Marcel Violet and Vitalised Water?
In 1961, Marcel Violet, engineer of arts and professions and
recognised inventor and scientist of his time, gave the only
public lecture of his life during which he revealed his discovery
of vitalised water.
This revelation was later published as a book: "The Secret of the
Patriarchs: Essay on the Nature of Biological Energy - Perspective
on its Use in the Field of Self-Defense and as a Factor of
Rejuvenation". In regards to his work, and after successful
experiments, Rene Bartholomew himself exclaimed:
"We may find ourselves in the presence of the greatest discovery
of the century"
Vitalised water was discovered, tested and perfected in the
laboratories of the army, as Marcel Violet worked in the
Armament's General Management for many years, together with the
greatest scientists of the time. They thus discovered that
properly treated water was capable of confering new and unknown
forces to living organisms. It was observed that the spontaneous
cure of serious illness is possible but rare, and that vitalised
water can stimulate this curious phenomenon. Experiments were
conducted and undoubtedly showed that this water increased crop
yields and growth of livestock. While he was sentenced by
medicine, Marcel Violet decided to test his discovery on himself
without moderation. It is to this audacity that he attributed his
The vitalised water was tested on an entire hospital: doctors,
patients, women in childbirth and maintenance personnel with such
favorable results that it was intended for general use. A positive
opinion was issued by the National Academy of Medicine in 1958:
"Experiments on animals or humans, especially convalescents, were
made by various doctors either at their clients' homes or in
hospitals. They showed that a dose of 25 cm3 three times a day
caused a decrease in fatigue, improving the overall condition.
After reviewing the record, our committee admitted that through
this method, elements that have a positive effect on cellular life
can be introduced and they recognised the value of such treated
Medicine lost interest in vitalised water because in view of its
composition, water is just water and not a drug. ;-)
"In search of a definition of life itself, a great biologist, Fred
Vles, professor of biological physics at the University of
Strasbourg, gives biology the following definition: 'Biology is
for the most part the science of water.' Indeed, it appears that
water is always necessary for life. Wherever there is life there
is water, and where there is no water, there is no life."
According to Marcel Violet, cosmic rays are the ones that give
water the properties that enable it to organise life.
He discovered that beeswax, properly prepared, is a selective
filter of cosmic radiation, all of which is explained in detail in
the conference. The Magnetic Fountain integrates this discovery,
while incorporating the resonant frequency of the Cosmic C, which
constitutes an additional vital information. How to check this, is
explained in two minutes. We owe the magnetic resonance
characteristics found in the Magnetic Fountain to the works of the
great and underrated Nikola Tesla.
The Magnetic Fountain also contains a magnetic vortex, a sort of
swirling magnetic field, which rotates the water molecules. All
serious chemists know that the water molecule is electrically
asymmetrical, so it aligns with magnetic fields. The Magnetic
Fountain's vortex is made based on the work of Schauberger. A
short film on the website helps us
understand the presence and effect of the vortex due to its
spinning top. Another film which shows and explains the water
vortex is also available for free.
[ PDF ]

The apparatus of Marcel Violet
Peter Keene
laboratory glassware, resonator, coils, electromagnet, electrodes,
plexiglass, modified tesla coil
1,60m x 0,40m x 0,40m
in or relating to a device for the magnetic and electrical
treatment of water and other materials
FR1142722 (A) // GB852733 (A)
Marcel Violet
I, MARCEL VIOLET, a French citizen, of 17, Rue Paul Bertin,
Nanterre (Seine), France, do hereby declare the invention, for
which I pray that a patent may be granted to me, and the method by
which it is to be performed, to be particularly described in and
by the following statement:
This invention relates to a device for the magnetic and electrical
treatment of water and other materials.
Certain materials, such as water (including mineral water),
alcohol, wine, fatty substances and various medicinal creams, when
subjected to the action of a treating device supplying high
frequency oscillating electrical or electromagnetic energy
sources, of artificial or natural form (e.g. telluric or cosmic),
may undergo modifications in some of their properties. For
example, it has been possible to observe a modification of the pH
value and resistivity of water when it is distilled two or three
times and passed through such a treating device having metal
electrodes of, for example, gold, aluminium, magnesium, or copper.
In addition, by such treatment there may be dispersed in water, in
colloidal or other form, metals normally insoluble in water, the
concentration of the metal in the treated water having a definite
value for each metal.
Also it is possible to observe the beneficial effect of the
treated water on human beings, animals, fruit and vegetables. For
example, treated water containing copper, produced an improvement
in the yield of vegetables obtained per acre, and an improvement
in the weight of fruit produced.
The present invention concerns an apparatus for subjecting
materials first to the action of oscillatory magnetic energy and
then to the action of artificial or natural electrical
oscillations taken either from an aerial or from the electrical
supply system operating as such, and filtered or amplified by the
elements of the apparatus.
According to the present invention there is provided an apparatus
for subjecting a material first to the action of oscillatory
magnetic energy and then to the action of artificial or natural
sources of oscillatory electrical energy, which apparatus
comprises a first means for subjecting the material under
treatment to the action of an oscillating magnetic field and a
second means for subjecting the material under treatment, after it
leaves the first means, to high frequency electrical oscillations,
said second means including a fixed condenser, having a dielectric
composed principally of bee's wax, and one or more electrodes, the
electrode(s) serving to transmit the electrical oscillations to
the material under treatment
The second means may also include a rotary condenser and a source
of alternating current, or an aerial, connected to the fixed
condenser, for receiving cosmic or telluric waves.
The term "high frequency" is used as meaning a frequency of the
order of 1024 oscillations per second.
The term "electrode," which is not used in the normal sense since
there is no passage of current, means a member from which an
emission of electrical oscillations may take place. The electrodes
may consist of a metal, for example, copper, aluminium, silver or
gold, or an alloy of two or more of these metals, or a metal
coated with a metalloid such as arsenic or antimony, or coated
with a - non-metal such as carbon or sulphur. In the latter case,
the electrode is made by coating the metal with graphite or by
dipping the metal into a sulphur bath.
For a better understanding of the invention, and to show how the
same may be carried into effect, reference will now be made by way
of example to the accompanying drawing which shows
diagrammatically a constructional form of an apparatus according
to the present invention.
Referring now to the drawing, the material to be treated, which
may be for example water, passes down a tube 1 into a chamber 2,
the central portion 3 of which is constricted, and passes between
the poles 4 and 5 of an electromagnet 6 fed with alternating
current from a supply connected to a connector 18. Thus at any
instant, a small volume of material in the constricted portion 3
of the chamber 2, is subjected to the action of a magnetic field
oscillating at the frequency of the feed current. On leaving the
chamber 2, the material is directed through a tube 7, into a tube
8 containing therein a longitudinally disposed coaxial copper
electrode 9, and thence into a receptacle 10 containing a copper
electrode 11 similar to the electrode 9. The material travels from
one end of the tube 8 to the other before being collected in a
storage receptacle 10. The electrodes 9 and 11 are connected to a
fixed condenser 12 comprising two sets of parallel metal blades so
disposed as to leave between the plates of the first set and those
of the second set a space of two or three millimetres. which space
is filled with a natural dielectric consisting of bee's wax.
Arranged in parallel with the condenser 12 is a second and rotary
condenser actuated by a motor 15, said second condenser comprising
two sets of blades 13 and 14, the set of blades 14 being fixed and
the set of blades 13 being movable and being driven by the motor
15. Alternatively, said rotary condenser may be connected in
series with the fixed condenser 12 and in some cases, the rotary
condenser may be replaced by a high-frequency generating device,
for example, one involving a quartz-crystal type valve circuit.
Since the apparatus operates with alternating current supplied to
the connector 18, that terminal of the connector 18 which when
connected to a valve permits the lighting of the valve when the
other wire of the valve is connected to an exposed earth
conductor, such as a water pipe or a gas pipe, is connected, for
the parallel arrangement, to a terminal of the condenser 12 and to
a terminal of the rotary condenser 13-14. A highly insulated wire
16 connects the other terminal of the condenser 12 to the second
terminal of the rotary condenser 13-14 which wire 16 is connected
by a wire 17 to the electrodes 9 and 11.
The material under treatment must not at any instant be brought
into contact with metallic elements other than the electrodes.
Particles of indeterminate form originating from the electrodes,
are present in the treated material. The particles may be present
in, for example, colloidal, molecular or ionic form.