William FOGAL
Transistor -- The Truth Behind Charged Barrier Technology
Fogal's Charge
Barrier Breadboard Layout
Fogal's Charge Barrier
Charge-Barrier Semiconductor
On The Fogal Transistor -- Commentary and Analysis
by Tom Bearden
-- High gain, low distortion, faster switching transistor
- High gain, low distortion, faster switching
- Fuse checker for testing integrity of a
miniature, plug-in fuse while the fuse is installed in
an electrical circuit
Fogal Transistor -- The Truth Behind Charged
Barrier Technology
Bill Fogal (1997)
With Special Commentary and Analysis by Colonel Tom Bearden
(Retired U.S.Military Officer, Nuclear Physicist)
"We are only bound by the limits of our own imagination." We
perceive what we cannot see. We feel what we cannot hear. We
strive for perfection in our thought models, but we seem to
forget that sometimes it is the imperfections in nature that can
help to make things work.1
This paper covers a new way of thinking in solid state physics.
Now one seeks to utilize and tame pure energy flow rather than
just broadly dissipating the collected energy by means of
electron current flow. The paper also looks at some of the ideas
and theories that make up our world. The Fogal semiconductor -
which is an experimentally demonstrated device - may force us to
ask some unique questions about conventional EM theories and
wonder, "Do things really work that way? Could they work
differently after all?"
We particularly caution the reader against simply assuming
normal EM theory, either classical or quantal, as having the
"final answers." The topology of these models has been severely
and arbitrarily reduced. If one looks at circuits in a higher
topology algebra, many operations are possible, though excluded
from present tensor analysis.2
Energy Flows Continuously from Magnetic and Electric Charges
Have you ever taken two magnets and held one magnet in each
hand, with the magnets facing each other with the same poles? As
you bring the magnets close to each other, you can feel the
repulsion and the build-up of the"energy field" as the magnets
begin to push your hands away from each other. Each of the
magnetic poles is pouring forth hidden energy3 that acts upon
the other pole, producing the force that you feel.
That energy is continuously flowing from the magnets, 4, 5, 6
and fills the entire space around them, literally to the ends of
the universe. The electron7 also has such a flowing energy
field, and electrons will react just like the magnets under
certain conditions. When two like charges approach each other,
their streams of energy impact one upon the other, and produce
(i) excess pileup of energy8 on the electrons, and (ii) mutual
However, unlike the magnets, usually the electrons are
notoriously free to move. So free electrons will rapidly move
away from the site of repelling charges. As electrons mutually
repel each other and move away, they also drain away the
collected portion9 of their excess energy field in the
Now if we could only collect and use the energy from the flowing
energy field directly, further down the circuit, and not move
the repelling electrons themselves! In that case our constrained
electrons would continue to be an inexhaustible source of that
energy flow, and we could collect and use the excess energy from
them, without draining away the source by allowing electron
current flow from it.
And there'd be another great advantage: We would also rid
ourselves of most of the electron collision noise, that is
created in the lattice by the longitudinal movement of the
electrons as ordinary current. In other words, we could simply
use the direct energy flow changes caused by our signal
modulations, without adding lots of little unwanted and spurious
field changes due to those electron collisions. This notion is
simple: Use field energy flow to bypass the blocked electron
flow, and you bypass much of the noise in the intervening
transmission line and associated circuits.
Some Simply Addressed But Advanced Content
To fully comprehend some of the content of this paper, a fairly
extensive knowledge of quantum solid state physics is helpful.
Even then, using the tantalum electrolytic capacitive material
to form and sustain spin density waves at room temperature, and
forming an EM field by moving and overlapping the energy states
of compressed electrons, appear to be new areas in solid state
physics. This paper will also explain why the AC Josephson
tunnel junction effect can be developed at room temperature in
the charged barrier device, and how and why the AC supercurrent
can also be developed at room temperature.11
Design, Components, and Functions
Let's Take a Look at the Basic Design
The simplified schematic of the hybrid charged barrier
semiconductor is shown here in Figure 1:
The device has an electrolytic capacitor and a parallel resistor
attached to the emitter junction of a bipolar transistor. Such a
circuit configuration has been known in textbook theory as a
bypass element and the capacitor in the circuit configuration
will react to frequency to lower the emitter resistance and
create gain. However, there is one interesting point to
consider. I have been granted two U.S. Patents on the same
circuit configuration, using an electrolytic capacitor to form a
unitary structure. Under certain conditions, electrolytic
capacitors react differently in this type of circuit
configuration than a standard non-electrolytic bypass capacitor.
I use the electrolytic capacitor to create a unique
electromagnetic field.The parallel resistor is used to
"bleed-off" excess charge potential from the plate of the
capacitor to generate the electromagnetic field. It also
performs another function we will detail later. The exact values
of the capacitive element and resistive element are not listed
at this time.
Let's Look at Capacitors
In theory, a simple capacitor will pass an AC signal and voltage
and block a DC voltage from crossing the plate area. However, a
physical capacitor is not necessarily simple; instead, it is a
complicated system having many internal functions. An
electrolytic capacitor will pass an AC signal and voltage, and
also hold a DC charge - with its accompanying DC potential - on
the plate area of the capacitor.12 If an electrolytic capacitor
can hold a DC charge potential on the plate area, then one can
move small portions of that charge potential and that charge,
with the use of a parallel bleed-off resistor. This small
bleed-off current and change of E-field will create a very
small, associated magnetic field on the plate area of the
capacitor. Through experimentation it has been found that this
very small electromagnetic field will oscillate at a very high
frequency that is not detected under normal test conditions.13
Conventional theory has shown that one needs to have a movement
of the charge state to generate current to create a magnetic
field.14 However, theory does not tell the exact amount of
current needed to create the field. Could the bleed-off effect
from a parallel resistor element change enough of the charge
state to sustain a very small EM field? The resistor element
would have to have just the right specific value in order to
bleed-off just enough excess charge potential, so that the
charge state between the plate of the capacitive element and the
resistor bleed-off would not reach a point of equilibrium
(equalization) between the charge states.
Scope Traces
At the point of charge, with no signal applied, and with a bias
of the junction, the capacitive element will charge to the
voltage potential of 250 mV DC at the emitter junction. The
parallel resistor element will work to "bleed-off" excess charge
from the capacitor plate area, and try to reach a point of
equalization of the charge state. However, the associated field
will oscillate at a frequency around 500 MHz and will not reach
a point of total equalization due to this high frequency
oscillation. In other words, equilibrium does not occur.15
Formation of Electromagnetic Field
Figure 2. The formation of the electromagnetic field is shown in
Figure 2, which is a photograph from a Tektronix transistor
curve tracer operating in the microamp region. A reading of the
DC operating voltage of the emitter junction of the transistor
will not show a change in the voltage potential due to the high
frequency oscillation of the electromagnetic field. At this
point, the emitter electrons become trapped and pinned within
the electromagnetic field of the capacitor. This pinning blocks
current and dampens the amount of electron collision noise and
heat due to electron interaction.16
Charge-Blocking and Formation of the AC Supercurrent
Figure 3.The photograph in Figure 3 is taken from the Tektronix
transistor curve tracer operating in the microamp region. At the
point of a small signal injection to the base region of the
transistor, the effect of the AC carrier disruption to the
internal DC emitter junction electromagnetic field can clearly
be seen. This effect is caused by the Overpotential of Charge
State and the compression of the pinned electron clusters within
the DC charged electromagnetic field developed by the capacitor.
At this point in device conduction, the parallel resistor
element will try to equalize the field charge, and align the
pinned electron clusters in the charged field on the capacitor
plate. The E-field will start to develop along with its
associated Poynting energy density flow (S-flow).17
Formation of the AC Supercurrent
Figure 4. The photograph in Figure 4, taken from the Tektronix
transistor curve tracer, shows the effect to "disruption and
compression of the pinned electron clusters." At this point in
time, in the semiconductor the parallel resistor element can no
longer handle the bleed-off of excess charge potential from the
charged plate of the capacitor, due to the compression of
electrons and the consequent rapid formation of an E-field. So
there is a buildup of the Poynting energy density flow due to
the change in electron energy state and compression of charge
clusters. A spin density wave will develop and increase within
the tantalum capacitor.18
Discharge of the AC Supercurrent
Figure 5. The photograph in Figure 5, again taken from the
Tektronix transistor curve tracer, shows almost the full
development of the AC supercurrent, due to the Poynting energy
density flow and the increased spin density wave action of the
tantalum capacitor. The development of the E-field is almost
complete. The emitter junction DC electromagnetic field is about
to collapse and release the AC supercurrent as well as the flow
of Poynting energy density. The AC supercurrent is too massive
and the increased nature of the spin density wave of the
tantalum element is too fast, due to the buildup of the E-field,
for the bleed-off resistor to effectively regulate and shut down
the action.19
Poynting Energy Flow
Figure 6. Taken from the Tektronix transistor curve tracer, the
photograph in Figure 6 shows the point of discharge and the
Poynting energy density flow, the AC supercurrent, and the
collapse of the DC charged electromagnetic field, due to the
change of energy state on the plate of the tantalum capacitor.
Most of the device conduction is a Poynting energy density flow
across the doped regions of the device's crystal lattice. With a
dramatic decrease in electron collisions, the S-flow now is not
subject to distortions due to the material defects within the
lattice structure. Device switching times are far faster (at
optical speed) and there are few if any limitations on frequency
The phenomenal frequency response - up to essentially the
optical region - follows, since the shortest frequency
wavelengths can be passed directly as Poynting energy density
flow.20 Without divergence or scattering of this energy flow,
there is no "work" being done in the conventional sense on the
non-translating electrons in that region, even though they are
potentialized. That is, electron transport has been halted
temporarily or dramatically reduced, while the Poynting flow
continues apace. With most electrons not being translated
longitudinally, there is no heat build-up in the device as there
is with lattice vibration interactions with a normal electron
current.21 This device can work as a charge coupled device22
with the ability to pass both voltage and Poynting current flow
S rather than conduction electron current flow dq/dt.23
Researching Charge and Poynting Flow in Circuits
Tom Bearden is a very good friend of mine in Huntsville,
Alabama. Tom has been deeply involved in research for a number
of years to explain and define the charge state in physics. He
has taken a serious look at the flow of Poynting energy in
circuits,24 and how most circuit analysis focuses on the power
(rate of dissipation of the energy flow) in circuits rather than
on the actual rate of energy transport flow (which is not power
at all, if it is not dissipated). Tom can explain the basic
theory for formation of the charge state25 and he can explain
the Poynting energy flow used in my charged barrier
technology.26 The reader is referred to the extensive endnote
comments added by him. Over the last few years it has been a
real pleasure to exchange ideas with him.
Remember the Magnets
Tantalum is one of the elements that is used in the construction
of the charged barrier device, as well as the "parallel resistor
element." Under certain conditions, when stimulated with a very
small electric current to align the charge state, the excess
bleed-off effect due to the parallel resistor can move the
charge state on the capacitor and develop a very small
electromagnetic field. Electrons are "held" and "pinned" within
thisfield to reduce electron lattice interaction within the
emitter junction.
With the influence of the AC conduction electrons reacting with
the pinned electrons within the charged field, a unique effect
will start to happen: The clusters of bound electrons within the
charged field are compressed to a point where there is a "change
of energy state" within the compressed, bound electrons in the
tantalum lattice. This will start the formation of the E-field
due to the interaction of the compressed electron clusters with
the influence of the AC conduction electrons. Remember the
magnets when their like poles were brought within close
proximity to each other? An analogous action will start the
formation of the AC supercurrentand the Poynting energy flow
within the device.27
Charged Barrier Fogal Engine
Putting together all the actions we have discussed, we may
compare the electromagnetic actions as the actions of a special
kind of engine cycling, as shown in Figure 7.
In Figure 7, we show four analogous actions involved in the
"Fogal engine". Figure 7A shows the start of the "down stroke"
of the Fogal emitter piston, so to speak, and the formation of
the DC electromagnetic field. Figure 7B shows the signal
injection into the cylinder from the injector base region, as
the emitter piston pulls the signal into the chamber. Figure 7C
shows the compression of electron density and the formation of
the amplified E-field due to the charge compression, with a
resulting expansion of the Poynting energy density flow. Figure
7D shows the point of discharge of the Poynting energy density
flow, the resulting AC supercurrent, and the collapse of the DC
electromagnetic field of the emitter piston.
Testing the Fogal Charged Barrier Semiconductor
Device Testing Parameters for Tektronix
Now that you have seen the pictures of the formation of the
internal DC electromagnetic field and the development of the AC
supercurrent, I will explain how to test this device. The
Charged Barrier device has certain testing parameters that have
to be followed to test it accurately. The device must be
operated within certain parameters to maintain the internal
electromagnetic field action. Tests have to be constructed on
the Tektronix transistor curve tracer in the microamp range of
operation, in order to keep from saturating the internal
electromagnetic field. Important: The Charged Barrier prototype
device will test and look like a normal transistor when tested
or operated outside of its specified operating parameters!
In the tests, the testing parameters on the Tektronix were set
up as follows: The collector current was set at 20 ½A per
division. The base current was set at 0.1 �A with signal
injection to the base region. The supply voltage was set at 10 V
DC per division. The signal injection was 100,000 kHz (100 MHz)
at a level of less than 100 ½VAC. Important: This device cannot
be tested on the Tektronix curve tracer equipment in the
milliamp range of operation for a normal transistor. Testing it
in the milliamp range will overload and shut down the internal
electromagnetic field developed by the electrolytic capacitor.
The prototype device will then test and look like any normal
transistor, with similar noise figure, gain, and frequency
range. The "new effects" only occur at the proper microamp range
as specified, and only then does one obtain in the Fogal
transistor the dramatic noise reduction, increase in
sensitivity, increased gain, and increased frequency response as
well as "optical" type functioning due to the blocking of dq/dt
current flow and the increase in Poynting energy density flow.
Circuit Testing the Device
The Fogal Charge Barrier transistor can be tested under normal
circuit conditions with a 3 V DC supply voltage and a bias to
the base-emitter junction of 0.7V DC with the emitter grounded.
A normal transistor under these conditions will turn on and
conduct with an input to the base region of 4.5 mV AC at 0.1 ½A
AC, and produce a gain at the collector junction of 20 mV AC
with 0.1 ½A of current. Under the same circuit conditions, the
Charged Barrier device with a signal injection of 200 ½V AC at
0.1 ½A to the base region, will produce 450 mVAC and an AC
current of 133 ½A AC at the collector junction. A large signal
injection to the base region of the Charged Barrier device will
overload and shut down the internal electromagnetic field and
the device will test just like a normal transistor, until a
point of device saturation is reached where the device will pass
large amounts of current without a noticeable change in device
temperature.28 The device can easily be used in existing
equipment for signal processing applications to process and
reduce the noise content of signals.
Device Wave Function
Though not in conventional theory, signal waves actually travel
in wave pairs, 29, 30 each pair containing the familiar wave and
an associated "hidden" antiwave. The two waves of the pair have
the same frequency. Current semiconductor technology cannot
separate these wave pairs, due to limitations in switching
time.31 The Charged Barrier device can switch at a sufficiently
fast rate to:
(i) separate the wave pairs at the higher frequencies and (ii)
define the "polarization of light waves" to show background
imaging and enhanced video resolution.
A pre-recorded audio or video tape can be processed to reveal
hidden sounds or background imaging that standard electronic
equipment will not process.32 The device has been shown to
process frequencies in the range from 20 Hz to 5 GHz and higher
with no loss in frequency response, due to the ability of the
device to separate and process wave pairs, and due to faster
device switching.
Some Foreseeable Applications
Charged Barrier Applications
Prototype Charged Barrier devices have been tested in video
equipment to process composite video images for a higher
resolution. The device has the ability to process and separate
the wave pairs and define the "polarization" of light from
background objects. This ability can produce a high definition
image on a CRT, and a near-holographic image on liquid crystal
display panels. The clarity of liquid crystal display panels can
be greatly improved by the switching speed of the Charged
Barrier technology, with the visual improvement sometimes being
Novel Encryption and Transmission Capability
A preliminary test was constructed in Huntsville, Alabama in May
of 1996 to determine if video information could be infolded
within a DC voltage potential and transmitted across a wired
medium.33 Live video information at 30 frames per second was
processed and converted by full wave rectification into a DCp
otential at a voltage of 1.6 V DC and connected to a twisted
pair wire medium of 2,000 feet in length. As a voltage, the 5
MHz video information rectified to DC potential had no
modulation or AC signal present that could be detected by
sensitive signal processing equipment. The analog oscilloscopes
that were used to monitor the transmission could only see the DC
voltage flat line, although the best digital storage scope could
see very weak signal residues because of slightly less than 100%
filtering. I later performed additional tests with increased
filtering, so that the residues could not be seen. These tests
were constructed to see if video information could be "infolded"
into an audio carrier and transmitted across an ELF frequency
transmission source for communication with submarines, or down a
2,000 ft twisted wire pair. The Charged Barrier device was able
to process the hidden video, due to the ability of the device to
sense the infolded AC electromagnetic wave information hidden
inside the rectified DC voltage, sensed as a disruption to the
internal DC electromagnetic field of the Charged Barrier device.
Using the Fogal semiconductor, a good video image was shown on
the monitor at the end of the wired medium. The Huntsville test
was considered encouraging. As stated, I have since repeated the
test with a better buildup, to eliminate the very weak signal
residues, and the effects are real and replicable. Use of the
"infolded" EM waves in an ELF carrier for video frequency
signaling is real.
A novel effect uncovered in the Huntsville tests was that, by
adjusting the gain control of the receiving box containing the
charged barrier device, the focused field of view of the fixed
image could be varied, even though no adjustment at all was made
in the video camera's stationary focusing. This showed that the
"internal information" in an image actually contains everything
needed to scan a fixed volume of space, forward and backward in
radial distance, in a focused manner. The internal information
seems to contain information on the entire volume of view of the
camera.34 And it is possible to scan that volume, from a
seemingly "fixed" image where much of the image is "out of the
camera-focused field of view). The implications for photo
analysis are obvious and profound.
The Charged Barrier device, once precision prototypes are
available, can be utilized to encode signals within signals,
similar to wavelet technology, or within voltage. Transmissions
of such infolded signals could not be detected by conventional
signal processing equipment without first being processed by a
Charged Barrier device. Without the need for fiber optic cable,
conventional wired telephone or cable networks and high voltage
AC transmission lines could be used as a transmission source
without the need for line amplifiers or noise cancellation
equipment. There would be essentially no bandwidth limitations,
once the technology is developed.
Future Charged Barrier Applications
Existing radar technology can be refined and improved with the
Charged Barrier device. One of the most complex problems in the
industry is the "noise content" in signal processing. The
Charged Barrier device can be used as a front end low noise
amplifier and increase the sensitivity of the target signature
scan capability. Radar imaging could be greatly improved simply
by processing the return image with the Charged Barrier device
for high resolution CRTs and liquid crystal display panels.
Systems could also be improved for faster targeting and return
echo due to the optical speed of the Charged Barrier device
switching. By utilizing the"internal" information, it should be
possible to develop improved imaging for sonar applications, so
there will be no gaps in the frequency spectrum. The ability to
"get at" and detect the hidden internal EM information of an
object from its surface reflection, is an innate capability of
the Charged Barrier device that needs to be explored. It is
already well-known that the entire interior of a dielectric
participates in the reflection of light from it; the information
on the interior of the reflecting object is in the reflected
image, but in the form of hidden EM variables.
New Type of Radar and Sonar Imaging Application
A new type of "volume viewing" radar system can be constructed
with the Charged Barrier Technology that can scan the "inner EM
signal image" produced over a given area or volume, sensing
disruptions within the earth's magnetic field. The movement
through that volume of an object -such as a low-flying aircraft
made of metal or epoxy resin skin design - can be detected and
tracked, regardless of electronic counter measures
andatmospheric disruptions such as tornadoes, hurricanes, or
wind shear due to microbursts, without the need for target echo
return capability. The Charged Barrier device can sense and
amplify very small disruptions to the "internal" electromagnetic
fields and create an image for identification. The volume can be
scanned "in focus" back and forth in distance.
For sound direction and distance sensing, the pinna (small
folds) of the outer ear use phase reflection information more
than 40 dB below the primary sound signal that strikes the
eardrum.35 Any target's nonlinearities and defects, regardless
of overall reflective angle and reflective sonar signals, also
produce such minute, hidden "pinna" phase reflections and
disturbances in:
(i) sonar reflections, (ii) the Earth's magnetic field (and in
fact in the electric field between the surface of the Earth and
the electrosphere), and (iii) in the ocean, in the overall
subsurface static potential formed by the conglomerate
potentials of the hydrogen bonding, ionizations, etc.
These "pinna" signals are broadcast through the surrounding
normal fields/potentials of the Earth, including underneath the
ocean, although they are many dB below the normal field
fluctuations whose gradients are detected by normal sensors. By
detecting this "internal" information, Charged Barrier detectors
would be able to detect these hidden "pinna" signals and
dramatically increase the information available to the sensor
system. Terrain-following cruise missiles, for example, could be
detected, tracked, and identified by this means, as could
submarines, floating subsurface mines, etc. Field camouflage and
decoying would be essentially useless against such sensors.
Adaptation of Such "Radars" to Specialized Sensing
If sufficient of the "pinna" signals can be detected and
utilized, a totally new method of internal target identification
and discrimination - as well as typing and identification of the
internal warhead(s) and other components on board the target -
could be developed using the Charged Barrier technology. From
the pinna signals, decoys and ECM-generated "false returns"
could readily be discriminated from the real targets.
Specialized detection devices for airports could be developed
that would utilize the pinna information to easily and cheaply
detect and identify the contents of packages, luggage, etc. This
would provide enhanced security against terrorist bombs,
weapons, drug smuggling, etc.
Of particular usefulness would be the development of "pinna
scanning" sensors which could peer beneath the ground's surface,
detecting mines, tunnels, etc. Identification and classification
of the detected subterranean objects and their interior contents
is also foreseeable.
Induction of Forces and Patterns of Forces In Atomic Nuclei
A force-free (gradient-free) scalar potential readily penetrates
the electron shells of the atom, penetrating directly to the
nucleus and interacting with it. By infolding desired E-fields
and B-fields inside the scalar potential (inside pure DC
voltage), one can insert desired electromagnetic forces - and
control their magnitude, direction, frequency, and duration -
directly inside an atomic nucleus. At least in theory, by
sustaining and manipulating these forces in the nucleus, the
atomic nucleus itself is subject to direct manipulation and
engineering, as contrasted to the present practice of "firing in
a bullet" such as a neutron to get through the electron shell
barriers and produce limited nuclear effects. It may be that
eventually such an electromagnetic nucleus-engineering approach,
made possible by Charged Barrier technology, can be utilized to
render harmless the steadily accumulating radioactive wastes
around the world.
Reduction of Drag on Vehicle Skins
Another application also looms for the use of the charged
barrier technology. This application is for the reduction of the
drag of the medium on vehicle skins. My preliminary tests on
model boats in water have demonstrated the effect to exist and
operate, though more definitive tests are called for.
Basically the molecules or atoms of the medium, in contact with
the skin of a moving vehicle, create a boundary layer of dense
matter which exerts frictional drag forces on the skin to retard
the forward movement. Because of the use of phase conjugation
and Poynting flow, rather than pure current dq/dt flow, the
charged barrier technology can be used to charge the skin of the
vehicle in a peculiar fashion. The tiny nonlinearities of the
skin become pumped phase conjugate mirrors (considering the
internal electromagnetics of the static charge, where the hidden
biwaves comprise the pumping). Let us consider such a charged
skin as now containing a series of pumped phase conjugate
mirrors (PPCMs). The incoming atoms or molecules of the medium
comprising the boundary layer do possess asymmetrical charge
volumes, and so they produce "signal wave" inputs to the PPCMs
as they come in. With a good charge on the PPCMs, their hidden
biwave pumping is substantial. Consequently the PPCMs emit
highly amplified antisignals - phase conjugate replica waves
(PCRs). By the distortion correction theorem, these highly
amplified antiwaves backtrack precisely to the incoming
asymmetric charges, where they interact to produce force fields
that repel them.36 The point is, there is no recoil on a pumped
phase conjugate mirror (PPCM), when it emits such a highly
amplified PCR. This is already a theoretical and experimental
fact in nonlinear optics. So there is no consequent Newtonian
third law recoil force back on the PPCMs comprising the skin of
the vehicle.
In short, one has produced a deliberate "pinpoint, repelling
force field" upon each of the incoming atoms and molecules of
the medium, without any matching recoil force upon the moving
vehicle. Better, all the energy in the force field is
concentrated only upon the targets, rather than distributed
uniformly in space along wave fronts. The end result is to
dramatically reduce or lower the boundary layer, without any
drag force reaction being exerted upon the vehicle by that
operation. This significantly reduces the skin drag and
increases the speed of the vehicle through the medium, for a
given on-board propulsion force.
Application of this new kind of "smart skin" technology is
straightforward. It should allow ships that increase (even
double) their velocity through water for the same expenditure of
propeller energy. It should enable super-fast torpedoes, perhaps
in the 200 to 300 nautical miles per hour range.
Extended Application of Induced Forces at a Distance
In theory, the "pinpoint" application of force upon a distant
target, by self-targeting processes, is not limited to the small
distance required to prevent formation of much of the skin
boundary layer. Instead, the self-targeting effect can be
extended. Our space-borne laser research and development, for
example, called for using iterative phase conjugate shooting and
self-targeting to hold a laser beam locked on the same spot on a
rising hostile booster, up to 10,000 miles distance, providing
dwell time for the laser to burn through the casing and destroy
the booster during its launch phase.
Follow-on generations of development should add the capability
of pinpoint repulsion by an attacked ship of incoming hostile
torpedoes, shells, missiles, etc. It should enable faster
aircraft, with reduced fuel consumption. In large buildings it
could conceivably be applied to lower the resistance of the
ducting to the passage of heated or cooled air. In heat pumps it
should also increase the COP past the present theoretical8.22
limit, by dramatically reducing the drag exerted by the gases
being compressed and pumped.
With use of the pinna information, scanning the ocean's surface
can detectand track submarines lurking in the ocean's depths.
Literally the oceans can be made "transparent" in a specialized
There are many other applications for the charged barrier
technology; the above examples simply serve as "for instances"
to tickle the imagination.
In Summary
As can be seen, the advent of Charged Barrier technology and its
further development offers a breathtaking extension of present
electronic technologies.
Dramatic new capabilities emerge in military defense, to provide
for the security of our nation, our armed forces, and our
civilian population.
In astrophysics, the detection and use of the "pinna"
information could provide unparalleled details on the internal
mechanisms, structures, and constituency of planets and stars.
In geophysics, the "pinna" information could provide
unparalleled details on the layers, structures, constituents,
faults, etc. of the earth underneath the surface. Again, in a
specialized sense the earth is made "transparent."
In medicine, the "pinna" information contained within the weak
EM emanations from the body would provide details on structures,
cellular disorders, infections, and other irregularities within
the body, including organs. Eventually a comprehensive diagnosis
of the entire body and its cellular functions could be provided
by externally scanning the pinna hidden-variable "information
content of the field."
In biology the pinna information could provide unparalleled
insight into the details and functioning of the brain, its
different layers and structures, and of the nervous system.
Further, pinna information could reveal the structuring and
functioning of the body's recuperative system, as contrasted to
the immune system. Very little is presently known about the
recuperative system, which is usually just "assumed" by medical
Just as the microscope opened up a previously hidden microworld
and its dynamics, the Charged Barrier technology will open up a
previously hidden "internal" hidden variable electrodynamic
world that will enlarge every present electronic field of
Long ago a great scientist, Max Planck,37 said:
"An important scientific innovation rarely makes its way by
gradually winning over and converting its opponents: it rarely
happens that Saul becomes Paul. What does happen is that its
opponents gradually die out, and that the growing generation is
familiarized with the ideas from the beginning."
Arthur C. Clarke38 characterized the four successive stages of
response to any new and revolutionary innovation as follows:
"It's crazy!
It may be possible - so what?
I said it was a good idea all along.
I thought of it first."
The Aharonov-Bohm effect, predicted in 1959, required nearly 30
years after its 1960 demonstration by Chambers until it was
begrudgingly accepted. Mayer, who discovered the modern
thermodynamic notion of conservation of energy related to work,
was hounded and chastised so severely that he suffered a
breakdown. Years later, he was lionized for the same effort!
Wegener, a German meteorologist, was made a laughing stock and
his name became a pseudonym for "utter fool," because he
advanced the concept of continental drift in 1912. In the 1960s
the evidence for continental drift became overwhelming, and
today it is widely taught and part of the standard science
curriculum. Gauss, the great mathematician, worked out nonlinear
geometry but kept it firmly hidden for 30 years, because he knew
that if he published it, his peers would destroy him. In the
1930s Goddard was ridiculed and called "moon-mad Goddard"
because he predicted his rocketry would carry men to the moon.
Years later when the Nazi fired V-1 and V-2 rockets against
London, those rockets used the gyroscopic stabilization and many
other features discovered and pioneered by Goddard. And as
everyone knows, rocketry did indeed carry men to the moon.
Science has a long and unsavory history of severely punishing
innovation and new thinking. In the modern world such scientific
suppression of innovation is uncalled-for, but it is still very
much the rule rather than the exception.
The Charged Barrier technology is an innovation which calls for
using the energy flow in circuits that is already
(i) extracted from the vacuum flux and (ii) freely provided to
the external circuit by the source dipoles.
It utilizes an extended electromagnetics that includes a higher
topology and a new, inner "hidden variable" EM. This "inner EM"
has been in the literature for nearly a hundred years, but
ignored. The use of the charged barrier technology will expose
many of the present shortcomings in EM theory and models, but it
should also lead to a corrected, highly extended
Now that you know the theory behind how this technology works,
be aware you still need the exact design parameters and
component tolerances in order to duplicate the technology.
Let us hope that the charged barrier technology can receive the
full scientific attention, testing, and theoretical modeling
that it deserves. With that attention and examination I believe
my technology will usher ina new revolution in electronics.
Fogal's Charge Barrier Semiconductor
This is a replication of the Fogal Charge Barrier Semiconductor.
The idea is to let the voltage through or dielectric
(information) before current begins to flow. To me this is what
a Tesla spark gap is doing in a round about way. Tom Bearden has
written about this type of thing in detail and refers to the
Fogal Charge barrier.
Charge Barrier Breadboard Layout
Fogal's Charge Barrier Schematic
Fogal's Charge-Barrier Semiconductor
Fogal's patented semiconductor can be rigged as a true negative
resistor also, because it can perform asymmetrical
self-regauging, and isolate its source dipole from much of the
back emf current flow. It uses time-reversal to accomplish
flow of current against the voltage.
The Pauli exclusion principle prohibits one from time-reversing
a single fermion (spin 1/2 etc. entity) such as an
electron. However, it does not exclude time-reversing
bosons or quasi-bosons (spin-1 entities or multiples
thereof). You just have to use even numbers of fermions,
in order to time-reverse them. Whoever wishes to
time-reverse a single electron anyway, in negative resistor
power systems? You wish to time-reverse scads of
them! So all it means is that you do that in even numbers
only. But it's permissible by the laws of physics.
So, yes, Fogal cannot time-reverse one electron by itself.
But he can time-reverse gobs of them, to give a steady current
against the voltage when he so rigs the semiconductor.
Fogal has experienced incredible difficulties in trying to get
his patented semiconductor into production. It's a long
story, but suffice it to say that multiple government agencies
have tried to steal it from him — uh, pardon me, exercise what
they euphemistically refer to as "march-in" rights.
Isn't that a neat little thieving, stealing, piracy phrase to
put in the fine print of a U.S. Government contract!
So the government has tried to steal Bill's invention from him
on several occasions. They even offered him a quite tidy
sum of money in grant, if he would just thereby "sell" it to
them. Since when do government agencies try to pry away a
company's inventions and research fruits? The dastards are
supposed to help the company to do further research and
development. That's what the taxpayer has charged them
with doing. So why are they acting as a bunch of thieves,
robbers, and pirates?
Let me enlightenment you about under-the-table agreements.
Widespread throughout government contracting there is a
sweetheart deal of collusion and graft. It works
this way: The government fellow in position to swing the
large contracts to a major company, arrives at a personal (off
the record, of course!) agreement with his favorite defense
contractor. In return for him swinging some lucrative
business to that company, then when the government fellow
retires, he will go to work for that company as a Vice President
with stock options, etc.
So he looks for things to swing to that company, including
things he can "seize" under pretext of march-in rights, national
security, etc. If he's a good gold digger for the company,
it works like a charm. He swings in the gold to them, and
he becomes a multimillionaire when he retires.
Could that have been involved in the cases regarding Bill's
novel new semiconductor? There is no way to know. I
certainly am not making any such allegation! What I'm
saying is that this sort of thing is quite often done.
It's often the rule rather than the exception. Remember, I
worked in aerospace for 17 years. I saw it happen. It's
even worse today.
So the question is: Why did these government agencies want
to seize Bill's years of work and his patents, for
peanuts? We will probably never know for sure. It is
just very suspicious that such seizure and takeover language
were in those proffered contracts. The burning question
is: Why?
My own alma mater — which just happens to have a major
government contract in semiconductor work with one of those
agencies wishing to obtain "march-in" rights — then offered to
help Fogal get his semiconductor into production. Ugh! In the
fine print of the proposed contract they produced was a similar
clause: All patents would have reverted to the University. Seems
like even my own alma mater was greedy and conniving.
A host of vulture capitalists etc. have tried to "take it off
his hands". So we'll have to see whether or not he will be
able to get it into production. Just now the prognosis is
not too good. Of course we're rooting mightily for Fogal,
and helping all we can, and we do hope that somewhere there is a
legitimate "deal" that isn't downright theft, that will allow
Bill's chip to be produced. It will revolutionize several
major fields if that ever happens.
I can tell you this. If CTEC ever succeeds, Bill Fogal
will be endowed, and his semiconductor will indeed be produced
and marketed. And under his own control and his own
On The Fogal Transistor -- Commentary and Analysis by Tom
One must consider the "imperfections" in our present "smoothed"
theoretical models. In attempting to explain the unorthodox
functioning of the Fogal semiconductor, we are invoking
phenomenology from what would be a higher topological model, or
a model which is a superset of the accepted models. It follows
that, in the higher topology, many things will become possible
that were not possible in the basic "smoothed" model of lower
This is particularly true in electromagnetics, where Maxwell's
20 quaternion equations in 20 unknowns were arbitrarily reduced
-- primarily by Heaviside and Hertz -- to a vector set of some
four equations (variables separated) or two equations (potential
form, variables not separated). In reducing the topology so
severely, the present EM model is only a small subset of
nature's EM. Further, suppose one performs an EM analysis of a
circuit in a higher topology algebra -- e.g., quaternion
algebra, which has a higher topology than tensors. We will then
find many functions that circuits actually perform, which will
not show in even the most sophisticated tensor analysis. For the
proof that inventors -- such as Tesla -- sometimes capture and
utilize such hyperfunctioning which present electrodynamicists
have not comprehended, see:
T.W. Barrett, "Tesla's Nonlinear Oscillator-Shuttle-Circuit
(OSC) Theory"
Annales de la Fondation Louis de Broglie, 16(1), 1991, p. 23-41.
For another refreshing look at the far frontiers of
still-developing EM theory, see:
T.W. Barrett and D.M Grimes, [Eds.], "Advanced Electromagnetism:
Foundations, Theory, & Applications"
World Scientific, (Singapore, New Jersey, London, and Hong
Kong), Suite 1B, 1060 Main Street, River Edge, New Jersey,
07661, 1995.
This line of thinking leads to a very useful tool in
qualitatively analyzing novel results obtained in experiments
with multiple nonlinear components. Barrett, 1991, ibid. shows
us that we can expect nonlinear optical functioning of
"ordinary-appearing" circuits as one of the primary
higher-topology effects that will usually be observed. Hence
when one encounters unusual phenomena in novel circuits, one of
the first rules is to look for the nonlinear optical functioning
of the pieces of the components, at other than optical
frequencies. This will often prove to be highly useful, and the
primary way to search for the hidden mechanisms involved in
higher topology EM functioning beyond the realm of vectors and
tensors. Of course, then the results of the qualitative
evaluation must itself be evaluated against the hard
experimental data for consistency or inconsistency.
See Barrett, 1991, ibid. for the proof. As an example, when
charge blocking is applied or partially applied, circuits can
often perform optical functions even without the presence of
optical materials. From our own work it appears that the hidden
variable EM inside the scalar potential -- as shown by Stoney
and Whittaker [to be covered later in these notes] -- easily
acts in a fashion prescribed by nonlinear phase conjugate optics
theory, even when the frequencies are well below the optical
region and even in the ELF region.
We accent that it is well-known that there exists radiationless
transport of energy between excited and nonexcited atoms,
particularly in semiconductors, where in some cases it has been
referred to as the interference of reactive EM field components.
E.g., see:
A.A. Kolokolov and G.V. Skrotskii, "Interference of reactive
components of an electromagnetic field"
Sov. Phys. Usp., 35(12), Dec. 1992, p. 1089-1093.
Speaking of this type of interference, Kolokolov and Skrotskii
state, "As a result an interference flux of energy in a new
direction is formed, where energy transport for the original
waves can be completely absent."
Further, it is now known that extremely large second-order
susceptibilities can be obtained in chargeblocking asymmetric
quantum wells in semiconductors. This has been predicted to lead
to the emergence of new properties in such semiconductors, such
as double resonance enhancement, and even fully solid-state
parametric oscillators. E.g., see:
E. Rosencher et al., "Quantum engineering of optical
Science, Vol. 271, Jan. 12, 1996, p. 168-172.
It would appear that the forefront of semiconductor work on
quantum wells and charge trapping is groping toward the type of
capability already possessed by the patented Fogal
We emphasize that the notion of energy flow through space did
not even exist in physics, at the time Maxwell formulated his
theory in the 1860s. The concept of energy flowing through space
was formulated by Heaviside and independently by Poynting, after
Maxwell had already been dead for a decade. Heaviside published
first, but not prestigiously. Poynting published not long after,
in a prestigious journal. Hence the theory bears Poynting's
name, as does the energy flow vector. But Poynting himself
credited Heaviside as being first.
The point is, electrodynamicists were already completely focused
upon the energy dissipation in a circuit, well before Maxwell
developed his theory. Succeeding generations of
have maintained essentially the same focus in circuits. We
produce power (rate of energy dissipation) electrical engineers
rather than energy transport engineers.
As is well-known, a magnetic dipole or an electric dipole
produces a continuous flow of Poynting energy. What is not
included in EM theory is that -- from particle physics, not
classical EM theory! -- the dipole is a broken symmetry in the
violent virtual particle flux exchange between the vacuum and
the charges comprising the ends of the dipole. Since the
magnetic or electric charge is a broken symmetry, it is a "gate"
that extracts energy from the vacuum, and it also produces
something observable (the Poynting energy density flow S, since
there is no other candidate!) If an external circuit is attached
to the dipole, that extracted energy density flows along the
outside of the conductors of the circuit as the Poynting energy
density flow S = E × H. This Poynting energy density flow
continues, whether or not the circuit has current dq/dt flowing
in it. It flows, e.g., from the source to the ends of an open
circuit, and on out into space from there. In a given circuit,
the S- flow along the outside of the conductors enters the
conductor radially, interacting with the electrons [S is
composed of altered virtual photon flux (VPF) of the immediate
vacuum, and all electrically or magnetically charged particles
bathed in it, interact with that altered VPF].
The interaction of S with the conduction electrons in the
conductor increases their potential (their flux exchange rate
with the local vacuum). In turn, this locally increased f is
greater than the f further down the conductor, and this produces
(amongst other things) a longitudinal gradient Ñ f and therefore
a longitudinal E-field via E=- Ñ f. This potential gradient
(longitudinal E-field) produces the begrudging, very sluggish
drift current and Slepian flow jf, where the f is continually
established and maintained by the transverse entry of the
violent S-flow. That is, in the S-flow there exists an E- field,
where E = - Ñ f . Thus the S-flow contains and produces the f
that "bathes" the conduction electrons in the circuit, and
produces their collected (Slepian) energy density flow jf that
is being dissipated from the collecting current loop. It can be
shown that nominally only about 10- 13 or so of the actual
Poynting S-flow is "collected" in this manner and dissipated in
the circuit by the Slepian energy density flow jf. E.g., see:
T.E. Bearden, "Maxwell's equations, regauging, and overunity
Explore, 7(3), 1996, Fig. 4, p. 60.
See: Bearden, ibid., Fig. 3, p. 59 for the graphic depiction of
what "collection" of energy by electrons actually consists of:
It is a dynamic, ongoing process requiring the Poynting flow; it
is never a static collection in "chunks" as it is treated in
normal physics and electrodynamics. As Bohm stated, "There are
no things, only processes."
Exact methods of increasing the energy collection rate in
circuits, materials, and media and using it to provide overunity
coefficient of performance are given in:
T.E. Bearden, "Energetics Update and Summary"
Explore!, 1997 (in publication).
Experimental verification of these mechanisms, and verified
processes (such as Anti-Stokes radiation, the Letokhov-Lawandy
effect, the Patterson effect, etc.) are included to demonstrate
the experimentally proven use of the principles to produce
permis sible systems with overunity coefficient of performance,
without violating the laws of physics or of nonequilibrium
In modern field theory, even a "static" field is known to have
angular momentum, a dynamic quantity. E.g., see:
W. Shockley and R.P. James
Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol. 18, 1967, p. 876.
For a simple example, see:
H.S.T. Driver, "Angular momentum in static electric and magnetic
fields: A simple case"
Am. J. Phys. 55(8), Aug. 1987, p. 755-757.
In fact, a force can be regarded as a flow of momentum, and
torque can be regarded as an angular momentum current. See:
F. Herrmann and G. Bruno Schimd, "Momentum flow in the
electromagnetic field"
American Journal of Physics, 53(5), May 1985, p. 415-420.
So when we speak of "electric field" and "magnetic field" --
whether static or dynamic -- we should be aware that such static
concepts actually represent an ongoing dynamic process.
In quantum field theory, one may regard the magnetic field of
the magnet, e.g., as the flow of virtual photons from -- by
convention -- the north pole to the south pole. We stress that
the north pole (positive magnetic charge) represents a broken
symmetry in the virtual photon flux of vacuum, and this
asymmetry is the source which extracts and gates the energy in
the magnetic field. Actually, the "negative magnetic charge"
south pole (which is just a time-reversed north pole) is also an
asymmetry in the VPF of vacuum, and consequently it is a source
of virtual antiphotons, and so a flow of antiphotons also flows
from the south pole to the north pole. Another way of saying
that, is that the two poles of the magnet form a dipole, and the
south end of the dipole is known to be timereversed with respect
to the north end, and vice versa. Thus there are two energy
flows from the magnet, not one, and these flows in the so-called
"lines of force" are interlocked. In 1996-97 Stoney showed that
any scalar potential (which would include the magnetostatic
scalar potential existing between the two poles of the magnet)
can be decomposed into a series of bidirectional wavepairs. See:
G. Johnstone Stoney
Phil. Mag. Vol. 42, Oct. 1896, p. 332; Phil. Mag. Vol. 43, 1897,
p. 139, p. 273, p. 368.
In 1903 Whittaker beautifully completed and extended Stoney's
approach, to show that a scalar potential decomposes into a
harmonic series of hidden bidirectional EM wavepairs, where each
wavepair is composed of a wave and its true phase conjugate
replica wave (its antiwave). See:
E.T. Whittaker, "On the Partial Differential Equations of
Mathematical Physics"
Mathematische Annalen, Vol. 57, 1903, p. 333-355.
If we now invoke a "strong" interpretation of the
Stoney-Whittaker work, then the bidirectional hidden
photon/antiphoton flows of the magnet actually are mutual phase
conjugate replicas of each other. So they must continually form
and unform coupled photon/antiphoton pairs, as the photons and
antiphotons pass through each other. However, a
photon/antiphoton couplet has spin 2 and so the continually
forming and unforming couplets are thus gravitons. Relative
spatial movement of the hidden wavepairs of this "magnetic
field" with respect to a conductor introduces a phase splitting
of the graviton, and the photon half interacts with the
electrons in the conductor to produce the wellknown magnetic
induction, while the antiphoton half interacts in the nucleus of
an atom in the conductor, producing the well-known Newtonian
This Newtonian 3rd law recoil was inadvertently omitted from
basic EM theory by Faraday's assumption of the EM field in space
as composed of physical taut strings (his "lines of force")
without any accompanying string holders. In other words, Faraday
had already conceptually discarded Newton's third law from his
notion. That notion is false because no taut string exists in
nature without external tensile forces pulling on the string. In
other words, a taut string must have a "string holder" to
provide the tensile forces. When the string is plucked to yield
transverse string-waves, waves of equal and opposite energy --
though highly damped in magnitude because of the great mass of
the "holder" medium -- are inevitably produced in the body of
the holder. Both the string wave and the holder wave "slap" the
surrounding medium simultaneously, with equal injection of
virtual photons. The dually perturbed medium then vibrates
according to its own degrees of freedom, not that of the string.
Maxwell merely assumed the transverse string wave that resulted
from Faraday's view of physical lines of force as actual "taut
strings," with no consideration of the "holder" producing the
tautness or of the antiwave that occurs in the body of the
inevitable string holder. So Maxwell also unwittingly discarded
the string holder and the equal-energy antiwave.
Thus Maxwell's EM theory failed to capture Newton's third law,
which almost universally occurs in our EM field experiments, but
which must presently be mystically invoked by electrodynamicists
as "Oh, yes, that's Newton's third law reaction!", without any
notion of an EM cause for the reaction. In quantum field theory,
all mechanical forces are caused by the absorption and emission
of virtual photons. So if Newton's third law appears, being a
mechanical force it must have resulted from the same (virtual
photon interaction) type of mechanism, but from antiphotons. A
single photon interaction can be shown to also initiate
Newtonian reaction; hence it must have been accompanied by an
erroneously omitted antiphoton. This logical reasoning also
establishes the presence of the antiphotons and the antiwave,
accompanying the "conventional" EM wave in the vacuum. The
socalled "photon" interaction in most cases is a graviton
interaction anyway! Else it's interaction could not induce
Newtonian recoil.
In short, Faraday and Maxwell erroneously threw out exactly half
of the electromagnetics, the electromagnetic waves, the force
fields, and the EM energy! Neither Heaviside, Hertz, nor Gibbs
did anything to restore the missing electromagnetics, which if
anything was just swept under the rug in the ubiquitous "Oh,
yes, that's Newtonian third law recoil!" The end result was to
discard the unification of EM and gravitation, which appears
immediately whenever the missing half of classical EM theory is
restored. Succeeding generations of electrodynamicists have not
corrected this colossal error.
Contrasted to a normal standing wave whose amplitudes add, we
stress here a fundamental difference in the bidirectional
wavepair element of the Stoney-Whittaker decomposition of the
scalar potential. Each wavepair is composed of a wave and its
antiwave (phase conjugate replica or PCR). Now electrically (in
terms of electrical force) the wave and its PCR superpose
spatially, they do not "add magnitudes" spatially! This is now
just the well-known (but poorly named!) distortion correction
theorem in phase conjugate optics. The wave and its antiwave
twin are antiphased in time, so that along the time dimension
only, the absolute values of their time components would add.
But their magnitudes do not add spatially! Quite simply, such a
spatial superposition-without force magnitude addition of an EM
wave and its true phase conjugate replica constitutes a standing
gravitational wave. The main effect has been shifted to the time
dimension, rather than the spatial dimensions.
Now suppose we insist that the distortion correction theory
applies not only to waves, but also to the photons comprising
them. In that case the antiphotons comprising the antiwave and
the photons comprising the wave are performing a most
interesting dance: The passage of the two waves precisely
through each other spatially, as they travel in opposite
directions (as perceived by the external observer), must result
(from a spatial observation) in the continual coupling and
decoupling of photon/antiphoton couplets. But such a couplet is
a massless spin-2 entity and therefore a graviton. So coupled
gravitons comprise this gravitational wave, each graviton of
which is continually forming and unforming. In short,
gravitation and electromagnetics are continually turning one
into the other, in this "standing wave". Here is where
electromagnetics and gravitation unify -- and it is precisely
this area that was discarded unwittingly by Faraday and Maxwell
when they discarded the string holder and its antiwave.
We point out that, as is well-known in particle physics, the
electron is not a simple unitary qe. Charge should not be used
as a fundamental unit in physics! In fact, in a standard
elementary model the electron consists of a bare negative charge
(note that electric charge is undefined in physics!) which
attracts near to it a screen of virtual positrons from the
vacuum's virtual particle flux. In fact, the positive screen
immediately around the electron partially shields the negative
charge from being felt away from the system. In many experiments
particle physicists must correct the measured charge of
an electron (i.e., through its positive screen) to agree with
the "bare" charge actually existing as the
electron-behind-the-screen. Further, we may take one of those
average virtual screening positive charges, consider it coupled
to a small portion of the inner bare electron charge, and Voila!
The electron system -- defined as its "bare" constituency and
its associated vacuum exchange constituency -- is also a set of
dipoles. Since any dipole is a broken symmetry in the virtual
flux of the vacuum, these broken symmetries "extract and gate"
part of the virtual photon flux (VPF) exchange of the electron
with the surrounding vacuum, sending the extracted energy back
out from the electron asymmetry as a continuous Poynting energy
density flow, from the electron system-as-a- source. This
outwardly transmitted energy flow comprises the self-potential φ
e of the electron, and
the gradients of φ e constitute what is called the "E-field" of
the electron charge as a generating source of energy flow. An
electron (and any other electrical or magnetic charge) is
already a freeenergy generator, driven by its asymmetry in the
vacuum VPF. This is why collections of charges are "sources" of
a scalar potential, and of the gradients of that potential which
we refer to as E-fields. In addition, the electron is spinning
(quantum mechanically it must spin through 720° to make one full
loop!) and so its "swirl" creates what we call its magnetic
Note that we have been using VPF in the particle view. We can
just as easily decompose the selfpotential φ e of the electron
into Stoney/Whittaker biwaves. We can place the electron in an
"artificial" potential, where we have deliberately assembled the
biwaves in a given deterministic pattern or template. Placed in
that artificial potential, the internal SW structures of the
artificial potential and of the electron self-potential will
diffuse, since the structured (dimensioned) artificial potential
furnishes part of the VPF interactions generating the φ e. In
that manner one violates the present physics notion (assumption)
that all electrons are identical. That assumption is not
necessarily true. This dimensioning (deterministic SW
structuring) of the self potential of charges, is the
fundamental driving mechanism behind homeopathy, e.g., which has
never been given sufficient theoretical attention by the
scientific community except in the "normal" theoretical
approach. The normal theoretical model does not contain -- and
in fact excludes by assumption -- the templating effect for the
EM hidden variables utilized by homeopathy. The point is, one
can indeed affect the chemistry, hydrogen bonding, and other
aspects by just such deliberate templating of massless
electrical charge (of the potential).
Such a templating forms a vacuum engine, where one has
structured (and internested) curvatures of the local spacetime.
For a discussion of vacuum engines and their rigorously
demonstrated use to cure terminal tumors and infectious diseases
in rats, see:
T.E. Bearden, "Vacuum Engines and Priore's Methodology: The True
Science of EnergyMedicine. Parts I and II"
Explore!, 6(1), 1995, p. 66-76; ibid. 6(2), 1995, p. 50-62.
When we place an electron in a different potential (which after
all is just a change to the local vacuum potential), we alter
the rate of VPF exchange between the electron and the vacuum
because now the electron is embedded in an altered VPF. In other
words, we alter the dipoles comprising the electron system, and
we alter the "massless electrical charge" of the electron
system. In turn, that alters the rate of Poynting flow S that
these dipoles produce from the vacuum, by their asymmetry. The
massless (i.e., the VPF exchange) of an electron is not
quantized, contrary to the conventiona
assumption of its quantization! The self-potential φ e (i.e.,
the massless charge of the electron) is discretized as a
function of its VPF with the vacuum, which can be altered at
will simply by altering the local vacuum potential (i.e.,
placing the electron in a different potential). In the ambient
(standard) vacuum, the discretized VPF value is standard, and so
the electron appears to be chargequantized because then the
discretized value of its φ e does not vary.
The point is, a flowing current dq/dt in a conductor is not at
all just the simple thing it is treated as, in classical
electromagnetics (CEM). It is instead a highly dynamic system of
free energy generators comprised of many different kinds of
movements, levels, asymmetries, energy exchanges, and
interaction changes simultaneously. Classical EM (and even
quantum electrodynamics) are gross simplifications and extremely
high level averaging of the much deeper, complex physics and
dynamic structuring of the vacuum that are actually occurring,
along with a myriad of Poynting energy flows!
The bare electrical charge constantly interacts with, and is an
asymmetry in, the vacuum's violent virtual photon flux. Any
scalar potential is an alteration of this vacuum flux. Hence an
electron placed in a potential sees either a higher or lower VPF
interaction rate, depending upon whether the extra potential is
positive or negative. The asymmetry of the electron system thus
gates additional or less Poynting flow energy, with a resulting
stronger or weaker E-field accordingly.
"Drain away" just means that, as the collected charges that are
the generating source of a given potential move away, then the
potential being generated decreases because the electron system
is now in an area of decreased potential and therefore decreased
VPF. This is why and how an electron in a current dq/dt through
a load (voltage drop) "gives up" its "collected energy." An
electron only possesses "excess collected energy" when it is in
an excess potential and its associated VPF, which increases the
asymmetry of the electron-vacuum-interaction system and causes
it to emit excess φ , E, and S.
In a circuit, charge generators in a current moving away from a
collection of charges (a source) constitute component sources
subtracted from the overall source dipole, with the inflow of
charges on the return line replenishing those charges. The
internal nonlinearities of the source, however, and the
resulting excess electron collisions result in some losses,
creating the "internal resistance" of the source. The so-called
"power" furnished by the battery of generator (source) is what
is required to return those scattering charges back to their
dipolar separations. In other words, all the source has to
furnish energy for, is to continually replenish the scattered
dipole charges. By charge blocking, one can eliminate or
dramatically reduce the scattering of the dipole charges, by
reducing the current flow. In that case the dipole alone will
furnish (freely) the Poynting energy flow S that it continuously
extracts from the vacuum, using the mechanism we specified for
the electron system.
In a circuit, those moving electrons together with their
interacting excess potential φ constitute the Slepian current
jφ. In turn, jφ represents the rate at which "collected" (i.e.,
excess) energy density is being dissipated in the current loop;
specifically, it does not represent anywhere near the rate of
the actual energy flow S = E × H.
In conventional superconductivity research, the objective is on
moving electrons or Cooper pairs, rather than moving the energy.
It would seem to be much better (and far easier!) to move the
Poynting energy flow, rather than the charges! It is far beyond
the scope of this paper to expound the higher topology actually
involved in circuits and nodal systems, and the fact that
present electrodynamics has eliminated one of the major types.
We simply refer to a most important reference for what we are
speaking of. See:
Gabriel Kron, "Four abstract reference frames of an electric
IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, PAS-87(3),
Mar. 1968, p. 815-823.
See particularly:
Gabriel Kron, "Invisible dual (n− 1)-networks induced by
electric 1-networks"
IEEE Transactions on Circuit Theory, CT-12(4), Dec. 1965, p.
Circa 1962 Kron wrote in a paper, "The frustrating search for a
geometrical model of electrodynamic networks," journal unknown,
p. 111-128, the following words:
"Unfortunately most developments in theoretical physics include
local (field) concepts only; while practical engineering is
dominated by global (network) concepts. Even in geometry the
global point of view has been pressed only during the past few
decades, so that the discovery of any point of contact between
engineering problems and geometry in-the-large is difficult, and
often impossible at the present stage of development. These
pages relate a succession of failures and successes encountered
by the author in his long search for a geometry in-the-large, (a
topological model) that enables the formulation of a "Unified
Theory of Engineering and Physics" for a large class of problems
in applied electrodynamics. Engineering is considered to differ
from physics mainly in the nature of the reference frames and
transformation tensors... used. Of course, a temporary success
of an analogue may follow only after a string of countless
trial-and-error failures -- as all 'unifiers' are so well
And on p. 114 Kron gave the result of his decades of search as
"...the missing concept of "open-paths" (the dual of
"closed-paths") was discovered, in Bearden's Fogal Transistor:
Notes and Reference
which currents could be made to flow in branches that lie
between any set of two nodes. (Previously -- following Maxwell
-- engineers tied all of their open-paths to a single
datum-point, the 'ground'). That discovery of open-paths
established a second rectangular transformation matrix... which
created 'lamellar' currents... A network with the simultaneous
presence of both closed and open paths was the answer to the
author's years-long search." [Underlining emphasis added].
It is the thesis of one of the present authors (Bearden) that
the Fogal charge-barrier semiconductor will ultimately be found
to partially function in Kron's final mode involving
simultaneous open and closed paths.
This DC potential is held on the input plate because of the
nonlinear phase conjugate action of the optically-active
material comprising the dielectric of the electrolytic
capacitor. What is not commonly known is that, in the hidden
internal Stoney-Whittaker channel, all nonlinear materials can
be optically active at all frequencies. The potential on the
entry plate is comprised of such hidden bidirectional waves, per
Stoney-Whittaker, and therefore hidden "optical effects" can
occur far below optical frequencies, including even at ELF
frequencies. The end result is that one must apply some version
of overpotential theory, from the well-known theory of double
surfaces, because of the hidden optical activity of the tantalum
dielectric. One must also "very finely tune" the spacings,
geometry, etc. of the components inside the simplified circuit,
in order to evoke the overpotential theory. As is well-known,
once the overpotential theory is evoked and utilized,
exceedingly tiny current changes -- such as on the highly
controlled bleed-off resistor -- can in turn gate and control
far larger currents and very high fields across the double
surface interface. E.g., see:
J. O'M. Bockris and A.K.N. Reddy, Modern Electrochemistry
Plenum Press, Vol. 1 & 2, 1970
...for a comprehensive introduction to the double surface theory
and to overpotential theory in particular. For a succinct
synopsis of the overpotential and its importance, see: J. O'M.
Bockris, "Overpotential: a lacuna in scientific knowledge"
Journal of Chemical Education, 48(6), June 1971, p. 352-358.
Most electrical engineers are unaware of this overpotential
theory and its importance, although the modern solid state
physicist is aware of it, as well as the importance and
peculiarities of double surface effects.
It seems that one function of Bill's careful tuning of the
geometry, parameters, etc. of the bleed-off in the transistor,
is actually to create and sustain this AC oscillation.
US5430413 --High gain, low distortion, faster switching
[ PDF ]
A transistor in which the emitter terminal is
coupled to ground through an electrolytic capacitor. The
electrolytic capacitor has a capacitance of from about 0.2 μf to
about 100 μf and can be connected either by itself or in
parallel with a resistor, depending upon the circuit in which it
is used. The incorporation of an electrolytic capacitor of such
a capacitance level provides greatly improved gain and less
distortion of the input signal, to permit a high output to be
achieved in fewer amplifier stages and with less current draw
and heating than in conventional transistor amplifier stage
circuits. Additionally, the transistor can be provided in a
unitary structure by incorporating the electrolytic capacitor
directly on the transistor chip, and can also be provided by
incorporating the transistor and a resistor within the casing of
an electrolytic capacitor.
US5196809 (A)
- High gain, low distortion, faster switching transistor
[ PDF ]
A transistor in which the emitter terminal is coupled to ground
through a filter capacitor. The filter capacitor has a
capacitance of from about 0.2 mu f to about 22 mu f and can be
connected either by itself or in parallel with a resistor,
depending upon the circuit in which it is used. The
incorporation of a filter capacitor of such a capacitance level
provides greatly improved gain and less distortion of the input
signal, to permit a high output to be achieved in fewer
amplifier stages and with less current draw and heating than in
conventional transistor amplifier stage circuits. Additionally,
the transistor can be provided in a unitary structure by
incorporating the filter capacitor directly on the transistor
chip, and can also be provided by incorporating the transistor
and a resistor within the casing of a filter capacitor.
US5311139 (A) - Fuse checker for testing
integrity of a miniature, plug-in fuse while the fuse is
installed in an electrical circuit
[ PDF ]
A fuse checker particularly adapted for use with miniature,
plug-in fuses for testing the fuses while the fuses are in
operative position in an electrical circuit. The checker
includes a housing from which extend a pair of parallel contact
points adapted for engagement with terminal tabs that lie within
terminal access openings in a fuse housing. A ground lead is
provided for completing the circuit, which includes a pair of
light emitting diodes that have their lenses positioned to form
part of the surface of a checker housing. A separate, current
limiting resistor is applied between a respective LED and one of
the contact points and the ground lead. The checker housing can
be a hollow structure or it can be solid, to fully encapsulate
the circuit elements that are positioned within the housing.
Bearden - Tech Papers - Fogal Transistor Notes and
Originally-From: (Superconductivity
Newsgroups: sci.physics.fusion
Subject: Spectacular Claims for Unlimited Energy
Date: 6 Jul 1994 16:49:28 GMT
Organization: Superconductivity Publications, Inc., Somerset, NJ
[ Article crossposted from sci.physics ]
[ Author was Superconductivity Publications ]
[ Posted on 6 Jul 1994 16:00:25 GMT ]
The following article appears in the June 1994 monthly technical
edition of Superconductivity News (Vol. 6, No. 42).
William Jay Fogal, president of Quick Chek Industries (Martinez,
has invented and patented an electronic device for which he has
very broad claims. Others learning about the device have further
extrapolated the claims to the point that if real, the device
the end of power utilities, the rendering useless of the entire
electrical power grid, the demise of manufacturers of electrical
generators and electrical cable, and a dramatic reduction in the
activities of hundreds of thousands of ancillary service
Most industries will have to change or die. The infrastructure
alterations will be the most profound the world has ever
While the odds are stacked against it being real, the staff of
Superconductivity News (SN) believes it is important to report
events as they occur.
Fogal is not claiming he has invented a room temperature
superconductor. What he has invented is either completely
fatuous or
it is astounding in that it strikes at the very core theoretical
underpinnings of electromechanics. Fogal told SN that his device
out of his efforts to fix a broken car radio in the mid 1970s.
As he
got past the wiring and the circuits and into the semiconductors
actually running the radio, he made changes that greatly
improved the
audio quality. He then let his ideas lay idle for more than a
before finally returning to the research in the late 1980s.
Fogal says his charged barrier semiconductor device allows
to flow without resistance (i.e., as in superconductors) at room
temperature. He claims the device demonstrates a very high AC
and AC current gain. His charged barrier device is on a bipolar
design that can be incorporated in (MOS) metal oxide
designs, as well as multiple gate devices. It operates on a hall
effect electromagnetic field internal device. The hall effect
magnetic field forces electron flow and angular spin of the
in the same direction to the top of the conduction bands in the
crystal lattice on semiconductor devices, unlike (SOI) silicon
insulator devices that force electron flow to the surface of the
semiconductor lattice. "Unlike superconductors which generate an
external field, my semiconductor creates a self-regulating
field internal to the device," Fogal said.
-- Fogal's Description of His Device --
Charged barrier semiconductor devices incorporate a base plate
of a semiconductor crystal. Also incorporated with the base
member is a dialectic material and a second base plate member.
combination of the two base plate members constitutes an
capacitor. The first base plate member will create a transverse
electric field that is known as a hall effect in the base plate
of the semiconductor crystal. The ratio of the transverse
field strength to the product of the current and the magnetic
strength is called the hall coefficient, and its magnitude is
inversely proportional to the carrier concentration on the base
member. The product of the hall coefficient and the conductivity
proportional to the mobility of the carriers when one type of
is dominant. Since the base plate member is tied directly to the
emitter junction of the semiconductor, the hall coefficient
comes into
play with the creation of a one pole electromagnet in the base
The hall effect of the electrolytic capacitor, in relation to
position on the crystal lattice, will force electron angular
spin in
the same direction and electron flow to the top of the
bands in the lattice. The magnetic flux and the density of the
carriers on the electrolytic capacitor plate are in direct
to the magnetic flux and carrier concentration on the emitter
on the semiconductor crystal.
Since the angular spin and the flow of the electrons are in the
direction, due to the influence of the electromagnetic field,
electron lattice interaction factor does not come into play. The
electron wave density is greater and the mobility of the
electron flow
is faster. The device does not exhibit frequency loss in the
The base or gate of the semiconductor is more sensitive to input
signal. These devices will typically turn on with an input to
junction in the area of 0.2 MV to 0.4 MV with an output at the
collector junction of 450 MV at 133.5 UA of current.
-- Electron Wave Function In Charged Barrier Technology --
Think of the conduction bands in a crystal lattice as a highway.
Electrons in the free state will move along this highway. The
difference is the electron angular spin can be in different
directions. With the electrons spinning in different directions,
electrons would travel on different lanes of the highway and
collisions can occur. The scattering and the collision of the
electrons can cause friction and resistance to the flow. The
resistance to the flow and the friction can cause semiconductors
run hot.
In semiconductor devices, this is called lattice scattering or
electron lattice interaction. If we could make the electrons
move in
one direction, and also spin in the same direction, then we
could have
more traffic electrons (on the highway) without having the
or the collisions. We could put a barrier between the lanes on
highway. But, the electrons could still spin in different
But, what if we could charge this barrier?! Turn this barrier
into an
electromagnetic field! An electromagnetic field in one
direction. A
one pole electromagnet! A hall effect magnetic field. This one
electromagnetic field would make almost all of the electrons
spin in
the same direction. Because the electrons are a negative charge
the electromagnetic field has a negative charge, the electrons
in unison and then we could have more electrons on the highway,
the electron travel could be faster.
The orientation of the spin of the electrons in the crystal
due to the electromagnetic field, has a direct impact on the
of the wave. If the orientation of the spin of the electrons are
unison, there will be no loss in the wave nature, and the
density of
the wave will be greater, and the frequency of the wave will be
complete. If the spin of the electrons in the lattice are in
different directions, the wave nature will be affected and there
be a loss in the density of the wave. And, there will be a gap
in the
frequency of the wave....
-- Prototypes Fabricated --
Fogal told SN that he has made six prototypes of his device.
Prototype radios and computer modems have been fabricated
the device for demonstration purposes. Fogal emphasizes the
reduction aspects of his semiconductor.
Through the help of a colleague, Allan Ames of Advanced
Applications (Houston, TX), one of Fogal's semiconductors will
tested by scientists at the Texas Center for Superconductivity
at the
University of Houston. This is being arranged through Wei-Kan
SN discussed the situation with Chu and he confirmed that
testing will
be done after the documents he had received were reviewed. SN's
editor-in-chief reviewed what the device might mean with Chu.
Chu had not had the opportunity to give the matter much thought.
Thomas E. Bearden (Huntsville, AL) believes Fogal's
represents a true overunity electrical device. "Electromagnetics
over 100 years old; many of its assumptions are flat wrong,"
told us. He relates the way the Fogal semiconductor works to the
heat pumps function, but says it takes it one step beyond. A
semiconductor simply stops electrons from flowing and passes the
potential energy from the now-free electrons with the circuit
the drift current. Unlike superconductors, pairs of electrons
are not
needed to pass the current along without resistance.
Bearden added that, based on endurance load tests on the Fogal
semiconductor, they are led to the firm conclusion that the chip
actually stops the longitudinal flow of electrons, strips them
their energy, and passes the pure energy along without
resistance. In
this regard he says it behaves like a heat pump but goes one
beyond to pull energy from the vacuum.
-- SN Analysis and Comment --
It is important to note that the device does not violate the
rules of
thermodynamics involving the conservation of energy. It does not
energy from nothing. One end of a Fogal circuit would provide
electricity for work such as running a light bulb or a computer,
the other end will draw energy from the environment and get
quite cold
in the process.
The best aspect of this story is that either a Fogal
works or it doesn't. There is nothing sophisticated in its
construction and there are no mysterious materials fabrication
involved. There should not be any gray or cloudy areas. Testing
should be straightforward.
Q: What are the odds of its being real?
A: If it is real, you will hear more about it soon enough. If it
isn't, think how much fun you have had reading this article.
Q: Are there any intrinsic limitations if the device is real?
A: None we can foresee.
Q: What does it mean to me?
A: It is a black or white situation. If the device is real and
Beardon's extrapolation is accurate it means:
- the end of the superconductivity industry as we know it within
a few years.
- the immediate obsolescence of all engine, machinery, and
electronics equipment designs.
- the beginning of a long-term scaleback by electrical
- a massive reorganization of industry and commerce.
- bankruptcy for millions of businesses that are unable to
- widespread unemployment forcing retraining on a scale never
before witnessed.
- hyperinflation in economies that do not prepare for the
- the price of precious metals and real estate rising rapidly.
- a potential shift in the world balance of power.
Of course, it might not be real . . . and nothing will happen.
Are we having fun yet? :)
Superconductivity Publications | Publishers of the print
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