Valerij M. UVAROV
Egyptian Healing Rods
Notes from Count Stefan Walewski's Manuscript
The method used in Ancient
Egypt for strengthening energy flows within a human body is
shown on the figures demonstrating the second Master-Arkan (see
diagram below). Two rods are clutched in the hands of this
standing figure.They are clutched with strength, creating an
electrical conduit. The hands, holding the rods tightly, free
this energy within the body to gather it in unipolar knots and
in spinal fluid. The renewal of energetic potential is one 100%
and continues for 24 hours.
There were two rods with different chemical compositions. The
first one was usually made for the right hand (the Sun Rod) and
another one for the left hand (the Moon Rod). The Moon rod
serves as a catalyst which strengthens the activity of the Sun
rod. These rods of power were known long ago, yet the secret of
their construction was known only to a few initiates.
The Rods, which records indicate that the Pharaohs held during
their entire life, harmonized their two main energetic streams,
Yin and Yang. Yin-Yang are two energy flows or principles,
opposite and unified, different and homogenous at the same time.
In constant association and interaction within the person,
Yin-Yang are the two sources of vital energy. When they are
properly interacting, the body's vital functions are supported
and a person exists without any special problems. The Ancient
Egyptians used the Rods with different fillings to regulate the
energetic balance of one's body.
We offer you the paragraphs from his
facsimile manuscript: The
System of Caucasian Yoga :
Restoration of Nervous Energy
"IX L ARCANE. Recharging
nervous energy. A way used in ancient Egypt for
strengthening of currents of energy within the body. It was shown
in the figures, using the second Master Arcane exercise. Two rods
clasped in the hands of standing figures, were the grips of
tremendous power, akin to electricity (secondary electricity),
which when the grips were held in the hand released this energy
into the body, to be stored in unipolar ganglias, and spinal
fluid, raising the potential of energy 100%, and lasting for a day
and a night, 24 hours.
"The rods were two in number and of different
compositions. One generally to be used in the right, another in
the left hand. One having the power of the Sun, another the
power of the Moon.
'The Sun rod of Power is composed of hard coal (carbon) specially
hardened, in which the structure of the molecules is changed the
way the molecules of iron are changed when converting iron into
magness. (To convert iron into magness, the structure of iron
moecules is changed by re-crystallization process, hardening, then
it will retain the magnetism.) The process of hardening is heating
to high temperature and then instantly cooling by submerging in
water. (The rods of bard coal prepared for the electric arc lamps
are excellent as Sun rods of Power.)
The hardened rod of coal can be inserted in a copper tube, with
both ends open or closed (Length of rod six inches, diameter one
inch or according to the grip of the band.)
"The Moon rod of Power is composed of hard lode stone, or pressed
lode stone, (it may also be a rod of magnetized hard iron or steel
magness. The Moon rod of Power can be inserted in a zinc or tin
tube with both ends open or closed. (Length and diameter same as
Sun rod.) The Moon grip or rod works as a kind of catalyst, to
bring the Sun grip or rod into more powerful action.
'The Sun rod of Power is composed of hard coal (carbon) specially
hardened, in which the structure of the molecules is changed the
way the molecules of iron are changed when converting iron into
magness. (To convert iron into magness, the structure of iron
moecules is changed by re-crystallization process, hardening, then
it will retain the magnetism.) The process of hardening is heating
to high temperature and then instantly cooling by submerging in
water. (The rods of bard coal prepared for the electric arc lamps
are excellent as Sun rods of Power.)
The hardened rod of coal can be inserted in a copper tube, with
both ends open or closed (Length of rod six inches, diameter one
inch or according to the grip of the band.)
"The Moon rod of Power is composed of hard lode stone, or pressed
lode stone, (it may also be a rod of magnetized hard iron or steel
magness. The Moon rod of Power can be inserted in a zinc or tin
tube with both ends open or closed. (Length and diameter same as
Sun rod.) The Moon grip or rod works as a kind of catalyst, to
bring the Sun grip or rod into more powerful action.
The rods of power were known even long long ago, and the secret of
their making knew only a few initiated.
The mysterious metal (bronze) auricalcum has tremendous power, and
is composed of five metals, each having a definite color, white,
black, red, blue and yellow. It is radioactive, and it hides the
mystery of immaculate conception. Proportion of the metals is
even. Then comes electron, composed of gold and silver, (40% and
60% silver), then a combination of silver 75% and zinc 25%;
combination of copper and zinc, and also copper and tin. (Many
combinations of bronze you can make figuring out planets and their
relations and properties. Sun, gold; Moon, silver; Saturn, lead;
Jupiter, tin; Mars, iron; Venus, copper; Mercury, mercury. Also
minerals, coal, lode-stone, beryl, amber, tourmaline, rock crystal
, hematite, etc. (Here text contains drawing of two figures rods,
one figure is standing with a rod in each hand, one is sitting in
the Egyptian meditation position, on a chair, back erect, feet
flat on floor, hands on knees, with rods on knees. MM) The
Egyptian master system postures for recharging the nervous energy,
one should be relaxed and following the direction of the Sun.
Objects shaped in different symbolic forms are also used
throughout the world, like Babylonian maies (iron with silver
inlay, with horned human head and head of the bull). In Tibet is
used dorgee, etc."

This sculptural group symbolically reflects this phenomenon. The
Yang cylinder is in the right hand of the god Horus. The male
figure symbolizes the flow of Yang energy (the male principle).
The deity is an embodiment of the energy plane. The Yin cylinder
is in the left hand of the goddess Hathor, who represents the
female principle, that is, the flow of Yin energy. In the center
is the pharaoh with two energy-giving hands directed towards him.
The use of these Rods considerably helped the pharaoh to correct
his nervous system energy thereby benefiting the immune system.
The Rods had a beneficial effect on his health and physical
condition. The correct use of the Rods also enabled the pharaoh,
or other user, to prepare himself for "Communion with the Gods".
The cylinder for the right hand was made from copper and
associated with the Sun (Yang). The cylinder for the left hand
was made from zinc and associated with the Moon (Yin). To
reinforce the properties of the cylinders, gold was added to
the copper in the appropriate proportion, which is why the
"Sun Cylinder" was also called the "Gold Cylinder". Silver was
added to the "Moon Cylinder", which was accordingly called the
"Silver Cylinder". These cylinders were produced in the
proportions of the Golden Section. And their
dimensions were based on the status of the given person's
energy system, their health and also on the tasks being
Cylinders of Pharaoh Pihopy II
Photo from Metropolitan Art Museum,
NY, 1998
Placed within the Rods were minerals, often quartz crystals
of different sizes, that were changed as the pharaoh made
advances in the process of self-perfection or depending on the
goal, health and energetic balance of the person working with
the Rods. The filling in the initial phase was a fine-grained
quartz, a special kind of white sand. The cylinders with white
sand positively affect and activate a person's energetic
streams. Next, the cylinders were filled with middle and
coarse-grained quartz to achieve higher level of abilities.
(These type of Rods we manufacture as "Rods Quartz") The next
type of Rods contained quartz mono-crystals and were made for
Priests, the masters of healing. The Rods would create a
powerful energetic shield around the user, influencing the
patient, harmonizing his energetic streams and allowing for
coordination with signals from the master's mind. This type of
the Rods we have named "Rods Crystal"
The Pose from Egyptian Master-System for restoration of the
nervous energy (one should relax and follow the Sun)
Rod Construction Parameters
1. The Rods are two hollow cylinders, made of copper (for the
right hand, Sun ) and of zinc (for the left hand, Moon ) with
specific fillings for each type of Rod. The Rods' construction is
based upon the manuscript of Count Walewsky.
2. All of the outer and inner Rods' dimensions are produced
according to the proportions of the Golden Section.
3. The copper and zinc used for producing the cylinders are of
very high quality.
4. To improve efficiency of The Rods, all of the components used
in manufacturing the cylinders are conditioned inside the Pyramid
for a minimum 12- day cycle. The Pyramid creates a powerful
structural field able to correct inter-atom distances.
Inventor: UVAROV V M
IPC: A61H39/00; A61N1/18; A61H39/00
Abstract -- FIELD :
medical and biological equipment, applicable for influence on the
processes of human vital activity, as well as for treatment of
various diseases by untraditional methods.
SUBSTANCE : the stimulator has two electrodes made as hollow metal
capsules of a permanent cross-section with a filter placed in the
inner cavities, the cathode body is made of a copper alloy, and
the anode is made of a zinc-containing alloy, containing nickel
with silver, the proportion of nickel and silver contained in the
alloy is selected from a series of relations 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 2:3,
2:5, 3:2, 3:5, 3:8, 5:2, 5:3, 5:8, 8:3, 8:5. Each electrode may be
made in the form of a regular prism. Both electrodes in
cross-section are made round in the outer and/or inner contour, or
have the shape of regular polygons, or have an elongated
ellipsoid-like shape. The cathode contains coal as a filler in the
form of a one-piece rod, or coal in large fractions. The anode
contains as a filler a rod of iron or an alloy of iron and nickel.
Both electrodes may contain as fillers crystals of quartz of
different shape-monocrystals in the form of cylinders, prisms,
crystals in the form of regular pyramids, flat prisms.
EFFECT: expanded store of technical components used for correcting
influence on the human organism, as well as enhanced efficiency of
the effect of the stimulator on the human organism due to
selection of the stimulator characteristics individually for every
Inventor: UVAROV V M
IPC: A61N1/16; A61N5/00; A61N1/00
Abstract -- Medical
engineering. SUBSTANCE: device is shaped as tetrahedral pyramid
from dielectric material containing internal chamber. The device
has two parts of which the lower one is the basic chamber being
manufactured as hollow truncated pyramid and the upper one is
quartz end piece. Spiral-shaped antenna widening in downward
direction and composed of three coils each of which is placed in
the part of the truncated pyramid having its height equal to 1/3
of the corrector device height and internal resonance unit having
conic shape narrowing in downward direction and placed along the
vertical axis of the pyramid. Truncated pyramid facets are
optionally produced from wood. One of them is deflectable. The
internal resonator unit enables one to focus energy flows. It is
manufactured as a rod or hollow tube with its lower end attached
to the pyramid base. The internal resonator unit optionally has
free inferior end. Both antenna and internal resonator unit of the
corrector device are produced from metal. Support member is
mounted in the truncated pyramid in parallel to the base for
positioning objects under corrector energy treatment. The support
member is 430 mm remote from the pyramid base. The support member
is optionally two-leveled, its upper level being at 1/3 of pyramid
height. The support member is optionally manufactured as table top
with central opening for internal resonator unit. The antenna and
internal resonator unit are optionally manufactured from stone or
concrete material in lower part of large size pyramids. External
and internal dimensions of the pyramid and antenna and internal
resonator unit inside it are selected to be in golden section
EFFECT: enhanced effectiveness in improving human habitat
conditions and stimulating internal processes in human organism.
Medical Recommendations
A study of the effectiveness of the Rods was carried out in April
1993 and December 1995. Using modern equipment and the most
advanced methods, a group of medical scientists from the
Dzhanelidze First Aid Scientific Research Institute, St
Petersburg, led by Dr. M.A. Nikulin, that were put forward for the
Nobel Prize in 1990. A computer monitor displayed the data,
received from the points, indicated the current internal organs'
condition. The information was taken from the bio-active palm
zones with the help of diagnostic methods. There were three
stripes on the monitor: green - "organs' condition in order", red
and blue - "disorder". For sure, everybody has it own particular
dispersedness of these points: some of them are in the green zone,
another outside it, thus it shows, that all of us have their
disorders. Some minutes later people, holding the cylinders,
experienced a little miracle: all of the points started to move
towards the green zone.
"...During the first few minutes people under test, holding the
cylinders, experience a powerful pulse wave from the left side to
the right one. A sensation of the vessels filling with blood is
registered that has been named "the vascular stage" by
researchers. Infrared radiation increases from the right upper
limb, and then the thermal field at the limbs evens out. Together
with these changes in the subject's organism, a general rise in
activity is observed, accompanied by an 8-10 beats per minute
increase in pulse-rate. By the second minute a warming of the
cervico-thoracic section of the spinal column with increased
infrared radiation was observed. It follows, then, that the whole
of the vegetative nervous system is drawn into the process, and
there is an energetic activation of the tissues of both the upper
limbs, and the body as a whole. As a consequence the headache is
alleviated and blood pressure tends towards the norm." -from the
experimental record
Dr M.A. Nikulin concluded the following: "When any pathologies
within a human body are detected we observe a thermal asymmetry
between the ill and healthy parts of the body. Held in hands, the
cylinders equalize this thermal asymmetry, thus showing their
therapeutic effect."
The cylindrical Rods can be recommended for people suffering from:
cardio-vascular diseases
early phase hypertension
neurotrophic disorders
diseases of the excretory systems
insomnia (and also as a means stress reduction &
arteriosclerosis prevention)
When carrying out a number of targeting experiments, Dr. M.A.
Blank, specialist of the Oncological Center in Pesochny,
discovered that the influence of the Rods creates a special
condition in the organism making it more efficient at
self-healing. According to the researches' conclusions the
cylinders' influence "transfers" the organism to such a harmonized
state, when it is much easier for it to cope up with all the
troubles within. "There is a parameter that characterizes the
functioning of cells - the respiratory waves of cells. Oncological
condition of the organism suppresses those respiratory waves, but
the cylinders, on the contrary, improve that parameter. But cancer
is an extremely serious "citadel"; you won't seize it with such
gentle means. Perhaps, it is worth using like a preventive
measure, but this conclusion requires additional researches. One
thing is clear: where cancer makes things bad, the cylinders try
to make them a little better." Dr. Blank sugge sts that the Rods
be recommended as a preventive remedy for people with
transcontinental syndrome, whose business is connected with
flights from one time zone to another (pilots, sportsmen,
tourists, long-distance drivers, etc.) and when asynchronous modes
of internal and external organism work causes headache and
The research, carried out in June 2000 by Polish bio-energetic
doctors under the leadership of Marek Stavisky, showed that: "A
surface of the zinc Rod radiates the ultraviolet spectrum. I use
this spectrum for splitting the structures of malignant tumors and
for freezing their activity. Another spectrum, that appears on the
butt-end of the zinc Rod, is used for radiating the malignant
tumors before operating." His studies show that the radiation
provided only by the single zinc Rod can be successfully used for
treating cancer. The set of the Rods-QUARTZ used in pair, provides
the radiation that is effective for curing and for use by ill
people for self-immune therapy.
The complex research carried out by the International Shaping
Federation in March-June 2000 discovered that the Rods can be
effectively used for quick reduction of physical and nervous
tension and physical and spiritual power recovery after working or
training hard.
Daily work with the Rods has a beneficial effect in cases of: -
over-agitation and nervous disorders
problems with arterial pressure
vegeto-vascular disorders
normalize the functioning of the heart in cases of arrhythmia and
improve circulatory processes, with a beneficial effect on blood
each pain in the joints in cases of arthritis and gout
Note: The statements regarding these products have not been
evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are
not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The
information herein is designed for educational purposes only. It
is not intended to be a substitute for informed medical advice or
care. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat any
health problems or illnesses without consulting your physician.
Please consult a doctor with any questions or concerns you might
have regarding your condition. Informational material and
representations have been provided by the manufacturers of the
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