Alchemy Now

Experiments @ Rex Research
Khunrath's Ampitheatrum     Rex's Tentum

Lapis de Tribus
( Modified to eliminate Sulfur )
Orpiment / Ammonium Hydroxide / Nitric Acid  / Heat >>  Arsenic Trioxide / Pentoxide :
Crude Arsenic Pentoxide  : 
Antimony TriOxide ( Antimony / Nitric Acid ) : 

Modified Lapis de Tribus, Step 2  

RESULTS : Sintered, not fused... Requires higher temperature, sealed pressure vessel, &c.
Perhaps sulfur assists ingress into the silica while it is dissociated at these temperatures. Albertus Magnus prepared Sulfur TriOxide, calling it "Our Mercury".

LdT w/ Orpiment -- The tincted flask melted ; the Rx merely sintered :

NEXT : Made-it-Myself Crucible ( clay & ashes ); a section of repurposed 1970's Flanagan Pyramid Grid as the mold 


S. Bacstrom : Lapis De Tribus

Myriam's Conversation with Aros

Adept Alchemy ( Ch 3 : Arsenic )

Animated Alchemy GIFs

Abraham Eleazar : The Book of Abraham the Jew

Johannes Barchusen : Le Traite Symbolique de la Pierre Philosophale

Petrus Bonus : New Pearl of Great Price

Anonymous : Cabal Mineralis

Roger Caro : Concordances Alchemique

Anon. : The Crowning of Nature

George Aurach :Donum Dei

Nicholas Flamel : Hieroglyphics

St. Germaine : The Most Holy Trinosophia

Nicholas Delphinus : The Book of Lambspringk

Thomas Norton : Ordinall

George Ripley : Scroll

Arnold de Villanova : Rosarium

Secret of the Golden Flower

Splendor Solis

Basil Valentine : Triumphal Chariot of Antimony

Adam McLean's Alchemy Website

Rex Research Alchemy Archive

Hal Robins : Alchemia