et al.
Bone Marrow Stem Cells vs
10 April 2007
'Rebuilt' immune system shakes off diabetes
By Roxanne Khamsi
Diabetics appear to have been cured with a one-off treatment that
rebuilds their immune system, according to a new study.
The technique, which uses patients’ own bone marrow cells, has
freed 14 of 15 patients with type 1 diabetes from their dependence
on insulin medication.
So far, participants in the trial have gone 18 months without
insulin therapy following the procedure, on average. One patient
has lasted three years without needing such injections.
In patients with type 1 diabetes, which typically strikes in early
childhood or adolescence, the immune system appears to erroneously
attack cells in the pancreas that produce the hormone insulin.
Without insulin, blood sugar levels in the body spiral out of
control. People with diabetes receive insulin therapy, often in
the form of self-injected shots, to keep their blood sugar levels
under control.
Wipe out
Scientists have speculated that “resetting” the immune system
might stop it from attacking the insulin-producing cells in the
Julio Voltarelli, at the University of Sao Paulo in Brazil, and
colleagues recruited 15 people aged 14 to 31 years who had
recently been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. Roughly 60% to 80%
of these patients’ insulin-producing cells had been destroyed by
the time of their diagnosis, and all needed regular insulin shots.
The researchers removed bone marrow stem cells from the patients,
who were then given drugs such as cytotoxan to wipe out their
immune cells. Without an immune system, the patients were
vulnerable to infection and so they were given antibiotics and
kept in an isolation ward. They participants did not undergo
radiation treatment – as leukaemia patients often do as part of a
bone marrow transplant – and so had fewer side effects and less
risk of organ damage.
Two weeks later, the patients received infusions of their own stem
cells into their bloodstream via the jugular vein, which
re-established their immune systems.
Throughout this time and following the stem cell transplant, the
research team continued taking blood samples to assess how much
insulin each patient required.
Free for life?
Of the 15 patients, 12 no longer needed insulin shots within a few
days of undergoing the procedure. One patient from the group had a
relapse and needed to take insulin for one year, before becoming
insulin-independent again – and has remained this way for 5
Of the remaining two participants, one stopped needing insulin
shots for one year after the transplant but has spent the past two
months back on the shots, and the final participant’s diabetes did
not respond to the stem cell treatment.
Those who responded to the treatment have not needed insulin shots
– so far, for an average 18 months – and had not relapsed at the
time of study publication. One patient had gone as long as 35
months without needing insulin therapy. “It may be that they
become insulin-free for life. We don’t know,” says Voltarelli.
Exactly why some patients responded to the treatment and one did
not remains a mystery. “It could be due to differences in genetic
background or severity of the immune attack,” Voltarelli suggests.
During the course of the trial, one patient developed pneumonia as
a result of the immune-suppressing drugs used in the procedure.
Two others developed complications, including thyroid dysfunction
and early menopause, but it is not clear if these relate to the
stem cell transplant
Honeymoon period
Jay Skyler, who heads the Diabetes Research Institute at the
University of Miami in Florida, US, cautions that the trial did
not include a control group. Skyler adds some people experience a
remission of symptoms shortly after being diagnosed with type 1
diabetes, and the increase in insulin production seen among study
participants might be related to this “honeymoon period”.
Skyler also notes it is unclear exactly how the insulin production
in the patients increased.
Still, he says that the trial has “shown some potentially
promising results”. And Voltarelli is hopeful that this type of
approach could help patients with type 1 diabetes avoid some of
the long-term complications that arise from the illness, such as
kidney, eye and nerve damage, which result from chronically high
levels of blood sugar.
Journal reference: Journal of the American Medical Association
(vol 297, p 1568)
March 30, 2013
Julio Voltarelli

Leading expert in stem cell transplantation for the treatment of
autoimmune diseases. Born on Dec 17, 1948, in Fernandópolis,
Brazil, he died of complications of a liver transplant on March
21, 2012, in Blumenau, Brazil, aged 63 years.
Julio Voltarelli's passion and vision was to be able to modify the
immune system in order to change a disease's course. As the
coordinator of the Bone Marrow Transplant Unit at the Ribeirão
Preto School of Medicine at the University of São Paulo in Brazil,
Voltarelli was one of the first researchers in the world to use
haemopoietic stem cells found in bone marrow to treat autoimmune
diseases. “Julio was a pioneer driven by an internal compass,
directed by uncanny intuition, steadied by intellect, and grounded
by sincerity and honesty to improve this world through restoring
to people what disease had extinguished”, says Richard Burt,
associate professor and Chief of the Division of
Medicine-Immunotherapy for Autoimmune Diseases at Northwestern
University Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago, USA. Since
2001, Voltarelli's team has undertaken almost 200 stem cell
transplantations for autoimmune diseases, including type 1
diabetes, multiple sclerosis, systemic sclerosis, and lupus.
Working with Burt, Voltarelli developed a protocol for
transplanting stem cells in patients with type 1 diabetes. The
researchers first removed cells from the bone marrow of patients
and then treated the patients with radiation to destroy their
immune systems, which were attacking the pancreatic ß cells
responsible for producing insulin. Patients' stem cells were then
injected back into their bone marrow in the hope of repopulating
the pancreas with functioning ß cells. Voltarelli and his
colleagues reported that 20 out of 23 patients who received the
treatment no longer needed to inject insulin to control their
blood sugar levels; for some, the treatment was effective for up
to 3 years. It was, the researchers wrote in the Journal of the
American Medical Association in 2009, “the only treatment capable
of reversing type 1 DM [diabetes mellitus] in humans” at that
Voltarelli encountered doubt and resistance from colleagues who
questioned why diabetes should be treated with a high-risk
transplantation procedure, according to Maria Carolina Oliveira, a
staff physician in the Department of Internal Medicine at the
Ribeirão Preto School of Medicine, who worked closely with
Voltarelli. But the improvement in patients' quality of life with
treatment and the possibility that chronic complications, such as
eye and kidney disease, would diminish as a result validated
Voltarelli's efforts. His contribution in Brazil was important,
says Oliveira: “He will definitely be remembered for his courage
and audacity. He started something new in the country and worked
against other people's opinion, especially concerning the type 1
diabetes stem cell transplantation protocol.”
Voltarelli graduated from the Ribeirão Preto School of Medicine at
the University of São Paulo in 1972 and completed a residency in
internal medicine and haematology there 2 years later. He received
a doctorate in haematology and clinical immunology from the same
institution in 1981 and then completed postdoctoral fellowships in
the USA at the University of California, San Francisco, the Fred
Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, and the Scripps
Research Institute in San Diego. In 1992, he returned to Brazil
and established the Bone Marrow Transplant Unit at the Ribeirão
Preto School of Medicine.
Over the course of his career, Voltarelli published more than 130
articles and edited the first book in Portuguese on stem cell
transplantation and clinical immunology; he was also on the
editorial board of the journal Cell Transplantation. Shortly
before his death, his colleagues elected him President of the
Brazilian Society of Bone Marrow Transplantation. Voltarelli
lobbied for the creation of a national transplant register in
Brazil and for the certification of physicians who perform
transplantations in the country. “He was the most loyal and
correct scientist I ever worked with. He was extremely smart but
extremely modest. He always discussed all of the protocols and
projects with the whole group, taking into account all opinions”,
remembers Belinda Simoes, who worked with Voltarelli for 20 years
and who is the current coordinator of the Bone Marrow Transplant
Unit. Voltarelli is survived by his wife and two daughters.
PLoS One. 2012; 7(2): e31887.
2012 Feb 22.
doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0031887
Acute Response of Peripheral Blood Cell to
Autologous Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation in Type 1
Diabetic Patient
Xiaofang Zhang, Lei Ye, Jiong Hu, Wei Tang, Ruixin Liu,
Minglan Yang, Jie Hong, Weiqing Wang, Guang
Ning, and Weiqiong Gu
Autologous nonmyeloablative hematopoietic stem cell
transplantation (AHST) was the first therapeutic approach that can
improve ß cell function in type 1 diabetic (T1D) patients. This
study was designed to investigate the potential mechanisms
Design and methods
We applied AHST to nine T1D patients diagnosed within six
months and analyzed the acute responses in peripheral blood for
lymphocyte subpopulation as well as for genomic expression
profiling at the six-month follow-up.
We found six patients obtained insulin free (IF group) and
three remained insulin dependent (ID group); C-peptide production
was significantly higher in IF group compared to ID group. The
acute responses in lymphocytes at six-month follow-up include
declined CD3+CD4+, CD3+CD8+ T cell population and recovered B
cell, NK cell population in both groups but with no significant
differences between the two groups; most immune-related genes and
pathways were up-regulated in peripheral blood mononuclear cell
(PBMC) of both groups while none of transcription factors for
immune regulatory component were significantly changed; the IF
group demonstrated more AHST-modified genetic events than the ID
group and distinct pattern of top pathways, co-expression network
as well as ‘hub’ genes (eg, TCF7 and GZMA) were associated with
each group.
AHST could improve the islet function in newly diagnosed T1D
patients and elimination of the islet specific autoreactive T
cells might be one of the mechanisms involved; T1D patients
responded differently to AHST possibly due to the distinct
transcriptional events occurring in PBMC.
Type 1 diabetes (T1DM) is an organ specific autoimmune disease,
resulting from chronic immune attack against pancreatic beta cells
[1]. Although it is thought to be mediated mainly by T helper 1
cells, a complex interaction of immune cells including CD4+T cell,
CD8+Tcell and innate immune cell NK cell, B cell and antigen
presentation cell is actually involved in the pathogenesis [2].
This course of immune-destruction is subclinical until
approximately 60% to 80% of the beta-cell mass is destroyed, when
the amount of beta-cell mass is insufficient to maintain glucose
homeostasis and the clinical diagnosis of T1DM is established [3].
The best-established treatment is to tightly control the blood
glucose by intensive insulin therapy [4]. However, long-term
substitutive insulin therapy is still associated with major
constraints and lack of effectiveness in preventing chronic
vascular and neurological complications. Immunointervention
therapy, which targets the causal pathogenic mechanism, therefore,
may represent the only sensible strategy. Clinical trial of
immunosuppression drugs (cyclosporine), antigen therapy (GAD) or
immunoregulatory agents (anti-CD3 antibody) have obtained efficacy
in patients with T1DM, however obstacles such as adverse effects,
lack of long-lasting improvement and especially the exogenous
insulin requirement remain still as a medical challenging [5].
In 2007, Julio C. Voltarelli's group reported the first clinical
trial using AHST as a potential approach in cases of T1D [6].
Indeed, for the first time these studies demonstrated that AHST
led to prolonged insulin independence coupled with a significant
increase of c-peptide production. A follow-up study published two
years later confirmed the insulin independence was due to improved
ß cell function instead of a prolonged honeymoon [7]. Therefore,
AHST has been the only T1D-related management shown to preserve ß
cell function. However, AHST requires a relatively aggressive
immune-intervention and complications such as pneumonia and
endocrine dysfunction have been noted. Therefore, a need exists to
be able to target those patients who will receive the most benefit
from AHST and to further clarify the mechanisms involved in ß cell
function recovery so that the strategy can be optimized and a
broader patient population can benefit from this treatment
In this study, we applied AHST therapy to a group of nine patients
with newly diagnosed T1D and specifically investigated their
immune reconstitution, as well as performed transcriptome
profiling on their PBMC pre-treatment and six months
post-treatment to identify the acute responsive events, which
might give helpful insights to clarify the therapeutic
We found six patients obtained insulin free (IF group) and
three remained insulin dependent (ID group); C-peptide production
was significantly higher in IF group compared to ID group. The
acute responses in lymphocytes at six-month follow-up include
declined CD3+CD4+, CD3+CD8+ T cell population and recovered B
cell, NK cell population in both groups but with no significant
differences between the two groups; most immune-related genes and
pathways were up-regulated in peripheral blood mononuclear cell
(PBMC) of both groups while none of transcription factors for
immune regulatory component were significantly changed; the IF
group demonstrated more AHST-modified genetic events than the ID
group and distinct pattern of top pathways, co-expression network
as well as ‘hub’ genes (eg, TCF7 and GZMA) were associated with
each group.
AHST could improve the islet function in newly diagnosed T1D
patients and elimination of the islet specific autoreactive T
cells might be one of the mechanisms involved; T1D patients
responded differently to AHST possibly due to the distinct
transcriptional events occurring in PBMC.
Voltarelli Nicholas Zavazava
Endocrine Reviews, Volume 32, Issue 6, 1 December 2011,
Pages 725–754, https://doi.org/10.1210/er.2011-0008
Immunological Applications of Stem Cells in
Type 1 Diabetes
Paolo Fiorina Julio Voltarelli Nicholas Zavazava
Current approaches aiming to cure type 1 diabetes (T1D) have made
a negligible number of patients insulin-independent. In this
review, we revisit the role of stem cell (SC)-based applications
in curing T1D. The optimal therapeutic approach for T1D should
ideally preserve the remaining ß-cells, restore ß-cell function,
and protect the replaced insulin-producing cells from
autoimmunity. SCs possess immunological and regenerative
properties that could be harnessed to improve the treatment of
T1D; indeed, SCs may reestablish peripheral tolerance toward
ß-cells through reshaping of the immune response and inhibition of
autoreactive T-cell function. Furthermore, SC-derived
insulin-producing cells are capable of engrafting and reversing
hyperglycemia in mice. Bone marrow mesenchymal SCs display a
hypoimmunogenic phenotype as well as a broad range of
immunomodulatory capabilities, they have been shown to cure newly
diabetic nonobese diabetic (NOD) mice, and they are currently
undergoing evaluation in two clinical trials. Cord blood SCs have
been shown to facilitate the generation of regulatory T cells,
thereby reverting hyperglycemia in NOD mice. T1D patients treated
with cord blood SCs also did not show any adverse reaction in the
absence of major effects on glycometabolic control. Although
hematopoietic SCs rarely revert hyperglycemia in NOD mice, they
exhibit profound immunomodulatory properties in humans; newly
hyperglycemic T1D patients have been successfully reverted to
normoglycemia with autologous nonmyeloablative hematopoietic SC
transplantation. Finally, embryonic SCs also offer exciting
prospects because they are able to generate glucose-responsive
insulin-producing cells. Easy enthusiasm should be mitigated
mainly because of the potential oncogenicity of SCs.
Diabetol Metab Syndr. 2009 Oct 16;1(1):19.
doi: 10.1186/1758-5996-1-19.
Stem cell therapy for type 1 diabetes
mellitus: a review of recent clinical trials.
Couri CE, Voltarelli JC.
Stem cell therapy is one of the most promising treatments for
the near future. It is expected that this kind of therapy can
ameliorate or even reverse some diseases. With regard to type 1
diabetes, studies analyzing the therapeutic effects of stem cells
in humans began in 2003 in the Hospital das Clínicas of the
Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto - SP USP, Brazil, and since
then other centers in different countries started to randomize
patients in their clinical trials. Herein we summarize recent data
about beta cell regeneration, different ways of immune
intervention and what is being employed in type 1 diabetic
patients with regard to stem cell repertoire to promote
regeneration and/or preservation of beta cell mass.The Diabetes
Control and Complications Trial (DCCT) was a 7-year longitudinal
study that demonstrated the importance of the intensive insulin
therapy when compared to conventional treatment in the development
of chronic complications in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus
(T1DM). This study also demonstrated another important issue:
there is a reverse relationship between C-peptide levels
(endogenous indicator of insulin secretion) chronic complications
- that is, the higher the C-peptide levels, the lower the
incidence of nephropathy, retinopathy and hypoglycemia. From such
data, beta cell preservation has become an additional target in
the management of T1DM 1.