Alkaline Mineral Supplements
[ " AlkaLife " ]

Scientific Investigation on Alkaline Water

Sang Whang
MBC, a South Korean TV network, launched several scientific investigations on the effects of alkaline water on chicks and mice. Their research is shown on the Internet Website “youtube,” and search for “Alkalark”. The narration is in Korean with English subtitles. Below is a summary of the video.
The MBC investigation team prepared an unusual experiment using 40,000 chicks. The team separated the chicks in two groups, 20,000 each and put them in two separate farm buildings, A and B.
These chicks were raised for one month and given the same amount of feed, but the drinking water supplied was different. The group in building A was supplied with normal ground water, the group in building B was supplied with alkaline water made by minerals added to the water, including magnesium. Alkaline water is known to have reducing power to get rid of excess acidic wastes created by human metabolism.
Though a cold wave of bird flu hit the country, the chicks here seemed to all be healthy and full of energy.
The team wanted to know what the difference between the two groups was as the result of drinking ordinary water and alkaline water.
First, they inspected the survival rate:
Building A (ground water): 18,900 survived in 30 days: (94.5% survival rate.)
Building B (alkaline water): 19,860 survived in 30 days: (99.3% survival rate.)
The mortality rate of chickens drinking alkaline water is about 1/8 of the ones drinking ordinary ground water.
Next, the team randomly selected 100 chickens from each group and measured the average weight.
Alkaline water group: 1720g, ground water group: 1590g.
For the next experiment, the MBC team used OlletTF mice which develop diabetes due to genetic obesity. 16 mice were divided into two groups; again, one with general water and the other with alkaline water, but with the same feed. At the beginning, the mean blood-sugar levels of these mice were 69 and 53.
For the next two months the team collected blood samples; levels of blood sugar, neutral fat, and cholesterol were checked regularly. As these mice raise blood-sugar genetically, the key point of this experiment is how much alkaline water influences the increase of blood sugar level.
It was confirmed that alkaline water has the effect of restraining about 34% of blood-sugar level compared with general water.
General water group:
Initial blood-sugar level 69 mg/dL
Two months later 203 mg/
Alkaline water group:
Initial blood-sugar level               53 mg/dL
Two months later                        153 mg/dL
Below is the change of neutral fat value. In this, alkaline water also has the effect of restraining about 30% of neutral fat value compared with general water.
General water group:                 
Initial neutral fat value                77 mg/dL                                 
Two months later                        356 mg/dL                                
Alkaline water group:
Initial neutral fat value                70 mg/dL
Two months later                        285 mg/dL
What is the value change of cholesterol combined with unhealthy cholesterol, that is LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein)?
General water group:                 
Initial cholesterol value                17 mg/dL                                 
Two months later                        56 mg/dL                                 
Alkaline water group:
Initial cholesterol value                15 mg/dL
Two months later                        24 mg/dL
This experiment proves that alkaline water has an effect not only on restraining blood-sugar value, but also on various kinds of adult disease such as hardening of the arteries, etc.
The experiment of alkaline water’s anti-cancer effect
After injecting melanoma as a malignant skin cancer cell strain into the abdominal cavity of the experimental mice, the team observed the tumor size and the speed of spread. There were two groups of mice; one was made to drink alkaline water and the other the general water. The same feed was distributed.
After 15 days:
Compared with the tumor size of 10.78mm on the mice drinking alkaline water, the tumor on the mice drinking general water, were doubled in size to 20.11mm.
The team cut the tumors and measured the weight:
It was 2.3 g for the mice drinking alkaline water, and 4.8 g for the mice drinking general water.
The team injected skin cancer cells into the tails and observed cancer spreading to the lungs, and they noticed a big difference in the number of colonies between the 2 groups. What appears as black dots on the white lungs are cancer cell colonies. The number of cancer cell colonies in the mice drinking general water was 260, while that of the mice drinking alkaline water was 145. This shows that alkaline water has an anti-cancer effect of restraining tumor spread.
These experiments, published by the MBC network, Korea, are very informative. It clearly indicates that alkaline water helps restore and maintain good health in animals. It is unfortunate that the examining team did not publish the pH values of the general water and alkaline water used. If the pH of the alkaline water was much higher, the end results could have been much more significant.

How does alkaline water work to extend life


Sang Whang

Alkaline water and stomach acid

We all know that we get old and sick because of excess acid accumulation in our body, and that alkaline neutralizes acid; therefore, drinking alkaline water makes sense.  But do we know how alkaline water works in our body'  Some doctors say that our stomach acid will kill the alkalinity and, therefore, drinking alkaline water is useless.  How do we answer that'  Have you thought about that'

This is what happens in the stomach.

The stomach maintains its pH around 4.0.  When we drink high pH alkaline water, the water pH comes down; but stomach pH goes up as a result.  How high it goes up is a function of the amount and the pH of the alkaline water we drink.  When the stomach pH rises above 4.5, the stomach will produce more hydrochloric acid and put it in the stomach to bring the stomach pH down to below 4.0.

How the stomach produces hydrochloric acid is not well known to medical doctors, except pathologists.  The chemical formula of hydrochloric acid production is:

H2O + CO2 + NaCl = HCl + NaHCO3

Water, carbon dioxide and sodium chloride (table salt) produce hydrochloric acid and sodium bicarbonate.  The hydrochloric acid goes into the stomach, and the sodium bicarbonate goes into the bloodstream.

[Note: An interesting fact is that the formula above looks simple, but no scientist in a laboratory can produce hydrochloric acid and sodium bicarbonate from water and carbon dioxide and salt.  Only living cells can do that.  In the lab, the reverse is easy: adding hydrochloric acid to sodium bicarbonate will instantly produce water, carbon dioxide and salt.]

Sodium bicarbonate is an alkaline buffer in our blood.  In our blood, there are alkaline buffer and acid buffer constantly monitoring the blood pH to maintain a constant blood pH of 7.365.  When the blood becomes too alkaline, the acid buffer works to bring the pH down; and when the blood becomes too acid, the alkaline buffer works to raise the pH.

Alkaline buffers are bicarbonate (HCO3-) mated with alkaline minerals.  Examples of them are sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3), potassium bicarbonate (KHCO3), calcium bicarbonate (Ca(HCO3)2) and magnesium bicarbonate (Mg(HCO3)2).  Acid buffer is mainly carbonic acid (H2CO3), a water and carbon dioxide combination.  Carbohydrate completely burnt becomes carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O); therefore there is no shortage of acid buffer.


In 1996 Dr. Lynda Frassetto at the University of California, San Francisco, discovered that as we age, starting around age 45, we lose the alkaline buffer ' bicarbonates - in our blood.  By the age of 90, we lose 18% of bicarbonates in our blood.

Figure 2, graph B of

Journal of Gerontology: BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES, 1996, Vol. 51A. No. 1, B91-B99

By Dr. Lynda Frassetto of University of California, San Francisco

Insufficient amount of bicarbonates in our blood reduces our capabilities to manage (neutralize and dump) the acid our body produces.  This is the cause of aging.  The age of 45 is the average age when human beings start to show symptoms of diabetes, hypertension, osteoporosis and many other adult degenerative diseases.  And since we cannot manage the acid, we accumulate acidic wastes in our body.  These wastes show up as cholesterol, fatty acid, uric acid, urate, sulfate, phosphate, kidney stones, etc.


There are many properties in alkaline water, such as surface tension, structure of water, molecular size, oxygen reduction potential, pH value, which alkaline minerals are used to sustain the pH value, etc.  However, with the exception of the water's pH value, nothing else helps the blood receive bicarbonates.  Also, all the other properties change as the water reaches the stomach and interacts with the stomach acid.  Even the pH value changes in the stomach.  However, the change of pH value causes the stomach to produce hydrochloric acid that goes into the stomach, and the bicarbonates go into the bloodstream.  The most important function of alkaline water is to increase bicarbonates in the blood because we lose bicarbonates as we age.

When we say that we alkalize our body, we don't necessarily mean increasing our saliva pH or urine pH; it means increasing the bicarbonates in our blood.  The blood pH does not change, but the ability of our blood to neutralize acid in the body increases.

In the January/February 2003 issue of American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, Dr. Gospodinka R. Pradova published the result of a 10-year study of industrial pollution in Bulgaria.  The study compares two groups of people in a plastic manufacturing plant: one group working in the plant with chemical pollution, the other in the non-polluted office environment of the same company.  The conclusion shows that people living/working in a polluted environment have less amount of bicarbonates in their blood than people working in a clean environment.

We live in a world that was changed from an agricultural environment to an industrial environment, which produces more pollution.  Our stressful life-styles create more acid, which causes us to use up more bicarbonates.  Some foods are more acidic than others, especially, high protein meat products and highly acidic soft drinks. These are the reasons why we lose bicarbonates in the blood as we age.

The medical society considers the reduction of bicarbonates in the blood as an inevitable fact of aging.  I argue that the reduction of bicarbonates in the blood is the cause of aging and diseases, not the result of aging.  As long as we can replenish bicarbonates in the blood, we don't have to age!

This is the good news about alkaline water!


Since bicarbonates enter the bloodstream only when the stomach produces hydrochloric acid, it is important that we drink as high a pH value alkaline water as possible.  I recommend we drink alkaline water on an empty stomach.  On an empty stomach, the stomach pH value may be high but the amount (volume) of hydrochloric acid in the stomach is small; therefore, drinking high pH (9.5 to 10) alkaline water will raise the stomach pH relatively high.  That may cause the stomach to produce more hydrochloric acid, allowing more bicarbonates to enter the bloodstream.

Another possibility is that alkaline water may pass into the intestine immediately, since there is no solid food in the stomach to be digested.  When that happens, the blood will absorb alkaline water into the bloodstream from the intestine.  If alkaline water is introduced directly into the bloodstream from the intestine, the acid buffer (carbonic acid, H2CO3) will interact with the alkaline water to bring down the blood pH and the acid buffer will become the alkaline buffer.

Ca(OH) 2 + 2(H2CO3) = Ca++(HCO3-)2 + 2(H2O)

An increase of bicarbonates in the bloodstream will prevent aging and the onset of adult degenerative diseases.  Now you know the scientific mechanics of how alkaline water extends life.

The above example is based on calcium hydroxide-rich alkaline water.  This kind of water is produced with a water ionizer because the alkaline mineral in tap water is predominantly calcium.

Alkaline water made with AlkaLife® contains potassium hydroxide and sodium hydroxide in a patented ratio.  When potassium hydroxide or sodium hydroxide goes into the bloodstream, again the acid buffer, carbonic acid (H2CO3) reacts with them and they become bicarbonates and water.

KOH + H2CO3 = KHCO3 + H2O

NaOH + H2CO3 = NaHCO3 + H2O


Various kinds of commercially produced water claim health benefits: energy water, Pi water, snow melted water, special spring water, magnetically-treated water, oxygenated water, hexagon structured water, etc.  However, none of them adds bicarbonates to the blood except high pH alkaline water.  When we think of health, we think of diet and exercise.  But no diet or exercise adds bicarbonates to the bloodstream.

Some people argue that we can ingest bicarbonates (baking soda).  It will be like ingesting salt because our stomach acid will break that down into water, carbon dioxide and sodium salt; no bicarbonates will reach the bloodstream.  And we all know what salt can do to the human body.

Only alkaline water can extend your life!

USP Appln # 2008292755
Highly concentrated alkali buffers+minerals supplement solution

Abstract -- The disclosure herein has applicability to a highly concentrated alkali buffers+minerals supplement solution is formed by combining potassium hydroxide (KOH) with sodium hydroxide (NaOH) with magnesium carbonate hydroxide (MgCO3)4, Mg(OH)2.5H2O and zinc (Zn) so that an alkali buffer of minerals blended into a supplement for adding to drinking water and other non-carbonated consumable drinks may be formulated. One part of concentrated alkali buffer+minerals supplements as the active ingredients for the additive solution of this invention is diluted with several parts of USP water into a one and one quarter ounce non-reactive bottle. The additive is further characterized by combining the active ingredients of potassium hydroxide with sodium hydroxide with magnesium carbonate hydroxide and zinc in a range of 7.6% potassium hydroxide and 1.9% sodium hydroxide and 0.3% magnesium carbonate hydroxide and 0.2% zinc as the active ingredients to 90% USP water (dilute with USP water) to fill a one and one quarter (1.25 oz)(37 ml) ounce, non-reactive bottle supplied with a droplet cap and screw-down cover cap in order to conveniently add the additive into an ordinary glass of drinking water in order to readily form a alkali buffer+minerals supplement for drinking water.



[0001] This invention relates to an alkali buffer+minerals supplement additive to achieve alkaline drinking water and deliver essential minerals to the body-a blend of active ingredients consisting of: potassium hydroxide with sodium hydroxide with magnesium carbonate hydroxide with zinc, added to USP water; a mixture for a alkali buffer+minerals supplement for healthy blood pH support, with essential minerals, bottled in a non-reactive bottle, delivered to the human body and animal body, to support an alkaline healthy blood range.


[0002] The field of the present invention relates broadly to methods and solutions pertaining to health; "diet, evolution, aging and endogenous acid production. The pathophysiologic effects of the post-agricultural inversion of the potassium-to-sodium and base-to-chloride ratios in the human diet". More specifically, the invention pertains to a source of a alkali buffer and minerals supplement additive for drinking water with essential minerals that is prepared and bottled in a non-reactive, easy to use, convenient, readily dispensable concentrated additive solution that is added to normal drinking water (8 to 10 oz glass) or to any consumable, non-carbonated drink;

[0003] Still more particularly, the invention relates to an additive of a concentrated alkali buffer and minerals supplement additive of a solution formed by the mixing of potassium hydroxide (KOH), sodium hydroxide (NaOH), magnesium carbonate hydroxide (MgCO3)4. Mg(OH)2.5H2 O and zinc (Zn) in amounts selected within a specific range. The additive solution is added to ordinary drinking water in order to increase the pill of the drinking water to a range of about 9.5 to 10.5.

[0004] Critical blood pH balancing in the alkaline range is indispensable when bicarbonate production is diminished or "endogenous acid production" (EAP)<1 > is overwhelming and the body uses essential minerals from other sites where minerals consumption is normally consumed, yet sacrificed to compensate for pH swings caused by EAP or other factors. These swings could be represented hours or days or in mille second i.e. sudden cardiac death. Thus, relatively small alterations in plasma K concentrations can have major clinical manifestations. Since most intracellular K is found in muscle cells, potassium is found mostly in muscle tissue. Cardiac effects of hypokalemia are usually minimal until plasma K levels are <3 mEq/L. Hypokalemia may produce premature ventricular and atrial contractions, ventricular and atrial tachyarrhythmia's, and second or third degree atrioventricular block. The diagnosis of hypokalemia is made on the basis of plasma or serum K level <3.5 mEq/L. Occasionally renal tubular dysfunction or vigorous diuretic therapy may necessitate potassium supplementation. What is sudden cardiac death (SCD)? Sudden cardiac death (SCD), or cardiac arrest, is the sudden, abrupt loss of heart function in a person who may or may not have diagnosed heart disease. Sudden cardiac death is a major health problem, causing about 330,000 deaths each year among U.S. adults either before reaching a hospital oreemergency room. Heart medications. Under certain conditions, various heart medications can set the stage for arrhythmias that cause sudden cardiac death. In particular, so-called "antiarrhythmic" drugs, even at normally prescribed doses, sometimes may produce lethal ventricular arrhythmias ("proarrhythmic" effect). Regardless of whether there's organic heart disease, significant changes in blood levels, body levels of potassium and magnesium (from using diuretics, for example) also can cause life-threatening arrhythmias and cardiac arrest.

[0005] Magnesium (Mg) is the 4th most plentiful cation in the human body. The maintenance of plasma Mg concentration is largely a function of dietary intake and extremely effective renal and intestinal conservation. About 50% is sequestered in bone and is not readily exchangeable with other compartments<4> . As with Ca, protein binding of Mg is pH dependent. A wide variety of enzymes are Mg activated or dependent. Mg is required by all enzymatic processes involving ATP and is also required by many of the enzymes involved in nucleic acid metabolism. Mg is required for thiamine pyrophosphate cofactor activity and appears to stabilize the structure of macromolecules such as DNA and RNA. Mg is also related to Ca and K metabolism in an intimate but poorly understood way. Soluble in about 3300 parts CO2-free water; more soluble in water containing CO2; soluble in diluted acids with effervescence.

[0006] The added minerals zinc (Zn) present in the invention is an essential bioelement<7> , and a cofactor in many proteins. Zinc (Zn) is found mainly in bones, teeth, hair, skin, liver, muscle, leukocytes, and testes. Dietary intake of zinc by healthy adults varies from 6 to 15 mg/day, and absorption is about 20%. The signs and symptoms of zinc deficiency include anorexia, growth retardation, delayed sexual maturation, alopecia, immune disorders, dermatitis, night blindness, impaired taste and impaired wound healing and others.


[0007] It is known that sodium is in every food and food product that is consumed by humans and others. That is and has been a reality for more than 300 hundred years and looking retrospectively it could be said that it is true for thousands of years. The average amount of sodium and potassium minerals in a 69.7 Kg (154 lb. adult man) is 63 grams and 150 grams, respectively. Since the atomic weights of sodium and potassium are 23 and 39 respectively, the ratio of the number of atoms to the average normal body amounts of these minerals, is 63/23 for sodium and 150/39 for potassium. These ratios translate into 41.6% sodium atoms to 58.4% potassium atoms. However, in today's average diet, unless one is conscientiously avoiding sodium, there are more floods that contain sodium than potassium. Diet, evolution and aging-the pathophysiologic effects of the post-agricultural inversion of the potassium-to sodium and base-to-chloride ratios in the human diet.

[0008] There is a device in a closely related field, an electrically powered water ionizer machine. Originally developed over sixty years ago in Japan, water ionizers have been successfully introduced in the United States within the last two decades or so. The chief purpose of these ionizer machines is to prepare alkaline drinking water from regular bottled or tap water. Accordingly, a ready demand for alkaline drinking water, recognized as being beneficial for some individuals, has developed in the health field.

[0009] Water ionizer machines do not add any minerals to, for example, regular tap water that is put into the machine. Instead, the ionizer has positive and negative electrodes that split the alkaline minerals in the tap water to one side for use and the water's acidic minerals to another side for discard. The pH in the final drinking water output from the machine, depending upon the minerals content of the water supplied to it, is an alkaline drinking water of increased oxygen that has a pH in the range of about 8.5 to about 10.5. Ionized water from such machines is essentially acid free because the ionization process removes the acid minerals from the machine's drinking water output. The acid water from such machines is discarded or finds use by florists for preserving cut flower shelf life. If the original water supplied to the ionizer is lacking alkaline minerals, the pH of the alkaline water produced may not reach the desired range.

[0010] Such water ionizers, although commercially successful, do suffer from several limitations. For example, these ionizer machines are expensive, ranging in price from about $600.00 to $2,000.00 each. In addition, such machines are relatively bulky, and thus are inconvenient for use by travelers. In addition, the convenience is somewhat in question since it does require a ready source of water, electricity and a discharge point for the acidic water.

[0011] In spite of their shortcomings, however, the aforementioned machines have clearly established a recognized demand for alkaline water. An increasing segment of the consuming public is now beginning to rely on a readily available supply of ionizer-produced alkaline water. What was not solved by such machines, however, was a simple, effective power-free way to convert ordinary tap or bottled water into alkaline water that is experiencing an increased consumer demand.

[0012] This invention overcomes the uninviting characteristics of the ionizer machines, and provides a simple, ready-to-use, concentrated additive that is easily added to bottled or tap water in order to convert regular potable water into a alkali buffer and minerals supplement for water to have a pH in the range of about 9.5 to 10.5 where ever you are. In use, four drops of the highly concentrated alkali buffer and minerals supplement solution of this invention, is added to a glass or container of regular drinking water, 8 to 10 oz. in order to change the water into alkaline water with a minerals supplements for consumable water of the desired pH range of 9 to 10.5.


[0013] This invention provides a highly concentrated alkali buffer and minerals supplement solution that is formed by blending potassium hydroxide (KOH), sodium hydroxide (NaOH), magnesium carbonate hydroxide (MgCO3)4.Mg(OH)2.5H3O with zinc (Zn) to enhance bio-absorption. By using two or more different combinations of the zinc phosphates embodied in this invention, the pH can be further controlled in solution. More particularly, the invention combines one part of concentrated alkali buffer and minerals supplement additive solution diluted with nine parts of USP water packaged in one and one quarter (1.25 oz.) ounce non-reactive bottle. This invention, the alkali buffer and minerals supplement solution additive mixture is commercialized and sold by the assignee of this invention under the trade name of PHX(TM) Alkali Buffer+or et al.

[0014] The additive of this invention is further characterized by a diluted mixture of about one part additive to nine parts USP water wherein the active ingredients are formed by combining potassium hydroxide, sodium hydroxide, magnesium carbonate hydroxide, and zinc in a range of about 9.0% potassium hydroxide, 0.5% sodium hydroxide, 0.3% magnesium carbonate hydroxide and 0.2% zinc. This range is flexible to a+or minus 10% variable of the absolute values specified herein to meet certain conditions of the consumer that require this range to be altered+90% USP water to about 4.8% potassium hydroxide and about 4.7% sodium hydroxide, 0.3% magnesium carbonate hydroxide and 0.2% zinc. In one of the preferred embodiments, one and one quarter ounce (1.25 oz.) bottles of 4.8% potassium hydroxide to about 4.7% sodium hydroxide, 0.3% magnesium carbonate hydroxide and 0.2% zinc in the one to nine ratio-of USP water combined with-this range being flexible to a+or minus 10% variable of the absolute values specified herein to meet certain conditions of the consumer that require this range to be altered. More particularly, the invention combines one part of concentrated active ingredients diluted with nine parts of USP water packaged in one and one quarter (1.25 oz.) ounce non-reactive bottle.

[0015] Packaged in one and one quarter ounce, non-reactive bottle is supplied with a droplet cap in order to allow the user to conveniently measure the additive amount into an ordinary glass of drinking water 8 to 10 oz. The amount of USP water is simply to dilute the concentrated form of active ingredients into an easily manageable droplets form for addition to a glass of 8 to 10 oz. drinking water. Thus, if diluted by the ratio of one part concentrate to nineteen parts USP water, one must add twice as many drops to achieve the same pH value of an alkali buffer and minerals supplement for drinking water.


[0016] It is an object of the present invention to provide a more convenient source of a alkali buffer and minerals supplement additive for drinking water to increase pH value.

[0017] It is another object of this invention to provide a alkali buffer and minerals supplement for drinking water by use of an additive rather than relying upon a more complicated, not always accessible, and expensive water ionizer machine that requires electricity and drainage.

[0018] It is still another object of this invention to formulate a alkali buffer and minerals supplement for drinking water by use of an additive prepared from USP water in combination with selected amounts of potassium hydroxide, sodium hydroxide, magnesium carbonate hydroxide and zinc.

[0019] It is yet another object of this invention to increase yet lower-valued pH water with a alkali buffer and minerals supplement for water made by an ionizer to achieve a higher pH value by use of a small amount of alkali buffer and minerals supplement for additive to the ionizer water.

[0020] It is still a further object of this invention to provide a readily available, easily accessible, effective adjunct source for alkaline-minerals water when ionizer machine-produced alkaline water is not available.

[0021] It is yet another object of this invention to provide a readily available, easily accessible, effective alkali buffer and minerals supplement additive for consumers of other drinks, hot, cold or room temperature (not carbonated) that choose to make their drink more alkaline, raising the pH value.


[0022] Turning now to a detailed description of the invention, which may be understood without reference to any drawing, one must first understand that many minerals are present in ordinary drinking water. Such tap water naturally has a pH of about 7 or 8, and in its natural form, is not a alkali buffer and minerals supplement for-although some a alkali buffer and minerals supplement for minerals may be present.

[0023] The purpose of this invention is to supply an additive solution to purposely turn the 10 low pH of ordinary drinking water into an alkali buffer and minerals supplement for drinking water. Moreover, the invention will yield an alkali buffer and minerals supplement for drinking water having a pH of about 9.5 to 10.5. The alkali buffer and minerals supplement for water of this invention is not a medicine to treat or cure any disease. It does, however, neutralize excess body acids and helps the body dispose of such body acids. By so doing, the health of many people have improved in a natural way which is enhanced by an alkali buffer and minerals supplement for drinking water formulated in accordance with the buffer additive of this invention.

[0024] The predominant alkali buffer and minerals supplement for minerals found in ordinary drinking water are calcium and magnesium, not potassium or sodium. There is no known natural supply of drinking water where the predominant alkali buffer and minerals supplement for minerals is potassium. Therefore, the predominant alkali buffer and minerals supplement for minerals in high pH alkali buffer and minerals supplement for water, without employing the buffer additive of this invention, are generally considered to be calcium and magnesium. This invention, in contrast, is an alkali buffer and minerals supplement for water made by adding potassium hydroxide and sodium hydroxide, magnesium carbonate hydroxide and zinc to regular water.

[0025] A summary of the development of this invention is believed to be helpful to understanding the basis for the preferred embodiment of the alkali buffer and minerals supplement for buffer additive. Sodium hydroxide is commonly used to increase the alkalinity of any alkali. However, sodium (Na) alone is reportedly harmful to ones health and thus sodium free diets have been advocated. Calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) hydroxide concentrations are very murky and do not dissolve easily in water. For these reasons these alternatives were not deemed acceptable in a search for a convenient alkali buffer and minerals supplement for concentrate.

[0026] In the human body, it is important to maintain a proper balance of potassium and sodium. A prolonged use of potassium hydroxide alone may cause an imbalance of potassium and sodium. For this reason, a combination of potassium hydroxide and sodium hydroxide was tried next in the research and development program. A significant issue was finding the right percentage combination of the number of sodium and potassium atoms in the solution.

[0027] The average amount of sodium and potassium minerals in a 154 pound adult man is 63 grams and 150 grams, respectively. Since the atomic weights of sodium and potassium are 23 and 39 respectively, the ratio of the number of atoms to the average normal body amounts of these minerals, is 63/23 for sodium and 150/39 for potassium. These ratios translate into 41.6% sodium atoms to 58.4% potassium atoms. However, in today's average diet, unless one is conscientiously avoiding sodium, there are more foods that contain sodium than potassium. Accordingly, the amount of sodium should be reduced somewhat.

[0028] A one and one quarter oz. bottle of the alkali buffer and minerals additives of this embodiment contains about 1200 drops. When four drops of this embodiment buffer+minerals additive is added to a 10 oz. glass of regular tap water, the water pH value increases from approximately 7 or 8 to about 9.5 to 10.5. This pH change represents approximately 10 mgs of potassium hydroxide, 3.3 mgs of sodium hydroxide, statistically reduced values of magnesium carbonate hydroxide and zinc per glass of water. The daily requirement of sodium and potassium is about 3,000 mgs and 1,000 mgs, respectively.

[0029] The purpose of this buffer is to make a drinking water whose pH value is approximately 9.5 to 10.5. This is a typical pH value of the water produced by the water ionizer when there are high amounts of minerals in the tap water. Alkaline water from an ionizer has little or no acid minerals since the ionizer removes them. High pH alkali buffer and minerals supplement for water produced by the buffer of this invention has all the acid minerals that were in the originally supplied water. If the alkali buffer and the minerals supplement were added to the alkaline water from an ionizer, it will further boost the alkalinity of that water and the water, of course, does not have acid minerals.

[0030] In some geographical areas, tap water contains very small amounts of alkaline minerals. In such cases, the pH value of the water produced by the ionizer is low, even under 8. The alkali buffer and minerals supplement of this invention helps that condition. Thus, the buffer additive of this invention is also useful as a supplement for alkaline water from an ionizer machine.

[0031] While the invention has been described with reference to a particular example of preferred embodiments, it is the intention to cover all modifications and equivalents within the scope of the following appended claims. It is therefore requested that the claims be given a liberal interpretation which is within the spirit and scope of the contribution to this art.

WO2008069788 (A1)
Abstract -- A human consumable chemical compound of calcium carbonate which is coated with an impervious coating that will not allow the compound to dissolve from stomach acid but does allow it to dissolve in the aqueous environment of the intestine. The chemical compound is time released, and is positionally sensitive to reach the intestines of the human body where it is absorbed into the blood. Carbonic acid in the blood reacts upon the gradual dissolution of the compound and this reaction converts the calcium carbonate to calcium bicarbonate. Calcium bicarbonate in the blood neutralizes the body's harmful acidic wastes and is a substitute for drinking about fifty ounces of alkaline drinking water daily.



The field of the present invention relates broadly to methods and compounds pertaining to health. More specifically, the invention relates to a human consumable dry chemical compound of calcium carbonate, say in pill form, which carbonate reacts with carbonic acid in our blood. The result of this reaction is a conversion into calcium bicarbonate, thus supplying calcium bicarbonate into the blood.

Coating such a pill, tablet or the like with an enteric layer that sufficiently resists the effect of stomach acid, will assure the user that the pill compound will pass through the stomach. It then dissolves in the intestines for direct absorption into the bloodstream as calcium carbonate and changes into calcium bicarbonate in the bloodstream.


Diets and exercise are strongly recommended for today's life style. No diet or exercise, however, can effectively replenish bicarbonates to the blood. It is a known fact that we lose bicarbonates in our blood as we age. See, the Journal of Gerontology: BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES, 1996. Vol. 51A. No. 1 , B91-B99, Age and Systemic Acid-Base Equilibrium: Analysis of Published Data, by Drs. Lynda Frassetto and Anthony Sebastian of the University of California, San Francisco, Department of Medicine and General Clinical Research Center.

AGE (yrs)

Figure 2. graph B of Journal of Geranlolouy BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES. 1996, Vol. 51 A. No. I. B9I-B99. by Dr. Lynda Frassello. UCSF

(Dotted line added by Sang Whang)

The figure above is Figure 2, graph B of the above reference. From this figure, we can see that a noticeable decline begins at the age of 45, and by the age of 90, we lose 18% of the bicarbonates (HCO3-). Bicarbonates are the alkaline buffers that neutralize acid, resulting in the elimination of acidic wastes in our body. Decline of bicarbonates in the blood signal the beginning of acid-induced adult degenerative diseases. The age of 45 is the average age when symptoms of diabetes, hypertension, osteoporosis, etc. start to appear. The world totally missed the fact that the very cause of aging is the diminishing of bicarbonates in the blood.

I am the first to discover this fact and herein teach that replenishing bicarbonates in the blood is the way to prevent aging and also to prevent the age-related/acid-induced adult degenerative diseases. Even the author of the reference paper above, thinks the reduction of bicarbonates in the blood is an inevitable fact of life as we age. Dr. Frassetto's paper concludes that, as doctors treat kidney patients, they must treat old people differently from young people because old people have less bicarbonate in their blood. Bicarbonates are found in human blood mainly in the form of potassium bicarbonate, sodium bicarbonate and calcium bicarbonate. A small amount of magnesium bicarbonates are present as well. As we age we lose bone density (osteoporosis) because the lack of alkaline minerals in the blood forces the body to rob calcium from our bones. Therefore, ideally, calcium bicarbonates are the best bicarbonates to supply to the blood.

We are told, therefore, to take calcium tablets as we age. However, calcium carbonate provided by calcium tablets, does not dissolve easily. Moreover, the calcium carbonate that does dissolve is destroyed by our stomach acid and becomes calcium salt and water and carbon dioxide.

CaCO3 + 2HCI = CaCI2 + H2CO 3 = CaCI2 + H2O + CO2

Calcium bicarbonate is not available on the market. Apparently nobody can produce it. Perhaps the chemical compound is not stable enough to maintain in powder form. Indeed, it may require absolute zero humidity, which is very difficult to maintain. If calcium bicarbonates were available, the same techniques disclosed in my pending patent application, PCT/US04/18780 would have been applied.

Under such circumstances, the question may be posed: How does one go about getting calcium bicarbonate into our bodies? If presented in pill form, the calcium carbonate in the stomach will be destroyed by the stomach hydrochloric acid. Thus, the calcium carbonate never reaches the bloodstream. Bicarbonates are relatively neutral and are considered by the medical community, to be neutral enough to be put directly into the blood stream. For example, at hospitals, it is known for revival purposes to inject sodium bicarbonate directly into the veins of patients coming to the emergency room in a comma caused by a low blood pH. But, that is different than my present invention. I don't teach injecting an alkaline solution to elevate the blood pH. Rather, this invention introduces calcium carbonate, an alkaline compound, into the bloodstream by enteric coating a calcium carbonate tablet and allowing the bodies natural processes to supply the much needed calcium bicarbonate to the blood.


The benefits, for example, of alkaline water are well set forth in my issued U.S. patent 5,306,511 ('511) and need not be repeated here. My United States ('13O) patent discloses and claims dry oral units of a potassium bicarbonate and sodium bicarbonate in a time-released mixture.

It is accepted and understood that the accumulation of acid within and throughout the body contributes to the aging process and is a major cause of many adult degenerative diseases. There are many antacids on the market; however those are for the reduction of over- acidification of the stomach. These commercial antacids are for a different purpose and are of a different chemical compound.

Many drugs are wasting chemicals because they are not enteric coated and much of the drug is being lost in the stomach. Indeed, only a small portion of a given drug goes into the blood; thus pumping an unnecessary amount of chemicals into the body, which drugs often cause bad side-effects. The pill of my '130 patent, uses what may be considered an insignificant amount of potassium and sodium. But, the pill, in time release form, is combined with an enteric coating in my pending patent application, PCT/US04/18780 and these minerals do much more than big doses of medicine which have adverse side-effects. Most of the enteric coatings in the past were used to protect the stomach walls from the damaging effects of drugs dissolving in the stomach.

Briefly stated, alkaline drinking water of increased oxygen having a pH in the range of about 8.5 to about 10.5 is created from ordinary tap water treated in accordance with my patented '511 invention. AlkaLife(R) of my '511 patent is an additive that assures a readily available source of alkaline water. Such water is made by simply adding a couple of drops of my patented additive to a 10 ounce glass of water in order to make the pH of the water about 10. It is recommended that five glasses of water, or about 50 ounces, should be consumed daily. Five glasses daily of alkaline water via my AlkaLife(R) additive enhances health and well being.

AlkaLife(R) of my '511 patent, reduces acidic waste by responding to the natural functioning of the human body. Thus, alkalinity of the water we drink is neutralized by the stomach acid, but the presence of my patented product raises the stomach pH higher. Our body, while trying to maintain the stomach pH in its original acid state, causes the stomach to produce more hydrochloric acid so that it may be injected into the stomach. In the process, our bodies develop bicarbonates which enter our blood and stand by as an alkaline buffer to destroy acidic wastes in our body, when needed.

H2O + CO2 + NaCI = HCI + NaHCO3 If there is no immediate acidic waste, the bicarbonates wait there as a blood buffer until acidic wastes do appear. Removing such harmful waste is critical for our continued health and longevity.

My '130 patent discloses and claims oral intake units of a potassium bicarbonate and sodium bicarbonate mixture which enters the human body in dry bicarbonate form. In my '130 patent a time release material is also associated with the pill, tablet, caplet or capsule. My research has shown, however, that added health benefits are achieved if the time-released compound of my '130 patent delivers its beneficial treatment capability directly into the intestinal tract. Disintegration in the stomach wastes the bicarbonates and thus diminishes the amount of beneficial results one may expect.

While my earlier patents have centered on bicarbonates of sodium and potassium, this present invention centers on calcium. Calcium bicarbonate is not available for formulation of a pill, and thus I have invented a calcium carbonate time release pill that is enteric coated to avoid damage by hydrochloric acid of the stomach. Once the pill has passed into the intestinal fluids, the pill dissolves and is absorbed into the blood stream. Carbonic acid in the blood converts the dissolved calcium carbonate into much needed calcium bicarbonate.

There are cases where a patient cannot take any potassium, as for example, a patient with kidney dialysis. For them calcium bicarbonate is a must. As we age we lose not only bicarbonates but also calcium. This is a well known fact. Most people over 60 suffer osteoporosis and they are told to take calcium pills. This new pill achieves two benefits with one stone: adding both bicarbonates and calcium to the blood. SUMMARY OF THE


I claim using an alkaline mineral compound (a mineral compound dissolved in water that displays alkaline property) which is interjected directly into the bloodstream and takes advantage of carbonic acid (H2CO3) therein to neutralize it and thus provide bicarbonates to the blood. These alkaline mineral compounds must be enteric coated to avoid damage by the hydrochloric acid in the stomach. In particular, the mineral compound may takes the form of calcium carbonate and my process yields calcium bicarbonate as a reaction with carbonic acid in the blood.

CaCO3+ H2CO3= Ca(HCOs)2 = Ca<++> + (HCO3- J2

Magnesium may work in a similar manner (replace Ca with Mg in the above formula), but the amount of magnesium required by the human body, compared to calcium, is very small.

I respectfully submit that a positional-sensitive, time released disintegration of my alkaline mineral compound ("pill") is a significant discovery for creating highly necessary calcium bicarbonate in our blood stream. This discovery may very well foretell a major change for medicine of the future. Many of today's bad diseases that call for expensive medicines may disappear naturally if my teaching of this invention is widely accepted.


It is an object of this invention to neutralize and reduce the body's acidic waste products by a readily consumable chemical in pill form which is enteric coated so that the pill will not dissolve in the stomach but rather dissolves further along in the digestive process.

It is still a further object of this invention to provide, in an enteric coated pill form, a calcium compound that is converted into bicarbonate by reaction with carbonic acid naturally predominant in human blood.

It is still a further object of this invention to provide a pill- supplied source of calcium carbonate in an orally administered time release calcium pill having an outer coating of enteric material which dissolves only in the intestines so that the calcium carbonate pill<"> combines with carbonic acid in the blood as calcium bicarbonate.


I report herein the results of my experiment that confirms the basis of my discovery. Calcium carbonate powder dissolved into water may raise the pH as high as 9. When carbonic acid (in the form of club soda) is added to the mixture, the pH instantly drops to neutral. This is how I obtained the confidence that I can input calcium carbonate directly into the blood stream without worrying about elevating the blood pH too high.

Carbohydrates that we consume turn into carbonic acid. (Carbohydrate, completely burnt turns into carbon dioxide and water, thus becoming carbonic acid.) Our blood has so much carbonic acid that our lungs are constantly exhaling carbon dioxide, so as to not over acidify the blood. There is no shortage of carbonic acid in our blood, especially in our veins. The Columbia Encyclopedia states; "Calcium carbonate is largely insoluble in water but is quite soluble in water containing dissolved carbon dioxide, combining with it to form the bicarbonate." This invention, as explained below, takes advantage of this fact.

It is generally understood that more than 70% of our body is water and more than 90% of blood is water. With my time release and enteric coating features, the pill will be prevented from releasing all at once. Such a sudden release might increase too rapidly the amount of calcium bicarbonate that is created in the blood. Such a rapid release might, in some sensitive persons, result in a sensation of alkalosis. Time release guards against that possibility.


Turning now to a detailed description of the invention, which may be understood without reference to any drawing, one must first briefly understand the human aging process. Aging is primarily marked by the accumulation of non-disposed acidic waste products that our cells produce as they burn nutrients to generate energy. We need to burn nutrients in order to function and live.

Acid coagulates blood and the accumulated acidic wastes of our bodies clog our capillary vessels and reduce blood circulation near the accumulated waste locations. It is postulated that this phenomena is the primary cause of adult diseases such as diabetes, kidney disease, and the like.

It is also believed important for an understanding of the invention, to note the effects of alkaline water in the human body. Drinking alkaline water neutralizes and reduces the acidic waste products created within our bodies. Thus, people drinking alkaline water have observed many health improvements over the years. In accordance with this invention, alkaline water benefits are available in readily consumable chemical pill, tablet, capsule or caplet form. (These various forms are collectively referred to herein as a "pill".) Coating my '130 pill with an enteric coating, allows the dissolution to be positionally controlled at the exact location where such dissolution is most beneficial. Such a coating prevents the pill from dissolving prematurely in the stomach where benefits to be derived from the pill constituents are wasted. Thus, in my invention, the pill is dissolved in the intestine where its time release format can work the best. It is there in the intestine that the most beneficial results are achieved.

Additional inert compounds to make a pill a slow time release pill, or additional coating material that spreads out the pill's dissolution time are known in the art. In the relevant art a slow acting pill may be described by various terms such as extended release, sustained release, controlled release, delayed release, sustained action, continuous action and slow release. All of these terms mean essentially the same thing - namely, that the action of the pill is gradually spread out over an extended period of time.

I desire a time release period of about 5 to 7 hours inside the intestine. In about two hours, the pill, tablet, capsule or caplet will have cleared the stomach and will have entered into the user's intestines before any chemical dissolution may begin to take place. Enteric coating resists any disintegration while in the presence of the stomach acid environment. In the intestinal tract, however, the enteric coating dissolves away, and the favorable time release benefits of my invention become available.

To explain, please note that the blood in our bodies has ample amounts of dissolved carbon dioxide. That is where the calcium carbonate will be entering for reaction purposes. Even if the calcium carbonate was not fully dissolved, the calcium carbonate will become , dissolved by reacting with the carbonic acid. Such a reaction produces ionization for the calcium compound.

When a chemical compound dissolves in water some part of the constituents split loosely and one side becomes charged as a positive polarity and the other side becomes charged to a negative polarity. For example, when a table salt NaCI dissolves in water, then it becomes Na+ and Cl-. In a similar manner CaCO3, undissolved, remains neutral; however, dissolved in the presence of a carbon dioxide solution, it becomes CA<+>* and (HCO3-)2.

As noted above, calcium has two positive charges and bicarbonate has one negative charge; therefore there must be two bicarbonates required in order to achieve an electrically equivalent match. Usually plus and minus signs are omitted by convention, but when we are denoting that it is dissolved in water and ionized, the + or - signs are shown in order to denote polarity, and also denote the fact that these molecules are ionized. In other words, the molecules are electrically active.

Water is H2O and obviously it is dissolved. However only one H2O molecule in 10,000,000 is ionized to be H+ and OH- in room temperature. In other words, the hydrogen ion concentration is one in 10 to the seventh power. We call this a ph of 7. There is a difference between dissolved and ionized. Some chemical compounds dissolve well but do not get ionized easily, while some chemical compounds dissolve and get ionized very easily. Alkaline minerals get ionized easily. Usually, the order of ionization ease is potassium, sodium, calcium and magnesium. Fortunately, calcium bicarbonate ionizes very easily. What makes the calcium ionized? The answer is carbonic acid. In the absence of carbonic acid, calcium remains insoluble and non- ionized. Bicarbonate is very soluble in water and it caries a negative charge. Ionized means the particle is electronically charged either positive or negative. The ionization takes place in aqueous solution, in other words, in water. Without water, there is no alkalinity or acidity.

When a particle is charged it is active. It doesn't mean a free radical. There is a matching opposite polarity particle nearby but they are loosely bound. And if there is an oppositely charged particle which is stronger in attraction, it mates with it. Calcium carbonate does not dissolve easy in water. If it does not dissolve, it does not react with other substances. Even if it dissolves, if it is not ionized, it is not actively reacting with other chemicals.

Thus the calcium pill, after passing through the stomach, enters the "aqueous" intestinal area where it begins a time release dissolution. Then the capillary vessels in the intestinal walls suck the calcium carbonate molecules into the blood stream. As they enter the blood stream, the carbonic acid in the blood converts the calcium carbonate to calcium bicarbonate. Although we know that we lose calcium bicarbonates as we age, we now have an invention that assures a simple and secure replacement mechanism for those missing bicarbonates.

CaCO3 + H2CO3 = Ca(HCO3)2 = Ca<+>* + 2(HCO3<">)

While my invention has been described with reference to a particular example of preferred embodiments, it is my intention to cover all modifications and equivalents within the scope of the following appended claims. It is therefore requested that the following claims be given a liberal interpretation which is within the spirit and scope of my contribution to this art.


Also published as:  AU3072397

Abstract -- A human consumable chemical compound of specific selected ranges of potassium bicarbonate and sodium bicarbonate is provided. A bicarbonate mixture in tablet form is a substitute for alkaline drinking water. The lung's exhaling of carbon dioxide provides the required mechanism for activating this chemical compound to become alkaline. A balanced chemical supply of potassium bicarbonate and sodium bicarbonate provide increased blood buffers which neutralizes the body's harmful acidic wastes and is benefical to one's health.     



The field of the present invention relates broadly to methods and compounds pertaining to health. More specifically, the invention relates to a human consumable chemical compound of specific selected ranges of potassium bicarbonate and sodium bicarbonate. Such a compound, in oral, time-release form supplies all the daily requirements as an increased bicarbonate blood buffer for neutralizing acidic body wastes during that particular time release period.

Still more particularly, the invention pertains to a chemical compound that persons may take as a substitute source for alkaline drinking water. Such a compound, in pill form, is a convenient, readily consumable substitute source for healthy alkaline drinking water.


New medical developments, devices and health aids are emerging on the domestic market at an ever increasing pace. The benefits, for example of alkaline water and related devices relevant to its commercialization are well set forth in my issued
U.S. patent 5,306,511 and need not be repeated here. Briefly, however, my patent sets forth the basis for the unquestioned advantages of alkaline water in general - whether such water is ionizer-machine-produced or additive produced.

Alkaline drinking water of increased oxygen has a pH in the range of about 8.5 to about 10.5. AlkaLife of my '511 patent is a readily available source of alkaline water. Such water is made by simply adding a couple of drops of my patented additive to a 10 ounce glass of water in order to make the pH of the water about 10.

An increasingly large segment of the consuming public is now relying on alkaline water, particularly my additive-produced alkaline water. Experience indicates that a person should drink five glasses of alkaline water a day in order to get the health benefits of reduced acid in the body. Body-created acids are neutralized by alkaline water, so that they may easily be discharged from the body by urine and perspiration.

Since the body's acid waste products are produced continuously throughout the day, one should drink five glasses of alkaline water, not all at once, but more or less evenly distributed throughout the day. In practice, however, it is not easy to do so - day in, and day out. In our busy life, it seems, we even skip meals, never mind drinking five evenly spaced glasses of alkaline water throughout the day.

Individual pills of potassium bicarbonate or sodium bicarbonate alone are available in the art. Doctors Anthony
Sebastian et al in the New England Journal of Medicine, June 23, 1994, report this practice in an article entitled: "Improved mineral balance and skeletal metabolism in postmenopausal women treated with potassium bicarbonate".

It is also known to prescribe sodium bicarbonate pills prior to chemotherapy. Cells that are killed by chemotherapy become acid waste in our bodies.

It is also common to take vitamins that include small amounts of sodium, potassium and other minerals. Such vitaminsupplied minerals are an attempt to meet our daily needs for these required substances. There is no attempt to use such vitamin minerals for purposes of neutralizing acidic body waste, nor to act as an alkaline water substitute.

Moreover, there are various indigestion salts and commercial remedies - such as Alka Seltzer and Alka Seltzer
Effervescent Antiacid - that are available in the art. Such indigestion remedies primarily are designed for pre-mixture in water and subsequent human consumption. Products such as these contain sodium bicarbonate, citric acid, aspirin and to a lesser extent even potassium bicarbonate.

In general, however, such indigestion mixtures do not contain potassium bicarbonate at all. Or, if some potassium bicarbonate is present, the amount is small in comparison to a predominantly larger percentage of sodium bicarbonate. Products of this type, therefore, are going in a wrong direction and teach away from the scope, power and novelty of this invention.

How does one achieve the benefits of drinking alkaline water without suffering from a rigid water consumption schedule? That is the purpose of this invention. In other words, what had not been solved before the advent of this invention was a simple, effective chemical compound that achieves the benefits of alkaline water without the necessity of drinking five or more time-spaced glasses of such water per day.

This invention creates a new compound - perhaps in a pill form - that one can take once a day in the morning; which compound will provide the same effect as drinking five glasses of alkaline water a day distributed throughout the day. Thus, a person relying on the invention is relieved of the strict, rigid time schedule demand of drinking spaced glasses of alkaline water. One's overall health benefits from use of the invention, and one is relieved from some of the pressures caused by today's busy and hectic work-a-day fast paced life.


This invention provides a human consumable chemical compound of specific selected ranges of potassium bicarbonate and sodium bicarbonate for the purpose of neutralizing body acid waste. More particularly, the invention combines such bicarbonate mixture in a pill form as a substitute for alkaline drinking water.

The invented compound of this invention shall be commercialized and sold by the assignee of this invention under the selected tradename of AlkaMinTH.

This invention is further characterized by relying on the lung's exhaling ability of carbon dioxide to provide the required mechanism for activating my novel compound. The bodies natural adaptation to intake, together with a balanced chemical supply of potassium bicarbonate and sodium bicarbonate, is employed to neutralize the body's harmful acidic wastes and promote an easy removal of such neutralized body waste.

In using this invention, a person's blood pH remains at a safe and stable value and the health is improved. In time release form the invention provides both convenience and a natural dissolving process in the body. Thus, my orally consumable chemical compound invention readily and conveniently becomes a safe substitute for achieving all of the beneficial effects of alkaline water in the body of the user.

Packaged chemical inventive compounds - in time release pill form - become a ready one-a-day substitute which achieves the same acid reduction capability in the body that drinking five equally spaced, ten ounce glasses per day of alkaline drinking water achieves. Beneficial health results are thus achieved by a novel compound mixture and method of relying on the lung's natural body functioning in order to activate a novel chemical formula within a user's body.


It is an object of the present invention to provide a convenient chemical source as a human consumable substitute for alkaline drinking water.

It is another object of my invention to prepare an alkaline drinking water substitute by use of safe neutral compounds of potassium bicarbonates and sodium bicarbonates which are made alkaline within the user's body by natural body functions.

It is still another object of this invention to formulate an alkaline drinking water substitute from safe neutral bicarbonates of potassium and sodium in a mixture having specific percentage ranges of these ingredients.

It is yet another object of this invention to neutralize and reduce the body's acidic waste products by a readily consumable chemical in pill form - perhaps of the time release pill variety.

It is still a further object of this invention to provide In a chemical or pill form, safe neutral compounds of KHCO3 (potassium bicarbonate) and NaHCO3 (sodium bicarbonate) in order to produce the equivalent effects of drinking alkaline water
It is still a further object of this invention to provide a pillsupplied source of potassium bicarbonate (KHCO3) and sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) in an orally administered time release pill.

It is still a further object of this invention to prevent increased body acidity through blood buffers such as a mixture of weak acids and salts of strong bases.

One additional object is to allow an orally administered blood buffer to keep the body's pH value from experiencing extreme fluctuations.

It is still one further object of this invention to provide and maintain the proper ratio of potassium and sodium in the human body over prolonged periods of time.

Another object is to increase sodium bicarbonate in the blood while also increasing the amount of potassium absorbed in the human body cells.

It is yet one further object of this invention to provide a time release pill compound of bicarbonates selected at the ratio of about 75% (potassium bicarbonate) to about 25% (sodium bicarbonate) as the primary ingredients for an alkaline drinking water substitute.


Turning now to a detailed description of the invention, which may be understood without reference to any drawing, one must first briefly understand the human aging process. Aging is primarily marked by the accumulation of non-disposed acidic waste products that our cells produce as they burn nutrients to generate energy. We need to burn nutrients in order to function and live.

Acid coagulates blood and the accumulated acidic wastes of our bodies clog our capillary vessels and reduce blood circulation near the accumulated waste locations. It is believed that this phenomena is the primary cause of adult diseases such as diabetes, kidney disease, and the like.

It is also believed important for an understanding of the invention, to note the effects of alkaline water in the human body.

Drinking alkaline water neutralizes and reduces the acidic waste products created within our bodies. Thus, people drinking alkaline water have observed many health improvements over the years. In accordance with this invention, the alkaline water benefits are available in readily consumable chemical pill, tablet,caplet or capsule form.

Acid substance when dissolved in water causes the water to have more hydrogen ions (H+) than hydroxyl ions (OH-). Alkaline water contains more hydroxyl ions (OH-) than hydrogen ions (H+).

Neutralizing acid with alkaline means supplying hydroxyl ions (OH-) so that the excess H+ ions in acid will become H2O or water by combining with OH- ions.

H+ + OH- = H20
There are approximately 1 x 1025 number of H2O water molecules in a 10 oz. glass of water. The pH value of 10 means that there are 1 x 1021 number of hydroxyl ions (OH-) in that 10 oz glass of water. Assuming that 70% of the OH- ions are mated with potassium ions (K+) and 30% of the OH- ions are mated with sodium ions (Na+), then one may compute the respective number of
KOH molecules and NaOH molecules as 7 x 1 020 and 3 xl 020.

From the molecular weights of these materials, it can be calculated that in a 10 oz glass of (pH 10) alkaline water made by
AlkaLifeR there are 65.1 mg of KOH and 19.9 mg of NaOH.

Since KOH and NaOH are caustic, taking 65.1 mg of KOH and 1 9.9 mg of NaOH in a pill form is poisonous. For this reason,
AlkaLifeR of my '511 patent is already diluted in H20, and two drops of AlkaLifeR is added (further diluted) to a 10 oz glass of drinking water in order to make it an alkaline water with the pH value of about 1 0. In a liquid form this packaging and dilution process is possible.

In a chemical or pill form, I am proposing safe neutral compounds of KHCO3 (potassium bicarbonate) and NaHCO3 (sodium bicarbonate). In order to produce the equivalent effect of 10 oz.

alkaline water, there must be 11 6.2 mg of KHCO3 and 41.8 mg of NaHCO3. For fifty (50) ounces of alkaline water (one day's drinking water amount), there must be 581.2 mg of KHC03 and 209.2 mg of NaHCO3. If these amounts of potassium bicarbonate (KHCO3) and sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) are put in a time release pill form, taking such a pill a day in the morning will provide the effect of drinking five well spaced glasses of alkaline water a day.

The human blood is slightly alkaline and its pH value must be maintained between 7.3 and 7.4. Even minor variations are dangerous. If the blood pH value drops to 6.95 (barley over the line on the acid side), coma and death results. And, if the blood pH value rises to 7.5 to 7.7, titanic convulsions occur. With acid blood, the heart relaxes and ceases to beat, and with too alkaline blood it contracts and ceases to beat. [Acid & Alkaline by Herman
Aihara, George Ohsawa Macrobiotic Foundation, 1986]
In the human blood plasma, two compounds are dissolved.

One is sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) (alkaline buffer) and the other is carbonic acid (H2CO3) (volatile acid). If we increase the amount of carbonic acid, as by exercise, the blood becomes more acid.

As we all know, we breath out carbon dioxide CO2 constantly. That means the volatile acid H2CO3 in the blood loses
CO2 easily and becomes H20. Thus the blood becomes less acid or more alkaline. As our blood gets more acidic - or builds up more carbonic acid - we exhale more CO2 to maintain a stable and safe level alkalinity for our blood.

Another way the body prevents increased acidity is through blood buffers such as sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3). Blood buffers are mixtures of weak acids and salts of strong bases. Blood buffers work to keep the pH value from experiencing extreme fluctuations, and thus resist changes in hydrogen ion concentration.

If a strong acid, such as hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, or lactic acid, which we may symbolize as HX, is added to the blood, it unites with some of the sodium of the sodium bicarbonate and drives off carbon dioxide, according to the following equation: HX+NaHC03 = NaX + H2O + CO2 = NaX + H2CO3
Addition of a strong acid, HX, to the blood results in an alkaline or neutral substance NaX plus carbonic acid, H2C03, which is volatile weak acid that can easily be transformed into water by lung exhalation of CO2. Another way to look at it, is that the lungs remove CO2 from sodium bicarbonate, NaHCO3, thus leaving sodium hydroxide, NaOH. Sodium hydroxide is strongly alkaline and thus sodium hydroxide, NaOH will neutralize this strong acid
NaHC03 - CO2 = NaOH NaOH + HX = NaX + H2O
Potassium bicarbonate can act as buffer also. However, in the human body, potassium is more in the cells while sodium is more in the extra cellular fluids and the blood. It is very important to maintain the proper ratio of potassium and sodium in the human body. If you want to increase sodium bicarbonate in the blood, you must increase the potassium in the body as well.

Potassium bicarbonate and sodium bicarbonate pills are available already. Doctors Anthony Sebastian et al in the New
England Journal of Medicine, June 23, 1 994 report "Improved mineral balance and skeletal metabolism in postmenopausal women treated with potassium bicarbonate". I also know a doctor who prescribes sodium bicarbonate pills (600 mgs, 4 times a day) prior to chemotherapy to raise the urine pH value to 7.5, alkaline urine. This prescription approach is to reduce the side effects that could be caused by the generation of acid wastes when chemotherapy is administered.

Doctors do not prescribe these pills too long, longer than necessary to see the desired effects, because the prolonged consumption of high doses of these chemical can create imbalance of potassium and sodium mineral contents in human body. This imbalance can cause many bad side effects. For instance, potassium deficient diet or too much sodium intake can cause loss of potassium in the urine. This, in turn, may cause a water retention problem that increases the volume of blood and can cause high blood pressure.

The pill that I am teaching in this invention, has a proper balance of potassium and sodium, and yet meets the amount of our relatively low daily needs for potassium and sodium. The amount of potassium minerals in 581.2 mg of KHCO3 is 226.7 mg and the amount of sodium minerals in 209.2 mg of NaHCO3 is 57.3 mg.

These amounts are well below the minimum daily requirements of these minerals.

To pick a more familiar example, just to give one an idea of the magnitude of mineral intake, one cup of unseasoned soybeans contains about 1080 mg of potassium and one cup of macaroni baked with cheese contains about 1,1 92 mg of sodium. That being the case, one might ask can't eating soybeans and macaroni with cheese do a better job than drinking alkaline water or taking this new chemical pill invention?
My answer is: It's not the amount of minerals that's important, but what that minerals are mated with that is significant. In alkaline water and/or my pill invention, those minerals are mated with hydroxyl ions (OH-) which neutralize acid hydrogen ions (H+) in the waste that human cells make. As explained hereinafter such mating is critical.

When one drinks high pH alkaline water, the human stomach wall secrets hydrochloric acid (HCI) to maintain the stomach pH value to acid level of 4. The stomach wall cells produce hydrochloric acid from three molecules, namely salt (NaCI or
KCI), water (H2 0) and carbon dioxide (CO2). The leftovers are the bicarbonates that goes into the blood.

NaCI + H2O + CO2 = HCI + NaHCO3 or
KCI + H20 + CO2 = HCI + KHCO3
The more alkaline water one drinks, the more hydrochloric acid is secreted and thus more bicarbonates go into the blood.

The new pill (AlkaMinTh) is already in the form of potassium and sodium bicarbonate which is neutral but can be converted into alkaline as needed by exhaling carbon dioxide by the lungs.

As these bicarbonates are used to neutralize acid wastes, more carbonic acid (H2CO3) is created, and it in turn forces the lungs to exhale more CO2 in order to maintain our blood pH at a safe and stable value. People with acidosis problems, for example, are the ones with not enough bicarbonates.

Calcium carbonates and magnesium carbonates are available in the form of vitamins; however, they do not dissolve too well to be effective to function as acid neutralizing alkaline solutions.

Moreover the function and purpose is different than those of this invention.

Additional inert compounds to make a pill a slow time release pill, or additional coating material that spreads out the pill's dissolution time, of course, are well known in the art. In the relevant art these slow acting pills have been described by various terms such as extended release, sustained release, controlled release, delayed release, sustained action, continuous action and slow release. All of these terms mean essentially the same thing - namely, that the action of the pill is spread out over an extended period of time.

Pill that are coated for a slow time release are referred to in the art as Enteric Coated Tablets. Another approach that is well known, for example, is to place the chemical compound in a cellulosic binder that decomposes over a period of several hours in the stomach or intestine environment. Such known and well recognized techniques may be utilized to achieve a time release capability for the potassium predominant compound of my invention. Although such time release factors are of importance to my concept they are not a critical feature of this invention.

What is important, however, is the combination of potassium and sodium bicarbonate - perhaps in a time release form. In the specific example for this invention, the percentage of potassium bicarbonate is 73.5% while that of sodium bicarbonate is 26.5%. The specific inventive range should be from about 95% to about 50% potassium in comparison, respectively, to about 5% to about 50% of sodium.

In this specification I have referred to these range values as being a potassium predominant mixture, in order to distinguish my teaching from the known art. As noted earlier, the art has primarily taught compound mixtures formed in the opposite direction wherein sodium is by far the highest percentage ingredient.

The alkaline water substitute of this invention is not a medicine to treat or cure any disease. It does, however, neutralize excess body acids and helps the body dispose of such neutralized body acids. By so doing, the health of many people have improved in a natural way which is enhanced by alkaline drinking water.

What I am focussing on in the preferred embodiment is that percentage which, on balance, will give the best result for each particular individual. Skin Resistance Measuring ("SRM") devices as discussed in my '511 patent, are available for tailoring substances to each individual's needs. In the future when such
SRM instruments become more readily available, optimum individualized chemical compounds may be tailor-made as individualized one-a-day time release pills. Such compound pills however, should nevertheless be formulated from 95% to about 50% potassium bicarbonate to about 5% to 50% percent sodium bicarbonate in accordance with the principles of this invention for best results.

Until such individualized tailor-made SRM chemical compounds are available on a widespread basis, however, a time release pill combination of about 75% (potassium bicarbonate) to about 25% (sodium bicarbonate) for the primary ingredients will be used as an alkaline drinking water substitute.

It should also be understood, of course, that one could also add a small amount of other alkaline and inert time release minerals to the chemical compound of this invention. However, the ratio of potassium bicarbonate to sodium bicarbonate should still be maintained within the general potassium predominant ranges set forth in this specification and claims.

While my invention has been described with reference to a particular example of preferred embodiments, it is my intention to cover all modifications and equivalents within the scope of the following appended claims. It is therefore requested that the following claims be given a liberal interpretation which is within the spirit and scope of my contribution to this art.

Alkaline additive for drinking water  

Abstract -- A highly concentrated alkaline solution is formed by combining potassium hydroxide (KOH) with sodium hydroxide (NaOH) so that an alkaline drinking water may be formulated. One part of concentrated alkaline additive solution is diluted with several parts of distilled water in a one ounce mixture. The additive is further characterized by combining potassium hydroxide with sodium hydroxide in a range of about 95% potassium hydroxide and 5% sodium hydroxide to about 50% potassium hydroxide to about 50% sodium hydroxide. One ounce bottles of 75% potassium hydroxide to about 25% sodium hydroxide (dilute with distilled water) are supplied with a droplet cap in order to conveniently add the additive into ordinary glass of drinking water in order to readily form an alkaline drinking water.