Sutherlandia Fructosate
vs Cancer ( AIDS &c )
Credo Mutwa's HIV Remedy
Credo: "I wish to appeal to the world. First, I am not a quack or
a charlatan or a sensationalist. I am an old man who has seen
much. I wish the world to know that there is a faint ray of hope
that emanates from South Africa.
It is a plant which is almost on the point of extinction, a plant
called 'Suderlandia Fructosate'. This plant works miracles on
people who have the terrible disease called Aids. And it is so
miraculous that the miracles are seen within a week or a
fortnight. A person, who was lying down on the point of death,
when given this plant, rises and has much energy and is free of
depression and has a good appetite. And I feel that as a nation,
as a matter of world emergency, because the big scientists have
not produced a viable safe treatment for aids. I say that this
plant should be planted by all caring governments, by all caring
organizations and that it should be given to human beings free of
You don't have do anything with the plant. You are going to laugh
about this. You plant the plant okay, but then you take the little
leaves and the red flowers from it and you put them in a tea cup
and you pour much boiling water on it. And then you let the cup
stand there, like tea you know, and you just drink, the patient
just drinks.
You can take them straight from the garden. You don't need to dry
them first? because if you dry them too much they somehow loose
some of their good spirit. Now this is all you do.
You know, what I say is this. I can't cure the people of Africa
without curing the people of the Caribbean, because Aids is
running around the world. If I cure the people here and they get
better, more Aids will come in and eat the same people whom I
tried to cure. So the whole world must be cured.
You need to take a fine sandpaper and sandpaper each little seed.
The seeds are very tiny, tinier than grape seeds. And you
sandpaper each seed and you plant it in a small flower pot. And
you allow it to grow until it is about maybe four inches, three
inches high. Then you take it and you plant it in the big veld
(grassland). You can make a big garden, maybe twenty acres or so
and you plant there. They just grow. There are farmers who have
already planted them but they are too few. This is a world
emergency and we must not be selfish.
In the last few years or so there has been many claims made by
people about plants and herbs, which they say are beneficial in
the fight against aids. Some of these claims have proven to be
false and at best have proven to be exaggerations. But in South
Africa there is plan, which is on the brink of extinction.
This plant is called by white people in English 'Suderlandia
Fructosate'. This plant is also called by the Afrikaans people
'kankerbos', which means cancer bush or 'kalkoenbos', which means
turkey bush. Now this plant was known in South Africa and other
parts of Sub-Saharan Africa for thousands of years. It was an
anti-depressant, it was appetite booster, it was also and still is
a dramatic booster of the human immune system.
For many years African people and Xhoi-xhoi people and Xhoi-san
people as well as Bantu people used this plant in the fight
against cancer, and it was very effective there, and it still is.
And they used it also in the fight against diseases like
tuberculosis before there was streptomycin and other drugs to
fight tuberculosis.
In the old days when ordinary venereal disease like gonorrhea,
syphilis and others were as incurable as Aids is today, our people
used this plant to fight those diseases. If they had not had this
plant, the black people of Southern Africa would have been
destroyed just as the Australian Aborigines were destroyed, and
other races of aboriginal people in other parts of the world were
brought to extinction by diseases brought in from Europe.
Now, we have found... me and a group of doctors, that it is having
a dramatic impact in creating a better quality of life. People
with full-blown aids, people who had been sent home to die find a
better quality of life within the space of a month or a fortnight.
I do not claim that this plant, dramatic as the results are is the
cure for Aids.
I say it is a stopgap, which must be used by all human kind in
order to halt the disease of Aids. Until such a time as the
pharmaceutical scientists can come up with a real cure, a cure
which is not at all toxic. I say that this plant 'Suderlandia' is
not at all toxic. One 'Suderlandia plant' is capable of treating
10 people, and we need plantations of this plant.
There is hope, a little ray of hope, a green ray of hope,
emanating from South Africa, and I call on all human fellow human
beings to make it larger, to spread hope throughout the world. I
challenge you to create a safer, healthier world."
Sutherlandia frutescens (L.) R.Br.
Family: Fabaceae ( pea & bean family/Leguminosae)
Common names: sutherlandia, cancer bush, balloon pea (Eng.);
umnwele(Xhosa & Zulu); kankerbos, blaasbossie, blaas-ertjie,
eendjies, gansiekeurtjie, klappers, hoenderbelletjie (Afr.)
Sutherlandia frutescens, is a much-respected and long-used
medicinal plant that is also an attractive garden plant, and has
been cultivated in gardens for many years, for its fine form,
striking colour and luminous flowers.
Sutherlandia is an attractive small, soft wooded shrublet, 0.5 to
1 m in height. The leaves are pinnately compound . The leaflets
are 4-10 mm long, grey-green in colour, giving the bush a silvery
appearance. They have a very bitter taste.
The flowers are orange-red, up to 35 mm long, and are carried in
short racemes in the leaf axils at the tips of the branches in
spring to mid-summer (September - December).Flower close up The
flowers are not typical 'pea' flowers, the wing petals are very
small and are concealed in the calyx, and the standard petal is
much shorter than the keel.
The fruit is a large, bladder-like, papery inflated pod and is
almost transparent. It can be used in dry flower arrangements as
it dries well, maintaining its colour and form.
Sunbirds pollinate the attractive, butterfly-like red flowers. The
lightweight, papery, inflated pods enable the seed to be dispersed
easily by wind. Stock browse the foliage.
Ecologically legumes are well known for fixing nitrogen in the
soil through a symbiotic relationship with bacteria. The bacteria
infect the roots, forming small growths or nodules. Inside the
nodules, atmospheric nitrogen, which the plants cannot use, is
converted to ammonia, which plants can use. The plant supplies
sugars for the bacteria, while the bacteria provide the
biologically useful nitrogen that the plant absorbs.
Sutherlandia frutescens occurs naturally throughout the dry parts
of southern Africa, in Western Cape and up the west coast as far
north as Namibia and into Botswana, and in the western Karoo to
Eastern Cape. It shows remarkable variation within its
Derivation of name and historical aspects
The genus Sutherlandia is so closely related to Lessertia and some
botanists consider that it should be sunk in to Lessertia. This
species is sometimes called Lessertia frutescens. The genus
Sutherlandia was named after James Sutherland, ?1639-1719, first
Superintendent of the Edinburgh Botanic Garden. The genus
Lessertia is named after Jules Paul Benjamin de Lessert,
1773-1847, a French industrialist, banker, amateur botanist and
owner of an important private herbarium used by De Candolle. The
species name frutescens means bushy in Latin.
Pods Sutherlandia frutescens has many common names. It has become
widely known as sutherlandia, The name cancer bush, kankerbos,
comes from its reputation as a cure for cancer. The names
balloon-pea, blaasbossie or blaas-ertjie (meaning bladder-bush or
bladder-pea) all refer to the inflated, bladder-like fruits. The
name klapper (meaning rattle) is a name applied to many species
whose seeds rattle about in the mature, dry pods. The name
hoenderbelletjie is in reference to the bright red flowers that
are suggestive of the wattles (belletjies) of a fowl (hoender).
The names eendjies and gansiekeurtjie are in reference to the
inflated fruits which float on water and which are used by
children as toy ducks (eendjies) and toy geese (gansies). Keurtjie
is an old name applied mainly to species of Podalyria and
occasionally to Sutherlandia and used as far back as 1680, derived
from the Dutch keur meaning 'the pick of' or 'choice' in reference
to their showy flowers. The Zulu name unwele means 'hair' -
alluding to the fact that the plant stops people 'pulling out
their hair' with distress.
The Fabaceae (pea & bean or pod-bearing family) is the second
largest flowering plant family. It contains more than 600 genera
and 12 000 species and is found throughout the world. In southern
Africa this family is represented by 134 genera and more than 1
300 species.
The genus Sutherlandia, which has since been sunk in Lessertia,
used to contain only 5 species, widespread throughout southern
Africa. The genus Lessertia, which now includes Sutherlandia, is
widely distributed in Africa, consists of ± 60 species, with ± 50
in southern Africa.
There are other closely related species that are often confused
with Sutherlandia frutescens, these are Sutherlandia montana the
mountain cancer bush, Sutherlandia microphylla commonly known as
bitterblaar or grootgansiesbos, and Sutherlandia tomentosa, also
known as eendjies or rooikeurtjie.
Bush with dry pods
Uses and cultural aspects:
This plant is one of the most talked about in the ethnobotanical
world because it has a strong reputation as a cure for cancer and
now increasingly as an immune booster in the treatment of
HIV/AIDS. Research on its properties is ongoing.
It has long been known, used and respected as a medicinal plant in
southern Africa. The original inhabitants of the Cape, the Khoi
San and Nama people, used it mainly as a decoction for the washing
of wounds and took it internally to bring down fevers. The early
colonists regarded it as giving successful results in the
treatment of chicken pox, stomach problems, and in the treatment
of internal cancers. It is also known to have been used in the
treatment of eye troubles, the eyes being bathed with a decoction
of the plant. It continues to be used to this day as a remedy for
the above-mentioned ailments. It is still used as a wash for
wounds, to bring down fevers, to treat chicken pox, for internal
cancers, and farm workers in the Cape still use it to treat eye
troubles. It is also used to treat colds, 'flu, asthma, TB,
bronchitis, rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis and osteo-arthritis,
liver problems, haemorrhoids, piles, bladder, uterus &
'women's' complaints, diarrhoea & dysentery, stomach ailments,
heartburn, peptic ulcers, backache, diabetes, varicose veins and
inflammation. It is also used in the treatment of mental and
emotional stress, including irritability, anxiety and depression
and is used as a gentle tranquillizer. It is said to be a useful
bitter tonic and that a little taken before meals will aid
digestion and improve the appetite. It is considered to be a good
general medicine.
There is as yet no scientific support for the numerous claims and
anecdotes that this plant can cure cancer, but there is
preliminary clinical evidence that it has a direct anti-cancer
effect in some cancers and that it acts as an immune stimulant.
Sutherlandia should not be regarded as a miracle cure for cancer,
its real benefits are as a tonic that will assist the body to
mobilize its own resources to cope with the illness. It is known
to decrease anxiety and irritability and to elevate the mood.
Cancer patients, as well as TB and AIDS patients, lose weight and
tend to waste away. Sutherlandia dramatically improves the
appetite and wasted patients start to gain weight. It is also
known to improve energy levels and gives an enhanced sense of
well-being. It is hoped that treatment with sutherlandia will
delay the progression of HIV into AIDS, and even remission of the
disease is hoped for.
Growing Sutherlandia frutescens
Seeds in dry podSutherlandia is fast growing and easy to grow, but
short-lived as a garden subject. It is a tough, hardy plant that
does well in full sun and tolerates all soil types. It occurs both
in summer and winter rainfall regions, and is quite drought
tolerant so does not require much watering. When growing it in
containers, make sure that it is well drained and don't
over-water. The plant is also quite pest resistant. Plants seed
themselves readily, so that as the older plants start to look past
their best they can be removed.
It makes interesting temporary filler in the mixed border, rockery
or shrubbery, especially if it is planted in groups or en masse.
It is also a good contrast foliage plant against a green backdrop
and can be used effectively to punctuate a soft landscape
planting. It is also a must for the herb garden. It grows well in
containers, and can be used as a temporary decoration for the
patio or courtyard. Because they are fast and tough, they also
work quite well as pioneers in a new garden, where they give cover
and colour while the slower growing perennials get going.
The cancer bush seeds itself readily, and grows easily from seed.
Sow in autumn or spring in well-drained soil. Germination is
improved if seeds are left to soak for about 4 hours or overnight
in water hot enough for you to put your hand in. We have found
that many members of the pea & bean family are susceptible to
pre-emergence damping off. Using sterile soil and treating the
seed with the Apron (a.i. metalaxyl) effectively combats fungal
infection. Keep the seed trays warm (not hot) and damp but not
wet. Germination should occur in 2 to 3 weeks and seedlings can be
transplanted as soon as they are large enough to handle. Planting
the plants close together in groups of 3 or 5 will give you a
fuller, more attractive bush.
GOLDBLATT, P. & MANNING, J.C. 2000. Cape
plants. A conspectus of the Cape flora of South Africa. Strelitzia
9. National Botanical Institute, Pretoria & Missouri Botanical
Garden Press, Missouri.
JACKSON, W.P.U. 1990. Origins and meanings of
names of South African plant genera. U.C.T. Printing Dept., Cape
LEISTNER, O.A. (ed.) 2000. Seed plants of
southern Africa: families and genera, Strelitzia 10. National
Botanical Institute, Pretoria.
POOLEY, E. 1998. A field guide to wild flowers
KwaZulu-Natal and the Eastern Region. Natal Flora Publications
Trust, Durban.
ROBERTS, M. 1990. Indigenous healing plants.
Southern Book Publishers, Halfway House, Gauteng, South Africa.
SMITH, C.A. 1966. Common names of South African
plants. Memoirs of the Botanical Survey of South Africa No. 35.
Dept. of Agricultural Technical Services, Pretoria.
GERICKE, N. 1997. Medicinal plants of South Africa. Briza
Publications, Pretoria.
VAN WYK, B-E. & GERICKE, N. 2000. People's
plants. A guide to useful plants of southern Africa. Briza
Publications, Pretoria.
J Ethnopharmacol. 2005 Jan 4;96(1-2):113-9.
Anti-HIV activities of organic and aqueous
extracts of Sutherlandia frutescens and Lobostemon trigonus.
Harnett SM, Oosthuizen V, van de Venter M.
Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology, University of Port
Elizabeth, PO Box 1600, Port Elizabeth, 6000 South Africa.
A screening process was applied to extracts made from Sutherlandia
frutescens (L.) R. Br (Fabaceae) and Lobostemon trigonus
(Boraginaceae) as identified by the Botany Department, University
of Port Elizabeth to detect if any of the extracts inhibited the
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). For purposes of dereplication,
sulphated polysaccharides were removed and bovine serum albumin
(BSA) was included in the assays to adsorb non-specific tannins
potentially present. In the reverse transcriptase (RT) assay, an
aqueous extract of the Lobostemon leaves inhibited HIV-1 RT with
an IC50 value of 49 microg/ml, while in the protease assay no
inhibition was seen. In the alpha- and beta-glucosidase assays, no
significant inhibition was seen with the inclusion of BSA,
indicating tannin-based inhibitory effects on these two enzymes.
The beta-glucuronidase inhibitory activity, however, was retained
in the presence of BSA. The study shows that Sutherlandia extracts
contain inhibitory compounds active against HIV target enzymes,
while aqueous Lobostemon leaf extracts contain a potent HIV-1 RT
inhibitor, thus showing a potential mechanistic action of these
plants in aiding HIV-positive patients.
J Ethnopharmacol. 2004 Nov;95(1):1-5.
The antioxidant potential of Sutherlandia
Fernandes AC, Cromarty AD, Albrecht C, van Rensburg CE.
Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Health Sciences, University
of Pretoria, PO Box 2034, Pretoria 0001, South Africa.
One of the best-known multi-purpose medicinal plants in Southern
Africa, Sutherlandia frutescens subsp. microphylla (family:
Fabaceae/Leguminosa), is used for a wide range of conditions,
including cancer, viral diseases and inflammatory conditions.
Little scientific data has been documented on the mechanism by
which Sutherlandia frutescens acts on the immune system. Phagocyte
derived reactive oxygen species, such as hydrogen peroxide and
superoxide radicals, are responsible for the pathogenesis of
various inflammatory conditions. Anti-inflammatory properties of
various medicinal-plant extracts have been explained, at least in
part, by their antioxidant activities. We investigated the effects
of a hot water extract of Sutherlandia frutescens on both luminol
and lucigenin enhanced chemiluminescence of neutrophils stimulated
with L-formyl-L-methionyl-L-leucyl-L-phenylalanine (FMLP) as well
as its superoxide and hydrogen peroxide scavenging properties in a
cell free system. The results indicate that Sutherlandia
frutescens extract possesses superoxide as well as hydrogen
peroxide scavenging activities at concentrations as low as 10
microg/ml, which could account for some of the anti-inflammatory
properties that have been described.
Methods Find Exp Clin Pharmacol. 2004 Jul-Aug;26(6):409-16.
Analgesic, antiinflammatory and
hypoglycemic effects of Sutherlandia frutescens R. BR.
(variety Incana E. MEY.) [Fabaceae] shoot aqueous extract.
Ojewole JA.
Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Health Sciences, University
of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa.
Previous studies on the pharmacology of South African medicinal
plants in our laboratories and elsewhere have shown that some
plants possess therapeutic attributes. One such ethnomedically
useful plant is Sutherlandia frutescens R. BR. (family: Fabaceae).
S. frutescens is widely used in South African traditional medicine
for the management and/or control of a plethora of human ailments.
In order to scientifically appraise some of the ethnomedical uses
of S. frutescens, the present study was undertaken to investigate
the analgesic, antiinflammatory and antidiabetic properties of the
plant's shoot aqueous extract in experimental animal models. The
analgesic effect of the herb's shoot extract was evaluated using
the hot-plate and acetic acid test models of pain in mice, while
the antiinflammatory and hypoglycemic effects of the plant's shoot
aqueous extract were investigated in rats, using fresh egg
albumin-induced pedal (paw) edema, and streptozotocin
(STZ)-induced diabetes mellitus. Diclofenac (100 mg/kg) and
chlorpropamide (250 mg/kg) were used, respectively, as reference
drugs for comparison. S. frutescens shoot aqueous extract (50-800
mg/kg i.p.) produced significant (p < 0.05-0.001) analgesic
effects against thermally- and chemically-induced nociceptive pain
stimuli in mice. The plant extract (50-800 mg/kg p.o. or i.p.)
also significantly (p < 0.05-0.001) inhibited fresh egg
albumin-induced acute inflammation and caused significant (p <
0.05-0.001) hypoglycemia in rats. The various chemical
constituents and secondary metabolites of the herb are speculated
to account for the observed analgesic, antiinflammatory and
hypoglycemic effects of the plant. The results of this
experimental animal study suggest that S. frutescens shoot aqueous
extract possesses analgesic, antiinflammatory, and hypoglycemic
properties, and thus lend pharmacological credence to the
suggested folkloric uses of the herb in the management and/or
control of painful, arthritic and other inflammatory conditions,
as well as for adult-onset, type-2 diabetes mellitus in some
communities of South Africa.
J Ethnopharmacol. 2005 Apr 8;98(1-2):163-70.
Sutherlandia frutescens extracts can induce
apoptosis in cultured carcinoma cells.
Chinkwo KA.
Laboratory of Biochemistry, Department of Biotechnology,
University of the Western Cape, Private Bag X17, Bellville 7535,
Cape Town, South Africa.
Sutherlandia frutescens popularly known as cancer bush is endemic
to Southern Africa. Whole plant parts have been used and
traditional healers claim that it can treat cancer. In this study
it is shown that a crude aqueous Sutherlandia frutescens whole
plant extract induced cytotoxicity in neoplastic cells (cervical
carcinoma) and CHO (Chinese Hamster Ovary cells) cell lines.
Morphological observation and monitoring with other biological
assays involving chromatin condensation as well as phosphotidyl
serine externalisation point to apoptotic responses. Further
biochemical assays showed similar DNA fragmentation patterns
induced by Sutherlandia frutescens extracts compared to other
inducers of apoptosis such as staurosporine and ceramide.
Furthermore, Sutherlandia frutescens extracts induced apoptosis
was confirmed by flow cytometric analysis. These findings warrant
further research with a view to develop Sutherlandia frutescens
extracts for use in anti-cancer therapy.
AIDS. 2005 Jan 3;19(1):95-97.
Impact of African herbal medicines on
antiretroviral metabolism.
Mills E, Foster BC, Heeswijk RV, Phillips E, Wilson K,
Leonard B, Kosuge K, Kanfer I.
Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, McMaster
University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
University of British Columbia, British Columbia Centre for
Excellence in HIV/AIDS, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Division of Infectious Diseases, Ottawa General Hospital, Ottawa,
Ontario, Canada
Department of Medicine, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario,
Canadian College of Naturapathic Medicine, Toronto, Ontario,
Faculty of Pharmacy, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa.
We examined the effects of two African herbal medicines
recommended for HIV/AIDS patients on antiretroviral metabolism.
Extracts from Hypoxis and Sutherlandia showed significant effects
on cytochrome P450 3A4 metabolism and activated the pregnane X
receptor approximately twofold. P-glycoprotein expression was
inhibited, with Hypoxis showing 42-51% and Sutherlandia showing
19-31% of activity compared with verapamil. Initiating policies to
provide herbal medicines with antiretroviral agents may put
patients at risk of treatment failure, viral resistance or drug
J Ethnopharmacol. 2004
In vitro culture studies of Sutherlandia
frutescens on human tumor cell lines.
Tai J, Cheung S, Chan E, Hasman D.
Departments of Pathology and Pediatrics, Center for Complementary
Medicine Research, BC's Research Institute for Children's and
Women's Health, University of British Columbia, 4480 Oak Street,
Vancouver, BC, Canada V5Z 4H4.
Sutherlandia frutescens is a South African herb used traditionally
by the natives to treat cancer, and more recently to improve the
overall health in HIV/AIDS patients. Gas chromatography/mass
spectrometer profiling and liquid chromatographic/mass spectral
investigation confirmed and quantified the presence of canavanine,
GABA and arginine in the herbal preparation used in this study. In
vitro study demonstrated a concentration dependent effect of
Sutherlandia on several tumor cell lines, with 50% inhibition
(IC50) of proliferation of MCF7, MDA-MB-468, Jurkat and HL60 cells
at 1/250, 1/200, 1/150 and 1/200 dilutions, respectively.
Sutherlandia treatment did not induce HL60 differentiation along
the macrophage/monocyte or granulocyte lineage. It demonstrated
antioxidant activity in reducing free radical cations with an
estimated activity of 0.5 microl of Sutherlandia extract
equivalent to that of 10 microM of Trolox. However, it did not
significantly suppress lipopolysaccharide stimulated nitric oxide
production by murine macrophage/monocyte RAW 264.7 cells, nor did
it significantly inhibit IL-1beta and TNF-alpha mRNA expression in
RAW 264.7 cells. In conclusion, Sutherlandia ethanolic extract
showed a concentration dependent antiproliferative effect on
several human tumor cell lines but did not show significant
antioxidant effects. Further studies are needed to explore the
activities of this multipurpose South African herbal preparation.