Giovanni Battista FERLINI
Magnetic Portal
B. Ferlini : The Magnetic Barrier ( La
Barriera Magnetica )
La barriera magnetica
L’esperimento dell’ingegnere Ferlini
leonardoanarchico - CFbm02 - Ferlini - barriera
Observation of the space between two magnetic poles placed in
the "critical area" to verify what asserted by Eng. Ferlini, who
has in no way left clear documentation of what is described in
his book. The results achieved here require further
verification, since neither confirmed nor decisive denials have
been received.
Experiment by engineer Ferlini
In his book entitled "The magnetic barrier", Ferlini narrates
how, in the course of research, yesaccidentally noticed a
strange visual phenomenon generated by two permanent magnetsthat
By placing two horse-shaped magnets, so that the opposite poles
will attract, if yes approach very slowly, it reaches a critical
point of attraction. A few moment first the attraction force is
small but with a further small approach movement the attraction
force grows very strongly.
When this happens, Ferlini noticed that in the central area of
connection between the two magnets, the vision of space lost
its transparency and deformed slightly as if it were therea
lens. According to him, other people, with a little practice,
managed to notice this anomaly.
At this point he tried to place four powerful permanent steel
magnets ina cross arrangement. With a suitable system of levers,
he was able to bring the magnets closer together.
Once in the critical area the magnets began to vibrate
violently, approaching even very little, a blue mist began to
form and in the air it dida smell of ozone spread.
Repeating this experiment in large size with powerful magnets
weighing several hundred kilograms, the phenomenon repeated
itself. This time, due to an accident, Ferlini himself was
wrapped up of the fog and disappeared from sight, he claims,
both in the book and in an interview with Rai 3, by having seen
another place. In the meantime, the experiment continues and the
assistants observed the mist will expand considerably and change
color through the whole range rainbow. Finally he reappeared at
the sight of the astonished assistants.
Curiously, the gas mask he had with him disappeared and it was
no longer possible to find it.
There is also a sound recording of the story, in an interview
made on Rai 3 with the late Pietro Cimatti.
Barriera Magnetica ( The Magnetic Barrier )
dimensional portal of Ferlini
Ferlini's dimensional portal or as he called it "magnetic
barrier" is a real one phase shifting system that allows you to
connect the size that we define by convention "Physics" with
other dimensions of the holographic multiverse. Ferlini called
it a magnetic barrier because basically this is what it is ... a
magnetic wall that vibrates at a specific frequency and that it
constitutes a dimensional gash.
How the portal is made
The construction of the portal at Ferlini is very simple
conceptually and does not require circuits electronic pilot ...
it is based only on four permanent magnets positioned between
the four cardinal points. In this representation you can see the
portal setup:
The four "U" magnets are arranged at the four cardinal points
with alternating poles, the magnets are fixed on sled supports
moved by a worm screw so that it is possible to adjust them
finely the mutual distance. In the experiment Ferlini used very
large steel magnets which they weighed several quintals each ...
in theory the size of the magnets depends on the size of the
area you want to influence and therefore for smaller areas just
use smaller magnets and practical. This means that theoretically
you don't need big powers to create a portal in an area small
and we deduce it from the same story by Ferlini on the
experimentation he did with these U magnets
The experimentation
Giovanni Battista Ferlini began his adventure by studying the
pyramids of Giza. Initially it was not interested in studying
portals and did not even suspect their practical feasibility. In
this venue now we will deal with all the previous studies by
Ferlini that have little to do with the portal but there we will
focus on experimentation. However during his experiments with
reproductions of the pyramids he realized that the magnetic
energy emitted by the pyramids had a strong influence on various
variables such as shielding from cosmic rays. Today after
numerous experiments are well aware of how the shape effect of
pyramids affects the ether and their magnetic action which is
only a result of the torsional field emitted by the tip of the
pyramid itself. At that time, however, the experiments with the
pyramids made Ferlini think a lot who realized that the shape
and arrangement of the materials used created more or less
interactions strong with various effects. The brilliant idea
that Ferlini had was to simulate the energy field of the pyramid
using permanent magnets, after all from his experiments it was
evident that there was a direct connection between the energy of
the pyramids and magnetism. With his collaborators he
disassembled an electric motor and extracted four permanent "U"
magnets that were in the stator, placed them on four angles and
while adjusting the mutual distances while maintaining the poles
alternati noted that there was a critical distance in which
there was a lot of attraction abrupt and if he regulated the
distance so that this force was "on the border" between weak and
strong yes it formed a blurred barrier in the center that
prevented you from seeing the table below. So he understood that
his theory was right and that the experiment had to be
reproduced on a larger scale.
He then ordered four very large U-shaped magnets made of mild
steel afterwards magnetized, each one weighed several quintals
and they were transported with a truck. There he laid out some
sleds, adjustable with worm screws, on the laboratory floor and
experimentation began with i his colleagues. Approaching the
four magnets he came to a critical distance, a very thin border
precise where the mutual attraction force suddenly became weak
to very intense.
The worm was very precise and it took many turns to move the this way he was able to finely adjust the critical
distance by studying which position gave the best results.
Reached the optimal position of the strong vibrations they shook
the whole laboratory and the magnets they began to vibrate most
likely from the intense attraction. A mist greyish / bluish
began to form in the area circumscribed by the poles of the
magnets and Ferlini deduced that it could be ozone therefore
they equipped themselves with gas masks to avoid the fumes
poisonous, the mist became more and more intense in color and
towards the green as it reached the critical position. While his
assistants were more remote Ferlini approached the portal by
leaning on one of the magnets to scan the magnetic barrier more
closely, as the mask limited his sight and the movements decided
to take it off and placed it on one of the magnets. Approaching
the barrier he found himself catapulted in front of the pyramids
of Giza but not today's ones ... but in the era when the
pyramids were whole with the quartz tip coated in metal, that
is, before the great cataclysm that shocked the earth 12,000
years ago. At a certain point he heard himself called from afar
and found himself in the laboratory with the machine off,
approached his own alarmed assistants who claimed that Dr.
Ferlini had seen it disappear among the magnets for some time to
see him standing in front of them as soon as they deactivated
the portal moving the magnets away from them. In consultation
with colleagues he found that they decided to stop the
experiment when they realized that there had been a sudden
change in flow between two of the four magnets, regarding his
absence they did not initially give him weight because they
thought he was alone momentarily dismissed, unable to explain
why suddenly they no longer saw him with them they thought that
perhaps they had not noticed his movements in the laboratory.
Ferlini told what he saw during the "journey" through the
magnetic barrier and discovered that the Ferlini's gas mask had
disappeared and they could no longer find it despite nobody was
left the laboratory and the masks had been worn all except that
of Ferlini who he leaned on one of the magnets. They later
discovered that the flow variation between the two Magnets was
located in the position close to the one where Ferlini placed
the mask on the magnet same. They rightly hypothesized that when
Ferlini leaned into the barrier he had to drop the mask into the
barrier ending who knows where. On the mask there were initials
with Ferlini's address ... months later the mask arrived by mail
to Ferlini and the sender was in Egypt precisely in Cairo! The
mask had been teleported to Egypt and whoever found it thought
kindly of rispedirgliela! Another important note on the
experiment is that the ozone meter placed near the portal it
revealed no traces of ozone and that even when you approached
the mist you could breathe well not like when you are in a gas.
Theoretical considerations
Ferlini's portal may seem very different from other phase
shifting systems they use the rotating interaction between high
voltage magnetic and electric fields or those based on fields
electromagnetic rotating with specific frequencies ... actually
despite using a slightly different method necessarily use the
same principles. To open a portal or carry out phase shifting
you must isolate a zone of space and change the aether's
vibration frequency of that zone itself ... since we are in a
hologram it is normal that everything depends on the carrier
frequency holographic choice, we change bearing and change size.
In systems such as "philadelphia experiment ”pulsed coils are
used between them in sequence to form a rotating field and
powered at specific frequencies of dimensional resonance, in
other systems it is used the interaction between a rotating
magnetic field and an electric field that vibrates at a certain
In both cases we will have a rotating ether field that vibrates
at a specific frequency. Already here it is It is possible to
note the analogy of the aforementioned methods with that of
Ferlini, in fact a magnetic field does not is nothing but a flow
of recirculating ether in an area of space (flow that closes on
itself) and the the trick used by Ferlini was to make several
magnets interact so that their flux flows concatenates creating
a rotary flow ... in fact Ferlini called it a "unified field".
Here because the poles must be alternated and this is also why
there is a precise critical distance ... why geometrically when
the magnets are at the precise distance they create a round
rotary flow which strengthens.
Imagine the lines of flow that come out of each pole that go to
flow in the opposite pole and so on by uniting .... in such a
situation there will be a unified rotating field or better still
a flow of rotating ether just as shown in this figure:

Now once the rotating
field has been created, we need to set a resonant frequency that
connects us to a specific dimension or space-time point of the
multiverse hologram. In the case of Ferlini this vibration may
have been induced by both the mechanical vibrations of the
magnets for simple attraction that by the vibrations induced by
himself when he leaned on it. Surely it was not a precise system
because it was subject to many spurious vibrations, every
mechanical vibration on magnets produced a ripple on the field
of the critical area. There is however a lot of clue
Interestingly, Ferlini did not wander at random but was taken
right to where he wished to go either consciously than
unconsciously ... that is, in the time of the pyramids on which
all his research was based scientific. This indicates that once
the passage is opened the mind itself is free to choose where
and in and in what time to move, in the extracorporeal
projections only the astral body (holographic body like the
physical one that vibrates on a higher carrier) is free to go
where it wants but in the phase shifting the whole body,
including the "physical" one, raises the vibration making it
easy to move where you want. The mask, however, was always worn
in Egypt but not in the same time ... evidently the flow
variation induced by its passing through the critical zone has
moved the time variable making it arrive in modern times.
Clearly a lot will have to be done experimentation in this sense
in order to better establish how variables act in phase
Another important element is the famous "mist". When interacting
with the ether by moving it the frequency or thickening it in an
area of space it becomes visible in luminescent form which at
first sight is like a mist, its color depends on the density
reached. This is it also observes in experiments with
anti-gravity systems such as Schauberger's repulsins, the Searl
SEG and others ... what interests us is that it is clearly
visible even in phase shifting cases. In famous Philadelphia
Experiment, the ship was wrapped in a bluish mist that was
turning towards the green before disappearing ... even in the
Bermuda triangle the ships before disappearing or having certain
particular effects they enter a grayish, sometimes greenish mist
... they are both cases of phase shifting and obviously match
with Ferlini's experiment.
Another consideration I want to make is that in order to create
the critical area they should in theory even just three U-shaped
magnets arranged at 120 ° from each other are enough and I don't
think it is necessary to use magnets but instead electromagnets
that are more practical and cheap. Ferlini preferred magnets
because he wanted to use a "pure" magnetic source but
electromagnets they could do the same job because what matters
is only the generated magnetic field and the geometric