Electric Generator
Alleging a very powerful ambient energy absorber/battery
system : FR667647A -- Amplificateur
de courants électriques ( 1929 ). The
patent claims that ambient EM fields produce back-EMF. The
device harvests ambient energy with a modified Ruhmkorff coil;
both primary and secondary are 5 mm wire, 50:1 turns ( very
large/thick/heavy ), claimed to step up both the current and
voltage. The primary ( 50 turns ) is wound on the core; the
secondary ( 1000 turns ) is wound over it in two sections (
500 turns each ). Meredieu claims that beyond the inducing
flux, the current received by a coil depends on wire diameter.
For example:1 mm ( ~18 gauge ) wire cannot absorb more than
100 milliamps; 3 mm ( ~8-9 gauge ) can absorb 500 mA; 5
mm ( ~4 gauge, 5.19 mm, 65-85 A ) wire produces 3 Amps,
supposing an energy density of 2 kWh per kg. [ Debunked by
r/Telsa at,
and verified by Electro Plasma Reactor channel @ YouTube... (
Kinda reminds me of the newman Motor too ) :
Brevetto FR667647 - Test 1
Electro Plasma Reactor Channel
In this first test of patent FR667647 we will see how
overunity can be obtained from a step-up transformer,
increasing the section of the high voltage winding, the
secondary one, with which we will power a resistive load
(which was unsuspected and considered impossible). We
will also see (which is extremely interesting), how by
varying the 3 parameters of the primary PWM wave (amplitude,
frequency, duty cycle), we vary the COP of the circuit.
Happy viewing, always safe and with an open mind!
Until next time!!!
Brevetto FR667647 - Analisi
New Electric Generator
[ PDF ]
The present invention relates to: a new electric generator
capable of supplying energy at all voltages, under conditions of
practicality and economy unknown to date.
The new method recommended proceeds in principle from the known
theory of so-called "electro-chemical" generators, that is to
say those whose energy is said to be generated by chemical
reactions. But it differs essentially in that the classic chain
of conductors: copper, acidulated water, zinc, is replaced by
the simpler chain: copper, water, zinc.
This battery will lend itself to many new applications. Whatever
the real causes of electrical energy, experience proves that a
positive electrode (copper or carbon) sheathed in a bag of
carbon powder simply soaked in water and then introduced, in
full contact, into the interior of a zinc cylinder forming a
negative electrode gives an electromotive force of which here is
the power figure for a tiny element of o.04 height by o.02
m. diameter:
Voltage: 1.9 volts.
Intensity: 1.5 amperes for one.
Internal resistance: 0.8 ohm.
However, the constancy of this force is combated by a sort of
relaxation, of a roughly uniform rhythm, which weakens the
initial tension by approximately 1/50 volt per hour, and which
seems synchronously linked to the drying rhythm of the charcoal
powder, since, at any moment, it is sufficient to re-soak the
sachet, to immediately raise the tension to its maximum level of
1.2 volts.
This relaxation, which does not present the same symptoms as
polarization, can be explained by an incessant modification of
the contacts between electrodes, parallel to the incessant
drying of the soaked carbon powder.
If we now compare this new battery to the old ones, its
advantages are revealed in the eloquence of the figures. In
fact, an old battery, of the same dimensions as the previous
one, gives the following values:
Voltage: 1.5 volts. Intensity: 1.8 amps for one. Internal
resistance: 0.8 ohm. , i.e. a "useful" electromotive force,
barely superior, and on the other hand, afflicted with
insurmountable disadvantages, such as:
1., The high price of exciter liquids, depolarizers and
especially zinc, the combustion of which is so rapid that the
electrochemical kilowatt is rated at least 60 times more
expensive than the electromechanical kilowatt, although the
battery is considered a generator of excellent efficiency.
2. Absolute impossibility of constructing powerful batteries
below certain practically prohibitive volume and weight limits
(for vehicles, for example!).
3° Detestable, not to say dangerous, handling of acids, salts,
crystallizations, climbing salts, fetid and corrosive
emanations, etc. so that the old battery is now considered a
luxury electromotive source, practically unsuitable for all
ordinary uses of so-called "electromechanical" energy and whose
usefulness is limited to the technical speculations of
electrochemistry and a few rare applications, such as:
telegraphy, telephony, electric bells, etc.
The present discovery remedies these serious defects, allowing
the construction of batteries which are at the same time tiny,
light, convenient, odorless, and essentially economical (zinc
decomposition being 50 times slower with pure water than with
acidulated water).
An example: it is proven that a tiny cubic container of 0.03 m.
on a side, with an average weight of 15 kilos, fully charged,
contains 550 complete elements giving the following
electromotive power: Voltage: 660 volts. Intensity: 1.5 amps for
one. Internal resistance: 10 ohms. force which degrades by only
12 volts per hour, leaves a margin of "useful force" largely
sufficient to drive a 10 HP motor at 1500 revolutions, for 30
hours minimum, force almost free and renewable at any time by a
simple re-immersion of the carbon bags (operable in a few
Such a device, so convenient, so powerful and so economical,
cannot fail to be for world industry, a very valuable instrument
by its numerous applications: in electric lighting and heating,
In motive power for all modes of mechanical locomotion and
navigation; and generally in all industrial and agricultural
The attached drawing shows:
Fig. 1: A, a positive electrode, consisting of a copper strip
pierced with B, a rectangular notch and sheathed in C, a bag of
carbon powder,
Fig. 2: D, a negative electrode, consisting of a zinc
strip shaped into a cylindrical shape, with E, its contact
antenna, made of zinc, and FF', its 2 rings also made of zinc,
intended to fix the said cylinder on Fig. 3 and: G, G', its
support board made of fiber or other insulating material, seen
in its 2 planes (elevation and projection);
Fig. 5 : H, a so-called "collector" rod passing through the
positive blades by their notches B and carrying suitably
spaced, I, 1', I", copper contact rings,
Fig. 6, vertical plan of a complete element, that is to say with
the bag inserted in full contact inside its zinc cylinder,
Fig. 7, vertical plan of a row of 6 positive bags 70 suspended
from their collector, above
Fig. 8, a row of 6 negative zinc cylinders, fixed on their fiber
support board, elevation view, 7
Fig. 9, vertical plan of a battery of 4 rows of 8 elements each,
mounted with their "collectors" J, J' and their current-taking
terminals (-f- and—),
Fig. 10, the same battery seen in projection,
Fig. 11 : K, any capstan, carrying L, L', L", several windings
of fine cable 85, terminated by snap hooks allowing the
"collectors" to be gradually and imperceptibly lifted and thus
extracted, without jolts or difficulty, the bags from their
cylinders, with a view to re-soaking them. It is worth noting
that complete drying of the bags must be avoided, because it
produces a slight oxidation of the zinc which tends to weld the
electrodes together and make it more difficult to extract the
bags from their cylinders.
The arrangements
described and shown herein are only an example of the embodiment
of the recommended characteristics which, alone, constitute the
novelty and originality of the present invention and which are:
The essential characteristics of the invention are:
1 Total elimination, in the batteries, of exciting liquids,
depolarizers, all acids and salts, as well as porous and
insulating vessels;
2° No more immersion of the electrodes in a liquid, nor
intercalation between the electrodes of the dry batteries, of
any materials soaked in acidulated liquid;
3° Simple imbibition in pure water of the io positive bags of
carbon powder and arrangement of said bags inside the negative
zinc cylinders, with close contact; "
4° Grouping of all the positives of the same row, using a rod
called a "collector"
5 Grouping of all the negatives of a battery on a board (by
level) made of insulating fiber (or other insulator);
6° Substitution of wires, hooks, ordinary electrode connection
blades, contact antennas on the negatives and contact rings on
the collectors;
7° Optional use of a suitable capstan to lift the “collectors”
and extract the bags from their cylinders, without jolts or
Amplificateur de courants électriques
[ PDF ]
The present invention relates to a new electric induction
machine which automatically generates an induced current more
powerful than the inducing current.
5 At first glance, such an achievement seems to invalidate the
classical theory of conservation of energy, arbitrarily
condensed into this banal formula: "It is impossible to create
But, in reality, the most recent scientific interpretations of
this theory lead to a much less exclusive and very conditional
conclusion, which is expressed as follows: "If a material system
does not provide or borrow anything from the external
environment, its energy is invariable."
The recommended machine does not create energy.
It does not even perform a proper multiplication of the inductor
It is limited to capturing in space a sum of energy called
"induced" greater than that expended by the inductor.
It borrows more from the external environment than it
To design and implement the present invention, it was first
necessary to find a new interpretation of the poorly understood
phenomenon of electrical induction.
The statement of this interpretation is necessary to define
exactly the essential characteristics of the invention, in an
intelligible manner, namely:
The inducing flow, coming from any source (battery, accumulator,
etc.) pushes back the ambient environment, as would the
centrifugal force of a rotating flywheel.
The induced flow (or, to put it better, the reflux) coming from
the external environment, reveals the immense energy put into
play, during the oscillations of the spatial fluidic mass
returning to its normal equilibrium.
It is similar to the centripetal force of the air, caused by the
rotation of a steering wheel.
The induced energy (qualified as centripetal) is always more
powerful than that (qualified as centrifugal) or inductive which
is the disturbing cause of the spatial equilibrium.
The power of the induced current (captured in space) is in
direct proportion to the sensitivity of the receiving instrument
and its electrical capacity.
The current induction coil, formed of two independent and close
circuits (primary and secondary) includes a convenient and very
sensitive receiver which is the secondary or “induced” circuit.
The electrical capacity of said receiver depends on two factors:
voltage and intensity; the increase in voltage being directly
proportional to the number of induced turns, a multiple of that
of the inducing turns (which is known), and essentially, the
simultaneous increase in intensity being directly proportional
to the sectional area of the induced conductor, independently of
the power of the inducing flux and the caliber of the primary
conductor (which was unsuspected).
A very simple comparison can give a fairly accurate idea of the
principle of the apparent multiplication of power achieved by
the present device:
It is to imagine any material system K), of very large mass,
placed in a very unstable equilibrium and likely to be
overturned by the intervention of a very minimal mass.
There is not, strictly speaking, a direct multiplication of the
power of the small disturbing mass, but a new means of
recovering an amplified power, due to the movement of a large
Another example: A weak induction spark shakes space and induces
at great distances, numerous and powerful devices, previously
independent of the disturbing device.
In a word: small cause, large and multiple effects; such
is the fundamental idea of the present discovery.
All current induction machines (dynamos, alternators,
transformers, Ruhmkorff coils, etc.) are considered as simple
transformers of energy (work into heat, electricity, low voltage
into high voltage, etc., and vice versa).
In fact, the present discovery demonstrates that the inductive
flux and the induced flux are two opposite forms of energy (one
centrifugal, the other centripetal) and that the induction coil
properly understood is not a simple transformer, but a marvelous
multiplier of energy.
The remarkable power of the flashover spark fully confirms this
theory and proves that the induced (centripetal) flux is always
more energetic than the inducing (centrifugal) flux.
The present device, in accordance with this theoretical
conclusion, is essentially characterized by the use, in the
induction coil, of a large secondary wire, that is to say an
induced conductor with a cross-sectional area calculated with a
view to increasing the intensity (parallel to the voltage) of
the transformed current, and not to achieve one at the expense
of the other, as required by the so-called "transformation"
ratio currently applied to Eumannkorff coils.
To obtain, with the aid of a low battery current, the
lighting of lamps (110 volts) which require an effective
intensity of 0.5 amperes, it would be advisable to use a
secondary wire 1 millimeter in diameter (0.001%) which could not
deliver more than 0.1 effective ampere.
The desired result is achieved with a secondary wire of 0.003%
diameter, or larger, which can deliver more than 0.5 effective
In fact, each cross-sectional area of the induced conductor
corresponds to an intrinsic capacity that the spatial
(centripetal) flow fills at each break in the inductor circuit,
whatever the intrinsic power of the inductor flow and the
cross-sectional area of the primary conductor.
The present invention lends itself to numerous industrial
applications. It is of interest in all cases where electric
current is generally used: lighting, heating, motive power,
electrochemistry, electrometallurgy, etc.
It also makes it possible to apply the electric motor very
economically to all mechanical locomotion, navigation and
aero-navigation machines, which constitutes a formidable
industrial progress.
The attached drawings (which are only an example of the
execution of the present invention) represent a small typical
machine for single-phase current with approximately 20 periods,
with an effective power of 300 watts, supplied by a small 6 volt
5 amp battery (i.e. an average power of 30 watts, i.e. a
multiplication by 10 which can be increased further.)
The same principle applied to a system of 3 identical machines,
suitably combined and controlled by a single suitable rotary
switch, makes it possible to produce three-phase at 50 or 60
periods (identical to the three-phase of alternators) with
greater convenience and very great economy.
On this new principle, there is no inaccessible power.
The required power depends only on the dimensions of the
The annexed plans are only schematic, they appear:
Fig. 1 and the inducing organ in longitudinal and transverse
Fig. 3 and 4, the induced organ, seen in the same planes.
Fig. 5 and 6, the entire device connected to its power supply
battery, seen in vertical projection.
7. and 8, the same set, seen in horizontal elevation.
In detail: Fig. 1 and 2,
A, inductor core (in bars or sheets of soft iron insulated
between them to reduce eddy currents) 1 m. 10 length by 0.06 cm
B, the envelope of this core in wood fiber or other insulating
C, the primary conductor, formed by a covered copper wire of
0.005% diameter, wound in 50 equidistant turns,5 around the
envelope of the core and connected by its two ends to the two
terminals of the power supply battery, a switch being
intercalated in this inductor circuit.
Fig. 3 and 3D, a coil of any material (wood or cardboard, etc.)
provided with cheeks, like ordinary coils and pierced in its
center with a cylindrical cavity of 0 m. 08 in diameter where
the inductor slides as in a sheath.
E, the secondary conductor, formed by a covered copper wire,
0.005% in diameter (like the primary wire) or more, if it is
desired to further increase the effective intensity of the
induced current generated, said conductor wound in 1000 turns
around the coil D (to obtain a voltage of 110 volts) or a
greater number of turns for a higher voltage.
(It should be emphasized that the power of this induction coil
is all the greater as the induced turns are closer to the center
of the inductor core and that there is an advantage in using
long coils carrying only 4 or 5 layers of turns, rather than
short coils carrying a greater number of layers. )
In the drawing device, the coil is 1.10 m long. It carries 6
layers of wire turns of 0.005% diameter, 55, that is to say
approximately 100 turns against 50 for the inductor, which
allows with a 5 volt 6 amp battery, to reach a voltage!
effective of 110 volts and simultaneously an effective intensity
of approximately 3 amps, figures calculated to produce the
electric lighting of around ten lamps (110 volts-32 candles).
F, the automatic switch forms a vibrator identical to that of
the Kuhmkorff machines, or any other capable of ensuring the
greatest speed of the breaks of the inductor circuit, because
the power of the induced current depends partially on the speed
of these breaks.
G, the power cell formed of 7 dichromate or other electrolyte
cells (preferably high flow) capable of giving approximately 6
volts-5 amps.
H, the support terminal of the contact screw5
(platinum-plated) which sends the current to the vibrator and
through it to the primary circuit.
I, the 2 connection terminals of the use wire where the
single-phase induced currents are propagated at approximately 20
K, the base-support of the coil, capable of containing inside
its walls a tin foil capacitor, in order to regulate the flow of
the battery.
The need to limit the number of turns of the armature to 5 or 6
layers, requires the coil to be lengthened, if it is necessary
to increase the number of these turns to raise the voltage of
the induced current, but it does not absolutely control the
shape of the coil.
The core may be, at will, straight, or curved in the shape of an
eye or sinuous in the shape of an S, provided that, as a whole,
it forms a unique inductive field.
From all the above, it follows that the induction coil, thus
understood, presents a new, essential and extremely important
faculty: that of raising, at will, the intensity of the
inductive current, without any damage to the voltage, because
the use of a large secondary conductor cannot exclude the
possibility of multiplying, at will, the turns of this conductor
and of reaching, as previously, the highest voltages.
The essential characteristics of the invention are:
1° The new application to practical generators of industrial
electricity of the principle of induction by primary current
(that is to say of the very principle of the induction coil).
2° The substitution of the classic ratio called
“transformation”, currently applied to transformers, with a new
ratio called “multiplication”, based on: a. For the voltage, on
the known proportion of the number of inducing and induced
turns;. For the intensity, essentially on the cross-sectional
area of the secondary conductor, independently of the power of
the inductor current and the rating of the primary, said
intensity being directly proportional to the cross-sectional
area of the secondary.
3° Association in an indefinite number, on the same inductor
core (of any shape), of coils of all shapes; and coupling of the
said coils, at will, in series, single-phase or compound (on
separate magnetic amps), with a view to producing all
alternating currents, single-phase or polyphase (which it
remains optional to rectify as previously).