Ram Pump
The Lord’s Pump Project by Al
by Aaron Murakami
Ram Pumps can pump water to a decent height powered by nothing
other than the movement of the water that its sitting in. Yes, it
is a true free energy pump since we don’t have to pay for energy
to run it, but it has its limitations. The volume of water that it
moves is not very much and there is a limit to the height.
This is where Al Throckmorton’s development in this area not only
shines, but completely reinvents the ram pump into something that
was never thought possible.
Al Throckmorton’s Pump
The pump consists of a chamber of water filled to a certain height
while electrolyzed water gas fills the area above the water. There
are two check valves so water can go into the chamber from one
direction and leave the chamber in another direction. When there
is enough water gas in the area above the water, a plasma ignition
is triggered, which ignites the water gas and this creates a very
high pressure explosion that pushes the water through the output
check valve at over 200 psi!
A pressure relief valve then opens to release that pressure so
more water can flow into it from the input check valve and the
cycle repeats. This allows water to be pushed up to great heights
under great pressure at a very high efficiency and the
implications are profound.
Here is one of the old prototypes blasting water into the air with
this process:
The Lord’s Pump Project by Al Throckmorton
Al Throckmorton gives an excellent presentation where he not only
shows a lot of videos with tests of his pump but also some papers
published with some very remarkable information about increasing
gas production from water. Get a copy here:
"Plasma Ignited Water Fuel Pushes Ram
Pump To New Heights Previously Thought Impossible!"
A long time humanitarian-minded energy science researcher with
humanitarian goals of bringing clean water to areas that need it.
Founder of The Lord’s Pump Project was an economist for
Hewlett-Packard and developed microwelding techniques, which makes
the microchip that we use today possible.
From: Al Throckmorton
Date: Saturday, February 20, 2016
RE: Lord's Pump Project
Dear Friend,
A small isolated village of 2500 people in northern Uganda without
potable water, electric power, access to fuel or funds asked for
The majority of the community is made up of grandmothers and their
grandchildren; their own sons and daughters having been massacred
in the great slaughter that occurred under their president Idi
Imin a number of years ago.
Christ Aid was raising funds to help the 150 or so grandmothers.
Water from a small mountain stream located miles away and behind a
500 ft. ridge was carried back to the village daily in 5 gallon
plastic pails.
Christ Aid asked for help. A survey revealed the following; at 10
gal/day/person was required. (100 gal, day is the US standard)
total 25,000/day. No power available. Limited funds. Plenty of
labor. Adequate water from the stream year around. Plastic pipe
was available and inexpensive. How to pump water 500 feet high to
the village?
As a consequence The Lord’s Pump Project was started. This
presentation presents the inspired answer: A plastic pump
operating at 260 psi using the water pumped as the fuel. The
plasma ignition system ignites this water gas pushing the water
out and up to heights thought to be impossible by conventional
This presentation also includes techniques for liberating
explosive gas from water as well the creation of other elements in
the plasma and the impact on our present model of the cosmos.
Pump Operation
George Wiseman Describes Al
Throckmorton's Overunity Water Pump at TeslaTech 2014
Al Throckmorton : The Lord's Water
Interview with the co-inventor of The Lord's Water Pump. Al
Throckmorton credits the Lord God as being the primary inventor of
this device, as well as the inspirational force behind many of his
best technological inventions.
Good progress has been made the past few months.
A plasma ignition system has been created that overcomes the
intermittent fouling of the standard auto spark plug ignition
system. The system has now operated several hours continuously
without difficulty.
Ongoing research has uncovered several improved techniques to
split water into explosive gas, decreasing the energy
Water Cannon :
The Anomalous Strength of Cold Fog
Explosions Caused by High Current Water Arcs
N. Graneau