Torsion Field Generator Patents
(II )
European Patent Office Advanced Search
See also : Torsion Fields ( I )
FIELD: medical engineering; protection of man against harmful
radiations. SUBSTANCE: concentrator has working member with body
of cavity-type structure in the form of dodecahedron combined with
pyramid. Working member is provided with modulators. Modulator may
be manufactured of ferromagnetic material and fitted with a drive.
The modulator drive is positioned outside body and coupled to
modulator by means of torsion shaft. Modulator may be made in the
form of circular generator of electromagnetic waves or
vacuumsphere. It may be removable with active element, for
example, infrared radiator installed in it. Modulator may be of
cross-like form made of silver. Working member body may be made of
dielectric, for example, dry cedar. At least one of body edges is
perforated and edge opposite to it has mirror surface.
Concentrator may be provided with screen made, for example, in the
form of ovoid. EFFECT: higher efficiency.
The present invention relates to devices used in the medtech and
ecology to protect people from pathogenic radiation.
Known concentrator field (RU 2012387 C1, 15.05.94), including the
operating element with the body cavity structure, equipped with
the modulators.
This hub allows you to create wave radiation, but the means for
focusing the generated radiation are missing.
The invention allows to form wave radiation, followed by focusing
it flow in a particular area, which increases its effectiveness.
This is achieved in that the hub of the field that contains the
operating element with the body in the form of a cavity structure,
equipped with modulators, abdominal structure is in the form of a
dodecahedron, combined with the pyramid.
Concentrator characterized in that the modulator is made of a
ferromagnetic material.
Concentrator characterized in that the modulator is provided with
a drive.
Concentrator characterized in that the drive is installed outside
the housing and is connected to the modulator torsion shaft.
Concentrator characterized in that the modulator is formed as an
annular electromagnetic field generator.
Concentrator characterized in that the static modulator is
designed as a vacuum areas such as light bulbs.
Concentrator characterized in that the modulator is removable,
with the possibility of its active element, such as an IR emitter.
Concentrator characterized in that the modulator is designed as a
cross shape, for example of silver.
Concentrator characterized in that the working body member is made
of a dielectric material, such as dry cedar, wherein at least one
of the faces of the housing is perforated, and the opposite face
is formed with a mirror surface.
Concentrator characterized in that the operating element and
modulators placed inside the shield made of, for example, in the
form of ovoids.
The curved surface of the cavity structure provides the imposition
of de Broglie waves inherent in the surface of any body (see. Eg,
GI Shipov "Theory of physical vacuum", M., NT-Center, 1993) and
forms a standing wave maxima of the increased total energy .
In this case the abdominal shape in the form of a source
dodecahedrons wave radiation, and ferromagnetic provide magnetic
modulators "pumping" and forming a directional flow of energy
(see., E.g., H.Alven "Space plasma", M., 1983).
By combining cavity structures with different types of modulators
(ferromagnetic, minerals, vacuum areas cruciform shape, biological
objects, IR emitters, laser, microwave radiators, a gas burner,
etc.) Hub provides cumulative effect of the above fields and
sources Radiation treatment to the object.
Impact focuses pyramid and performed during the activation, or
disintegration, which is determined by the direction of rotation
of the field in the concentrator (respectively "right" and "left"
The screen in the form of ovoid is a carrier of energy and battery
with a pronounced maximum field strength in the narrow part of the
ovoid (see., Eg, TE Gonikman "philosophy stone", "Santana", Minsk,
Performing the working body member cedar (i.e. energetically
active material) from the perforated surface at least one of the
faces of cavity structure coupled with its mirrored surface
opposite face provides additional modulation field at the output
of the concentrator.
Placing all elements of the hub inside the screen provides
Ecodefence the surrounding area from the effects of radiation, as
well as improving the efficiency of the hub by reducing external
Removal of the drive dynamic modulator of the body with the use of
a torsion shaft to drive the modulator to eliminate the creation
of internal interference.
Construction and operation of the hub illustrated by a drawing,
which shows a general view, and its basic elements.
The accepted designations: 1 - dodecahedron; 2 - the screen; 3 -
the pyramid; 4 - camera removable modulator; 5 - static
modulators; 6 - Vacuum sphere; 7 - ferrodynamic plate dynamic and
static modulators; 8 - Dynamic Drive modulator; 9 - rotating shaft
remote operator; 10 - remote operator; 11 - a fragment of the
coating of dielectric material with perforations of the casing.
Annular electromagnetic field generator separately not shown
because it is performed as an option actuator 8, but an open
Powered Hub fields as follows.
Before its application identified properties of the object of
This procedure is performed, for example, by a sensor Foll,
birefringent liquid sensor, etc.
Thereafter, the vertex of the pyramid with removable modulator
camera 4 focuses on the object of processing (not shown).
Then include drive 8 or 10 depending on the task activation or
With a time interval equal to the time of transients in a
processing object, check the rate of change of properties - for
example the degree of activation of water.
With insufficient change in the properties of water (or other
object processing) adapting processing mode by: - ??replacement of
the removable modulator or an active member; - Changes in speed
and direction of rotation of the field.
Experimental verification of the Hub held under the following
Work Items cavity structure and screen are made of a polymeric
material with the inner surface of a mirror.
As modulators used ferromagnetic plate, minerals, biological
objects (antlers, mummy, extracts of herbs and plants, musk deer
musk glands, BIOTON plate), as well as sources of infrared and
microwave radiation, a gas burner, a voltaic arc, and others.
Vacuum services also serve as static modulator and had parameters:
an outer diameter of 35 mm, internal 30 mm, wall thickness 2.5 mm,
the material - stainless soft magnetic steel, the degree of vacuum
of 10-5 Torr
It is shown that the most simple, everyday implementation is
provided by the use of light bulbs, such as a tungsten filament.
Application of remote drive the modulator eliminates interference
from the engine, which is most important when using a
hub-activated, ie, to create the right torsion field (right
This mode is designed for new medical products and liquids, as
well as suitable for direct patient care.
Generator annular electromagnetic field appropriate to apply modes
of disintegration, that is. E. To create a left torsion field
(left spinpolyarizatsiya) used, for example, for radiation
decontamination of pathogens and chemical contaminants.
Experiments have confirmed that the proposed concentrator field
provides a robust activation of water, availability of water to
new bioactive therapeutic properties determined by the ability to
apply modulators.
The invention relates to medical engineering and is intended for
storage space bioenergetic radiation.
Known bioenergy radiation generator comprising a metal-halogen
lamp with reflector - chilled mirror in the shape of a sphere or a
paraboloid, infrared and ultraviolet filter, polarizer [1].
The disadvantage of this generator is the low intensity of
bioenergy radiation and the polarization of light.
Considered the closest analogues of the present invention is to
optomagnetic apparatus comprising a lamp, fitted with a lens
interference layer, a reflector 4 and a system of permanent
magnets of an alloy of cobalt with lanthanide [2].
The disadvantage of this device is the lack of optomagnetic
accumulation bioenergy radiation and low intensity.
The aim of the invention is to increase the intensity of bioenergy
The goal is achieved by the constant introduced in time and
variable-axis filament lamp magnetic field magnetic coils and
accumulation of bioenergy radiation pyramidal battery of a
nonmagnetic material.
Comparative analysis of the claimed solution over the prototype
shows that the proposed apparatus is characterized by having
optomagnetic pyramidal battery of a nonmagnetic material and
inductors mounted on its lateral faces.
The drawing shows a diagram optomagnetic apparatus.
The proposed apparatus consists optomagnetic (FIG. 11) of the
battery 1 pyramidal magnetic material having an axis lying on the
axis of the filament lamp 2 and the angle of divergence of 60 ° to
the faces of the pyramid, the inductance coil 3 located on the
outer side of the four side faces of the pyramid and the battery 1
having a triangular shape, the oscillator 4 amplitude-phase
modulation, the output of which is connected to the terminals of
coils 3, the filament of the lamp 2 is placed at a point on the
axis of the pyramidal battery 1, the volume of dividing it into
two equal parts, the number of turns in the magnetic coils is 1 -
To create the effect of bioenergy use is optimal for the human
body to the luminous flux of the surface energy of 120 mW / cm2,
obtained by metal-halogen lamp 2, 300 W, and a pulsed magnetic
field strength of 0.016 A / m, causing a positive stimulating
effect on tissue cells.
Pyramid battery is made of carbon fiber epoxy UGET T-thickness of
5 mm from the side of the square base of the pyramid of 500 mm.
The diameter of the magnetic coils is 0.343 mm2.
The magnetic coil current flows force 0.015 A and forms a
pulsating variable in time and the axis of the filament lamp 2
electromagnetic field inside the pyramid battery 1 with a strength
of 0.016 A / m.
The interaction of light flux lamp 2 and the magnetic field of the
magnetic coil 3 forms and accumulates in the accumulator 1
pyramidal secondary wave radioestezicheskoy nature used for
therapeutic purposes under the influence on biological objects.
Radioestezicheskim radiation is called radiation, causing
biolocation effect.
Or, in other reaction body operator to change the parameters of
this radiation in the search.
Prolonged exposure to its unregulated per person (for example, in
areas gepatogennyh) may cause significant harm to health.
At the same time, the skillful use of it is successfully used in
therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, to correct bioenergetic
condition of the body, activate the vitality and creativity.
For optimum interaction of light and magnetic field lamp 2 is set
so that the filament was bioenergetic focus pyramidal accumulator
Bioenergy focus pyramid is at a point lying on the axis of the
pyramid and dividing its volume into two equal parts.
Regulation radioestezicheskogo radiation to make changes in the
magnetic field in amplitude and frequency using the oscillator 4.
The intensity of the radiation radioestezicheskogo regulate the
amount of included magnetic coils in the coils, which total in the
magnetic coil was 1 - 4.
Technical and economic efficiency of the proposed invention
consists in the fact that as a result a new principle and an
embodiment of its design it is possible to significantly increase
the intensity of the radiation bioenergetic that significantly
enhance the therapeutic effect.
Inventor(s): NEGANOV V A; SALMANOV A N +
FIELD: power production, in particular, for medical equipment,
agriculture, communication, computer engineering. SUBSTANCE:
device is designed as set of emitters of electromagnetic waves of
same frequency with narrow beam pattern. Emitters are located in
vertices of geometric figure which serves as source of torsion
radiation. Emitters which are directed outside of geometric figure
are arranged to achieve coincidence of points of equal phases of
electromagnetic waves generated by these emitters and vertices of
source figure of radiation source. EFFECT: increased power of
torsion radiation.
The invention relates to the problem of obtaining new sources of
energy and can be used in medicine, agriculture,
telecommunications, bioinformatics, and so on. D.
One class of natural sources of torsion fields along with
electromagnetic fields is a wide range of shapes, formed by
various substances [1].
According to the model of the physical vacuum Akimov AE, Tarasenko
V. Ya can assume that the response to the topological disturbance
of the physical vacuum is a redistribution of the torsional
potential in the vicinity of the body, which compensates for this
As a result, in a neighborhood of the body of the linear
distortion of the spatial structure of the physical vacuum is
offset by redistribution said torsion potentials, so that with
respect to the outer space of the neighborhood is an internal body
samokompensirovannoy area [2].
Known chronal (torsion) generator formed by a wooden frame in the
form of 16-sided regular polygon of about 3 m with four
electrodes, to which a DC voltage from 60 kV to 300 kV. [3]
This device reduces its mass due to repulsion from the ground, it
chronal (torsion) field accelerates the chemical reaction, reduces
fuel consumption in an internal combustion engine almost twice
that increases the growth rate of plants and their size by 2 - 10
times, and generates a lot of other interesting effects [3 ].
It is known that the radiation power of torsion associated with
the size of the form.
At larger sizes and shapes concentrates more power radiation [1].
For example, the power chronal radiation in a giant pyramid of
Cheops is much more than its models, smaller properties are used
for the storage of perishable products, maintaining the sharpness
of razors and razor blades. [4]
The purpose of the invention - increase the capacity of the
torsion radiation.
The goal is achieved as follows.
A set of emitters of electromagnetic waves of the same frequency
with a narrow radiation pattern is placed in all the tops of the
geometrical shape, which is the source of torsion (chronal)
Emitters with a narrow beam pattern are arranged so that at any
given time point identical phases of electromagnetic waves from
them is a vertex of the original shape - the radiation source.
As an example, consider the torsional oscillator formed 5th
directional source of electromagnetic waves with a narrow
radiation pattern arranged at the vertices of a regular pyramid
whose base is a square with the following relations (see. Figure).
In the drawings: U1, U2, U3, U4, U5 - directed emitters; A, B, C,
D, E - the vertex of the pyramid, which are emitters; A ', B', C
', D', E '- points of different phases of the EM wave through time
h = 0,63a, l = 0,95a (1), where h - height; l - lateral edge; a -
at the bottom side of a square pyramid.
Let aimed radiators are excited in phase and oriented in space in
such a way that the transmission point of the same phase of the
electromagnetic waves on the directions of the maximum
transmission power of the emitters at each time form a pyramid,
which is valid for the edges of (1).
Chance pulse mode torsion generator when directed emitters
simultaneously emit pulses of electromagnetic field.
The effectiveness of the proposed solution can be explained as
In the propagation of electromagnetic waves from emitters in the
medium with speed V the geometric dimensions of the pyramid will
be increasing all the time and thus will increase the power of
torsion radiation while increasing the space in which to
accumulate torsion (chronal) energy.
Application of the torsion oscillator depends on the information
that will be incorporated into the torsion radiation.
Possible application areas: communications, agriculture, various
processes, medicine.
Akimov AE, Tarasenko BJ Models of polarized states of physical
vacuum // Math.
Universities, Physics, 1992, N 3, p.
13 - 23.
Veinik AI Thermodynamics of real processes. - Mn .: Navuka:
tehnika, 1991, p.
Ravatin J. instrument for strengthening emissions caused by forms:
Patent N 2.421.531 on 13.07.1978 (France).
Drbal K. method of maintaining sharpness of razors and shaving
fields: Patent N 91304 (Czechoslovakia).
Inventor(s): LEE YONG WON [KR]; I EUN JAE [KR]
A space energy amplification generator using a space energy
implosion unit is provided to make a practical use of space energy
or torsion field of the universe in a direct or indirect manner by
using a specific geometric pattern. An energy amplification
generator comprises: a 1st geometric structure(110) composed of
seven pieces of septagonal shape planar structures layered in
order; a 2nd geometric structure(120) composed of seven septagonal
pyramid shape solid structures(2), a plate structure(140) for
supporting the 1st geometric structure; a plurality of
partitioning structures installed between the 1st geometric
structure, between the 1st and 2nd geometric structures, and
between the 1st geometric structure and the plate structure,
respectively; a casing(50) provided with a cover(51) having a
radiation hole(52) on the top to radiate space energy; and a
fastening part(63) including a bolt(63a) fastened by a nut(64).

Figure 1 is an exploded perspective view of a space energy eungpok
unit according to the invention,
Figure 2 is a perspective view showing by extracting the different
forms of the three-dimensional structure employed in Figure 1,
Figure 3 shows a first embodiment of space energy eungpok
radiation device according to the invention,
In Fig 4 shows, a perspective view showing by extracting a first
geometrical structure,
In Figure 3 Figure 5 is, a perspective view showing by extracting
a second geometrical structure,
Figure 6 is a perspective view showing by extracting a different
second geometric shape of the structure of Figure 3,
In Fig. 7 is a second geometrical structure, the first to extract
the stacked structure of the geometric structure, plate structure
and away from the structure diagram showing,
8 is a diagram illustrating a second example of the spatial energy
eungpok emission device according to the invention,
In Fig 9 is a perspective view showing by extracting a first
geometrical structure,
In Fig 10 is a perspective view showing by extracting a second
geometrical structure,
Figure 11 is a perspective view showing by extracting a different
second geometric shape of the structure of Figure 8,
In Figure 8, a 12, a second geometrical structure, by extracting a
laminate structure of a first geometrical structure, plate
structure and away from the structure diagram showing,
13 is a view showing the number of a view showing the contents of
Table 1 in a graph, the processing can take place prior to the
subject of energy,
Figure 14 is a view showing the number of subjects in a view
showing the contents of Table 2 as a graph, the processing can
take place after the energy Erythema symptoms,
15 is a diagram showing the contents of Table 2 as a graph, space
energy treatment after Edema / Papulation shows the number of
subjects taking the symptoms, also,
16 is a diagram showing the contents of Table 2 as a graph, space
energy treatment Oozing shows the number of subjects after taking,
17 is a diagram showing the contents of Table 2 as a graph, space
energy treatment Excoriation shows the number of subjects after
18 is a diagram showing the contents of Table 2 as a graph, the
energy treatment space shows the number of subjects after taking
Description of the Related Art
1 ...
Flat structures 1a ...
Flat recess
2 ...
Three-dimensional structures 2a ...
Three-dimensional recess
2 '...
Three-dimensional structures 2a '...
Flat plate
2b '...
Sub-three-dimensional structure 2c '...
Three-dimensional recess
3 ...
Apart structures 3a ...
Incision Home
10 ...
The first geometrical structures 20, 20 '...
The second geometrical structure
40 ...
43 structure plate ...
Plate hole
50 ...
Case 51 ...
52 ...
53 four room ...
Cases hole
63 ...
Fixing members 63a ...
64 ...
Nuts 110 ...
The first geometrical structure
120, 120, ...
The second geometrical structure 140 ...
Plate Structure
143 ...
Plate hole
The present invention relates to space and space energy unit
energy eungpok eungpok using him spinning device to become
available, directly or indirectly, by the fullness of eungpok
feeble energy in the universe.
The Newtonian mechanics to define the nature of the particles of
the substance was dominated by the classical science, the nature
of the substance as quantum mechanics and relativity theory
established before and after the 1900 found that particles as well
as waves also can understand.
For example, it was understandable that could not touch the energy
E = mc2 energy is converted into substances that can be touched by
the expression of.
The position x and momentum p of the particle by the Heisenberg
uncertainty principle of quantum mechanics, the base will have a
value that is not confirmed at the same time subject to
restrictions from one another by both the uncertainty (?x?p=h / 2p
(h is Planck constant)) This material and non-material particle
wave was able to separate targets that can not be called new
thinking as understanding.
From this space is made of material with a non-material, material
it can be accepted as a fact is apparent that the energy can be
converted to the non-substance.
Meanwhile, Russia 1990 seconds scientist Dr. GIShipov (1998 US
Electric Association (American Biographic Institute) selected 500
of the most influential leaders in the crazy in the 20th century
by a) find that the energy handaraneun response to any particular
geometric shape, The energy field was the force of the third
non-gravity or an electromagnetic force, that was named LA
tosyeonjang (torsion field) or space energy (sapce energy).
Tosyeonjang (space energy), all materials as well as the rotating
electric or magnetic, and the resonance effect of the means of
mutual influence, or light that results in rotation of the
This space is very weak energy but which is filled in the space,
measuring the electromagnetic field existing in a very weak
because it is not measured.
However, its presence has been confirmed by the space and the
electromagnetic field energy in the material leaving traces
This space energy is applied to medicine, new treatments and new
discipline called quantum medicine is the emergence, in developed
countries such as the United States or France, is the situation in
the energy space and the tremendous support research in order to
study the effect in vivo .
In this manner, the space that is filled with the material and
energy translating, research and development is to be used for the
real spatial energy (tosyeonjang) caused by the specific geometry
of the situation is going on in full in many countries.
The present invention has been devised in order to reflect the
trend as described above, to be in place to use the energy eungpok
particular geometry of the space available energy effectively fill
the space, either directly or indirectly, the energy in the real
space by eungpok eungpok to provide a space eungpok energy
radiation device using the unit and him for the purpose.
In order to achieve the above object, according to the invention
energy eungpok space plane unit structure having positive heptagon
shape is cut to leave a continuous from the center to gajina
implemented entirely flat recess (1a) to (1); As being installed
to be spaced apart on top of the planar structure (1), the
three-dimensional cutting gap is implemented to leave a series of
incisions from the center gajina the information 7 pyramid shape
as a whole (2a) having a three-dimensional structure (2); And as
to the spacing between the planar structure (1) and the
three-dimensional structure 2, the planar structure (1) smaller
than the area of ??the three-dimensional structure spaced
formations (2) (3); characterized in that it comprises a.
In order to achieve the above object, a first embodiment of the
spatial energy eungpok radiation according to the present
invention having such a rectangular shape as a whole tablet 7 is
cut to leave the gajina continuous from the center plane
implementation recess (1a) and, planar structure (1) 5 sheets of
each vertex of the flat recess (1a) is arranged in a plane so as
to each contact with a first geometrical structure is implemented
(10); Each are installed as spaced apart on top of the planar
structure (1), the three-dimensional structure (2) having five
forward 7 gajina the pyramid shape is cut from the center to leave
a series of three-dimensional implementation of the cutting gap
(2a) as a whole, Each vertex of the three-dimensional cutting gap
(2a) is arranged in a plane so as to each contact with a second
geometrical structure to be implemented (20); And as to the
spacing between the first geometrical structure 10 and the second
geometrical structure 20, disposed between the plane structure (1)
and the three-dimensional structure (2) and the flat structure (1)
and the three-dimensional structure (2 ) smaller than the area of
??a plurality of spaced structures (3); it characterized in that
it comprises a.
In order to achieve the above object, a second embodiment of the
space eungpok energy radiation according to the present invention
having such a rectangular shape as a whole tablet 7 is cut to
leave the gajina continuous from the center plane implementation
recess (1a) and, planar structure (1) 7 sheets, each vertex of the
flat recess (1a) is arranged in a plane so as to each contact with
a first geometrical structure is implemented (110); Each are
installed as spaced apart on top of the planar structure (1), the
three-dimensional structure (2) having seven positive 7 gajina the
pyramid shape is cut from the center to leave a series of
three-dimensional implementation of the cutting gap (2a) as a
whole, Each vertex of the three-dimensional cutting gap (2a) is
arranged in a plane so as to each contact with a second
geometrical structure to be implemented (120); And as to the
spacing between the first geometrical structure 110 and the second
geometrical structure 120, the plane structure (1) and provided
between the three-dimensional structure (2) and the flat structure
(1) and the three-dimensional structure (2 ) smaller than the area
of ??a plurality of spaced structures (3); it characterized in
that it comprises a.
Hereinafter, with reference to the accompanying drawings preferred
embodiments of the room unit, and a space energy eungpok eungpok
energy radiation device using the same according to the present
invention will be described in detail.
1 is an exploded perspective view of a space energy eungpok unit
according to the invention, Figure 2 is a perspective view taken
of the three-dimensional structure of another embodiment is
employed in Fig.
As shown, the space eungpok energy unit according to the present
invention, the planar structure having overall positive heptagon
shape is cut to leave the gajina continuous from the center plane
implementation recess (1a) to (1); As being installed to be spaced
apart from the top of the planar structure (1), the
three-dimensional structure having a shape defined gajina 7
pyramid is cut to leave a series of three-dimensional cutting gap
from the center is implemented (2a) as a whole (2) and; As to the
spacing between the planar structure (1) and the three-dimensional
structure 2, the planar structure (1) smaller than the area of
??the three-dimensional structure spaced formations (2) (3); and
the like.
Here, while the plane structure (1) is implemented in more than 1,
the more the planar structure it is possible to amplify the area
of ??energy more efficiently.
The spacing structure (3), have been implemented cutting gap (3a)
to being cut from the center as a whole to leave a series of
information gajina heptagon shape.
Wherein the three-dimensional structure (2) and spaced from the
structure (3) and the flat structure (1) are stacked to be equal
to the arrangement angle of each side of them.
Here, the three-dimensional structure (2 ') may be applied in
other forms.
That is, the three-dimensional structure (2 ') is 2, the flat
plate 7 of constant rectangular shape as a whole (2a') on the
sub-defined than 7 square pyramid shape of the small area of ??the
flat plate solid structure (2b ' ) doedoe implementation is
formed, it will have a three-dimensional recess (2c ') that is cut
to leave the implementation of the continuous)' flat-plate (2a
from the center of) "sub-three-dimensional structure (2b.
The planar structure 1 is to fill the space eungpok spatial energy
by its geometry, three-dimensional structure (2) concentrates the
energy eungpok space forward from the plane structure (1) by its
geometric structure.
And the implementation of the three-dimensional structure (2 ') in
the form shown in Figure 2, the space concentrates energy at the
same time fill the space Yes pokham forward.
Next, employing the space eungpok energy unit according to the
present invention will be described space eungpok energy radiation
Here, the same reference numerals are the same as in the second
member for the same function.
3 is a diagram showing a first embodiment of the spatial energy
eungpok radiation device according to the invention, Figure 4 is
3, by extracting a first geometrical structure is a perspective
view, Fig. 5 in Fig. 3 , is a second perspective view showing by
extracting a geometric structure, Figure 6 is a perspective view
showing by extracting a different second geometric shape of the
structure of Figure 3, Figure 7 is 3, the second geometrical
structure, the first geometric structure, by extracting a laminate
structure of the plate structure, and spaced apart a diagram
illustrating the structure.
A first embodiment of the device according to the invention
eungpok radiation, space energy eungpok unit 5 of Figure 1 is
implemented by a dog arranged so that the vertex of each contact
therebetween, thereby to form a new geometric structure.
This will be described more in detail.
As shown, the space eungpok energy radiation device, a whole
tablet heptagon gajina a flat recess shape is implemented to leave
a series of incisions from the center (1a) has a plane structure
(1) 5 sheets, also according to the invention 4, each of the flat
recess (1a) a first and a geometric structure 10 vertices are
arranged in a plane so as to be in contact with each other as
shown in the implementation; As being installed to be spaced apart
from the upper portion of each of the planar structure (1), the
three-dimensional structure (2) having five forward 7 gajina the
pyramid shape is cut from the center to leave a series of
three-dimensional implementation of the cutting gap (2a) as a
whole, Fig. 5, each of the second geometrical structure 20 and are
arranged in a planar vertex implementation to each contact of a
three-dimensional cutting gap (2a), as shown in; As to the spacing
between the first geometrical structure 10 and the second
geometrical structure 20, the area of ??the planar structure (1)
and the three-dimensional structure 2 is provided between the
planar structure (1) and the three-dimensional structure (2) than
the A small plurality of spaced structures (3); and the like.
A first geometrical structure 10 is composed of one or two or
A first geometrical structure 10 for use thereby eungpok spatial
energy chungban in space by the geometrical structure directly or
A second geometrical structure 20 focuses the spatial energy
eungpok by the first geometrical structure 10 in a forward
Area of ??the first geometrical structure 10 and the second
geometrical structure 20 will increase the amount of space energy
That is Either increasing the stacking number of the first
geometrical structure 10 in order to obtain more space than the
energy, the larger the area of ??the first and second geometrical
structures (10, 20).
On the other hand, the second geometrical structures (20 ') are
capable of modifications in a different shape.
That is, as shown in Figure 6, the implementation is entirely
defined doedoe heptagon shape flat plate (2a ') (the
sub-three-dimensional structure 2b) of the hexagonal pyramid shape
of the small area information. 7 than that in the flat plate, the
formation of, that will be formed of a "three-dimensional
structure (2 having a) is cut to leave a series of
three-dimensional implementation recess (2c) 'of (flat plate 2a)
from the center of the sub-three-dimensional structure (2b)'.
The three-dimensional structure (2 ') of five, three-dimensional
recess (2c) of the second geometric structure present by vertices
arranged in a plane so as to each contact (20') is implemented.
The three-dimensional structure, the second having a geometrical
structure (20, 2 ') in the forward direction at the same time
concentrates the response pokham spatial energy.
Plate structure 40 as to support the first geometrical structure
10, the first has the same shape as the overall shape of the
geometric structure 10.
In the center of this plate structure 40 is formed in the plate
holes 43 corresponding to the case hole 53 will be described
Spacing structure (3) is provided between the installed between a
number of first geometrical structure 10 is between the first
geometrical structure and spaced apart from each other such that
the first geometrical structure 10 and the second geometrical
structure 20 The geometry is such that the first structure 10 and
the second geometrical structures 20 are spaced apart from each
other, it is disposed between the first geometrical structure 10
and the plate structure 40 first geometrical structure 10 and the
plate structure ( 40) such that spaced apart from each other.
The spacing structure (3) is entirely defined heptagon gajina a
shape having a recess (3a) is implemented by cutting from the
center to leave a series of, separately, a number of stacked
plates having a predetermined thickness to a desired thickness or
implemented It may be implemented in.
Spacing structure (3) is different from the frequency of the
energy radiated area.
That is, the thickness of the spacing structure (3) to vary the
frequency of the spatial energy becomes a thin or thick.
The thickness of the spacing structure (3) is preferably in the
range of 3mm ~ 20mm, in this embodiment as a 7mm.
Case 50 includes a spinneret (52) has a cover is formed (51) so
that the energy emitted to the front space.
Inside the case 50 is the case hole 53 is formed corresponding to
the hole plate (43).
A first geometrical structure to be laminated on the one plate
structure 40 (10), spaced from the structure (3) and a second
geometrical structure 20 is built into the case 50.
That is, the first and second geometrical structures (10, 20) and
away from the structure (3) is laminated plate structure 40, as
shown in Figure 3, the bolt part (63a) of the holding member 63 A
hole through the plate 43 and the casing hole 53 and the case 50
by fastening by a nut 64 at the rear, and is fixed to the inner
case (50).
Next, a description will be given of a second embodiment of
eungpok emitting device according to the invention.
8 is a diagram showing a second embodiment of the spatial energy
eungpok emission device according to the invention, in FIG. 8, 9,
to extract a first geometrical structure is a perspective view,
Figure 10 is an 8-degree , is a second perspective view showing by
extracting a geometric structure, Figure 11 is a perspective view
showing by extracting a different second geometric shape of the
structure of FIG, 12 is in Figure 8, a second geometrical
structure, the first geometric structure, by extracting a laminate
structure of the plate structure, and spaced apart a diagram
illustrating the structure.
Here, the same reference numerals are the same as in the second
member for the same function.
Second embodiment of the device according to the invention eungpok
radiation energy and Space eungpok unit of Figure 1 implemented by
seven vertex arranged to the mutual contact between them, and is
accordingly to form a new geometric structure.
This will be described more in detail.
As shown, the space eungpok energy radiation device, a whole
tablet heptagon gajina a flat recess shape is implemented to leave
a series of incisions from the center (1a) has a plane structure
(1) 7 sheets, also according to the invention 9, a first
geometrical structure 110 and the vertex of a flat recess (1a)
arranged in a plane so as to be implemented as shown in contact
with each other; As being installed to be spaced apart from the
upper portion of each of the planar structure (1), the
three-dimensional structure (2) having seven positive 7 gajina the
pyramid shape is cut from the center to leave a series of
three-dimensional implementation of the cutting gap (2a) as a
whole, Fig. 10 and the second geometrical structure 120 vertices
are implemented is arranged in a plane so as to each contact of a
three-dimensional cutting gap (2a), as shown in; As to the spacing
between the first geometrical structure 110 and the second
geometrical structure 120, the area of ??the planar structure (1)
and the three-dimensional structure 2 is provided between the
planar structure (1) and the three-dimensional structure (2) than
the A small plurality of spaced structures (3); and the like.
A first geometrical structure 110 is composed of one or two or
A first geometrical structure 110 thereby to use the space eungpok
chungban energy in space, by the geometric structure directly or
A second geometrical structure 120 focuses the spatial energy
eungpok by the first geometrical structure 110 in the forward
Area of the first geometrical structure 110 and the second
geometrical structure 120 will increase the amount of space energy
That is Either increasing the stacking number of the first
geometrical structure 110 in order to obtain more space than the
energy, the larger the area of ??the first and second geometrical
structure 110, 210.
On the other hand, the second geometrical structures (120 ') are
capable of modifications in a different shape.
That is, as shown in Fig. 11, is formed as a whole positive doedoe
implement 7 with a square-shaped flat plate (2a ')
sub-three-dimensional structure of the hexagonal pyramid shape of
the small area information. 7 than that in the flat plate (2b')
is, that will be formed of a "three-dimensional structure (2
having a) is cut to leave a series of three-dimensional
implementation recess (2c) 'of (flat plate 2a) from the center of
the sub-three-dimensional structure (2b)'.
The three-dimensional structure (2 '), seven, three-dimensional
recess (2c' by the vertex of) is arranged in a plane so as to each
contact with a second geometrical structure of the present
application (120 ') is implemented.
This "second has a geometric structure (120 three-dimensional
structure 2 ') is a space energy response in the forward
concentrates pokham and at the same time.
Plate structure 140 as to support the first geometrical structure
110, the first has the same shape as the overall shape of the
geometric structure (110).
In the center of this plate structure 140 is formed in the plate
holes 143 corresponding to the case hole 53 will be described
Spacing structure (3) is provided between the first of several
geometrical structures (110) between the first geometrical
structure and so spaced apart from each other, disposed between
the first geometrical structure 110 and the second geometrical
structure 120 is a first geometrical structure 110 and the second
geometrical structure 120 and spaced apart from each other such
that the first geometrical structure 110 is provided between the
plate structure 140, a first geometrical structure 110 and the
plate structure ( 140) such that the spaced apart from each other.
The spacing structure (3) is entirely defined heptagon gajina a
shape having a recess (3a) is implemented by cutting from the
center to leave a series of, separately, a number of stacked
plates having a predetermined thickness to a desired thickness or
implemented It may be implemented in.
And, separated from the structure (3), case 50, cover 51, the
spinnerette 52, the holding member 63, the bolt part (63a), a nut
64, etc. in the first embodiment of the present invention It is
the same as described in the description of the longer will be
The first and second embodiments of the spatial energy eungpok
radiation apparatus directly or by creating a type of space by the
energy of tosyeonjang geometrical structures, namely a weak area
in the space is filled with energy in the energy available to
eungpok, It made available indirectly.
Eungpok mechanism of space energy is not been scientifically
itjineun clearly identified so far.
However, the Applicant has found a structure that can be most
effectively space the radiation energy through a number of
repeated tests.
This space energy can be found through various experiments that
the presence mothana gajijineun enough to see the intensity of the
directly to the human senses.
That is, as compared to the case if it is not irradiated with the
irradiation energy to a specific object in the space in the event
of any difference, it will be seen that the area with the energy
present in the inductive.
Hereinafter, the examples of experiments to determine the presence
of space energy will be described.
(1) Cytotoxic tests.
This experiment was carried out in April 2004 by the Yonsei
University Wonju Medical School professor and a researcher
In order to carry out this experiment, laboratory rats (C56BL / 6)
is prepared by the two rooms to life and, installing a water
reservoir contained in the room, the number of treatment processes
to examine the energy in the common water space, and the other
room (control group), install a water reservoir contained a
general drinking water, Jean experiment object was put into each
room so that you can freely consume the space energy processing
water from the watering can or pail General.
In addition, each room has observed the size of the tumor by the
date 20 days into a malignant skin tumor (B16 Melanoma) by
subcutaneous injection in the experimental rats (C56BL / 6) number
of the same.
In the following graph, control referred displayed part will
display the size of tumors in rats who drank plain drinking water
by date, marked LA Life energy will display the size of a tumor of
the rat drinking can be processed per day 0.20 Space Energy As a
result of measuring the size of a tumor during a, in the case of
the rats drank the area to be treated with energy in the spatial
energy eungpok eungpok emission device as shown in the graph
below, the size of the tumor was confirmed that very small
compared to the control group.
As identified in the above chart, standing, in the case of the
spatial energy drink to be treated rats (Life energy), as compared
to normal drinking water in rats (control) was the size of the
tumor to determine the smaller, from which space can be energy
treatment you can see that the in vivo anti-cancer activity of
That is, it is possible to confirm the presence of the spatial
energy from the graph.
(2) the number of treatment processes with zero energy space,
affects clinical trials related to the infant atopic patients.
13 is a diagram showing the contents of Table 1 is also
graphically, the energy area of ??the subject can be treated prior
to taking a view showing, Fig. 14 is a diagram showing the
contents of Table 2 as a graph, the processing space can be energy
dose Erythema and after shows the number of subjects of the
condition, Figure 15 is a diagram showing the contents of Table 2
as a graph, the processing can take place after the energy Edema /
Papulation shows the number of subjects of the symptoms.
In addition, Figure 16 is a diagram showing the contents of Table
2 as a graph, the energy treatment space Oozing shows the number
of subjects after taking, Figure 17 is a diagram showing the
contents of Table 2 as a graph, space energy Excoriation is the
treatment shows the number of subjects after taking, Figure 18 is
a diagram showing the contents of Table 2 as a graph, the energy
treatment space shows the number of subjects after taking
This clinical trial is cheongnoe clinic located in Daechi-dong,
Gangnam-gu, Seoul 507 Street mall third floor, plus a win by
experiments conducted in early 2005 in the (President ryujaegyu),
reflect the space to be treated, spatial processing can be
ingested when infants atopic patients Young, a test to verify
whether the clinical impact on infant atopic patients.
In this clinical trial use bottled water which is present in the D
area of ??energy radiating from the eungpok radiometric survey 10
days (hereinafter, the space energy processing Sura should) the
admission was 0-4 years old for the purpose of treating atopic
dermatitis in young cheongnoe clinic, infant eczema 40 people were
taken to the patient (male 15, female 25).
In this clinical trial, the space zero energy treatment, when the
infant atopic patients taking hayeoteul, was set up five
hypothesis that there is a difference before taking a space energy
processing by measuring the number of atopic index (SCORAD) before
and after taking a dose It confirmed the clinical effect.
Here, atopic index (SCORAD), but the significance and the result
is checked at the same time to get a full body photo and itching
skin conditions and skin part, the subject is young, it is
difficult to check the body and itchy skin conditions in infants
Therefore, the main symptoms of atopic five kinds of symptoms
(erythema symptoms (Erythema), papules symptoms (Edema /
Papulation), gangrene symptoms (Oozing), abrasions symptoms
(Excoriation), lichen symptoms (Lichenification)) were classified
by the scoring.
Energy treatment may take place prior to the symptoms of atopic
patients Table 1 and shown in Fig.
Table 1: Energy treatment can take place before
1 The contents of the] is represented by a graph as shown in Fig.
Young the space energy can be processed, when the infant atopic
patients taking hayeoteul space will be different before and
treated the same as taking five kinds of hypothesis to. (A) 10
days Hypothesis 1 space energy processing water 200 ~ 300cc one
months Young taking into three days, erythema (Erythema) symptoms
of infant atopic patients will have a space energy processing
water before taking the difference. (b) Hypothesis 2 days 10 days
1 space energy processing water 200 ~ 300cc three one months will
be taking you into the spirit, papules (Edma / Papulation)
symptoms of infant atopic patients before taking the space energy
processing water is a difference. (c) 3 Hypothesis 3 times a day
for 10 days into the space energy processing water 200 ~ 300cc one
months taking spirit, gangrene (Oozing) symptoms of infant atopic
patients will have a space energy processing water before taking
the difference. (d) H4 10 days processing space 200 to zero taking
into energy water three times a day for one months 300cc ,
abrasion (Excoriation) symptoms of infant atopic patients will
have a space energy processing water before taking the difference.
(e) Hypothesis 5 was 10 days processing space 200 to the 300cc 1
energy water three times a day, taking one months into the spirit,
infant eczema lichen (Lichenification) symptoms will have a space
energy processing water before taking the difference.
The results of this clinical trial Table 2 are expressed.
[Table 2] after taking the space energy treatment Erythema
Edema/Papulation Oozing Excoriation Lichenification Severe (III)
01102 Moderate (II) 1410011 Mild (I) 13121410(????)1317383536(a)
Results for H1 spirit, erythema (Erythema) symptoms of infant
atopic patients were not significantly different energy space, the
number one days of treatment 10 days after the treatment by taking
200 ~ 300cc before taking into three times.
That is, as shown in Fig. 14, Erythema symptoms after the
treatment by taking a spatial energy treatment is seen that the
patients belonged to the moderate and severe to mild or move the
plurality of 0 (no symptoms), that is a symptom improvement can
be. (b) the results for Hypothesis 2 Spirit, the infant atopic
patients with papules (Edema / Papulation) significant space,
energy treatment symptoms a day for 10 days after treatment by
taking 200 ~ 300cc before taking into three There was a
That is 15, the area to be treated by taking the energy treatment
after Edema / Papulation symptoms, it can be seen that a large
number of patients go to 0 (no symptoms), that the symptoms are
improved. (C) English results for Hypothesis 3, gangrene (Oozing)
symptoms of infant atopic patients there was a significant
difference for the daily 200 ~ 300cc space energy can be processed
10 days after treatment before taking divided doses three times.
That is, as shown in Fig. 16, Oozing symptoms after the treatment
by taking a spatial energy to be treated, it can be seen that a
large number of patients go to 0 (no symptoms), that the symptoms
are improved. (D) Hypothesis Results for the fourth spirit,
abrasions (Excoriation) symptoms of infant atopic patients did not
differ significantly the number of space energy processing one
days to 10 days after treatment by taking 200 ~ 300cc before
taking into three times.
That is, as shown in 17, taking as most of the subject is a
pre-treatment did not severe symptoms Excoriation before, it was
difficult to find a significant result compared to the latter.
But it is skin condition after taking Space fringed energy process
can take more than slick was found on the relevant. (E) results
for the H5 Spirit of infant atopic patients with lichen
(Lichenification) symptoms can space energy processing 10 days one
days after treatment by taking 200 ~ 300cc before taking into
three There were no significant differences.
Since the duration of the most Lichenification symptoms appear
much longer to increase adult manseongjung, 18, the four short
duration of less than three zero, infants were no more
Lichenification ought baseline symptoms.
As in the above results are confirmed, the symptoms of erythema
(Erythema (hypothesis 1)), papules symptoms (Edema / Papulation
(hypothesis 2)), gangrene symptoms (Oozing (Hypothesis 3)),
abrasions symptoms (Excoriation (H4)) is The improvement was
Although, for the lichen symptoms (Lichenification (H5)), but the
difference is not, and can confirm the presence of energy in
accordance with a result of assumption space 1, 2, 3, 4.
Space radiation energy emitted by the device of the present
eungpok activates the vital energy, as identified in the
above-mentioned cancer cell growth tests or clinical trials.
However, space energy exerts a variety of effects in a variety of
fields as described below.
When the energy emanating from the area emitting device eungpok
investigate the plant, causes the growth promotion of the plant, a
chemical reaction such corruption has been found that the effect
of inhibiting and up.
The space according to the present invention results from the
energy-functional it can be seen that there is a non-ionizing
effect of inhibiting the ionic polarization.
This phenomenon is occurring in the body as a man, he would
immediately foregoing.
Also, when the area of ??energy irradiated three weeks at room
temperature 20 ? about the milk, the milk is not connected to
corruption, Catering possible and was transformed into the lactic
acid bacteria contained in yogurt is utilized also as a health
Also, when the area was irradiated energy in two months,
strawberries dry dehydrated state is corrupt or not rancidity was
changed to Korikori, such as raisins, which is not at all to
health when humans consume.
This will begin to deteriorate for more than three days leave to
present a way to keep long-term processed food spoilage when
compared to that elapses after a few days if kept in a normal
environment strawberries.
Also, when the area of energy irradiated apples in the
refrigerator for more than two years, due to the evaporation of
the skin it became part of the jjogeul jjogeul as well, the meat
and the meat inside is not the first time the balance in the
freshness of the apple surface.
Thus, the present invention is applied to a case of the human body
surrounded by water was found to sikindaneun to preserve or
enhance the biological energy.
A generator of the combined magnetic field comprises the
therapeutic chamber with the electric coils of the rotational
electromagnetic field with independent power supply. The coils are
coaxial. In every two adjacent coils, the rotational magnetic
fields of the opposite directions are generated simultaneously
(clockwise in one coil and counterclockwise in another one). In a
gap between the adjacent end-faces of two adjacent coils, the
additional scalar magnetic field is generated being directed in
parallel to the rotation axis of the magnetic field.
Method for Generating Tidal Energy Utilizing the Scalar
Gravitational Potential of Celestial Bodies
Tidal energy generator uses the scalar gravitational potential to
utilize energy from celestial bodies. Kinetic energy is extracted
from the celestial objects by means of a system including a
rotatable arm, a mass fluctuation producing system arranged on the
arm and including dielectric material whose mass fluctuates when
subjected to a changing electromagnetic field in view of the
scalar gravitational potential of the celestial objects, a
rotation system that rotates the arm at a variable speed to cause
rotation of the mass fluctuation producing system thereon, and a
control system that controls the mass fluctuation producing system
and rotation system in order to accelerate the dielectric material
when it has a relatively light mass and decelerate the dielectric
material when it has a relatively heavy mass. Excess energy
arising from an energy differential between the acceleration and
deceleration of the dielectric material is directed to a load.