Anatolij VACHAEV, et
Plasma-Water-Metal Production
January 29, 2015
[ Excerpt ]
SilverSurfer says:
This is the article from the Russian source where ( among other
things) discussed an plasma unit that was developed in the 90s.
In particular (Google translate, edited by me) it says:
“No less interesting story happened with Anatoly Vachaev.
Experimenter from God, he conducted research plasma steam and
accidentally got a big powder output, which included elements that
almost the entire periodic table. After six years of research it
became possible to create the plasma unit, which gave a stable
plasma torch – plasmoid by passing distilled water through which a
solution or a slurry large amounts of metal powders.”
1997, Magnitogorsk, a follower of Vachaev, Galina Pavlova defended
her thesis on “Development of the foundations of technology of
metals from the plasma state water-mineral systems.”
At first, the examination commission rejected the idea as soon as
they heard that metals can be produced from distilled water, but
Pavlova demonstrated a working unit that turned turned water to
metal powder; she was awarded a doctorate.
So, it is possible, and was done. Another question is: How much
metal ( in our case gold) can be produced and how much energy it
will require?
Short Abstracts of 17th Conference on Cold Nuclear
Transmutation of Chemical Elements and Ball Lightning in Sochi,
Russia, Sept. 26 to October 3rd, 2010
A.I. Laptukhov
Pushkov Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and
Radiowave Propagation
(IZMIRAN), laptukhov@izmiran.ru
Within the framework of electrodynamics and dynamics of not point
particles, constructed only on the basis of the fundamental laws
of conservation, is shown, that observable in A.V. Vachaev's
experiments intensive so call small energetical the transformation
of chemical elements is atomic (but not nuclear and not chemical)
process with characteristic size of received energy ~30 eV on atom
(instead of ~10 MeV as in nuclear reactions). In this process are
formed "eltons", that is the clods of superdense quantum plasma
consisting of an electronic cloud with a charge -Ze and several or
many usual atomic nucleuses with a total charge Ze (or ~Ze).
Density of an electrical charge in elton (as against usual atom)
is negative in its central part and is positive on periphery.
Eltons are stable or (more probable) long exist system with
unusual properties. It's minimal size about atom, and maximal down
to macroscopic. The eltons can be formed in the electrical
discharge of water or any usual atoms and molecules. Traces with
surprising properties, observable in different experiences,
"strange" radiation, small aperture, created by a fireball at its
passage in glass and metal plates, - all this, apparently, traces
of eltons.
FIELD: cleaning of effluent gases of industrial furnaces, mainly,
in ferrous and nonferrous metallurgy.
SUBSTANCE: method includes treatment of gases with electric
current of two kinds in the presence of magnetic field. One kind
of current has density of 20 to 100 A/sq.mm. The other kind of
current is supplied by pulses with density from 40 to 1000
kA/sq.mm in place of magnetic field intensity from 40 to 300 Wb.
To provide for the method continuity, prior to treatment, effluent
gases are branched into several flows to which wet steam is
introduced. Treatment is carried out in circumference manner.
Useful elements are also recovered from steam.
EFFECT: provision of recovery from effluent gases of useful
elements such as copper, aluminium and others, and cleaning
efficiency of above 99 %.
[0001] The invention relates to ferrous and nonferrous metallurgy
and can be used for the purification of exhaust gases of
industrial furnaces mainly ferrous and nonferrous metallurgy, ie
electric steel furnaces, converters, t. e. as well as systems of
elimination by incineration of toxic, explosive or other
[0002] There are many ways to clean (disposal) of waste gases. For
example, the process gas outlet of the converter on o.d. USSR N
631538; IPC C 21 C 5/38 to avoid contact with the carbon monoxide
into the atmosphere, ie, for gas purification from carbon monoxide
"gas sucked through the bed of iron ore batch heated to 400
1100oC, converter gas is passed, comprising 1-20% carbon monoxide,
are used as raw materials containing hematite 182-428 kg / t steel
in the partial afterburning of the gases discharged 17.1 and 7.3
kg / t of steel with flue gas discharge without afterburning. "
[0003] A disadvantage of this method is that only excludes the
carbon monoxide emissions, emissions problem exception of iron
oxides and other harmful contaminants not assigned. In this way
influences of melting technology, that limits its possible and
introduces industrial disadvantages.
[0004] Known method of removal of the converter gas AS USSR N
1242527; IPC C 21 C 5/38, in which the flue gases is collected and
afterburning in flue disposing of carbon monoxide is cooled and
purified combustion gases, and to increase the degree of
utilization of the energy converter gas "afterburning converter
produce heated gas, compressed air in the continuous feed zone
ionizing burning pulverized additive and subsequent exposure to an
electromagnetic field ionized stream of combustion products to
generate electric current, which is extracted from the combustion
product stream of ionized by means of a closed electric circuit to
the load and is used for the process.
"This method solves the problem of increasing the degree of side
effects, but not the task of cleaning gas from the other
impurities except carbon oxides, and increasing the degree of
[0005] For the prototype, the method for recycling (cleaning) flue
gas using electrostatic precipitators, which is as follows.
Flue gases are passed through a system consisting of earthed
collecting electrodes, a current density of 0.001 A / mm2, and
placed at some distance (interelectrode gap) of discharge
electrodes to which an electric current is supplied rectified high
voltage with a negative sign.
At sufficiently high voltage applied to the interelectrode gap,
the surface of the discharge electrode is intense impact
ionization of gases, accompanied by the appearance of the corona
Gas ions of different polarity by the action of the electric field
strength to move heteronymic electrodes, whereby the electrode gap
in an electric current.
Ash particles, located in the flue gases due to their adsorption
on surface become electrically charged ions under the influence of
the electric field strength to move the electrodes are deposited
mainly on the collecting electrodes, in a smaller amount at the
corona electrode.
The electrodes are periodically cleaned.
The method is carried out at a certain electric field intensity,
called critical, which, for example, air at atmospheric pressure
and a temperature of 20oC is about 0.15 kV / cm (Szabo VV Oran
environmental TPP and NPP: Proc. For technical . Energoatomizdat
M., 1992, 240 pp., Ill. p.52. ) The disadvantage of this method is
that the exhaust gases are purified mainly from the solids (dust),
but not present in them from harmful gases, such as carbon
monoxide, nitrogen oxide purification does not occur, and that the
degree of purification is not more than 92 99 %, which does not
exclude the ingress of harmful impurities in the atmosphere.
In this case, the useful side effect does not arise.
[0006] Thus, a huge pot of inventions does not contain a method
for its implementation, which would allow to clean the exhaust
gases of furnaces, converters, etc. units from any species of
impurities to such an extent to completely eliminate them from
entering the atmosphere.
This applies in particular to sets of ferrous and nonferrous
metallurgy mainly to the converter, which in spite of the more
than 150-year period of their use is still
not working and created quite a reliable method for purifying
exhaust gases.
High dust converter gases, especially periodicity (cyclical)
release them during the production process, the volatility of the
chemical sostava- all combine to complicate the task of recycling
converter gases.
[0007] Furthermore, great difficulties for the operation of
existing devices and creating breaks the periodicity of receipt of
exhaust gases caused by or process, such as the manufacture of the
converter, and organizational factors.
Naturally, in the absence of exhaust gases or reduction of harmful
components to the limit of allowable concentration of any device
utilization, especially heat power shifts from the normal state to
the stop mode, which creates tension in the structural elements,
often in excess of the permissible.
[0008] The present invention solves the problem of flue gas
cleaning ovens of all kinds of impurities with a purity of over
99%, ie with virtually no contact with the exhaust gases into the
A side effect is the formation of new elements, such as lithium,
beryllium, boron, etc. useful for the national economy, and the
ability to work non-stop recycling process at the time when the
input waste gases.
[0009] The problem is solved by a method for recycling treatment
of waste gas according to the invention an electric current
density of the latter is fed from 20 to 100 A / mm2 in the
presence of the magnetic field pulses and a density of from 40 to
1000 kA / mm2 at the place of the magnetic field intensity of 40
to 300 wb . The magnetic field strength elsewhere electric current
is not essential.
[0010] Cleaning effect of all kinds of impurities and with purity
greater than 99% is achieved due to the combination modes of the
magnetic field and electric current generating the thermodynamic
conditions under which the gas molecules and the solids (metal
oxides et al.), And constituent atoms of the fragments to fall
atoms that interact with each other and with the shards of metal
atoms to form stable under these conditions, the new structures of
useful elements (metals).
[0011] As a special case of execution before the treatment of
exhaust gases form a portion of the flow, branching into several
streams, where the wet steam is introduced.
This allows for the temporary cessation of receipt of the waste
gases continue the process of recycling round the branches of the
stream. When the exhaust gases completely disappear, will be
processed by steam.
Thus, it is kept constant electric and thermal conditions than
excluded destroying equipment heat power fluctuations. The
proposed operation conditions determined empirically in the
laboratory and tested in industrial conditions on the converters.
[0012] When the electric current density of less than 20 kA / mm2
purification rate drops sharply to 60% When the electric current
density of more than 100 kA / mm2 stops the growth of the degree
of purification, energy costs are not equivalent results.
[0013] When the magnetic field strength less than 40 Wb
purification rate drops sharply to 50% at the magnetic field
strength of more than 300 Wb stops the growth of the degree of
purification, energy costs are not equivalent results.
[0014] When the density of the electric current supplied to pulses
less than 40 kA / mm2 purification rate drops sharply to 65% When
the density of the electric current supplied pulses 1000 kA / mm2,
growth stops purity, i.e. Energy costs not equivalent results.
[0015] On the grounds that the proposed method due to an unknown
combination of features provides recycling waste gas purification
from all impurities with a degree above 99% which is not reached
in the technique effect and side effect separation of useful
chemical elements must conclude that the proposed method with the
patentability " inventive step ".
[0016] The proposed method corresponds to the condition of
patentability of "industrial applicability", as evidenced by the
following example of a specific use way of recycling the waste
gases of the converter.
[0017] The figure shows a section of the exhaust gas branch
[0018] The exhaust gases from the working space of the converter
is fed by a normal line of electrically processing chamber exhaust
In the chamber the exhaust gases in the presence of the magnetic
field electric current is treated.
Electric current is supplied to two types: using one pair of
electrodes from the density 20 to 100 A / mm2, which is maintained
constant during the entire recycling process and using another
pair of electrodes pulses density of 40 to 1000 kA / mm2, and in
place of the magnetic field from 40 to 300 Wb. Elsewhere electric
current magnetic field can be arbitrary, for example, to reduce
energy consumption 20, 30 Wb. The magnetic field source may
advantageously be in the form of an electromagnet (to ensure a
sufficiently high strength) with variable or constant magnetic
field, such as a solenoid with a known constant or variable number
of turns.
Electric current may be constant or variable.
When a pulse of electrical current arcing occurs, which is
maintained supply another pulse of electric current, as necessary,
i.e. while reducing its intensity combustion as determined in the
usual manner, for example by reducing the conductivity of the
processed gas.
During arc created thermodynamic conditions in which there is the
following phenomenon.
Molecules and atoms of gases and solids, which are made up of
exhaust gases (oxides of metals and others.), Proved to be
unstable under these conditions shall be distributed to the
fragments of atoms that interact with each other (non-metallic
fragments of atoms with non-metals and metals with metals and
non-metals in peremezhku metals) forming the most stable in the
thermodynamic conditions of the structure elements that were
metals and nonmetals such as silicon (Si), carbon (C), aluminum
(Al), manganese (Mn), etc.
Thus, the components of the exhaust gases, both harmful and
harmless disappear and converted into useful elements such as
silicon (Si), carbon (C), aluminum (Al), manganese (Mn), etc.
which have the form of a powdered solid.
The degree of utilization (purifying) exhaust gas is judged to
reduce the volume of waste gases and increase the volume of the
powdered solid.
The degree of utilization, as shown by the test is 100% i.e. 99.5
You can completely eliminate the waste gases and obtain from them
useful metals.
If the utilization rate is below 100% is possible, without
changing the mode parameters, process exhaust gases several times
(2 3), which in the industry is advantageously carried out in the
chambers sequentially set at an arbitrary distance in a continuous
[0019] Example circuit formation of new substances, etc.
[0020] The resulting solid powder poured into bunkers and fed to
further processing: sorting, drying, compaction in bars, etc.
[0021] As a special case of the method of disposal of land to form
1-branched flue gas stream into multiple streams that carry
conventional techniques, ie, via pipework.
In branching flow of exhaust gases fed wet steam in an arbitrary
At intervals of receipt of exhaust gases, which is particularly
characteristic of converter units, together with the exhaust gas
is processed wet steam circulating round at the branching portion,
whereby the recycling process continues and remains constant heat
power mode, which eliminates the cyclical stress on the equipment
(on the pipeline, electrodes, magnet chamber wall 2, in which the
electrodes and the magnet are installed, and the like) and hence
eliminates damage caused by them.
To increase the pressure of exhaust gases at the site of
branching, in the event of termination of their arrival, the
source of income, such as pipeline posts workspace converter,
cover the locking element 3, for example bolt.
Water vapor can be fed continuously or immediately upon
termination of receipt of exhaust gases to their next earnings.
Water vapor as well as from flue gases produced are useful as new
[0022] The exhaust gases before they are processed can be cooled
by mixing it with water and gas at an arbitrary concentration (for
cooling the walls of the pipe and t. N.).
In this case, the solid elements is obtained as a slurry of water
or gas, which is washed off by gravity, entering the hopper.
Drying the slurry in a conventional manner, for example by
precipitation in a vacuum filter.
[0023] Examples of specific numerical values ??to the modes of
their rationales are given in the table.
[0024] As can be seen from the table, under the recommended way to
modes of electric current and magnetic field the degree of
purification of exhaust gases as high as possible: 99.5 to 100% at
this new and useful metals are obtained (see. Runs 1 12).
When the electric current density of 19 kA and 39 / mm2, i.e. and
less than the recommended 20 to 40 kA / mm2, and magnetic field
intensity 39 Wb, i.e. less than the recommended 40 Wb, the degree
of purification is sharply reduced to 50 - 65% also decreases the
quantity of the useful metals (see. Bonus 13 - 15).
When the electric current density of 101 and 1001 kA / mm2, i.e.
more than recommended, and the magnetic field 301 Wb, ie more
recommended, stops the growth of the degree of purification,
energy costs are unnecessary and are not equivalent results (see.
16 18 experiments).
The growth of the number of received useful elements stops.