Feb. 12 1989
Physicist Ed Wagner says he has found evidence that trees talk to
each other in a language he calls W-waves.
"If you chop into a tree, you can see that adjacent trees put out
an electrical pulse," said Wagner. "This indicates they
communicate directly."Explaining the phenomenon, Wagner pointed to
a blip on a strip-chart recording of the electrical pulse.
"It put out a tremendous cry of alarm," he said. "The adjacent
trees put out smaller ones."
An abstract of his research was published last fall in Northwest
Science magazine, put out by the Northwest Scientific Association
at Washington State University in Pullman, Wash.
"People have known there was communication between trees for
several years, but they've explained it by the chemicals trees
produce," Wagner said.
"But I think the real communication is much quicker and more
dramatic than that," he said. "These trees `know' within a few
seconds what is happening. This is an automatic response."
Wagner has measured the speed of W-waves at about 3 feet per
second through trees and about 15 feet per second through the air.
"They travel much too slowly for electrical waves," he said. "They
seem to be an altogether different entity. That's what makes them
so intriguing. They don't seem to be electromagnetic waves at
Wagner said he stumbled across the W-waves early last year while
doing research on sap flow in trees.
He was intrigued to find different electrical voltage readings at
various locations in the sections of tree trunks he was working
with, indicating a standing wave formation.
Wagner, 58, holds a doctorate in physics from the University of
Tennessee. He formerly worked at the Oak Ridge National
Laboratories in Tennessee and taught physics at California State
Polytechnic University for five years.
He returned to his family home in Wimer, about 15 miles east of
Grants Pass, in the 1970s and established the Wagner Research
Laboratory. About six years ago he earned a degree in electrical
engineering from the University of Dayton in Ohio.
Wagner said his work has been greeted with skepticism, but he
remains confident it will be accepted one day.
"Scientists are supposed to be open-minded to discovery, but if
you come up with something that is contrary to scientific
religion, it's hard to get through to them."
W-waves and a wave universe: O. Ed
Wagner Research Laboratory
2645 Sykes Creek Road
Rogue River, Oregon 97537
(541) 582-3335
Wagner Research Laboratory located in Rogue River, Oregon, is
dedicated to solving some of the major problems of the ... How do
plants communicate with each other? ... See the exciting 2007
article that adds proof of Wave theory. ... Dr. Ed Wagner is
founder and owner of WRL and is an internationally known
Dr. Wagner has authored a 200 page book (Waves in Dark Matter)
that summarizes most of the early work at WRL.
Science has long sought why the life and the universe seem to be
self organizing. The book provides new data that demonstrate how
this happens. This book shows why the solar system is stable with
the planets and their satellites and rings being held in place by
special forces that are demonstrated by their present
organization. The book provides experiments that demonstrate that
life and likely all nature communicate.
The book provides many simple new experiments that almost anyone
can do that demonstrate the ideas presented. Read about simple
experiments that reveal incredible secrets about gravity. Also
read about and do simple experiments that show how plants
communicate. Read about how electric fields influence plant
Everything in the book is backed by repeatable experimental data
or data taken from the objects discussed. The book presents much
work that is not published elsewhere so if you are interested in
pursuing any of the topics presented on this web site Waves in
Dark Matter is indispensable.
Wagner Research Laboratory
Rogue River, Oregon
During the past nine years I have found and analyzed waves (W-
waves) that seem to pervade everything. These waves seem to
interact with ordinary matter to control charge location, matter
displacement, life organization, and provide communication.
The variable velocities found for these waves may provide better
and more versatile means of communication throughout the universe.
These waves may travel many times faster than light under the
proper conditions since they appear to be non- electromagnetic.
They may provide communication with the most remote locations
within reasonable times. I hypothesize that these waves provide a
dominant means of communication for the universe and thus, so far,
we have been unable to detect other than human communications. I
have detected organized signals coming from W-wave detectors that
may have originated from deep space. These waves might also
provide for action at a distance under the proper conditions.
The formation and stability of the solar system and the
macroscopic structure of the universe seem to be provided by these
waves. Measurement of gravity cancellation affects in plants as
well as other interactions with gravity suggest the possibility of
gravity control with the proper application of these waves.
These waves also seem to provide a template or pattern for the
development of all life and thus life developed in spite of the
fundamental second law of thermodynamics. The second law is a
physical law that states that a system left to itself tends toward
disorganization. I present some of my 1996 data that shows that
plant structures tend to grow at certain preferred angles to the
gravitational field providing another example of how these waves
These versatile waves may explain many of the controversial
anomalous phenomena found on earth such as dowsing, mental
telepathy, acupuncture, person to person healing, communication
between plants and between plants and humans, and other related
phenomena. The work reported here suggests to me that these
phenomena may be feasible as W-wave phenomena.
In 1988 I discovered waves in plants. I called them W-waves
because they were first observed in live wood1. These waves travel
throughout plants. I also found these waves were present in other
materials such as salt solution filled pourous materials and
likely all matter everywhere since I have detected them everywhere
I have searched. I found that W-waves also travel between plants
and facilitate plant communication2. If I wounded one plant I
found an almost immediate response in nearby plants. Preliminary
data even suggests communication between salt solution filled wood
samples (unpublished).
The smallest velocities for the waves carrying the information
seem to be close to 480 cm/s between plants and 96 cm/s within
plant tissue2. In 1994 I discovered that larger W-wave velocities
exist in plants which are integral multiples of 96 cm/s (velocity
switching). Some of this latter work is published in (1996)
Physiological Chemistry and Physics 28:173-1963.
Over the past nine years I measured many thousands of plant
internodal spacings (spacings between leaves and branches) and
took distributions. The distributions demonstrated that plant
spacings are discrete (quantized) with most spacings repeating
from plant species to plant species indicating wave behavior. The
evidence suggests that many standing W-wave frequencies with their
special characteristics determine plant structure (see Figure 1
and elementary physics texts for information on standing waves).
There are only certain discrete frequencies or modes available and
plants grow accordingly. I compared these affects to sound
standing waves placing dust piles at nodes in a dust filled
resonating sound tube (Kundt's tube)4. W-waves similarly seem to
move matter (including charge) to standing wave nodes if the
matter is free to move.
In 1993 I studied plant internodal spacings in the vicinity of an
electric power substation. I found that certain electric field
amplitudes had large affects on the distributions of plant
spacings. The spread of frequencies (standard deviations) was
reduced considerably in several cases. I also studied the
production of W-wave frequency signals in the presence of
electromagnetic sources in the laboratory. I found, using
semiconductor detectors, that certain characteristic W-wave
frequencies are produced which are also commonly found in the
analysis of plant spacings.
It appears that certain electromagnetic fields alter the W-wave
amplitudes of certain discrete W-wave modes that are available to
plants in the W-wave medium. Discrete modes having higher
amplitudes apparently cause plants to grow with an altered set of
permitted discrete spacings5. Note that the excited modes are much
different than the EM frequencies exciting them. The data here
suggest that energy is absorbed from electromagnetic fields by the
W-wave medium5.
Using small accelerometers in small holes in vertical tree trunks
I found a large reduction in the gravitational field when sap was
flowing. I also hung weights in holes in slightly leaning trees
with weight loss indicated during sap flow periods6,7. These
affects indicate that forces are present that cancel gravity to
facilitate sap flow. These forces may be reproducible outside of
plants. Large voltages in insulated diodes placed in sap
conducting tree tissue indicate a large W-wave intensity in
In 1990 I proposed that the sunspot cycle is due to the
oscillation of slow moving waves in the sun9. If the waves
traverse the suns radius in 11 years they are traveling at about 1
m/s. This velocity is close to the velocity that I observed for
W-waves traveling through salt solution filled wood samples as
well as to the velocity of W-waves in live plants. I later
identify the waves here as the same species of waves as the waves
operating plants.
The planets surrounding the sun are placed such that their
distances from the sun is almost doubled for each succeeding
planet. The same is true for the satellites of Jupiter and Saturn.
This looks like the work of a wave phenomenon where the wave
velocity increases exponentially as it travels away from the sun
or planets due to a decreasing density of the wave medium. The
waves would be very slow moving as they started out from the sun
and then speed up as they moved outward.
I hypothesize that the sun (or planets) is oscillating with a
period close to that of the sunspot cycle (different for the
planets) and producing its own standing wave pattern. This pattern
placed most of the planets because matter collected at the wave
nodes. The sunspot cycle period appears to vary because sunspots
appear much by chance but likely there is an underlying very
regular oscillation5,9.
An equation that does a good job in locating the planets (or
satellites of Jupiter and Saturn) is:
r = r0exp(0.625N)
where r is the planets distance from the sun, r0 is close to the
sun's present radius (or Jupiter or Saturn's radius when their
satellites were placed) and N is an integer. The velocity equation
for the proposed waves would be:
vN = v0exp(0.625N)
where vN is the wave velocity at a particular planet's location v0
is a constant. These equations can be derived from assuming that
the wave medium density drops off as about 1/r2 as one moves
radially away from the sun. The 1/r2 density dependence is also
found for dark matter (to be discussed later) halos around
galaxies10. The waves here, like plant waves, are longitudinal
waves like sound waves5.
I call my view of the universe "wave cosmology". This viewpoint
solves many problems. For example the solar system is stable
because a standing wave pattern produced by the sun's oscillation
is always in place with a tendency to hold ordinary matter (like
the planets) at nodes. Planetary rings are stable because they
result from special matter confining standing waves. These special
standing waves arise because of planet layering discontinuities
which reflect w-waves and produce added planetary oscillation
frequencies. Planetary ring structure thus provides information
about internal planetary structure5.
W-wave standing wave affects show on earth in different places
besides plants and solution filled porous materials. As stated
earlier W-waves seem to be both matter and charge displacing
waves. W-waves seem to be standing wave prone because they reflect
back on themselves easily. I found (an ongoing experiment)
naturally occurring nodes in flotage in troughs half filled with
water lying along an East and West line. The moving flotage was
protected from atmospheric affects. For flotage I use styrofoam
particles and wood sawdust soaked in hot paraffin. When floating
on the water surface these particles seem to collect more at
specific locations due to the standing waves present apparently
I found equally spaced locations, where flotage tended to collect
more, were produced artificially in flotage in a trough by
oscillating vacuum tubes at one end of the trough (9 cm node
spacing in one case using a 400 khz oscillator) . I attribute the
latter affects to electromagnetic fields exciting slow moving wave
modes in the W-wave medium as discussed earlier. Note that a 9 cm
node spacing is a half wavelength for 26.7 Hz traveling at 480
cm/s in air. 26.7 Hz is a common plant frequency derived from
plant internodal spacings.
A good explanation for the results from the so called fifth force
experiments of physicists of the 1980's is that the forces
observed are forces varying sinusoidally due to large W-wave
standing wave patterns11. The observed forces confused the
researchers because they tried to fit the behavior into their
fifth force hypothesis so most of the work was discontinued
because the data didn't make sense with their hypothesis. The so
called corrections to gravity seemed to vary sinusoidally as would
be expected with forces produced by standing waves5. Both
attractive and repulsive and vertical and horizontal forces were
observed but none of those experimenting with the so called fifth
force attempted to locate the nodal points as would have been done
if the experiments had been carried out on the basis of the W-wave
W-waves' subtle affects may be manifest in places one would not
suspect. As already stated W-waves tend to deposit matter at
different locations because there is a W-wave standing wave
pattern present. Some of the supposedly air deposited unexplained
periodic formations on sand dunes may be due to resonating W-
waves rather than due purely to air affects. Even some of the
repeating patterns observed in clouds may be due to W-wave
standing wave affects.
It has been observed that plants grow anywhere including anywhere
on and within the earth. The waves that run plants seem to come
from outside the plants because they appear to arise from
electromagnetic excitation affects, the sun, and the planets5.
This suggests that plant waves must penetrate the earth if plants
grow inside. I found the same W-wave frequencies and amplitudes
deep underground in plants that I measured on the surface of the
The hypothesized dark matter seems to penetrate everything in the
universe12. W-waves apparently travel through dark matter alone in
the vacuum of the solar system and space and through a combination
of dark matter and ordinary matter. The most important medium to
W-waves appears to be dark matter. Thus W- waves appear to be
waves traveling in dark matter that penetrates ordinary matter. In
the dark matter-filled ordinary matter the density of the ordinary
matter appears to be important to the W- wave velocity (see all
the Wagner references). This suggests an interaction between
ordinary matter and dark matter. I have already mentioned that the
oscillations of W-waves in plant material seems to organize charge
so that we see periodicity in the organization of charge in
plants1. Charge is the only thing other than dark matter that is
relatively free to move through ordinary matter.
W-waves in plants, in the sun, and the waves placing the planets,
satellites of planets, or the waves stabilizing planetary rings
likely are of the same species. No other slow moving matter
penetrating waves are known. The observed slow moving waves on
earth and around the sun must have a medium. The vacuum around the
sun is apparently filled with dark matter which makes up more than
90% of our universe12. This is the only possible known vacuum
medium for the waves that I describe. Elsewhere combinations of
dark matter and ordinary matter are the media.
If dark matter waves cancel gravity in plants as I found6,7 then
one can only estimate the total influence that dark matter had on
the early placement of matter in the solar system. The plant work
indicates that dark matter waves interact strongly with gravity in
ways that make dark matter very unique in its interactions with
ordinary matter6,7. Dark matter with its waves likely had a very
large previously unrecognized influence on the formation of our
solar system and other similar systems throughout our universe
because of interactions with ordinary matter and the gravitational
field. The wave cosmology theory and data confirms this strong
The velocity of W-waves in ordinary matter (with dark matter
present) seems to be inversely proportional to the square root of
the density of the medium if one leaves out velocity switching
discussed earlier. Compare this with the density dependence for
the speed of sound in solids (see elementary physics texts).
Taking into account velocity switching3, I speculate that much
higher velocities than what I have observed so far are likely in
plants and elsewhere.
In the W-wave theory I propose that dark matter absorbs both
electromagnetic and kinetic energy under the proper circumstances
(note that I have observed that electromagnetic energy excites W-
wave modes requiring energy)5. Because dark matter absorbs energy
the sun's interior may be cooled by W-waves carrying away energy.
The neutrino flux could thus be reduced to about 1/3 of its
predicted value in agreement with actual measurements12. Dark
matter may absorb electromagnetic energy to produce the red shift
in space and dense dark matter may absorb kinetic energy from
bodies orbiting pulsars, for example.
I characterize dark matter more than anyone else so far. I think I
have considerable evidence for my hypotheses, however (all the
Wagner references). Thus dark matter is apparently made up of
electrically neutral small particles with a high numerical density
able to move rather freely through the comparatively large open
spaces in ordinary matter (baryonic matter)12. Since dark matter
waves (W-waves) are apparently able to move charge1 we can
estimate that its particles are of the order of the same size as
electrons or maybe smaller. Compare this with the case of air
molecules in the Kundt's tube sound experiment; air molecules are
much smaller than the dust particles being displaced to node
locations1 (see elementary physics texts). The dark matter
particles are slow moving particles since waves in them are slow
moving in a dense medium (see elementary physics texts on waves).
When the numerical density of dark matter particles becomes small
W-waves can speed up because of a larger mean free path between
particles. I hypothesize that if the density is small enough
without ordinary matter present, since the medium particles are
apparently non-electromagnetic and may not obey the special
relativity rules, W-waves can speed up to velocities many times
the speed of light. The basis for this statement is that I
hypothesize a requirement for immediate communication with all
parts of the universe and that the universe is organized
periodically over very long distances13.
W-waves appear to be reflected by changes in density of the media
through which they travel, by plant boundaries and other
boundaries, and by just ordinary matter with no obvious boundaries
as when their modes have been excited by electromagnetic waves as
mentioned earlier.
I have observed organized signals, using a W-wave detector,
perhaps coming from deep space intelligence. The received signal,
in one case, appeared to be a series of distributions5. W-waves
may be more suited than EM waves for space communications because
of possible very high variable velocities, noise immunity, and
matter penetration.
In the following I report some interesting results from my work in
the summer of 1996 that show that plant structures tend to grow at
certain specific angles to the gravitational field. This data
supplements the already large evidence that I have gathered that
plants are quantized and operated by W-waves.
For the past several years I have been intrigued by small diameter
tree branches that seem to grow out from certain trees at fixed
angles to the horizontal. It appears that the plants have been
correcting the angle of growth so that a branch remains straight
otherwise it would have drooped. I have seen branches that seem to
maintain a specific angle for several meters with the initial
branch diameter no more than 3 centimeters or so. This last summer
I decided to check the growth angles of hundreds of these branches
where the branch appeared to maintain a specific angle for more
than half a meter.
Listed below is a briefing on the results of angle measurements
taken from small red alders (Alnus rubra). I also took confirming
data from big leaf maples (Acer macrophylla), and Douglas firs
(Pseudotsuga menziesii) and some other species to be published
Measurements were taken within a two mile radius of the
laboratory. I chose branches where the initial diameter varied
from a centimeter to two centimeters or I chose sections of
branches where part of the branch maintained a specific angle for
a half meter or more. I also measured some tree trunk angles on
small red alders (three centimeters in diameter at the largest)
where the leaning trunk appeared to grow straight for a meter or
more. I used a simple #36 Polycast protractor to measure the
angles for Figure 2 (I also used a digital readout level as a
check). This instrument had a base 10.7 cm long so I had to limit
my measurements to spacings between secondary branches and leaves
that were longer than 10.7 cm. The length of the level base and
the accessibility of branches and trunks limited what angles I
could measure. I could only measure angles where I did not need to
disturb the branch or trunk that I was measuring.
In measuring I was careful not to remove leaves or secondary
branches that would change the weight of the branch or trunk and
thus change the angle. I moved the measuring device base around
the branch or trunk to be able to read the minimum angle that the
branch or trunk made with the horizontal. Again extreme care was
taken not to move the portion of the branch or trunk whose angle
was being taken so with the small diameter branches or trunks one
could not touch the object being measured without causing some
error. Care was taken to take the measurements without wind. This
was usually early in the morning.
The results for red alder are shown in Figure 2. Most of the
measured angles seem to lie on integral multiples of 5 degrees. 89
% of the 337 red alder measurements (Figure 2) were within 1
degree of integral multiples of 5 degrees.
The results seem to suggest that branches and trunks tend to grow
at specific quantized angles to the horizontal. Integral multiples
of five degrees seem to be the preferred angles of growth in all
measurements made. Only in certain cases was I able to measure
angles but these data are sufficient for a sampling to show the
near five degree angle quantization.
In my previous work3 I reported different velocities for
vertically and horizontally traveling W-waves in plants. Perhaps
every angle multiple with reference to the gravitational field has
its specific W-wave velocity. Here we are considering an
interaction of W-waves with the gravitational field. Previously I
mentioned that W-waves interact with electric fields. Thus we have
found a way to tie gravitational fields with electric fields.
Perhaps W-waves complete the grand unification of the fields or
maybe we should say dark matter completes grand unification.
Also we have a tie in with quantum mechanics. Just as quantum
mechanics determines the structure of matter, W-wave mechanics
seems to determine the structure of plants and likely all life.
From the data so far, W-waves seem to provide a rudimentary
pattern for plant development since spacings, growth angles, and
other quantities are quantized (see all the Wagner references).
Probably life development, in general, does not violate the second
law of thermodynamics. The evidence suggests that it develops
according to a predetermined general pattern provided by the laws
of W-wave behavior which I call W-wave mechanics.
(1) Wagner, O.E. 1988. Wave behavior in plant tissue. Northwest
Science 62:263-270.
(2) Wagner, O.E. 1989. W-waves and plant communication. Northwest
Science 63:119-128.
(3) Wagner, O.E. 1996. Anisotropy of wave velocities in plants:
gravitropism. Physiological Chemistry and Physics and Medical NMR
(4) Wagner, O.E. 1990. W-waves and plant spacings. Northwest
Science 64:28-38.
(5) Wagner, O.E. 1995. Waves in Dark Matter Rogue River: Wagner
Physics Publishing. Chapters 7,8,9,10 and appendix C. (book
available from publisher (1-541-582-3335 or oedphd@budget.net or
see the Wagner Research Laboratory web page))
(6) Wagner, O.E. 1995. Acceleration changes within living trees.
Physiological Chemistry and Physics and Medical NMR 27:32-44.
(7) Wagner, O.E. 1992. Acceleration changes within plants.
Physiological Chemistry and Physics and Medical NMR 24:29-33.
(8) Wagner, O.E. 1993. Wave energy density in plants.
Physiological Chemistry and Physics and Medical NMR 25:49-54.
(9) Wagner, O.E. 1991. W-Waves and A Wave Universe. Rogue River:
Wagner Physics Publishing. Chapter 5.
(10) Tremaine, S. 1992. The dynamical evidence for dark matter.
Physics Today 45:28-36.
(11) Schwarzschild, B. 1988. From mine shafts to cliffs-- the
'Fifth Force' remains elusive. Physics Today 41:21-24.
1 (12) Krause, L.M. 1989. The Fifth Essence. The Search for Dark
Matter in the Universe. New York: Basic Books Inc. pp. 61-70, 290,
(13) Broadhurst, T.J., R.S. Ellis, D.C. Koo,, and A.S. Szalay.
1990. Large-scale distribution of the galaxies at the galactic
poles. Nature 343:726-728.
O. E. Wagner
Wagner Research Laboratory, 2645 Sykes Creek Road
Rogue River, OR 97537
The following article appeared in the March 1999 issue of Physics
Essays. This article presents a valid basis for the idea that the
Universe is self organizing which has been recognized by many.
This article especially emphasizes how the solar system was formed
and how it remains stable. These problems have never really been
solved before but this article provides reasonable answers.
ABSTRACT. The hypothesis that longitudinal standing waves in the
dark matter-vacuum medium are responsible for placing the planets
suggests an equation that describes the location of the orbits of
the planets and their satellites. This equation also suggests a
wave velocity equation as well as a solution to a wave equation.
The equation also fits into a picture where the wave velocity is
proportional to the reciprocal of the square root of the density
of the medium, as with sound waves. It is postulated that the
density of dark matter outside the sun is proportional to the
reciprocal of the distance from the sun's center squared. Evidence
for the hypothesis is presented, a wave equation confirms the
hypothesis, and implications are discussed.
In 1988 I first reported finding slow moving longitudinal waves in
plants (velocities near 1 m/s), in ion filled porous materials,
and in the space surrounding these materials4-13. I called the
waves W-waves because they were first found in live wood. Standing
waves in solid matter appeared to move charge something like sound
moves dust in a Kundt's tube. The variations in charge density
were indicated by periodic potential differences as high as one
volt. Since charge is one of the few things free to move in solid
matter this was considered more of a mechanical rather than an
electrical effect but this permits observation of wave effects in
some solids. The vertical and horizontal wave velocities in plants
appear to be different providing a reference for the gravitropism
of plants and perhaps indicating a cosmological connection. The
special time of flight methods used to measure W-wave velocities
are described in a book published in 1995 (p.19) and in a later
paper9,13. I published experimental results, demonstrating that
these waves exist, from analysis of charge organization and other
features in both plants and ion filled porous materials. The
experiments indicate that the reported waves appear to be an all
pervading major organizing factor for plants, perhaps all life,
and perhaps the solar system as well.
Materials and plants were placed in closed heavy gauge aluminum
shields (and in a mine 300 m underground) with probes to monitor
voltages. The probe output was fed to low noise, high gain,
battery operated amplifiers contained within the shields and the
amplifier outputs were monitored on an external low frequency
spectrum analyzer. The typical plant spectra observed contained
the most usually observed above ground spectra with integral
multiples of 1.6 Hz (as well as other typical harmonic series like
integral multiples of 0.6 & 2.666.. Hz). It is unknown, as
yet, what produces these unique frequencies which I designate
eigen frequencies.
The same dominant frequencies were also found by measuring many
thousands of typical spacings between adjacent plant structures
(internodal spacings). These spacings were assumed to be half
wavelengths of standing wave patterns. The spacings were then
converted to frequency by using experimentally determined wave
velocities. Distributions were taken which demonstrated that plant
spacings are quantized with the same unique frequencies apparent
as measured with the spectrum analyzer. Vertical velocities were
found to be usually larger than horizontal velocities in plant
material which apparently provides a reference for the plant's
response to gravity. Ratios of vertical to horizontal velocities
were confirmed by comparing averages derived from plant internodal
spacings12,13 as well as by direct measurement.
Recent experiments seem to suggest that electromagnetic sources
excite a unique set of slow moving wave modes in the surrounding
medium. W-waves may be produced by electromagnetic interaction
with the dark matter-vacuum medium which may include ordinary
matter. Excited W-wave frequencies apparently are characterized
more by the medium rather than the electromagnetic source. Some
forms of matter such as live plants appear to be wave guides for
W-waves. The modes excited electromagnetically seem to be largely
independent of the electromagnetic exciting frequency. 60 Hz, 26
khz, 400 khz, 1270 khz, and other sources have been tested at this
laboratory. W-waves also are likely excited by other forms of
energy such as those found in the sun.
Some have suggested that one might describe W-waves by Maxwell's
equations. Maxwell's equations resulted from the observation of
the macroscopic behavior of pure electromagnetic waves and
probably would not apply to W-waves. It is the author's opinion
that Maxwell's equations do not represent ultimate fundamental
physics but only what humans have observed so far. I place W-waves
in a class with inertia which arises from the vacuum and humans
generally only speculate about. The vacuum characteristics are
also probably relevant to W-waves so I talk about the dark
matter-vacuum medium. There seems to be quantum like behavior
associated with W-waves.
It was found that the distributions of plant internodal spacings
seem to be different when grown in the presence of certain
magnitudes of 60 Hz electromagnetic fields arising from an
electric power substation (See chapter nine of the book Waves in
Dark Matter9). A semiconductor detector, in the vicinity of
electronic equipment operated at 60 Hz, driving a low frequency
spectrum analyzer usually indicates a large amplitude presence of
typical eigen frequencies including 26.7 Hz and 80 Hz for example.
These frequencies as well as 60 and 120 Hz are also found in the
spacing spectra of plants (derived from plant internodal spacings)
far away from 60 Hz sources and in fossil plants. The latter peaks
are usually of small amplitude (the author analyzed thousands of
spacings from fossil plants in the fall of 1989. Most of this work
remains unpublished.)
If one floats materials (like styrofoam particles or plastic
beads) on water in the presence of electromagnetic sources it
appears that the floatant tends to collect in concentric equally
spaced circles (at nodes apparently) around an approximately
cylindrical source like an operating vacuum tube. A 6L6 vacuum
tube oscillating at 400 Khz at about 30 watts produced 9 cm spaced
circles. 9 cm is the half wavelength for 26.7 Hz suggesting that
the waves causing the effect are traveling in air at 480 cm/s as
was found earlier5. Is it possible that the waves travel, perhaps
in some cases, at the same velocity in both air and water since
later experiments suggest that multiple velocities are possible13?
Different sources produce somewhat different dominant wavelengths.
It was possible to find similar spacings, with an air medium,
using a semiconductor detector attached to an optical table moving
toward or away from a vacuum tube source. A mechanical method also
showed that the circles seemed to be produced by forces pushing
from both directions to keep an instrument on location….
Gravity responses and wave behavior in
whole plants
Orvin E. Wagner
Wagner Research Laboratory
2645 Sykes Creek Road
Rogue River, OR 9753
This paper presents data that lead to the conclusion that waves
are a major factor in plant growth and that the waves interact
with and are referenced to gravity. The observed waves behave
somewhat like sound waves in resonant tubes with standing waves
indicated by discretely spaced relatively wide charge locations on
short blocks cut from live trees. Apparently plant internodal
spacings are related to these charge spacings and analyses of
thousands of plant-spacing measurements indicate that internode
spacings do demonstrate wave involvement by their harmonic
behavior. Electronic measurements confirm the wave frequencies.
Angles that branches make with the horizontal or vertical appear
to be predominately integral multiple of five degrees. The growth
of reaction wood tends to confirm this effect. The data
demonstrate that vertical wave velocities are generally greater
than horizontal velocities by integral multiples of some basic
velocity. The wave velocity seems to increase in steps from the
horizontal to the vertical. This suggests that discrete charge
locations move apart when a branch section is tipped from the
horizontal to the vertical. Sinusoidal voltages from two probes on
shielded live branch sections rotating in a vertical plane confirm
this effect. Internodal spacings get larger on average, due to
increasing wave velocity, as the angles that a branch makes with
the horizontal increases in steps to the vertical. Fiber cells
often get longer in a similar manner. Spacings converted to
frequency and branch angles demonstrate wave behavior, and gravity
interaction. The vertical to horizontal velocity ratios and the
measurement of velocities indicate wave involvement related to
gravity. The data confirming wave behavior connected with gravity
appear to be unlimited. The waves demonstrated here might be some
type of gravity waves, since they are obviously referenced to and
otherwise tied to gravity…
[ Shades of Gregory Hodowanec / G-Waves ! ]
1/f Noise and Dark Matter Waves in
Trees, Samples, and Air
Orvin E. Wagner
Wagner Research Laboratory
Rogue River, OR 97537
Email: oedphd@wildblue.net
I found that much of 1/f noise is apparently caused by dark matter
particles. In experiments with noise receivers in grounded and
ungrounded aluminum boxes, the low frequency noise produced was
found to be a function of the sample orientation as well as
outside phenomena. These results indicate that the low frequency
noise is arising from outside sources and is not innate to the
source as is generally assumed. As with dark matter, signals
penetrate grounded or ungrounded metal boxes. Electrically pulsing
a sample within an aluminum box produced short bursts of
oscillations in surrounding trees and in another aluminum shielded
sample. The observed phenomena were also used for communication
between special samples. Trees were found to oscillate at
different frequencies for long times. These oscillations were
often at large amplitudes and often apparently initiated by a
shielded pulsed sample. Signal velocities were found to be 25±1
m/s in air. The lack of affects due to metal shielding, the wave
penetration of plant tissue reported in my earlier work, and low
velocities, are consistent with dark matter involvement and
provide useful penetrating communication for human purposes. Key
words: dark matter waves, matter penetration, signal velocities,
dark matter, signal transmission and reception, waves in plants
Dark matter does not interact electromagnetically so it penetrates
all matter. Its density and my hypothesized sound like waves (or
some other undiscovered property) permits it to displace charge.
This is apparently observed with 1/f noise in my work with plants
and special samples. I am proposing that much of 1/f noise1 is
caused by dark matter particles colliding with matter and
scattering charge to produce what has been designated 1/f noise.
Some have considered that since dark matter doesn't interact it
could not cause the noise. I suggest that some property requires
it. For example, perhaps the numerical density is large and
collisions with charge can't be avoided.
For more than 20 years I have been studying plant wave
characteristics (work before and published work in reference (2)
and onward). For example I first observed, with high impedance
voltmeters, that charge piles appear at intervals along the trunks
of trees. The charge piles are apparently produced by sound like
standing waves. These charge piles seem to telescope into short
sections cut from the same trees (and other plants). The charge
pile spacings appear to be related to plant internodal spacings
such as spacings between leaves and branches. The charge piles
usually are not at regular intervals because of a set of many
frequencies. The standing waves have many different wavelengths3.
The data suggest that the waves in and outside of plants are
produced by slow moving sound like waves traveling in relatively
dense dark matter4,5 in plant material . In my early work with
what I designated plant communication the waves involved were
produced by my mechanically disturbing the standing waves in
certain plants while other plants received the resulting signals6.
In the present paper I report that oscillating waves may be
bouncing continually back and forth between plants and that we can
communicate using the waves with special transmitters and
receivers. Properly disturbing one plant disturbs the surrounding
plants. I suggest that anything disturbing the standing waves in
one plant or special samples disturb the standing waves in
surrounding plants and special samples due to waves traveling in
dark matter in air and various materials.
In my experiments the signals seem to travel through other plants
and metals like they were transparent except for the observed
interactions. Plants grow where growing conditions are proper such
as deep underground where the waves would also be required to
produce plant form. The required penetrating qualities here again
suggest dark matter is involved. In a paper that was published in
1999, I propose that the solar system is organized by dark matter
standing waves from the sun and that the solar cycle is just due
to dark matter oscillating within the sun5. The literature is
replete with discussions and proofs of Dark Matter4