'Activator Transformer' / 'Atmospheric Generator'

Fate Magazine, October 1956, pp. 123-125; "Report from the Readers"
Mysterious Invention

"The Hubbard Energy Transformer" brought back to me exciting memories of another inventor. In 1918, while doing painting and decorating, I was hired to paper several bedrooms in a large two-story house. While at this work I went down to the back porch to pick up some materials. I happened to glance at the light meter and saw it was not moving.

I opened the fuse box and saw the main power fuses had been removed. It took only a minute to make sure the line had not been taped beyond the meter.

The only member of the family at home at the time was a young man in his early twenties [C. Earl Ammann]. I asked him, "Earl, where do you get your juice? I noticed it does not come from the power lines".

"Come along and I’ll show you", he said. He led me up to the attic. He placed some steel bars on a work table and picked up a coil which looked like a loose coupler. After placing the coils on the steel rods he touched the opposite terminal. The bell rang with great force, and there was quite a spark, too.

I picked up the coils to make sure there was no contact with other appliances. I could see right through them. There was no battery inside. The bell rang just as vigorously. The wire was iron.

In the basement Earl had what he called an Activator Transformer, the size of two fists, which had to be within 10 miles of the radius of the generator coils. The activator was not in contact with any visible wires or appliances. It was activated by the electric currents which surge around the earth and activate the compass needle. By cutting into these currents, earl said, we can obtain unlimited power.

A year later Earl demonstrated his Cosmo Electric Generator in Denver. He had placed two copper spheres on the front fenders of his car in pace of the headlights. From these copper spheres he obtained enough power to drive that old jalopy all over Denver as reported in the Denver Post at the time.

While Earl was demonstrating his invention all over the streets of Denver, the power had been cut off in the foothills. In spite of this, when he went to Washington DC shortly afterward to try to obtain a patent on his Cosmo Electric Generator, he found that charges had been filed against him claiming he had a device to steal power from the power lines.

K. H. Isselstein,
Spokane, WA

Denver Post (Monday, August 8, 1921)

Denver Man Invents Generator That Takes Electricity From Air & Propels Automobile

Believes He has Apparatus that will Revolutionize Power & Lighting & Gives it a Test on Streets of City
Has an invention been made that will revolutionize the electrical world?

Will the apparatus conceived by a Denver man light buildings, run automobiles, battleships, power plants by the unlimited supply of electricity in the air? Denver electrical experts say "yes", and the young inventor, C. Earl Ammann, Monday demonstrated his invention by attaching it to an old automobile and running it about the city.

An atmospheric generator is the name of Ammann’s apparatus. It is a compact, cylindrical object with two small brass spheres protruding from the top. Inside, Ammann says, is an arrangement of steel wires and minerals, so fixed as to draw the electricity from the air, condense it and utilize it for driving power.

The automobile which Ammann used for his demonstration Monday was the body and chassis of an electric vehicle. There are said to be no batteries in the car. It propelled itself with remarkable speed at the touch of the foot, climbed hills and glided through a maze of traffic under easy control.

Careful To Conceal His Invention ~

When asked by skeptical persons if he had a storage battery concealed inside of the power cylinder, Ammann said:

"As badly as I would like to show the inside of my invention, I can’t, for I have not yet obtained the patent rights. It would be exposing the result of seven years of work to open the cylinder. I leave for Washington this week to obtain the patent rights. When I return I will gladly show everything and I can only say, wait until then and time will tell.

"I have bucked every law of the textbooks to perfect the invention. It appears on the order of the wireless telephone but it is decidedly different, except that the electricity is derived from the air. It will run anywhere except under water.

The automobile is only a simple test. The generator will light buildings, do away with steam turbines, and, in fact, propel any kind of engine motor".

J. N. Davis, the proprietor of the Davis Electric Garage company, at 921 East 14th Avenue, and one of the oldest electrical men in Denver, made a thorough study of the generator.

Electrical Man Has Faith In It ~

"I believe that Mr. Ammann has at least made the invention which will revolutionize power", Mr. Davis said. "Of course, we don’t know what is inside of the generator and the inventor would be foolish to show us. We have long known that certain minerals exist, which if properly arranged together, would furnish power. That, in substance, according to the blueprints of the invention, is the basis of the whole thing.

"If the generator has been perfected to the extent that it will propel an automobile, the rest of its work is assured. It will be the greatest invention of the age. The electricity obtained from the air, first passing through the generator, would be available for any use". So impressed was Mr. Davis that he offered the use of his building for Mr. Ammann’s headquarters. Ammann, who is but 28 years old, came to Denver from Spokane, Washington. He is an electrical engineer and lives at the Argonaut Hotel.

DENVER, Aug. 10.—Has an invention been made that will revolutionize the electrical world? Will the apparatus conceived by a Denver man light buildings, run automobiles, battleships, power plants by the unlimited supply of electricity in the air? Denver electrical experts say "yes", and the young Inventor. C E. Ammann, Monday demonstrated his invention by attaching it to an automobile and running in it about the city. An atmosphere generator is the name of Ammann's apparatus. It is a compact, cylindrical object with two small brass spheres protruding from the top. Inside, Ammann says, is an arrangement of steel wires and minerals, so fixed as to draw electricity from the air. condense it and utilize it for driving power. The automobile which Ammann used for his demonstration Monday was the body and chassis of an electric vehicle. There are said to he no batteries in the car. It propelled it , self with remarkable speed at a touch I of the foot, climbed hills and glided thru a maze of traffic under easy control. When asked by skeptical persons if he had a storage battery concealed inside of the power cylinder. Ammann said: "As badly ns I would like to show the inside of my invention I can't, for I have not yet obtained patent rights. it would he exposing the result of seven years of work to open the cylinder. I leave for Washington this week to obtain the patent rights. When I return I will gladly show everything and I can only say. wait until then and time will tell. "1 have bucked every law of the | textbooks to perfect the invention. It appears on the order of the wireless telephone but it is decidedly different except that the electricity is derived from the air. It will run anywhere except under water. "The automobile is only a simple test. The generator will light buildings, furnish an inexhaustible supply of power for airplanes, do away with steam turbines, and, in fact, propel any kind of an engine." J. N. Davis, proprietor of the Davis Electric Garage Co. at 921 East Fourteenth avenue, and one of the oldest electrical men in Denver, made a thorough study of the generator. “I believe that Mr. Ammann has at last made the invention which will revolutionize power." Mr. Davis said. “Of course, we don't know what is inside of the generator, and the inventor would he foolish to show us. We have long known that certain minerals exist, which, if properly arranged together, would furnish power. That, in substance, according to the blueprints of the invention, is the basis of the whole thing. "If the generator has been perfected to the extent that it will propel an automobile, the rest of its work is assured. It will be the greatest invention of the age. The electricity obtained from the air, first passing thru the generator, would be available for any use." So impressed was Mr. Davis that he offered the use of the building for Mr. Ammann's headquarters. Ammann. who is but 28 years old, came to Denver from Spokane Wash. He is an electrical engineer and lives at the Argonaut hotel.
...With iron, wire and minerals as being the only details about this Atmospheric Generator, that’s not much to go on. Was it wirelessly picking up a transmission from elsewhere or was it some mineral solution that created some galvanic action between iron and wire making it a simple but apparently powerful battery? There are vertical rods around the perimeter of it which look like they are tying the top and bottom together so who knows. It could be anything...
South Bend News-Times, Volume 38, Number 233,South Bend, St. Joseph County, 21 August 1921
The inventors are J. E. Ammann of Denver, and his brother, C. E. Ammann of Spokane, Wash. To demonstrate, the brothers borrowed an old electric auto, took out ...
The Ammann Brothers
What was the mysterious device that powered their electric vehicle and home?

Magnetite? Tourmaline?
The missing hints of the Ammann device and a few other tidbits…
Monday Jan 22, 2024

What if this Ammann device (which incorporates the use of two spinning aluminum discs) produces two phase power rather than my previous presumption of this device producing four phase power?

To regulate the output of this speculated version of the Ammann device, it may be possible to place opposite poles of a permanent magnet on either side of each freely rotatable disc (similar to the use of a “C” shaped magnet in an electromechanical watt hour meter which used to exist outside our homes at the mains where the fuse box is located — prior to those electromechanical watt hour meters being replaced with digital versions about 10 years ago) bringing the opposing poles of the permanent magnets closer to the rotatable discs to decelerate the rotation of each disc and thus diminish the output of power of the entire device, namely: diminish the recirculation of power transmitted dielectrically by the disks as they rotate and received and converted by the barrel shaped iron coil and converted into a ferromagnetic field surrounding the iron coil. Conversely, power may be allowed to increase, up to the limit of what the device is capable of producing, by creating more separation between the poles of the permanent magnets and less proximity to the pair of spinning aluminum discs.

Maybe I was wrong in conjecturing that the pair of discs produces four phase power? Maybe it’s merely two phase power that this power system produces?

Maybe the number of discs, each disc connected by its own separate aluminum line extending out from the main aluminum trunk line and radially separated from each other in a plane which is perpendicular to the main aluminum trunk line (the main aluminum trunk line connects the two base leads of the two transistors), maybe this quantity of rotating discs (which are free to rotate at whatever speed of rotation is appropriate for the rate of dielectric discharge emanating from them) determines the number of phases of power which this power station produces?
C. Earl Amman Cosmic Electric Generator Query