Marcus REID

Crystal Battery
The Secret of Crystal Units
by Vlad

In April 2006, Eckhard Kantz wrote: I confirm that I have received and thoroughly investigated best to my knowledge some multiple battery-like devices that deliver a continuous energy output without any energy input which would be visible to my (current) measurement equipment.

The devices were provided by Marcus Reid, the developer and manufacturer of those units. I am an engineer for energy devices and had the pleasure to take over the task and responsibility for conducting all kinds of experiments on the received crystal units since August 2005 when I met Marcus Reid the first time. ...

Recently a crystal unit running in continuous mode exceeded 3000 mAh electrical charge that was send through a 910 Ohm resistor.

The achieved result outperforms the biggest available NiMH Akkumulator of baby cell size on the market which can deliver up to 2900 mAh.

Previous investigations

During the last months I have tested with the help of others, who I would like to thank them for their support, multiple crystal units developed and manufactured by Marcus Reid in the Institute of Vacuum Energy with the objective to find out which energy those battery-like devices could be powered by. The tests have been fully documented on a German web site "Das Geheimnis des Kristallaggregates" and included in particular:

    * Investigations with a gamma spectrometer
    * Thermoenergetic exchange
    * Magnetic response
    * Load tests
    * High frequency noise
    * Possible relationship to solar bursts

In no case there was any hint that the crystal unit would receive input energy from any known energy source like energetic particles, magnetic energy or heat energy. Especially all investigations on electromagnetic waves and temperature were done with extrem effort and as thoroughly as possible.

Whereas during the last months the source of energy, which power the crystal units, were in the center of investigation. Up to now it was not possible to find a known input energy-form. It is now the objective to develop and confirm more and more powerfull devices. Therefore the investigations will focus on investigating all kinds of relationships that will provide us with some better insight into the technology.
May 11, 2006  -- Posted by Rob

Crystalline power module

(MUCHAS GRACIAS to Jim Nicholson at Gravity Control dot org about the work of Marcus Reid with this incredible claim. It sounds similar to the Free Energy Chip being tested in Leon, Guanajuato, Mexico which I hope to check out soon. Don't be put off by the very low power, as most discoveries start out with such low levels and can be SCALED UP to produce much more! - JWD) I (Eckhard Kantz), confirm that I have received and thoroughly investigated best to my knowledge some multiple battery-like devices that deliver a continuous energy output without any energy input which would be visible to my (current) measurement equipment. In no case there was any hint that the crystal unit would receive input energy from any known energy source like energetic particles, magnetic energy or heat energy.

Especially all investigations on electromagnetic waves and temperature were done with extrem effort and as thoroughly as possible. Crystal units can be reproduced by everyone who is interested in those devices. It is an aluminium cylinder where Sodiummetasilikat (Na2SiO3) is melted in and brought to crystalisation. Here is a shematic view of a crystal unit...The mentioned compounds are converted, during a chemical reaction, into a crystaline form. Crystal unit in comparison to a battery, R14 NiMH Accu 2900 mAh which currently run against each other with a load of 1 mA. It is expected that the NiMH Accu will break down latest after delivering 2900 mAh in about 100 days whereas the crystal unit was operated for more than six years already without any energy in but with a continuous current out (different device, the picture shows a 6 weeks old crystal unit). We have observed that these units decline in power during the first few weeks or month, but then for some reason, stop decreasing at some stage, most likely due to water evaporation. Even continuing dead shorts over several years (4-years is longest test) can not kill these units. The power decrease in a battery for example, is during the first phase rather small, and then towards the end, quite abrupt. So the power progress, in a battery and the crystal unit, is just contrarious.;wap2

Marcus Reid crystal battery simular to Hutchinson cell !

Walter Hofmann:
hi all,  I just wana give a few of my experience with my AG watercells,
the cells give a much higher and longer output if they are put on a short circuit ammeter for about 5 to 10 second three times, I found out it works like a priming or formating,

My AG cells are runing through a kind of cycle what means under load they run down to about 65% of the startup voltage then they stay there for about 12 to 36 hours still under load and then start slowly increase in voltage up to 75 to 80% then the hole process starts again. One of this cycle takes about 160 hours.all this under load.

Like stefan allready explained the cells should not be to wet but they also should not totally dry out if they are dry for a longer period they need to be formated or primed again for a longer period and the voltage allways whould be max up to 85%.

In regards to marcus reid crystal battery and also hutchinson's cell like marcus have shown and explained he did get allready a low voltage by contacting the found calcit what is not allways the case I try this with several and did get a similar only with one and I believe that it has to do with impurities.

From: koen
Date: Thu Jun 2, 2005  6:23 pm
Subject: Re: [ou-builders] Re: molten calcite, glass and electrets 

thanks for the info, I hope you'll manage to find some contact details on Marcus.

I'm afraid I have not been following the research into  those 'watercells' very closely, but I seem to remember that they stopped working when they dried out completely... Or am I wrong here?

I was thinking of using a fairly long piece of metal pipe, either steel or copper, as one electrode. This, I think, would provide a nice large suface area. I could brush, sand or otherwise roughen up the inside surface of it, before the calcite mixture is poured in. And a graphite rod could be the other electrode, although I originally had a steel rod in mind... But I guess the graphite is necessary in the water cells? Perhaps also in Reids device...? If the overall effect depends more on the reaction surface size then on the amount of calcite mix, I might try to use two pipes, one inside the other, to provide for a greater reation surface on both electrodes... However, it would be harder to find a graphite pipe... Unless I can find a carbonfiber pipe somewhere...

Do you suppose simply adding water to turn it into a paste would work? It wouldn't really form terribly nice crystals with calcite though, since only very little calcite dissolves into a liter of water... It's worth a shot, though, since lime- stone (=calcite) is formed by a calcite solution which deposits the calcite over long periods of time, and of course it's very easy to just ass water to chalk and heat it untill the water has evaporated... If that doesn't work, then the chalk can always be recycled for another experiment... The question is, what did Reid use for liquid addition?

I know that amix of silicon, 'burnt chalk', and water, when heated turns into a solid mass, sometimes referred to as a 'geopolymer' or 'artificial rock'. This reaction of course involves SiO2, CaO and H2O. It is well possible that Hutchinson simply changed the mix a little, added a little C and/or replaced the H2O with H2O2, which results in a calcite with embedded silicon... Or even plain chalk and silicon with hydrogenperoxide would result in that...  The idea of the H2O2 being, in that case, to keep the CaCO3 from breaking down into a different compound... But that is really all speculation at this point...

But tell me, in these water cells, after the water has slowly evaporated and crystals of these salts have formed on the metal, and the entire thing is dry, does it still produce an electrical output? If that's the case, a few fairly simple experiments with salts might be interesting to do as well... Perhaps mixing salt in with the calcite... Very interesting...

He has aluminium pipe at the outside and probably brass or copper at the inner electrode. So there must be used dissimular metals to get a high voltage difference.

Also it would be best to use AZ61( magnesium-alloy) and graphite for the best dissimular metall combination.

It could be, that this is just an atomic battery and he happened to have the right CaCO3 with small radioactive impurities so the battery works just like a dissimular metal seebeck thermoelement effect battery additionally powered by enhanced radioactive decay. This way also probably the AGC cells from Walt work for their long output additionally to the galvanic action taking place. The radioactive impurities probably play a major role in the graphite material.

Also the zapping of Hutchinson with HV pulses can trigger a better radioactive decay, so they release more decay particles in a timeframe and thus charge up the metall cylinders with a higher voltage than normal for the galvanic dissimular metals voltage.

The presence of potential differences in certain natural (and artificial) rock types was researched and documented by Townsend T. Brown a decade or 3 ago, and termed petroelectrical effect (or petrovoltaics). He found it was present in certain types of granite, as well as certain basalt rocks, and was able to measure a couple of millivolts and milliamperes by painting copper strips on opposing sides of samples of these rocks, and attaching them to sensitive measurement equipment. Later on he found out that these rocks generally had a high dielectric constant (K), and tested a few artificial dielectric materials for the same effect successfully.

The materials he mentions include barium titanate, lead zirconate, tungsten carbide, and lead monoxide, as well as certain oils. This effect therefore is clearly not confined to crystalline solids, although admittedly those are easier to work with.

He found this effect to be distinct and separate from the piezoelectric and pyroelectric effect, although I cannot find any documentation that clearly shows he tested the materials under constant low or high temperatures to prove the latter, nor regulated pressure or vacuum ot prove the former. He must have tried some variations in ambient conditions in order to reach that conclusion, however. In any case, he termed it petroelectric effect because he first found it in solid natural rock types, and I do not at this time see any reason to challenge the name of the effect, for it does not change the nature of the effect at all.

For more information on T. Brown's research into this, see this link:

It contains all of Browns typed documentation on the petroelectric effect.

It seems Marcus Reid came across this effect in natural calcite, and did his own research, parallel to and independently from that of Brown, although apparently confined to the effect in calcite material. How Hutchinson came across the effect remains unclear, he may have stumbled upon it himself or also found Browns documentation. Interestingly, Hutchinson apparently claims to have built versions of 'his' power source that produce up to a number of kiloVolt, which is quite encouraging for experimentors. Also, it is mentioned in certain articles about Hutchinsons Japan tour that he mentioned he used barium titanate in some of his prototypes... Brown clearly mentions barium titanate as one of the dielectrics that show a petroelectric effect. Another encouraging fact.

Another article (found on mentions how Hutchinson used 'metal coated quartz plates', and I cannot help to think that it is interesting that granite consists among other things of quartz.

Whether or not the petroelectric effect is completely disconnected from piezoelectrics is not entirely clear to me, since I know that both quartz and barium titanate exhibit piezoelectric properties...

Perhaps all of the materials Brown mentions do...? Perhaps calcite does as well?

Not that it matters much for the experimentor who wants to build a 'battery'/'power source' based on this effect, of course. Whatever the relation between petro- and piezo-electric effects may be, the battery will still work.  ;)

The Secret of Crystal Units

I confirm that I have received and thoroughly investigated best to my knowledge some multiple battery-like devices that deliver a continuous energy output without any energy input which would be visible to my (current) measurement equipment.

The devices were provided by Marcus Reid, the developer and manufacturer of those units. I am an engineer for energy devices and had the pleasure to take over the task and responsibility for conducting all kinds of experiments on the received crystal units since August 2005 when I met Marcus Reid the first time.;;

Crystal unit (left) in comparison to a R14 NiMH Accu 2900 mAh which currently run against each other with a load of 1 mA. It is expected that the NiMH Accu will break down latest after delivering 2900 mAh in about 100 days whereas the crystal unit was operated for more than six years already without any energy in but with a continuous current out...

April 2006, Eckhard Kantz;topicseen
( April 28, 2006 )
Re: Crystal Power Cell by John Hutchison

No, I do not know exactly what John H. is mixing in the video, but I do have a very good idea of what it must be.

Read the "Marcus Reid Battery" posts in this same section, that should provide some insight into the matter.

I have studied all material I could find about John H.'s 'Crystal Power Cell', and directly related topics like petroelectric effects, and have concluded that Marcus Reids 'Crystal Battery' appears to be the same thing as Hutchisons power cell, just in a slightly different configuration. Nice thing about Reids Battery is that he has the thing documented in much more detail than John H. ever cared to do.

In a nutshell, both H. and R. were intrigued by petrovoltaics upon which they 'stumbled' separately and in different ways, and both of them set out to construct a form of permanent battery based on special composition of a solid, ceramic-like material. H. ends up talking about 'petro-electric effect', 'exotic silicates', 'silicate platelets' and the 'casimir effect', which allow 'electrons to accumulate at the central post'. Reid started out trying calcite- based compounds and later found that certain silicates in specific situations appeared to produce the desired effect.

It seems that both of them are basically harnessing e/m fluctuations inside a material composed of SiO2 and other silicates (Si-compounds), by exposing the material to electric fields during solidification, which causes a sort of rectifying effect inside the material, which in turn causes electrons to accumulate on one electrode. As you must know, SiO2 is quartz, which is known for its oscillatory properties, and various arrangements and sizes of quartz crystals (or molecules) can be used in amplification of ambient oscillations. Reids battery appears to do just that, and convert ambient oscillations (e/m and heat) into electron motion.

Hutchison Cell, if you look at the substance it is made from and the explanation of its components, as well as the output, appears to be a different form of the same battery concept.

The exact mix of ingredients however, is unknown to me. If you ever manage to find it, I'd really appreciate it if you'd post it here