There are about 34 million people currently living with HIV worldwide


Inventor(s):     RAWLIN GRANT THOMAS, et al.

The present invention provides methods and compositions useful in the field of medicine, and particularly in the treatment of viral infections. More particularly, the invention relates to the use of methods and compositions for the inhibition of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) transmission.
October 15, 2012
Pulpy fruit parts said to prevent cancer


Kellee Nolan

FIBRE has long been known to clean the bowel but it has now been found to deliver cleansing antioxidants to the colon as well, meaning it helps prevent stomach diseases such as cancer in two ways.

University of Queensland scientist Anneline Padayachee made the discovery after her work at a juicing factory prompted her to wonder how much goodness was being thrown away in the pulp left behind by juicing machines.

What she discovered is that much of the antioxidant compounds in fruits and vegetables are actually attached to the fibre in the pulpy parts of these foods.

The fibre delivers the compounds, called polyphenols, to the colon and releases them there, helping to prevent cancerous cell damage.

In the case of black carrots, which are rich in polyphenols, 80 per cent of their antioxidants are found in the fibrous, pulpy parts.

Previously fibre was thought to be of benefit only because it cleaned the bowel and it was not known to deliver antioxidants.

Presenting her research at a Fresh Science event in Melbourne on Monday, Dr Padayachee said it showed it is important that people either eat whole fruit and vegetables or, if they are juicing them, drink pulpy juices rather than clear thinned-out juices to get antioxidants into their system.

"To gain the benefits of polyphenols, you need to consume everything, the whole vegetable or fruit, including the fibrous pulp if you're juicing it," Dr Padayachee said.

"Not only will you have a clean gut but a healthy gut full of polyphenols."

The four-year research project, jointly funded by the University of Queensland Centre for Nutrition and Food Science, the CSIRO and the Australian Research Council, finished in 2012.

Scientists are now researching whether fibre can be used to deliver and release medicines to the colon and will look at ways of using fruit and vegetable pulps in different manufactured food products.
28 May 2014

Cancer-causing worm 'heals wounds'

Queensland scientists say spit from a cancer-causing parasite may contain a hormone that can make wounds heal quicker.

Spit produced by a cancer-causing worm that eats away at your liver can super-charge damaged human cells so they heal quicker.

Queensland scientists say a growth hormone found in the Southeast Asian liver fluke's spit could be used to treat chronic wounds that won't heal.

"It would likely be used in a gel (which would be applied to the wound) and the protein would super-charge your insulin response," James Cook University researcher Dr Michael Smout told AAP.

"We've shown it increases wound healing speed and now we're looking at how it's doing that."

Dr Smout and his colleagues have been studying the parasite, which causes cancer and kills tens of thousands of people in Southeast Asia, in the hope of finding a vaccine.

People contract the worm, which lives in more than nine million people but is rarely found in Australia, by ingesting contaminated raw fish.

Researchers found that as the parasite eats away at a person's liver it simultaneously repairs the damage it has made.

The newly discovered hormone in the fluke's spit is thought to be responsible for the repair job, encouraging damaged cells to repair quicker.

Unfortunately the hormone can also encourage cells to multiply quickly and uncontrollably which can stimulate the growth of cancer cells.

Dr Smout says it appears the parasite releases the growth hormone to ensure the longevity of its food supply.

"This is good for the host in the short term but repeated wounding and healing over decades... can lead to this deadly form of cancer," Dr Smout said.

The parasite, which can be treated with drugs, kills more than 20,000 people each year in Thailand alone.

Dr Smout and his colleagues are hopeful their research will lead to vaccines to prevent cancer in impoverished parts of Asia and to new treatments for non-healing wounds.

Chronic wounds don't heal normally or take significantly longer to heal and are an increasing problem for smokers, diabetics and the elderly.

Mapping electromagnetic waveforms

Munich Physicists have developed a novel electron microscope that can visualize electromagnetic fields oscillating at frequencies of billions of cycles per second.

Temporally varying electromagnetic fields are the driving force behind the whole of electronics. Their polarities can change at mind-bogglingly fast rates, and it is difficult to capture them in action. However, a better understanding of the dynamics of field variation in electronic components, such as transistors, is indispensable for future advances in electronics. Researchers in the Laboratory for Attosecond Physics (LAP), jointly run by Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) and the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics (MPQ), have now taken an important step towards this goal -- by building an electron microscope that can image high-frequency electromagnetic fields and trace their ultrafast dynamics.

The electronic devices we have become so familiar with and use every day are -- without exception -- powered by changing electromagnetic fields. These fields control the flow of electrons in components such as 'field-effect' transistors, and are ultimately responsible for the manipulation, flow and storage of data in our computers and smartphones. A better understanding of electromagnetic waveforms and their ultrafast reconfiguration in individual components will help to shape the future of electronics. The LMU and MPQ physicists who belong to the research group in Ultrafast Electron Imaging have now developed an electron microscope that is specifically designed for the analysis of rapidly varying electromagnetic fields.

This instrument makes use of ultrashort pulses of laser light, each of which lasts for a few femtoseconds (a femtosecond equals one millionth of a billionth (10-15) of a second). These laser pulses are used to generate bunches of electrons made up of very few particles, which are then temporally compressed by the action of terahertz (1012 Hz) near-infrared radiation. The Munich team first described this strategy earlier this year in the journal Science, and demonstrated that it can generate electron pulses that are shorter than a half-cycle of the optical field.

The researchers now show that these ultrashort electron pulses can be used to map high-frequency electromagnetic fields. In the experiment, the pulses are directed onto a microantenna that has just interacted with a precisely timed burst of terahertz radiation. The light pulse excites surface electrons in the antenna, thus creating an oscillating optical (electromagnetic) field in the immediate vicinity (the so-called near field) of the target. When the electron pulses come under the influence of the induced electromagnetic field around the antenna, they are scattered, and the pattern of their deflection is recorded. On the basis of the dispersion of the deflected electrons, the researchers can reconstruct the spatial distribution, temporal variation, orientation and polarization of the light emitted by the microantenna.

"In order to visualize electromagnetic fields oscillating at optical frequencies, two important conditions must be met," explains Dr. Peter Baum, who led the team and supervised the experiments. "The duration of each electron pulse, and the time it takes to pass through through the region of interest, must both be less than a single oscillation period of the light field." The electron pulses used in the experiment propagate at speeds approximately equal to half the speed of light.

With their novel extension of the principle of the electron microscope, the Munich physicists have shown that it should be feasible to precisely detect and measure even the tiniest and most rapidly oscillating electromagnetic fields. This will allow researchers to obtain a detailed understanding of how transistors or optoelectronic switches operate at the microscopic level.

The new technology is also of interest for the development and analysis of so-called metamaterials. Metamaterials are synthetic, patterned nanostructures, whose permeability and permittivity for electrical and magnetic fields, respectively, deviate fundamentally from those of materials found in nature. This in turn gives rise to novel optical phenomena which cannot be realized in conventional materials. Metamaterials therefore open up entirely new perspectives in optics and optoelectronics, and could provide the basic building blocks for the fabrication of components for light-driven circuits and computers. The new approach to the characterization of electromagnetic waveforms based on the use of attosecond physics brings us a step closer to the electronics of the future.

Say Goodbye to "All This" - Death By Gas: Oxygen

f we are a simulation being run by some extra-dimensional beings, then our failure matters. In this episode we look at Oxygen, a less discussed gas that is essential for life. Recently NASA came out with a video that was so deceptive as to be criminal. We DO NOT get the bulk of our breathable oxygen from the land mass. Which is what the video implied, as a result of increased CO2. We get it from the oceans. And as our research revealed, our oceans are dying. Fast. You wanna see something _REALLY_ scary?

There is nothing to fear. The tiger is upon us now. We can only accept our fate with dignity. We were told.

Our oxygen levels are dropping. Not only from decreasing supplies from our oceans, but from competition from any combustive source, like engines of all kinds, heating gas and oil, from oxidation (rust and oxidizing chemicals and materials).

There will be one final video in which we will share the logical, rational answers to save us from the 6th Mass Extinction. It would require a paradigm shift and cooperation that makes it essentially impossible, but it has to be put out there. Once again, we are telling you what is happening and what to do. We didn't listen the first time, if we don't accept the answers this time, then all the pussyfooting around the abrupt and catastrophic climate change taking place, then that final nail will be in place in our collective coffins.

"We take it all for granted. We think that the Earth is too big to fail."

3D printed teeth to keep your mouth free of bacteria -
results of Andreas Herrmann and UMCG colleagues highlighted in "New Scientist"

October 16, 2015

3D printing is all over the news these days. No wonder that the radar of the popular science journal New Scientist hit the article of Zernike Institute researcher Andreas Herrmann and his colleagues from the University Medical Centre, published earlier this month. In the article 3D-Printable Antimicrobial Composite Resins, published in Advanced Functional Materials, Herrmann and colleagues describe an antimicrobial plastic, allowing them to 3D print teeth that also kills bacteria. The antimicrobial function is originating from the addition of quarternary ammonium salts to existing dental polymer resins. The positively charged salts disrupt the negatively charged membranes of bacteria, which burst and die. Although the material kills bacterial cells upon contact, it is not harmful to human cells.

3D printed teeth to keep your mouth free of bacteria


Jacob Aron

Lost a tooth? Soon your dentist could print you another – and it’ll help keep your mouth clean, too.

Getting fitted for a false tooth or other dental treatment tends to involve a mouthful of foul-tasting gunk and plaster casts. But now dentists are moving to high-tech digital scanning and 3D printing. That switch opens the door to more advanced materials that could improve your oral hygiene.

Andreas Herrmann of the University of Groningen in the Netherlands and his colleagues have developed an antimicrobial plastic, allowing them to 3D print teeth that also kill bacteria. It’s an important issue, say the team, because bacterial damage to existing implants costs patients millions of dollars in the US alone.
The team embedded antimicrobial quaternary ammonium salts inside existing dental resin polymers. The salts are positively charged and so disrupt the negatively charged bacterial membranes, causing them to burst and die. “The material can kill bacteria on contact, but on the other hand it’s not harmful to human cells,” says Hermann.

Then they put this mix in a 3D printer, hardened it with ultraviolet light and printed out a range of dental objects such as replacement teeth and orthodontic braces. To test its antimicrobial properties, they coated samples of the material in mix of saliva and Streptococcus mutans, the bacterium that causes tooth decay. They found the material killed over 99 per cent of the bacteria, compared to less than 1 per cent for a control sample without the added salts.

Further tests will have to be done before the material can be rolled out to patients, as the team only left the samples in the saliva and bacteria mix for six days. “For clinical used we need to extend this, and investigate the compatibility with toothpaste,” says Herrmann.

They also need to confirm the plastic is strong enough to use as a tooth, but he thinks it shouldn’t take too long. “It’s a medical product with a foreseeable application in the near future, much less time than developing a new drug.”;jsessionid=5F8F796F65E36111BBB10F1C22971EE4.f01t04
DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201502384

3D-Printable Antimicrobial Composite Resins

Jun Yue, et al.


3D printing is seen as a game-changing manufacturing process in many domains, including general medicine and dentistry, but the integration of more complex functions into 3D-printed materials remains lacking. Here, it is expanded on the repertoire of 3D-printable materials to include antimicrobial polymer resins, which are essential for development of medical devices due to the high incidence of biomaterial-associated infections. Monomers containing antimicrobial, positively charged quaternary ammonium groups with an appended alkyl chain are either directly copolymerized with conventional diurethanedimethacrylate/glycerol dimethacrylate (UDMA/GDMA) resin components by photocuring or prepolymerized as a linear chain for incorporation into a semi-interpenetrating polymer network by light-induced polymerization. For both strategies, dental 3D-printed objects fabricated by a stereolithography process kill bacteria on contact when positively charged quaternary ammonium groups are incorporated into the photocurable UDMA/GDMA resins. Leaching of quaternary ammonium monomers copolymerized with UDMA/GDMA resins is limited and without biological consequences within 4–6 d, while biological consequences could be confined to 1 d when prepolymerized quaternary ammonium group containing chains are incorporated in a semi-interpenetrating polymer network. Routine clinical handling and mechanical properties of the pristine polymer matrix are maintained upon incorporation of quaternary ammonium groups, qualifying the antimicrobially functionalized, 3D-printable composite resins for clinical use.

A cool solution to waste disposal

Jul 31, 2006

A group of physicists in Germany claims to have discovered a way of speeding up radioactive decay that could render nuclear waste harmless on timescales of just a few tens of years. Their proposed technique – which involves slashing the half-life of an alpha emitter by embedding it in a metal and cooling the metal to a few degrees kelvin – could therefore avoid the need to bury nuclear waste in deep repositories, a hugely expensive and politically difficult process. But other researchers are sceptical and believe that the technique contradicts well-established theory as well as experiment.

The leader of the German-based group, Claus Rolfs of Ruhr University in Bochum, is an astrophysicist and made the discovery about alpha decay after replicating the fusion reactions that take place in the centre of stars. Using the university’s particle accelerator he fired protons and deuterons (nuclei containing a proton and a neutron) at various light nuclei. He noticed that the rate of fusion reactions was significantly greater when the nuclei were encased in metals than when they were inserted into insulators. He also observed that the effect is enhanced at lower temperatures (J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 32 489).

Rolfs believed this effect could be explained in simple terms by assuming that the free electrons in a metal act like the electrons in a plasma, as described in a model by Dutch physicist Peter Debye. The lower the temperature of the metal, the closer the free electrons get to the radioactive nuclei. These electrons accelerate positively charged particles towards the nuclei, thereby increasing the probability of fusion reactions.

But Rolfs realized that the reverse reaction might also occur and that free electrons could enhance the ejection of positively charged particles from a nucleus. This would reduce the half-lives of α-decay or β+-decay, and increase half-lives for processes involving electrons (which are repelled by the free electrons within the metal), i.e. β–-decay and electron capture.

The group has investigated this hypothesis by embedding a number of radioactive nuclei inside metals and then cooling the metal to a few degrees kelvin. As expected, they observed a longer half-life for the electron capture of beryllium-7 and shorter half-lives for β+-decay in sodium-22 (Eur. Phys. J. A 28 251) and α-decay in polonium-210. They are now investigating the α-decay of radium-226, a hazardous component of spent nuclear fuel with a half-life of 1600 years. Rolfs calculates that this half-life could be reduced to as little as a year and at the very least to 100 years, and believes that the half-lives of all other hazardous alpha emitters within nuclear waste could be shortened by similar amounts.

"This means that nuclear waste could probably be dealt with entirely within the lifetimes of the people that produce it," he says. "We would not have to put it underground and let our great-great-grandchildren pay the price for our high standard of living."

Rolfs admits that much engineering research needs to be done to convert his idea into practice, but he believes there are probably no insurmountable technical barriers. Other physicists, however, think that the basic idea may be flawed. According to Nick Stone, a nuclear physicist recently retired from Oxford University, physicists have already carried out experiments in which they cooled alpha emitters to 4 K and below, but found no significant changes in their half-lives.

Meanwhile, Hubert Flocard, director of the CSNSM nuclear-physics lab near Paris, believes that Rolfs' model contradicts standard solid-state physics, although he admits that he cannot explain the group's data himself. Rolfs concedes that he needs a more sophisticated theory, but stands by his results. "Nature decides what is right," he says.



A method of treating a-emitting nuclear waste, wherein the a-emitting nuclear waste is embedded in a matrix of metal atoms, said matrix being selected for providing an electron spatial probability near the a-emitting nuclei which has an influence on the a-decay of these nuclei, and keeping the matrix with the embedded waste to allow the a-emitting waste to decay with a reduced half-life.

Melting Rock With The Sun

Using and fresnel lens and a swivel frame I and able to instantly catch wood on fire, melt rock, dirt and metal. Also shown here is a focus tube. While not completely needed, it is hard to guess the positioning when using something this large. Commonly seen, using a small magnifying glass, You get a V-shape curve of light if off angle to the sun instead of a spot which spreads the heat over a larger area. With a large fresnel lens you can already see that a lot of light is scattered around the main spot. So by using this it makes it quick to set up and reduces the light scatter as much a possible.

Fresnel Lens 3002ºF DIY Lava Obsidian FARMING Melt Rock Sunlight Solar greenpowerscience

Solar powered Fresnel Lens melts through plaster and vaporizes aluminum instantaly.

Using a rock as film to capture a temporary image of the sun 0:36. Backyard Lava Homemade Obsidian Rock conversion and How the sun can vaporize aluminum with a Professional grade Fresnel Lens. Forming borosilicate glass tubing. At 0:36 the image of the sun is exposed into the rock surface.
The maximum working temperature of plaster is 1,200 °C (2,200 °F), so higher melting temperature materials would melt the plaster mold. Also, the sulfur in the gypsum reacts with iron, making it unsuitable for casting ferrous materials.

YouTube :
Genius Home Car Ramp
Homemade car lift ramp

Woodstock 69 The Lost Performances : The Band, Canned Heat, Joan Baez, Crosby Stills Nash, Janis Joplin

Bill Whittle explains :

A reporter for the New York Daily News fires an AR-15 and is horrified, terrified and claims to have suffered PTSD. Much hilarity ensues, followed by a powerful point to be made.

Dmitry Orlov : Fair Warning
19 July 2016
Keiser Report: Crisis of Capitalism (Summer solutions series E942)

In this special episode of the 2016 Summer Solutions series of the Keiser Report, Max and Stacy talk to Dmitry Orlov, author of The Collapse Gap, about a “pathway to a different future.” Orlov suggests that “150 strong” can solve many of the problems present in our economies and societies – smaller communities of 150 who can trust each other and work together as a unit during the crisis of capitalism. They also discuss the drumbeat of war and how war is not the answer to the global economic depression

Vladimir Putin : Fair Warning
Putin's Warning: Full Speech 2016

Ben Franklin's 13 Guidelines for Living a Good Life


Scotty Hendricks

At the ripe old age of twenty, Benjamin Franklin set out to make himself morally perfect. Having studied the ancient philosophers and their ideas of the virtues required to be an ideal man, he created his own list of thirteen virtues. Like the virtue ethicists of the ancient past and more modern times, Franklin sought to develop his entire character rather than focus on the question of how to act in a certain situation. His hope being that with the perfection of his character, he would never again have to ask how to act, as he would simply act as a virtuous person would by habit. Never again would he commit a fault at any time, he thought.

His selections were ordered by importance, and he saw the earliest ones as being needed to achieve the latter ones. They were also chosen for simplicity, as each covers a small and defined area of character.

1. Temperance. Eat not to dullness; drink not to elevation.

2. Silence. Speak not but what may benefit others or yourself; avoid trifling conversation.

3. Order. Let all your things have their places; let each part of your business have its time.

4. Resolution. Resolve to perform what you ought; perform without fail what you resolve.

5. Frugality. Make no expense but to do good to others or yourself; i.e., waste nothing.

6. Industry. Lose no time; be always employ'd in something useful; cut off all unnecessary actions.

7. Sincerity. Use no hurtful deceit; think innocently and justly, and, if you speak, speak accordingly.

8. Justice. Wrong none by doing injuries, or omitting the benefits that are your duty.

9. Moderation. Avoid extremes; forbear resenting injuries so much as you think they deserve.

10. Cleanliness. Tolerate no uncleanliness in body, clothes, or habitation.

11. Tranquillity. Be not disturbed at trifles, or at accidents common or unavoidable.

12. Chastity. Rarely use venery but for health or offspring, never to dullness, weakness, or the injury of your own or another's peace or reputation.

13. Humility. Imitate Jesus and Socrates.

His method of enacting these virtues was simple, on a weekly basis he focused on one virtue and one alone, leaving the others to chance and the strength of his character. At the end of each day, he reflected on rather or not he had lived up to that virtue, and recorded the answer. His goal was to make each virtue a habit, and thus achieve moral perfection.

By his own admission his failures in reaching moral perfection were many and often of great magnitude. His acknowledged illegitimate son William, his often indomitable pride, and his love for wine which occasionally went to excess are both admitted and well known.

He also noted that his career choices often prevented him from reaching the ideal of “Order”, often by no real fault of his own.

As he noted: “My scheme of Order gave me the most trouble; and I found that, tho' it might be practicable where a man's business was such as to leave him the disposition of his time, that of a journeyman printer, for instance, it was not possible to be exactly observed by a master, who must mix with the world, and often receive people of business at their own hours.”

However, despite never reaching moral perfection and having the major failures that he acknowledged in his own character. He still continued the project for most of his life. It was the attempt at reaching an ideal that made him better, even if he was remarkably far from reaching it.

In his own words: “In truth, I myself incorrigible with respect to Order; and now I am grown old, and my memory bad, I feel very sensibly the want of it. But, on the whole, tho' I never arrived at the perfection I had been so ambitious of obtaining, but fell far short of it, yet I was, by the endeavor, a better and a happier man than I otherwise should have been if I had not attempted it; as those who aim at perfect writing by imitating the engraved copies, tho' they never reach the wished-for excellence of those copies, their hand is mended by the endeavor, and tolerable, while it continues fair and legible.”

Even when he was unable to reach the ideals of personal growth, by either his own vices or by circumstance, he was constantly able to improve by means of practice. And, in the end, isn’t that what matters?
July 24, 2016

The Secret to Gaining the Upper Hand in Negotiations, with a Former FBI Negotiator

Negotiating is hard, and it’s even harder when there is something you really want. The stakes are higher, and you may not know how to get the upper hand. Negotiating takes skill, it's something that a person needs to hone over time through practice, so they can carefully judge when to swoop in for a win and when to hold back. It’s a delicate, instinctual art. But it can definitely be learned.

According to Chris Voss (former FBI crisis negotiator, and founder and CEO of the Black Swan Group), the key to mastering the art of negotiation is empathy. Specifically, it is making the other person empathize with you.

By making someone look at things from your point of view, they have to see what position they’re putting you in. All it takes is one golden question, “How am I supposed to do that?”

As Voss states, these could be the most important seven words you ever say in a negotiation. This is going to throw the ball in your opponent’s court. They will call the next shot -- while subconsciously seeing the situation from your side of the argument. It's sly genius. They have to understand what you’re thinking, and ask themselves if you can actually reasonably do what they expect of you. If they can’t come up with an answer or the answer is ‘I don’t know’ - even better. It highlights their unreasonable request, and gives you the chance to speak and gain valuable ground.

This question also gives your negotiating opponent the illusion of control. Many times, especially dealing with employers, people have the need to be in absolute control. Without the Boss in Charge feeling, they will focus on getting the upper hand, which can make them difficult and stubborn. So instead, give them control by appearing submissive, and asking a question that defers to them for wisdom on how you are supposed to do said thing. It’s a very simple strategy to get people to see multiple points of view, and force them to empathize with who they are negotiating. Once they empathize, it’s harder to ignore your requests.
May 22, 2016
Learn a Key Negotiating Skill from an FBI Negotiator: "No" Is Greater than "Yes"

We assume that getting a "yes" from the other side is the goal of any negotiation, but former lead FBI negotiator Chris Voss says knowing how to get a "no" is actually more important.

Chris Voss: You know, successful negotiation is not about getting to yes, it's about mastering no and understanding what the path to an agreement is. Now people are constantly trying to trap us by giving us to say yes. I mean we get hammered on this every single day. Lawyers actually have a term for it they call it cornering. And there's a theory of negotiation out of there called mirror agreement that says the more little yeses I get out of you the more likely you are to say yes to a big yes. So I don't know if that was ever true, but I know that we get hammered so much day in and day out with people trying to trap us with yes; trying to corner us; trying to lead us places by getting us to say yes, that we get defensive instantly when someone tries to get us to say yes. So you've got to get out of the getting to yes mindset, instead understand that yes is commitment and we're always worried about what we've let ourselves in for when we make a commitment.

There are three kinds of yeses. There's commitment confirmation and counterfeit. People are most used to giving the counterfeit yes because they've been trapped by the confirmation yes so many times. So the way you master no is understanding what really happens when somebody says no. When yes is commitment, no is protection. If you say no and you just protected yourself, you're actually a little more open to hearing what the other side has to say, because you're not worried about what you've committed yourself to. So you can take most questions that are designed to get yes and simply turn them into the same question where the answer is no and it gets you to the same place. If a boss gives an employee an impossible task and the employee says, "Well you want me to be successful don't you?" That's pushing for a yes. The flipside question to that instead is, "Do you want me to fail?"

It's stunning what people are comfortable saying no to. So first of all understanding that you can use a no to make somebody feel protected and a little more open-minded to hearing what you have to say. Now the second move after that is what do you want them to say next? What you really want them to say is that's right. You want to be able to summarize how they feel about things and what the circumstances are so that they feel that you got it, so much so that they look at you in the eye and say, "That's right." And that's what we say at any given point in time when we see something that we know is completely true that we're in complete agreement, we say, “That right!” almost as if we're so totally behind it. It may even have been a partial epiphany we're so behind it. We've just heard something that we feel is the indisputable true. And in many cases a really good that's right is summarized in a way that the other person was actually blind to. They didn't know that those forces were driving them or those passions, but when you say it to them it creates an epiphany on some level where you pointed something out to them that's true that they didn't even realize.

They're showing us and telling us that they feel empathy from us. And anytime you feel empathy from somsebody else you feel bonded to them. You want to collaborate with them. You want to do whatever you can for them. And that's a great way to find out what kind of latitude somebody has in a deal. And everybody's got latitude someplace. What you want to do is put people in a position where they feel connected enough to you that they're willing to collaborate with you, they're willing to show you the things that they were scared to tell you about before. The cards that everybody holds in a negotiation that if you could just see those cards you might be able to negotiate a completely different deal.

Well, that's where this entire approach is really going because everybody has cards they're not showing in a negotiation. Everybody. And if you can get the other side to show you those cards, we call them black swans, the little things that make all the difference, if you can get them to show you the black swans then you can probably make a better deal than you've ever had in mind.

Our Lady of Good Success. (Prophecies for Our Times). [ PDF ]

Prophecies of Our Lady of Good Success About Our Times

During the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, Our Lady of Good Success appeared in Quito, Ecuador to a Spanish nun whose little-known but extraordinary life has a direct connection with our days.

The Pope’s “infallibility will be declared a dogma of Faith by the same Pope chosen to proclaim the dogma of the mystery of my Immaculate Conception. He will be persecuted and imprisoned in the Vatican through the usurpation of the Pontifical States and through the malice, envy, and avarice of an earthly monarch.”

“Unbridled passions will give way to a total corruption of customs because Satan will reign through the Masonic sects, targeting the children in particular to insure general corruption.

“Unhappy, the children of those times! Seldom will they receive the sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation. As for the sacrament of Penance, they will confess only while attending Catholic schools, which the devil will do his utmost to destroy by means of persons in authority.

“The same will occur with Holy Communion. Oh, how it hurts me to tell you that there will be many and enormous public and hidden sacrileges!

“In those times, the sacrament of Extreme Unction will be largely ignored.… Many will die without receiving it, being thereby deprived of innumerable graces, consolation, and strength in the great leap from time to eternity.

“The sacrament of Matrimony, which symbolizes the union of Christ with the Church, will be thoroughly attacked and profaned. Masonry, then reigning, will implement iniquitous laws aimed at extinguishing this sacrament. They will make it easy for all to live in sin, thus multiplying the birth of illegitimate children without the Church’s blessing….

“Secular education will contribute to a scarcity of priestly and religious vocations.”

“The holy sacrament of Holy Orders will be ridiculed, oppressed, and despised, for in this both the Church and God Himself are oppressed and reviled, since He is represented by His priests.

“The devil will work to persecute the ministers of the Lord in every way, working with baneful cunning to destroy the spirit of their vocation and corrupting many. Those who will thus scandalize the Christian flock will bring upon all priests the hatred of bad Christians and the enemies of the One, Holy, Roman Catholic, and Apostolic Church. This apparent triumph of Satan will cause enormous suffering to the good pastors of the Church...and to the Supreme Pastor and Vicar of Christ on earth who, a prisoner in the Vatican, will shed secret and bitter tears in the presence of God Our Lord, asking for light, sanctity, and perfection for all the clergy of the world, to whom he is King and Father.”

“Unhappy times will come wherein those who should fearlessly defend the rights of the Church will instead, blinded despite the light, give their hand to the Church’s enemies and do their bidding. But when [evil] seems triumphant and when authority abuses its power, committing all manner of injustice and oppressing the weak, their ruin shall be near. They will fall and crash to the ground.

“Then will the Church, joyful and triumphant like a young girl, reawaken and be comfortably cradled in the arms of my most dear and elect son of those times. If he lends an ear to the inspirations of grace–one of which will be the reading of these great mercies that my Son and I have had toward you–we shall fill him with graces and very special gifts and will make him great on earth and much greater in Heaven. There we have reserved a precious seat for him because, heedless of men, he will have fought for truth and ceaselessly defended the rights of the Church, deserving to be called ‘martyr.’”

“At the end of the nineteenth century and throughout a great part of the twentieth, many heresies will be propagated in these lands.…

“The small number of souls who will secretly safeguard the treasure of Faith and virtues will suffer a cruel, unspeakable, and long martyrdom. Many will descend to their graves through the violence of suffering and will be counted among the martyrs who sacrificed themselves for the country and the Church.

“To be delivered from the slavery of these heresies, those whom the merciful love of my Son has destined for this restoration will need great will-power, perseverance, courage, and confidence in God. To try the faith and trust of these just ones, there will be times when all will seem lost and paralyzed. It will then be the happy beginning of the complete restoration….

“In those times the atmosphere will be saturated with the spirit of impurity which, like a filthy sea, will engulf the streets and public places with incredible license.… Innocence will scarcely be found in children, or modesty in women.

“He who should speak seasonably will remain silent.

“There shall be scarcely any virgin souls in the world. The delicate flower of virginity will seek refuge in the cloisters.…Without virginity, fire from heaven will be needed to purify these lands.…

“Sects, having permeated all social classes, will find ways of introducing themselves into the very heart of homes to corrupt the innocence of children. The children’s hearts will be dainty morsels to regale the devil.…

“Religious communities will remain to sustain the Church and work with courage for the salvation of souls.… The secular clergy will fall far short of what is expected of them because they will not pursue their sacred duty. Losing the divine compass, they will stray from the way of priestly ministry mapped out for them by God and will become devoted to money, seeking it too earnestly.

“Pray constantly, implore tirelessly, and weep bitter tears in the seclusion of your heart, beseeching the Eucharistic Heart of my most holy Son to take pity on His ministers and to end as soon as possible these unhappy times by sending to His Church the Prelate who shall restore the spirit of her priests.”

Bo Polny Predicts Worst Stock Market Crash in History By End Of The Jubilee Year on October 2

Jeff interviews Bo Polny of Gold2020 Forecast topics include: the Shemitah market cycles, the timing of Brexit, 9/11 and the assassination of John F Kennedy in the market, a whole lot of other important events fall on Shemitah cycle dates, the US to hit its debt ceiling, activities of the Pope take place on Shemitah & Jubilee dates, Israel, Syria and Turkey, new nuclear ambitions in the U.K. Bo's predictions regarding the DOW, time to get out of the markets and into gold and silver, the gold cycle shows upcoming all time highs, the TDV portfolio is up 200% this year so far!

[ Excerpts ]


...This White Paper is intended to help you protect you against the destruction of the Jubilee Year – which is actually a Shemitah Super Trend extension.

Last year in a video, white paper and numerous articles, I explained that a seven-year cycle called Shemitah provided a series of destructive daily and end-year events.

My Shemitah analysis emerged from my normal investment research. It was not ultimately “religious” in nature, nor was it intended to be a commentary on Jewish beliefs.

It was simply a series of observations that proved to be true.

Now we are facing another terrible challenge, the Jubilee Year. Unfortunately, Jubilee and Shemitah are linked together.

I am not even prepared to say if they are “Jewish” or not. Or why those involved  have decided to use Jewish mystical dates to inflict carnage on the rest of the world.  Or how much of this could actually be supernatural.

I only know what my research shows: The year of the Shemitah is generally marked by economic and sociopolitical disasters and, even worse, the seventh Shemitah is even more intense, as is the Jubilee Year that is linked to it at this time.

Last year we experienced a seventh Shemitah. This year we are experiencing Jubilee. The Jubilee Year is real and part of the terrible plans of the financial elite…

Discovering Shemitah and the Jubilee Year

I first heard about the Shemitah only a few years ago when Jonathan Cahn put out his best selling book, The Harbinger.  I’m not sure what drew me to the book, but once I read it I was shocked at the information he had uncovered.

According to Jonathan, on God’s timetable, every seven years is supposed to be a year of ‘washing away.’  Just like there are seven days in the week and one of them is supposed to be a day of cessation, this also applies to every seven years.  And, according to the Bible, Jewish people are supposed to forgive their debts every seven years.

Cahn had discovered the exact dates for the Shemitah on the Hebrew calendar and showed how Shemitah end days have corresponded eerily well with market collapses and other major events.

In fact, prior to the most recent Shemitah, the last two major market collapses happened on the exact end day of the Shemitah in 2001 and 2008...

POPE WARNS OF JUBILEE YEAR: The Pope uses the words ‘Jubilee Year’ to warn about 2016’s upcoming events. On December 8th of 2015 the Pope, completely unexpectedly and without warning, issued an “emergency Jubilee year” while rolling out men in machine guns and declaring a no-fly zone near the Vatican. Catholic Holy Jubilee Years normally take place every 25 years unless a Pope decrees an extraordinary one to bring attention to a particular need or topic. The next one was to be held in 2025 but Pope Francis called a special emergency one in December, 2015.  He then went on to warn the world of impending disaster. In a solemn sermon at the Vatican, Pope Francis announced that Christmas, 2015 was a “charade” due to the fact that the globe is currently engaging in the beginning of World War III. Even worse, he said, “While the world starves, burns, and descends further into chaos, we should realize that this year’s Christmas celebrations for those who choose to celebrate it may be their last.”...

GUIDESTONES PREDICT GENOCIDE IN 2016: The famous Georgia Guidestones seem to contain clues that point to August 14th, 2016 as a significant date regarding a predicted genocide encompassing millions or billions of humans….

Future forecasts...IM data - the rough cut...

Giant food recall. Tainted foods from factory screw-up. Major brands affected. Both north America and Europe affected.

Food crop disasters. First not enough water, then floods, then heat. Supports food crisis in USAPop later in 2016/2017.

Old, old building crumbles. Historic value lost. Older ruins uncovered. Mexico? Expando earth?

Yet more problems for electric cars! Strange energies from space redirect GPS?

Underseas problems: oil rigs moving. Both Atlantic and Pacific basins affected. Wind farms also minor impact.

Landslips cause problem for apartment buildings. Residents out, building tilts. Southern hemisphere.

Problems for (some) markets traders. Electricity out at telcom junction. Markets impacted.

Airplane groundings! Flights disrupted. Passengers fight! Busy airport shut!

Bitcoin rising in price and lowering in ratio to gold over August. Silver also gets its first 'air gap' under its price and rise to the point of breaking some firms who have bet against it.

Silver shorts running naked and afraid by mid August! Companies collapsing! Investors caught out!

Chaotic weather from mid August onward brings early winter (no Fall) to some parts of N Hemisphere. Crops damaged. Residents seriously freaked out!

Problems for (some) markets traders. Electricity out at telcom junction. Markets impacted.

Ocean rescue language again. Tourists wet and shaken, not damaged. Mediterranean geographic references.

Accident at genetic modification lab. Employees injured and sue. Business secrets at risk. Company behaves badly and is caught at it. HUGE PR problem. Stock crashes over 60% in 3 days.

As forecast, language about CERN and earthquakes and shutdown emerging...

Note the title language: SHOCK CLAIM: Large Hadron Collider 'shut down after causing massive earthquake'
THE Large Hadron Collider (LCH) was shut down after causing a magnitude 7 earthquake which shook the whole planet, it has sensationally been claimed.

Yet more of the strange weather forecasts showing up...we all have to name these things so frequently not quite the same wording as was discussed in ALTA reports but concept is there...

Outbreak? Russian Bio Warfare Troops Rushed To Arctic Due To "Dangerous Infection"

Planes falling...or not?

Winds...popcorn storms...

Future Headlines:

sets now in the Shorter term and Immediacy data streams, some of which will be explored in future ALTA reports:

Giant international corporations rebel against online platform providers over 'clients' or relationship poaching. And censorship! Big fallout in stocks in late Summer or early Fall over issue.

Food crop disease rising in southern hemisphere in a new, more general, and unknown-cause manner. Crop woes increase.

Underseas problems: submarines bashing into stuff that should not be there.

Wireless telepathy technology starts to appear over next year. Control net gadgets with your mind!

If you run across articles with forecast linguistics please send links to for possible inclusion in our email updates section.

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